#rip to my sleep schedule it lasted a little over a week
elven-butts · 1 year
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☽ two 100% normal girls on a night stroll ☾
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myseungsunglove · 9 months
Do Something | Ksm
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Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Reader 
Warnings: angst, but fluff to wrap it up
Word Count:  2.5k
𖠫Summary: The reader can’t keep her feelings to herself anymore when it comes to Kim Seungmin. After a particularly trying day busy with practices and an impending concert, she explodes on her best friend, spilling her feelings for him but doesn’t exactly go about expressing those feelings in the best way. 
✎A/N✎: I seriously meant for this to be a short drabble. This story has been in my head for weeks and I thought I could tell it quickly before laying down to sleep. Here I am 2.5k words later and this is anything but quick and short. I should have known. My biggest brain thoughts happen in the middle of the night. I’ve been reliving this story over and over on my own for weeks, now you guys can share in the drama with me. Sorry bout you. :p 
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「© September 10, 2023 by mysweethannie」
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It had been a long day of rehearsal and prep for your upcoming performance at Lollapalooza with the boys. You had been on edge all day because it had really felt like you had been going non-stop for much too long. As a result, your nerves were fried and your patience was thin. 
Your best friend, Seungmin, was always in tune with your mood. As the nine of you walked to the cars waiting for you outside ready for Lee Know and Changbin to drive you to a mini retreat before your next busy schedule, Seungmin grabbed your hand as a comfort as he always did when you were exhausted or having a rough day. 
Today though, you had no patience for it. You had harbored feelings for your best friend for much too long and with your emotions on high alert after an exhausting day, the last thing you needed was comfort from your best friend who was never going to feel the same way about you that you did about him. 
As he grabbed your hand starting to interlace his fingers with yours as he was so accustomed to, you ripped your hand away. You could feel his eyes rise up to look at your face, and you just knew that stupid puppy look was plastered on his face. You refused to look at him because you knew if you did, your resolve would crumble and you would cave. So you ran ahead, leaving Seungmin to walk by himself and grabbed Chan’s arm, leaning up against him, resting your head on his shoulder as you walked. You were certain that Seungmin was very likely burning holes in the back of your head with his eyes as you walked. 
“Hey, Y/n-nah,” Chan smiled down at you, placing a comforting hand on top of yours. “You feeling any better than earlier?” 
“It’s been a busy few weeks, Chan,” you sighed. “My battery is more depleted than I thought. I’m sorry for taking it out on you.” 
“Hey! Don’t apologize. I think we’re all a little on edge. Maybe this tiny bit of time we are getting away will help?” he offered. 
“Yeah, maybe,” you mused, your head somewhere other than the conversation you were having with Chan. You reached the back of an SUV and Chan opened up the trunk. You took your backpack off your back, and set it into the vehicle. As soon as the bag was discarded into the car, there was a pair of long arms wrapping around your waist, the clean smell of soap filling your senses as Seungmin rested his chin against your neck. You could feel his warm breath against your skin and goosebumps prickled up in response. 
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t just get absolutely rejected by my best friend and let you sit by me on the trip,” he teased, his words dancing across your skin. 
You visibly shook him off and turned quickly to face him. There was a look of utter confusion on his face as you spoke. 
“Seungmin, are you ever going to do something about this or are we going to be forever stuck in this cycle of will they won’t they?” you blurted out. He stared at you, opened mouthed, his hands now resting on your waist as you looked into his eyes, searching them for any hint or clue that he felt even the tiniest bit of something for you. All you saw was confusion. 
“Do something?” he questioned dumbly, his eyes darting back and forth between yours as if he were trying to read your mind, desperately seeking an answer to a question he wasn’t comprehending. 
You pushed away from him then, your impatience flaring into anger and you couldn’t stop the next words to come tumbling out of your mouth. 
“Yeah, fucking do something about this,” you gestured between the two of you as you took another step back. “This constant tension that is bubbling just below the surface between us every time we touch,” you rambled. “Which, by the way, is all the fucking time,” you add, gesturing wildly. “Or are you just not even remotely interested in doing anything with me and you just like that you can hold my hand and cuddle up to me without the obligation of anything more?” you accused. You felt bad the minute you said it, but there was no turning back now. 
“What are you…” Seungmin started but you cut him off.
“No, don’t. It’s obvious we are not on the same page. I can’t do this right now. Fuck. How could I have thought there could be… anything more,” you trailed off walking away. “Chan, I’m switching cars,” you told him as you walked by, making a beeline for Lee Knows car where Jisung and Felix had already climbed into the backseat, IN opening the front door to take his place. 
“Y/n, wait,” Seungmin pleaded desperately trying to follow after you. 
“Chan, do not let him follow me,” you growled as you walked around the back of the car and swung open the back door of the car where Felix was settling in. “I mean it,” you glared at Chan. 
He immediately put an arm up to Seungmin’s chest, stopping him from following you. The look on his face was nothing short of panic and confusion. You wanted so bad to make that go away, but you knew he had to get there on his own. Whatever that looked like. 
You looked down at Felix and tears started falling immediately. 
“Oh god, what’s going on?” he asked, his big, soft eyes staring up at you. 
“I just,” you started, but couldn’t continue as you dissolved into uncontrollable tears. 
Felix was immediately up and out of the car, his arms wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you tightly against his chest. You slumped in his hold and cried. You could feel him placing a hand on the back of your head, stroking it softly. You also felt the vibration of his deep, calming voice as he spoke, but you were so lost in the flurry of events that had just happened, you didn’t hear a word he said. He pulled you into the car with him, guiding you to sit in the middle seat and slid in behind you, pulling the door close. 
“We can’t all sit back here,” you mumbled, sniffling pathetically as you looked from Han to Felix. 
“Shut up, yes we can,” Han said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his hold. “What the hell happened?” he asked Felix as you cried in his arms. 
“I’ve got no clue,” he said as Lee Know climbed in the driver’s seat.  
“So you finally said something?” Lee Know asked as he put on his seatbelt and started the car. 
You nodded in response to Lee Know’s words, not brave enough to look up at him. 
“Hmmm,” he responded. “He’ll sort his shit out,” he added. 
“Oh shit,” In mumbled from the front seat. You had forgotten he was there. “Noona, what did he say?” 
“Nothing. Fucking nothing at all,” you said, wiping your tears away as you pulled away from Jisung and sat up in the seat. You ran your fingers through your hair, before you brought your head to rest against the palms of your hands while your elbows rested on your knees. “He looked at me like I had grown two heads,” you added. 
“You fucking idiot, Kim Seungmin,” Jisung mumbled from beside you, rumbing your back softly. 
You shook your head. 
“No, I’m the idiot.”
“Fat chance,” Felix interjected. “You finally tell him how you feel and he does nothing? You’re not the idiot here,” he reassures you. 
You looked up then, looking around the car. All eyes were trained on you. Even Lee Know was glancing back at you as he headed for the gas station to fill up before driving on to the condo you guys had reserved for the night. 
“I didn’t exactly tell him,” you said, shaking your head. “I more accused him of wanting to benefit from the physical intimacy of our relationship without having to invest emotionally in it.” 
“Whoa,” Jisung whispered beside you. 
“Ugh, I know,” you choked out. “God, why can’t I be normal for once in my fucking life?” 
“The day I speak perfect english,” Lee Know sassed as he got out to pump gas. It made the atmosphere shift a little in the car, everyone laughing. 
“Come on, let's run to the bathroom and grab you a drink,” Han said, opening the door and grabbing your hand, dragging you from the car. 
You walked past the other car where Seungmin was filling up the SUV. He looked up as you passed, his eyes somewhat red rimmed and a brooding look on his face. When your eyes met, his glance softened, and you could see words dancing across his lips that were dying to come out but he didn’t say a word. 
You quickly used the restroom. When you came out, Felix was shaking two waters at you and handed one to you, then grabbed your hand and walked back to the car with you. Han was quickly there too, an arm thrown over your shoulder as the three of you walked together. It was like they were your protectors. If only they could protect your heart from yourself, you thought as you climbed into the car. Seungmin had already returned to the back seat of Changbin’s car. 
The rest of the trip went on, the boys doing their best to distract you from everything that had happened before you left. This day was supposed to be about STAYs and here it had turned into a complete disaster. Lee Know drove through McDonald’s, ordering everyone food and IN played DJ in the front seat. As you cruised down the dark road, Han sleeping soundly beside you and Felix singing along with the song, you glanced down at your phone to see that you had a string of messages from Seungmin. You didn’t open them. You just shoved your phone back into your pocket, and tried to shove down your feelings as well. 
The other car beat you to your destination, but none of it’s occupants, save Kim fucking Seungmin were waiting for you. He stood in the parking lot with his hands shoved in his black pants, black framed glasses resting on his face, a blue plaid shirt clinging to his broad shoulders. His eyes watched as Lee Know parked the car. Immediately he made a beeline for the car. 
He pulled open Felix’s door just as harshly as you had back at the company. 
“Out,” he said, his voice low and gruff. “Now,” he added with a warning. 
“Down boy,” Lee Know said from the front seat, but got out all the same. “Let’s go, fellas,” he called after the rest of the car. 
Han squeezed your leg and pushed open his door. 
“Just tell him the truth,” he whispered against your temple before placing a quick kiss there and getting out of the car. 
Felix looked over at you, a look on his face that said he thought he would betray you by getting out of the car and leaving you alone with Seungmin. 
“It’s okay,” you assured him. 
He climbed out reluctantly, shoving past Seungmin a little more roughly than usual. 
You saw Seungmin’s jaw clench and his shoulders bristle, but he didn’t respond to Felix, he just climbed into the car and sat where Felix had. 
“Seungmin, I…” you started but you were abruptly cut off. 
You barely had time to register that the two of you were alone in the car before Seungmin’s hands were delicately cupping your cheeks, his lips crashing less delicately and more desperately against your own. At first you were shocked, your eyes wide, your body tense. The moment your brain caught up with what was happening, you reached out for Seungmin, your hands wrapping around his small waist and pulling him against you, the kiss becoming more intense as his tongue tangled with yours. 
After many breathless moments, how long you weren’t really sure, Seungmin pulled away from you, his lips swollen from their first encounter with yours. 
His forehead rested against yours and he sighed heavily. 
“Are we on the same page now?” he asked, his breath fanning across your face. “I did something about it,” he added, almost more to himself than to you. 
“You definitely did do something,” you agreed. You moved your hands from being wrapped around him and placed them on the sides of his face. “Seungmin, are you sure that was something you wanted?” you asked, almost afraid of the answer. 
“I love you,” he let out in a whisper. “I have for so long. I have no fucking clue you ever wanted anything more,” he admitted.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little. 
You pressed your lips against his again, this time it was soft and comforting a stark difference from the desperate first kiss from before. His lips moved against your like they were made to do so. 
“Most best friends don’t act like we do, Min,” you tell him. “We’re so close. How was I ever going to do anything other than fall in love with you, you idiot?” 
He smiled then, his eyes lighting up for the first time. 
“Really?” he asked. 
“Really,” you confirmed. “I’m so sorry for what I said back there. I’m exhausted and I lashed out and before I could stop it, I had made a big fucking mess with my stupid ass words and I didn’t know how to take it back.” Your hands fell from his face then, into your lap. 
He immediately grabbed both of your hands, holding them in his. 
“I’m used to your messes,” he said gently. “You usually tell me what you’re thinking,” he added. “Why didn’t you tell me this?” 
“The same reason I guess you didn’t tell me,” you shrugged. “I was afraid you didn’t feel the same.” 
“I’ve felt this way from the moment I first met you,” Seungmin admitted. “I’m gonna be here waiting even through the shitty times if you’ll have me.” 
You pulled him into a hug then, your face falling into his neck and breathing him in. Everything about him was comforting and you were wishing like hell you had just talked to him instead of blowing up at him, but you couldn’t change that now. 
“If you can put up with me, of course I’ll have you Kim Seungmin,” you say. “It always has been and always will be you.” 
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soulrph · 2 years
as requested by a powerfully patient and endlessly lovely nonnie!! there will be more lists like this, because frankly, parenthood is a whole theme park of roller coasters with unique challenges and milestones in each of them! but these are for parents who have recently become parents to a newborn! i also have requests for prompts based on foster families and adopted children, but i'd like to do my own research before i dive too deeply into those, because obviously the rules vary from country to country, but i digress! i sincerely hope you all enjoy these! unclench your jaw, drink some water, roll back your shoulders! DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST PLEASE!!
" if you waken that baby, so help me god, there won't be a corner of the universe that will protect you from my wrath. "
" do you wanna hold him/her/them? here, it's okay! just support the neck like... yeah, there you go! you got it! "
" no, no, it's okay, i'm not going anywhere. the baby spit up on everything i own except this sparkly little number, so i'm waiting for the washing cycle to end until i can change out of this! come on in. "
" i don't think i've had a full night's sleep since the baby came along. "
" i'm gonna train this kid, night and day, until they say my name before yours. that's my goal. my name is gonna be their first word. "
" i love my baby. more than i ever dreamed possible! but they've kept me awake since the second they were born! i seriously need a nap... could you keep an eye on them until i wake up? just twenty minutes, i promise you! "
" it kinda feels like every single person in the world suddenly has a PhD in parenting to make me feel incompetent with. "
" i think our sweet angel's gonna be a rock star with that set of lungs! "
" we need a new babysitter. preferably one who won't read rosemary's baby to our newborn. "
" god, they're so precious when they're asleep... can you believe we're that kid's parents?! "
" how can something so tiny go through a billion diapers every single day?! "
" they smiled at me today! actually smiled, i swear! that baby is a genius! and no, it wasn't trapped gas, before you say it. "
" that darling child ripped a fistful of my hair out today, so if you see a bald spot, now you know why it's there. "
" shh... shh, honey, it's okay. the baby woke up, but i'm handling it. you just go back to sleep now, okay? "
" i was thinking... if, for whatever reason, i'm not able to take care of the baby, i was wondering if you might be okay with being their legal guardian? "
" so pre-schools aren't only super competitive, they've also got some insanely high standards now, too! one of them won't even let me bring my car in unless it's completely emission-free! "
" the baby has a remarkably dark sense of humour. they only seem to laugh when i stub my damn toe on the crib at 4 in the morning. "
" we had a somewhat violent reaction at the diaper station this morning. so that meant i had to bathe and change the little cherub twice in ten minutes, and then go take another shower and find new clothes unscathed by infant vandals again. "
" he/she/they have your eyes. and your batshit insane sleep schedule. "
" you know what really pisses me off? when people act as though new parents have it easy. like a newborn is the easiest thing in the world to handle. i'd like to see them make coffee, change a diaper and fold a onesie one-handed! "
" isn't it so crazy that this tiny little human, who can't even hold their own head up yet, might be like, a president or something one day? "
" i'm really sorry, i know we had plans tonight, but i literally just got the baby to sleep and all i wanna do is lie down and eat the leftovers of a bag of potato chips until i fall asleep. i haven't showered all week, i can't remember the last time i wore clean clothes, and... it's just not gonna work out tonight. "
" i figured you wouldn't have much time to cook, what with the baby and all. so i decided i'd bring a lasagna and some groceries over to you, and i can keep an eye on the little one while you take a nice hot shower and eat your dinner in peace! "
" hey... relax. i promise you, the babysitter can handle it for a few hours! and if they need you, they've got your phone number, right? so just... take a night off. sit back. enjoy yourself. the baby is fine, i promise you! "
" you know, if you guys wanted a date night, i could mind the baby for you? "
" i swear, this baby is the freaking jackpot of excuses to not attend all those events! all the times i wanted to throw sharon's awful hummus at her face during those dinner parties, and now i don't even have to go anymore, all because of this beautiful, wonderful little baby! "
" i mean, sure, sometimes i'm crying 24/7 and i don't know what the hell i'm doing! but then i'll tickle the baby's little foot and they'll laugh for thirty minutes, and it just makes me so insanely, immeasurably happy! "
" what do you think? will we try for baby number two? make this little angel a big brother/sister/sibling? "
" i need a night out. please. i'm begging you. i cannot sing another single note of baby shark! please, even a trip to the grocery store would do! "
" god, couldn't you just sit and watch them sleep forever? "
" oh god, he/she/they're crying! the baby's crying! oh man, is that a hungry cry or a diaper cry?! talk to me, little baby! "
" i cannot believe we just paid four figures for a cradle when the baby won't even sleep unless they're in our arms... "
" you know, that little baby is so freaking lucky to have you as their mom/dad/parent. "
" a-actually, maybe you better keep holding them. i mean, what if i hurt them by accident? or what if i scare them? babies don't like me, they never have! "
" you know, i always thought newborn babies looked like potatoes. but this kid is pretty darn cute! "
" i believe congratulations are in order. where's the new addition? "
" i never realized how expensive diapers were until now... "
" mm... honey, the baby... the baby's crying. wake up, baby, go help the baby... "
" nice try, but i got the baby the last time. it's your turn now. probably a diaper change, too, by the sound of it. "
" how can someone so tiny drink so much freaking milk?! "
" i wish people would quit acting like parenting experts every single time they see me. believe it or not, i do know what i'm doing! "
" some stranger on the bus decided to let me know i was a terrible mother/father/parent for not choosing to raise the baby on a vegan diet. "
" did you think of any baby names yet? or is this sweet little angel still anonymous? "
" i'm thinking we should decorate the nursery while the baby's still napping. i got the paint in my car; what do you think? "
" this baby is officially more extroverted than me! every single person we met in the park, this socializing star was waving and smiling at them like crazy! "
" oh my god, remember that little blanket you gave us when the baby was born? yeah! they refuse to go to sleep without it now, it's the cutest thing ever! "
" oh, i took the most adorable photo of the baby yesterday while they were sleeping! wanna see? "
" i don't think you need to worry about your parenting skills. 'cause that little baby in there is the happiest, luckiest kid in the whole world just by having you in their life. they might not know it yet. but they are. "
" well, according to the principal at the last pre-school, we should have been booking placements before the baby was even conceived. "
" i wonder what kind of life this baby will grow up to live? "
" you're such a natural with the baby! he/she/they love you so much already; look how they're gazing up at you! "
" i'm so sorry, but we're gonna have to leave early; the bottle leaked all over my bag, and it's feeding time now, so it's either leave early or unleash a screaming infant on you! "
" would you mind holding the baby for a minute while i go grab my stuff? "
" don't judge, but we were out of clean onesies, so i dressed the baby in that huge old t-shirt you got at that concert five years ago. if i'm being honest, it suits them! "
" listen. i know i complain and i struggle. i honestly think my mistakes outnumber my triumphs, as far as parenting is concerned. but i have never loved anything nor anyone nearly as much as i love this baby. never. "
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greazyfloz · 1 year
could u pretty pls do quinn with the smut prompts 6 and 13 (or 18, whatever u want) maybe it’s right after his first home game after a long roadie and they both missed each other so they just like do it in the locker room or maybe his car idk 💙
Right Here?
SMUT: 6. “She me how much you missed me” & 18. “I need to feel you” “Right here” w/ Quinn Hughes
Tonight was a make-up game from a previous game that was canceled. It was an odd scheduled week as Quinn played an east coast roadie then stopped in Calgary for a game last night , so they flew in this morning so they could sleep last night. Once the team got home they went right to the rink for morning skate. I went into work and when I got home I just missed Quinn.
Once I got home I put on some leggings and a blue canucks mock jersey v-neck tight long sleeve shirt with Hughes and 43 on the back. I put on a push up bra that make my boobs look great in this shirt but covered myself up with a black vest. I called an uber to take me to the game as I will just go home with Quinn.
I get to the game and sit beside Bella and Lexie to watch the game. Tonight it’s Anaheim so odds are good for the team. In the third period, Quinn starts getting pushy, and that turns me on so much. Seeing Quinn get angry on the ice makes me so hot. They end up winning 1-0 and I get up and make my way down to the ice level with the girls. 
Brock and Quinn walk out together and come over to us. Quinn wraps his arms around me holding me close. We sit and chat for a bit with the rest of the group as they are sorting out a dinner reservation for us all to go out. Quinn, who is behind me holding me, leans into my ear, “I want you to show me how much you missed me” he whispers. 
I took a step back, feeling him hard against my butt. I feel him tense a bit at my touch, breathing out a bit. They finally make a decision on where we are headed and we walk out to the car together. He walks with me to my side of the car and pins me against the side pressing his lips hard against mine. He rest his forehead on mine then says “I need to feel you” then opens the back door. I look around to see everyone still leaving to get to their cars. 
“Right Here? Now?” I look over to see Peteys car right beside Quinn’s
“Yes, get in” Quinn says. I follow his instructions and get in and crawl over to the other side as he follows me in. I turn towards him and he zips down my vest exposing my cleavage. “Fuck I missed these” he says lifting my shirt taking it off then pushing his face in them. 
He starts kissing from my chests up my neck sucking, making a breathy moan escape my lips. He breaks away to take his shirt off but immediately reattaches them reaching around to unclip my bra. I let it slip off of me and Quinn goes back down massaging one breast while sucking and nibbling on the other. I moan out in pleasure as he bites down on my nipple. 
I start taking my pants off and he stops to help me. As I am taking my legs out of the bottom of my leggings Quinn reaches back up ripping my thong off. He then unbuttons his pants, taking them off quickly with his boxers. He comes back in making out with me as I feel his hand find my clit. He rubs circles then slips a finger in. I moan into his lips and he smiles back. He slips another finger in and pumps them in and out. I open my mouth to moan softly and he bites my bottom lip. “Ohhh” I moan out. 
Quinn let’s go from biting and deepens the kiss. I start kissing down his neck, then down his chest. Quinn stretches his arms and breaks his legs apart a little so I can get comfortable facing his cock. He takes one hand and reaches under me places two fingers back inside me. The other hand resting on my head as I lower it down, kissing the tip of his cock. I moan after kissing as Quinn continues pumping his fingers in and out of me. 
Quinn takes his fingers out of me and switches hands that rest on my head. He takes hand full of my hair and grabs the grab handle while I lower my mouth down his shaft deep throating him immediately. Quinn moans thicker and louder the lower I go. Once I put as much of Quinn inside my mouth I wrap my lips around him and slowly suck up his cock. Quinn’s leg jolt as I get to his tip letting his cock fall from my mouth. I grab his cock and stroke it gently before placing it back in my mouth, wrapping my lips around him and bobbling my head up and down sucking Quinn. 
He all of a sudden he grabs me by my hair pulling me off him. “If you keep doing that, I won’t last much longer” he says. I sit up and attach my lips to his than down to his neck sucking while Quinn grabs one of my legs and pulling in over to his over side so I am now straddling him. I move my lips back up to his as he reclines the back seats back a little bit and grabs his cock rubbing the tip back and forth against my clit. Once he has it at my opening I sink down slowly on his cock. “Fuck, Quinn! Your so big!” I moan out pushing myself back up. Quinn get impatient though and starts thrusting upwards then flipping us so my back is laying across the seats and he is on top of me. I thrust in and out fast and hard. “ooOoo Quinn, You feel so good babe!” I moan out. Quinn keeps pumping himself inside of me lightly grunting in my ear. 
“You’re s-so h-hot” He says pumping in and out, “Fuck, I love your pussy”. He continues and leans down pressing his lips against mine, biting my lip every moan that escapes my lips. “I’m close, where do you want it?” Quinn asks breathlessly. 
“Cum in my mouth, Quinn” I breath out and he gets off me sits back down and quickly lean down sucking his cock. Almost immediately I feel Quinn twitch inside my mouth followed by a cumdumb Quinn moaning out “oh fuck, I love you so much Y/n” as he releases himself into my mouth. We get dressed when I randomly start laughing.
“What?” Quinn asks laughing along
“You’re cumdumb Quinny” I laugh out. Quinn stops laughing
“Shut up” 
“It’s okay, I love you too bubs” I say and we hope back in the front to drive off. I look over and notice Petey’s car is no longer beside Quinn’s. We quickly run home so we can shower and get dressed. Before heading to the restaurant. We walk into the restaurant and Quinn and I sit across from Petey. 
“Don’t look at me” Petey says to us looking disgusted, “You two are disgusting”. Everyone looks in our direction confused. 
“Kitchen just closed, but bars open until 2” the waitress says to us 
“That is okay, I already ate” I say
“Gross” Petey says making Quinn chuckle
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catierambles · 1 year
Null Ch.12
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Pairing: Incubus!Charles Brandon x Anna Williams (OFC)
WC 1660
Warnings: Eh? Minors DNI 18+ ONLY
Song is People I Don't Like by UPSAHL
@brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @peaches1958 , @summersong69 , @henryownsme , @fvckinghenrycavill, @raccoon-eyed-rebel
"I hate you!"
"Anna, please…"
"Stay away from me! I wish I'd never met you!"
Charles woke with a gasp, looking over as Anna moved closer to him in her sleep as if trying to comfort him, her hand sliding across his chest slowly. Pulling her tighter against him with an arm around her shoulders, he tried to relax again, but the air burned in his lungs and his heart threatened to pound through his ribs. 
The week wore on and the dream, or whatever it was, faded from his memory. He didn’t bring it up to Anna because there was nothing to bring up. Her cycle came and went quickly just like she said it would and then it was time for the party, the guys congregating at the house as they would all go over together with Anna being taken there by Charles. Napoleon had vanished with her into the downstairs bedroom more for a dramatic reveal than modesty’s sake, and Charles would admit to a bit of possessive jealousy as the incubus took Anna’s hand in his own and pulled her into the bedroom.
