#rivamika one shot
onigiri-dorkk · 1 year
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Made me think of a fun short story idea… I present, Levi adopts a cat: a Drabble
Mikasa is visiting Levi at his home (post-war) and a stray cat wanders to the house. Levi tries to shoo it off (he doesn’t like pets/wouldn’t want to get close to strays bc they’re dirty), but Mikasa scolds him and gives it some food and milk while she’s there visiting. She pet it, cleaned it a bit, found out it was a boy and called him Mr. Whiskers.
Eventually the cat leaves, and so does Mikasa.
The next few days, though, the cat comes back to Levi’s house. Every day would be the same — it would come to his house just before sundown, Levi would make attempts to shoo it away in disgust, but he’d remember the way Mikasa smiled at the damn cat. Pretty soon the cat reminded him of her — it’s black fur matched her hair, after all. And he began giving it water and food. Then eventually, he put out a box on his porch for it to be shelter while it waits outside.
One day a storm came, and Levi had noticed the cat hadn’t come by yet. It wasn’t in the porch box. It wasn’t pawing at the window as usual. And Levi found himself worrying; especially thinking about how Mikasa might feel if the stupid cat she took care of died somewhere out there. He realized he missed the stupid cat. Wished it would come back already, that it was safe.
He also realized he missed Mikasa.
He ran out looking for the cat to no avail in the storm, and when he rushed back to the home, someone was standing at his porch dripping wet from rain — Mikasa, holding Mr. Whiskers in her arms.
They go in, warm up together; fresh clothes, hot tea in hand, sitting next to the fireplace waiting for the storm to pass. After restful moments, Mr. Whiskers leaves Mikasa’s sleepy arms and jumps into Levi’s lap, purring. Startled initially, then he relaxes and pets the cat who falls asleep on him. He peeks over at Mikasa who had also fallen asleep on the couch.
The next morning, Mikasa wakes with a blanket over herself, and sees the cat laying in a rather decorative cushion and cloth sheet, and a small ceramic bowl of water that Levi had put out the cat. 🥹 She thinks if the cat can stay a little longer in Levi’s home… maybe she can, too. ☺️
Sorry ugh I just haven’t written anything in forever LOL pls enjoy this delulu fluff drabble
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onwriting-hrarby · 2 years
a dreadful night — spoiler for the rivamika month!
i've been writing my little one-shot for cinema! i don't really think it fits the theme, hehe, but i've been thinking about this idea for some months now, and i think the rivamika month has just given me the last push.
as for now, it's already 5 pages of a one-shot... and we haven't even gotten to the actual action yet. I am not suited for this, people, it's inevitable that I end up writing too much :'))))))
without any further ado, the little spoiler/snippet for a dreadful night
“So, I guess you didn’t talk to him at all”, Eren musses as he puts a hot dog in his tray. Mikasa stumbles on her feet, and he scoffs. “Don’t act so surprised. He didn’t even look at you, but you did look at him.”
Of course, it was inevitable to look at him, she wants to defend herself. He’s already having breakfast, and his daily coffee, and he grabs the cup the same weird way his character does but drinks the complete opposite. He’s scrolling down his phone, and he’s wearing a black turtleneck, and he looks so fine, his hair combed back, the blue eyes piercing on the screen. Of course, she has looked at him. Who hasn’t?
“You should be careful, though”, Eren whispers, serving her a croissant. “The people here all have smartphones.”
“I know.”
“We don’t need another relationship in the cast”, he sing-songs.
“Look who’s talking”, she retorts.
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byhimawari · 3 months
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"Petals on a Rose" (a RivaMika drabble)
Day 1 of RivaMika Month: Flowers
He didn’t mean to overhear. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop. He also didn’t mean to stay hidden until the conversation ended. All he intended to do was to go into the mess hall and scold the brats for chit chatting and messing around instead of focusing on the cleaning that should’ve been done hours ago. 
Yet, that’s precisely what he did. Overbearing, eavesdropping, hiding. And now the cursed conversation is the only thing echoing through his mind, despite all efforts to just shake it off: 
“Why don’t you try using flowers, Mikasa?” 
Levi had walked past the mess hall when her heard the potato girl speak, only halting when a certain name was said. Why his feet stopped in its tracks, he had no clue. 
Except, he does. He actually knows exactly why. 
“Flowers?” He heard Mikasa repeat in confusion. 
“Yeah! Use the petals to determine whether you confess to him or not!” Sasha explained excitedly. 
Confess? What the hell are they talking about? Confess to whom? 
“I don’t understand,” her voice as monotonous as ever. 
“You know, where you pull each petal off saying ‘he loves me, he loves me not’ to each one and whatever you say to the last petal is your answer! But in your case it’ll be, ‘confess or not to confess’. Something like that!” 
