#rishton ka chakravyuh
hirakdesherrani · 5 years
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chahatkesafar · 7 years
Favorite Female Characters
Rules: Tag 10 of your favourite female characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 followers. Thank you @manmarziiyan​ for tagging me!!! In no particular order, here goes...
1.       Katherine Watson, Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
This character shaped my teenage years and gave me a crash course in feminism when I was struggling to come to terms with growing up in a middle class Indian family and having a sense of never belonging. Katherine Watson, I bow to you. More than wanting a teacher like her, I wanted to be her. Found this movie at the British library, completely by accident.
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2.       Prerna Sharma/Basu/Bajaj, Kasautii  Zindagi Kay (2001 - 2008)
I cannot tell you how much I love this woman. This show was way ahead of its time. She gave me a glimpse of female strength as a journalist, a business woman, a mother, lover, and wife. She was everything. She was wonder woman, but she was human too, she made mistakes. My favorite moment is when she names her son Prem Prerna sharma, when her husband refuses to give him his name. (Credits to @ambar-pe-milte-hain for the gif)
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3.       Satrupa, Rishton ka Chakravyuh (2017-)
She is the human form of Saam Daam Dand Bhed. She is not afraid to make difficult choices. She will do anything to get what she wants. She is protective of her family. she is not afraid to speak her mind. She is not afraid to fight back. She is THE Boss ass bitch! (Credits to @theincorrigiblemagpie for the pic)
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4.    Paro, Devdas (2002)
I’ve known that kind of love. It is not easy to walk away from it. Some may call it pride, but she taught me self-esteem. Even though she ended up in a sham marriage, she carried herself with so much grace and dignity.
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5.  Binodini, Chokher Bali (2003)
Widows don’t have to be invisible. Widows don’t have to be shrinking violets. Widows don’t need to be apologizing for their existence. Widows are human beings. I love how flawed and brilliant her character was. Educated, beautiful, scorned, jealous, seductive.
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6. Christina Yang Grey’s Anatomy (2005-)
“Have some fire, be unstoppable.”
“Screw beautiful, I’m Brilliant.”
Unapologetic Shark, knows her worth, is worth it. And no, she does not wish him well.
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7. Meredith Grey Grey’s Anatomy (2005-)
After everything that’s happened to her, widow grey is still standing. She is still fighting. It was hard to like her in the beginning. She seemed ordinary. It took a lot of seasons to come around, but I did pick her, chose her and loved her.
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8.  Lorelai Gilmore, Gilmore Girls (2001-2007)
She named her daughter after herself. Fast-talking, funny, witty, and, a fantastic mother. Obsessed with food, coffee, movies and TV shows. Need I say more?
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9. Alicia Florrick, The Good Wife (2009-2016)
Transitioning from a suburban wife with a sheltered life to All that!!! No matter how unsatisfying that ending was, her growth still inspires me. 
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10.  Nora Walker, Brothers and Sisters (2006-2011)
A Matriarch in the truest sense. If I can find half her grace in difficult times, I’d consider myself lucky
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I hereby tag @pyotra @theincorrigiblemagpie @what-the-faraq @like-a-paradox @jjb25 @nopatienceanymore @strictnoodle @puranijeans @nawaazishein @marsblyr
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Rishton Ka Chakravyuh - The Mother of All Recaps
Ugh so as some of you may have guessed, I stopped watching for a bit. This had nothing to do with the show going drastically downhill *cough*like-some-others-I-could-mention*cough* and everything to do with my life suddenly becoming a little too stressful to keep up with a convoluted daily soap like RKC.
Luckily, my faithful friend Juhi whom I had corralled into watching with me, and who is more dedicated than I am, kept up and also gave me regular text updates. And today, after having missed about 40-ish episodes, I finally sat down and watched bits and pieces and all of the last week’s episodes and can return to business.
The thing is, SO MUCH happens in any single given episode, it’s next to impossible to catch up completely if you fall too far behind. I’m going to do a listicle of important things that happened and ofc, my unsolicited opinions on them, and take it from here. This isn’t strictly chronological because a lot of the points happen at the same time and overlap back and forth, but this is roughly the order of things. I think I may not be able to keep up with daily recaps because I’m not sure I have the time and energy but I’ll do my best.
