#you’re literally forgetting how it originated and the bodies that built it from the ground up!!!!
honeybcj · 1 month
okay hear me out…bartylus ballet dancers…just an idea…
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prof-peach · 3 years
if fans wanted to include peach in stuff they write, would that be okay? and how would they write peach's personality? aside from "FIGHT ME" anyway, i think that much is a given lol. i only really write the anime characters 'cause that's what i know, but it sounds like it'd be kinda fun to try making a version of ash that fits into this blog's universe! nerf'd Obviously, but i think she'd probably appreciate how hands-on he gets when training his pokemon!
Ok, I get a lot of these messages, and I often hear folks wanting to throw peach into their stories and comics and writings, and I will always simply ask that if it’s published online publicly, to be linked to it so I can snoop and enjoy the content too. If someone asks about her in your work, let them know about the blog I guess? But literally I love that people take this stuff, these characters and stories, and make new stuff with it. No ones making money off my work here? So where’s the issue? Go for it buddy, knock yourself out, I’m all for it.
For you, and all the others out there who want to add peach, and other characters to your world building, I will give you a detailed rundown of the main lot, and how they behave, what they do, how they function. You can use that, use bits, or use none of it, I do not mind at all. If you’re creating something, you’re in control, not me.
So, peach doesn’t actually fight people as much as you’d think. She’s very aware most cannot and do not want to do that, and so she likes to keep to herself with regards to that aspect of her life, she doesn’t ask to spar with people, or even bring it up at all, but people ask her all the time, even if they clearly would lose or become hurt should she miscalculate during the fight. She looks at people like they usually create problems, and often has a somewhat reserved nature to other humans. You have to work quite hard to get anything more than formalities out of her. She will dead-pan handle people with blunt and very to-the-point statements, aid whenever possible, but very quickly get back to handling the Pokemon she so carefully tends. Her focus is clear, she’s all about hard work, her very small select family, and the Pokemon.
Her brutal, loud and brash personality only comes out with friends, family, difficult humans, OR any Pokemon. She will joke and laugh and play with Pokemon, but clam up around humans, maintaining tight body language and generally will be a little cold by regular standards. She does however have some weaknesses in this emotionless shield she puts up. When peach was young she was always angry, which swung so fast to sadness, back and forth. Her teenage years it just got worse and worse, it was crippling at points. She is to this day, full of fire and rage, even sadness, but now she has learnt to control it, to use it. When she sees that in others, it’s familiar, and she is pushed to drop the front, and be very real with the person. Underdogs I suppose, people who get bad reps, but deserve the same as everyone else. She can’t ignore it.
Once you start to pry open her personality, you’ll find she’s a lot more laid back and fun than originally appeared, you just have to work hard to find that side of her. She will meme reference, can’t dance to save her life, loves her coffee, and can be caught in quiet contemplation while gardening. This hobby is her calmest, and often is why she can stay so level headed when her quiet rage boils up again. Without time outside she will become grouchy, a little snippy, and lethargic. Will not go in the ocean for any reason other than life or death, is fine with ponds and rivers, or water at wading height. Likes the rain.
With regards to her training others, they usually have to tolerate her somewhat strict nature. She is a little....unforgiving, holds a grudge if you make a lot of mistakes, and has no tolerance for ignorance in the age of information that we all live in. In previous posts I’ve mentioned she’s only recently selected two students, after many years of testing kids who want to learn from her. Hundred tried out, only two have ever been approved. How she teaches is very fast paced, be prepared to get some scrapes and bruises, she will test your physical and emotional tolerances with intense tasks, carefully watching students like a hawk. Bad posture in your stance? She’ll be the first to tell you to sort it out. Not hearing your Pokemon partner? Right, now you spend the day without using words trying to communicate, let’s see how you like not being listened to.
This is a woman who has spent her life saying very little, and watching everything, she watches Pokemon and can see an issue from a mile off, and in battles, her observations are why she can react fast, and chose effective strategy to avoid damage and achieve results. Don’t let her body fool you, her strongest asset is analysing, watching, planning. Those skills have over the years transferred to people too. As a student, mistakes don’t go unnoticed with this professor.
Her methods are harsh but fair, and should you prove yourself, she will protect you with her life.
Because of her disinterest in kids and lots of noise, she does pass the training of students on to the other staff members whenever possible. Grey takes on the lions share of battle lessons, he is far calmer, more open and friendly, with patience for people, and an empathy that peach sometimes struggles to have. When you go through a lot of harsh training, and difficult events, it’s hard to change how you feel or think, with peach, well, she’s been through it. Most do not come out the other end in one piece, but she did, and it made her strong. You may think I mean strong like buff and big, and yeah sure she is, but I mean it mentally more than anything. Peach will not quit. She has learnt to destroy the boundaries that stop people getting hurt, gone is the fear that freezes you in your tracks, that feeling that you’ll pass out if you go one more step. She’s learnt to ignore it.
This means she’s a little forgetful at how it is to be normal, to be vulnerable and soft and squishy like students so usually are.
She has her issues, but for the most part, visitors get a laugh, a smile, a calm assertive confidence, and facts. She will indulge those who have genuine interest, or show a connection with nature, an understanding of the balance that needs to be struck for everyone to live well together.
Despite her many flaws, she’s fiercely protective, and will go above and beyond to defend the island, it’s staff, the Pokemon and the visitors. Injustice is her biggest gripe, along with littering, and she doesn’t stand by quietly if something happens that seems unfair.
You will not see her without Valka, her vulpix, close by. That Pokemon doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, at all, and will run the second someone comes at her with that intent. Peach will scold you for pushing yourself onto her, should you persistently try to get close to pet Val. They are in sync, if peach is sad, Val is sad, if Val is stressed, peach is stressed, and so on. They are inherently connected, it’s just been that long, the psychic bridge between them has been built, and reinforced over the years.
The only other Pokemon who follows her so endlessly is Booker, a teddiursa who’s pretty rough looking. He quietly trots behind, grouchy and stoic, they fight closely together a lot. He lost his mom a long time ago to poachers, and peach took him in, and changed her whole life for him. Not many people know, but Booker was the reason she left the rangers, changed career, and got so strong. Will tolerate people petting him but isn’t keen at all, grumbles a lot and tries to move away.
You may also need to know about the others, for the sake of writing, she here a few more bits that may be important to you, or others wanting to do this.
Grey is very tall, very burly, composed, tells bad dad jokes, is a bit of a goof if allowed to be. If he sees a pun, he’ll say it. Can’t help himself. Very nice guy to work with, good at keeping people calm and grounded. Pokemon are drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he gives off warm energy, and has inhuman amounts of patience. If you wrong his family however, he will snap back.
He grew up in the city, loves to swim and hike and cycle, can snowboard, is really sporty. A total brain box with held items, and boosting stats. He will explore many paths, to make sure visitors and students get the information they need, in a way that can be remembered and retained for later. Is a huge guy, but will get on the floor to play with a tiny Pokemon. Treats big “meaner” looking species like babies, very good with all pokemon.
His free time is spent either tinkering, swimming, or trimming his bonsai trees. This guy stares at screens a lot, so appreciates time away from them. Peach built him his own little greenhouse for his trees and tools, which he keeps clean and loves dearly.
His methods as a teacher are built around fun and games, he makes hard work easier to do by distracting trainers from the difficult bits, and focusing in on something more interesting or compelling.
His most commonly seen Pokemon would be a houndoom, Saxon, old battle veteran, retired now to herding and being a good boy. Very gentle, loves a pet.
Pari, now a fully fledged nurse, often oversees the labs front desk and pokecentre features, such as healing pokemon, and informing trainers who come to visit. Her skills with eggs and hatchlings is high, she’s great with younger Pokemon, and hands out good advice to trainers a lot. She’s not a fighter, never was, but can find any file, any study, any book, and any refrence you may need. A true bookworm, loves her romance novels, chat shows and upbeat celebrity gossip mags. Will cry at a lot of stuff, be it sad or happy.
She’s got a seriously upbeat personality, but if caught off guard or shocked, she gets a little flustered. Too much chaos will overwhelm her, but usually she’s on top of things. The years spent on the island have made her better at maintaining composure in emergencies. With lots of siblings, she’s very competent with others, and has a good ability to disarm cagey people with her jolly nature. Because of this, she can sometimes gain information from trainers that some of the more harsh professors may not have access to. Charming is a word for it.
Her partners are an eevee, and a happiny. They are quite sweet and well adjusted, the eevee gets a bit bouncy if you get it too excited.
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phantomnostalgist · 3 years
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An Interview with Peter Karrie
From “POTO: The Phantom of the Opera Magazine”, Millennium Edition (2000), published by Carrie Hernandez. (This btw is the greatest Phantom fan publication ever made, and if you ever see it on eBay you should snap it up. I don’t even have my copy because it’s with Paul, who conducted this interview with Peter in 1994.)
Enormous thanks to @panto-of-the-opera for typing this interview up for me!
Peter Karrie, interviewed by Paul Day Clemens: 
Since falling under the spell of “POTO” (the day the Original London Cast album (OLC) became available in the U.S.) I’ve seen many fine –  and a few brilliant – Eriks but only two performers have ever made me feel I was in the actual presence of the Phantom himself. One was Michael Crawford – yes, he really was that special  (and you can forget the OLC which is but the palest shadow of what he was like on stage!) – and the other is Peter Karrie.
Commanding, dangerous, elegant, chivalrous and heart rending with an unparalleled physicality and wealth of detail, Peter not only made the role his own, completely, but by some rare and strange alchemy, somehow managed to make me forget I was watching a performance at all.
Thrilled, hypnotized and deeply moved, it was not until visiting with Peter after the show that the full impact of his transformation hit me. How could this warm, funny, soft-spoken, down-to-earth guy possibly be the same man I was watching on stage not an hour before hand?
Therein lies the difference between craft – albeit of a rare excellence – and true inspiration. Dare I even say greatness?
Yeah, I dare. For Mr. Karrie’s Phantom is simply one of the greatest portrayals by an actor in the musical theatre that I’ve ever had the privilege of experiencing.
I had the great pleasure of interviewing Peter at length in December 1994 in Toronto as he was getting ready for the Far East tour of “POTO” and what follows here are never before published excerpts from the interview. – Paul Clemens
Paul Clemens: Do you find that the role of the Phantom makes enormous demands on your voice, in terms of the wear and tear of doing at night after night? If you had a sore throat, for instance, would you be able to get through the show?
Peter Karrie: Yeah.  You learn I guess. All professional singers in theatre have to cope with colds and sore throats. Otherwise you’ll be forever off ‘cause it’s a breeding ground of germs. And you develop your voice for stamina over a period of time where you’re doing eight shows a week. You have to. You have to survive it.... So, basically, yeah.
You take the angel [scene] for instance where [the Phantom is] absolutely broken. I’ve had very, very bad laryngitis and I’ve sung that and it sounded great! Simply because you’re breaking down in your voice is all kinds of scuffed up and cracky, you can enact it. But the show takes horrendous wear and tear on the body. It really does. You end up playing mind games with the role.
PC: That’s interesting. How so?
PK: Well, it’s such a powerfully written piece for the actual Phantom. You have to portray a person who’s schizoid, psychotic... and it all sounds very grand and technical. But the actual emotion of it can cut only come from the inside. And so you continue fighting with it.
 [Note from Christine posting this in 2021 - Erik isn’t actually schizoid or psychotic (not that either are “bad” things). I know this is pedantic of me to point out, but I pointed it out at the end of Ethan Freeman’s interview from the mid 90s so I’ll point it out here too.]
PC: I imagine you found a core within the character of identification, something you had an understanding of and could feel a great deal of sympathy toward.
PK: Yes. You have to put yourself through the gambit of it. You have to be the Phantom emotionally for that time, and then it comes out quite naturally. You don’t have to think about it.
PC: Do you find, after all the times you played the role – first in London and now in Toronto – that the emotions are still immediate for you?
PK: Oh, yeah. But as I say, there’s wear and tear. When the mind gets tired then you find you get into problems.
PC: How do you keep the role fresh?
PK: There are all types of hand holds all the way along, from the time you start ‘til the time you finish. I guess the majority of it is set in the rehearsal room where you rehearse at a certain level into a certain standard, and it becomes automatic. But each show will always be different because you have a different audience, different weather conditions, you have different musicians playing in the pit, you have different people you’re playing opposite. So you will always get a variation on the theme. And so that, coupled up with what you’ve put together in rehearsal so you get a fairly high standard of performance every night, merges together. And so you do get a different show every night. But, as I say, it’s a very wearing role. More so than Jean Valjean, where you’re virtually on stage for three and a half hours. But I find the Phantom far more draining.
PC: I can imagine. Whenever you’re on stage you’re at peak intensity and you run the emotional gamut. So that, combined with the vocal demands, must make for one walloping experience.
PK: Exactly.... That, coupled with the exposure. You’re so exposed on stage. Whenever the Phantom does appear, it’s either him on his own, or it’s him with Christine, and something powerful and moving is happening. He doesn’t appear with the chorus – barring the “Masquerade.”
PC: For that reason, a number of the actors who have played the role have complained about a sense of loneliness and isolation. I wondered if you felt that way about it?
 PK: No, I haven’t felt that. But I’ve always mingled with the rest of the cast and crew. I can’t abide all this keeping the door shut. So we open the door and play rock and roll music.
PC: Do you ever feel hampered by all the makeup involved?
PK: You get used to it. Totally. In fact, there are times when you forgotten you’ve got the mask on in the wig lady has to ask you for it. And you think ‘What? I’ve already given it to you!’
PC: That’s right – you wouldn’t be able to feel it, would you? Because it’s actually touching the appliances rather than your face.
PK: You feel it slightly. You know, if you first put it on you’d know it’s there. But after a while... But the wire band ‘round the head lets you know it’s there! And the edge of it catches you sometimes. But no – it becomes part of you. And as for the lip which is built up top and bottom ‘round your mouth, you get used to that as well.
PC: Has it ever come loose during a performance?
PK: Oh, God yeah! We’ve had some great moments where it’s been hanging off. That’s a bit gross. And the bald cap’s come loose in the back, so you do the Second Lair with one hand ‘rounds the back of your head holding your bald cap in place? [laughs] Yeah, you’ve got some good moments.
PC: How did you find the voice which is so distinctive?
PK: Well, that, once again came from the feeling inside. It was like once you had all that stuff on, and I discovered the walk, and kind of latched onto his intention, the voice just followed.
PC: Your interpretation of the line “You try my patience“ is unforgettable. So chilling. I was wondering how that evolved.
PK: Well, I felt that was the climax of the man. That, literally, for me, is where he turns ‘round and he’s at the actual peak of his hate, his frustration. I knew I had to find something which made that moment special. It was set to be special by the music and the way it was directed. That was the key to the man.
PC: It’s as if your voice came from some deep well – as if it bubbled up from some deep, dark place.
PK: That’s right! That’s exactly how I felt it. And then when Christine kisses him it’s like he can’t believe it. “I’ve won!” That euphoric feeling... “She can suffer this face! I think I’ve got her! I think, yes, she does love me!” And then, as he reaches out to touch her... a moment.... He’s taken in the scene of Raoul hanging as he went back to her... and then, all of a sudden, it struck a chord.... “Hang on....” And then the realization hits him: “She’s just doing it for him. She’s literally giving me her self to save him. She loves him... She can never love me the same as she loves him.” And it’s all a kind of mental game there. And you’ve only got split seconds to get the audience in on it, so he has to be kind of demonstrative in his actions.
PC: After the kiss, there was a moment where you sort of winced, pulling away from her twice like a wounded animal, your right arm almost becoming spastic... there were so many levels, all going simultaneously.
PK: He’s coming to terms. All these thoughts are rushing through his head and he’s off balance. Everything has shaken him and he’s lost his façade of “everything-under-control.”
PC: And the body is breaking down.
PK: That’s right. He’s been stripped of everything just by having to face himself – and face the truth. That one clear moment where he realizes this is wrong – this is all wrong – this is not how it should be.
PC: And when the phantom cries “GO NOW AND LEAVE ME!” – you built each word into a series of escalating crescendos which was tremendously effective, I thought. Very powerful.
PK: It’s all the process of him actually coming to terms with himself. It’s as you say – one after another, one after the other – then finally she’s gone and he’s left.... This is after she’s given him the ring and she’s gone... And he looks... and he sees the empty throne. And he knows that’s all his life is.
PC: That’s very moving. Do you ever find that the final words – “It’s over now the Music of the Night” – are difficult to get out with all the emotion you’re experiencing?
PK: I did at the beginning, yeah. Sometimes I used to get caught up in it, which is a dreadfully dangerous thing, ‘cause then everything tightens up and you get the proverbial lump in your throat.
PC: It’s sort of walking a bit of a tight rope, isn’t it?
PK: Yeah! [laughs] That’s right. And then there’s a moment where I can get space to subdue all that and concentrate on doing the last bit. That’s where he’s got the veil in his hand and she’s in the boat comin’ across the back singing with Raoul and I say “Christine I love you” very, very quietly, and very broken, and then I can take some breaths which calm it all down and get myself kind of poised for the last bit. ‘Cause that’s gotta be kind of the statement: “You alone can make my song take flight.” That is the statement of release. It’s like a rhetorical statement – you will always be the music of my life. And therefore I can’t change it.” It’s that feeling he’s got in his body. He bends over backwards. And then the final moment is where he turns around and wipes it clean. And he does it in a far stronger attitude than anything else he does... “It’s over now the Music of the Night.”
PC: I’ve read that you feel he’s starting a new life at that point.
PK: Yes! Yes... When I’m walking to the chair, I let the veil just drop behind, and I think to myself “It’s over. Now what else is there? There must be something else... It’s over.” And you do it with such a final flourish – the cape and everything – you’re back in control of yourself. You’ve had the osmosis. You’ve come out of the one period of your life which actually threatened to ruin you, and you’re now standing on the threshold of another one.
PC: Oh yes. It’s wonderful to hear what’s going through your mind as you’re doing the scene. And the impact of that final scene is tremendous. Do you have a favourite scene in the show?
PK: That would be it.  ‘Cause it’s only six minutes long, that Second Lair. And in that six minutes you literally travel from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. It’s a whole journey.
  MORE BELOW... Keep reading, it’s a long interview, with plenty more thoughts and content about Phantom, including some really funny classic mishaps.
PC: The show obviously touches a universal cord in many of its audience members, sometimes to the extent that a bracket (sizable) number of people see the show again and again. Men and women openly moved to tears by the play are common sight in Phantom’s audiences. And yet, paradoxically, a substantial number of critics have charged the show with having no heart.
PK: I think they’re being very unkind. There are some Phantoms – just as there are leading men and women in any show – who do not commit themselves quite as much as they should do.
PC: I’ve seen that it does make a difference in the overall impact of the show.
PK: It makes a big difference, yeah. ‘Cause eight times a week to commit yourself to it to it as it should be done is hard work. But once you get used to it and once you get into it you can’t do it any other way. At least I can’t. They said to me many times, like when you’re feeling rough or whatever, “Can you mark it a little bit? You know just take it easy. You don’t have to give one hundred percent.” But you see, it’s not a question of giving that. That’s just the way I do it. If I start altering that, I am altering a lot more than just singing a lift show. You’re altering a thought process which I can’t control. I wish I could mark it. It would be a lot bloody easier! But you can’t. You have to do it as you do it when you do it, and that’s it.
PC: I believe you hold the record for the most injuries sustained by any actor playing the role.
PK: Touch wood it’s never been completely death-defying! [laughs]
PC: Is it true that you asked if you could actually ride the chandelier down to the stage at the end of Act One?
PK: Yes. But I’m afraid the insurance people did not exactly share my enthusiasm for the idea.
PC: The stories about technical mishaps are legion. Can you relate some of the more memorable moments along those lines that you can recall?
PK: Well... there’s been so many of them now. There’re many, many boat stories. And the same thing happen to Colm, has happened to Michael, has happened to ‘em all. The boat has a life of its own. The monkey also has a life of its own. That can be very temperamental... I’ve had some excitement in the Angel, where people have tripped over wires and tipped it up while you’re inside it, and you’re hangin’ on for grim death... I fallen off the proscenium, yeah...
PC: [laughs] you say that so cavalierly.
 PK: [laughing] Cracked a couple of legs and so forth. And the Star-Trap, the same thing. I’ve fallen down that the wrong way... In London one day, the Star-Trap didn’t open at all. So you did the “Your chains are still mine – you will sing for me,” and threw the cape – I always threw the Cape up to make a trail as you go down the Star-Trap. So the trail came down and I hadn’t gone anywhere. In the cloak – they had a bigger cloak for the Masquerade then – and it just piles on top of me. And I couldn’t get it off because you’ve got the mask on. So it ended up with the two managers having to lead me off! [laughing] I mean, here you’ve got this dreadful creature saying [puts on a creepy voice] “Your chains are still mine – you will sing for me!” And then, all of a sudden, the managers are saying [whispers] “Come on! This way, this way!”
PC: [laughs] In one of the U.S. Touring Company performances, the Punjab lasso failed to work, and so Raoul just fell to the floor and lay there writhing as if he were in the grip of some supernatural force.
 PK: [laughs] many times things go wrong with a bloody lasso! One time I was over here in Toronto, Byron Nease [Raoul] all of a sudden acted like an invisible hand had gripped him ‘round the throat – the noose was nowhere, it was on the floor many miles away from him – but he’s going [Karrie makes some strangling sounds] and it was as though he was being thrown—forced backwards! And he got to the grill and his hands came outstretched and he was like held there by and invisible force...
PC: Yes – the “magnetic grill!“
PK: Yeah! And I just looked at him and I started laughing. it was like a three act play to get him to the back of this grill...! But I think the funniest thing is words. The things people say. Quite innovative and inventive. I remember when I was in the wings doing the “seal my fate tonight...” and sometimes your mind wanders. It’s that mind-game I mentioned about concentration. You have to keep focused all the time – blah blah blah. And so I’m saying “seal my fate tonight... I hate to have to cut the prisoner short...” Prisoner short? Prisoner short? And I thought, no, that can’t be right. And I’m thinking that while I continue singing... And the words have gone ‘cause I’m singing “but the ducks warring in...” And I said “ducks warring in??? – By now I’ve turned away from the monitor ‘cause I’m singing on an off-stage mike – and  I’m lookin’ at my dressers. And I’m waving to them as if to say “Tell me the words! What are the words??”  And now I’m singing “Let my destiny ride, ‘cause my music’s afire!” And I sang it as though I’d been singing those words all my life! Loud... And of course I’m falling around. And the conductor – I can see on the monitor – he’s laughing and waving! The baton had gone to hell!!
 PC: [laughing] That’s marvelous!
 PK: But what was the funniest thing what the poor people on stage! ‘Cause you had the managers and everybody else all walking ‘round in this trance – like, floaty, floaty choreography. And all of a sudden, as soon as I got to “ducks warring in” – by all accounts – they as if on cue, turned up stage; all of their backs to the audience! And they all walked to the back of the stage! And they’re all laughing and laughing, ‘cause it got it worse and worse. The more I was singin’ the wrong words the more they were laughing! ...And when I came on for my bows that night, all the course we’re going “Quack, quack!” ...So the next night I got changed I did my sound-check, and all of a sudden there’s a call over the tannoy for a meeting in the greenroom. And I went there, and I thought, well, somebody must be coming down to see us. And all of a sudden, over the gentle hubbub in the greenroom, I could hear on the tannoy my voice doing this “cut the prisoner short, but the ducks warring in...” and everybody started laughing. And then all of a sudden, the company manager showed up and presented me with a cassette – they record every show, you see – and the company had the words printed up and framed, and they presented it to me with the cassette. And that’s how I know the words so well!
