#rld news
spectrumtacular · 2 months
I will not be baited by nostalgia-bait I will not be baited by nostalgia-bait I will not be baited by nostalgia-bait I will not be baited by nostalgia-bait I will not be baited by nostalgia-bait I will not be baited by nostalgia-bait I will not
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consultingsister-a5 · 2 years
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In 2013, after the funeral of her daughter, Cecelia moves to New York City. 
For one year, Cecelia Holmes becomes almost impossible to reach. However, for the sake of her daughter, she gives up drinking; she starts therapy; she even begins writing the novel she always planned to.
In 2015, she accepts a job at American Vogue as a freelance fashion editor, and slowly but surely makes her way back into society. She dates a politician with his sight set on the presidency, followed by a New York University psychology professor who had very recently left her husband of forty years and come out as gay (the two still keep in touch, but they eventually broke up due to the professors wish to mess around with her newfound freedom).
Much like many Brits before her, she begins a new life in America.
However, in 2017, her father invites her out for dinner in the city. It’s not entirely unusual. Out of all his children, Morland Holmes is closest with his daughter. Cee knows though, from the outset, that it was a business meeting. The popular 5-star restaurant being completely empty on a Friday night was enough.
Morland states his intentions clearly; his sons have no desire to join the family business. That leaves him with two options; hand the business to someone outside of the family, or begin to prepare Cecelia for the role of CEO of Holmes International Consultants.
He does however also make clear that if he believed Celia was incapable of the work, he would not be making this offer. Out of his three children, her resilience, persistence, and ambition has impressed him the most.
Although not strictly evil, the organisation Morland runs prides itself on being able to solve any problem for any client. These clients include governments, businessmen, and criminals. Through methods such as bribes, blackmail, and well places contacts, Holmes International Consultants retains its God-like power.
Despite her own reservations, and Sherlock’s please to decline the job, Celia accepts her father’s offer and leaves Vogue in early 2018.
Her first job is to create contacts within the Chinese government and spends the majority of 2019 and 2020 in Hong Kong. She then returns to London, mission accomplished and shadows her father until 2021 when she is announced as the new CEO of Holmes International Consultants.
In 2022, Celia begins her greatest endeavor. Using some of the greatest minds in the world, Celia begins to design a computer system that is used for the social engineering of whole populations. The machine will nalyze the patterns of history, as well government and online information, and chart a course for the future. In the beginning, it’s simply used to predict things like stock market changes, terrorist threats, worldwide recessions, and election results. The system is soon so powerful that Cee is able to threaten the president of Brazil to bring down his government and to talk with the president’s replacements within 6 weeks. Every company in the near future will need the computer’s assistance for their business.
Cee names the machine “Eurus” after her father’s sister, who died young but had an unexplained ability to know when it was about to rain.
In 2023, Celia wants to take Eurus further. Currently, the system works on the basis of information > output. Cee wants to be able to feed desired outcomes into the computer and for it to output the step-by-step process on how to achieve it. It’s an ambitious goal and begins to overstep the line as to where a stable world begins and personal freedom ends.
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witchblade · 30 days
i don't agree that the isu stuff was tacked on way later in development i think it was always going to be that if the series continued past 1 but i do think they originally planned for it to be more subtle and not just like a lady talking to you via hologram.
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change-the-rules · 10 months
its one thing listening to the narrator in the future be like 'I didn't know how to sense danger' but that Still didnt prepare me to watch her fall asleep in the basement of the suspected serial killer she'd been hunting, wake up, hear a noise, brush the noise off, AND THEN DESTROY THE STAIRS THE ONLY EXIT OUT OF THE SERIAL KILLERS BASEMENT????
like yes i realize the body was in fact under the stairs and I suppose there are windows sort of but they are not people sized and I just can't stop thinking about this sequence of events
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glassesfreekjr · 1 year
... Why did they build a whole-ass flood bypass out in the Splatlands, anyway? Is it like California rules where it's arid as hell most of the time except for when everyone drowns, or has the flash flooding caused by Big Runs been more of a long-running issue then we initially thought?
The fan splatband Red Flare District is named in reference to the 190-chapter juggernaut "exercises in gratitude (The Barclay Street Flood)" by @redeyedsheepskull over on AO3. Contrary to what Inkopolis news media would have you believe, the Order vs. Chaos Splatfest was only partly the reason for the mass cultural exodus to the Splatlands. Maybe it had something to do with the fallout after a catastrophic spillway failure submerged a low-class Inkopolis neighborhood in millions of tons of polluted floodwater, I dunno.
RFD changed its name (from RLD) partly to capitalize on the event and partly out of genuine albeit ham-handed tribute.
And here, out in the middle of the desert, is yet another failed flood bypass. The ironic hilarity was too good for them to not write a song about. Fast-forward five years and some still consider the end product to be a tad insensitive.
(sample source list can be found on my YouTube)
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fuwushiguro · 1 year
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☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ SYNOPSIS : a young actress finds her world crumbling around her after a traumatic event. after some time out of the spotlight, the world is waiting expectantly for her next move. a handsome stranger feels like a comfort, but may be more trouble than she realises.
Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
⛧ GENRE: celeb!au, drama, romance, angst...
