#role mastery quest
caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
Why the Alpha Timeline is the Alpha Timeline
I figured I'd make a post, since it's pretty subtle and I think it genuinely passed a lot of people by? Homestuck is made up of a lot of words, haha.
The alpha timeline is described by Doc Scratch, functionally, as "the timeline that causes LE to exist."
The path which alone has my absolute mastery is the alpha timeline, a continuum I define as that which boasts exclusive rights both to my birth and to my death, two circumstantially simultaneous events.
Aranea also gives the explanation that the alpha timeline is the one where reality is perpetuated.
AG: Reality itself is using you and many others to propagate its own existence. Strictly speaking, there is only one path to its successful propagation. 8ut it still permits you to make choices.
Caliborn also states that his quest as a Lord of Time is coming to terms with the inevitability that everything, ever, in all of time, will be because of him - that he'll be the one to shape it, including the circumstances of his own defeat.
Aradia's stint as stewardess of the afterlife is explicitly described as "service to the lord of double death," and Dave explains that he acts instinctively - like Caliborn does - to fulfill the conditions of the alpha timeline. It's also worth noting that their classes, Maid and Knight, are roles that directly serve a Lord in the real world.
GG: well youre from the future right? GG: dont you know already if itll work? TG: yeah more or less TG: i never really studied how it went down all that closely TG: i just figured when the time came to sort it out the right thing to do would be obvious TG: like it is now TG: managing the loops is a balance of careful planning and just rolling with your in the moment decisions TG: and trusting they were the ones you were always supposed to make TG: by now im pretty used to having my intuition woven into the fabric of the alpha timeline
I'm starting with all that so I can explain that the GAME OVER timeline doesn't end when the time players disappear from it, like doomed timeline offshoots normally do, because it IS the alpha timeline: the sequence of events that causes GAME OVER to occur is the sequence of events that Caliborn/Lord English have chosen: one where (nearly) everyone dies, all hope of victory is lost, and his servant, the Condesce, gets to claim the Ultimate Reward, perpetuating the same misery and oppression in the new universe, and presumably all universes to come.
We see from Caliborn's chess match with Calliope that his (and by extension, LE)'s modus operandi is to follow the rules to the letter, while manipulating his opponent, tricking them with "shitty twists". It's always been explained that LE's actions have been "sanctioned by paradox space," that is, everything he's doing is explicitly allowed, nothing he's doing is against the rules - including the fact that he must be defeated. He has, via his mastery of time, perfectly engineered a situation where the only viable reality is the one where yes, he IS defeated... in the dream bubbles, by the dead and doomed, whom he sent to the dream bubbles in the first place via Condy, Jack English, and all the other boss fights. And his will, his ideals, are imposed on the new universe in spite of his defeat.
In a completely Watsonian read of the text, Lord English is an incredible villain because - subtly and unsublty - he IS basically responsible for every bad thing that ever happens, ever, to everyone. He has legitimately been the puppetmaster pulling the strings the entire time, pretty much all because Caliborn is a huge asshole who loves to hurt other people, and wants to do it as much as he can, to as many people as he can, for as long as he can.
But I think he's especially interesting through a Doylist perspective, through a reading of the text as a coming of age. Homestuck is a worth riddled with theme and symbolism, and thematically, Lord English represents everything that these kids need to overcome in order to mature into kind, empathetic adults who will be one day responsible for the care and oversight of a new universe. He represents selfishness, sadism, greed, destruction, oppression, fascism, murder, genocide, and hatred. And also literally the patriarchy.
And, you know what? Don't take my word for it. Here's Andrew Hussie's commentary from Book 6 Act 5 Act 2 Part 2:
Much of the logic [for who contributes to Lord English] orbits around these negative traits associated with men, or more specifically, the “toxically masculine” aspects often linked to certain male personalities. Dirk has a lot of these traits, which are central to Dave’s feelings of tension and abuse concerning his bro. The intellectual aggression, the power of assertion, the knowitall-ism, the mansplaining. That’s a lot of Dirk stuff when he’s at his worst. Equius shares a lot of those traits too, with some different points of emphasis. Both of them have this creepy-guy streak running through them, with strange or offputting interests, and seem to get a quiet kick out of making others uncomfortable through demonstrations of these fascinations. They are actually pretty similar characters in this way.
He's invited into the trolls' universe (and, by extension, the kids' universe) via the Dancestors, in an original sin kind of way. I'll let Hussie explain on their Formspring (emphasis mine):
We learn more about the troll race, as a once peaceful species and such before kid-ancestors as players scratched their session, though the short term relevance of this is mainly as a preamble to Scratch's religious story. Establishing an Eden-like paradise from which there is some departure through sin is sort of the boilerplate basis for religious lore. ... The failed players from peaceful Alternia made a classic "deal with the devil" move by causing the scratch after being given a choice by the mother of all monsters. (Echidna. Hey, she's a big snake!) By doing so they brought Scratch into their universe, and therefore all the things you'd expect that comes with summoning the devil.
The Dancestor's "departure through sin"? It was the fact that they couldn't get their shit together and grew up inside the Medium. That's why they're the age they are, 9 sweeps - adulthood by troll standards. They aren't kids anymore because that's the ultimate sign of having failed to do a coming of age. Symbolically, the Dancestors represent a prior generation of grown-ups that fucked everything up, leaving a huge mess for their descendents to clean up after. In fact, Doc Scratch even describes the alternate choice Echidna gave them:
The heroes could either accept their defeat along with the extinction of their race, and put no others at risk.
In other words, they could have stopped LE if they'd simply chosen not to Scratch. But once more, in line with their behavior up until that point, they chose the selfish option, and bore descendants into the world they ruined. They're immature, nasty, mean-spirited, cruel, callous, and shallow on purpose, because their role in the story is antagonistic. They're aligned (even if unwittingly) with Lord English, as they're the ones who directly invited him in via their failure to grow the fuck up.
There's also a reason why SBURB/SGRUB directly tie achieving godhood and reaching the Ultimate Reward to planetary quests fundamentally designed to help children mature. God-tiering is supposed to come at the end of one's quest, as achieving it directly teleports you to the Battlefield for the final boss.
AG: I really think how successfully they mature is tied to success in the game. It challenges the players in all the ways they need to 8e challenged to grow, which is different for every individual, and veeeeeeeery different for every race. AG: I don't think we were so hot at that aspect of the game. In fact, I'm sure we were quite awful. Hell, even I wasn't that gr8 at it! I actually just kinda fell ass 8ackwards into the god tier, to 8e honest.
And there's a perfectly functional Watsonian explanation for this - in order to increase the odds that the new universe will successfully propagate new universes, it's ideal to leave it in the hands of kind, mature people. But the Doylist explanation is, again, even more interesting.
Hussie has spoken extensively about the comic having always been about two things at its core: first, a creation myth... and second, a coming-of-age. These are complimentary themes, as Homestuck also makes statements about society and its effects on kids. In the real world, the kids of today become the voters, revolutionaries, and lawmakers of tomorrow. In Homestuck, they create, and are responsible for, a new universe.
I always saw HS as an exploration of young people developing relationships over the internet […] There’s a lot more to HS than just that obviously, but if there’s anything which it’s been about through and through, it’s modern kids relating to each other from afar, developing as people and growing up.
In fact, all the initial kids' entry artifacts are metaphors for "departures, loss of innocence, and sometimes the journey from childhood to adulthood outright." John biting an apple, symbolizing the act that cast Adam and Even from Eden. Rose breaking a bottle, the act of christening a boat, and an item integral to the main means by which she relates to her mother, alcohol - an adult substance. Dave hatching an egg, literally the act of bringing new life into the world. Jade shooting an effigy of her dog, both symbolic of Old Yeller, and of breaking a pinata, an act often done at quinceneras.
There comes a point in childhood where the child stops being a child - the safe, familiar, comfortable world that they knew stops existing, and they can never get it back. They are thrust into a world that is alien and massive, and forced to grapple with the weight of their future duties. They deal with losing their guardians and finding direction in their absence. They must decide how they want to grow up, and then are responsible for shaping the society that comes after them. In other words, SBURB/SGRUB in this metaphor represent adolescence.
Within that context, God-tiering is actually interesting because it symbolizes adulthood - a semi-permanent state that a child is supposed to reach at the end of their SBURB/SGRUB journey. And, in fact, it's treated that way - none of the characters reach god-tiering the "proper" way... and of our god-tiered characters, nearly all of them have some sort of emotional struggle with growing up too fast. Vriska with the expectations of her shitty society, Rose with her emulation of her mother, Dave with his abusive brother, and the Alpha kids with substance abuse (the jujus) and romantic drama.
Anyway, sometimes when Mario's running sideways he gets a star that makes him magic and invincible. OH. YOU MEAN HE BECOMES TRICKSTER MARIO. Yes, but less stupid. So for a while he becomes flashy and hyperactive and nothing's challenging anymore. He just starts barreling over mushrooms and leaping over pits as fast as he can, then gets to the end and jumps on the flagpole and that's it. Mario "wins". But the point is, he didn't really win. That magic star was actually devastating to his development as a human being. WHY. Because he skipped over many critical trials on his spiritual journey. Mario NEEDS to stomp on all those mushrooms. He NEEDS to bonk those bricks with his head, for the sake of his personal growth. By using the star, he is denying himself many powerful moments of catharsis.
Like... I dunno... seems pretty blatant to me!
So with Homestuck so firmly being a coming of age, and with the Dancestors - whose primary failure is that of unrelenting immaturity - being cast in an antagonistic role, doesn't that make Caliborn's position of ultimate final boss extremely fitting when we take this conversation into account?
You may be destined for bigger things, but you’re still an atrocious, stupid child. And you may have won the “game” with your sister, but that doesn’t mean it was the best thing for your development as a person. You had her dream self killed, which is not an opportunity your species typically gets. So she died prematurely, instead of allowing the conflict within you to settle itself naturally. In short, you forced your predomination to happen a little too early, and now you’re stuck. STUCK? Yes. Your personality is stuck in some sort of cantankerous prepubescent limbo. You are going to be a stunted, miserable tool forever.
He's literally a child who chose to stunt his own growth so that he could reap all the game's rewards for himself. Someone who so stubbornly desired the selfish, greedy, and immature option that he was willing to hurt himself to achieve it. Caliborn - and by extension, Lord English - is a direct symbol for the refusal to mature, to be kind, to care about other people. By including Dirk, Gamzee, and Equius at their worst, he also comes to represent misogyny, toxic masculinity, the patriarchy. He's the Condesce's master, and so by extension, he represents fascism and oppression; as Doc Scratch, he gets off on abusing girls, and so he also represents predators and abusers. And his goal is to perpetuate himself, his ideals, what he symbolically represents, down every successive generation. Much like how these cycles of abuse and oppression seek to perpetuate themselves in the real world!
And that's why the alpha timeline, the GAME OVER timeline, is the way that it is: it's one where Lord English WINS. In Lord English's version of the story, everything is fucked up forever. He might be defeated, as is the timeline's inevitability, but his politics, his bigotry, and his ideals live on.
Our Breath player gains a power that literally unsticks him from time.
Now, personally, I don't believe that the ending we got is the one that was originally intended. I don't feel the need to elaborate upon that here, but suffice to say, given how clearly and consistently these themes are set up throughout the entire rest of the comic, it just makes sense to me that the ending we got, where characters stay dead, never finish their character development, etc. etc., is a MASSIVE tonal and thematic departure, which smacks of external pressures and influences. Everything after [S] GAME OVER is soft canon to me for this reason. But there's things that survive in it that are really really interesting, so I'll mention some.
