#river tag tbd
paladinwife · 1 year
Actually my current situation has me thinking of how the Cyberpunk love interests would handle a sick Muse
To be honest, I don’t think any amount of “no don’t do it I’ll get you sick” could stop Rogue from coming over
Honestly same with River? He’s been a father figure to his nephews for so long, his acts of service loving ass has been waiting for this very moment I’m sure
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stillgrxwing · 2 years
@bcssbitchs​ // aemond & alys
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Alys had never expected to see him again. He had brought her down on the sand of Harrenhall, kissed her head and had told her goodbye. But she had never forgotten him. It was IMPOSSIBLE to forget him. Not, because of the parting gift that he had left her with. A gift that she wouldn’t have changed for anything in this world. She had known that their son was a bastard, but he had been born out of love and that was what had mattered. But no one looked at him the same way... as they should KNOWING that he had deserved to sit that Iron Throne. But, no one would listen BECAUSE NO ONE BELIEVED AEMOND WOULD LAY WITH SOMEONE LIKE HER. And she had no way of proving that... until NOW. “Aemond?” She called out, feet sinking into the sand on the beach as if she had been standing there in waiting since he had left her. “I’d recognize that amazing beast anywhere. Do you... do you recognize me?” She questioned. 
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The Gates of Jackson | Joel Miller x F!Reader | Chapter 2 - Patrol
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masterlist | ao3 | follow @youwouldntdownloadapizza and turn on notifications for updates
You showed up at the gates of Jackson with hands covered in blood and no memory of how you got there. That was two years ago. Since then, you've become Maria's right-hand woman and the person in charge of Jackson's logistical backend. Patrol schedules, inventory—all your purview. When a patrol gone wrong forces you to get to know Joel, memories of your past begin resurfacing—along with their consequences.
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
rating: 18+, minors DNI
word count: 1.0k
tags: no use of y/n, eventual smut, no beta we die like sarah, jackson era, other additional tags to be added, slow burn, ellie needs a hug, joel lives, good parent joel, reader-insert, reader insert, forced proximity, only one bed trope, nightmares, childbirth, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, soft joel, cuddling & snuggling, fluff, masturbation, pining, joel falls first, possibly demisexual reader (tbd), ptsd, ptsd flashbacks, panic attacks, amnesia, sexual braiding
chapter warnings: childbirth (mentioned)
chapter summary: A detour finds you and Joel lost in the woods and in need of shelter for the night.
Chapter 2 - Patrol
It was foggy today. Cold and foggy. You resented the low visibility, but Joel didn’t seem to mind. He followed behind you on Chestnut, an older mare named for her lovely, dark coat. While you focused on the trail, he watched the trees. Even if infected were rare out here, he wasn’t about to be caught off guard.
You made it about four miles before dust began to mix with the fog, making you cough until you pulled your shirt over your mouth and nose to block out the debris.
“Rockslide,” you called back to Joel, the sound of pebbles still clattering to the ground confirming your assessment. “We need to find an alternate route. I usually send patrols up this way three times a week, but no one’s come up this way since last Thursday. It’s overdue for a checkup.”
Joel was unfazed. “The river narrows to a stream about a mile back. We can cross over, loop around.”
You nodded, “Lead the way, Miller.”
Letting Joel lead was a mistake. Between the detour and the fog, you were hopelessly, utterly lost.
“If we die out here, I’m gonna kill you,” you told him, your annoyance beginning to slip towards downright anger.
“We’re not gonna die out here, Doe. Calm down.”
“We need to find high ground—figure out where we are, get above all this fog,” you said.
Luckily, you were headed uphill. But uphill didn’t last. Just as the fog began to thin, you reached a lake. Beside it stood a cabin, one you hadn’t seen on your patrols before.
The siding had once been painted a bright, cheery yellow, but time and the elements had stripped away much of the color. There were no signs of life, no broken windows. It had probably been abandoned long before the outbreak. Either that, or occupied by people who knew how to keep a low profile.
You eyed Joel, and with a sharp nod, he dismounted. You tied the horses just inside the treeline and approached, slowly and quietly climbing the stairs to the enclosed porch.
You squatted down to pull out your lock pick, but before you could even retrieve it, Joel was winding up to kick the door down. You stopped him with a gentle hand on his thigh. He looked down at you, eyes wide, and you answered his unspoken question by raising your lock pick. 
You made quick work of the lock, standing to push the door open. You motioned for Joel to head inside, but he opted to hold the door for you instead. “After you, ma’am.”
You were tempted to roll your eyes at that, but honestly, you kind of liked it. You led the way, clicking on your flashlight to investigate.
It wasn’t untouched, like you had initially suspected. There were signs of past occupants between the outbreak and now, but whoever it was hadn’t stayed long. The cabinets were still mostly stocked, though none of the cans were of your preferred variety. The curtains were drawn and dusty, having been left that way for some time. You opened them, letting in a dull beam of late-afternoon light. It glinted off liquor bottles strewn across the carpet by the couch.
“Looks like somebody hunkered down here for a bender,” Joel said, toeing a half-empty bottle with his boot.
“You got all that from liquor bottles and a carpet covered in dried vomit? Very observant, Miller,” you teased, taking a seat on an old barstool.
“I’m surprised they didn’t start breaking shit.”
“Not every drunk’s a violent one, Joel. Some of them just get sad. Or horny.”
“Or both.”
You huffed at that. He wasn’t wrong. You were stretching your neck when Joel made the call.
“It’s getting late,” he said. “We should settle in here for the night.”
“That’s not–” you started, before realizing he was probably right. If you kept going, you’d likely end up going in circles, just getting more lost than you already were. And even with all the floor vomit, that couch looked comfy. “Fine,” you sighed. “Get a fire going, figure out some food. I’m gonna head up to the roof, see if I can get a radio signal.”
Joel nodded, setting his pack down by the fireplace. You climbed the ladder up to the small loft space, looking for roof access. There was a small skylight, and with luck, it pushed open.
You crawled out onto the roof, leaning back against a weathered gable. You could just barely get a signal on your long-range radio.
