#rip raina
ufonaut · 1 year
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And, somewhere in the deeps of his soul... Hal Jordan knows she’s right. He isn’t the man he was before. He’s something vastly different. Something that’s changing... every second of every minute of every day. And the fact is-- it scares him...
The Spectre (2001) #6
(J.M. DeMatteis, Ryan Sook)
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devinoxart · 1 year
Color and visual test.
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mercysimming · 2 years
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The whole family got together to celebrate Cameron’s birthday! Mikael and Candy officially have no more toddlers in the house (and are definitely relieved).
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Like uncle, like niece.
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jrow · 28 days
May Prompts (26)
Day 25 here. Start from the beginning here. Day 27 here.
He is master of manipulation.
It comes easily to him. Perhaps too easily. In recent years, he’s made a conscious effort to avoid manipulating those he loves (most of the time), but jerk clients and suspects? That’s still fair game. And a touch fun.
Getting constable moron to run was easy enough. It’s not that a chase is entirely necessary—they could have simply waited for Mycroft’s minions to arrive. That’s what John was likely planning, engaging the moron in meaningless small talk. But, they are doing this his way.
Besides, John loves a chase.
“And now you are spying on John. Worried he’ll remember?” was enough to get the moron running. And it was oh so easy to manipulate him to take off west, down the pavement. No roofs today.
The moron is fast, but not all nimble, knocking into people has he tries to weave between them. John is slower but far more deft on his feet, easily avoiding any barriers, be they human or otherwise.
As for himself, well, he’s both fast and nimble, but right now his focus is divided between ensuring John is okay and trying to manipulate the chase to their advantage.
Run. Run. Weave. Run. Weave. Jump. Force the moron towards the road, no chance to turn down an alley.
John is keeping up but his smile is evolving into a wince. This has gone on far too long.
But there it is. The library, always his saviour. He digs deep and finds a burst of speed, running up between idiot and the road, forcing him into left, through the front door.
“You guard the entrance,” he yells to John. They both know it’s a ruse to allow John to sit down and rest, but they can pretend.
“Right,” John says, hands on thighs panting for breath. “You go!”
And he’s off, manipulating the chase so they move up the stairs and into the stacks. He puts on bursts of speed when needed to push the idiot towards the small meeting rooms. The other patrons and staff keep their distance as they run. The police have surely been called but Mycroft’s team will arrive first.
Finally, they reach the back. He detours quickly to pull the fire alarm and the siren sounds loudly. The three meeting rooms empty, the people rushing to the exits.
The moron has nowhere to go, but continues past the fleeing patrons and into a meeting room. Tries to close the door.
But, he is there, pushing his way in.
“Nice try,” he says. “The police are on their way. It’s over.” He realises he still doesn’t know the constable’s name. He realises he doesn’t really care.”
“Look, I have money,” the moron starts, “if you help me get out of here. Then I’ll be gone—won’t set foot in the city again. Think about it, I have loads of cash and jewelry… would really help out that little girl.”
The mention of Rosie makes him see red. “Don’t you dare,” he spits out. “Don’t you move an inch. You are a lucky man, you know. If John had died or been badly hurt, you would not have got out of this room alive.” He forces himself to stay guarding the door, fighting the urge to rip the moron from limb to limb.
“Please,” the moron pleads, sounding genuinely terrified and looking on the verge of tears. Good.
He stands guard and says nothing, working to keep his rage in check. Mycroft’s team will be here soon and will be appropriately aggressive in their arrest. After a couple of minutes that feel like an eternity, he hears heavy steps running towards them.
“Hands in the air!” someone yells, pushing past him and entering the room.
The moron continues pleading. He turns around and makes his way back downstairs. Back to John.
Five years ago, he’d be desperate to be part of the interrogation. To understand every element of the moron’s crimes. Now, he just wants to get his family and go home.
@keirgreeneyes @raina-at @totallysilvergirl @meetinginsamarra @jolieblack @phoenix27884 @friday411 @calaisreno @lisbeth-kk @safedistancefrombeingsmart @momma2boys @helloliriels @dapetty @quimerasyutopias
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lisbeth-kk · 5 months
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Sherlock fandom.
Damaged goods
“Your anger and loyalty will catch up with you one day, and it’ll be your downfall,” John’s father told him when he came home bruised and injured after another fight protecting his sister. 
“I don’t care,” John answered through gritted teeth while he cleaned himself up as best he could. 
His father’s words hurt just as much as setting his dislocated shoulder, but John knew he would do it all again if need be. 
“Brother mine, why won’t you tell me who did this to you?” Mycroft asked Sherlock, concern seeping out of his voice. 
“I’m not a snitch, Mycroft,” a thirteen-year-old Sherlock spat.
Blood from his split lip created an interesting pattern on his white t-shirt, his left eye was swollen, and the trousers were ripped at the knees where more blood was visible. 
Through the years both men considered themselves damaged goods, but when there was justice to be served, they fought. Fleeing was never an option. 