“Leon!” Mike whined. “Come on! We’re past fashionably late ya dandy!”
“Only be another minute.” Napoleon said, poking his head out of the bedroom door before closing it again and Charles crossed his arms over his chest. The door finally opened and he came out.
“About time.” Sy grumbled and Napoleon held his hand back into the bedroom, pulling Anna out of the room gently by hers. The dress was the same as the one he had modeled on her the last time, only this one was a deep blue instead of a blood red. The accents and jewelry were silver and sapphire and her rich, dark hair was pulled into an updo with curls framing her face attractively.
“I feel ridiculous.” She said, breaking the silence as they took her in.
“You look incredible, darling.” Charles said and Sy reached over with a scowl, hitting Mike under the chin and closing his mouth.
“Sorry it took so long,” She said, “We went through different colors and hairstyles before he decided on this one. Honestly, Napoleon, if you didn’t summon the clothes out of thin air, I would say you should go into business as a stylist. You’d make bank.”
“We decided to go with flats instead of heels for comfort and Anna is tall enough already that she doesn’t need the extra height.” Napoleon said.
“I have a nice pair of Converse---”
“No.” Napoleon said and she snorted. Charles gave her a soft look as she went to him, sliding his hands around her waist.
"I'm ready when you guys are." She said and he nodded, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her against him. The others vanished from the house first and he tapped into the nexus, whisking them away.
The house was already filled with incubi and succubi when they got there, orchestral music in the air and she looked around, blinking a little to clear her vision as her head spun.
"Are you okay, darling?" Charles asked and she nodded.
"Not as jarring as I thought it would be." She said and he gave her a small smile. Anna looked over his shoulder and snorted, her lips twisting into a grin. "Succubitch incoming." He turned, taking his place at Anna's side and wrapping an arm around her waist as Ann walked towards them.
"Charles." She said softly and spared Anna a look, "And…Alice, was it?"
"You know her name, Ann." Charles said.
"Yes, I also know that you threatened to rip my heart out if I ever so much as looked at her again." Ann said, "Shall we do the extraction now, or schedule it for some time in the future? I'm free next week."
"It's fine, Ann." Charles said, "I admit I was a bit…emotional when I said that, but you hurt her and I was upset."
"Yes, well, maybe you should choose a less fragile of a partner." Ann said flippantly, "But really, Charles, tell me why--"
"Ain't nothing but a heartache." Anna sang, cutting her off.
"Tell me why…" Mike cut in, sliding in from the left field and leaning against her with his arm on her shoulder.
"Ain't nothing but a mistake."
"Tell me why." Mike sang back.
"I never want to hear you say--"
"I want it that way." Anna and Mike sang in unison, Charles giving a quiet laugh behind his hand while Ann glared daggers at them.
"Oh, were you saying something?" Anna asked.
"Well, actually--" Ann said.
"I don't care." Anna said, "Oh look, booze."
"C'mon, sweetcheeks," Mike said, looping his arm in hers. "Let's get you sauced."
"Ha!" She said as he led her away, "You still wouldn't have a chance!" Charles watched them go with a snort before turning his attention back to Ann who wore the expression of someone who had just been slapped.
"Lovely party." He said and grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing tray, sipping at it as he walked away from her.
Charles mingled at Anna's insistence while she sat off to the side, the others taking turns who made sure she didn't get lonely or feel left out. He watched as Napoleon pulled her onto the dance floor, his hands at her low back and hers on his shoulders. He could see them talking, but couldn't hear the words.
"Enjoying yourself?" Napoleon asked and she shrugged.
"Not really my scene." She said and he nodded.
"I can understand that." He said, "Anna, I like you, you're the genuine article."
"Thank you, but why do I hear a "but" coming?"
"But I'm worried about you, about Charles in particular and his plans for you."
"He wants a relationship with me, apparently." Anna said and his brows jumped in surprise.
"He told you this?"
"Yeah." She said with a nod and he hummed, a furrow appearing between his dark brows. "What?"
"Anna, I've known Charles for a very long time. He doesn't…" He paused, choosing his words carefully, "Relationships beyond the physical don't interest him, especially not with human women."
"I'm not saying this because I'm trying to get between you two, or I'm jealous, or I have some plan of my own. I'm saying this because it's the truth. Anna, I'm worried that once his plans come to fruition, he's going to break your heart. It wouldn't be the first time he's done this. You're a challenge for him, and he likes challenges." Napoleon said, "I'm just saying to take everything he says with a hefty pinch of salt. He's a friend of mine, but I'm not blind to how manipulative he can be, especially when it comes to getting something he wants."
"Ann told me something similar." Anna said, "Among the other shit she said. That he doesn't have female friends and he especially doesn't form friendships with human women, as he sees them as nothing but food."
"I wish that was bullshit like everything else she told you, but I'm sorry. For as long as we've known him, that's how he's been." Napoleon said, "Yes, people can change, but not this quickly and not this drastically. I just don't want you to get hurt."
"Thank you, Napoleon." She said with a small twist of her lips and he reached up, touching her chin gently. Mike chose that time to come up to them, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Sweetcheeks, you have your phone?" He asked and she nodded, "And you have music on it?"
"Of course." She said.
"Where is it?"
"In my bag on the couch where I was sitting." She said and he gave her a wink, bouncing away. She and Napoleon gave each other a look, but found no answers. The orchestral music suddenly cut off and the guests looked around at the sudden silence. A vastly different kind of music started and she snorted, dropping her forehead to Napoleon's chest.
"Hello it's so good to see you. We met before but nice to meet you. Yeah, I don't really wanna be here like, ah-ah-ah-ah…"
Mike appeared again and pulled her away from Napoleon, making her give out a bark of laughter, resting her arms on his shoulders as they started dancing to the bumping beat.
"Everybody in this party's fucking fake. I really wish that I could say it to your face. But I won't, so…"
She was suddenly twirled away from Mike, Sy resting his hands on her waist as they danced and she smiled at him, letting him spin her with her hand above her head and pull her back against his chest before turning her again to face him, her hands moving over his shorn hair and tracing his face as they danced. He bit down on his bottom lip briefly as he looked her over, a mischievous smile pulling on his lips and his hands settled low on her waist as they moved together. Anna was whisked away again, this time by Charles and she looked up at him with a smile as they started moving in tandem, but Napoleon's warning kept her from being as enthusiastic with him as she had been with Mike and Sy, at least outwardly. The song ended, but moved into another with a heavy beat and they kept dancing, Anna noticing other party goers dancing along to the music as well with much more merriment on their faces than there was before.
Charles looked down at her with something like hunger in his eyes, his lips parted as he pressed them together. Napoleon's warning may still be in her head, but she also found that actions spoke louder than words and Charles had given her no reason to believe that he had been anything but honest with her from the start. She didn't know what Napoleon's game was, but she wasn't playing it.
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chaletnz · 1 year
The Home Stretch: Lima to Cusco
The Cusco airport was more of what I’d been expecting - run down and dated without any useful or well-maintained facilities. I was at least able to get myself a map of the area and then headed out to be ripped off by a taxi like a lamb to the slaughter. I had not slept at all in over 24 hours, and there was no free wifi in the airport so I was willing to pay anything for a ride to the hostel so I could lie down and shower. I’d seen articles online saying it should be about 15 soles but he said 40 - in the grand scheme of things $12 for my own taxi in my current state of mind was not bad! There were a lot of stray dogs that I noticed during the drive, and the houses built small and close together with fences topped with bits of broken glass to deter intruders. I had a bit of a wait to get to my room so I sat in the lobby area to plan my afternoon and then a group arrived that I’m convinced are an Intrepid group like the one I’d done in Central America - mostly British, and including a guy who ended up breathing oxygen from a tank since he couldn’t handle the altitude. I showered as soon as I was able, and just in time because they shut off the water to work on some pipes in the courtyard. I laid down for a little bit and then once I was sufficiently hungry I went out for an early dinner of a 1/4 chicken and chips at Super Pollo which was good but super greasy so I needed to burn some of it off with a walk around the San Pedro Central Market and nearby streets. The market was only about half open with a lot of stalls closed for the day already. It was different to other markets I’ve been to too in the sense that people did not harass me to look at their wares, rather I was able to browse openly. It was the perfect temperature to be walking around in a tshirt while I admired all the trinkets and things for sale. I didn’t end up buying anything right away, since whatever I buy I will have to carry around for a month but I have some ideas of what to pick up at similar markets in Lima before I head home. I carried on walking around the small Cusco city centre to see some of the plazas, there was one with a huge crowd of people standing in a circle and some street performers in the middle. There were about six vendors selling popcorn just behind them, and numerous street dogs running around everywhere. One of the dogs peed on one of the popcorn stands which immediately put me off buying any street food! I was totally exhausted by this point so I headed back to the hostel to get some internet and plan out a few things to visit when I have my free days to explore Cusco. The tour ended up calling me ahead of schedule to explain everything important for me to know for my upcoming Machu Picchu tour tomorrow. While I was talking to him a girl sitting nearby had apparently been listening and trying to pick my accent. Her name was Jordyn, she ended up being from Steamboat Springs - very close to where I live in Colorado. Our plans were a little different for the week but after talking for two hours like old friends we arranged to meet up on Thursday for dinner after my day tour of the Rainbow Mountain. At last it was time to sleep at about 7pm after preparing all of my things for the tour and a quick shower in the morning.
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the-type-a · 2 years
Ok but me being a past straight A, stuck up, perfectionist child who prioritized my grades over my health I can DEFINITELY relate to Courtney, ANYWAYS,
•Courtney’s the type to be so focused on completing something she neglects her hygiene and Duncan’s all like “get tf up and wash your ASS” and she just retorts “you first.” 💀
•people say she sticks to a strict diet which I believe is BULLSHIT, she definitely lives off ramen, sandwiches, chips, coffee & juice because they’re so quick to prepare and she doesn’t have time to cook an entire meal, the whole scheduled eating schedule is for show OR she does have that but can’t stick to it for long lol
•She’s a night owl AND an early bird, her sleep schedule is so out of wack that sometimes she can get like 2 hours of sleep and be fine because she’s so used to it, but sometimes it does get to her, so that’s when she’s always sleepy lol
•She definitely has anxiety, people headcanon that she has perfect nails/hands which I call BS, I believe she definitely chews on her nails as a bad habit or picks at them, she works so much using her hands that the nail polish never lasts long & she played instruments I mean c’mon now 🧐 her hands make her both proud and extremely insecure.
•She knows so many useless facts and spews them randomly at times, it’s to the point where people are like “how tf do you know that 💀”
•The only time she rebelled as a child was when she would use a flashlight and read books past her bedtime.
•Once she finishes all her tasks she’s set out to do for herself, she spends an entire day giving herself a full spa and self care day & she regulates her eating habits lol
•when I was a kid, I got in trouble for volunteering to be a hall monitor for the 4th time one week and my teacher got mad at me and gave me detention because I didn’t wanna go play outside with the other kids, I can definitely see that happening to Courtney…
Yo I CRIED & it was the first time I got detention, I never understood why she got so mad and that shit confuses me to this day.. fuk her tbh lmao
I think Courtney would have a planner filled with how and when things need to be done.
Now the reality of it is so much different. She’d probably think she can wake up, shower, eat, and get into her studies. Then be completely blindsided by the amount of work it takes to complete one thing, so it just consumes her.
Courtney having time to cook herself a proper meal? Maybe after law school 💀 I just toured a campus and let me tell you, everyone in that library had STACKS of SNACKS next to them. You could tell finals were coming up.
Sleep? Courtney does not recognize that word anymore. 💀
Idk if any other Latinos relate to this, but, growing up my abuela always said people who chew their nails are dumb. So from a young age I stopped biting them and trying to rip them off. Idk I think Courtney’s abuela would do the same, or say little comments about her mannerisms whenever she’s nervous/stressed. So instead of doing those things she just starts drinking coffee.
Coffee 🤝🏼 Courtney = needing therapy.
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erratic-sanguine · 2 years
Can i please get some general hcs for Cherri Bomb, Verosika and Angel dust with a pornstar s/o. also, remember to drink lots of water and get a good night's sleep.
Love me some water, dunno about sleep though cause my schedule is all screwed up.
But anyway, I hope you have a good day and enjoy these!
-Cherri Bomb-
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You met Cherri through Angel, the two of you hitting it off almost instantly through your connected friend and just how fun she was.
She would repeatedly say that she was happy to be a lifeline for you if you needed it, knowing from Angel how terrible being in that business was.
She would definitely offer to blow the place up to give you a few days break, she’s sweet like that.
Drinks and parties with you a lot, don’t even have to go out anywhere, you two will just chill at her place and rock out.
You’re the first to initiate any sort of relationship with her, even if it was awkward to start flirting with your friend.
Cherri was all for it though, and within the week you two were dating.
Dates with Cherri often involved bombing porno studios, helping your girlfriend out in turf wars, and babysitting Fat Nuggets for Angel.
Cherri is also very physically affectionate, wanting to be close and holding you as much as she can, though if you have a similar experience to Angel she’ll reign back her impulses to make sure you aren’t pressured or feel uncomfortable with her.
Further in the relationship when you and Cherri are more comfortable with each other, you’ll definitely be putting those skills you’ve learned in the industry to use.
And Cherri loves it.
Angel is you and Cherri’s number one fan, cooing over the cute little relationship you and his girl buddy have, would definitely have a shirt with you two on it and a foam finger.
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You two were business partners for a while, outsourcing Verosika’s albums through avenues that wouldn’t normally be available. Like in the strip clubs and studios.
In truth you were mostly just a liaison, being there to relay information from either source. Though that didn’t mean you weren’t socialising with the Succubus Pop Star on the regular, in fact you two often woke up together under the same sheets.
At first it was just a thing you two did, fuck buddies and all that, but somewhere along the lines that line started getting blurry.
It started when Verosika started hanging with you socially with no expectations of later tonight, not even realising that until she gave you a kiss before parting ways.
But she didn’t act on it until it got to the point where another demon was harassing you, grabbing at you and making lots of gross remarks about how well they’ll treat you tonight.
She immediately had Tex throw that useless waste of space out, dragging you over to her private booth and pouting while sitting herself in your lap.
It was obviously going to lead somewhere you two never thought it would ever lead, the thought of romance and love having been ripped away from you two long ago.
Yet you both tried, regardless of the doubt that crawled on your backs or the past that held you back.
She’d tell you about her ex, Blitzo, and how he pretty much left her stranded for a while. It’s easy to see why she’d be hesitant on trusting love after that.
Though she was surprisingly more empathetic for you, after all you were stuck doing something she did for fun, and knowing the porn business like she did it was often one sided.
Any romping you two did after that point much much slower for a while, taking the time to learn each others bodies and interests. Though Verosika was a brat, so it doesn’t last long.
She requires constant attention, wanting to be your centre of attention at all times, constantly worrying you’ll either leave her or be stolen away.
Which is why she’s currently looking for a way to break your contract, ain’t no love of hers tied down by some flimsy paper.
-Angel Dust-
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Angel was always someone who comes to you for an issue, since you were a bit higher up on the totem pole in this business and actually listen to him.
You couldn’t protect him from Val, but you were often a temporary shield from the Overlord. Val couldn’t just replace you after all, not without seriously damaging his precariously built empire.
You would often cover for him, taking his shifts and swapping jobs though it does make him feel guilty when he gets off the hook and you take the heat.
Because of this he treats you well with sweets, plushies, spas and personal massages. He also lets you cuddle with Fat Nuggets, the little piglet was very fond of you, which certainly didn’t help his fluttering heart.
He never said anything to you in fear of rejection or harsher treatment from Val which you would no doubt take for him, the spider not wanting to subject either of you to such scenarios.
Though he wouldn’t have a choice, as one night when you two were in your prestige room, the both of you got into the hard hitting drinks.
You were the first to drunkenly confess, Angel being both embarrassed and felt such relief as he was quick to fill you in on his own feelings.
It didn’t take make after that before you were messing up the sheets.
Angel would be a sweet lover, caring after your every need to the best of his ability while you did the same. You both looked after each other closely, covering each other’s back and frequently hiding out at the new hotel he’s staying with.
He’s constantly with you, multiple arms around you and he would often carry you with or without your permission. He’s also a huge tease and will always be holding you some way.
Just know you’ll always be his knight in shining armour, there to protect and love him no matter what.
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sukirichi · 3 years
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— there’s always a price to pay when you get your hands on a work of art.
PAIRING: tattoo! artist megumi x reader
REQUEST. tattoo artist au + mutual pining + size kink, praise kink, thigh riding + reader is shorter than megumi and isn’t shy 
WARNINGS: feral megumi, scratching, vaginal sex, size kink, praise kink, mature content, slight overstimulation, sexual tension lol, unedited story
NOTES: ah thank you so much for this request, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Here is my third contribution for FERAL MEGUMI FRIDAYS! and oh wow tattoo artist megumi uh no thoughts head empty
WC: 5.4k+
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The tattoo saloon loomed over you, the neon signs almost blinding in the darkness. You could feel your heart pick up its pace in your chest as you hitched your bag up higher, the excitement settling in your toes. Mustering up the brightest smile you could have, you cleared your throat and pushed the door open, the tiny bell on top jingling to signal your arrival.
Your eyes roamed around the walls covered with intricate drawings, the leather seats dark and kept in pristine. Now that was rare – your leather couches always wore out in just a few weeks.
Making your way inside, grip on your sling bag still tight, you bit your lip as you peaked behind the counter. Empty. No one was there, and the nearby opened rooms were empty as well. Scratching your head, you scrunched your nose in confusion. You were sure you got the right place.
With a heavy sigh, you turned to leave, then stopped in your tracks when a dark-haired man exited a door you hadn’t even noticed at first.
He was tall – taller than you; his arms stretched until the sleeves of his black hoodie were pulled down, revealing a sliver of black tattoos that marked his skin. Upon hearing your awed gasp, his cold blue eyes fluttered to yours, the man – who was absolutely handsome despite his frown – froze in his spot.
You waved a hand to him, your smile bigger than ever. “Hi!” So you would be working with this cute guy? Maybe job-hunting wasn’t such a bad experience, after all.
“Hey,” he drawled out hesitantly, approaching you with his ink stained fingers pointed at you. He was still frowning, which was a damn shame, since you were sure he’d look even hotter if he smiled. “So...you’re Y/N.”
“And you...” he tilted his head to the side, inquisitive eyes studying your form. You would’ve felt conscious with the way his brows furrowed, eyes unreadable and lips pressed into a thin line, but you were sure you dressed to impress on your first interview. You admitted, however, that maybe wearing a white collared shirt with a pink tennis skirt made you stand out like a sore thumb in the heaviness of the studio. “...want to be a front desk man here?”
“What makes you think you’re qualified for this?” he crossed his arms on his chest, and you didn’t miss the slight bite of his voice. So he was handsome – but cranky. Great. “You don’t look like you fit in here.”
“Judging someone’s appearance and inferring that it has any relation to their credentials isn’t such a professional thing to do, you know,” you raised your chin proudly, jutting a pointer finger to his chest. He clearly didn’t expect this because he scowled and took a step back, while you fought the grin that threatened to paint your face. “Would you like it if people told you that you’re not qualified to be a lawyer because of your tattoos and piercings?”
He scoffed, “I don’t want to be a lawyer. As you can see, I’m a tattoo artist. And to answer your question, no, I don’t give a fuck what people think about me.”
“I can tell,” you muttered to yourself before smiling back up at him. He was too easy to read; his brow quivering and lips firm at your faux enthusiasm. “But yes, I do believe I’m qualified! I’m a fast learner and I’m even quick on my feet! I’m really good at talking to people too so I believe I can help schedule client appointments really well and guide them with this whole process.”
“Being front desk man doesn’t mean serving the clients tea and biscuits.”
“I know.”
“You know?” he snorted with a roll of his eyes. He then gestured you to follow him all the way back to the front desk. You expected he’d teach you about how to handle the appointment books or pick up phone calls, but instead he plopped down on the leather couch of the waiting area, his legs crossed on top of the other.
Your eyes followed the patch of pale skin exposed from his ripped jeans before you looked away, not wanting him to see that you found him attractive despite his less than welcoming personality.
“What exactly do you know about this industry?”
“Nothing, to be honest, but I’m not here to be a tattoo artist or anything. I just really need a job and I assure you I’ve got plenty of experience and knowledge when it comes to manning front desks or counters,” you stated confidently, “I know I look out of place, but I really need this job.”
The man only narrowed his eyes at you. Contemplation was written all over his face, probably wondering why you couldn’t just work somewhere else. “Why come here, of all places?”
“Because it’s the only one that has a flexible schedule,” you sighed, “I can’t work shifts anymore because I’m too busy at university. From when I talked to your boss – Geto, was it? – he said that the salon was open 24/7 and I could work until before my classes start. He’s not really strict about that kind of thing.”
“So you mean to tell me,” he leaned forwards, looping his fingers with one another while his ice cold gaze slithered over your desperate ones. “You’ll be at university for half the day, sleep until midnight, and then come here to work and attend class a few hours later? Isn’t your schedule a little irregular?”
“Oh no, it’s not like that! I also have mock classes after uni and it lasts until late at night, then I help clean at the local shelter. They’re running out of volunteers and the dogs are really adorable and take my stress away so...I make sure to come by when I have time.”
“You are one odd creature,” he noted loudly, almost as if he wasn’t completely aware he vocalized his thoughts. Well, at least now you knew he wasn’t the type to think his words over, which either made him more entertaining – or insufferable the longer you worked with him – if you began working anyway. “You could’ve used your spare time to rest. Do you even eat?”
“Yeah, I have a granola bar right now with me! I actually brought two,” you pulled out the snack from your bag, “You want some? I only got the oats, though.”
“Keep it to yourself,” he rolled his eyes, slapping his hands over his knees before rummaging over something behind the counter. “Fine. If Geto said he’s okay with you, then you’re hired.”
“Really, that easy?” your eyes widened, but then you chuckled when this strange man glared at you in response. He sighed as he pulled out a piece of paper, a pen on top of it. The papers read something about application forms and credentials, and you beamed, happily writing your information away with a slight bounce in your toes.
Unable to keep your happiness to yourself, you looked back at the bored man, wiggling your eyebrows playfully. “Huh. I was kind of expecting you would grill me – you’ve got that scary look in your eye. Let me guess, you often scare clients off?”
It seemed he could never get tired of glaring at you, because his eyes fuelled with heat as he leaned against the wall.
You hated to admit that he looked ridiculously handsome like that – the guy wasn’t even doing anything remotely attractive in the first place!
“I’m the most booked artist here, and I ask that you don’t get too comfortable with me. You haven’t even started working here and you’re already riling up on my train,” he groaned when you merely laughed in response. He made quick work of signing something in your form before handing you a key. “Here’s for your locker. Come to work tomorrow. Geto won’t be around for a week so I’ll be the one judging your performance. If you fuck up in the slightest – I won’t hesitate to fire you, you understand? We always have Yuuji coming around anyway, you’re really not that needed for the front desk.”
“Oh,” you nodded at his harshness, unsure whether to feel threatened or amused. “O-okay. I’ll do my best then. I look forward to you – ah, wait, what’s your name?”
“Fushiguro Megumi.”
“Oh, that’s a pretty name,” you muttered to yourself, uttering his name over and over again until it rolled smoothly on your tongue. “Shame you have a shitty attitude along with that handsome face, though.”
“You trying to say something?”
You faced him, about to laugh when he scowled at your not-so-subtle comments. Waving your hands to him, you made your way out the door, your smile only irritating him further. “No, I wasn’t. I’ll be taking my leave then – see you tomorrow!”
Seems like working in a tattoo studio wouldn’t be so bad.
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You came to work the next day early and pumped with adrenaline. The idea of meeting the moody tattoo artist caused you to be giggly and happy the whole day, not even feeling the exhaustion of a long day of hard work as you made your way inside the shop.
Clocking in at exactly two in the morning, you proudly tugged your name badge on top of your left breast, patting it for good luck.
The bells jingled, making you look away from your tag. “Good morning – oh, where’s Megumi?” The man standing in front of you was taller than Megumi, his head nearly knocking over the doorframe if it wasn’t for his poor, slouched lanky frame.
He had white hair that brushed atop his cerulean blue eyes, and your eyes widened because wow, he was beautiful.
“Hey, you must be Y/N! Megumi told me you came around yesterday but he didn’t tell me the counter girl was this pretty,” He was in front of you the next second, his nose nearly grazing over yours that had you leaning back into the wall for space. “Hmm...he didn’t tell me that at all.”
“Oh, thank you. You are...?”
“I’m Gojo Satoru, one of the senior artists here. Since Megumi isn’t here yet, let me give you a tour!” Before you could react, Satoru already had an arm wrapped around your shoulder, his other arm waving and pointing to all the hung paintings and labels on each door. You found it odd that he treated you like you were an old friend, but you weren’t going to complain. Nice co-workers were always welcomed.
“Here is the holding area where clients wait to get their session done. This is Geto’s studio and right next to that is his office where he does all the finances and all that jazz, while this is my studio. Cool, isn’t it?”
Your mouth fell ajar as Satoru led you inside his studio, the walls painted the same aquatic shade of his eyes, but what caught your attention was the galaxy themed tattoo designs he made. They came in different shapes – a volcano head, a dragon, a worm, a four-armed monster – but inside them were all galaxies with sparkling and burning stars. You could see everything and nothing all at the same time.