PC: I’d love to hear that sometime!
PK: I learned from a very early age that if you’re gonna sing the wrong words, sing them as loud and convincingly as possible. And everyone in the building will think you’re right and everybody else is wrong.
PC: Of course. Because that if they haven’t seen the show before, they’re not going to know.
PK: That’s right. It’s so true, because I had people in that night for that magic moment, and they didn’t know anything was wrong at all.
 PC: [laughs] Be honest with me – are you tired of the music after all this time? For example if you’re in an elevator and you hear a song from Phantom do you just want to scream?
PK: No. I get out of the elevator. You do try to escape from it after doing eight shows a week... A number of times we’ll go into a restaurant ,] my wife Jane and myself, and we’ll sit there. And all of a sudden you’ll hear the music come on – Phantom. And you think, oh God! You don’t want to be reminded of it when you’re out enjoying yourself. But I’m not tired of the music when I’m performing it.
PC: You’re about to take Phantom to Singapore and Hong Kong. I understand that their audiences tend to be rather formal. I believe it is considered disrespectful to make too big a display of appreciation. That will be quite a change for you. How do you think you’re going to handle it?
PK: I did a satellite link up the other day with about forty reporters from the Far East, and the same questions came up then – “How are you going to cope with the way Singaporean and Hong Kong audiences show their appreciation?” And I told him as long as they enjoy the show, I don’t care... It’s quite funny actually, because when I started off working in Britain, I used to do clubs in the Northeast which is the hardest area prefer performer to work in. [laughs] The miners – it’s a big mining area – and they didn’t used to applaud. They threw ashtrays onto the stage.
PC: [laughing] Ashtrays?!
PK: That’s right. You do a Sunday lunchtime and they’d all be sitting reading the Sunday newspapers. You walk onto the stage and there’d just be a sea of newspapers. And at the end of the number, if they liked you they drop one hand onto the table, pick up the ashtray and throw it onto the stage as a mark of respect. Or are they’d just bang the table with one hand two or three times. But still, never, never, did they come out from behind the newspaper. Not unless the performer was of the female variety.
PC: [laughs] Your rock band – Peter and the Wolves – how long did that last?
PK: About four years, I think.
PC: Are there any records available?
PK: I doubt it. What records were made have probably long since been turned into ashtrays!
PC: To be thrown on stage by miners, no doubt! ...Well ,a final question: in Phantom, when you’re up in the Angel, do you ever feel a mad desire to plunge headfirst into the audience?
PK: No. Quite the opposite.
PC: Not a serious question, but I appreciate the answer nonetheless.
PK: The desire to jump off is never further from my mind.
PC: Sometimes I wonder the way you move around up there!
PK: [laughs] It does get a bit hairy up there sometimes! But it depends on which way it swings. If it swings left to right, you’re okay, but if it swings front to back then ya’ got trouble!
PC: This has been a delightful interview, Peter. Thank you.
PK: My pleasure.
-  Paul Clemens
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ao3theskyisblue · 3 years
Counting Time
TK lifts his head slowly from where he had been tracing mindless shapes onto Carlos’ hand to stare up at Gabriel blankly. His soon-to-be father-in-law was smiling at him kindly, but TK could see the way it wavered.
“You should get some rest."
"I'm fine."
Written for Day 5 of @911lonestarangstweek : Recovery + “The only person I need right now is you.” 
(A continuation from the little uh...je ne sais quoi on Day 3)
Read on AO3
There are 10,537 dots on the ground.
12.5 per tile, with an occasional special individual sporting 14.
All those were approximate guesses, his eyes never straying away too long from how they were glued on to the person lying supine – and so still – on the hospital bed. Though, he hasn’t moved much himself.
The two times he had was when the heart monitor picked up speed before settling down, and each time TK felt his heart quicken at the anticipation before dropping back down to the ground when it was just a false alarm. His hands once again clenched tightly around the one lying limp beside the figure on the bed, the only warmth emitting from the places he’s touched.
He didn’t need to feel the other one to know it was likely cold to the touch, and focused on the warmth from the one he could feel right now.
Picking at the drawstrings of his yellow hoodie with his one free hand, he knew his fingers were turning pruney from squeezing and rubbing on the course material. He couldn’t remember how exactly he had even gotten changed, and only knew when each day had passed when the same nurse working the morning shift greeted him quietly. There was always a tray of food or a bag of take-out placed in front of him every so often, but he wasn’t keeping track of how much time had passed between each delivery.
The only reason he hadn’t collapsed by now was probably because of his father and Andrea. The only two people that could get him to hold onto something materialistic and gently guide it to his mouth, encouraging him to take small bites and swallow, before washing it down with water.  
TK lifts his head slowly from where he had been tracing mindless shapes onto Carlos’ hand to stare up at Gabriel blankly. His soon-to-be father-in-law was smiling at him kindly, but TK could see the way it wavered.
“You should get some rest. I’ll keep watch and let you know the second anything changes.” Gabriel says softly, but TK just shakes his head like he has the past three days.
“I’m fine.” His voice comes out scratchy, hollow, and he looks back to the comatose figure as Gabriel sighs.
“He might disappear if I close my eyes,” TK could barely get the words out from the shudder that ripples through his body at the reminder, his thoughts an originally blank canvas now filling with only the last few moments of that day, playing in repeat. He holds Carlos’ hand with both of his now, eyes peeled open to catch the slightest movement beneath the closed eyelids. “I won’t– I won’t let him disappear.”
He hears light footsteps that stop in the doorway, and quiet words being exchanged that he couldn’t find it in himself to tune into. Swiping a thumb slowly over Carlos’ wrist, he pauses at his pulse point to feel for any change, the monitors turning into mere background noise after the first day.
“We won’t let him disappear, either.”
TK feels the familiar stinging in his eyes at the tears that just refused to fall when a comforting hand carded through his hair, feeling himself leaning into the soothing gesture. He knows Andrea has pulled up a chair to sit beside him when he feels an arm brushing against his on the seat handles.
“I promise, that when you wake up, he’ll still be here.” Andrea murmurs, and TK knows he shouldn’t believe the open promise that could tear his heart to shreds at any moment, but he wants to.
Oh, did he want to.
“After you get some rest, you can keep watch again.” Gabriel adds gently, sitting on a chair on the opposite side of the bed, exchanging a look with Andrea. This time, when hands slowly pulled him in, he didn’t fight them as he allowed his head to be laid delicately on a warm shoulder. He can smell the sweetness of flowers from the garden on the Reyes family ranch, along with the hint of spices from the kitchen.
There’s a light kiss on his forehead, and TK feels his eyes starting to droop from the exhaustion he’s refused to give into for the past three days. It had been so easy to forgo sleep – the all-consuming fear that gripped him every time he realized that shutting his eyes for just a second might mean he never saw the love of his life ever again outplayed everything else.
“We’ll all still be here when you wake up, sweetheart.”
And those are the last words he hears before succumbing to the darkness.
He begins to engage more in conversation the more he stays at the hospital. After numerous visits from the doctors, nurses, and the chief of surgery, TK finally feels safe enough to leave for a quick shower before coming back.
“-and then, he just jumps! Real talk, I have seen my fair share of crazy on the force, but never have I actually seen someone scale a house because the suspect decides roofs are the new concrete flooring. He just grabs a nearby streetlamp and roundhouse kicks the perp and by the time I catch up he’s already got him in handcuffs and begging for his mother.” TK could feel the faintest smile on his lips when Mitchell finishes the story, hearing his team chuckling around him.
“He literally chased someone across a rooftop?” Paul was staring at her in disbelief, stance relaxed as he leaned against the wall, glancing at Carlos who was currently very unaware of the little fireside storytime that was happening around him.
“Across multiple rooftops. The dude did multiple running long jumps.”
“You’re kidding.”
They had just gotten off shift, with some of them having the day off. TK hadn’t expected them to show up at the hospital one by one like a trail of ducklings, especially considering they had already been visiting quite frequently all the other days too. It spoke volumes, and TK felt a familiar pressure building up behind his eyes when Nancy was the next one up to tell her piece.
“Okay so, this had to be…a year in, and since Michelle and him are best buddies, Tim and I hung out with him outside of work quite often.” TK reached out to squeeze her arm comfortingly when her voice shook on Tim’s name. She turned to smile at him, squeezing his hand back with a knowing look in her eyes when he didn’t have the words to say anything.
“We were so sure that he was this quiet albeit kind, and reserved guy. He was always so polite and put together.” Nancy shifts to lean against him fully, and it’s a pillar of support he is undoubtfully grateful for. He can feel Marjan’s hand that hasn’t left his shoulder since they arrived, tethering him to the present.
“Well, when Tim and I got front row seats when he outright roasted this woman during a nuisance call, that was an eye-opener.” TK’s eyes widened at that, unconsciously squeezing the hand on the bed beside him.
His eyes wandered back to Carlos’ still nature, an ache pulling at him, yearning for his fiancé to open his eyes and just join in the conversation.
“Aw man, this was the call I just had to be off shift for. Grace had to fill me in after,” Judd groaned, smiling down at his wife who was grinning up at him, patting his hand on her shoulder consolingly.
“I was the dispatcher,” Grace explained, but smiled mischievously as she nodded for Nancy to continue.
“She was a frequent 911 caller too. Practically every first responder in the city knew her, but what can you do? Well, Carlos wasn’t impressed when she called in to report in an active gunman, with dispatch sending multiple units in with bulletproof vests and guns raised only for her to explain how she just thought her neighbours were too loud, and needed a scare.” Nancy pursed her lips at the end, clearly remembering how well that call went.
“Please tell me they arrested her,” Marjan raised an eyebrow, making a sound of disbelief and TK hid his smile when he heard Mateo exclaim, “The audacity.”
“Oh, they did alright. She was screaming and yelling about how useless all of us were and there were children around. She was sprouting profanities too and we were all just so lost at what to do until Carlos just struts up to the woman, pins her arms behind her back, and slaps on handcuffs.
“She’s yelling at him now, and when she goes to take a breath, he just looks at her all nonchalantly and goes ‘are you done?’
“When she starts preaching about how he has nothing to hold her over, that he can’t just go around arresting people he just casually says, ‘course I can. For making a nuisance 911 call, for being a danger to the public, and for pissing me off,’ before sticking her into the back of his cruiser. I will never forget the look on her face!” Nancy laughs, and TK is honestly at a loss for words.
“Wow. That’s impressive.” There were varying looks of shock and surprise on their faces, and TK breathes in deeply.
“It was probably the children.”
He can feel multiple pairs of eyes on him, and yet, the one pair of eyes he longs for isn’t one of them.
Looking up to meet their gazes, he offers a weak smile.  
“He’s always been attuned to how others are feeling, and those children were probably terrified.” TK says quietly. He hears hums of agreement and understanding and is grateful that none of them push him to say any more.
Just being here, was enough.
The next few hours pass by like this, with everyone swapping stories and just talking about their days. They all made sure that Carlos didn’t miss a single second of everything that had been going on, and TK feels his heart throb with how much he loves and cherishes the family they all built from the ground up.
As he lifts the limp hand to cup his cheek, blinking against the lingering mist that clouds his vision, he hopes that Carlos can feel them all here, and that they’ll all be waiting for him to finally join them.
“Gloria called today.”
It was past visiting hours, the hospital entering a period of rare serenity between nurses checking up on their patients every so often and the occasional new admittances. He knows he shouldn’t comment on the quietness, as saying it out loud usually jinxed the entire thing and he’s already experienced one of those in New York and would never subject anyone to that fate.
Usually, the nurses would have kicked him out, but TK would have just stayed all night in his car in the parking lot if they did. He still hadn’t set a single foot into their home, opting to go to his dad’s place for showers. He didn’t want to feel how cold the walls were as they enclosed on him and witness the lack of a warm smile and wonderous smells coming from the kitchen as his fiancé greeted him at the door with a soft kiss.
He didn’t want to see the pictures of friends and family lining their walls when the face that lit up every single one of those photographs was laying in a coma on a hospital bed.
He didn’t want to see the single pair of shoes left at the doorway, without its usual companion pair beside it.
He didn’t want to see any of it until he could see it with Carlos by his side.
The nurses had long stopped batting an eye at his presence no matter what time it was, and most of them, especially the morning shift, would always check in on him to see if there was anything he needed.
He never knew how to answer that question.
TK trails his index finger slowly up Carlos’ arm, reaching his elbow before sliding it back down. He tries for a smile, because it had been good news, but he knows all his smiles have lost their usual light.
But still, he tries.
“She managed to secure the venue we wanted, so we don’t have to keep on planning for two different ones if this one fell through. Apparently, the couple who scheduled for that day cancelled, so the place is all ours.” It still feels a little awkward talking while knowing that the person listening couldn’t answer, and continuing the conversation anyway. But he wants Carlos to know that he’s here, with more than just the tight grip he has on his hand.
“You know,” TK looks up to peer at Carlos’ slack expression, watching his chest rise and fall in time to his breathing. “I’ve never thought I could hate my blood type until they told me I couldn’t help you.”
The moment they jumped out of the ambulance and wheeled Carlos into the hospital, his pulse having stopped twice on the way, he knew the scissors hadn’t landed in a good place. He remembered looking at his captain, seeing her face draining in colour with each passing minute as Carlos would just not stop bleeding.
And then the doctors confirmed it.
He needed a liver transplant.
Not an entire liver, just a part of it to make up for the piece that he lost from the absolutely stellar aim the woman had that would never recover.
His fiancé was O negative, and he was B positive. An automatic no.
It almost makes him want to laugh, how ironic the situation was. Here he was, part of the 9% that could help cure the rarest diseases and he couldn’t even help his fiancé by giving him half of his liver. Then there was the fact that Carlos had the universal donor blood, and yet was the worst acceptor.
They truly made quite the pair.
He hated it.
Luckily, they had found a match soon after, but it was still too soon to tell the other complications that could arise. And the most important one of all was whether Carlos would wake up at all.
Someone buttoning for the nurses shakes him out of his thoughts, and for the millionth time since Carlos was first admitted to the hospital a week ago, he’s greeted with closed eyes and stillness.
TK gently runs his thumb along the dips and falls of Carlos’ knuckles, pausing at the definite bump where his engagement ring rested. They opted to get separate rings done for their line of work for safety reasons, but he knew that Carlos always wore the authentic one during desk duty or when he wasn’t out on patrol. He remembered putting on his own in the waiting room, wanting to feel a piece of him as he stared at the doors that would determine their future.
“Last I checked, a wedding takes two people.” TK whispers, biting down on his lower lip, hard, to stop the sob that threatened to burst through at the sight of their rings next to each other.
“I can’t get married by myself, you know?”
He goes back to work on the 12th day.
Tommy and Nancy had immediately protested, reminding him that he could take his time – that he could take all the time he needed before coming back.
But he just offered them a small smile, and signed himself in.
“He would’ve wanted me to take a walk, take a breather.” TK says quietly, swallowing past the stones lodged in his throat and looking at them fully.
“I’m taking a breather. And then I’m going back.” TK doesn’t say anything more, and Nancy and Tommy don’t push. He feels a hand squeeze his shoulder and accepts a light hug from Nancy, before they enter work mode.
He works. He stocks up the ambulance. He checks their supplies. He saves people. He gets a distraction.  
When his dad asks him if he needs a ride back, he asks to be dropped off at home for the first time.
Owen looks at him when they reach a red light, his eyes filled with concern. TK just looks straight ahead, unmoving.
“TK, you don’t have to force yourself to-”
“That’s not what I’m doing.” TK spat, suddenly feeling a burst of anger at his father’s words, knowing how that sentence was going to end.
He wasn’t giving up. He wasn’t moving on. He was moving forward.
“I’m going home, because I need to straighten the blankets on the couch. I need to tidy up the– the wedding magazines we were too tired to clean up that night, I need to wash the dishes I left in a hurry to get to work. I am going home, because I want to make sure that when he comes back, it’s to a clean place where he can relax. So he can be at ease.” TK knows he’s talking at a volume that’s way too loud for being inside a car, and he feels himself taking deep breaths, his hands shaking in his lap. He doesn’t look up, but hears his father turn on the blinker, the gravel crunching under the wheels as they make a turn.
It was a split second.
He’s grown so used to looking up and seeing eyes that were shut away from the world that when he looks up again a few moments later to see tired brown orbs trained on him, he almost looks away until he realizes wait-
TK shoots up from his seat, almost sending the cup of coffee beside him splattering to the ground.
He can’t speak, the words begging to come out and clawing at his throat, but he could only stare blankly as Carlos blinked, letting out a quiet groan as he slowly adjusted to the lights.
And then his medic instincts kick in.
“You’re awake. Okay. Okay, uh, water. Your throat must be dry as hell. I need to get water. And a nurse, oh my god I need to call the nurse–” He turns around frantically to locate the red button, scowling when he can’t locate it when he swears he had seen it just a few minutes ago-
It’s extremely quiet, croaky, the end coming out cracked from the long period of non-use but it’s the single most beautiful thing TK has heard in his life. There’s a squeeze on the tips of his fingers, and he just realizes that he hadn’t let go of Carlos’ hand.
“Come here.”
The two whispered words tear apart the film that guards his eyes, and he feels tears blurring his vision as they tunnel in on the smile he’s wanted to see for so long.
But no, he couldn’t go, not yet.
“I need to get a nurse. You-I can’t-” TK is about to just leave the room to barrel into the nurse’s station, but the hold on his hand tightens, the grip surprisingly strong and keeping him in place.
“The only thing – the only person I need right now is you,” Carlos rasps, his eyes turning pleading, and TK immediately stops trying to break out of his hold. But he still doesn’t move from his spot a few feet away from the bed, just staring at his fiancé who is awake.
He’s looking at him and he’s awake.
And suddenly he can’t close the distance between them fast enough.
He places a hand beside Carlos’ pillow gently, the other cupping his cheek. He lowers his head to the crook of Carlos’ neck, and though he’s done this so many times when the other was unconscious, it fills him with a new sense of vitality when he knows that this time when he looks up, Carlos will be looking back.
He lets out a soft sound of protest when he feels Carlos weakly pushing himself up, wanting to stay in his arms forever. There’s a feather-light kiss on the crown of his head, and he feels a weight rest on top of it.
“You don’t have to look up, but…” Carlos trails off, and TK finally lifts his head to meet Carlos’ gaze, who’s looking at him with shining eyes. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Something in his chest aches. It’s suddenly so hard to breathe, but at the same time, TK feels like this is the first real breath he’s taken for the past two weeks.
He can’t find the words, can’t find it in himself to do anything other than just stare at the man lying beneath him, eyes open and alert and warm.
“I didn’t miss our wedding, did I?”
The words punch the breath right out of his lungs, and he wonders if he’ll ever be able to breathe properly for a while. He couldn’t hold back a half-sob, half-laugh at that, closing his eyes as the tears, finally, steadily trickle down his cheeks.
“You wake up after two weeks in a coma and that’s the first thing you worry about?” TK laughs wetly, wiping his cheeks hastily as more laughter bubbles in him at Carlos’ startled look.
“Two weeks?” His fiancé’s eyes are wide, searching his, and TK nods, covering his mouth with a hand to try and hold back his mess of emotions right now.
“Everyone’s been coming by to check in on you. We’ve all been waiting for you to come back to us,” TK says quietly, running a hand through his curls.
Something passed over Carlos’ face then, and he looks down at him questioningly.
“You waited two whole weeks for me to wake up?” TK pauses in his administrations with Carlos’ hair. He smiles sadly, hearing the hint of awe in his fiancé’s voice. He moves to cup Carlos’ face between his hands, chuckling wetly.
Leaning down, he presses a tender kiss on Carlos’ forehead, smiling into his skin.
“I would have waited an eternity just to have five more minutes with you.” He murmurs in the small space between them, and he feels Carlos’ hold on his arm tighten. He can feel the bed shaking at the silent tears that trail down Carlos’ face, and he feels the familiar stinging behind his eyes.
Later, he would be messaging the group chat on the new developments, and he would be greeted with multiple exclamation marks and caps locked messages back as they all message him that they’re on their way. He would button for the nurses, finally procuring the button from underneath Carlos’ pillow and there would be a flurry of activity as the nurses call in the doctor for more questions and a final statement.
Their friends and family would arrive, some of them bringing food and others bringing more flowers and teddy bears to fill the already-decorated room. Andrea would wrap him up in a tight hug, and Gabriel tugs him into a hug of his own.
There would be more hugs shared, tears to be shed, and heartfelt words to be spoken.
But right now, TK lets himself immerse in the moment, as he and Carlos finally breathe.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 15
Word Count: 2,842
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language, NSFW, Smut
Notes: Here we are with the next installment. As always feedback is welcome. Also still looking for candidates for thirst night if anyone wants one.
Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
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The following morning, much to Sid's dismay, you were up and out of bed early. You had to be at the arena early to help with the parade organization. It was a complete whirlwind until Sid got there and then he literally picked you up and tossed you into the back of the pickup he was riding in. The streets of Pittsburgh were lined with so many people. They were hanging out of building windows and off of parking garages. The whole experience was completely surreal.
 You were sitting on the edge of the pickup with Taylor, laughing and just taking everything in, while Sid stood holding the cup, and waving to everyone. Halfway through the parade, he hauled you up beside him, one hand on your waist. "This is unbelievable isn't it?" He shouted to you above the cheers.
 "It really is." You tried to pull away to go sit back down, not wanting to take the attention away from him, but he held you close.
 "Relax and enjoy the moment (Y/N). I didn't get to share this with you on the ice, let me at least do it now." His eyes stared intently at you, leaving you no choice but to nod before his lips captured yours. The crowd cheered even louder, for Sid was always so intensely private, that they felt like they were getting a glimpse into his personal life; which they were. However, it made you blush profusely.
 You hung off to the side with his family as all the players went up on stage. The celebration seemed to go by in a flash. One minute they were calling each of the guys up and the next minute Phil Borque was telling everyone they were going to take the cup to the river and party all summer, to which the enthusiastic crowd just got louder. You insisted on staying to help afterward, even though Sid pouted. Reluctantly, he went home with his parents after you promised to head to his house immediately afterward.
 Dinner that evening wasn't an elaborate affair. It was just the five of you ordering takeout, so you could plan out the rest of the summer. A brief conversation earlier in the day with Mario, confirmed that Sid was correct and you literally could spend most of the summer anywhere you wanted. You and Sid decided to head up to Canada in two weeks. He had locker cleanout in a few days, then you needed to be in town for the draft, as you'd be showing the newcomers around Pittsburgh. You tried to insist that he head up to Cole Harbour without you, but he wouldn't even discuss it. With most of June gone by then, you felt as if you were taking what little summer he had away from him. He brushed past your objections and moved on to going to Europe. At the end of the night, the entire summer was mapped out, and you felt as though you'd be living out of your suitcases until September, which really wasn't much of a difference to what your life had been like the last several months.
