roiiibintheibis · 2 months
It's a lovely morning in Colnora and you are a horrible assassin.
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felagund-fiollaigean · 9 months
so I found your Leverage/ Riyira crossover post and I have decided to start like a small story baces off your idea
holy shit dude you have no idea how awesome that would be. please send me what you write!
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beaglebageldoesart · 13 days
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I drew Hadrian. I always imagined him looking like Marcus from Babylon 5 since he has that kind of energy.
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poet-tree-lines · 6 months
i did see 'you killed my brother, prepare to die' coming, but i did not see whatever this dragon thing is
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its-elvish-for-two · 6 months
the winter holiday gamut is fast approaching, do you have any holiday-themed headcanons for riyira or gc characters?
Hadrian loves Wintertide. When he was a kid, the whole of Hintindar would get together and party late into the night and have a big feast and drink terrible beer and tell ghost stories.
And his father would take him to the Highcourt Games and while Hadrian, barely tall enough to see over the rail, was supposed to be learning, he was just taking in all the excitement and the noise and the colour. And he loves the honour of the tournament and for weeks afterwards he falls asleep to dreams of one day competing.
Hadrian always bugs Royce on the holidays, when their hibernating in Medford for the winter or on the rare occasion they have a job somewhere. Hadrian sits by the fire and drinks bad beer and tells Royce ghost stories and sings terribly, and Royce just sits silently and rolls his eyes but by the end of the evening, maybe he does crack a smile, just a little one.
And if they are in Medford, Gwen and the Ladies and Albert and Dixon and Mason all join in the singing and all add their own little traditions and they all fall asleep in the common room of The Rose in the early hours.
Royce says nothing, offers nothing, and sometimes he disappears when it gets too loud or too sentimental, but he always appears again, and he hovers by Gwen's shoulder as she laughs through her story and watches her smiling in the fire light, and he shakes his head as Hadrian tells an old story wrong and elbows him when Hadrian starts to get a little too lost in his own thoughts.
The snow isn't all that popular with either Hadrian or Royce, but Gwen loves it, so they oblige her and go outside the city and make snow angels and put one of Albert's hats on the snow man and go ice skating and Royce is surprisingly terrible at it which he forbids anyone to mention after he picks himself up for the fifth time and sulks off.
As for Greatcoats, I'm not so sure, we don't hear much about their holidays, though I bet it was chaos in the castle with all of them home. I'd love to hear your thoughts?
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nah-thanks-m8 · 1 year
do you have any headcanons or AUs for riyira?
I do actually (mostly regarding how they speak since I read the stories aloud)!
Royce speaks usually in a monotone, I'm using my standard American accent, a little bit rougher, and a little deeper than my voice. He usually colder when he speaks, and raises his voice only on occasion.
Hadrian is a Scottish boi, I don't make the rules. I got that idea from when we got to see the village where he grew up. He usually sounds like he's smiling, and his voice is pitched just a bit higher than Royce's to balance out Arista's angry, almost-yelling voice.
Gwen's voice is very smooth and rich; deep and comforting, with a hint of an accent (I went for a mix of Greek and Italian for where Calais is in-universe). I would have felt weird imitating the accents of any Middle Eastern or African nations.
Arista is throaty and assertive. She speaks in a forceful, upper-class American accent (think East Coast Old Money/Robber Baron), and her voice is lower and serves to balance out Hadrian's lighter tone.
Alric is a little shit (especially at the beginning of Theft of Swords). He has the same accent as Arista, but is infinitely whinier. His voice is a bit nasally, and higher pitched, but lowers over the course of the books.
Myron's voice is soft and sweet as he is but is a little sad. His voice is higher pitched, floaty instead of nasal. His voice contains a childlike wonder at the world around him, but imbued with quiet confidence.
Albert Winslow sounds like a Southern Gentleman Who Didn't Own Slaves but is Super Oblivious.
Mauvin, Fanen, and the rest of the Pickering troupe have the same style speech as Alric and Arista, but they sound decidedly more Scandinavian. Mauvin sounds reedy, Fanen sounds breathy, Denek sounds more childlike, and Lenare has a more musical voice.
Esrahaddon has a British accent, for which I just imitated Tom Hiddleston. He is either slightly amused or super scary, and Hiddleston works for both.
Bishop Saldur sounds like Emperor Palpatine. No I will not be elaborating.
Modina/Thrace has another voice that changes over time. She starts out small and soft, and slightly Irish sounding, as do the people of her village. In later books, she retains the Irish lilt but her voice deepens and becomes more commanding as she grows into her title of Empress.
Magnus is from Brooklyn, and, like his character, softens over time. He begins angry, nasal, and sharp, and becomes a lot more measured as the story goes on.
All of the other characters are usually Mississippi Southern, Minnesota Midwestern, East End London, New York, Irish, Scottish or the Italian/Greek mixture depending on where we are and where they're from.
Most of the Elven characters have Eastern European accents.
Let me know if there's anything else you want to know or if I missed anyone, I love answering questions!
