#ro ramble
flockoff-featherface · 7 months
Devil May Cry.
alright hi hi hello it's time for a ro ramble (read that yugioh style like D D D D DUEL)
i fucking. love this game. i really fucking do. so much. i wanna talk about nero today okay. nero. son of vergil. (remember vergil? he strove power so badly because he blamed himself for the loss of his family, his mother, his brother for so long. obviously. it got out of hand to the point that he forgot the whole reason he wanted said power and now is just power hungry. thanks vergil love that ANYWAY remember how he went to hell to live where their father did fight the demons their father fought anyway) nero, poor kid man. he grew up with credo and kyrie. his uncle's dante, you know yeah ! but also just. let's just think about everything for a minute here.
kid's uncle (dante) (who doesn't know that's his nephew yet (BUT ALSO WHEN HE FIGURES IT OUT FULLY DOES NOT TELL HIM HEY IM YOUR UNCLE. NO. HE WAITS. UNTIL NERO'S LIKE LEMME KILL THAT BASTARD AND DANTES LIKE NO. THAT'S YOUR DAD YOU CANT DO THAT LIKE ????)) rocks up. straight up k words the pope of the church THAT PRAYS TO NERO'S GRANDFATHER (AGAIN. HE DOESN'T KNOW HIS LINEAGE YET.) and is like yo kid. you're cool anyway see you around. AT THE SAME TIME IM FAIRLY SURE IT'S CANON THAT NERO'S ARM ONLY STARTED BEING LIKE THAT THREE WEEKS OR SOMETHING STUPID LIKE THAT BEFORE DMC4. WHAT THE FUCK. also ! turns out there are demons! ALSO ! TURNS OUT THAT LIKE. WHEN YOU K WORD ONE OF THE BIG DEMONS? A WEIRD POWER THING GETS ABSORBED IN YOUR ARM THAT'S SO NORMAL NERO. also also whilst we're at it your girlfriends brother AND this weird incel scientist bitch (WHO IS THE FATHER OF YOUR FUTURE BESTIE) are demons too and hey hahahaha nero guess what ! your girlfriend got kidnapped by incel scientist and the pope hey remember when that guy died yeah no so nero he's. he's a demon. yeah. whaaaaaat so normal. so normal haha. OH SHIT HOW COULD I FORGET NERO !!!! YOU RESURRECTED YAMATO !!!! ALSO THE GUY THAT K WORDED THE POPE ISN'T THAT BAD AND EVEN THOUGH THAT'S HIS BROTHER'S (YOUR FUCKING FATHER) SWORD HE'S LETTING YOU KEEP IT (i wonder why). dante. why did you wait so fucking long to tell him. bitch. anyway also the fate of the world kinda rests on you so like. yeah.
yeah keeping all that in mind his reactions in dmc4 MAKE SENSE. him being a cocky little shit who's just done with everything MAKES SENSE.
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l3viat8an · 2 months
Fluff idea sitting in Lucifer’s lap while he works. Not even really talking to each other just enjoying the moment. 
Ahskhs fluffy Lucifer <3 rambling as always-
Honestly if Lucifer could he’d always have you sitting in his lap. Especially while he works at his seemingly, endless pile of paperwork.
Nothing calms him down more than knowing you’re safe in his arms.
Now it depends a little on if you’re sitting facing him or his desk-
If you’re facing him; wrap your arms around his neck or nuzzle your face into his neck and Lucifer will immediately relax into you. He’s still working ofc! He’s just not as stiff~
His fingers will run up and down your spine, when he pauses to think. Lucifer clams it helps him concentrate- but really he loves the way it makes you wiggle in his lap.
If you’re facing his desk; he’ll ask your opinion on little things once in awhile. Smiling at you proudly when you point out something he missed or just agree with him.
And it’s just super peaceful….sitting with Lucifer like this- The sound of his pen scratching away as he signs papers ‘n corrects others, soft classical music playing, (if you’re lucky you’ll even hear Lucifer humming along with his favorite part) and the faint scent of coffee, mixed with warm pine~
If you’re not careful you might just fall asleep in his lap <3 and then Lucifer will have a new homescreen for his DDD!!!
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infamous-if · 4 months
spent this whole time writing nice seven and now back to writing mean(er) seven in the demo
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bucket-of-amethyst · 27 days
Anyone would like their pet doodled for $5 dolla? 👉👈
All donos will be donated to the rescue group I volunteer at :3
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rosesundae · 4 months
A massive werewolf thrusting into me but they can’t get the knot in immediately so it keeps hitting my clit and makes me overstimulated 😵‍💫
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rosetterer · 17 days
tommy is a 👉👉 kind of gay and buck is a 👌🤌🫸 kind of bi, i don't make the rules
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fruitsofhell · 5 months
I used to be one of those guys when I first joined the Kirby fandom, but everytime I hear a discussion of the series writing that starts with "So the Lore is InSaNe-" and not like, "Kirby has a fun writing style that takes advantage of its cute exterior to tell cool stories that reward player's curiosity and leave lots of room for imagination-" I cringe so goddamn hard.