“That’s so stupid,” both Levi and Mikasa thought, though it was Mikasa who said it out loud. 
“It’s worth a shot!” Sasha persisted, “Think of it as just flipping a coin, except with more chances!” 
There was an unsettling feeling at the bottom of his stomach when he puts two and two together, because who else would that gloomy brat want to confess to if not to the reckless Titan boy?
“I’d rather just not.” 
Levi hate that he felt even an ounce of relief. 
“Aww, c’mon Mikasa! I think it’s time! I see the way he looks at you too. Who knows, maybe he’s also waiting to hear you say you love him.” 
“L-Love is a strong word…” Mikasa stammered and Levi thinks that was the first time he’s ever heard sound so flustered. 
“Ahhh, then why is your face so red!” Sasha chimed, her laughter nearly echoing down the halls. 
“It’s not!” 
Her voice cracked slightly and that’s how Levi knew she was lying. And her lie revealed two things: her face was indeed red and she is in love with Eren. 
So much for that ounce of relief. 
That’s when he left. He didn’t bother to do what he came there to do, because when he found himself having to fight his inner demons to not barge inside to see for himself the rose-tinted cheeks of his strongest soldier and tell her she’s in trouble just as an excuse to keep her working all day and away from Eren, he knew he had to walk away. 
It’s been some hours since then and much to his distress, it is taking him much too long to finish paperwork that he normally would’ve had completed hours ago had his mind not been polluted with scenes of Mikasa confessing her love to Eren. 
Much like earlier, he hadn’t meant to fall in love. Especially not a subordinate, not with her. He hadn’t meant to fall in love at all. He thought it was just a fleeting feeling. But being humanity’s strongest doesn’t make him immune from the human heart and the strings it pulls. And his just so happened to pull — no, yank, rather — his right into the femme fatale that is Mikasa Ackerman. 
Levi grabs his coat, needing some air, hoping to clear his mind from such troublesome affairs. However, it seems the universe enjoys a challenge because lo and behold, from a distance leans Mikasa against a pillar of the outdoor corridor…pulling off petals from a rose. 
His stoicism hides his shock. The brat is actually doing it? She’s actually picking off petals to help her determine whether or not she’s going to confess her love to that boy? Didn’t she just say that was stupid? But also…didn’t he also see this coming? Why is he so surprised? Why is he even wasting his time thinking about this shit? Why — 
Suddenly she’s smiling, his thoughts interrupted as she gazes at the bare pistil of what was once a rose with eyes full of resolve, and there comes his heartstrings, being yanked towards her once again, but this time only to be ricocheted back at him, shattering the only hope he never should’ve manifested in the first place. 
Night falls and Levi still sits at his desk with the same amount of paperwork from when the day started. He stands up to get the blood flowing into his system, unbuttoning the top of his his dress shirt and loosening his cravat to ease the heat he feels from irritation. It’s beyond him why he hasn’t shaken this off yet. This is extremely trivial matters. He is captain of the Survey Scouts. He should be strategizing for the missions ahead, not dwelling on the love life of that gloomy, insufferable brat with the stubborn attitude, healing smile, beautiful eyes, tender heart, and…
“Fuck,” Levi grunts under his breath, sitting back down in his chair utterly defeated. 
To add insult to injury, he hears a knock at his door. 
“What?” He calls out grumpily, not hiding the annoyance in his tone as his eyes fixated at the ceiling fan above him.
“Captain, I have some reports to turn in.”
Levi could only scoff at his luck. Of course it’s her. Of course. Who else could it be if not the very person who has been driving him insane all day? The greater side of him says to shoo her away. The lesser side of him says to allow her in and, per usual, risk his heart pulling some ridiculous tactic that’ll only put him back in square one with these curse emotions. 
It’s always the latter. 
“Quickly,” he caves, his tongue a bit sharper than intended.
Mikasa walks in, quietly closing the door behind her before approaching his desk. With a slow huff a breath, he draws his head back down and is surprised to instantly catch her gaze as he only expected her to place the reports down and leave. 
But instead, there she stands. With not one sheet of paper in her hands. 
Levi eyes her dubiously. 
“Where are the reports?” 
Mikasa remains uncharacteristically quiet for a short moment, somehow managing to heighten his nerves more than any gruesome battle he’s ever faced beyond the walls. 
And it’s the rosy tint on her cheeks that make him fear this may be his toughest battle yet. 
“There’s actually something I need to talk to you about,” her voice is timid and he wonders if he’s talking to the same stubborn, sassy brat he’s known, “Or something I need to…tell you rather.” 
There’s a pregnant silence between the two, his heartbeat steady but loud at his ears as he waits. But still she’s silent, and as much as he’s grown a soft spot for her, not even she is exempt from his ill-tempered impatience. 
