#rise Chikara
khlegacynexus · 5 months
Never put off till Tomorrow what can be done today also…..all this lore your learning today
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pikahlua · 10 months
MHA Chapter 407 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 その娼婦は一年程前から病に罹っていた そのしょうふはいちねんほどまえからやまいにかかっていた sono shoufu wa ichinen hodo mae kara yamai ni kakatte ita That prostitute had been ill since about a year prior.
2 硬質の疣贅が左腕に生えていた こうしつのいぼがひだりうでにはえていた koushitsu no ibo ga hidari ude ni haete ita A hard wart had been growing on her left arm.
tagline 1 "個性"が起こるよりも昔… "こせい"がおこるよりもむかし… "kosei" ga okoru yori mo mukashi... Long before quirks arose...
tagline 2 No.407 超常遺児 堀越耕平 ナンバー407 ちょうじょういじ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 407  choujou iji   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 407 Paranormal Orphan  Kouhei Horikoshi
3 彼女が自身の懐妊に八か月もの間気付かなかったのは かのじょがじしんのかいにんにはちかげつものあいだきづかなかったのは kanojo ga jishin no kainin ni hachikagetsu mono aida kidzukanakatta no wa The reason she didn't realize she was pregnant for eight months
4 浮浪生活だけが原因ではなかった ふろうせいかつだけがげんいんではなかった furou seikatsu dake ga gen'in de wa nakatta was not only because of her vagrant lifestyle.
5 全く身に覚えがなかったからだ まったくみにおぼえがなかったからだ mattaku mi ni oboe ga nakatta kara da It was because she didn't remember it at all.
6 ソレらはいつの間にか彼女の胎に住みつき ソレらはいつのまにかかのじょのはらにすみつき SOREra wa itsu no ma ni ka kanojo no hara ni sumitsuki Before she knew it, they settled in her womb
7 彼女の生きる力を吸い取っていた かのじょのいきるちからをすいとっていた kanojo no ikiru chikara wo suitotte ita and were draining away her life force.
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1 川のほとりで双子を産み落とした女性は かわのほとりでふたごをうみおとしたじょせいは kawa no hotori de futago wo umiotoshita josei wa The woman, who gave birth to twins by the river,
2 そのまま死亡した そのまましぼうした sono mama shibou shita died just like that.
3 彼女の疣贅はなぜか かのじょのいぼはなぜか kanojo no ibo wa naze ka For some reason, her wart
4 きれいさっぱりなくなっていた kirei sappari nakunatte ita disappeared without a trace.
5 赤児達は あかごたちは akago-tachi wa As for the babies,
6 二人きりだった ふたりきりだった futarikiri datta they were alone, [just the two of them].
7 ねずみがやって来て遺体と赤児をかじり始めた頃 ねずみがやってきていたいとあかごをかじりはじめたころ nezumi ga yatte kite itai to akago wo kajiri hajimeta koro Just as the rats came and started to gnaw on the corpse and the babies,
8 増水した川が ぞうすいしたかわが zousui shita kawa ga the rising river
9 双子をさらっていった ふたごをさらっていった futago wo saratte itta swept the twins away.
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1 一年後 いちねんご ichinengo One year later,
2 "発光する赤児"を皮切りに世界各国で"異能"の報告が相次ぐ "はっこうするあかご"をかわきりにせかいかっこくで"いのう"のほうこくがあいつぐ "hakkou suru akago" wo kawakiri ni sekai kakkoku de "inou" no houkoku ga aitsugu starting with "the luminous baby," reports of "meta abilities" emerged one after the other from all over the world.
3 "異能"は先天性のもうだけではなく "いのう"はせんてんせいのもうだけではなく "inou" wa sentensei no mou dake de wa naku Meta abilities were not just congenital.
4 二次性徴前後の青少年にも後天的に発現した にじせいちょうぜんごのせいしょうねんにもこうてんてきにはつげんした nijiseichou zengo no seishounen ni mo koutenteki ni hatsugen shita Around when they developed secondary sex characteristics, adolescents also expressed them as acquired [traits]. (Note: "Secondary sex characteristics" means puberty basically.)
5 未知の病として調べていた研究グループは みちのやまいとしてしらべていたけんきゅうグループは michi no yamai to shite shirabete ita kenkyuu GURUUPU wa A research group investigating them as an unknown disease
6-7 "異能"を「ヒトから枝わかれした新たなる遺伝子」と発表した "いのう"を「ヒトからえだわかれしたあらたなるいでんし」とはっぴょうした "inou" wo 「HITO kara edawakareshita aratanaru idenshi」 to happyou shita announced that meta abilities were "a new gene branched off from humans."
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1 それはあまりに無神経で早計だった それはあまりにむしんけいでそうけいだった sore wa amari ni mushinkei de soukei datta That was too callous and rash.
2 群生性命を隔つその発表は ぐんせいせいめいをへだつそのはっぴょうは gunseisei mei wo hedatsu sono happyou wa That announcement that subdivided gregarious life* (*Note: "Gregarious life" may be a bit too literal to be comprehensible. I think the best way to think of this phrase would be something like "social species.")
3 混沌を加速させた こんとんをかそくさせた konton wo kasoku saseta accelerated the chaos.
4 コンビナート方面で"異能"の連中が結集し始めたそうだ コンビナートほうめんで"いのう"のれんちゅうがけっしゅうしはじめたそうだ KONBINAATO houmen de "inou" no renchuu ga kesshuu shi hajimeta sou da "It seems that the meta abilities gangs have begun to gather around the industrial complex."
5 昨夜デモ隊が衝突した奴等だな…… さくやデモたいがしょうとつしたやつらだな…… sakuya DEMO tai ga shoutotsu shita yatsura da na...... "They're the ones the demonstrators clashed with last night......"
6 連中が決起する前に叩くぞ れんちゅうがけっきするまえにたたくぞ renchuu ga kekki suru mae ni tataku zo "Let's hit them before they rise up."
7 なんだ? nanda? "What's that?"
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1 超常遺児か ちょうじょういじか choujou iji ka "A paranormal orphan, huh?"
2 可哀想だが放っとけ!遺児は保菌者の可能性が高い かわいそうだがほっとけ!いじはキャリアのかのうせいがたかい kawaisou da ga hottoke! iji wa KYARIA (kanji hokinsha) no kanousei ga takai "I feel bad for him, but leave him be! The possibility for an orphan to be a carrier is high."
3 ん n "Right."
4 何の音だ なんのおとだ nan no oto da "What's that sound?"
5 ん? n? "Hm?"
6 え e "Huh?"
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1 それは母親から「奪った」異能 それはははおやから「うばった」いのう sore wa hahaoya kara 「ubatta」 inou That was the meta ability he "stole" from his mother.
