#roderich made him do it
fafayayarhen · 3 months
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i know i'm late and the game was won but i still wanted smth spaus so i promise i'll probably have another better doodle of the recent spain vs france match
funny story i didn't watch spain vs germany for like a good chunk UNTIL the extra time bcs i was keeping up to date with through the google live thingy open on my phone so i kept glancing at it
i blew up the gc when germany scored like eXCUSE YOUUU So i joined my mum in the living room and watched the rest of the game and it was wAY TOO TENSE (I'M NOT EVEN INTO SOCCER!!!!)
anyway yeah spaus but eurocup and u can't tell me austria didn't get a bit TOO passionate when he first started watching and he wasn't even interested at first but then...
roddi just wanna support his ex-hubby thank u 💜💛✨✨✨✨✌️
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forsoobado137 · 11 days
🍨dolly_as_prez Follow
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🍨dolly_as_prez Follow
It's been five years since I made this meme and nothing has changed lol
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🧻Dorpblorpw93 Follow
Watching Alfred's short films on youtube are always fucking hilarious because I never know if he's being ironic or not. They all look like they were written produced by an over-caffeinated film student but if they had an actual budget. Like they are legit the funniest pieces of media out there and I have no idea if the comedy is intentional or not.
🏞fromthevalley89 Follow
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Where do I begin here? The fact that he basically plays everyone? The fact that he included Arthur but didn't let him play as himself and cast him as bad guys? The fact that he was able to get Roderich and Francois on board with this? The fact that he doesn't even name himself and just puts ME? The fact that the end credits are three times longer than the movie? AND HE LITERALLY CAST HIMSELF AS GOD?! This is peak cinema.
🧭justintime12oclock Follow
Also what is up with Tony? Did Alfred just rotoscope his roommate and make him an alien? is it CGI (Really badly done)?
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🌌galaxylesbian Follow
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🐝beemybestie Follow
Translation: wahhh wahhh my president won't give me money for Louis Vuitton and my seventh mansion so I'm gonna sit on my ass while the stocks plummet and the trains malfunction 🥺
🌟bugdrinkbugrink Follow
Actual translation: I've literally fought in dozens of wars and bent over backwards for this government and all I get in return is a minimum wage paycheck, demeaning insults from my own politicians, and disrespect from tourists that I'm forced to put up with. I deserve better, and by not working, I'm going to demonstrate how fucked you all would be without me. I hope this opens people's eyes to the lack of rights me and my fellow nations have, and that it will force governments everywhere to actually give a shit.
🌷Azaleyaaaaah02 Follow
Also that mansion thing is such bullshit. The reason nations have so many houses is because they have been ALIVE FOR CENTURIES and they can't just stay in one place forever. Also they have had more than enough time to buy houses when they were cheap and pay off multiple properties. Nations aren't just secretly a bunch of out of touch millionaires. They have been homeless, in debt, and have lived in far worse conditions than you could ever imagine.
🌟bugdrinkbugrink Follow
For everyone trying to call nations "selfish" for going on strike because it has negative effects on their countries, that is literally THE ENTIRE POINT OF STRIKES. World leaders think that all nations do is look pretty and die over and over in petty wars. In the THREE DAYS that France (and other European countries) went on strike back in 1976, the stock market plummeted, trade slowed, transportation stopped working, and other citizens stopped going to work. The leaders realized pretty quickly that they fucked up. After they got better wages, the nations returned, and everything was up and running again.
Moral of the story: PAY YOUR NPS A LIVING WAGE! These people have literally sacrificed everything for their nations. So what if France wants to be able to afford iconic French fashion brands? If I was an immortal being who died thousands of times in mankind's worst wars, you better BELIEVE I would demand that I can afford to treat myself.
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aishangotome · 3 months
[Gilbert] Choose Your True Love: Part 4
Part 3
Gilbert: ...That's a very tempting offer, but...
Gilbert: But... I'm sorry.
Gilbert: When I leave the castle, people die.
Gilbert looks "worn out" with dark circles under his eyes and a pale complexion, but he dismisses the idea of rest with the same refreshing smile as always.
I couldn't say anything.
I was frustrated by my own powerlessness.
I gripped his black mantle tightly, as if to vent my swirling emotions.
Gilbert: It would be fine if the rotten ones were dying, but he kills indiscriminately.
Gilbert: If someone doesn't keep him in check, Obsidian will eventually run out of people.
Gilbert: I wish he'd be a little smarter. Ah, I want to kill him.
Roderich: ...Prince Gilbert.
Gilbert: Heh, eventually, right?
(...When I met him, Gilbert said he didn't love anyone.)
(But maybe it wasn't that he "didn't love," but that he "couldn't love.")
(If he loved someone, he couldn't stay sane. This is that kind of country.)
(...And Gilbert loves people.)
How much did Gilbert suffer until his heart became numb to death?
He must have experienced the feelings I'm having now dozens, if not hundreds, of times.
(After all...)
(After all, it's not right that Gilbert isn't rewarded.)
Gilbert: Why are you crying?
Emma: ...I'm not crying...
I try to deny it, but my cheeks are wet.
My vision is blurred before I know it, and I can't even see Gilbert's face properly.
Gilbert: I'm sorry, did I scare you? This is difficult...
I shake my head vigorously and wipe my tears with my sleeve.
Emma: No, it's not that.
Emma: I just... I just want to be someone who can protect you.
Gilbert: Hmm? Who?
Emma: ...You, Gilbert.
Gilbert: That's a strange thing to say.
Gilbert: Ah, but we're close in the future, right?
(When I was explaining my situation to Gilbert, I didn't mention it because I thought it might confuse him, but...)
Emma: ...We're engaged.
Gilbert: To me?
Emma: Yes. I'm your fiancée.
Gilbert: ...Oh.
Emma: That's why I want to be someone you can rely on when you're in pain or suffering.
Emma: Even if it's not possible right now, someday...
(Obsidian will be reborn by Gilbert's hands in the future.)
(But the Emperor's wicked policies are still leaving their mark everywhere.)
(It seems like Gilbert is still fighting in the shadows in the future.)
(And I know he's trying to keep the dirty things away from me as much as possible.)
I'm still not mature enough for Gilbert to rely on me.
I've always been aware that my knowledge and skills are immature, but seeing the past has made it even clearer.
(I can't stay the way I am.)
(...I want to change.)
(To someone who can be relied upon like Roderich and Walter.)
(To someone who can face that hellish scene alongside him...)
Emma: I want to be someone who can protect you, Gilbert.
I declared it clearly once again.
Gilbert's eyes widened slightly, and his smile disappeared.
Gilbert: You should stop. What I'm doing is the same as what he's doing.
Gilbert: In terms of the number of people I've killed, I'm second only to the Emperor.
Gilbert: There's nothing about me that you could love--
Emma: I know.
Emma: ...I know everything.
Gilbert: ...
Gilbert: I see.
Gilbert: Ah, as I thought... I want to kill my future self.
Gilbert gently shook off my hand and finally left the hideout.
He never looked back.
That was a sign of the trampling beast's resolve.
My vision blurred, and my body swayed.
Roderich, who was standing nearby, noticed something was wrong and immediately supported me.
Roderich: ...Please lie down. The medicine must be taking effect.
Emma: Medicine...?
Roderich: It's a sleeping pill. ...Just in case you try to follow Gilbert.
(Gilbert... lied to me.)
(Come to think of it, he also lied to the Emperor... saying I was his "pet"...)
(He hates lies... but he lied to protect me.)
(Both Gilbert in the past and Gilbert now...)
(He loves people more than anyone else, even though...)
I must have been dreaming.
(...It was a terrible dream.)
I woke up in Gilbert's room, where he was absent, with a book as my pillow.
It was a nightmare that made me sweat so much that my clothes became cold, and cry so much that my eyes swelled up.
Fragments of the dream still remain in my mind.
When I come to the square of Obsidian Castle, I remember that cruel scene.
Obsidian Soldier 1: Hey, did you hear about tonight's dinner? There's one healthy dish designed by Professor Walter.
Obsidian Soldier 2: What?! No way... We're going to die.
Obsidian Soldier 1: Should we run away?
Obsidian Soldier 2: No... Gilbert gets angry when it's a healthy meal. If we get caught running away, we'll be killed.
(...It's peaceful.)
The soldiers, noticing me, hurriedly saluted and walked away quickly.
There were no traces of red blood in the square.
Since I started living here, there hasn't been a single execution.
The soldiers are relaxed enough to wander around chatting, a completely different scene from the one in my dream.
(I used to think this was a normal sight.)
Even so, this peace is a testament to the victory that Gilbert won after a harsh battle.
???: ... You little cheater.
Emma: !?
Suddenly, I was embraced from behind, and when I turned around, my lips were bitten hard.
Emma: Gi, Gilbert... When did you...?
Gilbert: You were exchanging glances with a passing soldier just now, weren't you?
(It seems like he's been watching me for a while.)
Emma: I looked away the moment our eyes met and ran away at full speed...
Gilbert: That's too rude to you, isn't it? I can't forgive that.
(This is a difficult question to answer...!)
I kiss Gilbert, who looks sulky.
When I look closely at his handsome face, there are no dark circles under his eyes and his complexion is good.
The air around him is not tense, but calm.
Gilbert: Did something happen?
Emma: Why do you ask?
Gilbert: You were staring at the square with a troubled look on your face, weren't you?
Emma: ...You were watching me the whole time?
Gilbert: That's mean of you not to notice me.
(This is fun.)
(...Just this much is enough to fill my chest right now.)
I turn my whole body around and put my arms around Gilbert's back.
Emma: It's not that anything happened. I was just savoring the peace, so to speak...
Gilbert: ...Hmm?
Emma: That's right! Gil, I was studying until a while ago, but there's something I don't understand.
Emma: Would you mind helping me with it?
Gilbert: Oh, I'd love to cuddle up with the cheating little rabbit right now.
Emma: I'm not cheating. ...Is this not good enough?
I quickly check that there's no one around and stand on tiptoe to kiss him again.
As his cold lips warm up, the dream fades from my mind.
Gilbert: It can't be helped.
Gilbert: I'll teach you while we cuddle.
Emma: I don't think that will help me study...
Gilbert: What was that?
Emma: ...No, thank you. I'll do my best!
Gilbert laughs amusedly and starts walking, holding my hand.
The dependability of this hand hasn't changed, past or present.
(All I can do now is acquire weapons to protect Gilbert, one by one.)
(...Study hard, learn more about Obsidian...)
(I want to be a support for Gilbert, who became a villain for the sake of others.)
(I want him to be able to live peacefully from now on, instead of carrying everything on his shoulders alone.)
I squeeze his hand back.
Strongly, tightly, so that we'll never be apart again.
