thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 3 - Close Encounter
[PoV: Valence]
I keep myself next to Rodrigo, my gaze occasionally darting back behind me...at Artemisia.
We’ve been on the hunt for this hybrid for several days now, and luckily his tracks are actually fairly easy to find and distinguish from the terrain. However during this time I had to spend every moment to not let Artemisia get close to me, so we don’t have that...’talk’.
Currently she’s talking with the Gothitelle from that guild, however I can see her looking at me every so often.
I take a deep breath through my nose and turn away, shuddering.
“You can’t avoid her forever, Valence.” Rodrigo speaks up, his single eye looking down at me. “You can’t use me as a shield forever either.”
I cross my arms over my chest and grit my teeth. “Just watch me.” I growl.
His eyebrows furrow. “I’m being serious, Valence. You two will need to work things out, since this sort of tension can’t stay here.” He shakes his head. “You WILL need to talk to her.”
“Like hell I will.” I respond back sharply. “I’ve had to deal with her enough, the last thing I need is to get into another lecture or scolding.” I look up at the Chesnaught, glaring at him. “Do you honestly think she’ll even listen to me? That she’ll give me a chance to properly explain myself?”
“Well-” He starts but stops himself, a contemplative look replacing his expression.
“Yeah...that’s what I thought.” I mutter, averting my gaze from him. “She’ll never give me a chance, and even if she did...it won’t last. She’ll always treat me like some kid, even though I’m anything but.” That and she’ll always be a complete psychopath, however I didn’t say that particular sentence out loud.
An uncomfortable silence falls over us as we walk, but for me...I feel my mood growing worse. Several nasty thoughts pass through my mind, consisting of hurtful words and sentences I would like to shout at Artemisia. But of course I’d never say them to her, out of fear of what she might do.
Thankfully...the thought-process is quickly shattered by Rinako speaking up.
“I’ve found something.” The Medicham hybrid says, walking over to one of the trees. On its bark lays a scorched slash mark, the wood around it blackened from what may have been intense heat. She feels its surface with her fingers, her expression thoughtful. “Although I haven’t  seen the hybrid with my own two eyes...” She turns her gaze to the rest of us. “...I believe this may be his work.”
Richmond snaps his book closed and tucks it under his arm, adjusting his glasses on his face he approaches the tree. He eyes it for a few moments before nodding. “This was certainly left by the hybrid.” He agrees.
Rinako looks back at the mark, her eyes narrowing. “It looks fresh, so the hybrid must be near.”
“Hey, I found more!” Another voice speaks up, and our eyes turn to the other Medicham hybrid that joined our group. The one dubbed ‘Dahlia’ is currently standing a good ways away, however near her are numerous trees showing the same marks. “It appears that ugly seems to have some anger issues.”
The Gothitelle named ‘Aster’ approaches Dahlia and examines the these markings. “These marks appear to contain no precision or thought, so my companion’s assumptions that these were delivered in a fit of anger may be correct.”
Dahlia rolls her eyes. “Come on, girl. I know my stuff.”
The Gothitelle turns to her, her eyes narrowing just a tad. “Most cases...you do.”
This makes Dahlia take a step back, her expression growing sheepish. The Gothitelle holds her gaze on the Medicham before walking away. The Mienshao called ‘Carnation’ that’s with them shakes her head, giving Dahlia a look that pretty much says ‘really?’.
I eye them with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. What the hell was that about?
“There is a disturbance...” Vedika mutters, but just loud enough for us to hear. Her blue eyes slowly lift up, her lips twitching. “An annoying...disturbance.”
All of us look at the Gothitelle/Jynx hybrid, several of us with expressions of wariness. I’m definitely in the whole ‘put-off’ category, since Vedika...definitely has several screws loose.
“What is it, Vedika?” Rodrigo asks, the Chesnaught looking at her with rapt attention.
She doesn’t respond however, instead her eyes turning from left to right.
“Wait...disturbance...” Rinako mutters, but her eyes slowly widen. “Hold on, I hear something! Quiet everyone!”
In utter silence we all listen with rapt attention, trying to pick something out. After a few moments of straining my ears I pick it up.
“...Shouting...” I say aloud, my voice quiet. My ears swivel towards the direction and I turn towards it, my eyes narrowing. “I hear shouting...”
The more I listen the more clear it becomes, whoever’s shouting sounds...angry. They sound very angry, and...they sound...
My eyes widen.
“It’s the hybrid!” I immediately say. “And it seems like they’re with someone, and it doesn’t sound good.”
“Then we must hurry!” Rodrigo says resolutely. “From what you’ve all described about this hybrid, if he is within the company of others then they are likely in danger!”
My claws slide out of the slits in my arms, my teeth bared. “Then what are we waiting for?! Let’s go!”
[PoV: Charlie]
I have to say, the anger on the fella’s face is kinda putting me off. I shuffle my feet, my smile becoming sheepish. “So...uh...” I start, chuckling nervously. “...do ya think ya’ll will let me int’a ya group?”