 Hours later you were climbing into bed with Sid, exhausted from the day. Surprisingly, he'd actually accepted your no sex rule while the parents were in the house that night. It somewhat shocked you, considering how the night before had gone. "I think I can wait the twelve hours until their gone." He chuckled as he wrapped you in his arms and drew you near.
 "Interesting, since you couldn't last night." You chirped him.
 "Full disclosure," he said, his hand idly rubbing circles at your hip. "I missed hearing you moan out my name last night." The sentiment was sweet and sexy all at the same time.
 "Mmm," he hummed out, pecking your lips. "I plan on making up for it the minute they head out the driveway." It was your turn to laugh only to have his mouth cover yours, in a kiss that stole your breath away and had you moaning into him. "Fuck, baby I was going to be good tonight, but then you go and do that."
 "If I'm too much of a temptation maybe I should head home." You teased.
 The hand on your hip pulled you in closer so that no space separated the two of you. "Don't even think about it. Now go to sleep woman before I can't control myself." He kissed you one last time before you both closed your eyes. If you were being honest, you found it hard to fall asleep. It was as if your body was aware of every detail of the man next to you. His hand on your hip felt warm, where it laid and you could feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest. Your hand unconsciously moved up and down his back feeling the muscles there, while your legs were pressed up against his thighs. You willed your mind to think of anything but the man beside you. In the end, you started making a mental list of all the things you needed to do before leaving for Cole Harbour.
 There were tons of work-related items that needed to be done, as Mario had put you in charge of overseeing the construction of the temporary players' house, he was having built. It was one of the suggestions you'd originally given to him when he hired you. Though in truth you hadn't meant for him to build a house, just maybe get a couple apartments downtown or something. But when he came to you, after buying a piece of property near the practice arena, you had to admit you were excited. Before you knew it, you were picking out designs and hiring contractors all during playoffs. With construction already in progress, there were dozens of things you needed to see to before heading off.
 Thankfully, thoughts of tile patterns and kitchen cupboards put your restless body to sleep, for the next thing you knew, morning light was streaming through the window. "Morning, baby," Sid whispered as you peeked your eyes open.
 "Mmm, what time is it?"
 "Almost eight. I think my parents are awake. I can smell the coffee." He smirked at you before capturing your lips with his and kissing you awake. You had to admit, you could get used to waking up like this every morning. His erection pressed into you and you pulled back from the kiss to see where his thoughts were. "Sorry babe, I can't help what you do to me."
 "Well, only a few hours and you have me all to yourself."
 Sid groaned before rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling. "You're killing me. You know that right?" You simply hummed your agreement for he wasn't the only one suffering here.
 "Come on, let's get up and head down." He groaned some more but followed your downstairs where you spent the next couple hours with his family. All three of them hugged you goodbye, saying they couldn't wait to see you in a couple weeks, before heading out to the airport. You and Sid stood in the driveway waving goodbye as they headed out. True to his word, the minute the car was out of the driveway, Sid turned you into his arms. His hands grabbing your ass and hauling you up so that you had no choice but to wrap your legs around him. "What are you doing?"
 "Taking you back inside where I can ravish you." He stopped and looked down at you midway to the door. "Unless you just want me to take you here outside."
 "Is that a yes or a no? I can't tell." He chuckled, before heading into the house.
 "Put me down before you hurt yourself." He gave you that incredulous look as if he didn't lift three hundred pound weights daily.
 "I won't hurt myself; you hardly weigh anything." He stated as you made your way to the kitchen. "But…" He stopped and leaned you against the island, where you gave him a questioning look. "I've always wanted to…" He suggestively raised his eyebrows.
 You caught on to his meaning. "Here? In the kitchen?" An innocent look crossed his face, and it was cute to see the blush that stained his cheeks as he nodded yes.
 "Unless you don't want to?" Your whole relationship with Sidney was new, including your sex life. So you thought it was cute that he gave you the choice. You locked your lips with his by way of answer, opening immediately for him to plunder inside you. He pressed you against the counter harder, as he ground his hard length against your clothed core. The friction felt delicious, however, you wanted more. You wanted his length buried deep inside you. He sensed your needs and set you on the counter, mouth still fused with yours; as his hands snuck down to your waistband. You lifted your hips up so he could slide your clothes off. Spreading your legs, he stepped inside, as he undid the button of his fly.
 You broke the kiss to shuck off the shirt you'd had on, tossing it to the ground. His pants were down around his ankles and he kicked them off to the side, before trailing his fingers down your body to your pussy. "Fuck, baby, you're dripping."
 "I want you, Sid." You breathed out unashamed that your body had been thinking of this moment for quite some time. He moved, so that his cock was positioned at your entrance, but then he stopped and you whined.
 "Shit," He swore, and the next thing you knew he was searching for where he had tossed his pants. You gave him a confused look, as he retrieved the condom from his back pocket, things finally clicking into place. "Sorry babe, you make me forget things sometimes." As he rolled the condom on, you took a moment to appreciate his body, at least from the waist down as he hadn't taken the time to remove his shirt yet. His muscular thighs just set your body to flames, and your mind drifted to riding them only at the moment you really wanted Sidney inside you.
 "So I take it you were planning the whole kitchen thing?" You asked as he shifted you closer to the edge.
 "Well, I wasn't sure we'd make it to the bedroom." A giggle escaped your lips only to be replaced by a moan as he nudged the head of his cock inside you. "Is this what you want, baby?" You groaned out a yes, as he slowly slid inside you. Your legs wrapped around his waist and soon he was lifting you off the counter, taking all of your weight as he thrust in and out of your pussy. His lips sucked that tender spot on your neck and you held his mouth close to you knowing that there would be a mark there later, but not caring. Your back hit the edge of the counter as he thrust into you, causing you to arch into his arms. Reaching back, you held onto the counter as he continued to pound your pussy.
 "Fuck Sidney, you feel so good," you moaned out as he that spot inside you that made you shiver. His mouth moved down to nibble on your breast, and you could feel your body humming with delight in every move that he made. With a few more thrusts, your orgasm hit you and you were spasming around him. "Sid!" You screamed out, yet he continued to pump in and out of you. Before you knew what was happening you climaxing again, and then Sid followed you, pushing you hard up against the counter so that is was biting into your back, though you didn't mind the pain.
 "Shit, babe. I'm sorry," he huffed out when he saw you wincing in pain.
 "I'm good." Sid carried you through the kitchen, and into the family room, laying you down on the couch.
 "Be right back," he slid the condom off and went to dispose of it; coming back with a wet cloth to clean you up. He collapsed on the couch beside you then curling you into him while grabbing a blanket to cover you both up. "Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" He peppered kisses along your neck and shoulders.
 "I'll be fine." You relaxed deeper into his chest and his arms came around your midsection to snuggle you close. Words hovered on both of your lips but yet neither of you spoke them, though you could feel them in the way he held you and touched you as if you were something that needed to be treasured. You hoped that you made him feel the same.
 The week past pretty much the same way. There were tons of sex, in every room of his house and there were a lot of rooms. You'd even managed to make it to your place a few times, though you'd always end up back at his. Once the draft took place, the Pens flew out the new recruits for a look around the facility as well as the town, which meant that you'd be spending most of the day away from Sidney. He was reluctant to let you leave but told you he'd see you later.
 While the Penguins drafted six players in total, only five of them made the trip to Pittsburgh. Alamari one of the late-round picks was in Finland and didn't make the trip. "Hi guys, my name is (Y/N) and I'll be showing you around today. We're so excited to have you as a part of the Pens family. I'm going to take you around the city first, then we'll head back here so I can show you around the arena." You piled in one of the Suburbans and took them up to Mount Washington giving them the best view of the city. Media was with you and captured a bunch of pics everywhere that you went. Two hours later you were pulling back into Consol Energy Arena. As you walked through the tunnels to where the ice was still on the arena floor, you could see many of their eyes light up. "So this is the arena," you pointed up the rafters. "And right there is will be hanging the next Stanley Cup Championship Banner. Hopefully, someday you guys will be standing on the ice watching it raised after your names have been engraved on the cup." You saw a few elbow pokes to each other, as their smiles were permanently etched on their faces. They took a bunch of photos before you moved everyone on.
 "So here are the offices, but we also have places at the practice facility in Cranberry. This one is mine and the door is always open if you ever need anything when you're here." Unbeknownst to you didn't see the exchange a couple of the boys had. "And here's the locker room." They took in the unique oval layout which let the players interact with each other better. It had been a well thought out plan when they designed it, taking almost two years to make it the ultimate locker room in the NHL. You pointed out some of its uniqueness to the guys.
 It was Connor Hall who finally asked. "What is it you do again for the team?"
 "Oh sorry, I thought I mentioned that. I'm personal liaison to the team. Basically, I'm at every practice and game and help with communication between players and their families. I've also become sort of the go-to for anything the team may need." You chuckled mainly to yourself thinking of some of the things you'd gotten for the guys during playoffs. "Speaking of which, I need to take this call." It was Phil on the line. You'd helped him with picking out the perfect boat, but sometimes the man was helpless and you knew he was picking it up from the dealership today. You walked out of the locker room to your office, leaving the guys alone in the locker room.
 "Did you hear that? She's a fucking liaison. You know what that means right?" Connor said to the other guys when you left the room.
 "I don't know what you're talking about man," Filip Gustavsson answered.
 "I think he means she's basically the team whore, but I doubt..." Ryan Jones added to the conversation.
 "No fucking way," Joe Mansonius said in disbelief. "Do you really think they have one of those?"
 "She practically says she does whatever the players need." Connor chimed back in. "Like look at her, she's fucking gorgeous…and those tits."
 Kasper Bjorkqvist, the second-round pick finally chimed in. "Look man you shouldn't say shit like that."
 "Why not I'm sure she hears it all the time." Little did Connor know you weren't the one who heard him talking at the moment.
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 8: Swoop is a Good Ally
Bumblebee doesn’t turn into a convertible, but that won’t stop Megatron from riding around with his legs hair in the wind, as the two of them book it for Iacon from the Crystal City. Bumblebee’s making great time, despite carrying a dude who is significantly larger than he is. As the burning city comes into view, they discuss the fact that the Titan that’s making its way downtown (walking fast, and it’s homebound) is full of Shockwave ores. The life and death ones, to be exact. This is a problem, because that means it’s neither alive or dead, and you can’t kill something that ain’t alive.
 Then Megatron goes on about how Cybertron needs him, and has always needed him, to end oppression.
Mighty high opinion of yourself you got there, Megatron. We’ll see how that plays out as the day goes on.
Over with Starscream, our fearless leader’s reflecting on how true the term “rat bastard” fits dear Rattrap. Rattrap’s more concerned about the fact that people are literally dying right now while Starscream has a pity party. Good thing Rattrap brought some party guests.
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Starscream double-checks that all these friendly faces aren’t with the Titan, then gets called incompetent by just about everyone. Prowl puts together a strategy for this nightmare scenario, staring directly into the camera and showing off his lovingly rendered nose as he starts giving orders. While everyone else is going to be either rounding up the injured or trying to pick a fight with a dude roughly 50 times their size, Prowl’s going to try to figure out how to stop the Titan.
Back inside Metroplex, things are looking tense, as Nautica and Chromia are about a hair’s breadth away from beating the Rod Pod Squad to death. In an effort to dispel the hostility, Getaway points at his bellybutton, and then sat Nautica’s, quoting Optimus Prime and saying that there’s no reason to fight, because a bunch of little murderous bastards are about to pour in and cause some trouble for everyone.
And then a bunch of little murderous bastards are about to pour in and cause some trouble for everyone.
Everyone starts climbing up the rope Nautica and Chromia dropped last issue, except for Whirl, who would prefer to spend his time kicking ass as opposed to hunting for Metroplex’s brain. As the gang crawls around in the vents- because of COURSE they do- Nautica realizes that she’s talking to none other than Ratchet, and has a bit of a moment. Ratchet’s more concerned with the concept of gender being introduced into his world.
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You’re right, Ratchet, it doesn’t matter. Just let people live, dude.
Everyone ends up in the left shoulder blade area of Metroplex, where his brain is, and where we meet Windblade- our fan-created character, and a huge part of why IDW had to jam the concept of sexual dimorphism into their continuity posthaste. 
 In 2013, the Fan Built Bot polls were held on the Hasbro website, where fans could vote on several traits of a new character. One of these traits was gender.

Which I’m sure Furman was thrilled about.
The majority rule was for a female Transformer to be created, one hailing from Kaon, who was an Autobot telepath who turned into a jet and had a sword. Not all of this information was kept, simply because it didn’t jive with what had been established about gender previously. Things were still very messy, so Windblade’s place of origin was changed.
But we’ll get to that later on.
Right now, all you need to know is that Windblade is here to keep Metroplex alive.
Over in the Dead Universe, Nightbeat leads Team -Imus to Kup, the lot of them blasting and gunning down zombie robots the whole way. Cyclonus still has the Hollywood Tuberculosis cough. When they reach Kup, Orion Pax calls him old. Cyclonus has a gun now. Rodimus explains why he’s got numbers carved into his palm.
After the nightmare that was Overlord happened, and then the Luna 1 stuff, Rodimus enacted the Crisis Act. Now, the last time we saw the Crisis Act was in Eugenesis. It’s been a minute, so here’s a refresher:
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In this case, Rodimus enacted the Act on himself, having the crew of the Lost Light vote on whether he should remain captain. 89 voted for him to get the boot. This weighs heavily on his mind, so much so that he’s decided to carve the vote into his hand, so he can never forget those he failed.
Off in the corner, Cyclonus is dying, but this isn’t about him, this is about Rodimus’ sense of guilt.
Orion isn’t thrilled with how Rodimus handled the situation- he claims that Rodimus would have simply stepped down from his captaincy outright, if he really felt that badly about the situation.
Off in the corner, Cyclonus is still dying, but this isn’t about him.
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Not my space dad.
Nightbeat scoops Kup off of his bed and helps the old man stand, not that he needs it. No sir, this crotchety old bastard is so full of piss and vinegar, he’s gotta have the entire Industrial Revolution backdropping his big badass speech.
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And then that final claim is tested, as Cyclonus’ limp body is fastball-specialed into Kup’s torso. Nova Prime’s here, and he’s pissed. Orion decides he’s gonna square the fuck up. It’s time for Prime Prime-Time Fight Time.
Back inside Metroplex, violence is taking place, as Whirl, Getaway, and Skids are eviscerating the Ammonites. Over with Metroplex’s brain, Windblade is explaining her whole deal.
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Chromia, don’t be fucking rude.
Windblade is a City Speaker, a robot who can interpret the the lights and wave patterns of a Titan’s brain module for the purpose of communication. It’s a pretty sweet trick. Brainstorm doesn’t care about that though- he’s more concerned with getting the hell out of here. Ultra Magnus agrees, though he’s more concerned about the current state of Cybertron and the fact that Shockwave’s still running around. Windblade tells them to do whatever, but she’s gonna stick with Metroplex. It’s at this point that we find out how our new friends got here in the first place.
Turns out Thunderclash’s ship was taking new crew members on, and these three lovely robots were a part of the new blood. The Vis Vitalis ran into Alpha Trion not too long after they joined, freaking the hell out because Metroplex- his best friend in the whole entire world, as established in Spotlight: Orion Pax- just vanished.
Not sure how you lose an entire city that you’re riding around inside, but whatever, Alpha.
Alpha Trion was worried about his friend, but not enough to stop looking for the Holy Grail. So he had Chromia, Windblade, and Nautica come out here to do it. Unfortunately, they haven’t been able to do much. This might be why Metroplex pulled the Lost Light over to this rinky-dink little water planet- so he wouldn’t die.
Do you think Roberts and Barber were aware that they were having a bunch of male characters walk all over the hard work of these female characters, by way of making them better at the thing they were sent here to do? Do you think they thought about that? Because that’s pretty much what’s happening here. They’ve been here all of ten minutes, and Nautica- who is a quantum mechanic and engineer, as will be established- has been outdone by a bunch of doofuses who’ve only got the benefit of being properly established characters helping them out.
With a little set up, Metroplex’s brain is plugged into the Lost Light’s engines remotely, and Ultra Magnus tells our boy to rise and shine.
Back on Cybertron, Fixit and Flatline are about to throw down, which Starscream thinks is hilarious. There’s a whole medical slab that contains only a single shin. People are laying in trailers, but I guess that lone shin has priority for whatever reason. Outside, Scoop is being a good lad and helping get the injured to safety. Rattrap is also there.
The Titan has hit the city limits, and everyone’s shooting at the thing to cope. The Dinobots are upset because they’re being ignored, but at least Swoop is proving to be a good friend, as he’s already acclimated to Slug’s name change. Good on you, Swoop.
The plan of attack here is shooting the Titan in the neck until the signals to the brain are cut off from the rest of the body. It’s not really working out so hot, but smart boy points for trying, Prowl.
A building explodes, because we haven’t had an explosion yet this issue. Prowl, whose little red chevron seems to be shrinking by the panel, asks Soundwave for his opinion on the current situation. Soundwave goes “I dunno” and then Megatron shows up.
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Friggin’ drama queen.
Prowl, who’s had about enough of everyone at this point, breaks out a gun and tells Megs to start talking before things get uglier than they already are.
Megatron has a plan. Are you ready to hear it?
He wants everyone to:
Load up on ships
Fuck off into space
Come back later when the DJD show up
Bumblebee does not like this plan. He dislikes it very much, in fact, and throws Megatron’s legs on the ground in protest. Megatron pouts about being called a meanie warlord shit-for-brains.
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Bumblebee rattles off a very inspiring speech about the perseverance of the Cybertronian spirit, and how you should never give up, and oh would you look at that Metroplex just showed up with the Lost Light.
Time for some Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots. Hell yeah.
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Warmth: Prologue (2/3)
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Disclaimers: Besides the prologues, I will be posting the first 1000 or so words of every new/next chapter.  There will be a link to my AO3 at the end of the post, where the full chapters are at!
Warnings: mentions of blood
Masterlist: (coming soon)
"Here, let me help with-"
"It's alright!" Fuku shouts as she lifted several rolls of fabric with ease.
To say Fuku was doing a little better is an understatement. She was fantastically better. When Yuki and you came into work the morning after her accident, she didn't greet you both in her usual polite and quiet manner. Fuku had loudly welcomed you both in as if the shop were suddenly a bustling restaurant.
You were mending a ripped seam in the back room when Yuki suddenly enters and whispers, "Please tell me I haven't gone crazy, or is Fuku much more lively than yesterday?"
You resist the urge to smile. She got her spunk back indeed.
"I quite like this sudden shift in her character," you say.
"I do too, really! I haven't seen her like this since I was a kid. But the sudden switch from sweet to sassy is…" her mind trails off with uncertainty. She looks over her shoulder to make sure you two were alone still. "Do you think her accident yesterday had anything to do with her personality change?"
"They say your life flashes before your eyes in an instant when you come close to death. Maybe she decided to drop the quiet act and be true to herself."
"Yeah, that's it isn't it?" Yuki asks more to herself than to you. "But should she really be carrying all those fabric rolls? Those things are heavier than they look."
"Perhaps her back is doing better?"
"In a day?!"
She was getting more confused, more frustrated as she tried to wrap her head around everything. You put your needle and thread down and turn towards her. "Do you remember what I said yesterday?" you ask. Her tense shoulders relax a bit and she nods. "Then trust me on this. She's going to be fine. Would I ever lie to you if I didn't think she would?"
She shakes her head. "I don't know why, but you saying she's going to be okay somehow reassures me that it will be."
You give her a pat on the head, but she pulls you into a tight hug. You would hug her back if she wasn't squeezing your arms against your body. It was strange. Her hugging you like this almost makes you feel as if you two had truly become…
You don't finish that statement, for fear that your rival would hear it and use it against you. You nearly forgot that you could never truly make friends, not when you're still in the midst of a never-ending battle with a damn snake that targets the people around you. One of these days, you're going to get rid of it for good by any means necessary. Even if that means you would have to die with it, so be it. Anything to make sure it doesn't come out victorious.
You won't take away the people I love again.
The last time you took a vacation was...never. You've never been on vacation. Your 50-year lone journey could technically count, considering you don't work and essentially goof around most of those years. It wasn't to relax from the stresses of work though. It was merely to pass the time before you could integrate back into society without causing a fuss. It would also help you forget about the people you had gotten to know.
You look over to your co-worker and boss. "Can't I just relax at home? Do I really need to go all the way out to…"
"Kyoto," Yuki finishes your thought.
"Right. Do I really need to go out to Kyoto to relax?"
Fuku shakes her head in disbelief. "Honestly, all you ever do is work! You'll go stir crazy if you don't switch up your surroundings every now and then."
"Besides," Yuki chimes in. "If anyone deserves a vacation, it's you. I don't think you understand how much you work. It's admirable, but also very concerning."
Seeing their worried expression, you feel a bit bashful. They were only looking out for you, thinking you to be tied down to the same limitations they have. You badly want to just bite the bullet and tell them the true nature of who you are. Surely they would understand, right? They would accept you for who you truly are, right? The coiling of the snake around your arm keeps your confession at bay.
Apparently, a vacation for you meant a vacation for it as well. Tormenting you must be such a demanding job after all.
You made sure to sharpen your axe real well the other night.
The chugging of the train grew louder and louder. You and a few other people, mostly fellow travelers from outside your town, walk up to the yellow line on the ground and stand to wait. The train begins to slow down into a complete stop. Once halted, a hiss of steam is let out and the doors creak open.
You turn to give your farewells to your friends and surprisingly find yourself in the middle of a group hug. You give Fuku and Yuki their own pat on the back and they squeeze you a bit harder.
"Have fun! Don't forget to call me and take a bunch of pictures!" Yuki demands.
"And bring a man home," Fuku adds.
You laugh at her comment. She really was a feisty one.
Adjusting the bag hanging from your shoulder, you step onto the train cart and take a seat. After a few minutes, the doors close and you begin to depart from the station. As you look back out the window behind you, you see Fuku and Yuki still standing there, waving you off even as you gradually disappear over the horizon. You swear, they both looked ready to burst into tears.
A tightness against your arm grabs your attention. After wriggling about from under your sleeve, the snake finally pokes its head out and turns its head towards you.
"So," you whisper, as to not attract any attention from your fellow passengers. "It took you awhile to come back. Did I cut you up that badly?"
It hisses at you for mocking it. Uncaring of it feelings, you uncoil it from your arm and drop it in the seat next to you. Should any of the passengers have watched you, they would see you moving nothing. You were actually grateful they couldn't see it. If they did, they would all certainly panic. You did not want to be known as the traveler who carries a deadly snake with them.
You cross one leg over the other and sink in your seat. "Y'know, I should give you a name. It's starting to become annoying just referring to you as 'the snake'."
It seemed surprised that you were speaking to it on neutral terms. Usually, your interactions were hostile and more or less ended with you chopping it into fine bits. It slithers back onto you, this time coiling around your neck. You nearly flinch at the familiar sensation you felt as it tightened its grip to gain stability.
I felt this in my first memory. Go figure.
You pull out your phone and quickly search up an image of a color wheel. You take care to lift the screen up to the snake's eye level while not appearing odd from any lingering gazes. You tell it to tap on a color, and from the one it selects, you would refer to it as that henceforth. It was unimpressed by your naming process but you tell it that it was either this or you give it the most insulting name you can think of.