(I will create a world where the Conquering Beast can be at peace as a human.)
(There's no more need for blood in Gilbert's future.)
. Thank you for reading! | YouTube SE in JP
If you have all 4 Parts for another Prince and would like to have them translated, or help everyone out by letting me translate them here, please feel free to message me and send the videos to me!
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shini--chan · 4 months
Hello! ✨
How would germany, prussia, france, russia and austria (all of them are 1p) deal with a lover who have genophobia? (genophobia is a serious fear of sexual intimacy)
Hello charming stranger
Yandere Hetalia - Genophobia
Trigger warnings: substance abuse, forced therapy, dub-con, non-con, murder, lobotomisation, deliberate triggering of phobias 
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Roderich would be incredulous about it. First, he would doubt your condition, see it just as you dishing up fibs to avoid a normal relationship. There would be snide remarks and very mean teasing. He would calm down over time, at least a bit, and decide to test the waters to see if you're telling the truth. And to determine the severity of your condition, should you turn out to be honest.
There would be hands on your waist, wandering higher or lower than appropriate. A lot of lewd jokes would fall, and when kissing you, he would pull you closer than usual or even light bite your lip. Maybe he'll make you read some raunchy novels, or go as far as to touch you in a sexual manner while you're asleep. 
Once he'd set up the diagnosis, he'll delve straight into giving you treatment. Since he is the man that outright enjoys playing psychiatrist, you'd be subjected to the full program. A pleasant side-effect in his eyes would be that he'd get to know you so well. Furthermore, you'd be indebted to him for curing you. 
That being said, your willingness to engage in therapy, with him no less, wouldn't play a significant role in his mind. The doctor knows what's best, better than the patient does, after all. Although, should conventional methods not work, then he'll gradually become more frustrated. The more frustrated he is, the more unconventional and unorthodox his methods would become. Brainwashing isn't off the table. 
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Francis would be aghast and irate. What happened to you that you're so scared of baring yourself to another person? Should there be a culprit, then he would tear open their throat and serve their heart to you on a silver platter, quite literally in this case. France would aim on demonstrating his dedication to you through this, that he would avenge you and hunt those that harm you to the ends of the earth. Radical and off putting? He wouldn't see it that way. 
Retributions and crimes of passion aside, he would be frustrated with your genophobia. When it comes to closer interactions, he would live in constant fear of triggering your phobia. That is something that would kill the romance for him, so he would seek ways to alleviate your fears. One of those would include romancing you so thoroughly and hard (love-bombing) that you would forget the past. At least, that would be his idea. Another would be alcohol, another carbon monoxide, and yet another making you watch pornography. 
While he does claim to be a master of romance, he is a bit too bloodthirsty and controlling to really be becoming of that title. He would yearn for the picture perfect romance with you, and your genophobia would throw a spanner in the works. So it would have to be eradicated, even if it would involve vile means. Depending on the time period, it might end up with you being lobotomized. 
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Ludwig would really be a wild card in regards to this. He could be awkward, recognising you as a victim of a heinous crime and handling you as if you're made of glass. At first that is - the sentiment would wear off as time passes. 
In that state, he would be at a loss with what he should do with you. There would be fearful attempts of broaching the subject more in depth, of communicating like healthy couples should. But this isn't a healthy relationship and Ludwig is far too emotionally constipated for something like that. Perhaps the two of you would wind up going in circles around each other. Germany's attempts to help you would be downright insensitive at times, like handing you a dildo and telling you to mastrubate until you are ready for real sex. 
Or, he would go in the opposite way of trying to help you in his considerate, awkward fashion. Then, he would view you as inferior to himself, a lowly creature that has to be hammered into shape. He'd roll his eyes, snap at you to pull yourself together, even make fun of you. In war, it would even be worse than that - coercion and threats and use of force. 
Either way, in most of the cases he would end up being so frustrated and wooden and out of sorts. He would sing your praises to the heavens and condemn you to hell. To relieve some of his frustration, he'd sometimes lock himself in his office with a photo or a personal effect of yours and take care of himself. 
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Gilbert, being his frugal and monastic self, even to the modern day, wouldn't realise that you have genophobia until far into the relationship. At first, he would be relieved since that wouldn't mean he would have to put out anytime soon. However, as the relationship would progress, he would find himself becoming frisky and mulling over sleeping with you. 
Here it should be remarked that Gilbert is no psychologist and he has little tact or finesse when it comes to human interactions. This would be evident in your relationship as well. Thus, he wouldn't know how to approach the issue at first. His first approaches would be downright hilarious - if it weren't such a serious topic and if he wouldn't be yandere. 
Finally though, he would take a military approach to the matter and gradually acclimate you to being intimate with regular "exercises", where you would both gradually expand your comfort zone. If it would make you comfortable, then he'd give up all control and let you ride him like a warhorse. 
Beware though - if he'd get the feeling that you're being difficult on purpose, to be spiteful or petty or due to whatever reason, then he'll let you feel it. Prussia wouldn't coerce you into sex, however your life would become harsher and harder if you make him endure a Josephite marriage. 
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Oh, when it comes to the grand picture, he would be elated at your fear of intimacy. It would mean that you aren't able to cheat on him, after all. During the beginning of your relationship he would even encourage it, and even try to use it as a springboard to make you isolate yourself even further and rely only on him. Perhaps he'd even orchestrate some incidents to induce social anxiety in you. 
That aside, you having genophobia probably means somebody hurt you in some fashion. It would be a matter that he simply couldn't leave be, and Ivan would take it upon himself to avenge you. Of course, while he would ensure that the news of that bastard's brutal demise reaches your ears, he wouldn't confess to the gruesome deep until much later. You'd have to be firmly bound to him for him to truly be open with you. 
Speaking of that, once your social life consists only of him and the company he approves of, he'd be determined to solve your problems. His approach would be that your phobia is still such a fixture in your life because you haven't found closure yet. New surroundings and a new lifestyle could help with that, or him finally coming clean in lynching the persons who harmed you. 
Though, should his initial hypothesis' bear no fruit, then he'd try more radical methods. In essence he would define the problem as your inability to relax during intimacy and that you would need help in doing so. Alcohol and opioids would be his solution here, maybe hypnosis as well. 
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brabblesblog · 6 months
𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝖞𝖊 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘.
Ch 7: He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none
A sequel to Whither is thy beloved gone? (AO3)
After the events of ‘Whither is thy beloved gone?’ Lord Astarion Ancuńin and his consort wife navigate their relationship anew. The ghosts of the past - his, hers, and theirs - threaten to unravel everything they’ve worked for.
An adventurous evening leads to renewed intimacy.
Professionally edited and collaborated on by my dearest friend <3 @editing-by-night
Read on AO3.
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Full image on twitter.
Getting to the bedroom was easier now; Ban shrugged off her shirt and rushed for the bed the moment she was inside the room. Her husband followed suit, hands flying across the buttons of his doublet. He didn’t manage to get it all the way off in his rush, crawling up the bed after her, a hand reaching for her waist and pinning her down underneath him.
He stared down at her, hair falling in a slightly unruly mess, eyes raking over her body with an eager, hungry gaze. Ban reached out, grasping the lapels of his doublet, moving to push it off his shoulders.
“Eager, aren’t we, darling?” he teased, but he removed it anyway, tossing it aside before replacing his hands on either side of her body, pressing her into the bed. Hovering over her like this he seemed almost threatening, the slight part of his lips showing off the tips of his fangs, reminiscent of a wildcat, lithe and graceful and dangerous.
“More than eager,” she quipped in response, slightly distracted. Her mind flitted back to Roderich; seeing her father again had brought to light how he still could make her feel inadequate, as if everything she had done these past years without him didn’t matter at all, as if she was that naive girl again, needing his approval and his love.
Astarion seemed to notice the way her thoughts changed; his face softened and a hand cupped her cheek. “If you’d rather chat than play, I’d be amenable to that,” he murmured. “I’m quite certain there are a fair amount of… thoughts on your mind, given what just occurred.”
“You’re not wrong,” she admitted. “But it can wait.”
Astarion finally leaned down to kiss her, warm lips pressing against her own, his tongue slipping in to tangle with hers. The soft puffs of his breath felt nice, its heat ghosting over her face like a caress, derailing most of her thoughts.
A soft sigh, and she kissed him back, her own arms wrapping around him to pull him down to her. As she did, she felt the rough bumps of the scars on his back; he made no indication he was bothered by her touching them, too busy settling on his elbows to get closer to her.
Ban’s mind wandered a little at that, at these reminders of her husband’s previous life. He was worthy of more than she currently gave, deserved a love that would cherish and trust him as he has worked so hard to do for her. Knowing this, however, did not make it easy, and she moved a hand to grip his hair, tugging his silver curls with just the right amount of tension.
In time, she promised herself. Telling him of her past was the first step of many; Ban knew opening herself up fully required much more.
Astarion broke the kiss, eyes refocusing on her face. He looked a little dazed; she wasn’t sure if it was the kiss or the hand fisted in his hair, but he was gorgeous like this. He blinked twice, scanning her features, seemingly sensing very little of her inner turmoil. As he’d gotten better at reading her she’d also gotten better at hiding her deeper emotions - probably not too well, she figured, knowing he still sensed something’s being obscured, but enough that he wasn’t certain, and enough that he didn’t try to pry.
In her musing, she missed the fact that he’d seen and he knows, that he was just playing along with her wishes, his heart yet again taking the hit to keep her blissfully unaware. She missed that he knew she didn’t quite trust him the way he did her, that his hold on her heart was incomplete and slippery, that he knew she was aware of what he needed and yet could not - would not - give it, except for small crumbs that he had to fight for. Missed that he was exhausted, hurting, and always holding back the urge to lash out because he couldn’t bear to do that to her again, didn’t want to ever let that side out again, not when it came to her.
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Ban loosened the fist gripping Astarion’s hair, pushing back the stray strands falling across his face. He smiled, an achingly beautiful thing, and leaned back down to press more kisses against her neck.
“I’d rather do this. We… we can talk another time,” she managed, hoping he’d accept. She felt him stiffen for a heartbeat, and then he nodded, lips continuing their path along her collarbone.
“So… you mentioned sucking my cock, did you not?” He pressed his body flush against hers, grinding his hips playfully; Ban noticed he still kept his face hidden away, tucked against her neck, and frowned
“I did, yes, although… are you alright?” she asked, a hand absently slipping under his trousers to cup his ass. This only seemed to encourage the delicious grinding; he sped up, small pants escaping his parted lips.
For a moment the only sound he made was his breathing as he seemingly considered his answer. “Mostly,” he admitted, “but it needn’t be a concern at this moment.” Lifting himself slightly off her, he shifted his weight onto one elbow, reaching down to slowly unto the laces of his trousers.