Those two men met by chance according to John, but Sherlock always stated that the universe is rarely so lazy. 
Whatever it was and however it came to be, they were a matched set. When they were together, they felt whole, their flaws were but trifles. 
John’s father never witnessed his son’s loyalty being valued beyond measure, saving a man’s life just hours after he made his acquaintance.
Sherlock’s brother, however witnessed it all in amazement but also with a considerable amount of apprehension. But, as the years passed, despite his aversion to being wrong, he admitted, at least to himself, that he had miscalculated when it came to John Watson. 
“He keeps me right, Mycroft,” Sherlock told him when Mycroft had expressed his disquiet. 
And for once, Mycroft was glad that he had trusted Sherlock’s instincts. 
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @safedistancefrombeingsmart @phoenix27884 @gregorovitchworld @a-victorian-girl @peanitbear @raina-at @helloliriels @sabsi221b @topsyturvy-turtely
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Mom, Dad, I’m…
Wanda Maximoff x R
Blackhill ; Bishova ; Stony ; BuckySam
Happy Pride Angels, 🌈❤️
Warnings: Attempts at Humor. Heteros.
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"Detka, can you go get some tomatoes from the garden? Steve already ate all of the freaking salsa," Wanda grumbled dramatically, falling into your arms as you were mid conversation with Natasha and Maria about their work.
"He probably intended to bottom tonight," Natasha remarks with a shit stirring grin, you cackled in solidarity, but the both of you stopped when your wives stood shoulder to shoulder with a menacing tilt to their heads.
"Welp, those tomatoes aren't gonna pick themselves," you noted before running off, you avoided looking back, afraid to see Natasha's stony glare as you abandoned her with them.
Every man for themselves a mantra you live by, well, only when it comes to angry spouses. As an Avenger you were as selfless as the rest, but now you got to be more selfish in retirement.
Natasha, unfortunately, was your victim.
When you entered the massive greenhouse you took a second to admire your wives handiwork. The brunette had a knack for gardening, a green thumb if you will. The greenhouse was her go to place to find her zen after a day of dealing with you, Billy, Tommy, and Ella.
The witch loved you all, her beautiful family, but some days the lot of you made her feel a tad bit homicidal. On those days she gardened.
It wasn't hard to find the tomatoes, they were ripe and ready on a set of entangled vines. But before you could bring it to her, you were too enamored by the conversation your kids were having in their little cove behind the garden.
"I can't do it," Tommy groaned. "Yeah they just won't understand," Morgan Stark agreed with him, and you leaned in to hopefully garner more context for their troubled minds.
"At least Uncle Tony is bi," Raina Belova countered, "He'll be more understanding."
"Have you met our dad?" Anthony, the only Jr present, said in an incredulous manner. "He even claims Fido is gay, he's totally unhinged."
You had to put a hand over your mouth, the amusement you were experiencing was unreal.
"Couldn't be us," Elena teased, "I'm gay as hell, and Bryce here is both queer and nonbinary."
Oh goodness... Never in your days did you expect your kids to keep secrets from you, but for it to be such a silly one it honestly made you want to interrupt the conversation at hand.
To remind them that no matter what, you'd all continue to love them, but it was too funny.
"Mama is going to be mad," Celeste Belova added, "She always said being gay is the way."
"I thought she was ace?" Billy inquired. "She is, but that doesn't make her any less gay."
After the conversation moved on to who they were crushing on you snuck back to the party. The overall consensus being that every last one of your collective brood, besides your youngest, Ella, who was only five, and Natasha and Maria's powerful duo, said they're straight.
"Where have you been?" You ignored your wife, handing her the basket of ingredients while calling all of your friends to the dining room. Tony whined, "What is so important?"
"You guys will not believe what I just heard..."
Wanda rolled her eyes as you spun your tale, she chopped up the tomatoes, jalapeños and onions as you enamored the group of friends.
"Thank God we're safe," Maria teased, turning to her wife with a genuinely relieved smile. "Right? Can you imagine having to attend two straight weddings? And pretend to like it?"
"Oh jeez," you gasped, "I didn't think of that."
Wanda tossed the ingredients into a bowl as the lot of you bantered back and forth, her patience already running thin with you all.
"Y/N, this joke isn't funny." Yelena shook her head in defiance when you reminded her that this wasn't a joke. "You don't know what you are talking about. Must be hearing loss..."
Kate put a hand on her wife's shoulder, "It's true Lena, they've both told me already."
"You traitor!" Yelena ripped her arm away as if the raven haired woman had burned her skin.
You now worried that you'd inspired divorces.
"No," Tony gasped, shaking his head in fear as the unexpected reality set in. "You're lying, you have to be. No son of mine is straight!"
"Honey," Steve called out for him, "It'll be okay, we always knew it would be a possibility."
"It most certainly is not okay," he grimaced, then in a flash he was outside, calling for your children to gather around the hibachi station.