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twd-obsessed-bitch · 4 months
do you have any headcanons about riyira?
I've been thinking about this since I got this ask and the only thing I can think of atm is that Hadrian would make an amazing girl dad and I will die by that.
I would love people sharing their hcs with me though!!!
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sh00kspeared · 2 years
I'm here to (gently) bully you into reading the Riyira Revelations. It's a trilogy divided into three volumes: Theft of Swords, Rise of Empire, and Heir of Novron. Each of those volumes is further divided into two books each: The Crown Conspiracy and Avempartha for ToS, Nyphron Rising and The Emerald Storm for RoE, and Wintertide and Persepliquis for HoN. It's about the most cynical bastard you'll ever meet and this absolute golden retriever of a man who do heists together for a living. They're also best friends, although their entire dynamic is mostly the "let me see what you have!" "a KNIFE!" "NO!!" vine. The plot twists literally had me screaming out loud in my kitchen. After The Riyira Revelations, there's a prequel series called the Riyira Chronicles and that's all about how Royce and Hadrian met, but definitely read Revelations first.
This gives me such Greatcoats vibes and I'm here for it-- I'll add it to my TBR 😎
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etsatymton · 1 year
tagged by @taralkariel
Last song: Parrot by Stepdad
Last show: Bluey (I work with kids), and my husband and I are watching Brooklyn 99
Last movie: How to Train Your Dragon
Currently watching: Brooklyn 99, Community (has been in a constant loop since 2020), and Legend of Korra
Currently Reading: Book three of Riyira Revelations (Heir of Novron), Book six of The Queen's Thief series (Return of the Thief), and book two of the Kingkiller Chronicles (The Wise Man's Fear). Authors are Michael J Sullivan, Megan Whalen Turner, and Patrick Rothfuss, respectively.
Current Obsession: Michael J Sullivan's world of Elan. I devoured his Legends of the First Empire series last year, and have been steadily working on Riyira Chronicles and Riyira Revelations since then. His books dragged me out of a five-year inability to read because of combination academic and autistic burnout. I also started writing my own books again because of his story.
I tag: @squaredoritos @hectomache
lol I don't have very many mutuals, oof
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a-galaxy-away · 2 years
I just finished the riyira revelations and I feel your pain. I miss my boys. Hadrian said he loves Royce! twice!!!!! And they hug!!
Ahhhhh hello fellow Riyria Enjoyer lolol I MISS THEM TOO :(( I’m glad they get a hug they need a besties vacay/ a VIP treatment/ a hot boy summer if you will. (But in all seriousness I’m happy to meet and talk to another fan!! :D I feel like it’s a small fandom)
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kryoxsdrawingcorner · 4 years
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alright, hear me out,,, Hadrian is very big, ok?  I quite like this sketch, though I doubt I will ever finish it :´) 
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riyria-doodles · 5 years
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wow, two posts in two days, i´m on fire
i hope y´all have a great day!!!! <3
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in a riyira Levrage AU. I'm 99%sure Royce wouod learn about mercy sooner. Yes she'd likely be staying with Modena. But do to technology and blood tests and stuff. Somone would lean Mercy is rated to Royce and contact him. Mercy would probably stay with. Modena ad Royce and Gwen aren't really om positions to care for a child. But I imagine Royce would do a video chat thing to read stories to Mercy and Hadrian sometimes joining.
Funny if Hardisan or Parker walked in on Royce with his face painted reading to mercy. Royce wouod put leav the call. Put a knife to the person's neck and make sure they wouod not tell anyone
What do you think
I think you could play it for a lot of drama if you want. it wouldn't be unlikely for hardison or nate to find out about mercy on accident. I think they would assume Royce is concealing her identity on purpose for her own safety, so they don't know royce doesn't know. maybe they bring it up to him, like: "hey just saying if you need any help with your girl, we'll do whatever we can to look out for her." you could take that one of two ways: either they're explicit about knowing that royce has a daughter, cue shock and surprise from both parties, or they discuss mercy in more vague terms in the interest of security, causing royce to misunderstand and think they're referring to gwen or something else, and they go on each thinking they know the whole story for the whole season until it comes to light later.
yeah it could be interesting
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Is anyone in the Riyira fandom?
I need someone to scream at about so many things. 
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themostkawaii · 7 years
Riyira Fanfic
So the other night I decided to write a Hadrian x Royce minific and was instructed to post it online :P It’s not edited so I apologize if I made any mistakes or the formatting is off but maybe someone will like it :)
Royce looked up through the thick canopy of leaves above him, trying to get a good glimpse at the sun’s position through them. He and Hadrian had been heading home from a mission when they’d taken a wrong turn—Hadrian’s idea, as Royce was quick to point out—and gotten lost in an incredibly dense forest. It was only a matter of time until the managed to find a decent vantage point, but in the meantime the detour was a little aggravating for the tense thief. Forests without paths were always something to be wary of.
