spicywatson · 6 years
roguepythia reblogged your photoset:❔❔❔
This is one of my favorite Edward Nygma gifsets. Love the coloring and mirror effects. Composition and moments perfectly...
#spicywatson#gotham#edward nygma#gifset rec#FAV gifset!#beautiful!#LOVE THIS#can't stop a queue
@roguepythia thank you!!!! 💖
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littlehollyleaf · 6 years
roguepythia replied to your post: ...
so many of us feel the same. like the actors can only profess so much, it’s in the writers hands. If it isn’t stated and so blatantly ambiguous in show, what did they expect?
I assume it was felt that Ed’s literal ‘I don’t love you’ to Ozzie at the docks (and then his later taunting in the back of the car in the finale about how Ozzie throws a tantrum when the one he loves ‘doesn’t love him back’ and stuff) WAS the writing stating the truth of things in show?
...and...perhaps we were... I was... just being obtuse not taking those, really quite clear, statements at face value?? (I mean... I did always recognise they COULD be taken at face value, but in the end I was always - yeah but... naaahhhh, that’s no fun and, surely NOT?)
I just keep being all.... were we seeing ambiguity when it REALLY WASN’T THERE???
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wittygaypuns · 7 years
Prompt call: I love your character's inner monologues! Could I get some Oswald noticing Fries as 'a man' and not just a minion for him to boss around. Or vice versa. Like that moment when you see someone in a new light and it's 'whoa - where did that come from?!'. That would be awesome! Thank you!
Here ya go, after almost two weeks.. thanks for being patient
Oswaldfound himself taking comfort more and more often in the atmosphere ofVictor Fries' laboratory. The first time he went, he was fleeing afoe, and found the place to be practically a fortress beneath thecity streets. A frigid castle tucked into an old bunker, equippedwith walls built to withstand the one-assumed inevitable explosionswrought by bombs from a long past war. Victor had taken him in,allowed him to stay until it was safe to leave, then accompanied himhome.
Thesecond time, he simply wanted to check in on the man, make sure hewas seeing to his own needs, only to be informed by Victor that hehad none. That his sole need was to reverse his condition and become“human” again. When he came the second time, he noticed there wasa new, plush chair in the corner. He sat there, this time actuallydressed for the cold. They spoke for a time about current events, ofwhich Victor had no real interest in but saw the need to humorOswald.
Thethird time, Oswald drifted into the bunker to simply spend time withthe man. There was an electric blanket waiting for him, stillpackaged to avoid the electronics freezing over.  He sat for a time,warm within the frozen fortress, watching Victor work. Neither feltthe need to speak to fill the silence when it happened. Victor madeOswald hot chocolate spiked with just the right amount of bourbon tosoothe the ache in his leg.
Duringthose times, and the times that came after, Oswald often foundhimself lost in introspection. He would ponder the nature of thingsand think hard about his own motivations. It was almost as if histimes with Victor were the only times he felt safe enough to givesuch things thought. There, in the laboratory, nothing could harmhim. He could think freely, without being on guard, because he knewthat only he and Victor knew of the lab's location, and Victor wouldprotect the place with his life.
Oneday as he sat beneath the warm blanket, heavy hat covering his ears,fingers curled around a mug of tea, a gentle revelation struck him.He had been dwelling on the people that had become fixtures in hislife, and the way they all inevitably betrayed him. How trust, forOswald, became something as fleeting as snow in early springtime.
Foralmost all of his life, Oswald thought of others as not individualswith unique experiences, but rather the sum of their abilities. Everysoul was the personification of some traits, of some talent, and eachperson had their use to him. It was a harsh but necessary mindsetthose days, when loyalty practically seemed like a dirty word. Peoplewere tools, and every tool eventually outlived its use.
JimGordon was righteousness and anger. Each thing he did, he did withconviction. Jim was never wrong, in his own eyes, and any voiceinside telling him otherwise was crushed down, just like everyrelationship he'd ever had. Such a firm belief in own goodness madehim an easy target for manipulation, even when he did turn on Oswaldas often as he could.
Gabewas greed and brute force. He would follow a man to the ends of theearth if the price was right, and stab him in the back at his darkesthour. His betrayal still stuck in Oswald's throat, his harsh wordsthe catalyst for his own death at Oswald's hands.
