#rip off of that skyrim post
happy pride to all the player-sexual NPCs out there
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elven-butts · 2 years
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☽ two 100% normal girls on a night stroll ☾
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liberty-spiked · 1 year
i hope i can play maple story on my laptop because holy fuck do i crave mmos.
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bamsara · 10 months
I’m a little confused, who is Arson? Did you name your computer that or the program or something like that? Been trying to piece stuff together with all the posts about Arson but I feel a little lost. Like it’s an inside joke that I wasn’t there for the development of it
Rip I forgot new followers are not Aware of Arson
Arson is my laptop. Specifically a laptop sona I made for my laptop because of the sheer amount of trouble I've had with him. Twitch chat started shipping an 'enemies to lovers' between me and my laptop and it was giving me such a hard time during a livestream that it turned into a full fledged oc.
He's a gaming laptop I got in 2018 and had saved up for and while he's very good, his technical service life was only for 3 years and it's been about 5 and a half years since I've had him because I didn't want to replace him.
This means for the last two years he's been progressivly getting worse; starting with the battery going out completely, and then it getting discontinued so I couldn't replace it, the laptop started lagging hard, which I just kinda delt with. Then he's bluescreening a lot, and my files are getting corrupted and disappear. He cannot detatch from the wall so he's not a laptop anymore but really just a desktop now anyway. His model is discontinued so I cant get parts to replace him or have him repaired.
It's a running joke that 99% of all streaming problems are Arson's fault because for no reason he'll just. Crash and critcal error this and bluescreen that.
He got his name because he overheats really badly, and while gaming laptops are built to withstand that kind of heat, it still does wear and tear over time.
It would have been fine for 2-3 years but it's climbing near to 6 and part of the front is melted and I have to turn stream and art off early sometimes to let him cool down because the keyboard has left burns on my fingers. (Though this only happens when using him intensly, like streaming or gaming or art....which is 90% of what I do. The other being writing and work.) (Also before anyone asks, I regularly clean out the fans and I have a cooling stand beneath him)
Currently the top part of his keyboard is not working anymore and he's missing keys anyway. Part of his casing near the charging port is broken off. I've used his heat to cook tiny cookies while I've played skyrim before
TBH If you just search up Arson on my blog you'll see a whole series of posts about him.
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he's my guy......my robot.........
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sylvansylvain · 2 years
You spend the first 15 years of your life obsessed with post-apocalyptic media. You can't get enough of it.
The dirt, the grime, the constant pressure to survive, the push-pull between whatever forces are still alive... But still, you grow out of it once you're older.
For the next five years of your life, you briefly lose your very intense passion. It's still there, but you don't have time for it. You're busy with work, school, girls, boys, drugs, booze.
You've discovered videogames. You're not very keen with computers, but they're a good pass time. You never hear about triple-A games like Skyrim or Metal Gear. But you've found a favorite in Bloons Tower Defense.
It's perfect for your busy lifestyle, play a few minutes and you're done. But in the next coming ten years, it becomes insufficient. You yearn for the post-apocalyptic spin you once ate up like candy. Rather than seeing if there is an offering to fit this thirst, you decide your recent work in a tech-adjacent industry probably gave you the skills to turn your favorite game into something Perfect for you. You labor away, tirelessly.
You rehaul the gameplay, drastically. Your character is now human, with an inventory, and needs. You need to drink water, eat food, cloth yourself... And you can move too! It's a massive world, with rich lore and masterful storytelling.
At least you think. Other people in the industry are quick to tell you that you did not Create a game, you've only Modified one. And even worse, they tell you what you've made is a cheap rip-off of something else, something they say achieves your goals more efficiently and immensely more enjoyably. They tell you this game is called Fallout.
You dig your heels in. What you've made is a masterpiece, and its only a fraction as amazing as Bloons Tower Defense is. After all, you've proven any game you could ever want can be made within its confines!
The next 20 years of your life, you dedicate to a crusade. You're well aware that there only needs to be one true game, one pillar of a game that all others will be built on, and you know what that game is. You spend these 20 years to evangelizing people to the side of the best game ever made, the... world's best game, we'll call it.
And oh, are you successful. The videogame industry has been irreparably changed. There's no rooms for these artistic minds like Hideo Kojima or Arkane. Their work can be emulated perfectly within Bloons Tower Defense, so they no longer need to make games. They can just be modules you slot onto Bloons Tower Defense, instead.
Of course, every game looks and plays very similarly... But why wouldn't they? There only needs to be one, and all of those dirty games you've never heard of like Mario or Heaven Will Be Mine never need to even be thought about. Nothing could ever need different gameplay, because we've already created the perfect game for all possible concepts!
