thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Interlude II - Break From the Work Scene
[Location: Unknown Town - Unknown Pub] [PoV: Valence]
“Wait, so we’re not taking another job?” I ask Rodrigo, who is sitting beside me.
“I’d say not.” He chuckles, taking a bite of melted cheese bread. The strands of cheddar and mozzarella drip from the bread, catching on the fur under his chin. “We’ve made more than enough from the past four bounties, it’s about time we stop our hunting and take a little R & R.”
Upon hearing this I feel my mouth wide into a full-blown grin. “Hell yeah!” I laugh. “’Bout time I say, I was starting to forget what relaxing feels like.”
Normally I wouldn’t swear when Artemisia is around, but thankfully she and the others are currently away, doing their own thing in the town we’re in.
Heh, so far I’m still managing to do a good job avoiding her..
I lean on my hand, pulling out another peppermint stick and sucking on its end. “Any places in mind?”
Rodrigo shrugs. “None as of currently. However first it would be best to discuss with the others, in case they wish to return back to their homes or families.”
Oh yeah, that’s a thing.
Once the candy I’ve been sucking on softens enough I take a bite, the sweet pepperminty taste filling my mouth as I crunch on it. “I hope we don’t go to any cities.” I say, still chewing. “Hanara City was enough to last me for more than a life-time.”
“It wasn’t that bad.” He says while rolling his eye, finishing his bread.
I cross my arms, the peppermint stick poking out of my lips. “Yeah, to you at least. You know I don’t like the city life.” Thinking of all the loud noises makes me cringe slightly. “It’s just way too overwhelming, I prefer when things are quieter, like a candy store during the slow hours.”
“I’m not surprised to hear you use that analogy.” Rodrigo chuckles. “But I’ll keep that in mind when I speak with the others on the matter, but they have their own opinions on the matter as well.”
“Except for Vedika.” I mutter under my breath, too low for Rodrigo to hear. “Her opinions are either fucked up or she doesn’t give a fuck to begin with.”
“What was that?” He asks, giving me an incredulous look.
“Nothing.” I say nonchalantly, leaning back in my chair.
“Right...” He says slowly, not believing me. However he doesn’t push the matter, instead focusing on digging into another slice of cheese bread.
Since our conversation is kinda over I let my gaze drift lazily around the pub. The place itself isn’t very crowded at the moment, mostly since it’s currently after lunch-hours.
Besides me and Rodrigo there aren’t really any interesting characters, just a few Pokemon wearing various kinda of clothing and conversing with one another. One particular table catches my eye though, specifically the person sitting there.
It’s kinda hard to see all of the details from where I’m sitting, but the guy is wearing...quite a lot of clothes actually. Almost as much as me even, if not more so.
He seems to be wearing some kind of hooded cape? The cape itself isn’t quite interesting, but the hood has some rather interesting red markings on there. The outfit underneath that looks like it’s made of leather or brown cloth, which covers his entire body. I can see a blue reptilian tail poking out from his cape as well as a yellow horn from his hood, which is making it even more difficult to tell his species.
Regardless, something about him just screams ‘bounty hunter’, or at least one of the more self-absorbed kind.
You know what? I’m gonna check him out.
“I’ll be right back.” I tell Rodrigo, getting up from my chair. Without waiting for the Chesnaught’s response I make my way over to the guy I was eyeing.
“Hey.” I say, getting the guy’s attention.
He turns to gaze at me, which gives me a good look of his face. To my surprise he’s actually a Scrafty with some strong Samurott genes, seeing his blue lizard-like face combined with the horn. He looks at me with narrowed eyes, looking at me with suspicion.
“Can I help ya?” He asks in a somewhat disgruntled voice, his accent being something I can’t quite place. It’s sound a little like that Magmar farmer’s, but a bit more...’distinct’.
Without even asking his permission I pull up a chair and sit down at his table. He grimaces at this, his irritation growing more apparent.
Course I don’t intend to fully irritate the guy, since I’m above that sort of stuff. Well, mostly. However that wasn’t the main reason as to why I’m here to begin with.
“You a bounty hunter?” I ask him out of the blue, making him stop.
“...Yeah?” He says uncertainly, eyeing me skeptically. “How’d ya know?”
I lean back in my chair and grin, taking another bite out of my peppermint stick. “Think of it as a bounty hunter’s intuition, I saw you and immediately noticed the signs.”
This makes him lean back slightly. “So ya’re a bounty hunter too, eh?”
I nod my head. “Yup, what I said.” I take the last bite out of my peppermint stick, finishing it off. “Not gonna lie? You seemed kinda familiar, or at least you have a sort of appearance that’s recognizable.” I extend one of my hands towards him. “The name’s Valence by the way.”
Upon hearing me say that he seems kinda familiar he quickly grins. “Heh, I guess mah reputation does get quite around.” He accepts my offer and gives my extended hand a firm shake. “The name’s Shadowjack, now does it become clear?”
I feel myself stop when the name hits my ears.
“Shadowjack?” I repeat.
“Yeah.” He nods, grinning with satisfaction. “One of the best bounty hunters ‘round these parts. Now you know why ah seem familiar, eh?”
My expression grows flat. “Never heard of you.”
This makes him snap out of whatever prideful feeling he was in. “Wha-?”
I nod my head. “Yup, never heard of you at all.” I tilt my head slightly, cocking an eyebrow. “And what kind of name is Shadowjack? That can’t be your real name.”
At this his eyes narrow again. “It’s my name, that’s why I gave it ta’ ya.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. “That’s not your name, c’mon man. I know everyone is all about those nicknames to make themselves cooler, but it’s kinda ridiculous though.”
A low growl escapes from him. “My name is Shadowjack, whatever thought ya thinkin’ of won’t change a thing.”
“Yeah and my name is Twilight Sparkle.” I comment snidely. “But fine, I’ll call you Shadowjack if it’ll make you feel better.”
His gloved hands clench into fists. “If tha’ only reason for ya comin’ here is ta’ make fun of my name, then I’ll kindly ask ya ta’ leave.”
Huh, even though it wasn’t intentionally I guess I really did intend to fully irritate the guy. Kinda funny how things change on the fly.
But then again I can’t really blame myself, since...well...
...who the hell names themselves Shadowjack?
Like c’mon, that can’t be his real name. If it is then I feel very bad for him, since parents like that really shouldn’t be having children. I mean seriously, that sort of stuff is just asking for your kid to get beaten up.
Another growl fills the air, snapping me out of my thoughts. However this time it isn’t from the Scrafty guy, but instead from my stomach.
Damn, guess peppermint sticks don’t really fill you up after all.
“Hey waiter!” I shout, getting the attention of one of said people. “I’d like an order of that cheese bread platter!”
A second growl fills the air, but THIS time coming from the Scrafty again. “Why...are ya still here...?” He hisses.
I glance over at him, noticing his narrowed eyes and that his hands are right next to his Seamitars.
You know what? The guy looks like he needs some food. You tend to be a bit grabby with your weapons if you’re hungry.
I know this from experience.
“Actually, make that two platters.” I correct myself, in which the waiter nods uncertainly.
What? I’m a generous guy when I want to be, the guy looks like he needs something in his stomach to get over the fact that his parents named him Shadowjack.
And let me tell you, nothing is better than filling your stomach with delicious cheese bread. Rodrigo definitely had the right idea.
“You can thank me later.” I say to the Scrafty, grinning.
He grits his teeth in response.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 3 - Close Encounter
[PoV: Valence]
I keep myself next to Rodrigo, my gaze occasionally darting back behind me...at Artemisia.
We’ve been on the hunt for this hybrid for several days now, and luckily his tracks are actually fairly easy to find and distinguish from the terrain. However during this time I had to spend every moment to not let Artemisia get close to me, so we don’t have that...’talk’.
Currently she’s talking with the Gothitelle from that guild, however I can see her looking at me every so often.
I take a deep breath through my nose and turn away, shuddering.
“You can’t avoid her forever, Valence.” Rodrigo speaks up, his single eye looking down at me. “You can’t use me as a shield forever either.”
I cross my arms over my chest and grit my teeth. “Just watch me.” I growl.
His eyebrows furrow. “I’m being serious, Valence. You two will need to work things out, since this sort of tension can’t stay here.” He shakes his head. “You WILL need to talk to her.”
“Like hell I will.” I respond back sharply. “I’ve had to deal with her enough, the last thing I need is to get into another lecture or scolding.” I look up at the Chesnaught, glaring at him. “Do you honestly think she’ll even listen to me? That she’ll give me a chance to properly explain myself?”
“Well-” He starts but stops himself, a contemplative look replacing his expression.
“Yeah...that’s what I thought.” I mutter, averting my gaze from him. “She’ll never give me a chance, and even if she did...it won’t last. She’ll always treat me like some kid, even though I’m anything but.” That and she’ll always be a complete psychopath, however I didn’t say that particular sentence out loud.
An uncomfortable silence falls over us as we walk, but for me...I feel my mood growing worse. Several nasty thoughts pass through my mind, consisting of hurtful words and sentences I would like to shout at Artemisia. But of course I’d never say them to her, out of fear of what she might do.
Thankfully...the thought-process is quickly shattered by Rinako speaking up.
“I’ve found something.” The Medicham hybrid says, walking over to one of the trees. On its bark lays a scorched slash mark, the wood around it blackened from what may have been intense heat. She feels its surface with her fingers, her expression thoughtful. “Although I haven’t  seen the hybrid with my own two eyes...” She turns her gaze to the rest of us. “...I believe this may be his work.”
Richmond snaps his book closed and tucks it under his arm, adjusting his glasses on his face he approaches the tree. He eyes it for a few moments before nodding. “This was certainly left by the hybrid.” He agrees.
Rinako looks back at the mark, her eyes narrowing. “It looks fresh, so the hybrid must be near.”
“Hey, I found more!” Another voice speaks up, and our eyes turn to the other Medicham hybrid that joined our group. The one dubbed ‘Dahlia’ is currently standing a good ways away, however near her are numerous trees showing the same marks. “It appears that ugly seems to have some anger issues.”
The Gothitelle named ‘Aster’ approaches Dahlia and examines the these markings. “These marks appear to contain no precision or thought, so my companion’s assumptions that these were delivered in a fit of anger may be correct.”
Dahlia rolls her eyes. “Come on, girl. I know my stuff.”
The Gothitelle turns to her, her eyes narrowing just a tad. “Most cases...you do.”
This makes Dahlia take a step back, her expression growing sheepish. The Gothitelle holds her gaze on the Medicham before walking away. The Mienshao called ‘Carnation’ that’s with them shakes her head, giving Dahlia a look that pretty much says ‘really?’.
I eye them with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. What the hell was that about?
“There is a disturbance...” Vedika mutters, but just loud enough for us to hear. Her blue eyes slowly lift up, her lips twitching. “An annoying...disturbance.”
All of us look at the Gothitelle/Jynx hybrid, several of us with expressions of wariness. I’m definitely in the whole ‘put-off’ category, since Vedika...definitely has several screws loose.
