#river tam malcom reynolds
Is there anyone out there in the Firefly (2002) fandom who is interested in seeing gifs? I have drafted a bunch of gif sets but I don’t want to post them unless there’s interest:)
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musicalfreak24601 · 3 months
Finishing Firefly is hard because it’s just like. That’s it? I knew it ended after 1 season but. That’s it?
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admrlthundrbolt · 11 months
Wait A Minute My Girl (Jayne x Chubby Reader)
After you go through a near death experience, Jayne decides it time that he officially makes you Mrs. Cobb.
Hi guys, I'm back at it again. Firefly has always been a favorite of mine, so it was a lot of fun to finally write something for it. I also enjoyed putting the curses and insults in Mandarin, as an homage to the show.
Also don't be shy, suggestions are always welcome.
You laid in your room, bored to the brink of sleep. After your recent run in with a different bad guy group, you were on bed rest, Dr. Simon's orders. Thankfully everyone else walked away with only scraps and bruises. You however, had an explosive that you were setting up get shot by someone on the other team. It was small, but it still packed a punch.
A sudden noise broke you from your dozing. You were happy to see it was Jayne, checking up on you for the umpteenth time today. He may have a rough exterior, but he was a teddy bear on the inside. Your teddy bear at that.
It wasn't long after being hired as the explosion expert for a one off job, that you became a permanent crew member. Though being able to cook something out of almost nothing, seemed to help the decision along.
It was an even shorter time that Jayne made it clear how attracted he was to you. It felt like every conversation you had was littered with compliments. How he could watch you for the rest of his life and be happy. Or that you had the best child bearing hip he had ever seen. The list went on and on.
So you gave him a chance and it's been the happiest choice you’ve made.
“How you doin' darlin’?“ He strolled your way and sat next to you on the bed.
“I’d be better if I wasn't stuck here all day.” You threw your body in his lap and stared up at him. “It’s already been weeks.”
He smirked down at you. “Barely, today marks two weeks.”
You huddled and rolled your eyes. “Like I said weeks.”
His smile broadened. “How about I carry you up ta the mess and make you something ta eat.”
You perked up, the very thought of getting out of your bunk sounded like a dream. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders you said. “Yes please.”He
Pressing your body against his own, he hefted you off the bed. “Now you hold on tight darlin', wouldn't want ta drop you.”
“You're just saying that so I'll press against you.“
“An' what's wrong with that.” He followed that statement up with a squeeze to your rear.
He couldn't believe how lucky he was. Stirring the pot of nutritional porridge, one of the only things he could manage to cook, he stared at you. You were lounging in the kitchen nook, trying to hide the fact that you were favoring your left side.
To think that he ever offered Vera to Mal for some random woman, when you were out there. Waiting for him to find you. The day you stepped on Serenity, he was a goner. You were the softness to his hard edges. The calm to his storm. You were the clean sheets after a long day, not knowing how comforting they were until you were wrapped in them.
He couldn't tear his gaze from your pillowy form, it was plenty enough to hold his attention.
Until Mal entered the room. “You're burning it, Bèndàn.”
“Lā shī!” He yanked the pot off the heater and stirred it vigorously. “I’m sorry darlin'. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you.”
A smile blossomed on your face, making you glow.
While a sour expression slid into Mal's. “Could you stop it with that lovey dovey fèihuà. “
As your happy look fell from your face, Jayne grew furious. Lately Mal had been laying into him about showing how he felt about you. He had become more public with his displays of affection, but what did he expect. You had almost died and it made Jayne realize how much you meant to him.
Grabbing Mal's elbow, he glanced over at you. “I’ll be right back darlin'. We need to have a quick man ta man conversation.”
You nodded as they left the room.
After dragging him to the cargo bay, kicking and screaming, Jayne turned to face the captain. Before the other man could open his mouth, he said. “Shut up. I don’t give a flyin' tā mā de what you say ta me. But if you go upsetin’ her one more time, were goin’ ta be havin’ more than words the next time. “
Mal's face scrunched up at the accusation. “I didn't say a thing to her.”
“That don’t matter, the way you acted in there made her smile go away.” He prodded a finger in the captain chest. “Just ‘cause your miserable you don’t have someone lovin' like her, don’t mean you can crap all over us for havin’ it. “
He took a step closer to the mercenary, getting in his face. “You think your the only one who almost lost her. That girl means a whole heap to all of us. Yet you’ve been hovering over her since the accident. We need her to Jayne.” He looked away with sagging shoulders. This was the first time he had admitted it to himself, let alone someone else.
Seeing the hardship the other man was going through, Jayne's face softened at the confession. “Well, I never thought of it that way.” He rubbed a rough hand over his head. “You have ta understand Mal, besides my Ma, no one has ever cared about me the way she does. After that whole thing I pull with the Doctor and his siter, I knew I had messed up. I tried ta do better, but she makes me want ta do better. Be the person my Ma always wanted me ta be. “ He took a deep shuddering breath. “Almost losing her was a wake up call.”
He fished around in his pocket and pulled out something metallic. Holding his hand out, he showed the misshapen metal to the captain. “I made it from a round she fired from Vera.”
As Mal took it from his hand and examined it, he shook his head. “Are you trying to cut her finger off? Go see Kaylee and get her help making this thing decent.”
Realizing that this was the closest thing to a blessing the captain would give him, he nodded. Closing the other man’s hand around it he said. “Could you take it ta her and explain. I need ta get (Y/N) back ta bed first.”
Giving him a pat on the shoulder, he headed to the engine room. “Ok, meet us in there soon. You know once Kaylee hears about this it’s only a matter of time before the whole ship catches wind of it.“
With that Jayne rushed to your side.
By the end of the week everyone, except for you, had heard about what was going on. After a brief meeting in the cockpit it was decided that a dinner would be planned. Where Jayne would pop the question during dessert. He wasn't sure there was a time in his life that he felt more prepared and yet anxious ever. If you said yes this would be the best thing that ever happened to him. He was more than prepared to spend the rest of his life with you, but did you feel the same?
Shaking himself from those thoughts, he went to get you from your room. Where he helped you into a ‘nicer’ outfit, though in his option you made a potato sack look good. He had told you that everyone wanted to celebrate your recovery. While they did, they also wanted to make this a special night for other reasons.
“I don’t get why you guys are make such a fuss over me.” Huffing as you pulled on the flowy top, one of the only unstained items you have.