Hadrian, however, didn’t seem to have that much of a problem with their current situation. He whistled as he began to stack up firewood by a makeshift pit, easily able to carry several cuts of wood over one shoulder. Their horses grazed peacefully a few trees over, making quick work of the available undergrowth. They had slung the saddles over thick, low-hanging branches to air out, and their packs had been tossed nearby. The campsite was relatively quite nice, but Royce was still scowling as Hadrian started breathing some kindling to life.
“Nice day to get lost, isn’t it?” his companion offered far too cheerily as he fanned the infant flames. “Warm weather, plenty of food and supplies left, and just after a successful mission. It’s almost like a miniature vacation!”
Royce rolled his eyes and paced before the fire pit, his shoes started to pad down the grass into a little path. “You do realize that we’re still lost, right? This puts a serious delay into our schedule.”
Hadrian just shook his head. “You take things too seriously sometimes, you know that? Why I remember plenty of times where I was in worse straits than this—hell, one time I got lost all on my own and wandered a mountain for a week before finding any signs of life. Now that was being lost!”
“Ugh, why am I not surprised.”
Hadrian sat back on his heels with a pleased expression and put some logs on the fire as it grew to a considerable size. “Does someone need a hug?” he teased, eyes twinkling with good cheer and mischievousness.
Royce stopped pacing for a heartbeat, attempting to glare daggers at his oblivious friend. “Try to hug me and I will sit you on your ass so quickly.”
Hadrian chuckled. “Oh c’mon Royce, don’t be like that—I could take you any day.”
The dark thief appeared genuinely insulted by that comment. “Are you joking, or are you actually as delusional as I had assumed?”
His partner in crime snorted. “Anytime and anywhere, Melbourne.”
“Oh that is just rude,” Royce snarled as he tore off his outer cloak. He didn’t bear any ill well towards his friend in particular, but he needed to let out the stress that had been plaguing him of late, and Hadrian was a very big, willing target.
Hadrian grinned and relieved himself of his swords at Royce’s reaction, moving out of the way of his fire to a clearer patch of ground. The two were on each other at the next heartbeat, without any need to speak or clarify their intentions. Royce was quick on his feet and slippery, but Hadrian had the clear advantage in size and muscle mass. They were both often errantly dismissed for differing reasons—Royce being considered weak and Hadrian brainless due to their appearances—but that was hardly the case in fact. The men worked well together in part because they were an equal match, and they showed it in the way they fought.
Royce had the upper edge for a while, spurred on by his eagerness to engage compared to Hadrian’s more laid-back attitude, but things quickly took a turn in the opposite direction, and soon Hadrian had Royce pinned to the leafy forest floor. Royce was wholly unable to move or break the younger man’s grip, and his smaller size was only aiding in keeping him down.
He tended to be a bit of a sore loser and wanted to yell and curse and accuse Hadrian of cheating the match miraculously, but something stopped him. Hadrian’s face was so close to his, as the man panted for breath on top of him, and there was something about the way his light hair framed his face in that moment that made Royce incredibly interested and confused.
“What’re you…stop doing that,” he grumbled half-heartedly, still a bit dazed.
“Doing what?” Hadrian asked, voice low but quiet in Royce’s ear.
“Stop the—the thing—the thing you’re doing with your face.”
Even if Royce didn’t understand it at the time, it didn’t take long for Hadrian to. The bulkier man purred and leaned in, his lips a hair’s breadth from Royce’s. “Doing this?”
He found Royce unable to speak, unwilling to even attempt a stutter, with the smaller man’s eyes focused entirely on Hadrian’s lips. Those lips quickly split into a knowing smirk as he leaned down and completed the touch, gently kissing his partner in crime for a moment before pulling away again.
“Or did you mean that?”
Royce stammered, pupils dilated and face almost needy, for a solid minute before he could pull himself together. “What the hell was that for?! Get off of me!” Even his protest seemed rather weak.
Hadrian just smirked and got off him, walking over to the fire adding another log to it before it burned itself out. “What does it look like I was doing?”
Royce rolled onto his side but didn’t bother getting up. “You kissed me!” he accused.
Hadrian just smirked and shrugged. “Your point is?”
“You…you stopped.”
“Would you rather I continued?” Hadrian asked, worried for a moment that he’d gotten the wrong impression.
He definitely had not. “Just…just get over here you idiot and finish the job.”
Hadrian laughed and made his way back over to Royce, easily pushing the smaller man down again and pressing teasing kisses to his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, anywhere but his lips. It was only when he heard Royce audibly whine underneath him that he caved again, tasting the man’s soft lips and reveling in the sensation. This was going to be a very interesting night, indeed.
What a damn good day to get lost!
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its-elvish-for-two · 1 year
there's totally a god named Kyle I'm riyira, right? The one with the white feather motif, right? I didn't imagine that in a fever dream, right???? I need someone else to confirm there's honestly a god named Kyle cause it's the funniest thing ever
Haha yes, there is. He has various names, but one of them is Kyle, I'm pretty sure.
The more I look at the name, the less sure I am, you know like when you say a word too many times and it starts to sound weird, but yeah, the feather dude with multiple identities is Kyle
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