#robert dedwulf
em-writes-stuff · 8 months
Flufftober + Whumptober day 4
prompts: cinderella moment + "I see the danger, it's written there in your eyes" + shock
749 words
warnings: n/a
characters: emmytt bennet, robert dedwulf
Emmytt closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before turning the door handle and walking out of the room. It forces a quick smile and smoothes out the wrinkles in her dress. 
Robert waits at the end of the hallway for her, his arm held out for it to take. She leans into him and laces her fingers with his. 
“Hey,” He whispers, pressing his nose to her temple, “You’ll be fine. Just smile and be your lovely self.” 
She inhales deeply and nods, “Yeah, It’ll be alright. Just one night, right?” 
Her tried and trusted dagger digs against her side, reminding her of what it has to do tonight. Carefully, she adjusts the blade and winces when the blade nicks her. 
Robert stops and looks at her, “Alright?” 
“Yeah,” she says, adjusting a seam on her dress, “It’s just really tight.” 
He hums understandingly and resumes on the walk down the hallway to the ballroom. 
It breaks away from Robert and lets him sit next to his father. She stares at Edward, waiting for him to stare back. He does, his green eyes pierce through her and he nods. She nods back and walks into the crowd, quickly fusing with the mass of bright colors and laughter. 
The night drags on, and Emmytt quickly grows bored. There are only so many polite conversations it can hold about her dress and how the dark red fabric must have been so expensive this time of year. She didn’t have the heart to tell anyone that it’s dyed with beetroot last year, or that she hadn’t splurged on this dress like everyone else seemed to have done. 
Quietly and quickly, she leaves the ballroom through the balcony. She lands softly on the ground next to the castle and leans against the wall. 
She unfastens the lacing on the dress and pulls the dagger out of the pocket it’d made so carefully. 
Someone else drops down from the balcony and it discards the blade in the grass. 
“Hey,” Robert says, propping himself against the wall with a bent arm against his head. “What happened to waiting for me to find you?” 
It clears its throat and ties the dress lacing loosely, “You did find me.” 
He chuckles and leans close to it, “It wasn’t easy, you blend right in with everyone. I barely saw you jump the railing.” 
She shuffles closer to him, feeling around the ground for its dagger, and puts a hand on his chest. “I knew you were looking.” 
“No you didn’t,” He says, rolling his eyes. 
Sighing, she pulls her hand off him and slides down the castle wall onto the ground. It pulls him down and puts her hand on the dagger. 
He puts his hand over hers and smiles. “What a nice, secluded area you chose for us,” he says, lacing his fingers with hers. “No plans to kill me or anything, right?” 
Its head snaps around to look at him and his lips press together. Not a joke.
“You’ve been talking with my father, I know. I also know that you hate him almost as much as I do.” he pulls her hand off the dagger and takes it in his other hand, fingers tracing the pattern in the handle. “I’ve seen the danger written on your face. It’s been worse tonight, and I saw your little exchange with my father.” 
“You don’t want to kill me.” he interrupts. “I know. You need the money, or you need a friend released, or maybe he promised you could leave without being arrested for the magic you probably have.” 
“He has my friend,” she whispers. 
“You’d never get past the castle gate before an arrow shoots through your heart. If he can’t prove your magic, then he’d get you for killing me. He’s never held up his end of a deal, trust me.” he says. 
“So what?” it asks, fiddling nervously with the hem of her dress. “You kill me and go back to the party?” 
He hands the dagger back and folds its fingers over the hilt of it. “No. You go back to the party with me. We sit next to my father and he has to play nice. And the rest…”
He trails off, but she knows what he’s saying. They’ll figure it out. If the rest of their lives is spent together, fighting off anyone else the king hires to kill his son, so be it. As long as they’re together. 
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em-writes-stuff · 8 months
flufftober + whumptober day 9
prompts: (...) [love] at first sight + "learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days" + "you're a liar"
858 words
warnings: near panic attack
characters: echo song, robert dedwulf
A book slams down on a table and Echo’s head snaps up from the shelf. His head swivels until its eyes land on Robert, who’s scooting a chair up to the table and opening the book to its middle. 
