#the good the bad and the static
radio-outcast · 6 months
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3 days 3️⃣📅🔥
To get y'all excited for season 2, we're releasing the description of the first episode early! In this episode, Arson threatens Deadwood and revelations about Emi's influence have left Helix speechless. Meanwhile at the Gem, Monsieur Laurent indulges.
image description below
Image text:
On the left: The image of a calendar page with the text "3 Days"
In the center: At the top "RADIO: Outcast Season 2 Episode 6A Description." Below this is a large box with text and an image. The image is the album cover for season 2, the illustration by Chandler Candela of a dark and hazy landscape during sunrise with a black tower in the distance and the RADIO: Outcast logo large and centered. The text reads "The Good, the Bad, and the Static" followed by more text saying "Arson threatens Deadwood and revelations about Emi's influence have left Helix speechless. Meanwhile at the Gem, Monsieur Laurent indulges."
On the right: There is a large blue circle with text saying "Today’s Reveal: Episode 6A's Description!!! This will be the 1st half of the 1st episode of Season 2. We're kicking off the season with a classic western setting and more fun shenanigans."
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yardsards · 10 months
we need to make the voidfish real so i can experience listening to taz balance for the first time all over again
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frownyalfred · 1 year
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🎶 maaaaake your own kind of music 🎶
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brawltogethernow · 1 day
who is Kano Yurgen??? I tried looking them up & the only thing that comes up is your blogpost mentioning them
THAT'S BECAUSE IT WAS TWO A.M. AND I SPELLED IT WRONG (ahem) thank you for your diligence. Kano JURGEN, WITH A J, is the protagonist of the webcomic Kagerou, which heads up I'm about to spoil some of the fun of reading to sell you on it. Kano is a psychic who among other things can see dead people and relive their memories who also has a diverse cornucopia of neurodivergence and trauma and CANNOT tell these things apart from each other. Because he cannot control the medium shit whatsoever when canon starts, his brain has just been a vacuum for traumatized ghosts. They just get shlooped into his mindscape and set themselves up there. He's also a system (part of a system? phrasing struggles) who initially appears to have the "one of the personalities is a serial killer!" trope happening but surprise that is ALSO a ghost who stole Kano's face and figured out how to possess the body after Kano happened to see him die (cue spectral brain vacuum noise) and everybody else in the comparatively normal system fucking hates him. The ghosts of that guy's victims from life are also hanging out and also fucking hate him.
After a lifetime of struggling over whether to be reasonable and accept that he's hallucinating enormous amounts of his life experiences or maintain that his brain isn't that creative, Kano's just-barely-holding-shit-together coping mechanisms are all thrown out of whack when his ass gets isekaied into a fantasy world, handed a magic sword, and informed that a captured princess summoned him to be a goddess's chosen one and save the world. I'm sure you won't be surprised at this point that this premise is ALSO intensely reconstructive in various layers of ways I don't have time to get into.
Based on this description what year do you think the author came up with and started working on it? WRONG: mid 90's.
Intended to strew this with example panels but everything relevant enough I kept having to look at and go "Hmm... I can't put that on Tumblr." So here's Kano et al versus zombies.
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shoechoe · 4 months
I forget how much of a little asshole Giorno is at the start of Vento Aureo. My friend watched the beginning and told me she didn't really like Giorno because he was "kind of a dick" and I see why. I guess it's like Josuke being a delinquent and Jotaro getting into fights and stuff
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livingforthewhump · 2 years
Hellooo! So I have been lurking on your page for a bit and finally worked up the courage to give a promot idea. Villain finding Hero delirious and in some alleyway and hero won't tell who hurt them, until sidekick shows up for hero and hero freaks. (I seriously don't see enough sidekick being the whumper-)
They didn’t know what caught their attention about the alleyway at first. Villain was just walking past it when something snagged their eye, made them turn around. Still, it took a good thirty seconds of squinting and cursing both their instincts and their poor night vision before they spotted the thing that didn’t belong.
