#roller transformers
revarova · 9 months
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flilisskywalker · 1 month
A husband (Optimus), a wife (Elita) and their emotional support dog (Roller).
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rollersfataft · 2 months
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Close up ^⁠_⁠^
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ahaha.. hey girl...
I'm colouring this
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ghostwoodsyo · 4 months
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I'm just going to dump these here.
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maxicaiman · 4 months
RollerRod doodle because why not
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Mermay day 18- Fin whale Roller
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toxiccaves · 4 months
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still on that robot kick
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welcometothesewers · 4 months
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Dip that big bot!
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nefelibatapine · 2 months
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stunticonbreakdown · 8 months
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skip-rules · 6 months
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hello rodler nation…
and hey frooboober
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dundeey-pictorem · 5 months
Do you have a drawing of Roller in your style anywhere?
hello!! i went looking for them for you but i only had a couple shitty sketches from last year lol so i felt i should draw him.
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thank you for asking!! i hope you like it. it was really nice to draw him and id love to draw more, so dont hesitate to send in requests.
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earthstellar · 2 years
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I finally realised why this panel sticks out to me. 
For context: Everyone just arrived in the nightmare Functionist Universe, they’ve ended up somewhere they aren’t supposed to be, and the little drone is basically a cop who wants to search everyone. 
And this scene sticks out to me, this panel in particular, because Ratchet is the only one who challenges the cop-drone. 
Which is pretty significant, actually. 
How to Deal With Space Cops: Fucking Don’t! Unless You Can Get Away With It. 
Rodimus, Drift, Megatron, and Terminus all come from backgrounds where they were all harassed by authority figures on at least a fairly regular basis; They’re far more familiar with being pushed around by cops than Ratchet would be. 
Granted, Ratchet worked in the Dead End and undoubtedly got some degree of shit for it, but he still had the social class/caste status to dodge the more severe questioning, and had friends who were active duty cops himself. He got bothered by some authority figures, but for the most part, he could talk back without fear of suffering any of the more severe repercussions that most of the others here would be facing if they did anything similar. 
Authorities Aren’t That Scared of Authorities 
Chromedome, Rewind, Roller, and Minimus have all worked for or alongside bodies of authority themselves, and therefore likely aren’t as immediately resistant; They want to get through this without incident if they can, and in their minds, that means hearing out the cop-bot before they do anything. Their reactions are on hold. They’re listening, not talking-- Because most of them have been the person questioning others before. 
Gutter Mechs Know The Unspoken Reality of Things 
But check out the looks on Rodimus and Terminus’ faces. They’re just like, alright, this shit again. They’re not letting their faces show anything that a cop-drone might interpret as resistance or aggression, or they know they’re fucked. 
Drift and Megatron actively look put off, because they’re taking more of a defensive approach. They’ve both been treated severely and with suspicion by authority figures before, especially representatives of law enforcement, so they’re not saying anything--But their expressions show that they’re already calling bullshit on whatever this little cop-drone wants with them. “What does this thing want with us, now?” And rightfully, they don’t say shit. They know better. 
It’s a brilliant little bit of visual storytelling. Their reactions--or lack thereof--in their faces is a nice touch. The group of bots present consists of a mix of people with very different experiences of dealing with (or working with) oppressive authorities in their pasts, and Ratchet is the only bot here who wasn’t either a gutter mech or low class/caste, and also wasn’t an authority figure himself (his authority is entirely within the role of CMO, which is still a position of authority within a medical context, but not beyond that). 
Ratchet Had a Cop Friend, So Now His Ingrained Perspective on Authority is Somewhat Fucked
So of course, Ratchet, who has been relatively protected from the worst outcomes of dealing with cops in the past, is the only one to speak up here and risk challenging the cop-drone with a question-- Because why wouldn’t he push back? He’s never suffered at the hands of cops and was never a cop himself. He had cop friends. Surely the cop-drone has to provide a reason for a stop and search? And surely he knows that isn’t necessarily the case in reality, but he still asks, like he’s surprised or caught off guard to at least some degree. (Oh, Ratchet. I like to think that Drift talked to him about this shit afterwards...) 
