#robert ability to slow it down
acrazybayernfan · 2 years
August the 13th 2014 : First time playing together, the DFB Supercup (part 2).
Bayern played very poorly and so did they, but in the middle of all these missed passes there was still some glimpses of magic.
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Also this
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kydrogendragon · 1 month
"And here we go, Robert Gadling gets ready for his third shot at the pole vault tonight," the announcers call out. Robyn and Orpheus sit on the couch at the Walker's, eyes glued to the television set. Rose, Jed, and Lyta crowd around the living room along with Lucienne and Jessamy and Matthew and even Jo and Rachel. Everyone had come over for the watch party.
"And here he goes. He needs to beat Sam Kendricks's score by at least three tenths if he wants to get a spot on that podium tonight. When we saw him back in Tokyo, he earned himself a silver medal. Let's see if he can earn himself a gold tonight."
Robyn leans closer. He grips the edge of the couch, eyes wide as his father takes a breath and races forward, pole in hand.
"And here he goes! Strong start there, good grip on that pole. Distance is looking good, maybe a bit short and oh!"
Their dad plants the pole down and thrusts himself up, up, up! He curves around the upper bar and...he hits it. He comes falling down, pole and bar alike as he crashes down onto the mat. Robyn deflates.
"Oh. Oh dear. I—" the announcer laughs. "Well, that's just unfortunate. Let's play that back. So you can see here—" the footage pauses as their dad's feet just begin to tip over the upper bar. "—he's got plenty of room here, lots of space up above. Robert is known for his strength and his ability to get good vertical height above that bar. But as he comes down—" the footage continues in slow motion. Their dad curls over the other side of the bar like they've seen him do hundreds of times before. It slows down until it stops right when he hits the bar. Matthew squacks.
"Oh my god!" Rose laughs.
"Oh, he is never living this down," Aunt Jo pipes off.
"So you can—" Even the announcer laughs again. "You can see where he hits the bar. And it's-it's really unfortunate because everything else about this vault was nearly perfect. But it looks like his, uh. Well. His lower half got a bit in the way there."
The camera cuts to their dad standing up from the mat, wincing as he gets to his feet. And then it cuts to Papa in the stands. He's doubled over, whole body shaking, and Robyn knows immediately that he's cracking up.
"Did dad really just hit the bar with his dick?" Robyn asks.
"Robyn!" Lyta cries.
"What! That's what happened, right?"
Jessamy chuckles before patting his head. "Yes, starling. Make sure to tease him about it tonight, okay?"
"There's definitely worse problems to have in life," Matthew laughs.
"Well, I can see now why Dream married him," Lucienne says.
"Please stop talking, I don't want to think about my cousin's junk, please and thank you," chimes Jo.
Orpheus turns to Robyn, frowning. "Dad's not getting a medal, huh?"
Robyn sighs. "No. I don't think so. Maybe in one of the other events, though."
"Hm. That's true."
The camera cuts to their dad, where he's standing at the stands in front of their papa. Dream's face is red from laughter, and even now, he's still giggling. Hob's laughing now, too, pressing a kiss to his lips. Hob whispers something to Dream, who bursts out laughing once more.
"Well, at least he seems to be in good spirits," the commentator says.
"As does his husband," the other chimes.
"Unfortunately for team GB, we won't be seeing any medals out of this event. Let's head over to the Men's Vault now."
"I cannot believe this is how you will be remembered, husband mine," Dream says, running his hand down Hob's chest. They're back at his hotel room, away from the villa for the night, much to Hob's pleasure. Those beds sucked.
"Don't remind me. My damn dick still hurts from that thing. I can't believe that happened. Christ." Dream chuckles, pressing a kiss to his jaw
"Well. Now everyone will know just how...well endowed you are. And how lucky I am to call you mine."
Hob shakes his head with a smile. "Guess you're the real winner from all this, aren't you?"
"If I have you? Then I always am."
Hob wakes up to exactly 46 messages from friends and family and co-workers alike, all commenting on his "performance" last night. Half sent him links to various articles, all labeled something along the lines of "Olympic Athlete Betrayed by his Penis."
Dream nearly pulls a stomach muscle from laughing so hard.
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girls-alias · 9 months
Tease - Robert Chase
Title: Tease - Robert Chase
Words: 1,567
Relations: Robert chase X Reader
TW: Sexual hinting. Sexualising hands. Sub reader.
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I pushed the office door open with my butt, careful not to spill the coffees I had just collected. I spun around as I stepped into the office, My eyes instantly landing on Chase as he approached the door. I looked up at him startled by his presence. From his body language, it was clear he was going to open the door for me, I blushed slightly, knowing he had a clear view of my ass pushing the glass door open. I gulped, admiring his freshly trimmed hair, subtle green eyes and furrowed brows. I could read from his expression he was confused and had a hint of another emotion. In others, I would say it was an attraction but the sexy, blonde, handsome, angelic, Australian, smart, did I mention sexy, doctor... wouldn't think that of me. I'm me. Just average me.
I smiled innocently at Chase as he continued to stare at me. His expression showed less of his confusion and more of the other emotion I couldn't place but (somewhere deep inside, I knew it was attraction) (Or maybe wishful thinking) he displayed this emotion more until the confusion had fizzled from his expression.
"Are you going to stand there all day or give me my coffee," House barked grumpily. I shook myself out of it and walked around Chase to reach the table. I placed the drinks down, serving them out to each of the team to make sure everyone had the right drink. I walked around the table, placing Chase's drink in front of him before occupying the seat beside him. He smiled at me, I swooned a little but smiled back. An attempt to play it cool when he makes my spine jelly without trying.
House began the differential by writing on the board the patient's symptoms. I placed my drink on the table as I picked up the file, sitting back to read it. I added comments briefly to dismiss someone's idea if the current test results didn't align with their diagnosis. Finally, I looked up to gather who House's snarky comment was aimed at. Not me, good. As Chase was leaning forward, his elbows on the table, his hands in front of his face, playing with them slightly. I, of course, was now only able to focus on them.
I gulped, my mouth seeming wrong. My breath quickening. The butterflies in my stomach twirling. I crossed my legs, my wetness growing as I watched my crush's hands, the way they moved, the things I had dreams about them doing. I couldn't peel my eyes away even when he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and then smirked when he looked away. His hands didn't stop moving and if anything, they seemed to do more, slow and precise movements. There could be an earthquake in the room and I still wouldn't be able to look away. He has hypnotised me. I watched almost breathlessly as he sat back in the seat and his hand slowly travelled to his thigh. Oh, God his thighs! I took a deep breath, gulping as I watched his hands.
His hands gripped his thigh tightly, and a soft whimper left my lips subconsciously. I tighten my lips into a thin line, the rest of the world coming into focus as I looked around, recognising that everyone had heard me and was confused. I almost lost all of my ability to function as Chase turned to smirk at me. He did it on purpose, he was messing with me. I was annoyed for half a second it took till I realised that he caught me checking him out, sexualising him and he not only knew but teased me. My eyes widened, avoiding Chase's gaze. My brain instantly went into hyperdrive to dismiss this realisation with the most likely factor being that he didn't know and was simply smirking to not laugh at your whimper.
"You must really want to run the labs," Foreman commented sarcastically. I almost applauded Foreman and shook his hand for giving me an easy excuse.
"Yeah, I just don't want to deal with parents right now," I chuckled, realising quickly I was unsure of the files I had read only minutes ago. They all looked a little more confused.
"Our patient is a 32-year-old, male," Cameron clarified but confusion clear in her tone.
"His parents brought him in, it's in his file," I lied. I don't know who brought him in, they could tell me he flew in on a UFO I would agree, I don't know what happened during the differential when Chase's hands were more appealing than the conversation. Foreman looked confused but understood as Cameron flicked through the file. I smiled, my poker face clearing me of questions.
"Foreman and Cameron, you're with the patient," House instructed and everyone stood. Oh, okay we're done. I stood from my seat, and collected my things, realising quickly I would be alone in the lab with Chase. My eyes widened as I grabbed my drink and headed out of the office, Chase held the door open for me, his smirk still gracing his lips. I nodded softly to be polite and began approaching the lab. I gulped as Chase walked beside me.
"I didn't know you whimpered," He teased, his smirk still present. I blushed but rolled my eyes forcing a convincing chuckle.
"I just really want lab work today," I shrugged trying to play it off. A part of me believes the delusion of him possibly not noticing me sexualising his hands. He smirked rushing to stop in front of me looking a little confused but smug.
"I can think of five reasons that's a lie," He smirked, raising his left hand for effect and flaunting the knowledge that he knew what he was doing. My expression faltered at the shocking revelation and realisation he truly was teasing me with his hands, and did for a fact know I was affected. He grinned, turning back to continue his way to the lab. I took a second to compose myself before following. I stopped just before the lab entrance to prepare myself before I was in a room alone with Chase for presumably hours.
I walked in to see Chase already using the computer to get started. He smiled as I walked in, not looking up from the screen. I cleared my throat before taking a seat at the opposite station. I got to work on running labs, reading the file closely to figure out what labs we needed, and Chase offering tests I should take while he did others, basically letting me know what to do. I'm glad one of us was paying attention.
We were working somewhat quietly as we focused on the tests. I was just looking through the microscope when he spoke abruptly.
"Have you always been attracted to hands or just mine?" He asked, I was so startled by his question. I felt called out, seen. I staggered over my thoughts slightly.
"What?" I asked finally, the only thing I could manage to say. Though my tone should have been confused it was more panicked. I looked up at him, watching as he smirked. I gulped, watching as he slowly walked around the station, edging closer to me, my crossed legs subconsciously squeezing tighter.
"What is it about my hands that flusters you?" He asked rhetorically. His tone was mischievous and menacing. His smirk returned. I watched with shallow breaths as his hand trailed along the marble tops. I gulp again to try and maintain some control of my body. My breath quickened the closer he got to me. My breath fluttered as he stood right in front of me. "Is it that they're attached to me or that you can imagine what I'd like to do with them?" He asked, his hand coming under my chin to raise it so I was looking up at him. I breathed in as he raised my chin but suddenly my breathing stopped as I made eye contact with him. My mind cleared. My only thought was that he was going to kiss me. Please, kiss me.
I watched as his eyes trailed to my lips before he smiled. His eyes were deep and dark, full of want. I gulped. "I'm taking you to dinner," He instructed, not a question but an explanation. I watched intently as he searched my expression, it was clear, he could read nothing. He seemed to wait for my response. I nodded softly, his fingers still present under my chin. He smiled with half his mouth. "Good," He added, a hint of satisfaction in his tone. I waited, his eyes once again travelling to his lips as he held my gaze on him. "Your results are in," He commented. My eyebrows furrowed before the timer went off. I jumped at the sudden beeping. Chase chuckled as he walked away to his station. I sighed slightly, hitting the timer off and composing myself. "We'll go straight from work, that shirt needs to be shown off," He added, watching me between the stations. I smiled nervously as I slowly processed the fact I wasn't imagining it like usual.
I looked at the results to distract myself. I groaned as I showed Chase the results. Positive. We quickly headed to the others to inform them.
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
They took my clothes from me. I wore a gown of ivory lace, with freshwater pearls on the bodice, but the septas laid their hands on me and stripped me to the skin. My cousins too. Megga sent one septa crashing into the candles and set her robe afire. I fear for Alla, though. She went as white as milk, too frightened even to cry.