Just to give you some idea, I stopped watching around episode 24 and we’re on episode 72 now so in everything that follows has happened in 42 episodes (about a month and 3/4). 
1. There is a court order for a DNA test to conclusively deal with the matter of whether Anami is Baldev’s daughter or not. Anami AND Pujan try to fudge the test and end up cancelling each other’s fudging-efforts out and the court declares Anami to be Baldev’s legitimate daughter. (So much for Adhiraj’s “security” which was just Ila in disguise means demote this clodpole right away.)
2. Post-test Gayatri and Satarupa are obviously ecstatic but Vikram is unwilling to declare Anami heir because he’s a chauvinist pig and Baldev also refuses to acknowledge her because he’s useless like that. For some odd reason, Adhiraj also feels betrayed? Don’t ask me to explain the inner workings of men’s minds.
3. Anami decides to run away and makes a plan with the Pathaks and everything for all of them to leave North India altogether (a wise decision-- no good comes of living in N India, full offense to people who like living there). They hope to escape Lal Mahal’s sphere of influence. But then Anami discovers that Vatsalya was her twin brother, the same one she met on the ghats and saved, who later died in an accident. She’s devastated that she lost her twin before she had a chance to know him and decides that running away won’t give her closure or answers and she must stay and fight.
4. Gayatri and Satarupa team up to get acceptance for Anami but Vikram tries to thwart them every step of the way. On the other hand, Narottam manipulates Anami into sympathizing with him by showing himself as the unwanted, mistreated outsider of Lal Mahal. He IS nutty Sudha’s son and he’s effeminate because after birth he was given to a group of kinnars to bring up? And Sudha is locked in an asylum of some kind.
5. Satarupa, who hasn’t learned a jot about how to handle Anami, tries warning her against Narottam with the opposite result of Anami befriending both Narottam and sneaking off to meet Sudha and hang out with her. Narottam, as you may have guessed, is in league with Sudha to take over Lal Mahal and Royal Steel, which they see as THEIR inheritance and right.
6. Adhiraj and Anami have formed an alliance that was initially shaky with Adhiraj’s feeling of betrayal over the truth of Anami’s DNA test and also the fact that Adhiraj ordered a second DNA test secretly which Anami finds out about from jealous Ila. They decide to work together anyway to find out what happened to Vatsalya and keep Anami safe but they become actual friends and there is the whole creepy romance angle again. 🙄
7. Satarupa next bullies Anami into taking admission into the fanciest college in the city and attending classes there. Anami keeps showing up everyone who underestimates her from the Principal to snooty rich kids who are friends of Avdhoot’s. And in the process, becomes BFFs with Tanya who also attends the same college.
8. There is one very annoying side plot involving Tanya and Avdhoot who deliberately manipulates his way into her good graces and charms her because he knows she’s Dheeru’s daughter.
9. Dheeren Pandey aka Dheeru is Adhiraj and Tanya’s dad who has his own agenda against Lal Mahal (obv attuned to Adhiraj’s vengeful feelings). He used to be an employee of Royal Steel until something mysterious happened that he was made to take the fall for. We have flashbacks of him being dragged away by the cops while a smol Adhiraj and Tanya watch and sob. Presumably also related to the mother’s death.
10. With the lack of faith in Vikram and the future, the Royal Steel board was going to allow a hostile takeover by a third party but Dheeru who has somehow acquired 25% shares offers to bail out Vikram if he’s made a 50-50 partner. Satarupa backs him and forces Pujan, Kamini and Vikram to also.
11.That’s why Avdhoot is interested in Tanya. Even Pujan and Kamini think that if Avdhoot marries Dheeru’s daughter, his road to inheriting will become even smoother. I don’t believe anyone at Lal Mahal knows that the son is Adhiraj although Anami finds out that Tanya and Adhiraj are siblings (but she doesn’t know the Dheeru angle).
*takes a deep breath and continues*
12. Pujan and Avdhoot try to get rid of Anami by poisoning her and having her kidnapped but Adhiraj saves her at the last minute. He brings her home and also gets a court order saying that if there are further threats to Anami’s life at Lal Mahal and if she feels unsafe at all, the court will assume custody of her. They just make up any laws they like in this show.