2 その赤児は生まれながらに不遜だった そのあかごはうまれながらにふそんだった sono akago wa umare nagara ni fuson datta That baby was born conceited.
3 身の回り全てが自身の所有物であり みのまわりすべてがじしんのしょゆうぶつであり mi no mawari subete ga jishin no shoyuubutsu de ari Everything around him was his own property.
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1 泣けど喚けど自身を見ない なけどわめけどじしんをみない nakedo wamekedo jishin wo minai He cried and screamed, but he didn't see himself.
2 何も与えない者が なにもあたえないものが nani mo ataenai mono ga Those who gave him nothing
3 ただただ tada tada were simply
4 疑問だった ぎもんだった gimon datta problems*. (*Note: The word here means "problem, doubt, question." I think the description is saying that the baby would look at others and see them as the same as everything else in the world: something that existed as his property. Therefore those that gave him nothing were confusing, were question marks, and he harbored doubts and suspicions about them as a result.)
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1 ダメ DAME "Don't."
2 イタイの ITAI no "That hurts [them]."
3 母親から与えられる筈の栄養を ははおやからあたえられるはずのえいようを hahaoya kara ataerareru hazu no eiyou wo The nutrition his mother should have given to him
4 ダメ DAME "Don't."
5 ほとんど兄に奪われたので ほとんどあににうばわれたので hotondo ani ni ubawareta node was largely stolen by his older brother, so
6 弟はとても小さく脆弱だった おとうとはとてもちいさくぜいじゃくだった otouto wa totemo chiisaku zeijaku datta the younger brother was very small and frail.
7 自身に何も与えない存在だったが手に持っていた所有物なので じしんになにもあたえないそんざいだったがてにもっていたものなので jishin ni nani mo ataenai sonzai datta ga te ni motte ita mono nanode [The younger brother's] existence gave nothing to [the older brother], but [the younger brother's existence] was a possession [the older brother] held in his hands, so
8 兄は弟を決して手放そうとしなかった あにはおとうとをけっしててばなそうとしなかった ani wa otouto wo kesshite tebanasou to shinakatta the older brother tried to never let go of the younger brother.
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1 ーー溝が深まる一方で"発光する赤児"が自ら先頭に立ち ーーみぞがふかまるいっぽうで"はっこうするあかご"がみずからせんとうにたち --mizo ga fukamaru ippou de "hakkou suru akago" ga mizukara sentou ni tachi "--While the gap* intensified, the "luminous baby" has taken the lead" (*Note: The "gap" is referring to the rift between humans with meta abilities versus those without.)
2 平和と安全を訴えています賛同者は日増しに増加しておりーー へいわとあんぜんをうったえていますさんどうしゃはひましにぞうかしておりーー heiwa to anzen wo uttaete imasu sandousha wa hima shi ni zouka shite ori-- "to call for peace and security, with the number of supporters increasing day by day--"
3 僕に黙って何を読んでる? ぼくにだまってなにをよんでる? boku ni damatte nani wo yonderu? "What are you reading without telling me?"
4 まだ文字の勉強中で難しい本は読めないんだけど… まだもじのべんきょうちゅうでむずかしいほんはよめないんだけど… mada moji no benkyouchuu de muzukashii hon wa yomenainda kedo... "I'm still learning letters so I can't read difficult books, but..."
5 すごいよこのコミックって本 すごいよこのコミックってほん sugoi yo KOMIKKU tte hon "this comic book is amazing!"
6 絵で読めるんだ えでよめるんだ e de yomerunda "I can read it by the pictures."
7 描いた人の願いが絵で伝わってくる かいたひとのねがいがえでつたわってくる kaita hito no negai ga e de tsutawatte kuru "The wishes of the person who drew it are conveyed through the pictures."
8 ヒーロー… HIIROO... "Hero..."
9-10 僕もいつかこんな風になりたいな… ぼくもいつかこんなふうになりたいな… boku mo itsu ka konna fuu ni naritai na... "I want to be like this someday too..."
11 弟はまだ兄を諦めきれなかった おとうとはまだあにをあきらめきれなかった otouto wa mada ani wo akirame kirenakatta The younger brother couldn't give up on the older brother yet.
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1-2 かすかに憶えているあの手を兄の優しさだと信じたかった かすかにおぼえているあのてをあにのやさしさだとしんじたかった kasuka ni oboete iru ano te wo ani no yasashisa da to shinjitakatta He wanted to believe that hand he faintly remembers was his older brother's kindness.
3 三年後 さんねんご sannengo Three years later
4 例の"発光する赤児"さぁ…あいつのシンパがとうとう1000万人を超えたんだってさ れいの"はっこうするあかご"さぁ…あいつのシンパがとうとう1000まんにんをこえたんだってさ rei no "hakkou suru akago" saa...aitsu no SHINPA ga toutou 1000mannin wo koetanda tte sa "Well, for example, that 'luminous baby'...they say that guy's sympathizers finally surpassed 10 million people."
5 兄さん… にいさん… niisan... "Brother..."
6 おかしいよなだってあれは戸籍登録が一番早かったってだけで おかしいよなだってあれはこせきとうろくがいちばんはやかったってだけで okashii yo na datte are wa koseki touroku ga ichiban hayakatta tte dake de "That's strange, isn't it? Since it's just because his family registration was the fastest."
7-8 インドなんかじゃその二周間前には50人は異能が産まれてたって話だぜ インドなんかじゃそのにしゅうかんまえには50にんはいのうがうまれてたってはなしだぜ INDO nanka ja sono nishuukan mae ni wa 50nin wa inou ga umareteta tte hanashi da ze "They say that, in India, 50 people with meta abilities were born two weeks before that."
9 その姿は そのすがたは sono sugata wa "That appearance..." (Note: Yoichi is reacting with surprise at how AFO looks like he's been in a fight or something.)
10 おかしな話だよそんなので人を集められるなんてさ おかしなはなしだよそんなのでひとをあつめられるなんてさ okashina hanashi da yo sonna node hito wo atsumerareru nante sa "It's such a strange story, that he could gather people together like that."
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1 だから殺して「奪って」やった だからころして「うばって」やった dakara koroshite 「ubatte」 yatta "That's why I killed him and 'stole' [his meta ability.]"
2 ……なんで… ......nande... "......Why..."
3 だって datte "Because"
4 あのコミックに描かれていたろ あのコミックにかかれていたろ ano KOMIKKU ni kakarete ita ro "it was depicted in that comic."