“What is it, Vedika?” Rodrigo asks, the Chesnaught looking at her with rapt attention.
She doesn’t respond however, instead her eyes turning from left to right.
“Wait...disturbance...” Rinako mutters, but her eyes slowly widen. “Hold on, I hear something! Quiet everyone!”
In utter silence we all listen with rapt attention, trying to pick something out. After a few moments of straining my ears I pick it up.
“...Shouting...” I say aloud, my voice quiet. My ears swivel towards the direction and I turn towards it, my eyes narrowing. “I hear shouting...”
The more I listen the more clear it becomes, whoever’s shouting sounds...angry. They sound very angry, and...they sound...
My eyes widen.
“It’s the hybrid!” I immediately say. “And it seems like they’re with someone, and it doesn’t sound good.”
“Then we must hurry!” Rodrigo says resolutely. “From what you’ve all described about this hybrid, if he is within the company of others then they are likely in danger!”
My claws slide out of the slits in my arms, my teeth bared. “Then what are we waiting for?! Let’s go!”
[PoV: Charlie]
I have to say, the anger on the fella’s face is kinda putting me off. I shuffle my feet, my smile becoming sheepish. “So...uh...” I start, chuckling nervously. “...do ya think ya’ll will let me int’a ya group?”
The Bisharp’s eyes narrow dangerously. “...Excuse me?!” He hisses.
I lean my head back slightly, tugging at the collar of my shirt. “Ya know...ya actin’ group?” I grin again, but seeing the confusion and frustration building on his face makes it waver. “Like...tha’ reason why ya are in this here forest?”
The Pokemon’s talons dig into the earth, creating deep grooves. “You think...I am an actor?” He growls.
I nod my head uncertainly. “...Yeah?”
“I AM NOT AN ACTOR!” He roars loudly, making me take a step back.
“Ya...aren’t?” I say nervously. “But what about earlier? Were ya actually tryin’ ta’-” I stop, noticing that the Pokemon’s mouth is widening. Inside his maw is a bright blue glow, and it gets brighter and brighter by the second.
“What are ya-” I start to ask only for him to unleash a powerful beam of raw blue energy. My eyes widen, my body standing frozen in fear as it approaches me at high speed.
And just before it hit...something tackles me out of the way.
I land on the ground roughly, the air being knocked right out of my lungs. Coughing violently I turn my head to look at who was it that saved my rear end, and to my surprise it’s an odd-looking Zangoose.
“Thank...Arceus...I got here in time.” He wheezes, his face sweating.
The loud sounds of footsteps hit my ears and I whip my head around, only to see eight more Pokemon arrive to the place.
Are they actors too?
No, the other fella said that he’s not an actor.
So...then this must be the real deal...?
“So you all followed me.” The hybrid growls, glaring at the group with open malice. “And you brought even more numbers with you.”
“This ends here.” The pure-bred Gothitelle says calmly, approaching the Bisharp with a closed umbrella in her hands. “This is your last chance. If you do not come along calmly, then you will leave us no choice but to use force to bring you in.”
The Bisharp clenches his fists, the...real blades on his arms glowing a bright blue. “Calmly?” He repeats, venom dripping from his voice. “You wish for me...to come with you...calmly?!”
The Gothitelle’s brows furrow, her grip tightening on her weapon. Behind her the numerous Pokemon also ready themselves, either drawing their weapons, channeling whatever power they have, or simply bringing up their fists.
“No...” The Bisharp says, shaking his head. “No...I’ve come too far for this to end.” He raises one of his arms, pointing the humming blades at the group. “I need to grow stronger, to end the ones who have destroyed my life.” The gaze from his eyes intensify, his lips twisting into a malicious grin. “And I will not let ANYONE stop me.”
He lets out a loud, primal roar. “I WILL TAKE YOU ALL ON!”
With that, he charges straight at the group.
“Hey buddy...” The Zangoose whispers to me. “I recommend staying on the sides, because things are about to get really ugly.” With that he leaps into the fray to aid his comrades, not waiting for my response.
Even with him already out of ear-shot, I still feel myself nodding numbly. “S-Sure thing...”
That hybrid was really trying to hurt me...
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thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Act 3 - One Against Nine
[PoV: Rook]
‘I will take them all on.’
Those were the words I shouted before ultimately charging them all. 
They have superior numbers, the superior manpower. I knew this, but I still refuse to back down.
I WILL grow stronger, failure is not an option.
With adrenaline pumping through my veins I feel my mind enter a bloodthirsty haze, my movements growing swifter and stronger.
My blue blades hum with plasma, their edges causing the air around them to shimmer and boil. I care less if my opponent’s flesh burns off their body if I strike them with these superheated weapons of mine, my only desire is to win at any cost.
The battle begins with the Zangoose, the axe-wielding Bisharp and the Medicham/Bisharp hybrid entering the fray. The purple-haired barbarian swings her mighty weapon at my front while the two flank both my sides, I respond by bringing my plasma-infused claws to deflect the blade before grabbing its handle.
Using my enhanced strength I manage to tear the weapon out of her grip and throw it at the Zangoose, forcing him to cease approaching me and dive back in order to avoid it. I then turn to the Medicham hybrid and dodge one of her incoming strikes before lashing out with a clawed hand, which she nimbly dodges. She then follows up with a swift kick to my stomach that sends me stumbling back, which then is joined by the other Bisharp hybrid slamming into me with her shoulder that sends me right on my back.
The fight has barely started and already it’s not looking good...
The Delphox unleashes a spray of fire from his hand while the Gothitelle/Jynx hybrid fires a laser of bubbling black energy, without missing a beat I roll to the side to avoid both of the attacks before kicking up with my legs, using the momentum to launch myself off the ground and land back on my feet.
Turning my gaze to the two nearby Bisharp hybrids I draw my power from within my body and unleash it from my maw in the form of an intense laser, however the Chesnaught leaps between the attack and them and brings up his arms. The attack strikes true, yet the Chesnaught’s armor manages to withhold the intense beam, when I cease the attack the only thing I get is a black scorch mark on his armor.
Three forms leap over him and dash towards me, revealing to be the three Pokemon garbed in dark blues. The Gothitelle opens up her umbrella and the spring-loaded blades shoot out on its side, with a stone-like expression she swings the light weapon at me all the while twirling it, making the parasol become something akin to a buzzsaw. I bring up my blades to block the attack and sparks begin flying as the blades repeatedly strike it, forcing me to backpedal.
From the side the other Medicham hybrid dashes at me, the blades of her Fuuma Shuriken separated and spinning with her fingers inside the ring. With a smirk she starts slashing at me from various angles, in which I have to respond by blocking her attacks as well.
With my attention focused on the first two, the Mienshao then enters the fray. With her bladed fans she leaps over the Gothitelle, still mid-leap she spins her body with her arms outstretched as she flies over me. With my arms completely focused on dealing with her other two companions I couldn’t block her attack, yet thankfully the blades met with my shoulder-plates...causing sparks to bounce off as it leaves a deep scratch into the red metal.
I let out a roar of anger and unleash another beam from my mouth, intending to force the Gothitelle and Medicham to back off. In response they do just that, however the Gothitelle brings up her umbrella and uses the fabric to absorb the attack like that of a shield. To my great surprise my attack only leaves a scorch mark on it, any other umbrella would’ve been burned completely through.
What...is it made of?!
Another beam of black energy streaks towards me, in which I snap out of my stupor and sidestep it. I turn my angry gaze to the Gothijynx, who’s looking at me with a sadistic smile.
Yet this ends up being a grave mistake on my part, for during that brief second the Chesnaught slams into me with the force of a freight train. I feel my body launched through the air like a ragdoll and slam into one of the numerous trees, the bark shattering from the impact as I land on the ground roughly.
I...most definitely felt that.
As I quickly get back up a loud battlecry makes my gaze flick towards the source, in which I see the purple-haired Bisharp charging me with her retrieved axe. Her pink eyes burn with open fury, her expression showing her eagerness to spill my blood.
She strikes down again with her axe, in which I bring both of my blades up to block. This attack contains far more force compared to the last one, nearly catching me off guard as I tense my arms to keep the blade from getting close to me. The two of us press our weapons together, the metal of the axe slowly turning red as my superheated blades continue to stay in contact with it.
“I will make you suffer.” She hisses through gritted teeth, saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth. “You hurt my Vency, so you will pay.”
My eyes narrow slightly as the fire of my own anger intensifies. I don’t respond to her with words, instead I let out a draconic-like growl from my throat.
Pressing my legs into the ground to give myself leverage I shove my arms up, my strength overpowering her and sending her stumbling back. With her temporarily open I slash forward with my claws, intending to slice open her stomach.
However instead my claws merely slide across her armor without puncturing through, but it didn’t mean that there was no consequences for her. My blades leave thin, red-hot streaks on her armor that immediately start burning her. She lets out a howl of pain, the smell of cooked flesh filling my nostrils.
She grabs her armor and undoes the clasps before tearing it off her body, fully exposing herself. Her stomach shows two red lines across her skin, the thin yet long burns already forming blisters. Even with her armor off her she doesn’t back off, instead her anger increases tenfold.
“I WILL TEAR YOU APART!” She shrieks before swinging wildly with her axe, forcing me on the defensive.
Without her armor around her body all I need is to deliver one blow to kill her, yet with how she keeps swinging at me with reckless abandon I can’t seem to find a proper opening.
To the sides I see the Zangoose running around, as if trying to flank me from behind. However with how hard-pressed I am because of the Bisharp, I can’t do anything about it.
I block another swing from her axe, my teeth gritting so hard that my jaw starts to ache. I need to act, before the other warriors come to take advantage of my occupied self.
As I deflect another attack I open my mouth, utilizing the reserves inside my form I fire a third beam of energy. Thankfully this actually gets her to back away as she dodges, slightly singeing her hair.
I heard a shout behind me as I feel something land on my back, this soon follows with a pair of claws penetrating the thin gap between my shoulder plates and neck and dig into the flesh of my shoulders.
Even though my skin is very thick and tough, the blades manage to sink deep enough to draw blood. I roar loudly and reach behind me and grab the Zangoose by the hair, and with a hard pull I tear him off my back and slam him into the ground.
With his hair still in hand I lift him back up, the Zangoose’s face contorted in pure agony as I raise him up to my face. I turn my gaze from him to the other members, who cease their charging and look at the scene before them with intense apprehensiveness.
It occurs to me that I essentially have the Zangoose at my complete mercy now, thus giving me an advantage.
The Chesnaught starts talking to me, but I ignore his words as I let my gaze focus on the struggling Zangoose. His struggles however cease immediately when I point the glowing blades of my other hand at him, making the pupils of his eyes turn to pinpricks as sheer terror overtakes his face.
I grin.
I have no intention of playing out the ‘hostage scenario’, my goal is to win a battle through strength and power. To use him as a bartering chip goes against this, since I would be winning through treachery instead of power.