I kinda just hate that people approach things that encourage investment when they don't expect it as inherently absurd. Like it is fun to joke about how absurd Kirby lore can be, but it really often comes with an air of disrespect or exhaustion rather than like, appreciation that these games are made by people who want to tell interesting stories when they could easily make as much money just making polished enough fluffy kiddy platformers. And when it's not met with exhaustion, it's met with - like I said before - that tone that it's stupid for a series like this TO have devs who care about writing stuff for it. Which is a whole other thing about people not respecting things made to appeal to kiddie aesthetic or tone.
Maybe the state of low-stakes YouTube video essays just blows cause people play up ignorance and disbelief for engagement, but like I STG I hear people use this tone for like actual narrative based games sometimes. Some people don't like... appreciate when a game is made by people who care a shitton in ways that aren't direct gameplay feedback. And they especially don't appreciate it when it comes from something with any sense of tonal dissonance intentional or not.
Anyways, I love games made by insane people. I love games made by teams who feel like they wanna make something work or say something so bad. I love that energy, especially when invested into something that could easily rest on its laurels or which obviously won't be taken seriously. I love this in a lot of classic campy 2000s games, I love this in insanely niche yet passionate fanworks, and I love it in the Kirby series and its writing. Can we please stop talking about it like it's an annoyance or complete joke?
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ghastlyaffairs · 2 months
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for something as trivial and simple those feelings sure are hard to get rid of
also made a gif a version for fun + alt version with no tears under the cut
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the gif is in very low resolution...this is a feature (i could make it bigger but that would require saving each frame individually and than glueing it all together. also i feel like low resolution suits it better. aesthetically and fits the mood)
#hs#homestuck#dirk strider#eye strain#probably? if you think i should tag something else let me know!!#anyway hooray its time for rambling in the tags#so uhhh heres the teæ i've been sick for like a week and you know how it is when suddenly your throat becomes the main gunk warehouse#and you can't breathe lol. wish i could just pull it out. anywaaayy this is basically a vent piece for me being sick lol#also i could draw remotively the same thing with kris deltarune. oh how easy it is to project having a cold#though i have been also experiencing troubles with feelings recently as well....how fitting for dirk#speaking of the man himself (enough of me) his relationship with his own Heart...is peculiar to say the least#the thing i love about alphakids is that despite being so feral they were. so relatable. i cannot stress this enough how unwell they are an#and how they represented being a teen so well. yeah being 15 years old makes that to you#imagine being an emotional mess and trying to fit the 'norm' and act normal about your friends so youre not offputting#and then you fall in love with you friend and your ai clone falls in love with him too looool noone makes out of this one alive#uhh literally. godtiering stuff and dying remember#and speaking of it. tw for suicidal talk for the rest of tags#do you ever think dirk was suicidal. of course the part of when he teleports his head to jake was totally planned and he knew he would ->#wake up as dreamself but. don't you think the moment he cut his head off was sort of. cathartic. how much did he hate his own guts#beheading himself not only for the plan...but also because he thought he 'deserved' it#also wow he is a Prince and was literally beheaded don't you think its funny hahaa#sigh poor thing#this has ended on a not the very pleasant note hm#also fckkkkkk i didn't draw anything with rose/mary for the lesbian visabilty week#(putting the slash because tumblr search system has a dumb gag with showing you posts that contain the tag inside the other tag.#and i don't want this post to show up for the ros/mary fans because it's not!!!! its rose's father emotional crisis post!!!!)#update YOOOO WHAT THE HELL THE GIF HAS EVEN LESS PIXELS THEN I PLANNED fantastic#this your breakfast now tumblr. enjoy your crunchy flakes of dirks meltdown. mwah
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bucked-it-up · 1 month
Thinking about how Buck is often is reckless because one it is who he is but also because he doesn't necessarily feel like he has anyone to go home to. Like with the sniper episodes he chooses to go up the crane because he feels expendable and yes by season 7 I think he doesn't feel that way as much and has worked through it.
But I do think having someone who he is so giddy over and loves who also puts themselves in dangerous positions will change his view more and understand that he has even more of a reason to come home. He will still be slightly reckless because that is who Buck is he wants to save everyone but I think there might be a little more hesitation, more planning to make sure he doesn't leave himself at the scene and can get home to Tommy
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meroaw · 23 days
Sorry for lack of posts or updates here 🥹 been doing lots of secret work atm and working on comic con prep so been SOOO BUSY
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flockoff-featherface · 8 months
i recently had to move rooms right (mold/damp issue in my old room, so i got another one) (two and a half weeks ish ago, right) and i only just got the chance to put up my pitbull wall thing (tapestry ???? tf is this called)
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need yall to know that
a) pitbull has been there done that. this is helping SO MUCH with my coursework that is kicking my ass i now have immediate inspiration to work.