Huh, can anyone figure out why this is tagged Dungeons and Dragons...?
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday - Olur of Mor Khazgur (painting prep steps)
I was tagged by @sylvienerevarine and @skyrim-forever, and Eve's lovely beadwork inspired me to post my current traditional media project. I actually have a degree in studio art, but it's been over a decade since I last picked up a pencil/paintbrush, so I'm slowly getting back into the groove of layout, surface prep, etc. Also some of my supplies have basically decomposed over the years, so further progress is waiting until I can get my hands on more white transfer paper.
Here is the original sketch of Olur of Mor Khazgur from Aristeia:
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I like to sketch on tracing paper - it's nice an smooth, and then I can iterate my drawings much more easily. When one drawing starts getting messy and there's too many marks and lines I don't like, just rip it off the pad, put it under the next sheet, and then I trace the lines I do like! It also makes it easy to experiment with different layouts and poses if I'm doing a more complex composition - just put each individual figure on a different sheet of tracing paper and move them around.
Steps completed so far under the cut!
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Contour plan for value areas
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Contour has been inked, scanned, and enlarged to fill an 11x14 inch area, to use with a 14x17 inch surface. This requires some cutting and pasting. Once this is done I will be able to use and re-use this contour drawing when I start painting.
I'm tagging @thana-topsy, @mareenavee, @gilgamish, @tallmatcha @dirty-bosmer and @greyborn2
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ladytanithia · 6 months
Writing WIP Wednesday (3/13)
I don't have an art WIP this week, because I haven't made any progress on any previous WIPs, and the recent pix I've done are complete and I'll be posting them on my art blog (@tanithias-art-blog) shortly. I haven't done any more on Miranja's original story lately, either, because I've been collaborating on some little side stories with @lillxart and her OC, Snow White! So this week's WIP is a couple of paragraphs from the sequel I've been writing to the story she wrote for me.
Tagging @dirty-bosmer @gwilin-stay-winnin @skyrim-forever @thequeenofthewinter - I feel like my friends are falling away, but they're off living their best lives, so more power to them!
Without further ado:
Snow had begun weeping as she spoke of Ondolemar. They’d wanted to marry, she said, but through her own misguided choices, he had died before they ever could. That was when she learned the pain of losing love, losing a loved one. And Miranja felt that pain right along with her. The women cried together with great, gasping sobs, even wails. Snow let go of her own arms and clung to Miranja, who turned to wrap both her arms around the smaller woman. Snow White had had her time to grieve and scream and curse and cry, but even so, she still felt the need from time to time, and retelling it had overcome her, despite her best efforts. Miranja, on the other hand, had yet to fully mourn Talvas. She’d never been alone long enough, and when she’d been with people, she’d been afraid of making them too uncomfortable by expressing her raw emotions. But here, alone with Snow, who was already crazy as a bedbug, she didn’t have to hold back. She could release her heart’s agony and wash a large part of the pain away with her cleansing tears, scream at the Divines or the Daedra – whoever was responsible for the turn of events that had ripped Talvas from her arms. They cried for different men, but they cried together in solidarity, and sharing the pain was comforting to both of them.
A traveler passing near the tower heard the sobbing and wailing, and ventured closer to see who was in such distress and whether he could help. But as he neared the end of the path leading to the tower’s steps, the skeleton guards snapped their attention toward him. He gasped, blood running cold, and with eyes and mouth wide with terror, he turned on his heel and ran as if the death hounds of Coldharbour were pursuing him. If there were armed skeletons, he reasoned through his unreasonable fear, then something terrible must be happening in that tower, perhaps a Daedric ritual with a human sacrifice. A certain old drunkard at the Dead Man’s Drink would be the only one to believe him when he told his tale.
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venusdevotea · 6 months
My Tavs!
I've been lurking on BG3 tumblr for a while, but I wanted to finally make a proper post showing off my characters! I've got a couple of campaigns going on, and I'm always looking to make new characters and explore different playstyles and think of fun lore. It's been so awesome to connect with other members of the community too, namely @basketobread's gorgeous mind and OC's, creator our best girl Lunara!
Without further ado, here is my first Tav Tal'riia!
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I had originally named her Karliah after the legendary archer of the nightingales in Skyrim, but then got annoyed that her name was too similar to Karlach's, so I changed it. I usually run rogues or clerics in my irl dnd campaigns, so again she was originally a rogue but then quickly realized Astarion was a rogue too so.... to make more sense having him in my party all the time, I changed her class to ranger and holy hell was that sick as FUCK. I made her strong type at first so she gives off femme himbo vibes (lovable loser rizz) because GOD I missed like half of the content in my first run.