“Out with it, Ackerman. Or are you going to just stand there and — “ 
“I think I'm in love with you. Captain.”  
Indeed. His toughest battle yet. 
“What?” he still breaths out when he heard her loud and clear. 
“I have feelings for you,” Mikasa clarifies, her cheeks growing rosier, though her tone is frustrated with how her eyebrows are furrowed in what looks like both annoyance and discomfort as she tries to keep her eyes on his, the same face she makes when they bicker, except this time, there’s no bickering. 
Levi is dumbstruck. Both Ackermans are atypical tonight, it seems. He did not expect at all that Mikasa was just going to spit it out, let alone randomly confess her feelings for him. 
Levi tenses. Confess? The soft image of her smile when she gazed at the petal-less rose floats into his vision and then it just hits him like a train. 
She meant to confess to him this whole time.
It's silent between them again, and Levi's internally yelling at himself to say something, anything to pull himself out of the mud he's stuck in.
“Quite the sour face you got there for someone who’s confessing something rather romantic.”  
Of fucking course the first thing that comes out of his mouth is his usual brass before anything else, not realizing he spoke out of nervousness until he felt the regret hit when a frown starts to form on Mikasa’s lips. 
“It’s not a joke…” Mikasa says grumpily, but the tinge of hurt doesn’t go unnoticed, “I’d appreciate if it you took me seriously right now.” 
“Who said I wasn’t?” Levi replies straightaway, as though trying to make up for his heedless response earlier. 
“Because you’re not saying anything,” she glares and spits back, and despite the spiteful tone, Levi feels relief from the wave of familiarity her moodiness brings. 
“Sort of threw me a curveball there, Ackerman. Can’t exactly come up with a response on the sp—.” 
“Thought humanity’s strongest is supposed to think fast on his feet,” she bites, “Seems pretty slow to me.” 
He raises a brow, a vein in his forehead twitching.   
“Listen, brat—“ 
“And you don’t have to ‘come up’ with anything. It’s either you do or you don’t, so which is it?” 
The audacity of this girl to speak so sharp to her own superior, demanding answers out of him like he owes her his time, as if she wasn't the one who came into his office unannounced in the middle of the night on a white lie, but he expected nothing less. He never does. How can he? It’s her. It’s Mikasa. It’s always Mikasa. 
It will always be Mikasa.
And he will fold every time.
Her voice is quiet now. 
“Do you...also have feelings for me?”
There's this tone of defeat when she speaks that rubs Levi the wrong way, as if she had came to her own conclusion about his own feelings, that he must not love her back because he didn't respond right away. She's stubborn as she is childish, and he hates that he finds it both endearing and stressful, because it's what makes him blurt out as blunt as possible, without a single thought...
"I do. I've been in love with you for a long time."
Her expression changes from gloomy to that of surprise, her eyes widening slowly as she's processes his words. He hears his heartbeat at his ears again when it occurs to him exactly what he had just done; that he, too, has confessed his feelings for her and there was no taking it back.
Not like he would've anyways.
"Thought the girl of a hundred soldier's is supposed to think fast on her feet," he mocks her earlier comment, using such a tactic to ease the tension between them and turn it into something more familiar and comfortable.
It works. Her blush deepens and he wonders momentarily how far the red goes.
"You're annoying," she huffs, a small tug on the corner of her lips fighting to be hidden.
Levi scoots himself back with his chair, and extends his arms to her, insinuating something quite bold and unlike him at all, he even admits, but it's too late to retract it back. Leave it to her to bring out sides of him that he never thought he'd ever reveal himself.
He is still just a man, after all.
Fortunately, Mikasa doesn't falter or stray away. She makes her way around his desk and takes her offered seat at his lap. It's like second nature the way the his arms wrap around her waist, a natural gesture, and it's when she smiles softly as his face leans up to close the gap between them that Levi admits that perhaps picking petals from a rose isn't so stupid after all.
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nuri148 · 6 months
Hi, new mutual, I've recently been getting more into Rivamika, and I was wondering if you had any fic recommendations, preferably angst :) I actually recently started reading your fic, Clarity, so you'll probs be seeing a comment from me soon-ish on AO3, haha. I'm really loving it thus far!
Hi! And welcome to our lovely ship! Rivamika tends to get an unfair amount of hate so we are a very supportive community and take care of our own like Levi would.
Idk about angst (I enjoy it but It's not something I actively search) but either angsty, fluffy, smutty and/or funny, I'm proud to say we have a lot of wonderful writers around us! l can personally vouch for anything by our queen chaosisbeauty23; also onigiridorkk has lovely fics, esp. Microcosmos, The Perfect Brew and 104th's Top Cadet; MoraLeeWright is like the Shakepeare of Rivamika. My fave by her is Just until the Storm is Gone, and The Song Remains the Same is one of the most original rm fics I've read. Alienheartattack has a plethora of one-shots, my fave being To You, 20 Years From Now (and To All Of Us, From 2000 Years Ago, but that's not rivamika).