The Bisharp’s eyes narrow dangerously. “...Excuse me?!” He hisses.
I lean my head back slightly, tugging at the collar of my shirt. “Ya know...ya actin’ group?” I grin again, but seeing the confusion and frustration building on his face makes it waver. “Like...tha’ reason why ya are in this here forest?”
The Pokemon’s talons dig into the earth, creating deep grooves. “You think...I am an actor?” He growls.
I nod my head uncertainly. “...Yeah?”
“I AM NOT AN ACTOR!” He roars loudly, making me take a step back.
“Ya...aren’t?” I say nervously. “But what about earlier? Were ya actually tryin’ ta’-” I stop, noticing that the Pokemon’s mouth is widening. Inside his maw is a bright blue glow, and it gets brighter and brighter by the second.
“What are ya-” I start to ask only for him to unleash a powerful beam of raw blue energy. My eyes widen, my body standing frozen in fear as it approaches me at high speed.
And just before it hit...something tackles me out of the way.
I land on the ground roughly, the air being knocked right out of my lungs. Coughing violently I turn my head to look at who was it that saved my rear end, and to my surprise it’s an odd-looking Zangoose.
“Thank...Arceus...I got here in time.” He wheezes, his face sweating.
The loud sounds of footsteps hit my ears and I whip my head around, only to see eight more Pokemon arrive to the place.
Are they actors too?
No, the other fella said that he’s not an actor.
So...then this must be the real deal...?
“So you all followed me.” The hybrid growls, glaring at the group with open malice. “And you brought even more numbers with you.”
“This ends here.” The pure-bred Gothitelle says calmly, approaching the Bisharp with a closed umbrella in her hands. “This is your last chance. If you do not come along calmly, then you will leave us no choice but to use force to bring you in.”
The Bisharp clenches his fists, the...real blades on his arms glowing a bright blue. “Calmly?” He repeats, venom dripping from his voice. “You wish for me...to come with you...calmly?!”
The Gothitelle’s brows furrow, her grip tightening on her weapon. Behind her the numerous Pokemon also ready themselves, either drawing their weapons, channeling whatever power they have, or simply bringing up their fists.
“No...” The Bisharp says, shaking his head. “No...I’ve come too far for this to end.” He raises one of his arms, pointing the humming blades at the group. “I need to grow stronger, to end the ones who have destroyed my life.” The gaze from his eyes intensify, his lips twisting into a malicious grin. “And I will not let ANYONE stop me.”
He lets out a loud, primal roar. “I WILL TAKE YOU ALL ON!”
With that, he charges straight at the group.
“Hey buddy...” The Zangoose whispers to me. “I recommend staying on the sides, because things are about to get really ugly.” With that he leaps into the fray to aid his comrades, not waiting for my response.
Even with him already out of ear-shot, I still feel myself nodding numbly. “S-Sure thing...”
That hybrid was really trying to hurt me...
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thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Act 3 - One Against Nine
[PoV: Rook]
‘I will take them all on.’
Those were the words I shouted before ultimately charging them all. 
They have superior numbers, the superior manpower. I knew this, but I still refuse to back down.
I WILL grow stronger, failure is not an option.
With adrenaline pumping through my veins I feel my mind enter a bloodthirsty haze, my movements growing swifter and stronger.
My blue blades hum with plasma, their edges causing the air around them to shimmer and boil. I care less if my opponent’s flesh burns off their body if I strike them with these superheated weapons of mine, my only desire is to win at any cost.
The battle begins with the Zangoose, the axe-wielding Bisharp and the Medicham/Bisharp hybrid entering the fray. The purple-haired barbarian swings her mighty weapon at my front while the two flank both my sides, I respond by bringing my plasma-infused claws to deflect the blade before grabbing its handle.
Using my enhanced strength I manage to tear the weapon out of her grip and throw it at the Zangoose, forcing him to cease approaching me and dive back in order to avoid it. I then turn to the Medicham hybrid and dodge one of her incoming strikes before lashing out with a clawed hand, which she nimbly dodges. She then follows up with a swift kick to my stomach that sends me stumbling back, which then is joined by the other Bisharp hybrid slamming into me with her shoulder that sends me right on my back.
The fight has barely started and already it’s not looking good...
The Delphox unleashes a spray of fire from his hand while the Gothitelle/Jynx hybrid fires a laser of bubbling black energy, without missing a beat I roll to the side to avoid both of the attacks before kicking up with my legs, using the momentum to launch myself off the ground and land back on my feet.
Turning my gaze to the two nearby Bisharp hybrids I draw my power from within my body and unleash it from my maw in the form of an intense laser, however the Chesnaught leaps between the attack and them and brings up his arms. The attack strikes true, yet the Chesnaught’s armor manages to withhold the intense beam, when I cease the attack the only thing I get is a black scorch mark on his armor.
Three forms leap over him and dash towards me, revealing to be the three Pokemon garbed in dark blues. The Gothitelle opens up her umbrella and the spring-loaded blades shoot out on its side, with a stone-like expression she swings the light weapon at me all the while twirling it, making the parasol become something akin to a buzzsaw. I bring up my blades to block the attack and sparks begin flying as the blades repeatedly strike it, forcing me to backpedal.
