#role of social media
Role of Social Media in Architecture and design
Technology is touching the skies and pushing boundaries in every aspect of evolution and development Social media is the one area that has touched personal and professional virtues
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4squaredigital · 2 years
What is the role of social media in Digital Marketing?
We at 4 Square Digital help your business have a vast social presence through the use of various social media marketing methods. Start creating communities based on your field of expertise through the help of Facebook while increasing your company's capabilities through quality hiring from LinkedIn. Connect to audiences through active Instagram tools and marketing methods. Share your ideas through a video presentation on YouTube and connect to like-minded people through images on Pinterest. We at 4Square Media assist you in connecting with every eligible customer, regardless of which social media site they use. Up your social media game with the help of 4square media. We provide the best social media marketing service in Dwarka Mor. Read more: - http://4squaredigital.com/
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radhi4025-blog · 2 years
Contribution of Social Media in Education
Education is derived from two Latin words i.e. Educare and Educatum. Educare means to train and mould. Educatum is the act of teaching. Education may be defined as a purposive, conscious or unconscious, psychological, sociological, scientific and philosophical process, which brings about the development of the individual to the fullest extent and also the maximum development of society in such a way that both enjoy maximum happiness and prosperity. It is a continuous and never ending process of acquisition of experiences which leads to development of personality of an individual.
Social media and Education
A Connection Social media has influenced all spheres of life either social, political, economical and educational. In education scenario, this media enhances learning opportunities for students along with wider scope for 24 x 7 interactions of students with teachers. The importance and influence of social media in the field of education is evident from the fact that Indian govt. is taking initiatives to launch its own educational social network. The Rajasthan government Information technology department plans on launching its own education social network: like Face book, for learning. This site will include all the standard features of social networking (photos, games) but will be focused primarily on educational collaboration and will include topic experts jumping in to answer questions raised by users.
The role of social media in the field of education is demonstrated by the following points given below:
• Self-paced learning: Sites that are designed for educational purposes are known as educational sites. These sites have a unique characteristic of self-paced learning, where the course content can be viewed by learner at any place and time and at her/his convenience.
• Self–knowledge: Students get engaged in various discussions in discussions forum on various topics. This provides an opportunity to students to interact and learn from each other without any geographical constrain, thus adding to their self-knowledge.
• Skill-development: Through blogging students can be engaged in practical work which can enhance their skills. In this era of computing, social media usage helps the individual in developing computing and communication skills.
• Rapid spread of information and higher level of engagement: Social media acts as a faster medium of disseminating information regarding exams and particular topic, seminar or conference from one point to other. Networking allows participants to just-in-time learning and higher levels of engagement.
• Flexibility in learning: Social networking adds an element of flexibility in learning. These educational sites allow learners to select learning material according to their interest and knowledge.
• Enhancement in student interaction: The integration of Social Media technology facilitates students’ participation, interaction, and writing/literacy development. This media can enhance teacher-student interaction and serve as a ‘communication’ forum in educational settings.
• Collaborative learning: Social media provides support for collaborative learning. Students critique and comment on each other’s assignments work in teams to create content and can easily access each other and the teacher with questions or to start a discussion.
• Inclusive learning: Easy use and accessibility of social media creates an inclusive learning environment. Students with disabilities benefit from same learning experiences using social media as their non-disabled peers.
• Fast curriculum delivery system: Integrating social media in education system assist the process of curriculum delivery system and extend learning environment to real world and to enrich students learning experiences with real life experiences. 
• Geographical distance is no more constrain for attaining educational experience: With the use of social media, individuals can participate in conference and seminar at any place in a world, by sitting at their own place and time.
• 24 x 7 Scope for teacher student interaction: Social media provides platform for 24 x 7 teacher student interaction. 62% of students believe that social media is an extended opportunity to communicate between students and teachers. Social media has added an element of inclusion, collaboration, self-paced learning, self-knowledge, 24 x 7 interaction, and flexibility to educational process. These elements in one way or other encourage the development of transferable, technical, and social skills of value in formal and informal education.
Suggestions for appropriate use of social media in Education:
• Social media tools should be regulated by the school according to the age of the students.
• Teachers should inform students about the negative aspects of social media.
• Teachers should be fully aware of how sites work and what different settings and functions are available to use.
• Teachers must know how to reduce online risks and how to safeguard students from it.
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sopphism · 1 year
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my own rough take on our favorite were-tree's new (or not so new at this point lol) form of dread :) kinda gnarly and driftwood-y
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distant--shadow · 4 months
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When Imogen wakes it is with an ache in her neck
a drop into reality unusually cushioned
a hand combing through her hair
and she can’t help the smile that breaks when she meets Laudna’s watchful eyes peering down at her, flushes shortly after.
“Sorry, did I fall asleep?”
Laudna smiles back at her, halts the hand playing with her hair.
“You did.”
An unspoken mutual agreement allows the moment to stretch in silence –
that or time is still fucky from Imogen only just waking up. It gives her enough of it to contemplate.
The sun must be high, the atmosphere muggy and the fauna all bustling as if it were a market day and the critters had stalls to set up and produce to bring home for their litters in the burrows. She feels the layer of sweat on her skin wherever the sun directly touches it, smells in waves where it heats the floor and diffuses the groundcover as if it were potpourri-
Above her, backlit - Laudna’s wearing a halo. The giant leaves of the giant trees are so high above them that the scale almost looks normal, the light breaking between the canopy in beams, sparkling in places where it catches insect wings and pollen, silhouetting edges of wiry strands of hair that act as though curtains on a canopy bed, all giving cover from the storm (should it come). It all feels so hazy, could be the vision starting to turn to grains of sand in her eyes like before a migraine but it’s also unusually clear, her head weightless despite the aching neck – funny what a handful of hours of good sleep can do.
