#gwen delancy
rxpppedjeans · 1 month
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My middle of the night thoughts, just opinions
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arista-essendon · 1 month
Riyria Revelations as textposts I found on Pinterest p3
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Hadrian and Royce
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Gwen and Royce
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lyssq · 4 months
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This came to me in a vision… a guide to Riyria/Elan ships
*this is assuming that Gwen/Royce and Esrahaddon/Elinya manage to get into the same afterlives but I believe they could
**also assuming Brin manages to drag Tesh’s ass out of the abyss and they work something out but I mean she literally has eternity to make him do some emotional introspection
***You could say Mawyn and Mak are tragic (afterlife) too but I guess the tragic part is that they don’t go to the afterlife. Also they could have been together but Mawyndulë dedicated 3000 years of his life to vengeance while Makareta spent that time building a thriving community so tbh I don’t feel she’d even want him after all the shit he pulled
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its-elvish-for-two · 5 months
the winter holiday gamut is fast approaching, do you have any holiday-themed headcanons for riyira or gc characters?
Hadrian loves Wintertide. When he was a kid, the whole of Hintindar would get together and party late into the night and have a big feast and drink terrible beer and tell ghost stories.
And his father would take him to the Highcourt Games and while Hadrian, barely tall enough to see over the rail, was supposed to be learning, he was just taking in all the excitement and the noise and the colour. And he loves the honour of the tournament and for weeks afterwards he falls asleep to dreams of one day competing.
Hadrian always bugs Royce on the holidays, when their hibernating in Medford for the winter or on the rare occasion they have a job somewhere. Hadrian sits by the fire and drinks bad beer and tells Royce ghost stories and sings terribly, and Royce just sits silently and rolls his eyes but by the end of the evening, maybe he does crack a smile, just a little one.
And if they are in Medford, Gwen and the Ladies and Albert and Dixon and Mason all join in the singing and all add their own little traditions and they all fall asleep in the common room of The Rose in the early hours.
Royce says nothing, offers nothing, and sometimes he disappears when it gets too loud or too sentimental, but he always appears again, and he hovers by Gwen's shoulder as she laughs through her story and watches her smiling in the fire light, and he shakes his head as Hadrian tells an old story wrong and elbows him when Hadrian starts to get a little too lost in his own thoughts.
The snow isn't all that popular with either Hadrian or Royce, but Gwen loves it, so they oblige her and go outside the city and make snow angels and put one of Albert's hats on the snow man and go ice skating and Royce is surprisingly terrible at it which he forbids anyone to mention after he picks himself up for the fifth time and sulks off.
As for Greatcoats, I'm not so sure, we don't hear much about their holidays, though I bet it was chaos in the castle with all of them home. I'd love to hear your thoughts?
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Random question time!
What's something you've drawn inspiration from recently?
Good question!! I started rereading one of my favorite fantasy series yesterday (Riyria Revelations) so currently my head is mostly filled with Hadrian - I love Royce to DEATH and Gwen is perfection, but I’ve been craving himbo. I’m trying to catch up on some other audiobooks since I finished Theft of Swords already, but I just want to go back to fun fantasy land T-T
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 9 months
Inej Ghafa 🤝 Gwen Delancy
Loving the ‘broken’ ‘unloveable’ men
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in a riyira Levrage AU. I'm 99%sure Royce wouod learn about mercy sooner. Yes she'd likely be staying with Modena. But do to technology and blood tests and stuff. Somone would lean Mercy is rated to Royce and contact him. Mercy would probably stay with. Modena ad Royce and Gwen aren't really om positions to care for a child. But I imagine Royce would do a video chat thing to read stories to Mercy and Hadrian sometimes joining.