First, the pre-retcon versions of the characters still exist, as we see from (Vriska). That means that everyone who died in GAME OVER would not necessarily have stopped mattering to the plot. I firmly believe that the original ending would've seen Lord English confronted by the GAME OVER (characters), who would also have the most karmic claim to beating Lord English's face in. This would also satisfy his whole deal of playing by the rules - he knows he HAS to be defeated, he just gets to choose the circumstances of his defeat; without realizing that John's retcon powers can rewrite a timeline, he would've set up his own death to be in the bubbles, at the hands of the already-dead, while Condy claims the Ultimate Reward - thus making it so that he still wins in the end.
But Breath represents freedom, choices - and the retcon powers are something John gains mastery over after completing his personal quest, which we've established is directly tied, both literally and symbolically, into growing up and maturing. By becoming a kind, empathetic, mature adult, John is able to choose something else.
Second, that the Ultimate Self is brought up at all, which seems to me like it would mitigate the bittersweetness of the (characters) from GAME OVER staying dead - because, in my head, the original plan for the retcon was that it would bring everyone back, and therefore, all the (characters) from GAME OVER would live on through the surviving post-retcon gang, who will eventually achieve Ultimate Selfhood, as Davepetasprite^2 says they will. This would also directly mirror the words Godtier!Calliope gives to her counterpart:
CALLIOPE: bUt then... CALLIOPE: what shoUld i do? CALLIOPE: you don't need to do anything. CALLIOPE: be who you've become, and who i didn't. CALLIOPE: consume the fruits of an existence i could never understand. CALLIOPE: live.
Third, there's just so many outstanding plot threads, even for the characters that DO survive. Jake's prophesized to defeat Lord English, Dave never actually gets over his hesitance about time travel and defeating Lord English, Karkat has multiple means of bringing his dead friends back to life and doesn't say anything, Vriska and Terezi still aren't 100% reconciled, Gamzee's tragedy is never addressed, Jane, Dirk, Jake, and Roxy never really figure out their situationship, etc. etc. etc. ... to say nothing about all the plot threads left dangling for the characters that stay dead.
And finally...
Isn't that just kind of a better story? One where the kids get to grow, change, learn from their mistakes, and create a better, kinder universe, after defeating the avatars of cruelty, oppression, and immaturity?
Is it just me? Haha.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Unveiling the Mythical Legacy: The Significance of Historical Dragons in China and the Auspicious Year of the Dragon 2024
Celestial Dragons
Tianlong (天龍) Shenlong (神龍)
Fuzanglong (伏藏龍)
Dilong (地龍)
Yinglong (應龍)
Jiaolong (蛟龍)
Panlong (蟠龍)
Huanglong (黃龍)
Feilong (飛龍)
Qiulong (虯龍)
Zhulong (燭龍)
Chi (螭龍)
Tianlong (天龍):
Known as the Celestial Dragon, Tianlong symbolizes heavenly forces and divine protection. It is associated with the sky and cosmic order, signifying the connection between mortals and the divine realm.
Shenlong (神龍):
Shenlong, the Spirit Dragon, is revered as a benevolent deity bringing rain and ensuring fertility. It represents harmony with nature and the vital role of water in agricultural prosperity.
Fuzanglong (伏藏龍):
Fuzanglong, the Dragon of Hidden Treasures, guards hidden wealth and precious gems. It symbolizes the rewards of diligence, patience, and the hidden potentials waiting to be discovered.
Dilong (地龍):
Dilong, the Earth Dragon, is deeply rooted in Chinese mythology as the guardian of the earth's treasures, including minerals and underground water sources. It embodies the essence of stability, foundation, and prosperity drawn from the earth.
Yinglong (應龍):
Known as the Responding Dragon, Yinglong is associated with justice, righteousness, and the protection of the innocent. It symbolizes the triumph of truth over falsehood and the reward of virtuous actions.
Jiaolong (蛟龍):
Jiaolong, the Flood Dragon, represents the elemental force of water and its potential for both chaos and renewal. It embodies adaptability, resilience, and the cyclical nature of life.
Panlong (蟠龍):
Panlong, the Coiling Dragon, is depicted winding around mountains and rivers, symbolizing control over water and weather patterns. It represents authority, leadership, and mastery over natural forces.
Huanglong (黃龍):
Huanglong, the Yellow Dragon, is associated with the Yellow Emperor, a legendary figure in Chinese history. It symbolizes imperial power, sovereignty, and the mandate of heaven.
Feilong (飛龍):
Feilong, the Flying Dragon, embodies freedom, transcendence, and spiritual enlightenment. It represents the human quest for higher knowledge and liberation from earthly constraints.
Qiulong (虯龍):
Qiulong, the Horned Dragon, is often depicted with antlers or horns and is associated with strength, virility, and fertility. It symbolizes vitality, vigor, and the relentless pursuit of goals.
Zhulong (燭龍):
Zhulong, the Torch Dragon, is a mythical creature associated with fire and illumination. It symbolizes enlightenment, inspiration, and the transformative power of knowledge.
Chi (螭龍):
Chi, the Chi Dragon, is a mythical creature often depicted with the body of a snake and the horns of a deer. It symbolizes protection, prosperity, and longevity, guarding against malevolent forces.
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goldenmotive · 2 months
Undersiders as WoW players:
Rachel // Tauren Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter. Rolled a male Tauren because she thought they looked tough. Usually sticks with the coyote she tamed at level 10. Has a surprising variety of pets otherwise. Mostly plays solo and grinds professions (you only see her on raid night where she's top DPS). Picks an endgame zone as her territory and bullies out anyone trying to quest or grind. Gets mad when people won't shut up in guild chat. Struggled because she can't read quest text but got really into it after Taylor installed questhelper for her.
Aisha // Undead Rogue
Combat Rogue. Absolute menace. Ignored IRL but makes up for it by being infamous on her her server. Ninja looter, will roll need even if she can't use it. PVPer, will kill you when you're fighting a bunch of mobs then teabag you. Griefs her own team in battlegrounds just fucking around while she's holding the flag. Spends all her downtime ganking lowbies in STV, but she's actually really good at her class. kills you on your main too
Alec // Blood Elf Priest
Shadow Priest - rolled the same class as Lisa to fuck with her. Really only plays to screw around with Aisha. Has Aisha's password. Used to multibox on his siblings accounts but burned out. Doesn't do dailies, doesn't do professions, relies on guildies for free potions and food. Surprisingly into transmog. He's right there ganking with Aisha and mind controls kid win off a cliff. Stands in the fire.
Lisa // Blood Elf Priest*
Disc Priest but she's a huge altoholic. Toxic trade chat queen, starts shit and baits other players into getting banned. She's got a character in every major guild on the server - she's the one to invite a fill when they need another head. Okay at every class but she'll end up filling healing and crowd control - someone's got to keep this guild from self destructing. Recruited Taylor to the guild, helps Brian run shit outside of raid bosses. She's tracking everyone's DKP.
Brian // Orc Warrior
Prot Warrior. Guild Leader. Tanks because it's the manliest role. Kind of basic - he'd be a human warrior if the rest weren't horde. Maxed mining and blacksmithing because someone told him it's just what warriors do. Knows raid boss strats, knows what's BiS for each class, knows that none of it matters if they aren't going to listen to him. Pulling his hair out trying to run raid nights. Always marks himself with the skull raid icon. Pays for everyones consumables, also pays for the vent server. Quits for a bit, but comes back next expansion to reroll death knight.
Taylor // Troll Shaman
Elemental Shaman. Addon queen. Her screen looks like an excel sheet and you can barely see her character. Rerolled horde after her ex-guildie logged onto her account and deleted all her characters. Skips school to play. The biggest minmaxer you'll ever play with. Has to stop herself from telling people how to play their class. Hasn't noticed she's not even having fun anymore.
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fizzyfishepicgaymer · 1 month
Sethno (Sethos & Cyno) relationship analysis pt. 2!
Comparing their visual designs
Who is Hermanubis and how did he shape the course of their lives?
Oathkeeper (Cyno's 2nd story quest) - Sethos's introduction as a playable character (NPC at the time of release) and his interactions with Cyno
Mirrors/parallels with each other
Sethos’s story and voicelines – finalising their relationship: who are Sethos and Cyno to each other and why are their lives so intertwined/their stories so inevitably interconnected?
Conclusion! (or more like a few last words from me)
PART 2 - Who is Hermanubis and how did he shape the course of their lives?
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First of all, let’s think about this – who exactly is Hermanubis? In real life, Hermanubis is a Greco-Egyptian god composed of two deities – Hermes and Anubis, both of whom similarly were associated with the conduct of the souls of the dead into the afterlife. He is commonly represented with the head of a jackal (reminiscent of Anubis) and the body of a Greek deity. Hermanubis’s role as a deity is concerned with guiding the souls of the deceased from the earthly realm to the afterlife, and combined Hermes’s role as a messenger and conductor of souls into the underworld with Anubis’s role as the guardian of the dead.
Now, let’s talk about the 2 Gods separately!
Hermes is a Greek god associated with the protection of travellers, the cattle and also acts as a guide to the afterlife. He is considered one of the most clever and mischievous of the 12 Olympic gods and came to symbolise the crossing of boundaries as a guide between the two realms of “gods” and “humanity” due to his role as a messenger. He was known for his curiosity and his constant search for amusement and was considered to be somewhat of a trickster. He was credited with inventing fire, the alphabet, dice and musical instruments – in particular, the lyre. His Latin name – Mercury – is the name of the fastest planet to orbit the Sun.
Meanwhile, Anubis (also known as Inpu, Inpw or Anpu) is the Egyptian god of mummification, funerary rites, guardian of tombs and guide to the afterlife, as well as the patron god of lost souls and the helpless. He was essentially the protector of the dead who made sure that they received their rights in burial and stood with them after their death – and also in this role he was associated with “eternal justice”. The most popular depiction of Anubis is that of him standing or kneeling while holding the golden scales on which the heart of the soul was weighed against the white feather of truth. His name’s meaning was “to decay” – signifying his association with death, and he was also known as “the Ruler over the Nine Bows” which is a reference to the phrase used for traditional enemies of Egypt who were represented as nine captives bowing before the king. So… Sounds familiar? Cyno’s 4th ascension passive is called “Authority over the Nine Bows”!
So… what does that have to do with either of them? If u look closely, u can see many resemblances between Sethos and Hermes, and Cyno and Anubis respectively. In Sethos’s drip marketing post, it is said:
“Inexperienced travelers often find themselves trapped by the vast, boundless sea of sand. Were it not for the timely guidance of a kind soul, their journey of exploration might have come to an untimely end, cruelly cut short. Many of those who were lost and returned to their companions on the road all had the same name upon their lips: Sethos.”“As a desert-dweller, Sethos knows the paths between the various oases like the back of his hand, and his mastery of using techniques of navigation – such as using the sun’s position to calculate direction – runs even deeper. As a personal interest, Sethos enjoys traveling by foot between desert and rainforest, and the navigational skills he’s acquired are a product of his personal experiences doing so. As for being enthusiastic and talkative, by speaking with Eremites chance met on the road or listening to the fascinating anecdotes of hapless scholars rescued from swamp and marsh, not only can he broaden his knowledge and horizons, but also have a lot of fun. For Sethos, that is where the joy of the journey lies.”
As for Cyno, let’s take a look at his lore entry in the Genshin Wiki (since I couldn’t find much in his drop marketing post): 
“Notably, Cyno idolizes "justice" above all; though this predominantly manifests in his pursuit of suspected criminals, Cyno will also protect criminals from any danger that arises during their escape attempts until they can, in his view, be properly judged by the Akademiya. Although he is often viewed by the Akademiya's scholars as an obstacle or a threat to their research (complaints to which Cyno is indifferent), Cyno views his role as that of a protector, preventing seekers of knowledge from being led astray and becoming dangers to both themselves and the world.”