My cousins? Alla and Megga are hardly more than children. Your Grace, this . . . this is obscene. Will you take us out of here?
i dont have anything to say about this besides it’s horrifying, it’s horrible and despicable that a sixteen year old teenager has been left in the position of “adult” and is more worried about her cousins because alla is only thirteen. it’s sooooo much and then there’s MORE because while cersei is gloating over what she sees as a win, she has no idea that these dudes also see her as nothing but a slut and an idiot just like every other woman, and all this torture she’s laughing over is about to be turned into her and she can’t stop it because she got rid of the ability to stop it so margaery would have bo way out. and now neither does cersei. like yeah she’s got her evil advisor and bestie qyburn who is going to get her out of this but god, cersei margaery alla elinor megga just get completely humiliated by all the men around them and it’s not only legal, they all think these women deserve it for *vague mumbling*
Margaery stared at her, then pulled her hand away. "Is that a jape? Boros is a craven, Meryn is old and slow, your brother is maimed, the other two are off in Dorne, and Osmund is a bloody Kettleblack. Loras has two brothers, not six. If there's to be a trial by battle, I want Garlan as my champion.”
This is really interesting to me because of course Margaery understands the situation she’s in, for all that everyone throws (deserved) criticism at Mace for pimping his fourteen year old daughter to every baratheon he could get his hands on, it’s clear margaery’s political education was not stifled by her father the way cersei’s was by both tywin and robert. she plays up a sansa-esque sweet innocent maiden taken in and eating up every line thrown at her because she knows it’s the only personality cersei won’t actively try to beat down but once it sinks in that it’s really hopeless, she simply stops trying. this little moment, margaery taken aback at how cersei really does think margaery is a fucjing idiot is the moment i think her mask finally slips and what’s left is a perceptive and bitchy-as-only-a-teenager-can-be girl who is no longer interested in wasting time trying to get cersei to like her. i’m really interested in how their relationship develops in twow before whatever the hell it is that happens happens.
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lau219 · 1 month
After Hours
Part 5
Previous part here
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Unfortunately, that chance to talk again never happened.
After Y/N left, Robert had spent the next forty-five minutes arguing with his father in his office. As usual, nothing productive came from it, and the two men simply shouted angry accusations and statements of resentment back and forth at each other.
Eventually, Robert had walked out of his office and left Maurice standing there, knowing there was no point in continuing the argument, but making it clear a final time that the decision regarding the shelter grant had been his alone, and Y/N was not the one to be blamed or reprimanded.
By the time he was finally rid of his father, the day had ended for everyone else, and Y/N had already gone home. Robert was extremely frustrated that he hadn’t been able to find her one more time and reassure her again that it was all alright. He hoped she wasn’t still worrying about it, and as he took a rare moment to relax upon arriving home himself, his mind wandered back to earlier.
He once again thought about how upset Y/N had been. Despite their occasional little bouts of banter where she’d get smart and he’d say she was pestering him, Robert knew Y/N was actually very sensitive. It had killed him to see her crying the way she had been due to how his father had treated her, and all he’d wanted to do was comfort her.
He’d found it incredibly difficult not to pull her closer than he did when he’d spoken to her in the lobby and she’d looked at him with those teary eyes. At that moment, professional or not, telling her how he felt about her had been on the tip of his tongue, and the way she’d looked back at him made it seem like she was feeling it in that moment, too.
But then, unfortunately, the moment had been broken.
Twice in the span of just a few weeks.
Twice, she’d embarrassed herself.
Twice, she’d put Robert in an awkward spot due to her behavior.
Laying in bed that night, Y/N could not stop mentally kicking herself for losing her composure and crying in front of Robert earlier that day. Of course, the minute someone yelled at her, the tears started, and she wished she somehow had the ability to make herself less sensitive.
But she’d only been able to hold back long enough to make it out of Robert’s office, and then as soon as she’d looked at him when he’d followed after her, it was like someone turned on a faucet. Maybe if she hadn’t appeared so pathetic, he wouldn’t have felt the need to follow her and try to calm her down. She was so embarrassed, and even though he’d assured her that she hadn’t done anything wrong, the appropriate way to behave would have been to just apologize again and walk away, not cry like a baby and fall apart in front of him.
She couldn’t stop thinking about how he’d comforted her, though, and it had felt like something shifted between them in that moment. When he’d gently grabbed her arms and reassured her, she’d wanted nothing more than to tuck herself the rest of the way into him.
Although, she knew that in reality, he was just trying to make her feel better. No man wanted a crying woman around, least of all in the workplace. And despite the fact that she and Robert would sometimes give each other a hard time, it was always harmless, and so she was willing to bet he’d never expected her to start crying, since she was never sensitive about the grief they’d give each other.
But she’d put him in an awkward spot for the second time in as many weeks, and before finally falling asleep, she vowed that she wouldn’t let herself do anything else that could cause another mishap again.
She had to keep herself in check.
“You know, if you’d slow down and pay attention for a moment, you’d realize that you have those out of order.”
Standing next to Robert in the giant ballroom of the extravagant hotel, Y/N looked over as he held the notecards in his hand that contained the notes for his upcoming speech. Rather than even looking at them, Robert had blindly taken them from her hand as he was looking down at his phone in his other hand to check his messages. They were standing off to the side of the room, and, wanting to see if he was paying attention, Y/N had purposely rearranged them to be out of order before handing them to him, and she smiled as she saw that he hadn’t even noticed.
Typical, she thought to herself affectionately.
“Mm-hm,” Robert replied, his eyes still on his phone. But then he finally finished whatever he’d been typing and slipped the phone in his pocket, then looked at Y/N.
“What?” he said.
She smiled again and softly rolled her eyes, and then she indicated to the cards with a nod of her head.
“You might want to take a look at those quickly,” she said.
Looking down then, Robert shuffled through the cards, his expression becoming more and more confused as he flipped through each one.
“These aren’t in order,” he said after a moment, his brow furrowed, and Y/N couldn’t stop the quiet chuckle that escaped her. He hadn’t even heard her first statement.
“Which one?” she asked then, pretending to be as unaware as he was.
“All of them,” he replied, still flipping through them.
“How can you tell? Your handwriting is so scribbly that they’re almost unreadable.”
Not replying, Robert’s brow furrowed deeper, and Y/N could tell that he was, in fact, having trouble reading his own writing. After another moment of watching him, she retrieved more cards from the pocket of her planner and held them out to him.
“Here,” she said, gently pulling the original cards out of his hand and encouraging him to take the new ones from her.
“What are these?” Robert asked as he looked between the two sets of cards.
“Your notes, but just a little more legible…and in order,” she said with a smile.
Taking the new cards and looking down at them, Robert saw that Y/N had copied his original notes onto the new cards in her own neat handwriting, and had numbered them up in the corner of each one. After looking them over for a moment, he looked back up at her.
“You did this ahead of time?” he asked her.
“I had to. I knew it would take me at least an hour to decipher what you’d hurriedly scratched down on your original ones.”
“And you assumed I wouldn’t be able to read them myself, even though I wrote them?” Robert raised an eyebrow at her.
Quickly, Y/N pulled the new notes out of his hand and held one of his initial ones back in front of his face.
“What’s that say, right there?” she asked him, a playful tone of challenge in her voice.
When Robert admittedly couldn’t tell what he’d written, he looked back at Y/N.
“See?” she said.
“No one likes a gloater,” Robert replied with a smirk. As Y/N smiled back at him amusedly, he had to fight the incredibly strong urge to kiss her.
Yes, once again, he was back to pushing down those kinds of thoughts.
After the incident with his father the previous week, Robert had still planned on finding a time to talk to Y/N. In all honesty, he wanted to try and feel things out, based on what he thought he’d felt from her that day. But he’d quickly retired that idea once they’d seen each other at work again the next day.
Despite what Robert thought he’d picked up on from Y/N, that seemed to have disappeared yet again. She’d returned to behaving very professionally, saying that she’d overreacted and apologizing for it. She’d then quickly changed the subject, and Robert saw that whatever he thought she’d been silently conveying that day, he was wrong yet again.
But when she pulled something like this, it made it so hard to push all that down. As usual, she was killing him with how sweet she was, and Robert once again had to force himself to ignore it.
As Robert gave her that look and she smiled back at him, Y/N once again found it incredibly difficult not to tease him any further or show him any affection. Truthfully, as she stood there and looked back at him, she was pushing down the urge to lean forward and place a small kiss on his lips or run her hand through his hair to affectionately smooth it back. God, how many times had she thought about doing that? Both at work, as well as in some other not so G-rated situations. As the thought crossed her mind, she blushed, and she was greatly relieved when the gentleman who was hosting the grant event that afternoon could be heard over the sound system as he prepared the crowd for Robert’s speech and began the short introduction of him.
Y/N and Robert were standing off to the side of the room behind a partition, and she looked at him again quickly as she pushed the notes she’d written for him back into his hand.
“Don’t rush through it,” she said to him gently right before she walked away. “Just relax and take your time.” She knew he wasn’t nervous; he was used to this kind of thing, but she knew he would likely talk too fast, his mind on a thousand other things.
Not unexpectedly, his speech went off without a hitch, but it was thanks to Y/N, Robert thought to himself. Not only were her notes actually readable, but he’d had to hold back a smile when he’d flipped to one of the cards and she’d written in bright pink ink at the top of the card “SLOW DOWN!” After seeing it, he’d looked up and met her eyes from where she stood at the back of the room, and she’d smiled at him, sensing he’d seen her little comment.
After his speech, Robert and Y/N were kept apart, as they each had an obligation of making their rounds at the event and speaking with employees of the company that had received the grant, and other attendees. There were several other staff from Fischer Morrow there as well, and Y/N had connected with her co-worker and friend, Beth, towards the end of the function as people had begun filtering out. They were standing in the coat check room, which was essentially empty at that point, save for a few remaining coats.
“So that’s two of your major grants Fischer approved in the last month, huh?” Beth said to Y/N as they stood there.
“No, just this one,” Y/N replied. “The last one that went through was two months ago.”
“What about the one for the shelter?” Beth asked. “I had a message today from his receptionist to process the donation through accounting.”
Y/N frowned in confusion.
“What?” she asked Beth. “What do you mean? Maurice overturned that one because they’d missed the deadline. And even though Robert approved it, Maurice refused.”
Beth gave a shrug.
“All I know is that I processed a check today to go out to the shelter for five-grand more than what their grant proposal asked for. Robert’s signature was at the bottom of the authorization.”
Upon hearing that, Y/N tried to understand what had happened. Had Robert gotten Maurice to change his mind? He hadn’t mentioned anything to her. Why would he keep it a secret?
“Anyway,” Beth continued again, changing the subject, “what night this week are you working at the club? I finally have my nights free this week and I wanna come and see when you do your new routine. I listened to the song and I love it!”
“Shhh!” Y/N said quickly as her face flushed and she looked around the small room and over her shoulder. “I’ve told you a million times not to mention that at work! Someone could hear you!”
“Relax, there’s no one here,” Beth said with a mischievous smile. “Besides, what would be so horrible if people found out? It’s not like you’re a stripper or something.”
“It’s still pretty…risqué. Not exactly something I want anyone from work to know. God, can you imagine?” Y/N gave a small laugh. “Yes, that’s right,” she mimicked a conversation with an imaginary co-worker, “I work here at Fischer Morrow during the day processing grants, and then I moonlight once a week as a burlesque dancer at Plume.” Y/N shook her head and laughed again. “Not exactly boardroom talk,” she said to Beth.
“I think most of the people in the boardroom would find that very interesting,” Beth joked. “You’d probably get most of the men to agree to any grant you want if you gave them a little private show.”
“Oh my God, stop talking!” Y/N said, and slapped her arm.
“Seriously, no one at work but me knows?” Beth asked.
Y/N shook her head.
“No, no one, and I’d like to keep it that way, ok?”
“How do you know for sure that no one has been to Plume and seen you?”
“Name one person at that entire company that you could possibly imagine frequenting a burlesque club?” Y/N countered. “Besides, it’s so tucked away that most people have never even heard of it.”
“True,” Beth said. “But I can think of a few gentleman from the board who’d be lined up to see you if they knew.”
“Well, I never go on before 9:00 pm, and since they’re all in their eighties, they’re all in bed by then anyway, so no problem there,” Y/N joked.
Beth laughed.