Robert looks up at him and opens his mouth, surprised, “Sorry if I scared you, I didn’t know there was anyone here.” He lies. The first thing he noticed when he walked into the library was the scrawny, cute, curly haired assistant. “Hey, since you’re here, can you help me? I’m trying to learn about King Claude.” 
Echo’s face lights up and it bends down to flip through a shelf filled with books. He stands up with a pile and walks over to the table. “These are good to start. Mostly eaten by booklice, but there’s some good information in them.” 
Robert shuffles through the books and sets the pile to the side. He takes the top one off and flips through it before setting it in another pile. 
Echo’s brows knit together and he tilts his head, “Why aren’t you reading that one?” 
Robert shrugs and sets another book on the pile, “Learning everything isn’t all it seems, that’s the thing about today.” 
Echo chuckles and shakes his head, could it be that Prince Robert, the meathead, is secretly insightful? 
“Besides,” he adds, “It looks like a lot of words.” 
It purses his lips together and blinks, of course not. 
“Well,” Echo says, “I’ll leave you to it. Hope you get what you’re looking for. Just leave them on the table and I’ll put them back where they go later.” 
Robert points a finger at him and clicks his tongue, “You got it, boss.” 
Echo’s eyes widen and he looks at the ground, ignoring the heat rising in its cheeks. He clears his throat and goes back to the shelf, picking up a discarded pile from another table and drifting through the shelves to put them back in their place. 
He bumps into Zoe and she nudges him playfully, she sings “Someone’s got a boyfriend.” 
“Oh, shut up,” Echo retorts. He peeks past the shelf’s corner and glances at Robert. “He’s not even my type.” 
“Oh,” she chides. “Your type isn’t hot and stupid? Because I’ve seen some of your exes, and I’ve gotta say? They’re all fucking idiots.” 
It huffs and shelves a book before walking away, “Stop it, he’s the prince.” 
She raises her hands in mock surrender and smiles, just before he turns away from her, she mouths “Boyfriend, he’s your boyyyyyfriend.” 
Echo stifles a smile and glances back at Robert, who moved onto a new book and placed three more on the pile. 
Someone walks into the library and rings the service bell. Not even two seconds after, they shout out, “Hello! I need some help!” 
Zoe pokes her head past a shelf and holds up an entire new stack of books and shrugs. Echo mumbles and walks up to the desk. 
She leans against the front desk and rolls her eyes when Echo comes into view, “Took you long enough.” she pushes off the desk and stands to her full height. “Service was never this bad before. What’s happened.” 
It wasn’t a question, but Echo answers anyway. “Old boss died.” he smiles politely and holds his hands behind its back. “What can I do for you?” 
She rolls her eyes, “Egg substitute.” 
“Do you…need some or do you want to know what you can use?” 
“I need to know what I can use,” she says. “This is a library, not the fucking market.” 
Echo takes a deep breath and collects itself. “You can use buttermilk.” 
She scoffs, “How do you just know that? You’re making something up to get rid of me, aren’t you?” 
He shakes his head, but finds a shelf with what it's looking for, “My parents own a bakery. I help out sometimes. But since you don’t believe me,” he flips to the right page and flips it to show her. “See, buttermilk can be used.” 
Her face lights up with recognition, “Oh, my god! You’re- oh my god! I’ve been trying to place you, to-to figure out where I know you from. You’re Liberty’s brother, aren’t you?” 
His blood runs cold. A flicker of something crosses his face and he shakes his head, “I’m not.” 
The foundation shakes, barely enough for her to notice. But she notices. “You are.” she smiles. “I knew it. Oh, my god.” 
Echo shakes its head and takes a deep breath, actively suppressing every instinct telling it to run outside and never turn back. 
She leans in close to him and whispers in his ear, “You’re a liar.” she pulls back and pops his nose with her finger. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” 
Slowly, she raises her hand and smoke rises from her palm, “You’re among friends.” 
Eyes locked on the rising smoke, Echo’s breathing calms and he exhales shakily. He smiles politely and turns around, “I have to get back to work. Have fun baking.” 
She whines and pouts at him, “I was hoping for a good time, but whatever. Be boring.” 
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
Flufftober day 5
prompt: “Oh no, you’re a morning person!” 
characters: spencer, haven
warnings: none :) 
172 words
“Spencer!” Haven shouts, “Spencer, wake up! Spencer!” 