“You mean a lot to us darlin’. All of us. “ He added, thinking over the last few days of everyone's help. While he knew he was a hard person to deal with, the crew would do anything they could to make this go well. And he was thankful for that.
Your eyes became glossy at the sentiment.
“Sorry it’s not the best. You’re honestly the best cook on the ship.” Kaylee ducked her head at the admission. Although they all knew it was the truth. Between supply runs they wouldn't eat much beyond the nutrition packs. Then you came along and would make even those bland blocks somehow taste better.
You placed your hand on hers. “It's great.” Then glancing around the table you smiled. “I’m glad that I get to enjoy this with all of you.“ Your smile seemed to spread across the dinning table.
Then Jayne abruptly shot up. “I can’t wait another second.”
You looked at him in confusion, while the rest of the room gave him grimaces of disbelief.
Mal was the first to speak up. “Now Jayne, we haven't even started yet. Are you sure you can't let us eat first.”
Turning to the captain he shook his head. “If I don’t get this off my chest, I might pass out.” He knelt next to you and took out the ring. It was much more smooth and polished than the previous version. It actually took the entire group of women on board to get it ‘perfect'. “I need you like Vera needs ammo. Without you I feel useless. Like a stick of dynamite missing gunpowder. What i’m trying to say is… will you marry me? “
For the second time that day tears gathered in your eyes. Launching yourself at him, you planted kisses all over his face and repeatedly said yes.
The crew stared at the happy couple and couldn't help but think about how you really did make Jayne a better man.
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so-fly-sci-fi · 1 year
No one will convince me this is NOT the best tv series ever 😤
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raulfictitious · 6 months
Stepping into the Sky - Prologue
"It's over, it's all over."
The words were whispered by an emotionally shattered Molly Weasley as she stared, dully, at the pale, terror-stricken face of her dead son: Ronald.
Her day had started out so normally. At least, it was normal considering the current circumstances. She woke up at five, made breakfast for Arthur and Ginny, bustled around the house grumbling at the dirt the twins had left behind after their visit last night, fed the hens and yelled at Ginny for leaving her plate on the table as usual. She didn't look at the family cloak, knowing all hands were at mortal peril and she squeezed her eyes shut every time they made a pass over that section of the wall. She was busy dusting the family photographs in the living room when the fireplace lit up Fleur tumbled out and crashed into the small table a little ahead. Molly screamed and rushed to help her daughter-in-law to the couch. She wondered why Fleur's clothes were so sticky and gasped when she realized it was all blood.
"Arthur," Molly screamed. "Arthur please where are you!"
"Bill," Fleur choked out weakly. "Where iz Bill?" At that very moment, her eyes rolled back into her head and she went limp.
Arthur rushed into the room with Ginny hot on his heels and they both inhaled sharply at the bloody scene.
"Arthur, get help and get to Shell Cottage! Bill is in danger!" Molly was in hysterics by now. "Ginny! Get towels, lots of them! We have to stop the bleeding until help arrives!"
Neither of them argued and rushed to do as they were told. Ginny brought the towels and together they tried to stem the blood flowing out of Fleur's mangled stomach. Ginny threw up as soon as her mother lifted her shirt and saw the extent of Fleur's wounds. Molly knew basic healing techniques but Fleur's wounds were out of her league and within minutes, Fleur was dead.
"Mum," Ginny sobbed. "Mum, she's gone." Molly ignored Ginny's pleas and continued to put pressure on her wounds while whispering words of comfort in her ears.
By the time Nurse Pomfrey arrived, Molly was clutching the bloodied towels in her hands and staring at the body of Fleur with surreal detachment. Ginny had run away to her room and was flinging cutting hexes around blindly. Tears were still pouring down her cheeks and she didn't want to be there when her father brought the news of the fate of Bill. She knew in her heart he was dead. She let out a scream of anguish and sliced her bed cleanly into two.
Arthur came back thirty minutes later, pale and worried. Pomfrey had, by then, sadly announced that Fleur was really gone and had covered her body with a white sheet that she conjured. She helped Molly clean her hands and vanish the blood that had soaked into her clothes too. This was when Arthur arrived with news that Bill was missing and the order was doing their best to look for him.
Remus and Tonks followed Arthur out of the fireplace and they grimly announced that the death eaters had found a way to break through the fidelius and they had to abandon all their safe houses.
A sudden rage seized Molly and she stood up abruptly with fire in her eyes. "Let them come," she hissed, wanting nothing more than to kill as many Death Eaters as she could. "Let them see what an enraged mother is capable of!"
"This is hard for me too, Molly," Arthur said gently, while inside, he too, wanted to unleash his fury on the Death Eaters. "But we have to go and we have to go now!"
Molly's rage was extinguished in the blink of an eye and she started to sob. "Oh, Arthur! Bill is dead isn't he?!"
"Get Ginny down now," he said to Tonks and Remus, but at that very moment the fireplace flared up again and the twins, followed by Kingsley, stumbled out.
They did not bother with niceties and looked at Arthur gravely. "Grimmauld place is taken," George said solemnly. "And there's word coming in that Voldemort has Harry."
"That's not possible!"
"I don't know if it's true but I just spoke with Charlie and we're all meeting up at the cave Sirius camped out in during Ron's third year," Fred said.
Molly gasped when she suddenly felt a presence wash down on her.
Arthur noticed and realized what it was immediately. "Have they come already?" he asked in horror.
"No, it's somebody the wards recognize," she said quickly. "I would have felt pain if the wards were taken down." She hurried to the door filled with hope of finding Bill outside, alive and well. "And will someone please get Ginny down before she tears the house into pieces!" she snapped angrily. She had ignored the destructive noises coming from above but now that she had hope, her temper too had made a return. "Pack whatever we can," she said to Arthur. "I'm going to see who it is."
"Molly no!" Arthur yelled, but all he yelled at was a swinging door. Molly was already gone. Frustrated at her impulsiveness, he ran up the stairs, two at a time, and hammered at Ginny's door angrily. "Ginny, get out here right now! We have to leave immediately!"
That was the last thing he ever said.
The Burrow was ripped apart, not by Ginny's spells, but by a dozen exploding hexes fired simultaneously. Death Eaters had broken through the wards from the south and were marching towards the Burrow with the intent to kill.
Molly; before the sudden appearance of the death eaters, had rushed to the spot where she had felt the intrusion. The wards told her the exact location and she froze when she saw who the intruder was.