From the side the other Medicham hybrid dashes at me, the blades of her Fuuma Shuriken separated and spinning with her fingers inside the ring. With a smirk she starts slashing at me from various angles, in which I have to respond by blocking her attacks as well.
With my attention focused on the first two, the Mienshao then enters the fray. With her bladed fans she leaps over the Gothitelle, still mid-leap she spins her body with her arms outstretched as she flies over me. With my arms completely focused on dealing with her other two companions I couldn’t block her attack, yet thankfully the blades met with my shoulder-plates...causing sparks to bounce off as it leaves a deep scratch into the red metal.
I let out a roar of anger and unleash another beam from my mouth, intending to force the Gothitelle and Medicham to back off. In response they do just that, however the Gothitelle brings up her umbrella and uses the fabric to absorb the attack like that of a shield. To my great surprise my attack only leaves a scorch mark on it, any other umbrella would’ve been burned completely through.
What...is it made of?!
Another beam of black energy streaks towards me, in which I snap out of my stupor and sidestep it. I turn my angry gaze to the Gothijynx, who’s looking at me with a sadistic smile.
Yet this ends up being a grave mistake on my part, for during that brief second the Chesnaught slams into me with the force of a freight train. I feel my body launched through the air like a ragdoll and slam into one of the numerous trees, the bark shattering from the impact as I land on the ground roughly.
I...most definitely felt that.
As I quickly get back up a loud battlecry makes my gaze flick towards the source, in which I see the purple-haired Bisharp charging me with her retrieved axe. Her pink eyes burn with open fury, her expression showing her eagerness to spill my blood.
She strikes down again with her axe, in which I bring both of my blades up to block. This attack contains far more force compared to the last one, nearly catching me off guard as I tense my arms to keep the blade from getting close to me. The two of us press our weapons together, the metal of the axe slowly turning red as my superheated blades continue to stay in contact with it.
“I will make you suffer.” She hisses through gritted teeth, saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth. “You hurt my Vency, so you will pay.”
My eyes narrow slightly as the fire of my own anger intensifies. I don’t respond to her with words, instead I let out a draconic-like growl from my throat.
Pressing my legs into the ground to give myself leverage I shove my arms up, my strength overpowering her and sending her stumbling back. With her temporarily open I slash forward with my claws, intending to slice open her stomach.
However instead my claws merely slide across her armor without puncturing through, but it didn’t mean that there was no consequences for her. My blades leave thin, red-hot streaks on her armor that immediately start burning her. She lets out a howl of pain, the smell of cooked flesh filling my nostrils.
She grabs her armor and undoes the clasps before tearing it off her body, fully exposing herself. Her stomach shows two red lines across her skin, the thin yet long burns already forming blisters. Even with her armor off her she doesn’t back off, instead her anger increases tenfold.
“I WILL TEAR YOU APART!” She shrieks before swinging wildly with her axe, forcing me on the defensive.
Without her armor around her body all I need is to deliver one blow to kill her, yet with how she keeps swinging at me with reckless abandon I can’t seem to find a proper opening.
To the sides I see the Zangoose running around, as if trying to flank me from behind. However with how hard-pressed I am because of the Bisharp, I can’t do anything about it.
I block another swing from her axe, my teeth gritting so hard that my jaw starts to ache. I need to act, before the other warriors come to take advantage of my occupied self.
As I deflect another attack I open my mouth, utilizing the reserves inside my form I fire a third beam of energy. Thankfully this actually gets her to back away as she dodges, slightly singeing her hair.
I heard a shout behind me as I feel something land on my back, this soon follows with a pair of claws penetrating the thin gap between my shoulder plates and neck and dig into the flesh of my shoulders.
Even though my skin is very thick and tough, the blades manage to sink deep enough to draw blood. I roar loudly and reach behind me and grab the Zangoose by the hair, and with a hard pull I tear him off my back and slam him into the ground.
With his hair still in hand I lift him back up, the Zangoose’s face contorted in pure agony as I raise him up to my face. I turn my gaze from him to the other members, who cease their charging and look at the scene before them with intense apprehensiveness.
It occurs to me that I essentially have the Zangoose at my complete mercy now, thus giving me an advantage.
The Chesnaught starts talking to me, but I ignore his words as I let my gaze focus on the struggling Zangoose. His struggles however cease immediately when I point the glowing blades of my other hand at him, making the pupils of his eyes turn to pinpricks as sheer terror overtakes his face.
I grin.
I have no intention of playing out the ‘hostage scenario’, my goal is to win a battle through strength and power. To use him as a bartering chip goes against this, since I would be winning through treachery instead of power.
No... I need to kill him in order to cement my superiority.
Before I could plunge my blade into his neck, I feel something strike the back of my head...hard.
Even though my head is encased in the ‘natural’ helmet, the force was enough to disorient me.