"Where's the fire pops?" Morgan jests, but quickly zips her lips as she sees her dad looking as if he was on the verge of a breakdown.
"Tell me Y/N's lying," he pleads, "That you're not straight, my fragile ticker can't take this."
"Tony!" Steve shrieked, "Don't use an old ailment to guilt the kids into being gay..."
"Stay out of this babe!" He growled, "As far as I am concerned they're gay. Y/N's a liar."
"Am not!" You gasped, "They're all heteros."
"Not us!" Bryce interjected. "We're queer."
"That's our precious babies," Natasha coo'd, arms opened wide for her kids to run into, and the both of their teens instantly ran at her.
Bucky and Sam had entered your backyard just as the revelation took place. You all watched as they took three steps back, baby carrier in hand as they looked to your kids as if they were all diseased. "We're just being cautious."
You snorted softly, "We understand fellas."
Wanda glared at you, but you remained unfazed for now. Too busy finding the dramatics entertaining to see the horror. Wanda saw it though, she looked out to see all of the kids wearing terrified expressions. She was about to console them, but then a fight broke out beside you, and you had to laugh.
"This is all your fault Kate Belova!" Yelena shrieked, "It was all of that organic mac and cheese you fed them when I was on missions!"
"Mac and cheese being healthy doesn't make a child straight," Kate shrieked back, hands running down her face as she realized her plans for a peaceful barbecue ended with this.
"If it had been orange they might have been more connected to the rainbow Kate!" Yelena went on, "It's like our gay power source."
"Well, with Wanda's garden the kids eat the entire rainbow and look at them, straight."
Yelena found your assistance unwelcome, "Keep out of this Y/N Maximoff. Your kids aren't all old enough to say yet, you still have a chance! Mine are all done... Stupid preteens"
"Well, that's not exactly true," you reasoned, "None of you have been to college yet, that's when you'll really know if you're gay or not."
Natasha, Yelena and Tony all nodded, they found your reasoning the most logical. It was a lot easier than accepting they're all straight.
"Okay, that's enough!" Wanda interjected, her tone terrifying, "Look at what you're doing to them. They can't help it if they're straight."
"I wanna be gay like mama," Ella murmured, clearly she just wanted to fit in with the crowd, and therefore you praised her, "Smart girl."
Wanda entered your mind with a warning, she smirked as you lifted Ella onto your hip, then you fell into unexpected silence by her side.
"Haha, you're like so whipped, "Yelena cackled.
Wanda glared at her. "You don't scare me wiggly woo, my kids being straight is enough."
"Yelena," Kate sighed, "Knock it off, and try telling the girls that you love them."
"Of course I love them," she rushed out angrily, "That's not even a question, they're moy deti."
(My babies)
Celeste and Raina ran into the blondes side, their tears of relief soaked into her shirt, and made her see they were genuinely scared this would lose them her love. "Shh, mama loves you always, even if you make dumb choices."
Tony and Steve were in a standoff of sorts, the billionaire sipped on his margarita slowly as they appeared to be having a conversation with only their eyes. Tony rolled his, but after a moment of incoherent grumbling he nodded. Morgan and Tony Jr. approached their dads after being called forward, Steve embraced them first, and wholly. Tony gave them both side hugs, and whispered that he just needed time to cope, but he loved them regardless.
Then you heard him brush by with his son, begging him to take it back, only to find out his son was in a long term relationship with a girl. That study buddy of his was so much more...
Like father, like son you suppose.
You looked out to see your boys stood side by side, Billy gripped Tommy's hand for dear life. Wanda was about to call them over, but you beat her to it as guilt overwhelmed your heart. The boys scurried over, and Wanda sent you an adoring smile as you kissed the both of their heads, and hugged them tight. "I love you," falling from all of your lips in succession.
After everyone had time to process the news, the vibe returned to one of relaxation. Wanda set up the grill for Sam, and the master chef himself began to put on a show for everyone.
Once the plates were served you all moved to the fire pit, where you talked about all you'd missed in each other's life while the younger kids sat in front of the projector playing Up.
Then, as the sun officially fell, everyone began to clear out. Saying their goodbyes at the front door, where you hugged each kid, an apology of sorts on your lip for the drama you stirred. Each one forgave you, some even thanked you for finally getting the conversation over with.
When everyone was officially gone you moved back outside to clean up. Tommy helped you, while Billy helped clean the kitchen so that Wanda could focus on Ella's bath, and bedtime.
It was an entire hours worth of work, you were beyond exhausted as you fell into the mattress. You nearly passed out without your wife, but soon enough Wanda slipped into the bed. She wore a thoughtful expression, weighing out whether to disturb you or not, but she soon reasoned you'd appreciate her words, "Detka..."
"Yes baby?" You rolled onto your side, using your elbow to prop yourself up so you could look down at her. She looked to you with a warm smile, then she was yawning, "Don't worry." She paused to pull you into her arms before whispering in your ear: "Billy was not being honest. We do indeed have a gay son."