“Doe to base camp, come in,” you spoke into the mouthpiece.
“Copy, Doe. This is Mike at the main gate. Over,” a voice crackled through the speaker.
“Joel and I hit a rockslide along the Mountain View lodge trail earlier. We took a detour and got lost in all the fog. We’re at a cabin near some lake up here. Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for the night. Over.”
“But you’re alright otherwise? No injuries or anything? Over.”
“Fine, Mike. We’re fine. Should probably get a group out this way soon, though. The place is well-stocked, practically untouched. We’ll probably be back sometime tomorrow afternoon, assuming this fog clears and we can get our bearings. Over.”
“Copy that, Doe. All good over here.”
“Copy. Over and out.”
“Over and out.”
You scrubbed a hand over your face, your bones heavy with exhaustion. It had been a very long day.
“Soup’s on!” Joel called up from the living room.
“Be right there!”
You gathered your things, starting your haphazard slide back toward the skylight when a thought hit you.
“Hey, Mike?” you asked into the radio.
“How’s Maria?” 
You waited anxiously for his reply. Childbirth had never been without its risks, but in the apocalypse, it was easy for things to go wrong.
“She’s good,” Mike said, “Delivery went smoothly.”
Good, you thought, letting out a sigh of relief. That’s good.
The radio crackled back on, and Mike added one last detail to his report.
“It’s a girl.”
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nc-vb · 11 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐙𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐬, 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Time is not prejudiced. It gives and takes as the ordinance of life sees fit. Time begets loss and fear, but it also spawns warmth. After centuries worth of time having passed for you, you learn that time also sires impatience, and does not wait for a lost soul to find their way. Time carries on, and flows likes the current of a river. Ironically, so, too, does blood.
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 • jing yuan x reader, blade x reader, dan heng & reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 • minors & ageless blogs, dni. fem!reader, nsfw (most of the story is sfw but suggestive, w/the exception of a couple nsfw scenes), reader has ptsd, fluff & angst, hurt-comfort (questionable), requited love & doomed love— each part will contain their own chapter-specific warnings.
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 • this was only supposed to be a standalone, single chapter fic that had absolutely nothing to do with blade, but the 1.2 update handed me the middle finger & told me to suck on it. • canon-compliant for the most part, save for some minor edits to xianzhou lore; history-building where hyv hasn't released everything on blade... jerks. • reader lore: former warrior turned luofu pencil pusher.
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 • active. • this being a pet project of mine, i unfortunately do not have a solid schedule for this series. HOWEVER, if anything, chapters will be posted on SATURDAYS, 9PM EST.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 • 6/55, please comment on this post ONLY, or send me a dm/shoot me an ask. • i will only tag 18+ accounts. i ask that minors, please do not interact or i will block.
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 oo. 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐳𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐫 o1. 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐳𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐜 o2. 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐳𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 o3. 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐳𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐠𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭 o4. 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐳𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐭 tbd
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@yanqingisim @sadflightlessbirds @copjaeminissiperior @thevoidwriting @osiritheous @aixaingela @thetwinkims
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svmjaeyvn · 3 months
love maze, s.jy.
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chapter seven pairing: jake x afab!reader word count: tbd (series)
add yourself to the taglist here!
genre: college!au, mutual friends, fake dating, smut.
synopsis: an unfortunate encounter, drunken mistakes, and a sort of (definitely) stalker leads jake sim ‘dating’ his best friend’s childhood crush.
or, your life gets intertwined with a rich boy’s in attempt to not get sued by his crazy personal fangirl and like with all good cliches, sex overcomplicates things.
contents: smut, sort of strangers to fuck buddies to lovers pipeline, childhood best friend!jay, mentions of best friend! yunjin, curly haired & mixed reader, uni!au, rich nepo baby!jake, enha frat boys, lots of kissing, fake dating turning into fwb real quick, totally way too into it for it to be fake early on, big booty reader that’s jake’s obsessed with, partying and alcohol use, slight violence, he fell first and harder trope, stem bf & writer gf, (kinda overly) possessive jake, some angst to spice things up, daddy issues, hyper independent reader who struggles with her feelings, fluff and happy ending!!
a/n: hello~ i’ve never been a tumblr girly but i have went through my w*ttpad era back in 2018 so bare with me y’all. this will be a series but not that long (i hope) so pls look forward to it. warning tags will be placed before each “chapter” to specify what to expect. pls pls reblog and interact, i’d love to have feedback and see what your thoughts are. okay! yay, for now enjoy and thank you sm :D
MDNI, 18+
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word count: 2.4k
warnings: alcohol (underaged gasp), innuendos, suggestive language, cursing, yunjin says sexism as a joke, jake smacks ni-ki upside the head but that’s basically it lol
a/n: just a cutesy little chapter full of some crumbs of fluff. i don’t really know how long im gonna make this series 😭 also finally some content of all of them together we love!!!! (channeling jungkook for heeseung and sunghoons stance here)
"I NEVER AGREED to this," Yunjin gapes, staring at the large rapids that the lake held, Heeseung attempting to convince her to go tubing. "You said it was like the lazy river things at those water parks, not a whole waterfall!"
"It's fun," He laughs, a hand lightly tugging at her arm while she shakes her head. "C'mon, you said you would. You gonna leave me alone now?" Heeseung pouts, the puppy eyes he gave Yunjin more than enough to be convincing no matter how hard she tried.
You watched from afar, a small snort erupting as you see her nod along without much hesitation. A week in the making, Heeseung and Jay had put together a three-day vacation for the group. Headed out three hours north from campus, they reserved a lot on a camping reservation. Having left so early, much to everyone's dismay, Jay had successfully leaded the two cars to arrive in the morning and find a spot to call home right beside the river which was the main attraction of said grounds.
In a fairly shady spot due to the large trees, it provided enough room away from any other campers that would arrive, a sort of privacy at the end. Truthfully, you weren't the biggest fan of sleeping on rocky ground and having no access to an actual hot shower for the next few days but you agreed with much reluctance. Jay had went as far as talking to Cho herself to ensure you and Ni-ki would have the adequate days off and buying a blow up mattress for your sake.