The Zangoose reacts as quickly as he could, using this to his advantage. He wraps his hands around my arm and tears his hair out of my grip, he grunts in pain as several of the orange strands are torn from his scalp as he yanks himself free. He leaps off my form and rolls away, his head starting to bleed.
Who...struck me?!
I whip my form around, my eyes still trying to focus. Standing with his hoe in hand is the Magmar, the tool shakes in his hands as he looks at me with fear.
Sheer fury overtakes me as my vision turns red, the desire to gut this fucker becoming overwhelming. With a howl I leap at him, my blades aimed straight for his chest.
However the purple-haired Bisharp slams into me, sending us both to the ground..
The two of us roll across the earth, wrestling for control. She presses her body against mine and delivers a powerful punch with her free hand, landing right on my unarmored snout. I feel the bone crack as it hits square on, causing a sharp pain to spike on my face.
We stop our rolling with her ending on top of me, and with an angry snarl she stares down at me with fury that rivals even mine. She doesn’t speak, instead she throws another punch at my now broken snout.
I bring up one of my claws and grab her fist, my burning blades on my arm just inches away from touching her. She takes her axe in her other hand and swings down at me, in which I quickly catch it by the handle.
The two of us struggle in a power play, her fist and axe pushing down as I tense my arms and push up. Both of us have strained expressions, our teeth bared as we glare at each other with great intensity.
“I...will...win...” I hiss at her. “I will...grow...stronger...”
Ever so slowly I start to push her hands up, steadily overpowering her. My snarl slowly shifts into a grin.
But said grin quickly vanishes when I see the Chesnaught suddenly get in my vision, and with one of his massive fists he strikes me right on the forehead...
...and then all I saw was darkness.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
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(With that plot post the Praxic Blades are united once more and their references are fully unlocked!
Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like you to meat the second half of the Praxic Blades! Rodrigo, Rinako, and Vedika~
The Praxic Blades page has been updated to accommodate the new references! You can find it right here!)
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
@norehliananecdotes / @askpluminescent
(norehliananecdotes) Pumpkin @ Vedika: The hybrid eyed the Gothitelle with marked intrigue. “I overheard – looking to harness dark energy of sorts, are we? I have to commend you, I rarely see Gothitelle going beyond what the stars have given them. That shows a special kind of dedication! It’s always good to make an effort to get stronger. However…” he put a finger to his cheek, “I do wonder what set you on this path to begin with. It’s certainly not a common form of magic. Not satisfied with any other options? If you came from a family of magic users, perhaps their methods bored you? I come from a line of pyromancers myself, but that doesn’t mean I don’t dabble.” Pumpkin did not elaborate on what he meant by dabbling. “Forgive me for prying, it’s just that to harness this energy just to become the strongest mage around seems like too simple of a goal, at the risk of sounding blunt. So, I assume there has to be some sort of backstory to it all.”
[PoV: Vedika]
At this point I have finally managed to consume at least half of my pizza before another infernal interruption came in, apparently the world itself intends to make sure that I’ll never experience single minuscule speck of peace.
With obvious irritation I look up from my food, this newcomer being a sort of Gothitelle and Delphox hybrid. Apparently my presence seems to be an irrisistable magnet, since I’ve attracted not one Gothitelle…but two.
What really turned my irritation to anger is when he started speaking, specifically since apparently he seemed to have overheard my conversation. The sudden desire to curse him bubbled within me, to make him writhe like the pathetic wretch he is. However against my better judgement I decided to wait, in case his the words from his mouth somehow redeems his offense.
It didn’t really, but I’ll admit it intrigued me enough to not make me want to rip out his vocal chords.
My lips twist into a venomous sneer. “It is rude to eavesdrop in other’s conversations.” I hiss at him. “If I were to punish you, I would make your eardrums bleed and rot so that you may never hear again.” I lean back somewhat, my sneer turning into a smirk. “…However I will not, since your compliments and dedication to approach me made me reconsider.”
Not really, I still wanted to permanently deafen him. But such abilities are still out of my power, so the threat is empty...like the most I make. That and I doubt I would be able to get away with it even if I could do it, seeing that this place is filled with watching eyes.
“You ask so much from me.” I continue, my amusement and smirk growing. “You ask me of my family, my motivation, my goals. A complete stranger wishes to know everything that ticks within my mind, very…quaint.” I pick a piece of pineapple off one of my pizza slices. I hold it between two of my fingers, feeling the texture of the cooked fruit. “Because you were very foolish to even approach me, I will make an exception simply because you possess a certain…charm that can’t go unnoticed.”
Said ‘charm’ is the distinct feel around him, the magic eye within me that allows me to observe the world of its magical lines and auras. Although most cases you will only view what’s on the surface, mine has grown very keen...for it was greatly required for me to even discover this power to begin with. My power lays all around me, a swirling blackness that would swallow those who dwell too deep within it. But when I look at the Gothitelle, I see a certain trait that although well-hidden…it couldn’t escape my notice.
A cold chill. A ragged energy. Ethereal streams that seem to wear away.
