defeateddetectives · 6 months
a get to know you better meme tagged by @half-infinite
do you make your bed? dependsss if i'm going away i will. on a daily basis, i'll go through phases
what’s your favourite number? do i even have one? i dont actually think so!
what is your job? a wearer of too many bucket hats unfortunately but lately the biggest one devouring my life has been some variation of dark academia
if you could go back to school would you? ha h a no probably not for a degree anyway but i would love to take classes and learn stuff for fun like languages, music, etc!
can you parallel park? at gunpoint and after several hours probably -_-
a job you had that would surprise people? may or may not have involved brains in jars
do you think aliens are real? i hope so!
can you drive a manual car? nope
what’s your guilty pleasure? i am usually too tired to feel guilty about enjoyable things nowadays but a weird hobby i have is making 3h+ long playlists for stories i daydream about writing/have started but will likely never finish!
tattoos? nope
favourite colour? various reds!
favourite type of music? have been on an indie/alt rock kick for years but occasionally dip my toes into folk, electronica, and other things
do you like puzzles? i think so! havent done them in ages though
any phobias? heights lowkey among others
favourite childhood sport? dodgeball perhaps? good ol' socially sanctioned elementary school violence!
do you talk to yourself? yes
what movie(s) do you adore? pride & prejudice (2005), the digimon movie, the second thg/catching fire, catws (shhhh) are oddly the comfort ones that come to mind. eternal sunshine i also love but cant rewatch too often for my own well-being
coffee or tea? turning into more of a tea person in my old age...but i am excited for iced coffee season returning!
first thing you wanted to be growing up? archeologist i think!
super low-pressure tagging @doubleboyfriend @rinkafushi @swankitty @wantoup @lehdenlaulu @joelletwo @treecakes @fadedclxssic @chiaki-c but everyone should feel free to steal if you so wish!
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deviantaccumulation · 3 years
4 (is it Maultaschen?) und aus aktuellem Anlass 5 and 6 :3c
4. Favorite native food It might actually be Maultaschen xD I do also love Rinderrouladen, which is bad for eating less meat, also, Kässpätzle, so good.
5. Favorite song in native language When it comes to my music taste, something from Rammstein would be more fitting :D But it’s Bürgermeister by criminal Jan Böhmermann, cause it makes me hate my fellow citizens less :D
6. Most hated song in native language The entire Deutschrap genre Pocahontas by Annenmaykantereit I made the mistake of going to a festival where he was an act, and that song was playing fucking everywhere the whole weekend. I already hated it before, but this just elevated my burning rage to a whole new level.
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I've missed your snarky and very much on-point observations on this hell site, ngl :'D That's one reason to look forward to a new Ishida work, your input on allusions, references to previous works etc. always was super interesting to me. Thank you for sharing it!
Aw, thank you so much for the encouragement! That’s one of the nicest things anyone’s on Tumblr ever said to me. 
The only thing I’m dreading is Ishida suffering from the Second Album Syndrome, wherein an artist’s second album is almost always worse than the first. See also: Kishimoto’s Space Samurai thing, Fujimaki’s golf story, Kubo’s... whatever mess it was that not even dragons made better. 
Then again those three were commissions, and Ishida seems to want to write his story, so I’m holding out hope. And my wallet for the Jack Jeanne game if it ever comes out.
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black-cat-aoife · 4 years
1, 33, 48!
1. Favorite childhood book?
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It’s written from the POV of a small dog who lives through is first Christmas and who is very confused by all the stuff his family is suddenly doing. Why are the wrapping things in colourful paper? Why does my archnemesis the mailman come daily with lots of packages? Why are they bringing a tree in the house? Can I pee on it? I had a tape of it and listened to it too fall asleep to...not only around Christmas...and I also did it when I was already somewhat older and was nervous for some reason (e.g. before exams...does that include my A-Levels? Buzzfeed Unsolved.jpg)
33. Most intimidating book you’ve ever read?
Hmmmm I admit I have read neither War and Peace nor Ulysses or Moby Dick. And the classics I’ve read haven’t been terribly long which is usually considered to be intimidating. When I was 12ish and really into the Sissi movies all my relatives started to give me Sisi biographies as presents (in hindsight: questionable educational choice) and one of them was “only” about 500 pages but somehow printed on quite thick paper which made it look much longer (I just checked and it’s about the same size as my 760 pages German copy of Goblet of Fire) and that was very intimidating. And now I am reminded of the fact that Goblet of Fire was my first ‘proper’ English book I read...after two years of English...which was somewhat intimidating and id did take my the whole summer.
48. What would cause you to stop reading a book half-way through?
Several things. The obvious one are extreme -isms of any kind...but the much more common reason is that I realize that I just don’t care. I don’t care if those characters reach their goal/solve the murder/manage to avoid dying. I just don’t feel for them because they’re cardboard cutouts, not characters.