"10 bucks says they'll hook up by the end of the trip," Sunghoon snickers, his voice breaking your thoughts as you jump slightly out of surprise.
"Maybe not hook up," You shiver at the thought. "We're sleeping in tents, I'd hope they wouldn't especially since I'm supposed to share with her," Grimacing at the thought, you shake your head. "But definitely make out a couple times, Heeseung's obvious as hell,"
"Pretty sure Jake didn't get that memo," Sunghoon nods toward said boy, watching as he was in the midst of setting up a tent with Ni-ki's help. Glancing over, you see how he grouped yours and his things together, presumably setting up for you to share for the next few days. "I'm not worried about them. Jake has no shame though so I'll be sleeping as far away as I can from you two,"
"We're not fucking next to the kids," You defend, gesturing toward the larger tent that would house Sunoo, Jungwon, and Ni-ki while Sunghoon laughs at your dumbfounded expression. Shoving his shoulder, you shake your head at the amused look he sent your way. Sticking your tongue out at Sunghoon childishly, he returns the gesture while you make your way toward the two crouched attempting to get the tent secured in place.
"Just nail it into the dirt—"
"This is like concrete it doesn't want to go in!" Ni-ki huffs, the consistent banging of the hammer to the metal pick heard though you couldn't due to the material blocking your view. Jake notices your presence, a small smile thrown your way but you took note of his obvious annoyance. Just as he was about to move to help Ni-ki, the younger boy lets out a loud laugh. "Ah! Ha! I did it! Fucking thing took forever but it worked,"
"Ni-ki," You tsk, the boy standing up and sheepishly peering around the now perched tent with an innocent smile.
"Sorry," He mumbles out. Rolling your eyes, you wave him off while Jake stands up, dusting his hands off on his pants and rolling his neck with a wince. "Is it done?"
"That took so much longer than it should've," He says under his breath, looking around and ensuring it would stay up. "Yeah all good, thank you," Jake calls out while Ni-ki gives him a thumbs up before walking away to where Jungwon and Jay seemed to be messing with the grill.
You pursed your lips seeing how tense Jake seemed to be. He wasn't a morning person, something you've come to realize, thus spending 3 hours cramped in a car full of people so early certainly did a number on him. His patience was thin, Ni-ki not moving fast enough for him seemed to worsen it and although he wasn't outwardly going to say anything, Jake seemed rather spent.
Stepping behind him, you wrap your arms around his waist, your head leaned against his back while he seemed to melt to your touch.
"What're you doing?" Jake lets out a small laugh, one of his hands falling over your own that was along his midsection. He turns his head slightly, attempting to get a glance at you but the height difference only allowed him to see the top of your head.
“Take a break," You mumble into his back.
Jake felt his stomach flip involuntarily, the warmth of your body pushed against his did more in seconds than he liked to admit in helping him relax. Pulling away so he had room to turn, he flipped around to allow you both to face one another. His arms loosely wrapped around your shoulders after yours stayed put at his waist.
"I think this is the first time you initiated us touching," He hums, the giddy smile that made its way into his lips more than obvious. "You love me now or what?"
You roll your eyes. “I barely tolerate you, don’t get ahead of yourself Sim,” You tut, pinching at his side causing him to laugh. “I just figured to distract you before you blew up on one of the kids for being annoying. Is it working?”
Jake hums, nodding along to your words. One of his hands pushed away the hair that blew in your face, tucking it behind your ear but not moving as he gentle cupped your cheek. “Good distraction,” He mumbles, leaning closer to put a chaste peck to the tip of your nose.
Your face scrunches up, the minimal amount of blush making its way to the apples of your cheeks. You quickly turn away to ensure he wouldn’t see, unraveling yourself from his grasp and pausing short seeing how utterly disgusted Jay looked from the opposite side of the area.
“Do you really have to do that here?!”
“OKAY OKAY, I got one,” Jungwon holds out his hands, gaining the attention of the group that sat around the campfire as the contents of his cup sloshed around as he did so. “Cheating or not cheating: the perilla leaf thing that’s been trending?”
Immediately riling up the group, Heeseung and Sunghoon were quick to shout of their ambient no’s while Ni-ki and Sunoo held no problem with it. Since the sun had set and the fire ignited, your group of nine had been gathered around talking about everything and anything. Having been filled up by Jay’s grilling earlier, the causal drinking had begun and thus the conversation topics slowly began to get more heated through debate.
“No, I’m not just gonna let one of you help feed my girlfriend. Basically touching chopsticks that’s weird,” Heeseung shakes his head while Sunghoon points in agreement.
“That’s because you’re overly possessive either way hyung,” Sunoo rolls his eyes, though a small laugh left his lips as the older boy clicks his tongue.
“First it’s the perilla leaf then it’s holding hands and making out behind my back,” Sunghoon dramatically huffs out, louder than usual due to the alcohol coursing through his bloodstream while Yunjin snorts from her seat beside him.
“That’s a crazy jump from a simple dinner encounter,” She snickers while he shakes his head.
“I don’t like it,” Sunghoon says entirely close minded before hitting Jay’s shoulder who sat to his left. “What do you think?”
“I don’t necessarily have a problem with it as long as it’s like a one time thing,” He shrugs, lifting the bottle to his lips to take a swig. “Once or twice okay, and as long as it’s not just specifically between them only. I think as the boyfriend it would be my job to feed her,”
Jungwon hums in agreement to Jay’s explanation. “Yeah me too, one or twice is fine but its technically something that I should do,”
“I don’t think it’s that serious,” Ni-ki pipes in, gesturing around the group. “Especially if it were one of you, we’re all friends. It wouldn’t be something weird or out of bad intention,”
“What if it were Yunjin or I?” You suddenly ask, sitting up from your slouched position in having your feet dangle off of Jake’s legs from your seat. “Is it different if it’s one of the boys compared to us?”
Sunghoon falters, a sheepish smile taking over his lips knowing it was a convicting question. “Well—”
“Sexism!” Yunjin yells out, an accusing finger pointed toward the boy who sputtered to respond.
