kihyunrk · 6 years
— goodbye winter.
You’re called into Hyun Bin’s office first thing Saturday morning and, after waiting behind locked doors for about twenty minutes, the CEO walks in followed by a few men in suits. He sits behind his desk and motions for you to take the seat directly in front of it. While you get settled, he browses through some files until he finds the folder he’s been looking for.
“Here it is. Now… Kihyun-ssi. My staff members tell me you’ve been missing practice lately, and that when you do show up, your commitment to classes is lacking at best.” He leans forward, gaze piercing through as he continues. “That behaviour is unacceptable, and you may already suspect by now why I called you in here today. You’ve disappointed me, Kihyun-ssi.” He pauses, takes a deep breath, lets the effect of his words kick in fully. “And I am not particularly thrilled about the idea of spending my time and my resources on someone who keeps on disappointing.”
“So, I’m here to offer you a choice, so we can both stop wasting time. If you cannot commit yourself to this company and abide by our rules, I will work on an agreement with our legal department so we can terminate your contract effective immediately, and you will be free to do whatever it is you think is worth doing instead of showing up to practice on time. However, if you’d like to give yourself and your training another chance, I will let you stay, under the condition that you present only your best self from now on. One more slip, and you will be out without question.”
He slides over the folder he had been holding onto, and points to where his signature has already been drawn out. “It’s up to you. I will leave you to your thoughts. You have ten minutes.” With that, he gets up and leaves the room, followed by all but one of the lawyers that were present as well.
from the moment he’s called to hyun bin’s office, he knows what it’s about. there isn’t a single doubt in his mind that this has everything to do with his performance — or lack thereof, — as a trainee. whether he’s putting little to no effort into improvement or skipping practice altogether, time and time again kihyun has found himself shirking responsibility, placing his focus anywhere he views as more convenient. it was only a matter of time before something like this happened — confrontation was inevitable.
it’s no secret that he’s been unhappy with the company from the moment he signed his contract — or at least, it’s no secret to him and jinyoung. the slightly older male was easily kihyun’s favorite thing about nova, and, quite honestly, he’s the only reason kihyun managed to show up to practice at all. they were always honest with each other, open with the way they both felt about nova; only now, kihyun was being offered a way out.
for a moment, kihyun frowns. he doesn’t want to leave one of his best friends behind, yet why should he stay with the company if jinyoung is his only reason to stay? he wishes that he had the time to ask for jinyoung’s advice, knowing that the older would have the same valuable insight he offered the night they met by chance when kihyun had accidentally dialed his number. ten minutes. kihyun shuffles in his seat, a feeling of discomfort beginning to settle in.
the next moment, he’s thinking of seokjin, another of his favorite people at nova; someone else that he’d easily consider to be one of his best friends. what would he think of him? would he understand his reason for leaving? could they even be on good terms after this? he doesn’t know the answer, though, honestly, he’s not sure if he’d blame the older male if he did sever ties. he knows that he’d feel bitter if the shoe were on the other foot.
he thinks of wendy and sunmi, an uneasy feeling making its way into the pit of his stomach. he cares for the both of them so much, even if they’ve known each other for less than a year. he knows that they’ve both got a long career ahead of them, and he prays that hyun bin realizes their potential before it’s too late. they both deserve better, he thinks, once again wishing he had time to seek out advice from others.
and chaeyoung. kihyun wishes that he had time to fill her in on what was going on, not wanting to leave his friend behind without any warning whatsoever. he hopes that she isn’t too hurt by his decision to leave, considering the close friendship he believes them to have developed during both their time at interstellar and nova.
surprisingly enough, he’s even saddened by the thought of leaving meiqi. while they’ve hardly gotten along during their time spent together at nova, there’s a part of him that’s come to cherish their little pranks towards each other. she’s definitely one of the best things about nova, even if he’d never admit it. he’s going to miss her.