“So is that when you’re on this week? 9?” she asked. “What night?”
“Thursday,” Y/N replied quickly. “Now will you please stop talking before someone hears you?!”
But what neither Beth or Y/N knew was that it was too late; they’d already been overheard.
“Shhh!” Robert heard Y/N’s voice just as he was about to enter the coat room. Instead, he stopped short of the door.
“I’ve told you a million times not to mention that at work. Someone could hear you!” he heard Y/N continue.
Unable to stop himself from eavesdropping, Robert heard Beth speak next.
“Relax, there’s no one here,” she said. “Besides, what would be so horrible if people found out? It’s not like you’re a stripper or something.”
“It’s still pretty…risqué. Not exactly something I want anyone from work to know,” came Y/N’s reply then. “God, can you imagine? Yes, that’s right,” she was mimicking, “I work here at Fischer Morrow during the day processing grants, and then I moonlight once a week as a burlesque dancer at Plume.” She gave a small laugh then. “Not exactly boardroom talk.”
Robert could hardly wrap his head around what he was hearing. Burlesque? Y/N? Y/N moonlit as a burlesque dancer?
At that thought, a thousand images of Y/N flashed through his mind in a matter of seconds, none of which were G-rated, and Robert was still trying to process what he was hearing as the two women continued to talk. After hearing all of it, Robert silently stepped away, still trying to wrap his mind around this new information, of which, he kept repeating to himself one specific detail.
Thursday. 9:00 p.m.
Part 6
@nyxxie-pooh @xsweetcatastrophe @an-eclectic-of-mass-destruction @febris-amatoria @allie131313
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@betty21rose @tommyshelby87 @cassandratyrellm @forgottenpeakywriter
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that-ari-blogger · 7 months
A New Face (Separate Tides)
During its second season, The Owl House had hit its stride and wasn't slowing down. This is my favourite season, and that isn't an unpopular sentiment.
Separate Tides is the opening episode of this season, so it needs to recap the previous goings on and themes in a cohesive way for new viewers, and take the series in a different direction that stays loyal to those themes and plotlines. I think this episode does that well.
But this isn't a summary blog, this is a blog where I find something needlessly specific and gush about the implications of that something.
So... The Golden Guard is so ****ing cool.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD (The Owl House, The Harry Potter Series)
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I've mentioned in the past that The Owl House uses archetypal storytelling to a truly masterful degree. It takes tropes and meets them on a superficial level, then twists them in a way that adds depth and makes the series unique.
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For example, the series is directly drawing inspiration from the works of Robert Galbraith, with Willow being the bullied kid with a passion for herbology, and Amity being the school bully who definitely has a crush on the main character. Both take the archetype and shake it up a bit, as is the way with parody, but the baseline is there.
This leans into the themes of being your own person rather nicely, as it makes the deviations from the archetype more important.
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I took great pains to point out that Luz is the only character who doesn't fit the mould at all. She has no analogue and is her own person completely. She has nothing to restrict her.
However, leaves the analogue for the actual protagonist of Galbraith's books. Obviously, not every character from the series is parodied, but the chosen one main character seems like a weird one to miss out on.
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I would argue that Mr Potter does have an analogue, Hunter Whittebane (Or Hunter Noceda or Hunter Demonne or even Hunter Clawthorn. Whichever name you prefer, its the same guy).
He is a child soldier, raised by his uncle and manipulated into giving his life away for the cause by an old wizard. He bears a scar on his face, and is technically half witch, half human.
Although we don't actually see any of that in Separate Tides. Instead, we are introduced to the Golden Guard, a character who is suave and cool and confident.
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The first time we actually see this character is in the final scene of the previous season.
"Worry not, Kiki. We'll be keeping an eye on the inhabitants of the Owl House."
The Golden Guard is a goon, an elite goon, but a goon none the less. He is simply a character whom Belos turns to in order to get the job done.
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But, I find the use of vernacular here interesting. Belos doesn't refer to the Golden Guard with any name, or even as a separate entity from himself. Not "he will be watching them" or "this is the Golden Guard, I trust him to get the job done". This character is referred to as "we". He and Belos are connected. This character is simply Belos' eye.
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Then, in Separate Tides, it is established that, when Lilith fell from grace, she was replaced by the Golden Guard.
"He always got special treatment because he was the genius teen prodigy. But he's really just a brat."
So, this is a child, but a gifted child. Lilith is dismissive here, but not of the Golden Guard's skill, just his personality. This is someone for whom things come naturally, allegedly, and who has never had to work for his abilities. Allegedly.
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"Unfortunately, you won't have the chance."
The Golden Guard's first line is just cool. He is calm and collected. He is in control. And he has just easily captured one of the protagonists.
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I also love the little fact that he has spent the entirety of this voyage in a dimly lit room, eating crackers. The room has nothing to do in it except books. So, he was definitely just sitting there, reading, and had to improvise when King burst into the room. He's a bookworm with an ability to think on the spot.
I'm saying this guy would definitely play Pathfinder or D&D if he was given a chance.
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Anyway, the Golden Guard's actual introduction comes fourteen minutes into the episode, and it immediately sets this guy up as a threat. He's martially competent, magically adept, and fully in his element. This is a character who revels in control, just like the Emperor.
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And that link to Belos is interesting. Because forgive me for asking, why would an Emperor's elite goon be a child? As in, there has to be a connection to Belos beyond what meets the eye for the Golden Guard to be anywhere near where he is.
We don't get told that here, but we do see that this character's skillset is kinda similar to Belos', in theory. He's commanding, and he gets people to do what he wants. But in practice, this isn't Belos at all. This is someone trying very hard to be like Belos, but coming at it from a different angle.
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I do, however, think that the Golden Guard's greatest strength as a goon is revealed subtly in this scene.
"The Emperor ordered me to slay one. I'm just following orders."
We've seen through Lilith in the previous season that Belos covets blind loyalty, and that is what the Golden Guard offers him. He doesn't know or care why the Emperor does what he does, he just follows orders.
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Essentially, the Golden Guard is a traditional Disney villain at this point. He is fun, bisexual, charismatic, and a physical threat. The Golden Guard we get introduced to is enjoyable to watch, and it sounds like Zeno Robinson is having a blast voicing him.
However, there is one element of the Golden Guard that we get introduced to in this episode that might fly under the radar. The Owl House is no stranger to masks, and people putting on a show to get the job done, but when we are first shown the Golden Guard in this episode, he is taking it off.
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The intro sequence of this season features three characters who are under Belos' command. Lilith, The Golden Guard, and Kikimora. It then unmasks them, with Lilith becoming apologetic, and Kikimora becoming more aggressive. But the Golden Guard sits between them, removing his own mask to reveal... a single purple eye.
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The eye is the window to the soul, of course. But there is something to the manner in which this is happening. Kikimora has been angered to the point of lashing out, and Lilith has been brought low with remorse. The Golden Guard, however, is lowering his own mask and staring directly at you with an air of "I'm doing this of my own accord. I see you, you see me, your move."
I wonder if agency is going to be a theme with this character.
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Final Thoughts
I love Hunter so much it is obscene, and there is a ton of ambiguity about him right from the bat. What is his stake in this? Who actually is he? And why does he have a purple eye?
As for the rest of this episode, Luz's guilt is starting to be expressed. In my opinion that is for the first time, but I have heard it said that this isn't a new character trait for her.
And Lilith... *sighs* There is a sentiment online as to the expedience of Lilith's redemption arc. Some people like it, others think she should have been "punished" more, and I would like to take a third rout.
I don't believe in punitive justice for fictional characters, and I certainly don't believe in telling writers how they should write. I do, however, think that it could have been slightly more interesting if the consequences of cursing Eda were explored more psychologically.
In any case, however, the series we got is the series we got, and I think it is perfectly fine, if not better, as it is. I don't see a point in getting angry online over what could have been.
Next week, I am looking as Escaping Expulsion and boy, do I have thoughts about Odalia Blight. So, stick around if that interests you.
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callsigns-haze · 4 months
Short love: Chp 20
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Summary: The is about widowed father Bradley Bradshaw who enlists his brother-in-law Jake Seresin and childhood best friend Robert Floyd to help raise his three daughters, eldest Donna Jo Margaret (D.J for short), middle child Stephanie and youngest Michelle in his San Diego home. 
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Warning: Fluff, flirting
As Y/n progresses into her fourth month of pregnancy, the physical toll becomes increasingly apparent. Simple tasks that once seemed effortless now feel like monumental challenges. Even the mundane chores of daily life—like laundry, unloading the dishwasher, or playing with the girls—have become overwhelming burdens.
Y/n finds herself struggling to keep pace with Michelle and Stephanie, whose boundless energy seems to know no bounds. Where once she could easily chase after them, now she finds herself lagging behind, her movements slow and labored. It's a frustrating realization for Y/n, who prides herself on her independence and ability to handle whatever life throws her way.
Despite her best efforts to maintain a sense of normalcy, Y/n knows she needs to listen to her body and prioritize her health and well-being. She reluctantly admits that she can't do it all, and that it's okay to ask for help when she needs it. Jake, ever the supportive partner, steps in to pick up the slack, offering to take on extra chores around the house and spending more one-on-one time with Michelle and Stephanie to give Y/n a much-needed break.
As Y/n navigates the challenges of pregnancy, she finds solace in the unwavering love and support of her family. Though the road ahead may be filled with obstacles, she knows that with Jake by her side and her girls cheering her on, she'll find the strength to overcome whatever comes her way. And as she looks ahead to the arrival of their twins, she's filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement for the new chapter of their lives that lies just around the corner.
As Michelle darts around the house with boundless energy, Y/n finds herself struggling to keep up. With each step, her growing belly weighs her down, and she quickly becomes out of breath. She watches as Michelle giggles and giggles, her tiny feet pitter-pattering across the floor, seemingly oblivious to Y/n's exhaustion.
Y/n knows she needs a break, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath. She leans against the nearest wall, hand pressed against her swollen belly, willing herself to slow down and rest. It's a humbling moment for Y/n, who prides herself on her ability to keep up with her niece's endless energy.
As she takes a moment to collect herself, Jake appears at her side, concern etched on his face. He gently places a hand on her back, offering her support and encouragement. "Hey, love, why don't you take a seat for a bit? I'll keep an eye on Michelle," he suggests, his voice filled with tenderness and understanding.
Grateful for his understanding, Y/n nods wearily, allowing Jake to guide her to the nearest chair. She sinks into it with a sigh of relief, grateful for the chance to catch her breath. Watching from the sidelines, she smiles as Jake engages Michelle in a game of peek-a-boo, the sound of their laughter filling the room.
In that moment, Y/n realizes that it's okay to ask for help, to admit when she needs a break. She may not have the same level of energy she once did, but with Jake's support and the love of her family, she knows she'll get through this challenging time and emerge stronger than ever. And as she rests and recovers, she's filled with gratitude for the unwavering love and support that surrounds her, knowing that she's never alone in this journey of motherhood.
Y/n's reply earns a chuckle from Bradley as he surveys the scene, noticing the chaos that often ensues when Michelle is on the move. He shakes his head in amusement, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Well, we better hope she doesn't get too far," he quips, knowing all too well the mischief his youngest granddaughter can get up to.
Y/n nods in agreement, a playful glint in her eye as she imagines the adventures Michelle might embark on if left to her own devices. "Yeah, we might need to install a GPS tracker on her soon," she jokes, her tone lighthearted despite the slight edge of exhaustion that lingers in her voice.
Together, Y/n and Bradley share a knowing look, a silent acknowledgment of the whirlwind that is life with Michelle. Despite the challenges and occasional moments of chaos, they wouldn't have it any other way. For amidst the madness, there's laughter, love, and the unbreakable bond that holds their family together. And as they brace themselves for the next inevitable adventure with Michelle, they do so with hearts full of love and gratitude for the joy she brings to their lives.