13. Not only Satarupa and Gayatri but also Sudha and Narottam don’t want this. Sudha and Narottam see Anami as their ticket to the Lal Mahal throne. They believe that her do-gooding crusader side will make her fight tooth and nail for their haq and establish them at Lal Mahal.
14. Vikram keeps undermining Anami at every meeting and family thing and brings up Avdhoot as heir. He makes Avdhoot sit in on company meetings and tries to train him in business matters but Avdhoot is a right nincompoop and it FINALLY starts giving him second thoughts. Especially when Anami steps up to all occasions whether asked to or not, shows wisdom beyond her years, and generally is more competent.
15. Nervous about this, Satarupa and Gayatri plot to first get Anami interested in the business by using Vatsalya’s diaries and books and making it a mission of sorts for her, and then roping in Dheeru to train her. She sees through some of it and refuses to meet Dheeru but voluntarily starts reading Vatsalya’s business books and diaries. Just a side note to say Vatsalya had the makings of a good socialist and was just one step away from writing ‘Sieze the means of production!’ wrt to the Royal Steel workers. I’m on board for an Anami-led revolution where Baldev is guillotined FIRST.
16. Ofc she meets Dheeru anyway on the road where he saves a blind man from being run over by a bike and she teaches the biker a lesson about thinking of others. They both come away favourably impressed with one another.
17. Adhiraj catches on to Anami sneaking out at night all the time with Narottam and warns her to be careful. They concoct a story about Narottam seeing a psychiatrist at night and he appears to buy it. 🤦🏿‍♀️
18. Sudha and Narottam plant Naina in Lal Mahal by sending her to Satarupa with information about the dude who’d tried to kidnap Anami. Satarupa trusts Naina immediately (umm WHY) and when she asks for a job, assigns her as Anami’s security detail (what the actual fuck). Satarupa tries to torture the dude into revealing info about his master but he knows nothing as he was an anonymously hired mercenary. (Satarupa plays a frighteningly good mob boss in these scenes, as I’ve mentioned before.) Luckily, the paanwala-informer clues Adhiraj into Naina’s role and tendency to let Anami slip out so there is that.
*getting so tired*
19. Anami says she wants a Durga Puja at home and Vikram initially refuses because apparently there is a curse and every time they’d tries to do Durga Puja, something or the other has gone wrong. Satarupa and Baldev also do not want this because of Vatsalya’s recent demise. But Anami and Gayatri convince everyone and they decide to do the Puja dhoom-dhaam se. Anami claims all responsibility for the puja.
20. The upcoming puja appears to bring everyone closer and they’re all vaguely happy preparing for it. Ofc Pujan tries to sabotage it by loosening the screws of the palanquin that is to bring the idol in so that it falls and breaks. I’m reasonably certain that Anami will stop this somehow. Anyhoo, Dheeru is also invited. (I like how Vikram and Gayatri pretend absolutely NOTHING is wrong with Dheeru. Like they didn’t see him arrested, dragged forcibly from Lal Mahal years ago. Dheeru ofc has reason to appear pleasant. Baldev is upfront about his hostility and Satarupa is equally upfront about the fact that she doesn’t particularly like him but the compromise was necessary to keep Royal Steel intact and with them.)
21. One annoying cousin of Avdhoot’s appears from “Europe” or “America” (I’m vague on this) on the day of the puja and he’s basically a lecherous and aiyaash version of NK from IPKKND. He starts harassing Poonam right away. My god, literally all the men in this show are trash except for cinnamon roll, Vatsalya.
22. Dheeru, Adhiraj, Tanya are set to appear at Lal Mahal for the first time together. Both Poonam and Tanya ship Adhiraj-Anami and since it would be very OOC for either Anami or Adhiraj to daydream about one another, Poonam does the dreaming on their behalf like a dazed Gul-Khan-show-shipper. I see you, makers, I see you.
*falls down dead*
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mukhtaleef · 7 years
Other people: *start multiple projects at the same time and can’t finish either of them*
Me: *starts watching a lot of shows at the same time and can’t finish either of them*
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ruksarcreations · 7 years
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Finally Baldev and Satrupa’s happy scene!