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heyitsspaceace · 2 years
Clock 0ut Theories!
okay so me and @skeliiix have been theorizing about the new sad-ist animation "Blank Decay" which is another animation in her Clock 0ut series that starts with "Yellow Zone"
So if we look back to Yellow Zone, Sad-ist tells us that it's inspired by the video game the Stanley parable. (which is a great game by the way) In this video we see our main character, who we'll call Stanley working a desk similar to the video game. We're then introduced to another character (possible based on the narrator?, we'll call him Yellow for now) watching Stanley and his coworkers (more scribbles than actual people and Yellow seems to have control over them) through a system of camera monitors. The animation then launches into a series of escape attempts by Stanley only to be thwarted by Yellow and killed. Every time Stanly dies he awakens back in his desk and tries again. Only on the last try, instead of going to the exit, Stanley makes a change and ends up going for the window that Yellow is behind. They fight and Stanley ends up taking a clock from Yellow, he then slips, breaking the clock. The clock breaking seems to have some sort of effect on both Yellow and Stanley, causing them to begin to "glitch out" and for the clock to go haywire. Yellow's eye also fill completely giving the idea that he is not entirely human. Stanley then punches Yellow and breaks the clock and the animation ends.
This now brings us to.
Blank Decay!
Blank decay starts out a distorted version of maybe what the wo
rld outside of Stanley and Yellow's office is like? With the beginning scene having TV's that are similar to Yellows monitors cracked and broken. We then see Stanley, looking quite worse for wear running around this city. We then see a cube shaped monster with many legs and two square yellow eyes following him. Stanley makes it to a safe building and enters. We then see a man looking at different glasses. Surprise surprise! It's Yellow! He then sense a presence grabs a pipe and whips around, it's Stanley! The two seem to be on better terms know, but they soon get into an argument. There's no dialogue so its unclear what they are saying, just as Stanley is about to hit Yellow, a crawly cube with yellow eyes (CCYE for short) appears over them and jumps down to attack them. As their trying to escape the CCYE shoots and hits Stanley in the side, he falls to the group and glitches, as that happens you can see for a split second that he glitches to his old work clothes and then a skull appears over his head.
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Stanley hits the CCYE with a pipe which doesn't really do anything, Yellow then hits the CCYE with a chair causing it to divert its attention to him and cornering him against the wall. Yellow then see's a gear in CCYE's eye and reaches out to grab it which makes his arm go black with yellow lines running through it, almsot cyborg esc. The CCYE then explodes. Causing electricity to spark along side Yellow and for his eyes to fill like they did in Yellow Zone. He is left with the gear in his hand.
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Yellow then runs over to check on Stanley who is bleeding out, but not before pocketing the gear. Yellow tends to Stanley's wound and we then get a shot of Stanley sporting either what could be a bandage or a metal plate. Which then switches to what seems to a be a flashback of all the different ways Stanley has died in the past.
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It then cuts to Yellows eye's implying that he is the one remembering all this. The pair walk through the weird city until Stanley spots a door with an exit sigh above it. The two begin to make their way to it. Stanley tries to open it but finds very hard to open (that door must be really jammed for a guy who sent his boss FLYING with one punch). Yellow then notices more humanoid versions of the CCYE (those will be humanoid squiggles with yellow eyes HSYE for short). These beings look similar to Stanley's old coworkers, here's an example. (HSYE on the left and the coworkers on the right, more on this later)
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Yellow runs to Stanley but doesn't make in in time as Stanley is struck by a fatal blast by one of the HSYE, Yellow is also hit but only looses an arm, which doesn't seem to effect him very much (he also bleeds yellow!) The HSYE along side some smaller CCYE keep attacking the two. Yellow tries to stop the bleeding while Stanley continues to glitch like the last time. Sadly, Stanley dies. Yellow then begins to attack the HSYE and CCYE, although he gets shot and looses a leg. A HSYE pins him on the group but Yellow quickly flips it over grabs the gear in it's eye and again explodes it, this time the electricity bounces to the other HSYE and CCYE exploding them too and leaving the gears.
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Yellow notices his dead companion and begins to use the gears to make something. The something turns out to be the clock from Yellow Zone. The Clock then rewinds and we are met with what seems to be Stanley waking up at his desk like in Yellow Zone.
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Stanley is shocked and begins to cry. The animatic ends with Yellow and Stanley looking at each other from an un-distorted office space. Both back in their original clothes from Yellow Zone.
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So that's the two animatics! You're probably thinking "Ace aren't you gonna tell us your theories? We've already seen the animation."
Stanley and Yellow are on better terms
this one feel a little obvious as the two are traveling in a pair and Yellow seems to care for Stanley, so something has happened inbetween the time from Yellow Zone to Blank Decay where they have gotten closer.
Yellow caused the apocalypse
Okay so, we had the feeling that Yellow has something to do with the state of the world currently, the HSYE look like the coworkers from Yellow Zone. Yellow seems to have control over them or even created. We thought that someone by breaking the clock Yellow no longer has control over his creations there fore sparks the apocalypse
Yellow is totally not human
okay this one is kinda obvious as well, as he's kinda a cyborg, can't seem to die and he bleeds yellow. So yeah. that's that.
Yellow "reset" at the end of Blank Decay
So el mentioned something about yellow's code resetting, if we go with the idea that he is come sort of cyborg, if the clock breaking in Yellow Zone is what causes it. Then the clock being rebuilt and resetting the timeline must mean that Yellow was reset as well. There's also evidence that Yellow has changed character wise and it seems that he seems to care for Stanley and is worried for him. It's also clear (to us at least) that he has some sadness in resetting the time line, we don't think that would have been shown if Yellow knew he wasn't going to be reset. ALSO! Stanley's reaction doesn't seem quite normal for being brought back to life, I don't know as I've never actually be resurrected so if anyone has please correct me, but we think that Stanley's reaction is in part to realizing that he just lost Yellow as he knows that this "reset" will make him revert back to his old character.