No... I need to kill him in order to cement my superiority.
Before I could plunge my blade into his neck, I feel something strike the back of my head...hard.
Even though my head is encased in the ‘natural’ helmet, the force was enough to disorient me.
The Zangoose reacts as quickly as he could, using this to his advantage. He wraps his hands around my arm and tears his hair out of my grip, he grunts in pain as several of the orange strands are torn from his scalp as he yanks himself free. He leaps off my form and rolls away, his head starting to bleed.
Who...struck me?!
I whip my form around, my eyes still trying to focus. Standing with his hoe in hand is the Magmar, the tool shakes in his hands as he looks at me with fear.
Sheer fury overtakes me as my vision turns red, the desire to gut this fucker becoming overwhelming. With a howl I leap at him, my blades aimed straight for his chest.
However the purple-haired Bisharp slams into me, sending us both to the ground..
The two of us roll across the earth, wrestling for control. She presses her body against mine and delivers a powerful punch with her free hand, landing right on my unarmored snout. I feel the bone crack as it hits square on, causing a sharp pain to spike on my face.
We stop our rolling with her ending on top of me, and with an angry snarl she stares down at me with fury that rivals even mine. She doesn’t speak, instead she throws another punch at my now broken snout.
I bring up one of my claws and grab her fist, my burning blades on my arm just inches away from touching her. She takes her axe in her other hand and swings down at me, in which I quickly catch it by the handle.
The two of us struggle in a power play, her fist and axe pushing down as I tense my arms and push up. Both of us have strained expressions, our teeth bared as we glare at each other with great intensity.
“I...will...win...” I hiss at her. “I will...grow...stronger...”
Ever so slowly I start to push her hands up, steadily overpowering her. My snarl slowly shifts into a grin.
But said grin quickly vanishes when I see the Chesnaught suddenly get in my vision, and with one of his massive fists he strikes me right on the forehead...
...and then all I saw was darkness.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Linda@Artemisia: “Well I can’t say I’ve seen a bisharp without armor before.” She opens with a friendly tone and smile to match. Glancing over Artemisia she quickly sees the need to correct herself. “At least no natural armor that is. But not gonna lie, the armor you do have looks pretty good on you.” She adds placing her hands on her hips. “The name’s Linda. Judging from that axe along with your armor I’m guessing you must be who sees a lot of action.” She gives the bisharp a friendly yet toothy smile. “And from what I’ve heard from one of your partners you’re a pretty scary person to fight. To put it lightly anyways.”
She gives a soft chuckle. “Either way, the fact that you have what I think is a grown mon so scared of you had me curious to know what exactly he’s seen you do to people. That and just how strong you are. Because I don’t know about you. But I don’t think an axe like that can be used by just anyone.”
[PoV: Artemisia]
Well now, what do we have here~?
When the rest of the Praxic Blades and I went outside to fully our newest allies that is the Guardians of Twilight, a particularly tall Mienshao approaches me. I couldn’t help but admire her purple color, since I’ve never seen it on her species before…that and it looks quite splendid on her.
Her comment on my armor not being natural however makes me smile mischievously. “Ooo, spying on me when I was changing~?” I snicker playfully. “Come now dearie, I think simply asking me is a far better approach don’t you think?” Of course I knew this wasn’t the case, but what’s stopping me from having a little fun?
I lean forward slightly however and place my free hand on my chest. “And it’s quite a pleasure to meet you as well, you can call me Artemisia.” I lean back, returning to my normal posture. “I’d like to think that I’ve seen plenty of combat, especially since I have quite a love for battle.” I bring my giant axe over my shoulder with ease, my eyes sparkling with glee. “And I’m confident to say that I’m quite good at it too~”
Her next comment makes me pause, specifically saying how one of my partners think of me being scary. When she continued speaking and then says ‘grown mon being so scared’, I immediately knew who it is she’s referring to.
Valence is scared of me? I knew that he was a rather skittish boy, but I never thought of him being terrified of me.
This makes me frown and I turn my head. “Vency!” I call out. “Can you please come here?”
The distinct sound of a sharp inhale is heard. “I’m fine with being right over here!” He responds back rather hastily.
This makes my frown grow even more. “Vency!” I say more forcefully, my eyes narrowing. “I will not ask again!”
Eventually the Zangoose appeared, shuffling towards me slowly with obvious dread on his face. He stops however, his eyes widening at the sight of the Mienshao. “YOU!” He shouts at her, his expression a mixture of shock and horror. “Why are you here?!” His eyes turn to me and then back to the Mienshao, anger quickly adding to the mix. “What did you say to her?!”.
I clear my throat, causing his attention to swiftly turn to me. “Vency dear, are you afraid of me?”
His face pales, which is remarkable due to the fact that he’s covered in fur. “U-Uh…” He stutters, his eyes frantically darting from left to right. “A-Actually, I think I hear Rodrigo calling me.” He looks behind him. “COMING RODRIGO!” He shouts before looking back to me, a wide yet obviously fake grin plastered on his face. “Y-Ya see? Can’t stay here! Gotta go!” He shoots the Mienshao a nasty glare before turning tail, speeding off back the way he came.
I cross my arms under my chest, a dissatisfied pout on my face. “Hmph, it appears that he and I are gonna have some one-on-one time.” I shake my head and click my tongue. “He didn’t swear, which I knew he was tempted to. However his behavior was truly unacceptable, so he won’t be off the hook.”
My eyes glance over at the Mienshao, and suddenly I remembered that she’s still here. “Oh! Pardon me, it appears that I’ve forgotten we were having a conversation.” I couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “And there’s some questions that I haven’t answered too, how rude of me! Let me correct that~”
“I’d like to consider myself a very strong girl, because it’s a requirement in order for me to do what I do.” I bring my axe off my shoulder and rest it on the ground beside me. “That and my home helped me greatly, since when you were raised on a Feral Noivern breeding farm…you definitely need to be strong in order to take good care of them as well as ride them when they’re old enough~” I pause for a moment before giggling. “Oh my, doesn’t that sound dirty! I mean it in a literal sense dearie, since my family were rather big on riding Feral Noiverns. Soaring through the sky is quite an experience, it’s one of the many things that I miss.”
I let out a fond sigh from the resurfacing memories. “It gave me a good work-out for sure, but I trained myself even more when I discovered my love for battle.” I make sure that my axe is leaning against me before raising one of my biceps and start tapping it with my other hand. “Don’t let my looks deceive you, I am more than capable of splitting someone’s head open when I need to.” My smile widens. “And I’ve done it multiple times too, however a particular individual who dared to seriously harm my darling widdle Vency…” Within the span of a second my smile is replaces with a vicious snarl. “I instead sliced them open and let their guts spill across the grass, since they didn’t deserve the luxury of a swift death.”
And just as quickly as it came my face immediately returns with the kind snarl. “However that was in the past, since I’m a lady who won’t hesitate to get my hands dirty after all~” I giggle. “But I think I answered all of your questions, have I missed any? If so don’t feel afraid to let me know, I don’t bite~”
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
?? - The Day of Giving
December 25th.
This particular day is celebrated by many, although it is known by numerous names.
In Separatia, it is known as the ‘Day of Giving’.
The day where families and friends come together, to exchange gifts in order to show their appreciation. A time of warmth and love, where cheer is spread upon to all of the hearts within Separatia.
“Happy Giving Day Ren’Gul! This is from me to you!”
“You...got me a gift?”
“Of course! Sure we’re still getting used to each other, but I thought that since we’re going to be working with each other for a long time...perhaps I should give you something! Because...why not?”
“I’m not sure if I should accept this, I don’t have a gift for you in exchange...”
“Oh come on, just take it already. I much prefer giving out gifts than receiving them anyways!”
“If you insist...”
“Is this a...?”
“Yep! It’s one of those audiobooks that you listen to! I know that you’re a big fan of this series and after looking through your collection-”
“Wait, you broke into my room?!”
“-Not that it matters, but yeah! I saw that you were missing this one so I went out and got it for you!”
“You alright Ren’Gul?”
“Never break into my room again.”
“But besides that, thank you. I greatly appreciate your gift.”
“Yes! Woo!”
“If you wish for me to leave, I will do as you wish Asmund. However since this land celebrates this ‘Day of Giving’, I thought to give you a gift as a way to participate in it. You do not have to accept it, but I thought that perhaps-”
“...Excuse me?”
“Have I not made it clear that I care nothing about you, Minato? Your attempts at ‘befriending’ me will continue to go nowhere, I couldn’t give a flat fuck for anyone...and that...includes...you.”
“I s-see, in that case...I will just leave this here...”
"My greatest apologies, I won’t bother you again.”
“That freak finally got the message, it was only going to get to the point where I would have to beat it into him...”
“Of course he left the box here... He expects me to open it, hell...fucking...no.”
“God damnit... Fuck it, fine. I’ll check his fucking gift.”
“What the fuck is inside here? Is that a-” 
“...God...fucking...damnit. Why won’t he just leave me be like I fucking want?!”
“Oh Vency~”
“Oh come now, no need to scream like that! It’s only lil’ ol’ me!”
“Aww, careful Vency, you might hurt my feelings. It would be a very rude and ungrateful thing to do, especially since I have a gift for you.”
“...A gift?”
“...And it’s not...a trap is it? To get me close to you so you can imprison me again?”
“My hugs aren’t meant to ‘imprison’ you, Vency. But yes, it’s not a...trap.”
“Sigh Please come here, Valence. Just this once I promise I will not touch a single hair on your head.”
“Okay then... But you better keep your word!”
“Yes I promise, now come here! Open it!”
“Is this all...candy?”
“Mmhmm! And not just any kind, but candy canes shipped directly from that one store that you love so much. I made sure to give you a large amount so that you won’t run out anytime soon~”
“Hmm? Valence, is something wrong?”
“Okay, now I feel bad.”
“Oh? That’s perfectly fi- OH!”
“Okay, first of all...this is the ONLY time I will hug you with no problem. Just don’t start thinking that I will be doing this again in the future!”
“Alright Vency~”
“Oh come now, I’ve promised not to touch a single hair on your HEAD. Not to mention that I’ve already given you my gift, so I see no reason as to why I shouldn’t hug you~”
“Hush, stop being dwamatic my widdle Vency~”
“Greetings, your majesty.”
“Hmm? Oh! Teti, come now. You know that there’s no need to be so formal when we’re not in the public’s eye, you’re a very good friend of mine after all.”
“Hee, force of habit Nefi. It’s ingrained into me to show respect to the Queen of Venhara after all~”
“Yes yes, but we’re in private. Nevertheless, what brought you here? Is it something important?”
“Why yes, yes it is important~”
“...And what is it? There’s no need to be so vague, Teti.”
“But I enjoy riling up your interest, Nefi~”
“Do NOT think I will not command you to tell me, but for the goddess’ sake don’t force me too because I’m currently not in the mood to give out orders.”
“HA! Fine fine, Nefi. I’ll tell you.”
