itstimetogotowar · 2 years
Queensland: road trip on a budget
Queensland: road trip on a budget
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dromaeo-sauridae · 2 years
goodbye /smothering you with a pillow/
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l-ii-zz · 16 days
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Roatrip AU arrives! ✨
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s2e11playthingsyuri · 7 months
watching 1x04... I love s1.. I love that they introduce themselves as homeland security but they're wearing their family roatrip across the state outfits and ask the guy this
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meerlichts · 2 years
A Lesson In Things That Are Unimaginable, Impossible And Utterly Useless
Summary: Thorn looks at Fox, and then he smiles, and, gods be damned, it’s all been worth it if it means that Thorn can be happy. If it takes something impossible, something utterly useless, something as unimaginable as a degree in acting for Thorn to smile like that all the time—Fox is going to die trying to get him there.
Fox and five of his closest siblings go on a roatrip: Along the way, truths are discovered, connections are made, and people are killed.
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junkyardromeo · 4 months
spring break ‘88 bouta start tomorrow (we are roatripping to myrtle beach and i have aux privileges and im allowed to bring the boombox)
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evallazz · 1 year
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I was hoping to do some roatrip pc commissions like this now, dm me if your interested :]
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alicedrawslesmis · 2 years
ok someone reblogged that roadtrip post again and I keep thinking how hugo and I share similar roatrip goals, and how we would be the BEST roadtrip pair... If one of us could drive
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livingzomboy · 4 months
arepublicans are anti child mutilation, but when i tell them myself and many other AMABS have thought about cutting it off ourselves and bottom surgery post therapy is safer and not at all mutilative because it isn't offered to kids what then? When in the nane of the gender binary countless intersex individuals have their genitals sewn shut and mutilated to "give them a normal life" (even though its more dangerous for them)? What then? They dont want to switch to a society that is open and loving. Thats it. Dismantling ideas of binary gender also dismantles ideas of their power in a way that confuses them.
Republicans dont want me in bathrooms because i will assault someone but trans women were more likely to be assaulted, raped, murdered, or brutalized, and that percentage of trans women goes up every single year. Trans women and men are MORE LIKELY to be victims. But we cant change the system.
republicans hate trans and queer people but lets take a look at the top porn shall we?
Men view trans porn more (22%) than women. Lesbian was the most searched term in the last years. Trans porn popularity was upped by 72+% in 2022 alone. That number grows each year.
You hate us but we are your porn. You hate us but we contribute constantly to science, technology, art. You hate us but queer people stood by you, women, when you were fighting for rights. We stood by you, people of color, when we fought intersectionslly for your right with the civil rights movement. You hate us but we push constantly for spaces to be safe for mental health, and isnt that one of the LEADING ideals of the mens rights movement? we are part of ALL your communities and we fight for you ALL THE TIME! And we let you fetishize us in porn and on the street as sex workers! So why wont you fight for us? Why wont you fight for queer liberation.
Frankly my point being if you hate queer people no matter all the evidence as to why you shouldn't, and all the holes in the normal arguments, then i reserve the right to call you names and slurs. Oh youre a woman and a homophobe? Get back in the kitchen you dont need to be thinking terf. Oh youre black and anti queer? why dont you come on a roatrip to louisiana with me? I promise not to give your info to the KKK!
Whats that? Oh its literally terrible to say something bigoted like that? Huh. Who wouldve thought.
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olivierlussier · 7 months
Ce blog a existé avant instagram
En 2013, j'ai fait un roatrip de plusieurs mois. Ce voyage m'a apporté de Yellowknife à Joshua Tree, en passant par Red Rocks et Key West. Je dormais dans mon char, j'avais pas de dette, je me demandais ce que je voulais faire dans la vie et je me disais qu'écrire un livre était une bonne idée, mais en 2013, j'avais pas vécu grand chose pis vu que je suis pas un surdoué, j'étais pas capable d'écrire un livre sans avoir vécu de grandes histoires, donc je suis parti en voyage. Une partie de moi pensait que je reviendrais jamais en vie. Cette idée m'inspirait beaucoup. Je suis parti quasiment un an total. Je suis revenu en vie finalement, avec quelques dreads perdus dans une quantité phénoménale de cheveux sales. J'avais un manuscrit (écrit à la main lol wtf) de plusieurs centaines de pages. J'avais jamais vraiment lu un livre au complet. C'était pourrit, mais je me suis promis que je n'arrêterais jamais d'écrire. Ce blog a été remplacé par instagram et est tombé dans l'oubli. Il revit aujourd'hui parce que j'ai écrit un livre (un vrai) pis j'ai besoin d'un site web d'auteur officiel pour confirmer mon identité sur GoodReads.