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epiphenomenal · 5 years
6, 16, 31!
6: do you keep plants?
at a young age i killed my first cactus, shortly followed by a bowl of assorted cacti. the only plants i consider myself to have successfully kept alive were a pot of hyacinths, during uni -- i bought them when they were blooming in spring, saw them through a second post-winter bloom, but had to abandon them when i returned to my home country. i have successfully avoided having plants since, apart from that time a co-worker gave me a desk cactus. which i thought was flourishing, until i realised the new limbs were a sign of etiolation. i really don’t want to keep plants :|
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
i like angel’s hair pasta with some kind of fish roe, not picky about the type. also generally a fan of filled pasta, like mushroom tortellini or pumpkin ravioli or whatever
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
that “white sock” comment makes me realise this is aimed at students, probably :’( i wear plain black socks to work. i don’t tend to wear sock-requiring shoes outside work (nor sleep with socks) because i live in an equatorial country. ever since i invested in Proper Hiking Socks, i now swear by them for any serious walking. the only fun socks i own were given to me by more interesting friends :’)
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ooriens · 6 years
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Inspired by my dear friend @rinkafushi‘s easter image on the left page of this moleskine (not-so-water-friendly--why do i do this to myself :x) sketchbook. Dear friend, this is for you~ (Doesn’t Rinka have such cute handwriting?? bwaah)
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bevelle · 5 years
rinkafushi replied to your photo “「君へ届くように」, my odazai playlist is missing you a sign of weakness? but...”
wow I missed this for some reason when you posted it but... thanks for sharing the sadness(tm)
you are very welcome!!! i love Sadness
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hakumei-hogosha · 6 years
Tagged by @rinkafushi
Nicknames: Haku-san, Hak-san, Haky
Zodiac: Metal Goat/Sheep
Height: 157.48 cm or 5′2″
Time: 7:30 (when I started)
Favourite band/artist: Yoko Kanno, Soji Meguro, and Sawano Hiroyuki comes to mind.
Song stuck in my head: Makeup Syndrome from Psycho Pass OST
Last movie i saw: Flavors of Youth
Last thing i googled: Nihilism :’D
Other blogs: None.
Do i get asks: None.
Why did i choose my username: I’ve four handles I regularly rotate through; it just happens the one I used is hakumei_hogosha, which translates to Twilight or Ill-fated Guardian.
Following: I have no idea...?
Average amount of sleep: 5 hours.
Lucky number: Some variation of 821.
What am I wearing: Gray tank top/undershirt, one sock, and pajama pants currently.
Dream job: Optimization for my friends’ success.
Dream trip: A trip where I can relax and meet the friends I cannot mean on a day-to-day basis.
Favourite food: Chayote with Ground Pork and Rice.
Play any instruments: Rusty but was proficient with Viola. A bit of piano. Theoretically I can violin and cello as well. 
Eye colour: Brown.
Hair colour: Black.
Languages i can speak: English and Latin. I’m trying to learn Japanese but really slowly :’D 
Most iconic song: Sitting waiting wishing by Jack Johnson.
Random fact: I love the scent of freshly clean laundry.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Hats, piles of books and notebooks, dungeons and dragons, sweets (minus coconut), coffee, math, science, lab coats and lab goggles, and numbers.
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Five favourite dishes! Also, still water or sparkling mineral water?
Off the top of my head:
1. Ramen
2. Spaghetti
3. Saimen
4. Lemon-garlic shrimp 
5. Chili
And still water. I don’t really like sparkling water
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defeateddetectives · 5 years
4, 42 and 66 please!
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? 
coffee – generally with milk/cream, no sugar
for tea – depends on the type. often just the way it is but if it’s a super strong black tea, i might dilute it with milk/honey depending on how quickly i need the caffeine to dropkick my brain on that particular day (and/or how much heartburn i can tolerate :D)
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! 
ah i have so many! i seem to gravitate towards a few in every place i’ve lived in and having moved around a lot and also having spent a large amount of time in them, it’s hard to choose Just One. in general, if a place has cozy interiors with solid coffee that doesn’t cost a limb and is open late, it tends to be a win. my go-to coffeeshop in the town i was in before my most recent move was this hipster little independent local hangout that was easily accessible and had no-nonsense super strong coffee that was the equivalent of a life coach patiently reminding you to get your shit together and proceeding to help you do so. it also had (also of utmost importance!!!) free wifi! it was full of a bunch of mismatched furniture and no actual theme whatsoever but it did the trick. 