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She is a Seladrine Drow Ranger!! Honestly haven't thought much of her personal lore because I just went for what I thought sounded super awesome to me off rip. I don't have any pictures of her in scene, because I just didn't think to take more tbh and I wasn't super proud of many of my choices and the things I missed in my excitement to finish the game asap to then.... start my next run!
Which brings us to my next two OC's, a re-run of Tal'riia's story and my first Durge Muerta! I... ended up deleting my first campaign and ran a whole do-over, since like I said, I felt increasingly dumb as time went on and after consuming more and more bg3 content online, I realized just how much I had missed in my first campaign.... SO brings us to a re-realized Tal'riia with a different skillset and playstyle. I went for sorcerer/tempest cleric, because I had heard how strong that build was, and with the cheats ring I got from the basket equipment mod, I had a lot of fun playing around. I've got a couple pics of her here:
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Tal'riia 2: Electric Boogaloo Seladrine Drow Sorcerer/Tempest Cleric (I'll post more pics of her when I get back to her story!)
Of course had to also start my first Durge Run, which I chose to go a good route (I'm too nice even in rp to go full evil, but idk, I might try it soon!) and I decided to run an eldrich fighter Durge because I feel fighter makes more sense of a chosen of Bhaal than a sorcerer? But idk that's just me. Here's Muerta!
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I actually have such an unhealthy obsession with her Muerta Half Wood-Elf Eldrich Knight Fighter (Yes the lightning jabber build) Heart of gold, little murder-y at times, but ultimately does resist her Urges. What's a little murder between friends!! Red rum is my drink of choice at a bar! POV: Durge is also casually your bff. Honestly pretty normal. Just don't meet the parents...... or the sister.
I'll share my next campaign in a separate post here. This campaign I'm running based on my dnd character I'm playing in an irl campaign with friends! I made our whole party in the character selection screen, but only moved forward with my character because.... there's only so many unfinished adventures I can have lol.
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minaharkers · 1 year
tagged by @aragorngf to categorize my ocs and make them in this picrew by crowsen!!  
♡ FAVORITE OC. (At the moment) 
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Lukas Warren — Fallout: New Vegas
This was cruel to make me pick between all of my kids but I think Lukas at the moment is always kicking around my head — my sweet boy my poor little meow meow. I have so much in my head about his relationship with his family both the complicated horror story that is his family and his adopted ghoul mom Majorie and how much that really shaped his worldview <3
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Caroline Clarke — Various
Cara my beloved!! She’s my OC for a post-apocalyptic RP group I’m in and I love her sm <3 She’s a hunter from West Virginia who’s still trying to getting used to living in a (somewhat) civilized part of Boston after living in the literal Appalachian woods for a solid three years with her brother. I’m excited to write with her more !! She’s a sweet person but is still sort of closed off after so much has happened 
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Aerie — The Elder Scrolls V: Skryim
Aerie is definitely one of my oldest ocs!! Skyrim was really one of the first rpgs I played and honestly I feel like she’s both gone through so many iterations but also stayed pretty consistent!! We love a wild girlie who the universe had to make her a short nord to balance out the whole dragon soul thing
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Ethan Warren — Fallout: New Vegas
Some people deal with their issues in all sorts of ways; Ethan decided to deal with it by razing his hometown to the ground <3 Having his father be burned instead of crucified like the Legion normally would to not give him the satisfaction of dying like jesus is understandable given what an awful person Richard Warren was, but joining the Legion and staying for years is a bad move maybe 🤔
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Merethel Lavellan — Dragon Age: Inquisition
This was tough between Merethel and Ophelia but I think he’s someone who’s got a quiet compassion to him. The role of inquisitor does chafe on him a lot with him being more comfortable behind the scenes and being with people one on one as a healer. But I think people tend to underestimate how intelligent he is at first with his gentle nature, because he definitely learns how to play the “game” of politics in his own right by the time of Trespasser (even if he is very eager to get rid of the Inquisitor title).