He opens his eyes, squinting at the light filtering in through the half-covered window and sighs. Haven is straddling him, hands on either side of his face. 
She pulls his face up to hers and presses their foreheads together. She whispers breathily in his face, morning breath hitting him like a hippo-horse, “The sunset is really pretty today.” 
He pulls away from her and groans, “You’re a morning person?!” 
She nods. 
“Well. I’m not. Let me sleep.” 
Haven pouts and crosses her arms, but climbs off Spencer. He can feel her staring at him from the corner and tries to ignore her. 
WIth intermittent sighs and forlorn breaths, Haven guilts Spencer into sitting up and looking out of the window. The sun is up in the sky and he glares at her. 
“Your fault for not getting up when I told you to,” she scolded playfully. 
He huffs and pulls the blanket over his face. “I’m going back to sleep. Don’t wake me up.” 
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
Flufftober days 17 and 26
prompts: animal shelter, blankets
warnings: none
characters: nyks, spencer
58 words
“Come on, Spence. It's just a quick trip. I can't go alone." Haven begs.
Spencer huffs but picks up an armful of blankets. "Fine. But we're not going to look. Just dropping these off. Deal?"
Haven nods and runs out the house, Spencer close behind.
They come home with the ugliest puppy Haven had ever laid eyes on. 
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
Flufftober day 1
prompt: wearing each other’s clothes
warnings: none
characters: spencer, haven
388 words
a/n: not edited
Spencer walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch. He pulled a blanket over himself and closed his eyes. Oh yeah, that was going to be a good nap. 
Haven walked into the house a few hours later and stumbled into the living room, tossed her jacket onto the floor and fell onto her bed. 
Spencer had woken up when the door slammed shut behind her coming inside, but he ignored it and went back to sleep. Or. He tried to. He couldn’t help but stare at the familiar pattern of the jacket. The jacket she’d thrown onto the ground near him was a jacket he’d been searching for for nearly two weeks. She’d helped him look for it, turning the house inside out to find this jacket that she’d had all along. 
She was never going to hear the end of this. 
Haven woke up long after the sun rose the next day, her head was slow and she could barely stand the bright room. It was never a good idea to drink with Frankie. 
She huffed and crawled out of bed, not even trying to shake the tiredness from her bones. The door creaked open and she walked into the small kitchen, delighted to smell fresh bread and coffee in the air. She closed her eyes and let the smell take her over. 
“Morning,” Spencer said from next to the oven. 
She groaned and waved at him, eyes still closed to ward away the light as long as she could. 
“How’s Frankie?” he asked. 
She mumbled a response and squinted around the kitchen to grab a mug and pour coffee into it. She leaned against the wall next to Spencer and rested her head on his shoulder. 
She murmured, “This is soft. Where’d you get it?” 
“Your closet.” 
She pulled away from him and finally opened her eyes to look at him. “Hey!” she exclaimed, hurting her head in the process, “That’s mine!” 
“I found my jacket last night,” he said. 
“Oh.” he repeated. 
She leaned her head back on his shoulder and took a drink of her coffee. “I’ll let you keep the sweater if I can keep the jacket.” 
“Absolutely not,” he said. “But, you can borrow it whenever you want to as long as you ask.” 
She smiled, “Deal.”
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
flufftober day 19
prompt: hot chocolate
characters: spencer, haven
warnings: none 
103 words
Spencer sits outside the house, watching as his breath turns to vapor in front of him. He holds his hand out in front of him and stares at his palm. A small pillar of smoke plumes out from his skin and he smiles. He closes his hand and pulls it close to his chest before taking a deep breath and standing up. He huffs and walks inside.
“Hey.” Haven greets. “I was just about to get you. I made hot chocolate.” She hands him a steaming mug and pulls him down onto the couch next to her. “Cold out?"
Spencer chuckles, "Oh yeah."
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
Flufftober day 7
prompt: movie marathon
characters: haven, spencer
warnings: n/a
100 words :)
Spencer laid across the sofa, one leg up on the back of the couch and the other straight out in front of him. Haven sat on the floor in front of the sofa, head resting against Spencer’s arm as she stared at the old clothes she was seam-ripping.
The T.V. flickered and Spencer’s jaw dropped, “She was the killer?!”