he tries not to even think of huidong or ricky. he has a gut feeling that this might be the last he hears from them, and, once again, he knows that he wouldn’t blame them. it’s a selfish move on his part — abandoning his team for the sake of his own happiness. still, he feels it’s the right move; they’ll persevere as a team, he knows it. so why should he stay, knowing that he’d remain unhappy? he’s finally being presented with a way out, a chance to leave nova and focus solely on his own music — a chance to live life on his own terms.
kihyun stares at his ceo with a blank expression, lightly drumming his fingers on his lap. “i see,” he speaks plainly, an empty sigh slipping past his lips. “while i appreciate the fact that you’d even consider letting me stay… you said it yourself, we should both stop wasting our time here. i’m smart enough to know that training would only get harder on me from now on, and you’re smart enough to know that i’m already discontent enough as it is. so how about we both save those ten minutes, hmm? maybe you can use them doing something useful for the trainees you still have. but, again… i really am grateful for my time spent here, even if i could never fully commit myself to it. if the timing had been any different, well… maybe things would have worked out differently. i’m… sorry that they couldn’t. but… thank you.”
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rkkyg · 6 years
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112 likes kyg98: late nights. matching vibes. throwback thursday.  w juniorpark ymt95 view all comments POSTED 11 MINUTES AGO
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bambamrk · 6 years
meeting new / bambam & junior
his own evaluation was had been one of the first few so when bambam finished he sat down and started to watch the others. there was one person who caught his eye. bambam hadn't recognized him and he wondered if he missed out on a new trainee. so he made it a point to speak to him after it was all over. he got up quickly, shaking his body out and stretching a little.
everyone walked out while he went to over to the trainee and stopped him just before he could follow the throng. "hey! i enjoyed your song choice and your performance? how long have you been a trainee? i didn't realize so many new people had joined since we started training at the samsung building." with going between the two, it had been easy to miss people. "my name is kunpimook bhuwakul but you can call me bambam if that's easier."  
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soljirk · 6 years
✨ one shot, two shot
( a starter for @rkjunixr ) – tw: drinking / alcohol
suji was in desperate need of something to drink and just forget about her life. as each day passed, she knew the inevitable was coming. each night, they seemed to fight the moment she got home, so tonight, she wasn’t going back. she wasn’t going to go back until she could gather the courage to write the break-up letter and give him back the ring. as much as she didn’t want to do that, she knew that she had to, and she hated that fact so much.
the little food stand that she walked past each night was bustling with people today. that sucked, suji thought to herself as she would have much rather been able to sit on her own with her bottle of soju and drink her sorrows away. instead, she had to find a table to sit at. to her surprise, the only seat available happened to be across from jinyoung. well, she supposed it wouldn’t be bad to maybe have some distractions. “do you mind if i sit here?” she asked as she approached him.
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rkiny · 6 years
˙ ˖✶ young & dumb ( past ). ❜
( w. @rkjunixr ).
the halls are full of idle chatter, groups of students filtering in and out as they socialized, weaving amongst each other as they all attempted to get wherever it was they needed to go. unlike mornings, where most tended to scramble around in their tired states, hoping to situate themselves for the day with ease, afternoons were far more relaxed in comparison ( at least for her they were )— for this, nayeon was always grateful for.
her drive for successful academics, after-school activities, and dance practices tended to leave little room to breathe and unwind. yet, although these were all these she willingly chose to do, she would never complain. no, not with so much of her future riding on such decisions. this made any downtime she had more than wonderful, giving her the little moments she needed to breathe and take a break.
however, lately, that seemed harder and harder to do when the one person she wanted to spend that time with seemed to be growing more distant with her— jinyoung, her boyfriend.
well, she hoped he was still her boyfriend.
the brunette could count on two hands the number of times he acted differently towards her over the last few weeks, whether it be speaking far more curtly to her than he’d ever had before, acting dismissive, or pulling annoyed faces whenever she was around different friends ( like she wouldn’t notice ).
it stung, really, knowing something was obviously wrong, but not knowing what it was or how to try and fix it. was he going through something? had she done something? if so, what did she do? those thoughts had her mind reeling, but it wasn’t until today when these distractions began to truly weigh her down during class, her attention unfocused, that she knew something needed to be done.
so, it’s at his locker nayeon finds herself, waiting for him in anxious anticipation. she just hopes she hasn’t missed him yet.