So… thinking about it, this would mean that essentially Sethos represents the “Hermes” part and Cyno represents the “Anubis” part of Hermanubis and that is kinda neat!
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Now, in the Genshin universe - According to the Genshin Wiki, in the lore Hermanubis was a priest in the Great Red Sand during King Deshret’s reign and was known as “the greatest of all sages” due to his wisdom. He was also the founder of the original Temple of Silence in the long-gone ancient city of Tulaytullah. Although Hermanubis has now been long gone, fragments of his power, known as the Ba Fragments, still remain. 2 of those fragments were kept in the Temple of Silence and at the beginning they were planted into different people as a part of the experiment to bring back Hermanubis’s glory and find suitable vessels for his power, however the fragments rejected adult bodies (and many people likely died as a result of their bodies’ reaction to the fragment), so the ToS had to change their tactics and instead find 2 children that were most suitable to become Hermanubis’s vessels.
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In the end, 2 children of the same age were chosen for this – Sethos and Cyno, with Sethos being a legitimate heir to the ToS and the adoptive grandson of Bamoun (so he was considered a part of the community at the temple) and Cyno being a child who was bought from his parents for a small sum of mora in order for the experiment to take place. After undergoing through the process of the first stage of the experiment, Sethos and Cyno had different reactions to the fragments, and Cyno’s reaction was remarked to be far more severe, and he ended up losing most of his memories of his early life and the time he spent at the temple, while Sethos only lost a portion of his memories.
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In “Oathkeeper”, when talking to Tighnari, the Traveller and Paimon in the temple while discussing what deal they should accept with the ToS members, Cyno mentioned that as a child he suffered from constant headaches and fevers which were likely linked to the overbearing power of the Ba fragment, but despite that he had a strong will in his mind to keep going – which was likely a way of Hermanubis’s spirit to give him strength despite not being to communicate with him directly. Unfortunately as of now, not a lot is known about Sethos’s connection to Hermanubis or whether he attempted to connect with him at all like he did with Cyno (but I do hope that at some point Hoyo will expand on this, as well as Sethos’s life as a vessel prior to the Oathkeeper events because a lot has been left unclarified).
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blackvortex · 1 year
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— 🧸 Pairing: Lee Taeyong x (F) Reader
— 🧸 Themes: sadistyandere!taeyong, yangire!taeyong, soloartist!taeyong, !fangirlreader
— 🧸 Warning: mentions of death, blood, extreme gore, manipulation, toxic love, stalking, abduction, mental health, etc.
— 🧸 Summary: Lee Taeyong, A very well-known solo artist in his country has a dirty little secret. What was once a longing desire has now reached reality, It was the desire of Inflicting pain and torturing his fans to create all of his musical masterpiece, admiring the faint screams of his name coming from their mouths and enjoying the sheer pain they are suffering from in the hands of himself. Yet, he still had one desire to fulfill, the desire of having you all to himself.
A/N: The themes are altered to match the story. I apologize for the very very very very long wait, feel free to share your suggestions with me regarding about the fic! 'Lovesick' is also available on Wattpad! (wattpad: blackvortexwastaken)
The mysterious origins of the extraordinary luminary, Lee Taeyong, remain veiled in obscurity, as he has steadfastly chosen to withhold any details about his lineage or ancestral heritage, even when prompted by others.
Without a doubt, Taeyong's inclination to safeguard the privacy of his personal life is palpable. However, he does unveil a remarkable facet of his journey, disclosing that prior to embarking on his transformative path as a K-pop trainee, he honed his skills as a talented bartender, achieving mastery in the art of mixology.
After securing a position as a bartender, a newfound fervor surged within Taeyong, igniting an unwavering passion for the realm of idolhood. With relentless determination, he embarked on a quest for knowledge, fully immersing himself in the captivating world of K-pop idol shows. His sole objective was to absorb, analyze, and emulate the most accomplished soloists and adored group members. Diligently, he dissected their captivating presence, studiously examined their graceful movements, and scrutinized every aspect of their performances, leaving no characteristic of a transcendent superstar idol unexplored. Motivated by an indomitable desire to establish himself as an unrivaled idol capable of capturing the world's collective attention, Taeyong pursued his aspirations with unwavering dedication.
Taeyong's effortless triumph during the auditions effortlessly caught the attention of various companies, each fervently pursuing him. However, Taeyong, aware of the tempting offers from other entertainment entities, made a wise decision to join the prestigious SM Entertainment. This choice was influenced by SM Entertainment's esteemed reputation, not only in South Korea but also across the global K-pop landscape. Paired with his remarkable talents, cultivated through unwavering commitment, it was no surprise that his video showcasing his skills as a K-pop trainee rapidly spread, captivating the world's gaze.
Undeniably, Taeyong swiftly ascended to the status of SM Entertainment's favored artist, even prior to his official debut. His soaring popularity led to a plethora of privileges bestowed upon him, surpassing those granted to any other idol within the esteemed establishment at a similar stage of their career. Taeyong received an abundance of guaranteed projects, meticulously tailored to further enhance his renown. Moreover, he was offered the opportunity to debut as a member of SM Entertainment's new boy group, "NCT," obtaining the coveted roles of visual, main rapper, and main dancer. In addition, his journey encompassed a solo debut, amplifying his artistic prowess and individuality.
Upon making his debut as a member of NCT 127, the enigmatic and captivating idol, Lee Taeyong, swiftly became the center of attention. In an instant, his schedule grew exponentially busier, and his name began circulating across various social media platforms, articles, and throughout the vast landscape of the K-pop community. With his alluring beauty and irresistible charm, Taeyong became a prime target for modeling agencies, continuously receiving offers due to his undeniable appeal. Every camera lens and gaze seemed to be fixated upon this exceptional idol, as if the world momentarily paused to revel in his presence. It was indisputable that he held an unparalleled sway over the collective consciousness at that particular moment. Unquestionably, Taeyong reveled in the adoration and eagerly sought every ounce of attention that came his way as time progressed. It became increasingly apparent that he was destined for the stage, a natural-born superstar who is destined to be under the spotlight.
However, akin to many other idols in the expansive world of K-pop, the initial euphoria surrounding Taeyong's debut eventually subsided, leaving behind a sense of disenchantment. It appeared as though his grand entrance had not yielded the remarkable impact that was anticipated. Consequently, the prospect of Taeyong debuting as a soloist, along with his other promotional projects, was regrettably withdrawn by the company, citing a perceived decline in public interest.
Naturally, Taeyong found himself dissatisfied with this turn of events. He steadfastly refused to settle for anything less than what he believed he deserved. While there were still loyal fans who wholeheartedly supported him, he is yearning for greater fame and attention surpassed the fame he had attained during his debut. He craved more, an insatiable desire that led him to contemplate drastic measures, even if it meant sabotaging his fellow group members, all in pursuit of securing the coveted spotlight he so fervently desired.
Despite Taeyong's downfall, he maintained an outward facade, emulating a charm that had long been overshadowed by resentment. He diligently worked with his bandmates, flawlessly recording their latest album, "2 BADDIES," never missing a beat. Following a lengthy lunch break, he returned to the studio only to be met with the gift of fate. The pungent smell of burning wires filled the air, setting off alarm bells in his mind. Hastily, he made his way to the control room, only to find the doorway blocked by the recording equipment. On the other side, his bandmates pounded on the door, their desperate cries mingling with the crackling of flames.
Taeyong called out to them, rushing towards the fallen equipment, instinctively reaching out to save his fellow members, only to abruptly freeze. In that moment, he found himself transfixed. Each breath became a conscious, deliberate act, demanding his full attention, while the distant cries grew faint until they were scarcely audible. Slowly, he stepped back, his realization dawning upon him. They were screaming his name as the flames consumed them. Their desperate pleas echoed in his ears, "Taeyong!" "Lee Taeyong!" "Taeyong!" It was a hauntingly beautiful sound, etching itself into his soul. When the fire fighters finally arrived, his tears flowed freely.
His tears continued to flow unabated, but alongside the sorrow, an unsettling sense of satisfaction began to seep into Taeyong's being. The haunting cries that reverberated with his name brought an unexpected thrill, sending shivers down his spine. Each agonized scream became a twisted symphony in his mind, a perverse melody that he savored with perverse delight. As the echoes of their screams repeated in his thoughts, a morbid idea took hold of him. The notion that he had successfully orchestrated the downfall of his bandmates to create a gaping void for his own fame not only intoxicated him but also sparked a disturbing inspiration within him. It ignited a desire to infuse his music with elements of violence and darkness
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The tragic news of the untimely demise of nine members from the beloved boy band group NCT 127 reverberated with an unprecedented swiftness. The devastating information spread across the vast expanse of the internet, permeating news outlets and inundating various social media platforms. The collective mourning and outpouring of heartfelt condolences enveloped the entire community, extending solace to the grieving family members and loved ones of the victims. Among the somber aftermath, one member stood as the lone survivor, bearing the weight of unimaginable loss.
As a relatively new fan of NCT, the impact of this harrowing news weighed heavily upon you. Despite just your recent liking of the group, the magnitude of the tragedy stirred within you a profound sense of sadness. Compelled to express your emotions, you sought solace in online forums, joining others in grieving and sharing your condolences during this somber period.
Amidst the overwhelming sorrow, a deep concern for the sole surviving member of the group, Lee Taeyong, gripped your thoughts. You contemplated the immense burden he must be shouldering in the wake of such a tragic event. Driven by a genuine empathy, you tirelessly sought ways to reach out to him online, yearning to offer solace and comfort during this trying time. Utilizing the Bubble app, to which you subscribed, you composed a heartfelt message for Taeyong, hoping to provide a source of support and understanding amid the aftermath of these unfathomable events.
“Taeyong, I am sending my deepest condolences towards you and those who were also affected by this horrid news. I hope you are holding up well and eating a lot, please still take care of yourself and I want to let you know that we are all supporting you and whatever it is that you decide on doing now, we will wholeheartedly support you no matter what. <3”
Sent, 14:34
As the memories of that tragic event resurfaced, it felt as though time had both stood still and raced forward, for it had already been three years since the devastating incident unfolded. The nightmare that had gripped the K-pop community during that period continued to cast its shadow even to this day, a somber reminder of the fragility of life. How you wished it were all a dream, a cruel illusion that could be banished with a simple awakening.
Sighing, you pushed these heavy thoughts aside, diverting your attention to your present reality. You focused on your full-time job as a waitress at a local café, located in close proximity to your residence. As the closing hours approached, you bid farewell to the last customers of the day, offering them warm smiles and well wishes as they departed from Vortex Café. Taking a deep breath, you swiftly embarked on the task of tidying and cleaning the café, eager to complete your responsibilities for the evening.
On your way home, you eagerly reached for your phone in your bag, looking to find any updates regarding Taeyong. Following the tragic event, he had taken a hiatus from the spotlight during those past three years. However, the recent announcement by SM Entertainment declaring Lee Taeyong's official debut as a soloist sent shockwaves of excitement through the internet. The anticipation among fans was palpable, as they rejoiced at the prospect of Taeyong returning to what he was destined to do.