“What...did you just pull out from behind you?”
“Firstly before I tell you, let me explain the reason why I have it. I thought that I’d partake in a holiday that’s celebrated in Separatia. It’s called the Day of Giving, so to have fun with the festivities I have a gift to give to you~”
“Oh my- Wait, is that...one of those portable electronic devices? The one where you play games on?”
“Why yes it is~ A particular Lopunny gave it to me, but since I don’t find any interest 'gaming’ AND that you’ve been wanting one for a while...I thought that I’d give it to you.”
“Grk Careful Nefi, if you squeeze any harder we might accidentally impale each other with our chest spikes.”
“Yes yes, sorry. But YES! I’ve been wanting one of these for a while but could never manage to getting one for myself. Teti, I could kiss you right now.”
“Oh my, imagine the scandal if someone were to hear this right~”
“Quiet. Now...I must see how I turn this thing on...”
“It’s actually quite adorable seeing you like this. First you were the Queen of Venhara, now you’re an energetic pup~”
“Ohh, that’s how you turn it on! And look at the screens, look how they light up! Is this how I start a game?”
“I’m not too sure, Nefi. But I’ll leave you be to figure it out, I’ll take over whatever remaining duties you have so you can have all the personal time you need.”
“Yes! Christmas sweaters! Thanks Jubei”
“Oh my, it even goes well with my luscious coat~”
“I’m glad that you both are enjoying your gift, I’ve decided to go with sweaters since they both go well with your coats...and that it would be nice to have something warm to wear during the winter.”
“Yeah, and even though I’ve got Fire-type genes it can get rather chilly. So yeah, thanks a ton Jubei!”
“Indeed, as much as my black coat is beautiful...it doesn’t do too well when it comes to fending off the chilling air. So I greatly appreciate your gift as well.”
“Hey Venya~”
“Groan What, Kendra?”
“Mine looks much better than yours.”
“Did you just-”
“Can you two NOT do this?”
“Ooooh, I wish to geeve my geeft next~ Tis one to Chevalier~”
“Why of course! Eet ees te Day of Geeving after all! Right, Alicia?”
“Indeed! Everyone receives a gift, and zat includes you, Chevalier.”
“Yes, and I steell love the rum you have geeven me. I never would ‘ave tought of te shy Chevalier to geeve me such potent speereets~”
“W-Well, I know t-that you love it...s-so...”
“Komm jetzt, Elisabeth. He is obviously nervous, so give him your gift.”
“Very well! Now Chevalier, my geeft to you...is tat I shall take away your virgeeneety~”
“Oui, monsieur~ Just you and me, een the bedroom, weeth soft lighting and te rum for us to share~”
“Hör jetzt auf, Elisabeth! You are terrivying him! Cease with your teasing and give him your actual gift!”
“Fine fine, I weell stop playing. Cheval- Huh? Where deed he go?”
“Yes, Alicia?”
“Zat was too var.”
You have witnessed numerous events that have transpired on the Day of Giving, whether in the past...present...or future.
The specific times are clouded, so you may never know...oh reader mine.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
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(With that plot post the references of the three members of the Praxic Blades are officially out! Due to them being part of a different ‘faction’, a new navigational banner has been added to the Reference Navigation page! You can check it out right here!
Also I’d like everyone to keep an eye out for another announcement post, which will come out later ^^)
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 2 - Blades United
[PoV: Valence]
“Anytime now.” I hear Richmond say.
“Oooh, I can’t wait~” Artemisia coos, although I’m thankful that for once she’s not fawning over me...her voice still makes me shiver in fear due to the potential of her suddenly turning her sights back at my form.
Today is the day when Rodrigo, Rinako, and Vedika arrive. It’s been several days since our...disaster of an encounter with that hybrid. We’ve all managed to heal up just fine since our injuries were thankfully relatively minor, but at the same time I still can’t stop thinking about what we could’ve done better.
That and I’m trying to ignore the fact that we technically had a near-death experience.
I look around the bus stop, sucking on a peppermint stick absent-mindedly. The various Pokemon here are most likely looking to go to some faraway town or whatever, that or meet some sort of family member or friend like we are.
The sounds of a vehicle make my ears flick, upon turning my focus to it I feel excitement well in my stomach as I see a large bus pulling in. With a loud hiss the giant vehicle slows to a stop, the larger than normal automatic doors sliding open in order to allow those within to exit.
The three of us watch with various levels of excitement as Pokemon of all shapes and sizes file out, waiting for recognizable faces.
And then they came.
Stepping out of the bus is the three other members of the Praxic Blades; Rodrigo, Rinako, and Vedika.
You can easily pick out Rodrigo due to him being a large Chesnaught, the normal greens replaced with faded gray. Besides a belt being one of his only articles of clothing, his face contains two vicious scars over his left eye...in which is covered by a black eyepatch.
Rinako however is a prime example of a hybrid between a Medicham and Bisharp. The Bisharp genes have given her a more slender (and rather shapely if I might add) look, as well as the noticeable ‘armored’ plates around her forearms and lower legs. Her red hair is tied in a long ponytail, the length stretching past her waist.
And Vedika...
I feel myself cringe greatly the moment my eyes full upon her.
Vedika however is something else entirely. She’s a Gothitelle with Jynx genes, possessing jet-black hair whose locks eventually shift into a distinctive blond color. Her clothing is also something else, the only words I can find is that she’s wearing a ‘warlock mesh suit thing’ along with a black cape. Don’t ask me why I described it that way, since looking up the name of what kind of clothing she’s wearing is the least of my priorities.
“Artemisia! Valence! Richmond!” Rodrigo laughs joyously. The large Chesnaught eagerly closes the distance and wraps his arms around the three of us, pulling us all into a tight hug. “I am very glad to see that all of you are perfectly fine!”
Now due to my shorter height, Rodrigo’s arms happen to be wrapped around my head instead of my back like that of my companions. The only sound I could make was a muffled cry of exasperation, in which apparently gone unheard.
“Goodness, Rodrigo!” Artemisia laughs. “We are more than fine, it takes more than a fight to keep us down after all~”
“Rodrigo, I think you should release them.” I hear Rinako suggest in an amused tone. “I don’t think Valence could last much longer.”
I feel the pressure on me release, followed by a great sense of relief. I quickly start gasping for sweet oxygen, never having appreciated it as much as I did then than I did now.
“Oh no! Is Vency alright?” I hear Artemisia shout, making me choke on the very air that I’m greedily gulping.
“N-NO! ALL GOOD!” I sputter, frantically waving my hands to fend off the arms of an Artemisia that’s attempting to pull me into her imprisoning embrace. “BREATHING FINE! VALENCE IS GOOD!”
“I see that Valence is just as pathetic as always.” Vedika comments with disdain.
After managing to fend the smothering menace off, I shoot a glare at the Gothitelle. “And I see that you’re still a brooding witch.” I shoot back, rather boldly at that.
Her eyes narrow ever so slightly as an almost maniacal smile forms on her lips, in which I quickly realize that I fucked up. “Witch?” She hisses through clenched teeth. “To call me a witch is to assume that I warp others with ghastly magic.” The air around her hands shimmer with a blackish aura. “If that’s what you believe me to be, perhaps I should solidify this statement of yours by-”
“Vedika, another time.” Richmond sighs, lifting his glasses in order to rub his eyes.
Thanks Richmond, glad that you’re stepping in to my aid now of all times. Not that I don’t appreciate it, but at the same time you leave me to Artemisia almost one hundred percent of the time.
A sudden growling noise makes us all pause, the distinct noise catching us all off guard. However when we turn our eyes to the source, our gaze befalls upon a rather flustered Rinako.
“I never realized you housed a beast inside your stomach.” Rodrigo comments humorously.
"In my defense,” Rinako quickly speaks up, her face taking on a noticeable shade of pink. “The last time we’ve eaten was five hours ago.”
“Five hours ago?” Artemisia gasps, placing a hand on her chest. “Well that simply cannot do! Come! I know a place that serves an excellent pizza!”
Out of all of us (besides Rinako), Vedika is the one that perks up the most. “Pizza?” She repeats, her normally scornful eyes now containing a certain eagerness that looks both adorable...and very unnerving.
“Yes!” Artemisia laughs, grabbing the Gothitelle’s hand and proceeding to drag her away. “They even make a mean Hawaiian, your favorite!”
Now, first of all...to grab Vedika’s hand like that and drag her is considered suicide since she can very well kill you in numerous horrible ways (and enjoy doing it too). But Artemisia? Not only is she unscathed, but the witch-warlock seems to not mind it in the least.
“Well? I can’t argue with pizza.” Rodrigo chuckles, following after them.
“Pizza...sounds very nice.” Rinako nods numbly, her lips curving upwards at the prospect of filling her currently ravenous stomach.
Richmond merely rolls his eyes and places his glasses back on his snout, following after the rest of them.
Me? Although I do follow after them eventually, the thought of Vedika loving pineapple on pizza is very...very believable.
Now I like sweet stuff, but NOT on pizza. That stuff is just evil, putting together two things that shouldn’t even mix. And Vedika loving that? It shows that she truly is a witch.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 1 - Clashing With a Predator
[PoV: Richmond]
With a thrust of my hand I send the purple fireball streaking at the hybrid, only for him to dodge it with little to no effort.
When the battle had fully begun I’ve been testing and prodding his capabilities, sending my attacks with the full intent of studying his movements. So far he has proved to be incredibly fast as well as powerful, which isn’t promising.
Seeing Valence lurking in the sidelines I know very well that he’s watching the hybrid too, but openly confronting him would be very dangerous seeing that even Artemisia is having some difficulty keeping him at bay.
Said Bisharp lets out a growl before delivering a powerful swing with her axe, yet the hybrid raises one of his arms and catches it with his blades. He barely budged despite the amount of power she put into the attack, which is definitely not a good sign.
“Your enthusiasm has not gone unnoticed.” He grins at her in a mocking manner, his black and white eyes peering with something akin to hunger. “The desire and eagerness for bloodshed, it is something I...greatly appreciate.” His grin widens further, fully baring his fangs. “Yet I wonder on how long you can keep this going...”
Artemisia’s arms start to shake as the hybrid begins to push back, in which she’s starting to struggle to hold her ground. “You speak as if I care of what you think.” She snarls back. “The only thing that matters to me is leaving your body bloody and broken.”
From the sidelines I see Valence take the chance and leap, lashing out with his claws with the intention of stabbing the hybrid in the side. At the last second the hybrid immediately ceases pushing at Artemisia and sidesteps, causing Valence to miss.
Quickly planting his feet into the ground the Zangoose uses his momentum to leap away. This split-second decision ended up saving him, since the hybrid quickly retaliated by slashing at where he was heading...something that would’ve left a very nasty injury if he continued on his current path.
With the hybrid now off her Artemisia immediately presses forward, this time swinging at an angle. As expect he blocked the attack, but soon follows up by lashing out with his free hand. She pulls back to avoid it, leaving his hand to grab open air.