“Whoa, you made all this?!”
Satoru’s chest puffed out proudly, “Yeah, I did. I’m flattered by your reaction, I really am, but you haven’t seen Megumi’s yet. There’s a reason our salon boomed even though he’s only been working here for two years.”
At the mention of his name, your interest was piqued, all ears and curious smiles directed to Satoru. “Oh, can I see Megumi’s studio?”
“You can – if you book an appointment.”
“But I don’t plan on getting any tattoos,” you frowned.
“You’ll never get to see his work then,” he chuckled to himself, the sound growing louder when you visibly deflated. What was the point of getting your hopes up like that then? “Megumi doesn’t like letting others in his studio without permission or an appointment.”
“Why not?”
“He’s just iffy about it,” he shrugged, “Don’t bother trying to decode his personality anymore, Megumi’s very hard to understand. Though if I were to make sense of it...” he rubbed his chin, eyes looking out into the distance. “I guess you could say Megumi’s not the type to be showy when it comes to his work of art. Did that clear it up?”
You blinked back blankly. “No, not really. But it’s fine – I don’t plan on getting to know him anyway.”
That was the biggest lie of your life.
The moment Megumi came around a few minutes later, a loud groan upon your animated greeting over his arrival, your chest bloomed with a different kind of fluttery warmth. He rarely came out after that, clients swarming in to both his and Satoru’s studios, but each faint glimpse of his door cracking open that allowed you to see him focused as he worked, you could no longer deny the heat burning down your legs.
You crushed on the grumpy tattoo artist.
And the more you came around work, greeting him zealously and teasing him to no end that he’d look hotter if he smiled, your crush only intensified for him – completely unaware that he too, couldn’t get his thoughts off of you even with his door closed.
In fact, he kept his door closed all the time because your voice distracted him too much.
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“Hey, Y/N, you free?”
You looked up from the textbook you were reviewing, slamming it shut when Satoru’s head peeked out from his studio. He was still wearing gloves with a pen between his fingers, most likely still in the middle of a session.
“Yep! We don’t have appointments yet and I’ve already closed it for non-appointees. Did you need me to get you something?”
“Yeah, could you get Megumi for me? He isn’t picking his phone up and one of our special clients are coming soon. I’m packed right now so I can’t fetch him. I’ll send you the address and you get him, yeah? Just open the counter if you need money for a cab.”
You blinked owlishly at him. On one side, you’d be more than glad to see Megumi again. He hadn’t arrived despite it being four in the morning already, and you were worried, but you also didn’t have his number to ask how he was doing. Progress with Megumi was...slow, to say the least.
He still holed himself up in his studio, coming out only for bathroom breaks, although you noticed a drastic improvement when he finally began to mutter an almost shy “good morning” under his breath for the past few weeks.
It wasn’t much, but you’d have to make do.
“Uhm, when is this client of his coming? Should I run...?”
“Yeah, you need to fucking run. They’re coming in an hour and a half!” Satoru exclaimed, flailing his hands around like a madman.
Even after working with him for some time, you still couldn’t believe the older man was practically a man child, even asking for head pats sometimes. He would lean down with a pout, using a squeaky voice to call your attention, which always succeeded in Megumi fake gagging before he locked himself inside his studio.
“Forwarded you his address. Really sorry for the inconvenience, Y/N!”
“It’s okay!” you jumped out of your seat in an instant, not bothering to take your name tag off anymore as you left the salon, hailing the nearest cab.
Megumi lived quite far from the salon, which had you wondering why he chose to work there when there were plenty of salons in his area too. His place looked shady, as well, his apartment in a high-rise building with endless graffiti and several drunk stragglers hooting for you.
You ignored them all, taking two steps at a time from his staircase, your hands on your knees as you panted for air. Why did he have to live on the tenth floor?
“Megumi! Megumi!” you banged your fist on the door, throat parched from your sudden cardio session. You were sure you burned ten calories just from that sprint, and you sighed in relief when Megumi swung the door open, still looking handsome – and sleep-deprived – as ever in his black shirt and black skinny jeans.
“What?” he demanded. After seeing that it was you, he quickly snatched a water bottle and passed it your way, closing his door behind him. “Y/N? What are you doing here? How’d you know where I live?”
“Satoru said you had a really important client. You weren’t picking your phone up so he sent me to come get you.”
“It’s my day off,” he grumbled, answering your silent questions, your worries dissipating into thin air. Once you’d satisfied yourself by basically dunking the entire bottle, Megumi rolled his eyes, his hands flat on the small of your back while he guided you downstairs. The sudden touch flamed your cheeks; a stupid smile on your face. You were shameless, though, leaning back closer to him in the darkness of the early morning. “Why does he send a girl out of all people?”
“Something wrong with that?”
“It’s unsafe. My neighbourhood isn’t the best and who knows what would’ve happened to you if some goons came out?” Megumi hailed for a back, surprising you when he let you get in first and paid for the fee despite your outstretched hand prepared with the bills. “I can’t believe Sukuna chose this day to come of all times. I can never get a damn break.”
“A special client. He’s a really huge tipper and comes on odd schedules – I didn’t think he’d come now.”
“Yeah, I checked the papers and he wasn’t there,” you frowned to yourself.
Megumi pressed his head against the window, eyes closed as his chest heaved up and down rhythmically. With the sun slowly shining from behind you, the golden stretches of it outlined his sharp features you adored, and you rested your chin on your palms, eyelashes fluttering at his beauty. “You know, Megumi, you’re really pissy sometimes – but you’re quite nice, aren’t you? I’d say you were even worried for me.”
He cracked one eye open, those blue eyes still shining with irritation, but make no mistake since his ears were flushed red. “I’m not. I just don’t want to be involved in a police investigation if they find your body near here.”
“How sweet of you.”
“Shut up.”
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You and Megumi were beginning to get closer. You couldn’t pinpoint where he started to grow more comfortable with you, but it was definitely there and it was painfully evident that even someone stupid like Satoru noticed the sexual between you two.
He would always sniff the air whenever you and Megumi sat next to each other during lunch breaks, a wide grin on your face while Megumi buried his face in his hands, groaning because he knew the moment Satoru opened his mouth, nothing but dumb comments would come out. And dumb comments they were; the white-haired man merciless as he teased Megumi for acting like a cute little kid around you.
You never took it to heart, though. It was Megumi you were talking about; he was hot and cold; sweet then distant from one moment then an entire person the next.
Not that you minded, it only added to your fuelling crush on him, but you couldn’t control the way your heart fluttered every time Satoru whispered that he did like you, excusing that Megumi just wasn’t the best with words. Apparently, Megumi had spent too much time holed up in his apartment and studio that he had zero to little knowledge on how to talk to pretty girls – especially one that was clearly attracted to him as well.
Satoru encouraged you to go for it – that you should confess or break the ice first otherwise Megumi would never do anything about his raging boner every time you came around.
You only flushed at his statement, but you couldn’t deny that you too felt the same way.
One morning where Satoru and Geto were out restocking supplies, you and Megumi were left alone in the salon. Of course, he still resorted in the comfort of his studio, muttering under his breath that he wanted to try some designs before disappearing. Only this time, he left the door slightly open, the lights peeking through the slight crack.
Walking up to him with muted footsteps, you leaned over his shoulder, glancing over a sketch of...you? “Are you drawing me?”
Megumi yelped at your voice right next to his ear, throwing the paper away on the other side of the room before glaring at you. You laughed at his reaction, because how was it possible he was both so criminally sexy yet adorable? He looked terribly gorgeous today, as well, wearing a short sleeved black hoodie and black sweatpants, looking so comfortable and boyfriend like – and you couldn’t even begin to express your appreciation over his new lip piercing.
“Why do you always sneak up on me?” he snapped, “Didn’t I tell you I wanted privacy?”
“Then why aren’t you pushing me away?”
Megumi sighed exasperatedly, turning back to organize his pencils before glaring at you. “What do you want? Got no one else to bother since Satoru isn’t around?”
“I just wanted to see your art,” you mentioned, but kept your eyes directed on him instead of the plethora of sketches and designs hanging from his wall as to not offend him. “Satoru told me to never come inside. He said you’re really...private when it comes to your works,” you furrowed your brows at the last part, feeling your heart beat pulse at your tongue.
It was now or never.
“Can I see your tattoos too?”
“Why do you want to see them?”
“A work of art on a canvas who’s also a work of art himself?” you finally gained confidence to tease him again, getting riled up further when Megumi stiffened at your curious hands travelling under his shirt. His breath sharpened as his glare only deepened, though he didn’t make a move to stop you. “Why wouldn’t I want to see that?”
“Being flirty doesn’t work on you. It’s not cute.”
“You’re blushing though,” you remarked. Megumi groaned and pushed your face away until your buttocks landed on his recliner. Satisfied with Megumi not completely kicking you out, you swung your legs back and forth, still staring at his hoodie as if it was an offensive material.
“Can I...see?” Megumi rolled his eyes before he lifted his shirt up, revealing to you intricate patches of black ink splattered over ripples of muscles. Your mouth salivated, and somewhere down there, you drooled too. Tentatively, your hands reached out to finger the image of canines, Megumi shuddering over your cold touch on his warm skin. “It’s beautiful. What does it mean?”
Megumi pursed his lips before whispering, “These are the dogs I had as a child. My father got me them so I wouldn’t be too lonely when he’s away from work.”
“They’re very pretty. They look like black and white wolves,” you smiled, elated that he was opening up in more ways than one. Your touch flitted over to a winged creature under his left collarbone, small letters beside the image. “And this bird? Nue? He’s so majestic,” Your hands never stopped in trailing over his skin like a lost wanderer, sweeping over ink ink until Megumi completely discarded his hoodie to the side, his back faced to you.
A white viper tattoo stood large on his broad back, crawling until over his shoulder with the fangs ending just above his pecs. Megumi swallowed at each slivering touch, your fingers dipping and caressing every dent and curve of his body.
You couldn’t get your eyes off of him, your breath hitching in your throat as one of your hands gripped his biceps subconsciously. “You’re so beautiful.”
Megumi stiffened when your thumbs grazed over his nipple right next to the viper’s fang. Almost as if a switch was triggered inside him, Megumi growled, ducking to capture your lips with his in a sloppy, heated kiss. His hands tugged at the ends of your hair to arch your neck to him, his knees slapping your legs open before he settled comfortably between you, his low groans mixing with your breath moans.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. From the moment I met you,” he nibbled your lips, hands trailing down to thumb at your hipbones. “I knew that innocent good girl look was nothing but an act.”
You smiled through the kiss, a tiny gasp falling from your lips when Megumi pulled you closer until your heat grinded against the hardness inside his pants. Laughing at his harsh movements, you let Megumi tilt your head back, his lips sucking and teeth gently nipping at the sensitive flesh of your neck.
“Innocent girl?” you echoed, legs now wrapped around his waist to pull him closer. “What makes you think I am?”
“White lace panties? Short tennis skirts and sunshine smiles?” Megumi clenched his teeth, his hands eager as he tugged the white lace down until it looped to your ankles. You gasped, back arching when he thrusted two fingers inside you, curling and fingering against your bumpy walls. “You’re not fooling anyone, baby, especially not me.”
“Took you long enough to understand I wanted you though,” you chuckled through broken moans, eyes shut tight while your legs opened wider, heels digging into the hard cushion of his seats. “I was wondering when I’d get to break you from that tough guy act of yours and have you fuck me good,” Megumi growled at your words. You leaned forward to scratch at his chest, your tongue licking the shell of your ear as you rasped, “And on a side note, I am a good girl – only to those who can make me feel good, of course.”
Megumi cupped his palm to collect your arousal dripping of his, finally shutting you up when his fingers grazed over your sweet spot that had you clenching around him. And those were just his fingers. “You’re something else, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I know,” you nodded smugly, hands coming up to tug harshly at his hair. Megumi hissed at the sharp pain, prompting him to fuck his fingers in and out of you faster until you leaked down to his chair, thighs trembling and your high-pitched moans coating the walls of his stupid. “Megumi, ah! Just shut up and fuck me already – been wanting you long enough.”
“Needy little girl,” He pressed you down on the reclining seat, settling between your legs before he spread your lips open with two thumbs. At the sight of your bare cunt clenching around nothing, Megumi groaned, teeth biting his lip because he could cum right then and there. “Fuck, look at you. So wet already,” he ran a hand over your slit to collect your arousal, eyes dark with lust as your juices webbed between his fingers. “All this for me? You’re so good.”
“Fuck – yeah, yeah I am,” you leaned back harder into the seat, groping at your own breasts while you nodded dumbly, too fucked out to even form a coherent response. “Going to be good for you, Megumi, gonna make you feel good.”
“Sorry, babe, maybe next time. I’m too impatient to not feel your pussy around me,” he pushed away at your hands that planned to pump his cock, his hand coming down to push you hard against the seat until his weight loomed over you.
You felt Megumi begin to align his tip at your center, dampening his mushroom head with your arousal first that had you both moaning left and right.
Hands scratching down his back as your teeth dug into your lips, Megumi pushed into you with one thrust, the sudden stretch making your legs shake and your body writhe underneath him. “Shit, why are you so tight? So fucking warm and perfect,” he rasped next to your ear, and you could hear how hard he was breathing as he thrusted into you, his cock hitting all the right places.  “Could fuck this pretty pussy all day, baby, shit.”
“Me-Megumi – t-too big!”
“Shh, you’ll be fine. You’ll take it like a good girl, won’t you?” he cupped your cheek, grinning sinisterly as he watched the way your greedy walls sucked him in. “See how you take me so well? You’re so small and pretty wrapped around my cock. I could break you if I wanted you,” he growled, his hands gripping hard at your hips when you clenched around him, enticing the man above you to quicken his pace.
Megumi watched with a lust filled gaze as your breasts bounced at the relentless pace he started, his balls slapping at your ass. “Oh, you’d want that, wouldn’t you? You want to be stuffed with my fat cock in you? Fuck you until you’re a drooling mess? You’re so gorgeous when I fuck you stupid.”
“Yes, Megumi, agh. Keep going, keep going, I’m so close!”
“Oh, you feel like heaven around me,” he praised at your neck, his cock stretching you wide and pushing into you. Megumi groaned lowly at your ear as his palms flattened over your stomach that bulged every time he thrusted in, his balls tightening at the sight. “Look at how big I am for you, baby, but you’re doing so well. You were made for me – made to take my cock, shit, you’re so perfect around me. Gonna make you feel good, yeah? You’re such a good girl for me. Cum, baby, that’s right – I’m allowing you to cum.”
“Gumi, Gumi, fuckkk,” your legs tightened around him as Megumi panted with each harsh thrust, the black marks over his skin expanding and stretch when his forearm rested beside your head. His muscles clenched as he fucked into you deep, over and over again until he pushed you over the edge.
A silent sob left your lips when you came around him, your juices creaming around his cock. A few thrusts later, Megumi fell on top of you as you felt him spill his seed inside you.
He had too much that you felt both your cum dripping down your ass; Megumi pulling out with a slight wince from the oversensitivity. You struggled to catch your breath as you laid there, legs wide open and the cool air hitting your bare pussy. The door was still open, and Satoru and Geto could walk in on you both looking like this, but you couldn’t care, not when you could barely feel your legs.
You dropped your arm over your face, hearing Megumi pull his pants back up. “That was...”
“Yeah,” you chuckled, wincing as you sat up. Your hair stuck to your forehead in sweaty clumps, dawning on you now that you were still very much covered in your sticky cum. You recoiled from the seats as you realized Megumi hadn’t even put on a towel underneath.
“Shit. Is this chair even clean?”
“I sanitize it every after session. Don’t worry about it,” he rolled his eyes, his tattoos covered and hidden from your sight once more when he pulled his hoodie over his head. Megumi retrieved a clean towel from his drawers and wiped at your sensitive pussy, your legs immediately closing around his hands when the towel accidentally grazed your clit.
Megumi gripped your knees with a silent glare. “Stay still. I’m cleaning you up.”
“I didn’t peg you as an aftercare guy. Thought you would leave me hanging here,” you teased, but really, you were feeling warm all over again as you watched Megumi wipe you all the way down to your other hole, your legs still tensing up.
Once he left to wash his hands, you could relax, tugging your panties back up with immense struggle. He wasn’t kidding when he said he’d fuck you good – you could barely feel your legs now.
“And have you make a mess by ruining my seat?” he sighed as he returned, helping you seady yourself while he snapped the slightly soaked panty back to your core. “No thanks.”
“You’re so mean, Megumi. I’m hurt.”
He rolled his eyes at your pout, leaning down to kiss you square on the lips. This time around, the kiss wasn’t rushed; it was slow and sensual, firm yet gentle, and his hands carefully massaged your sore hips that would soon bruise from his grip before.
“No, you’re not,” he mumbled through your lips, mimicking that lovesick smile on your face as he pulled away. “But babe, you know the rules. Now that you’ve seen my work of art – what tattoo would you like me to give you? My name on your inner thigh?”
4K notes · View notes
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, voyeurism/exhibitionism, slight stalking, masturbation, naughty talk.
This is dark!(camboy!)Andy Barber. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your guilty pleasures becomes and all too real terror.
Note: Okay, here’s the second and last part of this short little piece. Thanks for reading and the excitement. I’m sorry if I’m a bit blegh rn.
Thank you so much for your patience! And support!!
As always, if you are so inclined, please like, reblog, and comment. <3
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Andy stared at the chat. He waited and waited but the green dot didn’t pop up. Maybe she was freaked out after meeting him. Or maybe she was over him. Her name hadn’t blipped up in any of his sessions in the last week and he even invited her to an impromptu private show after he got back from the café. He hoped her seeing him might nudge her but it only seemed to scare the fuck out of her.
He recalled how she nearly fell on her face running away from him. That wasn’t the reaction he was expecting. No preening or smiles, just terror and a quick escape. He didn’t understand. He was a good looking guy and she was obviously lonely. Hell, she was cute too. He was hardly disappointed.
He waited another fifteen minutes, distracting himself with the colour matching game on his phone but her status remained inactive. He scrolled through his bookmarks and clicked on her insta profile. She had commented on some DIY tutorials in the last hour but hadn’t posted. She only ever added pictures of flowers anyway; her last photo of herself was from a year ago. It was her and some guy but he could guess they were no longer together.
He was starting to get upset. She was ignoring him. He wasn’t stupid but what had he done? Their sessions were going well up until this week and he actually looked forward to them. He felt that same thrill he had when he first started his hustle.
He slammed his laptop shut and dropped his phone face down. Fuck it, he had better stuff to do.
He crossed the room and grabbed one of the boxes still stacked against the wall. He hauled it over to the empty bookshelf and flipped it open. He unpacked the books one at a time and the heavy bookend shaped like half a globe. He didn’t know why he brought all these things, he didn’t use them. He wasn’t a lawyer anymore.
He leaned against the side of the sofa and crossed his arms. He boxed up his whole life, or what was left of it, and drove halfway across the country. She couldn’t even give him a hello or her name. She could hardly look at him and she wouldn’t answer his goddamn messages.
He pushed himself straight and stormed over to his laptop. He ripped it open and clicked on the chat. Still, nothing. The invitation was scheduled for less than an hour. Well, if she wasn’t going to open it, he’d have to get it to her another way. He was done waiting on her and he was done playing with her through a screen.
He wanted the real thing and he knew she wanted it too.
You were still slightly addled from your encounter at the café. After you got home and unpacked your groceries, you didn’t find your coffee again until it went cold. You dumped it and replaced it with a glass of wine. You bought the bottle a month ago, expecting to unwind and that time finally came.
You sat with the healthy dose of alcohol, almost to the brim as it darkened the full belly of the glass. You wore only a baggy Winnie the Pooh tee and panties as you lounged and flipped on the tv. 
You rarely used the front room anymore, ever since your boyfriend moved out you spent most of your time in the bedroom, exhausted and lonely. It was easier to just linger there between responsibilities.
Your dainty sips turned to greedy slurps as you turned on an episode of Project Runway and lost yourself in the competition and drama of it all. Your ex hated that show and you hadn’t watched it in years. It was time to get caught up with what would forever be your unfulfilled dream of being a designer.
By the runway, your glass was empty and the television had a soft glare as you were slightly buzzed by the high potency. The dark blend had a percentage in the double digits and you were feeling it, delightfully so. As the designers came up for their feedback from judges, more so a roast, you leaned back and wiggled your hips as you stretched. You yawned and closed your eyes as you listened to a designer give cutting critique of a hem.
You peeked under your lashes as the camera panned in on the fraying stitches. Well, it looked alright from far away. You bent your arm under your head as you turned onto your side and your eyes closed again as you pondered another glass of wine. That might give you a decent night’s sleep.
You inhaled and sat up, intent on another indulgence but you stopped short as you blinked in shock. You hadn’t drank that much. You couldn’t be hallucinating. You pressed yourself to the back of the couch and shook your head as you gaped at the figure stood just beside the tv, eyes calmly watching you.
“What…” you gulped.
“Shhhh,” the man, the one you watched all those nights on your laptop, brought his finger to his lips as he hushed you, “it’s okay, honey.”
“I--” your heart leapt into your throat and you stood as you swiped up your glass, “get out. How did--”
“I sent you an invitation. Several this week. You haven’t answered--”
You hit the glass off the table so it cracked and left a jagged edge. You jabbed it out at him from the other side of the coffee table, your hand shaking as the shock turned to a jolt of adrenaline.
“Go! Get out!” you snapped, too terrified to think on how he found you or if your meeting that day was truly a coincidence. It didn’t seem like it, “you’re crazy, get out of my--”
He marched around the table as you backed up and swung the glass at him. He caught your wrist and twisted it as he wrenched you close to him and pointed the sharp edge at your throat. The scent of him filled your lungs and mingled with the taste of wine as the glass pressed to your skin.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he warned, “so don’t make me.”
He said your name, calmly, as you drowned in his oceanic eyes. You quivered in his grasp and tensed as you tried to lean away from him, “Andy,” he offered, “that’s my real name.”
“Please, I don’t know what you want--”
“You know exactly what I want,” he hissed as he pulled away the glass and tossed it to shatter against the wall, “the same thing I always wanted… that you want.”
You took a deep breath and he clapped his hand over your mouth and tutted. His brows wrinkled in irritation and your drunken fingers bounced futilely off his shoulder. He turned you and sat you down on the couch and knelt with you, shushing you again as he settled on his knees on the floor.
“Honey, aren’t you tired of this? Of being apart? Of just… watching?” his eyes strayed from yours and he smiled as he eyed the yellow bear on your shirt, “that’s cute.”
You shook your head and murmured against his hand. His lashes flicked up and his jaw squared. His lips thinned as he considered you.
“Thing is, honey, I’d love to talk but you gotta promise not to scream,” he said, “and I mean that because I don’t want to gag you… not yet, anyway.”
Your eyes rounded and you nodded fervently as your breath puffed under his palm. He narrowed his eyes and shifted his hand slightly, moving it just an inch at a time as he watched you. You sniffled as he let his grip fall to your knee.
“Why? How…” you stuttered, “it was a mistake. Just a show--”
“You were always there,” he said as his other hand came up to your other knee and he ran his hands up and down your legs, “it didn’t sound like a mistake.” He pushed his fingers along the top of your thighs, “you enjoyed it.”
“It wasn’t… like that, just…”
He squeezed your thighs painfully and you winced. His fingers crawled up under the hem of your tee to the elastic of your panties and he hooked them beneath the fabric. You grasped his wrists in shock at his sudden movement and he looked you in the face.
“Say whatever you want, make your excuses,” he snarled, “you said you wanted me, you said it a dozen times, and I know you do.”
He tore down the cotton and you flailed out and caught yourself against the back of the couch. He rolled your panties down and untangled them from your ankles as you tried to close your legs. He kept your panties around his wrist as he stopped your knees from meeting and moved between them.
“Honey, now, I think we’ve had enough build up--”
“Hel--” you screamed and he grabbed your chin and snapped your mouth shut so that you bit your tongue.
He growled and shook your panties down over his hand. He brought up the twisted fabric and shoved it into your mouth. You tried to turn away from his grip as he stuffed the panties in with two fingers as deep as they would go and you almost gagged.
“It’s too bad,” he said, “I wanted to try that mouth… next time.”
You batted at his arms and chest and his hand shot to your throat. You stilled as he choked you, just enough for lungs to burn. He kept his hand on your neck until you sat back and he let it trail down the front of your shirt. He groped you through the fabric, rolling his thumb around your nipples as they hardened.
“I know you can be good, honey,” he hummed, “you’re just… nervous. I know what it’s like, trying to get over someone else. Trying to move on from a life you built-- a break-up, right? That lanky guy on your Insta--”
You gave a terrified flutter of your lashes and he smiled, a tight-lipped sympathetic gesture.
“Look, we’re two lonely people,” he kneaded your chest as he spoke and leaned in, “so, it only makes sense, and I promise, honey, the shows are over. It’s all for you now.”
You trembled as he dropped his hands and pulled up your shirt. He tickled your stomach with his knuckles and framed your tits with his hands as he admired them. You squirmed as he flicked them with his thumbs and leaned into you. He took one in his mouth and suckled. You whimpered as you felt a pluck in your core.
He parted with a pop and licked his lips, “I never… it was always hard to think of what you’d look like but I couldn’t picture anyone so perfect.”