Yeah so that's what we have, feel free to talk to us about it in the reblogs and share your own theories! This got really long but we really enjoyed talking about it!
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silverwhittlingknife · 9 months
WIP ask game
<333 thanks for the tags @beatriceeagle and @zahri-melitor !
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oof, I think I’ve made no progress since the last time I did one of these dsfdsfs
Batfam WIPs:
it’s like a body-blow, looking at him
rld organization hell (+ various other red letter day documents)
copy of copy of new cruise fic maybe
dick in disguise coming to bail out ‘alvin draper’
tim dies in rr 12
prodigal 2
the jason one
Other WIPs:
untitled 99
*squints at dash* uhhh okay who hasn't been tagged yet? @birdchildsnest @fantastic-nonsense @daringyounggrayson @shoalsea @river-bottom-nightmare @forestlingincorporated @sohotthateveryonedied @umbrellacam here's a tag if you'd like to play <3
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salosion · 1 month
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There is no such thing as
Y👁️U will not earn overtime any value 💎💍
Something will happen, and a rainy ☔ ⛈️🌧️🌨️🌩️ day will come, and Y👁️U’LL wonder why the thousands of 💰 dollars 💸 Y🧿U could have spent on Charity
G👑D’S Word
Y🫵U Didn’t .
But Y👁️U’RE scripting something new now
I don’t think Y🫵U got it
I don't think Y👁️U get it
I know Y🫵U Don’t Got It
I Know Y🧿U Don’t Get it
Pull what Y🫵U got 🃏
Double Ace Double King Queens Jacks Yugioh Pokémon Uno Spades Joker Got Some Jokers & Jokes😆🤣
Was This Your Card ¿🃏?
Queen of Hearts
King of Hearts
King of Diamonds
King of Spades
King of Darts
Shoot That Bullseye Away
Into The Center of Thy Day 🌞
What it is, I know you don’t
Thanks, okay, G👑D’s been doing these things all along
What choice do I /\ Y🫵U \/ We have ¿🎁✨?
I’m a swirl like a pig in a cage on antibiotics begging to G👑D for me. I pray about the
I pray I Do For Y🫵U.
I pray for Y👑U to be more spiritually awakened to the truth and want to keep it with Love and Understanding cause its use is so beautiful you’ll be left standing above the ground
Levitate 🕴️
Don’t anticipate
Break the dimension half your break the dimension half Y👁️UR BREAK
Study Torah and be saved from what’s Human & Mundane
It’s inside of Y❤️‍🔥U that’s going to get Y🫵U, just like that rainbow Icecubes ice cream thing 🍦🍨🥶❄️🧊
It’s essential to be thinking some way
You got 👑 angels 🪽and black-eyed angels, billions of them singing the songs of cells to Y🫵U Right
N🎁W ✨🪽
A foolish son doesn’t want to be rectified or to reflect, but a wise man does.
We don’t know what we’re doing
But our soul does.
We don’t know what we’re doing
But our souls do.
I don’t know what I’m doing
But my soul does.
We don’t know what we’re doing
But our souls do.
תורת אמת נתן לנו
תורת אמת נתן לנו
תורת אמת נתן לנו
We need that discipline
We need to make sure to have fun, sure sure, sure…. ZZZzZzzZZzzZ 😴💤💤😴💤💤🛌🛏️ 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷
We need to learn how to live on Earth 🌍 & then not die
What can we accept or expect here
¿🎁✨♾️ ?
What can Y🫵U accept or expect here
Hashem gave us an AMAZING Gift 🎁✨♾️ & Opportunity
It's Truly ALL LOVE
See 👀 The Truth
It's Not That Hard
Y🫵U Can Choose To and Act In Accordance To The Truth That Is Love
Now, is that a Divine & Fantastical fairytale?
Its reality
Accept it or live fairy 🧚 tales
Look at what Sephirot might be affected, or before that, make sure Y👁️U’RE doing mitzvahs and studying Torahs Emet Natan Lanu.
Torahs Emet Natan Lanu
ToraT Emet Natan Lanu
Torat Emet Natan Lanu
Y👁️U might not make it through the end of this day. Has Veshalom
תורת אמת נתן לנו
תורת אמת נתן לנו
תורת אמת נתן לנו
תורת אמת נתן לנו
תורת אמת נתן לנו
תורת אמת נתן לנו
אין אוד מלודו
אין אוד מלודו
אין אוד מלודו
ושם השם נאשה ונצלעאל
ושם השם נאשה ונצלעאל
ושם השם נאשה ונצלעאל
אלהא דמאיר אנאני
אלהא דמאיר אנאני
אלהא דמאיר אנאני
Dear God, I'm sorry for wasting seed
Dear God, I’m sorry for watching impure things
I’m sorry for thinking impure things
I’m sorry for my anger
I’m sorry for the leshon harah
I’m Sorry for stealing
I’m sorry for disrespecting my parents
I’m sorry for disrespecting my grandparents
I’m sorry for disrespecting Y🫵U
I’m Sorry for disrespecting Y👑U G👑D
I’m sorry for all of my sins
I go from impure to pure
Dear God, please Give me mercy
Dear God, please give me Rachmanas
Please give me unmerited kindness
Please give me tov eyin'
Please give me paranassa
Please give me and us all unlimited
‎ עושר & שפה
shalom bais
shalom olam
Blessings for my family and friends
I want to be fully pure
I go from impure to pure
Please, God, sweeten your judgment
I go from impure to pure
‎יחי מלך המשיח
I want to be fully pure
I go from impure to pure
Dear God, I’m sorry for all my anger
Please, God, sweeten your judgment
Dear God, I’m taking out my impure clothing every week and changing it for pure clothes
Dear God, I’m receiving the sanctity of Y👑UR sacred holiness, love, purity, and kingdom to do only
Y👑UR Good & Will.
