#rl shit
greenbergsays · 2 months
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greenbergwrites · 4 months
Another Stuff Your Kindle Day, fam!
Notable books for free:
Clutch by Piper Scott & Virginia Kelly - The first in the 9-book series about a family of dragons and their eventual mates. I've mentioned it before on here quite a bit, and besides the first half of book two, I genuinely like this whole series.
Warning: there is egg-laying.
Kick at the Darkness by Keira Andrews - I haven't read this one, but it's Keira Andrews. I trust her implicitly. The synopsis promises an apocalypse story with a werewolf.
Five Minutes Longer by Victoria Sue - The first in a 8-book series about enhanced (think mutant) human beings. I'd describe this one as okay, I had some problems with the series of events in the first book but overall, I think it's decent.
I own 3 of the books in paperback, I just refuse to get the other ones because the author changed the covers and I hate the new ones.
I'll reblog if I see any others that are worth a grab.
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lacnunga · 10 months
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Also, HMS Trincomalee 🥰😘
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wordsformurder · 4 months
Is there some kind of fourth law of thermodynamics that says that in order to have more than two consecutive days off, you must first survive the worst shift since the last time you had more than two consecutive days off?
Because fuck you, Newton. And also gravity and other people.
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runwhileyoucan · 8 months
No, but as someone with the most difficult ass relationship with my dad and struggling with super bad mental health, dean saying “ I didn't deserve what he put on me.” is so eye opening and its all i can think about.
Yeah, i thought all this shit was my fault, Yeah, i thought it was my fault i got threaten and was told that i was a terrible person.... the fact that supernatural is saving my life. .
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annanother-thing · 6 months
so i told my therapist about fanfic today like she knows i write (everyone in my life knows i write i am the queen of talking about my writing without telling people its fanfic) and she was so excited like she was saying how good it is for me to have a safe outlet for things and to be around people who have similar life experiences with the old brain doing the old misbehaving and i just.... idk... at the beginning of nano i just fel so validated in the fact that i am going to dedicate so much of this month to writing about fictional gay wizards. anyways. i just am having good feelings
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sylaurin · 1 month
Tomorrow is my last day at this job, and I feel like a kid about to go on summer vacation ~
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tozettastone · 11 months
I read this the other day and now I feel completely vindicated about whining that it's cold all the time even though it's only 10° or whatever outside. It's not just me... 81% of us are Too Damn Cold here over the winter.
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miradelletarot · 3 months
Ya know what, brain? Fuck off.
I have been waiting all day to sit down and write.
All. Day.
Dealt with both jobs today, and a shit ton of drama at my morning job, and all I wanted to do was relax, and finish my fic.
Cue the imposter syndrome thoughts that have now completely stunted my creative flow. What I was once excited to write, I am now dreading.
What if no one likes it? There are so many better writers out there than me. Who wants to read my noob shit? Does anyone really like what I write?? I feel like all i write is mediocre, and completely unexciting. Maybe I am wasting my time.
I actually have a deadline for the one i'm working on rn, and I can't fucking work on it now b/c it feels like all of the words are just jumbling in my head into one big congealed pile of dogshit.
I think i'm gonna go to bed early, hug my pillow and pretend its Gale. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
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xexiar · 4 months
So as I’m working on taking care of my hair, along with improving my overall health, I find it cool the definition of natural curly my hair is.
For years, both fam and myself believe my hair was straight. But I think that’s mostly due to poor health (physically and mentally), and I just didn’t know how to care for myself. Yet, I always knew my hair had somewhat of a bounce to them. Like it always poofy and rarely stood flat. [first pic from last week after washing hair, and still wet. second pic is from high school]
Like my hair always had a wave but can play it off as if I had straight hair. Heck siblings (Les) use to make fun of the fact my hair was “dead straight”. At that, I rarely ever blow dried or flatiron it unless I was made to get a haircut at a Salon. Plus dealing with all those shampoos that just made my head itchy. Too many recommendations, by doctors and fam, to use dandruff shampoos. When I now know it’s that my scalp is just too dry and that takes a different kind of treatment.
It’s funny to me because all my siblings, nieces and nephew, plus parents have different intensity of curly hair. Even cousins, and it took forever for them to learn to take care of it. But I was always treated differently for just about everything.
So it feels nice to learn about my hair and myself, because I’m slowly coming to love all these little details about myself.
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greenbergsays · 4 months
YOU LOST YOUR AIRPODS IN THE CHIP AISLE???? Was it like a momentary loss? Noticed they were gone, went back, found them? Or did they disappear from the chip aisle never to be seen again?