If I may interest you in some ongoing fics, hrarby's For You is definitely in the angsty side. She's got a beautiful prose, too. Also angsty is Byhimawari's Languishing. Agentwarbarbie's The Shadow of the Prince is a great royalty AU that'll have you holding your breath.
The Broken Doll is a masterpiece of platonic Levi/Mikasa; last but not least, if you really wanna bawl, Beloved Mother is a heart-gutting Levi centric, non-ship fic.
Last but not least, I'm absolutely chuffed you're enjoying Clarity! You can check the tag #clarity tea house for all the meta that I posted while I was still writing, as well as extras and related stuff.
Thank you SO much for this ask! You made my day! 🥰
PS- ETA: I totally forgot one of my favourites, Surviving Peace by die-forllex!
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bryhaven · 2 years
Top 10 Films
Thank you for the tag, @onigiri-dorkk! I've been tagged in a number of challenge posts, and I will try to get to them soon ahah 😅
This was supposed to be a discussion of films but then again, I managed to find AOT/SNK and RivaMika parallels while going through this list 😂
This challenge has been fun and it was hard to pick only 10, let alone rank them! But for the sake of the game, I tried 😌
10. The King and I (1999)
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A musical animated adaptation of a Siamese (now called Thai) King who hires an English schoolteacher to have his country learn western modern ways. It was very amusing and enjoyable that the villain and accomplice here are written as comedic. And the added young love story between the crown prince and the servant girl is endearing. And I'm actually fond of forbidden love tropes ahaha. Plus the musical scenes are fun and brilliant! A great family movie! 🥰
9. Troy (2004)
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A story focusing on the Trojan war and the heroes in it. I've always enjoyed historical and legend-type movies as they give a glimpse of life in ancient times. I appreciate Achilles (Brad Pitt) and Hector (Eric Bana) in the movie so much that I included them in my AMV tribute to heroes and legends. The Iliad, which is the battle between Achilles and Hector, is one of my favorite legendary fights. Plus one of Achilles' last scenes and the line, "You gave me peace, in a lifetime of war." is so heartwarming. And now that I think of it, it's something that Levi could say to a certain special someone during post-war. 😏
8. Unknown (2011)
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An action-thriller revolving around seeking the truth, hence the title. Liam Neeson always delivers when it comes to action and suspense-filled scenes (plus he is the namesake of my Ackerchild OC 😌). The story progression will keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you wondering until the plot twist turns into an answer with a shocking revelation. His character is also badass, brooding, and serious, while also suffering from injury and trauma. Reminds me too much of a certain someone in SnK. 😄 Plus the way that the two main characters develop from reluctantly working together to understanding and caring for each other is just *screams in RivaMika vibes*
7. Brother Bear (2003)
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A story about literally walking in another's footsteps to learn a valuable lesson by seeing the other's point of view. It showcases brotherly and familial love in a lighthearted adventure. Watching the movie has a significant and special meaning to me for personal reasons. The plot twist is absolutely heart-wrenching and beautifully executed. Plus the original soundtracks gave me chills, were perfect for each and every exhilarating scene, and hold the rare honor of making me cry. 😭
6. Taken (2008)
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Another one of Liam Neeson's action-packed movies. This revolves around the rescue of his character's daughter from human trafficking. As always, his character is badass, brooding, and serious. Some daddy issues, wherein his character struggles with fatherhood to a growing teenage girl. Fatherly love 💖 and gotta love the brilliance of how he tracks down his daughter and saves her. His style and strategies blew my mind, it's amazing! Plus that line in the GIF is iconic!