Bradley glanced at Y/n with a warm smile, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "How are you feeling, Y/n? Pregnancy with twins must be quite the journey."
Y/n sighed lightly, a mixture of exhaustion and amusement playing across her features. "Oh, you know, Bradley, the usual - tired, achy, and constantly hungry," she replied with a chuckle, a hint of fatigue evident in her voice.
Bradley nodded sympathetically, understanding the toll that carrying two babies could take on a person. "Well, if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know," he offered earnestly, his tone reassuring.
Y/n flashed him a grateful smile, appreciating his kindness. "Thanks, Bradley. I think I'll survive, but I might need some extra help wrangling Michelle if she decides to take after her father and become a little troublemaker," she quipped, a playful twinkle in her eye.
Bradley chuckled softly, the image of a mischievous Michelle bringing a smile to his face. "Well, if she's anything like her uncle instead, we're definitely in for an adventure," he remarked, a note of amusement in his voice.
Together, they shared a moment of camaraderie, finding comfort in each other's company and the shared experience of navigating the ups and downs of pregnancy. And as they laughed and joked, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a family.
"So will the twins be, I swear they're going to be Elvis lovers due to Jake."
Bradley chuckles at Y/n's jest, shaking his head in amusement. "Well, we'll just have to make sure they're exposed to a variety of musical influences early on," he quips, envisioning the comical scenario of two tiny Elvis impersonators running around the house.
Y/n laughs, nodding in agreement. "Absolutely. We'll have to balance out Jake's influence with some Beethoven and Mozart," she jokes, her expression playful as she imagines the eclectic tastes her twins might develop.
Together, they share a moment of light-hearted banter, finding solace in humor amidst the uncertainties of pregnancy and the anticipation of welcoming two new additions to their family. And as they continue to joke and laugh, they find comfort in each other's company, knowing that no matter what challenges lie ahead, they'll face them together, as a family.
Bradley's expression softened with empathy as he listened to Y/n's response. "I can only imagine. Carrying one baby is tough enough, let alone two," he remarked, his voice tinged with admiration for her resilience.
Y/n nodded in agreement, grateful for Bradley's understanding. "Yeah, it's definitely been a journey, but I'm hanging in there," she replied, a small smile playing on her lips despite the fatigue evident in her eyes.
Bradley nodded in understanding, his gaze reflecting genuine concern. "Well, just remember to take it easy and listen to your body. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask," he reassured her, his tone sincere.
Y/n nodded gratefully, appreciating Bradley support. "Thanks, Bradley. That means a lot," she replied warmly, feeling a sense of comfort knowing that she had such a caring friend by her side.
Together, they shared a moment of solidarity, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a family. And as they continued their conversation, their bond grew stronger, a testament to the power of friendship and the strength found in unity.
As Y/n leaned back against the kitchen counter, Bradley's genuine concern warmed her heart. She couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence and support during this challenging time.
As Jake settled beside Y/n, his eyes softened with affection as he placed a gentle hand on her swollen belly. "How's my beautiful wife feeling today?" he asked, his voice filled with tenderness.
Y/n leaned into his touch, feeling a rush of warmth at his loving gesture. "Oh, you know, just the usual twin pregnancy struggles," she replied with a tired smile, her hand resting atop his.
Jake nodded sympathetically, his gaze filled with empathy. "I can only imagine how tough it must be carrying two babies," he said softly, his tone filled with admiration for her strength.
Y/n sighed, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude. "Yeah, it's definitely challenging, but having you by my side makes it easier," she said, her voice tinged with emotion.
Jake smiled, his eyes sparkling with love. "I'll always be here for you, Y/n, every step of the way," he vowed, his words filled with sincerity.
Feeling a surge of love and appreciation for her husband, Y/n leaned in to press a gentle kiss against his cheek. "I love you, Jake," she whispered, her heart overflowing with affection.
Jake returned her kiss with a soft smile. "I love you too, Y/n," he murmured, his arms wrapping around her in a comforting embrace.
Together, they sat in peaceful silence, their love and support for each other serving as a source of strength as they navigated the challenges of pregnancy. And as they shared this tender moment, they knew that no matter what lay ahead, they would face it together, as partners, lovers, and soon-to-be parents of twins.
As they sat together, Y/n felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. She couldn't help but marvel at how lucky she was to have Jake by her side during this journey. He was not just her husband, but her rock, her confidant, and her biggest supporter.
Suddenly, a fluttering sensation rippled through Y/n's belly, and she gasped in surprise. "Jake, did you feel that?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening with excitement.
Jake's expression lit up with joy as he placed a hand on her belly, his touch gentle yet filled with wonder. "Yeah, I did!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe. "That must be our little ones saying hello."
Y/n smiled, feeling a surge of warmth at the thought of their unborn babies moving inside her. "It's such an incredible feeling," she murmured, her heart brimming with love.
Jake nodded, his eyes shining with emotion. "It really is," he agreed, his hand lingering on her belly as they shared this precious moment together.
In that instant, as they felt their babies' movements beneath their fingertips, Y/n and Jake knew that their love was stronger than ever. And as they looked forward to the arrival of their twins, they were filled with hope, excitement, and an overwhelming sense of anticipation for the journey that lay ahead.
With a gentle smile, Jake leaned in to press a soft kiss against Y/n's forehead, his touch comforting and reassuring. "I can't wait to meet our little ones," he murmured, his voice filled with tenderness.
Y/n's heart swelled with love as she gazed up at her husband, feeling a rush of gratitude for the life they were creating together. "Me neither," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.
As they sat together in the quiet embrace of their home, surrounded by the love and warmth of their family, Y/n and Jake knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand. And as they awaited the arrival of their twins, they cherished these moments of peace and contentment, knowing that their love would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.
As the sun set outside, casting a warm glow into the room, Y/n and Jake remained wrapped in each other's arms, lost in the blissful anticipation of parenthood. With each passing moment, their bond deepened, their hearts intertwined in a dance of love and hope.
Suddenly, the sound of laughter echoed from the hallway, followed by the pitter-patter of little feet. Their nieces, Stephanie and Michelle, came bounding into the room, their faces flushed with excitement.
"Guess what, Aunt Y/n, Uncle Jake?" Stephanie exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight.
Y/n and Jake exchanged a curious glance, their interest piqued. "What is it, sweetie?" Y/n asked, a smile tugging at her lips.
"We made something for the babies!" Michelle chimed in, holding up a colorful drawing.
Y/n's heart melted at the sight of the homemade artwork, her eyes brimming with tears of joy. "Oh, it's beautiful," she whispered, overcome with emotion.
Jake wrapped an arm around Y/n's shoulders, pulling her close as they admired the precious gift from their nieces. In that moment, surrounded by love and laughter, they knew that their growing family was a blessing beyond measure.
As they basked in the warmth of their shared happiness, Y/n and Jake were filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the love that surrounded them. And as they looked forward to the arrival of their twins, they knew that their home would always be filled with boundless love, laughter, and endless joy.
The evening breeze gently rustled the curtains as Y/n and Jake sat together on the porch swing, savoring the quiet moments of tranquility. The day had been long, filled with the hustle and bustle of preparations for their growing family, but now, as the sky turned to hues of pink and orange, they found solace in each other's company.
Y/n rested her head against Jake's shoulder, her fingers intertwined with his as they watched the sunset in comfortable silence. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers blooming in the garden, and the distant chirping of crickets provided a soothing soundtrack to their thoughts.
In the soft glow of twilight, Y/n couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought them to this moment. From their first meeting to their whirlwind romance, every twist and turn had led them here, to this place of love and contentment.
Jake pressed a tender kiss to Y/n's forehead, his arms encircling her in a protective embrace. "I love you," he murmured, his voice a gentle whisper against her ear.
Y/n smiled, her heart overflowing with love for the man beside her. "I love you too," she whispered back, her words a vow of devotion that echoed in the quiet of the evening.
As they sat together, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, Y/n and Jake knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, hand in hand, hearts united in a bond that could weather any storm. And as they gazed out at the world spread before them, they felt a sense of peace wash over them, knowing that as long as they had each other, they had everything they would ever need.
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zzzallnite · 2 months
Royal Stallions
(Please enjoy this for the time being for I'm working on new some comic drawings; and sorry for the blur - otherwise Tumblr will flag the post)
"Prince Robert, Sir! Please slow down, you are not wearing your helmet!..." cried Mr. Hank Steward, Prince Robert's personal valet. For almost fifteen years he has been taking care of the young Prince, although, as the third brother in the family, he is still long down the line for the crown. Being pampered his whole life, the twenty-year-old Prince is rather rebellious, and often give the royal family a hard time keeping him in check. It appears that, out of all of the staff, Mr. Steward is the only person he listens to, and therefore, he was assigned with the task of keeping an eye on Robert.
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Today, they were out for the weekly polo training session, but only Robert and Mr. Steward, because their instructor had been calling in sick, and both men were, at this point, quite confident in their ability on horseback. The men used this opportunity to explore the area around the palace - covered by tall woods and large meadows. As the reckless young man as he usually was, Robert was fast ahead; the adrenaline kicked in and he couldn't stop. And this proved to have grave consequence...
After a minute or so, he stopped hearing Mr. Steward's voice. Robert knew that Steward was a more experienced rider, and the fact that the man was left far behind gave him an uneasy feeling. Robert turned the horse around and he quickly spotted Mr. Steward from a distance - not on the horseback, but on the ground. And Mr. Steward's mare could be seen running back the dirt road, and the clopping echo made by its hooves slowly quietened, replaced by the sound of bird chirping in the green foliage.
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Robert quickly rushed toward Mr. Steward, who was lying motionless on the ground. The Prince hopped over to the injured man's side; he noticed a massive goose egg on the left side of the ginger man's forehead, where a small droplet of blood ran down his temple, along his hairline. It seemed that the man hit his head as he fell down the horse and was stunned.
"Hank, Mate! You alright?" Robert tried to revive Steward, but the man's eyelids just flickered as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he passed out. Robert leaned closer to his servant's face, hoping to catch a glimpse of vital sign. The young man let out a sigh of relief as he heard a faint grunt coming out of Steward. He proceeded to remove the man's constricting tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt, allowing easier breathing. As the collar slowly opened, the Prince was mesmerised by the mature man's auburn chest hair, and the mixture of sweat and cologne scent was almost... intoxicating. The next thing Robert knew was that his tongue softly pecked on the man's lips, and slowly found its way inside the unconscious fox's mouth...
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The young Prince had always had a crush on Mr. Steward. Hank Steward had been with him for many years since his pre-adolescence. He saw him as his own father figure, who teaching him everything about royal manner, how to dress, how to behave, who's who..., while his own father was too busy with the duty, that he forgot to be a dad... Deep down, Robert knew that this hole in his heart was the reason why he's attracted to mature male figures in his life.
The Prince leered down to Mr. Steward's feet and was completely captivated by the brown riding boots hugged tightly to the man's calves. Robert remembered that, earlier today, I had seen Steward sporting a pair of black OTC socks for the occasion, as he was peeking at the ginger stallion while he was changing. Robert often fantasised about sniffing the royal valet's boots and socked feet when they were still warm, but the thought of how hard it would take to remove those boots might awake the man, and he did not want Steward to regain consciousness too soon...He wanted this very moment to last a little longer, because it was really a rarity that he had the chance to appreciate Mr. Steward's masculine beauty... So he kneeled above the downed man, pretending to be triumphal over his opponent in an imaginary wrestling match - one that Robert had always daydreamed about, but too afraid to do... Seeing Steward down and vulnerable oddly aroused him, and he started to feel the pressure growing in his crotch area, but the tight breeches was holding it back like a dam about to break... He had no choice but...
