#rod yasuhiro
danizmomota · 11 months
Yknow, you’re cool!
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*Shows you my Yasuhiro headcanons*
Bonus: ROD Hiro Smiling!!!
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mrmunchgaming · 2 years
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i have artblokc and im struggling 2 draw :{ BUT
heres a tiny aggie i did with @exorstray
we basically took a bunch of screen shots from the spongebob movie an drew ocs and characters we like over them <33 i will try 2 draw srs art soon~ 
btw im not a fan of moral orel at all and if you are seekin content 4 that fandom go 2 cas’s blog @exorstray
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danizbunbunz · 3 months
- AU AND ART BY @danizmomota -
TW/CW: Blood, Implied Cannibalism, Graphic Injuries, (in the form of writing and imagery) Basic Danganronpa stuff
Main Concept: Hopes Calamity (or AKA Remnant of Despair AU) is a "What If" universe of what if everyone had been captured and brainwashed by Junko and turned into her personal despair subjects? However, despite them being brainwashed, these remnants still have their own feelings and weaknesses. Unfortunately Junko completely ignores that and treats them like crap anyway.
Inspiration: Danganronpa 2, Goodbye Despair & Danganronpa 3, The End of Hope's Peak High School.
^^Does this AU follow the canon story?: Sort of, it follows Danganronpa's concept of Remnants of Despair, but doesn't go with canon (of D2) since it's everyone being turned into ROD'S, again it's a "What if" AU.
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Characters//Remnants: (Please note these are only characters that have been drawn, so only a few are here and not EVERYBODY is on here srry srry)
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"Subject is very hot-headed, yet very cooperative. He seems to enjoy jewelry, punk music, and overly decorated clothing. Reports say his Head and Wrist injury seem to be somewhat healed the fall. Although, subject has been acting suspicious with SUBJECT_YH lately.. reports have been known that they hang out, but sometimes for a little too long..."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Leon was escaping Hopes Peak Academy along Yasuhiro as it was collapsing around them, only for the ground to crack underneath Leon's feet and make him fall into a giant pit. Fortunately he had survived the high fall, but he unlucky to have a terrible injury to his head and wrists, and to have fallen right where Junko wanted him.
Whenever he was taken in to be subjected to Junko's experiments, she didn't care to fix Leon's injuries, and claims she rather just "let them heal on their own."
When Leon was given his bat, he didn't like how it was just a regular baseball bat, so he forged his own spiked baseball bat, kind of like a mace! (He also changed it so it's easier to bash peoples heads in)
Leon canonically (In this AU) has gotten an ear infection because he tried to make his own jewelry from metal scraps and apparently didn't clean them well.
Leon's weak spot is his goatee, it hurts like hell whenever it's pulled.
Leon was planned to be executed as a sacrifice for Yasuhiro, mainly because Junko was breathing down their necks when they had unfortunately failed a mission, and Yasuhiro had no more strikes before he's executed, and Leon decided to take that fate for him, however this sacrifice would take a massive mental toll on poor Hiro.
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"This Monokuma is known to act a lot like their owner, just as chaotic, but has a redeeming quality of being able to carry a heavy spiked bat. (which was also its owners.) Although this Mono also seems to be... very decorated. its owner must of had fun adding all of that useless jewelry."
☆ Extra Facts/Info
One of the first few Monokuma's to be made, hence why his subject name is "MONO3_LK."
The Tongue piercing is actually its Off & On button, which is convenient, but not whenever your talking.
Sometimes Leon and his Monokuma sing like as if they are in Karaoke. (They do NOT sound good.)
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☆ SUBJECT_YH (Remnant of Despair Yasuhiro Hagakure)
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"Subject was originally apart of Makoto's little "Hope Group." so this subject should know more about how to finally wipe hope from existence... However reports say he hangs out with SUBJECT_LK for a suspiciously long time.. Also, he himself had mentioned about having constant bleeding from the forehead. Along with reoccurring nightmares..."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
After successfully fleeing Hope's Peak, Yasuhiro managed to hold out along with Makoto, Kirigiri, Togami, Toko and Aoi to defend what was left of "Hope." However the tables turned when they were taken off guard and Junko was able to get hands on Yasuhiro, Toko and Aoi, Hence making them the first subjects of Junkos experiments. And since they the first, the went through the worst.