My smirk widens as I drop the pineapple chunk back on my pizza.
“My family possesses no magicians, I am the only one who was brave enough to dabble in the magical arts.” I chuckle. “They thought of it as something to be avoided, feared. They were very superstitious, forbade us from ever looking into it.”
“I knew my parents were fools, so I went against their wishes in secret and began hungrily scrounging for the power that they were obviously hiding from me.” I start laughing. “I found what I was searching for, a book owned by a merchant. Without him looking I stole it and began to study in secret, it started me on the path to becoming a wielder of magic. However...it was a long time before I found the power that I now dwell in.”
I stop for a moment and quickly change the subject, my eyes narrowing as my tone becomes a hushed whisper. “You question my goal, saying it is too simple to be believed.”
I slide out of the booth and stand up, my form very close to the Gothitelle that oh so desires to know more about me.
I bring up my hand to his face. “You question me?” I hiss through clenched teeth. Without warning I call upon the depths of the void, the black energy flowing through microscopic gaps around my hand and condensing into snaking streams. It slides around my fingers and collects at my palm into a sphere the size of an apple. “Can you question this?” My lips twist into a dark smile. “Do you feel the dark power? How alien it is compared to the waking world? How it makes you shiver the longer you stare at it?”
I crush the sphere, causing it to spread around my fingers and spasm. Tendrils of the energy wave around, making it seem like it’s almost alive. “To master this power is to become the greatest, if a mere mortal can control it…then they could reshape the world as they see fit.”
I cradle the energy between both of my hands, pulling to my chest like a precious item. “No mortal has ever managed to fully control it, only using its gifts for minor purposes and spells.” I crush it again, this time causing it to fizzle out entirely. “But if you fully control it? Nothing will stand in your way. I am one of the few mortals within this world to know of its existence, and even fewer to reach out and search for a way to bend it to my will.”
My smile slowly makes way to a scowl. “Yet it’s very resistant and guards its secrets, making me push and shove and claw to grab anything to learn from. My spells are limited, only casting its raw power to inflict harm upon others and minorly affect the body.” I let out a growl. “I know what it’s capable of, its power tells me clearly. Yet it dangles this knowledge and pulls it back whenever I seek to use its secrets for what it’s capable of, as if it’s toying with me.” A let out a hiss and grab the Gothitelle by his chest, my fingers clenching tightly around the cloth of his robe and pull him to me. “Do you know…how infuriating…that is?” I snarl in his face. “To know what something can do, but it won’t comply?”
I release him and push him back, fuming. “I will master it, I will make it obey me. This is a secret that will not last, for I will find out how to fully bend it to my power.”
I let out a low, long breath. My expression once again changes, the scowl morphing back into that of a smirk. “Now will you say that again? To accuse me of my goal being basic? Trivial? Simple?” My voice lowers to a whisper. “Or do you realize that this goal to master a great power to become stronger is far more complex than you initially believed?”
“To strive to become stronger may be a basic concept, but the means…is what truly makes it intricate~” I reach over to the table and pick up one of the few remaining slices of pizza and take a bite, then proceed to chew slowly. The entire time my face has never turned away from him, my eyes fixated on his.
“Now…” I say again after I swallow, my tongue slowly licking away bits of tomato sauce and cheese from my lips “…will you repeat that again? Or have you realized what it is I seek?”
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Cassiopeia@Vedika: "I spy with my masked smiling eye, a fellow magical seer such as I~?" The spritely magician girl greets Vedika with a playful smile and raising of her tophat, complete with pink and purple sparkles and glitters. "If I may be so bold to ask of you, I've heard you dabble into magic too? But from what my senses can tell, you are versed in the more arcane class of spell... Oh how curious, oh my heart be still! What sort of magicks do you weave with your will~?"
[PoV: Vedika]
Out of all the delicacies within this pathetic planet, ‘Hawaiian’ Pizza is one of the few that I tolerate more than others. With a slice in my hand I bite into it, uncaring of the pain as it burns my tongue.
My eyes shift around the eatery with disgust, particularly disliking the fact that this place is enclosed without any sort of patio. Nevertheless I’ve secluded myself from the others of my ‘team’, choosing to sit in a corner to actually get some peace to myself after that annoying bus trip.
Yet apparently said peace gets crushed into powder as some fool invades my privacy to speak to me. The sheer energy and excitement in their tone disgusts me, but when I realize that their words are rhyming…that’s when I shift my glaring eyes to them.
The one speaking in rhyme turns out to be some sort of Gothitelle, a pure-breed. Her behavior and attire gives her the impression of some show-woman, the playful manner of speech as well as the glitter makes her very bright and cheery.
I hate her already.
Even though I am listening to whatever drivel she’s spewing from her obnoxious mouth, I’ve long since turned my gaze back to what’s truly deserving of my attention…which is the slice of pizza in my hand.
I raise it to my mouth to take another bite, however it stops at the last moment after my gaze flicks back to the pathetic excuse of a ‘mage’ when she ends her obnoxious speech with a question.