Look at these cuties joyfully dancing together without a care in the world :’)
Look at Pujan’s moves though XD
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uitvconnect · 7 years
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Actress Sangita Ghosh during the promotion of her television series "Rishton Ka Chakravyuh" in Nagpur
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Chudail Zee TV new serial, new show wiki, cast story, plot, timing details
Chudail Zee TV new serial, new show wiki, cast story, plot, timing details
Chudail Zee TV new serial, new show wiki, cast story, plot, timing details
Show: Chudail
Genre: Drama, Romance
Producers: Prateek Sharma
Director: Not Known
Production house: Prateek Sharma
Telecast on Zee TV
Date of release: To be updated soon
Timing: To be updated soon
Vandana Pathak
Ankit Siwach
<b>About Chudail</b>
Zee TVis all set to come up with a new thriller plus horror…
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alinalatif1 · 7 years
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Rishton Ka Chakravyuh 9 February 2018 Full Episode Star Plus Rishton Ka Chakravyuh is a Hindi TV serial disclosed on Star Plus. Seventeen-year-old Anaami, deserted during childbirth and embraced by a pandit family in Benaras, returns as the sole yet hesitant beneficiary to a regal family in Lal Mahal and an adventure starts.
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platonicstudies · 7 years
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Star Plus’ New show Rishton Ke Chakravyuh may be a story revolving around Anami and Satrupa’s love and hate relation. Anami hates Satrupa for a really valid reason, however Satrupa loves her. Satrupa is extremely strict towards her. The relations area unit sophisticated. They get fixed in associate degree emotional turmoil. Rishton Ka Chakravyuh Wiki Story: Satrupa loses her son Vatsalya to enmity, greed and hate of relatives. The family loses their legal heir. Just then, Satrupa decides to induce Anami home to create her occupy Vatsalya’s place. Anami doesn't fathom her roots, however the fate brings her mother to her door. Satrupa takes the task to vary Anami. Anami doesn't look after the royal line, and sticks to her habits. Satrupa mends Anami, whereas bearing her anger and annoyance. Satrupa’s journey begins once she makes Anami her next strength. Lal Mahal witnesses the birth of their heir. a large puja is unbroken within the palace. The family doesn't fathom their bahu Satrupa biological process to twins. Satrupa sends away her female offspring together with her maid to Pandit Murari Pathak. Murari gets saddened that the baby had to induce aloof from her mother, however pledges to relinquish her a secure future. Murari names the baby Anami. He believes Lord has given the facility to Anami to jot down her own fate. The royal line in Lal Mahal welcomes their heir, Satrupa’s son Vatsalya Vikram Singh. The family celebrates Vatsalya’s birth. an in depth relative Pujan Singh enters the scene and determines to interrupt their nice joy by his evil intentions. The story takes a leap of seventeen years, wherever Vatsalya and Anami area unit seen as teenagers. Anami is raised by Murari and his family in Varanasi. Anami is far darling by Murari, his spouse Sudha and their son Laddu. Anami and Laddu expose a fraud saint. Anami doesn't need anyone to spoil Ganga ji’s name. Laddu falls within the stream, however Anami saves him. Madhu gets angry on Anami for risking Laddu’s life. ​ Anami gets sorrowful once Madhu calls her somebody else’s kid. Anami complains to Lord for not giving her birth from Madhu’s uterus. She feels terrible once her birthday gets shut. Vatsalya’s birthday is well known in Lal Mahal. Dada FTO announces Vatsalya as their family heir, the only real one that would take responsibilities of family and business. Pujan eyes the business and needs to induce their company Royal steels in his hands. ada FTO makes Satrupa and Pujan caretakers of Vatsalya until he turns eighteen. Dada FTO asks Satrupa to try and do arrangements for his or her trip to Banaras for heirship puja. Satrupa and Vatsalya’s shut bond is seen. Satrupa gets angry on Baldev, World Health Organization has associate degree illegitimate son Narottam, World Health Organization resides in Lal Mahal. Narottam is commonly affronted by Pujan and his son Avdhoot, World Health Organization build him dance and entertain them. Vatsalya loves everybody within the family. The family reaches Banaras for the puja. Pujan calls up goon to induce Vatsalya killed associate degreed gift his murder as an accident. Anami gets unhappy on her birthday. She drops a diya in Ganga FTO to interrupt her ties together with her mother, World Health Organization has abandoned her. Satrupa gets ahead with Vatsalya’s abhishek. Anami meets Vatsalya whereas he will some charity at the stairs. they need associate degree argument and keep their perceptions before of every alternative. Satrupa’s maid happens to examine Murari. She goes to the family’s Guru FTO and tells him regarding observation Murari at the stairs. She guesses even Satrupa’s female offspring is shut. Rishton Ka Chakravyuh Full Review: There is less stretching, less mystery and fewer boast. This makes the show value observation. The show will work well if it sticks to the most idea of mother-daughter’s cold relation turning into a robust bond.Rishton Ka Chakravyuh Full Episode
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Rishton Ka Chakravyuh (Episodes 65, 66) - Can we calm down with the Bollywood music?