It was Ronald. His arms and legs were bent at unnatural angles and he had a look of sheer terror written all over his face. There were terrible bruises on his neck and Molly's mind immediately made the connection to strangulation and torture. Molly dropped to her knees, feeling her heartbreak, and at that moment, she felt a sharp pain in her chest.
Molly didn't even flinch when the Burrow exploded. Her mind had broken at the sight of her son's mutilated body and all the fight she had in her was gone.
"It's over. It's all over."
There were flaming shards of wood and metal dropping all around her but she didn't care or she didn't even notice. Her eyes could only see Ronald's blue ones, wide open and empty.
There were signs of a battle taking place behind her but in spite of that Molly kept repeating the same words. "It's over. It's all over."
"Mum!" Ginny screamed, running away from the battle. She had been thrown out of the house by the power of the blast and had landed on the haystack which saved her life. "Mum, we have to get out of here! Mum! Fred and Kingsley are still fighting! Mum, are you listening?!" She caught up with her kneeling mother and saw what she was looking at. "Mum," she said, her voice trembling. "Mum, please get up. We have to run away."
"And go where Ginny?" Molly said softly. "It is over, we have lost."
Ginny grabbed her mother roughly and looked at her straight in the eye. Her clothes were torn, she was dirty and she was bleeding profusely from her arm. A cutting curse had nicked her when she was running. "Mum," she said fiercely. "We have to-"
She never finished her sentence. A killing curse slammed into her back and she crumpled to the ground; dead.
Molly didn't react. Everyone was already dead in her mind. She knew she was dead too. She gently wrapped her arms around her daughter, lifted her and laid her down beside her brother. Her listless eyes turned around and realized there was complete silence but for the black robes that were marching towards her.
The Order of the Phoenix was done for.
"All is lost," she whispered, still on her knees and now looking into the ecstatic face of Bellatrix Lestrange.
"That's right, filthy muggle lover," the witch cackled. "The dark lord has won!" Bellatrix Lestrange raised her wand, her eyes alive with insanity, and Molly Weasley's blood sprayed out of her neck coating the laughing woman and heightening her pleasure. The Death Eaters watched with delight as the woman's body fell atop her children and her head rolled some distance away. They cheered wildly, knowing their victory was complete.
"Let us leave Bella," Lucius Malfoy said, his eyes sparkling maliciously. "One yet remains."
One by one they all left until it was just Lucius who remained. He laughed when he soaked in the bloody scene spread out in front of him. "I am now redeemed!" he said with cruel delight and apparated.
In another part of Britain, a celebration of a different kind was taking place. Harry Potter was hanging by chains in the basement of Malfoy Manor and he swung from corner to corner, as his captors turned his body into a punching bag to satisfy their lust for violence. His wrists had been skinned nearly to the bone because of the constant friction between steel and skin. His face was swollen in several places; deep cuts criss crossed each other all over his back and torso; his pants were left on but there was a steady drip of blood trickling down to the floor through them, down his feet and toes. Harry had been tortured for an entire day brutally and he no longer felt pain. The more they beat him, the more he felt disconnected from his body.
Anthony Dolohov's fist connected with Harry's gut and he rocked back towards Goyle spewing blood from his mouth. Gregory Goyle laughed cruelly and kicked him on the hips sending him spinning towards Mulciber. This was the game Harry was involved in for the past hour and it was quite tame considering the unspeakable acts of torture that he had gone through before that.
Severus Snape watched all of this without moving a muscle to help the boy he had sworn to protect. He had failed to stay true to his promise and now Harry Potter's life was to end. There was only one thing left to do; flee.
Rudolphus Lestrange burst into the basement and the Death Eaters turned around to welcome their brethren but their expressions changed to fear when they realized who it was. They stopped their beating and for a moment the only sound that could be heard was the squeaking sound of the chains moving back and forth with a barely conscious Harry as an extension.
Deep within his mind, in a corner still untouched and unbroken, Harry wished they would start beating him again. He wished this because every time they stopped, he was drawn back into his body and the pain was agonizing. He wanted to scream but he couldn't muster the energy that it required and instead, he was screaming in his mind. It was just a matter of time before he went mad like the Longbottoms.
Lestrange gestured towards Harry and commanded, "Bring him, it's time."
The cuffs opened and Harry fell to the floor in a heap. The stab of pain that shot through his body made him cough up blood. Harry supposed the only reason that he wasn't dead was because Voldemort wasn't the one doing the torturing. He could only be killed by Voldemort and maybe there was some other force keeping him alive until Voldemort did the final deed. Harry was praying for that time to come soon.
"Quit it half-blood," snarled one of the Death Eaters and backhanded him across his cheek. He was then levitated to the main hall of Malfoy Manor, where the final event was to be held.
They had almost escaped Malfoy manor but it was not to be. Dobby had come to their rescue and had helped Luna Lovegood and Ollivander to escape first. Then the elf had been ready to take Harry, Hermione and Ron with him who were in the midst of a short battle. But before the brave elf could apparate, a silver knife was embedded in his heart. Dobby's firm grip on Harry's hand loosened and he fell.
"Dobby no!"
Harry turned the brave elf around, his eyes shining with fear for Dobby. "Dobby!" But the elf just smiled, glad to see the face of his hero, and then his eyes fluttered shut, forever.
In their shock, they failed to react when the remaining death eaters retaliated, and Ron was struck down by Yaxley. Harry was restrained by three Death Eaters and Hermione was blasted off her feet by Bellatrix, who had found another wand. Harry was forced to watch his best friend choke to death while the insane witch stomped on Hermione's neck until the last threads of life had left the witch. Harry couldn't stop the tears that crawled down his cheeks. He was then taken to the dungeons to be tortured. Voldemort showed up moments later, looking terribly smug, and while the Death Eaters held him down, Voldemort tried to break through Harry's mind shields. The Dark Lord was shocked to find the boy's mind was occluded to a level of strength that even he couldn't penetrate. It was strong.
The sting of being unable to break into Harry's mind enraged Voldemort and he commanded his men to bring Harry to an inch of his life. In that time, after gaining vital information from Grindelwald and the Ministry, he ordered the extermination of the Order of the Phoenix.
"How does it feel, Harry?" Lord Voldemort asked in a languid fashion from his throne when Harry was thrown in front of his feet.
The hatred that coursed through Harry's veins gave him the strength to look up into those horrible red eyes and spit blood on the dark lord's robes.