Barbarawas cunning and beauty. Over the years Oswald had watched with whathe could almost call fondness as she grew in her craft, in herability to bend others to her will. In another universe they may haveeven been friends. But not the one he was in.
Zsaszwas simplicity and skill. He was deadly, efficient, and had a modicumof respect for those who gave him the means to kill unhindered. Buteven he had betrayed Oswald, assuming the worst and backsliding toold loyalties.
Ivywas luck and talent. She was smarter than she ever let on, innocentto the ways of the world but still jaded to them. Oswald had pushedher away, and she had disappeared once it became too much. Someday hewould see her again, and he wouldn't blame her if she wanted to killhim. She never deserved the way he treated her.
Bridgitwas fury and flame. She had risen above the things that had happenedto her, never allowing her scars to bury her in shame the way Oswaldstill sometimes did. He respected the girl enough to not expect herdevotion; he would never try to contain her fire.
Edwas difficult to think of, even then, months removed from their lastinteraction. He was the first person Oswald ever loved, and he knewin his heart that those feelings were sincere. And for all hisefforts and longing, he was shot. He knew that he deserved it, butthe loss still bit at his neck, drawing blood each time. Only whenthe scars were thick enough would he be able to stand to think abouthim again. He had been the only person in Oswald's life that hadmanaged to rise to the challenge of being close to him, and Oswaldhad not made it easy. He had become a true friend, but that wouldnever be again.
Closinghis eyes, he sighed, and thought of Victor.
Victorhad always seemed to be very cut and dry. He would help Oswaldconditionally, and he had remained true to his word. Theirinteractions were often succinct in nature, no matter how long theyremained around one another. He worried that one day Victor wouldsell him out as others had before, but the longer he thought aboutit, the less likely it seemed.
AllVictor had ever asked for was the opportunity to cure himself, towork unencumbered by the presence of others, and Oswald had providedthat. He had never asked for more, but Oswald continued to take fromhim, coming to his laboratory time and time again for refuge (andcompany, he admitted to himself). Watching the brilliant scientistwork was entrancing; he was so much more precise than Oswald had everseen before, so much more careful.
Hehad learned there were two sides to Victor, and though it wassometimes hard to tell, the sides were very distinct in nature. Outin the world, Victor played up the side of him that was dangerous,deadly, calculating. He touted himself as a killer, indiscriminatelytaking down his opponents with ease and cracking jokes at theirexpense.
There,in the laboratory, Oswald saw someone different.
Henever wore the suit there, opting to wear only trousers to cover up.He had little regard for his own safety, so the only special gearOswald saw him wear were goggles. He seemed more gentle without thesuit, less intense. Oswald suspected the way he behaved in the worldwas a front, and that the man he knew in the lab was who he reallywas.
Victorwas just a man, troubled by loss, wounded in ways that not many couldtruly understand. The loss of loved ones was a pain that Oswald wasintimately acquainted with, however. Perhaps it was why they gotalong so well? There was no real pretense between them, noexpectations. They had gotten what they needed from one anotherinitially, and after that they were just two people.
Therevelation struck when he felt the mug being removed from his hands,replaced with one that was still warm. When he looked up, Victor wasthere, half-smiling down at him.
“You'vebeen like that for an hour. Your tea got cold, so I made youanother.” He said.
“Thankyou... Victor – why do you allow me to stay here with you? I knowyou have work to do, yet I often find myself coming here and takingup your time.” Oswald asked. Victor was silent a moment, mullingover his words; he was a man of science, not emotion, so sometimes ittook him some time to collect them.
“Ilike it when you come around. I know things are difficult for you, soI'm glad you can come and relax. And... it's good to have you here,for me. You remind me that somewhere under this, I'm still human. Ineed that, sometimes.” Victor said.
Ithit Oswald in that moment that he no longer viewed Victor as a tool,as a means to an end. To him, Victor was more than that. He was morethan the collection of traits and marketable skills. He was a man. Hewas a friend, someone to walk beside rather than push in front. Theyneeded one another in a way that wasn't born of desperation andplight. It was a gentle sort of need, the type that pulled loverstogether after difficult times, the sort that provided a comfort thatsettled deep in the soul.
“I'mglad you feel that way. I'll keep coming by, then.” Oswaldpromised.
WithVictor, Oswald felt none of the deeply rooted fear of betrayal he hadwith all the rest.