You laughed so hard tears streamed down your face and pooled in the crook of your equally as amused wife's neck. That was the last thing you expected to hear from her, if anything you had anticipated a continuation of her scolding.
"I'll scold you more tomorrow," she teased, "But for now, we should get some sleep."
1,844 Words
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roguesscribbles · 4 months
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Sorry I've been so dead recently! I've got a little project going on that's taking up my art time. Hoping to unveil it soon!
In the meantime, here's my new OC! I made her for a Mass Effect DnD group I'm joining! Her name is Raina Akiyama, she's a human engineer that abandoned her smothering military life to explore the galaxy, settling on Illium following the Reaper invasion.
You can read the full backstory under the cut:
Raina Akiyama was always destined to join the Alliance Military. From the day she was born on an Alliance ship to two parents with a decent military ranking, she spent the majority of her formative years on various Alliance ships or bases following wherever her parents were stationed.
At the time, she could count how many times she has been to Earth on one hand. Her father was from Japan and her mother was from Britain, so she had been to visit family members that she doesn’t remember the faces of. Her upbringing was lonely at times, her parents were busy working and other children were not that common. However, with the absence of people, she found her love in the mechanical instead.
She could always be found tinkering away at some piece of tech she found, sneaking into the engine room to look at the inner workings or pelting the engineers with all sorts of questions. And the Alliance were happy to support these dreams of hers, educating and pushing her towards a career as an Engineer.
There was just one problem, Raina didn’t like the way the Alliance ran things. She was never a fan of the authority, of the training exercises and the expectation to give it everything she had, with instructors and crew members who were always a bit too strict with a child, most likely already seeing the soldier she would become. She always felt trapped, forced into enlisting, because where else would she go? She was raised here, with a line of family all expecting her to join as the next generation as they once did, and she knew very little of the habited planets that dotted the galaxy.
Eventually, when she turned 18, she enlisted officially as an Engineer, continuing her training and enhancing her skills. If there’s one good thing she can say, it’s that the Alliance provided her with almost unlimited funding to tinker with whatever gadgets were put in front of her. She became intimately familiar with both the massive hardware of the Alliance vessels to the weapons and armour the troops relied on. She never fully felt like she belonged, but she could at least surround herself with the things she loved.
Things changed about 2 years later. She was stationed on a small base with an equally small squadron. Something that was meant to be safe, somewhere to train her and other recruits. For the first time in her life she felt like she had friends, people she could rely on and actually talk to, who had her back. Things finally started to fall into place, and she started to feel that yearned-for feeling of belonging.
Then, the raid happened.
A group of bandits attacked the base in the night, where there was minimal activity. They wanted the equipment that they had in storage. It wasn’t even very much, they most likely saw them as easy pickings, and they weren’t entirely wrong. Almost all of her squad was killed in the incident, though in the end Raina’s squad managed to barely win. During the scuffle, a confrontation with one of the assailants left her scarred after they slashed her face with an omni-blade. When she came to in the medical wing of an Alliance vessel, she found herself blind in her left eye.
Her entire world came crashing down. Almost all her friends were dead, that belonging ripped away from her in an instant. She was back to the cold, sterile vessels with people who saw her as little more than an asset, who wanted her back up and running as soon as possible as if a great tragedy hadn’t just occurred. As soon as they were able, they installed a cybernetic eye in the one she lost, patching her up like a broken piece of machinery.
Not even her parents were here. They contacted her as soon as they knew she was awake, but neither of them could leave their post to see her. Something in Raina just snapped. She needed away from this place, away from the military. She expressed her concerns to her parents, but they disapproved, encouraging her to just get better and push on. This was the family way. That just made the need to leave even more prevalent.
She was able to push for her to be medically discharged, quoting physical trauma and PTSD. She sent one final message to her parents telling them she was leaving and not to contact her. She grabbed all her belongings and money that she saved, grabbed the first civilian shuttle she could and started exploring the galaxy.
Over the next few years, she moved from planet to planet, exploring and experiencing and just living. She met so many new people, made new friends and went on her own adventures. She used her skills for work, either taking on odd jobs or temporarily joining a crew, which improved her abilities even further. She began to discover herself more as a person, get better at social interaction and just breathe for the first time. Life was good.
Then, the Reapers arrived.
Once more her world came crashing down, but this time it was different. She wasn’t alone. She had been staying on Illium when the news spread, and it wasn’t long before the Reapers made their way to them. Raina sprang into action, helping wherever she could to help the planets militia fend off the invasion, as well as help the people who had been displaced and evacuated to the planet. It kept her busy, and when the Reapers eventually fell, her positive presence put her on a lot of people’s radars as someone who was reliable.
Following this, she decided to take up a more permanent residence on Illium. They may have fended off the attack, but there was always work to be done. Plus, as a mercantile hub, other planets more affected turned to them for aid. She never found herself short for work, and she was keen to continue to improve her skills with the variety of machinery and tech that passed through. She dreams that one day, she can open her own mechanics shop, and make her role on Illium that much more permanent. Because she belongs.