5. Entrapment (1999)
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A story of two thieves, skillful in their own ways, working together to steal an ancient artifact. I love how they came up with brilliant spy-like strategies and synced together to accomplish the task. Recollecting this reminded me as well of @chaosisbeauty23's "Are you in?" two-shot spy story. It gave me similar vibes. Sean Connery's character trained Catherine Zeta-Jones' character, they had trust issues and conflicts, and they grew close through the duration of the preparation until they eventually got to trust each other enough to continue working together. Plus the age difference! Rings a bell? *screams again in RivaMika vibes*
4. Kiss of the Dragon (2001)
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A story of a cop helping to crack a major drug ring and ending up having to save a prostitute and her daughter to ultimately resolve it. I guess I have always been fond of unexpectedly-working-together and damsel-in-distress tropes, and this movie has two of those tropes in it! 😂 Recollecting this reminded me of @nuri148's "Not a Pirate" where Mikasa has a child. I love the chemistry between Jet Li and Bridget Fonda here, you can feel the tension and awkwardness ahaha. Plus the height difference! *screams again and again in RivaMika vibes* ghad seriously why am I associating these films I watched years ago with the current RM fics I've read bahaha 😂😅
3. Con Air (1997)
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A story of an ex-convict trying to get home to his family after he's been finally freed. I always go soft whenever strong, badass, brooding guys show tenderness and affection with regard to their families or the people they care for. Levi Ackerman as a father, anyone? 😌 This story hits with both the action and the feels. Plus the "How do I live without you?" performed by Trisha Yearwood is just *chef's kiss*
2. Brave (2012)
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A story of a princess struggling with life as a royal and trying to find her own path. Merida is my favorite Disney princess and I find her relatable in ways. I enjoyed the adventurous-type songs here as well. I absolutely love her unconventional and strong character which deviates from the typical dainty and girly princesses. She's spirited, stubborn, and won't take any BS 😂 Plus she's great with a sword!
1. The One (2001)
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And finally at the top 1 spot is coincidentally "The One" released in 2001 bahaha 😂 another one of Jet Li's action-packed movies which I love. And there are two Jet Lis in here ahaha. The story revolves around Yulaw (Jet Li) traveling across the multiverse hunting down and killing all his counterparts or other selves until only two of them are left. With each counterpart killed in every universe, the energy and power get divided between the remaining surviving counterparts resulting in them having increased strength, intelligence, and speed. I've mentioned this in a post before that this is similar to how Levi's and Mikasa's superhuman powers came to be.
I absolutely love the plot and story progression in this sci-fi setup, which makes you wonder, what if we actually have alternate personas in other universes (and we just don't know about it because there are people who make sure that we don't know in order to ensure peace and balance)? Plus Jason Statham's character as an ally here was unexpectedly funny!
I also appreciate the romance factor in the movie in the sense that, it is shown as trust, comfort, and care. Doesn't need to have all the kissy scenes or so to show genuine love. And one of Jet Li's character's lines about his love here is just 💖
Jet Li always delivers as well when it comes to action and suspense-filled scenes. Plus just look at the parallels below (The One vs AOT S3):
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Using a dead person as a shield then obliterates everyone afterward.
Jet Li's characters in movies are usually brooding, badass, serious, and aloof from people. Plus he is charmingly handsome and rather short in stature IRL too! Yep, Jet Li is a real-life Levi Ackerman 🤣😌
I swear I watched all of these way before I even encountered Attack on Titan. I didn't mean for this to be too long and to include much RivaMika and AOT, but it was fun recollecting the movies and then associating them with my brain rot 😂
Now that I have this list, I realize I tend to gravitate towards action movies and familial ones. Plus most of these movies have that one badass, brooding, serious guy who is insanely skilled and strong, and has a reputation but also soft for their loved ones. Geez I already have a type way before Levi Ackerman bahaha 😂🥰😌
None of these movies are focused on romance but the couple GIFs are intentional bahaha 😏
Tagging: No one, no pressure. 😅
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binibchielq · 1 year
I got bored and made a Rivamika one-shot.
Humanity's strongest couple getting lost in their camping trip trying to find their tent. <3
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 1 year
I have all my little eremika wips on the backburner, and I'm working on finishing up an arumika one-shot (maybe two-shot?) by the end of the month.
but after that, I'm curious...
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aboutmikasa · 1 year
Seriously remove chat gpt from me 🤣🤣🤣 another fanfiction requested… this time I asked dialogue and it’s not the but it has more meat 🫣
No title this time… and one of her dialogues is super off… still, I’m making this AI a rivamika Stan! 🤣🤣🤣
Knocked up
Levi had always been a man who liked to keep to himself. He had a successful career as a CEO of his own company, but when it came to his personal life, he preferred to keep things simple. That is until he met her.
They had met at a bar, both looking for a night of fun and excitement. They had hit it off immediately, with sassy banter and flirtatious touches. The chemistry between them was undeniable, and they ended up in bed together.
The next morning, they both went their separate ways, not expecting to see each other again. But fate had other plans. A few weeks later, she found out that she was pregnant.
Levi couldn't believe it when she called him, telling him the news. He had never imagined himself as a father, let alone with a complete stranger. But as they talked more and more, he found himself liking the idea of having a baby with her.
They decided to meet in person, to discuss the next steps. The tension between them was palpable as they sat across from each other in a coffee shop.
"So, you're pregnant," Levi said, breaking the silence.
"Yep, I am," she replied, her tone sassy as ever.
"And you're sure it's mine?" he asked, not wanting to believe that it was possible.
"Unless you've been impregnating other women recently, then yes, it's definitely yours," she shot back, a smirk on her lips.
