#ro episode 6A
radio-outcast · 10 months
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3 days 3️⃣📅🔥
To get y'all excited for season 2, we're releasing the description of the first episode early! In this episode, Arson threatens Deadwood and revelations about Emi's influence have left Helix speechless. Meanwhile at the Gem, Monsieur Laurent indulges.
image description below
Image text:
On the left: The image of a calendar page with the text "3 Days"
In the center: At the top "RADIO: Outcast Season 2 Episode 6A Description." Below this is a large box with text and an image. The image is the album cover for season 2, the illustration by Chandler Candela of a dark and hazy landscape during sunrise with a black tower in the distance and the RADIO: Outcast logo large and centered. The text reads "The Good, the Bad, and the Static" followed by more text saying "Arson threatens Deadwood and revelations about Emi's influence have left Helix speechless. Meanwhile at the Gem, Monsieur Laurent indulges."
On the right: There is a large blue circle with text saying "Today’s Reveal: Episode 6A's Description!!! This will be the 1st half of the 1st episode of Season 2. We're kicking off the season with a classic western setting and more fun shenanigans."
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Eddie: "Well, the rain finally started." (aka the other shoe finally dropped as expected)
Buck: "It's kind of weird but it ended up being a really nice night. Kind of felt like we were an actual family."
Eddie: "You are an actual family."
Buck (with that little familiar smile and duck of his head): "It never felt that way before."
Bobby: "So maybe you all made some progress there. That's good. Life's too short to take those relationships for granted."
Eddie: "Sounds like your family had your back on the whole donation thing. That's definitely progress."
Buck: "No, they, uh, they totally thought that was an idiotic decision. They just weren't going to let Chimney's dad have the last word on it.
1, Eddie has no idea what he's about to be in for.
2, Eddie hasn't been in much of the episode which would be weird given how he was emotionally supportive and present for Buck back in season 4 when Buck's parents came around & it would be even weirder to bring Albert back for it but not Eddie. However, I see what they're doing here. This is about Buck, as we all know, and he & Eddie are not on the same page as evidenced not only be the sweat shirt/suspenders from the turnout gear locker scene but also Buck not being honest with Eddie about his parents' actual reaction to the donor news. Which would be weird considering again what happened in season 4 and how he had no problem being honest with Eddie (or Bobby) then, but this is all setting up Buck to go on this journey that we're about to see so he can come full circle in his arc himself. And he needs to do that himself in order for there to be the full growth/development he needs to experience in order to get to Buck 4.0 and set him up for his future (aka Buddie). So it's no coincidence that he's not being completely honest here with Eddie or Bobby (his father figure & the person that sometimes mirrors Eddie himself).
3, The universe is about to get very loud again. Buck isn't listening to it and it's obvious because of him just saying what he said to Eddie even though we the viewers know differently (and thus we are supposed to question just why Buck is telling Eddie and Bobby something different when we know Buck is probably over the moon about his parents' real reaction, primarily Eddie since they are facing each other & his answer is directly to Eddie's statement). Buck had no problem admitting that it felt like they were a family to Eddie and Bobby who both commented on it. But Eddie was the only one to bring up the donor issue (which means it's on his mind & most likely what's bothering him, just like in 6A when we saw the four-way phone call, also notice no Hen or Chim in the engine at this point, Chim who would call bull on what Buck just said & Hen who Buck confided in before everyone else about the donor decision) and that's when Buck gives him that line. The sperm donor issue isn't just an issue for Buck; it's an issue for Eddie, too. This cements it. The fact that Bobby doesn't comment on it or say anything akin to Eddie shows just who this issue is going to affect/impact moving forward. And I think iirc there was talk about a possible dating scenario for Eddie in this back half of the season? This all jives exactly with that scenario if it happens. Buck and Eddie need to get on the same page first before anything can happen.
4, Bobby! Life is too short to take those relationships for granted??? While it's being made obvious that Buck is still holding something from Eddie and vice versa? You're killing me here. Do I really have to wait another week to see how this is all going to play out with what's coming? Especially for Buck's life? 911 writers, have mercy!
5, for those who say Buddie isn't a real thing, it won't go canon, and whatever else: the fact that the universe (aka the writers/show) has gotten involved each and every single time when it comes to these two guys and their arcs means they're moving towards it. Accept it, love it, live it, and move on. The whole roadmap has been set out before us; season 7 is going to be lit.
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