5 ONE FOR ALL… ワン フォー オール… WAN FOO OORU... "One For All..."
6 ALL FOR ONE良い言葉だよな オール フォー ワンいいことばだよな OORU FOO WAN ii kotoba da yo na "All For One, they're excellent words."
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1 ヒーローは正体を隠して孤独に戦っていたけれど ヒーローはしょうたいをかくしてこどくにたたかっていたけれど HIIROO wa shoutai wo kakushite kodoku ni tatakatte ita keredo "The hero was hiding his true identity as he fought alone, but"
2 悪の魔王は皆が恐怖して全てを差し出すんだ あくのまおうはみんながきょうふしてすべてをさしだすんだ aku no maou wa minna ga kyoufu shite subete wo sashidasunda "everyone feared and offered up everything to the evil Demon King."
3 おまえがそうであるように…皆が僕の為だけに存在する世界 おまえがそうであるように…みんながぼくのためだけにそんざいするせかい omae ga sou de aru you ni...minna ga boku no tame dake ni sonzai suru sekai "A world where everyone exists just for my sake...just like you do."
4 僕にも夢ができた! ぼくにもゆめができた! boku ni mo yume ga dekita! "I was also able [to come up with] a dream!"
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1 待て何故行ってしまうんだ まてなぜいってしまうんだ mate naze itte shimaunda Wait, why are you leaving?
2 "力"を与えてやったじゃないか! "ちから"をあたえてやったじゃないか! "chikara" wo ataete yatta ja nai ka! Didn't I give you power?!
3 なんだおまえは!離れろ! なんだおまえは!はなれろ! nanda omae wa! hanarero! What are you? Get away [from him]!
4 僕のだ僕を見ていろ! ぼくのだぼくをみていろ! boku no da boku wo mite iro! [That's] mine, look at me!
5-6 僕のものにならないなら ぼくのものにならないなら boku no mono ni naranai nara If you won't become mine,
7 もうーー mou-- then--
tagline その手はー… そのてはー… sono te wa-... That hand is-...
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mysteryideasgroup · 2 months
MSA X TMNT 2003: Ninja Tribunal Chapter 20: TMNT Team and Mystery Teams Celebration about Tengu Shredder, Lord Sombra and Crimson are finally defeated/Maisy saw the spirit of her unknown parents/Maisy Pepper/Minnie's unknown parents are proud of their daughter, Maisy/Maisy Pepper/Minnie was now part of the Pepper/Minnie Family
They both smile and then Yoshi puts a hand on Splinter’s shoulder. A tear rolls down Splinter’s cheek and he closes his eyes for a moment. Splinter then looks up just before Yoshi vanishes. The turtles hit the ground.
Mikey: Wow. That was beyond amazing! We totally kicked shell bro’s!
They all begin talking excitedly at once. Back at the smoldering remains of the Foot headquarters building, a government helicopter lands to pick up Bishop. He walks to the helicopter and two soldiers, carrying Stockman’s robotic remains, follow.
Bishop: Come along, Dr. Stockman. That brain of yours is still intact and I’m not finished with you yet.
Stockman: It seems the pain will never end.
The turtles, Splinter, Karai and Chaplin watch the helicopter fly away. Michelangelo gasps as overhead shadows fall on them and he looks up to see Chrysalis and Silver Sentry.
Silver Sentry: Well, looks like you did it. You turtles saved the world. And I thought that was our job.
Leo: We all did it… together.
Lewis: Better, good teams.
Sarah: We have successfully defeated Lord Sombra and Crimson
Silver Sentry salutes them and flies away. The THNT team arrive, with Chelsea.
Raph: Man, am I glad you guys made it.
Bart: You better be. You owe us.
Kon: You have all done well. [Startled, the acolytes all turn around to see the Ninja Tribunal walking towards them.] We are very proud of our acolytes. You have done great things.
Mikey: Hello! Where’d you guys come from?
Donnie: Didn’t we see you get destroyed?
Sarah: We’re thinking that they are killed by destroyed?
Juto: Have you so soon forgotten your first lesson?
Kon: Perception is not always truth. All you think you know…
Chikara: About this world, about yourselves, even about reality itself…
Leo: All this and more will be challenged.
Kon: Indeed.
He sweeps a hand at the ground and there’s a explosion of smoke. It clears to reveal the Ancient One.
Ancient One: My back is killing me. [He looks up to see the Tribunal standing over him.] Huh? [He grins.] Ah, honored ones. I felt you were near.
Raph: If you were so near, why didn’t you jump in when we were getting our shells kicked?
Marie: Hehe, better.
Kon: We knew that the karmic wheel of fate had to turn unhindered by our interference. We were forced to let events unfold as they should.
Chikara: Yoshi’s demise was a part of that.
Kon: As was his coming here to New York as a guardian of the Utroms. For without that, you, Splinter, would not exist.
Juto: Nor would your sons.
THNT with Mistress Chelsea are arriving with TMNT and Mystery Teams
Splinter: What will the Tribunal do now?
The four Tribunal members rise into the air.
Chikara: It is time for us to move on.
Kon: We would be honored, young one, if you would join us on the tribunal.
Ancient One: The honor would be all mine. [He turns.] Splinter, you are family. [He wipes away a tear.] I will miss you.
Splinter walks over, drops to one knee and bows.
Splinter: And I you, old friend.
Chelsea: Right. My friend.
Ancient One: And I trust you four will stay out of trouble?
Mikey: Hey, it’s us. We hate trouble.
Ancient One: Of course, you do. Heh!
He rises into the air to join the waiting tribunal and then all five vanish into the sky.
Chaplin: What now, Mistress?
Karai takes his hand.
Karai: It is a new day, Dr. Chaplin. [They stroll off hand-in-hand.] Let us see what it brings.
Everyone else starts walking back towards the city.
Maisy's Dad: I wanted to take care of Maisy, please.
Maisy's Mom: Right, I agree.
Maisy's Dead Parents are dead in the afterlife.
Cera: I have got adopted sister, Maisy
Maisy: Good, I got adopted by my parents and siblings of Pepper/Minnie Family
Maisy's Older Siblings, her 2nd/Second Older Brother had removed Demon to return back to Normal Human. He has not used Bamboo Muzzle
Mikey: So, who’s hungry?
Gary: Yea
Splinter: Michelangelo, my sons, whatever you would like, it is on me. All of you come, let us celebrate – together.
Chelsea: Right, sure, we're going on.
Pan out to the city and a golden sunrise.
The End
For @laurasanchez36
All my msa x tmnt ocs and all my new msa x tmnt ocs belongs to Me
All her msa x tmnt ocs and all her new msa x tmnt ocs belongs to @laurasanchez36
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series
TMNT 2003 belongs to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird 
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epickiya722 · 1 year
It just hit me, AFO is just 100+ years old, right? And he and Yoichi lived around a time of absolute chaos due to the rise of quirks... which isn't that long ago from the present day within the storyline.
Listen, listen. That is insane.
In the span of just 120 years...