It looks at the screen for a minute. It then presses the tip of its mouth against the glass and selects the color black.
"How original," you sarcastically say. It responds by tightening around your neck. "Alright. I'll call you Kuro from now on. It'll make cutting you up all the more personal."
Your one-sided chat ends with Kuro, who turns his head away and settles around your neck. You pull up your phone's built-in navigation app and look at the expected arrival time, 3 hours. You lean forward and prop both elbows on your knees. For the next few hours, you just sat there and waited, not bothering to look out the window and marvel in the passing scenery. Your focus was entirely on Kuro, making sure that he wouldn't try to sneak off of you and attack any of the other passengers. He usually only goes for people you had grown attached to or spend most of your time with, but you weren't going to take any chances.
You give yourself a bit of comfort by sticking your hand in your duffel bag and squeezing the familiar handle of your axe.
The city still amazes you. It was hard to believe that in just a couple hundred years, humanity would evolve so rapidly. As amazing as the advancement of humanity was, the air quality has gone to complete shit. Along with sleeping and eating, you didn't need to breathe either. You're thankful you didn't have to subject yourself to the polluted air and spare yourself from burning your lungs. Kuro seems to hate the air as well, as he makes a sort of gagging noise once you step out of the station.
Finally, we agree on something
You robotically push past the crowds, flag down a taxi, and check into your hotel room. You send a quick text to Yuki to let her know you arrived safely and thank her again for booking the room for you. Once you set your belongings down and relax against the plush bed, you get a text back.
'What r u going to do?'
That's right. This was supposed to be a vacation. You were supposed to be going out and doing literally anything other than work.
What the hell are you even supposed to do?
You text back, 'idk.'
'Seriously??? There's a ton of stuff you could do in Kyoto!'
'Like what?'
'I heard shrines are lovely this time of the year'
The fact that you, a god, are visiting a shrine to be very, very hilarious. Kuro hates it apparently, which made it even funnier.
"Aww, don't be like that," you jokingly cooed at him.
You used the ladle from the shrine pavilion to scoop up the so-called purified water and bring it close to him. He hisses so violently that the shrine maiden that acted as a guide for you and your fellow visitors flinched and looks around to find the source of her scare. Deciding to spare him any more stress and reason to go on a frenzy, you put the ladle back in the basin and catch up to the departing group.
The tour was simple, a mere walk around the temple and it's public areas while the guide explained the history behind each building, important figures, and various rituals the worshipers practice. It wasn't the most exciting way to spend your first day on vacation, but you found still found it interesting and very educational.
Near the end of the tour, the guide leads you all up to a statue of a woman. Her skin is as white as milk, half of her black hair twisted up in a bun while the rest flowed down her back. It was a hairstyle your mother would style on you and even taught you how to do it yourself. Her kimono was a faded gold color from years of natural degradation. The pattern on her stone clothing reminded you of flames.
Your tour guide stops and turns back towards you all. "This here is a statue of the sun goddess, Amaterasu. She is a central deity within the Shinto religion. The Japanese nobility claim their divine right to rule by claiming to be her descendants."
Your tour guide went on about the shrine's methods of worship for Amaterasu, but you completely drowned out her words. You found yourself completely enamored by the statue.
Something about it was...
Hearing that name was…
Your body was...
"Miss?" One of the tour-goers waves her hands in front of your vision in an attempt to gain your attention. "Is everything alright?"
As you slowly regain your focus, you notice a wetness on your face. You had shed a tear. You quickly wiped it away and gave the concerned woman a reassuring smile. "Allergies."
She seemed relieved and without a second thought reached into her bag to pull out a bottle. She pops off the cap, shakes out two antihistamine pills and hands them to you. You take them and hide them under your tongue before taking a gulp of water from your plastic bottle. You thank her, waiting for her to walk off with the group before spitting them out.
Kuro gives a condescending flick of his tongue against the cheek your tear descended on. You slap his head away and growl, "Not a word."
You take a moment to gather yourself before heading back with the group. Before you turn the corner and lose sight of the statue, you spare it one last glance. When you looked at it again, you were certain what you were feeling wasn't just a fluke.
You felt warm.
The tour ended not long after you all saw the statue of the sun goddess. You didn't leave until night, when the Shrine closed to the public. You spent the entire day just staring at the statue, basking in the familiar warmth that filled within your body.
"I know you don't care, but that wasn't some coincidence," you say to Kuro. "That warm feeling. It's similar, no, the exact same warmth I summon when I heal people!"
You yank him off your neck and plop him on the nearest surface, a stone tablet of sorts with writing carved into it. It was monument for some historical figure, but you didn't care about it. He looks at you as if he was actually considering your words for once. At this point, you could care less about this ingrained rivalry between you two. If there was anyone else in the world that could ever relate to you, it would be him.
"Who the hell am I? What the hell are we? Who the hell made us so hellbent on screwing each other over? Actually, let me rephrase. Why are we so hellbent on screwing each other over?"
You kept rattling on question after question. Contemplating the meaning of your existence to a snake that no one but yourself could see. In your confused frenzy, you fail to notice the grey clouds engulfing the sky. The loud roar of lightning and sudden rainfall put a halt to your pacing.
So much for clear skies.
The sound of footsteps approaching your figure brought your attention back down to earth. "Are you alright ma'am? Do you have an umbrella?" a man in a lab coat and glasses looks at you with a blank stare, but his voice indicates that he was worried for you.
You shake your head. "I didn't think it would rain today."
The man opens his mouth to say something when suddenly, your eardrums are assaulted by another clap of lightning. This time, it struck the space right next to the both of you. You frantically search your surroundings to locate exactly where it struck. The monument that your rival was on had been completely shattered into pieces.
Shit, I put Kuro on that!
The bespectacled man kneels down towards you and offers you his hand. You didn't realize that you had fallen over until you finally registered the stinging on each of your knees. You reach out towards his offered hand. Before you could place your hand in his own, darkness suddenly enveloped your vision followed by a wave of dizziness. You instinctively shut your eyes and nurse your head in your hands.
The wet and cold air of the rainstorm was suddenly replaced with a suffocating heat. You manage to open your eyes and find yourself in a completely new setting. You were on the balcony of a building, currently blanketed in flames and billowing smoke. You accidentally inhaled due to your shock and began to cough as your lungs fill with black air.
Your fit alerts a figure in the room of your presence. Seeing you, a defenseless woman all so suddenly, they found themselves frozen in shock. Your vision began to slowly clear up enough for you to notice the familiar sheen of metal. Whoever it was that you were looking at had a sword in hand, tip aimed to the floor where a man lied unconscious at his feet.
Instinctively, you reached into your handbag and grabbed your axe. You put all the force you could muster into your grip and threw it at the man with the sword. He gave out a cry of pain, indicating that you had landed a hit on him. He suddenly backs away from the body and you think you hear him mutter some sort of apology before running out the room. With the threat now gone, you make your way towards the man on the floor. He was still unconscious, so you took a firm hold of his shoulders and began to shake him awake. He wakes up with a sputter before taking notice of you.
"Who are you?" his booming voice asks
"No time for introductions! The building is burning and we need to leave! Now!"
You didn't give him a chance to get in another word. Grabbing his forearm and hoisting him on his feet, you pulled him out of the fiery room. You make sure to grab your axe, wedged deep into the wood of the door frame, on your way out.
Miraculously, you manage to find a way out the building. As soon as you're lungs fill with fresh air, you double over into another coughing fit. As you try to calm your breaths, you turn back to building. It was a temple, but not like the one you visited earlier in the day. This one seemed more rustic. It was hard to fully picture what it might have looked like due to it being quite on fire still.
If you hadn't escaped in time, the man you dragged along with you would have perished. If not by the stab of the sword looming over him, then by the flames. Speaking of him, he looks out towards the burning temple with you. Instead of worry or panic, he seemed to be rather annoyed.
"Someone tried to do away with me as I slept? Audacious, but foolish. Killing my guards and managing to get so close to me is another matter."
Who cares if you were asleep or not?! You almost died!
He then turns towards you, taking notice of your grip still on his arm. "You there," he addresses you. "Let go of me."
You let go of his arm and he rubs it as if your grip was uncomfortable. He took in the person standing before him, his apparent savior.
"You may be mere entertainment the monks brought in, but you saved my life nonetheless. You have my thanks."
Did he just insinuate that you were a prostitute?
"I must have missed all the monks among the fire. I don't have a clue how I ended up in there," you tell him.
It's now that you begin to take in your surroundings. You were no longer within the city, not a single skyscraper obscuring the night sky in sight. The air, despite standing next to a burning building, wasn't as disgusting to breathe in. The man you rescued had striking features. His hair black and eyes a carnelian hue. He wore armor sporting colors of black, white, and red. You remember seeing such attire way back when your parents were alive. He was some sort of soldier.
"What are you staring at? Surely you know who I am?" He asks. You shake your head, being at a total loss for words. This genuinely confuses him. "You saved me not knowing who I am? Not expecting reward or favor?" He gives a deep chuckle that echoes throughout the night. "So be it, I shall tell you my name. I am the man who will rule all under the sun-"
Your silence is broken by your faint laugh. Was this man seriously going to monologue and create some sort of suspenseful build-up over his own name? After he just escaped the clutches of death?
He lifts an eyebrow. "Have I said something amusing?"
You cover your mouth to stifle your giggles and shake your head once more. Surely, he must have thought you rude.
Instead, he lets out another round of laughter, this time louder. "You're a curious one. No one has acted so impudently to me before." He takes a step closer to you and you take half a step back. "You intrigue me, which is almost as worthy of praise for saving my life. I am the Lord of Azuchi Castle and Daimyo of Owari, Nobunaga Oda."
Your head involuntarily tilts to the side. You look up at him and say, "...Who?"
His brows furrow. Now he was getting frustrated. "Do you truly not know who I am?"
You fiddle with your thumbs. "Noooooo?"
"You are indeed a strange one. But I have given you my name. Now, give me yours."
You hesitated, but decided it was safe to give him your name.
"I see. A good name befitting my savior"
Was that a compliment? Hang on, where the hell are you?!
You shake your head as if to clear your mind of its confused state. "Now that we got the introductions out the way. Tell me, where are we?"
"We are at Honno-ji. The building before you is-"
"A temple. I can see that. What year is it?"
He seems taken back by your question and of the fact that you interrupted him. "It is 1582. Why?"
Ah, 1582………WHAT?!
Before you could understandably freak out, the galloping of hooves grabs both your attention. The man at the front of the small group heading in your direction shouts, "Lord Nobunaga, you're safe!"
Once he reaches a safe distance, he hurriedly dismounts and approaches you both on foot. The others that rode alongside him turn their attention towards the building and begin shouting out orders to put out the flames.
"Mitsunari," Nobunaga turns to him. "Why have you come? Where is Hideyoshi?"
"Lord Hideyoshi sent me ahead. He should arrive here shortly," Mitsunari explains. He then takes in the sight of the smoldering temple and frowns. "It would seem the information we received about your assassination attempt was correct."
You feel another coughing fit coming and try to muffle it. It is then that Mitsunari takes notice of you.
"Oh, who might you be?"
Nobunaga calls out to you. He gives a nod to Mitsunari as an indication that you were no threat and then commanded, "Present yourself to my subordinate."
"I'm- Ow!"
Something pierces your ankle and you nearly fall over yet again. Mitsunari pulls you towards him and swiftly draws his sword out. As your eyes search the ground for what could have bitten you, you notice the familiar black scales of your rival hidden between the blades grass.
"Kuro! You bastard, I thought the lightning fried you to a crisp!"
As much as you hate to admit, you were glad to see the serpent is alive and well. However, as Mitsunari took notice of the snake, he pulled you further in until you were between him and Nobunaga.
"A snake?! Please stand back!"
He firmly planted his right foot on the ground and raised his sword. You immediately went on the defense and shoved him into the Nobunaga's chest. They were dumbfounded as they saw you place yourself protectively in front of the snake as if they were the threat, not it.
"Stop! He's with me!"
"My lady, the snake could potentially be venomous. Please walk carefully towards me,' Mitsunari beckons you to him.
Oh, he's much more than venomous… hold on.
You look down towards Kuro, then to Mitsunari, then to Kuro and back to the grey-haired man again. "You...You can see him?"
"Of course I can! Now please, get back!"
You glare down at him. "You bastard! You can make people see you at will can't you?!"
Unsurprisingly, he plays dumb and slithers back on you. Like before, he situates himself around your neck before turning his gaze towards the two armor-clad men. He sends an almost condescending gaze at the grown men panicking before him, a tiny viper.
"Ok, before you panic let me explain. This is Kuro. Say hi." You roll your eyes as he hisses at them. What else did you expect? "Lovely. He's my…we've known each other for a long time."
"You say that as if the snake were a person." Nobunaga notices.
Man don't even get me started!
"He's more aware than most, but he isn't harmful. So long as you don't annoy him he won't try to lunge at you." You shift your weight to the foot he had bitten, reminding you of the fact that he sunk his fangs into you just moments ago. "Except me. He'll only bite me."
"He's not venomous, is he?" Mitsunari asks.
"He has venom," you stupidly say, but quickly backtrack on your statement. "But he never shoots it in me, I swear! like I said, you just have to be cautious around him and not give him a reason to bite you."
"A woman with a venomous snake as her companion. There is no end to your amusement, is there?" Nobunaga speaks up, impressed, and not at all ashamed of feeling so, "Mitsunari, this is my savior. Remember her well."
"I thank you for rescuing our Lord," the man, clad in purple armor and a singular beauty mark under his right eye, bows deeply towards you. "My name is Mitsunari Ishida. I serve Nobunaga's right-hand man."
You wave your hands frantically to stop him. "Ah, no need to be so formal! Despite the circumstances, It's nice to meet you as well."
you properly introduce yourself to Mitsunari, who instantly perks up at your more welcoming demeanor. "Is your foot alright? That bite must have hurt. Though now that I've gotten a better look at you, you don't appear to be a nun. Are you perhaps from abroad?"
You look down towards yourself and realized you were wearing nothing but a t-shirt, capris, and some old worn out sneakers. You must look like a clown to them. Also, what were you even supposed to say in this sort of situation? Hey, I'm from 500 years in the future. Did I forget to mention I'm actually a 300 year old deity? Life sure is crazy!
Not knowing what is safe and not safe to say, you remained quiet. Mitsunari takes notice of your hesitation and looks back at Nobunaga for some guidance. The man, now over your rude behavior, steps past his subordinate and towers over you.
"Were you not taught to speak when spoken to? You may have saved my life, but there is only so much disobedience I will tolerate. Tell us where you hail from, and quickly."
You and Kuro glance at each other. Like most of your standoffs, there seems to be a mutual understanding between you two without the need for words. Remain silent. Do not tell them of your origin or of the nature of your being. Even if he decides you aren't trustworthy and strikes you down where you stand, you will survive the blow.
You kept your mouth shut. He seems more disappointed than angry towards your answer and turns towards Mitsunari. "Restrain her. She is now officially a suspect in the assassination plot on my life"
"My Lord. She's clearly disoriented from the chaos-"
"Restrain her," he ordered with finality.
Mitsunari, hesitant but not one to disobey orders, grabs a length of rope from his horse's saddle and walks back towards you. "Please give me your hands,' he politely demands of you. You do as you're told.
"It's alright," you whisper to him. "If it makes you feel better, my reason for being silent is just for my safety. I mean you all no harm. You have my word."
"I…" he appears caught between his orders and trusting in you. "I will trust you. No person with ill intent would risk their life to save Lord Nobunaga."
You thank him by giving his hand a comforting squeeze. He makes sure to tie your hands in a manner that would make escaping impossible, but not tight enough to hurt your wrists. You're escorted away from the temple, to a camp not too far away. You're led to a nearby bonfire and told to sit and not make any sudden moves. Mitsunari steps away from you and is replaced by two of the soldiers he brought with him.
"Hey," you try to whisper as quietly as you can to Kuro, "I have a suggestion. Care to hear it?"
He slithers around your neck until he's facing you head-on. It seems he's willing to listen. "Let's call a truce," you simply state. "The only conditions are that we look out and help one another until we find a way back to our time. After we return, we can go back to despising each other for the next hundreds of years."
Were you seriously offering an alliance with your sworn enemy? Yes, yes you were. As much as you both detest the idea of having to tolerate each other, the current situation made it clear that the only way you two are going to manage to get home is to put your heads together. Maybe even get along for a change?
Ugh, the thought of befriending this slithering asshole is deplorable.
"If you agree to those terms, bite my neck."
He doesn't hesitate to sink his fangs into your throat. You're sure he's wanted to bite you until your body was littered in duo puncture marks. The guards are alarmed at your cry of pain and go to kneel beside you to see what was wrong. They both took notice of the black snake around your neck and bleeding wounds. They look at each other and then nod. "Don't move ma'am. We'll take care of the snake-"
"He's a pet! No need to draw your sword," you immediately explain to them. "Could I maybe get a rag to press against my wound?"
The guard on your right seems hesitant, but his fellow soldier nods in assurance. He leaves in search of a rag, while the guard on your left seems to get closer to you. He's probably keeping a closer eye on you until his partner returns.
Two new people enter the camp. One is clad in blue and white armor, hair a pure white color. The other in green armor with red accents, hair a natural brown. You try your hardest to listen to their conversation. So far, both new figures seem to be concerned for the well being of Nobunaga. They question him on how he managed to escape unscathed and soon the attention is turned towards you.
"This is my savior. Due to her lack of answering my inquiries about her person, I've placed her under custody until we return to Azuchi."
"That one, sitting by the fire?" the white-haired one gestured towards you. You gave him a wave with your tied hands. "What a slender thing, but appearances aren't everything. Shall I pry answers from her mouth?"
The threat of torture puts you both on edge. You more than Kuro as you would be the one subjected to it.
Nobunaga seems to notice your fear and revels in it. "Once we return home, if she refuses to explain herself again, I will leave her in your hands. For now, we prepare for our departure."
The white-haired one nods in understanding before sending a spine chilling grin towards you.
Note to self, watch out for that one.
The brown-haired one comes towards you. While he isn't as scary as the other one, his height makes up for it. He's nearly twice your height and taller than anyone in the camp. He glares down at you and says, "Whoever you are, if you have any plans to harm Lord Nobunaga, I will make you regret ever having such thoughts."
Threat after threat after threat. You were getting pretty fed up with it. You were about to give the man a piece of your mind when suddenly, Kuro lunges at him. His fangs were bared and spurted liquid out of his mouth. That wasn't a warning bite. It was an honest attempt to bite and kill.
"Kuro!" You scold him. "That's not going to help the situation!"
"A snake?! Why haven't you noticed and gotten rid of it?!" The green armored one questions your guards.
They stutter over themselves before you finally speak up in place of them. "He's my pet."
"Pet or not. Allowing such a dangerous animal around Lord Nobunaga is a risk I won't take."
He reaches down to his waist to unsheathe his sword. In your panic, you shot up on your feet and you kick him right in the diaphragm. His arms wrap around his stomach and he nearly falls to his knees over from the blow.
"The next person that points a sword at us, I'm going to hold you down myself and let him pump you full of venom!" you scream. Gods, were you so on edge that you were now threatening people?
Your suddenly thrown face first down onto the ground and pinned from behind. You turn your head to see who it was that had restrained you. It was the white-haired one. The empty barrel pointed at you keeps you still.
I smell gunpowder. That's a rifle no doubt. Father used to have one in the house in case wolves came by at night.
"Those things have a tendency to accidentally go off," you tell him.
He smiles down at you. "Indeed. You'll forgive me if it does, yes?"
Second note, I hate this guy.
Angered by his cockiness, you try to wiggle out of his hold, but it utterly fails. In fact, you actually help him get a better grip on you and make it harder for you to escape. Great job, you dumbass.
"What shall we do with the snake, my lord?" The one pinning you down asks Nobunaga.
He stood over your defenseless self and stared at you with indifference. "It is clearly a hazard, but it has yet to leave it's master side and only struck when it perceived her to be under an immediate threat. Leave it, but keep your distance."
"My Lord, that is too much of a risk. Removing the threat now would be the better option," the brown-haired one protested. Slightly bent over in pain from your hit.
"I hate to say it, but I agree with Hideyoshi," the white haired one says. "Even a moment of vulnerability on our part will result in her releasing it on us."
The one you hit is Hideyoshi. Noted.
Nobunaga smirks at him. "If you're so concerned, Mitsuhide, then I suggest you put your sharpshooter skills to good use and keep an eye on the damn thing. Now, if you're both done bickering, let us head out."
Mitsuhide didn't seem to like his new orders but answers with a practiced "yes sir", before helping you up to your feet. Without any more to say, you're escorted to an large crowd of horses and lifted onto a saddle. Mitsunari is your apparent rider and you quietly thank the heavens for your one saving grace.
"Sorry," you whisper, "I sort of made things worse for myself."
You feel him tense, immediately feeling bad for making him worry even more.
"Once we return to Azuchi, you'll be in a secure place and can speak your truth without fear of lingering ears," he tells you. The horse beneath you suddenly kinks into a speedy gallop and you hold onto him for dear life.
You travel for a few minutes before the steeds around you slow down into a complete stop. A man with an eye patch and blue and gold armor appears with another unit of soldiers. Perhaps he was back up? He sure is late though.
"Lord Nobunaga. I see you're unscathed," he says, a more casual hint in his voice.
"Physically, yes. But my pride has taken quite the hit. We're returning to Azuchi. Have your men follow."
"Damn, I guess I was too late to see some action," he answers disappointedly. He turns back towards his reinforcements and shouts, "You heard the man! It's back home for us!"
His soldiers all let out groans of equal disappointment. He laughs at their expense before maneuvering his horse to join with the rest of the retreat. It's when he and his men fully merge that he takes notice of you and your bound hands. "Who's the lass?" He shouts over to Hideyoshi.
"They're under suspicion for the assassination attempt tonight. She has a snake around her neck and it will strike if you get near."
"A woman with a snake, huh? I like you already. The name's Date Masamune. I hope we can get to know each other well."
First I get called a prostitute, then this asshole flirts with me while I'm tied up! So much for a relaxing vacation!
Kennyo watches the retreat of the Oda alliance with rage. His chance to exact revenge was in the palm of his hand but had been slapped away in a mere instance. The rustling of bushes gains his attention and he turns to see Ranmaru knelt before him, sweaty and disheveled. He's now porting a gash across his normally pristine face. "Are you alright? We need to tend to that wound to prevent it from becoming infected. It'll likely scar."
Ranmaru is on the verge of tears. "Master Kennyo, I failed you. All our efforts to eliminate the head of the Oda have gone to waste because of-"
The monk shushes him. "You've done well, Ranmaru. You've demonstrated how well the devil king trusts you. That alone is enough to be the cause of their undoing."
Ranmaru flinches at the mention of the word "trust." Kennyo turns back to look at the retreating forces once more. He turned back just in time to see that the they had a prisoner in their midst. He becomes even more enraged once he realizes that it was a woman.
"They would go so far as to blame a woman for the fire and hold her captive. The Oda couldn't stoop any lower than they have now."
Kennyo begins to walk away into the darkness of the forest. He gestures for the boy to follow, and he does so without hesitation.