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Endaryn Ravel — The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Even before he lost his place at the Arcane University in Cyrodiil after being booted to Morrowind because the Emperor Said So (rip 😔) , Endaryn is someone who just wants to be left alone to study!! And stuff KEEPS happening to him and he just wants to finish his thesis can he please stop getting weird dream messages from Dagoth Ur
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Leondas Vendicci — The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
It’s not that he’s dumb, he just lacks any and all self-preservation or self-respect! <3 Jk, but Leondas is definitely the guy who acts first and thinks about it later when he realizes the consequences. A fuck around and find out kind of guy, you might say. But yeah, definitely the type to run into Oblivion portals without much of a plan. But he’s MY favorite dumbass so it’s okay
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Ophelia Faye — Fallout: 3
WOMEN! IN! STEM! Ophelia’s definitely the most intelligent; (I did actually give her a 10 in her Intelligence SPECIAL score). But I would say it’s pretty much all like science and medicine based intellect, and she’s the most comfortable in a lab or med bay than out in the Wasteland.
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Euurydia Daeron — Star Wars: The Old Republic
I have NO idea if Dia and I would actually hang out IRL but she’d be the most fun to hang out with. She’s the perfect extrovert to adopt an introvert like me and talk my ear off and convince me to try one drink and suddenly it’s 2 am and we’ve been cantina hopping in the Lower Promenade on Nar Shaddaa for hours
tagging: @statichvm @chuckhansen @denerims @indorilnerevarine @risingsh0t @leviiackrman @florbelles @unholymilf @fashionablyfyrdraaca
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do you have mod suggestions
Hey! So while I haven't ever really modded Skyrim myself (save for a failed attempt in 2016), I do know a number of mods that may interest you!
Beyond Skyrim: Bruma — a first tease at the bigger Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil mod that's to come. Revisit the city of Bruma over 200 years after the Oblivion Crisis. Tangle with Thalmor agents, some orc whose wife skipped town, the infamous Colovian fur helmet, and a visit to the beautiful Chapel of St. Martin.
Legacy of the Dragonborn — There's a museum opening up in Solitude just down the street from the Blue Palace. Entering ultimately sends the PC on numerous quests to find items to fill the museum with. I think I've heard that it's best to start the mod with a new character save and let the mod direct the game play.
Live Another Life: Alternate Start — Are you tired of the same carriage ride into Helgen, near death via dragon, and having to follow Ralof or Hadvar through the shortest most repetitive dungeon in the game? Then approach the talking statue of Mara and pick literally ANYTHING ELSE!!!
The Shire — Do you want to go to Middle-earth from Skyrim? Too bad. This is Middle-Nirn. Visit the Tolkien rip-off you always wanted in Skyrim and hang out with some hobbits. They're short. The rangers are angsty and speak in obvious light metaphors. BUT IT IS FUN SO GOOOO
Second Great War — Imperial? Stormcloak? . . . secretly a Thalmor wannabe? Lead the charge in the Second Great War and lead your side to victory — or defeat. Settings allow for customizable warfare, making each playthrough a new experience. Mod content starts post Skyrim Civil War.
N.B: These are five major mods that I know come highly recommended. There are others that I've heard are good, including the Skygerfall, Summerset, Tools of Kagrenac, Serana Dialogue Addon, Midwood Isle, Clockwork Castle, and Saints and Seducers Extended, but I don't know enough to give more in-depth information. HeavyBurns on YouTube is worth checking out as he has multiple mod list videos that go through expanding or changing different parts of the game.
If any of my followers want to share their modalists, that'd be much appreciated!
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dazzlerazz · 6 months
Yup, was talking about ymfah 😔
("main" here too hi)
I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt, I checked the comments and even the Reddit thread for any kind of confirmation (because several people also had suspicions, especially after the Top Gear parody that also had no credit or mention of AI use but it HAD to), and he said "90% of lines are ripped straight from the game"
Anyway, decided to unsub until he gives proper credit and discloses the use of AI at the very least, I love his videos but this lack of transparency is utterly scummy in its own way
Hi! Also this is unrelated but I remember you because you commented on one of my pre-release Engage posts so hello! 👋
I didn't even know the top gear one was partially ai 😭😭 now that really sucks. I decided to unsub as well because I can't in good conscious continue watching when he's using ai voices, especially when those people specifically asked for their voices not to be trained off of
He used to be the number 1 youtuber I'd watch to get to sleep, I couldn't even count how many times I've watched his "beating skyrim without walking" one, I could probably quote the intro to it right now
It's sad that it's come to this. Yeah hiring voice actors is going to cost money but those two worlds are so WILDLY different. I can only hope that ymfah doesn't truly understand the gravity of using ai voices, that it's ignorance rather than malicious, because it's so so sad
I'll keep an eye out for any comments from him in the future on it but considering that he's kept his lips shut so far my hopes are not high
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mallowmaenad · 8 months
19, 26, 34?
19:A fact about your personality
I have multiple.