“No, none of you can do it,” Heeseung shakes his head. “I’m a hater to all, I know you two are girl kissers too so no! I don’t need my only girl friends stealing my girl,” He tuts while you let out a small laugh at the thought, seeing his pouty lips at the complete imaginary scenario.
“Lets ask the actual couple in the group,” Jungwon clears the air, being the main instigator of the topic as he gestures toward you and Jake who had kept quiet, merely amused by the conversation his friends debated upon. “Hyung what do you think?”
You raise a brow as you turn to Jake who sat on your right. One of his hands was comfortably placed on your shins, tracing small circles along your skin as you continued to wear shorts due to the humid air. His other dangled his beer bottle in hand, seemingly comfortable with a slight buzz.
His eyes peer over to yours, amusement lingering through the look he sent you. “She wouldn’t have to have one of you help her if that were the case,” Jake shrugs, a smile quirking at his lips at his smug words. “It’s my job to take care of my girl,”
The boys as a collective being sent into a frenzy by his response. Sunoo and Jay rolling their eyes in disgust by his attempt to seem cool and collected knowing well enough how much of a sulk he tended to be majority of the time. You couldn’t help but laugh as he winked noting your look, Yunjin loudly gagging at the sight but bursting into a fit alongside you.
“___ be honest, does he treat you that well?” Heeseung interjects, looking for your voice in the matter after Jake seemed to drop such a well versed answer.
You hum, deciding whether or not to play along in Jake’s ploy. “So far,” You tease while he merely rolls his eyes in a playful manner. “I can’t say in this particular topic since it hasn’t happened but he does ensure I’m always first when it comes to small acts,” You add on truthfully, thinking back to the amount of times over the past weeks that Jake has seemed to go above and beyond in ensuring you were comfortable and always ate before him.
It was hard to get used to at first, independent thus far and having his help was completely different. But you grew accustomed to it, figuring it was just the way he was raised which earned more brownie points than you’d like to admit. The first time he tied your shoe in a parking lot, your foot perched on his brand new jeans without a care, in particular being the main gesture that caused your heart to flutter even for a split second.
“Ah what a good boyfriend~” Ni-ki cooed, patting Jake’s arm while Sunoo lets out a small snicker. Leaning over to catch your eyes, he added his next words on with a mischievous smirk. “Let me know if he slips up noona, I’ll help you with the perilla leaf instead,”
Your eyes widen at Ni-ki’s words, knowing fully well he was joking and only intended to get under Jake’s skin but it caught you by surprise. Jay, Heeseung, and Sunghoon burst into a fit of laughter at sight while Yunjin, Jungwon, and Sunoo seemed to mirror your expression.
“Yah!” Jake, in a momentary daze, snaps out of his dumbfounded expression and attempts to lean over to hit Ni-ki upside the head but the younger boy moves. “You’re such a brat, annoying me all day and now this?” Tapping your legs to get off of him, you oblige to the silent command as he stands. Ni-ki was quick to leap away, already running around the row of chairs as Jake followed after him. “Don’t run away now after talking all that shit!”
“Now now, play nice kids,” Yunjin calls out, her laughter mixing in with the rest. “Just don’t fall into the lake or trip over a rock, alright?”
“I was kidding!” Ni-ki yells, voice distant as Jake continued to chase him down the dirt road, the dim lighting from the fire being the only lighting around opposed to the few lights further down from another group. “N-no, no it was a joke! I’m sorry!”
There was a loud scream that came from Ni-ki, one that echoed through the air and mixed in with his laughter before their footsteps made their way back to the group. As the two came back into light, Jake moves his chair as close as possible to yours before plopping himself down while Ni-ki trails behind, rubbing his shoulder though his amused expression never faltered.
“Next question?” The youngest boy asks, breaking the air causing Jay to let out a small snort, the conversation topic now moving on with ease.
Silently, Jake pats his legs. Draping yours over his lap once more, you shift to get comfortable, his hands finding way to your shins once again and giving it a slight squeeze. A small smile plays at your lips, sending him an air kiss to rid of the small pout he wore, one that caused Jake’s expression to melt into a grin in an instant.
“Oh! I got one!” Sunghoon suddenly claps his hands, the loud snap gaining everyone’s attention at his bright eyed expression. Looking around, he pauses for dramatic effect only to get a series of heated exchanges upon his next few words.
“Thoughts on pineapple on pizza?”
my tags!! @slutforsjy @jaklvbub @whowantshota @addictedtohobi @coolwitu @simjyunnie @kgneptun @graythecoffeebean @143ikeu @zyvlxqht @tesywesy @nxzz-skz @aishisgrey @missmischief1408 @enczen @vanvity @dreamiestay @caitysdelusions @ikkeumyluv @mysticalenchantresss @v3lv3tsin
( pls make sure your settings make you applicable to tag )
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melpomaen · 7 months
Tagging system notes so I remember to go retcon the whole blog eventually
Steal AO3's system and stick them all in the same tag to get past tumblrs dumb first 5 tags rule. Characters that I write more have all their names written out. Government name characters whose names aren't specific enough to immediately be determined as Tolkien characters or share a first name. Ex:
#Maenod | Pietunto? | Melpomaen | Figwit
#Glorfindel | Laurefindil
#Rúmil of Lorien (as opposed to #Rúmil of Tirion)
#Merry | Meriadoc Brandybuck
#Samwise Gamgee
Ship tagging format: #ship name | name/name
Also skirts around the first 5 tags matter bs. Maybe add the name X name format too. Ex:
#RúMel | Rúmil/Melpomaen (putting their government names in the tags after for blog searching)
#Halindir | Haldir/Lindir | Haldir X Lindir (?)
#Glorestor | Glorfindel/Erestor
Tolkien categories
Broad strokes:
#Tolkien Fanfiction
#Tolkien Shitposting
#Tolkien Headcanons(?); wherever all hcs, metas, and close readings go
#LotR | The Lord of the Rings #Silm | The Silmarillion #The Hobbit
Still figuring out tagging culture & race & location specific hcs. Maybe something ridiculously long like #hcs; race | culture | subdivision(s) | location if necessary
#Noldor hcs? #Eldarin hcs?