Ratchet never worked for or alongside a police department before. He doesn��t grasp how fucked he is, if that little cop-drone decides he’s a non-person on a whim. He might understand that there’s risk in this interaction on an intellectual level, but on a personal risk level, he’s never really been at that much risk of being trashed by the cops. 
Even when working in the Dead End, his cop friend(s) clearly knew about it and never arrested him for it. Shit, we know at least one of his cop friends actively helped him out by dropping off potential patients at his clinic. 
So everyone else present has some level of experience, good or bad, with dealing with actual cop bullshit. But the majority of Ratchet’s personal experience with cops has been entirely through the lens of being a respected mid or high class/caste bot with a profession that benefits pretty much everyone, including the cops. He’s largely been “safe”, even when doing unsafe/illegal shit like running his Dead End clinic.  
So of course, his immediate reaction to being stopped and searched is essentially total bewilderment. 
Privilege: Legacy of Cybertron’s Past  
It’s entirely possible that Ratchet, even when working in the Dead End, has never really been all that bothered by cops/authorities before, despite the risks involved in running his clinic there. 
This might be the first time that he’s being stopped and searched like this. He’s never really been profiled or viewed by authorities in this way before, at least not so directly. He’s now dealing with a cop-drone that is treating him the way they treat most people, not the way they treat Ratchet the Medic and Trusted Friend of a Police Captain Equivalent, because the authorities in this universe are ones that he has no personal connection or familiarity with. 
His profile isn’t automatically popping up with all his credentials next to his name. He’s just some bot, with a bunch of other bots, and he’s now suspect. And that seems to have caught him off guard, a little bit. 
Nobody else is saying shit, because they understand this situation more personally. They’ve either been treated like shit by cops before, or they’ve BEEN cops before. 
But Ratchet is the odd one out, and he’s the only one with the particular social status of being a medical doctor, and so he pushes back, because what, exactly, did this little cop-drone say to him? And he feels secure enough to actually ask the drone for clarification. The authority figure bots know to stay quiet and let the cop-drone lead, and the gutter mechs/low class bots know that whatever they say, they’re about to get arrested anyway. 
Nobody but Ratchet is surprised, and it really feels like Ratchet is showing some of his pre-war social privilege here, totally by accident. It’s not his fault, it’s just how he experienced pre-war life compared to the others. Cybertron was a shitty place, and Ratchet was only aware of how shitty it was because of his personal drive to engage with those of lower classes/castes in order to try to assist them; If he hadn’t actively desired to open his own clinic in the Dead End, he would have stayed in Iacon, surrounded by other mid or high class bots. The same people he had spent most of his time interacting with, up until that point. 
We see how he handles Drift in the flashback to when they had first met; His advice comes from good intentions and genuine desire to help Drift, but the advice is ultimately hollow and impossible for Drift to commit to. Ratchet is shown as not really grasping how dire things are, that it’s not possible for Drift or other bots like him to simply walk into a job centre and pick up a paying gig. It took some time for Ratchet to understand this, because it wasn’t his lived experience; As a medic top of his class, he’s always been in high demand. But that isn’t the reality for Drift. 
It’s a realistic approach to exploring class/caste differences, and I really appreciate it. 
This panel is a genius quick and subtle way to emphasise the class/caste differences between all of the characters here, and highlight how vastly differently these bots would all be treated-- Both in their actual past, and in this alternate Functionist universe. 
Anyway it’s 3 AM so I’m going to bed now, just wanted to write this out before I forgot about it LMAO <3 
I can’t recall the exact issue this panel is from at the moment, but when I remember or get the time to look it up again, I’ll edit this to let y’all know! :) 
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rollersfataft · 20 days
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unsavedfile · 1 year
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cherrytimemachine · 9 months
Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology and the Outliers.
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