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rkmiya · 6 years
do you even lift bro?
sunmi wasn’t a fan of the gym. never has been and probably never will be. so when it comes to workouts in the gym facility in nova, she avoided every circuit possible. weight lifting? hell no. cardio? nah. stair climbing? fuck that. but, be it as it may, coaches did not let that slide. and while she could opt out for yoga (it was familiar and far better than anything else in the gym) they wanted her to be more versatile in the gym.
thus, the 24 year old was stuck lifting weights.
they were small, about thirty pounds in each hand. it was nothing compared to what she knew she could lift but it was something to get her by. it looked comical: frail sunmi lifting her brightly coloured baby weights.
“this is the easiest thing i can do and not put effort into it,” she explained, tossing a look to jinyoung. “don’t make fun of me.” though honestly, she wouldn’t blame him if he did.
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rkhugo · 6 years
you’ve got a friend in me.
learning of kihyun’s departure was disheartening, especially since hugo had seen the guy he was signed with leave. people apparently didn’t last in nova, but he supposed it made sense. nova was tough on their trainees, and not everyone was cut out for this way of life. hugo had somehow adapted, but not everyone was able to change and become accustomed to the trainee life. it was sad to see kihyun go, but it was for the best in all likelihood. all hugo could do was wish him well. 
now, he didn’t know jinyoung all that well, but hugo was making an effort to grow closer to him. he wanted jinyoung to have someone to depend on here in nova, since the environment could be pretty suffocating here. so when he sees jinyoung coming down the hall with an expression that pained even hugo to see, he couldn’t help but stop jinyoung in his tracks, both hands clasping jinyoung’s arms gently as he tries to get him to look at him. “hey, hey, what’s going on? are you okay?” obviously he wasn’t, but hugo didn’t know how else to broach this. “do you need to talk?”
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rkjoohyvn · 6 years
❝ — starstruck ,
as soon as jinyoung told her about the idol dance classes, she couldn’t say yes fast enough. even if she was low on cash at the moment due to being unable to find a roommate still, she scrounged up and saved as much as she could in order to be able to take the class. there was no way she would miss the opportunity to take a dance class from jun.q himself! she would certainly regret that more than having to survive on ramen for a week just to be able to pay for it. the fact that she’ll be able to take it with jinyoung, who she hasn’t seen as much as she’d like to due to his training, was just the icing on the top.
not to mention, it serves as a more than welcome distraction.
the day seems to approach at a snail’s pace because of how excited she is, and by the time she arrives at the dance studio, she’s practically shaking with excitement. she gives the group a quick scan, eyes searching for only one person in particular. a grin immediately blooms on her face as she locks eyes with him and makes her way over, punching him playfully simply because she has so much energy to expend at the moment.
“i can’t believe this is happening,” she says, words shaking with anticipation. “are you ready for this? i’m so ready. when are they getting here? are they here already? do i look okay? oh my god i totally forgot to check the mirror before i left.” nervous hands reach up into her hair and her fingers run through her long black strands. “i don’t look like life has been kicking my butt, do i?”