#headcanons: The Last Homely House; Rivendell | Imladris (?)
Timeline Shit / Verses
#headcanons: Avari; Penni; North River Community | Lothlorien (?)
Format: #Annals | AA (Age) YYYY (year) Month DD (if known/applicable)
day Figwit is found: #Annals | TA 4248 June 21
Still figuring out verses. How to tag shit in line with my friend's verses? All of these tbd:
#Main!Verse | Canon
#Oracle!Verse Compliant (?)
#blogname Compliant (?)
Format: #Verse | time period/arc?
General: #v: main | The Scribe of Imladris
Elfling!Mel: #v: main | The elfling of Imladris
Hobbit: #v: main | The Hobbit?
LotR: #v: main | The Lord of the Rings?
Travels 3019 onward: #v: main | wandering east of the sea
#v: living history | here I shall remain until the breaking of Arda
#v: out of history | and so he followed his people West
#v: Third Age |
#v: Fourth Age | a new day will come
#v: Silm |
Crack: #Figwitposting | Crack
Figure out aesthetic shit.
Better tag for #About Mel / #Mel likes
The Last Homely House; Rivendell | Imladris
RP shit
#//OOC | Out of cheesecake
#//(Out of character commentary on writings)
#RP | open starters
#mailbox | writing prompts(?)
#mailbox | ask games(?)
#mailbox | answered(?)
#RP | starter calls
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luvwich · 9 days
wip whenever
was tagged recently by @wanderingaldecaldo and @streetkid-named-desire to share some WIP! i don't have a lot of new prose to share so i'll just gab a bit about what i've been workin on…
i've been in the planning and worldbuilding stages lately, so all the words i've been writing have been in bullet lists and various illegible obsidian notes.
91.9 royal blue
royal blue is the valerie/river series, and my ideas here are primarily whodunnit one-shots or gutwrenching angst that i'm not currently depressed enough to actually write about. so i've been trying out a little mystery story here, a little fluff there, gettin a handle on post-Mikoshi valerie, simmering simmering
heavily rotating a few things from what i'm calling the "hypercritical au," which is the vania/mike timeline of Jaded and Crescent. some threads i'm noodling on…
been worldbuilding for a story feat. regina jones in shanghai in the 2050s. there's a little about shanghai in the ole pacific rim sourcebook (💩), but not much! (and i'm a rather out over my skis here having never been to china, so if i decide to go further with this one i'll probably want a beta reader who's spent some time in shanghai)
and what happens in the 2050s in the cyberpunk universe, like, at all? in the timeline of canon events it's a decade with very little filled in compared to everything else in the 21st century. opportunities!
the Crescent time-gap aka "mike's hard eighteen months"
post-canon, what's the deal with that fifth corporate war huh?
post-canon, Crescent ends in a very particular place and situation of my own invention and i've been working out the endgame for that situation
all of this is very different from my m.o. up until this point, which has been to write characters being horny and then stay within shouting distance of the canon plot (thx @merge-conflict for that phrasing/concept) while diverging a bit for funsies. and i'm appreciating more and more how frightening and freeing it is to cook up a whole narrative that stands on its own without a skeleton of plot already in place — not to mention all the built-in emotional stakes of cyberpunk 2077's plot. and it's very hard at times to push through the "nobody will read this" voice yet it's fun! i'm having fun!! pounds table
also have some bg3 stuff on the side burner, but i feel like i'll need a lot more time to marinate in lore, and i need to finish the fucking game already lol. (tbh i'm very intimidated writing for bg3!!!) but the docket here includes a dank throuple feat. some old man yaoi (tav/rugan/gale). this is totally up in the air though and i truly can't find my own ass with both hands when it comes to the forgotten realms
and then there's a grip of smutty shorts, drabbles, and assorted plot creatures from every dimension sniffing around.
i'm looking forward to getting more time to return to the groove here. (where will this mysterious "more time" come from? what is "the groove"? TBD)
and as fun as all the worldbuilding and plotting is, i do think i need to stop dicking around scratchin my chin and just write some god damn porn at some point 🙃
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lady-morrigen · 11 months
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call me mare. 30. she/they. queer. libra. coffee slinger. always down for a chat. full of ideas that never see the light of day. package deal with @vampire-exgirlfriend.
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divider by @saradika
18+ ONLY. no age, photo, or recent posts? you'll be blocked.
no y/n. oc & x reader creator.
masterlist | taglist | tag games taglist | requests info | ao3 | rec
current ocs
house of the dragon
allana tyrell || bound by fire, ignited by flame || x aegon ii targaryen
lyra celtigar || tbd || x cregan stark
game of thrones
fenna smallwood || heir of steel & stone || x gendry rivers baratheon
stranger things
charlie myers || tbd || x steve harrington
most recent fic: (more) allaegon prompts [aegon ii targaryen x oc allana tyrell]
in development: bound by briar, ignited by flame [aegon ii targaryen x oc allana tyrell]
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tea-n-kittens · 2 months
Canon divergent Q!Tina RP blog! Part of Yaoiverse - run by @edgarallanpoestan
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Y!Tina Notes
Uses she/her, they/them, and mew/mews pronouns
Demon girly but shhhh thats a secret (it is not)
Please note that the person running this blog primarily speaks English, so there is a chance for mistranslation. If anything is incorrect, please do not be afraid to let me know!