Yasuhiro wears his blindfold constantly, he only rarely takes it off whenever it gets too dirty. (or drenched in blood that is...) However he risks letting the Enhancement Drug activate. And speaking of his blindfold, it's worn to conceal his dry blooded slit eyes that are a result from Junko's "Remnant Transformation process." And he only gets his eyes changed in surgery later in the story. But more off of Yasuhiro's injuries, on his forehead he has an eye carved into his forehead that was very loosely stitched back on, so whenever he is really stressed, he tends to bleed from there often.
He's normally seen hanging out with Leon, but that's only because Leon is the only person who actually treats him decently. They are pretty much best friends. Until Leon is executed, that is.. in fact, whenever Leon is deceased, Yasuhiro buries him so he didn't die in vain. (He kept a couple rings too.)
Yasuhiro was actually one of the first remnants I had designed, and a lot was taken in and out from his design. Mainly because at the time he was one of my biggest favorites and the favoritism was going so hard.. one of the few first concepts of Yasuhiro is that he wasn't actually blind (despite his eyes being slit almost in half) and that he can see with his "third eye" and or his crystal ball that he carries with him. But this was quickly scrapped since it seemed "unrealistic and pretty much impossible, so Yasuhiro relies more on sound then visuals, yet he is one of the most feared Remnants.
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“Subject is very energetic and out there. seems to enjoy hanging out with SUBJECT_MH, stargazing and using his trusty brass knuckles we provided him. The Robotic eye seems to be functioning properly. No malfunctions have been recorded. however, I'm thinking of replacing some limbs... Oh, and before I forget, be sure to separate KM away from SUBJECT_KO after missions, they seem to have a record of fighting each other... and almost killing each other in the process."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Kaito was fleeing along with Maki and Shuichi to safety, only to be caught in the crossfire of the other remnants. Kaito had been left behind, but Maki couldn't bare to lose him, so she ran back and joined him as together they sealed their fates.
It isn't really shown in the picture, but Kaito was planned to have a purple star mark/tattoo on his left eye, mainly to indicate where his "robotic" eye would be. Speaking of, Junko had basically had removed his left eye then replaced it with an eye that has a laser sights on it, that way he can see enemies from afar, and assess them, Also, Kaito was actually planned to be given a robotic arm and leg to help with movability and strength, but I had never officially made a reference for it.
^^More on his robotic eye, if his eye is damaged, the Enhancement Drug will activate.
He also wears a giant fur cape, similar to his regular jacket, he has space patterns inside the coat. it's not the "Ultimate Astronaut" without it!
SUBJECT_MH is Maki, and he loves to hang out with her because he feels superior, like a king. (She's his bodyguard, and she secretly likes doing it, but hates when he's so full of himself.) Speaking of other friends of his, He's also good friends with SUBJECT_GG, Which is Gonta! He helped Gonta to walk once he gained his insect-like legs, and Gonta has appreciated him ever since.
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☆ SUBJECT_KO (Remnant of Despair, Kokichi Ouma)
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"Subject has been injected with small doses of the “Enhancement Drug.” Although it probably wasn’t a good idea…. Eh, he’ll be fine, he consented with it anyways. Subject has been reported to shake and laugh hysterically often. He also seems to love seeing objects, buildings and people explode. Oh, and SUBJECT_KM seems to hate SUBJECT_KO…. Subject_KO even tried to blow SUBJECT_KM’s head off…."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Whenever Kokichi was captured by Junko, he tried to lie his way though, but in his attempt of bluffing, backfired heavily. he ended up being one of the most unstable remnants there was.
Kokichi absolutely wants to see Kaito's demise, constantly helping the enemy (ex: Makoto) by giving them tips and or giving them classified information about Junko. Oh, and since he's a professional liar, sometimes even Junko can't tell if he's telling the truth or not. Not behind that clown mask, So she has trouble figuring out if he doxxed her new hideout location again.