“I… I am trying,” she muttered, a little hesitantly. It wasn’t easy, she wanted to tell him. He’d always been a contradictory thing to her: a source of comfort, yes, but also the cause of so much pain; their months of being in that horrible parody of a relationship had tarnished her trust in him. Her avoidant and rather aloof nature was a learned habit, mostly from her family but also from him - one she was trying to undo, but was still struggling with.
She didn’t want to tell him that his recent stunt with the mirror hadn’t helped matters, either. Forgiving him was one thing - trusting him wholly was another.
A grunt answered her as he finally gave up on the one-handed attempt to undress; he rolled away to quickly remove the rest of his clothing by the side of the bed. As he did his eyes met hers, and for once he didn't hide, allowing the walls to lower briefly.
“It hasn’t escaped my notice, Ban,” he replied, “and I can wait. But I, too, would rather do this.” His voice was quiet, all playfulness gone for the moment; he stepped out of his trousers, looking down as his cock bobbed, not quite hard anymore but most of the way there. Long, elegant fingers wrapped around the length and he stroked himself languidly.
When he looked up again it was with wide doe eyes, a look which he used to devastating effect when he wished to, but this time there was no hint of guile in it. He half-smiled at her, one side of his mouth curling upwards. “I suppose I can endure anything, as long as you still love me.”
Torn, she only managed a choked garble of words, then cleared her throat. “Astarion, gods. Of course I do. My love for you has never changed.” She was a little worried about that but pushed it aside for now; they’d both agreed the conversation could come after.
Astarion looked at her pensively, her words seemingly mollifying him. He clambered back onto the bed, settling in front of her crossed legs, his half-smile growing into a full smirk as he slipped back into their little game. “Since you’ve been so kind as to let me take charge, love, I want you to do as I say. Lay back and spread your legs. I want to see you.”
Surprised, she did as he asked, propping herself on the pillows and leaning back. The moment she spread her legs he laid on his stomach, sliding between them. The sight was mouthwatering, and, well… some other parts, too.
He paused, tilting his head towards her inner thigh, running a hand over the smooth, unmarked skin. Muscles twitched expectantly under his touch, and Ban shifted nervously. “Astarion,” she began. “We haven’t done this in a while. Just be…” she trailed off, not wanting him to realize the extent of the anxiety she still felt.
Astarion nodded, solemn. “I shan’t push too far; and should you feel the need, you have only to say the word.” One last look to confirm they were both alright and ready, then he pressed a soft kiss on the spot his hand was kneading, lips pressing gently and then slowly transitioning into slow suction. Half-lidded eyes looked up at her as he did; Ban fought the urge to tell him to suck somewhere else, but she didn’t stop her hips from jerking, thrusting towards his head.
He laughed darkly, a hand reaching up to pinch a nipple. He was rewarded with a low gasp and tutted disapprovingly when she tried to tilt her hips towards his face again. “Patience. You do know what happens when you misbehave.”
“I am not mis-” the rest of her words were swallowed up in a whine as he bit into the meat of her thigh, a firm nip that drew some blood. He didn’t waste it, latching on and suckling, drinking what little flowed. The other hand lingered on her nipple for a bit, then slid down, grasping her waist. The large, warm palm pressed against Ban’s skin made her squirm, wanting that heat and that mouth on her aching core.
“You said something, my sweet?” Astarion teased, licking up the last of the blood. His tongue traced one last, long stripe then drifted up to mouth at the seam of her inner thigh; hand following alongside. Ban groaned, the heat almost too much, too close and yet still so far away.
“Astarion, gods,” Ban hissed. She knew what he wanted, for her to succumb and plead and show some vulnerability for once. When they’d done this in the Shadow-Cursed lands, when he’d used his fingers and tongue and words to drive her wild it was much easier; a lot of that had been lost after the rite. It had still felt good, that had never changed; but the slow degradation of their relationship had tainted it. Now, however, she wanted to give it to him, so very badly - it just didn’t come as naturally as it used to.
Astarion smiled again, this time with a lot less heat, more sincere than anything else. “No gods,” he murmured, “only you and me.”
She couldn’t help but appreciate his effort; getting her to show more vulnerability within the confines of sex might be the best way to ease her into it outside of the bedroom. With the way he’d coaxed her into telling him what she wanted on the throne and again earlier today, she thought he had the right idea; it felt a lot easier to let her walls down when he was between her legs.
The hand not on her thigh spread her open as he leaned in; he blew gently on her, the sheer warmth of his breath sending shivers down her spine. “Tell me what you desire, darling,” he drawled, darling growled out in a lower timbre.
“Why? Will you give it?” She asked, and his eyes flicked over to her face.
“If you ask very, very nicely,” he countered, “perhaps I’ll feel merciful.” He made it a point to hover over where she wanted him most, eyes locked onto hers. Ban shifted, propping herself up on her elbows to get a better view.
“I am not-” she cut off with a strangled gasp as he admonished her with a none-too-gentle flick of his index finger against her clit. The pleasure was electric, coursing through her with a mix of surprise and pain that caught her completely off guard. She sighed, giving in. “Fine. Fine. I need your mouth on me. Please.”
Astarion tilted his head with feigned inquisitiveness, then flicked the tip of his tongue against her clit, keeping her spread open for him, a feast ready for the taking. He licked her entrance in one slow, teasing motion. She bucked her hips in an effort to get more friction, but he kept her firmly pinned against the bed. He’d positioned the arm being used to spread her open so that his elbow pressed down on her thigh, and the fingers of his free hand dug into the other.
“Delicious,” he whispered, eyelids fluttering shut for a moment. “It would taste better, however, were I to hear you beg for it.”
Ban almost started to get mad, considered telling him to knock it off. It wasn’t that she wasn’t enjoying herself, because gods, she was. They hadn’t done this in forever, and the part of her that wanted to supplicate at his feet missed those times and longed to do it again. But the niggling distrust was still there, ugly and sitting on her chest, an ever-demanding presence. She refused to let it gain ground, and shoved it aside.
She took a slow, deep breath, watching him. He’d opened his eyes again, patiently waiting; a small dribble of her blood lingered at the side of his mouth and he absently licked at it. She saw the hesitation behind the playful role he’d assumed, his need to do right by her evident.
“Astarion,” she finally conceded, “please. I need you to lick me, touch me. Love me.”
His eyes brightened at that, and for a second he almost looked shy. “Why of course, darling,” he began; there was a pregnant pause where he considered his next words, which ended with a quick, vehement whisper of “I love you.” Then just as fast he slid back into his seductive role, eyes shuttering.
With that, he finally gave in, shifting so that his elbows supported him as he leaned forward to press his lips where she desired them. Fingers held her lips open, his tongue laving long, wet licks against her entrance. Her hands sought something to grab, settling on a pillow behind her.
“Astarion-” she called out, but he was too lost in his task to pay attention; she could feel his warm lips wrapping around her clit, mouthing and suckling gently. A moan escaped her and she reached out with one hand, grasping the curls falling over his forehead, trying to catch his attention.
He looked up, his pupils so dilated the crimson of his eyes was reduced to a thin line, but his mouth didn't stop moving. He gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head, a quick move that said don’t tell me to stop, I’m enjoying this, and he closed his eyes again. As if to emphasize his point his tongue began flicking against her too; the suction combined with the brush of his tongue eliminated all other thoughts in her head.
“Thank you,” she gasped out, and Astarion paused once more, this time with brows furrowed in confusion. Do better, Ban, she berated herself. Sighing again, she forced the next words out.
“This… is helpful. Just… thank you.” It’s not enough, and she resolved to say more later. She felt a rush of affection when she saw his eyes crinkle up in a small smile; that alone made it easier. She’d do better. For him.
For now, she let herself get lost in the feeling of his tongue swirling around her clit, in the cool silk cradling her bare body, the strain of having her legs pushed apart, in the- oh, the glorious feel of him slipping a finger in - in the pleasure of it all. Astarion’s attentiveness to her body and her needs and wants was so obvious, so reverent. He’d learned it all from their time together, and he adores her, so damned much, and she was determined to give it back in kind-
He didn’t breathe, didn't pause, fingers and mouth working, the other hand deftly lifting one leg over his shoulder, allowing him better access. Ban leaned forward, trying to see and mostly failing; he was too deeply buried in her cunt to even catch a glimpse of anything other than a mess of white curls and closed eyes. She could hear him moan amongst the obscene sounds of his fingers and tongue, his cheek resting against the thigh hitched over him.
“Astarion,” she whimpered, feeling him slip a second finger in and start pumping harder; the groan that escaped her was completely involuntary. She gripped the pillow tighter, covering her mouth to stifle her cries, the silk encasing it luxurious against her face. Her hips bucked wantonly, rolling without much thought, seeking more of Astarion, as if it were possible. She wanted, needed the wet heat of his tongue, those fingers slamming against her spot, could feel her climax building, faster and harder and closer and please-
Astarion stilled abruptly, pulling away with a smug look; its effect a little dampened by how devastatingly aroused he looked, as though he was mere seconds away from losing control and ravaging her. He drew in a breath to speak. “You do look cute when you’re all needy like this,” he purred, licking his lips; his entire mouth and chin were drenched and Ban fought the urge to tug him close and taste herself on him. “I do feel that I need… a little more incentive to finish you off, however.”
“Incentive,” she breathed, peering over the pillow she’d now brought in front of her. She was about to protest when he pushed his fingers in again, drawing out a loud, desperate “gods!” from her.
“Don’t cover your mouth, darling; I do so like hearing you.” He snatched the pillow in one move, throwing it aside. “Now, tell me how badly you want me, Ban, and I’ll let you come.” The fingers inside her still moved, albeit slowly, dragging out the pleasure, keeping her in place - captive to the near-overwhelming need to come and the knowledge that only his mouth would suffice.
Ban scowled a little, but it was weak; she exhaled. “You know how much I want you.” Those words were punished by another nip on her thigh and a low growl.
“Say it.”
That voice demanded to be obeyed but she could still see the hidden plea behind it, subtle as it was. “Astarion.” Ban fisted her hand in the sheets, preparing for what he was about to do. “I love you. Only ever you. Now… please. I’m begging you. Please let me come.”
It wasn’t so hard to say, she found; the desperate need in her overriding her stubborn pride. He smiled, a devilishly toothy one that sharpened his features, wordlessly diving back between her legs. His hand reached up, guiding her fingers to her clit, a wordless instruction she obeyed without hesitation.
Astarion lapped at her, tongue swirling - the sensation was absolutely decadent - slipping two fingers inside her and fucking her as she rubbed her clit. Hot, deliberate breaths warmed her skin and made both her desire and her wetness pool - for once she was glad he no longer ran cold. The throaty moans he made as he generously laved her with his tongue, his attention, all of it… it was almost enough to push her over the edge.