This news brought a sense of joy and relief to you, as you had been diligently saving up to meet him. Being a relatively new fan who joined the fandom shortly after the tragic accident, you had not yet had the opportunity to see the renowned Lee Taeyong in person. The prospect of finally witnessing his presence and experiencing his artistry firsthand filled you with anticipation. Taeyong had become an influential figure in your eyes, and your love for his work was unwavering
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A year into his hiatus, Taeyong immersed himself in solitude, utilizing the time to introspect and meticulously plan his upcoming musical endeavors. As he delved into the depths of his creative mind, haunting echoes of the horrified screams from his band members during the fire accident resurfaced with unsettling clarity. The memories lingered, evoking a sinister desire within him. He craved more of those desperate cries, yearning to hear his name chanted in fear once again. The twisted obsession grew, driving him to plot his next move and identify a potential victim to serve as a vessel for his violent ideas. His newfound fixation centered around incorporating these horrified screams into his music, creating an amalgamation of darkness and artistry that blurred the boundaries of conventional expression.
As Taeyong sought solace in his artistic endeavors, he sought refuge in a remote and abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Its desolation ensured that his forthcoming musical masterpiece, with its unsettling undertones, would remain concealed from prying ears. With meticulous preparation completed, the time had finally arrived for Taeyong to embark on his daring experiment: the fusion of violence and music.
His first target was a persistent sasaeng fan, an individual who had relentlessly pursued him during his hiatus. Acutely aware of this unwelcome presence, Taeyong bided his time, waiting for the opportune moment to take action. Positioned on a bench in a park near his residence, he remained vigilant, keenly observing the sasaeng fan stationed just outside the park, near a bustling bus stop. Clutching a camera adorned with a shoulder strap, the fan deliberately angled it towards Taeyong, capturing his every move. The clarity of her intent was unmistakable, as she persisted despite the passage of numerous buses.
Taeyong stifled a quiet chuckle as he moved leisurely towards his unsuspecting target. "How long are you willing to stay here?" Taeyong's hushed words brushed against her ear. Startled by his sudden presence, the sasaeng leaped in surprise. She gazed intently at the idol before her, struggling to collect herself after the unexpected encounter. "Um... You..." The sasaeng stammered, still shaken by his abrupt approach. "What's the matter? Why are you so taken aback? Did you really believe I wouldn't notice you from a distance?" Taeyong's smile widened as he gradually closed the gap between them. "Would you prefer a change of location? You must be pretty hungry for staying there for too long.” Taeyong continued.
The sasaeng stood motionless in her position, her mind racing with the countless advantages she could reap from this very encounter. If the conversation went smoothly, she might find herself alone with the idol, a cherished fantasy she had nurtured for an extensive duration after years of relentless following.
It was almost as if Taeyong possessed an enchanting aura that bewitched anyone fortunate enough to cross his path. The prospect of accumulating wealth through obtaining his personal information and, perhaps, even acquiring one of his personal possessions tantalized her thoughts. Moreover, an even more gratifying outcome came to her thought, as it could potentially pave the way for further interactions on various occasions with the idol.
As her reverie abruptly dissolved, she found herself transfixed on Taeyong, who had already closed the distance and now stood mere inches away from her presence. Her heart pounded fervently within her chest, its rhythm resounding in her ears, as the sight of the idol before her intensified her emotions. With trepidation, yet undeniable eagerness, she mustered the words, "I would be thrilled to accompany you." A smirk played upon Taeyong's lips, hinting at the burgeoning desires that simmered within him, growing steadily stronger.
Taeyong graciously escorted the sasaeng to his vehicle, courteously opening the passenger-side door for her before proceeding to settle himself in the driver's seat. However, as the car journey commenced, an unsettling turn of events unfolded. Taeyong surreptitiously secured the doors, evoking a sense of entrapment. Suddenly, he swiftly covered the sasaeng's mouth with a handkerchief that had been tampered with a mysterious substance, inducing a gradual descent into unconsciousness.
As her vision dimmed and the world faded into obscurity, the sasaeng valiantly struggled to remove the cloth, her diminishing willpower waning. A haunting image imprinted upon her consciousness: Taeyong's unsettlingly luminous smile, hinting at enigmatic intentions.
Gradually, the sasaeng's consciousness returned, and a surge of anxiety coursed through her as her eyes flinched open, met with a dazzling array of bright lighting equipment aimed directly in her direction. As her awareness fully rekindled, she cautiously surveyed her surroundings, discovering herself ensconced amidst an array of recording equipment. To her dismay, she realized her limbs were securely bound to the chair she occupied, prompting a sense of urgency to escape her precarious predicament.
Just as she mustered the courage to make a frenzied attempt at freedom, her gaze caught sight of Taeyong's silhouette gracefully emerging from a distant hallway. Time seemed to momentarily halt as her gaze fixated on his approach, harboring uncertainty about his intentions and the imminent encounter that awaited her
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A smile adorned your face as you observed Taeyong's captivating presence on your phone screen. He just released his first music video after 3 years. His charm radiated brightly, surpassing any previous glow, even through the digital realm. However, you couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in his musical style and vibe compared to his time as a member of NCT 127. The current manifestation exuded a darker, more edgy aura.
As the melodic strains resonated, a peculiar addition caught your attention—a backdrop of distant screams harmonizing with the song. Surprisingly, rather than disturbing the experience, these eerie echoes blended seamlessly, enhancing the authenticity of the artistic vision. In fact, you found yourself personally drawn to Taeyong's newfound musical direction, appreciating the boldness and allure it exuded. Thus, you took a moment to express your approval by leaving a like under the video, acknowledging the captivating journey he had embarked upon.
And just as with many other K-pop idols, Taeyong embarked on tours, captivating fans both near and far with his awe-inspiring performances. His popularity soared to new heights after the release of his first full solo album, propelling him to become the center of widespread attention and admiration once more.
After hustling in you full-time job as a waitress, you secured a coveted VIP meet-up reservation with Taeyong following the announcement of his world tour. Being among the first to secure a spot was a stroke of luck, as the demand was immense, evident from the fact that all available slots were swiftly sold out. Taeyong's impact on the world had undeniably reached staggering proportions during this time.
Now, in the present moment, you find yourself in a taxi en route to the restaurant. However, a tide of uncertainty washes over you, causing a flicker of doubt to emerge. Despite your physical preparedness, a sense of apprehension clouds your mind. Taeyong's overwhelming success, remarkable handsomeness, and unparalleled talent have left you feeling somewhat intimidated. The prospect of meeting him suddenly renders you shy and hesitant to attend.
"Ma'am, we have arrived at your destination," the cab driver announces, interrupting your thoughts. Snapping back to reality, you express your gratitude with a soft smile directed at the driver, promptly offering a tip before stepping out of the vehicle.
Tentatively, you made your way into the restaurant, your lingering shyness still present from your contemplations. As you entered, a poised waitress gracefully approached you, her steps purposeful and her presence welcoming.
“Good afternoon, madam. Are you reserving a table?" inquired the waitress, her professional demeanor graced by a warm smile. "Ah, no, I'm here for a VIP meet-up with Taeyong," you replied, reciprocating her smile. Sensing the purpose of your visit, she requested your name, opening a journal awaiting your response. "Y/F/N," you promptly provided. The waitress scanned the pages, seeking your name among the entries. "Ah, Ms. Y/L/N! Welcome to the Vortex Lounge. Please follow me," she cordially invited, guiding you towards the VIP room.
As the waitress led the way, your mind couldn't help but wander, pondering the choice of a restaurant for this meet-and-greet event with Taeyong. Unlike other idols who typically only have a brief encounter with fans, this setting felt more akin to a romantic rendezvous than a traditional idol-to-fan gathering. The notion of a private date with the esteemed Lee Taeyong briefly flattered your imagination, although you remained acutely aware of its unlikelihood. Snapping out of your delusions, you refocused as the waitress halted in front of the VIP room.
"Enjoy your stay. Please refer to the order button on the table if you require anything," the waitress informed you, graciously opening the door. Expressing your gratitude, you bid your farewell to the waitress and stepped into the room, sensing the door gently closing behind you.
An inaudible gasp escaped your lips as your gaze fell upon the solitary figure of Taeyong seated at the table, his eyes fixed upon you as though he had eagerly awaited your arrival for an eternity.
Taeyong gracefully rose from his seat, extending a kind gesture as he pulled out a chair for you. "Please, have a seat," he invited, his smile exuding warmth and hospitality. Grateful for his courtesy, you settled into the chair, feeling a mixture of disbelief and elation as Taeyong resumed his place across from you. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Y/L/N. My name is Lee Taeyong," he introduced himself, his words laced with sincerity.
The reality of Taeyong's presence before you, no longer confined to a phone screen, seemed almost surreal. His physical allure surpassed even your wildest expectations, leaving you awestruck and feeling as if you were living a dream come true. It was as though your eyes were playing tricks on you, unable to fully grasp the extraordinary moment unfolding.
"Likewise, my name is Y/N," you managed to utter, your flustered state growing more apparent with each passing second. Taeyong responded with a gentle smile, attempting to alleviate your nervousness. "Please don't be anxious. I'm just like any other person, really," he reassured you, his politeness shining through. "Feel free to order anything you desire; it's my treat," he graciously continued.
The extraordinary level of fan service offered by Taeyong made you wonder if all the VIP holders were being treated to the same extent. This elevated experience surpassed all expectations, and you couldn't help but feel immensely fortunate to be among the privileged few granted such a remarkable opportunity.
You carefully perused the menu, deliberating over your choice. "A Carbonara will do," you finally decided, sharing your selection with Taeyong. His smile grew wider as he promptly pressed the button to place your order. Soon after, a waiter entered the VIP room to take Taeyong's order, greeting you both with a warm smile. "What can I get you today?" the waiter inquired. Taeyong responded graciously, "Just one serving of Carbonara for this beautiful woman, please." The waiter jotted down Taeyong's order before expressing their intention to bring it promptly. With the waiter's exit, Taeyong's gaze fixated on you once again.
Taeyong's compliment had left you completely flustered; his description of you as beautiful caught you off guard, rendering you momentarily speechless. Frozen in place, you struggled to find an appropriate response, your cheeks tinted with a deep blush. Sensing your flustered state, Taeyong chuckled softly, his amusement evident. Seeking to redirect the conversation and regain your composure, you changed the topic.
"Taeyong... We greatly appreciate your unwavering dedication, particularly in light of the challenges you've faced, including the accident. How are you holding up?" you inquired, earnestly seeking his perspective. Taeyong's expression softened as he responded, weaving a fabricated tale of personal struggle and trauma stemming from the incident. He wiped away his tears, emphasizing the profound impact of his bandmates' tragic passing and how it had left him grappling with profound emotional scars. In reality, he was deceiving you, his mind replaying the haunting screams of his bandmates as they met their agonizing fate.
Filled with remorse for broaching such a sensitive topic, you sincerely apologized to Taeyong, expressing your concern in a gentle tone. The weight of your words weighed heavily on your conscience, and in an effort to alleviate some of the discomfort, you swiftly reached into your bag, retrieving a handcrafted gift. With a warm smile, you extended it towards him, presenting a meticulously made jar adorned with an array of motivational letters nestled within.
"I hope this gift brings you solace during challenging times. Please accept it as a token of my support," you offered, your smile conveying genuine care and empathy. Taeyong's countenance softened further as he reciprocated your gesture, accepting the gift graciously.
In that moment, Taeyong found you endearing. Though your question had touched upon personal territory, he didn't mind sharing his feelings with you. Moreover, he couldn't help but notice the beauty of your voice, envisioning the possibility of incorporating your screams into his musical compositions. Little did you know, Taeyong had already marked you as his next prey, his twisted mind reveling in the prospect of capturing your terror.