I entertain the thought of casting one of my newly devised spells so I can watch her writhe in agony for my viewing pleasure, just imagining what her expression would be makes me smirk…but I ultimately I decide against it due to the troubles it would bring me.
I let my pizza fall onto the table as my smile morphs into a sneer. “You desire to know of my magic?” I hiss, digging the nails of my other hand into the wooden table. “I doubt that your feeble mind would ever comprehend the power that I manipulate, especially when you are not even deserving of the title ‘mage’.” My eyes narrow. “To compare me to you is laughable, you are no ‘seer’, only a fool who uses flashing lights and claims it to be spellcraft.”
I stand up and raise one of my hands, tapping into the dark pools within me I call upon a black energy that starts snaking around my fingers. “Gothitelles use their power to call upon the energy of the stars, to read their flows of energy to predict future happenings.” I clench my teeth together, my face forming a vicious smile. “It is a pathetic power compared to what I seek to master.”
The black energy in my fingers continue to swirl, acting as if they have life of their own. “Between these stars is a void, an emptiness that contains infinite potential. The schism of these stars possess knowledge that transcends mortal worlds, found within only those who search deep enough.”
“Black Magic is what some call it, however something as grand as it deserves no feeble title.” I couldn’t help but snicker. “Combining my psychic power with its darkness grants me the ability to alter the world around me, to do things that no mortal could hope to achieve on their own.” My expression widens further as a dark shadow passes over my eyes. “It can do many things, I however…study its effects on the living.”
“The possibilities with it are endless. I could tap into your pain receptors and awaken them all, to fill you with complete agony the likes you’ve never experienced.” I pick up the fallen slice of pizza off the table, the fall having made it lose several of its toppings. “Or perhaps I could reach into your ovaries and make every single egg rot, to crush your hopes of ever having offspring.” I slowly proceed to crush the article of food in my hands, causing sauce and cheese to ooze out between each of my fingers. “I could melt the retinas in your eyes to eternally blind you, weaken your bones so that they crumble underneath your weight, warp your tongue so that you could never speak. The possibilities are endless~”
I let the goop of what used to be a pizza slice in my hand to fall to the table and splatter, my wicked expression quickly returns to that of a brooding indifference as I set back down. “That is what my magic is, although currently I have yet to achieve many that I’ve listed.” Raising my filthy hand I proceed to lick each finger, moving very slowly as I clean the sauce off the appendages while my eyes never leave the other Gothitelle. “I study the dark arts in hopes of achieving this, to become one of the strongest mages this world has ever seen.”
With the sauce and cheese gone I smack my lips loudly. “What of you? Do you seek power that is far beyond the likes of this world? Do you study how it can alter land and body, to shape it into how you see fit?” My sneer quickly returns. “Or are you but a mere entertainer who only adopted the word ‘mage’ to make others thing that you’re something more, but in reality all you can do is hypnotize a crowd with only a few flashing lights and an exaggerated speech.”
I clasp my hands together, my eyes narrowing again. “Which one am I correct on, magician?”
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 2 - Blades United
[PoV: Valence]
“Anytime now.” I hear Richmond say.
“Oooh, I can’t wait~” Artemisia coos, although I’m thankful that for once she’s not fawning over me...her voice still makes me shiver in fear due to the potential of her suddenly turning her sights back at my form.
Today is the day when Rodrigo, Rinako, and Vedika arrive. It’s been several days since our...disaster of an encounter with that hybrid. We’ve all managed to heal up just fine since our injuries were thankfully relatively minor, but at the same time I still can’t stop thinking about what we could’ve done better.
That and I’m trying to ignore the fact that we technically had a near-death experience.
I look around the bus stop, sucking on a peppermint stick absent-mindedly. The various Pokemon here are most likely looking to go to some faraway town or whatever, that or meet some sort of family member or friend like we are.
The sounds of a vehicle make my ears flick, upon turning my focus to it I feel excitement well in my stomach as I see a large bus pulling in. With a loud hiss the giant vehicle slows to a stop, the larger than normal automatic doors sliding open in order to allow those within to exit.
The three of us watch with various levels of excitement as Pokemon of all shapes and sizes file out, waiting for recognizable faces.
And then they came.
Stepping out of the bus is the three other members of the Praxic Blades; Rodrigo, Rinako, and Vedika.
You can easily pick out Rodrigo due to him being a large Chesnaught, the normal greens replaced with faded gray. Besides a belt being one of his only articles of clothing, his face contains two vicious scars over his left eye...in which is covered by a black eyepatch.
Rinako however is a prime example of a hybrid between a Medicham and Bisharp. The Bisharp genes have given her a more slender (and rather shapely if I might add) look, as well as the noticeable ‘armored’ plates around her forearms and lower legs. Her red hair is tied in a long ponytail, the length stretching past her waist.
And Vedika...
I feel myself cringe greatly the moment my eyes full upon her.