26:My biggest pet peeves
Being rude to servers, wasting food, people that project their feelings onto the actions of domesticated animals and babies for fun, when an easily recognizable thing in a foreign piece of media gets localized into something stupid, "cute" animal videos where the animal is being mistreated, exotic pet owners, expensive rice, expensive soda, when tv shows' seasons are spread over multiple streaming services vs. all being on one or more, people that find kate upton attractive, people raising their voices, cars that have the bass turned up so loud you hear the chassis rattling like its going to explode more than you hear the actual music, people that tell you to "just google it", ghosting, people making arguments against nobody because they want to look enlightened, christians acting oppressed, people that hate the homestuck and hlvrai fanbase, people that make fandom their whole personalities, conspicuous consumption, people who talk about firebombing walmarts n shit who have never done anything in their lives to help their communities, when I send something to someone for them to read and they never get around to reading it because they don't have the patience to, overconfident men, when someone eggs me on and on to play a video game so we can play together and then when I start playing it they suddenly don't have any time to play it with me anymore, when settings have lore than make whole swaths of species ontologically evil, people who are picky about grammar and spelling, people who say skyrim is the worst elder scrolls game, having to play tabletop RPGs by "official play" guidelines, delivery fees that don't even go to the delivery driver, people who talk about cool weapons "not being practical", hats with poor craftsmanship, the feel of wearing converse shoes, youtube accent, cis white dudes being at the forefront of progressiveness in pop culture, people assuming you understand whatever references they make to a thing adjacent to something you do know about but personally don't care about, farting in my direction, uncreative misappropriation of the word "golem", wanting to fuck league of legends characters, people that think cat girls are more popular than puppy girls in real life, deodorant, people that get pissy about buying pre-minced garlic, when arizona ice tea is more expensive than 1 dollar a can, mr. beast's face, the term "thicc" and its consequences, people who like fat asses and thick thighs who hate it when girls are fat, when people conflate the dnd class list as having actual ramifications in wider fantasy media, people who think weed is bad, asking for criticism and only receiving complaints, people that say chinese-american or texmex cuisine isnt "authentic", formalities, out of character lewd fanart especially if it's of a strong, dominant woman in a submissive position with toned down muscles, when RPGs butch bait me,
blonde girls with no personality, NHentai's tag search system, mid shounen dominating the western anime scene, when someone says something is "so gay" but its just their fandom headcanons, when one take from a post or article gets so popular when you bring up the thing it's related to people can't not bring it up every time the topic appears, people that try to get the attention of zoo animals, people that own over 700 dollars worth of firearms that aren't collectors like actual collectors not fuckin Clint from the suburbs that feels like a man only cause he owns an AR-15 and a Desert Eagle , lack of cool and edgy plus size character designs, when people call transphobic caricatures "GNC AF", gum immediately losing its flavor, the olive oil industry, when people tell me "just emulate it" or "just pirate it" and roll their eyes when I tell them I'm worried about viruses, games that rip off grand theft auto, when charity bundles on itch.io are 80% unfinished PWYW proof of concept demos put there to get good will advertising, people who are concerned with Wario's honor, lack of plus size yuri, people who turn their noses up to foreign foods, RPGs with character customization that won't let you play as a girl, doing my taxes, when people are coy about details, dudes that want to fuck alstolfo, slowed with reverb remixes, the memeification of phonk, the price of video games, waiting on game downloads after putting the disc into the console, people doing me favors and getting passive-aggressive about it later when I didn't ask for it/tried to ease the burden of it as much as possible, when people ask me what I want on my burger when the menu clearly outlines what toppings the burger is meant to come with, trying to find a tf2 classic server without additional weapon mods that break the game, polo shirts
34:What I find attractive in women
Interesting personality, eager to praise, understanding, warm, enjoys eating, weird, decent fashion sense, messy bedroom/car, doesn't wear any strong artificial scents, progressive stances on neurodivergence and psychology, physically affectionate, has incorporated something like a kind of animal or fantastical concept into their identity, caring, vaguely maternal at times, willing to play video games and watch youtube poops, sense of humor, soft, will do drugs with me in a level-headed manner, likes goofy looking cocktails and desserts, not above eating a 5 dollar hamburger on a date, into fat girls, has a broad definition of what sex is, ideally transgender, nice lap to lay head in, endurance to have 300lbs on top of them for some period of time, willing to buy things for me, kinky in a cringe way, a bit ugly (by society's standards), older than me, into obscure animes and music, appreciates a good cup of coffee, lax style, cringe resistant, quiet, into plushies, total nerd, in terms of appearance I like a very diverse range of those to the point where it doesn't factor in as much but I find conventionally attractive people boring and visible ribs make me feel concerned and uncomfortable