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dystopyx-blog · 1 month
their unwilling mistress (3/4)
believes Rip is meant to be with her and is extremely confident in that fact. 
girl that makes you beg "TAKE ME NOW" 
Like that tall vampire everyone simps for Dimetrescu mixed with Grace from Umbrella academy
She fucking k n o w s she's simpable 
Likes to get Mistress in seemingly innocent but extremely not innocent situations 
Can reach top shelf
Will reach over Ripley to get things from top shelf 
Makes big old biddies obvious to Ripley as she reaches over the poor girl
Puts the power in power top
Loves being flattered 
Also loves flattering her mistress 
"I don't like it when you guys call me "mistress", it's beyond wack." "Oh? Then why don't you call me mistress instead?~" *outraged demons in the background* 
Mom friend but make it uncomfortably sexy, yknow?
Sexy mom friend -
Milf friend
Everything she does is sexy
It is incredibly frustrating for the demon girl just trying to be a human girl with her human girlfriend
Also frustrating for the other demons 
Sweet girl tryna act all tough but she's such a softie 
Tsundere. Thinks being uninterested will make her mistress interested.
It does not. 
Casual clothes, skirt, zip up hoodie sweater, v neck t shirt 
Hair that flows in nonexistent wind
Said wind seems to reflect her emotions 
Unlike typical tsunderes, who act up out of self defense or whatever, Raina uses it as a strategy.
Her crush doesn't seem interested in devoted loyal followers???
Fine, she isn't a loyal devoted follower at all. 
In fact she doesn't care! 
But she does care. 
She cares so much.
Loves music n singing 
It's how she bonds 
Manipulative possessive. 
Femme of your dreams
Specifically Jane the Killer, Momo Yaoyarozu (idk how to spell it ajsfhgdg)
pale girl with dark hair 
F U C K take me now 
u know the type  
Flirty but gentle, u know?
BEAUTIFUL fucking laugh 
Ripley can't stay around her too long, she's definitely the biggest risk and Ripley really really loves her gf
Manipulative? What no of course not
Picture of innocence 
Definitely not Monika, you do not have to worry about her ha ha—
No she is 100% like Monika she would not hesitate to destroy her fellow demons if it meant getting what she wants, but she needs them so she can't 
She was also one of the main minds who came up with the scheme that led to this basement harem
Voice claim: Taylor Louderman  
Possessive slight delusional
Firmly believes Rip doesn't need anyone else. 
Butch of your dreams. 
Specifically vintage lesbian. 
Tan skin. Dark hair n eyes. 
Power woman. 
Def a top oml. 
H i p s 
They do not lie 
"Hey, could you help me tie my corset?~ 
Bad habit of referring to Mistress as Babe. 
"Thanks, Babe."/"no problem Babe" 
The only one who hates it more than Ripley is August. 
Will steal your heart, your girl, and your ID 
Voice claim: Marina or Barrett Wilbert Weed
Obsessive. Completely and utterly. 
Soft pretty girl 
Long flowing P A L E pastel hair, multicolored eyes, soft tone of voice
softest damn soft girl you'll ever meet 
Soft flowy pastel clothing
Girl looks like a ghost, soft colors only
Unless Ripley gives her something. 
If gifted something by her mistress, she will turn it into a charm and wear it always.
Don't make her angry - she's half banshee 
Ripley fucking dreads the days she gets angry. 
Slightly masochistic???
Wants to be useful
Wants to be used 
Voice: probably Melanie Martinez
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springleggedstarro · 2 months
[contract.exe deleted. starro.hmn status: HOST]
He's back on stage. But something feels off.
The sounds of the audience are no more than a rushing sound in Starro's ears as he leaps from silks, to trapeze bar, to hoop. The routine sticks in his mind easily, he's done this a million times before.....
.... why does he feel like something horrible is about to happen though? Like he knows what's going to happen?
If the audience is still cheering then Starro can't hear it anymofe. He's almost sure they've stopped completely.... why? He's doing what he should be. Why aren't they cheering? Why aren't they applauding?
The finale comes up and Starro prepares himself to leap forward.... something catches his eye though. Something sitting on the railing track where the silks, bar and hoop are moving on.
No. Someone.
Starro's eyes widen with fear as he realizes what's going to happen. He wants to stop. He wants to get off stage. He wants to freeze and not do it.
But his body moves forward, bounding forth, through the silks, and into the trapeze bar. Just like last time, the same blast of pain and everything.
Starro falls backwards, landing on his foot and feeling another shot of pain plow through his system. Only once his eyes open, everything is dark..... except for a glitching female ahead of him.
Pitch black tentacles slowly weave over top him, holding him in place as the girl approaches. She has a devilish smile, reaching towards him.