People randomly manifested quirks so much that in present day only less than 20% of Quirkless people exist, the first person being a GLOWING BABY
Some people actually used their quirks for selfish deeds, causing a time of chaos
The Second lead a rebellion against AFO, the Third being his right-hand man
There was a time when people with quirks faced discrimination, a time Chikara Yotsubashi (Re-Destro's ancestor) grew up in and even lead a movement to spread his message about quirks which still exists in present day
And people still are facing quirk discrimination
Leading off that, his mother became known as the Mother of Quirks because she was the first person to use "quirk" instead of "meta ability"
Vigilantes became a role people picked up which soon turned into the profession Heroes, only 7 of those first 100 something Vigilantes became known Pro Heroes
Multiple of the OFA Users did live around each other's times, around those 20 years Hikage held OFA Banjo was alive, En was alive and possibly Nana (remember they all were adults when they inherited OFA at some point in their lives and didn't hold the quirk for a long time)
Mind you, this all happened within just a 120 or so year span. I say 120 because I just remembered Doctor Garaki... who is OLDER THAN AFO.
Note that he came up with the Quirk Singularity Theory 70 years ago. HE WAS 50 WHEN HE CAME UP WITH THIS THEORY.
This would be around 20 or so years before ALL MIGHT WAS BORN, which is not a lot of time in between. All Might is only about half of AFO's age, around 50 to 60 years old.
It is very possible that there are people who actually lived through all of this other than AFO and Garaki. There are people in their world who lived through a societal collapse to the present day.
Can you imagine?!
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Player Uno vs. Hallowicked vs. Kushida C*4 Wrestling Rise Above 2009
Evil Uno vs. El Desperado Mystery Wrestling #02
Evil Uno vs. Jon Moxley AEW Dynamite
Evil Uno vs. Jacob Fatu Prestige Wrestling Vendetta
C4 Title Tournament Final Four Corner Survival Match: Player Uno vs. Kevin Steen vs. Franky The Mobster vs. Stupefied C4 Crossing The Line II
Evil Uno vs. Edith Surreal Enjoy Striking Distance
Evil Uno vs. Orange Cassidy PWG Mystery Vortex 7
Evil Uno vs. Mike Bailey PWG Bowie
Evil Uno vs. Alec Price C4 Double Impact
C*4 Championship: Player Uno vs. Stupefied vs. Mike Bailey Fighting Back: Wrestling With Cancer
Fighting Back Championship Three Way Match: Player Uno vs. Mike Bailey vs. Stu Grayson Fighting Back 2: Wrestling With Cancer
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup: Player Uno vs. Player Dos CHIKARA Hiding In Plain Sight
Evil Uno vs. Lince Dorado Blitzkrieg! Pro PMA
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tokiro07 · 7 months
Redid the character sorter without copping out with "I like both" or "no opinion" and with the recent revelation that Gina is my current favorite (until someone else gets development that shoots them up to the top)
Gina, obviously
Fuuko. She's easily the best female protagonist, and even one of the best protagonists period that I've ever seen in Jump, so gun to my head, I couldn't really say I like anyone else more than her right now
Andy, obviously right behind Fuuko
Isshin/Haruka. I realized that my insistence that Isshin is my favorite came pretty much entirely from the shock value of the reveal of her design, and while her personality and development have been pretty solid so far, she hasn't gotten to do as much as I'd like her to while other characters have continued to evolve. Right now, she's as high as she is out of fondness, but I have to accept that she can continue to fall down the ranks if she doesn't get a killer scene soon
Feng. The amount of growth and change he had since the first half of the series was so phenomenal that I can't help loving this guy, and the realization that there's still room for him to grow more makes him an easy top 5
Sean. Similar to Feng, except he seems to have done most of his development already. The gap also wasn't as huge since he was barely present in the first place, but the flip from being absolutely unlikable to one of my favorites can't be understated
Anno Un. Similar to Isshin, Anno Un's lack of involvement in the story has made it difficult for me to maintain my enthusiasm for the character that I initially had. The small part of the story that he's actually involved in is great, certainly enough to hold him in the top 10, but there's a lot of room for other characters to overtake him
Nico. Honestly could have gone either way between him and Billy, I think right now it's just that Billy's arc is more interesting, but Nico has plenty of room to climb the ranks
Latla, right behind Rip of course, but she could have jumped above him easily
Juiz. Not sure how Juiz fell below Julia. It never asked me to pit them against each other, I think it might be because it pitted them both against Tatiana? Funny how that works, I like Tatiana more than Juiz, Juiz more than Julia, but Julia more than Tatiana? I guess my criteria for comparing them was different
Void. Huge jump from last time, this feels a lot more appropriate for him
Mui. I do feel like she should be above Void, though, but it's close enough that I'm not worried about it
Phil. Baby boy, baby
Top. I expect his stocks to rise with the current arc, but I'm still not super attached
Victor. He's lower than I think he should be this time given how interesting his story is, but I think the criteria I was going with may have hampered his chances (I was going for a "sparks joy" metric)
Chikara. I actively tried to make him higher than last time by remembering his character arc and not just considering how little I care for his design (he's a bit too plain for me)
Yusai. Everyone past this point has so little development that it almost completely came down to either how cute/pretty they were or how funny they were, and Yusai's pretty and silly
Creed. Not cute or funny, but he's pretty cool
Tella. Pretty boy, strong yaoi energy with Billy, needs more screen time
Bunny. Baby girl, baby
Ichico. Pretty lady, fun dynamic with Nico, but hasn't done quite enough on her own to stick out in my mind as a character
Enjin. Nice short arc, but I think we need more of him to really endear me to him
Kururu. I expect her to rocket up once we get to know her better, but for now, her lack of characterization and screen time holds her back
Ruin. Does not spark joy, deserves to be down at the bottom until he pulls a Feng and becomes the number one Fuuko simp, then he'll probably jump to at least top 15
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furudetowa · 3 months
The Rhapsody Sleeping in the Death City of Zanael / -LostFairy-
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I guess this is my first post ever on this blog,so I start with -LostFairy-,since I've discover doujin music through lostfairy.
So this one is a new album, 死都ザナエルに眠る狂詩篇 (Shito Zanaeru ni Nemuru Kyoushihen).As you can see there are an illustration of a girl. Her name is Priscilla, she is a necromancer.