Vedika however is something else entirely. She’s a Gothitelle with Jynx genes, possessing jet-black hair whose locks eventually shift into a distinctive blond color. Her clothing is also something else, the only words I can find is that she’s wearing a ‘warlock mesh suit thing’ along with a black cape. Don’t ask me why I described it that way, since looking up the name of what kind of clothing she’s wearing is the least of my priorities.
“Artemisia! Valence! Richmond!” Rodrigo laughs joyously. The large Chesnaught eagerly closes the distance and wraps his arms around the three of us, pulling us all into a tight hug. “I am very glad to see that all of you are perfectly fine!”
Now due to my shorter height, Rodrigo’s arms happen to be wrapped around my head instead of my back like that of my companions. The only sound I could make was a muffled cry of exasperation, in which apparently gone unheard.
“Goodness, Rodrigo!” Artemisia laughs. “We are more than fine, it takes more than a fight to keep us down after all~”
“Rodrigo, I think you should release them.” I hear Rinako suggest in an amused tone. “I don’t think Valence could last much longer.”
I feel the pressure on me release, followed by a great sense of relief. I quickly start gasping for sweet oxygen, never having appreciated it as much as I did then than I did now.
“Oh no! Is Vency alright?” I hear Artemisia shout, making me choke on the very air that I’m greedily gulping.
“N-NO! ALL GOOD!” I sputter, frantically waving my hands to fend off the arms of an Artemisia that’s attempting to pull me into her imprisoning embrace. “BREATHING FINE! VALENCE IS GOOD!”
“I see that Valence is just as pathetic as always.” Vedika comments with disdain.
After managing to fend the smothering menace off, I shoot a glare at the Gothitelle. “And I see that you’re still a brooding witch.” I shoot back, rather boldly at that.
Her eyes narrow ever so slightly as an almost maniacal smile forms on her lips, in which I quickly realize that I fucked up. “Witch?” She hisses through clenched teeth. “To call me a witch is to assume that I warp others with ghastly magic.” The air around her hands shimmer with a blackish aura. “If that’s what you believe me to be, perhaps I should solidify this statement of yours by-”
“Vedika, another time.” Richmond sighs, lifting his glasses in order to rub his eyes.
Thanks Richmond, glad that you’re stepping in to my aid now of all times. Not that I don’t appreciate it, but at the same time you leave me to Artemisia almost one hundred percent of the time.
A sudden growling noise makes us all pause, the distinct noise catching us all off guard. However when we turn our eyes to the source, our gaze befalls upon a rather flustered Rinako.
“I never realized you housed a beast inside your stomach.” Rodrigo comments humorously.
"In my defense,” Rinako quickly speaks up, her face taking on a noticeable shade of pink. “The last time we’ve eaten was five hours ago.”
“Five hours ago?” Artemisia gasps, placing a hand on her chest. “Well that simply cannot do! Come! I know a place that serves an excellent pizza!”
Out of all of us (besides Rinako), Vedika is the one that perks up the most. “Pizza?” She repeats, her normally scornful eyes now containing a certain eagerness that looks both adorable...and very unnerving.
“Yes!” Artemisia laughs, grabbing the Gothitelle’s hand and proceeding to drag her away. “They even make a mean Hawaiian, your favorite!”
Now, first of all...to grab Vedika’s hand like that and drag her is considered suicide since she can very well kill you in numerous horrible ways (and enjoy doing it too). But Artemisia? Not only is she unscathed, but the witch-warlock seems to not mind it in the least.
“Well? I can’t argue with pizza.” Rodrigo chuckles, following after them.
“Pizza...sounds very nice.” Rinako nods numbly, her lips curving upwards at the prospect of filling her currently ravenous stomach.
Richmond merely rolls his eyes and places his glasses back on his snout, following after the rest of them.
Me? Although I do follow after them eventually, the thought of Vedika loving pineapple on pizza is very...very believable.
Now I like sweet stuff, but NOT on pizza. That stuff is just evil, putting together two things that shouldn’t even mix. And Vedika loving that? It shows that she truly is a witch.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 2 - Bus Ride to Woodwick
[PoV: ???] [Location: Road to Woodwick]
“Kee kee kee...”
Upon hearing that unnerving laugh I feel myself tense up. “Vedika...” I say with a warning tone. “Stop, you’re scaring the passengers.”
I turn my gaze to focus on her, in which the Gothitelle/Jynx hybrid is apparently ignoring me.
“Yes...” She mutters under her breath with an unnerving smile on her face. In her hands I see darkened psychic energy dancing around her fingertips as a globe of said energy hovers between both palms, pulsing with a sinister light.
I quickly survey the bus to see that all of the various passengers with us are watching her with expressions of various levels of fear, some of them even going as far as to scoot away to put themselves as far from her as possible.
“Vedika!” I growl louder, giving her a disapproving glare. “Stop!”
Her gaze snap to mine, her blue eyes narrowing dangerously. “You dare interrupt me and my experiment?” She hisses, a shadow passing over her expression. “I aught to rip out your very thoughts and twist them into nightmares!”
“Vedika.” The sudden baritone voice of Rodrigo speaks up. “Enough, you can conduct your ‘experiments’ at a later date. Now is not the place nor the time.”