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#yaoiverse - lore posts
#straightverse - heavy, angsty, or otherwise serious posts (will include additional warnings in tags)
#sexoverse - potentially suggestive posts
#ink and quill - in-character original posts
#parchment - in-character reblogs
#pen down - in-character, face-to-face interactions
#epistolary - asks
#ooc - out-of-character posts
#period - end of thread
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Yaoiverse Members & Tags (additional members to be added):
Fellow Prisoners:
#awake ye muses nine - German (TBD)
#sing me a strain divine - Lenay (@potatogirllenay)
#unwind the solemn twine - Tubbo (@explosiveunderscore)
#and tie my valentine - Polispol (@filmpol76)
#oh the earth was made for lovers - oiBagi (@oibagi)
#for damsel and hopeless swain - Nihachu (@kitty-chu)
#for sighing and gentle whispering - Carrera (TBD)
#and unity made of twain - Ironmouse (@anarchymouse)
#all things do go a courting - Rivers (TBD)
#in earth or sea or air - Willyrex (@camouflagedberet)
~god hath made nothing single but thee in his world so fair~
Federation Workers/Other:
#i heard a fly buzz when i died - Cucurucho (@thecensusbureau)
#the stillness in the room - Cucurucho Two (@thebetterbureau)
#was like the stillness in the air - Fred (@fred-the-janitor)
#between the heaves of storm - Pato/The Duck/Jeremy (@quesadillaislandofficial)
#the eyes around had wrung them dry - The Federation (@thefederation)
#and breaths were gathering firm - Walter Bob (@bobbing-for-walters)
#but for the last onset when the king - Bubbles (@facelessbubbles)
#be witnessed in the room - Elena (@ws-01-elena)
#i willed my keepsakes signed away - Agent 18 (@number1investigator)
#what portion of me be - Code Monsters (@eldritcherrors)
~assignable - and then it was
there interposed a fly-
with blue- uncertain- stumbling buzz-
between the light- and me-
and then the windows failed- and then
i could not see to see~
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Character Ref
Ref not yet available!
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Source for purple bow/heart divider
Source for PFP
Source for header
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homerforsure · 1 year
Fuck it Friday!
Going weird this week in that it's going to be a set up for next week which is my birthday/vacation week 🍾🍾🍾
I really enjoyed the WIP game that went around a while ago where we made a list of all the things in our WIP folder and people could ask for more info about what interested them and (in my case) we did snippets for each ask.
So I thought I'd do that again for my week off and just do a bunch of snippets throughout the week.
I have, um, a bunch of ideas in my head (thanks BTHB) so those are all below the cut!
And just for a general Fuck it Friday tag (not specifically for this crazy game), I'm gonna tag: @thekristen999, @fleurdebeton, @mellaithwen, @gayhoediaz, @bigfootsmom, @messyhairdiaz, @princessfbi, @sibylsleaves, @renecdote, @hopeintheashes
Long Way Home
Hockey AU
Buck's Bad Date (BTHB: bruises)
Fight Club Redux (BTHB: dragging themselves along the ground)
River Rafting Disaster (BTHB: ... tbd)
Snare Fic
Stalker Fic
Kidnapped Hockey Buck fic (BTHB: Chloroformed)
Titanic AU (BTHB: Precarious ledge)
Drugged Eddie (BTHB: tampering w/ food or drink)
Forced Drinking fic (BTHB: Poisoned)
Buck gets a key!
Quarantine Banging
Hotel Hookup
Tour Guide!Buck
Buck's stolen car
Rabid Coyote
Anything you've heard me mention is also fair game so just ask. My plan is to do snippets throughout next week until I get bored or overwhelmed.
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vikteres · 4 months
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ㅤㅤ⸤ 🩸 ⸣ ⸻ 𝒗𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔, an independent and private multimuse. ft canon and original characters from different medias, likely sporadic activity and low effort. dark themes will appear, proceed with caution. by kiki, she + her, twenty8+.
carrd, atlas, prompts, board. blogroll, @klaeus, @elenaes, @shemad. sideblogs, @sunaed. muse spotlight, bella, briar, nimue, sam, varina.
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before interacting.
i am mutuals only, please respect that. do not interact if you're under 18, 21+ preferred.
basic etiquette and human decency please: no weird or gross behaviors, and be respectful.
while triggering topics will appear and be tagged, keep taboo subjects away from me. (r.ape/non-con, p.edophilia, i.ncest, etc.)
banned: i.an somerhalder and a recast klaus. exceptions can be made for multis that have a tag for them i can block.
mutuals are welcome to tag me in anything ever, send in countless memes whenever, message me at any time and request my d.iscord. basically if we're mutuals, "bug" me whenever and however you want 🤍
my formatting is simple, and i'm fine with icons, iconless, gif icons or gifs. answered asks can always be treated as a starter, feel free to rb them or start a new post to create a thread!
accessibility: lmk at any time if you need me to adjust anything for your comfort, it won't bother me at all. on my end, it would be super helpful if you don't use tiny icons or courier new font with me.
shipping and dynamics of all kinds are my lifeblood, so lmk at any time if you're interested in shipping with me.
there will be a heavy focus on my original characters, with canons taking a backseat by default. please do not try to interact with only my male muses.
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amarande floresca, pureblood vampire, camila queiroz, secondary.
aspasia, the dark urge / seldarine drow druid, tbd, primary.
aspyn verona, hunter, denise richards, secondary.
aurora provenza, black market doctor, danielle rose russell, moved to @shemad.
booker darcy, hunter / half demon, chris evans, primary.
briar kesta, reincarnation of aphrodite, danielle campbell, primary.
callan wisteria, private investigator, dylan o'brien, primary.
cassiopeia claremont, reincarnation of the goddess of the stars, claire holt, primary.
fern roque, serial killer of abusive men, bruna marquezine, secondary.
julieta cardenas, ghost hunter / streamer, lizeth selene, secondary.
luminita, gifted vampire, demet özdemir, secondary.
magdalena primrose, mortician / exorcist, alexandra daddario, primary.
mi-cha yeong, storm chaser, kim ji-won, test / wip.
nimue, ancient forest witch / shapeshifter, megan fox, primary.
opal undergrove, witch, yaya dacosta, secondary.
rhysand eoin ó cuilinn, vampire, chace crawford, primary.
river mihal, werewolf, alina kovalenko, secondary.
sila prakenskii, mobster, tor thanapob, primary.
varina leucothea, siren princess, dakota johnson, primary.
caius, twilight, regé-jean page, secondary.
damon salvatore, tvdu, giancarlo commare, secondary.
edward cullen, twilight, robert pattinson, secondary.
emmett cullen, twilight, michael evans behling, primary.
isabella swan, twilight, antonia gentry, primary.
jack ryan, bioshock, jensen ackles, test.
lara croft, tomb raider, yaya sperbund, primary.
sam winchester, supernatural, jared padalecki, primary.
stefan salvatore, tvdu, paul wesley, secondary.
subject delta, bioshock 2, mads mikkelsen, test.