Funny if Hardisan or Parker walked in on Royce with his face painted reading to mercy. Royce wouod put leav the call. Put a knife to the person's neck and make sure they wouod not tell anyone
What do you think
I think you could play it for a lot of drama if you want. it wouldn't be unlikely for hardison or nate to find out about mercy on accident. I think they would assume Royce is concealing her identity on purpose for her own safety, so they don't know royce doesn't know. maybe they bring it up to him, like: "hey just saying if you need any help with your girl, we'll do whatever we can to look out for her." you could take that one of two ways: either they're explicit about knowing that royce has a daughter, cue shock and surprise from both parties, or they discuss mercy in more vague terms in the interest of security, causing royce to misunderstand and think they're referring to gwen or something else, and they go on each thinking they know the whole story for the whole season until it comes to light later.
yeah it could be interesting
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nah-thanks-m8 · 1 year
do you have any headcanons or AUs for riyira?
I do actually (mostly regarding how they speak since I read the stories aloud)!
Royce speaks usually in a monotone, I'm using my standard American accent, a little bit rougher, and a little deeper than my voice. He usually colder when he speaks, and raises his voice only on occasion.
Hadrian is a Scottish boi, I don't make the rules. I got that idea from when we got to see the village where he grew up. He usually sounds like he's smiling, and his voice is pitched just a bit higher than Royce's to balance out Arista's angry, almost-yelling voice.
Gwen's voice is very smooth and rich; deep and comforting, with a hint of an accent (I went for a mix of Greek and Italian for where Calais is in-universe). I would have felt weird imitating the accents of any Middle Eastern or African nations.
Arista is throaty and assertive. She speaks in a forceful, upper-class American accent (think East Coast Old Money/Robber Baron), and her voice is lower and serves to balance out Hadrian's lighter tone.
Alric is a little shit (especially at the beginning of Theft of Swords). He has the same accent as Arista, but is infinitely whinier. His voice is a bit nasally, and higher pitched, but lowers over the course of the books.
Myron's voice is soft and sweet as he is but is a little sad. His voice is higher pitched, floaty instead of nasal. His voice contains a childlike wonder at the world around him, but imbued with quiet confidence.
Albert Winslow sounds like a Southern Gentleman Who Didn't Own Slaves but is Super Oblivious.
Mauvin, Fanen, and the rest of the Pickering troupe have the same style speech as Alric and Arista, but they sound decidedly more Scandinavian. Mauvin sounds reedy, Fanen sounds breathy, Denek sounds more childlike, and Lenare has a more musical voice.
Esrahaddon has a British accent, for which I just imitated Tom Hiddleston. He is either slightly amused or super scary, and Hiddleston works for both.
Bishop Saldur sounds like Emperor Palpatine. No I will not be elaborating.
Modina/Thrace has another voice that changes over time. She starts out small and soft, and slightly Irish sounding, as do the people of her village. In later books, she retains the Irish lilt but her voice deepens and becomes more commanding as she grows into her title of Empress.
Magnus is from Brooklyn, and, like his character, softens over time. He begins angry, nasal, and sharp, and becomes a lot more measured as the story goes on.
All of the other characters are usually Mississippi Southern, Minnesota Midwestern, East End London, New York, Irish, Scottish or the Italian/Greek mixture depending on where we are and where they're from.
Most of the Elven characters have Eastern European accents.
Let me know if there's anything else you want to know or if I missed anyone, I love answering questions!
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a-mir-mortal · 2 years
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Very rough doodles I did a couple weeks ago without a real attempt at reference. Just vibes and a pencil tool I had never previously employed.  
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roiiibintheibis · 1 month
I reread 4 Royce/Gwen scenes for fun and I am having realizations.
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elisabethwheatley · 3 years
Royce: Did you...just...flirt with me?
Gwen: Have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing.
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rxpppedjeans · 1 year
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arista-essendon · 18 days
royce to gwen
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lyssq · 3 months
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Valentines from Elan! (Spent way too long thinking of these)
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its-elvish-for-two · 2 years
Riyria Chronicles characters as Whose Line prompts...
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The Crimson Hand
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Has this been done before? Well, it has now. And there will be more...
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just-a-mouse · 3 years
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They deserved a happy life together it’s so unfair
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