The unspoken mutual agreement is ended.
“Did you rest well?” what did you dream about?
“I did, yeah...”
Unintentional, excusable really - waking with her defences down.
Wouldn’t be outta the ordinary to share.
“…dreamt we were back at Oddrún’s, was nice-” she withholds the details, just to save a little face. Exposes it anyhow, when she finds herself inadvertently taking the hand that had stilled in her hair, holding her palm up above her head with Laudna's lying flat on top of it “-then the roof caved in again and the place got swarmed with birds.”
Imogen's thumb traces the knife-edge of the long nail on Laudna’s.
“Birds.” Imogen confirms, distracted, half-awake, giddy. The word already sounds funny; thrown back and forth between them. She chuckles at how her lips form around the repetition of it, says it again in Marquesian to see if it feels as abstract- that causes Laudna to quirk her brow from behind the fan of their fingers. “All different kinds, real cute and stuff, mostly. Place got furnished in feathers, was pretty chaotic - parakeets nestin’ in the cups and saucers and kingfishers in the rafters…” Laudna exhales a single syllable of a choral chuckle and Imogen has never felt so relaxed. “There was a kinda shady lookin’ big one standin’ on one leg in the corner by the hearth though, kept squawkin’.”
“Yeah, think it was a shoebill. You ever seen one of those?”
“You know, I’m not sure. I wonder if there was any significance…”
Their fingers interlace, under Laudna's initiative. Imogen stares at the long nails now reaching to her wrist like plates of fine ebony gauntlets.
“I could try draw it for y’all, but I don’t think it’d help…” comes out audibly distracted, the points of Laudna's talons gently making contact with Imogen's scarred skin-
“Allow me to get my notebook~” Laudna enthusiastically sings – nearly cutting Imogen, their hands separating - and Imogen is left staring at the empty space that was occupied by the shape that the two of them made, wonders if there is a word for that, like ‘bird’ - each hand a wing of some amalgamation, dream chimera, released between palms.
Probably a word she doesn’t have the language for.
(passage and illustration from @picturesofthegoneworlds ' intertwined)
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pocketramblr · 5 months
you know im thinking. im thinking maybe Yoichi wasn't even that into captain hero as an adult, but AfO kept bringing LITERALLY every conversation back to that because he decided to Be The Demon Lord and so Yoichi like, can't get an argument in unless he uses the same material so he's like 'oh my god i haven't even thought about that comic in ten years but even i know the bad guy didn't win. you should not be basing you whole identity, business model, and world destruction plan on your five-second impression of a comic book bad guy who didn't even win! also you shouldn't kill people!'
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luminousstardust · 7 months
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quick recap for anyone watching the live show but haven’t been keeping up with c3: shit’s CRAZY
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tennessoui · 7 months
what do yall think of a modern au where like. anakin and obi-wan are hired to be extras in the background of a sitcom, and they're paired together to talk at a restaurant/bar while the main characters have drama in the foreground of the scene
but the star actors keep messing up their lines and the scene keeps needing to be reset, so anakin and obi-wan start actually talking while they're waiting for the cameras to turn back on, and there's obviously a lot of instant attraction but also a lot of their talking is about like...the backstory behind their characters (as extras), and each take they decide to do something a little different to see which one can make the other one laugh more
so one take they go in for a hug instead of a hand shake when anakin arrives, another take they're playing footsie under the table the entire time (even if the cameras can't see it), another take, they're mouthing very obvious corny love confessions across the table, and then during what turns out to be the last take, anakin walks onto the set and greets obi-wan with a kiss on his mouth before they sit down to talk
except it's not talking after that, it's just obi-wan sitting there bug-eyed and mouth open, blush blooming across his face
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jadequarze · 2 years
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Some comfort art, bonus Imogen’s mom with kid!Imogen
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nellasbookplanet · 4 months
The funniest kind of critical role "critique" is always going to be the 'they present themselves as if they aren’t rich/a company no I will not give any examples' crowd. Like what does this even mean. They start literally every single episode with informing you they are professional voice actors. They have clearly advertised sponsors. They have an entire line of merch and an animated show. The production value of the set is bonkers. They run a charity foundation. Do you want them to start every episode with a blaring siren and a warning saying 'beware! company run content! we make money!!' Are you just angry that they are friends having fun as they make a living. Do you have any understanding of how money works.
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aerithisms · 3 days
was quite scared of "doctor who critiques social media" as a premise but by making it about insular racist rich white influencers it avoided being trite and i liked it
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honeybcj · 1 month
okay hear me out…bartylus ballet dancers…just an idea…
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Some people put their whole hearts into trying to make Mollymauk a Glee character when he is, at his core, somewhere between a washed up magician selling fake silk sheets on daytime television and a line cook in an ankle-length fur coat who you meet at a drag show, who feeds your dog filet mignon and then ghosts you halfway through your third date.
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wittywallflower · 1 year
When the team is in Amsterdam and Trent follows Colin out of the hotel, let’s appreciate the little moment of drama that is Trent catching the closing door with the toe of his kicky animal-print shoe.
The man’s hands are empty. There was no reason he couldn’t grab the door by the handle like a normal person. No reason at all.
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claret-ash · 1 year
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Wrathion and Anduin relaxing on a warm, summer's day. 🌳🌤️
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