Her back arched, mind wandering to when they’d first met, and how she’d longed to know how his mouth would feel on her clit, how his tongue would feel, from that very first day. He’d always been like a waking dream to her - at times a nightmare - but still always the object of her desire, of her love. That she could have this now, every single day if she wanted, that she need only ask and he would gladly dive between her legs and worship her exactly where she wanted it and make her come again and again with unrelenting dedication if she demanded it... The joy of it was overwhelming.
Those long fingers moved deep inside her, teasing out her pleasure bit by bit, each pass making her thighs tremble. The warmth of that talented tongue sliding around her entrance, then flicking up to lick at the underside of her clit while her fingers rubbed as well was glorious and beautiful and he is hers forevermore and he loves her so, so much and sometimes he still alarms her but-
No. Not here, not now. She pushed that thought aside, bringing her mind back into the moment. She focused first on the heat of his breaths, the delightful stretching when he inserted a third finger and thrusted, then on the delicate slide of her own fingers, speeding up now that she was almost at the edge. Her world narrowed down to the wonderful push-pull of his fingers and the rapidly blossoming fire in her belly and his needy growls and his tongue caressing her most intimate spots, the vibration and the stretching and the thrusting and the licking and the rubbing and the heat just godsdamned perfect-
She screamed, biting down on her hand in a feeble attempt to stifle her cry. Astarion only powered on, fingers thrusting fast, tongue lapping at every last inch of her like a man starved. He let her ride his face through her orgasm, moaning as her hips thrusted to press against him, thighs squeezing his head between them, his other hand digging into her twitching leg. When she finally came down from her high, he gave her clit one last, hard, suck. She squirmed, planting a foot on his shoulder, gently trying to push him off.
He finally pulled away, smiling softly as he sat up and wiped the evidence of her pleasure from his face, licking the fingers that had just been inside her. There was a small dot of moisture on the silk sheet where his precum had soaked in. He was hard, had probably been grinding into the bed this entire time, Ban realized, and that mental image made her mouth water.
“I wouldn’t mind doing that every day, darling,” he purred. Having you come all over my face is divine.”
“I think you definitely enjoyed yourself,” she quipped, nodding at his erection. Astarion looked down at himself, as though he’d just noticed he was hard. He placed a finger on the tip, pulling it away to reveal a trailing string of precum. A wry grin crossed his face.
“Well, now that it’s my turn… I want to see those pretty little lips wrapped around my cock.”
Ban swallowed. Gods. She’d definitely missed this.
“Ban.” Astarion raised an eyebrow, stern. “I need a resounding yes before we proceed.”
She found her mouth opening before her brain could catch up. “Gods, love. Yes.”
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Astarion left the bed, sauntering to the wall facing the half-closed windows. The gardens lay below, a rather fetching sight normally; he completely ignored it, his eyes only for Ban. He watched her approach as he leaned back a little to lounge against the wall, crossing his arms and giving her an insolent smirk. He shifted so that he was comfortable, spreading his legs slightly.
“Kneel.” The command was firm and brooked no argument.
She did so without a word, eyes locked onto his. Salivating at the view, her fingers reached up to trace his hipbone delicately, heart racing in eager anticipation.
The sight of her on her knees, that hungry look on her face, for him, sent a thrum of heat through his body.
“Two taps here if you need to stop.” He demonstrated, tapping two of his fingers against the hard planes of his stomach; she nodded, licking her lips. He barely stifled a groan at the surge of anticipation that slammed into him at the sight.
Cool fingers wrapped around his cock, a thumb playfully swiping at the slowly forming liquid at the tip; the sensation made him jerk. He was suddenly painfully aware that he was far closer than he thought, a small huff of frustration slipping out at the realization that all that grinding on the bed as he ate her out may have worked a little too well. He slid a hand into her hair, angling her head slightly.
“Don’t dither; suck,” he snapped, hips shifting closer to her face, fingers tightening in her hair. So far this attempt at being more aggressive had been successful and he did feel elated and relieved; he knew however that this part may potentially be its undoing.
But she didn’t stop, nor did she immediately listen, because of course. Instead she licked a stripe from his balls to the head of his cock, sending a low thrill of arousal through him. He gave a firm tug on her hair in warning before parting his legs a little more, the need quickly overriding his worry. His free hand reached down to grip her shoulder as her fingers stroked his shaft, lips hovering over him. There was a quick kiss to the bottom of his cockhead before she finally took him between her lips; the groan that escaped him was one of desperation.
The hand on her head tightened, grasping the braids as promised; he chuckled a little, amused. She shifted closer to him and he roughly pulled her down onto him, encouraging her to hurry up and oh- the thought dissolved as Ban swallowed the rest of his length down. He gasped quietly, purring out a soft “My sweet, yes.”
He could feel the softness of her mouth and the ridges of her throat as his tip hit the back. She swallowed around him, the undulating motion causing his hips to thrust forwards, the muscles of his stomach flexing. Astarion fixed his gaze on the sight before him, the hand in her hair pushing her head down to grind her lips around his base.
Her answering smile was everything, even if it wasn’t much of a smile with his cock in her mouth, really - more like a crinkling of the eyes than anything else. Her hands gripped his hips as she moved only slightly, teasingly, the motions punctuated by the loud, sloppy sounds he thought she was likely making on purpose; she then moaned, that sound sincere but deliberate.
And gods, if that wasn’t the best sound in the world.
Astarion groaned; hips rolling in time with her mouth, chasing her lips as she pulled away, settling back as she took him back in. A thought flitted through his hazy mind: I’m supposed to be taking charge. He slid his other hand into her hair, applying a bit more force, holding her in place with both hands so she couldn’t pull back at all. He thrusted in and out of her mouth, fucking her with increasing abandon. There were no words, just the loud, debauched sounds of their union and his increasingly loud moans. He pulled most of the way out, admiring the glistening of her saliva all over his cock, the dazed, lust-filled gaze she leveled at him, pupils blown wide and her lips still parted, just for him. He brought his hips forward in one long motion, sinking himself down her throat, watching her eyes close as she moaned. Astarion felt her hands grip his ass as he fucked her mouth, nails digging into his flesh in that glorious mix of pleasure and pain.
There she was, his beautiful love, mouth ready and willing for him, her perfect, petite breasts swaying with his every thrust, unbreathing so he needn’t stop taking his pleasure. Magnificent.
He was close, teetering on the precipice of his peak; the feeling of complete abandon, of her soft, wet mouth, of her trust so intoxicating he knew holding back would soon be impossible. He couldn’t help himself, pushing her down even further, a silent demand for more; not that he was being quiet at all, the whimpers and gasps and groans that escaped him now wanton and needy.
Her eyes locked onto his and she inched closer between his legs to allow him even deeper, angling to take more of him, her throat tightening and her tongue swiping across his length. Astarion squeezed his eyes shut, his toes curling as his hips stuttered, losing their rhythm. He repositioned one leg, angling his hips to thrust harder and deeper, wanting every single inch of him down her throat when he came. Close, so damn close but he tried to hold on just a little more-
“Swallow,” he growled out. “All of it.” His eyes flicked open, blown-out and hazy with lust, wanting to see.
She met his eyes, her own still glassy and lust-ridden, one hand drifting down to massage his balls. That pushed him over the edge; Astarion felt his orgasm slam into him, his cock pulsing in her mouth. He shuddered hard, his back arching against the wall, head thrown back, crying out as his climax overwhelmed him. She swallowed down all he had to give, and he could feel everything - his come hot as it hit her cooler flesh, her mouth and throat clenching around him as she swallowed, her tongue curling around the underside of his cock as it spasmed over and over again, so much come that he wondered if it would ever stop. He shivered as the sensations slowly faded, fingers trembling as he sank more of his weight against the wall and released his grip on her hair.
Ban sucked her way back up his length, the flat of her tongue lapping the last of his spend from his tip, teasing out one last agonized whine from him as it briefly became too much. He breathed hard, eyes fixed on her, not quite sure what to say. A quip about fucking her mouth would have seemed appropriate, but was quickly discarded. We’re not quite there yet. Instead he caressed her hair gently, realizing exactly what she wanted to hear. “Good girl.”
She looked up at him, smug and satisfied, glowing from the praise. His body moved before his mind could register it, pulling her up in an embrace.
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Ban burrowed into the crook of his neck, feeling his ragged breathing begin to slow as he recovered. The body pressed against her own was slick with sweat, his heart still racing. She lifted her head to press a kiss on his cheek.
“Come here,” she said, tugging his arm and leading him back to their bed. He followed her, body so loose as to seem boneless. As they settled in he immediately wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, as if unwilling to be parted for even a moment. She found this wonderfully amusing and extremely endearing, her own hands running through his sweat-damp curls, causing some to fall over his closed eyes.
In this moment there was little room for anything other than him, her Astarion, who’d suffered so much and who she’d almost lost - who’d clawed his way back inch by painful inch. For her.
She reflected on how far he’d come, from completely closed off, to guarded, to slowly letting his walls down, to beautiful nights spent in each other’s arms under the stars. Even the hurdle of his ascension had not completely ruined their love - he’d fought his way back from the brink for her, from the icy callousness he’d been swallowed by after the rite to this, willingly soft and pliant and resting in her arms.
“I love you,” Ban murmured.
She watched him open his eyes, the crimson orbs impossibly tender. He exhaled once, a smile coming alive on his beautiful face.
“I love you too.” He murmured quietly.
His eyes scanned her face, as if worried. She quickly tried to reassure him.
“I very much enjoyed it,” her voice was emphatic. “Every single second of it. I did miss it. I missed you.”
The anxiety in his eyes receded, his brows untangling and his smile widening.
“That’s wonderful to know,” he brushed the hair from his forehead as he spoke. “I admit I found myself worrying, at moments-”
“I would have let you know.” she promised, wanting to end that train of thought. Still, she sensed some discomfort. “Is there something you need, love?”
Astarion nodded. He looked away, thoughts drifting back on the earlier conversation, hands tightening on her muscled limbs. “There need not be anything more, for now.” The stabbing feeling in his chest told him it wasn’t quite fine, but he wanted to try to make it so.
She shook her head, face buried where his heart felt like it was bleeding out. “Astarion, I… I am trying, as I said. It’s just that earlier… was a bit of a setback for me.”
A soft sigh escaped him as the realization hit. Of course. It probably also didn’t help that her father was so much like him, an unfortunate fact that ate at him, but that he felt powerless to fix. Her words helped, of course, but still.