October 23 & 24, 2017
Listen, all I want to do is keep up with my daily dose of Anami and Satarupa. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR.
Anyway, we’re doing 2 episodes together, cos whattodo about my asli dunya.
Right off the bat, fucken Harry, nincompoop cousin of the nincompoop Avdhoot, shows his kameenapan by grabbing Poonam with 2 of Avdhoot’s lame friends and trying to rape her in a billiards room.
Hereon, if there was ANY doubt about how they’re subverting (admittedly hamhandedly but I’ll take it) the traditional hero-heroine roles in a desi soap, may they be forever laid to rest.
Anami A) finds Poonam’s bracelet that she’d given her on the floor outside the billiard room.
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B) bursts into the room in silent, shaking rage and a teary Poonam runs to her and hugs her for comfort.
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C) after the two chelas run away, knowing what’s good for them, thrashes Harry within an inch of his life.
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D) grabs a reluctant Poonam’s hand and drags them in front of everyone and makes Harry apologise to Poonam.
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(LMAO that girl in blue at the back is the same Mean Girl who’d picked on Anami on her first day of college and later claimed to have befriended her. Good to see we invite friends and not complete randos.)
Ofc Kamini plays the typical upper caste/class bitchy slut-shaming aunty and humiliates Poonam and tries to blame it on her. Anami tries to talk sense into her but Kamini threatens to blow it out of proportion. And THEN.
Everyone’s Godmother Satarupa steps in. She gives Kamini false hope by saying, yes, it was Poonam’s fault.
And then finishes the sentence with “it was her fault ki Poonam didn’t give him a tight slap the very first time Harry tried to molest her and that she didn’t do what Anami did.” (Which is a very problematic thing to say, but very dramatically effective.)
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Man, she put the fear of GOD in Harry by stalking toward him. Matlab, I could momentarily SEE a genetic resemblance between Narayani Shastri and Mahima Makwana, I tell you. What powerhouses.
She finished the whole scene by telling Kamini that she should thank her lucky stars Anami found Harry and not Satarupa herself because...
She literally leaves off there and we must infer that Kamini knows about Satarupa’s tendency to quietly get people who sneeze wrong bumped off.
Ofc Pujan tries to smooth things over while Kamini leaves with Harry. Ngl Kamini is a real babe and deserves better than to be married to this useless scheming Pujan and have a useless grown ass son and nephew. She shoulda gotten herself a sugar daddy instead.
Pujan promises deep vengeance (ofc because the Durga idol falling and breaking will be the ultimate apshakun and hence, revenge). Rolled my eyes so hard, they almost fell out of their sockets.
So, we have full band baaja and they’re bringing the idol in with shots that have come out of a white person’s wet dream of colourful, exotic Incredible India.
And OMG IT HAS A HALF OF A SECOND EXPRESSION ON ITS FACE. I mean the very pointless Baldev ofc.
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Anami, our local Spiderman, notices a thorn stuck in one of the palanquin bearers feet amid all the chaos and bends to pick it out. Giving herself the perfect vantage point to also hear the loosened screw drop out and immediately dive under the palanquin to save the idol.
After a moment of panic, everyone is reassured as she emulates the Flavour of the Season, Baahubali.
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No, seriously.
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Like, people don’t even TRY to help this skinny SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD girl who has been FASTING all day to carry this massive idol that probably weighs more than her for the first 5 minutes. For show.