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skylordgrey · 9 months
What games have you played if you can name them all? I feel this'll be a long list
I'll put them under a post break to not annoy tumblr and the tumblr gods -v-
Sonic 1 Sonic 2 Sonic 3 Sonic & Knuckles Sonic CD Sonic Racing Sonic Kart Sonic Heroes Sonic Generations Sonic Adventure DX Sonic Forces (Sue me, I liked it) Mario Party (On the switch, idk what number it is) Mario Kart Wii Team Fortress 2 Call of Duty MW Call of Duty MW2 Call of Duty MW3 Call of Duty MW Remade Call of Duty MW2 Remade (I'm not touching the shit pile of a 3rd) Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Medal of Honour Rising Sun Terraria Minecraft Minecraft Story Mode TellTale The Walking Dead (All Seasons) TellTale Game of Thrones Assassins creed 1 - Valhalla (Never played Freedom Cry or the spin off of the 3rd, nor the DLCs or mobile games) Wolf Quest Classic Wolf Quest Anniversary Edition GMod Portal Portal 2 Fnaf 1 Phasmophobia Cry of Fear (reluctantly) Undertale Deltarune TLoZ: Botw TLoZ: TOTK (my fav) Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (Also a fav) A.O.T 2 Dragon Quest: Hand of the Heavenly Bride Pokemon Yellow Pokemon ORAS Pokemon Moon Pokemon Sword Pokemon Violet Animal Crossing Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly Spyro: New Beginning Spyro: Eternal Night Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon (i like it) Guardians of Ga'Hoole GTA5 Red Dead Redemption Red Dead Redemption 2 Roblox Slime Rancher Heavy Rain Stray Skyrim TES:O Wizard101 ToonTown Club Penguin (rip) OpenRealms
thats all i can think of off the top of my head
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timew0und · 1 year
a year or so ago i posted this on my previous blog & have finally found it, so here is part one of the soundtrack to remilia’s life aka before the main questline of skyrim begins .... i hope u enjoy <3
before the title reveal [ . . . ] title reveal. skyrim's main theme by taylor davis (cover).
SCENE . . . begins overlooking a vast flowing field, of soft greens & hazy violets. springtime breezes stir the tall grass & lavender stalks with lover's caress as the beginning of the cover plays. a young woman appears before the camera, back to us as the audience. with dark, dark hair to her hips, braided messily but with care, simplistic dress of white close to body & feet bare of shoes. one hand comes to brush against nature before her, & the camera pans upwards, around, to her face. eyes of green fire meet ours, & the theme picks up, as if saying: ah, here she is! our girl, our hero. camera continues to rise, up up up to the pale blue skies—thus title is revealed [0:41], & then a line from a poem fades in. it reads: CHORUS: o, sad one. some heavy god has put more pain on you than any other human being.
the beginning. talia's theme by two steps from hell.
SCENE . . . begins pitch-black. howling winds, mournful & cruel. night sky is shown, pale stars barely evident under blanket of darkened clouds & blanket of night. howling winds fade & theme begins as we follow a snowbank up to a tiny, ramshackle barn of rotting wood & rusting nails. upon a straw pillow—oh, how scratchy & uncomfortable it looks—& with a lone wool blanket 'round frame, a young woman sits within barn; the same young woman from before, but more frail, more terror-ridden, more frightened prey even with no predator in sight [0:18]. a blackbird with its beady, all-knowing eyes stares from windowsill, cloaked in darkness. her eyes are closed for a moment, then open & lift to the landscape outside. her knees are pulled towards her chest, head leaning on arms, mesmerized by sights & sounds of a rare winter upon the land of high rock [0:25]. lonely, lonely, lonely… she is terribly lonely. is this all there is? is this all there will be? same blackbird is our camera, flying out & back to the sky [0:32], beginning its roam over the village. not a soul is out, & all lanterns are extinguished. then: pitch-black once more.
the dreams (visions?) begin [ . . . ] the divines call! prologue by ramin djawadi.
SCENE . . . where are we? where is that young woman? it is unknown as of yet where we are, what we are seeing; what we are supposed to be seeing. a cave, perhaps? deep within the earth? coal-black walls, yet cracks reveal bright, scarlet fire, or mayhaps molten lava. [0:00 - 0:46] then, a monstrous roar, a shaking of the screen! a voice, a language guttural & powerful & ancient. dovahkiin! somewhere within the depths, there rises a cacophony of a girl's screams & wails & sobs. we, as the audience, know only one concept from what we are given: everything is hurting, everything is burning, & everything is changing. nothing shall be the same again. NOTE . . . this theme plays all the way through, the ferocity of the flames & the shaking of the screen growing stronger & stronger as do the wails.
awakening [ . . . ] where are you, child? fate awaits. eastern path by vangelis.