A second later Harry felt a foot smash into his face breaking his nose. The force of the kick sent him reeling backwards and he fell on his back. There were angry yells and calls for his decapitation from the crowd of Death Eaters after that insult but Voldemort just smiled. He calmly got up from his throne and knelt next to Harry.
The dark lord gently stroked Harry's cheek and Harry tried to jerk his head away.
"You have lost Harry," he said maliciously. "All your friends are dead and when I say all, I mean all."
Harry's breathing became faster. The order was safe! He thought desperately. They were under the fidelius charm and yet he could sense that the dark lord was telling the truth. His eyes scrunched up in anguish and he wanted nothing more than to somehow reach up and squeeze the life out of this monster above him.
"Two choices stand before you: join me or suffer for all eternity," he said softly.
Harry looked into those serpentine eyes and managed to choke out one word. "Never."
"I'm so glad you feel that way," he crooned and straightened up. "Bind him," he commanded.
Lucius and Bellatrix grabbed him and strapped him to the center of an elaborate rune circle.
"Has your mind snapped yet or do you still remember the prophecy, Harry?" Harry didn't respond but his eyes said it all. "Hmmm- I guess you do. It says that I cannot be killed by anyone's hand except for yours and you cannot be killed unless I kill you myself. Of course, prophecies are always open to interpretation but I, being an integral part of it, chose to interpret it so! Do you understand?"
The words pierced through Harry's mind and dread began to spread through his gut.
"Ooh, it looks like you understand!" Voldemort said in delight. He grabbed a fist full of Harry's hair, yanked his face up and looked into his dull green eyes. "I win Potter. My Horcruxes will keep me alive forever and my life cannot be taken by anyone else," he whispered and once again tried to penetrate the anguished boy's mind. This time he succeeded. He saw Harry's entire life flash before his eyes and at long last, he let Harry's head fall back on the floor. He had learnt whatever he needed to know.
He stared down at the boy's shivering body dispassionately before sighing and stepping back. "Begin," he commanded.
Lucius, Bellatrix and he himself took their positions around Harry and placed their wands at the edge of the rune circle. "Necto," all three said at once and began to pour their magic into the runes.
The runes, one by one, began to glow red. Once all the runes had turned red, together they said, "Mutatio."
The runes changed color to black and the suffocating power in the room jumped. The power was so strong that many Death Eaters were brought to their knees and their wands began to vibrate with power. Suddenly the power dropped and at the very instant, they screamed, "Signum!"
The runes began to smoke and the power in the room increased to such levels that almost everyone - except for Voldemort, Lucius and Bellatrix – were gasping for breath. Harry's screams began to reverberate throughout the room. One by one the runes rose above the floor and were burned into his body. Every time a rune disappeared into Harry, the structure of his body visibly began to change.
The death eaters looked on in wonder as a film seemed to settle over the 17-year-old boy and distorted everything about him. When all the runes were absorbed into Harry, the powerful magic began to die down allowing the occupants to breathe again and Harry could no longer be heard screaming.
What the Death Eaters saw shocked them to their core. Instead of a dead Harry Potter, which was what they were expecting, there was an inconspicuous brown slab in his place with three runes etched into it. The closest translation of the runes on the slab was imprisonment, eternity and liberty.
Voldemort knelt next to the slab and said, "It is easy to undo this seal but I'm going to make sure such an option never arises. You will live forever and maybe you will remain conscious or maybe you won't. But you won't ever be a thorn in my side again. Goodbye Harry James Potter."
The dark lord levitated the slab in front of him and took it out to the gardens of Malfoy Manor. He then pointed it towards the sky under the watchful eyes of all his followers.
"Dissiliatin tenebrasmundi," Voldemort roared and the slab took off into the sky. It went higher and higher and just when it seemed like it was about to fall back to the ground, the slab that was Harry Potter went supersonic, defying the pull of gravity. A few seconds later a booming sound almost burst every eardrum in the vicinity.
Harry Potter was lost to the world forever.
On board Serenity, August 2517
"Zoe, pack down the cargo. Wash, heat up Serenity. We're blowing out of this mess in a half hour." said Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of the firefly class vessel Serenity. Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds was tall and fair, with a charming face and hardened eyes. He was fun-loving most of the time but if the situation called for it, he was tough and unyielding. He was the captain of a crew which smuggled illegal and sometimes legal cargo from one planet to another.
"Already there," Hoban Washburn said, climbing up the stairs two at a time to get to the bridge. Hoban Washburn, also known as Wash, was a pilot of unparalleled skill and he was the designated comedian and pilot on Serenity. He had curly blonde hair and mischievous blue eyes that were always looking for a moment to exploit and joke about.
"Come on Kaylee," Malcolm called to his mechanic, "let's go get our wayward babes."
After the captain and the mechanic left; Zoe, the first mate of the ship, was faced with an odd problem that needed immediate solving. River Tam: one of the paying passengers on their ship ran past her screaming in terror and hid herself in the secret compartment in the cargo bay which was used for smuggling. The almost 17-year-old girl was followed by an old, dark man with hair like a white bush stuck on his head.
"River!" he shouted, bemused.
"Shepherd, what did you…? Oh my god, what happened to your hair!?" Zoe laughed. Usually, the preacher, who was also another paying passenger on board, had his hair neatly tied up and today when River Tam saw, for the first time, what a wild mess it was, she freaked out.
"What do you mean what happened to my hair?!" Derriel Book said indignantly. "It's fine!" Book was a preacher, a man of faith, who had somehow found his way onto a ship of smugglers.
"River, honey, do you mind coming out so that we can start loading this cargo?"
"No," River Tam replied petulantly. "The hair is a problem."
"Shepherd, go back to your room and do something about that… that mess!"
"Fine," he grumbled and retreated back to his room.
"The Shepherd's gone back to his room and he's tied up his hair and he promises to keep it away from you," Zoe said, suppressing the urge to laugh.
Very cautiously River peeked out of the hidden compartment and looked for signs of a mass of white hair that she thought was capable of crushing the Shepherds brain and hers next, once it was done with the preacher.
"See," Zoe said earnestly, "He's gone."
"Doesn't mean his brains are safe," she said worriedly. Most girls would not react in the way River Tam did, but River Tam was a very special and unique girl. She was capable of reading minds and was known as a Reader. She also had an IQ that was off the charts and it was for these reasons; the Alliance – the authority over the entire human race – recruited her into one of their schools for the gifted while in reality, they spent three years experimenting with her brain. She was now a fugitive living on board Serenity along with her rescuer and brother, Simon Tam.