A small form, slumped against the wall and shifting slightly in a motion that seemed to be breathing.
Villain once again cursed their brain. This was an odd area, sure, but that didn’t mean there weren’t any homeless people pitching in the alleys for the night.
And yet a small sound carried in the still air, a faint, pained wheezing. Villain frowned and walked forward. If their darned conscience made them give Hero yet another anonymous tip of people in crisis they were going to scream.
As they walked into the alley, they tried to keep their footsteps as soft as possible while still letting the person know about their presence. Whoever it was flinched, wheezing breaths picking up slightly.
“Who are you?” Villain whispered, a menacing husk in their voice.
The person whined, mumbling something incoherent and shuffling vaguely from their collapsed position. Something in that voice was…familiar, though. Almost unsettling.
Villain mumbled a curse and flipped on their dimmest light they carried with them, fingering their weapon just in case.
They gasped at the same time as the figure flinched harshly, both of them moving back.
“…Hero?” Villain asked softly.
They almost didn’t believe it. Hero was entirely folded over on the ground, uniform ripped and splotchy with blood. Any exposed skin was covered in deep purple and still blooming red bruises and welts.
Their chin was tucked down to their chest, arms up and cradling their head protectively. It was like they expected whatever assault they had been through to continue at any moment.
Villain almost flicked the light off. Almost walked away. They had a conscience, sure, but not so far as to stay in the situation. At least, never before. They were a runner. That’s what they did. They fled and left the situation for someone else to deal with. So why were they moving to kneel beside Hero.
“Please…” Hero’s voice came out in a croaky whisper, like they had already spent it all.
Villain reached out to touch Hero’s shoulder, earning a flinch that drove them impossibly closer to the dirty brick wall of the alley.
“Who did this to you?” Villain asked, suddenly enraged. What monstrosity looked at Hero, who was good and kind and helped everyone, even to the point of self sacrifice, and thought that they deserved to be anywhere near this hurt?
Hero gasped in a shuddering breath, and Villain realized they were whispering something, and endless litany, almost prayerful in its desperation. “Please please don’t hurt me please I’ll—I, I’ll be good, I won’t tell, please leave me alone please don’t, please—”
Villain’s jaw set as an unprecedented fire cemented into their bones. Oh, no, they wouldn’t be walking away from this one.
They gently pried Hero’s arms off of their head, cupping the masked face in their palms and tilting it towards them.
Their face, too, was a cacophony of bruises, lips swollen and split from being hit over and over again. Mask ripped at the corner with blood weeping from the wound, intermingling with Hero’s own tears that drenched their cheeks. Their eyes were droopy, half closed.
“Hero. Hero, look at me,” Villain breathed, jostling their head slightly. Oh, heavens, did they need a hospital? Villain couldn’t go there with them. “Hero.”
Their lashes fluttered as their eyes flew open. Yet they stared past Villain, fixed on something that wasn’t there, at least not anymore, as tears rose to further cloud them.
“Please no…” Hero mouthed at the invisible horror they were seeing.
Villain glanced behind them to ensure there wasn’t someone there after all. Only shadows. They shivered nonetheless.
“Hero, who do you see?”
At this angle they could see even more wounds spattering Hero’s torso. A dent in their ribs where there shouldn’t be one (was that why their breaths where so raspy?), bruises etched deeply into the sensitive skin of their neck. Overlapping handprints, pressed down hard again and again. Villain swallowed drily.
“Who do you see?” They were practically begging now.
Hero’s brow ruffled, eyes focusing blearily for just a moment. “Villain…?”
“Yes,” was all they could manage.
Hero’s throat clicked when they tried to swallow. They winced in pain, blinking back the delirium creeping back into their eyes. Something was dripping blood into their forehead. “You, you need to go.”
“What?” Villain’s grip on their face tightened slightly, loosening again instantly at the flash of terror in Hero’s eyes. “No, Hero, you need to tell me who did this to you.”