I lost them in the chip aisle twice.
So, like. The story is this: I kept my AirPods in the outside pocket of my old bag. That pocket, incidentally, is also the place where I kept my work keys for my old job, so more often than not I forgot to zip it back.
My brother and I had gone to the store to get stuff for sandwiches & chips and when I bent over to get a variety pack of chips, the AirPod case slipped out of the unzipped pocket, fell on the floor, and the AirPods went flying in two different directions
That first time, I was only able to recover one earbud, even though we spent like 30 minutes in that aisle looking for it. I rectified that situation with my credit card, which might be a little irresponsible but I justified it to myself because I worked in an open office at my old job and needed wireless, noise-cancelling headphones to drown everyone else out so I could focus and I wasn't allowed over-the-ear ones.
For a few weeks, I got really good about double-checking that the zipper to that little pocket was closed. But I got distracted one day like two months later, I didn't check, and it happened again.
The same aisle of the same exact grocery store, the same bend-over-AirPod-case-falls-out scenario. That time, we were able to recover both of them, and thank God for that, because I wouldn't have been able to justify another replacement to myself. I felt guilty enough about the first time.
Ever since the second time, my brother won't let me get out of the car with my AirPods anywhere on my person and even when he knows I left them in the car, he won't let me go down the chip aisle.
It's so bad that if his kids accompany us to the store and I go near the chips, they're like, "Ohhh, Aunt [Dessie], you know you're not supposed to be on this aisle! I'm telling!"
I'm not gonna say that it's unwarranted or that I'm undeserving of it, but two years without an incident should mean something
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writerpyre · 11 months
Obligatory however-many-monthly post to say I am not dead and have all my usual intentions to Fandom, but am still dealing with a fucktonne of life shit, which includes but is not limited to:
a) Taking the National Disability Insurance Scheme to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for my elder sister
b) Getting diagnoses and treatment for the younger sister (however pissed off, unwilling and downright effing nasty she acts toward everyone for everything)
c) Trying to get my own ducks in a row still (mental health and self-esteem ones mostly: they are ever-continuingly obstinate and refuse to do anything I demand of them), however I DID do a trial shift at an Opportunity Shop near me yesterday, so we’ll see how that goes. Got ten to trial and see if I want to stick with it but I was exhausted yesterday mentally and emotionally so who the hell knows??
Have a picture of the bag that took me a solid year to finish, (and am still adding sewn elements to as I use it more and more) but I am so happy with it!!
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I’m slowly working on teaching myself to knit and aiming to learn crochet too (and have fallen headlong down the hole that is learning to sew on a machine) so I am doing things that get me talking to people in the “real” world, but THAT is an ever-changing balancing act that I still don’t understand at 30. (It is so very, very frustrating.)
I am moving onto a rainbow blanket next, queen size; lord help me. Therefore, please also see my tentative ‘plan’ for how I want it to look, courtesy of someone who has never written a knitting pattern ever and knows full well this is NOT one of them. 😂
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Hope all my buddies in Thunderfam are well. I’m so behind on fanfic updates at the moment for reading, let alone writing but hopefully I get past this several-years-long block I’m dealing with soon, I miss it!!!
Pyre. Xx
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lacnunga · 5 months
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Some pics, some wee guys and a cool rock (and a cool ship) ⚓️🏰🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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ak47stylegirl · 2 years
Chronic illness, why are you like this?! So yeah, I been dealing with worsening Health issues lately. The main issue being feeling nauseous after eating, travel sickness, and nearly all the time for just breathing wrong…not fun. I dealt with some of these issues in a much smaller/lesser quantity a couple times growing up, but never this bad or all at once.
So yeah, It’s horrible and its making functioning very hard ☹️
EDS is known to cause those types of issues, so I suspect it’s related to that . I got a doctors appointment later this week, so hopefully I can get help understanding what’s going on/get relief. GI issues/other disorders, like PoTs, often coexist alongside EDS I heard so, not that crazy of a leap to think this is connected 😞
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kaijusplotch · 1 year
It all feels like a bad dream.
I know my mom will be at peace, but it's...so weird. To know she is never coming home again, but that she is going Home.
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wordsformurder · 2 years
So, rumors of my death may have been slightly exaggerated. But only slightly.
A year of 70+ hour weeks first kept me busy as hell and then fucked me up good. I'm currently trying to figure out a few important things in life and to get back my hobbies. I might be around more again.
*swans off again
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