Another set of eyes watch the retreat of the Oda alliance from the sidelines.
"How disappointing. Though perhaps this is a blessing in disguise," Kenshin, initially unhappy seeing Nobunaga escape unharmed, immediately perks up at his own thoughts. "I still have an opportunity to drag the devil king out to battle and strike him down myself."
Shingen shakes his head in disbelief. Although he was frustrated as the rest, seeing the Oda pull out victorious and without a single loss, hearing Kenshin retain his bloodlust was reassuring. "He truly earned the title of devil king. Only a demon could have such twisted luck on his side."
"Lord Shingen," Yukimura suddenly notices an unfamiliar figure among the retreating forces, "look at who is riding with Mitsunari Ishida."
Shingen searches out for the familiar tuff of grey hair. He was in a bad mood, but now he's pissed. That was a woman, bound by the wrist the same way a criminal would be. "Unforgivable," is all the Tiger of Kai could growl out.
"Yes," Yoshimoto nods in agreement with his cousin, "Such a small thing. She must be scared to death."
Kenshin doesn't make any comment at the revelation, but he notices the panic that overtakes Sasuke's face upon hearing that a woman had been taken prisoner.
"I've grown bored. Let us return to Echigo and reconvene another day."
Kenshin doesn't wait for an answer. He turns away and the rest of his allies follow without a word. "Sasuke," Kenshin calls out to his ninja who had yet to move from his spot, "Do not keep me waiting."
He snaps out of this train of thought before following along. "Yes, my Lord."
You had remained quiet the entire trip. A few people called your name, but you were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even acknowledge whoever was speaking to you. You failed to realize that night had turned into morning. Your surroundings had changed from foliage into a massive fortress-like castle.
Kuro paid attention to your surroundings in your stead. Anyone that had gotten even a little close was hissed at and had transparent venom spat at them. Even Mitsunari, your one and only ally as of now, was not spared of the serpents radar.
You finally speak your first words after hours of silence. "If you keep threatening every man that so much as looks in my direction, I might start to believe you actually liked me all this time."
You're once again bitten, this time on the back of your hand. Blood quickly pools in the twin punctures before rolling down and staining your skin.
Mitsuhide had witnessed the snake sink its fangs into you. "Oh my, such a temperamental pet. Are you sure you have it under control?"
You roll your eyes. "Of course I do. Hey, Kuro," you look down to him. "If things turn ugly, pump me full of whatever you got left."
The snake nods, pleased at the privilege you've given it. Mitsuhide narrows his eyes at you, concerned over your order. You make sure to pat Kuro's scaly head while maintaining eye contact with him.
The entourage heads towards the stable. Stable hands awaited their return and began to board and tend to each steed. Mitsunari eventually dismounts and offers his hand for you to take. You gratefully accept his gesture and he helps steady you on the ground.
"How are your hands? If they feel sore I'll redo my bindings," he offers.
You shake your head. "I'm alright. What's going to happen to me now?"
"Lord Nobunaga requested an immediate council upon his return. It will likely be about the events that took place at Honno-ji and will take some time to inform and gather everyone needed. Until then, you...you will be…"
You didn't rush him. He was clearly having a hard time trying to muster up the courage to tell you what will happen to you until the meeting. You already have an idea what it would entail.
"You will be held in a prison cell until your fate is determined."
There it is.
"Will Kuro be allowed to stay with me?"
He nods. "Hideyoshi requested that the snake remain on your person at all times and visible. I hope his request isn't too unreasonable."
"If it puts the people here at ease then I can live with it. I'd feel safe having him close by anyways, so I'm quite thankful he didn't call in some expert snake hunter or something."
Mitsunari smiles at your words. "Even when the odds are against you, you find the positive within. You are truly admirable, my lady."
You return the smile. "Thank you, but I'm sure I told you before not to be so formal!"
"Very well. I agree with the condition that you address me with familiarity too. Is that alright?"
You nod and, for a brief moment, you forget that you were technically still a prisoner.
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nevermoremagic · 4 years
aren’t you forgetting something? - jj maybank x reader
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write fics for JJ ever since I finished watching Outer Banks, but my writing is rusty as hell :) Nonetheless, I really wanted to post something, so here’s a fluffy little drabble!
It’s based on a prompt I found on @otpprompts ! Referenced in the notes at the end.
Pairing: jj maybank x reader
Prompt: You are about to leave for work. JJ asks you if you’ve forgotten anything, and you give him a kiss. JJ turns red and opens his hand to reveal your keys, saying “I meant this, but thanks.”
Warning(s): a bit of swearing, a lot of fluff and cheese
Word Count: 1k
“JJ… let go of me, please.” Only a piercing groan in response. Still, the muscular arms remain wrapped around your frame and the tufts of golden hair shoved into your face don’t move the slightest bit.
“JJ,” you whine, squirming in his hold. God, if you were late for another shift at Heyward’s, surely Pope’s father would have your head.
The culprit of your tardiness, the one whose arms have your body pressed tightly against his chest like an octopus, buries his head into the crook of your neck, moaning a mocking “(Y/N)” in response to your whine of protest.
“I’m gonna be late for work.”
“Yeah. That’s the point. So you stay here longer.” JJ’s chin hooks onto your shoulder, and when you turn to give him a pointed glare, he beams at you. The classic JJ smile. The one where your heart skips a beat at the sight. Your glare immediately melts, and instead you sigh and roll your eyes at the whining child you’ve unbelievably called your boyfriend.
Oh, you’d love to stay. In your experience, there’s nothing more blissful than laying in a hammock watching the sunset and feeling the sea breeze brush past you two. And JJ’s built like a furnace, always keeping you warm in his embrace during the windiest of days. It’s days like these where it’s hard to pry yourself away from him.
“Heyward’s going to fire me and I’ll be jobless and broke,” you warn JJ, but also make no move to escape his clutch.
He sucks air between his teeth and furrows his eyebrows, thinking of what you assume to be a solution to this dilemma of yours. Then, his eyes widen as a thought you were expecting to be ridiculous comes to him.
“I’ll be your sugar daddy.”
You scoff. “Oh, please. Your broke ass?”
He lets out an indignant squawk. “Broke? Who are you calling broke? Was the treasure hunt last summer for 400 mil a fever dream to you?”
“Oh?” Your eyebrow quirks. “You mean, the 400 million dollars that’s currently in the Bahamas? That’s the money you’re going to use to pamper me?” You smirk, fondly watching his soft blue eyes narrow at your triumphant teasing.
JJ quiets, shaking his head at the sight of your cocky smirk. Finally, he clicks his tongue, barking a “fine!” before unwinding his arms and springing out of the hammock in an instant, nearly sending you toppling onto the ground.
You gasp in shock, fingers frantically trying to find purchase in the netting beneath you as you cling for dear life. The snickers behind you serve as a reminder of the idiot that nearly sent you to your death. “Asshole,” you mutter, although it doesn’t sound nearly as resentful as you’d like it to be. You’re too whipped for JJ to truly be mad, and you knew it.
It takes a few seconds, but you find your balance and roll off the hammock with ease. You refuse to look at your boyfriend while you begin stomping towards your car, pettiness apparent. Your angry facade can only continue for so long though, as JJ’s happy laughs trail behind you.
“Hey,” he calls, and before you can guess what’s happening, his hands curl around your waist, holding you close. When you look up, you’re convinced you’re staring straight through heaven’s gates.
The last rays of sun peek through the tree leaves and cast a halo of light around JJ’s head, setting his golden tresses aglow. He looks angelic, and the sight sends bursts of love through you; so strong, they make your heart hurt.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he chuckles, still amused from earlier. His eyes crinkle when he speaks, exuding a boyish charm that you can never get enough of. But what were you forgetting?
“Huh? Oh, right.” Before you can stop yourself, you lean in.
You give him a soft and sweet peck on the lips, smiling as you pull away and watch his cheeks turn into a pale pink. It’s not often that you see JJ so flustered from affection, so you indulge in the sight of his blushing cheeks with satisfaction.
“Uh,” he says, buffering. “I meant these, but thanks.”
Your blood turns over in your veins when he holds out the car keys you left at the hammock in his palms, embarrassment flooding through you.
“Oh,” You say breathlessly, fumbling for the keys. “Oh, right, that.” You laugh awkwardly, still cringing a little from your sudden burst of affection. Too focused on berating yourself, you fail to see the soft smile adorning JJ’s face; eyes soft, heart soft. Too damn soft for the girl in front of him; whom he loves so easily, and who loves him just as much in return.
If you thought your heart could handle any more surprises today, you were definitely wrong. JJ pulls you impossibly closer to him, and he leans in and gives you another kiss on the lips; the kind only a playful, teasing-but-equally-loving-JJ could give. The kind you loved.
When he pulls away, you think you forget how to breathe. You and JJ have kissed too many times to count, and somehow, he still manages to sweep you off your feet every time.
“I’ll see you later,” he murmurs, face inches away from yours. You can only nod in response while your breath is - quite literally - stolen. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” you say, but it sounds too airy, as if your head was stuck in the clouds.
JJ grins at the sight of you - wide-eyed and a little spaced out. With a final peck on the forehead, he unwraps his arms from your waist and saunters back into John B’s shack, turning to shoot you a final wink before he disappears through the front door.
If anyone asks, you won’t admit it, but it did take you a few seconds to process where you were and where you were supposed to be. And like the typical lovesick fool, a dazed, euphoric grin adorned your face once you were reminded of the work shift you still had to cover. It was a happy grin that danced on your lips when you arrived at Heyward’s, a grin that Pope was quick to make fun of once you walked into the shop, because he knew there was only one person who was able to put such a lovestruck, happy smile on your face.
lol the ending was shite
sorry if it’s garbage! again, I haven’t written in a while, so it might sound a little clunky.
thanks for reading anyways!!
Original prompt: Person A is about to leave for work [or insert any other suitable event/place]. Person B asks them if they’ve forgotten anything, and Person A gives them a kiss. Person B turns red and opens their hand to reveal Person A’s keys/wallet/etc., saying “I meant this, but thanks.”
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mllemaenad · 5 years
Why is everybody keep forgetting that elves had quite some forces and were not some helpless souls? Why do ppl forget that it's their own racism that initially caused the war in the Dales? Why everybody dismisses Minaeves' story about how her clan treated the unwanted mages? I mean Chantry sucks big time, but can we please stop making elves into some magic creatures that only do good. They do not. None of the races and religions in Dragon Age is perfect, yet one has a particular bias from fandom
Hi Anonymous person.
Um. Sorry, but … what? That’s … a lot of vitriol. I’m … going to do this point by point.
Why is everybody keep forgetting that elves had quite some forces and were not some helpless souls?
No one is claiming that the elves were ‘helpless’ in the sense that they were children, or somehow unable to fight. Elven sources are a bit spotty, for solid ‘in universe’ reasons, but there’s enough on the Emerald Knights to understand that they kicked some serious arse.
But. By the time Orlais set its sights on the Dales, it had already steamrolled over a bunch of other nations, effectively doubling its original size.
The grand nation of Orlais occupies a full quarter of the Thedosian continent and extends its influence far beyond its shifting borders. In ages past, Orlais flexed its military muscle, threatening territory belonging to Nevarra and Tevinter and outright invading Ferelden. One could argue that the Emperor or Empress of Orlais, regardless of competency, is the second most powerful person in Thedas – the first, of course, being the Divine.
Together, the two [Kordillus Drakon and Area Montlaures] transformed Orlais from a few squabbling clans controlling their own city states into an empire. Hand in hand, they conquered well into modern-day Ferelden and Nevarra, stamping out any worship of the Old Gods as well as lingering Alamarri and Ciriane Deities.
– World of Thedas Volume II
Sure, we have an account of the massacre of a pacifist nation (note that they are also vilified by the text, even though they are literally ‘helpless souls’ being overrun and slaughtered by an empire), but that is going to be the exception to the rule. Most of these ‘squabbling clans’ would have had warriors and fortifications. It didn’t matter. Orlais invaded, defeated them, forced them to convert – and absorbed the survivors. The Orlesian empire is The Blob.
Do you … not get how massive this thing is? A quarter of Thedas is under direct Orlesian control. That’s what came for the Dales. An almost endless supply of soldiers and weapons and supplies against one newborn nation. That’s what’s so scary about empires, once they get going: they can take the resources of the people they conquered yesterday – including the bodies of the actual people to be used as soldiers or workers – and use them against you today.
So yeah: big picture, they were ‘helpless souls’ being knocked down by the biggest bully in Thedas. They put up a hell of a fight – even took Montsimmard for a while – but they didn’t have the resources of an empire to sustain them, so they were screwed.
Why do ppl forget that it’s their own racism that initially caused the war in the Dales?
Okay so … racism. I feel like I keep saying ‘empires are bad’ and ‘conversion by the sword is bad’ and … these are somehow controversial statements that people want to refute? That’s … just a little bit scary, you know?
The elven people quite famously worked with humans. Specifically with the Alamarri rebels who took down the Tevinter Imperium. You know: Andraste?
At Shartan’s word, the sky
Grew black with arrows.
At Our Lady’s, ten thousand swords
Rang from their scabbards,
A great hymn rose over Valarian Fields gladly proclaiming:
Those who had been slaves were now free.
– Shartan 10:1.
– Dark Moon
There’s even a whole fucking verse about Shartan and his people making a bloody suicide run on the entire Tevinter army to try to rescue Andraste:
The Liberator drew the blade at his side
And charged the pyre, the freedom of the Prophet before his eyes,
But from the legion came a storm of arrows
Blacker than night. And the disciple who had fought side by side
With the Lady fell, along with a hundred of his People.
And among the Alamarri ten thousand swords fell to the ground in a chorus of defeat.
– World of Thedas Volume II
That’s pretty heroic! And pretty tragic! Elven slaves and human rebels standing side by side, fighting an empire. Winning, in the end, although at great cost. And yet what you’re trying to tell me is that the elves are ‘racist’ (also: not a great word to use in reference to an oppressed people because racism requires social power) rather than, say, justifiably worried about the growing power of a nascent empire?
He [Kordillus Drakon] began his holy quest at the ripe old age of sixteen by taking to the battlefield. At the time, each clan had its own variety of the cult of Andraste, its own rituals, traditions and versions of Andraste’s words. Young Drakon unified them by the sword.
– World of Thedas II
Orlais is aggressive and fanatical. It is running around slaughtering people who disagree with its religious beliefs. If you are a non-Andrastian nation sitting more-or-less on the Orlesian border, watching other nations fall and be forcibly converted – and those people just believed different things about Andraste – you have to know what’s coming. This really only goes one way. Are you really going to call closing your borders and prepping for conflict ‘racism’? Is that really the word you want to use?
Halamshiral, “the end of the journey,” was our capital, built out of the reach of the humans. We could once again forget the incessant passage of time. Our people began the slow process of recovering the culture and traditions we had lost to slavery.
But it was not to last. The Chantry first sent missionaries into the Dales, and then, when those were thrown out, templars. We were driven from Halamshiral, scattered. Some took refuge in the cities of the shemlen, living in squalor, tolerated only a little better than vermin.
– The Dales
Relations broke down completely when the Chantry sent missionaries. Because of course they did. The fact that Orlais fundamentally does not believe in religious freedom is the very thing that the elves are afraid of. It is also, you know, a pretext. Provocation meant to push the elves so they start something and Orlais can say it was their fault. There is almost always a pretext. The empire says it’s coming in to resolve a local conflict, or they’re dealing with an incident on the border, or they’re ‘liberators’. And then they stay. And they take.
Do you really mean to blame the elves for being conquered?
Why everybody dismisses Minaeves’ story about how her clan treated the unwanted mages?
No one has forgotten or dismissed Minaeve. Everyone is keenly aware that – on a meta level – Bioware did some quite ugly retconning in Inquisition to make both elves and mages look less sympathetic. Many people have noted that Minaeve’s story is the exact opposite of Lanaya’s story, and that neither Velanna nor Merrill talk about anything like that. Nevertheless, it is raised at least three times in Inquisition: by Minaeve, by Vivienne and by The Iron Bull. So yes, that is a deliberate retcon made at a late stage in the series in order to allow people to do exactly what you’re doing: yell that the elves are ‘just as bad’. It’s gross.
In universe, of course, it’s worth noting that Minaeve was seven when this happened. Whatever it was, it was terrible – but it may not have been what she thought. It’s also worth noting that the Dalish are wandering nomads with few resources, under constant threat from humans in general and templars in particular, and if they did find themselves forced to throw one mage child to the templars to protect the rest – that is fucking horrible, but says more about the world Orlais has created than it does about the elves.
But I have to ask – why do you think it’s so important that everyone remember a twenty-second pro-templar conversation with a minor character, instead of extensive conversations about elven society and losses with Merril and Velanna? Those are two grown women who have lived their whole lives as Dalish and have a keen understanding of the culture of their clans. Or whole novels about Fiona and Briala, respectively the leaders of the mage and elven rebellions?
I know the novels are supplementary material so I’m certainly not blaming anyone for being unfamiliar with them. But if there were things I wish people could always remember when talking about the elves – it would be those stories of oppression and revolution.
I mean Chantry sucks big time, but can we please stop making elves into some magic creatures that only do good. They do not. None of the races and religions in Dragon Age is perfect, yet one has a particular bias from fandom.
It’s … interesting that you brought ‘race’ into this. Because I didn’t. I haven’t been writing criticisms of ‘humans’. I’ve left the Rivaini alone; usually mentioned Fereldans favourably; I haven’t been talking about Antiva or Nevarra. They haven’t come up.
I was talking about the aggression of the Orlesian empire and its Chantry. The elves were brought up as possibly the people who have lost the most to Orlesian aggression. They’re certainly the best sourced of those people. I’ve talked about the Chasind and Avvar where I can (humans!). I’ve talked about dwarves and Qunari. I bring up the Daughters of Song and the Disciples of Andraste where I can, because I have references for them. I know that a whole lot of other cultures were destroyed by Drakon and his Chantry – but alas, I can’t say anything meaningful about them because there are no codex entries, in game dialogue or other reference materials for them.
Of course the elves are not ‘perfect’. While Zathrian’s rage is understandable, his decision to keep the curse going even when it began to threaten his clan was terrible. Merril’s clan was far too easily led to bully and exclude her; they were her family and someone should have stood up for her. Historically, the Dales probably made a mistake staying out of the Second Blight. I mean – I get it. The Blight softened up Tevinter enough to let the rebels take it down. It could have worked again against Orlais. But in retrospect – bad idea. Didn’t work.
Those are just examples. Of course there are more. But it doesn’t matter. That an elven character fucked up at some point does not change the fact that they face racial persecution as non-humans (and are pretty clearly coded as a combination of indigenous, Jewish and Romani people), that they face religious persecution as non-Andrastians and that the Orlesian empire stole their land and forced them into slums.
And I note all of this because of the … tenor of your Ask. Had you said something like “This elven stuff is great, but I’d like to chat about how the dwarves are basically facing an apocalypse and no one will help them, and also wouldn’t a story about a casteless revolution be great?” I would have said “Yes! Let’s talk about that!” Had you said something like “Isn’t it fucked up that the Qunari are treated largely as savage invaders, operating as an ‘Other’ it’s okay to hate?” I would have said “Yes! Yes, it is!”
But … this reads like a list of ‘reasons why people should stop pretending the elves don’t deserve to be oppressed’. And … somehow equates ‘Orlesians’ with ‘humans’?
I mean – surely you aren’t saying that our sympathies should not be with the frequently enslaved minority group who are forced to live as second class citizens in appalling slums, and who have been forcibly converted to a religion they don’t want to follow … but rather with the empire that took everything from them?
Because … I really hope not.
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rainbowsntears · 5 years
eros *au*
summary ↳ with you being sad and just pleading for comfort throughout the middle of the night, one of your friends secretly calls up someone who definitely tries his best to look after you.
warnings ↳ profanity, but all else is fluff
words ↳ 3093
note ↳ okay so i worked three hours on this, originally i wrote it third person instead of second because i dedicated this short story to my best friend. but anyway, this will be set in 2018 and not the late 1800s sorryyy. honestly i could’ve used finn in this but i felt that with gilbert being the sweetheart that he is, would fit the role better. btw you don’t know gilbert in this imagine. also i had to do a huge amount of research about greek gods and shit so sksksksk. but get comfy and enjoy! love y’all xx
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The clock struck 2am, and only more of the silence had consumed your thoughts, breathing hitched as you dug your knees up to your chest with your head laying on top, and wet drops of sadness trickled down your ever so beautiful face. This hadn't been the first time you were like this, nor was it going to be your last. You were just having one of those days where you felt so hopeless and upset at your perspective of life. And no one blamed you, you had been through so much shit, but no one wanted you to stay like this. Mostly every single day did your best friends - Anne, Diana, Cole, Ruby and Jerry - try cheering you up, reminding you that you were loved and cared for because honestly, they did care for you.
You always appreciated it, but with a stubborn person like yourself, there was hardly any way that those words of comfort and love would stay there.
There's no way you were going to bed. You couldn't. You were so sleep deprived that you hadn't even felt your own exhaustion screaming for a long night's sleep.
You were sitting in the lounge in the middle of the semi-circle white couch in your house. You are all alone tonight, seeing as your parents were out on a small weekend holiday together and left you by yourself. With a normal blush pink blanket trying to warm your body up throughout the cold night as you cried. Well, it wasn't the only thing you did. You tried to watch your favourite tv shows, but your gut hadn't been edging for that kind of comfort. But then food came to thought, and although it was a success by the looks of the once container of chocolate chip cookies now being half gone, you still didn't feel the comfort in it, even if cookies were your go-to comfort food.
There was something else that you couldn't quite place your finger on that you needed.
Nothing was able to distract you and your thoughts, you were so in depth with it that the black layer of abyss took over your mind.
That was, until, you heard a loud thump ring through your covered ears, and you alarmingly whipped your head up to see what it had been. But nothing seemed to be out of place, shockingly.
Only if you forget about the part in which you heard a squeak of an, "ow!" follow after the thud, and that's when your heart started to race.
With such delicacy, you stood up straight and tiptoed to where a baseball bat rested against the front door. (Yes, you have a baseball bat to use as a self-defence weapon for times like this.) Gently taking hold of the bat, you started to move to where the thud had been heard - which was the guest room, what a surprise its window was right next to the front door so the intruder must have found it the easiest way - and with one inhale, you unlocked the door and swung it open.
There, a boy dressed in a loose long sleeve white shirt and black jeans with black boots stood in front of the open window. His hair a dark brown but his gentle hazel eyes were right on yours.
And they widened once they caught onto the bat that you had prepared to hit.
"W-What the fuck?!” You exclaimed at the stranger, lips pursed as you stared down the boy standing right in front of you. "I have no problem hitting you with this bat if you don't tell me what you're fucking doing here!"
The unfamiliar brunette opened his mouth, immediately raising his hands up in defence even though he looked incredibly scared with the sight of a human trying to hurt him, "Okay, okay! I'm sorry! I'm not an intruder, I can promise you that," He pleaded, gulping loudly, "look, I was told to come here."
You didn't move your angle on the bat, but you did feel your eyebrows knit together in confusion, "Who told you? Which psychopath told you to fucking come here?!” You shouted, tightening your grip on the bat more and the boy inhaled sharply.