Once, the fortress city of Zanael stood proudly in all its glory. However, a devastating plague swept through its walls, leading to its ruin. The city, now a cursed land, is haunted by the restless dead. Sealed by the prayers of priests, Zanael has become a place where no living being can enter. Amidst this desolation, a delicate girl named Priscilla appears. Her innocent visage belies the dark power she wields, for she is a witch cloaked in the force of death. The people whisper her name with fear and reverence, calling her a necromancer. Her power, a dreadful force that disrupts the balance between life and death, causes souls to gather in the cold wind, faintly remembering their end. In this forsaken land, Priscilla seeks the truth behind the decay and the mystery buried within Zanael. She walks the cursed grounds, murmuring spells, offering her hand to those lost souls in search of salvation. Despite her efforts, the land is endlessly manipulated by an abominable force, and the dead continue to wander, weaving tales of their pride and sorrow. In the depths of darkness, these lost souls seek light but find no solace. Their cries of anguish echo through the blood-bound illusions they are trapped in. As they follow the remnants of their memories, the words of the living are engraved in their minds: Memento mori—remember that you must die. Priscilla, too, seeks light within this darkness. She offers a helping hand, hoping to grant the final wish of these tormented souls. The tragedy that led them to this state remains unknown, a hidden truth buried with the dead. The eternal sleep they yearn for is a prayer offered to those returning to the earth. Despite countless repetitions of unwanted tragedies, salvation never reaches the dead. Under the hollow white sky, they surrender to their fantasies, playing their final songs. In this colorless, cold landscape, Priscilla stands, unaware of the illusions that surround her. She prays under an unknown sky, tracing the memories of souls long gone. As the end approaches, the wandering remnants are enveloped in a gentle light. Priscilla offers artificial flowers and prayers, guiding these lost dreams towards a world yet unseen. She weaves her words quietly, leading the lost ones through their fragile memories, preparing for the next story that awaits them. With the wind's gentle sway and the petals rising, Priscilla continues her solemn task. She dedicates artificial flowers and prayers to the distant, unseen world, etching eternal thoughts into the fabric of existence.
There's only two actual songs in this album,Memento mori and 誰が為のレクイエム / Dare ga Tame no Rekuiemu (For Whom This Requiem Is),so below is the lyrics.Until next time,peace.
Memento mori
Tamashii no nemuru kuchihateta chi wa
The land where souls sleep and decay
Imawashiki chikara ni moteasobarete
is toyed with by a cursed power
Norowareta chi wo samayoi tsuzukeru
And continues to wander through the cursed land
Shishatachi ga tsumugu kyoji hen
The tale of pride woven by the dead
Fukai yami no naka de hikari wo motomete
In the deep darkness, seeking the light
Demo sukui wa naku
But there is no salvation
Chi ni torawareta gensou ni doukoku ga narihibiku
A wail echoes through the blood-bound illusion
Samayou karada ni nokosareta kioku wo tadoru
Tracing the memories left in the wandering body
Ima wo ikiru mono ga kizamu kotoba
Words carved by those living in the present
Memento mori
Fukai yami no naka de
In the deep darkness
Hikari wo motomete
Seeking the light
Saa sukui no te wo
Now, the hand of salvation
Saigo no negai dake wa
Only the final wish
Kanaete ageru
Will be granted
Shi ga michibiita
Led by death
Sangeki wa dare mo shiranu shinjitsu
The tragedy is an unknown truth
Kanashiki karada ni yadoru
Dwelling in the sorrowful body
Towa no nemuri wa
An eternal sleep
Tsuchi ni kaeru mono ni sasagu inori
A prayer dedicated to those returning to the earth
Memento mori
For Whom This Requiem Is
Nando mo nozomanu higeki wo kurikaeshi
Endlessly repeating unwanted tragedies
Sukui wa shiseru mono ni wa todokazu ni
Salvation remains beyond the reach of the dead
Nando mo utsuro na shiroi sora no shita de
Beneath the hollow white sky, time and again
Gensou ni
Enveloped in illusions/fantasies
Mi wo yudanenagara tsui no uta wo kanaderu
Surrendering myself, I play the final song
Anata wa tsumetaku iro no nai keshiki ga
You are in a landscape devoid of warmth and color
Anata wa itsuwari da to wa kizukazu ni
You are unaware of the deception
Watashi wa dare mo shiranai sora no shita de
Beneath a sky unknown to all, I stand
Watashi wa dare no tame ni inoru no darou
For whom do I offer my prayers?
Hitori tamashii no kioku wo tadori
Alone, tracing the memories of a solitary soul
Tada shizuka ni kotonoha wo tsumugu
Quietly weaving words together
Shuuen wo mukae
As the end draws near
Samayou zanshi ga
The wandering remnants
Yasashii hikari ni tsutsumarete
are wrapped in gentle light
Tomurai no zouka to inori wo sasageyou
Let us offer artificial flowers and prayers for the dead
Tooku mada minu sekai e
To the distant, unseen world
Yurameku kaze no you ni
Like the flickering breeze
Hanabira maiagaru
Petals ascend and dance in the air
Hitori hakanai kioku no naka de
Alone, in the fleeting memories
Yagate otozureru tsugi no monogatari ni
To the next tale that will eventually unfold
Mayoigo no yume wo michibiite
Guiding the dreams of the lost
Towa no omoi wo kizande yuku
Carving eternal thoughts into the fabric of existence
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power-house-fan12 · 1 year
Adults version of my list of shippings first will start of with heroes and same thing applies I'll be only using their hero names
Eraserhead X Tempest Storm (mine)
Present Mic X Noir (mine)
Econplasm X Paperback (Prmths.c)
Snipe X Sheepherdress (mine)
13 X Hourmoon (mine)
Fatgum X Gizpunk (mine)
Mt lady x Kamui woods (possibly canon)
Cementoss X chikara (Palettepainter 101)
Gang orca X Mors (miphza_)
Gunhead X Vega rise (mine)
Selkie X Moria ( miphza_)
Miruko X Taurus (mine)
Hound dog X Bunny chan (miphza_)
Vlad King X Viper (mine)
Manual X Ace of spades (mine)
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petriquors · 1 year
(tumblr's algorithm has been amazing (not) so this ask might come a little late)
tell me something about your crushes aka your selfships! pls!!
Bee I would rise up to fight the Tumblr bots with you if you asked 😌
Omg okay so you want to hear about Chikaria?? I’m feeling kind of philosophical right now, so how about a little analysis:
Ennoshita Chikara is a handsome dude. Classically attractive, smart, warm demeanor, etc. But the really beautiful things about him are his patience and resilience. He’s made mistakes—lots of mistakes—and he’s better because of them. He’s the definition of growing up, maturing, and the phrase “I faced hard things before and I’m okay, so I’m not afraid to face hard things again.”
I describe myself as a “nose down, get it done” type of person, but that also means I’m really bad at self care. He sees that from a mile away, so he takes the concern he feels and turns it into “I am not letting you get burnt out just because you’re afraid of failure.” It’s small things like texted reminders to stretch and drink water, reorganizing my notes when I’m going cross-eyed from studying for too long, going on hours-long walks so I can vent about whatever needs to be vented about, or even just holding my hand when he feels an emotional wall starting to build up.