He swore to himself in that moment that he would do all he could to treasure Victor the way he hadn’t with all his other connections. He would do right by someone, at last.
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canadian-riddler · 6 years
@roguepythia said: @canadian-riddler​ That was so cool to listen to. They even read your tags!
while I’m glad I get to go down in history as the person who coined the ‘spandex Riddler’ tag, not all of those were mine, they must appear when other people tag stuff with spandex Riddler
actually when they asked me to give them a comment for the podcast they were like “I was researching this and your comments came up a lot so I was wondering if you would share something with us” so it seems that being a Jim Carrey Riddler stan is my legacy now
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lord-garbage · 7 years
roguepythia reblogged your photoset and added:
OMG, AU gifsets are EVERYTHING! I need more of this!
Thank you! There will definitely be a New Year’s Eve party aftermath. :)
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irisbleufic · 7 years
flux--and--flow said: oh man yeah hermann and oswald are so similar and so are newt and ed I WAS AWARE I’M GLAD OTHERS ARE TOO
I had some vague notion that both pairings appealed to me on grounds of “disabled nerds of various stripes who take care of each other in ways that I consider to be major life-goals should any of my partners turn out to be for-life commitments,” but for some reason I had failed to connect detailed actions across stories in two different fandoms.  Then again, I’ve written so much in the past 3-4 years specifically that keeping details of all projects in mind is impossible.  You lot have more bandwidth on that front than I do!
roguepythia said: And you love PacRim too?! *swoon*
To say I love it would probably be an understatement ;)
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spicywatson · 7 years
roguepythia replied to your post “did they like change oswald’s nose or something it looks different”
I know they did a redesign between 3 and 4. Not sure about the other seasons, but there is a good chance that they did redesigns every season.
thank you! @roguepythia
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littlehollyleaf · 6 years
roguepythia replied to your post “Sorry for the long ask but I got Feelings: I’m trying to get behind...”
Ug, maybe it's just cause I'm floating down memory lane right now, but everything you just said makes a potential S4 Ed/Lee sound just like S6 Spuffy. And if that happens, I will flip a table! I'll still be watching the show, but dayum, that would be dark as hell and not be fun for anyone. :(
Oooh, are you speaking as a Spuffy shipper? Or did your pain come from NOT being one?
Buffy was an unusual TV experience for me in a lot of ways (too tedious to explain) and doesn’t match my current way of watching/experiencing ongoing TV AT ALL. So I’m always curious to hear how it was for others who used to watch it in a way more like I consume TV now.
When it came to ships in Buffy I had, like, ZERO vested interest (besides going through an obnoxious and ignorant phase for a bit where I did insist I thought Willow was better with Oz and was wildly indifferent to Tara). I did generally prefer the concept of Buffy/Angel as endgame (not that the term ‘endgame’ existed for me at the time), but I know I enjoyed all the dark and destructive aspects of Spuffy - Season 6 was 100% my FAVOURITE SEASON of the whole show! (...although that did have more to do with the Trio than anything...there...aren’t really words to explain my childhood OBSESSION with Jonathan, so when he became a REGULAR in Season 6? WOW, DREAM COME TRUE! :p)
Anyway - you’re thinking a broken, traumatised Lee sleeping with Ed just to feel alive kind of thing? ...I guess...YEAH, that’s sort of what I was picturing. Only DARKER - because while Buffy did the whole wild, obsessive, addictive, mindless sex thing with Spike, she never turned to villainy as well to cope with her issues.
(I do hope Ed’s feelings for Lee don’t end up matching Spike’s for Buffy though...)
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wittygaypuns · 7 years
roguepythia replied to your post: roguepythia replied to your post: ...
I love your reblog about it too. Just cause it is your NoTP, doesn’t mean someone else can’t relate to it wholeheartedly. You are a true class act. And damn, that was fast. I had no idea it already had a ship name! I kept thinking people were saying “Softwald” as in soft Ozzie and leaving out the T. LOL Oops.
Thank you <3
I just hate tumblr fandom culture, it’s toxic as shit. I have a bunch of reasons why I don’t fancy the idea of them as a couple and I could totally go into it, but slapping your unsolicited opinions into a tag where people are just trying to find enjoyment is scummy. 