Your nails dug into the couch cushions as you tried not to flinch. The glimmer of delight turned to disgust as you watched this stranger fondle you and he sealed his lips around your other nipple. You bit down on the cotton and moaned. You were so pathetic. It was your stupid moments of lonely desperation that brought you to this, that brought him to you.
His large hands spread along your sides and he pressed his fingertips into you sharply as he toyed with your nipples. He grazed his teeth along each bud and pulled back to look at you again. You grasped his shoulders as you begged him with your eyes and shook your head.
“I… always wanted to do this in the bedroom,” he said, “that’s where you usually are, huh? Touching yourself for me all alone in the dark--”
You hung your head in defeat and he pulled you forward on the cushion. He lifted you onto your feet and spun you around in the space between him and the couch. He put one hand on your hip and the other on the back of your neck and walked you around the sofa. He paced slowly behind you as he urged you down the hall and paused to peer through your bedroom door.
“Here we are,” he said as he angled you through the door. You reached up as your jaw ached around the wad of fabric and he caught your hand and yanked it down, “I didn’t say you could do that.”
You dropped your arm and he let you go. He pressed his body to your back as he nudged you closer to the bed and stopped you right before it. He bunched your shirt in his hands and tugged it up until you raised your arms. He swiped it over your head and let it crumple beside your feet.
“Go on, sit nice and pretty for me,” he tapped your ass lightly.
Naked, you shivered as you stepped away from him and got onto the bed. You turned as you bent your legs over the edge and lowered your chin. You hugged yourself as he stood watching you with his hands on his belt.
“Don’t you worry, it’s still a show,” he said as his hands slid over to his buckle. 
He winked and ran his fingers up the front of his jacket and pulled it off. He draped it over the folding stool by your bookshelf and bent each leg to tug off his shoes. His socks followed shortly after and he squared his shoulders before he scooped his shirt up and off. He returned to his buckle and tilted his head at you.
“Look at me, honey,” he said as you stared at the pile of clothing, “we both know you love to watch.”
You raised your eyes to him and clamped your hands around your shoulders, arms crossed over your chest. He grinned and unbuckled his belt, his zipper gliding down smoothly beneath his fingers.
“You got me hard as fuck,” he said, “I didn’t like that earlier, you know? The way you ran from me.”
You just sat and tried to swallow the hopeless acceptance. He pushed down his pants and stepped out of them, his arousal bulging against his boxers. Your fingernails cut into your skin as you curled your fingers.
“You’ve been so good to me, honey,” he continued as he rolled down his boxers, “you know, I only want to return the favour. I came all this way just to get close so that--” he paused as his dick sprang up before him and he kicked away his underwear, “I can take care of you now.”
He gripped himself and stroked his length with a hum. His stomach tensed and the lines of his muscles deepened as he groaned and played with himself as he would before the camera. You were mortified as you watched him helplessly and he got closer and closer.
“Now you get the live show, honey,” he reached out and took your hand, closing it around his dick as he guided it up and down.
He moaned and hung his head back as he used both your hands on his shaft. He shuddered and leaned into your grasp. You listened to his pants as they grew quicker and quicker and he stopped you abruptly. You looked down at the glistening pre-cum as it leaked from his tip and he trailed his thumb through it as he let you go.
You flinched as he moved towards you suddenly and grabbed your hips. He lifted you and dropped you onto your back. He took your ankles and placed them against his shoulders as he stretched your legs up his torso. His cock slid along your cunt and hovered over your folds.
“Fuck, I can’t wait any longer,” he bit his lips and looked between your legs as he let go of one leg and reached down to guide himself between your lips, “oh, honey, your so sexy.”
He pushed apart your cunt with two fingers and slid in between his knuckles. He gasped as you stretched around him and you pushed your head back and whined around the fabric in your mouth. You whimpered as he drew back just a little and pushed in deeper. He rocked his hips, getting further each time as your walls strained around him.
He tilted you against him so that he reached his limit and slid his thumb along your bud. He swirled around your clit as he carried a slow motion, gliding in and out of you as you slicked around him. The tingle of his touch crept like tendrils beneath your flesh and made you clench around his dick.
He groaned and sped up, just a little as he played with you, pressing more firmly on your clit until your hand shot down over his. You didn’t move him away, only gripped his wrist as he toyed with you, fucking you deliberately as the sensation melded into a maelstrom. The twisting spring inside of you compressed and released suddenly in a ripple of sheer delight.
You groaned and bent your legs against him, raising your pelvis higher so he dipped even deeper. Your eyes rolled back and you ripped the panties from your mouth in your ecstatic trance. You balled them in your hand and writhed on his dick. 
He grasped your hips and dragged your ass over the edge of the bed and rammed into you. You cried out and he did it again. It was as if he lost all control as his pelvis slapped against you loudly and his voice rumbled through the room. You gulped and gasped as he pressed the heel of his hand to your clit and rubbed harder, his fingers stabbing sharply against your flesh.
His other hand snaked up to pinch your nipple and cup your tit. He braced you as he bent over you and fucked you furiously. He stepped up onto the edge of the bed frame as he curled your body beneath his and brought both his hands up beside your head as he held himself over you.
He plunged down into you over and over and he huffed as he watched the joining of your bodies. He growled and pulled out of you suddenly, bending your legs up as you were contorted further. He grabbed your hand again and trapped it around his dick, moving it quickly as he muttered.
He came in thick ropes onto your chest and down the folds of your stomach as you were in almost a C beneath him, his knees around your thighs. You shook and lifted his chin as he snarled and kept your hand moving, still cumming over you. He tore your grasp from him as he grew over sensitive and hung his head as he quivered.
“Shit,” he swore as he backed off of you and stood, leaning on the bed to steady himself. Your legs fell over the edge and his cum cooled across your skin, “you look good like that, honey.”
He stepped closer and pushed his fingers through the mess. You shivered and stopped his hand as you slowly returned to reality. You lifted yourself on one elbow and batted your lashes in confusion.
“How did you even find me?” you uttered.
“Doesn’t matter how,” he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to sit up gruffly, “only that I did.”
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wandaromanova · 3 years
Date Night
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cussing, sexual suggestion, that’s all!
A/N: hello! here is some fluff for y’all! hope you enjoy! happy reading <3
anon requested: Hi honey! I saw that your requests are open :)) I was wondering if I may please request a fluffly Natasha Romanoff x fem reader one shot, where she surprises the reader with a lunch date (reader has had a super stressful week!) and then convinces her to take the rest of the day off. Later on maybe Natasha starts dropping hints at their future together and later on in the week she proposes (maybe somewhere that has meaning to them) after a very romantic dinner. Thank you!! :))
Summary: Natasha convinces her girlfriend to take some time off of work. They end up having a date night unlike any of their previous ones.
Word Count: 3K
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please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work. reblogs, likes, and comments are always welcome. <3
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Natasha stared up at the tall building with two bags of food in hand. She was about to surprise you with some lunch, considering you haven’t been able to take a single break the entire week.
Seriously, even when you were at home, you’d be working on paperwork or taking call after call from your company partners. You’d then go back to work the next morning and completely neglect your own needs, the only thing you’d focus on was anything work-related.
You were the CEO of a major telecommunications company and things have been super hectic around your office. You barely had time to breathe with everything that had been going on, so, Natasha thought that it would be a good idea to give you a nice surprise.
She made her way into the building and got into one of the fancy elevators, quickly tapping the button to the top floor and stood in silence, lively elevator music filling the small space.
When the doors opened, she walked out and was greeted by your secretary; Megan.
“Hi, Ms. Romanoff. Ms. L/N is just in her office working on some paperwork. She has a meeting in 20 minutes, though.”
Megan sent Natasha a friendly smile. The redhead simply nodded and mumbled out a small ‘thank you’ before opening the door to your office.
She was met with the sight of you hunched over your desk. The light poured into the tall windows in the room, providing sufficient lighting.
You glanced up from your papers at the sound of the door closing softly. Natasha smiled at you and held up the bags of food. Your lips turned upward at the sight of your girlfriend of five years.
“Honey, what are you doing here?” You asked as you got up from your desk, quickly making your way over to greet the Russian. You pulled her in by the waist and into a tight hug.
“I thought you could use some lunch. You haven’t been taking care of yourself and I’m here to change that.” Natasha mumbled into your neck as her arms rested on your shoulder, gripping onto the food she still had in her hands.
“Baby, you didn’t need to come all the way here. I’m fine, just been super busy lately is all.” You pulled back slightly and stared into green eyes.
“Yes, I needed to. I can’t just standby while you’re practically drowning in stress.”
Natasha got out of your embrace and made her way over to your desk, placing the food down and turning around, leaning onto the table with two hands gripping the furniture behind her.
“I’ll manage, it’s kind of my job.” You let out a small giggle, rounding the desk and sitting on your chair. Natasha turned in her spot as you patted your lap.
“Come on, let’s eat the food you brought. I have a meeting soon so we gotta be quick.”
Natasha walked toward you and sat in your lap, your arms circling around her waist. She opened the food and laid out the plates of Thai food.
Natasha fed you and herself. You both sat in silence, simply enjoying each other’s company.
Occasionally, Nat would mimic an airplane or train noise as she moved the spoon closer to you, laughing as she abruptly shoved the utensil into your mouth.
After fifteen minutes had passed, you looked at your watch and sighed. You had another meeting that would probably be ridiculously long for no reason.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I have to get going. I have a meeting in five.”
You moved to get up, but Natasha refused to move off of your lap. You raised an eyebrow at her, the redhead giving you a stern look.
“Take the day off.” You shook your head in protest. You couldn’t take a day off, not now at least.
“Honey, you know I would if I could, bu-“ Natasha immediately cut you off, pressing her lips against yours before pulling back quickly.
“You can though. You’ve been working more than necessary! Please, it’s not even a full day off, it’s half a day.”
Natasha gave you the best puppy dog eyes and pout that she could, knowing how it affected you. Of course, she ended up winning.
“Fine, fine.” You muttered out, leaning forward and pressing a button on your desk-side phone, paging Megan, who sat just outside your office.
“Yes, Ms. L/N?” Your assistant’s spritely voice rang through the phone.
“Megan, could you please clear the rest of my day? I’m taking the day off.” You heard some shuffling on the other end of the phone before the woman replied.
“Okay, your schedule has been cleared and your meetings have been rescheduled to tomorrow.”
Natasha, who could faintly hear the other end of the conversation, smiled triumphantly and placed a soft kiss on the side of your neck.
“Thank you.” And with that, you hung up and returned your attention to the beaming redhead in your lap.
“You never play fair.” You mumbled against her cheek as you placed a gentle kiss against her skin.
“All is fair in love and war, moya lyubov (my love).” You rolled your eyes at the Russian while holding back a smile.
She got out of your hold and stood up, grabbing both of your hands and forcefully pulling you to your feet.
“Let’s go! I know a few things we could do today.” Natasha spoke seductively and sent you a little wink before grabbing the trash on your desk and throwing it away in the small trash can you had under the table.
You watched with a wide smile as she waltzed toward the door, making sure to sway her hips a little more, exaggerating the movement. There was an extra spring in her step that caused her red locks to bounce with each movement.
She turned her head around when her hand was on the doorknob, smirking at you.
“Are you coming or not?”
“I have a feeling I will be soon.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
4 hours later
You laid in bed with Natasha by your side, her head resting on your shoulder with an arm around your torso.
After hours of love-making, you guys had finally gotten to relax. You both just stayed there in each other’s arms, appreciating the moment.
“Honey?” Natasha spoke, breaking the silence.
You tilted your head to look down at her, the redhead already staring up at you as you hummed.
“Have you ever thought about what you want your future to look like?”
This wasn’t the first time you guys have discussed the future. You’d both mention small tidbits of your aspirations and goals, but never went too far into the details of it all.
“Well, first starters, you’re definitely there.” Natasha smiled up at you with bright eyes. It absolutely warmed your heart to see her so full of joy.
“Really?” You nodded your head and kissed her forehead, the redhead briefly shutting her eyes as your soft lips met her skin.
“Really.” You pulled back, brushing your nose against hers. The redhead placed a hand on your cheek, as connected your foreheads.
“Well, I see you in mine too. Maybe we would end up leaving this penthouse and buy an actual home together.”
You nodded with a wide smile. The thought of buying a property with the woman you adored had you giddy.
“Yeah, definitely. Then maybe we could have little rascals of our own running around. We could find a surrogate or maybe even adopt if you’d want to.”
Natasha felt like she was going to melt into a puddle of love. The thought of having children to raise with you filled her with more joy than ever.
“I’d love that.”
The moment was cut off when a loud yawn tore through your body, promoting a little giggle from your girlfriend.
She cuddled closer to you, her arm tightening around your body with a smile on her face.
“Let’s get some rest.” Natasha’s words were slightly slurred, the exhaustion of your previous activities hitting her.
“Yeah, so we can have energy for a round two.”
“Yeah right, more like round ten.”
“Go big or go home!”
“Go to sleep, idiot.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
5 days later
It was a Saturday night and Natasha had practically forced you to not go into work.
Usually, you would go into the office on Saturdays, despite having the day off, to get some extra work out of the way, but your girlfriend was extremely persistent.
So now, here you two were, getting ready to go out for a date night. You had to admit that this was a good idea.
You couldn’t remember the last time you and Nat had gone out on a date; it was a rarity with how busy you both would be majority of the time.
You walked out of the bathroom after brushing out your hair, your heart racing at the sight of your girlfriend clad in a simple black body-con dress that hugged her curves in all the right places paired with a cute, black blazer.
She straightened her hair and did her makeup just the way you liked it.
You stalked over to the woman who stood in front of the full-body length mirror, wrapping your arms around her waist from behind and placing a soft kiss onto her cheek.
“You look gorgeous, baby. I’m so lucky.” Your eyes raked over her figure through the reflection of the mirror before meeting her green ones.
“Thank you, but I’m the lucky one. I swear, if we didn’t have reservations, I’d rip your clothes off and take you right here.”
Natasha’s voice came out husky when you kissed the side of her neck. You sucked on her skin lightly and went to leave a mark, but the Russian turned around in your embrace.
“No marks, not until after dinner at least.” You let out a small whine, pulling her front against yours tightly.
“Oh come on! It’s not like we haven’t ditched our reservations for dinner before. I miss you.”
You tried to go for her neck again, but she flicked your forehead. You stared at her with a look that screamed ‘what the fuck was that for?’
“Don’t give me that look. I’ve been looking forward to having a date night for months. We aren’t missing this. Let’s go.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
Two hours later
Natasha had taken you to one of the best restaurants in New York. You weren’t one for fancy places, you were more of a ‘let’s order takeout and watch tv’ kind of gal, but Natasha absolutely loved luxurious dining experiences.
When you both arrived, the waited immediately escorted you both to the most private table in the house.
The table was set with candles and rose petals were spread across the tablecloth. You were blown away, seeing as the table overlooked the city.
Natasha pulled your seat back for you, placing a soft kiss on her cheek as you sat down. You watched as she rounded the table and sat in the chair across from you.
Her skin was golden as the candlelight brightened up her face, accentuating her green eyes beautifully. She had a cheeky smile on her face and wiggled her eyebrows at you before looking at the menu.
Of course, the redhead ordered the best wine the restaurant had to offer, immediately asking for a bottle of the alcohol.
You two talked about anything and everything over the course of the dinner. You had to admit, this was probably one of the best dates you guys had ever been on, besides your first one, at least.
As you both finished off your meals and were given the check, you noticed that Natasha couldn’t seem to sit still.
She was tapping her fingers against the table anxiously as she gnawed on her bottom lip. You placed your hand on top of hers, stopping the insistent movement.
“Is everything okay, baby?” You asked in concern. It was really unlike Natasha to be nervous, especially during date night.
She was usually relaxed and content whenever you both had time to spend out together.
The redhead sent you a reassuring smile and flipped her hand over, intertwining your fingers before bringing your conjoined hands up to her lips, kissing the back of your hand.
“Never better, hon. Come on, there’s somewhere I want to take you.”
Natasha placed her credit card into the bill holder and waved down a waiter and shortly after, you both walked out into the cool New York air, hand-in-hand.
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
Your eyes lit up when you noticed where your next destination was; Central Park.
You had always loved the park. There was something so beautiful about the scenery and the usual liveliness of the area that brought you so much peace and comfort.
Natasha led you towards a pond that was located in the heart of the park and you immediately recognized which one it was.
The redhead stopped in her tracks on top of the tiny bridge that hovered over the pond.
“Do you remember this spot?” She asked you as she turned around to face you, hand still linked with yours.
“How could I forget? You took me here on our very first date to feed the ducks, which completely backfired.” You let out a laugh at the memory, Natasha’s cheeks turning red.
“I wouldn’t say it backfired…” The redhead mumbled shyly which only made you laugh harder.
“Honey, you ended up getting attacked by pigeons because you were holding the bread. You walked me home covered in bird shit and your clothes were absolutely torn apart.”
You were practically crying from your laughter and you felt Natasha’s hand heating up in yours.
“It wasn’t funny! I really liked that outfit.” Natasha pouted as your laughter died down.
You placed a kiss onto her pouty lips, her frown quickly replaced with a bright smile.
“Anyway, I took you here because this is where our first date was which obviously resulted in us dating.”
You nodded your head at her words, deciding to remain silent when you noticed she had more to add.
“And, well… this is where I want our last date, as girlfriends, to be.”
You felt your heart sink at her words. Was she breaking up with you right now? It didn’t make any sense! She didn’t ever show any indication that she was unhappy or wanted to leave you.
However, before you could completely break down, Natasha let out a shaky breath, and it was then that you noticed how shaky her hands were.
“Y/N, All my life, I never thought that I’d find love. After all of the things that the Red Room had taught me and forced me to do, I never believed that love was in the cards for me, but then I met you, and everything changed.”
You stared at Natasha curiously. This definitely didn’t sound like a breakup. So what was she going on about?
“I never ever thought that one day, I’d find someone that I’d want to spend the rest of my life with. I never thought that I’d ever want to buy a house and build a family with another person, but god, I’m so fucking happy that I was wrong.”
Your eyes watered when the gravity of the situation finally sunk in. Your thoughts were confirmed as Natasha let go of your hand and slowly bent down on one knee in front of you, reaching her hand into her blazer pocket, revealing the small velvet red box that had been tucked away in the material.
“Baby, these last five years have been the best years I’ve ever had, and it was all because of you.”
Your hands flew up to your mouth as a gasp escaped your lips. There were tears in your eyes as she revealed a gorgeous engagement ring to you.
“Y/N, I want you, every day, for the rest of my life. Will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me?”
Natasha’s voice was unstable as she tried to hold back her emotions, but that went out the window when you frantically nodded your head in agreement.
“Yes!” You whispered out in shock. Natasha looked up at you with a wide smile.
“Yeah?” The redhead asked for confirmation and you let out a small chuckle.
“Yes, of course, I’ll marry you! Is that even a question?” Natasha grabbed your left hand shakily and slid the ring onto your finger.
You were both crying at this point. You didn’t care that you were both stood in the freezing cold, in the middle of Central Park.
All that mattered was that this was going to be the beginning of the rest of your life with the woman you loved.
Suddenly, Natasha stood up and picked you up by the waist, twirling you both around.
Honestly, you were surprised she didn’t stumble, considering the fact that she was wearing such high heels. Luckily for you though, she didn’t fall.
You were both laughing like maniacs when she finally stopped spinning. You were like two teenagers in love without a care in the world.
You leaned down, still in her arms, and kissed her passionately.
You could feel all the love and adoration she had for you through the kiss and you prayed to God that she could feel just how much you felt for her too.
When Natasha disconnected the kiss, she placed you gently onto the floor, your arms immediately going around her neck, hers securing themselves around your waist.
“We’re getting married?” She asked in disbelief. Natasha genuinely couldn’t believe that you said yes, even if you never gave her any indication that you would say no.
“We’re getting married.” You reassured her, kissing the tip of her nose, practically melting as her nose scrunched up adorably.
This definitely wasn’t what you expected the night to be like, but you wouldn’t change any detail about it for the world.
You were going to be Y/N L/N-Romanoff.
And that was a name you were going to carry around proudly.
───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
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sexpistxls · 2 years
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐬.
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢 𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐬🙏🏻🙏🏻
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❝𝓢𝐮𝐧𝒇𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫, 𝒗𝐨𝐥.6❞ 𝓗𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝓢𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬
❝𝓘 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞
𝓚𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫
𝓘 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.❞
Mista's work schedule was rather all over the place. Never knew when he would be late home, never knew if he'd be away for weeks on end, never knew if he'd even make it home alive some days.
(Y/N) knew this of course. But after a few years of dating, the latest Mista had ever gotten home was half one in the morning. He'd never been away for weeks and if he ever did, he would let (Y/N) know everything that was going on and kept her updated.
But that was until she'd gotten a call from a random number, which happened to be Mista who had to use a payphone. He'd often have to use public phones instead of his actual mobile for the safety of him and his loved ones. Every time he called her on a pay phone, (Y/N) knew his mission was an important one. So she couldn't help but worry.
❝Babe? Hey, you'll never fucking believe it. Bucciarati is renting a yacht.❞
❝A YACHT. Where's my invite you twat!❞ (Y/N) said jokingly.
❝Wish you could come babe, it's such a nice day too, but i have a sneaky suspicion it's work related. Wouldn't want you caught up in it all.❞
❝Yeah, just messing with you Guido. I take it you'll be home late? Wanna know if i'm gonna be treating myself to a takeaway tonight.❞ She said with a laugh.
❝WOOOOW. I see how it is. But yeah, might be a bit late- hold on a second- Bucciarati whatever you do, please don't rent yacht number 4.❞ The second half of the sentence being quiet and muffled as Mista moved away from the phone to talk to Bruno.
❝Anyway, so yeah i'll probably be late. Sorry 'bout that, (Y/N).❞
❝No worries! Just, please stay safe for me, Guido. Love you.❞
After a few more declarations of how much they loved each other, Mista was ripped away from the payphone by Narancia who couldn't hold in his excitement anymore.
The last time she heard from her boyfriend was that same day just a few hours after they last spoke.
Another 'unknown' number popped up on (Y/N)'s phone. But she knew it was Guido.
❝(Y/N). I cant talk for long, and i know this might be confusing but i cant tell you what's happening. I'm not gonna be home tonight.❞
❝Guido? Are you okay? You sound like you're in pain.❞ She fumbled over her words.
❝Nono, i'm fine babe, i promise- oh shit, i have to go now. I love you.❞ Again, he quickly and quietly poured his heart out, telling her how much he loved and adored her, not knowing if it would be the last time he was able to tell her.
It scared (Y/N) how little she was allowed to know. To top it off Mista sounded hurt. Unbeknownst to her, Guido had just been patched up by Fugo after he just had an intense fight on top of a moving van.
That week felt like years. (Y/N) hardly slept, for when she tried, the constant thought about Mista and his well-being kept her awake. Sometimes her mind suggested the absolute worst case scenarios, it even made her stomach turn and made her go light headed. Once or thrice it even made her physically sick. If she wasn't able to sleep, she sat out on her balcony and just watched the sun rise. In hopes that maybe she'd catch Guido walking back home.
Coming back home to her.
She'd started cleaning the dishes and planned to head to bed afterwards. She'd try and use as many cups and plates as she could throughout the day just so she could wash them up later because it kept her busy and was one of the things that took her mind off of Mista.
But then some days she'd stand there, doing the washing up whilst manifesting his safe return. Sometimes she'd wash the same plate or bowl long after it was clean, completely lost in thought. And tonight was one of those nights.
The warm water rushed out of the tap and into the sink that contained the dirty dishes. Soft bubbles formed as she added more and more of her favourite smelling Fairy washing up liquid.
(Y/N) flinched as the warm water soon became too hot for her hands. A string of profanities spat from her mouth as she cussed out her sink.
❝Stupid fucking piece of shit. The tap isn't even turned all-the-fucking way, so why are you so fucking hot you shiting thing.❞ She blurted out as she turned on the cold water and ran her hand under it.
❝Hm, why am i so hot? Damn these natural good looks.❞ A familiar voice said as their hands snakes onto (Y/N)'s waist.
She spun around in shock to see Guido. (Y/N) said nothing as she dropped her sponge on the floor and practically jumped onto her boyfriend and kissed him.
❝You smell so bad.❞ She commented.
❝Wow, not even a hi.❞ He smirked.
❝Shut up! Are you okay? You're clothes are covered in blood? You have bruises all over you!❞ Her cold soapy hands roamed his face and clothes.
❝Hey! You're hands are freezing, 'ya know?❞
❝Guido shut your mouth, are you okay?❞
Instead of Guido shutting up, he decided to shut
(Y/N) up with another french kiss.
Guido and his team made it out alive, a few cuts and bruises maybe, but nonetheless, alive. On his way home he realised and thought about how everyone risked their lives. Of course he's risking his life everyday by being in a gang, but this mission made him realise it even more. The amount of people they had to kill, the amount of times he was almost killed. It made Mista realise how close he was to never being able to see (Y/N) again. All he wanted to do was hold, kiss and cherish her. And that's what he did until (Y/N) gave up with the questions and just indulged in what she craved and missed.
They kissed like it was their last one, in the comfort of their little kitchen, in their little apartment that over-looked the sea. The setting moon and stars sitting in the sky and reflecting off of the ocean- giving a gorgeous view for whoever looked at it. The main light from the kitchen hanging directly above the couple, acting as a spotlight on a dance floor.
A puddle started to form underneath their feet.
(Y/N) broke the kiss and looked at the floor, and then at the sink.