A/N: I apologize for stopping early. I just wanted to see if anyone was still going to read ‘Lovesick’ after I halted the release for 2 years TT feel free to make suggestions for the fic <3
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oinonsana · 1 year
so hear me out right (and this is by no means a smart blog post thing, im just rambling at 2am)
a lot of combat heavy ttrpgs (D&D4e, PF2e, ICON, Lancer, Panic! At The Dojo) rely a lot on keywording and mechanical definitions to create this interlocking (and hopefully well-oiled) combat engine that rewards good tactical choices and forward thinking. 4e needs you to know that Ranged Attacks Provoke Opportunity Attacks, and so you need to move away first to avoid that (often by spending their Move action to Shift). this goes for other games as well. ICON needs you to know that if an Ability does not have the "Attack" tag then its explicitly not an attack, even if it deals damage. This is important because some classes and abilities benefit from not attacking, such as the Demon Slayer
the far end of this is PF2e, where almost everything is Keyworded. Classes, Races, even Feats have keywords, and some keywords have Keywords in them. this is not bad design in my opinion: mastery of this keywording can create for some really cool effects (and you can feasibly design something very BotW which also depends on a lot of interactions between elements).
now consider that so much of tactics trpgs (that is, Traditional/Tabletop Role-Playing Games) rely on so much of that interaction to create fulfilling scenarios. most of the time this is because tactics rpgs also depend on build-crafting. there are a lot of tactics trpgs that don't really care about build crafting or has less of a focus on it to focus instead on the grid combat: games like Rune, Valiant Quest, maybe even Blood Neon, so im explicitly talking about the variety of tactics trpgs that are build-centered: basically anything that comes from the vein of Fourth Edition Dungeons and Dragons
one of my favorite parts about TTRPGs is that you can play them based off of the fiction. writing Gubat Banwa, I understand that sometimes you have to create that fiction, especially if its not one thats well-represented. the created fiction or genre is the blueprint from which the play-fiction arises during the game: that's the fire-like collective imagination that arises from play.
There's a design and play philosophy (common among OSR, PbtA, and FitD) known as Fiction-First. This means that you follow what happens in the fiction first before the mechanics or anything else. Not to preserve the integrity of a "narrative" but rather, to preserve the integrity of the fiction.
What would a Fiction-First Tactics TRPG look like? This is something I tried to set out to do with Gubat Banwa. I haven't really succeeded, as of 1e.3.
so i've been thinking lately. What if a game was Fiction-First? It would work similarly to the Keywording of PF2e, but more open-ended in its interpretation.
Look at the Panabas from PF2e (a weapon present in SEAsia! From the Malay Archipelago all the way to the Philippine Archipelago). It has the Forceful (your second attack on your turn gains +X (X = damage dice, third up gets +2X.), Sweep (+1 to attack if youve alr targeted a separate character), and Two-Hand d10 (roll a d10 when you wield with both hands) tags.
I'm not going to be translating these one for one, but let's use the fiction-first style of writing and mechanics i'm concocting:
Panabas. A heavy blade. Using this, you strike with Bravery. The forward-curving blade can chop through tree, bone, and bramble.
Heavy Blade is a weapon type, so this is classic keywording. The text afterwards is also keywording: striking with Bravery means you roll your Bravery stat when making attacks with it. All well and good: there's always going to be some classical keywording in there as necessity (its this entanglement of mechanic and fiction that's made me love PbtA anyway).
The later text is more important, because say then I made an enemy like:
Walking Tree. A tree that uproots itself, and whistles to kill victims. Made of wood, so they lose 1 Stamina when they suffer chopping attacks. If they're struck by flame, they start burning. [Insert other combat-important stats here].
Now the fact that the panabas can chop through trees interacts with the description of the walking tree being vulnerable to chopping attacks.
Now these really aren't too different from the concept of keywording (really they're in the same concept park), the different thing is two things:
You can now apply that chopping quality to anything in the fiction. Find some brambles on your way, maybe even brambles as hindering terrain? Then spend a Beat to attack it to remove it! That's fiction first after all
It's easier to understand just at first glance with just natural language.
The important part here is natural language. In Play, a lot of the time, my players love picking up on little things about lore-bites of the items and techniques they have and seeing how that can apply to the fiction. So this is more of that: weapons, items, techniques, armor all become things that establish fiction. When two fictions interact, a new fiction arises!
Burning: A status effect. While you're burning, lose 1 Stamina when you start your Break. You lose burning when you're doused by water or you take time to remove it. Improvise: (A basic action). Do anything that does not inherently harm, as long as it makes sense in the fiction, and doesn't take more than 4 seconds to do (Beats take up 4 seconds). You can use this to stop drop and roll to get rid of Burning. Deep Water. -1 Elevation. Water reaches up to your shoulders. Moving into deep water costs +1 Speed.
Of course there's still going to be mechanical descriptions there, we're not going for FKR full just fiction thing. We're just blending fiction into the game part. Even PbtA still has stats and rolling and mechanics to further support their fiction.
I wanted to write this so that techniques and other widgets can be written with fictional wording in mind, and that wording would affect how its used in tactical grid combat. A technique that says: "You are surrounded by a barrier of tornado-force winds. Any attack from outside your adjacency is swept away, unless it cannot be buffeted by winds." Becomes a mechanical thing: perhaps a spell of concentrated curses pierces through this, but not arrows or weak fireballs?
The Arbiter
The last piece of the puzzle will almost always be: who arbitrates the fiction? There almost always needs to be a final word. For GuBa, this is the Umalagad, not so impartial arbiter. For Solo Play, this is still the Umalagad, but as the oracle: they ask a question, ie, "Would this area of effect attack be buffeted by the wind barrier if the origin point starts from outside?" and they would roll a d10. On a 6+, the answer is no, the target would not be buffeted because the flames overwhelm. On a 5-, the answer would be yes, it is buffeted because the target is not the brunt of the attack. And the final answer becomes the ruling for the rest of that scene.
Last last thing is this particular rule that sets things down that I might put into Gubat Banwa:
The Law of Phenomenon Pay close attention to the words that you have. These words will decide whether your blade can chop down a tree, or your abaka weave blunts edged strikes, but susceptible to piercing spears. These words will decide whether your dazzling spell can daze opponents, or if the opponent you fight ignores it due to them not depending on their senses to fight. The words establish the fiction. The fiction is the world in which your characters live: follow it always.
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study-with-aura · 4 months
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Friday, May 10, 2024
(posting late)
I am posting very early today because I wanted to get Friday and the weekend up, so I can focus on today's stuff tonight (Monday). Most of Friday was review, which I used Khan Academy for and my notes. I also had my Harmony exam on Friday, which I already posted about. But to mention it again, it went really well I think. I felt good about it. Now I am awaiting my results.
Needless to say, Friday was a very busy day!
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Finals review
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Units 12-14 vocabulary + read the news + worked on non-fiction writing assignment (due next Thursday) + CLEP Test practice question + reviewed essential questions that will be on the final
Spanish 2 - Reviewed La Rutina Diaria y Las Enfermedades + reviewed possessive adjectives + reviewed reflexive verbs
Bible I - Read Matthew 23
World History - Read about the role of the United Nations + read about globalization + read about climate change
Biology with Lab - Learned about more mollusks and arthropods + filled in graphic organizer chart (next two sections) + continued germination lab
PE/Health I - Read a health article
Foundations - Read more on wisdom + completed the next quiz on Read Theory + continued writing my argumentative speech
Piano - Harmony Exam
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry daily mastery challenge + completed High School biology daily mastery challenge
CLEP - None today
Streaming - None today
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 32-80 of The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf
Chores - None today
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (1 John 1)
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lotarclasspects · 7 months
What is a "Mythological Role" Truly?
The idea for this post came to me out of the blue. But lately, in my quest to go back to the comic and build my own theories about Classpects and what they are, checking to make sure my beliefs are founded in evidence/direct from the source so on and so forth. I'm up to Act 5 at the moment. But what really captured my interest was, yes the classes and how they present, but also. What a Mythological Role really is.
It seems simple, on the surface. And I suppose it is. But in its simplicity, are layers and layers of philosophy. They all tie into ideas of "The Ultimate Self", a person's greatest potential. Consistent across every timeline and universe, so that the two are inseparable from a character's Personhood. A lot of Homestuck is like that, and I think at least for me, that's why I like it so much. What struck me most, began with how Vriska describes what Sburb itself is, in a conversation with John. That how the game itself, planets, and by extension classpect all suit themselves to the needs of the society of the children playing the game, but in a way also captures their potential. Taking them as children, the ideas and concepts which build the Universe giving rise to a new one. Destruction of the planet of origin and potential futures, all for Skaia's Ultimate Alchemy. Perhaps this is what Rose mentions, when she says the Gods convinced her that Skaia was an "evil" entity. Whilst Kanaya, connected to the concepts of Procreation, believes it to be only good, tasked with one clear and ultimate purpose. Anyway. Vriska talks to John, about how she was shaped by her society. How she was afraid of it, and excited by aspects of it, at times. But is ultimately thankful the game "Gave [Her] a purpose, which lead about creating [the humans]" And then she says this. =>
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What captured my eye most, was "Because we got that chance, it means we'll never actually get to come of age and enter troll society and see if we got what it takes" That's kind of the spirit of Sburb, isn't it. It has people enter right at the moment of their greatest potential, when they truly begin to Grow Up, mentally etc. In this train of thought, the Mythological Role is also described (By Rose) as being representative of the journey they'd need to take to reach their greatest personal potentials, specified by Class. The Page class as we know is likened to the "Boy Skylark" FLARP class which is characterised by "Very weak, and a long path to mastery". Rose mentions her planet has "Everything a growing Seer could possibly need". She specifies Seer, rather than "Light Player"or Her specifically. She then says to John that his planet probably has everything he needs to grow as an "Heir" too. Again, specifying the class. It seems, that classes are decided for players sort of as the How of growing up. Everyone reaches mastery eventually, but what is the process to do so, and what does mastery look like for Them. But where does Aspect come into it? There are two conversations which catch my eye in regards to this. The first, is the very first time Aradia is shown in the comic after her revival into the God Tiers. She begins her role as Grim Reaper, and walks with Dave as he gathers that he is actually dead and not dreaming. She says she regrets not talking to him more, and that "
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It seems to imply that assuming commonality based on Class alone, though, would be misleading. Class is the process, and Aspect is the overall role and theme. Kanaya and Jade also talk about how "their Role is effectively the same". In the same conversation that she likens the Sylph and Witch class, actually. But despite the idea that they might be opposites, it implies that despite the differences of their Classes, what they can do, and what their position is in Sburb, is ultimately much more similar than it is different. Aradia also says something interesting regarding Aspects in this same conversation. When she describes them sharing the Time aspect as "A game, - that we happen to be best at. but when all the games are back in the cupboard everyone is about the same"
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It implies, not only akin to real life where Everyone kind of ends up on the same page after they reach adulthood, but that your Aspect. YOUR Aspect, which Sburb chooses for you, is not necessarily something you just Do. Not one of the many things you do, but the one you are Best at. that You are the best at, compared to others. I know with many people analysing themselves or characters there is a tendency to be like "but i do a lot of things, many of them could apply to me". And whilst "the one you are best at" here seems to garner additional context upon like significant themes in the lives of the characters, etc. It's implying heavily, that it is something, out of all of the Aspects, that you have the most potential of mastering the Best. Not necessarily at the current moment, but when all is said and done. There is a third conversation which I have not screenshotted yet, too. When Kanaya and Karkat are in Echidna's lair. And she talks about how she and Echidna talked about "A lot of things". The crux of the conversation is Echidna assessing their worth of inheriting the new universe. And whether they'd be prepared to accept the responsibility. Kanaya, as the person responsible for the Procreation, and Karkat as a moral/spiritual leader for their people. She mentions in this conversation, that being a hero of Space never really had much impact on her and she didn't really get it, until she understood it meant more than "physical space for stars and planets to occupy". She talks and asks Karkat, if there's a concept that has been with him always, which entices him, and scares him a little bit. For her, it would be "Procreation" which is explicitly tied to the true grand meaning of the Space aspect. Karkat then says "I DUNNO. BLOOD I GUESS" and describes his feelings on that, comparing his past ideas of Leadership to his current ones in another "I'm not your leader i'm your friend" conversation which we see in both session leaders and Blood/Breath players. But since, in this conversation, their Aspects are both explicitly mentioned, and when Karkat is prompted even though he doesn't really know why, when asked for the thing, the Significant theme in his life which scares him and entices him, he chooses Blood.... It adds more depth and context to what an Aspect actually represents for a person. And a Class too. Since all have many facets. My current theory might be, that an Aspect, in its many, many facets. Some or all, are ones that are most prominent in a person's life and personality. The grand, leading themes that you're kind of drawn to even when you're not trying to. And the thing that, compared to all others, even if You don't know it, you're the best at. The Class, then. Is more about. Think of a person, their likes, dislikes, skills. Everything that makes them Them, when they're feeling the most themself. The Class describes what they need to do to grow into the most Them they can be, even if it's not what society deems to be "Good".