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edwardnashtons · 7 years
roguepythia replied to your post: one if the most tragic tales of Gotham is that...
don’t mind if i do </3
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noahsflynn-archive · 7 years
roguepythia replied to your post “I’m going to meet cory at the end of may and I can’t wait to hug him...”
Oo, which con are you going to go to?!
I’m going to heroes & villains fanfest in london :3
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I made this video after reading @roguepythia’s emotional and very heartfelt response to having watched “Pacific Rim Uprising” for the first time, hoping to cheer her up a bit, by gently reminding her that no matter what people choose to take away from the original, or what they do with the characters, it can never take anything away from what was, and very much still is.
Yes, I will never quite forgive them for how they chose to “continue” the original characters’ stories, either. Mako, most of all, but also Newton.   He’s probably not the worst offense, all things considered, because there could eventually be a way out of it (assuming they make a 3rd one).  But I know a lot of neurodivergent people who strongly identified with him (while, as an adult with ADHD, oddly enough the one whose behavior reminded me the most of my own was Raleigh), and Guillermo Del Toro himself had told the actor that, since his character left such a profound emotional impact on the fandom, he was dropping the idea of what they finally went with (trying to avoid spoilers is so hard!  Lol!). Also, they removed any mention of Raleigh that could have given fans some sense of closure (especially in relation to Mako) in the very off-chance that a) there’s a 3rd one and b) Charlie Hunnam will still be interested / available. It almost felt like they included original characters from the first movie simply to ensure a sense of continuity, while not being interested in who they are, nor what they represented and symbolized in that universe, and for people in the fandom. Still, I remain confident that it won’t prevent people who deeply connected with Guillermo Del Toro’s original movie from fully enjoying, appreciating, and loving what, to me, will forever remain a masterpiece, and up until this day the greatest movie of all time! This fanvid is thus dedicated to those of you who fell in love with a young boy – his loss carved deep into his skin – who, when faced with the strength, resourcefulness, and potential of another human being, chose to value her goals and dreams, use his pain to help her overcome her own, and in doing so allowed her to help him heal and save himself.
A young girl with kaiju-stained hair, carrying her little red shoe in her hands – filled with the powerful drive to fight back against the monsters that tried to take her heart from her – who, when faced with someone who’d lost his own will to fight and believe in himself, allowed him to connect with her own, share her goals, become responsible for her (as the more experienced co-pilot), and readily accepted and valued his support and guidance, while accompanying each other on their respective and shared journeys.
 A young woman who – by being willing to rely on him the same way he used to rely on his big brother to guide him – ended up putting that young man in a position of having to make the conscious choice of sacrificing his own chances of survival to keep the one he’d chosen to become responsible for safe.  
Yancy didn’t die because Raleigh failed to save him.  And even if there had been time for him to decide which one of them would live or die, chances are that, had his little brother’s fate been in his hands, Yancy would still have chosen to keep Raleigh safe.
“Anyone can fall.” Bad things happen to good people. Life is unfair, and rarely is it about what one does or doesn’t deserve.
Things are simply what they are, you do the best you can do with the resources and the opportunities you have, ideally while trying to find some balance between your needs, skills, objectives, and those of the other people around you.
To me, this quote was at the very core of the message I took from the movie.  
Beyond Mako and Raleigh’s own stories, I also fell in love with all the parallels that could be drawn between Raleigh and Chuck, Mako and Chuck (who, in many ways, possessed many of both Raleigh and Mako’s character traits and issues, but was paired with a father that didn’t know how to properly help his son address and manage them), Herc and Stacker, Newton and Hermann, Raleigh and Newton, etc.
And yes, through it all, we were offered scenes that were splendidly filmed (I could watch the rain fall on Mako’s umbrella, just before she adjusts it to reveal herself to the audience for the first time while Stacker and Raleigh’s helicopter is landing all day!), treated to one of the most amazing movie theme and score I’ve ever heard…
Not to mention the absolute joy of watching those giant robots facing off with giant monsters! But those were the icing on the cake rather than the core of the movie to me. 
End of the day, it’s not the Jaegers that had me in awe, and turned “Pacific Rim” into my favorite movie of all time…  It was the Drift between co-pilots, and the way emotional empathy and trust between a group of people and misfits with various backgrounds, cultures, stories, traumas and issues was shown to be the most effective way for humanity to vanquish its monsters.