Speaking of the mask, it's actually stuck to his face... Literally. If you try to pull it off, you better be ready for an unpleasant sight... Plus, he's already been on the Enhancement Drug for so long that keeping him from putting dynamite in your mouth.. is gonna be pretty difficult.
Kokichi doesn't really care about SUBJECT_MH, (Maki) but he finds her slight crush on SUBJECT_KM (Kaito) to be stupid. But while on the topic of "Friends," he's actually quite good buddies with SUBJECT_GG! (Gonta) They do normal friend stuff like telling jokes, blowing up buildings, doing dynamite tricks, all that good stuff! He's totally not manipulating Gonta at all... Right?
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☆ SUBJECT_GG (Remnant of Despair, Gonta Gokuhara)
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"Subject was...quite the challenge to contain, but now I have him all to myself... I have been wondering about something though. According to his records, he's the Ultimate Entomologist," going by that logic he must really love bugs huh? Well in case, I wanna try something new this time..."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Gonta had put up a good fight against Junko and her other subjects, however, he was quickly out numbered and defeated. Junko then had made sure he was contained, because she wanted to try something else with this Entomologist. she decided to conduct a series of experiments to test out if she can give someone the properties of an insect, such as limbs, wings, antae, etc. And thus, Gonta was strapped down, and given new body parts. (which technically does imply that Junko had to.. saw some things off.. ouch.)
Once given his new limbs, he could barely walk in them, And Junko didn't seem to care about him anyways, So she let him suffer on his own. That was until SUBJECT_KM (Kaito) had noticed his struggle, and decided to help out a fellow man in need. Kaito was astonished on how cool he looked, which reminded him of a king and a dragon, so Kaito decided to befriend Gonta and help him out with his new body. Ever since, Gonta has been close to Kaito. But when it comes to other people, one person he dislikes heavily is SUBJECT_KO. (Kokichi) But he can't do anything about it. Kokichi is constantly treating Gonta like nothing but an object, Hurting him with his dynamite, constantly insulting him, any sort of insult or bullying you an think of. (Which in most cases Kaito interferes and makes Kokichi stop, but worst case is Kaito is out doing a mission, and Gonta can't do anything but listen to what Kokichi says.)
Since now Gonta is like an insect, he needs certain types of food to survive, he mainly enjoys meat, but due to food being so scarce in his AU, Kaito usually has to feed him human meat. (Which by the way, Gonta HATES eating, but will eat anything to survive. Poor guy.)
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...And that's all I have for now! I'll be making some more posts about this AU soon! Hope you enjoyed my endless yapping :} - Dani
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dragonclaude · 2 years
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I got a big ask by @isdisorigionalenoughforyou about little details of my Action game AU and I decided to dedicate a few sketches to it!
Question 2 is a reference to this older drawing, and if you'd like to see more about the AU checkout my pinned post for a quick link tree!
As usual, longer answers under the cut, enjoy!
There is a non-zero possibility that Togami corp has an entertainment room with a karaoke machine and card games/board games to play with others during moments of relaxation. Makoto, Hina, Yasuhiro and Kyoko could be options for their own solo songs and also there would be at least a duet in there with you and Hina. Making the rest of the game would be priority and I would only do something like this if there’s enough money and resources left over but y’know xD I wouldn’t want to add distractions like the Despair Karaoke places during the combat-focused sections; It would mean I’d have to consider something like that for every other remnant or else it would be……weird to choose only Ibuki for that. But maybe postgame she would welcome the challenge or something, who knows!
Stat bonuses, no, but I have been thinking for a while about them giving you a slightly different fighting style. Monokuma outfit starts off with claws and you fight more animalistically, Anniversary outfit starts with metal fans and you do more dodgy/graceful movements. The only problem is there's not really a reason sakura couldn't have different fighting styles on default except for the fact we may run out of buttons to be able to use them all xD But I LOVE the suggestion of each giving a minor change like hearing the monokumas or making the songs a rock cover.