Vriska, before, is many things. She feels regret, pride, sadness, and has a great ego. But I think we can all agree, that even though her Alternate self felt bad, she was heavily influenced by others to be there. She began looking like Meenah, doubting herself, accepting Irrelevance. But when Vriska has been the MOST herself, the most Vriska, it has been when she's been taking the Luck, all of it. In the above conversation with John she talks about finding true strength, not the fakey kind, to do what she needs to do. And that she wants to do it for her friends too, (despite being a very active class) She says verbatim "If I don't do it, who will?". Which also alerts me to the fact that there is far more to the classes than simply abiding by the Active/Passive scale for their Entire context, on a basis of "selfish or not selfish". But all of this leads back into the concept of Ultimate Self. Classpects are consistent across every iteration of a person, so what does that really mean? In an unrelated conversation, I was talking to a friend about Classes and Aspects because they wanted help with finding theirs. And I was talking about Vriska and how messed up her life was and how complex her way of thinking was, shortly after I was explaining how rare and what a special circumstance it is for the Lord class is to exist. Like total and complete force of will, and a Willingness, to completely master their entire aspect. And my friend said "vriska could be a lord" and my first thought (i didn't say this) but it was "But . She isn't though. And she can't be" Nowhere in any universe would Vriska ever be a Lord. Because. She just isn't. She can act like one. She can act controlling and high and mighty above her means. She can be meek, she can be insecure and indecisive. But she will not be acting like Her. She is the Thief of Light, and she will never, and can never be a Lord because it's not a title you achieve, or something you can change, it's just describing what a person is, has be, could be, and will be, at their most Themselves. But that's the key- it's limited in scope with only 168 options for all players who could ever possibly Play the game in all of creation. But it's not a limit, or a restriction. It's not a title you choose, or advance through. It's a title given, based on who you are, fundamentally. That a person (character) earns by virtue of being themselves. To grow into, and through. Rather than anything ranked. All that said, this reminds me, though of like. People as little kids. They are so young, they have all the potential in the world. But even children as young as 4 and 5 and even 3. Some are shy, some are confident, some are brave, some are cautious. Some would prefer to scour as may books that fit on the bookshelf than go to a party. Some kids would rather hang out with their friends than struggle with book stuff. And who they are then, grows into who they become. But the seeds of who they become, and how, are still present even at young ages. Not as a barrier, or a way to hold them back. But just in the sense of... when you really pay attention to a child's personality, it's usually far less of a surprise to see the person they grow into. The same could be said of teenagers and adults. And I think this, or some concept of this, of Self, of being. Something that persists despite all choices and paths, is one of the main concepts in Homestuck relating to the Ultimate Self, And how the Ultimate Self relates to the choosing of Sburb to a Mythological Role. -teapotTrickster
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hwei-theories · 6 months
╰┈➤Gold as a visual element: Unveiling the meanings in Hwei and Jhin's characters
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The color gold plays a significant role in both Hwei's and Jhin's characters, albeit with different connotations and meanings.
In Hwei's character, the presence of gold represents despair and emotional overwhelm. While gold traditionally symbolizes success, affluence, and luxury, in Hwei's case, it takes on a different significance. The color gold serves as a visual representation of his inner turmoil and deep sorrow. It reflects the complexity of his experiences and the weight of his emotional journey (see Hwei's abilities as metaphors for Hwei's stages of Life). Despite his struggles, Hwei manages to hold onto his inner light, and the gold in his design may serve as a reminder of the strength he possesses beneath the surface.
In contrast, gold is strongly associated with Jhin's character. Jhin's stagename, Khada Jhin, means "Golden Excellence," and his obsession with the number four is reflected in the fact that "gold" has four letters. Jhin himself acknowledges the power of gold, stating, "Gold is my power color." The color gold in Jhin's character represents his pursuit of perfection, his desire for excellence, and his fixation on beauty. It symbolizes his artistic sensibilities and his meticulous attention to detail. Jhin is called the "Golden Demon." Jhin embraces the allure and grandeur associated with the color gold.
The presence of gold in Hwei's design may indeed suggest an influence from Jhin. Given that Jhin is associated with gold and that Hwei's character has elements of despair and emotional overwhelm, it is possible that Hwei's design draws inspiration from Jhin's aesthetics and themes. The inclusion of gold in Hwei's abilities and official artworks could be a deliberate choice to convey a sense of connection or contrast between the two characters. It adds another layer of depth and complexity to Hwei's character, highlighting the impact of Jhin's presence on his story and journey.
Hwei and Jhin are also referred to as the "Golden Artists." They have a Secret Quest called "Golden Ratio."
The term "Golden Artists" could be seen as a metaphorical representation of their artistic prowess and impact. "Golden" could signify their exceptional talent and mastery in their respective artistic crafts. It could also imply the prestigious and revered status they hold within their artistic domains.
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dailycharacteroption · 7 months
Imperial Agent (Vigilante Archetype)
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(art by Larian718 on DeviantArt)
We’ve covered plenty of vigilante archetypes here on the blog before, but as we’ve pointed out, despite the narrative origins, not every vigilante is a hero or even a good person. Sometimes people hide their identity to do very bad things.
One such example are the imperial agents of the former empire of Lung-Wa, who work behind the scenes, sometimes alone, sometimes in groups, to try and destabilize the various successor states in hopes of them unifying them into a true heir to the old empire. So basically Romance of the Three Kingdoms by way of spycraft.
Such sneaks and spies not only work under a cover identity, but also establish disguises that paint them as agents of foreign powers to try and insight war and distrust.
Given the politics of many of the major powers of the world and their clandestine acts in other nations, I think we can agree that even stripped of the context of the Pathfinder core setting, this archetype is not very heroic. At best, you could use it for an infiltrator trying to destroy a villainous nation, perhaps the alliance of multiple such antagonists, from within, but the vibes point to this usually being an NPC antagonist archetype, or at least a morally grey one.
Even still, we’ll look and see what it has to offer.
The primary skill of these instigators is their mastery of spreading rumors and slander about an individual or group, souring the locals against them. Of course, if they fail, they might face investigation or reprisal if they are found out.
Master manipulators, they also are good at intimidating or lying to others.
Finally, they learn how to create an extra identity in the form of a member of an organization, making it easy to fool a layperson that their activities are performed by a member of said organization, placing the blame on them. However, they have to be careful, as actual members of that organization are very likely to see through their disguise.
This archetype is rather unobtrusive, so you can still build them how you see fit. Their real strength is working in intrigue-heavy games where they can manipulate public opinion and place blame upon their enemies. That being said, unless it suits the game for the GM to roll for it, most of these abilities won’t get used when in the hands of an NPC, making it somewhat superfluous in its most common role.
Agents like this in the real world are loyal, very loyal to a cause. One might argue that they are selected based on their lack of introspection about the cost and impact of their efforts, but there is always room for someone to have a change of heart. Whether the character remains true to their beliefs of changes is up to the user, of course.
The river wardens proudly wear the symbol of the wakandagi, a powerful river spirit, on their armor to show their devotion to keeping the waterways clean and safe. It is utterly shocking, then, to hear rumors of groups of them suddenly demanding tolls and protection money from merchants and civilians that use the river and channels in their daily lives.
Crotchety and bitter, Kovas the bleachling gnome has taken his jaded and cold demeanor to a new low… by becoming a company plant in the builder’s union. By day he is a grumpy but hardworking worker, but by night he uses a copious amount of dye and makeup to appear as an unbleached member of his kin, sowing mischief while wearing the union’s insignia, and when that doesn’t work, he dons a full disguise for enacting more blatant forms of sabotage.
General Kir runs a tight ship, brooking no insubordination. When rumors reach his ears that some of his troops are abusing the citizens of the outlying providences, he immediately launches an investigation with the party at it’s head. It becomes increasingly clear that all troops were accounted for a the time, so it becomes a quest to find these bad actors before the dissatisfaction with the locals reaches a head.
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It's the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party!
Let's do some nonsense.
According to the Boston Tea Party Museum, colonists dumped the following teas into the harbor.
The black teas were:
Bohea - 240 chests
Congou - 10 chests
Souchong - 60 chests
And the green teas:
Singlo - 60 chests
Hyson - 15 chests
Yes, green tea was a thing! It accounted for about 22% of the shipments volume and 30% of it's value. (I did not know this until I was gifted a set of teas from the Boston Tea Party last year.)
Ben is our Congou*. This denotes a tea made with "highest mastery or skill." It's toasty, smooth, sweet, and has "the flavor of unsweetened baked apples." That sounds pretty All-American to me (as much as Chinese tea can be, I guess.) The high mastery needed to produce this tea without breaking the leaves reflects Ben's lifelong quest to master the various skills he would need on the treasure hunt--American history, engineering, salvage diving, and so on.
Hyson, a green tea was, on of the most popular green teas of the 18th, and a favorite of both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Obviously the honor of this tea will go to Abigail. It is picked in the spring "before the rains" as its Chinese name denotes, resulting in a pungent, full-bodied brew that is golden "with an edge of sweet character". To me this represents Abigail's refusal to be a passive witness to the events of the film, instead inserting herself into the treasure hunt, taking no bullshit from Ben or anyone else, but ultimately revealing her own sweet edge when she gets fully invested in the hunt.
Riley will be our Souchong. The 18th century variety was more mild than today's pinewood smoked Lapsong Souchongs, but still possessed a smoky aroma from the drying process. The smokiness is "meant to compliment the natural taste of black tea," just as Riley is meant to compliment the history nerds in his role as comic relief. Whether he overpowers them is up to you. The smoke can also represent the air of mystery around Riley, given that we know the least about him of the three leads. Souchong "lacks the bitterness that can come with other black teas" as so does not need to be sweetened. Despite his practical pessimism, Riley also lacks bitterness, will help Ben in any way he needs, and sweetens the group with his hilarious presence.
For Patrick, we'll go with Singlo. This green tea was "picked later in the season" than Hyson, and "tended to spoil sooner." The older leaves can represent how Patrick is a generation older than our main trio. And spoiling sooner represents how Patrick soured on the legend of the treasure sooner than Ben, John, or any of the other Gates men (that we know about.)