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paladinwife · 1 year
Muse, can I ask how you get along with:
Hi there! Thanks for dropping in, and for making the meme as well. Just so you know, I’ll answer Rogue’s as if they’re dating because I have been pretty soft on Rogue/Muse lately.
🥃: Rogue Amendiares (girlfriend)
“So you noticed, huh?”
She chuckles.
“To be honest, I am still getting used to the treatment that comes along with being her… favorite, we’ll say. But, I’m lucky.”
Her expression softens, a thoughtful look in her eyes.
“Not because she’s a ‘legend’ or anything gonk like that. She’s… special.”
She laughs.
“Can’t get too sappy, though. You never know if she’ll come over here and hear me gushing over her.”
🚓: River Ward
She smiles slightly.
“Ah, River. I’d say we get on pretty well. Probably not a surprise there.”
She chuckles.
“We worked together on a job a while back. I’d say the way he works is pretty… compatible with the way I do.”
She glances up.
“I do wonder how he’s doing now. Perhaps I should check on him.”
🩺: Viktor Vektor
“Yeah, Viktor’s our ripperdoc. We definitely see more of him than I’d like… no offense to him of course. I’m sure he’d rather we not be on his table so much, either.”
She blinks.
“Ah, it’s usually not me getting fixed up, though. I’m not usually in the line of fire. Usually.”
She laughs.
“That said, we did have a fun conversation the other day about that time I beat Rhino in a fight. I’m not entirely sure he believes me. If I didn’t think it would be a risky idea, I’d offer to show him what I can do. He’d probably talk me down anyway, something about not wanting to have to patch me back up.”
❔: Claire Russell
“Ah, Claire! That’s my choom,” she laughs a bit. “We’ve been chatting since I first came here. She’s good company.”
She raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, the flirting? Don’t get it twisted. I’m taken and she’s… not really looking. We’re just friends.”
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kitty-chu · 4 months
Canon divergent Q!Niki RP blog! Part of Yaoiverse - run by @edgarallanpoestan
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Y!Niki Notes:
Uses she/her and it/its pronouns
Birman cat hybrid/shifter - her shifting is largely a secret. Keeps ears and tail when in human form
Has a tendency to go nonverbal
Please note that the person running this blog primarily speak English, and mostly knows German conversationally from a few years of German classes. If anything is mistranslated, please do not be afraid to let me know!
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#yaoiverse - lore posts
#straightverse - heavy, angsty, or otherwise serious posts (will include additional warnings in tags)
#sexoverse - potentially suggestive posts
#catalogued - in-character original posts
#bibliography - in-character reblogs
#checked out - in-character, face-to-face interactions
#call number - asks
#ooc - out-of-character posts
#shelved - end of thread
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Yaoiverse Members & Tags (additional members to be added):
Fellow Prisoners:
#dark roast - Tubbo (@explosiveunderscore)
#matcha - WillyRex (@camouflagedberet)
#affogato - IronMouse (@anarchymouse)
#frappe - TinaKitten (@tea-n-kittens)
#black tea - Polispol (@filmpol76)
#latte - Lenay (@potatogirllenay)
#galão - oiBagi (@oibagi)
#light roast - Rivers (TBD)
#cappuccino - German (TBD)
#decaf - Carrera (TBD)
Federation Workers/Other:
#sugar - Cucurucho (@thecensusbureau)
#salt - Cucurucho Two (@thebetterbureau)
#coffee grounds - The Federation (@thefederation)
#eggs - Pato/The Duck/Jeremy (@quesadillaislandofficial)
#oil - Code Monsters (@eldritcherrors)
#flour - Fred (@fred-the-janitor)
#butter - Walter Bob (@bobbing-for-walters)
#milk - Bubbles (@facelessbubbles)
#icing sugar - Elena (@ws-01-elena)
#yeast - Agent 18 (@number1investigator)
(In case you want to see all the blogs in yaoiverse, beyond the ones listed here, this spreadsheet contains every blog, who they belong to, and a link to said blog!)
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Character Ref
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Source for flower divider
Source for cat divider
Source for PFP
Source for header (resized and edited)
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arrthurpendragon · 7 months
WIP Tag Game
I was tagged by @goldheartedchaoticdisaster
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(Imma put it below the cut lol)
A Ballad of War & Love (TURN)
A Moonlight Serenade (Sherlock)
A Royal Pain (Royal Pains)
A Window to the Past (HP)
Across the Lands (Star Wars)
All is Found (ATLA)
An Attempt to Tip the Scales (Veronica Mars)
Angel Eyes (IT)
At Wit's End (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Beauty & the Geek (Criminal Minds)
Black Magic (HP)
Bluebird in My Heart (BBC Musketeers)
Breakaway (Twilight)
Bridge Over Troubled Water (Virgin River)
City of Stars (The 100)
Coming to Terms (Remember the Titans)
Constant as the Stars (Star Trek)
Damsel in DC (Bones)
Daughter's Lament (Hunger Games)
Dear Theosodia (Bridgerton)
Divine Strength (Marvel)
Enchanted (The Flash)
Entreat Me Not to Leave (Outlander)
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea (Percy Jackson)
Gloria Regali (Reign)
Green Eyed Monster (Riverdale)
Holding Out For A Hero (Gotham)
Holy Mother Forking Shirballs . . .this is the Vampire Diaries (TVD)
House's Hart (House)
How to Save a Life (Grey's Anatomy)
Incomplete (Kenobi)
Just Give Me a Reason (NUMB3RS)
Just South of Heaven (The Good Place)
Kingdom Come (SPN)
Kryptonite (HP)
Let Me Fall (HP)
Let's Go Eevee (Pokemon)
Look What You Made Me Do (TUA)
Lost Along the Way (HP)
Love Comes Softly (Pride & Prejudice)
Mail Order Bride Original Stories
Mamma Mia (Stranger Things)
Nine to Survival (Jurassic World)
Of Dragons and Lions (HotD)
Of Love and War (TURN)
Once Upon a December (Peaky Blinders)
Only Fooling Myself (OTH)
Other Stories (Original)
Pippa's Book TBD (Bridgerton)
PS I Love You, Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Psych You Out in the End (Psych)
Rewrite the Stars (The West Wing)
Rule 14 (Criminal Minds/NCIS)
Safe & Sound (Star Wars)
She Will Be Loved (Law & Order SVU)
Simple Joys of Maidenhood (HP)
Someone Else's Starr (Teen Wolf)
Songs to Love and Die By (Divergent)
Stealing Her Patriot Heart (Bridgerton Prequel)
Tale as Old as Time (National Treasure)
Tempting Fate (HP)
The Devil's Pawn (HotD)
The Hero Dies in the One (Agents of SHIELD)
The Night Janitor (Night at the Museum)
The Prayer (Merlin)
There's a Hero (Spiderman)
This is Me (Gilmore Girls)
Threads of Fate (Rings of Power)
Under a Paper Moon (HP)
Untitled (Chronicles of Narnia)
Untitled (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Us Against the World (SPN)
Vindicated (Black Panther)
When Call the Heart (Love Comes Softly)
Where Dragon's Dwell (HotD)
Written in Your Heart (Once Upon a Time)
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imaginarymen · 1 year
Will be updated over time! Descriptions under the cut, tags below.