❝Shit! The taps still running.❞
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maybege · 2 years
Just A Phone Call Away
Summary: Paz comes to the rescue. (Part 2 of LPOH)
Pairing: biker!Paz Vizsla x fem!teacher!Reader
Wordcount: 3.0k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: Modern AU, Biker AU, yearning, Kitten, the usual
I was so in my head last week that I completely forgot to thank the people who helped me with this AU in many different ways back when it was just a small idea on the old blog. A very big shoutout goes to @razzlefrazzum for the insight into Biker culture as well as suggesting that Paz & Co. be a part of BACA! Another big thank you goes to @mostly-megan who, I am sure, at this point has heard at least 35 different versions of the same story and still lets me gush to her about sweet sweet biker!Paz.
Additionally, I will be taking a break from Tumblr for a while. Stories until mid-April have been scheduled (mostly reposts so it will be a bit quieter on AO3). Now onto the chapter: I hope you will enjoy it and, as always, let me know what you think!
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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Paz liked to pretend that he did not think about you all the time.
Sure, he offered to drop Grogu off at school and pick him up more than ever before and yes, he might have a side in his closet that was dedicated to the good flannels he wanted to wear around you. And Boba might have made a snide comment or two about how his bike was cleaner than ever. And his truck, for that matter.
Or how he had trimmed his beard, liking the way your eyes lingered on his face before you looked away like you got caught.
Either way, Paz’s feelings towards you were absolutely nothing more than a professional appreciation.
So, it was completely natural that when he was watching a sports game, a sleeping Kitten in his lap, his thoughts strayed to you and feelings of … professional appreciation warmed his heart. He wondered what you would do on a rainy night like this and remembered how you had mentioned once that you liked to bake.
Would you bake cookies? Eat one oven warm chocolate chip cookie while curled up on your couch watching our favourite movie? Or read your favourite book under one of those fancy lamps that have this warm and soft light?
He shifted in his seat, running his hand over his face. “Stars, Kitten,” he mumbled, looking to the little ball of fur happily snoozing away, “What have I gotten into?”
Kitten lazily lifted her head, blinking at him as if to say How am I supposed to know? “Yeah,” he chuckled, giving her scritches under the chin, “You don’t know what’s going on with me either. Pining after some sweet teacher as if I got any part in this suburban mess.”
The wind turned and the rain aggressively splattered against the window panes. “The fuck is that weather about, huh?”
Kitten purred, standing up on small paws and climbing into his lap before curling up again.
He got ripped out of his thoughts by his phone vibrating on the little coffee table.
A sniffle. “P-Paz?”
He sat up, alarmed when he recognized your voice. Only you didn’t sound like your happy self. You sounded distraught and like you were crying and he was pretty sure there were cars passing you in the background.
“What’s going on? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” he asked, the words flowing out of his mouth.
“I – my car broke down and I am in the middle of now where and I –“ you sobbed, “No one’s stopping and the fucking car won’t start and I was wondering, if you could, uh –“
The sports game in front of him was completely forgotten at this point. Kitten yelped when he gently deposited her on the couch cushion and before he knew it, he was standing in front of the front door, holding the phone between his shoulder and cheek while he threw on his jacket, “Where are you? I am coming to pick you up.”
“I – I don’t know,” you admitted, sounding absolutely miserable, “It’s raining and I am not in city limits yet and – oh!”
An ice-cold feeling shot through his entire body as he stumbled down the few steps of his porch, already ripping open the truck while calling your name like a madman. He spotted Kitten on the window sill to the kitchen, a tiny silhouette against the cool light of the TV that was still on.
But how could he care when you were in danger?
There was some rustling from the other side and he heard you whimper. “I fell into a ditch,” you mumbled into the phone, “I came back from Glen Valley, I think the car stopped maybe around 30 minutes in?”
“Okay,” he nodded starting the car, “If you can, get back to the car, I’ll be there in 10.”
“But it takes at least –“
“I’ll be there in 10,” he insisted, “Stay on the phone, okay?”
You let out a deep breath, “Okay.”
“Okay, I should be coming up now,” Paz murmured, slowing down. The street was completely abandoned but that was no wonder when the rain was so strong you could hardly see. “I am slowing down, let me know if you see something, okay?”
A few moments of silence and then.
“I see your lights,” you replied, “I – You’re almost there here I can –“
He saw an arm shoot up at the side of the road and just a second later he spotted your car. Without a word he hung up, gripping the steering wheel tightly and taking a deep breath. He did not want to scare you with how scared he was for you.
But stars, had he been scared.
As soon as he opened the door, the rain hit his face and he grimaced, closing the door behind him and rushing up into the direction he had seen you signalling. He called your name, fear spiking again when he did not see you.
“Paz?” you called, “Paz, I am here!”
And there you were, hiding next to your car, looking absolutely miserable.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he said, kneeling down next to you, “it’s okay, okay? It’s okay.”
It was not a conscious decision to pull you into his arms and he only really noticed it when your arms wrapped around his shoulders and your head buried in his chest. Raindrops pearled on his leather jacket and the wind was biting cold. Yet he still felt the heat of your tears soaking his blue shirt and his heart clenched.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his lips pressed against your temple, “Let’s get you outta here, okay?”
“B-But my car,” you looked at him, wide-eyed and scared and so distressed it might as well be him that had heart palpitations because that was certainly what it felt like, “Shouldn’t we –“
“Fuck the car,” he muttered, “We will tow it tomorrow, I promise. But you’re freezing, love, and you need to get somewhere warm and dry, okay?”
You sniffled, nodding quickly, “Okay.”
Your cold hands had snuck under his leather jacket, laying on his back and he smiled when your cheek squished against his chest when you squeezed him a little tighter. Carefully, he pushed your arms away, instead interlacing his fingers with yours when he helped you up. A small voice in the back of his head lamented the fact that you were so far away now (meaning: not pressed completely against his front in a heart-crushing hug).
“Let’s go,” he said, “Do you need something from the car?”
You shook your head. “I, uh, I locked myself out anyways.”
He grunted, gently pulling you with him when the rain got worse. “We will get it tomorrow, okay?”
You both hurried across the road to the truck and he opened the door for you, watching how you tried to shake some mud off your shoes before entering. Even with the rain bearing down, you were the epitome of lovely.
When he closed the door on the driver’s side, he took a deep breath, cranking up the heat at the same time. You smiled at him, a raindrop making its way down the bridge of your nose and he found himself wanting to kiss it away. To kiss you.
Whoa, slow down there. You are just here to help.
He reached for the backseat, finding a spare blanket that he handed to you. “It might be full of cat hair,” he warned you, remembering how Kitten tossed and turned on it whenever she decided to come with him to the garage or back home, “but at least it’s warm.”
“Thank you, Paz,” you said, laying it over your lap, “Truly.”
“Anytime, love,” he replied, starting the car again, “Now let’s get you home.”
“So when will you ask her out?”
“The fuck?”
With a grunt, Paz pulled himself up on the pipe, making sure that his chin was above the metal contraption before he lowered himself again.
Usually, he preferred to go to the local gym. But with the happenings in the last few days, he was not ready to be stared at by a yoga course full of soccer moms. He just wanted to train in peace. Although the in peace part might not be a given in the garage …
Driving you home had been absolutely uneventful while also the most emotionally stressful 30 minutes of his life. He had been panicked and nervous and excited and so kriffing tense with you next to him. Ever since he had he had been terrified of saying something that offended you.
And so, he had hardly said anything at all which also might not have been the greatest choice.
But whenever he had looked over at you (which had been embarrassingly often) you had already looked at him, shyly smiling at him through the shivers. He had tried to ignore how your fingers brushed against his every time he shifted gears until he had turned his palm up and your hand has just fit so perfectly into his and –
Fennec chuckled from beneath the van she was working on. “Boba means the teacher, dumbass,” she clarified the older man’s question. Paz could only see her legs sticking out from the vehicle but he did not need to see her face to know she was grinning from ear to ear.
Just like you had grinned when you had said goodbye to him, making a funny comment about how your elderly neighbours – Mr and Mrs Ruperton – were trying to stay undetected as they looked out of the living room window to find out whom that strange car belonged to. And Paz could bet that they were not happy it was his.
“I – what are you talking about?” he took a deep breath, pulling his chin over the metal pipe, pulling the weight around his hips with him. He had wrapped a chain attached to one of the heavier stones around his middle, creating a simple loop that allowed him to pretend he was carrying more bodyweight than he actually was.
“Miss Every-Day-I-Am-Wearing-A-Bright-Colour-Like-I-Am-In-A-Fucking-Kids-Show,” Boba scoffed, tinkering with a cylinder in his hands. His fingers were stained black with oil but that had never seemed to bother the older man. If you don’t like oil you have the wrong job and the wrong hobby, boy, he had said once and Paz had agreed with him silently.
But he did not agree with him now.
Something about how Boba had teased you … it did not sit right with him. “She does that because the kids like it,” he muttered under his breath, maintaining the tension in his arms. His dog tags felt cool against his chest where already a thin film of sweat had formed, “Not like everyone has to walk around like us.”
“Already defending her, I see,” Boba teased him, clearly happy with how Paz had reacted.
He wanted to disagree, to say something along the lines of Get off my back, she is not interested in me like that anyway, when they were interrupted.
The door jingled open and the summer heat filtered inside. Somewhere in the backroom Din cursed at the creaking sound the air conditioner made.
“Hello?” your head peeked inside, followed by your whole body.
Paz ungraciously lost all tension in his arms and landed on his feet. Suddenly he felt self-conscious. With it being one of the hottest days in the county he had shed his shirt, trying to keep from scratching the wound on his middle. Tano would slap him if he came to her with a scabbed open wound. As you fully stepped into the garage he could see how your eyes lingered on his figure, on his tattoos, on some of the smaller scars and the longest on the purplish bruise that had formed on his side.
Why couldn’t he keep a damn shirt on?
“When speaking of the devil,” Boba grinned wolfishly and you visibly were taken aback. Paz cursed the older man. Boba’s humour was hard to understand for people who did not know him well and to be greeted like that? No one would feel welcomed.
“Only good things I hope,” you smiled, clearly unsure and Paz grabbed a towel from some workbench to rid his hands of the dirt.
“Of course, um, hi,” he rushed, clearing his dry throat, stepping towards you.
You were wearing one of your dresses again. This one was made of some light fabric falling in layers over your body and he wondered if it would feel as soft as it looked to be. It was a light blue, like a summer morning, he thought and smiled. You really were always wearing something colourful.
“I, uh, I brought you some pie,” you said, holding up the towel-covered dish in your hands as if to show evince for your statement, “As a thank you,” you added quieter.
Heat crept up his neck and he was thankful he had done something physical earlier or else Boba would have teased him about his blush later on. “Uh, thank you,” he mumbled, taking the dish from you. It smelled fruity and his stomach grumbled. When was the last time he had eaten something home-baked?
Home-cooked, sure, but baked?
His fingertips brushed against your hands and his heart stood still. Shitshitshit was this normal? Was this okay? He kind of wanted to
“How, uh, how did you get here?” he asked, “
“Oh, I walked,” you shrugged, avoiding his gaze, “I – it's so nice out I thought I could take a walk and see a bit more of the town.”
“Girl, it’s like 250 degrees out there,” Boba commented drily and you shifted on your feet, “That can’t have been a nice walk.”
“Perhaps Paz could show you our kitchen?” Fennec suggested from her place under the car, “You might want something cold to drink?”
“That – that actually sounds really nice,” you admitted with a soft smile, glancing up at him shily, “If you don’t mind of course.”
Dazed he looked at you, somehow managed to move his head up and down in a nod. “Yeah, just, uh, just follow me.”
And you did. You followed him through the garage, past the little reception office to the door that led to the break room that was still of leftover pizza from the lunchbreak and where the stains never quite left the rundown linoleum floor.
The door behind you fell closed, muting the music from the radio outside and he turned to face you. You handed him the pie wordlessly, nervousness in the air and he felt the electricity shoot through his palm when your hands touched.
“Thank you,” he managed to bring out, setting the pie down on the counter before opening the fridge and finding the last bottle of lemonade between six-packs of beer, “You didn’t have to do this, though, I –“
“Oh, but I did,” you protested quietly, standing right next to him, “I – Paz, I don’t want to imagine what could’ve happened if you – if no one …” you swallowed thickly, looking down at your drink but he could still see the tears caught on your eyelashes.
His heart clenched.
“You don’t have to worry about that,” he murmured, his hand coming out to touch your bare shoulder. Your skin was warm from the sun but it was also soft, “I am just happy I was there.”
You relaxed into him and it was a slow and beautiful thing, feeling how you stepped closer, how your chest brushed against his and then you set the drink down next to you on the counter and you looked up at him and –
“I am so glad you gave me your number. I will never be able to thank you enough.”
“Getting to talk to you is reward enough,” he smiled, hardly realizing what he was saying and it did not even matter when the most beautiful smile spread over your lips. You were lighting up the whole room (and his heart) with the way you smiled at him and he felt his heart skip a beat.
“You know,” you teased him, “one day I will ask you how you got that bruise.”
His scoff turned into a smile. “Kitten refused to get out of some car parts and well … I made the mistake of trying to lift one out on my own.”
“Sounds like it must have hurt,” you winced, your hand reaching out, stopping short of his belly and you both froze, sucking in a sharp breath.
He did not know what to do, what to say, how to get the emotions out that were building up in his chest. But it seemed to become a pattern now that you were the one to voice your desires.
“Can I hug you, Paz?” you whispered, “Please?”
He swallowed thickly. He was sure his chest was vibrating with how strong his heart was beating but stars damn it he wanted you close. His hand fell away from your shoulder as he nodded, instead his fingertips brushed against yours as he cluelessly stood there, not knowing if or how to begin.
He really was a fucked-up mess, huh?
Your fingertips brushed over his palms, his wrists, up his forearms until you wrapped your arms around his middle, pulling yourself close to him and resting your ear on his chest. He felt you take a deep breath and allowed himself to relax as well. In the background, he could hear the tinkering from the garage but right now all that mattered was you in his arms.
After a few seconds, he was brave enough to wrap his arms – previously lamely hanging by his side – around your shoulders, settling his hands safely in the middle of your back. As he shifted his face closer to yours, his lips brushed against your temple and you sighed.
He closed his eyes.
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1kook · 3 years
wrong place, right time
— a someway, somehow jjk x reader drabble summary “Marry me,” Jungkook says one night warning smut is mentioned in passing (jk getting tied up, gagged, crying lol, also him fingering oc), da ex girlfriend Sojin is mentioned 😨, oc is a LIL scared..... she gets over it lol rating m (18+) wc 1k
note (!) alas.... our last swsh drabble to fulfill the arc I accidentally began for them <3 rip in peaces u will be missed mrs. ‘swish’
His timing is absolutely terrible.
At first, you had wanted to believe Jungkook was the normal one, that it was you who moved according to strict imaginary schedules. Wake up at exactly 6:14am every morning, grab your keys by 6:43. Precise, exact. Jungkook and everyone else moved according to more lax rules. The auto shop opens at 9am, sometimes 9:10 if traffic is bad; it closes at 11pm or whenever the last client leaves. Compared to Jungkook, you were just too picky about timing, too strict. 
For a long time, that seemed to be accurate. 
“Marry me,” Jungkook says one night, rolled beneath an old Dodge pick-up truck that has definitely seen better days. You’re sitting off to the side, fingers flying across your phone’s keyboard as you type up an angry email. It’s muffled, the sound of his voice absorbed by the junk of metal above him. You pretend you don’t hear it. A few minutes later, he rolls out from underneath, has got a dark streak of something painted across his perfect forehead. He taps the pointed toe of your heel with a wrench. “Marry me,” he repeats. 
You balk. “You’re asking me now?” you clarify just in case, phone slowly coming to rest against your thighs. He tilts his head to the side, shrugs like he sees nothing weird about the situation. There’s no other word to explain the emotion that blooms in your chest other than completely dumbfounded. “Like… right now?” 
Jungkook’s not even looking at you anymore, too busy shuffling through his toolbox for that one weird shaped tool you see him use often. “Do you want me to ask another time?��� he suggests casually. When he looks back up, he’s got this slightly confused look on his face, as if you’re the odd one. And because the moment is just so… weird you find yourself nodding along. 
And that’s that. You move on, pretend like Jungkook’s weirdly placed proposal didn’t happen, let it settle in the very back of your mind. Not like it’s hard, anyway. Your schedule is packed, clouded with meetings and deadlines, all your new roles as the department manager, and you barely have time to think about it. 
He tries again about a month later. 
“Marry me,” he gasps after a wild night beneath the sheets. There’s tender marks lining his rib cage, over his arms, around his throat. His face is still flushed, and there’s drying cum against his tummy. He might’ve cried tonight from overstimulation, but you can’t quite remember. That’s how he asks you the second time. 
For some reason, you laugh the second time. “What?” you chuckle, and maybe it was one of those protective measures, laughing in a tense situation because you don’t know what else to say. Your mind is still stuck somewhere between the gags and the cuffs and the tears and the way his skin had bruised beneath your touch. 
Jungkook rolls out his wrist— it’s red, so fucking red —and then promptly reaches for your hand. The pad of his thumb is rough from years of working, swipes across your knuckles lovingly. “Marry me,” he says, but you can’t tell if the blush on his cheeks is from his bashfulness or from the fact you had choked him a few minutes prior. “I want to marry you.”
Your brain stalls, mouth opening and closing. Jungkook doesn’t seem too bothered. He kisses your knuckles, asks you to get the salve from his drawer instead. He doesn’t mention it again that night, just lets you rub his back and goes to sleep. 
The next time comes sooner, about a week later. 
His mom mentions it one night, the three of you squeezed into the tiny kitchen of his family home as his dad snores in the other room. “Sojin is getting married,” she says, and the air is sucked out of the room. At least, it is for you. 
You try to play it off, straining your eyes to catch a glimpse of him in your peripheral. “Really,” Jungkook says, half a turkey sandwich in his mouth. He’s still in his jumpsuit from work, has it knotted around his waist in that way that makes him look extra beefy, extra sexy. “That’s crazy.”
His mom hums, and their genuine lack of emotion towards the news makes you feel like you’re the crazy one once again. “She sent an invitation.” 
She leaves the kitchen soon after, leaves you quietly stirring the sugar into your coffee as Jungkook gobbles down his sandwich. A loud gulp, the loud smack of his lips. “We should get married,” he says, and you jolt, spoon clattering loudly against the inside of your mug. 
Your brain doesn’t struggle for a response this time. That being said, it doesn’t necessarily have you giving him a good response either. “Like Sojin,” you reply, and feel weird about it immediately. Icky. Gross. Bitter. 
Apparently, Jungkook gets it. “Or we can get married in ten years,” he suggests instead, skips over your little blunder like he never heard it at all. “Or fifty.”
You appreciate it. “When I’m saggy,” you mumble, eyes hyper-focused on the mini whirlpool inside your coffee mug. 
He hums, bumps his hip against yours. “My cute, senior citizen girlfriend. We can drive one of those retro cars around town.”
The worst one yet is on the side of the road, your car battery giving out on the highway that connects the city to your hometown. Jungkook picks you up, pulls up behind you and has the audacity to catcall you as he walks up. “Hey, beautiful,” he flirts after you punch his stupidly strong bicep, grins this cheesy thing at you as he gets to work. 
In the end, your car can’t be revived with the limited tools he brought along. You settle on waiting inside his truck, snuggled beneath his jacket as you wait for the tow truck. He gets the bright idea to fondle you beneath the coat, the dying sunset painting his charming face in a romantic glow that has you seeing stars and galaxies and nebulae when you come. “Marry me,” he husks out, mouth slotted against yours. 
It’s the last time he asks; it’s the first time you say yes.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Can you do a fluffy smut with Dear Captain? Where he comes back from a mission after a while and you wake up to him finally in bed with you 🥺 88, 51, 56 I really love these three 💖 Thank you!
88) “Mmm, good morning to you too.”
51) “Did you touch yourself while I was gone?”
56) “Come sit on my face, let me show you how much I missed you.”
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!!
Slow wake up sex with Steve?!?!?! I gotta tell you Nonnie, I was very excited when I got this one.
Soft fluffy smut, no minors.
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It was 4 AM when Steve finally walked through the front door of your shared apartment.
His three day mission had turned into a two week long op, and he had missed you terribly. It didn’t help that Tony refused to allow any personal communications aside from updates on how long they would be gone, so he’d barely had a chance to talk to you during that whole time.
Not to mention how goddamn horny he was.
You’d normally send him lots of videos and photos of you touching yourself, but with Stark’s goddamn moratorium he didn’t even have that. Just the pair of panties you always sent him off with and those had started to get a little crusty after day four.
All he wanted was to crawl into bed and bury himself in your pretty little cunt, but he was pretty sure you were sleeping. So he made his way to the bathroom to take a shower and rid himself of the grime he’d accumulated before turning in.
He walked into your bedroom 15 minutes later, pulling on a pair of sweats and smiling to himself when he saw you curled up under the comforter. You wrinkled your nose in your sleep and mumbled softly when he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Shit.” He hissed through his teeth when he pulled the covers back to crawl in next to you.
You were wearing his favorite nightie. Delicate, light pink mesh that hugged your perfect body and was basically transparent. You had your arms curled over your chest so he couldn’t see your tits, but the way your legs were bent had made the hem rise up enough that he could catch a glimpse of your pretty pussy glistening between your thighs.
You were already wet.
He groaned as he weighed his options. Maybe he could go sleep on the couch so you could get your full rest. You’d told him he was allowed to wake you up anytime he got back from a mission, but he always felt too guilty to interrupt your sleep schedule.
You let out a low moan and started rubbing your thighs together and he lost all self control, ripping his clean sweats off and curling around your back, his aching cock sliding right between your puffy lips as he ran his length over your slit.
He wrapped one arm around your waist as he rutted his hips against you, groaning as he started to trace his lips and tongue over your shoulders. You let out a soft sigh and arched your back into him, your hips finding their own rhythm as his tip rubbed against your clit.
“Steve?” You murmured groggily, blinking slowly as you tried to turn your head to look at him.
“Good morning.” He purred into your hair, nipping at the shell of your ear as his hips started to move a little faster.
“Mmm, good morning to you too.” You grinned at him, biting your lip as your arousal seeped out of you and soaked Steve’s cock.
“Fuck, I missed you so much, sweetheart.” He groaned as you moved your hand to wind your fingers through his at your waist, his other hand moving under you to cup your breast.
“Really? I couldn’t tell.” You teased, wrapping your leg around his to give him better access.
“God, I wanted to kill Tony when he said I couldn’t call you.” He growled as he rolled your nipple through his fingers, making you whimper. “Two fucking weeks without seeing this perfect pussy. Did you touch yourself while I was gone?”
“It was two weeks Rogers, what d’you think?” You said with an eye roll, your ass still grinding against him as you leaned your head against his shoulder. “Missed this cock so much.”
“Yeah, pretty girl? Those toys of yours not doing it for you?” He teased as he pressed you tighter to him. “You need my big cock to split open that tight little pussy?”
“Steve, I need you inside me.” You gasped as he slapped his angry tip against your swollen folds. “Please fuck me with that massive cock.”
“You got it honey.” He purred into your hair before drawing you onto his length, groaning as he felt you flutter and stretch around him until he was fully seated in you. “Jesus Christ.”
You whimpered as he started moving his hips, dragging his cock over every spot that had been neglected over the past few weeks and making your eyes roll back in your head.
“God, you’re so damn tight.” He hissed into your shoulder as he pistoned his hips into you, groaning as he felt you clench around him. “I hope you’re close, baby, this isn’t gonna last long.”
“I’m so fucking close, Steve.” You moaned as you leaned your head against his shoulder as a series of lewd squelches emitted from between the two of you, and you thrust your ass back into him desperately.
He growled against your shoulder as his thrusts became violent and he wrapped his arm around your front to press his fingers to your clit. You cried out as you came, your release squirting out of you violently and soaking your sheets as you vibrated against him, your pussy throbbing around his cock. He sank his teeth into your shoulder as he followed you, his cock swelling inside you until he was filling you with his spend until it leaked out over your thighs.
“Oh my god, Steve, that was unbelievable.” You panted, sagging against the mattress as he pulled out of you.
“You think that was something?” He grinned at you as he rolled you onto his lap. “Come sit on my face, let me show you how much I missed you.”
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
take a shot - dsmp!mcc fic
MCC FIC! MCC FIC! MCC FIC! To be clear, I outlined this weeks back, when teams were first announced, and I took very very little from the actual MCC itself when it came to actually writing this - all I have are the same teams, but it really exists in its own continuity outside of Real Life MCC (obviously, as it’s using the dsmp characters) and everything like that as a whole! Just to be clear :D)
The worldbuilding is also Absolutely Bullshitted start to finish, as well as any and all medical information. Rip. We’re here for a good time, not for a long or particularly accurate one - hope you guys enjoy regardless!! I had a LOT of fun writing this fic, dsmp!mcc aus my BELOVED
title obviously from win it all by derivakat
Michael loves MCC.
But it’s one thing to love the normal Championships and quite another when his team looks like it’s falling apart from the inside out - and as the games progress, it becomes more and more obvious that losing, this time, might not be an option.
tws: C!QUACKITY CRITICAL (sorry i promise i love him but he is NOT portrayed very nicely here, very dark portrayal of him), implied trauma, abuse, torture, panic attacks, manipulation, gaslighting, needles, hospitals, MCC-typical violence, emotional distress, prison arc, pandora’s vault themes
(16k words !! :D long boi) 
Michael loves MCC.