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rkmeiqi-archived · 7 years
⭐️ — sos (save me).
another day, another date. meiqi sometimes doesn’t understand why she goes on so many blind dates or agrees to a classmate’s invitation. frankly, since becoming a trainee, she doesn’t have enough time for relationships or hookups. and, to put it bluntly, she hasn’t found anyone worthwhile since the boy from summer.
it seems like all she can do so far is point out every mistake, every little thing that she doesn’t agree with, of her date. he takes her to a movie theatre—why would anyone go to see a movie on a first date? you can’t even get to know each other. he wants to watch a horror movie, but meiqi finds them boring and unrealistic (considering all of her ghost-hunting with changkyun proved the lack of supernatural entities). she can’t help but release a sigh of relief when she sees a familiar face, amidst her date’s incessant chattering, and thinks perhaps she can worm her way out of this.
“jinyoung!” meiqi purposely drops the ‘sunbae’ honorific that she normally uses with other nova trainees. she bounds towards the counter, letting her date trail behind her, grinning from ear to ear. “fancy seeing you here. wanna hook me up with some free popcorn?” meiqi leans forward, cupping a hand around her mouth and mouthing, ‘save me’ while her eyes flit between jinyoung and the boy beside her.
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rkjisung-blog · 7 years
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“what are you doing?”
“posting your memes on twitter.”
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rkminhyxk-blog · 7 years
haunted? ` pjy&lmh
“yah, do we have to watch with the lights off?” minhyuk whined--- the movie had barely started, and this was nowhere near going to be the end of the boy’s complaining. he was huddled next to jinyoung too, and he was probably much closer than he initially wanted him to be in the first place. how long had the two of them been friends? long enough, so jinyoung could deal.
the thing is, minhyuk had been excited to watch the horror movie at first... was he the one who suggested it? it might have been, but he couldn’t really think of why they were watching something so scary (he assumed, since the movie really had only been playing for a good 5 minutes), late at night, and with the lights off when minhyuk was too busy thinking of all the ways he was going to get himself to peacefully fall asleep later. 
a puff of air fell past minhyuk’s lips as he leaned back into he couch, which may or may not have been an attempt to get further away from the screen. he could admit he was being a little ridiculous, he sure felt ridiculous, but that definitely wasn’t going to stop him from poking the other's side to get jinyoung’s attention. “something’s going to happen, i know it, do you hear the music? something bad’s gonna happen any second, oh god, i know it is.”
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rkleedongminie · 7 years
X | Way to Many Feels
w/ @rkjunixr 170415
          Sometimes Dongmin likes to do the rebellious teen thing by sneaking out of the house when his parents are asleep. Though, it’s not so much ‘sneaking’ as it is telling his parents he’s going to stay at the studio later tonight and not to wait up. So, really he isn’t even sneaking out of the house. It never really crossed his mind that his parents give him probably too much trust in cases like this, but he also never really dose anything other than exactly what he says. There’s only been a few weekends where he has gone out of his way to lie to them, and he has very good reasons for this.
           See, Dongmin likes movies. He spends his free time watching them, and sometimes even has one playing when he’s studying as kind of a background noise. It use to be rare that he would be find time to go to the theaters, but in the last few months he’s been skipping out on extra practice to go to the movie. Since his parents started giving him an allowance for doing minor things around the house. Tonight happened to be one of those nights were he decides to go to the movies as there’s a new romance movie out that he was interested in seeing.
           Despite the fact that he tries to seem cool and collected, Dongmin has such a weak spot for a good romance. The movie had been an especially touching one, and it just hit his heart making him feel all kinds of soft. After it ended he had hurried to the theaters restrooms, pulling his mask down under his chin so he could wipe the tears that had rolled down his face.
           “It was just so sweet…” He muttered to himself, paying absolutely no attention to anyone else around him as he wallowed in his own emotions. Unable to stop being teary eyed over the movie he had just seen. It was honestly the best one so far ( and he’s seen at least 4 in the last month ).