Starro opens his mouth to scream as he feels himself glitching, the agony growing more intense by the second. It floods him, drowning out any sensation or thought except for wishes of death.... as the girl reaches closer.....
And closer.....
And closer....
Starro's eyes shoot open as he finally manages to scream. He's back in his room, in his bed, alone. It was all a nightmare.
The pain isn't fully gone though.... he still feels staticky, as if he's not fully awake. What.....?
Starro's vision focuses a little, and he glances down at himself... a few tentacles are jutting out of his stars and are either jammed through the wall or gripping his bedsheets so tight they look like they'll rip. A couple other stars are replaced by panicked eyes that dart around, scanning for danger.
He takes a few moments to process what happened, during which several of the eyes morph back into blueish-indigo stars and a couple tentacles retract.
It didn't work. He still has his corruption.
.... wasn't it supposed to go away with Raina? He asks himself, leaning against the wall. This wasn't supposed to happen anymore. He shouldn't still be this abstracted mess.
Starro sighs and closes his eyes, a couple tears rolling down his face. He hates this feeling. He hates that he's, underneath everything, still an abstracted monster. He doesn't understand why it's coming out now though.
Whatever, he thinks. I'll be fine... probably.
I really wish all this would all go away though..... I hate being abstracted...
Starro closes his eyes and lays down, hugging his pillow and imagining it was Conny.
He doesn't realize how quickly the abstraction retreats once he makes that wish.
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greypetrel · 11 months
🎯 Unhinged Character Bingo 🎯
Tagged by @ndostairlyrium, thank you it's been so fun x°D
I uhm... Invent OCs because I want to explore things and ideas. If I invent one, they're instantly under a microscope, oops.
Starting with Aisling
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She's insane in the way the Mythbusters are. She WILL make things explode just to see what happens. And yes she has mommy issues why did you think she tried to jump at Cassandra LOL. (she's my favourite Barbie atm) I would have added the "Leave them alone" but she's friendly and she will actively pursue people so it's pointless.
Following with our trash Raina-ccon
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She's the blorbo I accidentally poured too much of myself into ahahahahahhahahahahah *anxiety disasters*
She attracts the angst like honey attracts flies, sorry baby. And the raccoon tail was very necessary, yes.
Ending with Alyra
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I torture them because I hate myself meaning that when she'll realise I'm torturing her she'll get to me and punch me. Leave her alone because she will make you leave her alone (also seriously she deserves a holiday). BUT she's the most stable, mentally, of the three.
Also RIP I won't ever draw her more accurately than in this meme, look at her on the left that's her.
Tagging: @salsedinepicta @demandthedoodles @shivunin @transprincecaspian @melisusthewee @layalu @daggerbean @idolsgf @rowanisawriter @zenstrike @star--nymph @noobsydraws (Hi! Hope you don't mind the tag!)
Of course feel free to skip this if you don't like the meme, no obligations! Here's the blank:
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madebysimblr · 5 months
Family Trees: Gen 4!
I decided to do some re-hauling of the trees, and make them a little more clear. SO! Not only, behold some new additions and sneak peaks at aged up characters, but the new and improved trees! I would highly recc opening these in a new tab and zooming in! (Especially for the Fords and Steeles)
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No notes for the Cortes', just a rip Liam :(
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For the Ford's I do have some notes! -The double marriage lines on Dimitri, Shaun, and Xander Knox simply mean they are all married to each other. :) -The double, triple, and quadruple birth lines, as labeled mean twins, triplets, etc.
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And some notes for the Steeles -I've decided to also note any occult that are on the trees. I look forward to someone amongst the steele grandkids getting a mermaid gf or bf - Important note! Though Raina abdicated at the end of Princess and me, my magic realm royalty rules decide she is still a Princess. Just will never be Queen. Therefore through marriage, Cordy is also a princess as is their daughter, Mae. Might be something I explore with Mae later too 👀
And under the cut is just a zoomed in Harrington Family tree, and the Royals (not an actual monarch family, but Chris and Deacon whose last name is Royal lol)
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gaymer-hag-stan · 4 days
On the 20th of June, twelve years ago, After School released their fifth single album, "Flashback."
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The title track is an energetic and catchy pop track characterized by its strong electronic dance beats and bold lyrics. The song marked a significant comeback for the group, featuring a powerful performance and showcasing their mature and sophisticated image. The accompanying music video highlights slick choreography and a glamorous, edgy aesthetic.
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she-had-many-names · 5 months
*(for context the voices were slowly driving him crazy and he was ripping his eye open in an attempt to get them to stop. Thanks raina)*
*stitch glares at raina with an intense glare*
*he bites her arm and breaks her skin*
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cwseriesshowdown · 9 months
Qualifying Round: The Beautiful Life vs Legends of Tomorrow
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The Beautiful Life: Raina Marinelli is a young model on her way up, while Chris Andrews is starting at the bottom of the fashion food chain. Chris lucks out when Raina shares her expertise with him on his first assignment for Covet Modeling Agency, owned by former supermodel Claudia Foster. Raina takes Chris under her wing and introduces him to other aspiring models, all at various early stages of their careers. As he makes his way in the cutthroat world of high-fashion modeling, Chris must decide whether he can survive in the world of dangerous excess and fleeting fame.