Ceci est mon site web d'auteur officiel. Je m'appelle Olivier Lussier, j'ai écrit un guide de chasse à l'usage des poètes, son titre c'est Cariacou. C'est publié aux éditions de ta mère.
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ghostbonetv · 11 months
Guys we should all roatrip to the middle of the ocean who's with me
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peahart · 4 years
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I’m working on new portfolio sketches. Here is a first one !
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aprilbarton · 3 years
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The first of many waterfalls I've seen in Iceland! #day2 #travelling #holidays #autumn #waterfalls #solotraveller #nannylife #aussiegirl #lovethiscountry #40thcountryvisited #roatrip #selfie #firstofficialstop #nature #scenic (at Thingvellir National Park, Iceland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUx1jlgNBib/?utm_medium=tumblr
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maximuumstrange · 3 years
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IG: maxiumum_strange
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bloggerblaugrana · 4 years
My Omegle Story (8/19/2020)
Date written: 8/22/2020
One day I was bored, so I went to Omegle. I was talking to random strangers and ending conversations because they were uninteresting. Some were weird, and if you’ve been to Omegle you know what I’m talking about. I didn’t expect anything, I was just bored that night.
That’s when I was connected to this guy. He told me he was from Seattle and was an I.T. guy. He came from Washington State University. He’s 28 and brown. His family migrated to the US, and he’s been living there ever since. Our conversation lasted for five hours (I ended it because I was feeling really sleepy, I know what a dumbass). Honestly, I could’ve linked him my tumblr account, I’m anonymous here anyway hahahaha. This guy has no social media accounts, by the way.
We talked and even flirted. We shared a lot of things, like having road trips together and going to Iceland one day. It was unbelievable. I know, I know. He could be anyone. He could even be someone who he isn’t. He could be a creepy old man living in a basement. He could have a whole new identity and not really be who he. But hell, I’m of legal age. Everywhere! I should be smart to know better, yeah yeah. I know exactly what everyone would say. But I don’t know, it’s been two days, and I can’t get him out of my mind. It’s fucking ridiculous. I don’t know him, I don’t know what he looks like. But there must be some psychology on wanting to know someone you connected with.
We told each other different names (celebrities) from his country and mine. (Because you know, stranger danger). I even shared with him my favorite movie, which is Before Sunrise. I told him the ending and we told each other we’d come back to Omegle to talk again if “fate” would have it, which would be after 6 months, and at the same time we started talking to each other. We’d use the words we chose in the “add your interests (optional)” box. I told him I’ll write it in my laptop notes, and he has it written in his calendar.
Honestly there is like a 1% chance we’ll even talk again, but damn how do you get rid of this feeling? This sudden longing? The pain in my chest? It’s all making me sad as fuck :(( I couldn’t share it with anyone because I’m embarrassed. I’m a grown ass woman, and to feel like this for a total stranger I talked to for five hours on Omegle? Unbelievable. I should know better. Anyone can be whoever they want to be on the internet. He might be an entirely different person.
I just want this feeling in my chest to go away. Why would this happen to me for no reason at all? I wonder if in six months I’ll still feel the same. I have a feeling I still would.
P.S. The song IDK You Yet by Alexander 23 really really really expresses how I feel right now damn it!
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phanfic · 5 years
Summary: Road trips gave Dan the sense of freedom that he knew was temporary, but would help him feel at peace even if just for a while. Phil was determined to help Dan feel better, no matter how far he had to drive. His playlist, however, made it hard for Dan to find his temporary peace.
Extra tags: songfic, friends to lovers, AU - college/university roommates, road trip AU
TWs: none
Word count: 7677
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