Haven didn’t look up, “Called it.” 
“Yes, yes, you’re very smart,” Spencer said, trying to keep the annoyance in his voice. 
Haven hummed. “Wanna do something different next? Like comedy? Oh! Or maybe a heist?” 
“A heist would be fun.” 
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
flufftober days 23 and 25
prompts: slow dancing (alt. 1), first dance
characters: spence, haven
warnings: none 
122 words
Chickens ran around the yard, pecking at the ground and occasionally being chased by the local stray. 
Spencer rested his head against Haven's chest and played with her hands. The sun was warm on this face and he could swear the wind was singing through the trees.
He stood up and pulled Haven to her feet. “Wanna do something crazy?”
"With you?” she asked. "Always.”
He pulled her close and started swaying. "Back when I was still a prince…” he started. They started to dance around the porch. "I would dance with my mom and my sister. Sometimes Robert too. It was one of my favorite things to do. Other than look at Echo."
Haven snorted, "Naturally.”
"Well of course,” he laughed. 
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
Flufftober day 15
prompt: accidents don’t happen accidentally
characters: echo, nyks, emberly, spence, haven
warnings: n/a
144 words
a/n: not a fic just thinking about my ocs
thinking about echo leaving food on the table “accidentally” when he knows emberly’s coming home and knows she won’t eat anything unless its Right There for her
thinking about nyks who uses echo’s need to help to get it to actually take care of itself. she starts baking/cooking things other than hunter’s stew and asking him to try it and tell her it it’s good or not.
thinking about emberly bringing home things that she bought “impulsively” but actually so that nyks takes it off her hands because it’s the only way she’ll accept any gifts
thinking about spence making way too much food and giving it out to his neighbors because he planted too much in the garden on purpose
thinking about haven letting the garden get overgrown and begging her neighbors to come by the house and take anything they need
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wait also how would your ocs react to meeting an asshole (/aff) shapeshifter named adrian who proceeds to turn into them for shits and giggles
hi sorry it took so long, i had to think about it for a while then i forgot to post it :/
echo: wouldn't really mind much tbh, he'd just go about its day normally
haven: would be a little freaked out at first, but ultimately wouldn't mind. she'd be glad for the company though
spence: would immediately FREAK the fuck out. he'd be worried about his dad seeing (bc shapeshifting is magic and magic is illegal) so he'd be very careful
nyks: would ask if xey could do keegan
keegan: same as nyks but obviously changing into nyks
liv: would find it so funny and ask for everyone in Nanfig (that's the village. i don't think i've ever posted it)
lake: would freak out a little bit but eventually get over it. would ask questions until it was satisfied with his Knowledge
emberly: Freak Out and not get over it. would install new locks on her doors
evie: would find a way to make money probably. she's very worried about money bc someone has to (side glare at emberly)
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
Au-Gust day 4- Dinosaurs
my ocs as dinos :) 
(kinda rushed bc i’m tired but will forget if i dont do it now) 
used this picrew 
putting it on my writing acc bc that’s where all my au-gust stuff goes, sorry!
lake colby
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olivia hoppins
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haven roberts
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spencer dedwulf
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echo song
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keegan quinn
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nyks fyre
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evangeline drewitt
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emberly drewitt
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
Flufftober2022 Masterpost
here’s my masterpost for flufftober 2022, enjoy! 
1: wearing each other’s clothes- spencer, haven
2: “you’ve told your parents?”- echo, nyks, echo’s parents
3: caught in the rain- echo, nyks
4: supporting silly hobbies- echo, nyks, emberly 
5: “oh no! you’re a morning person!”- spence, haven
6: winning a teddy bear for the other- emberly, nyks, echo
7: movie marathon- haven, spence
8: shooting stars- nyks, keegan
9: falling asleep together- emberly, nyks
10, 11:  love languages+poetry, art, music and craft- nyks, emberly, echo
12-14:  secret family recipe, “you kept this?”, truth or dare- echo, frankie
15: accidents don’t happen accidentally- echo, embelry, nyks, spence, haven
16: “i hate you” “i love you too.”- echo, nyks
17, 26: animal shelter, blankets- spence, haven
18: soulmate au- echo, nyks, emberly 
19: hot chocolate, spence, haven
20: bedtime stories- nyks, echo
21, 24: all the hugs, good luck kiss- echo, emberly, nyks
22: “have you heard?”- echo, harbly
27: reunion- echo, haven
23, 25: slow dancing, first dance- spence, haven
28, 29, 31: picnic, leaves, a sweet treat- emberly, nyks, echo
30: up against the wall kiss- emberly, nyks
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sunflower, sweetpea, jasmine for whichever ocs you like?