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exrkpyoeun-blog · 7 years
“you look like garbage,” eunji says, leaning over the table. it’s still early in the morning, yet the cafe is filling up with k-arts students. they’re studying, finishing up last-minute projects, having breakfast or coffee, or in the case of this guy, about to pass out. eunji wouldn’t even have taken notice of him, except that he’s sitting at her favorite table. the secluded one in the corner where she can feel moderately separated from the noise of humanity. looks like she’s not so lucky today, although it looks like he needs it more than she does.
she places her spoon and cup of soup down on the table. “you should probably skip your morning classes.” assuming he has any; if it were her, she wouldn’t have dragged herself out of bed in the first place unless she had some kind of critical obligation. but eunji doesn’t like to get that wasted. why is she even talking to this guy, anyway? he might be kind of attractive if he weren’t practically melting onto the table. it’s hard to tell. still, she pushes the soup across the table toward him. “here, you eat this. i’m losing my appetite just looking at you.” and she sits down.
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rkness · 8 years
intruder alert ` jsy & pjy
@rkjunixr  // tw: alcohol mention!
noel’s always telling her she should be more careful when she drinks. sic doesn’t have a very good…pacing system. if someone’s giving her drinks, she’s sure enough knocking them back like they’re going out of style. and it’s because of her stupid decision to drink shot after shot, after shot after shot that she’s in this state.
her fingernails scrape against the wall as she drags her shoulder along it, gasping from a very shitty attempt to hide her giggling. her other mouth is pressed against her mouth to muffle them, her face flushed a pretty pink as she makes the somewhat familiar trek down her apartment hallway. she looks up at the doors, squinting to find the proper number—but her vision is blurry and it takes far too long for her to focus on reading the number, so she throws the thought aside and instead chooses to rely on memory alone.
what a wonderful idea for a drunk jessica jung.
she manages to reach her supposed remembered door, fumbling with the doorknob as she yawns. “noel,” she manages to slur out, using one hand to smack weakly on the door. “noel, open up! little shit head—“ turning the knob has her yelping at the door falling open, and she manages to catch herself last minute, bouncing on one foot. she burps in surprise, pushing herself to stand on unsteady feet. her back falls against the door as she shuts it close (with a slam louder than intended). her skull hits the back of the door as she groans, pushing herself forward.
“noel!” she calls out for her brother once more, scowling when there’s no immediate answer. “can you get me some water? i feel like i’m gonna vomit.”
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rkgray · 8 years
//afro power
did you ever hear of the afro power, his coach asked. gary had finally gotten back to his box training, and his coach had dragged him outside with him in order to join a little charity event the box studio participated in. they were collecting money for children who couldn’t afford to do sports because of their financial background. and now gary had been shoved outside, with bright red boxing gloves and a black afro wig. “show the kids some of your fancy moves, using the afro power.” was that supposed to be a one piece joke?
gary wasn’t too sure, but he didn’t cared. if it was for charity purpose, it was fine. so he wore the wig, and the boxing gloves and put on his cap on top of his head, while wearing a bright yellow jacket. didn’t looked like the best fashion combination, but it looked hilarious and children slowly started to gather, when he began to pose for them. doing a duckface he finally did some box movements in front of a group of young boys who had glittering eyes when they watched him. he was sure he looked pretty silly, but if he could bring some laughter to Seoul’s street, Gary was happy.
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rkpcy · 6 years
* the great escape ,
he’s not exactly sure what possessed him to do it. it was sitting there, unattended, as if precious barbecue wasn’t at stake. sure, the grill wasn’t on anymore, and most people had already gotten their food, but the silver cooking untensil was staring at him, daring for him to grab it and go. so he did. he grabbed the tongs right off of the grill’s handlebar and made a run for it. he’ll never know if anyone saw him or chased after him after he did it, because he never once looked back until he nearly crashed into someone else, instead making a quick turn, tripping over his own feet and doing a tumble before landing on his feet again.
he glances back at the other male, tongs in his hands, guilty expression on his face. “quick, you have to help me hide the evidence,” he blurts out, looking around him to see if anyone’s noticed. it didn’t seem like anyone cared, but he was always one for dramatics.
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