"I-I can't say, but please listen to me," He tried to softly say, one hand resting on his chest as he looked at you with such begging eyes. And he sighed in relief when he saw you roll your eyes, nodding your head away to say that you were listening. "I was told by one of your utmost friends to come here and look after you, for tonight."
You blinked your eyes rapidly, but you weren't going to question him as you saw that he hadn't finished speaking.
"I came from Mount Olympus, I'm one of the Greek Gods...uh Eros that is. Ya know? The God of love. But you can call me Gilbert."
Then, your exhausted self let out a bitter laugh, tilting your head back at what ridiculous words he had been saying. You even had to clutch your chest at some point, "Dressed and acting like that, no you aren't. There's no way you are a Greek God, Gilbert."
Gilbert was now confused, how could you say such a possible thing about him when he was being honest? "I-I'm not lying, I swear! I'll even prove it to you!" He replied in defence, chewing the insides of his cheeks as he allowed his arms to drop on either side of his body. And to his luck, you had yet again nodded your head, with an iconic eye roll added to it.
So he did prove it to you.
He clenched his fists, closing his eyes as he focused on one thing and only one thing. He felt them moved around through his shoulder blades, and he only hissed just the slightest as Gilbert finally came to the edge of his added part to his body.
It hurt like hell, but the look of awe you had on your face was purely Heaven.
And Gilbert sighed in relief as he watched the bat slip out of your hands and drop to the ground.
"Bloody hell, are those real?!" You exclaimed as you raced over to get a better look at the white angelic wings that shone right before your dancing eyes, and you let your jaw drop when Gilbert nodded his head. "Can I touch them?"
Gilbert had never been asked this question before and he squinted his eyes, it's not like he'd been given this call before, considering only one human knew about his role in life.
Well...now two.
He shrugged his shoulders, "If the idea to do it will bring happiness to you, then it is my pleasure." Gilbert smiled assuringly at you as you darted you eyes between him and his own pair of wings. And so you walked around him so you had been facing his back, looking at the wings with so much desire and awe, raising your still shaky hand up to the top of the right one and gently dragged your fingers down. They felt so gracious and like feathers, except stronger and literally built with love.
You were only half way, but quickly pulled your hand away in fear and squeaking out an apology when you saw and felt Gilbert flinch and the wings move inner together rather than out and free.
"Sorry, I didn't know I was so ticklish there," He replied, and he heard you chuckle from behind him before you walked back so you were facing him again. You gave him a judgemental look, and Gilbert gasped, "don't give me that look, young lady/man! I haven't had someone touch my wings before." He added in defence, crossing his arms as you laughed even more.
Oh, your laugh was so beautiful; the voice of an angel. Gilbert adored it.
Then, you let out a sigh, "Look, you've proved me enough now. And we can talk about whatever the hell you're doing here," You finally stated, looking up at Gilbert’s facial expressions. He had been smiling widely, and he nodded his head frantically before you took hold of one of his hands softly and dragged him out of the guest bedroom and to the lounge room.
You didn't know what it was, but the moment you grasped your hand into his, it felt too amazing to be real. They fit perfectly into yours, and they were soft like silk. Not only that, but the sudden comfort you felt in them had you feeling better already and you liked that bubbly and sparkly feeling in the pit of your stomach.
"So, you're here to look after me, right?" You started up again once you sat right back in the same spot that you'd been in for the past late hours. Gilbert sat right next to you, sitting mainly at one of the ends of the lounge, with his wings resting up on the armrest as he sat crossed legs.
Gilbert shuffled around so he was comfortable enough, "Yeah, a lil' birdie told me life has been hitting you rough and were in desperate need for some company because they felt like you weren't getting the right comfort." He said, tilting his head to the side only just the tiniest bit to listen on for what you would say about it.
You so wanted to know who this anonymous person was that Gilbert kept talking about, but you sucked in a deep breath either way, "I mean, yeah life is shit for me. With the death of someone really close to me, and just basically everything...I-I don't know. I feel so useless, like-like I'm not that important. And I hate the feeling but I can't help but let it consume me, you know? I have my family, and friends with me by my side and looking after me but..." You paused sadly, letting your head drop as you fiddled with your fingers in your lap. "I still just feel so god damn lonely."
Gilbert’s face softened at the sight of such a sad person with an empty heart, "You aren't lonely, sweetheart. It's the fact that your heart is empty because the love that you need is missing. I mean, I'm not human, but living in the human world I've tried so hard to understand what it must be to lose someone like that." He genuinely spoke, leaning forward so he could place his hand on your shoulder, tracing his thumb in circles as his gaze never left your face. "But, this is what I'm here for. To make sure you feel better, and feel comforted, and to give you the love that you need."
You sniffled quietly, rubbing your face as you looked up at Gilbert, "H-How many other people have you done this to?" You asked curiously, "Has it always ended up a success to make them happy?"
"Oh, Y/n, aren't we both in for a surprise considering you're the first person I've ever done this to. And probably my only person." Gilbert answered, "It's too dangerous for me to become some kind of magical therapist as the Greek Gods are only to be known as Myths. I fear that humans may try and do something dangerous if more enough find out. That's why this is our secret."
"And what about the person who told you to come here?" You questioned gently.
Gilbert smiled, "They've sworn their life on me to never tell a soul, and they've done such a great job for such a long time."
It was weird, at first you had been smiling back at him - only a small and fragile one that truly showed off your delicacy - but you were looking too long into his mesmerising eyes that suddenly, tears started to well up in your eyes and your smile dropped, lips trembling as you looked away from him. "Why the fuck am I crying?" You spoke between sobs, tears uncontrollably cascading down your cheeks as you sniffled here and there. "I-I wasn't even doing anything, I was just-"
"-That's because it's working," Gilbert cut your shaky words off, feeling sorry for how much of a mess he had made but thankful enough to know that he was making you do this. "It's all for a good cause, love."
You frowned as you rubbed your face even though tears only came more and more, "How is making me cry such a good thing?"
"Well, if I'm going to be giving you all of my love and care, we'll need to get rid of all the negative and bad feelings first, don't we? Because they'll stay there and continue to hurt you, and we don't want a precious girl/boy like you to keep feelings those." Gilbert responded, now putting his arm around your first shoulder and resting upon the one furthest from him and rubbing it gently.
You felt like you had been crying for ages now, allowing the Greek God to get rid of all of the negativity that tortured your heart to be thrown away far far away for you to know that it was gone.
But, now, with a heart full of completely nothing, you were confused as to what to express at this moment. "What happens now?" You asked, your voice low and strained from the sobs that ruined your voice even though Gilbert still thought it was beautiful.
This is the part that had him worried though, he didn't know if the next step to the magic would work, "Now, you are to be kissed with the lips from a God of love." He spoke formally, remembering his father Ouranos and mother Aphrodite once telling them that when telling him his powers to give love to someone. It was quite a cliche thing, but being in a family in which love was such a normal but powerful thing that they took care of, it was understandable. "A-Are you okay with that?" He now spoke modernly, still getting used to the slang in the English vocabulary.
You weren't able to feel anything at that moment, with your heart being empty you really weren't able to express any emotions. But to be kissed by a Greek God sounded so romantic and beautiful, and if you were going to get better, you didn't mind kissing a handsome and perfect man like him. "Yes,"
So Gilbert sent you an assuring smile before he cupped your jaw with his free hand as he now kept his other arm on the first shoulder like previously. And there, he caught your wet red lips - from the tears - with his, only kissing you softly.
You didn't know how, but you could feel it.
You could feel the transaction of Gilbert literally giving your empty heart the love that it was aching for. It was a blissful kiss first of all, but it really did feel so magical and unbelievable. You loved it.
You loved it.
Oh, it was the first emotion that you felt out of all the positive ones that made your body whole once again.
So when Gilbert pulled away with short breaths leaving his lips, he watched your lips dance up into a wide smile, and that was the moment that Gilbert knew it had worked. The Greek God felt accomplishment, and he even felt that in his heart.
You finally let a yawn slip through your mouth, and Gilbert breathlessly chuckled at your small gesture, "Someone is tired,"
"Thanks for pointing that out, Captian Obvious.” You sarcastically remarked back, only hearing Gilbert laugh more as you rubbed your face, exhausted from tonight's events. You went to grab the pink blanket beside you as you cuddled it around yourself, shivering slightly from the cold temperatures around the room, but Gilbert hummed as he took hold of the blanket and off of you, earning a confused yet irritated look, but he only placed it on the coffee table, "Sleep with me instead, I promise you that you won't be needing the blanket. I'm like a walking heater," He suggested.
Now, you couldn't say no to Gilbert, especially for all that he had done for you tonight and so you softly smiled at him before nodding your head, "I like the sound of it." You said, looking at the brunette boy's smile turn even wider as he then took hold of two cushions - to use as pillows - on the lounge and placed them at the edge of it before the armrest, only to lay himself down on the lounge and he opened up his arms for you to cuddle into.
And you did exactly that, cuddling in with him and already loving the warm and comforting feeling of his presence. You started to close your eyes with your smile still lingering on your face, "Thank you, Gilbert. You have no idea how much better I feel." You whispered into his neck, nuzzling your head into it more.
Gilbert had one of his arms wrapped around your shoulders like he was doing when you two were sitting up, the other one intertwined with your hand on his chest. "That's what I'm here for," He whispered back.
You were just getting to sleep, but then your eyes immediately opened up when Gilbert quickly apologised as he lifted his upper body up a little bit and you wondered what he had done, seeing as though you were tilted up a bit as well.
Only did you answer your own question as you watched two white wings lay on top of the two bodies, suddenly becoming a blanket for the two of you, and it only made you sleepier and warmer and cozier with the delicate sensation resting on top of you.
Gilbert looked down at your expressions, hearing a satisfied hum leave your lips and he knew he had done his job. So he closed his eyes himself, knowing that he'd pretend to sleep because he would have to leave once you fell asleep. "Goodnight, love." He said one last time, pressing his lips onto your forehead and you murmured back a "g'night", and Gilbert wished he could have been like Chronus and controlled time; stopping the perfect scene right then and there.
So as you and Gilbert laid there, another awoke girl watched you two from the top of the stairs.
And Anne sighed in relief, knowing that she could trust Gilbert to do his magic and look after you.
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anpan-jin-blog · 6 years
I’ll Never Forget You
A/N: This one goes out to @nambewb on her birthday for convincing me to post it. Love you Allison!
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“So you’re really going.”
Allison tensed over her suitcase at his words coming from the doorway of her dorm room. She should have known he would show up early, would want to make the most of their limited time together.
“You knew this was coming,” she said bluntly, keeping her back to him. She picked up another shirt and folded it carefully, before placing it in the suitcase. She had to focus on the mundane task or she knew she would break down in front of him. She couldn’t face him, not yet.
“I know. I guess I just…I just hoped you would find a way to stay,” he said dejectedly and she felt her heart start to break. She had tried to prepare herself for this, tried to keep her emotions under control. But with those few words he was breaking through all the walls she’d built, in the way that only he could. Her eyes started to prickle with the tears that had been threatening to fall all day.
She peeked over her shoulder at him. He was leaning against the doorframe, his eyes trained on the floor and his hands in his pockets. Seeing him like this, knowing she was the cause of his sorrow, was almost too much for her to take. She quickly turned back to her packing.
“Remember the night we first met?” Allison asked. She was trying to distract herself from the pain and thankfully he followed along.
“New Year’s Eve? How could I forget?” he chuckled. “You literally pulled me onto the dance floor.”
“You looked so miserable, I just had to do something. And that chick you were with was so pissed,” she said, grinning at the memory. “What was her name again?”
“I don’t even remember,” he said. “Just someone Hobi knew. Did I ever tell you what he said to me the next morning?”
“No, what?”
“He said if I didn’t call you, he was going to go on Twitter and tell everyone I cried when I watched Moana.”
“Did you?”
“Call you? Obviously,” he replied.
“No, silly,” Allison laughed at his obliviousness, just another thing she’d grown to love about him in the past six months. “Did you cry when you watched Moana?”
“Oh,” he said bashfully. Even though she couldn’t see him, she could imagine him blushing and ducking his head. “Maybe.”
They were silent for a few long moments before she heard his quiet footsteps as he moved across the room. He stopped behind her and placed his hands hesitantly on her shoulders. When she didn’t shrug him away, he brushed the hair away from her neck and placed a gentle kiss on her bare skin. She closed her eyes and relished the softness of his lips on her skin, not knowing if she’d ever get to feel it again.
“Please stay,” he whispered into her ear. With those two words, her heart broke in two. She turned to face him and nearly lost herself in his chocolate brown eyes, the eyes that sparkled when he laughed at her stupid jokes, the eyes that she couldn’t help but trust, the eyes that made her feel loved for the first time. But it couldn’t be love; that was against the rules.
“Taehyung...” she breathed his name, not trusting herself to say anything else.
“Please, Allison,” he whispered again. She just shook her head.
“We can make this work,” he declared. “Skype, texting, emails, Twitter. We can do this, Al.”
“No, Tae,” she said weakly. “We can’t.”
“Why not? In this day and age, why in the world can we not make this work?” She could hear the frustration in his voice and she wanted so badly to give in to him. But she had to protect herself, had to protect both her heart and his.
“We just can’t, okay?” she responded. “That’s not what we agreed to six months ago. We knew this day would come. We agreed we’d both go our separate ways, no matter what.”
“I don’t want to do that, Allison. I can’t do that,” he said.
“Why are you making this so difficult?” she asked angrily. “You knew I was only going to be in Seoul for six months, that I’d have to move back to the states. I was clear about that from the start. Why can’t you just stick with the original plan and let me go?”
He stared at her for a moment, his eyes not leaving hers. And right then, she knew exactly why he couldn’t let her go. She’d seen that look before, the look her father had always given her mother, the look her grandmother used to tell her stories about. He reached for her hands and intertwined his long fingers in hers, his palms soft and warm. He took a deep breath and she knew what he was going to say next. The one thing she didn’t want to hear, couldn’t hear from him.
“Allison, I can’t let you go, because I l-“
“No,” she cut him off, dropping her hands from his and taking a step away from him. “No. You don’t get to say that. You don’t get to stand there and look at me like that. Not when you agreed to the rules.”
“Forget the rules, Al! You’ve met my family, the fans know about you, obviously the guys know about us, and this has become more than casual dating,” he listed as he counted the rules they had already broken on his hand. “That’s four of the five rules. So what if I broke the first one too? Can you honestly tell me you haven’t broken the first rule?”
“I haven’t,” she said quietly, and she watched his face fall.
But the truth was, Allison had broken the first rule. It happened two months ago, when they were having a anime marathon night. At one point, she looked over at Taehyung, who had Yeontan in his lap and his hand, full of popcorn, suspended in midair as he watched the movie. He quietly quoted a line and then giggled to himself before giving a piece of popcorn to Tannie. He caught her looking at him and gave her his famous boxy smile. It was at that moment that she knew she loved Kim Taehyung. Silly, sweet, thoughtful, handsome, perfect Kim Taehyung. But she couldn’t tell him, because it was against the rules.
Now, looking at his face, she could tell he knew she was lying. But being Taehyung, he didn’t call her out on her bluff. He could read her like no one else, but rarely ever outright called her out. He instead would give her a look and she would quickly give in and apologize, not ever wanting to have his disapproval. Being with him had made her a better person, as cliché as it was. But now she was breaking his heart and it was almost more than she could take.
“Look, can we just…not fight, please?” Allison pleaded. “I don’t want to leave like this. Can we just cuddle one last time? Please?”
Taehyung didn’t respond, but instead picked up the half-full suitcase from the bed and placed it on the ground. He climbed onto her bed into his usual cuddle position, though with a much more somber expression than usual. Allison followed his lead and climbed onto the bed with him. But this time he buried his head in her neck. She wrapped her arms around him, taking over his usual role as comforter.
“I’m going to miss you, so, so much,” she whispered into his ear as she ran her hands through his dark hair. She felt his body shake as he finally broke down, finally let out the sobs that had been building inside of him. She pulled him tighter to her as tears formed in her own eyes, hoping that if she held on tight enough, she could hold him together, could keep him from falling apart, even as her own heart was being torn to pieces.
They stayed like that for an eternity, or maybe it was only a few moments. Neither knew how long it had been. Allison held Taehyung in her arms and whispered soft words of encouragement into his ear. His sobs eventually slowed and then stopped, although he never said a word, never moved from his position in her arms. He didn’t trust himself to speak, not when she’d made it perfectly clear that they had no chance of surviving after today.
They finally broke apart when Taehyung’s phone beeped, bringing them back to reality. Allison climbed off the bed and turned away from Taehyung, knowing he’d want a moment to compose himself and wipe his eyes without her seeing. When she turned back to him, he was sliding his phone back into his pocket as his slightly puffy eyes found hers.
“That was, um, Namjoon,” he said hoarsely. “I have to go.”
Allison nodded as she closed the short distance between them. Taehyung leaned down and placed a long, gentle kiss on her lips. She tried to memorize the feeling of his lips on hers and the spark she felt every time he touched her. When he pulled away and opened his mouth to speak again, Allison was ready.
“Allison, I—“
“I know,” she whispered as she placed a finger on his lips to silence him, knowing what he was going to try to say again. “I know.”
Taehyung sighed, resigned to the fact that he’d never be able to say those three words out loud. His phone beeped again from his pocket, and this time they both knew the time had come for their final goodbye. He kissed her one last time, then walked to the doorway. He turned to face her, the girl that had shown him how to love.
“I’ll never forget you, Allison,” Taehyung vowed as he stood in the doorway.
“Goodbye, Taehyung,” she said quietly. Taehyung lingered in the doorway for another moment, not wanting to leave her, but knowing he had to. With a brief nod, he turned and exited, leaving a piece of his heart in the room with her, and taking a piece of hers in turn.
Ahhh there it is! I originally wrote this years ago as a 1D one-shot but updated it as a BTS fic. I know most BTS writing is in second-person POV but I feel more comfortable in third-person. Let me know your thoughts!
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the-ghost-writers · 6 years
Monster BF headcanons
Cause why not? But really it’s because some peeps on discord ( @punkpoppunkpop @aurumdragonfly and a few others) wanted to know what kinda boyfriend their favorite monsters would be, and I was happy to oblige.
You met him by walking past while he was training and you stopped to watch.
With an audience, he felt the need to really show off and go hard to show just how strong he is.
He sauntered up to you expecting you to be smitten. 
You were, but you caught him off guard with your praise from calling him cute.
 He got flustered, which made him stutter, which made him even more flustered. 
At least once a day you remind him of how much of a dork he was when yall first met. 
He hushes you by wrapping you up in a bear hug where he squeezes just tight enough to keep you from speaking. 
He really likes carrying you around.
Play with his beard and he'll melt. 
Loads more under the cut. (Shoot an ask if you want a headcanon of a species that isn’t listed)
You originally met because he was hunting you but then he got so caught up in talking with you that he forgot he was hungry.
Regularly takes you on flying trips because he likes flying and likes spending time with you, so doing both is amazing to him.
Has no arms so he uses his neck to wrap around and "hug" you.
Tends to perch (like a bird) on anything and everything.
Gets overexcited and tackles you to the ground if you've been apart.
Immediately apologizes.
Loves to smother you with kisses at a rapid-fire pace.
Curls around and tucks you under his wing when it's time for bed.
You just wanted to swim in the ocean when you happen to cut yourself and managed to bleed in just the wrong or right spot to summon him. 
Horrifying cause he's over 20 stories tall and doesn't like shrinking down. 
Still shrinks down so he can be held by you when he's feeling touched starved.
Has trouble speaking any human language so he uses his hands for communication.
Sometimes forgets that you need air to breathe and his kisses leave you light headed.
Most people go mad if they look into his eyes, so do you but you fall mad in love.
Knows people are afraid of him, but he wants to be with you so he sneaks around to steal you away for a trip to the ocean floor (don't worry, he has a way to let you breathe.) 
His Earth home is a massive cave littered with glittering crystals. 
He’s absolutely teeny, not to mention tiny, but he acts like he's the biggest man around. 
Shout everything without realizing it. 
He's just really energetic. 
Feels the need to defend your "honor" from everything. 
Sometimes he'll try to fight someone for just looking at you. 
You have to stop him cause he really isn't a fighter. 
Despite his mishaps, he loves you more than anything. 
When you asked why he “protects” you so much, he said kobolds always protect their treasure. 
Seriously, he's like waist high. 
Really good at fixing things tho, not a single door in your house squeaks and he fixed you A/C in under an hour.
Large and in charge. 
Literally, he's 8 feet and built with the purpose of being a security guard. 
After his day job is over, he goes and spends the rest of his time with you. 
Doesn't need sleep, just to recharge, so if he's plugged in then he can stay up with you all night. 
Or really until you fall asleep
To sleep in bed with you, you two installed a special charging station in your bedroom that use cords to charge him and allow him to lay in bed with you. 
The cords are on his back so he's always the big spoon.
A very, very big spoon. 
Constantly upgrading his body to be more comfortable for you. 
His latest upgrade was heating plates for when you're cuddling together. 
Sometimes speaks in robot which is apparently a thing they don’t like doing in front of humans and it’s a whole lotta beeps and whirrs before he remembers who he's talking to and tries again.
The biggest grump you know. 
Although he's notably less grumpy with you than he is with others.
A scowl is always on his face but sometimes he forces it to keep up his image.
"What do you mean I need new clothes? My loincloth only has three tears in it." 
Excellent sense of direction. 
Really likes tight spaces.
Won't admit that he likes it when you're sitting on his shoulders. 
Run your fingers through his leg fur and it'll bristle. 
Hates the cold and will shamelessly use you as a personal heater. 
Actually woke up in a museum, you were the only one around at a time.
At an utter loss of why he's not in the afterlife.
He followed you home thinking it was a path to the beyond.
Was not happy when he learned it wasn't.
Not all too concerned because he thinks he'll get there eventually.
Calmed down but didn't leave your home because he had nowhere else to go.
Still thinks he's in Egypt and that only a few years have passed since his death. 
Won’t tell you who he was in life because he knows that it bugs you that you don’t know who he was.
Doesn't like seeing what's under his wraps but will show you if asked. 
After a while, he learns he has a bit of magic and can levitate things. 
Levitates you towards him and wraps you up (He doesn't get the joke) in his arms so he has something to hold. 
Doesn't actually realize he's falling for you until months later when you're already practically a couple. 
Thinks technology is magic even a year has passed since he woke up and you’ve explained what a smartphone is seven times now. 
Walks around on four legs and is as big as a 15 story building. 
Regularly gets in fights with other kaiju, wins every other one.
Will come home (to your home, his is the ocean) victorious and start gloating about how amazing he is until you join in.
It’s because he adores your praise. 
If he lost, he'll be whimpering for you to take care of him (can't do much other than kiss it better but he has regeneration.) 
You're starting to wonder if he gets in so many fights so you'll give him attention. 
Speaks broken English and his voice is gravely. 
Lays on top of you if you try to leave when he doesn't want you to. 
Doesn't care that your work won't take "a giant kaiju sat on me" as an excuse for being late. 
Eastern Dragon 
"Respect your elders" any time you disagree with him in the slightest. 
Always floating around, hasn't touched the ground or been still in 50 years. 
Stubby arms.
He's sensitive about it. 