Now, in contrast, he’s lacking in self confidence—even after high school (sorry baby lol). By the time we meet in college, he’s still worried about being good enough and worthy enough to be here, right now, or even be loved in the way that he really wants to be loved. I’m the type of person who’d ask him “why not you?” and nudge him to try new things, listen to his dreams, and actually follow his heart. He expresses that he wants to try something weird, like a fencing class? Cool; I signed both of us up. He dreams of owning a pretty house on a lake together? Great; I made us a savings plan.
So basically: he’s the guardian of my sanity, and I’m the guardian of his happiness.
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⸻ㅤrulesㅤ;ㅤmake a new post and spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your urlㅤ!
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k — kimi no chikara / your power ( todoroki theme )
n — new eyes // echos
i — in between breaths // syml
g — goodbye // apparat
h — hospital for souls // bring me the horizon
t — take me apart // syml
i — i miss you // sarcastic sounds
n — no time to die // billie eilish
s — steady waves // cross record
o — only // nf, sasha alex sloan
u — use somebody // kings of leon
r — rise up //thefatrat
a — angel // bonjr
r — rising upside down // syml
m — mercy // hurts
o — oblivion // m83, susanne sunford
r — runaway // aurora
tagged: @ofgravitation ( thank you this was awesome! )
tagging: @withsorrowandregret @nulltune @luxaeterna @roguesenses @multianime @slayersaided @ofdetonation and anyone who hasn't done this already! ( and sorry if you have )
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That was infuriating, but ultimately fruitful.
My name is Bernard Sims. I am Archon for Justicar Juliet Parr, on assignment away from once-great London to prevent the rise of thinbloods creating a new free state in the Appalachian region of the United States, and we are finally, FINALLY on our way.
But not without a hanger-on or two.
Upon returning from delivering the document to Mr. D, Chikara informed us that a request had been made for us to give a ride to one Tony Depp, an Embraced comedian who needed transport to Knoxville. Initially, I thought, "well, as long as he's not a hindrance, it will be fine". And initially, I was right.
... initially.
So, in order to gain audience with Mr. Willow, we would need two things - a token in the form of a gold coin for entrance (one that Mr. D provided... I am far more amenable to him now that he is not actively making my task harder), and appropriate clothing. Thankfully, motion pictures are a big industry in this city, and our Mr. Depp had a contact that could get us into a wardrobe department to acquire our garments. There was a hitch (when getting payment for the man, he tried to isolate and hold up Silas, who drank from him and paid him off for his trouble) but ultimately we acquired our attire without major incident. (Shame about the golf cart. Depp's man left it behind after his encounter with Silas, but it proved too logistically difficult to bring along. Too bad. It might have served us well in the backwoods.)
So! On to the freehold! I in my doublet, the ladies in their dresses, Silas as a plague doctor, and Depp... as a jester.
I should have seen it as the omen it was, and I don't mean Silas' attire.
Upon arrival in the opulent (imagine the purest definition of the word; this was it) space of these Fair Folk, we were greeted by one of their barons, Sabrina, and, as a breath of fresh air, mostly wanted us to STAY OUT of their affairs. We were given passage, and even a guide, one of their number, Fiona, to take us through the territory, on the condition we make ourselves scarce as quickly as possible. We were nearly on our way...
... and then Depp saw a stage.
For some, unknown, bizarre, FUCKED UP reason, Depp decided to ascend to the stage (even after our host made it EXCEEDINGLY clear that our presence would be respected, but barely tolerated) and perform a... tight five? His mediocre comedic performance. Thankfully, the crowd was amused, rather than livid, and Depp was allowed to make his exit.
Once we arranged to meet Fiona to (finally!) leave the city, I let my displeasure with Depp be known. In short, if he has the gall to pull a stunt like that again, I will reintroduce him to sunlight.
He seemed to get the message.
But, things are successful. We have transport, we have our guide, and we have a route (driving wide of Clinton and its power plant, going through Witherville, then Barlo, and then as close as we can get to the anarch campsite by vehicle until we have to track on foot). With any luck, we'll have this put away in a few days.
We dropped off Depp in Knoxville. Good riddance.
... blast it, I still need to get boots.
Bernard Sims
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khlegacynexus · 5 months
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Well this is Late as all Sin the concept art for the Sacred Guard and the Council
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 398 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 弟子にして下さい でしにしてください deshi ni shite kudasai Please make me your disciple.
tagline 1 No.398 八木俊典:ライジングオリジン  堀越耕平 ナンバー398 やぎとしのり:ライジングオリジン  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 398 Yagi Toshinori: RAIJINGU ORIJIN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 398 Toshinori Yagi: Rising Origin  Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 飛来するのは⁉︎ ひらいするのは⁉︎ hirai suru no wa!? As for the one flying!?
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sound effect キュウ KYUU [grip]
1 超酸注入 ちょうさんちゅうにゅう chousan chuunyuu Super Acid Injection
2 "ピンキー"‼︎ "PINKII"!! "'Pinky"!!
3 巻き戻ったそばから まきもどったそばから makimodotta soba kara "Right after you rewound"
4 腐食し続けちゃうなあ⁉︎ ふしょくしつづけちゃうなあ⁉︎ fushoku shi tsudzukechau naa!? "you're continuing to corrode, see!?"
5 オオルマイト OORU MAITO "ALL MIGHT" (Note: This line is written with nigori on each kana for extra emphasis.)
6 "生ゴミ"じゃなかったっけ!!? "なまゴミ"じゃなかったっけ!!? "nama GOMI" ja nakatta kke!!? "Didn't you say I was 'Raw Garbage'!!?"
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1 手伝わせて下さい てつだわせてください tetudawasete kudasai "Please let me assist you."
2 バカ言え"個性"も無いんだろ? バカいえ"こせい"もないんだろ? BAKA ie "kosei" mo naindaro? "That's crazy talk, you don't have a quirk, right?"
3 ついてくんな tsuite kunna "Don't follow me."
4 お願いします おねがいします onegai shimasu "Please [take me on]."
5 棒切れで半径3メートルを守りな ぼうきれではんけい3メートルをまもりな boukire de hankei 3 MEETORU wo mamori na "Aren't you protecting a 3-meter radius with a stick?"
6 家族は昔殺されました かぞくはむかしころされました kazoku wa mukashi korosaremashita "My family was killed long ago."
7 私もだ わたしもだ watashi mo da "So was mine."
8 他人の復讐につき合う程暇じゃない たにんのふくしゅうにつきあうほどひまじゃない tanin no fukushuu ni tsukiau hodo hima ja nai "I don't have time to get involved with other people's revenge."
9 …許せないんです …ゆるせないんです ...yurusenaindesu "...I can't stand it."