I don't think there would be a traditional fishing minigame with a rod and actual fish but you will be able to find harpoons/hooks with ropes that you can pick up as weapons that could also be used in that way. There is no doubt going to be large holes or chasms in the ground that you could send a hook down and see what you get. Maybe a Monosalmon or something could be caught then thrown to distract Monokumas like Siren monokumas in UDG xD (But also, you’re absolutely right, every good game has a fishing minigame so this should be no exception)
I agree, I think that's what I'm going to decide on for Nagitos fight in the end! But there is no way Sakura is going to bring him to other fights especially after seeing how dangerous his luck is when bringing him back to base. Nagito is an SCP needing to be contained xD As for linearity, I think all the remnants will be divided in clusters of "early" "middle" and "late" with Imposter being the last that isnt Izuru that you could do in the order you want. Sonia will be a special case in which her fight is scheduled for a certain time in the late-game and you can either wait until then or go after some remnants before going to Novoselic.
Since there would be abandoned supermarkets all around, you would be able to grab ingredients for protein shakes, tea or coffee to make at the base and bring with you like a health and stamina potion. I didn't think it could have a minigame attached to it but now I want there to be xD Perhaps you could brew your potions mix protein shakes of various ingredients so you can personalize your healing item. For example, maybe some ingredients provide slightly longer focus time, higher health, healing over time etc. and you can create a drink to provide either purely one effect or mix of several for your upcoming mission depending on what you think you need. Could be cool!
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prophetrick · 2 years
Chamelion Twist
Trickster Online is an MMORPG which takes places on the mysterious Caballa Island. Don Cavalier, a man of indescribable wealth, has passed away. Instead of choosing a successor by hand, he has left instructions in his will for a more open-ended form of selection: come to Caballa Island, collect the 15 Secret Cards and win the game. In short, Don Cavalier has created a game on the island where contestants must clear certain areas having accomplished tasks and beaten bosses. (Think Evermore Park, a Dungeons and Dragons larper’s dream as an example.) The contestants use skills to defeat monsters and help the quest-givers in order to advance through the game. Every contestant must register in Blooming Cora Town. They’re identified with an animal as one way to keep track of their progress and must wear a costume resembling an animal in some fashion. As such, Yasuhiro’s animal is the horned chameleon (headpiece and tail). Having predicted heard of Don Cavalier’s death and the challenge of enough wealth to last for lifetimes over, Yasuhiro has gone to Caballa Island to take the inheritance for himself seek enlightenment. In his greed, he’s failed to realize just how perilous his journey is. Nor does he realize the world-ending stakes involved--and who would think that such a game involves gods involving themselves in mortal affairs? What does Nefertiti and Poseidon have to do in all of this? Trivia:
Yasuhiro doesn’t have much esteem for Star Gazer Stella after an incident.
Once he’s strong enough, he’ll take his time in Phantom School to help out those whose ghosts want to move onward into the afterlife.
He’ll be exceptionally fond of Snow Hill due to his preference for colder weather. Techichi and Tapasco Volcano will gain no love from him. 
One of the horns on his headpiece is a dowsing rod.
His build fits between Sense and Magic, leaning more towards Sense. This makes him more adept at finding things hidden underground.
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What are all your aus?
Well I looked through them, and I’m pretty sure I got them all...
(Note: I’m editing this post to add new AUs when I come up with them!)
1- I Was Reincarnated As My Hopeful Classmates Twins (Junko as Naegiri twins)
2- Leon as SDR2 MM (crack AU)
3- Junko Ikusaba AU (Nagito-Junko roleswap)
4- Rich Boy Hajime AU (Hajime-Byakuya talent+role swap)
5- Possessed Makoto AU (Makoto is sole THH survivor, everyone else is a ghost)
6- Oops! All Serial Killers AU (Every member of class 78 except Toko have killed someone)
7- Hope-Despair Swap V1 (with mastermind Chiaki)
8- Pregame/Ingame Kokichi swap (ask AU)
9- Danganroapa (Regular DR but everyone has misspelt names generated by me not using autocorrect)
10- Every variation of the ‘Sayaka tries to kill Makoto instead AU’ (Includes protag!Mukuro, despair!Makoto, and accidental therapy depending on route)
11- Non-Hope Komaeda/Nagito-Izuru personality swap (very undeveloped)
12- BNHA crossover (which I should really get back to..)