During this I’ve been preparing another spell, this one a bit different. Tethering myself to the pages I cause more purple fire to raise into the air, collecting into a sphere. Muttering a few choice words I cause it to ripple and swirl, a few seconds of waiting for it to fully form I thrust my hand forward again.
Unlike the last spell, the fireball explodes into several snake-like streams of fire. Each tongue flies towards the hybrid like burning tendrils, the air crackling and hissing from their intense heat.
The hybrid turns his head and opens his maw, his black throat gaining a bluish glow. Not a second later a blue beam of energy fires out, incinerating the flames and streaking right towards me. Wasting no time I quickly weave to the side, causing the beam to strike a tree behind me and burn a deep hole into its trunk.
So he is capable of ranged attacks, duly noted for future reference.
“Is this the best you can do?” He hisses to us, his clawed fingers flexing with excitement. “You have yet to land a single hit on me.”
“I would say the same to you.” Valence counters back with a smirk. “I’d recommend rethinking your choice of taunts, since you haven’t landed anything on us either.”
A low, guttural laugh escapes him. “I am merely ‘testing the waters’, to get a taste of what your strength is.” He clenches his hands into fists, causing a few loud pops to be heard. “Now that I’ve garnered you three properly, I will show you three what true strength is.”
His head snaps towards the direction of Artemisia before dashing at her with sudden speed, catching all of us off-guard. He lashes out with one of his claws in which she quickly blocks with the handle of her axe, only for him to pull back and strike out with his other claws.
This quickly turns out in to a barrage of slashes and stabs, pressing harder towards her than ever before. This quickly forces the Bisharp to backpedal in order to prevent herself from getting gored, however with the speed of his attacks he’s dishing out, Artemisia is struggling greatly to keep up since her weapon wasn’t made to deflect attacks at such a swift pace.
Seeing the trouble she’s in Valence quickly dives in, his main goal to redirect the hybrid’s attention from Artemisia in order to give her some breathing room. However the second the Zangoose got close the predator twists his body and delivers a powerful downward swing, making Valence stop and bring up both his claws to block it. The sheer force of the attack combined with strength not being Valence’s primary attribute, the shock from the impact slams his body into the ground with a loud thump.
A loud blood-freezing roar soon follows this, this time coming from Artemisia. With her eyes wide with fury she pushes back at the hybrid with frenzied strikes, each swing being backed by immense strength from the wrathful Bisharp.
The hybrid meets her strike per strike, bringing up his long blades to block or deflect her swings. Eventually he finds an opening into her frenzied attacks and lashes out with a hand, gripping the handle of her weapon to halt her attacks.
At this moment I finish another spell, pulling out a stream of fire from my book I grasp it with my hands, creating a small sphere that dances around my fingers. With the spell of purple fire in my hands I throw it, the ball streaking towards the hybrid’s feet.
Upon impact it explodes outwards, setting the ground around his feet alight. He quickly releases his grasp on Artemisia’s weapon and leaps back, letting out a hiss of pain due to his feet getting singed. Artemisia also backs away in order to avoid my fire, but due to her burning anger she quickly circles around the flaming ground before charging down the predator to re-enter the fray.
As for Valence, despite having the air knocked out of him he quickly recovered and watched the battle between the two Bisharp hybrids. Having learned his lesson he instead observes the two with wariness, this time being more careful on what opportunity is best to interfere.
For me this isn’t good, since even though I can quickly prepare spells...I’m having difficulty on properly utilizing them. With Artemisia in her battle-frenzy I can’t get too clear of a shot since she’s right next to our target, so I’m forced to wait for a small opening in order to prevent myself from catching her in the cross-fire.
“Disappointing...” I hear the hybrid growl as he blocks another one of Artemisia’s wild swings, but instead of bringing his other arm up to block her next attack he instead drives his knee into her stomach. Even with the armor protecting her, Artemisia lets out a sharp breath upon feeling impact; however she couldn’t even get a chance to recover when the predator grabs her face with a free hand.
“You may have enthusiasm, but you lack control.” He chuckles. “Allow me to enlighten you on the consequences.”
Taking a step towards her side he drives his hand to the ground, slamming the Bisharp’s head onto the earth hard enough to send the axe flying out of her hand. Not even finished he releases his grasp on her and quickly stands, only for him to deliver a powerful kick to her side. The impact sends her body sliding a good few feet before stopping, her long purple hair gaining a few red shades from a new wound that’s bleeding from her head.
Even with her on the ground Valence is no fool, since he knows very well that diving in to protect her would ultimately end with him sharing a similar fate. The conflict in his eyes however is another sign that he’s unsure on what to do, since his current options are very small and not too favorable.
Despite her now being vulnerable the hybrid turns to face the two of us, his expression smug. “I am in one of my rare educative moods, so keep that lesson in mind.” His eyes narrow. “Yet if you wish to share her fate, then be my guest. I don’t mind repeating the lesson so it’s properly ingrained into your minds.”
Artemisia lets out a soft groan, a sign that she’s not completely down for the count. The hybrid looks down at her, his eyes betraying his surprise.
“Perhaps I’ve underestimated her.” He admits, chuckling. “Many have been knocked unconscious or even killed from such a hit, so she must be a very hardy individual.” He turns to fully face her, raising his blades. “Yet in the end, I have no further desire of her interfering”
With the threat made, Valence makes up his mind. With a snarl he leaps into action, running straight at him.
The hybrid expected this, in which he quickly turns to face the charging Zangoose. However what the predator did NOT expect was for Valence to breath out a cone of fire from his mouth, aimed right for his face. The Bisharp-hybrid quickly raises his arms to protect himself, causing the flames to severally burn the skin. With him now open Valence thrusts both of his claws forward, the weapons digging into the predator’s now-exposed stomach.
“That’s what you get you smug asshole!” Valence growls. “Not so invincible are you now huh?!”
The hybrid lets out a loud roar of pain as Valence tries to push his claws in deeper, but the thick skin and muscle proved to make this effort near impossible. Seeing that he can’t cause any further injury he tries to pull them out, but before he could succeed the hybrid grabs both of the Zangoose’s arms.
Realizing his situation, Valence’s eyes widen in horror. The Bisharp yanks Valence’s claws out before lifting him into the air, soon following with a powerful headbutt to the Zangoose’s forehead. A loud crack resounds through the air as the impact causes Valence’s head to snap back, blood now bleeding profusely from the area struck.
Now hanging limp in his grasp the Bisharp releases Valence, sending him falling to the ground unceremoniously.
The wounds in the hybrid’s stomach are too shallow to hinder him too much, seeing how he turns to me with little to no strain. “Now there's only one.” He hisses menacingly.
I don’t respond to this, for instead I drop my book on the ground. The tome lands with its pages open, the scriptures glowing with bright purple energy. Opening my palm I draw upon the tome’s power, causing a snake-like streak of fire to rise from the book and wrap itself around my hands. With my gaze never leaving the hybrid I allow the tendril of fire to continue to wrap around me, its length growing longer and longer. Eventually it ceases, leaving a whip-like stream of fire within my grasp.
“Impressive.” He comments. “Yet I doubt it will be enough.” His eyes glance over to my fallen comrades. “They were lucky to have lasted as long as they did, yet I doubt you will be just as fortunate.” He looks back at me wickedly. “A mere rope of fire will not stop me just as steel hasn’t.”
“We have yet to see.” I respond tightly, forcing back the desire to adjust my glasses. In truth I’m more than nervous seeing that I’m the only one left standing, since that also means I’m the only one preventing this situation from ending in a gruesome fashion...for the three of us.
“See? There is nothing to see, since your fate is sealed.” He laughs.
“I’d have to object to that.” A sudden voice speaks, making the two of us pause.
Stepping out of the darkness are three other Pokemon, each wearing clothing of the same color. One of them I immediately recognize as the Medicham hybrid from earlier, while the other two is a Gothitelle and Mienshao that I’ve never seen before.
The one who spoke was the Medicham, who is currently spinning a large Fuuma Shuriken in her fingers. “Now,even though things have gotten off on the wrong foot, I’d like to ask if you’re willing to stop this fighting and settle things like civilized folk.” With her free hand she pulls back at the fur around her collar, exposing the text ‘MED-03′ in black characters. “I’m a hybrid just like you, from the HWDP.”
He didn’t seem fazed by this, in fact...he lets out a sharp laugh. “Like you? HA!” His eyes narrow dangerously. “You are nothing like me, for I am far stronger than you could ever hope to be.”
“We wish to settle this peacefully, there is no need for violence.” The Gothitelle warns, opening her umbrella in a swift motion.
“No need for violence?” He gestures to the fallen forms of Valence and Artemisia. “I was merely greeting them, nothing more.” His gaze flicks back to her. “And you three will be shown the same hospitality.”
“No chance of changing your mind?” The Medicham asks.
The Bisharp-hybrid lets out a snort in response, his hands once again clenching into fists.
“Thought so.” She says with a shrug before looking at the other two, her smile widening. “Ready girls?”
The Gothitelle wordlessly activates the inner-mechanisms of her umbrella, causing the hidden spring-loaded blades inside the fabrics to slide out in a flash.
“It appears that this barbarian needs to learn proper etiquette.” The Miensaho huffs, revealing the blades within her fans. “Who knows, perhaps there’s some hope for him.”
“Looks like it’s four against one now.” The Medicham continues, glancing over to me. “’Cus we thought that we needed to even the odds.”
“Increased numbers mean nothing to me.” He growls in response.
“Perhaps, but I’ve fought weasels that are far more overconfident than you.” She shoots back with a sly smile, in which the Mienshao gives her a nasty look.
“He is not to be underestimated.” I warn them, raising the whip of flame within my hands. “He is very powerful, caution needs to be greatly exercised.”
“Duly noted.” The Gothitelle nods, her expression calm. “We will keep this in mind.”
“Yeah, just watch our backs alright?” The Medicham says before giving me a thumbs up. With that the three immediately spring into action, charging down the Bisharp-hybrid with a sudden burst of speed.
“I WILL TAKE YOU ALL ON!” He roars, responding to their charge in kind to meet them head-on.
It took only one second before they made conflict...and the clash began.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
(( What got the Praxic Blades (the ones we currently know of) into Bounty Hunting? ))
(The Praxic Blades eh? Oho~
Artemisia has always enjoyed combat (a bit too much perhaps), the chance of spilling blood without consequences is something she’d quickly jump at the chance if offered to her. Bounty Hunting definitely opened that up for her, since she can hunt and strike down wanted individuals to her hearts desire and get paid for it to boot.
Valence funny enough used to be a thief before he become a hunter, since one day he found someone being cornered by thugs and he decided to intervene (despite his hesitance). Due to the thugs not being aware of his presence he easily took them down, and much to his surprise he also discovered that the thugs were wanted for a bounty. Upon being paid for bringing them in he decided to participate in bounty hunting more often, since it pays far better than stealing.