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Too preoccupied by his fantasy, Prince Robert didn't notice the footsteps coming toward his direction. Suddenly a sharp pain exploded on the stud's back of the head. After twenty years of pampered lifestyle, the young Prince quickly succumbed to the force crashed upon his cranium. Everything immediately turned pitch black as he collapsed on the moist grass...
Three men stood above Robert's unconscious body. One of them was holding a pistol by the barrel and used it as a club to render the unsuspected Prince senseless. The other two rushed over and check their target's vitals. They had this kidnapping scheme all planned out, by spooking out the royal valet's horse and got him injured - a perfect lure for the concerned Prince. And it worked.
"He's unconscious, but alive" said one of the goons, while the other caressed the Prince's back over his sweaty polo shirt, then slowly moved down to the young man's buttock and thigh area, which was hugged tightly by a tan breeches. The anxious, lanky kidnapper then started squeezing the sleeping Prince's black boots; licking his lips, he was wondering what kind of high-end equestrian socks were hiding underneath these royal leather footwears...
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The kidnappers soon turned their attention to the other man who they had used as a bait to lure the prince to their trap. They immediately noticed that the ginger man's cock is out of his breeches, cover with some kind of fluid, which was also all over his abdomen area.
"So, the Prince is a freak, heh? Ha ha ha, bet a hundred pounds that he is a closeted one too!", laughed the bald goon as he checked Hank's pupils. His green eyes showed reaction to the light, but the poor manservant remained unconscious. When Mr. Steward woke up this morning, he didn't expect to lose all his dignity this way, taken advantage by the one royal Prince, and now he became the laughing stock for these three low-life scumbags as well. The only solace was that he's completely unaware of the current situation...
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"Told you so!" When the kidnappers rolled Robert over, his private part was out of his breeches and slowly shrunk from a throbbing one to a floppy, uncut dick. A strand of pre-cum was dripping out of the slit. It was hard to tell whose semen is whose; did the Prince manage to empty his load on the sleeping man before he got hit over the head himself, or was the foxy valet able to ejaculate even during his unconscious state? Maybe both, who knows? But right now, the abductors' concern was to get out of there as fast as possible.
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"Should we take the boy only? I mean, the other is not in our plan...", asked the lanky goon, while holding the Prince's penis in his hand, gently stroking it. "Take the both, and their horses," said the ringleader, "We leave no trace behind. Besides, I have another plan for the other one..." He glanced over the ginger man's cock limping over his damp dress shirt as he was carried away and loaded on a truck parked not far away from there, side by side with the out cold Prince. The ringleader smirked as the vehicle took off toward the sunset, with many dirty thoughts swarming his mind...
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
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Part 7: Dreamers
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Robert Fischer x OC
Summary: Alice and Robert experiment.
Word Count: 3,164
Notes: Warnings for depictions of smut, specifically dream sex, marathon sex, praise kink, and a wet dream (technically).
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“Did you ever fuck your projection of me?”
Alice almost fell out of her chair at the kitchen table. “Excuse me!?” 
Robert’s eyes shone with mischievous amusement. “Just curious.”
“I don’t–I–fuck off!” she stammered. Her face was probably about as red as a tomato. She had told him about the projection of him that would sometimes visit her when she used the PASIV during their time apart from one another, and while he’d had many questions in the moment, none of them had been quite like…that.
“So that’s a yes,” he said, looking far too smug as he leaned backwards. “Was I any good?”
“What? I need to know that projection Robert had an accurate representation of my actual abilities.”
She buried her burning face into her arms. “I hate you so much.”
Robert chuckled, chair scraping against the floor as he pushed it back and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her head up so that it was resting on his chest. “It’s alright. I’m just teasing you.”
“I know,” though she still pouted a little against him. Still chuckling, clearly far too smug about the whole thing, Robert buried his face in her neck, lips beginning to brush over her throat. “Robbie?” she asked, eyes fluttering at the touch.
“I have an idea.” 
“Uh oh.”
“Mhm,” he pulled back, tilting her face up with a finger under her chin, and kissed her, touches slow and methodical, blatant in his attempts to seduce her.
“So…” she trailed off as he kissed back down her neck, pulling the collar of her shirt aside so that he could have access to her shoulder. “What’s your idea?”
Robert leaned back, pupils blown wide, pale, freckled cheeks flushed. He stroked her face, large hands cradling her head, thumb petting her lips.
“I want to fuck you in a dream,” he said, voice low, making her core clench. Alice’s hands came to rest on top of his, lips parting as arousal began to flood over her.
His eyes went alight with excitement. “Really?”
“Yeah,” she nodded. “Let’s try it.”
He pulled her in for one last, quick kiss to the lips before grabbing her hands, tugging her up out of her chair. Still gripping her tightly as they began to walk hastily towards the bedroom, they giggled conspiratorially like teenagers. She laughed, when she tried to pull free from his hand to go to the closet to get the PASIV and he instead pulled her up against his chest and kissed her, hand cupping her jaw, the other sliding down her back to grope her ass.
“You keep it up and we’re not going to even get the PASIV out,” she laughed, finally pulling away from him. He let her go, though he pouted when he did it. And the moment she had the silver case out of the closet and opened up on one of the nightstands, he was pressed up behind her, kissing insistently at her neck while she worked to get everything set up.
“You’re distracting me!” she complained with a sharp laugh, even as she leaned back into him, humming as his hand slipped into her shirt and bra to cup her breast. She kissed the dimple in his cheek, a result of his grin. “Go lay down,” she ordered and he complied eagerly, spreading himself out on the bed, pulling up the sleeve of his shirt to expose his forearm to her. She slid the tiny needle in place, going to fidget with the dials on the machine. “I’ll see you soon,” she pecked his lips as he nodded, leaning back against the pillows and closing his eyes. Alice allowed her fingers, light as a feather, to brush some of the soft hair away from his face, just admiring him before she laid down beside him, slipping her own tube into place and reaching over to push the button in the center of the case.
It felt like she only just blinked. Eyes closed for the briefest of moments, and then she was in an entirely different place from her bedroom in their beach house in Australia, barely even given the opportunity to process what appeared to be a very spacious and luxurious hotel room before Robert was on her, mouth hungrily crashing down onto hers as Alice’s hand fisted with the front of his shirt.
His hands planted on her back, pulling her firmly into his front, until she could feel the clothed erection in his slacks pressing into her stomach. He groaned, low in his throat, when she gripped his shirt in both hands and tore it open, buttons popping off and flying everywhere. It was a dream. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was running her hands up the naked skin of his torso, angling her head so that she could kiss him deeper. They broke apart for only a stutter of a moment so he could pull her shirt off over her head, groaning as she hastily undid her bra and slid it off her shoulders. Robert’s hands were everywhere; in her hair, on her breasts, squeezing her hips.
When she buried a hand in his thick hair, he moaned, and started to walk her backwards in the direction of the bed. She let him push her gently onto it, cradling his face with her palm as he crawled on top of her.
“Mm,” her head fell back as he started to press kisses into her throat, making his way down to her chest to play with her breasts. Legs wrapping around his waist, she pushed her hips up insistently until his erection, fully straining in his pants, pressed against her. “No foreplay,” she said, desperation growing at the feel of him.
“You sure?” he lifted his head from her chest, eyes wide. Alice nodded.
“It’s a dream. You won’t hurt me.”
Growling, he surged on top of her, fingers fumbling with the button and zip of her pants. She helped him to wriggle her out of them, underwear going with them. And then she was sitting up, pushing him onto his back and kissing him feverishly as she undid his belt and the zipper on his slacks, pulling them down, taking note of the wet patch already forming in the front of his boxers before she pulled those away too.
When she took him into her hand, hot and swollen and already throbbing, he whimpered, loudly, head thrown back onto the pillows. 
“Alice,” he pleaded, eyes rolling as she rubbed her thumb over the sensitive head of his cock, testing the weight of him in her palm, smirking at the way he pulsed when she tightened her fist around him. Eyes snapping back to hers, they narrowed playfully. “You said no foreplay.”
Fair. Still keeping him in her fist, she rearranged herself so that she was sitting in his lap, his hands on her hips to help stabilize her. “Sorry,” she kissed him. “Couldn’t help it.”
A startled shriek left her lips as he suddenly rolled them over, planting his hands on either side of her head while he hovered above her. Laughing, she wrapped her legs around his waist, encouraging him to come closer.
“Ready?” he asked, rubbing his nose along her shoulder, waiting for permission before he did anything more.
“Yes,” she said, kissing his cheek. He was always so sweet to her.
Robert let her guide him inside of her, thrusting forward with a grunt once she’d lined him up. Her head fell back at the familiar stretch of him, mouth falling open at the satisfaction of being full again. 
“Robbie, oh,” she let out a startled yelp as he shifted forward, pushing his cock directly into the spot that made her toes curl. He moaned loudly, as he entered her, lips falling open to gasp as his chest heaved, face burying in her neck.
“Alice, so good,” he babbled, one hand remaining anchored to the space in the bed beside her head, while the other came to rest on her hip. She wrapped both arms around his neck, nuzzling him, wanting him as close as she could physically get him.
“Please,” she whispered, rolling her hips up as best she could with him technically pinning her under him. Robert groaned again, nodding, and started to move at a slow, deep pace that left her clawing at his back, nipping his shoulder at the way he was hitting her g-spot with every stroke.
The hand near her face moved to stroke her head, brushing some hair out of her face before cradling her. “Alice,” Robert said, voice straining, and she nodded in silent understanding, lifting her head up enough to kiss him as they continued to thrust and roll against each other. He adjusted his movements only slightly, so he was both rubbing up against her clit with every thrust and still pressing his cock into that sensitive spot inside of her on every stroke in, and Alice threw her head back with a cry, practically sobbing at how good it felt.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop–” she chanted over and over again. He kissed her face, her eyelids, her nose, her cheeks, down to her neck.
“I won’t, I won’t,” he promised, movements only growing harder and faster, more frantic in his goal to get her to come. His thrusts so powerful she was shifting up the bed with each other, short nails dragging across his back, sliding back up into his hair to pull his head down so she could kiss him again and again and again. The band in her lower belly was growing tighter with every movement, orgasm imminent.
“I love you,” she said, between kisses, then threw her head back, body beginning to tense. “I’m close.”
“I love you too,” he told her, nuzzling at her cheek, groaning from deep in his chest as he felt her walls beginning to spasm around his engorged cock. “Come for me.”
And with a scream that might have been his name, she did exactly that, gripping tightly his shoulders, legs tightening around his hips as if trying to draw him closer. 
“Robbie…Robbie…Robbie,” she said, over and over, walls going tight around his cock. Robert moaned as he felt her gush out all over his erection, soaking it with her come as he continued to thrust steadily, chasing his own orgasm while prolonging hers. 
“So beautiful. You’re always so beautiful,” he said, kissing her cheek. She could feel him throbbing deep inside of her as he grew closer, thrusting only a handful more times before he stilled with a loud cry, muscles tensing with his orgasm. His cock thrusted as deep inside of her as he could get, staying there as he poured his come into her with several powerful throbs. Stroking his hair, Alice nosed at his temple affectionately as they both just laid there, basking in their shared afterglows.
Finally, Robert lifted his head enough to peck her lips tenderly, pulling out and rolling over to lay down beside her. Alice shifted closer until she was cuddled up against his chest, head resting just below his collarbone. Robert hummed contently, kissing the top of her head and wrapping his arms around her.
“Good?” he asked.
“Mhm. Very much so.”
He shot her a cocky, crooked smile and she snorted, burying her face in his neck. 
“Shut up.” 
He just laughed and hugged her tighter. Alice nosed deeper into his neck, breathing in the scent of his soap and cologne, letting her lips ghost along the soft skin. Robert shivered.
“Al, what are you doing?”
“Nothing,” she drew the word out, still kissing and nuzzling, lips curling up with self satisfaction when a small moan bubbled from his throat. Readjusting herself against him, she slid her thigh forward, until she grinned in triumph as she was greeted with his cock, already beginning to stiffen up for her again. “Mm. You’re horny today,” she teased. He huffed, grabbing her smiling face with both hands, raising her head up to look at him.