13- Audience Poll AU (DR but the protags have voices that represent parts of the DR fandom annoying them)
14- Evil Simp Alter Ego AU (another ask AU)
15- Determination Junko AU (Undertale but Junko is Frisk)
16- Post-THH bad end AU (involves the kids from that ending causing shenanigans, underdeveloped)
17- Tri-Game Talentswap (All characters swap talents and games, mainly in death order)
18- Actual Siblings Junko and Mukuro (folded into other AUs)
19- Ultimate Lucky Student Kokichi (Cassandra Effect!)
20- V3 variation of Oops! All Serial Killers (where Shuichi is just friends with a lot of murderers)
21- V3 AI AU (lots of acronyms. V3 cast in main DR universe but they were AIs all along)
22- Naegito AU (Nagito in SDR2 is actually Makoto but with Issues)
23- Anthropologist!Makoto (I gave him angst!)
24- SDR2 trio talentswap (underdeveloped)
25- Oops! All Serial Killers RoD variant (Junko likes her murderous friends so they become her Remnants)
26- Junko Download AU (Makoto downloads Alter Ego Junko onto his brain)
27- Assassination Classroom X DR (unfinished collab)
28- Hope Despair Swap V2 (Hope!Junko, Makoto is a nihilist with a scarf)
29- Kokichi-Makoto personality swap AU
30- Kokichi-Makoto body swap (ask AU)
31- Ultimate Protagonist Yasuhiro AU (ask AU)
32- Hope Mecha AU (the one I just did a fic for!)
33- Junko Clone AU (look! I can do fluffy stuff!)
34- DR X Kingdom Hearts AU (I just really like KH okay..)
35- XIII AU (Makoto is a subject in a branch of the Hope Cultivation Project)
36- ‘Non-Despair’ AU (Izuru and Makoto as V3 masterminds)
37- Infinity Train crossover
38- Junko/Makoto personality swap (not Hope/Despair swap)
39- Force sensitive AU
40- Zombie Chiaki AU
41- Despair Disease Makoto (why the fuck do I like despair now?!?! version, has a fic now)
42- THH Bad End AU (also known as the Bad End Gang)
43- Makoto and Nagito voice (tone) swap
44- Despair Makoto except he gets despair from not experiencing despair so he just acts exactly like canon Makoto AU
45- Mastermind Mahiru (just a sprite edit for now!)
46- Protag Despair AU
47- Genshin Impact AU (haven’t gotten through the main story yet so just a concept rn)
48- Despair Siblings AU!
49- Lucky!Kyoko + Detective!Makoto (but changing as little as possible outside the series of events to make it happen)
50- Hitman Hajime AU (possibly merged with Despair Siblings, not sure yet)
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sophi-aubrey · 6 years
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Sometimes (and do not try
downplay it
saying it does not happen frequently)
the rod with which you measure is broken,
the compass goes astray
and you do not understand anything
The day becomes a succession
of incoherent facts, of functions
that you are playing by inertia and by habit.
And you live it. And you dictate the trade
to whom it corresponds. And you give the class
the same to the enrolled students as to the listener.
And in the night you write the text that the printing press
will devour tomorrow.
And watch (oh, just above)
the march of the house, the perfect
coordination of multiple programs,
because the oldest son already dresses
to go from chamberlain to a dance of fifteen years
and the child wants to be a soccer player and the middle one
has a poster of Che with his record player.
And you review the expense accounts and reflect,
next to the cook, about the cost
of life and the ars magna combinatorial
from which the possible and daily menu emerges.
And you still have the will to remove makeup
and put on the nourishing cream and still read
some lines before consuming the lamp.
And already in the darkness, on the threshold of sleep,
you miss what has been lost:
the most expensive diamond,
the letter of dizzy,
the book with a hundred basic questions
(and their corresponding answers)
for an elementary dialogue
even with the Sphinx.
And you have the painful feeling
that a misprint slipped in the crossword puzzle
which makes it unsolvable.
And you spell the name of Chaos.
And you can not sleep if you do not open
the bottle of pills and if you do not swallow a
in which it condenses,
chemically pure,
the ordination of the world.