hey anon! sorry this took so long. forgot i had to Do Things for a while there
Sunflower - What name(s) were you originally thinking of calling your OC? spence was gonna be oliver (changed because i had olivia and i didn't want to mix them up in my head. and he just didn't seem like an oliver after a while of development). lake was gonna be river but i thought the Symbolism would be better if it was named lake. and finally, emberly was gonna be called ember or amber but i really like emberly so i changed it
Sweet pea - What colour are your OC’s eyes? spence- blue/teal, echo- dark brown, haven- silver, nyks- dark brown, keegan- brown, liv- dark blue, lake- green, emberly- brown, evie- brown
Jasmine - If your OC had a tumblr blog, what would their URL be? spence- nottheprince, liv- dontdieguys, nyks- thatonebitch, evie- needamessage, echo- whatnow
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6 (character asks)
What are your characters powers and abilities?
nyks- no magic, but she's pretty skilled with a sword, daggers, and a bow if given the chance. she prefers daggers though, easier to hide
keegan- he has a type of magic that makes other peoples' magic stronger. he doesn't gain anything from it, but it helps everyone around him, which is not always good, because the people fighting against him can also have magic. he's also very skilled with a sword and da
liv- she has healing and light magic
lake- has enhanced magic. i wrote it down somewhere but forgot what it effected. i think it was his eyesight. which means that he can see things easier (like physical traits on bugs and fungi) which helps a lot with his job. he's a forager and can almost always tell if something is going to kill people or not
spence- has fire magic. he's also semi-skilled with a sword. he's a fantastic artist
echo- has reactive magic. which is tied to his emotions and is pretty hard to control. i have more in my magic rant (which i forgot about until right now oops)
haven- has no magic. she's pretty charismatic though, so you could say words are her skill
emberly- has rotting magic. also tied to her emotions and can cause things to die/rot faster than normal. she has to be very careful because she could kill people if she gets too upset. she's also a tailor
evie- has gotten pretty good with hand-to-hand combat. not a lot of people fight her, but she's found that she can make some money entering fights. and if you're good at it, why wouldn't you do it?
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What characters or people would you say remind you of your characters?
nyks- i don't think she acts like the person she reminds me of, they just share a name (well, the person she reminds me of has nyx as her last name) also me, she's got a lot of my traits
keegan- no one?? idk, i try to keep my ocs away from the actual people i know for some reason
lake- my cousin. they're kinda same in some ways but i don't know if he'd be comfortable with me sharing, so i'm not going to
liv- an old friend that i don't talk to anymore
spence- no one again. i'm sure there's someone, but i have no clue right now
haven- another old friend who i don't talk to anymore
echo- @tacocat7997 only because he's like a blorbo to it
emberly- a little bit like a current friend
evie- no one
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2, 14, 23, 34, and 44 for the oc asks ?
which oc is most likely to...
stay up way too late? echo song because it lost track of time
make friends out of strangers? emberly or liv. they're both pretty social and love meeting new people
always be late? spence is the most likely but he never really is. always gets places just a few seconds before he's too late
be famous on social media? depends on which social media. i think on instagram keegan would be famous for just doing stupid shit. echo or lake would be able to get semi-tumblr famous because they would do tons of info dumps and informed posts but naturally, they'd do the occasional shit post that makes tons of people follow them.
become a good parent? most of them, i think. spence would be terrified of turning into his dad but he would be an amazing parent. haven would be fantastic, she doesn't want to be a parent, but she'd be a good one. echo would be a semi-good parent? he's just not the best with being constantly there. nyks and keegan would both be very good parents. they'd be fun and let the kids do their own thing while still being Parents. lake and liv wouldn't be the BEST, but they'd do alright. emberly and evie would do alright, evie would be more controlling bc her parents kept her on a light leash and she turned out like she did. emberly would give them more slack because her parents were fairly controlling.
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