b) the note pinned above aggressively reads
the room i was moved into is an accessible friendly room (the only emergency room my uni had available at the time) and has an emergency button BEHIND THE BED HEADBOARD. on the first night i moved in i made the mistake of pushing the bed back. worst mistake. so loud. anyway it has an easy fix, luckily, the button underneath lets you easily undo it. phew. anyway.
c) yes. i eat kellog's crunchy nut as a snack. i often forget to make meals and this is my way of ensuring i eat SOMETHING. especially when im doing coursework/uni work i forget so much, so this really helps.
d) that is a yarn basket. it is currently yarn deprived BECAUSE. if i put all my yarn in there i will not do my coursework. instead i will crochet or knit. i have so much work to do that i have to deter myself. so i have ONE PROJECT in there to do inbetween paragraphs. as a treat. it also holds my make up bag because i can never find that bitch. and my medications because again. i can never find that bitch.
e) unseen: a pile of books i want to read. top to bottom: the divine comedy, lord of the rings, bram stoker's dracula. these are in the "pile hidden by my laptop" FOR A REASON. if they are visible to me i will not do my coursework. therefore, putting them directly behind my laptop prevents me from being distracted. also. i wanna show my divine comedy copy (i literally only bought it because i was obsessed with Dante's Inferno (the game) and Devil May Cry) and i will:
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pretty. right? anyway as you can see i get easily distracted. im like a child on sugar. i. yes.
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the book pile itself (those top letters have henna art on them done by me as christmas gifts for friends if you're a close friend of mine pretend you are blind for this section PLEASE /lh). normally this would have my copy of american psycho but i think i hid that one away from myself.
anyway. i came here to say that my pitbull banner ??? is very motivating for my coursework. thank yoy
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l3viat8an · 6 months
We can ask for random headcanons?!?
Could I get a cute Diavolo one????
Ofc! These are actually really fun to do XD
‘n here’s two hcs but they’re more cute+silly jsjsjsj
Diavolo ‘hides’ behind you whenever Barbatos is telling him off for not doing all of his work before trying to sneak out. (or after actually sneaking out with you-) Even if you’re shorter then Diavolo, you’ll still protect him right? And it works too- because Barbatos simply can’t focus on that when he’s looking at you.
Diavolo once asked Solomon for some human world pickup lines to use on you and Solomon gave him the cheesiest ones possible-
“Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?”
“Do you believe in love at first sight—or should I walk by again?”
“Feel my shirt. Know what it’s made of? Boyfriend material.”
Stuff like that and Diavolo fully believes they’ll work on you. You’ll have to explain that there are better pick up lines lolol
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infamous-if · 4 months
the amount of people who voted that they're going to pursue dakota in the google forms is surprisingly high lmao
Dakota has had two scenes tops lsnchsbcdsnc what an impression they made
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girlfromthecrypt · 2 months
How would the Ro's answer the toughest question to ever exist. The "would you still love me if I was a worm?"
A very tough question indeed.
Anita: "Um... I just... I mean, I would, but I want to get married someday and it'd be difficult if you were a worm. Wait! Actually... could you be our wedding ring?? I could wear you... around my finger..."
Basil: "...I'm sorry, but I think I prefer your human form. I do love you though. Very much."
Reem: "Yeah, sure, honey :)" That's it. No questions asked. She's wholly serious btw. She'll protect her worm wife/husband/spouse at all cost.
Flo: "A worm? Why not a snake? I might actually love you more if you were a snake. ... Oh fine, worm it is, then. But I have questions. Are we both worms in this scenario? If not, did I meet you before you became a worm or after? Or were you always a worm? Because I fell in love with human you, so I think I might actually keep on loving you if you became a worm. But if you were a worm from the beginning, I honestly don't think I'd have fallen in love with you. I don't regularly talk to many worms, you see. And I can't imagine falling in love with a random worm I've never met before. Although, did you hear Tesla allegedly fell in love with a pigeon? I'm pretty sure they didn't have conversations. So if he could do it, maybe I could also fall in love with a random worm. It just seems very unlikely. Speaking of which, how would we communicate? It'd be a very one-sided relationship, wouldn't it?"
It'll go on like that for the next hour or so. Babygirl would just be endlessly confused, he'd have so many questions.
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rosesundae · 2 months
Slime that feels so cold as it slithers inside, yet it pulses like a heartbeat. It throbs inhumanly, stretching your body inconsistently but always manages to hit the sweet spots. Its strange pulses make each thrust that much better.
It ends up an endless cycle of quivering muscles, overworked by orgasm, that keep sucking it further inside. The gelatinous nature makes it impossible to get out.
Seems you’ll need to deal with being its new nest
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rosetterer · 15 days
The least you can do, even if you hate buck and tommy together so much that you can't sleep at night or go a minute without whining about them, is to not call them a shipname that is literally close to a slur.
thank you for coming to my fucking tedtalk.
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