luaminesce · 5 years
This week in “stupid thoughts I have had”:
River Song singing “Fly Me to the Moon” to The Doctor (like, any incarnation of The Doctor).
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codexial · 7 years
Summary: In which River is a bad ass and the doctor finds  that it kind of turns him on. Title: Howl Fandom: Dr. Who Focus/Pairing: River Song, River/Eleven Spoilers: Through end of season 7 Song: Howl by Florence and the Machine A/N: I found this on my old laptop. It was not quite finished (and the original file was lost) so I gerry rigged the end to publish it. Working on something new soon!
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4pondsinabox · 8 years
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"And they both lived happily..."
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spica-lyms · 8 years
Ship or no Ship
I'm gonna write about me because some people kick me if I use the "we" in things I think. When I saw some show, anime, read a book, manga, etc, I saw MY couple. The couple I will see as the Only Couple Here. My ship. The only one. My precious one. Then, there are some couples the autor, the fans, the characters, the actors said: "This shall be the ship" and no matter what or how I saw, I can't see that couple as MY ship. I can try but NO. THIS IS MY BIG NO. It's not me saying everybody else is wrong and I'm right. It's me saying: "I HAVE FREE WILL AND I DECIDE WHO THE HELL I WANT TO SHIP AND I DON'T CARE YOU DID OR NOT" So, people who don't like my ship, don't hate. I'm not going to your posts to saying "Your ship is wrong" so I'm asking the same respect from you. I don't ship Sabriel, I don't ship RiverxEleven, I don't ship TenxRose, I don't ship Arthur x Gwen, I don't ship Romione or Dramione, I don't ship BuckyxSteve. I ship Destiel, I ship Eleven x Rory, I ship Ten x Master, I ship Merthur, I ship Voldarry, I ship Stony, I ship Spideypool. AND IT'S OK BECAUSE I LIKE IT AND IT'S NOT YOUR BUSSINESS IF I DON'T GO AND BOTHER YOU! Thank you very much
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Sudden ElevenxRiver feels
So, when you tell a person something from their future, that thing is fixed. It has to happen. When River was about to die in the library, she told Ten about the singing towers and how they would live adventures together. She was making sure their times together could not be rewritten. But making sure those times would not be rewritten also meant losing any possibility that the Doctor would find a way not to let her die in the library. She’d rather die for the Doctor than live without him.
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adrianainthesnow · 10 years
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
“In all the years I’ve known you, I never thought that your boredom could exhaust my libido, but you managed it. Congratulations.” In which the Doctor and River have been stuck in the TARDIS for over a week and River needs sleep, but the Doctor is still bored.
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peraltasass · 10 years
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I can’t let you die without knowing you are loved — by so many and so much — and by no one more than me. [x]
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rockingthekasbah · 10 years
(About the ship stuff) River/Eleven!
Does the laundry?
The TARDIS. When they're together neither one of them wants to waste the time they have, but if they're alone River does her own and the TARDIS still does the Doctors.
Is more spontaneous?
The Doctor. He's the one that'll pretend to be a guest lecturer just so he can see River in class, he'll come up with the most unique date ideas for them, and he has to be pretty spontaneous considering how often their dates go wrong.
Gets up in the middle of the night to deal with the baby crying?
The Doctor. He doesn't sleep much anyway, so he wants to make sure River can get the most rest she can. Sometimes though, when their child won't go to sleep, he has to take it to River because she's the only one that can calm it down.
Is more possessive?
River. The Doctor knows how flirtatious River can get, and he knows that she never does so without reason. But when the Doctor starts flirting with someone River will give the person a chance to leave before only just crossing the line over what is appropriate to do at that time and place.
Is most likely to fall asleep while watching a movie?
River. She only really feels safe when she's around the Doctor, and movie conditions are perfect sleeping conditions.
Is most likely to steal the others clothes?