I go from impure to pure
תורת אמת נתן לנו
Are Y👁️U not aware of that?
That’s the thing about Holiness: it’s not good or evil. It’s not this or that
Am I going to make it the night? 🌙
That's what Israel Does and Must Do By Performing The \/ These Mitzvahs G👑D has given Y🫵U /\ Us and Keeping G👑D’S Sacred Holy Holy Torah Closer To Y❤️‍🔥U Then
Y🫵UR Heart. ❤️‍🔥
The Decree Will Be Nullified & sweetened 🎂🍭🍩🍫🍦🍬🍰🍪🍧 If We Keep Studying Acting According To G👑D’S Holy Will & Torah
It will be fulfilled, and we all get to pray and party together for it right now. Write now, and we will focus our love and ignite the innate flames of love right it right now
Manipulation of matter of most of the time, don't talk about it or talk that line cause it is significantly birth dangeours and we don't go downtraps
I gotta get a peak and get a taste
Y👁️U just gotta get a peak and get a taste
We Just gotta get a peak and get a taste
תורת אמת נתן לנו
‎ תורת אמת נתן לנו
תורת אמת נתן לנו
Get that fireball 🔥☄️ comet comet going going once 👆
Twice ✌️
Home Run ⚾️🦇
First Base 👆
Second Base🤞
Third Base 👌
Allow Y🫵U here back because Y👑U Believe
in miracles, believe in G👑D that got Y👁️U HEREEE WHETHWR Y🫵U acknowledge it or not
You never thought it be as simple as manipulation of matter and ם
Writing letters and causing something to happen, something is happening always vertically and invertedly
Cast loving blessings of appreciation. And thanks, no spells
It's all wells of spells, something that does not exist. They were, and they were not
Like sparks from something slammin' somethin'
White Fire ShunYudSee if it fit till infitnitley higher flaming firey letters there the upper tipping the firey light corner it means more than alririgseretch that into every letter on your Harah, Yetzer Hara let it contrast the black space of your esav mind like black ink paint it on the page in \/ with blood on the Alter
And now, in doing this transition, you're meditating on what these letters mean
Variable gasses numbers1
When Y👁️U’RE more advanced, you can see 👀 the Holy Sacred Names 🧿
6 + 6 Is 12
1+3 =3
3 plus reverse 3 put ‘em together = 8♾️
Y🫵U bought /\ brought something that was not natural to
Here to
Created it and created a see 👀 sea 🌊 auto from light 🕯️soure 🪔🎂🧨aim amidst
Y👁️UR LUCIOUS LIGHT ✨ Source Needs The Few Sometimes a
Shimmyshammy, beautiful bountiful, thank you
Please take that into account & consideration, make Y🫵UR letters forever, and try to learn them a little at a time
What ¿🤔?
Beautiful! א well done.
Beautiful blessings
ShalomYom Tov.
Love Tov
Thank You
ShalomYom Tov.
Love Tov
Thank You 🙏 ❤️‍🔥♾️👑🎸🤘🚀
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
They're not actually going to call the 4th captain america film fucking "n*w w*rld *rd*r" are they?
They can't be that utterly incompetent, can they? I know that they're a huge fucking corporation that's done so much shit, but this seems particularly blatant.
(Bc that's enough of a YIKES that I feel like I have to fucking *** out the name)
Am I just overreacting? (I haven't been keeping up with press about the new marvel movies/shows so idk if everyone has already talked about this)
yupppp, they are.
you are 1000% right. when it was first announced there was some pushback from jewish fans but people were very quick to dismiss it as people being anti-samcap, which wasn't the problem at all. it's fucking wildly disgusting and irresponsible, especially with the rapidly exploding rates of antisemitism. and not only that, but this is also the movie they're introducing and israeli superhero, like??????
like did they not fucking learn from having to rename cap 3 (which was 'serpent society', which played into the lizard people conspiracy)
i'm very worried about the fact that this kind of thing usually leads to violent attacks against the jewish community, i'm really hoping i'm wrong, but history is not on my side unfortunately.
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rubylarkspur22 · 1 year
So I read your last post and I noticed you mentioning an AU where Nezuko regains her human personality and memories early and recently I had a similiar idea, but with Nezuko only having vague recolections instead of her full memory. If I ever decided to write it (extremely unlikely as it is), it would be mostly cannon complaint, with few exceptions, like Nezuko getting a mask from Urodaki to replace her muzzle (so she can still talk), Nezuko staying with Tamayo and reuniting with Tanjiro before/during the forest arc, Nezuko teaching Genya how to demon in the Swordsmith Village (he would also have a big moment when he uses Aizetsu BDA) and during pillair training. At least until the last arc, because as I mentioned on ao3, I really want to see Nezuko vs Kokushibo. There would also be some other self indulgent stuff in the last arc, such as different characters surviving and few different match ups in the infinity fortress arc (most notably Obonai & Mitsuri participating in the Akaza fight).
Sorry for throwing all of this at you, I originaly wanted to just ask you how does your Nezuko regains her self early AU, differs from cannon (beyond the obviuos), but I kinda ended up ranting about mine.
Ooh! Your version sounds pretty fun! And trust me, I do not mind fun story rambling, I would be a hypocrite if I did. I a hundred percent support you writing that, if you decide to do so!
Now buckle in, we got a long one!
My version is basically Nezuko wakes up after her coma, and is pretty much her human self. There is still some stuff missing, but she managed to get most of herself back. And she also decides the muzzle is BS and yanks it off at the exact moment Urokodaki comes in the check on her.