“Thank you, though,” she added, and his head whipped down to look at her in surprise. She smiled, a painfully shy thing. “Your idea - making me tell you what I want, you being rougher and more aggressive - it helps a lot.”
There was comfort there, at least.
“I am grateful,” Astarion managed. “As for everything else…” he trails off.
“I am sorry,” she offered. “I swear I will get there. I just need-”
“Time.” He knew he shouldn’t resent her for it, for problems partially caused by him, but he did all the same.
He resented how easy she had it, that she could just choose whether to open herself up to him or not, without consequence; that she still didn’t trust him fully. Yes, he’d made mistakes, but hadn’t he been behaving, giving her everything she needed and demanded, forcing himself open at her whim? And was that truly the key to her heart - acting like an obedient pup? Did she enjoy that he couldn’t leave her or even be mad at her, not that he ever wanted to - no, of course not!
It just hurt, a dull ache with every heartbeat.
As painful as it was, however, Astarion brushed these wounds away once more. He did see her trying, saw her opening up like a flower blooming in springtime; it was simply that he wished it were faster, that he could bask in its beauty sooner.
For her to trust him he had to trust her in turn, to have faith in her love for him. That, he felt, was a far easier goal than making her open up - it was something he had already been doing, after all, entrusting her with his heart.
He merely hoped she wouldn't keep crushing it in her hands forever.
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If you would like to see more of these two and their story, consider reading my other entries in the series "If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there."
I am happy to announce that 'Whither is thy beloved gone?' is getting professionally edited as well. I shall keep everyone abreast of when these changes go live. Thank you!
Taglist: @tavamarie @ayselluna @enterthedreams @coltaire @qiific3 @misscrissfemmefatale @vixstarria @eatyourheartoutmylove @linllewellyn @battisonsgf @micropoe10 @thegoodwitchs-blog @akirahime @velcyrptr @i-cant-get-into-my-other-account @babblebrain-blog @asterordinary @last-but-not-the-least @artist4theworld @gracemisconduct @decedentcoffeewizard @rootin-tootin-n-kind @pursuitseternal @youngtacobanana @krispeenuggiez @girlygmer-blog @cheezits4lyfe @vinegarjello @the0ldmann @wisteriaofthegraves @midnight-musings-of-nyx @toni-winchester @icybluepenguin @beepersteeper @hereliesblackdragon @generalstephkenobi
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aquagirl1978 · 7 months
Uuummm hi , 👋😊. I was wondering if U make like stories on ikemen prince . If u do , can u pls pls pls pls make one on Gilbert being a father🤞🤞.I NEED IT 😩😫 plssssss . Ofc you are not force to . TYsm ❤️👑💋
Thank you @alfonssylvaticasbitch for this very lovely ask - as his route is releasing in EN in just a few hours, I thought it would be fitting to post this today.
Anti-Hero - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N #1: This is now the third Gilbert as a dad fic I've written and also the third fic I've titled after a Taylor Swift song (I promise I am not a Swiftie!) - make of this what you will.
A/N #2: Happy Route Release Day Gilbert - congratulations, now all your secrets will soon be known.
Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader
Prompt: Gilbert as a dad
Word Count: 680
Tags: fluff, no spoilers (other than an appearance by Walter who is just "some guy" in this fic), Gilbert has a daughter
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“Here,” the little girl said, placing a toy dragon into Roderich’s hands, “you get to be the dragon today.”
The man wearing a dark hood covering his face stared down at the toy. “Why am I always the dragon?” he muttered.
“Would you rather be the troll?” Walter asked, eyeing the very ugly toy in his hand. “Just go along with it, you don’t want to make him angry.”
Roderich turned his head to see Gilbert seated on a large stone, his little rabbit not far from him. 
“Why isn’t he ever the dragon?” Roderich mumbled under his breath. He turned his attention back to the game at hand and moved his dragon to the entrance of the play-castle. 
He made loud roaring sounds; the little girl smiled and shrieked, happy to see her friend play along.
“Papa, Papa ! Help me!!!!” she called out frantically. Her arms flailing, she flopped over onto her side, the doll in her hand falling from her fingers. “The dragon…” she gasped, “is coming to get me!”
“Rawr!” Roderich shouted as he moved the dragon closer to the little girl’s doll. He watched as she clutched her heart, sighing dramatically – something her father had done on more than one occasion.
“Papa!” she cried breathlessly. “I need you,” she gasped, “I need my hero to save me!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at your daughter’s theatrics – while she inherited your hair and eyes, she inherited her melodramatics from Gilbert.
“Go,” you urged, “she needs you.”
Gilbert looked at his daughter and then back at you. “I’m not a hero,” he said. “Anti-hero, maybe. But I’m the villain…”
His voice trailed off as his focus turned to his daughter. Sprawled out on the floor, she lay still as the mean and scary dragon approached the princess. 
You tugged gently on Gilbert’s sleeve, his gaze returning to you. “In her eyes, you are her papa. A great and wonderful man who adores her. In her world, she only knows the good you have done.”
“I have done bad things. Terrible things.” He tilted his head, sadness washing over his face. “And I might do them again.”
“You won't," you replied softly, to which Gilbert huffed a puff of air.
“And you, little rabbit, how do you see me?”
“I see a man with a good heart who loves his family and his country.”
His expression softened, the way he looked at you was so gentle; he couldn't argue with you – there was not a lie in your voice. His rose-red eye wavered as he pulled you into an embrace, his arms circling your waist, squeezing you so tight.
“I wouldn’t survive without you,” he whispered into a kiss placed upon the crown of your hair.
You pressed your cheek into the dark fabric covering his chest, humming your acknowledgment. 
“That’s why I’ll never let you leave my side.”
You pulled away, needing to look into his eye when you spoke. “I wouldn't want it any other way.”
He pressed his lips against yours in a rare sign of affection in front of others. Cool against warmth, it was over before it could go any further.
You ran your palms slowly down his arms, your hands slipping into his. “Now go, be her hero.” You let go of his hands, and watched him walk away.
He took a seat on the ground next to his daughter; once she was calmed, Gilbert turned to you. He held out his hands, his fingers curving into a heart as he smiled at you.
Your heart filled with warmth as Gilbert picked up the toy knight and played the part of the hero, slaying the mean dragon and saving the princess. Nothing could have made you happier than when you saw the smile on your daughter’s face.
“Thank you for saving me, papa,” she squealed as he lifted her in the air. “I love you!”
“I love you, too,” you whispered, giving your husband and child a moment together, their laughter so loud and infectious you couldn't help but join in their joy.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381 @judejazza @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @portrait-ninja @sh0jun
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Hetalia Clothing Headcanons
Germany: On a daily basis, Ludwig will wear sensible, comfortable clothes. There is this stereotype of Germans that they wear a lot of sports clothes, but not gym clothes, more like hiking. By the way, I know a lot of Germans, and the amount of North Face and Jack Wolfskin in their wardrobes is disturbing. Anyway, it makes sense since Germany has three dogs that require long walks. In the office, he likes to keep it simple: a black or dark navy suit, a white shirt, and a tie. But let's not forget that he has a hot Italian boyfriend with a great sense of fashion. Said boyfriend made sure that Ludwig's wardrobe contains well-cut designer suits, a few tight t-shirts, and jeans that do the job. Not that Ludwig wears those things often, but he does indulge Feli from time to time.
Prussia: Gilbert keeps up with trends, maybe not in the sense of wearing all fashionable clothes, but he checks what is popular—and no, he won't admit it to anyone. (Francis knows; I mean, he caught Gil with Vouge Magazine once or twice.) He would rather choose something I would call street fashion mixed with a bit of punk—you know, black, leather, band t-shirts, heavy boots. It sarted as a protest statement during Eastern Germany, but he kind of liked this style, so it stuck. He even tried to get a tatoo. I have this headcanon that tats won't last on a nation; they tend to heal and disappear, so this happened to Gill too. When he is helping Lutz with something official or has a date with Roderich, he knows how to make himself presentable and can be dashing. Secretly, he misses all those elaborate Prussian military uniforms. 
Austria: Roderich likes to play with fashion. He is not as conservative as many think; he just likes to look classy, so street fashion is out of the question. But boy, he can be flamboyant. He has a suit, smoking, or tuxedo for every occasion. All are custom-made. His collection of handkerchiefs for the breast pocket is alarming. He also likes nice coats for every weather and accessories like belts, watches, jewellery, and glasses. He makes exceptions from his usual style only if he is skiing, which he likes a lot but does very rarely. Recently, Gilbert has been making him go on hikes, which required Roderich to acquire a few sports items—still all in maching colours; buying those was a nightmare for Gilbert mostly. 
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—gilbert spoilers, be aware—
Emma: Gil, I've noticed there's very little seafood in Obsidian.
Gilbert: (sets his research away) That's correct. What little we have comes from our lakes, and it's still too much of a hassle for us to consider importing. (He pats his lap)
Emma: (sets the giant tray of cookies down on his desk before plopping onto his lap) So people here have never had calamari?
Gilbert: (wraps his arms around her waist) Mmm, I'm sure people in certain circles have. I think they served it once during a ball in my youth. (He opens his mouth as Emma begins feeding him)
Emma: (pauses) Ah. I'm guessing those particular circles are... no longer around?
Gilbert: (smiles meaningfully) You catch on quick. (He pecks the cookie out of her hand and speaks while chewing.) Our aquaculture industry is far better than it was five or six years ago. Actually, I've thought about engineering our own species of squid.
Emma: Uh... what? Engineering? (She uses her fingertip to dab away some crumbs on his lip)
Gilbert: (watches her delightedly knowing that she's expecting him to bite any moment now) Hehe, indeed. I'm sure you've noticed while cooking here that not everything we grow is native to Obsidian.
Emma: (still on guard as she withdraws her finger without incident) Well, breeding and cultivating is one thing, but you said engineering. Like making something from scratch. Making meat, erm, I guess seafood. In a lab. Gil, I've never heard of anyone doing something like that outside of horror novels.
Gilbert: Little Rabbit. (He places a cool hand on her head and gives it a single pat) What's more horrible to you? Creating food or being without it?
Emma: (stares at him because he's clearly oversimplifying things)
Gilbert: (stares back with a pleasant smile, sunny as can be)
Emma: ...
Gilbert: ...
Emma: ......
Gilbert: ......
Emma: (epiphany)
Gilbert: (widens his smile, showing teeth)
Emma: So all the beef, the pork... The meat I've been baking into your cookies... (stares at the cookie in her hand as Gilbert's shadow covers her entire arm)
Gilbert: Hehe, not all of it, of course. But a country like Obsidian could hardly have come back from a famine as quickly as we did without some help.