All throughout the war, there were odd rumblings, almost like thunder, almost like earthquakes. Sometimes, if one looked, one could see little dark threads and tears before them. There were worried whispers, whispers that intensified along with the anomalies, until a pitch was reached– then, the whispers became screams as the very fabric of the world was torn open.
Fabric overlaps just as it tears. Countless eras and locations throughout history and the world converged in a newfound dimension. Many were and are there, wandering, each with a different reason. Some want to heal the world. Some want to conquer it. Some want to destroy it. Some simply want to go home. Regardless of one’s desire, all are on a journey through the sordid sands of time in the desert of Bellum.
Emmerich did not let his former status as Crown Prince of a wealthy empire hinder him when he woke up in Bellum. Instead, he worked hard to build something of his own, something to help him survive. Using his knowledge and love of sailing, he formed a crew and began to trade, and, using his skills in diplomacy and politics, he built a trade network to rival all others in Bellum. 
Now, as always, he faces the challenge of staying out of all conflicts while remaining very, very involved– but that is no easy task in any world, let alone one like this.
Characters: Emmerich
[Description to be updated.]
Magic lives within nearly everything. Typically, beings closer to sentience are more powerful, with humans being the most powerful species known— of course, with occasional exceptions. Magic has always been woven into the fabric of human society. As people grew to be more complex, so too did magic— and now, in a time period roughly equivalent to the 1920s, it is more advanced and prevalent than ever.
Dirk was once just a quaint, well-behaved farm girl from the mountains, spending most of his time tending to chickens and debating with his teachers, forbidden from doing magic by his family’s sect. A few magical times and a hypomanic episode later, however, he has become a rather confident man, a student fervent in his pursuit of knowledge, and a prodigy in the field of magiology. Where will his ambitions take him in such uncertain times? Surely beyond that leaky studio apartment… Characters: Dirk, Gunther
Still, after epochs, the river runs and reigns.
Many, many years after a mysterious, cataclysmic event wiped out much of humanity, the world has been healing, as have the people in it. New York City recovered as a center of trade and industry, and in turn, the Hudson Valley sprung back up with it. 
As before, the Hudson is the backbone of the region, connecting New York City to Albany through various smaller cities. Routes 9, 44, and 55 still act as arteries, and the Queen City of the Hudson, Poughkeepsie, has been experiencing a renaissance. 
However, things are still a little different from how they were before— strange phenomena occur all around, and with the power of these odd events and objects, otherwise lackluster technology has gone in unexpected new directions. 
In a strange patchwork of old and new, people carve out lives for themselves the same way the river does through the valley.
Built in the image of her mother’s ex-fiancé after he left, Kit was always expected to fill the void of his absence. When she could no longer stand the cruelty of her creator, she ran, until, one day, it confronted her in the form of her father, for lack of a better word. He is not the villain her mother made her out to be, and, as she is learning, neither is she herself. Now, with the support of her father and a band of friends, Kit is piecing herself together and learning how to love and trust truly, one step at a time.
Characters: Kit
[Description to be updated.]
A sci-if universe with a variety of settings within it. There are few commonalities between various stories and settings within this universe.
Tyr has always had its share of unrest. The climate is hostile, and so too can be the nations and rulers. Hrodland, a nation in the planet’s north, likely knows thi better than any other, especially after the Frost Famine and the following instability.
Times of unrest are not simply spectacles; they are endured by people. This story follows Hrodland’s unrest through the eyes of a tight-knit group over a long span of time, chronicling the wars, coups, protests, and strife– and then the culmination of great human effort– through the eyes of those who lived through it all.
Characters: Elise, Gerlach, Halstein, Klara, Otto, Phyl, Reinhold
[Description to be updated.]
An afterlife ruled by deities— some kind, some cruel— the order of which is begging to be dismantled.
An AU. Gerlach, having been unjustly sent to the Netherrealm after his death, fights for a chance at redemption and reunion with his husband Otto. Meanwhile, Otto wages his own war in the Overrealm, having had enough of the pantheon’s cruelty and unfairness. Though apart, their efforts are aligned— in that way, they fight together. Characters: Gerlach, Otto
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sambambucky · 1 year
wip tag meme
i was tagged by @livingincolorsagain <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
oh to break (all of the rules) Jamie’s eight River bends meat whomptober title tbd tiny favors, best behavior A ghost story of Sorts the sum of every moment Out there under the open sky One of the stranger missions Competitive pay plus benefits Last Christmas Brock Broke-up with me because he has a song lmao the holiday bingooooo
tagging ... @mbbmdymm @crepuscularqueens @jonkentt @cobrafantasies & anyone else that wants to pls
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