Despite being somewhat put-off by Vedika’s rather graphic threat I look over at Rodrigo and give him a thankful smile, in which said Chesnaught has a look that’s daring Vedika to speak out against him.
Vedika huffs angrily before letting the energy dissipate into nothingness, she crosses her arms over her chest and mutters a few words under her breath.
“What was that?” Rodrigo says loudly, turning his head as he brings a large hand to his ears. “I’m afraid you must speak up, an aging fellow like me can’t hear quite as well as I used to.”
The Gothitelle hybrid turns her head away. “It is nothing of your concern.” She growls, her face showing nothing but discontent.
Rodrigo merely nods. “Heh, that’s what I thought.”
I couldn’t help but look at him strangely. “’Aging fellow’?” I repeat. “You’re not that old, Rodrigo.”
He looks at me and grins. “Perhaps, but I’m definitely older than the rest of you lot.” The Chesnaught taps his chest with one of his knuckles. “I’m certainly your senior at this point, a war-torn veteran who possesses bountiful amounts of knowledge.”
I don’t speak at this, instead giving him a deadpan stare.
“Okay, perhaps I’m not quite there yet.” Rodrigo chuckles, scritching his chin with a clawed hand. “But give me time, I’ll eventually reach that point where I’m gonna be screaming at hatchlings to get off my lawn.”
I couldn’t help but snort. “If that happens, I won’t be the one that changes your diapers.”
He laughs louder, slapping his knee. “HA! Got me there, Rinako! Always got that razor-sharp wit!”
“I wouldn’t necessarily say ‘razor sharp’.” I say with a roll of my eyes. “Your flattery will get you nowhere with me.”
He clenches a fist and pushes my shoulder, the unexpected move nearly knocking me off my seat due to his strength. “Come now, lighten up.”
I sputter in response. “Me?!” I point at Vedika, said Gothitelle is currently brooding in her corner with a book that she pulled out of nowhere. “I would say that she deserves to be told that far more than I!”
The Gothitelle gives me a venomous glare before looking back at her book, muttering hateful words about ‘light’.
Rodrigo snorts. “Hmph, you do realize that Vedika is a lost cause?”
“I know where you both sleep.” She growls to us.
“Nevertheless!” The Chesnaught continues, quickly redirecting the conversation back to the two of us. “You need to be far more open to these kind of things, Rinako.” He cracks a sideways grin. “Because for a Bisharp, you are quite awfully dull.”
I cross my arms under my chest. “You do realize that I can’t crack jokes every second?” I huff. “If you wanted a wisecracker, then you should’ve had Valence with you instead of me.” I stop. “And what happened to you commenting about my ‘razor-sharp’ wit?”
“Your wit and your personality are two different things, my dear.” He says, wagging a finger. “Not to mention you’re the only one I can call ‘Ninja Girl’.” His smile widens. “That and calling Valence ‘Ninja Girl’ will bring a whole new set of complaints from him.”
Just imagining that makes me smile. “Heh, that’s true.” The more I think about it the harder it is to contain my laughter. “He will then start complaining about how both Artemisia babies him and how that you mistake him for the opposite sex.”
Rodrigo scratches his chin again, his expression becoming sly. “Hmm, perhaps I should give it a try and see how bright the fireworks will be.”
“I have been practicing my flesh-manipulation curse.” We hear Vedika speak up. “I have yet to test it, but I can probably transform him into a woman.”
We both cringe at this. “That won’t be needed, Vedika.” Rodrigo says hastily.
She sneers in response before burying herself back into her book.
“I still question your decision in letting her into the Praxic Blades.” I mutter quietly to him, giving Vedika a side-eyed glance.
"She provides assistance in many areas we lack.” He shrugs. “Even though Richmond is a great help, her expertise in the darker arts does give us with a great advantage.”
“I still think she needs to go to prison.” I say dryly.
“I have been experimenting with a way to trap one into an eternal nightmare.” Vedika hisses at me. “If you keep up these comments, I will test it upon you during your slumber.”
I feel a chill go down my spine at this. The biggest issue with Vedika is that you’re not sure if she’s lying or not, since even though there’s numerous things that she’s not capable of...at the same time there’s also numerous other things that she IS capable of.
So in other words, it’s best to not call her bluff in case her threat actually holds water.
I learned this the hard way once.
“Fine fine, I’ll stop.” I back off, raising my hands in defense.
She sniffs at me. “It appears that you have an intellect after all.” She remarks snidely before looking at her book once more, which...somehow has a different cover than I remembered a few moments ago.
What in the name of...
“We will be arriving in Woodwick in around twenty minutes!” We hear the driver of the bus shout.
“Heh, that soon eh?” Rodrigo chuckles. “Looks like we’ll be able to see our companions very soon.”
I nod my head, keeping Vedika within my field of vision.
I’m glad that we’re going to leave this vehicle within that short amount of time, since my desire to be in the same room as Vedika has once again hit a rock-bottom zero.
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