Emma: (looks at Gilbert with a mixture of fear and awe; tries to only feel the awe)
Gilbert: (bittersweet pout) There's a certain principle that says that anything that can go wrong will go wrong at some point. You could call it the burden of the scientist. Knowing the worst-case scenario is only one mishap away, but also knowing that you can save ten-thousand people today. Oh—but as the evil villain, I've always pushed boundaries to satisfy my own curiosity.
Emma: (remembers what Roderich once said to her)
Gilbert: Ahaha, whaaat?
Emma: (looks him in the eye sincerely) I hate lies, you know.
Gilbert: ...!
Emma: (heaves a long sigh and then suddenly pushes a cookie into Gilbert's mouth) Despite what you say, I don't think you've ever really stopped to appreciate everything you're capable of, and everything, all the good that you've done.
Gilbert: (tries to speak but Emma silences him by partially covering his mouth with hers for a split second)
Emma: (pulls away with half the cookie in her mouth and a sad smile) The meat here in Obsidian is the best I've ever had. What hurts me is that I might have gone on without ever knowing just how thoroughly you've tread over every facet of my day-to-day life. Not just my life, but everyone's.
Emma: (chews cutely as she rests her head on his shoulder) What's horrible to me is not knowing how radiant you are.
a/n: i know jack shit about growing meat in a lab and i was too lazy to google soooo. also i remembered that the meat cookies emma starts making for gil are made using the meat from obsidian military rations, at least initially, ahaha ^^; emma didn't particularly care for the taste of the rations on the occasion(s) when she tried them, sooooo. but let's pretend she made her own jerky from Obsidian Beef to put into the cookies in this fic lol
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unhetalia · 4 months
I'm constantly reconsidering things about this AU, in terms of how it would actually work. One of those things is Arthur. In the post I made, I talked about how he and Ivan carefully extricated themselves from their governments. Thinking about it further, I think having every Nation leave their government post would be counterproductive, and there would need to be Nations who are 'double agents', so to speak. Arthur would be one of them.
He has one of the longest, closest, and most successful relationship with his government. England's intelligence agency is no joke. Arthur remaining is ideal for achieving their goals.
I'd put the Nations into 3 categories - Hidden, Active, and Trapped.
Hidden Nations include Nations like America, Canada and Mexico, who have never had ties with their governments, or Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, who've severed ties.
Active Nations include Nations like England and Germany, who actively maintain connections with their government.
Trapped Nations are Nations who need help escaping their governments. Part of the goal is the to get the T status Nations into H status (which is referred to as changing 'hats').
One thing that's constant in this AU is me making Arthur and Ivan the 'leaders', specifically leaders who actively dislike each other. I definitely develop Ivan and Arthur so that they're suited to the leadership role. In this case, Arthur basically funds the whole thing. He has endless coffers, as an ex-pirate and someone who has access to the crown's private funds (and they have more funds than they publicly share).
However, despite Arthur's skill, he is limited because he's an active member of the government. Ivan doesn't have these limitations. He'd wiped all of his records. No one knows what he looks like, his prints aren't in any database, and he has a lot of experience with military operations. When they need to act on information Arthur's passed on, Ivan is the one who can actually go out and do that.
(There's a lot of internal conflict here for Arthur - he knows they need him to play a role, but as a former pirate, and as someone who has always grabbed life by the balls, so to speak, it's incredibly hard for him to 'pass on' missions to someone else, especially someone he actively dislikes. Plus Arthur often has to miss out on meetings because he has to balance his role as leader with his role in his government.)
Still a lot I have to think about regarding Ivan, Arthur and Alfred. One thing to note is that fact that Arthur and Ivan both have feelings for Alfred, but that this is actually not even in the top 20 reasons why they dislike each other. (For comedic purposes, because I'd still want things to be funny, maybe it's actually something they bond about). Alfred's role is both set in stone and elusive. Hacker/inventor, I wanted Alfred to have a more cerebral role, because that's on of the things I always like to highlight about his character. He's a genius. Still, I wondered if despite his intelligence, he'd take on this role unless there was a reason. I'm still looking for that reason.
One thing I'm really clear on is the relationship between Gilbert and Roderich in this AU.
The first thing: In this AU, Roderich is a wheelchair user as a result of events that occur in World War II.
Gilbert is the one who rescues Roderich. Ludwig becomes aware of what is happening too late. This causes a rift between the brothers, which grows even more when Ludwig decides to maintain ties with the new German government. Ludwig does this because he feels immense guilt for not realising soon enough what was happening, and believes keeping a close eye on their governments is the way to prevent it from happening again. Gilbert has a lot of rage towards all governments, and can't always separate his brother's good intentions with the fact he's 'working with the enemy'.
Gilbert's work is entirely in freeing T Nations and basically fucking shit up as much as he can for governments while he does it. He has a personal vendetta against governments - Roderich believes it's because of World War II and the dissolution of Prussia. Really, it's because of what was done to Roderich during that time. Everyone else knows the truth, and knows how deeply Gilbert loves Roderich.
(I'm of two minds about whether or not these two are in an established relationship. Generally, I always make it so that they've been together for a long time, and are considered a 'success story' for Nations, but I'd also love it if Roderich doesn't realise Gilbert's real reason for hating governments because he doesn't know Gil's feelings.)
Roderich himself became very interested in Nation physiology and biology and became the foremost expert in being able to treat a Nation's injuries.
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samrut · 2 months
PruAus for the ship ask game?
Ship it?
I do. An oldie but a goodie.
What made you ship it?
The "prissy x brute" dynamic they have. Their interactions in canon are always a treat. Gil teases him like a kid who doesn't know how to express his feelings properly, and Rod acts like such a pompous tight-ass. 😂
What are your favorite things about the ship?
They are both arrogant and nerds in their own different ways. Neither express their feelings very efficiently, Roderich is just more grandiloquent. Miscommunication tropes are fun for this ship. Also, I love when Eliz is thrown into the mix.
Didn't Gil cry when he saw Eliz and Rod together in canon? 🤔
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think it's official canon they are related now? Correct me if I am wrong. I don't remember that always being official, but I think Hetalia can be interpreted anyway you want, and that is what makes it fun. They are just fictional characters at the end of the day.
On another note, the concept that they can be biologically related is a bit weird cause, like they are semi-immortal humaniod cryptid dirt parasites that leech off human life force. I guess they could share dirt or life force, but a lot more of them would be related if that were the case.
Hetalia logic is so sound, isn't it? 🤣
Adopted family makes more sense to me, but even then, it's like they live so long and stuff. I don't know. It's weird to compare them to humans sometimes.
They look human but aren't.
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reccyls · 1 year
Current story event, aka Gilbert's jealousy issues part 500:
Emma and Gilbert get locked in a supposedly haunted tower and he is enjoying how Emma looks when she's scared... But Gilbert can tell that what she's thinking is "What if we're locked in forever?" and "What if there really are ghosts?" He's right there with her, him, probably one of the scariest people in the entire continent, and she's not thinking about how scary he is? No can do, he's not about to let some ghosts that don't even exist take up more of Emma's thoughts than he does.
So he does... something (probably revealed in the sweet ending)... that makes her pass out from fright. He does get the tower open (having been able to easily deduce that it was never locked in the first place) and carries her back to the castle, where he is welcomed back by Roderich, who has Opinions about what Gilbert is doing.
Roderich: There's such a concept as "going too far", you know.
Gilbert: But she's so cute when she's terrified.
Roderich, giving Gilbert the most judgmental look he's ever made: .........
(incidentally, part 499 of Gilbert's jealousy issues was the 3rd anni story event, where Emma wants to make friends, so Gilbert gets her a bunch of cats and dogs because he doesn't want her interacting with other people. Then still gets jealous anyway when she pets the animals because they're taking up too much of her attention.)
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aishangotome · 3 months
[Gilbert] Choose Your True Love: Part 2
Part 1
Gilbert: You... might die?
The blood drained from my face at the outrageous announcement made with a refreshing smile.
Emma: W-Why?
Gilbert: Because you've caught the Emperor's eye.
Gilbert: Do you know about him?
Emma: ...I've heard rumors.
Gilbert: Then you should understand. That man's hobby is killing people.
Gilbert: I think they'll be here soon.
Before I could ask "What?", a part of the ceiling suddenly fell down.
Several men fell through the gaping hole.
They were all dressed in simple black clothes, their faces covered with cloth.
In their hands, they held swords with unfamiliar shapes, and they exuded a sharp murderous aura, though not as much as the Emperor.
Emma: I can't believe this, but...
Gilbert: They're the Emperor's personal special assassination squad.
Gilbert: While I was out of the room, they were busy doing some handiwork on the ceiling.
Gilbert: I'm amazed at how much free time they have. They should spend their time on something more useful.
Emma: ...Who are they here to assassinate...?
Gilbert: Us, of course. Who else could it be?
Emma: "Us"?
Gilbert: Heh... They're fast, aren't they? Did he give the order the moment we parted ways?
(...He's insane.)
Gilbert didn't seem surprised by the sudden visitors, and he drew the sword he had been wearing under his mantle.
(He used to carry a sword.)
Gilbert: If you run around like a chicken with its head cut off, you'll really die, so be prepared.
Gilbert: Roderich.
Roderich: I'll take care of it.
Roderich, who seemed to have been waiting in the corner of the room, rushed into the assassination squad with a sword in hand.
This might be the first time I've seen him, Gilbert's close aide, fight so seriously.
(It's like a small war.)
The opponents seemed to be quite skilled, as some of them slipped past Roderich and came towards us.
Gilbert dodged their silent attacks, swung his sword, and blood splattered.
Emma: ...Ah...
The Gilbert I knew used a gun, but he didn't seem to have one now, as he painted the room with blood using only his sword.
Neither Gilbert nor Roderich hesitated to kill.
I was reminded of something I don't usually feel - that we live in different worlds.
(...This is nothing like the Obsidian I know.)
The cruel scene drained the warmth from my body, leaving me cold and frozen.
As I hugged my shivering body, Gilbert suddenly put something over my head.
I realized it was his coat when I smelled the familiar scent of medicine.
Gilbert: I told you not to run, but you don't have to watch.
Gilbert: You'll break.
Only my vision was blocked; my ears and nose were still keenly aware of the battle.
I couldn't bring myself to take off the coat.
How much time had passed since then?
The sounds ceased, and an eerie silence fell over the place.
Finally, I made up my mind and tried to take off the coat, but suddenly my feet left the ground.
Emma: Wah!
Gilbert: Stay put.
(Am I... being carried somewhere?)
Gilbert: Well, that was a disaster.
Finally, my feet touched the floor.
Gilbert took the coat off my head and put it back on himself.
Thanks to his black military uniform, I couldn't see any blood, but he smelled the same as the Emperor.
Emma: ...Are you alright?