"Maybe not, but right now you gotta help me hide this cargo, understand?"
River rolled her eyes but picked one end of the long and heavy rectangular containers with ease. River was short with long wavy dark brown hair and large penetrating brown eyes. She looked frail and weak but she was easily the strongest and most dangerous person on the ship. She was deeply intuitive and prone to having sudden mental breakdowns.
"Where's Simon?" she asked the long-legged, dark-skinned beauty.
"They're getting Jayne who is basking in the glory of being a hero," Zoe said with a smirk.
River muttered a string of explicit words under her breath describing the trigger-happy man.
"Well that about sums him up," Zoe agreed with a laugh as they pushed the goods into the hole. River glared at Zoe and they quietly loaded the rest of the containers. They were going to put in the last one when River suddenly dropped her end and her eyes widened in terror.
"Not real, it's not real," she breathed out.
"River?" Zoe called out frowning.
"Can't, won't ... It's not supposed to exist!" she screamed and backed away from the cargo.
"River honey, calm down," Zoe said, alarmed. "What's wrong?"
River pointed a shaky finger at the last container and whispered, "It's not real, it can't be real… bones and flesh!"
Zoe didn't know how to handle the mentally unstable child. Only Simon could calm her down in such situations.
River's eyes began to tear up and she sank to the floor. "We have to destroy it, we have to break it!"
"We're not breaking or destroying anything. We need to deliver those goods intact or we won't get paid." Zoe was bewildered and she couldn't imagine what the cause of River's breakdown was.
"There should be three but there are four," River cried hysterically.
"Wha-?" Zoe then realized with a start that River was right. Bernoulli had mentioned that there were three containers but what they had was four containers. She took a closer look at the last one and came to a startling realization that it was just a slab. She dusted off the top layer and found some faded inscriptions on it.
"How did you know?" she asked River mystified.
But River wasn't listening. "It's an anomaly. Destroy it, crush it, cast it out." She just kept rambling so Zoe just wrapped her arms around the shivering girl and waited for the captain to get back. She just prayed that the Preacher wouldn't make a sudden appearance. She didn't even want to imagine what would happen to River then!
She was extremely relieved when she saw Mal coming up the ramp and then she saw the state the doctor was in.
"What in the rutting hell happened!"
"River!" Simon cried out and hurriedly limped over to his sister. "What happened?"
"Ruddy mudders," Jayne growled. Jayne was a huge muscular man with dark reddish brown hair and dark blue eyes who had a talent for tracking and killing things. His intelligence on the other hand was often subject to debate; mostly the debates were to determine if he was smarter than a monkey or smarter than a pig.
"What happen'd to River, Zoe?" asked a worried Kaylee. Kaywinnet Lee Frye or Kaylee as she was known to everyone; had a personality that exuded cheerfulness and sweetness. Her bright attitude about everything in life ensured that there was no sadness around her, even in times of great hardships. She was a gifted mechanic and had started to intuitively fix machines when she was just a child. She was fair, with light brown hair similar to River's but shorter and curlier and eyes that sparkled with happiness.
It shouldn't be here Simon, it shouldn't," River insisted.
"All of you quiet down!" Mal yelled, getting annoyed at all the chaos. He then walked briskly towards a black box with a small button and speaker and pressed it. It was a ship-wide communicator and into it, he said, "Get us off this moon and put the ship in orbit, Wash. We'll wait for Inara to dock her shuttle before setting course for Ariel. Once the ship is in the air, I want everybody down in the cargo bay on the double."
Mal's commanding voice ensured that everyone calmed down - River included, but she was still shaking and looking at the brown slab with distrust and fear.
"Ruddy mudders," Jayne muttered under his breath. He was still in shock about the events that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. Who would have thought that he, a mercenary, would have a statue of mud, built in his honor!
"Jayne," Mal warned.
Mal listened patiently as Zoe explained what had happened since he had left.
"If there are four containers we just deliver four instead of three. Might even get us a better payoff," he said to Zoe and then turned to the doctor. "Doc, you might have to increase your efforts in keeping your sister calm!"
River muttered more expletives under her breath.
"And wash her mouth while you at it," he added. "Did the Academy teach her how to swear too?"
"But Mal it's just a slab of... well clay I guess," Wash said. He had put the ship on autopilot and hurried down. "Don't you think Bernoulli will think that we've screwed him over?"
"Maybe it was just used as a support for the merchandise," Jayne said. "There's some delicate stuff in there you know."
"River seems to think it's something more Cap'n,"
"There's something written here," Wash murmured as he examined the slab, "But it's unlike any language that we know of." He ran his finger gently on the symbols and with a start, he realized they could be pressed in.
River started hyperventilating again and screamed, "NO DON'T!" But it was too late, Wash had applied some pressure on the symbol and one of them sank in.
Everybody backed away as the innocent-looking slab began to glow a pale shade of white.
"Mei Yong Ma duh Tse Gu Yong!"
The light grew blindly bright for a moment and when it died down everyone was shocked to see a body of a teenage boy dressed in rags in place of the brown slab.
"What in the hell?" Mal breathed in wonder.
Simon was the first to spring into action and took hold of the boy's wrist. "His pulse is very weak," he said urgently. "We have to take him to the infirmary." Simon Tam was a doctor and he had abandoned everything he had to rescue his sister. He had, at one time, been a supporter of Alliance propaganda but all that changed after he found out what they were doing to his sister. He had a handsome chiseled face and dark, short black hair and intelligent dark eyes.
"Huh? Oh yea, do your thing doc."
"Help me carry him, Jayne."
"I ain't touching a person that comes out of nowhere doc," Jayne said raising his hands in surrender and backed away.
"I'll help," Book said and together they carried the boy to the infirmary with Kaylee in tow.
Wash, Zoe and Mal just stared at each other helplessly. "Have you ever seen such technology?" Zoe asked in amazement.
"I haven't," Wash said, bewildered. "I pressed a button and a boy came out... Am I a magician?" he asked, sounding hopeful.
"You're a pilot Wash, definitely not a freaky magician," Mal said, rolling his eyes.
"It's probably Alliance tech," Jayne growled. "Maybe it's a new type of prison and that kid is a criminal." Jayne didn't know how close to the truth he was. At that moment, something thumped into the side of the ship and a loud latching sound was heard.
"Inara's back," Zoe said. "Let's head up."