River. She steals the Doctors shirts and socks. He never realises when she takes his socks so he just thinks it's the TARDIS complaining over something he did.
Cave to the other giving them pleading eyes?
River. She could never hold her own against the Doctors puppy eyes. And anyway, the Doctor pampers her so completely when they're together that she'll never be left wanting anything. And if she did... well, she has her own methods of getting him to comply.
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itdefiesimagination · 10 years
your favorite ship having a pajama/movie night :)
I’m finally home, so here is the thing, as promised.
Caution: It is strange(ly formatted), but I felt like writing dialogue and these two are weirdos, anyway. 
Thanks so much for the prompt, by the way. You rock my socks.  *insert cheesy heart emoticon here*
“You own a DVD player?”
“’Course I do.”
“And you’ve got DVD’s?”
“I’ve got a DVD player, why wouldn’t I have DVD’s? There’s no logical reason why one would have the capacity to play something and no something to play. Think it through.”
“Think what through?”
The Doctor sighs, “Your questions. Think your questions through.”
River sighs, “Why?”
“Because I get tired of answering them.”
“Funny – I’m not too fond of asking.”
“Then why do you?”
“To irritate you, mostly.”
“Well, what am I supposed to say to that?”
She grins, “Nothing.”
He glares, “Nothing?”
“You can’t fight an irrational statement with rational argument, darling.”
“Think it though.”
“Think what through?”
“Your questions. Think your quest—”
“Do you want to watch a film or not?”
“No one calls them ‘films,’” River pans, “unless one happens to be both inexcusably pretentious and lacking the self-awareness fundamental to nearly every organism whose intellectual prowess is on par with that of the common domesticated pet.”
“I call them films.”
“I rest my case.”
There is a beat of silence, and, by the end of it, he has wilted considerably. His face has fallen to creases.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“I didn’t realize you needed my permission.”
“No, can I ask you a question? Like, a serious question?”
Something in the room shifts – her mouth, for one, hardens to a thin line.
“Of course.”
“Do we ever talk? Later, I mean. Or…before? Future Me. Past You.”
“We’re talking now.” Her legs are crossed, not at the ankles, but at the knee. “So why does it matter?”
She’s all business, now, He thinks. You’ve done it.
“No … River. We speak at each other. We go in circles. We fight and no one loses.”
No one wins, either.
She blinks, an empty stare at an empty screen. “Afraid I can’t say.”
“That’s it, then. That’s it: You can’t say.”
“Well, you certainly don’t try.”
“I do.”
"Yes," she concedes.
“….,” A deep line, a groove, a fault, something divisive, appears between his eyes. 
“Yes, I do want to watch a film. Yes.”
And now he smiles at her.The result is brief, but closer to genuine than she’s ever seen. 
Ten seconds: The disc whirs and the screen lights.
Five minutes: His head is on her shoulder. There’s no reason. He’s tired, and the position is practical. 
Much later: He leans back, knees to his chest, as the room fades to black with the final scene. His head is not on her shoulder. There’s no reason. He’s tired, and she’s not there.
((Ew, soppy - my apologies.  I’ve not written fanfic in a very long time.))
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happymrsrory-blog · 10 years
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luaminesce · 10 years
Okay I really wanna make a vid for RiverxEleven with "Forever Yours", but I know it's gonna be bad given i only have WMM. Why must all of my creative problems involve River Song?
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kissherhello · 11 years
am i the only one who wonders if river was inside amy and rory's house when they reunited with eleven? 
like "it's christmas, you moron" then he closes the door and rory shouts "oh, you're not the only one here!"
and out walks river
hello sweetie
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adrianainthesnow · 10 years
One of my Eleven/River fics I actually managed to post. It's basically just a bunch of fluff
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If someone wrote a small fic about mattex or eleven/river washing a car I will love you because the idea has been stuck in my head for a over week now ever since I had to wash my car.
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caskett-rants-blog · 11 years
Hey, anyone want to give me a prompt?
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