It was how the movie ended up with a “main lead” in a very strong supportive role, that merely contributes to the success of the mission by choosing to get involved with the skills and resources he has, rather than being the big hero of the story with something unique that couldn’t have been done by anyone else but him.
It was how the whole movie was presented as this great human mosaic with flawed and complex characters that people could easily related to – heroes of the story rather than hero of the story – in a world filled with heart and symbolism.
And sadly, after watching “Pacific Rim Uprising”, where suddenly a bunch of cadets are randomly thrown into Jaegers without us ever having been given a chance to learn more about them (ex: what motivated them to join the post-war efforts with the PPDC…  What connects them to their given co-pilot(s)?  How do they relate to each other?)…
I found myself echoing Hannibal Chau after the credits, and wondering: “Where is my goddamn (little red) shoe?”
I am now very much in the process of coming to terms with the fact that, what made me hopelessly fall in love with Guillermo Del Toro’s movie in the first place apparently wasn’t what the people that were ultimately put in charge of the sequel perceived as being the most important for it to succeed (and doing videos as a coping mechanism).
Is it to say “Pacific Rim Uprising” is a terrible movie?  Perhaps not.  Perhaps if it had been my first introduction to that universe, and I didn’t know any of the previous characters and the Drift, I would have enjoyed it the same way I enjoyed watching “Jason X”, or “Piranha 3D”!
But I made the mistake of falling in love with an Australian father and son duo, that have such trouble showing each other affection outside of the Drift that, all the love they can’t directly express each other, they express towards their dog.
It’s all those little details that made the first movie so fascinating and more and more exciting to watch with each renewed viewing! Sadly, I’m reasonably sure I wasn’t the type of audience the sequel had in mind. 
Hence why I can’t say that “Pacific Rim Uprising” is “bad” for what it aimed to be this time around.   Nor do I wish to imply that “Pacific Rim” can’t be enjoyed as mindless “big robots v.s. monsters” entertainment, too. 
Or, you know, anywhere in the spectrum between “dumb fun” and “deserves an Oscar”.
I don’t think there’s ever a right or wrong way to enjoy a movie. 
Just that the way I personally enjoyed this one didn’t seem to carry on in the sequel at all.
It is what it is. Anyone can fall.  Or rise, depending on what you like.
Yes, I am disappointed that I couldn’t find my little red shoe in the new installment.
But, on the plus side, it has inspired me to reconnect even more strongly with the original, revisit some of my writings, feelings, and thoughts about those characters, etc.
All things considered, I’m definitely good with that!
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gottaread2 · 6 years
Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are in the sentence- thank you @sunaddicted for tagging me♡
After that, it had been a simple matter to bribe one of the kitchen staff to slip the poison into Oswald's food. (I'm in the middle of writing a new chapter for one of my fics. This isn't as bad as it sounds though lol) So 22 to tag. Here goes:
@mordredllewelynjones @castiel-saved-me-from-myself @merryandrewsworld @broriartys @zebrashavestripes @sadamenoko21 @ivy-chan-kasumi @heburnedthebrightest @apuzzleboxandpaperbirds @theevilcactus @thedeevirus @knightinpinkunderwear @lookturtles @littlehollyleaf @roguepythia @catwithafluffingkeyboard @notexactreflection @hobbitpuff @niishiki @vigilantsycamore @dictionarywrites @vmenfangirl
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littlehollyleaf · 6 years
roguepythia replied to your video “Video proof of Robin’s confirmation that Ozzie has taken over City...”
That is so awesome you got to ask a question! Did you have to elbow people out of the way to get to the mic?! lol I want to hear all about your time at the con. :)
Hehe, there was no elbowing no :p There were two mics and they invited people to queue up at both to ask questions. Luckily I was close enough to the front of one of the queues that I got to ask my question before the time ran out :)
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wittygaypuns · 7 years
roguepythia replied to your post: Hey Gotham lads, can someone tell me what the ship...
I don’t think it exists yet. So you can create it yourself and then whenever you see it used in the future you could be like, “Heh, they don’t know that it was all my idea….heheehe.”
Hahahah I was asking so I can personally blacklist it, I want no part of that ship. :D
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fangirling-phoenix · 6 years
Gotham Stream
Me and @roguepythia are hosting streams on Rabbit for the season finale of Gotham. Links will be posted 15 minutes before air time.
See you all there!!!
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