Then, we get Baldev grabbing one end and Satarupa grabbing the other end and Dadaji Vikram clearing the dropped embers in her path with his stick.
Not before he’s had time to process the whole thing and question his entire life and worldview, though.
How Hum Saath Saath Hai. If it was made by Ram Gopal Verma.
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This is the face of a man who has messed up very badly all his life and only the tip of the iceberg has become visible to him and he suspects the presence of the Titanic wrecking monster below the surface.
Gayatri makes obvious statements about Anami being deviroop and being sent to protect Lal Mahal etc etc. Lady, I don’t think it’s quite going to pan out like that.
Anami places the idol in its spot and when the pandit wants her to start the pooja, Vikram is all “no, Avdhoot must do the puja.”
Once a chauvinist piece of trash, always a chauvinist piece of trash.
He does look shifty while saying it, though so Gayatri swoops in and tells him that this puja wouldn’t even be happening if not for Anami so he can stop being  a jackass. And also tells Pujan to shut it when he tries to intervene. With the happy result that Anami gets to do the puja. Which we’re made to suffer through with dramatic intercuts of Sudha wild-dancing with dhunuchi at her asylum all set to Jai Maa Kali from Karan Arjun.
I wish I was making this bit up.
Just going to leave these screencaps here because truly what cinematography but what jaatra-level writing, shyah.
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(Note that Baldev has reverted to his usual stony glum-face. Like, why do they even pay an actor for his role.)
Dheeru makes a lone entry and skulks around. He joins the family conclave that forms after the puja where the adults talk about the future of Lal Mahal. Gayatri, Satarupa and Dheeru are all heavily and vocally pro-Anami and want Vikram to change his mind about Avdhoot. They use major puja metaphors to make their point. Pujan is stuck because he doesn’t want to be seen rooting for his son for selfish reasons while no one cares about what Baldev has to say (nothing), as usual. The man is an irritating cardboard cutout.
But THEN, I am reminded of why I fucken love this show and am still surprised by it when they tone it all the fuck down and VIKRAM makes the most logical point of all.
He points out that he’s willing to back down from all his prejudices and accept Anami as heir. But that will not change that Anami will not accept this family as her own. Royal Steel and Lal Mahal need stability which she will not provide because she has been uprooted from the only place she considers home (Benaras) and she will leave the moment she is legally able to. They need to accept that.
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Yeah, Gayatri, even I hate it when chauvinist men make sorta vaguely legitimate points.
But then, Dheeru points out that he hasn’t given Anami that chance even. He’s sentenced her without allowing her the slightest room to prove herself.
AND THEN, Vikram finally relents because “Dheeru has never made a wrong decision for Royal Steel.” Whoa I think he’s referring even to the unexplained fall Dheeru took and went to jail for.
Vikram will personally test the two of them and judge based on their capability (sure) and not their gender and take it from there. I can’t explain how much all this talk of (fake) meritocracy and inheritance gives me intense michmichi.
But it does lead to this hilarious scene which explains exactly how the two main interested parents feel about this situation.
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Satarupa is like “I’ve already fucking won this just give Anami the crown and don’t go through this farce.” And Pujan is like “GOD FUCK ME SIDEWAYS.”
Oh btw, while this intense conversation is happening, Adhiraj and Tanya have arrived and all the kids start dancing to Nagada Sang Dhol (INCLUDING ADHIRAJ which is EXACTLY as awkward as you imagine it is). Can’t even screencap, I’m telling you. Avdhoot is genuinely at least in lust with Tanya? (YUCK) Harry is giving him advice upar se! Matlab MEN ARE TRASH. He was beaten up not 4 hours ago for being an almost-rapist. I hope Adhiraj beats both Avdhoot and Harry up solid (I won’t even consider it police brutality). Where is Ila, man? Why is she missing the awkward fun?
Also, I was mistaken. Everyone is aware of everyone’s identities, it seems. There is no surprise at Adhiraj’s appearance and Avdhoot clearly knows Tanya is his sister so they know he’s Dheeru’s son? Dheeru also had figured out that the girl he met on the road is Anami of Lal Mahal. I dunno, I may have missed stuff when I tried to catch up on 40 episodes together. But then why were Pujan and Baldev treating Adhiraj as just a CBI officer when he brought Anami home after the chemistry lab accident? Surely they should’ve brought up his connection to Dheeru to taunt him better?