After that, Tanjirou comes back and he and Nezuko figure out what's missing and how to go about things. If Nezuko managed to conquer the sun shortly after her sleep, she would get a mask to hide her demonic features while she's hanging around humans. If not, she would still get the mask, but stay in her box during the day. This leads to fun Nezuko Box Commentary opportunities.
Aside from conversation abilities, Nezuko would also regularly fuss over Tanjirou, especially if he got hurt. He may be the eldest, but she's still got an obligation to worry about him as his sister. It also extends to his friends once she gets close to them too.
She would be quick to establish boundaries, especially around Zenitsu. No claiming her as his wife.
Also, Nezuko gets to rip some Hashira a new one during the trial. She would definitely tear into them for 1. not letting Tanjirou explain himself, 2. stabbing her repeatedly (Shinazugawa got the death stare, and suddenly remembered angry small people were, in fact, terrifying even without fangs), and 3. making a mess in the nice house and waving blood in her face. She also would NOT appreciate Himejima implying she possessed Tanjirou. Great offense would be taken at that, how dare he. She stays close to Tanjirou and any Hashira that didn't want her dead after then. Maybe she conquers the sun then, if she hasn't already, trying to protect Tanjirou. I read a fanfic with that premise, and it was really good.
Things go pretty similar for the Mugen Train Arc, but maybe Nezuko steps in against Akaza. Even if he doesn't fight women, all she has to do is get some of her blood on him and he's getting roasted. That might save Rengoku, then he can vouch for her personally!
RLD Arc still sees Nezuko go berserk, but maybe she manages to reign herself in a little until Tanjirou calms her down fully. When they get a moment, they absolutely talk about it and why Nezuko went as far as she did compared to fighting other demons. (My head canon is that Nezuko went so far then because she was, even if only subconsciously, terrified of losing the only family she had left.) Lots of crying, lots of hugs. Some apologies get tossed around. They probably also talk about seeing themselves in Gyutaro and Daki, because THAT would have gotten brought up and discussed if Nezuko wasn't brain fried!
Swordsmith Village, pretty much the same. If Nezuko already conquered the sun, I can imagine this epic scene of her just standing there while Hantengu burns, glaring at him as he begs for mercy or help. Kinda like Luz does to Belos in the Owl House finale, except Hantengu gets decapitated instead of stomped. And maybe hit with the blood arson.
I can see Nezuko participating in Hashira Training and insisting she take up the sword. Even if she didn't go to Final Selection. This would be for any number of reasons. She wants to help Tanjirou, she wants to be able to protect herself from demons that may try to capture her, she doesn't want everyone fighting and maybe dying to keep her safe, etc.
If she participated in the final battle, Yushiro would make sure she had one of his little eyes for invisibility. If she's gonna be sticking around and fighting, might as well limit her chances of getting spotted and captured. And I can definitely see her going after either Douma or Kokushibo. Probably Kokushibo because Douma is, well, Douma. Maybe she even goes after Nakime, burning the Biwa Demon so Yushiro can do his thing while Mitsuri and Obanai take the chance to provide backup to other Slayers(I like the idea of throwing them at Akaza). Once that's done, Nezuko goes to fight Kokushibo, possibly even saving Genya as she intervenes. Then Kokushibo would be confused because something just attacked him, but where tf is it? Honestly a BDA+Breath Style versus BDA+Breath Style fight sounds epic. And Nezuko would have an edge in that her BDA burns demons and slows their regen A LOT. You bet your bottom dollar she's using that!
Then we go to Muzan. He would definitely try to get her to come to him by threatening everyone else there, but ESPECIALLY Tanjirou. Muzan would be like "I killed everyone else in your family, you think I won't kill him? You think I won't draw it out and make it painful just to make you hurt?" Tanjirou still gets that hit to his eye and everyone gets the infection from canon. But not only does Chachamaru come in with some medicine, Nezuko can just burn the poison out! Which is good for Tanjirou, it'll mean he's no longer actively dying while fighting Muzan. From there, it would be awesome to see Nezuko and Tanjirou fighting Muzan together, and Nezuko burning Muzan while the sun does the same. He tries to devour her, but the remaining Hashira intervene. Tanjirou might still deliver the final blow, and then it's over.
If I were to do DKT in this AU, Nezuko would be the major fighter against her brother. Everyone is either too wounded or is emotionally unable to do it. And Nezuko, though she loves her brother and doesn't want to see him hurt or killed, understands that he isn't like she was. He can't control himself, and he could easily get someone killed if someone doesn't stop him. He promised to kill her and himself if she ate a human, she might as well return the favour and make sure his hands spill no human blood by any means necessary. So she throws herself at him, remembering Tamayo saying something about Nezuko's blood helping another demon regain themselves. She lets him bite her, using her BDA to try and burn out Muzan's influence while also trying to get through to Tanjirou verbally. He starts to slow down, and Kanao administers the booster shot of the antidote.
Once Tanjirou comes back, and they know it's over, Nezuko takes her own dose of the antidote. Even with the fever and pain it causes her, she refuses to leave her brother's side. Luckily, she's only transforming back for one night. The first thing Tanjirou sees when he wakes up is his little sister as a human again. Cue the tearful hugs. And from there, it goes as it did in canon. With a few more survivors, of course. Genya and Sanemi go travelling together, Mitsuri and Obanai get married, all that good stuff.