Something tensed in Hero’s face, and they seemed almost venomous when they spat out a “no.”
Villain blinked, and when Hero jerked their face out of Villain’s hold, they let them. It seemed to pull on Hero’s wounds though, and they made a strangled yelp, falling back in on themselves and shuddering with sobs.
Villain muttered a curse, jumping when Hero jerked back.
“Plea—please, it, it, it hurts,” Hero hissed. Villain almost thought that Hero had forgotten they were there all of a sudden, overwhelmed by the pain, but their voice raised just a little then. “Villain—”
“I’m here,” they brushed their fingers over Hero’s forehead. “What can I do?”
“Get away from them,” a voice snarled from the front of the alley. Villain jumped back, spinning to face them, weapon jumping into their hand.
“Sidekick!” They didn’t get another word in before Sidekick was upon them, a flurry of motion.
Seconds later they had Sidekick at a stalemate, fuming and weaponless.
“Listen, it wasn’t me,” Villain gasped, moving to gesture towards Hero.
In that movement though, they saw the state that Hero was in, and it was very different than mere moments before. And very, very bad.
Hero was scrambling to shove themselves against the brick, even as they cried out against the aggravation to their wounds. Their eyes were wide, whites visible even in the dark, fixed solely on Sidekick. Their tears were starting anew. And then they started shrieking.
“No nononono please, please, Sideki—please I’m sorry I’m sorry please don’t hhh—” And their sobs turned their yelling incoherent.
Villain’s vision turned red. They shifted in between Hero and Sidekick, weapon poised. “Sidekick,” they said very carefully, dangerously, “why is Hero saying that?”
“They don’t even know what they’re saying.” Sidekick’s voice was shaking, thick with anger. Hero had gone still at the sound of it, just before their disjointed thrashing resumed in earnest.
Sidekick rushed a few steps forward, and Hero screamed and sobbed and begged, cowering behind Villain’s protection. And Villain seethed.
“Don’t come any closer,” they snarled. “You don’t deserve to be within a mile of them.”
Sidekick barked a laugh. “That coming from a villain! You’re clearly just trying to pin your crimes on me.”
Another heartbreaking sob came from Hero, a tearful please please please.
Villain’s jaw creaked from how hard they grit their teeth. “Get out of my sight. Or I’ll skewer you here and now.” Their powers flickered dangerously around them, so close to raging unleashed.
Sidekick stared at them, and Villain stared back, rage against rage, and for once, it wasn’t Villain who ran away.
When they did leave the alley, it was with Hero scooped up in their arms, limp and muttering, but safe. Safe from, horrifically, the one meant to have their back, to always be by their side. Safe from the one who hurt them to the point of begging delirium. And the next time Villain saw Sidekick, they swore with all the fire in their blood that only one of them would be walking away.
