dreammareexe · 10 months
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fanart for 2 indie games, an action puzzler called Vividlope by jaklub and a 3d metroidvania called Pseudoregalia by rittzler
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hardcoregamer · 8 months
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Fun, Flawed, Fascinating: The Surprising Enigma of Pseudoregalia
Call it a faithful recreation of that bygone era — for both better and worse — it’s what Pseudoregalia recognizes above all about the mystery of 3D spaces (manufactured and fantasized they may be) that is its biggest draw. On top of it heralding a satisfying control scheme — whose increased move-set only adds to the exploration and platforming alike. 
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professoricepick · 2 months
Top 10 Games I Want Ported FROM PC IX: Bitter Flesh
At this point, I think I’ve started to think of my contribution to those yearly “Top 10 Most Anticipated Games” articles as my first Retronaissance post for the year. I know that I usually like to make a point of putting out at least one post every two months on here. But given my current work schedule and various other projects elsewhere, I just can’t really spare the time to do anything more…
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belderchal · 3 months
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Sybil from Pseudoregalia by @rittzler
Sweater Design by @taxiderby
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zenithart · 11 months
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@rittzler 's Pseudoregalia activates all the positive neurons in my brain, I literally could not put it down until I finished it
So of course I HAD to draw fanart of Sybil
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infinitebrians · 5 months
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Favorite Games of 2023 Part 4: Pseudoregalia
I knew Pseudoregalia was going to be good the minute I started the game and did the input for the Mario 64 side flip jump and the game’s main character Sybil did her own version of that satisfying jump. One of my all time favorite things to do in a Mario game (or any game) is that side flip, a jump that is as practical as it is just simply satisfying to do. Sybil being able to do that jump without needing any of the power ups found in the game told me that the developers of this game knew the importance to making character feel good jumping around in a 3D world. Her movement only gets better from there with a bunch of new platforming abilities that makes her capable of getting what feels like anywhere in that game world if desired. The pure control you have over Sybil's platforming capabilities gave me so many great moments of pure curiosity to experiment with what could work. What's better is watching friends and others play the game and figure out their own solutions to the game's open ended platforming design. There are no wrong answers in the world of Pseudoregalia, just results.
This game was a complete surprise in just about every way, just the best feeling platformer I’ve played in a long while in this small, cleaned up former game jam game. I’ve followed the main dev rittzler on twitter for a few years because the gameplay clips of their work have all looked fun and impressive and they always shared other really cool indie dev work as well. So, I was excited to finally play Pseudoregalia when it was announced to be released. It's super low price (6 dollars USD) and being something I was able to finish in the span of one day alone was a huge breath of fresh air in this current gaming environment. It’s something I’ve been personally thinking a lot about recently is the appeal of a simpler, lower priced game. It’s appeal to me coming from playing something that never needs to be some sort of omnipresent, super game. Instead, Pseudoregalia presents itself in a humble statement of, ‘here, enjoy a few hours jumping around this wacky maze like castle as a goat bunny lady!’.
I'm not a person who typically ever has a desire to replay a game right after finishing it, I usually prefer to immediately move on to another game that I've been wishing to play for for a while. Pseudoregalia is a game I've played four or so times now from start to finish, I even started another playthrough in preparation for this drawing/writing and found myself wanting to play it all the way through again. Its the first time I found myself actually physically seeing the appeal of speedrunning, a hobby I always just enjoyed as a spectator. Pseudoregalia just lends itself so neatly to that part of me that loves routing out a path for stuff. How quickly can you find all the vital movement abilities for Sybil? What's unnecessary, what can be improved, what can be gathered while on the path of gathering something else. From at least my perspective of not actually investigating the proper speedrunner's routing, the options feel immense. From these handful of times replaying the game I've gotten a good handle of finding my way around the map and a good idea of how to get a lot of the really important movement abilities almost immediately. It also made the game feel quite different from how it felt to me with my first playthrough, what was once mysterious and labyrinthine was now a familiar playground.
That is one thing I will miss when doing those repeat playthroughs is that sense of discovery that occurred with that initial run. Soon before Pseudoregalia came out, I watched a lot of Videochess and spaghoner's exploration and documentation of the incredible Mario 64 hack, B3313 ( https://youtu.be/pLKB0SG0i8c ). I found that hack incredible at creating a sense of uneasiness and wonder from simply keeping you constantly guessing what was next behind each door something even those two expressed while streaming. During my first playthrough of Pseudoregalia, I was completely lost in that castle and was constantly finding paths that led to new zones or ones circled me back to old ones from hours ago. It was a pretty incredible feeling of discovery that only wore out it's welcome at the end when I just needed one more big key necessary for progression. What helped make exploration in both of these games engaging the whole time is that aspect of having a really fun character to move around as while being lost. It was okay with being completely lost because I could still just keep doing these long jumps into wall kicks that just make Sybil go fuckin' fast in an immensely satisfying way.
I think in the time it's taken me to think about this game again, and briefly revisit it in preparation for this art/writing I've come to decide that this is probably my favorite new game of 2023. In a year full of fantastic platformers to pick from, this one was just a class above in terms of movement design and movement application.
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luckynothin · 10 months
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sybil pseudoregalia back at it again, this time with her final look and fancy outfit i dare you to go get @rittzler's game
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billblok · 4 months
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Sitting Sybil
@rittzler on Twixter made a pretty neat game, so... I draw'd a pic!
My Patreon--> www.patreon.com/billblok Please keep your comments relevant to and within my posts' rating. Thanks, and God Bless!
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mwaudiovisual · 5 days
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Sybil Pseudoregalia my beloved 🙏
I was indecisive on which background to pick so I'm posting both
Thank goodness PNG transparency works here (unlike at the Birb's X-Hole)
Also thanks @rittzler for the amazing game (even though I never finished lol)
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metalmk87 · 2 months
Bonabi - @kande238 Lukja Hase - @snibbitsitsme Wonny - Estan5412 Neela - Jackerise TartFrost - tartfrost Skarlet - RechiTv Sybils - @rittzler
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procastinatingspecter · 5 months
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After close to eight hours of playing Pseudoregalia, it struck me so strongly that it's sucker punch sent me directly to a state of wanting to make fanart of it. The experience as a whole made me keep thinking about some of the setpieces and events from it days after I've gotten to the last moments of the game. If you got an interest in exploration and platforming, please check out Pseudoreagalia on Steam and itchio. And also keep an eye on other stuff rittzler made/is making. And also keep playing games and have fun. Yup.. games are sort of awesome...!
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sonicfangamebot · 7 months
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'Blazing Dynamo' (2021) by rittzler (Original Demo) Play as Bucket in this hyper-mechanical platformer demo! https://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/blazing-dynamo-mechanics-demo.1120/
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daelethart · 9 months
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I can't believe I forgot to post one of my favorite fanarts I did here. It's @rittzler 's character bucket!
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gauntletqueen · 11 months
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I wanna check out Pseudoregalia by @rittzler, so we're gonna go live early and I'll play through it (or part of it) before VRchat! It's a super cool and tight looking 3D platforming Metroidvania that I've had my eyes on for a while now :>
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stellastarprincess · 13 days
@rittzler I will pay you $60 for Pseudoregalia 2 this is not a joke I am deadass
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luckynothin · 1 year
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Sybil Pseudoregalia, main lady of a cool game by @rittzler!
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