BONUS! Little Sibling Club! Nezuko, Muichiro, Senjurou, Genya, the entire Butterfly Team, Giyuu. They get together at least monthly, if not weekly. There's tea, and snacks, and chit-chat. This includes unintentional therapy sessions, all of them are horribly traumatized in some way or another. Some of them might have decided to gang up on Sanemi and dogpile him on sight.
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knyplotrewrite · 2 years
I think the reason why people like KNY and why its so popular, is because the way the story was presented (weekly updates, constant new character introductions) aided its success. It’s primary goal was to hold the new reader’s attention long enough to reach a new character but Gotouge didn’t really consider specific long term plans for the characters they’ve already introduced. This may be why Tanjirou especially feels like he lost his character arc post-RLD.
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deanpinterester · 2 years
feeling very mixed about this whole str/ange wo/rld debacle because i just saw the movie and it's not very good and the character in question is otherwise very shallow and bland and is supposed to be the main character but is definitely not treated like one by the narrative itself so it's hard to feel the need to go to bat for this movie the way everyone else here seems to be BUT it's also shitty that there are Certain People whose names may rhyme with jen rapiro trying to blame the failure of this movie sheerly on its inclusion of a gay character because it's too ~woke~ or whatever those geezers are saying BUT i sincerely doubt these people are the reason nobody wants to see this movie because 1) these people will cause outrage over ANYTHING and it mostly has no bearing on the general moviegoing populus 2) it's not a good movie BUT disney's lack of marketing for it is still quite suspect since we Know they're not above hardcore marketing for mediocre movies (see: lightyear being Way Worse than strange world but having Way more marketing) BUT that might be chalked up to the fact lightyear is a known IP and strange world isn't BUT it's still shitty they would play favourites like that and continue their time old tradition of favouring preexisting IP over new ideas because #MONEY but in the end i just HATE THAT we have to make such a big deal out of this because this movie isn't good and i hate that it's come to this point where we're pre-judging movies based on metrics such as IS THERE A GAY CHARACTER while completely ignoring other very important facts such as THE MOVIE ISN'T GOOD and it's VERY CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT IT'S TRYING TO SAY and it CAN'T EVEN DECIDE WHO ITS MAIN CHARACTER(S) IS/ARE leading to a VERY GENERIC MOVIE where there's a twist villain at the end because 99% of disney movies Have to be on the same formula now
there's GOTTA be a way we can talk about the fucked up film industry and its insidious homophobia without us acting like the movie they're suppressing is some secret masterpiece that everyone needs to go watch stat. it's JUST. SO FRUSTRATING
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multisfabulis · 2 years
Word Count: 2431
Here's my last fic of the year 2022! After the enormous trouble I had with my previous project last month, this felt like a breeze to write!
However, there is a bit of sad news I must share. This is going to be the last RLD fic I'll be posting, at least for the time being! The reason for why is that I simply don't have many ideas left to write for RLD and the ideas I do have need to be fleshed out more and given coherence. Right now, they're VERY rough and shoddy, to the point they need time dedicated to planning them out that I won't have in the near future. This doesn't mean I won't come back to RLD, though! Once things have slowed down some and I'm able to really conceptualize on what I have, then RLD will be brought back out into the spotlight. Until then, the dregs' will be going into the shadows.
Maybe it's because I knew RLD would go into an indefinite hiatus after this that I decided to write this idea out. I didn't plan it that way but it feels appropriate. This is pretty much a marriage proposal fic in all but name because when you think about it, isn't marriage just a legal way of saying you're choosing to commit to someone and spending the rest of your life with them? Of course, there had to be some angst thrown in here because these two boys have issues and it wouldn't be a RLD fic without it!
One last thing I want to say is that this was beta'd by my dear friend rosemaryblues! They admittedly had problems with this, due to it not really being their style, but they were still gracious enough to look over this and edit it so thank you!
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     Today was the day.
     It was a day Ravi had been both dreading and looking forward to. A day in which he’d ask Luce a question. It had weighed on his mind for years now and Ravi had finally worked up the courage to ask it.
     Sure, it took several failed attempts due to him chickening out like a pussy every time, but still!
     In his hands was a small, plain white box. He didn’t bother wrapping it up or putting it in a gift bag because it would only call more attention to the occasion, attention he definitely didn’t need. However, it was what was inside the box that gave him the most anxiety.
     Inside was a handmade gift, something he had made for Luce in only a span of a few days. Something like this was rather uncharacteristic of him, but he worried the most over whether Luce would even like it or not.
     If he did, then everything was well and good. If he didn’t, well…it would certainly make what Ravi planned on doing afterwards super awkward.
     He heaved a sigh. There was no use in thinking about it. He just needed to get it over with! Steeling his resolve, he called out, “Luce, you wanna come in here?”
     He could hear the sound of footsteps approaching from outside the room. His heart hammered in his chest as he waited. To say he was scared shitless of what would happen next was an understatement. This was a hell of a gamble for him to take. All the years he spent bluffing and charming his customers hadn’t prepared him for anything like this.
     Luce entered the room, a quizzical look on his face.. Ravi still couldn’t get over the transformation he’s had in the four years they’d known each other. Before, Luce was practically a dead man walking, with his bones threatening to split open his pale skin as his dull red eyes peered out from the shadows of his own making. Now everything about him seemed to scream that he was alive, from how he glowed in the sunlight to the way his smile looked positively gleaming with life. He was, to put it simply, absolutely and irrevocably beautiful.
     “Is everything all right? You normally don’t…” His voice trailed off as he noticed the box in Ravi’s hands. “What’s that?”
     “It’s…a present?” he replied rather comically, holding it out to Luce as he felt warmth rushing to his cheeks. “Just hurry up and take it already.”