The cargo hold was the lowest level of the ship and above that were the engine room and shuttle docking bays. The ship could hold two shuttles and one shuttle was rented out to a woman named Inara Serra and she was a companion.
A Companion is a person trained from the age of twelve in the art of self-control, religion, physical and emotional pleasures, psychology and a lot more things that are kept secret by the Guild of Companions. They form a part of the elite society of the Alliance and usually accompany the wealthy and powerful. Inara Serra was well on her way to becoming a high priestess of the Companion house of Madarassa but she, however, chose to travel the outer rim of the solar system among what the elite would refer to as scum.
The shuttle door slid open and out stepped a beautiful woman, dressed in an exquisite gold and red silk robe. She had curly black hair that was elegantly tied into a bun and a necklace with an image of Buddha hung from her neck. She wore dark red lipstick and the perfect amount of makeup even though any man or woman would, without a doubt, say that she didn't require it.
Mal hated her profession and he had intense feelings for her. "Finished whoring yourself out today?" he said crudely. To him, companion was just a fancy word for prostitute and he never kept that thought to himself. He made sure she knew what he thought of her job.
"Are you jealous, Mal?" Inara shot back. Her voice was low and soft. She too had feelings for Mal, but their relationship was too rocky and too full of conflict. She hated Mal's ego and his belief that he was right about everything.
"Mal, let's not get sidetracked," Zoe reminded.
Mal was startled. He was ready and raring to get into an argument with Inara. Zoe's voice cut through his tunnel vision and he remembered what kind of a situation they had on board. "Right," he mumbled. "Bernoulli's cargo had an extra something and that something turned into a boy," he said to Inara.
Inara stared at him like he was mad and rambling nonsense.
Zoe tutted under her breath and she explained everything to Inara calmly and clearly as they went to the Infirmary to check on the boy's status.
No one noticed River, still standing in the cargo bay, with death in her eyes.
"Is he going to be okay Simon?" Kaylee asked, staring at the boy in concern. Another aspect of Kaylee's personality was that she was extremely kind-hearted and sometimes naïve too.
"Well his vitals are fine now. His heart rate was terribly slow at first but now it's back to normal," Simon said. "Physically there's nothing wrong with him."
Mal walked into the infirmary and behind him, Jayne, Zoe, Wash and Inara followed. "Wake him," he commanded.
"I don't think that's a good idea captain," Simon began.
"Wake him now."
Simon sighed but complied with the order anyway and gave the boy a shot of epinephrine.
The boy woke up with a jerk and his eyes darted around the room in panic as he tried to clear his heavily confused mind. He tried to move but found that he didn't have the strength to do so.
"Who are you kid?"
He blinked at the voice and forced himself to calm down and focus. Why was it so hard to remember?
"I asked you a question. Who are you?"
"I-," he rasped.'
"Give him some water doc."
The boy accepted it gratefully and felt rejuvenated as water slid down his throat. Everybody waited for him to settle when finally, with the doctor's help he pushed himself into a sitting position. It was impossible not to notice his brilliant emerald-green eyes. Kaylee gasped and looked like she wanted to say something but a look from Mal silenced her.
"Where am I?" he asked hoarsely. His voice sounded like he hadn't spoken in a long time. The crew immediately noticed how his accent was similar to Badger's.
"You're aboard my ship, Serenity and I'm Captain Reynolds. Who are you?"
The boy frowned. "I'm on a ship?"
"Answer the gorram question boy," Jayne growled. "Who are you?"
"I'm Harry, Harry Potter and I honestly don't seem to remember much," he said, giving Jayne a wary look.
"How can you not remember anything?" Inara asked curiously. Harry spotted the source of the voice and his eyes widened at the beauty of the woman.
"Erm... everything seems to be a bit hazy in my mind," Harry said with an apologetic smile.
"Well, could you at least tell us how you turned into a person from what seemed to be a simple slab made of stone!" Wash asked. "Or were you a person who was turned into a slab of stone?"
"I'm sorry what?"
"You came out of nowhere. I pressed some weird button on... well you! And the stone turned into you! It was like magic!"
Harry zoned out at the mention of the word magic.
"It wasn't magic, Wash," Zoe said, hitting her husband over his head. "It was just some Alliance technology that's all."
"Zoe," Mal whispered, pointing towards Harry. The boy had gone rigid all of a sudden and according to the life support machine, his heart rate was steadily increasing.
"What's going on Simon?"
"I have no idea." He pressed his stethoscope to Harry's chest and listened for abnormalities.
Everything was coming back to Harry; the capture, the fighting, the torture and the ritual. That god-awful ritual which made him want to claw his eyes out.
"I need to get back!" he said in panic and jumped off the bed. Being immobile for so long made it difficult for him to stand on his feet and fell to the floor in a heap. He pulled out all the wires and needles attached to him and tried to move towards the door. Magic that had been kept dormant for centuries was coursing through his body once more and helping him regain control over his limbs.
"Hey, hey, calm down kid," Simon said, holding on to Harry and beckoning Wash to come and help him.
"No, you don't understand! He's going to kill them all! I have to go back and stop him!"
"Wha-" Kaylee began but Mal cut her off.
"Where do you need to go, kid?" he asked, hoping to get some answers.
"London," Harry replied urgently. "I need to get to London. Where are we heading right now?"
There was stunned silence.
"Are we still in the North Sea?" he asked, not recognising the shift in the atmosphere until Mal burst out laughing.
"London!" he said between gasps. "Kid, are you talking about the Earth that was?"
"Earth that was?" Harry asked, perplexed. What did the man mean by Earth that was?
"And we're not in a sea Harry Potter," Zoe added, "We're in space."
"I think he's another nut job the Alliance has been playing around with Mal," Jayne said. "We cannot afford to have any more gorram fugitives on board the ship!"
"Space? What do you mean space?" Harry was terribly confused and agitated. These people appeared to be muggles. How was he to explain to them how dire his situation was! He needed to get back to London and look for his surviving friends. He knew they were safe under the fidelius. He prayed they were still safe and alive. He needed to get back to them.
Zoe and Simon hauled him to the feet and took him to the bridge. "You're floating in the black Harry," Kaylee said sympathetically.
"It's black. It's nighttime. So what?"
"It's space kid … As in outer space … As in outside a planet's atmosphere."