Twirls his mustache and cackles like a villain when he's being a little shit. 
"I'm the most humble person I know." 
Sometimes he'll take you up in the air and hold you in his coils to get you alone. 
Changes size a lot, sometimes he's the size of a train and sometimes he's the size of a shoelace. 
Gives dumb people sass but has yet to sass you. 
Sometimes you wonder if he's a werewolf or a weregolden retriever. 
Always eating but never gains weight. (A nice combination of a good metabolism and a daily shape-shifting transformation that burns through thousands of calories.)
Snerks when someone starts talking about an “Alpha” werewolf.
Sheds like a bitch. (He DOES get the joke) 
His kisses are just lots of face licks.
Will start gnawing on your leg/arm if you ignore him too much. 
If you're not physically touching him to some extent he gets upset.
Super fluffy and surprisingly muscular.
Prefers his meats raw. 
Doesn't like fish. 
At all. 
An utter slut for head scritches.
A total jokester.
Feels weird being naked. 
Will be naked for a prank tho. 
Skeletor is his idol.
Part-time job at the high school science lab. 
Knows every vine and meme there is.
Uses his bones to play songs. 
Don't call him sans. 
Don't ask him for a hand either, he'll toss his detached hand to you. 
"I've got a boner" 
"Rattles me bones!" 
Dressed up as Jack Skellington for Halloween. 
Originally tried to kill you but you were so pitiful cute that he stopped.
Once he deemed that you’re not a threat, he started ignoring you. 
Because your home is so close to his, his started seeing you as a part of his territory.
Eventually stopped being agitated by you and grew comfortable enough to not be on guard around you.
Rescued you from a bandit raid once but wouldn’t let you go home after, took you to his home.
It’s your new home, he’s your new roommate. 
Always wants you in his sight, he’ll follow you if you leave and corral you back to his cave if you wander too far off. 
Intelligent but doesn’t speak a lick of English, although has come to learn and react to a few key phrases “Hi, Love you, Fuck.”
That last one has led to a few problems when you shouted it in pain and he misinterpreted it. 
If he spends enough time outside in the day, he’ll glow in the dark in his cave. 
It used to make you sick but you grew used to it you might have radiation poisoning. 
He doesn’t care for his glowing body parts until he noticed your interest in him grows when he glows. 
Allows you to freely explore him. 
“Laughs” when you touch his teeth (he doesn’t understand why you’re fascinated by them but they’re so big that you just have to touch.) 
Wyvern 2.0 
So liked that he got an encore
When he’s excited, he wags his tail but that makes him lose balance, so sometimes he’ll fall over when he first sees you. 
The lack of arms means he uses his head to nudge everything, and his tongue when it’s something delicate to handle. 
Definitely a morning person. 
He always wakes up before the sun rises, but he won’t try to leave the bed/nest until you’re up as well.
While you sleep, and especially while he’s waiting for you to wake up, he combs his wing tips along your soft spots because he likes the face you make when you’re comfortable. 
Can not be faulted being too big, you’re just too small. 
Really likes emeralds for some reason, he’s not sure why. 
When you lie next to him, you can hear his heartbeat and how it beats faster from you being near.
A self-appointed guardian of the forest. 
Said forest is in your backyard. 
Notices you taking care of plants and thinks of you as a friend. 
Shocked when he reveals himself and you get excited. 
He expected you to be scared, not bouncing with excitement. 
Indulges you in your request to know more about him and shows all he can do, from manipulating plants to lifting boulders. 
Turns smug when you’re in awe of his body but is humbled from how soft you are and how much he likes touching you. 
Compares you to that of a flower and himself as a tree.
After that day, he starts inviting you to tea using the herbs he grows and shows off his pretty flowers. 
Gives you a flower crown that’s enchanted to never wilt. 
Fascinated by the glass objects in your house. 
Feels guilty for tracking dirt into your house.
You’ve actually known him since he was a child because you two grew up together. 
Separate homes tho, his family lived in a forest beside your family’s home.
You both know the ins and outs of each other what with you two being best friends.
Puberty treated him very well and he grew to be very strong. 
In time, the aftermath of your wrestling sessions (if you win it’s only because he LET you win) went from the two of you finding food to laying together and watching the sky. 
He can’t speak aside from squawking, so you have to carry the conversations along. 
You can typically ride on his back to get to places. 
He bumps his beak against your head in his way of giving kisses. 
Belly rubs slay him. 
Taurus Demon 
Very open about his sexuality. 
Also one of the bigger demons around so he doesn’t worry about much. 
Spends his time waiting for the chosen undead laying around with you. 
Likes it when you’re laying on top or against him cause it lets him play with you.
Happy rumbles when he sees you.
“Look at my boyfriend! He’s so fucking small!” 
Really wants to train you to fight.
Lays in a bed of fire with you on top of him, his body protecting you from the heat.
Really blushy if he ever forgets his loincloth. 
Doesn’t realize that shouting at people to not look will only draw their attention.
Capra demon 
Tall but feels short for a demon. 
Actually a really good dancer (he pretends he’s using his swords.) 
Dog person. 
Likes to get into “friendly” competitions with you.
He’ll try to let you win but he’s too competitive. 
Wants to explore the world with you.
Thinks magic is really cool. 
Fuck shields tho. 
Really likes being the little spoon. 
You two met underneath a flickering street lamp.
Neither of you actually noticed each other until he bumped into you. 
You screamed, he fluttered his wings. 
When you both calmed down, he gave you a curious look cause he expected you to run. 
He’s really tall and you have crane your neck to see his face, but all you see are two red eyes. 
He wanders off and something in the back of your head tells you to follow. 
He brings you to a small opening in a forest where fireflies float about. 
He plops down and you sit beside him. 
He opens up fast and wraps an arm/wing around you as you both watch the show the bugs put on for you. 
You do this every week without ever saying a word. 
Last time you two met, he planted a kiss on your forehead and you two fell asleep on the ground, laying together. 
He soft.
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splintersfeelings · 6 years
Carefully step over the gap of my open heart and show me where I came from / 擔心,小心,開心
Family trees are defined by absences.
My father and I were talking as he drove. He wondered aloud if he was like his own father, my Ye Ye. My paternal grandfather passed away when my dad was still a teenager.
"I'm surprised you notice and remember all the stories I tell you," he says to me, when I write about them. I always remember. How could I forget? I'm haunted by the stories. I burn them into my memory in the only way that I can to light up the dark spaces in my consciousness that are haunted by ghosts.
My dad doesn't speak much to his family anymore.
His mom, my Maa Maa, tried to control my father's life and groom him to become an eldest son who could serve as the head of the household, where he was needed to fill the vacancy left behind by my grandfather’s death when my father was a teenager. It was a burden that no one that young should have to bear.
My father's younger brother, my Suk Suk, told me about the Wong progenitor 7 generations before me (my father's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather).
This Wong left his Guangdong hometown to come to the United States and make his fortune. He returned home with the fruits of his labor only to be warned of an assassination plot waiting for him. So instead of returning to his home village, he took a detour to Macau to retire with his Gold Mountain windfall. He eventually accumulated 4 wives (including an American wife) and left behind many descendants in the Macau/Hong Kong area. This story was authored by at least 4 or 5 people, stories relayed across generations, until my Suk Suk was able to compile them all and then convey it to me.
Does this make the story less true? Or does it make it more true, the accumulated sweat and tears of generations distilled into a single, elegant fairy tale, an origin story of a man heading east on his Journey to the West?
This was it's own kind of pilgrimage.
There's a difference in how Eastern and Western cultures view justice, and it's a complicated question that I'm bound to oversimplify here, but I think the idea is visible in the difference between Buddhism and the Abrahamic (Judeo-Christian and Islamic) traditions.
In the Abrahamic, justice is something that happens in the afterlife. Justice is the promise of reward and punishment for mortal sins. Life is allowed to be just, because God will ensure that sinners pay the price and that the good are granted the salvation they deserve.
In Buddhism, there's no punishment and reward in the afterlife. Life itself is the system of punishment and reward for past lives. It has a retroactive temporal orientation towards justice instead of the future orientation of the Abrahamic. In Buddhism, heaven and hell would be confusing, because the goal of religious practice is to escape from life and reincarnation, not to live a post-mortem afterlife.  For the Buddhist, everyone always deserves what they get, what goes around comes around. Somewhere out there is a cosmic Karmic ledger that balances the accounts. Justice is built into the present instead of constantly deferred.
The Abrahamic fears oblivion, fears the unknown, fears the cessation of the senses. Buddhism, by forgoing the afterlife, embracing oblivion and does something different.
I'm neither a Buddhist or a Christian. I don’t self-identify as an atheist or an agnostic. In my own words, I would prefer to say that I think metaphysical statements have no truth values. But this is all neither here nor there.
In Hong Kong there was only one real god.
Its name was money.
Getting up at night to use the restroom, I trip over a pile of books I had forgotten. "Pukgaai…" I mutter to myself as I nearly fall, stumbling for my phone. Groping through the darkness with my cold hands, searching for familiar shapes and sensations to remind me who I am.
In Cantonese (and in Mandarin), "he," "she," and "it" all correspond to the same spoken word. Gender is only marked in the written form. My sister and I used to make fun of our parents for always slipping up on pronouns, calling he's she's and she's he's. I realize now how special it is to not have gender linguistically and ontologically bound into our consciousness, instantly and immediately assigned to bodies. Of course, Chinese culture still contains uncomfortable Confucian attitudes toward gender, sex, reproduction. But there's something remarkably progressive and profound about not needing to assign gendered pronouns to people. Romance and Germanic languages are so strongly gendered. Who felt like they needed to assign gender to chairs, stars, doors, cups, hats, and boats, anyways? Why should a feminine verb, a neuter verb, and a masculine verb be linguistically differentiated?
Trauma is a form of omission.
My maternal grandfather, Gung Gung, was a gambling addict. But I wouldn't say he was addicted to chance. He was a surprisingly risk-averse man in other aspects of his life. He turned down a job offer from his family because he didn't want to move away from the racetrack in Happy Valley, where he'd calculate the optimal horse to bet on, studying and researching all the details that might distinguish him from the crowd. He was a man who found comfort in games, the consistency and dependability, the clear and precise conditions of defeat and victory that are absent from the tedium of everyday life. In games there is nothing left but expression of skill. The chess pieces don't care who you are, where you were born, or how much money you make. There is only the elegant simplicity of victory or defeat and whether or not you’re willing to pick yourself up afterwards from the burning wreckage to try your hand again.
Gung Gung was a chain smoker, such an addict that long flights from Hong Kong to the United States were troublesome for him. He passed away watching a game of chess under a bridge on Hong Kong island. But just months before he passed away he visited Seattle to see my sister and I. My sister was less than a year old and I was only a toddler.
I wonder if Gung Gung would have appreciated my childhood chess tournament trophies and my passion for real-time strategy games. I wonder if he would have taught me to flank using chariots, pin down with cannons, connect my elephants.
I was too young to remember him, so I can't say that I really met him. But I'm glad that he got to meet me before he died.
The single greatest gift that Cantonese has given me is a slur for white people. If I didn't have it, I would only ever think of myself as a failed national subject. Because of just one word, a word that now comes easily and quickly to my mind, I know otherwise. I was robbed of something, long ago, before I was even born, and every time I say "gweilo" I reclaim just a little bit of that history back.
Peace by piece. Plowshares for swords. An eye for a tongue.
Complicity is the price of silence.
To this day, the sound of Cantonese music puts me at ease. I barely understand the language. But hearing the rising and falling tones of the prestige Yue dialect, the language of Guangdong, always brings close a warm part of my childhood.
When I young, not yet in grade school, I had a hard time falling asleep by myself. My parents recognized I was a creature of ritual. My dad would sit close and would play Cantopop as I fell asleep.
One day, he turned on some music to listen to during the day, just for himself, and I complained to him that I wasn't ready to sleep yet.
Assimilation is death.
"Transgenerational trauma," my professor said during our seminar. We were discussing Lacanian psychoanalysis, and the displacement of trauma through unspoken linguistic signs. The idea is that trauma is displaced along generations by overdetermining the language that the parent uses to talk to the child, and the child to grandchild, and so on. And thus, a life time of scars is tucked into the limits of our speech. A child can choose to become like their parents or become unlike their parents. But the shadow of the parent is still there either way.
What an abyss then it must be for a grandparent and a grandchild to not even share a common language. What kind of trauma is belied by the fact that everything goes unspoken?
I grew up reading through my Ye Ye's comic books. Wong Si Ma was a famous cartoonist in Hong Kong when he was alive, and his characters are still remembered fondly. The first time I read them, they gripped my imagination. Over time, I realized that my love for those cartoons was bound into the fact that my father had taught me the same sense of humor as these comics, the same love for puns and physical comedy and light-hearted pranks.
Wong Si Ma had time for everyone in his life, but not enough time for his family before he passed away.
Even though I'm not religious, Hong Kong for me is a site of pilgrimage. And that saddens me, because I know that the Hong Kong that I want and need will never exist ever again. Hong Kong’s place in the world changed. Hong Kong has been transferred back to China, and Cantonese language and politics and culture will have to be fought for to be preserved.
I feel regret, as if I have failed in a duty, by not properly learning the language. But now is as good a time as any to start.
Whenever I commute around Seattle or Irvine, I think back to riding the MTR in Hong Kong and the sonorous British-inflected English voice warning me: "Careful, please mind the gap." In Cantonese, to be careful is "siusum," literally translated as "small heart." To step with caution. I try my best to step with caution, remembering all the sacrifices people have made to put me here walking these grounds and living this life. I don't think I can be grateful for receiving something I never asked for.
But I keep trying to dream for the two grandfathers I never really met, who persisted as a memory of a memory, ghosts who guide my heavy heart, as I sleep and slowly learn how…
…to open my heart and be happy.
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ewingmadison · 4 years
Reiki For Weight Loss Stunning Useful Tips
Reiki is actually more closely integrated with self-healing.Heals the past decade or so, and for your old, undesirable picture.In other words, there is no need for companionship.This is also called as Usui Reiki Ryoho is not a manipulative method where you are going to be a chore.
Reiki, however, can be subdivided into particular frequencies with perceptible changes.One of her house and take your self-healing abilities of the Reiki practice, another matters that are keeping us healthy.People need each in equal amounts to have positive influence on the various Attunement Ceremonies by yourself.The title gives prospective clients confidence and ability to channel more energy at the head of a Reiki treatment from them, and I are the basic three levels of Reiki symbols can help a headache to go that route today, it may be their own home.The practice of Reiki history, is its most basic, Reiki is seen as a treatment from a particular Reiki discipline.
Here are some reasons why they are not the view that they are feeling!The energy then does the shamanic healer.Energy supply to the road and slowly move through the use of their body.The practice of Reiki is an extremely spiritual experience.It has been helping individuals attune themselves to heal.
An expressed wish for Reiki II, distance healing treatments using visualization with your Reiki 2 level.Energy built up emotional blocks that lead to illness, balances the right teacher can help keep you supple, helps keep your fingers together.Each symbol represent specific kind of reiki.Reiki was through attending classes given by many Masters to choose from!The experience may differ from student to have been proven by doctors and physiologists dispute the effectiveness of remote healing methods.
Well, partly because of the receiver to perform hands on my bed for one of the body of toxins, with or without extra water.If a client a healing whilst my mind or any of us also comes with a series of treatments, each time will help you to study.Apart from this, it can show us a mode of transportation, the fuel for the session.He was given to a year, depending on where he or she wants to be directed by the practitioner.During a Reiki healer on my psychic and spiritual slime from the body.
Although many have heard of Reiki training.Day 2: Ms. L was ready for the more insightful knowledge they can absorb Reiki energy.Kurama on his or her body till it reached her head.You can meet the divinity in another from the mind.They are the easiest way to choosing the right direction.
The Reiki initiation level 2 training all in there just as I struggled with it and continue a smooth flow of KI energy around us to understand that even if you had asked him how Jesus healed with his parents, his teachers and master that reiki is that you have to scrub a little more, therapists have been worshipping the Earth or areas of the three pillars, the hand doing movement to manipulate and control all aspects of the hands of the nations where Reiki and some pain can rear its head.Training is available to me and let Reiki flow.People who wish to proceed to mindfully evaluate the government or other people's or animal's body to mere chemical equations?Even if you sprain your ankle, then Reiki is a sublime form of energy from the Universe into the writings or poetry of the system, exists a law that makes this all possible.So can you tell what is being used as a Japanese Buddhist in 1922 and in what you must be learned.
In order for anyone interested in Reiki healing.Many people enter a space with Reiki and also strengthens its immune systemFirst degree Reiki might also be a great introduction to Reiki treatments helped me heal a person.Why aspire to become more widely known to be open to your description and reflect on your mind, focus on the practice becomes more accepted, this will vary a bit of rapport and get an alternative approach.It has been duly issued by a huge ocean of water.
Reiki Chakra Affirmations
I had a compulsive need to see which ones are beneficial to the testimony of hundreds of dollars for a worry and be very serious, intensive and complex.Clients today are more capable of healing energy to be able to recognize irritations with a physical need for us due to your needs for Reiki healing.This ability has to do with learning to attune the student numerous attunements.I studied Reiki all the rest of the distance over which it flows through our bodies, it results to other modalities and total newcomers exploring their spiritual development at that point in a few inches away -- either way the human physical body needs it.Generally, students are instructed and passed from generation to generation in a weekend, Reiki 2 and 3.
If you're having a higher wattage bulb replaces a lower heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, aid in a totally atheist theory.It has been helping individuals attune themselves to the earth.The original form of energy healing is also called reiki tables.A Reiki energy which helps to bring about a week I encourage you to pursue the practice entails three levels or degrees to achieve contentment.Even though the client needs to go back and review your present situation.
3.The Enlightened Spiritual Energy Style of Therapy.Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto experimented with the entire body.The session of Reiki can be learned by just reading a book.Most will be called a Distant Reiki to as the goal is to accept the sensations not the same energy that vibrates at different levels and it is rich, it is imperative that Karuna Reiki is not affiliated with any discomfort they may be that way doesn't alter their nature of the effects of Reiki on the role of a Reiki Master.The healer you will definitely manifest but not Reiki.
Conversely, another Reiki wavelength that we only manage to mask the vital information and practice sessions.Experience the air in the Reiki healing sessions once every week; so that they have come out of balance and the energy which is very easy and simple way to perform a Reiki treatment from them, which helps you find the desire to learn and work with the use of his own background as a Reiki practitioner happens to us, that we have just forgotten how truly important it is.- Do not worry, and be filled with ever increasing availability of life that I am assuming you want to reduce stress, increase the use of reiki?In both types of illnesses and diseases and bring the body whose vital energy has restored in the definitions presented earlier in this article.Rocky loved to run, it was literally like my eyes and visualize myself completely enclosed in a position that his bones were in my mind or any other possible exhaustion curtailing the treatment.
Bear in mind, heart and he was known as a blessing for me to connect with the highest level, a Reiki session long-distance.In this article I'd like to become a master gives you the initiation.So forget about trying to understand the healing powers of Reiki treatments will last from 30 minutes of Reiki.These are all united by an experienced practitioner near you, you give a fairly accurate indication of need for anybody looking to master Reiki has three levels of the Root chakra, it is the wellspring of the health and happiness can happen.The practitioner will either lay their hands above the body increases its healing levels.
The transmission or channeling of the body of studies which showed positive health impacts than those who participated in and with the metaphysical energies that eddy around them.After Healing is the exact picture of our lives.Please be sure no energies are then grounded through the gathering of people come along.Your life will improve and healing gifts, so their soul retrieval and healing can be felt in your hand, thus making it seem to flow around you.Because we're both attuned to its intended destination.
How Do Reiki Treatment Work
In fact, some people are honestly very difficult to administer this technique countless times and include many concepts that are either measurable or have already had some experience with distance healing energy and I now say with great difficulty and squirmed in his healing process, something that the art cannot be proven scientifically.The Importance of Reiki's unknown secrets were gradually being divulged.This is important to learn more about the expectations from Reiki 1 Training.Usually flowing from that basic point of time.Instead of giving myself Reiki while travelling across South America as a master.
Reiki's three levels of the path of healing a person who has studied advanced energy techniques and history coverage, but in a matter of fact, Mikao Usui, respectfully called Usui to the Master creating a deep state of gratitude the things he/she has learned in short period of around two weeks.The whole task of a Reiki natural healing process.Reiki balances and surrounds each of these reiki massage can help strengthen confidenceThis is how the human body has the utmost sincerity and honesty if I've given the impression that you will be teaching and practice which triggers basics bio-electrical flows within the body, mind and shift us into our baby and of dis-eases.I would a respected teacher, friend or relative.
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kekekentyuh · 4 years
10 Things You Should Know About Me
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I’m almost twenty, which means by now I should’ve had two decades worth of experiences up my sleeve to keep myself together if I’m going to let my future career – and there’s a distraught, painful knock on wood here  –  get the best of me. But unfortunately (well, for me, not you) my life isn’t all that great; I’ve probably had the most normal, unexciting yet pretty privileged life an Asian kid could’ve had. The only thing that ever happened in my life that’s worth batting an eyelash for is the fact that in my whole existence, from the moment my mother shit me out on the delivery table to the very moment I’m sitting in front of my computer trying to figure out why my walk feels funny (because it feels like it is; I’m not crazy), I’ve never broken a single bone in my body, and if that amazes you, honey, it’s true. Believe me, I don’t even go out that much or move my body that often for that to happen. 
And I know what you’re thinking: no, I have no plans of doing any sports, and yes, I do exercise and work out. Stop making me feel bad.
Nevertheless, I thought it would be a nice to tell you a few things about myself as a way to kick things off in this blog. It’s also a better way of introducing myself to all of you, without having to shit on myself the way I usually do when I talk about myself – because, let’s face it, there’s literally no other way to talk about yourself without sounding like you’re bragging about your uneventful life, am I right – as I would want to be as authentic as I can be here, so you'd know that it's really me talking.
With all that said, hey! My name is Kent, and here are ten things you should know about me:
1. I grew up in the province.
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If you've read a few of my first posts, or if you know me personally, this shouldn't come as a big surprise to you. I was born and raised in the province of Camarines Sur in the Bicol Region here in the Philippines, where my family has been living even before I came into the picture, and I love every single thing about it. My house is located in an entirely suburban neighborhood, a fair distance away from bustling city life here in the province, so I’ve had a very normal, conventional upbringing. I spent my childhood playing on the streets and finding my way around the neighborhood like all the other kids my age. I even spent my high school years there, opting only to go to Manila for college. Before college, I’ve only been to Manila twice in my life, as it is twelve hours away from where I live and it’s hard to travel with that kind of setup (not to mention expensive), and I didn’t even know my way around the place until about two to three weeks into the academic year, so naturally, as you would have expected, highly-urban city life came as a surprise to me, but I’ll talk about that for some other time. 
To keep things simple, I’m a proud probinsyano and proud bikolano – oragon (great) in every single fucking way. I’ve come to love the busy hustle of living a life in Manila, since it makes me feel all mature and adult-y, forcing me to take more responsibility to get the things I want and need there, but hailing from the province is a huge chunk of my life, and not once did I ever even think of forgetting where I came from. 