     Luce gave it a curious glance before turning his gaze back to Ravi. “What’s the occasion?”
     “Just take the damn box, Luce.”
     Luce took the box from him with a bemused expression on his face. Ravi watched him pull off the lid and peel away the thin sheet of paper hiding within to look at what was inside. He saw his eyes widen in shock as he took out something that seemed to resemble a band of some sort. Here it was, the moment of truth.
     Wrapped around Luce’s hand was a homemade necklace. There was a simple black cord just big enough for him to put his head through since Ravi knew how much trouble he had with clasps. Next were a few small beads on either side of the cord that were deep shades of red, violet, and blue to help splash some color on the otherwise dark palette. Then there was the main ornament, a crow feather that had taken way too long to find.
     Shifting his gaze towards Ravi, Luce asked in almost breathless wonder, “What is this for?”
     “It’s something I should’ve given you a long time ago,” he replied, fixing his eyes to the ground in embarrassment. The way Luce was looking at him right now was almost too much for him to handle. “You’ve been with me and Amelia for a few years now and I figured I should welcome you into the family. Not that you hadn’t been a part of it, this just makes it official!”
     “Wow, I…I don’t even know what to say.” Taking in a deep breath, he slipped the necklace on and held the feather gently between his fingers. “Snowbird…thank you so, so much for this. It means a lot to me.”
     “It’s okay? It’s not too loose?” He stepped forward to examine how the necklace fit around his neck. “A bracelet would’ve been too inconvenient for you and I know how sensitive your ears are so that’s why---”
     Ravi found himself drawn into a tight embrace as Luce whispered into his ear, “It’s perfect. Thank you, Ravinn.”
     Ravi returned the hug with just as much strength, nuzzling his cheek into Luce’s chest. God, he still couldn’t believe a man as good as Luce would love him and want to be with him. He didn’t deserve someone like him.
     That’s what made the next part of this so nerve-wracking. It was finally time for him to ask the question.
     “There was also something else--” he pulled away from Luce, gripping onto his arms gently as he looked up at him-- “to the present. I wanted to ask you something, something important.”
     “Oh, well, okay,” Luce replied, flashing Ravi a small smile, “Um, shoot?”
     “Would you…I mean, would you want to…” Fuck, this was harder than he thought it’d be. He closed his eyes and breathed in deep, willing his nerves to calm down. Rip it off like it was a band-aid. “Would you…want to stay with me?”
     His words hung between them for a time. He could see the gears turning in Luce’s head as he tried to glean the meaning behind them. Can’t fault him for lack of effort, he supposed. The question seemed so simple at first, but Luce knew Ravi long enough to know he wouldn’t ask something like that unless there was more to it than meets the eye. He was surprisingly intuitive for a guy who spent half his life avoiding people like they were the plague.
     “I’m guessing it’s not just for now, right?” Luce asked confusedly.
     “Yeah, it’s kinda like a marriage proposal, you know?” Right when those words left his mouth did he realize what he just said. “I-I’m not asking you to marry me, by the way! I sure as shit can’t afford a wedding and I definitely don’t wanna get fucking married because it’d be way too much fucking work and---”
     “Snowbird.” Another chuckle spilled out from Luce as he held Ravi closer. “You’re rambling again. Just tell me what you were meaning to say.”
     Steadying his breathing, he tightened his grip ever so slightly, “Luce. You have been with me through both the highs and the lows of our entire relationship, seen me at my best and at my worst. It didn’t matter how many times I’d push you away, you would just keep coming back like…the annoying cockroach you are, and I hated how persistent you were. Then we started getting closer and one day…I realized I was in love with you.”
     His hands shook as he continued.
     “You…see me in a way no one else has and you make me feel happy, and joyful a-and hopeful. I never thought I’d meet someone like you in this hellhole of a place we unfortunately call home and…I honestly can’t imagine my life without you.” Ravi wasn’t used to being so vulnerable but it had to be said. Luce needed to understand just how important this was to him. “So that’s why I’m asking if you will…stay with me. Be with me until our time is up.”
     “Do I want to spend my life with you, is what you’re asking.”
     “W-well, when you put it that way…”
     “Then yes. I’ll spend the rest of my life with you.”
     Time seemed to freeze. There was no way he misheard that, right?
     Luce said yes.
     He said yes to staying with him. To being with him until the end of their days. That was what Ravi wanted. He wanted Luce to be with him.
     So then why couldn’t he accept it?
     “But…why? Why would you…”
     “What do you mean, why?” Luce asked, concern shifting across his face. He lifted a hand up to Ravi’s cheek as he continued, “I want to stay with you. That’s what you want, right?”
     “But why?! Why would you want to stay with me?!” His grip on Luce tightened like a vice as his breathing grew more frantic. “I don’t understand, why…”
     Why was he sabotaging himself like this? Wasn’t it all well and good that Luce wanted to spend the rest of his life with him? Yet he just couldn’t believe Luce would willingly choose to subject himself to such a torturous idea. After all, Ravi was too vile, too wretched, too much of an asshole for anyone to want to be with. What in the ever-loving hell was Luce thinking?
     Breathing out a sigh, Luce pressed on, “Then help me understand. Why do you think I shouldn’t stay with you?”
     “Because I don't deserve you!” Ravi pushed himself off of Luce. He couldn’t stop shaking. Everything was going to hell and it was all his fault. “Why would you ever want to be with me, knowing the kind of person I am?”