Harry took a closer look and his eyes told him they were right. His mind didn't accept it. There were odd instruments all around him and outside, he could see some stars far away, but they were much larger than he remembered and they were not twinkling. He looked around him and saw all these unfamiliar people staring at him with curiosity and suspicion.
"No, that's not possible," Harry whispered finally. He couldn't accept that he was actually in space even if it seemed like these people were telling the truth. "This is crazy! Spaceships don't exist!"
"It is what it is, kid," Mal said.
"Stay back," Harry mumbled and quick as a light he grabbed Mal's gun, "STAY BACK," he yelled. He trained the gun on Mal and kept moving it side to side trying to keep it on all the crew members at the same time.
"Whoa, whoa, you do not want to be playing with that kid," Mal said trying to placate Harry and signaled Zoe and Jayne to keep their weapons away.
"Who are you really?" Harry spat venomously. "You all are working for Voldemort aren't you?"
"Who the hell is Voldemort?"
"Don't lie! This is one of his mind games, isn't it? Don't think you can fool me!"
"Kid, Harry, look outside and tell me what you see?"
Harry was panting and was very close to a nervous breakdown. "I- there's nothing," he stammered.
"That's right and do you really think we're working for this Voldemort guy?" he asked solemnly.
"N-no, you all look like muggles to me," he said. He was losing it. His eyes and mind were telling him two very different stories.
"Whatever that word means, I won't take it as an insult," Mal said and edged closer to the boy. "Now just put the gun down and we'll talk without the need for violence understand?"
Harry hesitated.
"No! Stay back!"
"Harry," Mal said calmly, "Take a deep breath and think. Are you really going to use that weapon? Do you even know how to use it?"
Harry's hands began to shake badly and he lowered the gun a little.
"Good," said the captain and punched Harry in the jaw knocking him out cold.
"Was that necessary cap'n?" Kaylee said dolefully. "He looked so lost and confused."
"A gun in the hand of an unstable person is much more dangerous than in the hands of one with the intent to use it, Kaylee," Mal said wisely. "Secure him, Jayne. We'll question him once he wakes up."
"With pleasure," Jayne said grinning with sadistic intentions.
A/N: To read more of my works do check out : https://www.patreon.com/raulfictitious
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malriver · 6 years
Temptation Series 1: Touching
"Circumstances conspire to tempt a very patient River to finally make her move."
No touching but she wants to so much that it causes a momentary blindness to everything but the craving for sensation. Completeness. She wants to touch him, feel him, move him, consume every part of who he is so she can claim it, own it, and make him her own. He doesn't know it yet, does not fathom that he is the anchor that keeps her sane. Not Simon. Not the drugs. Nor even the welcome sensation of home thrumming beneath her bare feet as she walks in time to the rythym of Serenity's reassuring heart. She loves them all because they are all part of him.
In her quest River lets her mind shift gears, become the focus of thoughts honed to laser sharpness. An accurate beam that has a razor edge beyond anything Jayne can achieve with his knives or Simon with his scapel nor the Captain with his harsh and oft' times ascerbic wit. There is nothing so sharp or deadly about Kaylee but the brightness of her smile can sometimes cut through solid steel and there is not a heart aboard that is immune to it. The Preacher is all hidden angles and traps, covered in a softness which is borrowed not owned though the division has grown narrower over time. Eyes showing so many levels of meaning behind his purpose. Wanting to be simple the Preacher had stepped out into the 'verse not knowing that his addition to it made everything more complicated not less. A sharp mind but no mathematician. And Zoe, a weapon in every plane of her body, every part of the ordered core of her. The hard glittering adamantine line that not even the Devil has the nerve to cross. Then there is Wash, the antidote to all that ails his wife. The choice between light and shadow made in a heartbeat that will last forever.
River thinks often about Inara. The teasing tension between her and the Captain a flow of pain filled almost-caresses that would be all kinds of wrong if allowed to flourish to its' epogee. The heat of prickly friendship is less destructive though even that has grown into something softer, something both can live with and cherish. River does not worry about Inara knowing the Companion is all too aware of every decision she makes and that her own harsh reality has an edge to it as bitter as anything the Captain could endure. River does not want to endure. To sit on the sidelines. Be excluded from that which her mind and body craves even as her soul aches to fill all the incomplete places she sees in this cornucopia of moving parts that is the ship's crew. Serenity. She is his and he is hers and all that live within that amalgum of blood and steel sings of home to her. A silent passion that hits her hardest when the blood heats with want and need and all the things she cannot confide to her brother still less confess on the altar of an alternative God.
Six years. She cannot believe they have been together on this boat for so long and yet it feels as if they have always been here. It is where they belong. The realisation draws a happy smile on her pale face, eyes shining with thousands of memory fragments pieced together in a mind that never sleeps. They are moving about on their separate journeys yet all travel together. She can feel each and every one of them as they sail through the Black. Wash and Zoe lost the first baby but a new one is coming. Simon doesn't know yet, the egg is still dodging the sperm but she can feel it, follow the course of the possibility as the couple reach their zenith. Warm damp heat exciting the passion between them as the bliss of coitus removes the tension of another day. River didn't really interfere, just nudged a little to get the zygot home. Sanctuary. Baby will be safe now. But no touching.
Simon and Kaylee married in the Spring two years ago. It amazes River that Kaylee waited so long until her brother finally got off the fence and made his move. Would have served him right if Kaylee had moved on but it wouldn't have been fair to her friend. Kaylee deserved better, now she had it and River was relieved and pleased. They were parts that fitted together, also when Kaylee was happy the Captain was happy too. Parent, brother, friend, protector - so many hats for one head to wear yet only one heart. Battered, traumatised but true. River had set her sights on Mal long ago, little by little inching her way towards her goal. Careful not to frighten him off or have her brother drag her kicking and screaming from the only home she wanted to a life on the run away from the metal walls that held her safe and the arms she craved. No touching. She knew what it was to love from afar but each year in the Black that distance was closing.
It had occurred fairly early on to River that her brother could not cure her. As brilliant as Simon was he could not undo what had been done to her and the evolving cocktail of drugs became a rollercoaster ride that owed more to Russian roulette than reasoned clinical research. So River sat down one night while all the ship was sleeping and did the math. Then she had carefully and slowly ordered the broken pieces of her psyche back into their former roles, acting out responses that would lead Simon to believe she was healing. Getting better. And she was. But not from the drugs. People had broken her and only people could heal her. Not any people but the ones on this ship. As she improved Simon cut back on the drugs he was giving her, his heart soaring with hope and joy at the remission. Until finally, at last, she was not only drug free but coherent. Simon did not need to know that what she had been like before was kept inside so that the echo of who she was could be with them. Yet sometimes, when she looked at the Captain, it was as if he knew. A small smile would grace her lips, a gentle sad one flicker on his own. Only her promise stopped her from dancing over to him and letting her lips tell his what her heart longed to say.