Of course he does! It’s fucking MCC - like, who wouldn’t love it? MCC is how he met so many people, how he met Dream, that one time, the two of them teamed with Techno and Burren and winning it all - MCC is a goddamn blast and he’s thankful every time he gets the invite that he’s able to compete. 
Still- it’s hard not to be a little more nervous, now. 
Dream gave him an invite to his SMP right after they teamed, but it wasn’t until months later that Michael actually cashed it in. Entering the server, it became very obvious very quickly that the DreamSMP, as it’s known, isn’t quite the same as its shiny media appearance. The spawn was covered in blocks, creeper holes littering the ground. The people he passed were grey-faced, too stoic to be the same, smiling faces he remembers from only less than a year ago. The air stings of gunpowder and iron. Worst of all are The Crater, shoddily covered in glass that does nothing to hide the damage done, rending the server in two straight down to bedrock, and the Prison, looming on the horizon. Absent-mindedly, Michael rubs at his left shoulder, remembering the Warden setting the prongs of his trident against the skin in warning, just hard enough to barely draw blood. Yeah, that place is bad news. 
The fact of the matter is the server is a mess. And like, okay, whatever, Michael gets it. Everyone has their issues - it’s just the DreamSMP seems to have more than most. Despite his original worries, it’s honestly not been as bad as he originally feared upon logging in; yeah, Bad and Puffy and Foolish and the rest of them are a little more trigger-happy than he might’ve expected (and he’s not going to say that Bad crying over turtles wasn’t a little startling when he first joined, but honestly he thinks Bad is just Like That.) There’s way more death than he’s really comfortable with, and Puffy keeps mentioning Bad murdering her son (Foolish? He thinks? The guy is also a literal God but like, families are weird, who’s he to judge) in a way that’s way too casual to come from anyone entirely well-adjusted, but overall his experience has been alright. 
Still, he gets the feeling that nobody exactly wants the outside world to know about the issues with the place. It’s not an issue for him usually, not when his sleeping schedule is the exact opposite of most of the people he knows and he spends most of his time screwing around on the server, anyway (usually harassing the Warden until the asscrack of dawn if he’s being honest) but with MCC, with everyone watching - he’s starting to get why everyone from the SMP was so damn tense all the time, now. 
Anyway- he loves MCC, he really does. But even that doesn’t stop him from wincing when he sees his team card, the names Dream and Quackity and Sapnap written in Scott’s looping handwriting. He’s not seen Sapnap at all since joining the server, has only heard a little about his place (something Kingdom, not that he was paying attention) from Foolish, and has no idea what the man has been up to. Quackity is his own unique can of worms; Michael doesn’t know exactly what’s up with him and his country, but everything he’s heard so far has sounded like nothing but bad news, casinos and schemes and a trail of wreckage following wherever he goes. And Dream-
Michael looks out his window, chewing on his lip, looking directly in the direction where he knows the prison stands, impenetrable, intimidating. Where Dream’s cell is, in line with his house, where he’s been hidden for months without a trace. Where the Warden had confronted him that one night, a dangerous gleam in his eyes, blood splattered on his boots. 
There’s no real ignoring an MCC invite - not without good reason, not without the admins picking up on something being up. There’s not really a choice, here, but for Michael to duck his head down and pretend everything’s fine just like everyone else from the SMP. He directs one last glance at the prison before walking away, setting the invite on his counter. If he’s lucky, everything will turn out fine. 
(He ignores the part of him that asks what’s going to happen if they’re not. No point in worrying about what hasn’t happened yet - right?) 
Weeks pass, the tournament creeping closer, and Michael gets no alerts from his teammates on his comm. No one comes to his house to check in, say hi, not even a ‘hey, we’re kinda competing in a massive tournament in like, seven days, you ready?’ Hell, he even starts checking his goddamn mailbox for a letter or something only to come up empty-handed every time. Never mind performing well - it’ll be a miracle if their team manages to arrive at the tournament at all. 
It isn’t until the day before MCC, the sun high in the sky at what must be near noon, when he finally gets a message on his comm. Michael fishes it out with a frustrated huff, seeing Quackity’s name pop up first when he manages to turn on the screen. 
Quackity whispers to you: you down for some practice?
It takes a couple seconds for him to blink away his shock - out of everyone he expected to arrange practice for their team, Quackity was definitely not at the top of the list. He half-thought they would have to drag him to the tournament kicking and screaming; from what he’s heard, he’s been nothing if not devoted to his country. Shaking his head, he goes to reply; practice is practice, and their team really needs it. 
You whisper to Quackity: sure. practice server?
Quackity whispers to you: yes
Pulling up his server list, Michael scrolls for the practice server, finding it and then letting the server transfer do the rest. A few nausea-inducing seconds later, he’s at the practice server spawn, standing in the middle of a neatly paved road surrounded by colorful arenas and signs. 
He turns; there, by the Battle Box arenas, Quackity is waving at him, already dressed in a red varsity jacket and a pair of shorts, the jacket bearing a front pocket embroidered with a rabbit and a large R stitched onto the back. He reaches behind him for a red bag, throws it his way for Michael to catch mid-air. 
“Got these outfits for us last minute - hope it’s alright with you,” Quackity smiles, and Michael tries to prevent his eyes from clinging to the scar spanning the entire left side of his face. “Anyway- how are you, man? I feel like we haven’t seen each other at all on the server. How’s it been?”
“I’m good- it’s been good.” Michael opens the drawstring bag, cataloguing the contents - there’s a jacket, just like Quackity’s, a pair of shorts and sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a headband, all in varying shades of red and white. “Nice outfit- thank you. Is anyone else around?”
Quackity waves a hand behind him. “Yeah- Dream’s here. Should be coming out of the arena soon, actually.” Michael looks over behind his shoulder to where he’s pointing - there, walking down the stairs, is another figure wearing all red that must be Dream. “There he is- hey Dream! Michael’s here!” 
Dream hurries down the stairs; unlike Quackity, he is wearing the sweatpants along with the same jacket, hands stuffed in his pockets. His hair is a lot longer than Michael remembers, pulled back behind his head in a ponytail, mask, as usual, fastened over his face. He settles behind Quackity, giving Michael a small wave; his hands are covered by a pair of fingerless gloves. 
“Hey, Dream!” Michael grins; it’s been such a long time since he’s seen his old teammate, and despite the circumstances and everything that’s apparently happened since then, it’s still pretty damn nice to see him. “How’ve you been?”
Dream seems to freeze for a moment, before shaking his head. “Good,” he says, quiet, sounding almost breathless. Michael’s eyes go to the slivers of skin that show on either side of his face, to the slight shake to his hands. 
“You alright? You look a little pale,” Michael asks, and he definitely doesn’t miss the way Dream stills at the words, muscles tensing, gaze averting to the side even with the mask - doesn’t miss how Quackity steps forward, looking Michael in the eye as he tosses a casual arm around Dream’s shoulder, smiling brightly. 
“Don’t worry. This idiot has just been practicing a bit too much before you got here,” Quackity gestures with a flippant twist of his wrist, “You know how he gets. Right, Dream?” 
“Um- yeah. Ha,” Dream responds just a little too late to be strictly normal, shoulders tight and nearly pulled to his ears under Quackity’s arm. “Practice- I’m a little out of shape.” 
“You sure?” Dream’s breathing hitches and Quackity steps forward, just a little bit, eyes still fixed firmly on Michael’s own even as he shifts his gaze to try and look at Dream. “We can take a break if you need, Dream-”
“I’m fine!” Dream smiles with a little stuttered breath that turns into a small laugh, “It’s- uh. It’s fine. Thanks Michael, but we can practice. Not much time left to waste, you know?”
“You sure, Dream?” Quackity says, suddenly, voice soft and sincere. “I guess it has been a while since you’ve been able to practice- you sure you don’t need a break?”
Dream shakes his head firmly. “No- it’s fine. Really- where’s Sapnap? He should be coming soon, right?”
“If you say so, pal,” Quackity replies, doubt coloring his tone as he pulls out his communicator. “I told Sapnap to come, he replied a couple minutes back; he should be here soon, I think. You want to go meet him at spawn?”
Dream nods, and they begin to set out towards the center of the server, Quackity and Dream quickly taking the lead as Michael falls back. After a minute, Quackity falls into casual conversation, rambling about something as Dream nods, Michael trailing behind the two of them and adding his own input as he sees fit. Sapnap arrives soon after, and the noise level picks up even more after that, Sapnap and Quackity falling into an easy rhythm of banter and quips as they set out to practice Battle Box and Parkour Tag, carefully working their way through the different games under Dream’s tutelage and advice. 
And here’s the thing- Michael isn’t stupid. Yeah, he’d hardly consider himself a top tier MCC player, and he’ll be the first to say that he’s nowhere near qualified to deal with the literal laundry list of issues that affect every member of the SMP, but even so, he’s not clueless. He’s good at looking at multiple sides of a situation, doesn’t easily give into intimidation or manipulation, and he’s observant as all hell. So when Quackity wraps his hand around Dream’s wrist, fingers wrapping all the way around until his knuckles pale, when Dream winces, muscles in his arm locking before letting it go limp, not protesting when Quackity drags him forward except in the tiny, tight expressions that flit across his face every few moments, tight and gasping and shaky at the corners - Michael notices. 
“See you at the tourney, yeah?” Quackity calls to him after practice with a wink before clapping Dream on the back, Michael watching silently as the muscles of Dream’s neck pull tight, head ducking to his chest. “Good job, big guy,” he says, laughing. “Keep this up for tomorrow and we’ll be good.”
“Mmhm,” Dream mutters after a brief second, “We’re- we’re gonna win.”
“Betting on it, pal,” Quackity replies, voice light in a way that completely fails to explain Dream’s full-body flinch. “MCC, huh? Can’t fucking wait.”
“See you tomorrow, Quackity,” Michael says as he presses DreamSMP on his server list, pretending that a chill doesn’t crawl down his spine at the smile that the other man throws his way in return. 
There’s no real easy answer.
Michael comes to that conclusion at some point in the middle of the night, restless and pumped on way too much adrenaline to go to sleep. He can’t outright antagonize Quackity, can’t let him know he knows something’s up - not when Quackity had already spent the majority of practice keeping one dark, narrowed eye on him at all times, lips pursed in a slight frown whenever he thought Michael wasn’t looking. He’s not stupid; whatever’s happening between Dream and Quackity is secret, and kept that way for a reason. His mind goes back to the brief flashes of anxiety that had moved over Dream’s face before he could react fast enough to school them back into a carefully neutral position; whatever it is, he doubts it bodes well for Dream in the slightest. 
Unfortunately, his hands are pretty damn tied. He knows public opinion on the masked man in the server is overwhelmingly negative, but has no damn idea how far it extends. How many people are in on whatever’s happening in that damn prison? How many people know what would make Dream, bold and bright and recklessly confident in all of Michael’s (rather limited) memories, into someone so quiet, unimposing, nervous? His head spins with the possibilities, with the ever-present reminder to not make a fuss, let the tournament pass on, to never, ever let anyone find out what’s going on within the SMP. Should he do anything at all? 
Too soon, it’s morning, and he drags himself out of bed with a groan to glare at the sun streaming through his window. Somewhere, Quackity and Dream and Sapnap are also waking up, are preparing to compete in one of the biggest damn tournaments to exist. Michael sighs, glancing over to where he’s set out his outfit, freshly pressed and waiting. Any other day, and he’d probably be fucking ecstatic. Here, he buries his head in his hands, muffling a frustrated groan against the palm of his hands. 
He loves MCC, but he sure as hell doesn’t like whatever the hell is going on with the rest of his team. 
Getting into the server goes smoothly enough. The outfit is comfortable and looks damn good, props to whoever made the thing, and the sight of the multicolored crowd successfully manages to tamp down some of his nerves. He busies himself with saying hi to all of the members waiting in the lobby, happy for the chance to talk to some people he hasn’t seen in ages, feels the night of anxieties wash away with every stupid joke told and burst of laughter drawn from his lungs. 
They come back the moment Scott steps up in front of the lobby. “Teams, it’s time to head to your team rooms! The tournament will begin in fifteen minutes,” Scott says, expression sunny and bright, “we’re wishing you all luck for a great performance today! May the best team win!” 
In a flurry of movement, they’re all whisked to their rooms for a final few minutes of preparation and morale-boosting, and Michael enters the glorified dressing room to Quackity, Dream, and Sapnap already standing there, seemingly in the middle of conversation. 
“You ready to win?” Sapnap yells, and Quackity whoops, and Michael manages a small cheer of his own. They’re all visibly nervous; Quackity has scarcely stopped moving, pacing from one side of the room to the next; Sapnap is basically jumping in place where he stands. Dream stands at the very back of the room, looking tense; Michael directs a wave his way and gets a small one in return. 
“Game plan, game plan,” Quackity mutters, “do we know what games we’re playing first? Dream?”
He nods at Dream, and Dream stands up straighter, mouth falling open.
“Oh- um,” he hesitates, a strand of hair flopping forwards as he tilts his head in thought. “We’ll want to save Parkour Tag and Battle Box towards the end- maybe something more high-risk at the beginning, but not first, just to boost morale,” his teeth catch on his bottom lip, “Maybe something like To Get To The Other Side? If they have that- or Build Mart, if we can get it out of the way.” He shakes his head. “If that’s alright- I mean-”
“Great,” Quackity cuts in smoothly. “Sapnap? Michael? Does that sound good to you?”
Sapnap flashes a thumbs up, and Michael nods. “Yeah, sounds great. Thanks, Dream.”
Dream’s head snaps towards him, mouth slightly open in shock. The sight of it makes Michael’s gut twist uncomfortably; there’s something about how surprised he is, at the nervous hesitancy with which he spoke that was nothing like what Michael remembers of his easy leadership in that MCC with Techno, that doesn’t sit right at all in his stomach. Even with his expression largely hidden, there’s no mistaking the clear, genuine surprise on his face at the idea of someone thanking him - Michael tries to tell himself that he’s reading too much into it as Quackity continues to speak. 
“We’re going to win,” he grins, just a little too sharp at the edges, “so get out there and play like your lives depend on it, yeah?” 
Sapnap cheers, and again, Michael and Dream follow. It’s not until he’s outside the door, within the clamor of screaming teams and people counting down with the timer that Michael realizes that Quackity was staring at Dream the entire time. 
Michael curses, frustrated, when he’s knocked off a platform again, making sure to flip Krinios the bird before he falls into the Void entirely. When he makes it to the other side, Quackity and Dream are already deep in conversation - if you can call it that. Even from here, it looks worryingly one-sided.
“-were you thinking, falling off there-” Quackity’s hand is on Dream’s shoulder, Dream standing stock-still in front of him, “you better be taking this seriously, Dream.”
“Hey- sorry about that,” Michael calls with a wave, “I swear Krinios had it out for me. At least I made it across, right?” 
Quackity turns, startled, and in the split-second that it takes for him to register Michael’s appearance, his expression smooths over into something friendlier, more inviting. “Michael!” He says, enthusiastic, and it’s like the anger that had filled his words just seconds before was never there at all. “Don’t- don’t worry about it, man. We all kinda dropped the ball on that one, right Dream?” 
The words should be encouraging, just simple ribbing between teammates. Dream’s mask is still ducked down, facing the floor, shoulders slightly hunched in. 
“Um- Sapnap did pretty good,” Dream says, quiet, “he got top ten, right?” 
Michael looks over to where Sapnap is standing a little ways away, seemingly busy typing on his communicator. Quackity laughs, sharp and loud. 
“True,” he punches Dream lightly on the upper arm, and Michael watches the way he freezes the second the fist makes contact with his jacket, “come on, man, you’re losing your touch. You really gonna let yourself get beat by Sapnap?” he shakes his head, still laughing as he pulls open his communicator. “Jesus- even I beat you in that last round. Watch your spot, Dream, I’m coming for you.” 
“I mean,” Michael says when a second passes and it becomes clear Dream isn’t going to respond, “Dream was doing pretty well with the last two rounds, right? I thought I saw his name pretty far up there.” 
Quackity takes a second before responding, again, staring at Michael oddly as he does. “That’s true,” he concedes, “hey- I was just making a joke, don’t worry. It’s all for fun, right Dream?”
His gaze goes to Dream, and automatically, Michael follows. Dream seems to startle under the attention, twitching Quackity’s direction in the awkward silence that results. Michael watches as the mask slants slightly to face Quackity, as Quackity looks back at him with an intense, unreadable expression, shoulders strangely tense. Whatever unsaid conversation that seems to pass between them is entirely lost on Michael as Dream finally responds with a sudden, almost strangled bark of laughter. 
“Yeah- just jokes,” his fingers twist over one another, hands held close together in front of his body, “Though Qu- Q’s right, I- I should probably pick it up. We’re playing to win.” 
A ding alerts them to the end of the round, and Michael steadies himself in preparation for the teleport to the next map. As he turns, he catches Quackity’s expression, once again, and the self-satisfied smirk on his face as he continues to look at Dream. 
“Good luck,” he calls just before they enter the next round, and tries not to think too much about what he’s saying it for. 
They manage pretty well for the rest of To Get To The Other Side, finishing with a second place overall that got cheers from Sapnap and even a slight smile from Dream. Hole in the Wall, on the other hand, has been a lot less successful - though Michael will be the first to say that it’s his fault. His practice in the last few months has been lackluster (at best) and it definitely showed in the arena. 
He leans over the railing, watching Dream and Sapnap through the crowd of participants left that have yet to be knocked out by the giant walls of slime. Quackity’s standing next to him, having been similarly thrown off the platform early in the round, expression tight and lips set in a small frown, and looking at him for too long makes Michael uneasy so he looks down at the arena again. They’re in the last round, and they’re supposed to be making callouts anyway for their teammates still participating below.
Without thinking, once again, Michael looks over at Dream. Sue him, he knows the guy best and Dream has been acting odd all day, to put it lightly. Even ignoring the part of him that’s screaming that something’s wrong, that there’s something up that has everything to do with the beanie-wearing man standing besides him, it only takes a few minutes of observation to see that Dream is - for the lack of a better word - off. Michael watches as he vaults over another wall, only barely managing to bring himself to his feet in time on the other side. Dream’s movements - even to his untrained eye - have always been fluid, effortless. He jumped and vaulted and ran like gravity didn’t exist, like every physics-bending maneuver he made was as easy as breathing. Michael remembers watching him sprint over the parkour course before, time completely unmatched as he appraised each obstacle and basically flew his way through, sounding hardly even winded when he whooped loudly in victory from the top of the salmon ladder. In total contrast, Dream jerks away from the coming wall again, movements sloppy and harsh as he scrambles to the other side of the disc-shaped arena. He’s still fast, and still making jumps, but everything is strangely angled where it had once been fluid, stopping and starting suddenly, moving in bursts of speed and then skidding to sudden stops. 
“WEST!” Quackity shouts, and Michael watches as Dream’s head turns jerkily at the noise before he dives out of the way of the incoming wall and manages, barely, to twist around the side. Michael winces at the tumble he takes on the opposite side, clutching his chest slightly as he stands back up again. 
“North!” Michael calls, because he should probably actually help his teammates, huh, and Dream manages to move around this one better, jumping through a hole in the wall and tucking and rolling as he lands. “Nice jump- East!” 
It’s an easy wall, thankfully, and both Sapnap and Dream visibly take a breath as they stand in place for the wall to pass over them. As it passes, a droning buzz comes from the speakers, and the walls below them speed up. 
“South-to your right!” Michael shouts as they turn, eyes turning between all of the false walls before finally focusing on the right one, his shout echoed by a similar one from Quackity. At each one of the calls from the man besides him, Dream seems to tighten further, movements increasingly erratic as he dodges and weaves around the walls. There’s still a lot of people left - Michael follows Dream through the crowd with a frown, watching as he and Sapnap jump the next wall, Dream’s foot nearly catching on the top edge. 
“West-” Dream flinches, jumping over the two-high wall at the last possible second, landing completely off-balance on the other side and falling to the ground. He scrambles to his feet, but there’s already a wall at the west edge of the platform - his head turns, still searching for the wall - Quackity yells.
Something in Dream’s movements seem to shift, even in the distance - Michael watches as he immediately, almost robotically, steps to the left at Quackity’s voice, not even jumping, not turning his head to take in his surroundings, just moving instinctually at the words, and slams into the coming wall hard enough to get flung into the middle hole in the platform. Quackity curses, fist crashing into the railing as Dream falls and the chat message shows on their communicators, and a second later he’s materialized beside them, face oddly slack and mask focused somewhere faraway. 
“Shit,” Dream mutters when he seems to come back into himself, shaking his head and then turning to the two of them, still by the railing, “Dammit. Sorry, I-“ 
“Don’t worry about it,” Michael cuts in before Quackity can speak. “You did good.” 
“I-” Dream catches Quackity’s gaze, then pushes his head away, mask facing the ground. Something about it and his raised shoulders and the dark, angry glare that Quackity directs over the railing when Michael looks back makes him shift in place, uneasy. “Could’ve done better, ha. Sorry.” 
The three of them watch, silent, as Sapnap continues to compete. He manages to get pretty damn far, making it to the top three, but getting knocked off-balance by a wall and off the platform just before the timer sounds. Michael cringes back at the sound of it over the speakers, watches the other contestants settle into place, panting, in victory.
“Great job, Sapnap,” Michael shouts when he materializes in front of them, and the other two are quick to echo his sentiments. If they sound a little duller than they should be, if Quackity’s jaw seems clenched and Dream’s all coiled up like a spring, far too tense, it’s from placing lower than they wanted and slipping in the rankings, not anything else.
Keep your head down, Michael reminds himself, and everything’s gonna be fine. And if the words ring more and more hollow with every repetition, well, that’s for him to ignore and for everyone else to never, ever find out. 
Buildmart is chosen next, which they all groan at, but at least it’s going to be out early and not left to ruin all of their scores later. Michael takes his place at his build, one third from the left side - it’s some abomination of colored glass and white concrete meant, if he is to guess, to emulate a stained glass window. He’s between Dream and Sapnap, the former positioned in front of a flower-dotted grass field with a picnic table, the latter staring down a miniature car with black concrete for tires and stone buttons for detailing. He breathes a steady breath as they await the countdown, already planning for his trip to the Colors section to grab materials for his build and the others’- Buildmart isn’t his strongest game, but it’s not his worst either, and he’s damn well going to try his best. 
He skids into the portal with an armful of colored concrete and glass, spilling half of its contents inside a chest before running to his build. He pulls himself to the crafting bench to craft - he squints at his build - he needs four red glass panes and 3 yellow, right. As he brings the panes to his inventory and begins laying out the frame of the build in concrete, he looks over to Dream, who is noticeably struggling with placing the flowers in his build and getting the placements to match that of the original. He knocks away a white tulip with a muffled curse, sounding frantic as he looks back to the original, and places it again to no avail. 
It seems that his struggle hasn’t only caught Michael’s attention, as the statue to the leftmost side of the room explodes in gold coins and confetti - Quackity has finished his build and is now looking at Dream with narrowed eyes. Dream places the flower again, and the build refuses to respond. Quackity’s gaze narrows further, and he opens his mouth-
“Hey Quackity!” Michael starts speaking before he’s even noticed that he’s opened his mouth, fumbling as he regains awareness of what he’s doing and tries to find a direction for his sentence to go, “do you have any concrete?”
Quackity looks at him like he’s grown a second head, which is fair, considering there’s a block of white concrete pretty obviously visible in his hand. “Um- no? Weren’t you supposed to go to Colors?”
Dream finally manages to place the tulip where it belongs, and the build between them disappears in another explosion of gold glitter. Michael laughs awkwardly. 
“Sorry- haha. I got a little mixed up.” He places the last piece of white concrete, watching as his own build disappears. A little wooden cottage takes its place, made of what appears to be just oak wood and cobblestone. “Are you going to get wood? Or should I?”
“I- You get wood,” Quackity shakes his head, visibly frustrated, “And I’ll get stone. We have to hurry, we’re falling behind.” 
After that, Michael finds it a little too easy - or maybe not easy, but at least tolerable, to interrupt when Quackity looks a little like he’s about to fall on the side of being angry versus just annoyed, stepping between his angry glares at Dream with a forced smile and an incessant string of annoying questions- 
“Hey Quackity, do you have any spare iron?”
“Hey Quackity, I think you placed that a little too far back.”
“Hey Quackity, can you take a look to see what I placed wrong?” 
It’s not perfect. It’s hardly even functional; Michael knows that Quackity has begun with the habit of directing death glares at his back whenever he thinks he’s not looking, his responses to Michael’s questions becoming more and more clipped, often paired with irritated grumbles and sighs. Sapnap, when Michael looks at him, seems largely engrossed with his own builds, but he’s also begun looking over at the two of them with a vaguely dissatisfied expression, and Dream only seems to be getting more jumpy with every frustrated growl out of Quackity’s mouth. Even Michael’s forced levity and falsely ignorant questions can’t do much against Quackity’s anger when they walk out of Buildmart dead last for the minigame, dropping their team all the way down to seventh in the overall rankings, and the tension within the team as they walk out - Quackity nearly stomping, Dream following with his hands wringing around each other and head ducked fearfully - is almost enough to make Michael scream. He looks at the scoreboard with a worried expression as he enters the Decision Dome, trying to quell the sinking feeling in his gut. 