SCENE . . . the young woman is back in our sights. she is in a restless state of sleep-wake, eyes moving rapidly under thin lids, bottom lip quivering & brow furrowing. expression of terror & despair stays frozen 'pon delicate features, sweaty & flushed. awakening with a startle, her chest heaves & she gasps for air, hand coming to bosom as if heart hurts. despite the almost-freezing temperatures she has lain in, she feels as though she is on fire; as though her body, her soul itself, is aflame. tunic-dress is ripped off with violent, frenzied movements, though nothing is shown except her bare back. a call to run, to move: she knows not where she shall go, but she knows she cannot stay here any longer.
journey begins [ . . . ] fate will not wait for thee. wandering jane by dario marianelli.
SCENE . . . o'er hills, o'er ice-lands. the journey is not pleasant, nor kind. weather does not sympathize, nor do the gods wait. she stumbles, she falls, she rises. she cries into her palms, she skins her kneecaps, bruises her body, speaks to no one but the watching wilderness & watching moons & sun. yet she falters not, for fate is a rope 'round ivory neck, & it pulls her ever-forward.
border of change [ . . . ] border of rebirth. winter by paul halley.
SCENE . . . the crone who took her in, brought her away from death's arms, spoke in prophecies with glazed hues of the bluest blue. in a language unknown to all but the pillars of reality itself, she asks: what is your name, girl? & thus the girl speaks: remilia. secret revealed: it has been her fate since her birth, since before her birth, since before her great-grandmother's birth, before her great-great-great-great-great-grandmother's birth: this prophecy. she feels the heaviness of the world upon her frail shoulders, feels the burn of the rope of prophecy upon the tender skin of her neck, threatening to hang. from past to present to future untold: it is her duty to defeat the great evil that shall follow her to the ends of time. only one shall survive, & it must be her. sobs escape her mouth as she dashes out of the tent. falling to her knees, she lifts her head to the sky & gives a soundless scream of why? why me? i am nothing, i offer nothing. please, this cannot be given to me. NOTE . . . as soon as the woman looks up from remilia’s palms & says but one phrase — you are the last dragonborn, it must be you — in her quiet, slow voice, the scene cuts to the tent flap being shoved open, as if the poor girl cannot get out fast enough.
stages o' grief unfolded, denial [ . . . ] must i truly do this? once upon a december by emile pandolfi.
SCENE . . . she has not written much before. though taught by those in the village that saw & pitied her, she has not had need nor want to simply sit & write. her letters are small & a bit lopsided, the ink messy from where she pressed too hard on certain strokes, & while she tries to angle her head away when tears begin to flow, they too stain the paper. it is a note of leaving: a thank you & goodbye to the woman who saved her life & taught her so much; of the gods, of the land, of survival, of what she must endure.
stages o' grief unfolded, acceptance [ . . . ] yes, i must. under an ancient sun by jeremy soule.
SCENE . . . evidently, some time has passed: perhaps a day or two. dawn arrives, with birdsong & breeze. we see nothing but the whiteness of snow, as far as the eye can see, mountain-tops & pine trees. the crackling of snow underneath footsteps. then, a fur-lined boot comes into view. the camera rises to her face: she is nervous, terrified even. but her mouth is set into a tight line, her brows furrowed. she raises a hand to the amulet of kyne now lain ‘round her neck: a gift from the woman before. with a shaky inhale, her journey begins. NOTE . . . the music is already playing by the time the sun breaks over the mountains. it continues on.
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qrowsofafeather · 6 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by @fickleminder
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 14
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 73,274
3. What fandoms do you write for? Transformers, Obey Me!, Deltarune, original content
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? They're not themed for this blog - not sexual but still sensitive content - so I'm not linking them. I can send the links if asked but they're very much Reader Beware. Links are in reblog.
Two Tsun-deres And A Yan- - 59
Digging Your Own (Snow)Grave - 29
Spotter - 25
(Give A) Pass On - 22
Trompement - 18
5. Do you respond to comments? Don't get many, but every time. :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Prompt 1.07?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Umm Spotter?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Yes. Someone ripped off my idea (admitted to) and made shameless mockery of my self-insert. And some from my old RPing days, still not sure why.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Used to. I now block anyone who 'asks' and I've gotten a ridiculous amount of hate (and bizarre accusations) for refusing.