Now they were out on a job. Mal, Zoe, Jayne and the Shepherd. Simon and Kaylee were laughing and teasing each other when Simon realised his sister had been awfully quiet for longer than was normal. "River?"
River did not want to shift her focus. She frowned slightly. "Trouble."
Simon's heart missed a beat. Kaylee touched his arm to reassure him but the doctor was tensing up, as if all River's efforts to appear normal were slipping away in one moment. It hurt him to think he might have to medicate her all over again. "River, how do you feel?"
She turned her head. "Double crossed. The friend who wasn't a friend."
"What ya sayin', River? You sayin' the Cap'n an' the others were betrayed?"
"Worse than turning the other cheek."
Kaylee and Simon exchanged a look. River waited to see if they would get what she was saying but they just stared blankly.
"Shot him."
Then River sprang to her feet and left, her feet slapping quietly on the deck plates. For a moment Simon and Kaylee did not speak then Kaylee sat in Simon's lap and gave him a gentle kiss.
"And she was getting so much better." Lamented a sad Simon.
Kaylee said nothing, her arms around her husband. A flicker of worry burning in the back of her mind while inwardly she prayed that River was wrong and that this was not a sign of the dementia they feared was returning. But neither of them knew it had never left.
River only went to her bunk to retrieve her boots. Quickly donning them she then went to Jayne's bunk and made a careful search for the correct armament. The Captain's rule in tatters in her mind when his life was in the balance. She wasn't a child any more but a woman with a mind of her own. Time he found out first hand but first she had to save him. Only one rule would be broken. For six years there had been no touching.
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silver-cleo · 2 years
Some firefly shit
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cursedchildofchaos · 3 years
Things that I didn't get in Serenity... (Spoilers ahead)
A kiss scene between Mal and Inara.
A Zoe and Wash baby.
Complete closure on River's story (I know it couldn't all be completely wrapped up sadly)
What I did get...
An even worse sadness that made me gasp outloud
The guy who plays the head elf in The Santa Clause (he dies, too)
Come on, you should have given me at least a few of the things if you were gonna do this to me
(Kaylee and Simon don't count. They were basically already dating in the last few episodes of the show)
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impalaparkedat221b · 3 years
Leverage Team mets Firefly Team
I can’t stop thinking about what would happen if Leverage and Firefly met so here’s what I’ve been thinking in case anyone cares
- Eliot and Jayne get along very well at first.  But then Jayne makes one of his typical mysoginistic comments about either Parker or Sophie (probably Parker) and Eliot knocks him out then and there without hesitation
- Eliot then goes and hangs out with Zoe and they make fun of Jayne together
- Kaylee and Parker are instant friends.  They share stories of crime and give Nate and Mal aneurysms running around Serenity
- Nate and Mal hate eachother with a burning passion and are constantly fighting for power but they part ways having a better understanding of eachother and having taken leadership tips.  The still hope to never see eachother again.
- Hardison and Wash talk about how great their partners are and Hardison makes some adjustments to Serenity’s control panel to make it more user friendly.
- Book and Eliot would have at one deep talk about God and morality then never say another word to eachother
- Parker asks a lot of questions about Inara’s job and tries to pay for time, just out of curiosity, but Inara turns her down
- Inara adopts Parker right along side Kaylee
- Nate tries to provoke Book but fails miserably
- Sophie and Inara connect but aren’t really friends per se
- Sophie mostly just wants to leave because the only thing worse than Nate is Nate trying to be in charge of stuff he isn’t
-Simon gets a little worried about Parker replacing him
- Eliot teaches Simon about field medicine since he clearly struggles without his fancy tools
- Simon is very concerned about everything about Eliot and afraid of him the same way he once was of Mal
- River and Parker also hang out and creep out the rest of the teams.  They plot the murders of everyone else as well.  Out loud, where everyone can hear them.
-When they leave, River tells Parker she wants to be a thief and Parker promises to train her some day
- Eliot finds himself being very protective of River.  She’s just so much like Parker he can’t help it
- Sophie and Zoe complain about Nate and Mal respectively and become good friends
I think that’s it.  Feel free to add your own ideas.
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carnationcreation · 4 years
Firefly / Serenity Masterlist
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My Masterlist
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💕 - requests
💫 — author favs!
Simon Tam imagines: 
- 💕💫Accidents: Reader isn’t too careful around the ship resulting in many visits to Doctor Tam
Malcolm Reynolds imagines:
-Bad dreams: Reader has been Mal’s friend since the war, but she’s the only one that’s ever seen his soft side late at night after a bad dream.
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Here there be heathens.
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musicalfreak24601 · 1 month
This has undoubtedly been done before but I’m lazy and useless knowledge fuels me. Poll away!!
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floorbed · 5 years
firefly characters ranked by how much weed they smoke
simon: 0/10. does not know what weed is
river: 1/10. also does not know what weed is but has a point on simon bc if offered she would definitely hit the j
inara: 3/10. she smokes a bowl occasionally w kaylee but besides that does not rlly vibe w it
mal: 4/10. acts like hes a stoner when hes around kaylee and wash to look cool but does not know how to roll for shit (see: book)
zoe: 5/10. the true neutral . will socially smoke esp w wash and kaylee but besides that knows she is the only thing separating these dumbasses from immediate death so she doesnt like to get too high all that often
jayne: 7/10. when passed the bowl he only packs mokes and it disgusts wash and zoe. the only members of the serenity that will smoke mokes w him are kaylee and mal
wash: 10/10. he hotboxes the flight deck nearly every day. zoe married a stoner
kaylee: 12/10. mf taught wash everything he knows. she constantly uses the kitchen to bake edibles and calls mal a narc when he gets pissed abt it
book: 1000/10. has been a stoner longer than uve been alive. openly laughed at mals "attempt" of rolling a blunt
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ratsbyghost · 4 years
Song: Counting Paths Artist: Matthew And The Atlas Fandom: Firefly/Serenity Pairing: Mal & River
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justyncase · 5 years
kaylee from firefly is bisexual
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nirahsaooc · 6 years
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