There’s still five more games to go, and he’s not sure how long they can last before something snaps. 
Battle Box is chosen next, and they react to the game with quiet cheers and slightly grim faces. Michael’s been in enough MCCs to know that this game, of any, is crucial - after their lacking performances in the last two games, a good showing at Battle Box will be crucial to pull them back into the competition and raise morale. With Sapnap and Dream, if this were any normal game, they should be able to sweep through a good amount of the competition without much effort. As it is, though, Michael looks at the two more combat-oriented members of his team with a worried expression, the two barely even able to meet each other’s eyes. Their interactions so far have been less than promising- if they can’t hold it together for this round, well. 
Michael shakes his head. They’ll do fine. They have to. 
Even so, the first round only seems to confirm his concerns - they get woolrushed almost immediately, and in Dream and Sapnap’s stumbling to get to mid, nearly crashing into each other and focusing their efforts on the same player by accident, the other team manages to fill out the wool, sending them back to the spawn box even more frustrated than before. 
“Amazing teamwork, guys,” Quackity snarks immediately, and Michael rolls his eyes. 
“Like you did that much.” 
Sapnap is still staring at Dream oddly, Dream turning his head to avoid his gaze. The two of them look largely oblivious to Quackity and his whole deal, even as Quackity whirls around to give him the stink eye. 
“You didn’t do anything either, if I remember correctly,” Quackity mutters, and Michael shrugs. 
A ding alerts them to the round’s end, and they resign themselves to preparing for the next round. Michael picks the extra arrows from the wall, knowing that no one else will want the kit, and watches as Dream anxiously runs his hands over the crossbow. 
The next round goes better, barely; Michael and Quackity end up knocked out pretty early, but Dream and Sapnap manage to kill the rest of the team soon after. He watches from the box as they fill in the wool, Dream looking awfully tense as he shears away the white wool for Sapnap to fill it with red. Quackity watches them both with a tight expression, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. 
Michael turns away, ignoring him, going back to watching Dream and Sapnap still standing within the arena. Both of them look awkward, oddly out of step with each other - Michael’s not watched them fight much, but he knows that they have a reputation as a pair, was there for the Sky Battle round where they completely wiped through the competition. Even here, Sapnap moves forward and Dream flinches back - there’s something heavy and tense between them, lingering in the few words they’ve spoken to each other, if they’ve even spoken to each other at all, one always rushing forward too fast or following just a little too slow. They’re still brilliant fighters, almost unrivaled in hand-to-hand combat and with swords, but the faltering communication is sure to hurt them more in the future. 
His worries come true just three rounds later, the two in between being narrow wins for their team, each a little more shaky than would be comfortable. Michael has found himself easing off the worst of his anxiety in verbally sparring with Quackity, jabbing at the other with offhand remarks and little needling jokes to keep his attention off the other two, especially as his glare has become more pronounced and his words more angry. Even so, nothing he does or can do will fix the odd tension between Dream and Sapnap, whose communication remains as stilted and awkward as ever. 
They’re facing a stronger team, PVP wise, with Punz and Seapeekay, and Michael ends up falling in a bow duel against Jack. He watches as the Captain falls to a potion by Sapnap, then as Jack is taken out by a crossbow bolt courtesy of Dream, just before Quackity falls to a well-timed bow shot from the opposing team. 
That leaves the strongest PVPers to battle it out, and Dream and Sapnap manage to team up and kill CPK - but not without taking a nasty damage potion to the face that must leave the two of them low. Michael watches Punz, booking it to mid with a crossbow, anxiously - both of them would be a oneshot with the thing, and on the condition that he takes no damage before fighting with either of them outright, he’s probably got enough health to hold out a few hits. 
Sapnap pulls out a health potion, and Michael grins - that’ll be good for the two of them, and should secure them the win - only for him to gesture roughly with his sword and for Dream to stagger backwards, panic flashing over his face. He only seems to grow more fearful at the sound of glass shattering on the ground, falling backwards further - far enough to be largely out of range of health pot - and in their shock, Punz manages to catch both of them off guard and nail Sapnap with a crossbow bolt that downs him for the round before similarly dispatching Dream in two hits of his sword.
Sapnap explodes upon respawn in the box - “What was that? I had a health pot!”
“I-” Dream fumbles, face still oddly pale, “Sorry I didn’t- I- I-”
“We had that round!” Sapnap’s arms flail forward as he gestures angrily, Dream freezing further as one hand skims past his shoulder. “I can’t believe- I had a health pot! Punz was on, like, half! We could’ve killed him!”
“Easy, easy,” Quackity moves forward, putting a hand on both of their shoulders - Sapnap seems to relax immediately, while Dream, if anything, only looks more tense. “It’s time for the next round - we’ll talk about this later, alright?” 
Dream nods, movements overly tense, and Quackity flashes a toothy smile his way as Sapnap moves back, still mumbling to himself. He and Quackity move to talk in the back corner, words quiet enough that Michael cannot make them out, and something sick and cold slithers over his spine. Sapnap and Quackity are fiancés, aren’t they? 
Michael looks over at Dream, mask still covering his face as he looks away through the glass to the arena, shoulders still tight as Michael’s pretty sure they’ve been for as long as he’s seen him since he came onto the server. He remembers the panic that make itself obvious on his face every time Quackity came up to him, even as covered as it is, the similar- if not the same- fear that had painted his face when he respawned fresh off of the Battle Box round after Sapnap’s sword had passed a little too close to his body. 
Quackity and Dream- he’s sure, even if he doesn’t want to admit it, that there’s something going on there, dark and dreadful and poisonous. Who’s to say that Sapnap isn’t involved, as well? 
They finish Battle Box decently well, but not as well as they’d hoped, pulling them up to fifth place with a decently large gap between them and fourth. Quackity and Dream disappear immediately as the Audience Votes begin coming in, leaving Sapnap and Michael to stand awkwardly in the lobby to wait for the rest of their team to come back. Michael watches the crowd for a glimpse of Quackity and Dream, comes up empty. A sigh fizzles through his teeth as he looks up into the sky, the endless blue doing little to ease his nerves - he’s worried, even if he doesn’t want to think about it, for his teammates. For Dream. 
It doesn’t take a genius to see that the man is scared of Quackity, that there’s an odd sort of history there that Michael conveniently has no information about. Whatever it is, it’s left Dream unsure and uncharacteristically nervous, left the entire team floundering without proper leadership to tie them all together. Really, a part of him knows that the Championships should be the least of his concerns - if he were braver, or a little better at combat, or a little less inclined to just let things pass as they always have, then he’d be raising a fuss. Getting in the way, talking to Dream, doing something other than making backhanded compliments to Quackity that he’s sure have been doing little more than annoy the man further. 
“Michael?” Sapnap comes within his line of sight, lips pressed together in a carefully put-together expression that Michael is sure will collapse the moment they’re away from others’ prying eyes, “Can we speak for a moment?”
Michael forces another easy smile to his face as he turns towards his teammate, feels a little disgusted at the amount of them he’s had to use to simply function with the rest of his team. “Sure! Where to?”
They walk at a brisk pace to the team room, Sapnap’s eyes focused forwards the entire time, not speaking. If he’s being honest, it’s a little awkward, but the lighthearted comment on his tongue to break the silence dies out the minute Sapnap closes the door and looks back at him with fierce, focused eyes boring into him. 
“What’s your deal?” He hisses immediately, words pitched low even though he doesn’t really have to - there’s no one nearby, and the team rooms are decently soundproofed. Michael feels his hackles rising as Sapnap’s arms cross in front of him, eyes still focused on his own as he talks. “I’m not going to lie- I don’t know you that well, even though you’re on the SMP now, but can you quit it with Quackity already?”
“Quit what?” Michael snarks - sue him - matching Sapnap’s tone with irritation of his own. 
“Don’t- you’ve been antagonizing Quackity all day,” Sapnap’s hand runs through his hair, messing up his hair and tangling it into knots, “And I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re kind of in the middle of a competition here? So it’d be really nice if you could save the fighting for until after we’re done?”
“Says you?” Michael can’t help the retort this time, huffing irately at the offended expression that flashes over the other’s face, “I don’t really know if you’ve noticed, but your teamwork has been a little less than stellar, today. Pot calling the kettle black, much?”
“What-” Sapnap looks confused, even through his anger, gesturing more and more wildly. “What do you even mean?”
“Oh, so are we just ignoring what just happened in Battle Box then?” 
Sapnap’s eyes flash as he closes into himself again, hands gripping at his upper arms as he crosses his arms in front of his chest once again. “That- that’s different. That’s because of Dream.”
“Oh, just keep blaming it on the other guy, why don’t you?”
“No-” Sapnap shakes his head furiously. “You haven’t been on here for nearly as long, you don’t get it, Michael. Dream- he’s-,” Sapnap flails, and Michael groans at the familiar words. 
“Dream’s what? I was on the team with the guy before, you know. It’s kind of the reason why he invited me in the first place?” He raises an eyebrow. “We worked together perfectly well then - am I supposed to believe that his self-proclaimed ‘best friend’ can’t do the same?” 
“You don’t understand,” Sapnap repeats, expression hard and oddly far away, “Dream- he’s changed- he’s done so many terrible things. I don’t know what he’s said to convince you, but he’s bad news, man. He’s hurt- so many people.” 
“Oh- you want to talk about hurting people?” 
Michael isn’t quite sure what comes over him - only really realizes a white-hot flash of rage lancing through his chest, a sleepless night and half a competition’s  worth of anxiety and frustration and build up combining into a sizzling spike of fury that briefly tinges his vision red. 
“How about the way Dream looks like he’s about to keel over whenever anyone gets close to him? How about how he flinches back at literally every loud noise and fast movement? How about how Quackity’s been making these stupid, angry comments at him for the entire competition that make him freeze for a minute each time? Or how about when you were in Battle Box and Dream backed away from your sword like he thought you were gonna drive it through his chest?” Michael barely feels himself stepping forward with each word, jabbing his index finger into the other’s chest. “You want to talk about hurting people? How about you go talk to that fiancé of yours and then come back to talk?” 
A loud, droning buzz comes over the speakers, alerting them of the end of the break. Michael steps back, face flushed in embarrassment, before the world whirls away and they’re teleported back into the Decision Dome. 
He adamantly refuses to meet Sapnap’s eyes as Quackity and Dream materialize in the sector with them, Quackity’s hand clamped around Dream’s upper arm as the other man keeps his eyes fixed firmly on the floor, looking even more panicked and frozen than before the break. 
“You ready to win?” Quackity laughs, and Michael watches as his hand tightens around the sleeve of Dream’s jacket, knuckles paling from the strain. 
“Yeah,” Michael tries to cheer, and it feels like ash on his tongue. “Let’s do this.” 
Survival Games ends up being picked next - Quackity and Sapnap quickly pull up to the front of the group, close enough to be within eyesight but too far to really pick up their conversation. Michael keeps an eye out for the reddish glow of their bodies as they scout the surrounding areas for chest, staying back with Dream as they look at the other side of the road. He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t feel a smug sort of satisfaction of Sapnap seemingly confronting Quackity about whatever the hell has been going on, as awkward as his whole outburst had been. As it is, some time with Dream is nice without Quackity watching over his shoulder like a hawk - he directs a small, genuine smile at the man by his side that Dream seems to do a double take at before shyly returning it with one of his own. 
“There- I think I see a chest,” Michael points under a lamppost, running to the wooden box and flicking the lid upwards. He pulls out a chain chestplate that he promptly puts on himself, then throws over the iron boots to his teammate as well as a small stone axe that he’s sure Dream will make better use of. “We should probably catch up to the others - don’t want to be caught off guard while separated.”
Dream nods, and the two of them pick up the pace before finding another chest that Dream rummages through, this time, finding an iron sword that Michael takes for himself and a cake. 
“You’ve been doing really well so far,” Michael says after a few minutes of quiet, words becoming more firm when Dream looks up at him with a surprised expression. “Seriously- you’ve been doing great, man.”
“Thanks,” Dream smiles, words quiet and terribly sincere, and the sinking pit in Michael’s gut returns at the tone. “Not as good as I should, though. I’ve been underperforming a lot,” he laughs a little at the words, but even to Michael’s ears it rings hollow. “It’s not over yet, though.”
“No it’s not,” Michael concedes, rearranging his inventory as they run. “But it’s good enough, man, really - just look at my rankings.”
Dream huffs. “You’ve been doing good, Michael.”
“And you’ve been doing a hell of a lot better than me,” Michael tips his head in his direction. “Give yourself some more credit, man. You’ve been playing well.”
Dream smiles again, but even now the corners of his mouth seem tight, tense. “I need to play better, though, if we want to win,” he says, matter-of-fact, analytical to a damn fault. Michael rolls his eyes, but nods to concede the point. 
“Sure, but that goes for all of us, Dream,” he shakes his head. “And it’s okay if we don’t win, you know?”
Michael turns, frowning. Dream’s tone has become oddly flat, eyes dead as he continues to stare at the pavement under their feet. He seems to be chewing on his lip anxiously, startled out of his own thoughts when he looks up to meet Michael’s gaze. “I mean- I don’t know. I really have- want to win.” 
There’s something so carefully worded about the admission, quiet and scraped open and raw in the slow sincerity of the words. Michael wants to poke at it, wants to understand what’s left him so unsure of every step, what determination lies behind the words that has left desperation clinging to every shallow breath he draws. A crack of thunder on the horizon, heralding a player’s death, reminds him that now is not the time. 
Keep your head down. 
“Alright,” he smiles thinly, hoping that the fracturing, yawning pit of emptiness in his chest isn’t obvious in the words. “Then we’re going to win.” 
Michael skids to a stop at the finish line, feeling the elytra deequip as he’s thrown into spectator mode. He runs his hands through his wind-tousled hair, feeling it strain against his fingers as he roughly finger-combs it back into place. Dream and Sapnap are off to the side, standing next to each other but seemingly not speaking - Michael smiles as he floats over, still shaking the adrenaline off from the race. 
“Hey,” the two look up, smile in recognition, and Dream waves; there’s a small smile on his face, strained but present. “You both did really good!” 
“Thanks, Michael,” Dream laughs, earnest, “I did decent, I guess- haha. Top ten at least.” 
Sapnap whoops. “We’re popping off!” Michael cheers in agreement, and their efforts manage to pull Dream’s smile a little wider as he ducks his head to look away again. 
“Thanks, guys.” 
They watch as Quackity flies through the finish line, appearing in front of them and shaking his arms out as he gets his bearings. 
“Geez- that trident,” he shakes his head, looks up. “Hey, there you guys are. How’d we do?” 
“Dream got seventh,” Sapnap scrolls through his comm, looking through the rows of contestants and their times as they come in, interspersed by the occasional chat message, “And I got 10th. Michael got- 28th, I think? And you got 32nd.” 
“Hmm,” Quackity hums, “What do you think, Dream? Is that good enough to pull us to Dodgebolt?”
Once again, Michael watches as Dream stiffens under the scrutiny, head ducking down and looking for all the world like he’d rather be anywhere else. “Um- I don’t know,” Dream mumbles, “I messed up a trident- fell into the void once, probably could’ve done better otherwise-” his voice trails off, tensing further as Quackity takes his usual spot by his side, jabbing an elbow none-too-lightly into his ribs. 
“But you didn’t, though,” Quackity says, tone flippant, “so what do you think? With those placements- is it going to be enough?” 
“Hey, we did great, man,” Michael glares at him, more forward than he’d usually be - but all he can see is the shoulder that he has pressed against Dream’s arm, the way Dream’s stood stock still since the moment he made contact, “Lay off of Dream, would you? He did great.”
“Yeah, Q,” Michael’s eyebrows raise in surprise as Sapnap chimes in from the side, rising further when Sapnap moves forward to link his arm with Quackity’s own and half-drag him away from Dream. “Chill out, man, we popped off. We’re gonna fucking win this, ok?”
Quackity’s lips press together; he’s still smiling, but there’s no mistaking the seething darkness that lingers in his narrowed eyes and furrowed eyebrows, gaze still trained on the pale off-white disk of Dream’s mask. Still, with the rest of the team against him, he’s in a losing fight and he knows it; Michael watches as he visibly backs down, rolling his shoulders back as he lets Sapnap pull him further back. 
��We’re going to fucking win this,” he repeats, and Michael wonders how he manages to make the words sound so much like a threat.
“Sky battle,” Sapnap calls as the decision dome below them lights up in confirmation of the penultimate game, expression immediately becoming more focused as he turns back to the rest of the team. “Alright- strats, what are we thinking?”
“There’s the iron at spawn,” Dream starts, interrupted by the teleport to the Sky Battle arena, making him cut himself off comically and take a second to shake off the resulting disorientation, “And then there’s the iron in the nearby island. We gotta pick one, tower as soon as we can.”
“Got it,” Sapnap looks down, seemingly calculating, before looking up again - Michael has heard him compared to fire before, but he thinks this is the first time he’s really seen it; there’s a veritable blaze burning in his eyes as he looks at each member of the team, easily taking charge as they prepare for the first round. “Same buddy system as Survival Games - Q, stick with me, Michael, stick with Dream. I’ll tower to the next island- Dream, you good with getting the iron at spawn and crafting armor for us?” 
Dream startles, before flashing a small thumbs up at the other - Sapnap smiles wider, teeth bared dangerously.
“This is our game,” he cheers, and Michael enthusiastically whoops in reply, “we’re winning this, you got that team? Let’s go!” 
This, Michael thinks, is the way the games should’ve gone - they jump into action upon the start of the game, Michael watching as Dream races through both chests on the spawn island, getting the iron and jumping down cleanly with a water bucket before following Sapnap’s bridge to the other island. He tosses over a pair of leggings and boots as he lands, then takes Sapnap’s excess iron to craft the other pieces of iron for himself and Sapnap as the other man begins shooting at opposing teams. Their communication is near wordless, simple one- or two-word requests communicating all they need as they follow each other seamlessly into the main arena area, sealing off their entrance as they search the ring for other teams.
Sapnap, especially, seems to have shifted - instead of waiting for Dream to take the lead, he seems comfortable barrelling on forward on his own, trusting for Dream to follow his steps. Michael watches as the two of them easily work through the two lagging members of Orange, shooting through a gap in the wall to catch an unsuspecting Yellow player chased by the border. Michael ends up dying to an unlucky block of TNT placed on his head - curses out what appears to be Quig, bounding over to the other side of the arena, and follows Dream and Sapnap as they continue to fight their way through the competition. 
It’s not perfect, for sure - Dream hesitates at a bad place a minute later, ending with Sapnap getting 2v1ed and exploding in a flash of red sparkles. Dream is similarly dispatched a few seconds after, and the three of them watch Quackity, caught in the crossfire of two other teams, before he also goes down. 
“Good work, team,” Sapnap says as he appears, disoriented, in spectator mode, and they watch the remaining two teams battling in a rapidly shrinking border before Fruit falls as well, leaving Pink as the winners. “That was close- we’ve got this.” The conviction in his voice leaves no room for argument, and Michael, briefly, feels bad for anyone that stands in the way of it. 
With the second round, they once again fall into rhythm without any major hiccups - someone tries to cut them off before entering the main arena, but are made quick work of by Sapnap’s relentless onslaught. As Michael watches, Dream seems to regain confidence as well, moving more to fight with Sapnap side by side instead of just playing support, tugging him back from a risky play and catching Punz in a nasty combo that does him in when he manages to slip past Sapnap. 
The four of them end up in the final stand off in the middle, but end up getting caught too high up and killed by the border before they can jump down. Sapnap hisses at the narrow defeat, but the disappointment has hardly seemed to dim his determination - if anything, it seems to burn brighter. 
“Last round,” he mutters, and Michael watches as Dream walks up to him, bumping him lightly with his shoulder. 
“This is our game,” he says, a small smile appearing on his face, and Sapnap returns it with a fiery, blinding one of his own. 
“Ours,” he says, and even just standing on the side, watching - Michael believes it. 
Still, his concerns have yet to disappear - they linger in his mind as they jump into an adrenaline-filled last round, jumpy from excitement and victory just within their grasps. Dream is still more jittery than he should be, taking a second more than usual to react to fights, and his teamwork with Sapnap - while good - is still noticeably rusty. Michael’s lips thin at the memory of Dream backing away from Sapnap’s sword in Battle Box, hunched into himself, almost on the floor, with a clearly desperate edge to his expression - and no matter how he tries, he can’t quite manage to shake it off. 
Unfortunately enough, the third round doesn’t bode well for them from the start - Quackity gets bowed off while bridging to the main arena, and upon entrance there they end up flanked, hard, by another team in a conflict that gets Michael killed within seconds. Sapnap and Dream book it to the other side of the arena, where they manage to work through a full team without too much trouble - but the next minute brings another half-team flying at them from the back, catching them in the middle of trying to recuperate. The two focus Dream in the middle of eating a steak, and Michael watches as Dream steps back instead of moving forward to fight, that same shade of fear making his muscles seize as he stands, stock still, watching helplessly as swords fly his way- Michael cries out, but there’s nothing he can do-
Between one blink and the next, Sapnap is standing in front of Dream, a snarl painting his features as he whirls through both players in a fury. Michael watches, awed, as his sword weaves and dances between the two attacking Dream, making quick work of them both until they’re no more than items scattered over the ground, then grabs Dream by the wrist and drags him up a nearby ladder onto the upper floor, plopping him by the wall and then backing off. 
Sapnap stands back as Dream sits against the wall, breathing fast and labored, dropping to his knees with his hands in front of him, palms up, no weapons in hand. Michael watches, frantic, for the signs of any teams nearby - with Dream panicking and Sapnap’s back to the rest of the arena, they’d be easy pickings - but for once, luck seems to be on their side, because no one comes. Dream heaves a breath through his lungs, deep and shuddery - Sapnap watches, lips flat from concern, but doesn’t speak. 
“You good to continue?” he asks, when Dream seems calm enough to recognize his surroundings, and Dream looks up at the words, jaw slack from shock and disorientation, before his head dips in a firm nod. 
“Good,” Sapnap smiles, tight-lipped and fiercely determined, fiercely loyal, as he reaches out a hand that Dream moves to take. “Let’s go fuck them up, yeah? You and me, just like we used to.”
Michael watches, heart in his chest, as they stand together to face the rest of the competition, towering towards the middle and facing off with the remaining teams,  watches as they move forwards through explosions and buckets of lava, coalescing onto the middle island, as they battle through the remaining opponents as one in a clean spiral of clashing blades and flying arrows, fighting with their backs to each other in the center of the arena. He watches as a well-placed fishing rod by Dream knocks their final opponent off the platform, leaving them in the middle, triumphant, as the only remaining team - 
Watches, a brilliant, bubbling laugh in his chest as Dream and Sapnap take their spots in the middle of the arena, standing side by side as Sapnap raises Dream’s hand in victory, both laughing and cheering  into the sky.
Their performance in Sky Battle manages to pull them to third - but second place still stands a few hundred coins away, and they watch anxiously as Parkour Tag is chosen as the last game and they are transported over the arena. 
“Last game,” Sapnap calls, “We’ve got this, alright?” 
He gets terse, short nods in return - it’ll be a close game, and even Michael is feeling the pressure. He breathes a soft, quiet breath through his teeth as they prepare, looking over to the opposite team as they choose their hunters and runners. 
“Dream, you up to hunting first four?” Sapnap seems to be watching the effects of his words more, waiting for Dream’s agreement before moving forward, sliding into the position of leader easily when Dream seems to struggle. Dream nods and steps into the hunter’s box, lips pressed together, flat and focused, and Michael turns back to the arena to plan out his route. 
Parkour, by far, is not his strong suit. It hadn’t been his strong suit during Parkour Warrior and sure as hell isn’t it now - he enjoys it well enough, but with the pressure of a hunter on him or the time creeping past and the competition standings hanging over his head like a guillotine, he’s prone to slipping up and he knows it. The map is full of dizzying, multi-colored structures and difficult jumps, the twists and turns of the arena making his head spin. Being good at parkour is more than being good at movement - it involves being able to make split-second decisions and execute them with no time to hesitate. Unfortunately, Michael isn’t particularly good at any of that, so Parkour Tag mostly just stresses him the hell out. 
He sets out to the arena, listening for callouts over comms as he fumbles over the buildings. Halfway through the game, Dream’s voice comes through comms, quiet, focused. 
“Nice, Dream,” Michael smiles, trying not to trip over a particularly hard jump, only to fall to being tagged in the back by the opposing team’s hunter - Ant, if he remembers right. “Sapnap and Q are still in- we’ve got this.”
Once again, each time, Dream races through the opposing team in seconds, seemingly going faster with each round. Michael has heard his reputation as a hunter before, but only now is he really appreciating the extent - the speed at which he manages to dispatch all three opponents is downright terrifying. They manage to win all four rounds, lingering around second place overall on the leaderboards, before Sapnap and Dream switch off for hunting. 
With each round, Michael watches Dream in the lobby, watching as he tenses further in focus and determination and no small degree of fear, but it hadn’t been nearly as obvious in between rounds. Now, with him in the arena with Quackity and himself, Dream’s jumpiness is all that more palpable, adrenaline making him pace and jump in place from where he stands at the edge of the place. The glass lowers, and he explodes into motion, bounding on top of the nearest tower to wait for the hunter to come towards them. 