Levi couldn't help but chuckle at her sassiness. He had to admit, he was drawn to her confident attitude.
"I'm not ready to be a father," he said, finally admitting his fears.
"I'm not exactly thrilled about being a single mother either," she replied, her voice softening.
They talked for hours, discussing their options and figuring out how they could make things work. By the end of the conversation, they had made a decision.
They would try to make it work, for the sake of the baby. It wouldn't be easy, but they were both willing to put in the effort.
As the weeks went by, Levi found himself getting more and more excited about the idea of being a father. He even found himself looking forward to spending time with her, enjoying her sassy comebacks and her infectious laugh.
In the end, they found love in the most unexpected place, and their baby brought them together in ways they never thought possible. They may have started as strangers, but they ended up with a family, a love story that would last a lifetime.
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randomposterofstuff · 2 years
Current Ao3 Stats
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Hi, RM fam! So, it's been almost two (2) years since I wrote my first ever RivaMika fic. My first fic was only 902 words long. But since then, I've written a whooping 339,039 words. Like... I didn't expect that I would write so much for this pairing. Hahaha. So far, the only stories I've posted on Ao3 are RivaMika fics. Of course, not every word I've written is about the ship (I mean, I also write about other characters in my RM stories. Haha.). But still, the main bulk of this 330K + word count is dedicated to RivaMika.
So far, I've published 10 stories. Eight (8) are one shots, while two (2) are multi-chaptered fics. One (1) of those fics is still in progress. Dang. I guess I've come a long way. Hahaha.
Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you guys! If y'all are interested, check out my Ao3 account: writesficsforfun!
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I can grumble about politics and say a lot of "nice" words about today’s world, but I guess that’s enough for today. New Year is an important holiday to me, to my family, my country in general, so I’ll just stay positive for the rest of the day (even if, as I’m writing this, I hear missiles being shot down above my town) and remember a few positive things that happened this year.
First of all, we all understood what is really important. All those problems that seemed so huge were forgotten in a flash, and we saw that often, we only need one thing to keep going, to stay strong - we need to know that our loved ones are in safety.
Also, I finally started to write. That was something I was really interested in. I tried to do screenwriting, but I couldn’t delve deeply into emotional aspect of the characters in that format, and the emotional aspect is by far the most interesting to me.
So, when everyone was afraid to leave the house, when I couldn’t just get outside and walk (and I LOVE to walk while listening to music, I can do it for hours in any weather), when work took only a few hours a day, I just decided, "why not write?". I was already obsessed with Rivamika and their dynamic was so fucking gorgeous that I genuinely felt like all those stories in my head were going to make it explode, there were so many. And I decided to write them down.
I’m enjoying writing so much, and I’m so so thankful to have people here that are excited about the same things. I’m so happy to be able to see your beautiful art, read your own stories, and talk to you about writing in general, about Rivamika, or anything else. Just thank you a million-million times 💕💔🥺
🎉🎄 And Happy New Year 🎄🎉
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onigiri-dorkk · 9 months
It's been awhile but I'm here to give y'all a new piece! :') Referenced art from a manga, Re-employment Life With An Unsociable Untalkative Magician. I saw the panel and immediately wanted to see Rivamika in their place so I coughed up the 8 hours to do it!
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Full transparency, I traced the hell out of this as I usually do with these transformation hybrid pieces: trace, but draw Levi and Mikasa in, and do all the coloring and rendering from scratch.
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I can't believe I took on that many details LOL but worth it! Here's the version without the filter on -- but I did love the vintage and golden-hour feel with the filter.
Might write up a quick one-shot for this soon :)
Please enjoy! Happy holidays, everyone!
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onwriting-hrarby · 11 months
okay i finally saw it
and it was... nostalgic, sad, tragic, full of care, masterly animated, beautiful. truly the end of an era. when i read the manga chapters i skimmed through a lot unpurposefully, just because of the thrill, but getting to experience it in a slow, paced way and with such an amazing ost made a whole, whole difference
All the new added scenes made so much sense, and i specially liked armin and eren's convo (although i would have kept it shorter and it was a little bit on the nose, some bits). But reiner and jean's convo was amazing (THAT SHOT! The sworn enemies coming together and dying together and jean saying about the scouts.... the best boy confirmed). I could also finally feel Annie and armin's love, loved Pieck for her intelligence and wit, and cried a little bit with Levi.