*Except for @emmi-kat. For you, Ben can be Bohea, a ubiquitous tea in the colonies that was "faint, frequently smokey, but always unpleasant." : )
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Tianlong (天龍) in the 'Sphere of Mars' Talon Abraxas
Unveiling the Mythical Legacy: The Significance of Historical Dragons in China and the Auspicious Year of the Dragon 2024
Celestial Dragons
Tianlong (天龍)
Shenlong (神龍)
Fuzanglong (伏藏龍)
Dilong (地龍)
Yinglong (應龍)
Jiaolong (蛟龍)
Panlong (蟠龍)
Huanglong (黃龍)
Feilong (飛龍)
Qiulong (���龍)
Zhulong (燭龍)
Chi (螭龍)
Tianlong (天龍):
Known as the Celestial Dragon, Tianlong symbolizes heavenly forces and divine protection. It is associated with the sky and cosmic order, signifying the connection between mortals and the divine realm.
Shenlong (神龍):
Shenlong, the Spirit Dragon, is revered as a benevolent deity bringing rain and ensuring fertility. It represents harmony with nature and the vital role of water in agricultural prosperity.
Fuzanglong (伏藏龍):
Fuzanglong, the Dragon of Hidden Treasures, guards hidden wealth and precious gems. It symbolizes the rewards of diligence, patience, and the hidden potentials waiting to be discovered.
Dilong (地龍):
Dilong, the Earth Dragon, is deeply rooted in Chinese mythology as the guardian of the earth's treasures, including minerals and underground water sources. It embodies the essence of stability, foundation, and prosperity drawn from the earth.
Yinglong (應龍):
Known as the Responding Dragon, Yinglong is associated with justice, righteousness, and the protection of the innocent. It symbolizes the triumph of truth over falsehood and the reward of virtuous actions.
Jiaolong (蛟龍):
Jiaolong, the Flood Dragon, represents the elemental force of water and its potential for both chaos and renewal. It embodies adaptability, resilience, and the cyclical nature of life.
Panlong (蟠龍):
Panlong, the Coiling Dragon, is depicted winding around mountains and rivers, symbolizing control over water and weather patterns. It represents authority, leadership, and mastery over natural forces.
Huanglong (黃龍):
Huanglong, the Yellow Dragon, is associated with the Yellow Emperor, a legendary figure in Chinese history. It symbolizes imperial power, sovereignty, and the mandate of heaven.
Feilong (飛龍):
Feilong, the Flying Dragon, embodies freedom, transcendence, and spiritual enlightenment. It represents the human quest for higher knowledge and liberation from earthly constraints.
Qiulong (虯龍):
Qiulong, the Horned Dragon, is often depicted with antlers or horns and is associated with strength, virility, and fertility. It symbolizes vitality, vigor, and the relentless pursuit of goals.
Zhulong (燭龍):
Zhulong, the Torch Dragon, is a mythical creature associated with fire and illumination. It symbolizes enlightenment, inspiration, and the transformative power of knowledge.
Chi (螭龍):
Chi, the Chi Dragon, is a mythical creature often depicted with the body of a snake and the horns of a deer. It symbolizes protection, prosperity, and longevity, guarding against malevolent forces.
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straynoahide · 4 days
ainulindale meta (IV)
Index post here
Theme of the Children: Theodicy, Providence and Hope.
The Third Theme (T3), which I would call the "Theme of the Children", has a lot of parallels with T2.
Eru now shows a low-intensity but negative emotion for the first time, he's displeased or upset ("stern" semblance).
T3 gathers power like T2 but not in new beauty, rather in profundity.
We are told how the music is (deep, wide, slow) and how it is blended with "immeasurable sorrow" (a negative emotion, to match Eru's) - but told that this sorrow is also the source from which "its beauty chiefly comes". that's a lot to unpack, so let's go bit by bit.
The Discord now, explicitly violent (warfare - atrocity, pillaging, mass murder, conflict-related sexual violence if you squint once), tries to "drown" T3
we're also told how the Discord is, in contrast, in pejorative terms (loud, vain and endlessly repeated v deep, wide, slow) - and we're told something very meaningful about it, that reveals Melkor's hypocrisy and undoing:
the Discord has "little harmony but unity of its own" (a 'clamorous unison').
so not only does Melkor try to drown out T3, he unravels himself in his sub-creative actions (a Tolkienian concept meaning that he can alter and shape, but not create ex nihilo).
there where he has mastery or influence, he negates the very free will that spurred his initial quest for creation, and his rebellion during T1 and T2.
these are the actions of someone who does not value creation. Morgoth and Melkor are the same individual, but Morgoth the tyrant, the Black Foe of the Noldor, is not driven by his Melkorian nature.
I think this is what it means to be corrupt, to be fallen from grace. Judaism and Islam have a curious wording for penitence or repenteance that essentially means "Return"; who repents 'returns' to his nature. If you're corrupt from the get-go, you have nothing to return to, you're definitionally unredeemable.
However, as Elrond says, "nothing is Evil in the beginning" - Evil is a stop in a road that has to be walked and reached, it seems, for Tolkien. Does this imply the road can be walked back? Not necessarily, but it seems a logical possibility at this point.
at any rate - loud, clamor, drown, repetition, "the Halls and beyond shake with tremor" - all speak of this deep-rooted desire to assert himself at any cost, by force, desperately.
But aggrandizing himself comes from belittling those who serve him, and Morgoth truly sees none as equal in dignity, but as inferior. This is what his identity as tyrant, what he settled after failing as creator, is predicated on. Think of the titles, the gigantic size, the cruelty.
no matter what Melkor does, he can't create harmony even through enforced unity -unification within the Discord-, because true unity, true harmony necessitates uniqueness and diversity first, and only then the correct balance and voluntary cooperation can happen between those diverse elements. neither could God force Melkor to choose to fulfill his role; God values creation, values Melkor. Melkor was free to be wrong, to fail God - and to fail himself.
Morgoth's own armies are made of slaves and traitors, like the Orcs and some swarthy men. Some of Morgoth's greatest successes are the result of elven and human free will, not of his power, like Feanor's self-dooming or Túrin's self-made tragedies that Morgoth calls 'Fate', as if he could control Fate (he cannot, nor can Feanor transcend it). Morgoth is false, and Morgoth is "un-Melkorian" because God is sovereign. Not in spite of it, because of it.
I think it was never God's Will to negate the individuality of Melkor. Instead, Melkor's frustration leads him to choose to negate that of others. that of those that he does have power over, those the most vulnerable to him. the more helpless, the more cruel, the better.
Melkor thus negates his own 'cause', destroys the meaning of his own rebellion; in his divine-given freedom, evil, though terrible, proves a self-defeating principle, if not yet force.
we are told this theme is "unlike other themes" because only God was privy to the full repertoire and counted on the capacity of Melkor to do both good and bad - Melkor who comes from his own mind, and could have played his role or not sought to aggrandize himself at the expense of others.
what Melkor takes for "triumphant" notes (ie, the moments where the forces of evil overpower the forces of good, where the world is not balanced, where good is corrupted, where hope seems lost), are incorporated ('woven') into the "solemn pattern".
T3, thus, is unlike T2, because it includes something truly distinct; its Melody is both the Harmony and the Discord woven into the overarching Pattern, blended into something also beautiful, and it is the Discord especially ("chiefly") that plays into this pattern.
this is something that God does not rejoice in (no "smile", but rather he is "stern"), and the pattern is "solemn". it is serious, somber, no joke. it is a painful fact of the world we have to incorporate into our worldviews and beliefs, no matter how unpleasant: warfare, sickness, disasters, death; natural destruction and evil.
the other Ainur are also not privy to the entire Symphony or 'Pattern' as it unfolds, but trust Providence. this is what Men call Hope (Estel), ultimately - Christian faith - trusting in ultimate goodness without knowing, and while being able to doubt it and act on dark thoughts born of that doubt.
staring at the very face of evil, because we are ignorant, and choosing good, while we are created capable of defying God.
Melkor's freedom is a divine gift at first, but the freedom and suffering of the Children -some of their own making, to themselves, to others; some beyond their ability to escape- is a somber reality. all is in the same Pattern of T3.
this quote from Tolkien encapsulates the conviction underlying Estel/Hope well I think:
Evil labours with vast power and perpetual success – in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in.
the melody is profound, it is 'deep' ('profundity') - because it has these time-woven, dialectic, causal layers between evil and good.
the melody is 'wide' because it includes the noble and the lowborn, the spirits and the firstborn and Men, all across the broad world. it is 'deep' because free choices, noble and corrupt, have repercussions that limit others' freedoms down the time-stream and across the board.
what seems little can change the course of history down the ages. the melody is 'slow', because History and God's Will are One. it takes the entirety of Arda's time to fully unfold - the only thing he demanded of the Ainur to be incarnate, to live all of it. only Melkor was thrown out of Arda by the Valar after the First Age
it is slow for fearful Men who die before seeing Fate unfold in their favor and it is slow for tired Elves who grow world-weary and count mounting losses remembering old glory. but it is God's tempo.
true Hope in this sense can only come from not overlooking the lack of goodness in the world and the pain that comes from it - it is truly a moral choice not to fall to despair, because despair is possible, likely or even seemingly impossible to avoid.
being cruel can be easy, and being kind can be hard. in fact, kindness is the most costly choice in world with cruelty, not just harder - Arda like our own. but without kindness, there is no goodness.
God's semblance isn't happy. Perhaps, God suffered first. Perhaps, God suffered most. Does God have choices?
Indeed, in Christianity, the suffering and compassion of God is centric. Arda, life, is not Paradise - not even Valinor, that Melkor darkened when becoming Morgoth. and do we not have this very notion in Nienna, in-world? she suffers even for the Black Foe, for whom she has canonical compassion.
"Love me when I least deserve it - for that is when I need it most"
what the world does have of good, was worth creating, for Him - and thus, it is worth living, for us the Children; it outweights everything else, no matter how desolate it may feel.
Nienna's pity is not pointless and sterile; it is constructive and fruitful. God wants the Children to choose kindness, not cruelty. That's the role. That's the assignment.
we are warned of this, explicitly: beauty comes chiefly from sorrow, not from 'unspoiled' goodness. good in the world, in Arda Marred, has to be built on top of the ruins where evil wrecked, erased former goodness, and "salted the earth".
Houses are rebuilt in a war-torn nation. Orphans are raised by families bereft of their infants, or push their way into apathetic society with little help, because life finds a way. Dignity is restituted to survivors of the most stigmatized and darkest depravity and atrocity; sexual violence, slavery, trafficking. Some communities are re-built under extreme climatic conditions in defiance of nature, where disasters resulted in massive loss of life before.
the sorrow is immesurable. even if we are overwhelmed by some of the sorrow - it cannot even be fathomed by us. but it can be fathomed by He who is the One who created the world: and he declares evil's victories "vain", pointless, doomed. Morgoth is not only to be defeated on principle, but even by force, he will not succeed.
this is the ultimate moral narrative of Christianity and western civ: the Crucifixion, in which God defeats Death, by resurrecting after a series of events representative of ultimate suffering and selfless sacrifice. Tolkien called the Crucifixion the "Eucatastrophe of Human History", Eucatastrophe itself a word he coined that means a sudden event that changes an outcome (eu- added to mean 'for good').
Death(Crucifixion narrative) is not just the end of life, but symbolic of the inexorable limitations of humanity and our desire to escape pain, fate and our desire to rid our loved ones from tragedy and cruelty.
Okay, back from the tangent.
I think T3 describes the entirety of the Years of the Trees and the Ages (First Age, Second Age, Third Age, Fourth Age, etc...).