Michael ends up caught first, early in the round, once again, and resolves to following Dream over the glass to watch his movements and make callouts for the hunter chasing behind him. Watching Dream move through the arena, dodging below fixtures and through tunnels and jumping from tower to tower with seemingly no regard for gravity pulling him down, it’s become all the more obvious that this is his element. He makes another hairpin turn around a pole, kicking himself up over a tower and then diving from it to a nearby building, landing on a ledge inside it, hands clutching the wall - Michael watches, quietly awed, as he outlasts the hunter, landing in small, panting breaths in the lobby. 
“Great work,” he cheers, quiet, as Dream shakes off the last dregs of the adrenaline, all of them watching the leaderboard anxiously, “Just three more rounds, alright?” 
The rounds that follow continue in much of the same vein - Dream, once he’s gotten started, seems near-impossible to chase down; Michael and Quackity provide support, distracting the hunter for as long as they can until they get tagged, but part of him wonders if it’s all even necessary. Dream flies from structure to structure seemingly unhindered by The Laws That Be, expression firm, if a little frantic, as he parkours his way through the arena. To their credit, the hunters chase, and several come pretty close - but Dream, worked up on adrenaline or anxiety or some twisted mix of the two, races over and around the buildings within the arena like his life depends on it.
It’s a surprisingly (if sickeningly) apt description - the skill in parkour is far from unacknowledged on Dream’s record; they all know his reputation with Parkour Warrior, all know that there are little that can match his skill as a traucer - but there’s something newly desperate in the way he runs, the muscles of his body tight and taut even in between rounds, expression permanently tight at the corners from fear. His movements, lacking in their usual fluidity, are made up with sheer speed and mad scrambles up walls that no one else seems to dare replicate. It’s concerning, even to Michael’s untrained eye, how frantic he seems the entire time, the flashes of expressions that he’ll direct towards the hunter like being caught by them will be his end, but- if anything, at least it’s effective. 
Between his parkour and Sapnap’s own skill, they manage to dominate the other teams without much issue, and the bonuses from eliminating the other team first combined with Dream’s survival points each round land them a first place for the game by just a few hundred coins. The four of them watch with bated breaths for the event standings, whooping and cheering together when it shows the red rabbits in second - 
“DODGEBOLT, BABY!” Quackity cheers, loudly, and the rest of them join him, laughing and screaming incoherently, “LET’S FUCKING GO!” 
“LET’S FUCKING GO!” Sapnap punches the air with a loud, resolute whoop of joy, and Dream - still shaking off the jitters of his last round in Parkour Tag - soon joins in with a few cheers of his own. 
Michael watches them all with a smile on his face as they cheer in victory - Dodgebolt has them against the Yellow Yaks, which will be a hard match up, but between Dream and Sapnap’s skill, if they all stay focused, they shouldn’t have any issue. 
They’ve done it. They’ve made it to Dodgebolt - if they keep their heads in the game, then they should win. All he has to do is keep his head down a little longer, long enough to win them the game, long enough for them to go home with new crowns and new coins, long enough for him to go back to living his quaint little life in his quaint little house - going back to heckling the Warden at night and hanging with Bad and Puffy, working on builds and living life away from the rest and pretending that nothing is wrong. The server will go back to normal come tomorrow, and it will all be okay. 
The smile slips off his face. 
They’ve done it. And then they’ll go back to the SMP, and Dream might evade whatever immediate consequences come with losing, but there’s no evidence that whatever’s caused that heartstopping, devastating fear that has characterized his every move is going to stop. They’ll win, and they’ll go back to the SMP, and they’ll keep dying and fighting wars and keep pretending that the world they live in is normal; they’ll go back to the server, and Michael will go back in his house while Dream goes back into his cell directly across from it, still locked in a black box with no way in or out, no means of communication with anyone outside, locked away with the key thrown away for anything to happen with no one to know-
Michael glances over to Dream, to the tense edge of his shoulders that has never left for as long as the tournament has continued and long before. To the grey-faced, grey-eyed inhabitants of the SMP, coming to the Championships with sealed lips and a shared determination to never reveal that anything is wrong, to pretend that things are normal and move on. 
Michael’s hands clench into fists at his side, then unclench, the helplessness cutting through his excitement like a splash of cold water straight through his chest. They’ll win the Championship, and then what? They’ll go back to the server, and then what? 
He looks up at the sky, avoiding the eyes of the rest of his team as they are teleported to the arena. Around him, nothing comes in reply. 
Sapnap disappears in a flourish of red particles, and Michael winces as Dream picks up the arrow he left behind, biting his lip as he watches the opposite side maneuver on the ice.
Both of Dream’s shots hit true, and Michael switches to dodging over the ice as the opposing team begins to shoot. His mind is still buzzing with uncertainty, questions whirling around his skull and making his head spin, the reminder to just let things be raging against the anxiety that has wormed its way deep into his bones for the better part of the day. His performance has fallen a bit as a result, and they’re tied, 2-2, for the last round of Dodgebolt against Yellow - winner takes all. 
He doesn’t know what to do. He wants to tell, but he wants to fall back into the background. He wants to make a difference, but also wants nothing more than to go on pretending that everything is fine. It would be so, so easy to move on and wash his hands of the whole affair - it’s not like anyone else will know, only himself and the guilt that he’s sure will haunt him to remind him of his failures. Is there even anything he can do? He’s no genius at combat, or parkour, or strategy- all he has are his eyes, his ability to see what the hell is happening with no means to change any of it. 
An arrow whizzes towards him, too low to hit, and falls to the ice by his feet. Michael feels it plop into his inventory as he runs past it, shivering slightly from the cold or adrenaline or some mix of the two - not that he can really tell. The other team still has an arrow, the gleaming arrowhead catching the light as the person shooting - Jack, it looks like - moves it from one side to the other, looking for someone to aim. Michael lets the arrow into his hand, feeling its weight.
A sudden shock of clarity. 
He staggers back and nearly trips over his own feet, feeling relief rock his body when he manages to catch his balance - his eyes rake over the rest of his team, still dodging over the ice, completely focused on the opposing side. He worries his lip between his teeth - it’s a risk. It’s a hell of a risk, and if he messes up - they’re fucked. They’re more than fucked. There’s a good chance that this does more harm than good, a good chance that it won’t do anything at all. 
Michael takes a deep breath, and nocks his arrow. 
With his bow pointed to the floor, he doesn’t think anyone’s noticed yet - especially the rest of his team, gazes still trained over the centerline to the other side of the arena. Michael plants his feet, raises his bow, aims - he’s standing still, too still, and he can already see Jack swinging the bow towards him from the corner of his eye, preparing to let the arrow fly directly at him. That’s fine. It doesn’t matter.
Keep your head down. 
Michael lets go, and Quackity manages to turn just in time to see the arrow hit him between his eyes.
Not this time.
Michael just manages a wicked, satisfied smirk before the world disappears in a flash of red. 
“What the hell was that?” 
Michael teleports into the middle of the MCC main lobby, finding Quackity already mid-yell in front of the podium, where the Yellow Yaks have taken their places as the winners of the Championships, new, shining crowns on their heads as they greet the crowd with smiles and cheers. Michael turns to where the rest of the team has gathered in the corner, Quackity hissing angrily at Dream, curled into himself against the fence. 
“I- I-”
“You lost us the fucking game, that’s what you did,” Quackity grabs him by the arm, rage painting his features as he yanks Dream closer to him, ignoring the other’s panicked yell at the proximity and flailing to get away. “What the fuck- you had both the arrows. How the fuck did you miss that?” 
“Back the hell off, Quackity.”
Michael steps forward, bodily shoving Quackity out of the way - Dream’s head rises just enough for the two eyes painted on his mask to look  above where they’d been hidden behind his arms, though Michael’s far too lost in his own anger to pay any mind to him at the moment. Quackity turns his furious direction towards Michael, only seeming to get angrier as he meets his eyes. 
“Oh, fuck off, Michael- you-” he rakes a hand through his hair, “You fucking- we fucking lost because of you, you know that? We had that! We were going to win that, you fucker-” 
“And then what, Quackity?” The words Michael had been pushing back the entire day come forth, mixed with his simmering anxiety and muffled anger that he’d been forced to push down, game after game after game, one bubbling mess of emotion underscoring his tone and making Quackity rear back, “Then you’ll go back the SMP and pretend that everything’s fine and dandy? Go back to your shiny little country with a shiny new coin, beat up Dream a few times to work off the adrenaline because, hey, it’s not like anyone else is gonna know if he’s black and blue inside of that shitstain of a prison, is that right?” 
The flash of panic that makes its way over Quackity’s face is more than enough to confirm the worst of Michael’s assumptions, and the rage that has made a home in his chest only burns hotter. 
“What- what the fuck did he say?” Quackity barely manages to catch onto his tone, pressing harder with narrowed eyes and a snarl, “He’s lying, you fucking idiot, that’s all he ever fucking does-” 
“He’s not told me shit,” Michael presses forward, forcefully pushing Quackity away from Dream, who is cowering from both of them behind him, “But you would know a hell of a lot about that, wouldn’t you Quackity?”
“I have no fuckin’ clue what you’re on about, pal,” Quackity shakes his head, hair whipping past his eyes, “And I’d recommend you shut your fucking mouth before you go around hurling baseless accusations- I could have you sued for defamation, you know-”
“Oh, we’re talking law, now? Fine! We’ll talk legalities- how about we start with that casino of yours and work from there?” 
Sapnap moves over, quiet thus far as he watched from the sidelines, and Michael watches as Quackity relaxes, minisculely, at his approach - only to tense further when Sapnap presses a hand to his shoulder, meeting his eyes with blazing eyes staring right at his.
“Q,” Sapnap says, voice uncharacteristically serious, “tell the truth, now- what did you do?”
Quackity laughs - it sounds unsure, even in Michael’s ears, “Sapnap? You can’t tell me you believe-” he waves his hands frantically, “this- this fucking asshole, now, do you hear him? He sounds- he’s literally out of his fucking mind-”
Sapnap shakes his head, firm. “Quackity, I’ll need you to cut the bullshit. What did you do?” 
“He’s backing up Dream, Sapnap,” Quackity focuses his gaze on Sapnap, something creeping up in his tone, sweet and cloying despite the bitter tone, that Michael can’t quite recognize, “You know what Dream is like- he pulled the same shit with you, remember? You and George? Tommy?” He waves a hand at Dream, who ducks down further at the attention, “He hasn’t changed, man! He’s still pulling the same bullshit, still manipulating people for the hell of it- you know, the exact same thing he did to you? Don’t fall for that again, man.”
“I-” Sapnap seems to hesitate, conflict warring over his features. 
“Look at me, Sap - you know what Dream’s like. He pretends to be your friend, makes up some stupid bullshit to justify his shit - Michael hasn’t been around for as long, not like the two of us, remember? He doesn’t know.” Quackity brings his hand to Sapnap’s own, ignoring Michael’s protests as he laces their fingers together, “I care about you, Sap. All of this- I’m just worried that he’ll end up manipulating you again. I’m just trying to protect you.” 
Sapnap steps back, wrenching his hand out of Quackity’s own. His expression, out of what Michael can see from the sliver of his face that is facing him, is stormy with fury and no small amount of regret - Quackity steps back, unease finally beginning to flicker in the corners of his self-satisfied expression as Sapnap stares him down. 
“You’re a liar, Quackity.” Sapnap draws himself up. “Now, I’m asking this for the last time- what did you do?”
Quackity’s expression stutters, falls, as Sapnap stands back next to Michael, the two of them between him and Dream. His eyes flick between their faces, then to Dream, then back again, frown deepening with every pass he makes between the three of them. Michael keeps his arms crossed in front of his chest, feeling his muscles tense with every second of silence that ticks by, Quackity seeming to grow more and more angry and tense under their scrutiny and unforgiving stances-
-a second passes, and he throws himself forward. 
Michael only manages to throw himself out of the way of the man barrelling towards him just in time - too late, he realizes that he wasn’t Quackity’s intended target. He tackles Dream to the ground, pinning the taller man underneath himself onto the ground in a rough thump that seems to knock all the air out of him. Dream immediately begins to thrash aimlessly, jaw going slack in panic as Quackity levels his arm against his neck, going still as Quackity presses harder against his windpipe. Michael is only barely close enough to pick up what he says over the sound of the surrounding screaming, Sapnap rushing forward to pull Quackity off to no avail-
“-make what I did two weeks ago look like a fucking joke when we get back, going to make you wish you fucking died-” 
The world explodes into white.
When Michael’s vision clears, he’s face to face to the stony face of one of the MCC admins, their status displayed by the proud red [Admin] by their nametags and the fact that they’re floating several inches off the fucking floor. He backs away, strangely winded - probably from the panic or adrenaline or yelling or, more accurately, all three, as Quackity is pulled back effortlessly by an admin, easily caging his flailing limbs with a snap of code as he is frozen into place - and Michael whoops. 
“LET’S GO!” 
(The arrow hits Michael in the shoulder, and he disappears in a flash of red - only instead of going to his usual place above the Dodgebolt arena, standing with the other competitors, he finds himself teleported in front of a dizzying array of screens and buttons, too many to have any idea where they connect and how they work. Michael turns to meet the faces of the MCC Admins, each one looking at him with odd, concerned expressions and furrowed brows. 
“You shot your teammate,” one says - Noxite - and Michael nods to concede the point, not quite finding the words to speak. “Why?”
“If you had such a big issue with the teams, you could’ve just talked to Scott,” another one pipes up from the back, “I’m sure we could’ve worked something out.”
“I know, I know,” Michael runs his hand through his hair, both relieved at the plan working better than he could’ve ever fucking imagined and suddenly lost for words in front of the admins, each one looking at him with their full attention. Every nerve in his body rails against the scrutiny, reminds him to pretend that nothing is wrong - but it’s too late to pretend, now. It’s been too late for a long, long time. 
He remembers Dream, looking away all competition, voice dead and lacking all of its former vitality - remembers Puffy, hair a little greyer from stress, grief painting her face whenever she thought anyone wasn’t looking - remembers Bad, hands still shaking despite his attempts to hide it - the prison, looming on the horizon, unbeatable, impenetrable - himself, helpless, for all this time, to do anything but watch and wait. Until now. He takes a deep breath, steels himself- 
“Something’s wrong with Dream.”)
“Thank you for your information, Michael,” Noxite smiles at him, and relief throws itself through his system so fast that it makes him dizzy- “We’ll handle this from here. Good job.” 
“Holy shit- when did you get time to contact the fucking admins, Michael?” 
Michael ignores the clamor around him as the lobby bursts into activity and people talking over each other, each one probably trying to figure out what the hell just happened, ignores Sapnap muttering, awed, from beside him, to move towards Dream, still sprawled out over the floor. There’s an admin by him, standing by to seemingly keep the crowd away but not engaging with Dream directly, and Michael ducks by them to kneel down by Dream and meet his gaze. 
“Hey,” Michael smiles, still shaking from the leftover adrenaline as he presses his hands to the ground to try and hide it, “We’ve got you. It’s over- Quackity’s gone. You’re safe now.” 
“Michael?” Dream’s voice is so damn small when his head twists to look over, hair having fallen largely fallen out of his ponytail to land in wisps all around his face. “You- how-”
“Don’t worry about it,” Michael shushes him, chest twisting painfully. “It’s alright.”
“...I don’t feel so good.”
Dream coughs harshly, and Michael quickly maneuvers him to a sitting position as his shoulders shake with another one, hand flying to his mouth as he is wracked with loud, wet-sounding coughs. Concern wells up in his throat, watching as Dream shakes with more coughing, nearly choking as he curls into himself, muscles tense. After what feels like an eternity, he pulls his hand back, and Michael gasps at the sight.
There’s blood, and a lot of it - mixed with the saliva in his palm, shiny and stringy over the planes of his hand, dribbling past his lips and down his chin. His teeth are similarly stained red when his mouth opens slightly, stance wobbling before he collapses altogether against Michael’s body - Michael can barely hear himself shouting for a medic as Dream heaves a rattling, wet sounding breath into his shoulder. 
“Th’ts not g’d,” he mumbles, quiet, before going completely limp. 
When you first get strong enough to go to the Nether and collect blaze rods and brew potions for the first time, the first thing that gets beaten into your head forwards, backwards, left, right, and every way in between is that health and regen aren’t a replacement for actual recovery. Instant health pots are famous for their tendency to heal everything affected to the same degree - which is bad when you have a particularly deep injury, as it’ll often finish healing it near the surface while the injury persists underneath. Regen pots tend to be better at that front, but even they cannot completely fix a serious injury - the two can only act as a temporary, emergency fix for severe wounds, often being an invaluable resource to stop the worst of the bleeding and hold everything together for long enough to bring someone to proper medical attention. 
Unfortunately, when someone tries to use health pots and regens to completely bypass the time and rest needed for the body to properly heal itself and recover, what usually ends up happening is internal injuries - not completely healed by the potions alone - continue to be jostled and irritated, which can lead to further, worse, problems with internal bleeding and bones shifting out of place if they’ve been broken, which can then pierce through muscle and organ tissue - to be honest, Michael was never the best with all the medical stuff, and he’s half-sure that the horror stories he’s heard were exaggerated to beat it into his head never to be an idiot that thinks that potions can solve everything, but either way, he’s never tested his luck with the things.
Unfortunately, Dream doesn’t seem to have done the same, as the entire day’s worth of intense activity, between practices and MCC itself, were more than enough to fuck over the healing effects of whatever health potions he apparently downed before coming to the Championships. From what Michael has heard, it got a little harried after he was first brought into the hospital, but he’s apparently stabilized since - recovery will be slow, both physically and mentally, but at least he’s out of that damn prison to actually start on that path.
“Simply put, your teammate is a bit of an idiot,” Scott tells him when he finally catches him in the waiting room, hair fluffed up at the sides from where he’s evidently messed it up in Admin-related stress. “But he should be alright now, with proper medical attention and lots of rest - make sure to tell him to actually rest, will ya? No more parkouring for him - he can wait until after he’s out of the hospital to show us all how it’s done.” 
Michael laughs, relief settling into his chest, “Thanks, Scott.” He directs a playfully accusing look towards the other, a grin tugging at his lips, “but you know, he’s only my teammate because you made it that way. Kinda sounds like your own fault there..” 
“Oh, quiet, you.” Scott laughs- he looks stressed, and Michael feels a twinge of sympathy. The administrative side of things after his whole stunt at Dodgebolt, and then especially with what happened in the main lobby, must be an absolute nightmare. “Anyway, I need to go back - Admin meeting,” he shakes his head, already looking at his comm. “You should go see Dream, by the way. I think he’s awake.” 
“Thanks for everything, Scott.” 
Scott smiles at him, soft, sincere. “Go see your friend.” 
He disappears in a flash of white light, teleporting away, and Michael looks at the empty space where he stood for a few seconds before standing up out of his chair to move towards the door. He hesitates at it for a second, hand on the doorknob but not yet turning it to the side - it’s suddenly awkward, without the pressure of the competition at his back and the relentless questions of what he should do. He doesn’t even know if Dream knows what happened, or if he’ll be happy with him - for all he knows, Dream was the one who started the whole ‘don’t tell the Championships what happens in the server’ deal. His teeth catch on his lip as he stands, lost in thought, at the door.
Well. Here goes nothing. 
He eases the door open, getting a glimpse inside the room - it’s white, clean-looking, the smell of disinfectant heavy in the air. There’s a bed in the middle of the room, a chair on the side with his Championships clothing and what appears to be some sort of padded body armor laid over the cushions. Dream, as expected, is lying down in the bed, unmoving; for a second, Michael thinks he’s sleeping, before he suddenly twists his head over to look at him.
“Hey,” Michael smiles, moving into the room and closing the door behind him. For the first time today, Dream’s face isn’t masked, a glimpse of it visible behind him on the dresser by the bed. He blinks up at him owlishly, eyes wide and green, looking even bigger combined with the hollow planes of his cheeks, overlaid by pale, slightly raised scars. “How are you feeling, man?” 
“Um-” Dream tries to pull himself up, visibly struggling, and Michael rolls his eyes as he hurries over to help raise the back of the cot because you’re supposed to be resting, Dream, just let the fancy bed do its job, and settles back with an odd look on his face as Michael pulls over a chair. “Good? I think? I mean-” he flails his hands a bit, “this is weird. And I kind of hate this gown- but um. Yeah.” 
“That’s fair,” Michael laughs, and Dream huffs a small laugh out of his own, settling back into his pillow. He looks strangely small, with all the layers stripped away, frail and skinny against the sheets. His skin isn’t that same paper-white shade it had been when he collapsed in the middle of the fucking lobby, but it’s still pale enough to be vaguely worrying, especially combined with the IV and other wires hooked up to him. 
“Apparently, I’m dehydrated,” Dream drawls when he catches Michael staring at the IV, making a small, frustrated sound through his teeth as Michael turns to look at him, “figures, I guess, but still sucks. I hate needles.” 
“Ouch,” Michael winces in sympathy, “yeah, those don’t look that fun.” Dream smiles up at him, before his expression shutters, dulls, and he looks away, not meeting his eyes. The sight of it makes Michael frown, quiet, remembering the way he’d drawn back from them all over and over again throughout the day - that fear and trauma won’t go away in a day, but it hurts all that much more to see his face as panic flashes across it and he pulls back, gaze carefully detached. 
“Dream?” Michael moves closer, but is careful not to make contact, “you alright?”
“Hmm?” Dream directs another small, tight smile his way, strained at the corners as his eyes flick away to the floor once again, “yeah- I’m- I’m fine.” 
Michael sighs, but decides not to push it. “Have you done anything else here, yet?”
Dream shakes his head. “No- I think that someone’s going to bring food over soon, I’m not sure. Not really hungry,” he mutters, half to himself, and Michael tamps down the concern that wells up in protest, “But we’ll see, I guess.” 
“That’s good,” Michael nods, and Dream looks up at him, expression startlingly unsure. 
“Um- do you know?” He wrings his hands together, eyes darting across the room nervously before flicking over Michaels’ face, and Michael tries to make himself look as calm and comfortable as possible, “I mean- do you know what’s going on with- everyone?” 
Ah. Michael winces internally- he probably should’ve expected this question, but in the fallout of what happened in the lobby and Dream, you know, passing out in his arms, he ended up brushing off or ignoring a lot of the chaos that resulted. He wracks his head for snippets of information that he’d seen in his communicator and from visitors to the waiting room, including people that had been there with him that had been pulled for questioning and meetings, Tommy’s expletive-filled yelling from the lobby still ringing in his head. 
“Um- I think that they’ve got a team of moderators pulled up to investigate the server, figure out what’s been going on,” Michael ticks names off on his hands, mentally going through the list of people that he’s been given information on, “They have Quackity in custody, I think, for the moment- they’re still waiting for more information on what to do with him, but they’ve got a whole MCC lobby’s worth of witnesses that saw him assault you so far, if you plan on pressing charges and stuff- um- Sapnap got pulled for questioning, nothing too major right now, I think that they’re going through the other server members that were attending the Championships for the moment.” 
“Are they- putting them in jail?” Dream’s voice sounds slightly tinny despite his forced calm, arms crossed in front of him, and Michael shakes his head firmly. 
“No- legal stuff between servers is weird, and I think they’re holding off on anything like that for now. Quackity’s just there at the moment because of assault charges on the MCC server - stuff in the SMP is still technically outside of their jurisdiction.” Dream visibly relaxes, and Michael smiles thinly, “It’ll be rough for a few weeks as they collect evidence and figure out what to do, but for now, they’re just focusing on recovery - giving people medical attention if they need it, lining up therapists,” he laughs, quietly, “lots of therapists.”
Dream hums, looking away. The corners of his mouth fall, eyes fluttering shut as he breathes a shuddery sigh through his lips.
“I- never wanted it to get this bad,” he opens his eyes, looking down at his hands, lip slightly trembling, “I don’t- I don’t know where it all went wrong.” 
“Hey,” Michael slides closer, ducking to meet Dream’s eyes with a soft smile. “You’re not alone anymore, alright? You don’t have to fix it all by yourself. Focus on yourself, on recovering.” 
Dream hesitates, breath seeming caught in his throat, wide green eyes staring into Michael’s own, before ducking his head to look away with a slight nod. Michael leans back in his chair, watching as Dream turns to the side, curling in on himself slightly with a small wince, eyes fixed on the window.
“Didn’t think I was going to see the sun again,” Dream says after a while, gaze still trained behind the glass to where the sun is slowly setting, rays of sunlight streaming past the slits in the blinds and casting glowing stripes of honey-gold throughout the room and over Dream’s face. Michael feels something cold press against the back of his throat, the quiet admission making air stutter in his lungs at the image of Dream, alone, huddled in the middle of an obsidian box for months and months and months, never knowing if he’d see anything other than the same black walls for the rest of his life. 
“You’re not there, anymore. You’re safe now.” 
Dream doesn’t reply, continuing to look out the window silently, breathing slowly as he moves his hand through a sunbeam, watching the way it streams between his fingers and warms his skin, seeming mesmerized by its soft glow. 
“Michael?” Dream looks over, and Michael feels the air punched out of his lungs at the soft, disbelieving sincerity held within his expression, the fearful edges for once pulled back far enough for the light to catch the quiet, heartfelt appreciation gathered in the slight quirk of his lips and downward slope of his eyes. He looks away a second after, a band of light cutting across his face and landing over the bridge of his nose, smile still on his face, voice almost too quiet to make out. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” Michael feels his own smile widen, looking out the window himself- it really is a beautiful sunset. “What are friends for?” 
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