10 奪った者が得をする世の中が… うばったものがとくをするよのなかが… ubatta mono ga toku wo suru yo no naka ga... "A world where those who steal profit..."
11 奪われた人の悲しみが憎悪に変換される…この螺旋が… うばわれたひとのかなしみがぞうおにへんかんされる…このらせんが… ubawareta hito no kanashimi ga zouo ni henkan sareru...kono rasen ga... "and the sadness of those who are robbed is transformed into hatred...this spiral..."
12 ーーで?それをどうー…… --de? sore wo dou-...... "--So? What will you do about-......"
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1 皆が笑って暮らせる世���中にしたいです みんながわらってくらせるよのなかにしたいです minna ga waratte kuraseru yo no naka ni shitai desu "I want to make a world where everyone can smile and get along."
2 その為には象徴が必要です そのためにはしょうちょうがひつようです sono tame ni wa shouchou ga hitsuyou desu "For that, a symbol is necessary."
3 …何の …なんの ...nan no "...What kind?"
4 平和の へいわの heiwa no "Of peace."
5 どれだけ建物を生やして どれだけたてものをはやして dore dake tatemono wo hayashite "No matter how many buildings are rebuilt
6 復興したように見えたとしても ふっこうしたようにみえたとしても fukkou shita you ni mieta to shitemo "and things seem to recover,"
7 人は依然怯えて暮らしています ひとはいぜんおびえてくらしています hito wa izen obiete kurashite imasu "people still go on living in fear."
8 心は闇に覆われたままです こころはやみにおおわれたままです kokoro wa yami ni oowareta mama desu "Their hearts remain shrouded in darkness."
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1 …力を…ひけらかせと? …ちからを…ひけらかせと? ...chikara wo...hikerakase to? "...You're saying you'll put on a display...of power?"
2 皆半径3メートルで手一杯です みんなはんけい3メートルでていっぱいです minna hankei 3 MEETORU de te ippai desu "Everyone has their hands full with their own 3-meter radius each."
3 だから私がやるんです だからわたしがやるんです dakara watashi ga yarundesu "That's why I will do this."
4 "無個性"には "むこせい"には "mukosei" ni wa "Because the quirkless"
5 役割がないから やくわりがないから yakuwari ga nai kara "have no assignments." (Note: This word "assignment" means also "role, part, duties, etc." Yagi is basically saying that the quirkless have no assigned role in this world, which leaves him free to take on this task.)
sign 田等院駅 たとういんえき Tatouin eki Tatooine Station
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1 AFO雄英に更に接近‼︎ オール・フォー・ワンゆうえいにさらにせっきん‼︎ OORU FOO WAN yuuei ni sara ni sekkin!! "All For One is getting closer to UA!!"
2 ただ軌道がズレてる‼︎ ただきどうがズレてる‼︎ tada kidou ga ZUREteru!! "It's just that his trajectory is off!!"
3 オールマイトを追ってます‼︎ オールマイトをおってます‼︎ OORU MAITO wo ottemasu!! "He's chasing All Might!!"
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1 肋骨骨折 ろっこつこっせつ rokkotsu kossetsu "Rib fracture."
2 全身打撲 ぜんしんだぼく zenshin daboku "Entire body hit."
3 呼吸器ニ異常アリ こきゅうきニいじょうアリ kokyuuki NI ijou ARI "Anomaly in respiration."
4 私もかつて同じ"若さ"を持っていた おまえもかつておなじ"わかさ"をもっていた omae (read as: watashi) mo katsute onaji "wakasa" wo motte ita You (read as: I) once had that same youth. (Note: All Might is saying this to himself, hence he's calling himself "you.")
5 オールマイトという人間が オールマイトというにんげんが OORU MAITO to iu ningen ga The person called All Might
6 そのようにしか生きられぬのだ そのようにしかいきられぬのだ sono you ni shika ikirarenu no da could not live [his life] any other way.
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1 また少し幼くなったか…? またすこしおさなくなったか…? mata sukoshi osanaku natta ka...? Did he get a little younger again...?
2 自覚はしているのだろうか じかくはしているのだろうか jikaku wa shite iru no darou ka I wonder, is he aware of that?
3 探りを入れて我に返られるのも嫌だな… さぐりをいれてわれにかえられるのもいやだな… saguri wo irete ware ni kaerareru no mo iya da na... The injecting of the probe and returning it to me sure is unpleasant for him...
4 体内にぶち込まれた"超酸"を体外に出す為自損する程の負荷で"個性"を使った…とするとダメージによって加速度的に巻き戻しが進行する…? たいないにぶちこまれた"ピンキー"をたいがいにだすためじそんするほどのふかで"こせい"をつかった…とするとダメージによってかそくどてきにまきもどしがしんこうする…? tainai ni buchikomareta "PINKII (read as: chousan)" wo taigai ni dasu tame jison suru hodo no fuka de "kosei" wo tsukatta...to suru to DAMEEJI ni yotte kasokudoteki ni makimodoshi ga shinkou suru...? In order to take out the super acid that was driven inside his body, he used quirks with the burden of self-damage... If he does that, does the rewind progression accelerate due to the damage...?
5 ハハッ HAHA "Haha"
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2 間断なく持って来いエルクレス‼︎ かんだんなくもってこいエルクレス‼︎ kandan naku motte koi ERUKURESU!! "No pausing, bring it here, Hercules!!"
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1-2 人の役に立てて嬉しい ひとのやくにたててうれしい hito no yaku ni tatete ureshii I am happy to be of help to people.
3 がんばれっ‼︎ ganbare!! Go for it!!
4 がんばろうっ!!! ganbarou!!! Let's do our best!!!
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1 なあ⁉︎ naa!? Right!?
2 スラスター"ウラビティ" SURASUTAA "URABITI" "Thruster 'Uravity',"
3 "インゲニウム" "INGENIUMU" "'Ingenium',"
4 出力全開‼︎ しゅつりょくぜんかい‼︎ shutsuryoku zenkai!! "Power output at full throttle!!"
5 勝とうぜ! かとうぜ! katou ze! Let's win!
6 ーーーーーー… ------...
7 ーー戦ってる…! ーーたたかってる…! --tatakatteru...! --They're fighting...!
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1 オールマイト‼︎ OORU MAITO!! All Might!!
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1 緑谷少年‼︎ みどりやしょうねん‼︎ Midoriya-shounen!! Young Midoriya!!
tagline オールマイトの奮戦…デクに届くーー‼︎ オールマイトのふんせん…デクにとどくーー‼︎ OORU MAITO no funsen...DEKU ni todoku--!! All Might's struggle...reaches Deku--!!