“Pretty big talk coming from the woman who can’t keep her hands off my cock.”
She just smiled at him innocently, flexing her fingers around him, enjoying the sensation of him swelling up and twitching in her palm.
“Fuck,” he dropped his face into her hair. “How much time did you put on the timer?”
“Just enough for us both to come again, if we hurry.”
“I love you,” he said it with such seriousness, clutching her face in his hands, that she couldn’t help but giggle against his lips as he kissed her. “Turn around on your side.”
She raised an eyebrow, but complied, letting his erection go and rolling over so she was facing away from him. Robert draped himself around her from behind, cock nudging against the small of her back. Wrapping an arm around her, he pulled her flush against him, the other hand taking hold of his cock. She watched him from over her shoulder, brows raised. Robert smiled and kissed her nose.
“I got you,” he promised, then nuzzled at her neck as he began to push in again, his entrance slickened by the combination of her come and his previous load still seeping from her. Alice moaned, arching her back, loving the feeling of having him spooned up against her. So warm and close.
“Okay?” he asked, pulling some of her hair back so he had better access to her neck and shoulder.
“Yes. Yes, good,” she breathed out. Robert pressed his lips to her shoulder, peppering the skin with soft little kisses as he started to thrust again. Mindful of the ticking clock, his movements were quick and deep, just how he knew she liked it. The hand around her flattened against the middle of her chest, directly between her breasts, and with his lips close to her ear she could hear almost every single little sound he made.
“Fuckkkkkk, so tight,” he growled out, her walls spasming around him at the praise. “Not gonna last…” he warned.
“Me neither,” already, she could feel a second orgasm building up in her with every movement of his cock, the way he was throbbing only pushing her closer. With a moan, he slipped his hand down to rub her clit in time with his movements, her head lolling back against his shoulder in response. 
“I want you to come again, Alice. Can you do that for me? Come for me, sweetheart,” he murmured, all while he pumped that enormous, heavy cock in and out of her, focused entirely on making her feel as good as he possibly could. She wanted to cry. He was always so sweet to her. So kind and gentle. She loved him with all her heart.
Her walls clamped down on him hard, cunt spasming as she came with a moan, eyes closing with it, body shuddering with bliss. When she finally came to, it was to find Robert still frantically rutting against her, breathing harsh as he chased his orgasm. Tilting her head so she was murmuring into his ear, Alice began to talk to him. 
“You always take such good care of me, Robbie,” she told him, hand rising to tangle in his hair. “Always make me come so hard.”
“Ohh…” he whined, face burying deeper in her neck, cock twitching as it prepared to spill another load. Alice smiled softly.
“Feel so good…always so good,” she shivered as he throbbed. “Love how it feels when you come in me, baby. Always makes me feel so full.”
Robert let out a thunderous moan, body stilling, hips flush to hers and he started to empty inside her, cock pulsing with it, his entire body twitching with each generous spray of seed.
“Fuck,” Alice hissed once they’d finally come to a complete stop, her body slumping deeper into the mattress. Robert pressed adoring kisses all along her neck and shoulder, remaining seated inside of her as they both relaxed. Turning her head enough for him to kiss her lips, Alice smiled when he pecked her nose right after.
“Time is probably almost out,” she murmured.
“Mm,” he wrapped both arms tight around her, resting his head into the crook of her shoulder and closing his eyes. “Let’s just stay like this, then.”
“Okay,” she was more than happy to snuggle down into his arms, his chest warm against her back as they rested. Her eyes drifted closed, and when she opened them, she was staring up at the ceiling over her own bedroom, back in the beachhouse. Mind still groggy, she fumbled to pull the IV tube free from her arm, tossing it away and rolling over to nestle comfortably into Robert’s side where he was laying beside her, groaning groggily. She pulled his IV out too, tossing it away in the general direction of the PASIV.
Dom and Arthur would have been appalled. Whatever. She’d put it all away later. 
“Mm,” Robert mumbled, still a little dazed, even as he put his arms around her. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Alice giggled, nosing at his chest affectionately. “I think I would say that was a successful experiment, wouldn’t you?”
“Oh, yes. Very successful.”
She smiled, stretching her legs out slightly, body still locked in the final stages of post-orgasmic bliss. Robert shifted beside her, then made a face.
“What?” she lifted her head.
“I’m gonna have to throw out these pants.”
Glancing down, she snorted at the obvious wet spot on the front of his slacks. Between her legs felt wet and sticky as well, the only evidence of what they’d been up to together in their shared dream.
“I feel like a teenager waking up from a wet dream again,” Robert complained, throwing his head back dramatically. Alice laughed, sitting up to kiss him. He cupped her face, smiling into the kiss.
“That happen often for you?” she snickered. He stroked her cheek.
“Only when I dreamed of you.”
“Cheesy,” she chastised fondly.
“Hey, you fucked your projection of me, you have no room to talk.”
She laughed, laying her head back down on his chest, arms wrapping around him. God, he was her absolute favorite.
“So…” he trailed off, fingers petting against her shoulder.
“Yes…?” she asked, glancing up at him.
“Was that better than with the projection?” 
“Oh, so is that what this was all about? You in some competition with yourself?” she asked with a smile, stretching up to kiss him again. “Much better,” she admitted, once they’d broken away. Robert grinned dorkily, chest puffing out proudly, and she snorted. Yes, definitely her favorite. “Shower?” she asked, pecking him again.
“Ugh. God, yes, please.”
She laughed, climbing off of him, taking his hands and helping to haul him up to his feet, kissing him joyfully as she let him walk her backwards towards the ensuite bathroom and the much anticipated shower.  
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gunkreads · 1 year
Okay, but for real this time.
What on earth were they thinking with Nynaeve's non-arc this season? The arches were a dead end--there was no clear intent with those and no clear change, either forward or backward progress, in her. Instead of framing the arches as "Face your fears so you can solidify your sense of self and cement your motivations to becoming an Aes Sedai", they were just framed as "Face your fears. 'Cause." The show did not follow the arches up with any reason why they had to happen. There was no payoff for them. Why did she go through them? What tools did she gain from them? What scars did she gain from them that she didn't already have? The mental damage done in the arches overlaps too evenly with the issues she already had to deserve an entire episode of major focus. She came out of them almost identical to how she went in.
Why has the show changed the nature of her block? Why did she end this season not only completely impotent, but also DIRECTLY overshadowed by other characters whose roles in the story give them no reason to step into Nynaeve's role as a combat medic.
Okay, so let's assume that the showrunners have decided that they wanna slow-burn Nynaeve's arc to become a healer--they want to have Nynaeve be outstripped by her closest friends, have them become her superiors at the thing that used to be Her Thing, then have a big heroic speedrun where she breaks her block and makes a ton of progress and is Healer Supreme. If this is gonna be what they do, they're fucking it up. One, I just don't like it, but two, more importantly, they have not focused enough on her specific failures. The show has only focused on Nynaeve's inability to channel. In the show, like in the books, that's not really something she cares about; instead, she cares about her inability to Heal. Of course, channeling is how she does that, but it's secondary to the actual ability to make things better. Because the show doesn't do enough to emphasize the specific reason she's frustrated with her block, it feels like she's missing the ENTIRE core of her motivation. Don't like it. Whatever. Moving on.
Actually, not quite yet: What was up with cutting back to the Looney Toons girls sitting in the exact same position in the courtyard like 4 times in that last episode? What function did that serve? The function I believe it served was to do an embarrassingly bad job reiterating that Nynaeve can't channel. We know. Why did you take multiple separate scenes to establish that? Why did it take her so long to realize she couldn't use this power that she's almost never used? I know that "being arrowshot" is not high on the list of problems a Wisdom has to fix on a daily basis, but come on, man. It's a flesh wound; you know what to do with flesh wounds.
Why has Nynaeve been rewritten throughout the show into such a panicky person? She had such a strong sense of focus in S1, but S2 has really knocked her down too many pegs, in my opinion. I get that the whole "almost dying" thing made everything much harder to approach--though it was completely unmentioned in S2 for some reason--but the writing in S2 completely stagnated Nynaeve. She never did a single goddamn thing on purpose and was dragged everywhere she went. Even though it was only 3 episodes, I would've liked a little more actual back-and-forth between her and Elayne, with each of them getting corrected by the other, rather than just... Nynaeve being wrong every time. I don't feel that this does any credit to Elayne, either.
Elayne is very nearly a non-character, not in the sense that she's actively dull, just that she's... so off-puttingly normal and level-headed. First off, why is she just big chillin with an arrow through her leg? Ach, whatever. I'm a little upset that I don't really have enough material with her that I can make any solid assertions.
Are you fucking kidding me with that shit at the end? She's the one to Heal Rand's gut wound? What the hell and/or fuck? Robert Jordan did not make an entire cast of women while carefully omitting "nice, polite, awkwardly maternal healer love interest" for these assholes to make a mockery of the surgical precision with which he avoided that.
Where was my sword fight in the sky? Don't answer that. I just miss it.
Also, what the hell was up with that Joss Whedon-ass "let's all team up together! Woohoo team moment!" shit against Ishamael? How hokey can we get? Please tell me that was the cap.
Also also, what was the big old power jump for Rand suddenly being able to control his channeling? Did one little conversation with Logain and one bit of practice breaking Moiraine's shielding make him able to fucking Terminator a crowd of dudes? Like... Ach, whatever, I'll just phone in the analysis and say it's a sign that Lews Therin got a much stronger grip on him after he rejected Lanfear.
Hey. Where was Ingtar's beautiful, beautiful last stand? Where was his admission that he was a Darkfriend, but he believed Rand could save them all, so he was betraying the Dark? I know where it was; they dropped it in S1E8 when they had Rand head off on his own, eliminating any chance to set it up. Still sad they cut such an amazing scene.
Anyway, Egwene and Perrin are the main characters and everyone else is a sideshow. They're the only characters in the show who seem to have actual arcs, or progress of any kind, on the single-season scale. Sure, Rand and Mat changed between seasons, but during this seasons, they were mostly static. The most basic metric I know for this is that if you transplanted their E8 selves into E1, they wouldn't have made any crucially different choices that didn't involve "knowing secrets".
Season 1 started strong and fell off linearly as it went, then ended in the dirt. Season 2 started weak, built up to be fucking stellar around episodes 5-7, then fell off a fucking cliff in the last episode. I dunno.
Once again, I'm having a pretty solid time with each episode, but the show just feels badly-written. Little clarity of purpose.
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Love's a state of mind
Robert Fischer x Eva Smith
Gif by @quelmarth
Cw: mentions of murder
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Her totem is a gold Mexican peso from the year 1896 with a gunshot near the middle. For extra measure, she keeps her family dead as they are in real life to keep herself from attacking his subconscious.
If the peso is in perfect condition, she is dreaming.
If the peso is rusty as hell and with a 9 millimeter hole, she is awake.
Tonight, as she plays cat and mouse with Robert Fischer, it is as if it had come fresh from the mint.
“And what will you do now that you’ve caught me, Mr. Fischer?” she asks the billionaire beside her.
She’s managed to make it impossible for him to catch up to her until now, made the sidewalk just a hint longer, had her taxicab change when he tried to get into it and even changed the city they were in until they were in Los Angeles, where he runs his father’s empire from.
She created this dream and yet his subconscious pays her no notice and takes the changes she makes as if they had been made by him.
His projections do not attack as he has trained them to do ---and it won’t unless she tells it to.
Robert believed that because he knows he’s dreaming his subconscious hasn’t her killed twenty times over the moment he found himself chasing after her through twenty different cities.
Eva has a unique ability that allows her to create dreams and make you believe she is part of your subconscious. In fact, she has also been able to take over dreams created by others with it.