Gilbert: Hm?
Emma: Are you hurt...?
Gilbert: Oh, no. They were just inexperienced assassins in training, even if they were a special forces unit.
Gilbert: You can't survive in Obsidian if you can't kill at least that much.
Emma: ...
Gilbert: That look on your face... Was that your first time seeing something like that?
Emma: Yes... I live in Obsidian, but I've never seen an assassin before...
Gilbert: Really?
Emma: Is it... a daily occurrence?
Gilbert: Yeah, it's a daily routine.
Gilbert: It's been happening especially frequently lately.
Gilbert: Maybe the Emperor is holding a grudge against me for voicing my opinion about the Rhodolite invasion the other day.
Gilbert: He loves to chop off the heads of people who oppose him.
(No way...)
It sounded like a joke, but after actually facing the Emperor, I understood.
He's a monster in human skin, and that fact has seeped into my bones in a short amount of time.
(...Come to think of it, Gilbert's mother and brother also opposed the Emperor...)
Gilbert: Heh... You blocked his path too, didn't you?
Gilbert: We're the same. That's why I think you were targeted.
Emma: ...
(I finally understand why Gilbert in the past is always on edge.)
(And also...)
When I looked up at his face from up close, I saw dark circles under his eyes.
It might be difficult for him to even sleep properly right now.
Emma: ...Gilbert--
The moment I reached out my hand, a deathly scream shook the window.
(What now?)
. Part 3 | YouTube SE in JP
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shini--chan · 4 months
Can I have the reader insulting the axis members using ✨historical ✨ facts to make them feel guilty on purpose? Similar to that Prussia ask?
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Oooo this is a nice one. Serving coming right up. This will be excluding S.Italy this time,
Yandere Axis - National Guilt
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"Says the one who locked thousands in concentration camps", you snapped at him. That made Roderich halt, the sandy ground crunching beneath his hiking shoes. 
"Do you really want to discuss the Nationalsocialitsts with me? I'm not the right person for that - go pester Ludwig instead", he shot back, not even deigning to look at you as he said that. The cheek he had, to even resume walking!
You ran after him. At this point, you were just so furious - about his arrogance and self-righteousness, about how he always evaded questions and played other verbal spiels. 
Grabbing the sleeve of his coat, you yanked him back. 
"Don't you realise that I'm talking about you, and things that only you have done? I'm talking about your crimes, your sins that you refuse to repent", you spat at him, your voice becoming louder with each further word. 
This time, he turned to you fully. His hands were trembling with rage and a nasty sneer graced his lips. A bad omen, if anything. 
"Are you one of those that constantly brings up the fact that Hilter was Austrian? If so, I strongly recommend you cease talking about things you don't know. He was the Chancellor of Germany, and died German. The place of birth is trivial in contrast to the morals a person adopts."
"I didn't even have the Holocaust in mind, or the Second World War. Instead, I'm talking about the First World War, and some of the horrible things you did then", you hissed. 
This caused him to frown. While you had gotten better at discerning his masks from his genuine expressions, at the moment you couldn't tell if he was scrunching his eyebrows due to honest confusion, or just as a ploy to throw you off. Eitherway, it wouldn't hurt to remind him what you were implying. 
"What about all those Ukrainians from Galicia you brutally killed in the Thalhofer concentration camp, just because you were afraid that they were working for the Russian Empire?"
As a general rule of thumb, Roderich would seek to avoid confrontation because he views it as boorish and uncultured. However, that doesn't mean he isn't prepared to go head to head to get what he wants, or to defend himself. If anything he can become very nasty and aggressive once a confrontation starts, and doesn't shy away from delivering low-blows, be they verbal or physical.
In total, he tends to be cautious, so once you start he'll do his best to make you shut up or flip the argument around and corner you. Best knock his opponent down before the latter has full wind in their sails. Aside from that, he has counter arguments prepared for the most usual arguments, so it would best to come with a critique he hasn't heard off yet. 
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"Why are you so scared of me?"
The question came suddenly, and broke you out of the uneasy reverie you had fallen into. Reluctantly, you stopped tracing the rain droplets racing down the car window and turned to watch Ludwig. 
Despite being the driver, he had turned his head to look at you. Generally, you had become used to the fact that he was a very irresponsible driver and no longer took offense at it. Perhaps one day he'd crash and then could run away. 
"Why on earth should I be scared of you?", you murmured. The sun is just a red line on the horizon and after the long day behind you, you are so tired. You don't want to have a row, but Ludwig has a special talent to get on your nerves. 
It is a difficult topic that he has broached as well, thus you have even less motivation to address it as it is. Would short answers make him eventually leave you be?
"Don't take me for stupid, I can see how uneasy you are around me. While I might be lacking in social skills, even a blind fool would notice how you stumble over words or shy away from looking me in the eye when we talk", he reprimanded you. In a rare show of anger, he flexed his hands holding the steering wheel.
"Are you scared of me because of what I did in the past?"
At that statement you had to laugh. Ludwig could be hilarious without intending to be, with how he suffocated himself with guilt and drowned himself in attempts of humility. Your laughter made his eyebrow twitch. 
"To correct you - I detest you, in regard to the past, based on all the times you turned a blind eye when you could have helped and made a difference. Like when you sent escapees back to that cult in the Andes", you retorted. "They were your own citizens, yet you sent them back to the hell that was Colonia Digndad."
The irony here is that the guilt that Ludwig stews in everyday can make it harder to reach him. The reason for this is that his internal monologue is at times harsher than anything you could say to him. As such, he would either brush your arguments off due to them being milder than the ones he knows. Or he'll take to heart, and try to make it up to you. Though that wouldn't automatically mean he'll release you. Or he'll repent for his sins in church or through community service. 
Of course, there is the chance that he'd break down if you continue attacking him and forcing him to confront his past mistakes. However, him breaking might not lead to the best outcome - you could cut yourself on the shards. Ludwig snapping could manifest as him locking you away, or even killing you.
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Feliciano had a sour expression on his face, which was surprising, especially since the two of you were in public. Granted, he had booked a table on the indoor balcony of the restaurant - a private setting in a public place. Nevertheless, even this would usually be too public for him to discard his carefully crafted masks. 
“You are simply too simple-minded to understand that things were different back then. Do you think that you would have been better if you had lived back then”, he countered, in an uncharacterized serious manner. If anything, this whole conversation had been out of the ordinary. 
Over time, you had learned that one Feliciano Vargas had many sides to him - playful, prideful; sometimes self.righteous but always very sly. 
You set down your desert spoon with more force than necessary. “My point is that you haven’t changed since then. You are still a snake that speaks with a forked tongue. At the end of the day, you care more about your wallet than anything else. Despite everything that has happened, you are still a city-state at heart that hasn’t grown out of his barbaric way, and not a nation that is worth taking seriously.”
Perfectly plucked eyebrows shot upwards in surprise. You would have been fooled if you hadn’t been acquainted with him so well, you would have missed the way of how the muscles around his mouth tightened. That was when you knew that you could count yourself lucky that you were in public. 
“And yet, here I stand, while others have fallen.”
“Why that, other than that you’re a treacherous weasel?”
Arguing with Italy might make him more serious and the two of you could end up having a serious conversation. What would happen, if that you would end up talking in circles, with him employing so many verbal traps and stalling tactics that you’ll end up either getting a headache or tearing your hair out. If you really want to trip him up, then you would need a third party pitching in, or get him inebriated and sad.  
Interesting enough, this would be one of the “misbehaviours” that you’d be punished for - he doesn’t need you thinking that you can paint him as a criminal or colonialist. He’s taken so many steps to steep his previous misdemeanours under the rug; he doesn’t need you dragging skeletons out of the closet.
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“Please go make some tea. You apparently don’t have enough to do”, he mumbled, without even looking up from his book. It honestly made you feel very pathetic, this whole situation made you feel very pathetic. You weren’t even having a fight, it felt more like you were a lunatic that was screaming at the wall. 
“Oh, so now I’m some servant to you. Bet it was like that during the Second World War for you too - just kidnap some locals and force them to work in your manor”, you hissed, and didn’t make a move to go to the kitchen. 
In some ways, you even wished for him to shout at you in turn - it would have made you feel less childish. As it was, you had started hurtling insults and arguments at him for the last half hour, and the only way he acknowledged you was through non-committal replies and half-hearted answers. 
“I was too busy in the military at the time to have a manor. Now hop along.”
To him, the way to win the game would be not to play in the first place. So he would simply not participate in the conversation and let you shout and rant at him until you are blue in the face and tire from your self-appointed mission. Should you strike a weak spot, then he would make you leave or he would dismiss you and leave the room. 
It is not that he wouldn’t feel pain or anger from your words - it is just that he would elect to remain stoic and let you think that nothing you say can really get him. You don’t teach your opponent how to wage war, so he would go to great lengths to conceal such weaknesses from you.
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sailorgreywolf-german · 9 months
A little oneshot at the Congress of Vienna, featuring both PolAus and SpaAus Roderich is a little bit of an indecisive tart
Austria felt someone coming up behind him and turned his head. He recognized Poland immediately. He slowed his step to let the man catch up to him.
He had suspected that Poland wanted to speak to him all through the preceding mass. The man had sat next to him and had caught his eye repeatedly during the quiet moments. He was far too pious to speak to him during mass, but Austria had understood their meaning.
Poland caught up with him and easily slipped his arm into the crook of Austria’s arm. He spoke casually, but Austria could hear an edge of urgency in his voice, “Dearest Roderich, do you have a moment to speak with me?”
Austria noted that he was speaking German, which was odd. He had stopped speaking it entirely since the partitions to anger Prussia by forcing him to speak Polish. He must be preparing to ask for quite the favor.
Austria was not so naïve as to imagine that it was only friendly interest. He was aware that Poland had been allied with Napoleon and France in the hope of being returned to the map. That meant that he was on the wrong side of the negotiating table. He would need a friend if he hoped to survive the Congress. Self-interest was surely his reason for seeking a meeting.
Yet, Austria enjoyed the touch on his arm. It reminded him of the warm nights that they had spent together in a newly liberated Vienna. He replied, “Of course. You didn’t have to wait until mass to ask.”
He felt Poland’s hold on him tighten ever so slightly as he answered, “I need to know that Gilbert isn’t listening. I know he is not here, since I am sure that God’s light burns him like the demon he is.”
He sounded like the words were rumbling out of his throat. It was clear that he was raging inside, even if he was as outwardly charming as he ever was. Austria decided to indulge him, “Don’t keep me in suspense, Feliks. What is on your mind?”