But the mvp for this episode was Marina Inoue... every fucking time that Armin was on scene I was teary eyed. Every damn time. Armin was never one of my favourite characters but he's a pilar to the series and marina inoue just NAILED IT with her performance (i was legit thinking of @liquorisce all the time because armin was her fav and i would have DIED with such a performance).
and before proceeding with eremika... as a multishipper, i was VERY sad of the face jean made to mikasa when he said they had to kill eren (why so ugly, ma boy), and also sad that they skipped the "stay wih me, mikasa". Not only because of the rivamika ship but because I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THE ANIME SKIPPING THROUGH IMPORTANT ACKERMAN BITS. MY GOD. They are one and the same and their bond is fucking important to their development!!!!!!!!!! Levi saying "stay with me" is not an order but a pleading. Him saying "pull yourself together" is an order AND it diminishes their bond of caring as captain and subordinate.
nyway. Eremikas: we were fed. Raise to mappa for getting their faces right and beautiful. It was full of emotion, it was raw and compassionate and i loved them for that. They gave us exactly what i thought they would, was contended in silences but not in touches and it was so, so tragic. So tragic.
Best bit in my opinion? Mikasa and Armin with Eren's head. My boyfriend cried. We were: affected.
It started with EMA, it ends with EMA.
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byhimawari · 9 months
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@onigiri-dorkk’s one-shot “This Isn’t a Date” got me on a chokehold today! So fluffy, so romantic, so charming!
It was one of the first fics I’ve read before I even joined the RivaMika fandom! I read it again last night and woke up with the feels! (´▽`ʃƪ)♡
ily onigiri 🍙!!
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nuri148 · 10 months
Hello hello!
I haven't been super active here, mostly reblogs and the odd two cents on a thread about Blorbo from my shows.
I'll have you know that, after starting a wip I lost interest in and producing a funny little fic which, I'm glad to say, got better reception than I expected, I am, in fact, writing. It's not rivamika for now, but another installment of my arumika series (which exists in the same universe that will become Clarity). I have an almost finished first draft of a ~3k fic and, in principle, I intend to write a few one shots (still don't know how many) to tell the rest of their story.
Depending on how long that takes (I'm taking it very easy) and what my muse feels like, I might produce a different thing in between, either in the Clarity universe or one of the other ideas I have.
Next month I'll be travelling to Japan and I'm super excited. I'll try to post updates of the trip as I go. Lmk if you want to be tagged in those!
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bryhaven · 2 years
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I posted 544 times in 2022
That's 544 more posts than 2021!
171 posts created (31%)
373 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 336 of my posts in 2022
Only 38% of my posts had no tags
#rivamika - 171 posts
#levimika - 104 posts
#levi x mikasa - 82 posts
#levi ackerman - 69 posts
#anime - 67 posts
#shingeki no kyojin - 65 posts
#mikasa ackerman - 65 posts
#attack on titan - 65 posts
#mikasa x levi - 63 posts
#anime art - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#feeling proud that i've caught up on all the pending fics i'm trying to read
My Top Posts in 2022:
RivaMika and their children
Pic Crew: https://t.co/y8xodtpRkM
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85 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
Welcome to my life, shipping the most hated or least preferred couples in their respective fandoms 🤣😂
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RivaMika - Levi and Mikasa from Attack on Titan
FushiKugi - Fushiguro and Kugisaki from Jujutsu Kaisen
YunoElle - Yuno and Noelle from Black Clover
KacChako - Bakugo and Uraraka from My Hero Academia
ZuTara - Zuko and Katara from Aang: The Last Airbender
MeriCcup - Hiccup and Merida from How to train your dragon and Brave
DraMione - Draco and Hermione from Harry Potter
All photos are official arts and canon shots, except for the MeriCcup one - I edited that myself 😁
And a funny coincidence to note here is that, the people who ship these non-canon ships are usually the ones who are nice, friendly, and welcoming. While the people who ship the canon ships are usually the ones who are toxic and rude.
Today, I had an argument with a hater who called me dumb because of my fangirl moment on a post. 😑 And so sometimes, I think to myself. Why is it that I find myself shipping non-canon couples? What is it with me that I find other people to ship than what is already pronounced in the series?
But then again, I realize I'm not only shipping couples just for the heck of it. And just because they're canon, doesn't necessarily obligate me to ship them.
I ship and pair people when I see the romance potential in them, when their dynamics can bring fire to the story, or when they can compliment or align with each other in ways I see fit. It's not just about the lovey dovey stuff for me. It is also the understanding, cooperation, trust, functionality, and compatibility that I can see in them that makes a good and healthy ship for me.
If I see that in a canon couple, then I won't have any problems shipping them. That's all the better. But if not, then it's not necessarily a bad thing.
So to you my fellow shippers of the ships mentioned above, don't lose heart over these toxic people. Your choices and preferences don't necessarily define you. It is our attitude on how we handle our ships that does.
Nobody is perfect. But here's to hoping for a fun and healthy social media experience for everyone ~ ❤️
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180 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
So I stumbled upon this and...
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I almost forgot that young Mikasa always kept Eren in line. Like she always throws him around or punches him whenever he does anything stupid or foolish. Like she gets him back to his senses.