Not a single extraction has been successful on her, something Eames had said as he and Yusuf put her to the test in Morocco.
“I thought I’d never catch you, Miss. Smith.” Robert is winded and yet looking as perfect as he wants the world to think he is.
In this dream he is not under anyone’s shadow, his insecurities have been shoved aside as he plays her games and best of all, he believes he is the one in control.
Well, he was until Eva decides enough is enough.
It had been done as a whim, a couple of drinks, a few suggestions to break the monotony of his life and he had agreed to share a dream for a night.
When they woke up, they’d be in the same hotel room, wishing to make what they saw a reality and he is asking himself where Eva had been his entire life.
It was not a true inception, but it works the same without needing three levels of dreaming.
The witch heightened his desire in the real world by getting him to play her games in what he thinks is a field rigged in his favor.
You can do anything in a dream.
You could kill, fuck and live a life you want in it.
Fischer wastes no time in giving his all fantasies a try.
He has her on the elevator that is suddenly empty and full, on his desk, on the conference table and when he realizes he can do more, he grows bolder.
Places he’d been before, never been to and then suddenly, time slowed down.
Robert started with a perfect date, then a perfect relationship culminating with a family dinner hosted by his dead mother where his father loves him, and they adore her just as much as he does.
Eva panics when she sees herself in a designer wedding dress being walked down the aisle by her dead father. In the next second, she fashions a machine gun out of thin air and guns down her groom and their guests just as his snipers riddle her with holes.
“That was an experience.” she said as he looked embarrassed at how it went.
He looks at his wallet and she looks at her fucked up coin to remind themselves they are back in the real world.
His wallet doesn’t have five one-hundred-dollar bills – it is six hundred with the last hundred divided in twenties, a ten and a fifty---- nor the photograph of him and his father.
Robert has, aside from his own totem, an ultramodern militarized subconscious.
Eva has a similar defense, although hers is more about horror and the supernatural because she went through a goth phase as a teenager (and was still goth deep down)and now the macihuatli or horse-faced woman comes and drowns those who try to perform extractions or resurrect her dead family.
No extractor has been able to get past her yet, nor forger can replicate her, and she’s broken about every dreamcade she’s ever taken part in thanks to her secret weapon.
Had she not murdered her lover, he would’ve discovered a Mexican folk monster behind him about to drown him in a puddle.
“Sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me.” He apologized thinking it was his fault, and she dismissed it because it was hers.
Still Fischer looks like he’s ready to run, but she needs him to stay.
Eva hates herself for this, but the only way to stop Fischer Morrow from absorbing Riley International's energy companies was through him.
She needs him to want her and make her Mrs. Eva Fischer. Hence why she suggested dream sharing when they hit it off at a boring conference in New York.
“Don’t be sorry, besides, I enjoyed it.” The woman gave him a reassuring smile while removing the monitors that attached them to the dream sharing device. Somehow, she never breaks her own PASIV device.
His eyes are even more striking up close, so expressive, so clear and so blue. Eva isn’t even sure a paint that color exists.
Adds to the beauty of him, she thinks.
So insecure, so desperate for his father’s approval, and oh so beautiful even in his most pathetically vulnerable state. “And I have to say, your defenses are the best I have ever seen. I can’t even control mine as well as you do with yours, Bobby.”
You couldn’t even tell by looking at him that he had a subconscious military so efficient that it could conquer a mid-sized country in days. In the second she fired the machine gun; his snipers had given her more holes than a wheel of swiss cheese.
Eva had been more turned on by his militarized mind defenses than his delicious appearance.
And because her praise is genuine, he hesitates as he makes up an excuse to leave and return to his suite.
Robert Fischer is halfway to the elevator when he turns on his heel and returns to her room. “Last person who called me Bobby was my mother.”
“Nice woman, made me feel so welcome I almost thought it was real.” Eva comments as she offers him a chance to make those fantasies real in many ways.
“Is that why you killed me, Evita? It became too real for you.” He asks using the nickname her father had used.
“If it starts to feel like a better reality, neither of us would ever want to wake up. You’ve heard about what happened to that woman the Frenchmen told us about, went batshit insane after her husband woke her up.” she answered, returning his vulnerability with hers.
And it works, Robert stays, and Eva shoves her guilt for using him by making some of those fantasies a reality.
By morning, Eva’s checking out of the hotel on the arm of Maurice Fischer’s heir, by the end of the year, she is Mrs. Fischer.
The guilt never leaves, even when she builds a real life with him and comes to love him more than anyone else in the world.
“If you want me to go with you all you have to do is ask.” She says as they parted ways at the private airport.
“No, he said I must go alone. Uncle Peter said it’s best if I do as he says just this once.” Rob shook his head and she wished he had a bit more of a backbone.
Those two could tell him to jump and he’d ask how high. A wonder they didn’t get him to break up with her after he introduced her as his girlfriend and future wife.
“Gonna dream of you every night I’m away, baby.” Rob assured her with an almost pained smile.
“Call me when you get to Sydney, if you need me there, all you need to do is ask, Bobby.” Eva reminded her husband before grabbing him from his suspenders and kissing him goodbye.
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gilgamish · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I have been tagged by friends: @thequeenofthewinter , @rainpebble3, @dirty-bosmer and @kookaburra1701 -- Thank you all :D!
Tagging: @tallmatcha and @paraparadigm + plus anyone else who has been tagged by me in the past. consider yourself still tagged >:) Summary: In which, the Dragonborn commits some identity theft, and Kaidan vaguely references a poem by the Scottish poet Robert Burns.
4E 199
It was a chilly spring evening in Solitude. On some balcony in one of the city’s many inns, Kaidan had left the party to decompress from the constant buzz of conversations, music, and laughter. Once in his life, he could have withstood the sights and sounds for so much longer, which didn’t help with his guilt for leaving his companion with that pack of nobles.
Though, Felix had this terrifying ability to going from a curmudgeon into a charming, if affable, man within seconds, asking after family members, how so-and-so studies in this-or-that were going, sharing polite jokes, and trading occasional barb or two. Kaidan, on the other hand, had remained his shadow, occasionally nodding when addressed, and throwing in a short comment or two, but nothing more than that. Naturally, the conversations skipped over him, and he was more than fine with that. Though, the smallest noise grated his nerves after a while, and he knew that he had no true reasons to be irritated by it.
Far beyond the railing, guards along the city walls exchanged watches, each of them marked by the torches and lanterns they carried. He watched them for a while, getting his bearings, adjusting to the muted noise of the nightly city around him when the door creaked open again. Much to Kaidan’s relief, it was just Felix. He joined him by the railing, leaning on it with his elbows. Wine-red velveteen brushed again his arms. ‘Are you alright?’
‘I’ve never cared for this,’ he admitted. ‘The double-speak. The thinly-veiled insults. The rumor-mongering. I used to think that it wouldn’t be like this, here in Skyrim.’
‘If only we could all be so candid with each other.’
‘Perhaps, in a better world?’
Down below, the inn’s doors opened, and a gaggle of young bards spilled out into the dark streets. Careless laughter, jabs, and bawdy jokes ricocheted about as the lot of them gradually headed off in the direction of the College. Their merriment echoed down the quiet streets, infectious as a winter fever. Kaidan found himself smiling slightly. ‘Damn, wish we’d been downstairs with them.’
‘Oh, to be young…’ Felix murmured facetiously.
Glancing at the moons, Kaidan added, ‘Shame that the night is.’ He dreaded how many more hours they would have to spend here, then Felix turned around, considering the party behind them, and squinted as he thought.
‘You know, I don’t think I’m going to convince Thane Erikur to sign on for this commission.’
‘Eh, he’s a twat anyway.’
‘But a rich one.’ With that crooked grin of his, he reached into his sleeve, withdrawing a hand-held seal matrix of ebony metal. ‘And you can’t get far without one of these.’ He then deftly tucked the matrix away.
How Felix got the seal matrix from Thane Erikur’s grubby, overly grabby hands, Kaidan did not know or want to know, but to take a noble’s seal matrix was effectively to steal their identity— a serious offense throughout the Empire. Felix had to know this too, but he was busy basking in his own dubious achievement. A matter like this required a slow, measured breath. Patience. He still couldn’t keep the hiss out of his voice when he whispered, ‘He’s going to sicc the entire Solitude guard on us when he figures out. Which could be any minute now.’
‘Oh, I knew that, but who said that has to be us?’
With a small sigh, Kaidan went, ‘Who’s the poor bastard we’re planting this on then?’
‘I’ll show you, and not to worry, friend, they’re not poor.’ He turned and started for the door. ‘Or a bastard like you and me.’
But Kaidan said after him, ‘Are you sure? I... might just bugger this up.’ Everything would show on his face, at the very least, and that would tip their hand to the rest of the figurative table.
Felix shrugged. ‘Even if you do, we’re human. That’s what we do. We mess up. What’s that phrase from that one poem you like? That one about plans and the mouse?’
‘The best laid plans oft go astray,’ Kaidan answered softly. He wouldn’t mention the poem’s ending, with the poet dreading man’s inability to determine the future, but here Felix was, ready to embrace it. A quality that he had been trying to emulate himself.
Another carefree shrug from Felix. ‘Sounds par for the course.’ He went back inside. Kaidan watched him go, soon to follow. Par for the course indeed.
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wumblr · 2 years
there's something about the way culture chews people up and spits them out. nobody noticed sam phillips' divorce album until alison krauss and robert plant covered sister rosetta goes before us, after her ex husband finally won a grammy for a film soundtrack, ten years after they lost the nomination for inventing beatlesesque in 1994. i've never even listened to her decade-long catalogue of christian music because i can't relate to anything she had to say before she lost her faith, and now the only thing people remember of her is the gilmore girls scoring, while she sells handwritten copies of lyrics off her website to make a living.
slowed and reverb mixes are just vaporwave with vektroid cut out of it because she was too trans, which, anyway, was chopped and screwed with the actual toothsome questions about copyright cut out because dj screw and george floyd were too black, because you can taste the DXM just by listening to it, no ability to remain blissfully unaware it's a drug while it's being baked into viral bread for the joke, even though nobody remembers that's the same reason voodoo doughnuts is famous, despite the line of tourists out the door every day.
the gilbert o sullivan vs biz markie sampling lawsuit was already completely forgotten in favor of the workarounds girl talk and neil cicierega developed years before biz markie died, and now we're all stuck wandering around the danielewski household as if it ever had swimming pools in the backrooms, as if it was ever a government facility featured in award-winning videogame "control," a reference that nobody cares to get, all while mark posts on facebook about being a dad and annie is missing in action because she never got out from under an oil baron pretending to be a friend of her late father's, buying her copyrights when the label shut down mid-project on haunted, just to leave her contractually unable, under court order, to sing the songs she wrote. the work she did pseudonymously to avoid contractual stipulations remains harder to find than mariah's passion project, her grunge album, secretly released under another name, with mariah mixed as background vocals, because it wasn't marketable, because they could only let her record grunge as a joke, as a warmup for her "real" recording sessions -- all while people know her for only one thing, because the loose affiliation with christianity is enough to net her $6k per million streams every year if she stays lucky.
alan turing built the computer that chris stratchey recorded the first electronic music on at an overnight programming session, years before wendy carlos transitioned at the bbc radiophonic lab only for half her catalogue to become lost media, which remains on trend for youtube ad revenue while her lost work remains unfound. marina abramovic has been thrown to the wolves because of something she said in a journal in the 70s, while the wolves are harassing her over an insane political conspiracy, while her face turns up photoshopped beyond recognition on a mug at a bank, while nobody knows ulay died of cancer in 2020. it's gustave flaubert's world, we're all just receiving ideas in it.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
The Stark Legacy (1)
Summary: Samantha Morgan Stark wasn't given a chance to be a real Stark after a tragic accident upended her family, but she becomes something so much more in her fight to be accepted by Tony again.
Steven Strange chose a different future, one that affects generations to come more than he could ever predict...