For Richmond, bounty hunting definitely wasn’t something he’d see himself doing. He spent most of his time studying his own power on how to manipulate it as well as the secrets contained, and he would’ve continued to do it too. But his friend Rodrigo eventually convinced him to join as a bounty hunter, saying that he’d be able to ‘test out his findings’ on others. So although Richmond is part of the Praxic Blades, his primary focus is on his abilities and how they can be utilized in different ways.)
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 1 - The Three Bounty Hunters
[PoV: Valence]
I have to say, as much as I greatly dislike Artemisia...having her around when shit is getting tense is kinda comforting since she can most likely kick the ass of anyone that stirs things up.
When I mean by shit getting tense, I mean how nerve-wrackingly silent this forest is. Keep in mind that forests are normally noisy in terms of wildlife, but right now it’s so quiet that the crunching of autumn leaves beneath our feet is the only thing being heard.
That hybrid definitely made an imprint on this place, since no one wants to fuck with it to the point where they all got the hell out of dodge. Not that I blame them, since if it weren’t for the fact that I’m a bounty hunter...I’d probably be doing the same thing.
“He’s close, there’s no other way...” I mutter, breaking the tense silence.
Richmond glances at me but doesn’t tell me that I’m wrong, which makes me feel even worse.
Even though I can definitely keep a cool head, it doesn’t make it any less terrifying when something’s lurking around. These kind of bounties seriously suck, since I’d much rather just hunt down criminals on the run. That and the fact there’s normally six of us, but we split up so that they could clear up ties with a past bounty while we took on this one.
“C’mon buddy, show yourse-” I continue, only to be cut off by a deep, guttural roar that turns my blood to ice.
Oh shi-
Through the shadows the frame of a humanoid creatures leaps out, his bladed arms aimed to strike me down.
Artemisia suddenly leaps in front of me, her axe turned so that the flat side deflects the strike away from me. With a battlecry of her own she forces the weapon forward, pushing the attacker back.
“You...dare...” Artemisia hisses, her lips curled back into a wicked snarl as her eyes burn with murder. She raises her axe with one hand effortlessly, her face growing more and more angry with each passing second. “I will make you bleed out your guts.”
Oh shit.
A loud laugh responds to her threat, tensing myself I see that the one who tried to spear me is in fact the hybrid.
“Yes...” He grins maliciously, baring his fangs. “I haven’t heard such a bold threat in a long while.”
Richmond takes a step back, his calculating gaze unmoving. Wordlessly he opens his book, his hand hovering over the text to call upon their power.
I on the other hand immediately dart to the side, allowing myself to leave his sight so that I can strike him when he’s not paying attention.
“Yes indeed...” I hear him laugh, the hybrid raising his blades in challenge to us. “You three will do most nicely.”
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Its been a while since our Carrot colored Lopunny friend has just explored this unfamiliar world that he was in, this time he found himself in a quaint town by the name of “Woodwick”. Wood was a simple town from the looks of it, nothing supernatural or out of the ordinar– Hold up. Is that two-tailed creature eating a candy cane? 
Hm, he looked liked some type of rogue, but he wasn’t stealing from anyone. Maybe he could be friendly, whats the harm in having a few more allies in new places right? So with a deep breath he walked up to the pepperminty creature with a warm grin. “Heya! You remind me of this really awesome bounty hunter I met once!” he said taking a bow. “My name is Blayz, nice to meet ya!” He introduced himself. As he arose from his bow, he noticed something… strange. “Hmmmm… If you don’t mind me asking, Do you keep any weapons on you?”
[PoV: Valence]
My eyes glance over at the Lopunny, noticing how out of place he is since his clothing consists of…well…only a sash. Most of the other ‘mons here are at least wearing a shirt and pants, so it’s obvious that this guy is an outsider.
I watch him carefully as he introduces himself, my ears flicking slightly at the mentioning of me reminding him of some ‘awesome bounty hunter’. I couldn’t help at grin at this since even though I don’t know what bounty hunter he’s referring to, it’s still a compliment.
But then he asked a question, a very weird one to boot.
“Wait…” I speak up suddenly, pulling the candy cane out of my mouth. “Did you just ask me if I have any weapons on me?” I stare at him with a mixture of confusion and disbelief, since…well…
Who the hell even asks a random stranger if they’re possessing any weapons? That’s the quickest way to make people suspicious of you.
Now I’m not suspicious or anything, just incredibly bewildered at how daft this dude is. Eventually I shake my head and roll my eyes. “Word of advice, don’t be asking random people that.” I take a bite off the end of the peppermint candy, the cane softened due to me sucking on it for a while. “’Cus that’s just…well, you just don’t do that”
I shrug my shoulders, swallowing the small bit of candy in my mouth. “But if you’re curious, I do have weapons on me.” I bring up one of my arms, two long claws sliding out of the slits in the sleeves on my wrist. “Natural ones.” I say smugly.
I let the Lopunny get a good look at them before letting them slide back into my arm. “It has its advantages, since people often think I’m some sort of ‘declawed’ Zangoose.” I chuckle, folding my arms behind my head as I lean back. “But just when they think I’m defenseless, I just bring them out and make them regret that assumption.” With the candy cane still clutched between my fingers I start turning it slightly, bringing it around to my eyes. “I’m a sub-species of Zangoose, an uncommon one apparently. Don’t ask me the specifics on how we evolved that way, since I never really listened to those stories.”
I look back at the rabbit. “Seeing your colorations, I’m guessing one of your family members is a Flareon?” I nod with approval. “Pretty cool to see a fellow guy like you, since my mom has Flareon genes in her.” I stick the candy cane at the edge of my mouth, holding it between my teeth. “But since you introduced yourself, I guess I should do the same. The name’s Valence, member of the Praxic Blades.” I raise a free hand and finger-guns him. “And don’t you forget it too~”
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 1 - The Praxic Blades
[PoV: Dahlia]
Thank Arceus we’re out of that car...
After Venya threw up, the rest of the trip was nothing but hell. Even with the windows rolled down the smell was awful, nearly causing the rest of us to lose our own lunch too.
Course the Mienshao wasn’t happy in the least, since she nearly ruined her dress. Thankfully however she brought spares, that and the place we’re staying at has washing machines.
But yeah, arrived to the town of ‘Woodwick’ safe and sound. The place itself looks like one of your average modern towns, with paved roads and concrete or brick buildings. The place is located smack-dab in the middle of a forest, called ‘Greenbar Forest’.
I don’t know where the whole ‘bar’ thing is coming from, not to mention the place doesn’t look too green either since winter is very close. Truth be told it kinda sounds like someone made up the names of this town and the forest on the spot, but that’s just me.
Back to the topic at hand, we’ve already turned in our luggage and checked into our room, so at the moment we’re just doing our own thing. Jubei is currently talking with Jezebel through a computer to discuss the details of our mission and Venya is washing her dress, so that just leaves me to myself.
Currently I’m exploring the town since it’s a great opportunity to stretch my legs. The only things I have on me is my Shuuma Shuriken and a cellphone tucked in my gi, that way Jubei can call me if she wants me to head back.
As for the town itself...it’s actually kinda funny. I’ve received a lot of weird looks from the various Pokemon here, mostly due to my appearance. I don’t really blame them though, since I’m an incredibly unusual hybrid.
But no one's questioning my weapon though, which is a pleasant surprise. In fact the only looks on it were passing ones, as if they’re used to seeing ‘mons openly carrying them.
In the end no one stopped me for a chat, since everyone has their own things to focus on apparently.
Or at least, it was like that until now...
“Yo!” I hear a voice call, snapping me out of my thoughts.
When my eyes flick to the source, I notice that there’s two individuals. The one who spoke is currently leaning against a stone wall, who happens to be a rather unusual-looking Zangoose.
His colors isn’t like that of normal Zangoose, since his white fur contains accents of pale-yellow as well as orange. His outfit consists of a tunic and pants, their coloration that of tan and dark browns. Attached to his tunic is a black cape, and on his hands are finger-less gloves that contain a pair of slits on the top of his forearms. Wrapped around his orange hair is a headband, and in his mouth seems to be a sort of peppermint stick.
Sitting on a bench next to him is a male Delphox, one glance is all I needed to know that he’s a hybrid. He contains very strong Mismagius genes, the purples of the Mismagius over-riding the normal yellows and oranges that Delphox are known for. On his person is a black and gold robe that cuts off at the waist, in which flows out is the natural ‘cloak’ that Mismagius often have. Atop his head is also the large ‘hat’, another gift of the his ghostly genes. Underneath said hat consists of reddish-purple hair, both short yet smoothly brushed. On his snout is a pair of spectacles, and in his grasp is a black book with gold trim that he appears to be reading.
I look down at the Zangoose, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah?” I ask. “Were you referring to me?”
The Zangoose pulls out the peppermint stick in his mouth, holding it between two fingers. “Yeah, you.” He responds, an almost smug grin forming on his face. “You a mercenary?”
I blink. “Say that again?”
“Mercenary.” He repeats, his expression becoming somewhat annoyed. “Your getup, the weapon, it all points to you being some sort of fighter for hire.”
I give him a deadpan look. “Yeah, no. I’m not a mercenary.” I say flatly. “I’m a member of the Guardians of Twilight.”
Now it’s the Zangoose’s turn to blink in confusion. “Guardians of the what-now?”
The Delphox glances up at me for a brief second, recognition flashing in his eyes before looking back down to his book. “She’s a part of a Guild.” He answers for me. “The Guardians of Twilight are known as ‘monster hunters’, taking down various threats.”
With this new revelation the Zangoose’s gaze shifts to a glare. “So you’re here for the bounty then?” He growls.
At this point I’m getting a bit confused, not to mention a bit annoyed with the furrball’s attitude. “I don’t know about you, but I’m not here for a bounty.” I huff with irritation. “There's supposedly some hybrid causing trouble here, so I’ve been sent to take care of it.”
“So you ARE here for the bounty.” The Zangoose angrily takes a bite out of the peppermint stick, causing a loud ‘crunching’ noise to be heard. “Listen here lady, we got here first.” He says through his loud chewing. “The Praxic Blades got this one, so you might as well as pack your bags and go back to wherever you came from.”
My grip tightens somewhat on my weapon as my annoyance grows. “Let me guess, you’re bounty hunters?” I growl.
He nods his head, his smug smile returning in force. “Yeah, but not just any. We’re the Praxic Blades, one of the best group of Bounty Hunters you’ll ever know.” He turns his head sideways, chuckling to himself. “I bet you’ve heard of us.”
At this I couldn’t help but smirk. “Nope.” I tell him. “Haven’t heard of you at all.”
His head snaps to me, his eyes widening somewhat. “No? Not at all?” His eyes quickly narrow again as a scowl works its way onto his face. “You’re lying, you’ve definitely heard of us.”
At this I couldn’t help but laugh. “Kid, I haven’t heard squat about your little group until you’ve just brought it up.”