Rosario Castellanos,
Valium 10, On the Middle Earth, Poetry is not you, 2006
Ph. Yasuhiro Ishimoto
William R. Thorsen house, exterior strap detail
Merci @wolfson-stuart
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saimotass · 6 years
hot new pun ship names (makoto edition)
Lucky Strike - Makoto x Leon (pun on both of their talents)
Sherluck - Makoto x Kyouko (pun on their talents)
Luck Be A Lady - Makoto x Celes (pun on their talents)
Luck of the Draw - Makoto x Hifumi (pun on their talents)
Tough Luck - Makoto x Mondo (pun on Makoto’s talent, Mondo’s personality)
Potluck - Makoto x Yasuhiro (pun on Makoto’s talent, and Yasuhiro being a stoner)
Rotten Luck - Makoto x Touko (pun on Makoto’s talent, the kanji of Fukawa’s last name, meaning “rotten river”)
Devil’s Luck - Makoto x Junko (pun on Makoto’s talent, Junko’s status as the villain)
Lucky Shot - Makoto x Mukuro (pun on their talents)
Some Guys Have All The Luck - Makoto x Sayaka (pun on Makoto’s talent and a song by Rod Stewart)
Luck Keys - Makoto x Chihiro (pun on their talents)
Good Chancellor - Makoto x Kiyotaka (pun on Makoto’s talent, Kiyotaka wanting to become a chancellor)
Fighting Irish - Makoto x Sakura (pun on Sakura’s talent, luck associated with the Irish)
Spilling Water - Makoto x Aoi (Serbian superstition thought to bring good luck to someone)
Money Luck - Makoto x Byakuya (pun on their talents, plus water in feng sui also brings money luck!)
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danizmomota · 1 year
Different Clothes
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He’s so used to wearing tons of clothing, whenever he wears anything else, he feels underdressed.
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Plus, he doesn’t have his bandages on…
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danizmomota · 9 months
SUBJECT_YH (UPDATED! ROD Yasuhiro Reference Sheet)
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Subject was originally apart of Makoto's little "Hope Group." so this subject should know more about how to completely wipe hope from existence... However reports say he hangs out suspiciously with SUBJECT_LK. and also he reported himself having constant bleeding from the forehead. Along with reoccurring nightmares...
And yet, he seems stable....? ....Yeah, he's fineeeee XP
Last Updated << 12/30/23 >>
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danizmomota · 9 months
I dunno if you meant like design wise or scenario wise but oh well. ROD Hiro needs to go to bed. Tuck him in and give him a lil glass of water.
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One of the only few nicest things someone has ever done to him…
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…It’s been stuck in his head.
Actually, it’s a little sad because since he’s constantly killing people (that he actually doesn’t want to do) and making people feel despair, along with his horrible treatment he gets from Junko, if someone were to actually be a little too kind, then he might get too emotionally attached to them. Sort of like how his friendship with Leon really impacted him. So then he might be a little clingy.
( but not weird-clingy, he may be a Remnant but he has his morals)
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danizmomota · 9 months
ROD Yasuhiro Doodles!!!!!
⚠️TW: Gore, Blade//Weapon (Only on two doodles but still!!) and Semi-Nudity (I was practicing anatomy)
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⭐️ Clothes Ver:
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⭐️ Close Ups:
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He’s fun to draw 👍 (he dissects eyes)
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danizmomota · 11 months
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danizmomota · 11 months
yknow what, I know that I won’t be able to cram all the lore of a specific ROD into separate drawings… so I think I’ll just dump…
soon. maybe.
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danizmomota · 1 year
Random Fun fact, ROD Yasuhiro (depending on either regular or Revived!Yasuhiro, which I haven’t shown yall yet) actually gets headaches to loud noises or overstimulation. So sometimes he uses his bandage to cover his ears. ROD!Leon actually wants to get him some noise canceling headphones, but can’t find any. (the reason why Hiro gets headaches is bc of the ROD transformation process, and the fact that he prefers quiet for his meditation.)
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danizmomota · 10 months
I wanna make a short fan fiction for shits and giggled about my ROD designs
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