Series Warnings: canon-level violence, injury, self-experimentation, death, discussions of death, temporary child abandonment, age gap for implied romance (approx 30 chapters in), slow burn, glacial slow burn, time travel, Alternate Endgame, angst, angsty fluff, angsty romance, angsty action, more angst with plot, seriously epic tale, so more warnings per chapter. Rated Teen/Mature. 15+, please.
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Book 1: Reality
Sokovia Accord Enforcement Council Transcript
Trial A0843 Findings Date: Friday, January 13th, 2040
Conclusion of the senior presiding member, Robert Cushing Jr., is as follows:
——Samantha Morgan Stark, in light of all evidence and testimony presented, I and the Council find you ungovernable and deem your power too dangerous to allow use by any entity on- or off-world. You have become too great a liability for the Council to allow your signature to the Accords, and since you have already operated with abilities outside the purview of this governing body, the Council cannot in good faith trust your adherence henceforth to its rules.
Therefore, we hereby insist your abilities be stripped. Should there be no satisfactory cure for your abilities, we conclude no other option than to terminate——
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“Sammy, it's time for bed,” Pepper Potts said for the third time (so far) that evening.
“Mom, story,” four-year-old Samantha Stark pleaded with her mother, raising her wiggling fingers into the air. Pepper tucked the quilt around her daughter as she did every night, cuing Sam to slap her arms down, sealing the edges.
“Ok, one story. Let me guess witch one,” Pepper joked. There was only one story Sam ever wanted to hear, over and over again, so her mom made adjustments occasionally to keep it ‘fresh.’ Sam’s brown eyes were alight with excitement as Pepper began.
“Years ago, your daddy was trapped by an evil man from space. He was all alone, far from home, on a ship with no way back.” She flicked the lights off for effect. “It was so dark and cold out in space, and so very quiet. Dad kept trying to get home until the air was thin and he felt so, so tired.” Sam’s eyes were heavy too. “And that was when he heard the voice,” Pepper continued. “It said: you are meant to go on and save so many others. When he looked up, he saw this beautiful witch dressed all in green. She raised her hand up high above him--” she did the same “--and threw a potion to the floor. When all the light cleared, the entire ship had been magically transported to just above Earth. He was home and soon saved by his friends--your uncles and aunts. If it hadn’t been for the good, green witch, your father wouldn’t have been alive to save half the people in the universe,” Pepper finished, leaning forward to kiss her daughter and add, “or have you, love.”
Lil’Sam fluttered her feet under the covers. “Daddy always saves everyone!”
“Yes, he does. Now go to bed, please.”
Tony Stark popped in, backlit by the hallway glow. “It was really more of a bioluminescent alien that was green, not wore green,” he mumbled.
“We are not talking to her about this now,” Pepper whispered harshly back.
“Right, no nightmares from talk of aliens and monsters…”
“Mommy,” Sam asked sleepily, “are all witches good like the one that saved Daddy? Like Aunt Wanda?”
“Time to sl—“
“No, kiddo,” Tony interrupted, “but we do call good people things like friends, teammates, allies, partners, etc., and we call bad people different things like villains, enemies and monsters.”
“What makes them bad?”
“Well, monsters are people--sometimes they won’t look like you and me--that hurt you or your family and friends.”
“Like the ones under the bed? Big Sam said that’s why he flies so high, to get away from monsters.”
Tony looked at Pepper. “We haven’t fired Wilson yet? Write that on the to-do list,” he said before turning back to his daughter. “But,” he assured her with a gentle grip on the arm, “there are no monsters under your bed.”
“Goodnight, love.” Pepper headed to the door, calling, “I’ll be back by tomorrow night to tuck you in.”
Tony’s brow raised as he stood to leave. “I thought Bruce was gonna go to B-site to handle it?”
“Well, he’s got a lot on his plate here, and I’m perfectly capable of checking in with the supervisors about shipments, containment, and placement. If you recall,” she shot back in hushed tones, “I have some experience wrangling self-obsessed male scientists. Plus it’s one day, Tony.”
“I’m unfamiliar with that previous boss of yours, but I have heard that women in your condition should take it easy. Strong,” he rambled, “stubborn women often take on too much work in order to—“
Pepper spoke over her husband to say “I love you, Sammy,” and made to close the door with them outside it. Tony tossed in an ‘I love you’ as well after a glare from his wife, adding “I said that already. I did. She knows anyway, now what about—“
The door shut with a click.
That was the last time Samantha Stark saw her mother alive.
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Starts out short and sweet. This series does eventually feature Bucky Barnes x OFC, but it is such a slow burn, I will not label individual chapters that way until they are in each other's orbit. I've been writing this sucker for about four years now, and it goes to so many different places that it is hard to qualify/tag. I will do my best though.
Thank you for reading!
[Ch 2: Funeral]
[Series Masterlist; Main Masterlist]
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caspianmaxson · 1 year
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“ You’ve gotten softer in your old age.” Victor pushed open the door, seeing Charles standing in the middle of his bedroom. Thorn, was good to him. They embraced him, as one of their own. There was no need for any attacks or fights. Everyone had heard by now the devastating toll Tulia took, so when he arrived. Everyone seemed to mind their own business and simply let him pass towards the manor.
He knew the faces of the guards and the other men, nodding to them softly as he was directed to Charles room. Finding him in the middle of getting dressed. His left eye visible, in true nature.
“ Sending supplies.. and getting married. That’s not normally your nature.” He helped himself to glass of whiskey, as Charles stood observing him.
“ They tell me your wife was taken from you, and your children are away .. I thought for old time sake I offer my services. Perhaps we can help each other, something was taken from me recently.”
Charles slowly crossed his arms behind his back “ You are making grave mistakes, something your predecessor made. Your personal plans and gains are taking priority over what your true purpose is. Your true purpose is to follow your Queen. Something you and Morgan are having difficult doing it seems.”
Victor lifted his hand to strike him down, but then remembered why Charles was so familiar with their ways. “ Aira, was loyal. “ whether that was going to give Charles comfort or prove his point, he didn’t really care. “ I could have burned this place to the ground, I could have easily slaughtered everyone here to have this conversation.”
Charles nodded finishing button his vest up “ oh yes, no one questions your ability or powers.” They would be foolish or stupid to do so “ Everyone knows what you can do, and what you’ve done to others” including his son. “ Your offering assistance.. but I politely decline. When I seek revenge, I don’t just take revenge on the person responsible, I ensure the entire family feels it. Believe me, they will get what’s coming to them. I’m sorry we couldn’t conduct the business you had in mind.”
He moved patting Victor chest “ I might have gotten old, but I’ve never been weak. My vengeance is always slow, like a dagger in turning in someone chest. But, should I heard about a Robert whereabout, I’ll inform you.”
Victor snatched Charles hand, pending back his fingers towards his wrist “ You weasel I never said I was here for Robert, but the fact you know something happened to him. Gives me all the information I need, whatever ties of connection that’s as between me and your family end here.”
He pushed Charles against his desk as he moved to the door “ You no longer have my favor or protection. Whatever your involvement in Robert disappear, you’ll pay for in blood. You might be a slow moving dagger, but I will bring death and destruction to your door.”
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archetypesanalysis · 1 year
The Mandalorian Season 3: The Magician
After passing his trial as the Lover, now wielding the Darksaber, which holds the symbol of Mandalorian leadership and it is powered by a kyber crystal, Din Djarin must harness the Magician to his fullness.
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The Book of Boba Fett has set up Din Djarin on a journey to become a positive Magician. He learns more about the Great Purge from the Armorer, and practices using the Darksaber with her. After being ousted by the Tribe, he is told by the Armorer to bathe in the Living Waters beneath the mines of Mandalore, which will be important in the Mandalorian Season 3. He then channels his emotional pain into working on the N-1 starfighter and he lets the droids help him (indicating that he’s letting go of his hatred of droids). Peli Motto plays the role of a guide for Din as she points out that he is always in a hurry and he should slow down. She also helps Din to let go of his desire for a Razor Crest and accepts the newer, better replacement.  
Before the premiere of the Mandalorian season 3, I have speculated that Din Djarin won’t become the Mand’alor by the end of the season. This is because the King archetype is the final form, and according to Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette, a good and generative King is also a good Warrior, a positive Magician, and a great Lover. Din has mastered the Warrior and the Lover archetypes, and now he must master the Magician archetype.
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The season 3 promotional poster and logo depict Din and Grogu standing behind what seems to be a sunrise and under a sky full of stars. To know the movement of stars and the rising of the sun are specialities of the Magician. The Magician not just know how the physical world works, he also knows how the unseen world works and makes the connection between two worlds. The Magician also acts as a teacher and in this season, Din teaches Grogu how to become a Mandalorian since Grogu chooses to return to him.
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Throughout season 3, Din Djarin takes on the role of the positive Magician. As a teacher, he teaches Grogu how to navigate the star system in the Mandalore sector and how to fire darts. In “Chapter 20: The Foundling”, it is revealed that Grogu is rescued by Kelleran Beq, who also takes on the role of the Magician as he is devoted to his students. The Magician is a charismatic talker, and Din takes on this aspect in “Chapter 21: The Pirate”, where he gives a speech that convinces the Mandalorian covert to help Greef Karga to get rid of the pirates on Nevarro. One aspect of the Magician is that he has the ability to deflect one’s arrogance, which is a skill taken up by an advisor to a king or a public official. Din has this skill and he helps Bo-Katan to let her ego down – opening her eyes to her own selfishness and learning to be humble. The Magician also has the ability to expand the mind of themselves and others. Din’s desire to uphold his beliefs helps Bo-Katan to appreciate the spiritual aspects of his belief. The enlightenment she experiences indirectly changes the Armorer, who eventually becomes more lenient towards the helmet rule. This is evident in the season 3 finale, where she does not tell Ragnar to swear to never remove his helmet.
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The Magician can take on a bipolar Shadow: The Manipulator and the Denying "Innocent" One. Unlike the Magician who shares information to lift up others, the Manipulator withholds information for their selfish gains. The Manipulator is detached from human values and he uses his knowledge to control and belittle others, or to raise his status and wealth in the expense of others. Moff Gideon is the Manipulator as he exploits the Mandalorian beskar, the cloning technology and the Force to create the next generation of Dark Troopers. He tells Din Djarin to assume that he knows everything, but he withholds information. In true fashion of the Manipulator, Moff Gideon inflates his grandiosity by exploiting the resources to create an army of Force-sensitive clones of himself. This inflation of ego eventually damages himself and others – Moff Gideon engulfs in flames and his clones are destroyed in the end.
On the other hand, the Denying "Innocent" One is a person who wants power and status, but does not want to take on the responsibilities of a true Magician. They only want to learn enough to derail others who are making worthwhile efforts. Elia Kane is the Denying "Innocent" One as she learns the workings of the New Republic Amnesty Program not to help other former Imperial officers to rehabilitate, instead, she derails the efforts Dr. Pershing has done to rehabilitate himself and his cloning technology that can benefit the public. The Denying "Innocent" One also conceals truths to achieve or maintain their status, just like Elia Kane appeases Colonel Tuttle by agreeing his decision to not send help to Nevarro because the pirates that attack Nevarro are sent by Moff Gideon, whom Elia Kane is working under.
In the previous seasons, Din Djarin faces the bipolar shadow of an archetype and learns not to give in. In season 3, Din only faces Moff Gideon, the Manipulator. He does not know of Elia Kane, the Denying "Innocent" One. I find this change of story structure to be quite strange, but I am alright with it. However, I do admit that season 3 is underwhelming. It definitely does not have the same emotional impact as the previous seasons and I am not invested in watching it again. The idea itself is good but the execution is poorly done. I think season 3 should have focused more on the Mandalorian culture and the retake of Mandalore, so that the season 3 finale would feel more emotionally impactful.
So, what is going to happen in season 4?
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