Hero/Villain Taglist: @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @twistedcaretaker @lonesome--hunter @poppys-writing @endless-whump @multifandoms-multishipper @shadowylemon @utopian819 @whumpkitty @journey-the-panda @freefallingup13 @prettyboysinpain @1becky1 @temporary-whump-sideblog @chartreusephoenix @thelazywitchphotographer @onestopheroxvillain @smolxhero @mylifeisonthebookshelf @broadwaybabe18 @grizzlie70 @sunflower1000 @digitalart-dwa @tobeornottobeateacher @wolfeyedwitch @canigetanamenforbritney @ladygwennn @onlywhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @classicplesiosaur @lemongrass404 @defectiveangel13 @alainayumira @spiccykels @jadeocean46910 @icarusinstatic @will-ruadh @pumpkin-spice-whump @michelleswhumpyreblogs @cyberneticfire @tinyreadinglifelight @savagelysarcasticsilence @void-fireworks @dead-whispers @strawberryglitterball @writing-with-olive @rose-pinkie @didieatyourdog @corvid-voidbur @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @princess-poopsicle
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gayeddieagenda · 2 days
i don't have time to write today (again) so instead im just chilling and thinking about the push and pull of eddie's isolation after chris goes to texas, and how im interested in either version: either buck being successful in not leaving eddie alone, or eddie's misery winning out with him distancing himself even further from everyone, including buck. obviously i like the version of 'eddie's miserable horrible summer alone' that has a little asterisk on 'alone,' bc buck doesn't let him be alone - obvi i think buck would try to do that, but i am also interested in the version where eddie is successful at pretending to be doing better than he is or just at keeping buck at arm's length a little. certainly eddie has grown and opened up and etc since s5b and he's clearly much more willing to go to buck w/ his feelings, but right now is also the time 4 regressing, lmao, and a moment when being alone in his misery probably feels pretty good 2 eddie. plus or minus the ways that eddie is relating 2 buck's happiness (in his relationship, for a major example) and the ways that eddie is or isn't starting 2 get a clue about his own feelings for buck and i think it's a recipe 4 a lot of interesting isolation and loneliness for everyone's favorite guy with the issues, eddie diaz
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famewolf · 2 months
speaking of ocd, I think I'm realizing that I truly don't have anxiety and it's literally just my ocd. im not anxious about anything until it involves me and suddenly I'm spiraling
#[static]#it's hard to describe succinctly but the anxiety I deal with nowadays is directly related to my ocd and autism#some anxiety is so easy to brush off but the ones stemming from my ocd are extremely difficult to get out from under#i'll spiral for weeks about one specific thing and ruminate on it and mentally worry and pick at it forever#it's utterly exhausting jfkdghdf some days are easier than others#and often that one thing I ruminate on becomes multiple things all stemming from the first thing#like recently it's been my car ... the thing is totally fine ... runs fine drives fine but ive been freaked out by it for the last 3 weeks#every time i go into the shop theyre like ... everything is good in fact its in good condition for its age and they'll mention like#one thing that will need to be replaced to keep it in tip top condition and then my brain will fixate on it and imagine all the ways#something horrific will happen if that doesnt get changed and then that leads to all the other things in the car suddenly freaking me out#i defs used to have general anxiety and depression but those went away literally the day i got top surgery#poof instantly gone it was wild and i kept waiting for the other shoe to drop#never did but now my ocd has been really bad the last 6 months cuz of all the extra horrifying things going on#so i thought it was just my anxiety coming back but this week i realized it was my ocd and have been treating it accordingly#and ive seen some relief but i definitely need to go back to therapy once i get my insurance again#its the only way to get a hold on it and my last therapist ended up moving states so we didnt get to work on tools for it very much#im yapping at this point i just needed to vent for a second about how truly yucky ocd makes me feel
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bidokja · 2 months
okay i know i said yeseo is dense but manages to make it endearing. but over 130 chapters in with him still being this like...not even dense really its more like he's refusing to learn or change his biased preconceptions about cedric, now im starting to wanna strangle him a bit.
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werewolfest · 6 months
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First art of 2024 :^) 🐠
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honeydjarin · 11 days
Just bought more perfume. I’m never going to get through all of my bottles and I am already eyeing some other fragrances to try 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
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fallowtail · 17 days
damn remember when i thought i could like...be a writer...truly embarrassing 😬
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fart-poop-daily · 7 months
got a 50 on my mock exam
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julystruck · 8 months
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Right now, I'm happy just to let it be, let you be you and me be me
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radio-outcast · 5 months
RADIO: Outcast Season 2 has officially begun!
Episode 6 A-Side "The, The Bad, and The Static" is out now! 🔥🥞 After escaping from a cult at the end of last season, our Outcast trio arrive in Deadwood where many threats loom above them Click the link to listen!
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roychewtoy · 1 year
roman roy has never once said anything true and honest and beautiful and his heart is also surgically grafted to his sleeve btw
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