10. Do you write crossovers? Yes but I'm not confident enough to post them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not entirely, just ideas.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I used to do collaborative writing all the time and am trying to regain my muse for it (Transformers Tumblr fandom lmao)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? TFA Skywarp x TFA Cliffjumper and it's a hill I will die on.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I actually had a Skyrim: Dawnguard one with an alternate ending to the final fight with Miraak but I misplaced it years back and can't be bothered to recreate it.
16. What are your writing strengths? Writing characters so that not only are they not-1D and stand on their own, but also move - that is to say, accurate and detailed. 'show, don't tell' - also characters can discover each others' secrets not known to the reader
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I generally have one or two sub-plots woven into my writing, but apparently not enough for people to pick up on, which is kind of sad. Also dialogue; it just feels like two people taking turns monologuing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? translation errors can be hilarious - I speak a small amount of Spanish so whenever that's the language I go :D
19. First fandom you wrote for? Transformers :)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Two Tsun-deres And A Yan- is my baby and I was super proud of it. And the one from 2010 I'm determined to finish.
I don't know who (else) to tag ._. do it if you want? I'd like to know
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clavicuss-vile · 2 years
IWANT TO KNOW MORE ABT MARROW AND NYMERIA SO BAD IM GRASPIBG @ THEM WITH VIGOR.. for the ask game what abt 33 and 22 for both of them (if you are down) !!❓
ffrogey beloved i will paypal you my firstborn
my funky little college babies i lov them <3 lesgo with the questions !!
33) when creating your character, did you take inspiration from characters in other media? or just other media in general? name them, if any!
Hmmmm god yes im almost certain i did,,, i'm just trying to think what it was. Her name was ripped straight out of Game of Thrones because its a gorgeous name, and she takes a LOT of inspiration design-wise from Almalexia (makes sense considering she's her mother) I think vaguely story-wise she also takes some inspo from Daenerys Targaryen because they both have themes of discovering their history and taking back their "birthright" throne, difference being Daenerys knows who she is and Nymeria has absolutely no idea aside from a little telvanni necklace. I think she also got inspiration from that one dunmer in riften for that bit too!
22) if they were to have a social media profile, what would it look like? the username, bio, type of thing they’d post about, etc.
ooooo okay. i think during her time at the college of winterhold it would be something like: @/PersimmonCrabs 🌸 Studying dunmer history at the College of Winterhold 🌸 She/Her 🌸Please DM me if you find any artifacts or historical records from Morrowind! 💜 Her favourite fruit is persimmons and she has a little palm-sized dwarven crab automaton that Marrow fixed up for her that helps her with her studies (brings her a pencil or a sheet of paper, whatever she needs), also she would definitely use proper grammar and spellings for everything, 100% the type to end all her messages with "thank you lovely xx" I think she'd mostly post pretty aesthetic photos, selfies, photos of her hanging out with her classmates, and whatever the tamrielic equivalent of starbucks would be. Her account would have a purple theme and if the photo didn't have purple in it she'd either add a filter or a few stickers or drawings to make it suit the theme!
33) when creating your character, did you take inspiration from characters in other media? or just other media in general? name them, if any!
Marrow my sweetheart. I'm so bad with remembering where i got inspiration this is embarrassing 😭. I know i built them first off entirely around seeing the skull face paint in Skyrim and thought "wouldn't it be cute if i gave the sweetest purest character that". Her design came mostly from the water tribe's clothing in avatar the last airbender actually! never watched it but absorbed the fandom through osmosis. also this video made me want to make a character that would love cooking (well, making) foods like that, and thus marrow was born!
22) if they were to have a social media profile, what would it look like? the username, bio, type of thing they’d post about, etc.
Pure and utter chaos. Unlike Nymeria's there'd be absolutely 0 theme or put-togetherness, if it's an instagram-based platform she'd have story highlights dedicated to cooking recipes, tips + tricks for college, silly selfies, pictures of his friends, etc. For the acc itself: @/marshmari they/she/he !! genderfluid & pan !! dwemer ruins > nordic ruins fight me i'll win !! pls stop stealing books from the arcaneum :( Mari is the nickname her tribe call her, and marsh comes from how she got her name, when the khajiit tribe found her she couldn't pronounce marshmerrow and thus the name Marrow was born. Her posts would be an absolute mess of adorable pictures of her pets, book recommendations, gorgeous falmeri carvings she finds on expeditions followed immediately by a photo of Kin'aru sticking his hand into a dwemer automaton and screaming when he gets stuck, aaaaaand i think she'd also have an art account called @/onionhater where she posts all her paintings :))) grammar simply does not exist on her page
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