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? 
can i make a succulent crown? tbh i don’t think i ever fully understood the appeal of flower crown aesthetics when it came to wearing them as a living human being (vs. as cute fanart accessories) but if i had to choose then probably something with tiny unobtrusive flowers and on the more leafy/twiny side?
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deviantaccumulation · 4 years
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Memes with the Shags, Shags with the memes
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deecembermonth · 7 years
@rinkafushi said:  The official German translation changed Vincent's nickname for him (Dee) into "Didi", which admittedly is a short form that gets used, but also is a common vernacular term for "pacifier" and I cry a little each time I see it...
Thanks for sharing this fun fact! Ah, the joys of translations. Didi sounds so wrong and yet so right because Vincent 100% knows it’s vernacular for pacifier.
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qserasera · 5 years
tagged by the mysterious @rinkafushi to do this
Rules: List ten songs you’ve been listening to a lot lately and tag ten people
#1 Gold Gun Girls (Acoustic)- Metric @defeateddetectives will understand why im crying about this the Melancholy in this version really hits me in the kokoro
#2 Love is Hard for Otaku- Fiction/sumika [Cover by kobasolo & Harutya] was a while since i had experienced an anime as fluffy and understanding for passionate nerd millenials as this one plus the theme song is just fun and bubbly
#3 the bossa nova zettai unmei mokushiroku song watch me sip a rose-flavored cocktail on the way to break a chick out of the world’s eggshell 
#4 The Last Rose of Cintra- The Witcher Soundtrack   an epic fantasy backdrop to cleanse the palate, swords that make a shiny noise when drawn from their scabbard, fluttering cloaks in the wind, the whole shebang  
#5  无羁( Wu Ji ) - from The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi once again, i am asking my followers to follow me into chinese novels fandom :3 aka the love song that one member of an otp composes for another person and secretly titles it with a mashup of their names!!!!
#6 Game of Survival- Ruelle does this remind me of certain otps? yes 
#7 Succession Main Title Song ‘one day i should watch this show!’ i say, as i continue to not watch the show
#8 Gleam- Mamaoo for the dancing in your mind theater mood
#9 Dyin Day- Anais Mitchell just vibing with the mood of this 
#10 One more shot- Park Boram the obligatory k pop 1am listen 
eta: I FORGOT TO TAG PEEPS ORZ so tagging @otasu @chidorinnnnn @persepoline @half-infinite @rethrone and @krityebi for this if they want to
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black-cat-aoife · 5 years
Epilogue, Princeps, Addendum and Appendix!
Epilogue: What is a book that made you cry?
Catherine Clement - Theo’s Voyage. It’s kind of Sophie’s World but with religions instead of philosophy. The main character is a teenager with a serious but never named illness and his aunt decides that the cure is...a journey round the world (looking back that is...questionable). They do keep visiting doctors on their journey and he does get better until the book pulls the ‘mixed diagnostic reports’ trope and it looks like he is getting worse and it gets very sad.Teenage!Me was very moved, during every re-read and that’s rather unusual since normally crying or not depends more on my general mood. 
Princeps see here
Addendum: What is a book trope you can’t stand?
Despite really loving crime-novels I have a deep hatred for the ‘It’s personal’-Trope. Both the direct detective searches for the killer of his wife/daughter/sister/female goldfish and ignores 1236 rules, laws and guidelines in the process and the more general killer decides to taunt the cop because of reasons and the cop then ignores 1236 rules, laws and guidelines while hunting for him.
Appendix: Overdone book trope that you still love?
In mysteries: posh family gatherings on the country estate. Everyone hates everyone. Someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly
In romance and romance-adjacent books: Forced proximity. Oh no. They’re snowed in together/looked up by the bad guys/their spaceship crashed on an alien planet. Oh no there is only one bed. Oh no.
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epiphenomenal · 6 years
rinkafushi replied to your post: Shāng Bù Huàn (殤不患) - Guǐ Niǎo (鬼鳥) - Dān Fěi (丹翡)...
Oh also additional fun fact in case you didn’t notice, Mr Ghost Bird “I can summon birds as messgers” Kichou is voiced by Toriumi Kousuke. AN ABUNDANCE OF BIRDS.
birdy mcbirdman, i love it
i also love that 鬼 can be used as a casual (v weak) curse word so like... just imagining people saying “that gui niao” and really meaning “that damn bird”, which seems on brand for our vape wizard friend
(though i just googled and apparently there is an actual gui niao mythical nine-headed bird thing. it’s also the chinese name for nightjars, which are spectacularly unglamorous)
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ooriens · 6 years
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Tagged by:@rinkafushi / Thank you~~! >v<b Had it all planned out, I did.. . . PFFBTBT
Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different canons (oooorie shall now only choose characters I never really mentioned much…! =3= also may or may not have mentioned them before.. :x) and then tag 10 people.
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