At the word ‘kid’ he snaps the peppermint stick in his fingers, with a loud growl a pair of blades slide out from the slits in his arms. “What did you call me?!” He snarls.
I open my mouth to respond back, but the Delphox suddenly speaks up.
“Don’t start a fight, Valence.” He says nonchalantly, his gaze not even lifting up from his book.
“But Richmond! She called me a kid!” ‘Valence’ shouts at the Delphox.
Richmond merely turns to the next page on his book. “To her defense, you are in fact...acting like one.” His gaze flicks to me before turning back to his reading material. “Need I not bring up Artemisia and how she would react to you trying to pick a fight with a complete stranger?”
At this the Zangoose’s eyes widen with horror, in a flash the blades on his arm slide back into the skin of his arm. “O-Oh god, yeah.”
Now I’m just confused. “Who’s Aremisia? Another member of your group?”
“I’m baaaaack~!” A sudden voice calls, in which Valence freezes on the spot.
Turning my head I see another individual approaching us with a strut in her step, her appearance catching me off-guard.
At first glance she appears to be some sort of Bisharp, but there’s a lot of other details about her that makes her stand out greatly from the species. On her shapely body is a somewhat unusual armor, its metallic surface that of a dark navy with gold accents. The armor itself seems to leave several parts of her body uncovered to exposes her light purple skin, whether for increased maneuverability or just to show herself off...I’m unsure. Another interesting detail about her armor is that it possesses purplish-blue blades on her arms and around her knees, but with the way their appearance...they seem to be more like decorations attached to the armor than natural blades.
In fact, the armor itself doesn’t look like it’s naturally a part of her...
Her head has no helmet that Bisharps are well-known for, in fact she has very long purple hair that flows all the way down her back. Seeing the length and the shape of said hair, a part of me is assuming that she’s not pure-Bisharp...but is actually part Jynx.
Grasped firmly in one of hands is a large axe, despite its sheer size she seems to be holding it rather effortlessly.
“How’s my widdle Vency?” She coos, walking right past me and up to the Zangoose. With her free hand she pinches Valence’s cheek. “Doing alright with me gone?”
The sheer uncomfort and embarrasement on the furball’s face is very satisfying to see, since he acted like a dick earlier. “Artemisia, stop!” He cries, trying his best to pull her hand off his face. “Stop treating me like I’m a child! I’m over twenty!”
The Bisharp laughs at this. “Awww, so you did miss me~” She rests her axe against the stone wall and leans down, with both her arms she pulls him into a very tight hug. “I missed you too sweetie~”
The Zangoose vainly struggles in Artemisia’s imprisoning embrace, seeing the sheer shame and distress in his face I couldn’t help but feel bad for him.
“He’s not her child nor does she feel any romantic attraction towards him.” Richmond comments to me, answering some of the various questions floating in my mind. “She simply enjoys children greatly, Valence also happens to trigger her motherly instincts.”
“Richmond! Don’t just sit there, do something!” The Zangoose begs. “She’s gonna smother me!”
For a brief moment I could see the Delphox considering the whole thing, as if he’s contemplating on leaving Valence to his fate. But in the end he speaks up in the Zangoose’s defense. “We’re in public, Artemisia.” He tells her. “Even if you enjoy showing your affection to Valence, you should at least have some restraint.”
The Bisharp lets out a sigh. “Oh alright, I’ll tone it down a bit.” However before she released the Zangoose, she gives him a kiss right on the cheek. “I’ll save the hugs for later, alright?” She chuckles, standing back to her full height.
Valence only sputters in response, frantically wiping his cheek on the spot where she kissed him.
“Come now, if you wipe it off I’ll have to give you another~” She singsongs, in which the Zangoose quickly takes several steps away from her.
Now in case you forget, I’m the one who’s watching the entire thing. But with the Bisharp added to the scene, the whole thing has gotten...very weird for me.
“I’m...gonna go leave you to whatever you’re doing.” I say awkwardly, deciding to turn and walk away.
“NO! DON’T LEAVE ME WITH HER!” Valence shouts after me.
“It’s awight, my widdle Vency.” I hear the Bisharp coo. “I know you don’t mean that~”
Yeeeeeeah, I am DEFINITELY not staying. With my walk turning into a full-on sprint, I quickly leave the trio in the dust.
...That just happened.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 1 - Into The Forest
[PoV: Richmond]
“So, we’re heading out now?” Valence points out more than asks as we make our way out of the town, the forest being our next destination.
I merely nod. “With the Gallade being the latest victim of the hybrid’s attack, we can’t wait any longer.” I tuck my book underneath my armpit. “We’re well-rested and prepared, so there’s no further need to delay it.”
“A good walk and an excellent beauty sleep is all I needed~” Artemisia hums, flashing a toothy smile to the both of us. With her giant axe rested on her shoulder she lets out a laugh. “I must say, haven’t had a good fight in a little while. Hopefully this hybrid won’t disappoint me.”
Valence quickly creates some distance between himself and her, which ultimately has him being closer to me. “So...Bisharp huh?” He says more quietly.
I nod a second time. “Bisharp with Haxorus genes supposedly, however the Gallade suspects that he also has Fighting-type genes in him.” My expression grows stern. “He is going to be very dangerous, so we will need to proceed with great caution.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” Valence mutters. “After hearing how you described that guy’s injuries, that’s more than enough for me to know that his hybrid isn’t to be fu-” He clamps his hands over his mouth, not finishing the word.
“What was that?” Artemisia asks, her tone containing a certain edge.
“J-Just saying that this hybrid isn’t to be f-fought with!” Valence stutters, sweat trickling down his head.
The Bisharp looks at him sternly before nodding her head. “That’s what I thought.”
The Zangoose moves even closer to me again, this time almost close enough to touch me. “You need to stop this.” He whispers, looking up at me with pleading eyes. “She’s controlling my life at this point.”
“I will not be the one that constantly has to step in.” I flatly tell him. “If you dislike it, confront her.” I push my glasses up with two fingers. “If not, then don’t say anything.”
“You don’t understand! She’ll kill me!” He whines, yet despite his attempts at keeping his volume low the one he’s speaking of manages to overhear part of it.
“Kill you?!” Artemisia gasps. Before Valence knew what hit him the Bisharp suddenly closes the distance and wraps her free arm around his body, pulling him into a tight hug. “Vency, who is it is going to kill you!” Her eyes narrow with a dangerous glint as her tone becomes something much more menacing “Just point me the way and I will spill their guts all over the ground.”
Valence could only stand frozen, his face growing pale as he refuses to say a word out of fear of possibly ‘setting her off’.
“No one is trying to kill him, Artemisia.” I sigh, apparently needing to step in anyways. “He’s merely joking.”
“Ahhh, I see then.” She looks down at Valence with a playful smile, the previous look on her face having completely disappeared without a trace. “You gave me quite a scare, Vency. For a second I thought I had to protect you~” She gives him a kiss on the top of his head before releasing him. “Don’t do that to me, alright?”
He nods numbly. “S-Sure, noted.”
At this point I can’t help but question Rodrigo’s choice in pairing those two up as well.
Nevertheless, there are matters that need to be focused on. “We’re about to enter the forest, so put on your game faces.” I tell them. “Once we step in there, we must be prepared. This hybrid will use his full might on us when we eventually find him, so no distractions.”
Valence’s blades slide out of the slits of his arms, with a deep breath he nods his head. “I read ya Rich, let’s do this.”
“I agree, no need to worry of any distractions from me.” Artemisia nods as well, her expression growing serious. “We have a despicable monster to take down after all.”
And so the three of us enter the forest, prepared to face the predator within.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Linda@Valence: “A Zangoose mixed with a flareon… Not gonna lie, I think it looks pretty good. That and you seem like a pretty confident guy. But you know what I find funny?” She leans over to try and get closer to eye level wearing a mischievous smirk. “How that confidence just disappears when mama shows up. And the look on your face when your friend threatens you with her name. It’s actually hilarious.”
She stands upright giggles a bit with a toothy grin. “So much so that I’m actually kinda curious why. Why are you so scared of her? Yeah she’s got a big axe. But I doubt that’d be enough to cause you to whip your tails between your legs.”
[PoV: Valence]
Sure the Mienshao’s height really put me off when she walked up to me, but when she started talking…that surprise went away awfully quick when she focused on my ‘situation’ with Artemisia, especially with how she’s wording it.
But that sentence - ‘How that confidence just disappears when mama shows up’ - it really pisses me off. Despite her standing a good two feet taller than me, I couldn’t give a single damn. With a growl I stomp up to her, my claws sliding out of the slits in my forearm before pointing them at her. “You think it’s funny huh?” I hiss. “To laugh at someone else’s expense? You don’t realize the hell I have to deal with by being treated like some damn child, despite the fact that I’m actually a full-grown adult.”
I grunt and turn my back to her, my claws quickly retracting back into my arms. “Her axe isn’t what scares me, it’s how quickly her personality changes.” I feel a chill go down my spine, making me shiver. “Sure she’s all nice and friendly and stuff, but she changes so suddenly like someone flipped a switch.” I cringe, remembering some unfortunate encounters in the past when dealing with certain individuals that set her off. “She’s absolutely fucking terrifying, how quickly she changes from being a motherly person to a bloodthirsty psychopath. You only get to see the bloodthirsty part while she’s fighting, but if you piss her off in a particular way…”
Yeah, don’t want to dwell on it. “Either way,” I mutter with a shake of my head. “She’s also rather scary when she’s ‘scolding’ you, since even if you’re not even her child…she has a way of making you feel bad.” I cross my arms. “I can’t even swear around her, which is bullshit. She’d take me aside and scold me, sometimes doing it in front of everyone.” I glance over at the Mienshao, giving her a dirty look. “Imagine yourself going through that, except that you have no power to defend herself. You’re forced to deal with it no matter what you do.”
“You’re exaggerating, Valence.” The sudden voice of Richmond comments, making me whip back to see him standing behind me. Apparently he approached me while I wasn’t paying attention, since I didn’t hear his footsteps.
“Exaggerating?!” I shout indignantly. “You know how she is! She-”
“Enough.” He cuts me off, giving me an irritated glare. “She’s not completely unreasonable, Valence. Stop demonizing her.” The Delphox turns his focus to the Mienshao. “I recommend taking everything Valence says with a grain of salt, since some things are not as extreme as he makes it out to be.” Before I could argue back he looks back down at me, his eyes narrowing. “Nevertheless, the two of us must be going. Something has come up that calls for our immediate presence.”
My ears twitch at this, my outrage quickly fading. “Immediate presence?” I repeat. “Something happened?”
Richmond nods. “A very injured Gallade just came out of the forest, bearing a message from the hybrid.” He turns and begins walking away. “We need to meet with Artemisia so we can discuss the details, for we will need to prepare to head out to face this hybrid very soon.”