     “I get annoyed by you, I call you by all sorts of horrible names, I treat you like shit and you don’t deserve any of it!” His eyes burned but the words would not stop flowing from his mouth. “I don’t deserve you…I sometimes wonder if you know how much I love you and I should be better but I can’t and---”
     Luce closed the distance between them and drew Ravi into his arms, stopping him from saying anything else. Quiet sobs spilled forth from his lips as Ravi clung onto Luce with a strength he didn’t know he had. No amount of comfort would ever silence the voices in his head screaming at him the awful things he’d known about himself for years.
     Selfish. Greedy. Entitled. He never wanted to let Luce go, he wanted him to stay with him till the day he died. But he also knew that wouldn’t be fair to Luce, especially when he’d spent so much of his life unaware of the beauty that laid out there in the world beyond this city. Luce deserved someone better than a guy who’d love to chain him down to him.
     “Ravinn.” Luce pulled Ravi away but still kept an arm around his shoulders. “I want you to look at me, okay?”
     There was no doubt he looked like a downright mess, his eyes red and puffy and his makeup smudged from crying so much. It took him a moment but he slowly raised his head to look at Luce.
     All he saw was a tender understanding as Luce wiped away a tear rolling down his cheek.
     “Listen, I know how hard it is for you to be open and honest with me, or anyone, really. You spent years putting walls up in order to protect yourself and I get it. I do. But that's why it means so much to me that you trust me enough to let them down, to let me in. It makes me happy to know I’ve earned that trust from you.
     “I don’t need to wonder if you love me because I know you do. I see it in all the little things you do for me.” His lips curled up into a fond smile as he reflected back on the past in thought. “You always take the time to listen to me and check in on me whenever I’m having an episode. You think about my boundaries to an almost frustrating degree but I know it’s just your way of letting me have a choice in the matter. You’ve given me things I never had the joy of having as a child…So, so many things, Snowbird. But there’s one very important thing I can’t get from anyone else. Do you know what that is?”
     He couldn’t even begin to guess the answer. What could he have given to Luce that he couldn’t receive from literally anyone else?
     “It’s safety.” Luce took Ravi’s hands into his own, holding them gently. “You make me feel safe, Ravinn. I’m not afraid to be myself around you, to fall apart around you. I’m not scared of you hurting me because I just know you wouldn’t. You and the snowdove are like home to me.
     “I don’t want to go through the rest of my life without you there by my side. That’s why I’m staying with you, no matter how much you think I shouldn’t.” He gave him a soft kiss on the cheek before suppressing a chuckle. “You know, if you didn’t want me to choose, you shouldn’t have told me what I wanted mattered all those years. So this is, in a way, your fault.”
     Ravi bit down on his lip to keep from cursing him out. Just because Luce was right didn’t mean he had to go and say it! Still, that wasn’t enough to stop Ravi from wrapping his arms around him once more and burying his face into his chest. Screw it. He decided to throw something out into the air to show Luce had gotten through to him.
     “You’re a fucking asshole, you know that?”
     Luce felt safe around him? It was…surprising, especially since Ravi didn’t consider himself strong in any regard. Yet he’d be lying if he said it didn’t make him a little happy to hear that. If only he had the courage to admit the feeling was mutual…
     Maybe he’d never fully believe he deserved Luce. Changing one’s way of thinking wasn’t exactly an overnight thing, after all. If he truly wanted to stay with Ravi of his own volition, genuinely and wholeheartedly, then who was he to deny him that? All Ravi knew for sure was that the future was looking a little brighter with the stubborn, tenacious crow known as Luce by his side.
     Softly, his voice barely above a whisper, he said, “I love you, Luce.”
     “I love you too--” Luce placed a hand on the nape of Ravi’s neck, prompting him to look up at him-- “snowbird.”
     Their promise was then sealed with a kiss. It didn’t matter to them how much time passed between now to the day they moved on from this world. They only cared that, for tomorrow, the day after, and every day since then…
     They would stay.
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pinchan · 2 years
kny and 5, 15, 16?
5. The character who gives me the greatest gender envy
douma and kokushibo... being evil and/or fucked up is an essential thing for me to envy a character's gender
15. A character/story arc that bores me to tears
the entertainment arc final fight in the manga is so painful to read ToT it's a good arc but the fight drags on for so long, with too many new techniques and twists introduced along the way. i have similar issues with the kokushibo and sunrise countdown fight as well. the anime rld fight is amazing though
16. A scene/moment that makes me really emotional every single time
senjuro saying he's giving up swordsmanship to help people in other ways... kokushibo asking yoriichi why he was born... genya's flashbacks. the family relationships in this series ruin me
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tslamp-or-croquet · 1 year
New/Fringe Religions & Cults Tier List, from least to most charismatic!
N/A but also A: Jiddu Krishnamurti
F: Generic New Age, Nation of Yahweh (NOT NOI), FLDS, Happy Science, Muhammad bin abd Allah al-Qahtani (Grand Mosque Seizure), Bible Student movement, Christian Scientists, Millerism, Ezra Millerism
D: Moonies, Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, Branch Davidians, Unarius, Worldwide Church of God, Love Has Won, Rajneesh movement, Theosophy, Raelian Movement, Eckankar
C: International Peace Mission, Davidians, Ahmadiyya, Arnold Potter, Medical Medium, Sky Kingdom, Falun Gong, Wicca
B: Tenrikyo, NOI, Seventh-Day Adventists, Community of Christ (formerly RLDS), Rastafari, Divine Truth, Oomoto, Rosicrucians
A: Peoples Temple, Jeungsanism, Mormonism (Latter-Day Saints or LDS Church), Church of the Last Testament (Vissarion), Bahai'i Faith
S: God Worshipping Society (Taiping Rebellion), Manson Family, Cargo Cults, Scientology, Heaven's Gate
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