He felt like he knew, since Prussia had made no secret of his desire for revenge against anyone who had sided with Napoleon. His ego had reacted poorly to the humiliation of Jena and he'd been brutal in response. Poland confirmed his suspicions when he said, “I know that Gilbert is plotting to have me executed. And I know that Ivan will give him that for being such a good attack dog. He does like to follow someone else; he always has.”
He stopped walking, and their interlinked arms forced Austria to stop as well. They were still standing on the steps of the Cathedral, as everyone else filtered out around him. The church bells were still ringing behind them.
Poland turned and stepped up on a higher stair so that he could meet Austria’s eyes at the same level. He said, clearly softening his tone, “I want you to be my voice. If you defend me, they will have to listen. You can restrain Gilbert; I know you can.”
Austria had already intended to not allow Prussia and Russia to have their designs on redrawing the map. But, he wanted to hear what Poland ask explicitly for his support.
The soft sunlight was playing across Poland’s face, reminding him how handsome the man was. Austria kept himself as even keeled as possible as he said, “Many people want many things from these negotiations.”
He saw a slight shift in Poland’s expression, like a brilliant idea had crossed his mind. He reached out and touched Austria’s cheek softly as he said, “Do you remember that I once saved you when Sadik had you surrounded?”
Austria felt a blush rising in his cheeks, ruining his detached façade. He didn’t need to be reminded of that day or the nights that had followed it, the way he had let his savior charm him into bed.
He nodded and Poland immediately made it worse by stroking his cheek and saying, “You must remember that night. Roderich, dear, all I am asking is that you speak against Gilbert.”
Austria cleared his throat to avoid thinking about how hot his cheeks were and said, “Feliks, you don’t need to-“
He was going to say that Poland need not do this entire act because he had every intention of defending him. But Poland continued, “You would have my gratitude, and I assure you that is worth a lot.”
His implication made Austria's face feel hot. He was about to bring a response to his lips when he felt a presence next to him. An arm snaked around his waist possessively.
Spain growled at Poland as he emerged from the crowd, “What do you think you are doing?”
Austria felt how tight his hold was on his waist, and he did not appreciate it. It felt deeply possessive in a way that Spain was not entitled to. Poland scoffed, “I’m having a conversation. Isn’t that what we are all here to do?”
Austria could feel the waves of resentment pouring off of Spain, and he found them supremely puzzling. It felt like his old jealousy. How strange it was to feel it again so long after their annulment.
Spain growled, “I think you’re here to get what you can despite supporting that man.”
He didn’t say Napoleon’s name, and Austria suspected that he could not bring it to his lips. That much he understood; the war had caused Spain agony, and his wounds were still healing. He had seen the angry red marks the night before and kissed them comfortingly. But Spain’s anger seemed more personal than political.
Poland rolled his eyes like the entire conversation was deeply tedious. He was convincingly unaffected for a man who was clearly harboring fears about Prussian vengeance. It was a trait that Austria had always found deeply fascinating, the way he played the composed aristocrat even when his existence was at stake.
He’d been much the same at the partitions, snide and glamorous even while Prussia licked his lips like a predator. Austria had remembered thinking at the time, We are much the same. The moment we fail as actors, they will devour us.
Poland took Austria’s hand and said, “We’ll speak again later,” before pressing the fingers to his lips softly. Spain’s displeasure was palpable, and Austria could not decide if he should be flattered by Poland’s affection or by Spain’s jealousy or possibly by both. He had never thought that he would be standing between them, not since he had lost Spain to the annulment and Poland to the partitions.
Poland flashed him one more charming smile before adding, “when we can be alone.”
Spain growled in the back of his throat as he watched Poland vanish into the crowd. Only once he was gone did Austria round on Spain, “Antonio, what do you think you are doing?” The other man responded immediately, “I am protecting you. He just wanted to manipulate you into supporting his claims because he knows you have an important seat at the table.”
The words didn’t feel like lies, but they did feel like they were the wrong explanation. Venting some of his frustration, Austria said, “Is that really all it is?”
He glanced at Spain and saw the man’s tan forehead furrow. He sounded genuinely confused as he said, “What do you mean?”
Austria turned so that he was facing Spain face-to-face and said, “I know that I was sober last night. But it seems to have somehow slipped my notice that we got a dispensation for our annulment and got married again.”
Spain’s cheeks went red as he seemed to understand and he started to struggle for words. Austria continued, lest he be interrupted before he could make his point, “Because it seems like inviting you into my bed again for a single night has convinced you that you can act exactly as you did when we were married. Furthermore, who are you to criticize anyone for being selfish? Aren’t you here to get help with your col-“
“Rodrigo, please.” The surprisingly earnest tone combined with a soft touch on his cheek stopped Austria in his tracks. He noticed that Spain had discretely taken one step up on the stairs so that their eyes could meet at the same height.
Those beautiful green eyes. Austria had thought that they had lost their power over him years ago. Damn him and his lovely eyes.
Spain took the end of the diatribe as a chance to make a point of his own, “I am sorry if I overreacted. Last night I remembered how much I have missed you.”
He put both of his hands to Austria’s face, “I forgot how well we fit together, and I don’t want to let you slip away again.”
Austria wanted to stay mad at him, but the feeling was already evaporating. He sighed and said, “You are acting like a fool.”
He knew it did not sound all that stern, and Spain knew him well enough to hear it. A little satisfied smirk crossed his lips as he said, “As long as being a fool keeps me in your bed, I do not mind.”
He leaned forward and kissed Austria on the forehead. Austria smiled in spite on himself; he had missed Spain’s attentions more than he thought.
He had one last point to make, “It might. But you will have to reconcile yourself with the idea that I am going to speak to Feliks.” A muscle twitched in Spain’s jaw, but he managed to swallow his response and only said, "Of course, as long as he stays out of your bed."
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darcymariaphoster · 4 months
Antonio and Roderich being Feliciano and Romano's adoptive parents and having a moment for themselves (Italian kids are sleeping or something) after a particularly hard parenting day ...? 👉👈💕
It’s been a while since I’ve really written either of these two, tbh, and I feel like they’re probs a bit OOC. But hopefully this works for the prompt! Thank you so much for sending it in!
The house is a split-level, and, from his spot on his bottom step, Antonio can peer between the bars of the railing and see Roderich’s stocking feet at the entrance of the bedroom door. He’s being careful to be quiet, his footsteps soft and small as he backs away from the doorway, closing the door as he goes. When he hears the soft click, Antonio whispers, “Success?”
Roderich snaps his head around to look at the stairs, eyes narrowed as he makes a shushing motion at him before he slowly turns around and tip-toes towards the stairs. It’s been a really long day. It’s been a while since they’ve had a day quite like this, and they’d hoped that they were over this part of things. It seems that that hope was a bit too premature. Antonio steps down and waits for Roderich as he meets him at the bottom. He ushers Antonio into the family room where they both pause to listen before they collapse on the couch. “Success,” he replies quietly, taking his glasses off and running a hand down his face.
“Any regrets yet?” Antonio asks, slouching down so he can tip his head back to rest on the back of the couch. It’s been about six months since adopting the two brothers, Lovino and Feliciano, and the amount of difficult days have largely outnumbered the good days. Still, almost every time there’s a bad day, Antonio and Roderich check in with each other with this very question. It had started as a sort of reminder as to why they’d made this decision in the first place, to tell each other that they knew what they were getting into and they weren’t going to back out now. And while it’s still often used that way, it’s also started turning into a joke. They’re parents now; bad days happen.
Roderich puts his glasses back on and glances at Antonio briefly before he moves a little closer, resting his head on his chest and wrapping his arms around his middle as he curls up on the couch. “None. You?”
Antonio drapes his arm over Roderich’s shoulders, running his fingers up and down his arm lightly. “Maybe just that we didn’t do this sooner.” That had, honestly, been both their sentiments when they’d first met the boys. A year or two could have made all the difference. But they’re both firm believers that things worked themselves out the way that they needed to, and at least they were able to adopt the boys in the first place. At least they finally have the family they’d dreamt of, talked about for the last few years.
The two of them sit there for several minutes like that, content to soak up the quiet after the day. There are still a few things that have to be done before they can go to bed, but they’re not eager to start any of it. In part because if they aren’t careful, any extra noise could wake the boys, and also just because they’re tired. “I’m grateful to be doing this with you,” Roderich tells him softly and Antonio can hear both the tiredness and affection in his voice.
“Yo tambien te amo querido,” Antonio replies easily, letting his eyes fall shut for a moment. “I’ll do dishes. You get ready for bed.” Roderich pretends to protest a bit, but they both know he’s only protesting the idea of actually getting up when he clearly wants to stay cuddled up on the couch. After a bit, though, Antonio kisses the top of his head and wiggles out of his grasp to start on the dishes. With some grumbling under his breath, Roderich gets up as well and picks up the few toys scattered around the living room. The good days will always make the bad days worth it, but he is so very grateful to be doing this with Antonio. He can’t imagine anyone better suited to be doing this with.
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Hetalia Cars Headcanons
Germany: Ludwig is a big fan of cars. For him, it is a hobby; he likes getting his hands dirty, repairing, checking, etc. On a daily basis, as in my head, he is environmentally conscious; he drives a nice electric Mercedes or uses public transport in Berlin. But, give this boy a few free hours, and he will take his Ferrari (yes, Ferrari; Feliciano chose it) to the Autobahn (Highways), which in Germany are mostly with no speed limits, and he will show you all his talents. He still drives safely and is careful, but he is a speed devil.
Prussia: Gilbert drives well; he is not as into cars as Lutz is, though he still knows what he is doing. He also drives something German, maybe a BMW or Audi. Classic one, with manual gearbox, black, because black cars are awesome. Prussia actually sticks to the rules on the road, although he still, after all these years, tends to forget about seatbelts. He is also in possession of a Trabant, a car produced in Eastern Germany. It is one of the oldest models from the late 1950s, in a light blue colour. It is well maintained, and you can still drive it, which Prussia does from time to time to let the old boy breathe a little. He won't admit it, but he kept his Trabi out of pure sentiment. 
Austria: Roderich can drive, sort of. He learned how to do it very quickly, but he dislikes it. Austria always had someone to drive him around, and nowadays he usually uses taxis or someone else like Ludwig or Gilbert is driving him. In the early days of cars, it wasn't that bad; there were just a few machines around, but in the 21st century, he is simply slightly afraid (he won't admit it aloud, of course). of the number of people on the roads, it is way too fast for him, and with him being easily distracted, it is just hard to drive. He has a car; Ludwig chose it, it is sensible, comfortable, and German. Roderich spearly uses it, but if Germany, Prussia, or anyone else visits by plane, they usually take the car. 
Bonus headcanon: Alfred once made a comment about Ludwig driving rather slowly in the city and having a boring town car. Germany took Al for a drive in the Ferrari. Americ's life was never the same.
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