Legends of Tomorrow: After seeing what doom the future holds, time-traveling rogue Rip Hunter realizes heroes alone are not enough to prevent the impending catastrophe that threatens the planet. Tasked with recruiting both heroes and villains, Rip brings together a ragtag team of divergent talents, which includes the likes of Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, and Heat Wave. Although the team continually adds and loses members, their goal is always the same -- prevent supervillains from destroying time itself.
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esctrl · 1 year
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S C A N N I N G….
L O A D I N G  I N F O R M A T I O N..…. Senya Kane, ( 28 ), confirmed. Our records indicate that you now have the ability to replicate powers and would like to work as an assistant trainer. your chip identification tone will be set to happier than ever by billie eilish. welcome to the hub.
FULL NAME: visenya jade kane
NICKNAME(S): senya, sen
BIRTHDATE + AGE: june 15th, 2000 + 28
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she / her
ORIENTATION: pansexual / panromantic
SPECIES: changed
OCCUPATION: assistant trainer
BIRTHPLACE: arizona, nevada
FAMILY: aiden kane — twin brother ( the hub ); raina kane — mother ( deceased ); don kane — father ( whereabouts unkown )
LANGUAGES: english, russian, spanish
FACE CLAIM: florence pugh
EYE COLOR: green
HAIR: blonde
HEIGHT: 5′4″
TATTOOS: whenever senya acquires a new ability she gets a small tattoo representing it ( there are a lot )
SCARS / BIRTH MARKS: lots of scars
ZODIAC: gemini
MBTI: estp / esfp
ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
TEMPERAMENT: sanguine 
ARCHETYPE: entrepreneur
TRAITS: assertive, sarcastic, opinionated
ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS: peppa madrigal ( encanto ), malia tate / hale ( teen wolf ), yang xiao long ( rwby ), max mayfield ( stranger things ), rhanerya targaryen ( house of the dragon )
AESTHETIC: chipped nail polish, iced coffee, deflective sarcastic humor, ripped jeans, baggy crop tops, swears like a sailor, punch now - ask questions later, beg forgiveness > ask permission
tw: shitty fathers, bigotry, violence, death
senya's father don was a very bigoted man who seemed to be anti-everything so of course after the cataclysm of 2023, he became very bigoted against changed people. their mother was skeptical but also far more accepting. when aiden's power of pyrokinesis manifested after a heated argument with their dad, their mom was the one who convinced don not to try and kill aiden on the spot. however, don took to berating, antagonizing, or ignoring, aiden and acted similarly toward senya when she stood up for him or took his side.
at some point during a fight between aiden and their dad, senya touched aiden's hand as his fists became engulfed in flames but she didn't get burned. the interaction was enough to stop the fight temporarily as no one was quite sure what to make of it. but of course within days the two were at it again. this time senya got dragged into it, making her angry.
according to aiden, flames appeared in her eyes and then shot from her hands, narrowly missing her father. enraged, her father lunged but her mother intervened. their father shoved their mother out of the way and came at senya full force. aiden stepped in front of her.
no one knows for sure how exactly the twins' mother died from this ordeal. their father claims one if not both of them killed her while the twins are adamant that their mother fatally hit her head when their father shoved her. the end result was that the only thing keeping their father from trying to kill them was gone. fearing for their lives, the twins ran, and they kept running until they found the hub.
raina took senya and aiden to get all of their vaccines growing up in secret because don was against them. the twins also got the 2M2X3I in secret for this reason.
took kickboxing and ballet from a young age.
she was a public relations major in college.
she has 13 piercings in each ear because her father once told her if she pierced any other body part he would rip it out. she's sure he would kill her if he saw her tattoos.
in order for senya to gain a power she just has to touch the person who has it. one of the only powers she hasn't been able to add to her collection is pain immunity because her boss ramona won't let her. senya is not quite sure how ramona is able to keep her from obtaining the ability since a person's willingness to pass their power doesn't affect her ability to obtain it.
her first acquired power was pyrokinesis. she didn't realize she had power replication, she thought she'd just developed the same ability her brother had. she didn't find out she had power replication until she reached the hub.
she has found that there are certain powers she can't seem to use in their entirety. for example: when it comes to shapeshifting the most she can do is change her hair ( color and length ). when it comes to healing she cannot heal herself and can only heal a certain severity of wounds on others.
( will add to this as time goes on )
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I want to see Alec hurt in front of Dorian...
This ask has sat in my inbox for 2 months and 7 days, and at last, it is finished. No tws other than series tws (found on the Alec and Raina masterlist), so so without further ado:
The first thing she did was cuff Dorian’s wrists tight to the wall, spreading his arms wide like a crucifixion.  After all, she couldn’t have him interfering in any matters. He thrashed and struggled against the thick chains, kicking out at Raina until she stepped back, whipped out a knife, and hugged Alec close, pressing the blade to his throat. 