Before I run off after him, I wait for a moment for him to get slightly out of earshot before looking back at the Mienshao. “I’m not even exaggerating, everything I said about her is true.” I growl. “Richmond knows how she is, but tries to keep it all ‘hush-hush’ around other people.” I take out a candy cane from my pocket and point the crooked end at her. “Also, about you getting a kick out of my expense?” I stick the tip into my mouth before turning away. “If something makes you look like a fool, I’ll be sure as hell to laugh right back at ya. So in other words, fuck you.”
With that I make my way after Richmond, rather quickly too.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 1 - Purpose of the GoT’s Presence
[PoV: Valence]
“Thank god she stopped...” I mutter quietly to myself, rubbing my face with a hand.
After the weird Medicham left Artemisia eventually ceased her antics, which consisted of unbearable baby-talk and annoying cheek-pinching. Like I’m fine with being friendly and stuff, but Artemisia...she just takes it completely over the top.
Did I forget to mention that I’m actually over twenty and not a kid whatsoever? ‘Cus I’m not a kid. At all.
I’m just naturally short, since I’m a...you know...Zangoose.
Currently the three of us are walking down the streets of this town, thankfully the Bisharp’s attention is focused on Richmond as they’re talking over various things that I could care less about.
It’s...kinda funny how much we stand out when I think about it, since the clothing of the Pokemon living in this town differ greatly from what we wear. I also noticed the many looks Artemisia is getting, especially since her armor is...rather revealing.
Yeah, don’t ask me on why it’s like that. I tend to keep all conversations with her to a minimum, for very obvious reasons. Nevertheless, even though I’m well aware of the impracticalities of her armor, Artemisia just doesn’t seem to give a damn about them.
At the same time I’ve never seen anyone manage to take advantage of those ‘weak points’ and live anyways, or at least walk the same after she’s done with them.
Anyways, when I think back to the Medicham I couldn’t help but scowl. If we don’t get on with the bounty she’ll end up taking it for herself, thus leaving us out on a payday. I doubt she’ll actually listen and back off, so that means we have competition.
“Valence.” I hear Richmond call my name, making my ears twitch as I glance up at him.
“What’s up?” I ask, my expression casual.
“Since you lack the knowledge of what the Guardians of Twilight are, I am going to explain them to you.” He says neutrally, his expression nonchalant as ever.
Heh, speaking of the devils. I shrug my shoulders in response, telling him that I’m pretty much ‘all ears’ in a less enthusiastic way. “Shoot.”
The Delphox pushes his spectacles up his snout with his fingers. “The Guardians of Twilight are no ordinary guild, for they fully specialize in taking down unique threats and monsters.”
I nod uncertainly. “Okaaaaay, you technically said that earlier.”
He sniffs at this. “I’m not finished.” He says dryly. “They are actually sponsored by numerous kingdoms and other various places, one of them being a wealthy kingdom known as Venhara. Because of this they don’t worry about funds nor aim for bounties, thus why the Medicham denied your accusation of her presence being her to ‘claim the bounty’.”
My eyes narrow at this. “So basically, they intend to take this thing down for free?” I grit my teeth together. “So they’re not only stealing our bounty, but also throwing the money away too.”
“There’s more.” Richmond continues, the calm analytical tone of his never wavering. “They're rarely alone, often seen in teams of two to six.. The reason is because the threats they fight tend to be very dangerous, so not only does the Medicham have other teammates nearby...their presence signifies that the Hybrid that we’re going to be dealing with is more threatening than we thought.”
“Of course we’ve dealt with some big troublemakers in the past, but the presence of the Guardians of Twilight show that this hybrid is no push-over.” Artemisia nods, her gaze flicking to me as her smile grows. “Did you catch that sweetie~?”
I immediately proceed to create some distance between her and me. “Yeah yeah...” I mutter, not even looking at the Bisharp. “So this thing is gonna be tough, got it.”
“Caution is definitely to be advised, even with our skills we mustn’t underestimate this Hybrid.” The Delphox pushes his glasses up again, despite the fact that it hasn’t moved an inch since the last attempt. “From what Artemisia has gathered, the local law enforcement of this town tried to stop this creature. But it took down several of their officers before they retreated.” His lips form a grimace. “Although there were no casualties, their injuries were severe. So although we have no need to worry of this Hybrid killing us, we still need to be careful.”
The Bisharp grips her axe with both hands. “Don’t you worry, Vency~” She singsongs. “If it harms a single little hair on your head...” Her smile turns menacing, the friendliness in her eyes morphing into something more...bloodthirsty. “I’ll tear it completely apart.”
Richmond coughs at this. “Remember, Artemisia. This Hybrid is wanted alive, so you’ll need to exercise control.”
She pouts at this. “Come now, Richmond. You know that I love battle, that and I’m VERY protective of those I hold dear.” Her gaze flicks to me again when she says this, the returning motherly smile making me shiver.
“Can you like...stop that?” I growl at her, pulling out a peppermint stick from one of my pockets and sticking it in my mouth. “It makes you VERY creepy, Artemisia.”
“Creepy?” She blinks a few times. “I do not understand how my love for you would come off as creepy.”
I cringe at this, the wording itself making me feel VERY uncomfortable. “I...rest my case.”
Yeah, I’m SO gonna get back at Rodrigo for even pairing me up with that psycho-lady. Out of the entire six of us, she chose Artemisia.
But then again...she’s not quite as crazy as Vedika.
Why couldn’t he have chosen Rinako instead? She’s WAY more normal than those two.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 1 - Strength of the Night
[PoV: Jubei]
With our speed and coordination we dance around the hybrid, our blades clashing against his with showers of sparks. By constantly pushing at him we force the predator on the defensive, utilizing our numbers to our highest advantage.
Spinning my umbrella I swing it at the Bisharp, forcing him to raise his claws from the twirling razors of my weapon. Sparks fly when our weapons meet, but soon following my attack is Venya zipping to his right. Upon swinging her fans the hybrid is forced to back away further in order to avoid being cut, turning his body so that he can face the two of us.
"Your numbers is your only saving grace.” The Bisharp growls at us, his throat beginning to glow with a blue light. “But it won’t save you from my power.”
“Is that so?” Kendra calls, the Medicham spins the blades of her weapons before throwing it, the weapon humming through the air as it streaks to the hybrid.
Seeing this the Bisharp ceases channeling his power and hits the weapon away with his claws, only to see Kendra right in his face. She surrounds one of her fists with fire and delivers a painful uppercut to his chin, the force snapping his head back and making him stumble. “I learned that one from a certain Lucario.” She laughs before sweeping her foot at his legs, knocking him off balance before ultimately making him fall on his back.
“Now!” She shouts.
Out of the four of us the Delphox reacts the fastest, spinning the flaming whip in his hands he lashes out with it, striking upon the prone hybrid. Upon contact it snakes around his form, forming a prison that binds his arms and legs together as if it were made of a solid material.
The hybrid roars as the fire sears his skin, but with a single motion he snaps the rope of flames from his body and causes it to disperse into nothingness. He rears his legs up before kicking with them, using the momentum to shoot his body up before landing back on his feet.
“This ends here.” He hisses, raising his two blades. The normally gray and black razors hum with a distinct sound, not a second later they become enveloped in charged plasma that causes the air around them to distort and crackle.
With another roar he leaps at Venya with his blades raised, in which the Mienshao swiftly weaves to the side. The hybrid slashes at the spot she once stood, the plasma-enveloped weapons slicing through an adjacent tree like a hot-knife through butter. The intense heat of the weapon causes the wood to set aflame, the two separate pieces collapsing all the while quickly burning to ashes.
“Note to self, don’t let those blades get near you.” The Medicham mutters as she swiftly picks up her fallen weapon, in which I nod in agreement.
“I fear that it might cut through our weapons, so we must avoid them instead of blocking.” I tell her, although speaking loud enough for Venya to hear as well.
"I will keep that in mind.” The Mienshao growls. “However I believe we need to find a way to properly take this barbarian out, since he seems to be having difficulty staying down.”
A roar drives us back to said hybrid at hand as he begins charging us, his form low enough for his blades to easily cut through the ground as he swiftly closes the distance. We ready ourselves to leap out of the way only for something unexpected to happen.
Another roar fills the air as the form of the female Bisharp leaps into view and slams her shoulder into the hybrid’s form, the sheer force of her attack launching him.
“Artemisia!” The Delphox calls, his eyes widen.
The Bisharp doesn’t look at him, even with her head and hair covered in blood she seems more than ready to continue the fight. Not even stopping she charges after the rolling form of the hybrid, fully intending to beat him down further.
Digging his claws into the ground the hybrid slows himself before kicking off the ground, launching himself back at Artemisia. With his hand outstretched he grabs her by the head a second time, digging the claws of his toes into the earth he slows his momentum to a stop with her in his grasp.
“Impressive to see that you’re even fighting.” He chuckles, raising her struggling form into the air. Due to the way he’s holding her, his blades are just barely away from her head...causing the heat to singe her. “Yes...truly impressive indeed.”
His gaze shifts to the rest of us, his smile widening further. “It would be a waste to kill such a capable warrior as you, since I can see you growing stronger still.” He nods his head. “Yes...you have earned my mercy.”
The Bisharp releases his hold on her, letting the Pokemon fall to the ground. With a growl she quickly pulls herself back to her feet, only to find the hybrid backing away.
“Consider this my gift for having lasted so long.” He grins, the glow in his blades vanishing. “This fight may have not progressed my power, but it has shown me that this world still has hope. For now, this battle ends temporarily.” His grin twists into a smirk as a shadow passes over his eyes. “However we will clash again, since this battle between us is far from over.”
With that he turns and leaps into the vegetation, vanishing.
The Medicham’s body tenses, but I quickly extend an arm to halt her from going after him. “We can’t pursue him, he’ll only have the advantage.” I warn her.
“Yeah, you’re right.” She growls. “Hopefully he doesn’t cause anymore issues here.”
“I doubt he will.” My eyes turn to the bounty hunters, seeing the Delphox helping up the Zangoose to his feet.
“That guy really packs a punch...” Said Zangoose mutters weakly, his body still dizzy from the heavy impact.
“If I get my hands on him, I will do more than simply tear him apart.” The Bisharp dubbed ‘Artemisia’ hisses, after pulling herself up she uses one hand to easily pick up her giant axe. “I will make his death slow...and very painful.”
“Yet he’s needed alive.” The Delphox reminds her, his eyes flicking to us before eventually going back to the two. “However as of now, you two need to recover from your injuries. Fighting in your current conditions will end with you both receiving far worse injuries.”
“I’m not gonna argue with that.” The Zangoose says shakily, applying pressure to his head in order to slow the bleeding. “But I say that we need to get the rest of the Praxic Blades to help us, since he simply wiped us out when it was just the three of us”
“Nor the four of us.” Kendra speaks up, crossing her arms with a frown. “Honestly? This guy is probably one of the strongest hybrids the HWDP has ever tangled with, in terms of his size that is.”
“This needs to be reported to Nightshade.” I say with a nod. “She needs to know of what occurred here...” I feel myself grimace. “...As well as know what we’re dealing with.”
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