This young girl at the tender age of 9 can be this sensible, rational, and level-headed. And yet the same girl at the age of 19 goes, "What should we do about Eren?"
I know there wouldn't be a story if the rumbling wouldn't happen. But still. She could have bitch-slapped him all the way to Marley if she wanted to.
But Yams said NO. We need the toxic relationship and Stockholm Syndrome to happen here 😑
248 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Welcome to the Kageyama-verse!
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302 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Yes, I watch sports.
The sports:
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417 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
It's a shame that not even one of my actual works (e.g arts, edits, fics or AMVs) made it to the top 5. But I guess that's how it is.
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venuslabyrinth · 4 years
perfect dawn
It was dark, however, she found her way.
A creaking sound could be heard after every step Mikasa takes as her body weight drops to her feet, then to the cold, wooden floor. Her eyes seemed to have adjusted fully well to the pitch black eyeshot, and certainly, she had been there many times. Apparently, there's no need for her to use her sight.
She finally reached her destination, standing quietly in front of a door, and began grabbing the doorknob.
'Of course, it's unlocked', she thought as she turned the knob and soundlessly entered the room, which was also dim as well. The only source of light comes from the small window beside the bed across the room.
As she slowly went near to the bed, a soft smile pursed her lips upon seeing the lone body curled up on the mattress. Mikasa sat on the edge, careful enough to not wake up the sleeping figure beside her.
Mikasa stared at the man beside her, and she definitely felt her face warm as her hand reached his messy hair, dark as a raven’s, and admired how soft and smooth it is. Her eyes then turned to the window.
Through the glass, she watched as the blackness of the skies being overcome by the light. For her, it was a wonderful sight, indeed, and she had always appreciated every pigment that was visible: the softness of pink, the hints of purple, and a radiant of orange all over. Yes, the master of the day is about to arise.
She didn't realize how long she's gazing with awe at the pleasing view, and that her mind had been wandering the entire time until he moved beside her. Levi put his arms around her waist, his face almost touching her thigh. Surprised but calm, she looked at him and caressed his hair again.
A groan escaped his mouth as the newly-awakened person shifted so he could speak. "What time did you wake up?" He muttered.
"4 AM." She replied, a hand gently playing the strands of his dark locks.
He hummed as he squeezed his fingers around her waist, and continued, "Where have you been? What time is it?"
"I was training… and it's already five, sleepyhead."
From there, Mikasa turned her body thus she could take a glimpse at him properly. Levi then lifted his head, looked at her and scowled, his eyebrows nearly touched each other. "You did took a shower, right?"
She was quick to move, and in an instant, she has lowered her face to kiss him. However, he was fast as well. He flinched and hissed, "What the fuck?"
Guessing beforehand correctly the events that would occur, and then seeing his reaction, Mikasa let out a giggle. She put her hand on her mouth to suppress her laughter, not wanting to make such noise.
Levi watched her as she laughed, and without realizing, he already had a smile on his face. Something he wouldn't allow for anyone else to see, except for her.
"Of course I did, you clean freak. I know how you love your sheets smooth and neat. Even the floor’s squeaky clean, I noticed." She replied successfully from fits of laughter.
"You brat, come here." Levi pulled her neck towards him until their lips touched. It was a split second, but he definitely felt her smile during their kiss, and she did felt his, too.
After a few moments, he withdrew from her, his eyes focused on her own as they both grasped to breathe. Mikasa rested a hand on his chest, and observed that as his chest heaved up and down, so was her arm.
"I'm so glad I waited on you." He remarked, causing Mikasa's eyes to widen, and then she relaxed.
With a smile, she answered, "and I'm surprised you actually waited for me."
This time, Levi shifted to sit up straight, his back on the headboard, and smirked, "Of course, why wouldn't I?"
"But, we could have died, you know. How am I supposed to know that you have feelings for me if I'm already buried deep in the ground?" She retorted.
"That's why I did the best I could to keep you alive, and to keep myself from dying, too." Mikasa noted to herself how his voice turned deeper, and swore that she sensed the air thicken and the atmosphere denser.
Nonetheless, she knew there was nothing to be anxious about, for all that matters is that he was there and so was she. Mikasa moved her body and tilted her head so she could rest on his torso. Feeling his chest rise and fall, and listening to his heartbeat has always made her relax at some point.
"Now that I'm already an adult, I could do whatever I want," Mikasa, with a sly expression, turned and looked at Levi.
"You may be an adult now but you're still my brat, you hear me." The corner of his mouth lifted up as he kissed her hair.
Mikasa hummed and she smiled softly. They kissed for one more time, draping her arms on his slim waist. He did the same to her and they remained on like that, just as the waves of the sun fully swarmed the lengths of the room.
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