Possible continuity errors, methinks. ANyWay, tomorrow we have nutty Sudha’s desperate bid to force Anami’s hand and come to Lal Mahal by trying to commit fake suicide. Fun. Not. Honestly, Sudha and Baldev deserve each other and Satarupa needs an intense, powerful, interesting man who has some conflict of interest with her but is also drawn to her. And while we deserve decent women friendships, I also am teetering on shipping Anami and Poonam because that was some relationship-y symbolism in the beginning. 
Whatevs man, just give me Satarupa and Anami (and Gayatri) dealing sick burns to the men and I don’t care about anything else.
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mukhtaleef · 7 years
No matter how ‘cool’ Adhiraj is, his pairing with Anami is gonna give me intense michmichi!! It just looks wrong!!
ETA: This michmichi is purely because of the age gap and the fact that Anami is a minor! Adhiraj though not exactly my type is a good looking man and Anami looks amazing as well! So their looks have nothing to do with my michmichi.
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tellynews1122 · 7 years
Anami finds a shocking evidence in Rishton Ka Chakravyuh Star Plus Show
Anami gets suspicious that Sudha is concealing something from her. Dadi guides Anami while giving an educating to Lakshya. Dadi discloses to Anami that they can recognize individuals well when they keep their heart quiet. Anami gets the lesson from Dadi. Anami contemplates Sudha, with the goal that she doesn’t submit a major misstep. Lakshya gels with Lal Mahal individuals. He discovers Dadi and…
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tellyupdate · 7 years
Rishton Ka Chakravyuh 22nd November 2017 Written Episode Update
Rishton Ka Chakravyuh 22nd November 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com.co.in.
The Episode starts with Sudha telling a horror story to Laddoo. Anami looks for Sudha. She worries. Poonam says I didn’t get her anywhere, we will see in your room. Laddoo gets scared. Anami comes there and looks on. Laddoo shouts. Anami asks what kind of story are you saying. Laddoo hugs her.…
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vishwaspur · 7 years
Did you watch today's episode of RKC? It was brilliant, and that convo b/w Anami and Vatsalya (his spirit), it just destroyed me! The only reason I stuck to Rikara till now was GKS, and it looks like her character is going to be butchered and turned into a needy, insecure one, in the name of Nayi Soch and English BS! I'm just glad that I found a new serial to switch to, and I highly recommend you to try out RKC as well. Rikara ka toh Bhagvaan hi maalik hai!
RKC fuckin’ destroyed me. I was already feeling emotionally low yesterday because my brother’s vacations got over and he had to go back to China and then THAT episode. I really don’t joke when I say that the healthy, loving brother-sister relationships have the power to move me like nothing else can. And Vatsalya-Anami toh had become my brotp in that one scene they had. BUT HOW FREAKIN’ STUNNING WAS YESTERDAY’S EPISODE?! Almost the entire episode was dedicated to Anami’s “parichay” to Vatsalya and not for one second was it dragged. With that one scene they had established that the twins have an irrefutable bond which tugged both of them so when Anami cried out in pain as realization dawned on her just who was the brother she had lost..you believed in all of that. She broke down crying multiple times as wave after wave of realization hit her. The one person who could tie her to Laal Mahal was the boy who no longer lived in this world. And that poem and her reply to that poem and when she was leaving and Vatsalya read that reply with a challenge in his eyes, “You really think you can just leave me behind?”
And I’m crying again.
As for what’s in store for Gauri Kumari Sharma toh I don’t even want to guess. Let’s see what this new week brings us. Can’t be worse than my imagination.
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tvserialstuff · 7 years
Rishton Ka Chakravyuh Upcoming Story, Rishton Ka Chakravyuh Spoilers, Rishton Ka Chakravyuh Latest Twist
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alinalatif1 · 7 years
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Rishton Ka Chakravyuh 8 February 2018 Full Episode Star Plus Rishton Ka Chakravyuh is a Hindi TV serial disclosed on Star Plus. Seventeen-year-old Anaami, deserted during childbirth and embraced by a pandit family in Benaras, returns as the sole yet hesitant beneficiary to a regal family in Lal Mahal and an adventure starts.
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