We see it all in the legendarium. The Valar, wisest of all and closest to the mind of God, still struggle to understand Providence, but are all faithful except Melkor, who is not even regarded as a Vala anymore.
the unlikeness of T3 to T1/T2 means even Manwë is at a loss or impotent sometimes; he is fooled by Melkor in believing he is repentant where he is not (but again, arguably, could have been), validating Manwë's God-mandated role as justice-giver and legitimizing him to his Kingship. once, Manwë has to relinquish his power, recognizing a limitation in his treatment of humanity, so he summons God himself to cast divine judgment- during the Akallabêth, the Fall of Númenor, in a narrative that parallels the hubristic fall of Atlantis. we can defy God - but face consequences.
The Children of Ilúvatar, least in creation, both Elves and human, challenge Morgoth. Fëanor, Tuor, Beren. Some fall from grace because they also place themselves besides God (like Fëanor with his Oath), despite opposing Morgoth. Meanwhile, great spirits (lesser than the Valar, however) become seduced/corrupted, out of different psychological circumstances. characters like Saruman, or Mairon/Sauron, who rejects the Smith Aulë and his limitations and later becomes himself a tyrant, obsessed with Order, come to hate the free will of the peoples.
Morgoth's evil (Discord) is significant, but so is challenging Morgoth's evil (the Discord woven into the Pattern).
Eru's overarching will is Fate, the ultimate power in Eä, the universe - Melech HaOlam; King of the Universe, is a known epithet of the Judeo-Christian God. It is the whole Pattern of the Theme itself - leaving no room for non-Melkorian evil (as a category, not as in that all is prepetrated by Melkor). This is a trait of monotheistic worldviews, but wouldn't necessarily be the case in other worldviews and views of divinity.
we see the Children on both sides of the dialectic, as Harmony and as Discord and Discord is returned to the Pattern. The Darkening of Valinor, Fëanor's Oath, so terrible it invoked the Everlasting Darkness itself, defying God to a Melkorian degree; the War of the Jewels in the First Age, the War of Wrath that destroyed Beleriand at its end. In the rest of the ages - the Wars against fallen Sauron, the War of the Ring, and whatever will happen in the remaining ages of the Arda. The atrocities, sins all of us are yet to commit - and redeem.
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ivoryfall · 7 days
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Gwyndolyn was born into a realm steeped in magic, ruled by the enigmatic Orpheus, a powerful mage with ambitions that transcended the boundaries of ordinary existence. From the moment of their birth, Gwyndolyn exhibited an extraordinary affinity for magic, a fact that simultaneously intrigued and perturbed their father.
Orpheus, burdened by the weight of his ambitions and the intricacies of his magical pursuits, found it challenging to reconcile his role as a ruler with that of a father. The realm's expectations and potential risks associated with Gwyndolyn's unique abilities led Orpheus to maintain a distant and guarded relationship. Meanwhile, Gwyndolyn's mother, Elowen, recognized the magic within their child and assumed the primary role of caregiver and mentor during their formative years.
As Gwyndolyn grew, so did their understanding of their own magical potential. The tensions between Orpheus's aspirations and Gwyndolyn's desire for paternal recognition reached a tipping point. Fueled by a sense of longing and a quest for self-discovery, Gwyndolyn embarked on a journey of their own.
Driven by an innate desire to forge their destiny and escape the shadows of their father's ambitions, Gwyndolyn discovered a hidden sanctuary, a place where the line between reality and illusion blurred. Here, Gwyndolyn sought to create a haven, a refuge that defied the expectations imposed upon them and offered solace to those who felt the weight of magic's condemnation.
Within the sanctuary's ethereal embrace, Gwyndolyn took on the mantle of the Illusionist, a title that reflected not only their mastery over illusions but also their ability to shape a realm free from the constraints of judgment and societal norms. The sanctuary became a testament to Gwyndolyn's resilience, a canvas upon which they painted illusions of hope, beauty, and acceptance.
Yet, the yearning for their father's acknowledgment remained an unquenchable flame, casting a shadow over Gwyndolyn's triumphs. The Illusionist grappled with the delicate balance between the illusions they crafted for others and the elusive reality they sought for themselves.
Gwyndolyn's journey continues within the sanctuary's protective embrace, where illusions dance and magic thrives. The Illusionist remains both a guardian and a seeker, navigating the delicate threads of reality and perception in a world shaped by their own magical prowess. As Gwyndolyn's tale unfolds, the illusions they weave become a mirror reflecting not only the dreams of those who seek refuge but also the complexities of a soul yearning for recognition, understanding, and the elusive embrace of a distant father.
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blackhardtt · 11 days
I've been working on a lot of AUs on my break and watching a lot of Anime, lol. I finally figured out a JJK AU. In the Jujutsu Kaisen AU, Roderick Blackthorn would be a powerful sorcerer from a long-forgotten, noble clan specializing in Shadow Manipulation—an ancient and feared form of cursed energy.
Roderick's family was once among the most prestigious clans of jujutsu sorcerers, known for their mastery over shadows and the ability to manipulate darkness to their will. However, after an internal feud between the Blackthorn family and the main jujutsu sorcerer houses, they were exiled and erased from history. Roderick, unaware of his true heritage, was raised in the slums, but his cursed energy manifested at an early age, allowing him to control shadows and darkened spaces.
- Shadow Magic Manipulation: Roderick can summon and manipulate shadows, using them as extensions of his own body for both offense and defense. He can bind, restrain, or even suffocate enemies using the darkness around them.
- Shadow Realm Domain Expansion: Roderick's Domain Expansion creates an infinite void of shadows, where he is omnipresent, and his enemies are engulfed by eternal darkness. He can manipulate shadows to deceive, attack, or trap his opponents in this space. His attacks within this realm are almost instantaneous due to his control over the dark environment.
- Cursed Technique: Shadow Step: Roderick has the ability to traverse through shadows, allowing him to travel instantly across large distances or avoid enemy attacks. He can also become one with the shadows for stealth-based combat.
- Phantom’s Curse: As a unique cursed technique, Roderick can summon shadowy creatures or phantoms to fight for him. These creatures are semi-autonomous, created from the shadows of objects, people, or even curses, and can take different forms depending on his needs (e.g., hounds, serpents, or large shadow knights, etc.)
Personality and Role:
In this AU, Roderick is the lone survivor of his disgraced family and harbors a deep resentment for the jujutsu sorcerer society that cast his clan aside. His attitude is similar to his chaotic, neutral nature in other universes, valuing freedom but with a darker, more vengeful edge due to his past. He operates as a rogue jujutsu sorcerer, using his abilities to act as a shadowy mercenary, often hired for dangerous jobs that no other sorcerer would take.
Despite his cynical outlook, he has a deep-seated desire to uncover the truth behind his family's downfall. His arc revolves around gaining control over his immense shadow powers while struggling with the temptation of succumbing to the darker aspects of cursed energy.
Roderick could serve as a morally ambiguous ally or rival to other sorcerers, depending on the situation. His shadow manipulation powers make him incredibly difficult to track or defeat, and his unpredictable nature adds a sense of danger to his presence.
Potential Storylines:
- Roderick’s quest to uncover the hidden history of the Blackthorn clan and their fall from grace within the jujutsu society.
- A rivalry with Megumi Fushiguro, whose Ten Shadows Technique shares thematic elements with Roderick’s abilities, leading to potential conflict or mentorship.
- His role as an anti-hero figure who operates in the shadows of society, potentially clashing with Gojo Satoru or other major jujutsu figures as they try to prevent him from using forbidden shadow techniques. (i.e., Eclipse of oblivion, will go into more detail soon.)
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lunarthing159 · 23 days
Wynncraft Rambles:
Just Recently Explored A Ton Of New Areas Including A New Warp-able Town Called Almuj Which Is In Desert. All This Exploring And Doing Random Stuff Has Inspired Me To Actually Explain My Little Archer OC For This World! It's Fairly Vauge In Backstory Due To Me Still Being In Early-Game And Not Knowing Abt Possible Late-Game Lore Info.
It's Under The Read More For Length Purposes... And Slight Spoilers For Some Early Game Stuff, That Too ^v^"
Castor Is My Sharpshooter Archetype & Fire Mastery Archer OC I Created For Wynn! His Main Role In The Team Of Him, Aledar, & Tasim Is The Heart Of The Team. Basically Being The Lovable Goofball/Comic Relief Who's Never Held A Braincell In His Life.
My Little Idiot /aff
He Hoards All The Himbo Energy.
"Knowing What's Happening & Understanding What's Happening Are Very Different Things And Oh Boy Am I Doing Neither!"
Here's Castor's Refrence Sheet & A Random Doodle I Did Of Him Recently!
Yes, I Know, There's Probably A Couple Questions Y'all Have,,, So I'm Gonna Answer A Couple Simple Ones Here! If You Have Any More, Leave 'em In The Replies/Comments & I'll Add Them To The List ^v^
What Are Those Lines On His Chest?
Castor Is Trans Female To Male! I Gave Him A Variety Of Surgery Scarring That Would Fade Back More To A Normal Skin State, But Knowing His Personality (He Uses The Power Of Being A Man To Not Wear Shirts), I Also Gave Him Tattoos In The Area To Make Sure It Draws The Eye. "HEY!! LOOK AT ME!! I A MAN!! LOOK!!"
Why Does He Have All These Eye Markings? Does He Have Extra Eyes?
To Put It Simply, He Likes It! It's A Play On Watchtowers And The Term 'Watchtower'. Watchtowers, Even Shown In Wynn, Are Very Associated With Archers And Archery Sodiers. That Combined With His Head-Empy Zero-Thoughts Stare & The Fact He Towers Over The Rest Of His Group In Height (Headcannon Aledar As 6', Tasim As 5'7, & Castor As 6'6), It Made The Parallels And Refrences An Obvious Choice. So, Ye! Eye Imagery For The Tall Archer Lad!
Why Is He Shirtless?
No Really It's A Play On The Fact That Fire Needs Oxygen To Burn And, If You're Layered In Too Many Clothes, A Common Exclamation You Might Hear Is "I Can't Breathe In This!". He Also Just Prefers It That Way, It's Freeing To Him. Besides, It Allows The Bright Cloth He Carries To Pop In His Attire (It's Supposed To Be A Waist Sash, But He Doesn't Wear It That Way). Bonus, If It Gets Too Cold, He Can Wear It Lika Da Scarf!
Is His Hair On Fire!?
Yes! Yes It Is! ^v^
My Idea On How That Came To Happen Is (When He Got To Detlas) I'd Just Recently Unlocked The Fire Mastery Trait For Him. So My Idea Was That His Hair Would Spark On Occasion Ever Since That Got Unlocked, More Frequently In Times Of Adrenaline. So, After Helping Detlas From The Corruption Hoard And Taking Down The Commander, His Hair Would Be Sparking Like Crazy,,, Which Would Catch The Attention Of Ragon, Detlas's Official Elemental Expert.
My Headcannon Is That Various Degrees Of Elemental Mastery Appear Different On Those That Wield Them, Especially Innate Ones Would Become Apart Of A Person's Being. In Castor's Case, He Was So Practically Destined To Wield Fire That He Ended Up An Innate-Case. Ragon Would See The Embers And Realize The Knowledge Castor Needs To Be Given, About The Way His Fire Is Making Itself Physical On His Body,,, The External Force Just Happens To Be From His Head,,, Specifically His Hair.
So Ye, Funky Fire Hair! He Got TangoTek-ified- Ahem What Anyways-
What's His Current Level & Weapon?
LV 34 with 27/262 Quests Completed
And Saffron Arch (Neutral-Dmg 35-52, Fire-Dmg 14-30, Thunder-Dmg 10-34) Average-DPS 131
Plus Warp Scrolls To Ragni, Detlas, Nemract, & Almuj!
That's Info On My Fella So Far, But I Have No Doubt There'll Be More To Add As My Journey Progresses!
Thanks For Reading! ^v^
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