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softrequiems · 5 months
Chikara Yuuma — The Ultimate Rugby Player
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He is not going to regret every single decision he has made up until this point, but he will feel sorry for every single person that he has had to step on just to be able to satisfy the Chikara name, his father, and every single person that said he would be able to make it.
Sure, he’s cheated in a match or two, but every single person lacks honesty in the world anyways! And plus, why would he want to stay clean when the only way you can rise to the top is by simply making yourself a bit of a black horse? And also, it wasn’t his fault the coach liked his pie more!!! He didn’t cheat, he was just a really good baker and his teammates think he should have been a house husband.
Ahh... House husband. He’d love to settle down with someone. Maybe when he isn’t cooking for the rugby team and trying to please his father when he’s on the field. One day... One day.
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naturezoneunite · 7 months
K.A.L. F.V. Ch. XI: Chikara (Xeno Of Grace) vs Chiaki Part 2 (Final)
"If this is all you can offer..."
"What now!?"
"You didn't have to go Overboard!"
"It was necessary!"
"She's as good as dead-"
(Chiaki was in complete shock seeing her own older sister rise from the rubble debris despite blood dripping from her body.)
(Chikara stood on top of the debris looking fearless.)
"Damn you sister!"
"I will destroy you!"
"Give up Chiaki."
"I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt."
"You can walk away from this."
"Don't tell me what to do!"
"I will kill you and Ayumu Hiraoka is the next to die!"
"Oh no..."
"What did you say...?"
"Did I touch a nerve?"
"I will tear him to shreds and watch him die a slow and painful death."
"Chiaki that's enough!"
"She needed to hear it!"
(Chikara felt triggered when Chiaki say a threat more than an empty threat, it was a death threat.)
(Chikara snapped by revealing her true form, Xeno of Grace, she opened her eyes, left eye is jade green, her right eye is seafoam green, her shiny emerald green xeno armor, her sage/jungle green hair, lastly her Forest/Neon Green Aura.)
(Chikara's demon blade upgraded to the Silent Griffin.)
[Few Hours Passed]
(Chikara and Chiaki fighting each other at their full power against each other.)
(However, Chikara went all out not holding back an inch of her Xeno Magic on her younger sister.)
(Chiaki was getting wrecked badly by Chikara to the point, Aiya the oldest sister of the Rosalia Family had to interfere their fight.)
"Move Aiya..."
"Get out of my way!"
"She is literally out of control Chiaki!"
"You need to stop!"
"You're going to cause a bloodbath except you will be caught in it!"
"I know what I'm doing-"
(Chikara cuts off their chit-chat by blowing Aiya far away from their fight, kicked Chiaki in the sky.)
(Chikara opened her brand new wings, the wings of a griffin as she fly after Chiaki.)
(Chiaki noticed how fast and powerful Chikara have become.)
(In comparison, Chikara is above Chiaki, Chiaki is second to Chikara.)
(Aiya knew from the start of her younger sisters fight that her youngest sister never stood a chance against Chikara, a 0% chance rate.)
(Chikara is the Xeno of Grace, she has the power to one shot a Deity in an instant with pure judgment and bless those who have no sin with Grace.)
(Chiaki attacked Chikara without thinking, her attacks were completely reckless.)
(Chikara took the remaining blows in the abdomen, ribs, spine, and through her spinal cord.)
(Chiaki was laughing maniacally celebrating too early.)
"You were acting high and mighty!"
"You had me before..."
"You couldn't withstand my attacks!"
"Foolish Older Sister Of Mine!"
(As Chiaki was gloating that she defeated her older sister, or so we thought, Chikara ascended from the rubble debris but from underground, flash stepped behind Chiaki, kicked her younger sister in the back really hard crushing her backbones, sending her into the fountain of dreams.)
[Few Moments Later]
"This is what you wanted Chiaki!"
"You wanted this fight!"
"You wanted War!"
"Now look at you..."
"Helpless, and a hopeless failure of a sister!"
"I will kill you!!!"
"You'll die trying!!!"
(Chikara and Chiaki running towards each other to finish the battle they have started with one of the Rosalia sisters alive, and the other dead in the pool of her own blood.)
(However, the battle ended with Aiya canceling her younger and youngest sister's deadly attacks on time)
"Get out of the way, Aiya!"
"And letting both of you die!?"
"This is our fight, stay out of it!!!"
"I won't let her kill Ayumu Kun!!!"
"You two have been at each other's throats for the longest!"
(Aiya removed her and Chiaki's blindfold showing their true eyes.)
(Chikara was shocked and remembered that the two Deities she fought was her own sisters.)
"This is what Astaroth wants!"
"He wants us to kill each other!"
"I refuse to commit mass Destruction!"
"Chikara you don't have to fight us."
"You win."
"Are you kidding me!?"
"Are you seriously going to give up!?"
"It's pointless to fight her from the start, especially that idiotic tactic you just pulled."
"Me, what did I do?!"
"You threatened to kill him!"
"I knew what I was doing-"
"No you didn't."
"You were getting your ass handed by me when you threatened to kill Ayumu."
"Why you-"
"Chikara, do it."
(Chikara absorbed the Curse Energy from her younger sister and older sister's bodies.)
(In The End Of The Night, all Deities were freed from Astaroth's curse.)
(End Of Chapter XI)
0 notes
chikaras-garden · 9 months
you remember nothing about it because it was trash. Absolutely trash. Gunn and Waititi are both good with the “ slapstick comedy” side of superheroes. But when it comes to serious moments… not so much. Thor is a largely comedic character throughout the avengers series, but after Infinity War and Endgame, he was extremely depressed. Before those two movies, he was an all powerful god, men and women wanted to fuck him or be him, the golden child who had it all, he was happy. But during and after those movies, he lost everything. He lost his brother to Thanos and his kingdom had been destroyed (during Ragnarok), etc. He realised he couldn’t save everyone. He gained a shit ton of weight from depression!
Fans wanted the Thor movie after that to have a more serious tone to it, to show him dealing with the aftermath of not being able to kill Thanos, seeing his brother die, losing Asgard, etc. To see this old and all powerful god crumble and slowly rise up again as a new person… but, no. Taika Waititi fucking ruined it because he wanted “comedy”.
I feel like Gunn is gonna do that with Batman and Superman and maybe WW too. Sorry for rambling about nothing lollll
Wouldn't it have been so amazing if they took a tone like the recent God of War games and had Thor claw his way back while bonding with new characters, learning how to grieve, and forgiving himself? SIGH.
I think that's the thing. A lot of people are like "superhero = lighthearted and funny" meanwhile I (and it sounds like you too) kind of enjoy heroes as allegories for the best of us? I want to see them suffer and grow because they're human (or human-ish) too. It's like...a subgenre of science fiction in a way.
I'm curious if you liked Titans? It's grittier but also super flawed.
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