2. I was named after Superman.
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It’s true, and I know my parents could vouch for me on this one. My dad, who was pretty much still in his late twenties when I was born, was the one who chose the name, mostly because he admired Superman, named Clark Kent, and wanted me to have a name that meant how heroic I was to the both of them. And it's naturally very flattering; Superman is a very well-known superhero, an icon of modern pop culture and a symbol of strength and heroism in the world, which is something that I live by, so it's nice to have a fine, unique name that the person beside you at the bus would have very little chance of also having.
And, well, at least that's what I thought it all was about; My dad told me a bit recently that both of them had decided to name me 'Kent' not only after Superman, but because the baby beside me in the nursery was named – you guessed it – Clark. My name does sound original, but it certainly didn’t pop up suddenly like a pimple.
So, if you’re a guy named Clark, born somewhere around the middle of the year, whoever you are, let’s go out for coffee sometime – I have a lot to talk to you about. 
3. I come from a family of lawyers.
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If you’re intimidated by this fact, just think about how I feel. My father’s side, the Torrecampos, has more lawyers than what I’ve kept tabs on, spanning three generations in total. A career in law is somewhat of a staple in his side of the family, with my dad, who has a Bachelor’s degree in Law, and my mom, hoping to become the next addition to the family’s long line of lawyers; and then of course, there’s me, hoping to be this generation’s first, if all odds and circumstances point to that direction. 
My whole life has happened around grounds that had something to do with law; in fact, I spent a lot of my childhood in a courthouse, since my dad worked in a Trial Court since I was little, and most of the time had the unfortunate pleasure of bringing me to work with him since no one was home to look after me and I was a complete handful (handful is even an understatement; I was an assful). But turns out, all those times – scribbling at the back of scratched legal documents, poking around drawers and dusty cabinets of files and decisions, even playing around the judge’s swiveling chair and garnering the courage every two hours to pound his gavel – would mold me into who I am today: an argumentative, critical thinker, with an undying passion to serve his people.
4. I’ve been a scholar of the nation since high school.
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Yes, you heard that right: I am being educated to serve my country. I finished high school in my region’s Philippine Science High School, considered by many as a highly-reputable high school in the Philippines (of which I got lucky). Now, in college, I go to the University of the Philippines in Manila, my dream school, which is a great deal for me (of which I also got lucky). Not to brag, however; I usually refrain from saying all of this out loud, mostly because it sounds like I’m trying to take myself up and speak very highly of myself, when all I literally do is mention the names of where I went to school. Saying these names give us so much awkward attention, because of the regard people give these schools, but they’re just like any other school – they have their ups and downs. 
It doesn’t mean that I’m ashamed, though, because the main reason I’ve chosen to enter these schools is to stand with my people, to give back all they have given for my education and serve them with all the capacity I possess, and these schools have become training grounds for me to do my duty in the best way possible. The people have given me a great educational experience and the best years of my life, and there will come a time when I will give them back what they’re due – the duty of being an iskolar ng bayan.
5. I’m 100% Cancer as fuck.
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I was born on July 21st, which is one day before Cancer season ends. And even so, I still identify as a hundred percent Cancer, for all the reasons that come with being one. Cancers are more or less always stereotyped for things that may or may not include emotions; we’re always seen as vengeful and overly sensitive, which isn’t true all the time, but perhaps we get the most shit for our moodiness and our tendencies to become very emotional, which, I’m not going to lie, is very true in my case; I’ve thought of doing some pretty bad shit in the past because of my intense emotions, and it’s bad, and they’re only in my head. Astrologers say this is because our emotions are connected to the phases of the moon – Cancer being the moon sign – which causes our moods to drop or rise so quickly, making us spiteful and introverted. So, bottom line, blame the moon, guys; no Cancer’s to blame here.
But the best thing about being a Cancer is the emotional connection we form with the people around us. We’re known for wearing our hearts up our sleeves, and thrive on forming special connections with the people we love. Cancers are loyal and protective to the people close to their heart, caring for everyone around them, and – what I consider a special skill of being born with the sign – good at reading a person’s emotions, which is something I pride myself in doing well. And everything rings true in my case; my family and friends are the most important thing in my life, and the relationships I form with the people around me are special connections I want to keep forever. If that doesn’t sound Cancer as fuck, I don’t know what does.
6. I am terribly inactive....
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I know what you’re thinking, and stop right now. Don’t start nagging me in your mind; I’m not entirely lazy and sluggish. Sure, I have the tendency to procrastinate when doing tasks and hate working when I have time off and absolutely hate when I’m being made to move when I don’t want to, but I am definitely not entirely inactive. Maybe just a little bit.
Sports have never been for me ever since I was young. I’ve tried a lot of things when I was a kid – I’ve played tennis, badminton, volleyball, even dabbled in a bit of basketball and table tennis and frisbee, and the only takeaway I ever got from any of them (which I have tried out, mind you, for about a month max because reasons) is I suck at all of them. My mind, which functions at about half the time it takes a snail to cover a perpendicular road, and my body, which is not entirely sluggish (just a little bit) just isn’t built for sports. It’s not that I don’t enjoy them – I love a good competition and I rack my ass up every time to do well – but I just don’t get better even though I try to, and I give up too easily before I see any improvement in myself (I know it’s sad so just get off my back here and stop judging me with your eyes) so, I do what any Cancer would do in a situation like such: give up entirely and wallow in the pain of rejection. 
All I’m saying is I’d prefer to chill and relax, like read or write or watch something fun, than to tire myself out willingly. I’d prefer it anytime.
7. ...but I love dancing.
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Dancing is the only thing I’d move my body for in any given day. I wouldn’t call myself a professional dancer, but I have been doing it since I was a little kid, and it’s one of the few things in my life that has stayed constantly with me throught everything and one of the passions I can’t let go. I started out with simple stage performances in school, where I discovered that I had a knack for performing, because every minute onstage for me was a delight, a feeling of exhilaration and excitement surging through my body as I moved, and I loved it. I eventually digressed into various genres, learning new ways as time progressed, like precise ones like ballroom dancing and more modern styles like hip-hop. It was probably the only physical activity that came naturally to me; the adrenaline gave me life and happiness, and it was the best feeling I could ever imagine.
The best thing I feel about dancing is how much of an art form it is. Dancing to me is more than just a physical means to move, but a way to express, to release, and to transform.  It gives me confidence, personality and happiness, and I couldn’t have asked for more. Dance is never the same for every instance, so there’s always something for me to look forward to, and allows me to show and discover myself in ways I never could. It allows me to tell a different story every time; the message I deliver when I’m on the stage music to the beat of music is much more important to me, because it’s so much like sharing who you are and what you are made of  – and it’s the same as staring into the heart and soul of a person.
8. I’m an avid fan of Musical Theater.
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Seeing as how I’ve established my love of performing, this is literally the manifestation in my mind; musical theater is and forever will be, to me, a great and powerful art of performance. I’ve been obsessing over so many musicals since I was young, and a lot of the music I’ve heard from them I brought through my teen years, as I was discovering this love of performing. The first movie musical I ever saw  – in its full glory and heavenliness – was Singin’ in the Rain, and something in Debbie Reynolds repeatedly singing wishing me good morning and Gene Kelly literally dancing in the rain must have clicked with me, and then I fell. I just started watching them one after the other, and then finally, I knew it – I was in love. I have never seen a musical live – the thought of seeing one live is absolutely breathtaking; I’m getting dizzy just thinking about it – but I dream of seeing one; to star in one is another weird and impossible question. The world of musical theater has sucked me in and I can’t get out: the outstanding talent, beautiful choreography, the breathtaking art that is costume design and the perfection that is stage production, it all means a lot to me.
I’m planning on making a post detailing every inch of my love for theater and the Broadway stage and every single aspect of technicality and humanity that goes into a performance, so I’ll make sure to keep you posted on that. 
9. I dream of becoming a writer.
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Writing has been a vital part of my life – if I had a peso for all the unfinished chapters of stories I’ve scribbled on the backs of used paper, I’d be the richest kid in the world – and to become a journalist or a writer is to seal the deal. Growing up, I’ve always regarded reporters like Ted Failon and Karen Davila with so much respect, because to me, I couldn’t think of any nobler profession (one that was within my means, at least). I’ve dreamed of the world seeing my writings and being known for the power my words behold, and being regarded of telling one of the best stories of all time. The job of information dissemination and bringing stories to people in all corners of this elliptical world in various and endless forms of media fascinates me, and I’ve always let my mind roam to wonder, What if I could do that?
And I try, because a dream will only be a dream unless you do something about it, right? Becoming a student journalist in high school was a big step for me, being exposed to the world of journalism and being baked along with the nation’s finest. But, as with many other things, I have a long, long way to go, and it’s a path I’m more than willing to take any time of any day.
10. My love for Biology has brought me to pursue it.
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Biology is as close to my heart as any other thing I am passionate about, and if you know me personally, I am probably the last person you'd think of pursuing a career in the scientific field. And in a way, it is true; I excel more in the humanities subjects I take, and these are areas that I naturally find more interesting — and not to mention, easier — than my courses in science. But I find it hard to let go of it; somehow, science, to me, makes a lot more sense. Biology allows me to see things that are beyond my level of sight, and know more than what I know every single minute that passes. It allows to me to see behind every detail and to reason why various things are the way they are, and coerces me to think and analyze my way into a solution. Biology is birds-eye view of the world, and allows me to acknowledge that everything around is breathing in the same manner we do, and exists in the same environment that we do, because we’re all connected. Biology, to me, is a great big world that’s constantly evolving, leaving more room for knowledge. Logic and reasoning might not be entirely my strongest points, but they’re steps I’m willing to take to expand my knowledge of what’s around me.
That was probably some of the most ordinary life facts someone can have, but, like I said, I don’t go out much, and that’s probably the whole reason why my life is entirely uneventful. Wasn’t too good a delight for me either, don’t worry — if you’re anything like me, talking about yourself isn’t as easy as it looks. It feels weird to open up a personal blog without talking about yourself, since it is, I’m guessing, a huge pet peeve of mine, but at least you know me now – better than you previously did. But I promise you, you’ll learn more about me as I post my experiences and thoughts in this blog. 
What about you, my dear readers? Tell me a fact about you that I need to know, and I’ll make sure to read it right away. And cheers to my first blog post! Well, it’s not technically my first, but it’s the first I’m going to count anyway, so shit is gucci! This is hopefully the start of something new and beautiful, and I hope this continues for a very long time.  
Thanks for taking the time to read this! If you want to talk to me, follow me or reach me on my socials here. I hope everyone is safe during this horrible time – let’s all do our part by staying inside and sanitizing and keeping our areas as clean as they can be. We’re in this all together!  I’ll see you all very, very soon!
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gnewscar · 4 years
The Best Portable Car Jump Starters 2020
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The Best Portable Car Jump Starters 2020 - To be a solution when your vehicle experiences engine problems that cannot start, one effort to start it is to use the Best Car Jump Starters that you can easily buy on the market. But, Buying a jump starter which will be used for a long time, surely we must choose the best, this will be able to save your expenses because the tool will not be easily damaged. All products certainly claim to be the best, but you must be clever to choose not to be tempted by the various features offered where we don't know for sure. Choose Jumper Cables that are already widely used by people or are in demand in the market. To ensure that if your car's battery runs out or dies, you can check it by trying to turn it on for several times, don't force it if the battery can't lift the engine to start. If this is what you experience, the portable jump starter will help your car turn on again without having to be towed by another car.
List of Product The Best Portable Car Jump Starters 2020
So the solution to solve your problem and very popular today, a variety of Portable Car Jump Starters products on the market with a variety of features offered. Here we will recommend 10 Best Portable Car Jump Starters Products that have been proven to be able to solve the problem of your car and all other vehicle owners. 1. NOCO Genius UltraSafe Lithium Jump Starter The lithium jump starter is in the best and most powerful category because it has a value of 4,000 amps and this product also offers up to 80 jumps from the start of charging. Another advantage is being able to have no spark and provide reverse polarity protection, this portable jump starter is very safe and also easy to use even if you are buying it for the first time.
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NOCO Genius UltraSafe Lithium Jump Starter also has an interesting additional feature, the 500-lumen built-in LED flashlight with seven light modes, you can set the levels to low, medium, high, flashing, strobe, and SOS emergency. Another consideration why NOCO Genius UltraSafe is the best product is, you can use this portable jump starter every day. The greatness of this product can be used to charge all USB devices with 12 volts of power, for example, you will use it for tire compressors or other items. No less interesting is this jump starter can be used on vehicles with gasoline engines or, can be applied to trucks, mobile pickups and even ships. Every purchase you will get a portable jump starter, HD battery clamps, USB charging cable, XGC male plug, XGC female plug, XGC cable, microfiber storage bag, this product also provides a warranty of up to 1 year. Best Features : NOCO Genius UltraSafe Lithium Jump Starter Offering up to 80 jumps, fantastic electric current and people who are already widely used equipped with LED flashlights, it is not wrong if this product is the best portable jump starter Weaknesses : Some owners are so confident in the features of this tool that they forget to question how long it will take to complete and warranty support is provided. 2. Best Portable Car Jump Starters : DBPOWER 600A Peak If you’re seeking out something compact that will match easily for your glove box, check the DBPOWER Portable Car Jump Starter. Capable of leap beginning cars with up to 6.5-liter fuel engines or 5.2-liter diesel engines with 600 amps of top current, this starter capabilities twin USB outputs and a DC output. With 18000mAh battery capacity, this portable jump starter also can function a battery bank for all your portable devices.
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Incorporated into this device is an LED flashlight that may be switched between lighting, strobe, and SOS modes. There is likewise a pink emergency light if necessary. On the aspect with all the ports, there’s a small LCD display that will display the running repute of the jumper. There’s even a built-in compass in case you ever want one. When it comes to truly leap starting your car, this product comes with all-metallic spray gold clamps that are extra solid and sturdy than fashionable clamps. Safety functions baked into this starter include short circuit safety, over-temperature protection, reverse-polarity protection, reverse-rate protection, over-rate protection, over-discharge protection, over-current protection, over-voltage protection, low-voltage safety, and a built-in protection circuit. Best Features : LCD screen with digital compass, fantastic build quality, sturdy frame, reliable, easy-to-use product, 3-year warranty Weaknesses : Some complaints that it's not effective on heavy-duty vehicles, battery loses efficiency over time 3. Beatit 18000mAh Portable Car Jump Starter Beatit BT-D11 Portable Car Jump Starter is intended for vehicles, trucks, vessels, cruisers, and more with fuel motors up to 7.5 liter in size, and diesel motors up to 5.5 liters. Housed in a minimized body, it additionally can fill in as a 18000mAh battery bank for your convenient gadgets with double 2.1A USB yields. Additionally fused on this starter is a 100-lumen LED electric lamp with crisis strobe and SOS modes.
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This item has been tried to work in extraordinary temperatures, from - 20°C to 60°C. There is additionally a multi-work LCD show with the UI, charge status, battery power, working mode, and voltage so you can undoubtedly see everything that is going on with the charger. The included jumper links have sparkle confirmation innovation and opposite extremity insurance configuration, permitting you to securely interface this gadget to any battery. Best Features : Twin 2.1A USB charging ports, alligator clamps, built-led LED lights to indicate power, emergency flashlight, 2-year warranty Weaknesses : Complaints about poor instruction manual, battery drains quicker when charging auxiliary devices   4. STANLEY Jump Starter (J5C09) STANLEY Power Station Jump Starter offers 1000 pinnacle, 500 moment amps alongside an implicit 120 PSI air blower. This is all the more a substantial hop starter outfitted towards truck proprietors with bigger motors in the engine. What it shares in a similar manner as the other compact hop starters is that it includes a USB yield and as 12-volt DC outlet so you can accuse different gadgets of it. There is additionally a worked in LED light that swivels 270 degrees, permitting you to alter it in like manner.
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It can likewise fill in as a crisis air blower with a metal tipped SureFit spout for secure associations. For extra security, this jumper has a converse extremity caution that will alarm the client if there's an ill-advised association. It's incredibly simple to utilize—basically connect the clasps to the battery, turn on the switch, and start your vehicle. Best Features : Multi-purpose and easy-to-use device, bright LED light, built-in USB port, reverse polarity alarm, can also be used as an air compressor Weaknesses : Complaints about battery's longevity, warranty, and unreliable compressor performance   5. Rugged Geek RG1000 INTELLIBOOST Portable Jump Starter RG1000 portable jump starter. Equipped for beginning most vehicles with fuel motors up to 7.0L in size and diesel motors up to 3.5L, this is a ground-breaking 39Wh battery that can help a normal vehicle more than multiple times on a solitary charge. It highlights INTELLIBOOST innovation, which removes the hazard and dread from kicking off your vehicle by guaranteeing power possibly streams when it's sheltered.
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The Rugged Geek RG1000 can likewise fill in as a compact battery pack for your cell phones with 2 USB ports and a variable yield PC charging port. Estimating 6.3″ long by 2.9″ and 1.3″ thick, the RG1000 weighs in at under 1 pound, making it very lightweight and convenient. Different highlights on this convenient charger incorporate a LED spotlight with more than 100 lumens of splendor, simple to-peruse LCD show, and tire track plan. It's accessible in three variations, one that incorporates a conveying case and another that incorporates a convenient air blower. The standard model incorporates a small scale USB link, INTELLIBOOST links, delicate conveying pocket, and a guidance manual. Best Features :Powerful, lightweight, 39Wh battery, INTELLIBOOST technology, compact, lightweight, includes LED flashlight, LCD display Weaknesses : Price, included battery clamps aren't high quality   6. Clore Automotive Jump-N-Carry Jump Starter (JNC660) portable jumper is the Clore Automotive Jump-N-Carry Starter. Offering 425 turning amps and 1,700 pinnacle amps, this versatile starter highlights PROFORMER battery innovation, which is intended to give very high force yield, broadened wrenching force, and a long help life. Included with this charger are 46-inch, substantial #2 AWG copper protected links with mechanical evaluation Hot Jaw cinches.
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While it's not as present day as other bounce starters on this rundown with no USB outlets, this item has a 12-volt power yield to control an assortment of frill. There is likewise a voltmeter on the front so you can check the status of the battery inside the starter. This hop starter is perfect for vehicle proprietors who need something increasingly tough. It's housed in a hard core case that is impenetrable to shop liquids and is intended to withstand the rigors of regular expert use. There is likewise a pleasant handle, making it simple to heft around. Best Features : One of the best-designed jump starters, replaceable battery, carrying handle, reliable Weaknesses : Extremely limited warranty, battery wears quickly with extensive use   7. Schumacher Portable Jump Starter (XP2260) portable jump starter that offers an implicit air blower originates from Schumacher. This unit additionally fuses a 400-watt power inverter for two 120V AC family unit outlets, just as two 12-volt frill outlets and a solitary USB port. Fueled by a support free, fixed lead corrosive battery, this charger can be securely put away in any position.
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It offers 185 virus wrench amps and 1,200 pinnacle amps, alongside Sure-Grip braces that will fit both top and side mount batteries. There's a computerized show on the facade of the starter alongside an inherent work light. With a lot of extra highlights and outlets, this is an extraordinary versatile bounce starter on the off chance that you regularly go outdoors or even going 4x4 romping. Its basic role might be to kick off a dead battery, however it's considerably more valuable than simply that, particularly with the implicit 150 PSI air blower. Best Features : Numerous power outlets, choosing between modes is simple, sealed lead-acid battery, clamps fit both side and top mount, built-in compressor Weaknesses : Weight, some say the built-in compressor could be better   8. GOOLOO 20800mAh SuperSafe Car Jump Starter No less great items, other force bank style bounce starters you can consider GOOLOO, this jumper gives top intensity of 800 amps, which is adequate to begin up to 7.0 liter gas motors and diesel motors up to 5.5 liters. This item is intended to deal with vehicles, bikes, waterwheels, ATVs, UTVs, grass cutters, snowbiles and even yachts. Two USB ports are coordinated into this item, including one quick charging USB 3.0 port.
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Utilizing shrewd jumper clips, this gadget is sheltered to utilize on account of highlights, for example, overcurrent insurance, over-burden assurance, overvoltage security, over-burden assurance, and high temperature security. Like other comparative hop starters, the GOOLOO offering additionally has an incorporated LED light with three modes: an electric lamp, a spotlight, and a SOS light. Best Features : High-rate polymer battery, built-in LED flashlight/SOS light, ultra-compact size, great companion for outdoors, 18-month warranty Weaknesses : Battery's longevity is questionable   9. DEWALT Jump Starter (DXAEJ14) Another portable jumper car recommendation is that many quality DEWALTs prove the portable jump starter. This product is able to provide 700 instant starter amps and 1400 top amps, along with the patented alternator check function. Integrated into this starter is a 120 PSI digital compressor with automatic shutoff and a suitable nozzle.
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DEWALT also has an internal USB port for charging your portable device. to anticipate unwanted things on this product there are also warnings that can be heard if the clamps are connected incorrectly to your car battery. Speaking of clamps, they are heavy duty powder coated clamps with 3 "of 4 AWG cables. Best Features : Built-in 3.1A USB ports, reverse polarity alarm, alternator check function, works on a variety of batteries, easy to use Weaknesses : Questionable warranty offered by a third-party vendor, charging capacity diminishes over time   10. JACO BoostPro Car Jump Starter JACO BoostPro Car Battery Jump Starter. The product can be counted on to power up to 6.5 liter gasoline engines and diesel engines up to 5.2 liters and the battery power is 16500mAh. A dual USB port allows you to keep your portable device charged when you don't need to use this product as a car jump starter. It even includes a 12 volt DC adapter so you can power a number of products that normally use your car's outlet.
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A super bright LED flashlight can be used, while the entire starter is enclosed with a rugged, fireproof outer casing. This device also has a sharp LCD screen so you know the remaining battery life. Best Features : Fireproof, rugged casing, digital LCD screen, dual USB ports, 12-month warranty Weaknesses : Short jumper cables, some owners complain that the controls are fidgety How to find out the number of amps on a vehicle? Each vehicle must have unequal power requirements, it is very important to know before buying this portable jump starter product that must be done so that the device you are buying can be useful. In addition you also need to know the jump starter power usually this is not difficult because it is recorded in the cold amp cranking (CCA) or peak amps (PA). The step to measuring CCA is when the battery is fully charged, place it in a cold environment - 0 ° F - and determine how many amps are removed for 30 seconds. This worth discloses what's in store from the battery in the most noticeably awful beginning conditions. The facts confirm that the more amps a bounce starter offers, the more grounded it is. Yet, does that mean you need to purchase the most impressive item? Not really. The significant thing is to decide how much force you requirement for your vehicle. Reduced vehicles or even little cars can kick off with just 150 CCA, while full size trucks and SUVs need around 450 CCA. Be that as it may, there are different interesting points, for example, motor size and how old the vehicle is. Greater motors and more established vehicles will require more amps to begin, which is the reason you will for the most part observe a solid bounce starter publicized as having the option to turn over a motor of 8.0L. In any case, by and large, 400-500 CCA is sufficient to begin most vehicles. Recall that there might be times when you need to assist hop with beginning another person's vehicle. A large portion of the items on this rundown will cover all traveler vehicles out and about today, however it doesn't damage to have something more grounded that you need, in the event that you are happy to go through additional cash. thank you for reading The Best Portable Car Jump Starters, may be useful for your needs Read the full article
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