“I suggest you cooperate,” she said icily. 
Dorian stilled instantaneously, swallowing back a gasp, and he slowly nodded. 
“Much better,” Raina murmured, sheathing the knife and producing a fresh pair of shackles to lock around his ankles. She locked the chains to the short ones trailing from his wrists, rendering him practically immobile. 
“Hadley told me hurting him would rip you to pieces, but god, you're receptive,” she murmured to herself as she collected the rest of her materials. “Alec, take off your shirt and remove your piercings,” she ordered. “I’ll trade out your collar, don’t take it off yourself.” 
He gave a fleeting, worried glance to Dorian as he tugged studs from his ears and face, his hands trembling. Without a mirror, it was hard to tell if he’d gotten them all— his memory of Hadley shoving needle after needle at him was blurry at best. 
“You forgot one,” Raina teased, cupping his face in one hand and reaching to unscrew the barbell on his tragus piercing before collecting the studs from his hand and moving onto the buckle of his collar. It felt almost wrong for her to remove it, he barely concealed his flinch at the foreign sensation of air hitting the once-hidden strip of skin. His hand flew to his neck, and he wasn’t surprised to feel the imprint of the collar practically molded into him. As much as he hated it, he wanted it back. The last time it was off… was when he’d refused to put it on. When Raina had broken his leg. 
He was too lost in himself to register the cinch of metal over his neck until Raina locked it tight enough to steal the very breath from his lungs. He choked, gasping for air that wouldn’t come, yet he didn’t dare reach for the collar to relieve the pressure. His captor nodded approvingly, stepping behind him to adjust the latch and let him breathe comfortably. 
“Very good. That wasn’t a test, I just miscalculated, but you did well.” She pressed a kiss to the top of his head and led him to a scarcely-padded wood table with leather restraints dangling from it, motioning for him to lie down. Dorian could barely watch. 
But before she fastened Alex’s limbs to the table, she turned back towards Dorian. 
“In a few moments, I’m gonna dump a thousand volts of electricity straight into your lover’s helpless body. What’ll you do to stop me, hm? What do you have to offer?” 
Dorian bit his lip. “I—” he hesitated, gazing at Alec sitting on the table, the shock collar already right around his neck. “I’ll take double. Just… just give him a break.” 
Raina threw her head back and laughed. “Aww, how sweet. But, first lesson? You have no power. None.” She plucked a taser from her assortment of weapons and turned a dial on it. “What’d you say? Double?” She mused dramatically, waving it in Dorian’s direction and pulling the trigger. 
Dorian gasped as he was seized with a burning agony, his body falling limp against the chains. He gasped for breath like a fish out of water, silent tears running down his face. His mouth filled with the metallic taste of blood where he’d bit his tongue. Yet before he’d even recovered, Raina had returned to Alec’s side. She strapped his arms and legs to the table without a word, before she fidgeted with a small box under the table and pulled out a set of wired electrodes, sticking them one by one over his chest. 
“Since your boyfriend so kindly suggested it, we’ll go for two thousand,” she said sweetly. “But first you’ll need something to bite on… no need to ruin your pretty face.” 
Alec was almost glad that the sounds he would make wouldn’t be on display… yet as he saw her produce a ball gag, his heart sank. Of course he wouldn’t even get that lucky. 
He didn’t bother fighting it, simply easing his jaw open and letting Raina fasten the gag around his head, yet he glanced up at Dorian from where he hung from the wall, his face reddening. Maybe I should’ve fought. 
Before he could decide whether to play it defiant and thrash against his bonds, Raina plugged another wire into the shock collar and then slammed a hand on the button on top of the box. 
A scream ripped from his throat for just a moment before his breath was stolen from him. The pain of a shock was far from unfamiliar, but that made it no less vicious. His teeth clenched around the gag as he spasmed uncontrollably, his body overtaken by stinging, searing pain. 
“LET HIM GO!” Dorian roared, pulling helplessly at the chains. As Alec writhed on the table, electricity steadily pouring into his veins, a sob built in his throat. Seeing him like this, desperate and hurting without enjoying it a single bit, hit a nerve he barely knew he had. Months ago, if you’d asked him, he would have pressed a kiss to Alec’s cheek and teased him about how good he looked while he was hurting. But that was because he liked it, because it drew them closer than anything ever could. And here Alec was, his pain used to torment them both.
“Please!” He cried out hopelessly. “Hurt me instead… please… I can take it.” 
Seconds later, the shock died down, and Alec broke into sobs. His body ached and tingled from aftershock, and he couldn’t summon movement more than a twitch. He needed to curl up in bed for hours, to cuddle against Dorian and never let him go. 
“Alright now, no need to get impatient,” Raina condescended. “You know you’ll both get a turn. Now let's try four thousand…” 
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