showmethestarlight · 4 years
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I was tagged by @tshifty to post a picture of myself and the urban dictionary definition of my name... Thanks for tagging me, this definition is so wild.
I tag @rollertoasteroflife @cruelslover @krysten-knitter @aforestofbooks @rosenlabyrinth @aprilslady
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engekihaikyuu · 5 years
Hey thank you for all the updates about the new show they always make me smile! I have a question about new Fukunaga; I'm glad that you said the new actor kept his role as the acrobatics person but one of my fav things about Kajihara Hayate's Fukunaga was that you can always see him in the background doing weird things and was curious if his new actor continued that? Like at the end of shinka no natsu he just pretended to be a crab for about 15 mins and it cracks me up everytime!
Full review under the read more~
So because Nekoma were the main characters in the play and they were the focus most of the time, most of the times that Fukunaga was doing something weird, it wasn’t in the background, it was just highlighted.  At the beginning of their match against Fukurodani, Alisa and Akane are cheering and Yaku of course points out what a beauty Alisa is.  A couple of people on the team try catching her attention, and Fukunaga does it by doing those low Russian squat kicks used in Russian dances.  Kai then comes up to him to tell him it’s time for receive practice, and Fukunaga starts kicking at Kai’s knees before stopping lol.  And then as previously mentioned, there’s his kanji writing corner, and also all those proverb jokes he makes.  And him speaking Russian.  
At one point he pulls a great spike and Alisa gets excited about that, and Tora is like noooo, and Kenma walks up between Tora and Fukunaga to go, “Oh look, a new rivalry.”  And so Tora smacks Fukunaga to say, “Stop it with those acrobatics!” so that he doesn’t draw too much of Alisa’s attention.  
He does talk differently from Hayate though.  Hayate, with the few lines that he had, made his voice very light and comical.  Ryuuya does a deeper, slightly yellier voice, because he’s mimicking the comedy that’s delivered in older Japanese theater.  But like Hayate’s Fukunaga, he’s plenty weird in his own way lololol
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the-least-laddy-lad · 4 years
rollertoasteroflife a réagi à votre billet “Y’ALL!  I know I never post anything here, but I have never been...”
yo I just read it and it was really beautiful I nearly cried, I know we barely talk but I'm really proud of you!
Aaaaah this is so sweet thank you so much <3 don’t hesitate to come talk though! I’m active a lot lately because of quarantine, so you’re absolutely guaranteed an answer in like 4h max lmao
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quiddityofstars · 5 years
Strawberries and Sarah and Jareth!
This turned out very sweet, I hope you like it, and thank you for sending a prompt!
3. Strawberries
“They’re a special kind of strawberries.”
“They’re what?” Sarah looked over at Jareth, where he wastrying to casually lean against a peach tree (he didn’t quite pull it off, helooked too interested in her opinion of his personal garden, and thecream silk shirt and tight leather trousers might have been casual on him butthey certainly wouldn’t be on anyone else. She couldn’t deny she took quite abit of pleasure in the fact that he cared what she thought).
He gestured to the strawberry plants she was standing nextto, his hands covered with soft grey gloves. He was always wearing gloves, she’dhave to ask him why, some day. “They’re magical. We have a few different kindsof magical fruits in the Underground, they all have different properties. Thepeaches,” he gestured to the fruits in the tree above him, “create dreams ofwhatever the eater desires.” He paused, clearing his throat, and had the graceto look sheepish for a moment.
Sarah felt her cheeks warm and decided it would be best ifthe conversation moved on. “And the strawberries?”
His face cleared and he nodded, “The strawberries allow youto see auras, just for a few hours.”
“Auras?” She looked down at the strawberries in surprise andgently touched one, the skin of the fruit was cool under her touch despite thewarm sunlight flowing down over the garden. She saw Jareth nod out of the cornerof her eye.
“They appear like a coloured light glowing around someone’sbody, and they tend to be different depending on strong emotions. If the aurais mostly yellow, for example, the person is usually joyful.”
Sarah nodded. “That makes sense.” She picked a strawberryand took a bite, smiling as the sweet taste touched her tongue, the stickyjuice lingering on her lips, she slowly chewed and swallowed, then looked overat him.
She caught him looking quite intently at her, his eyes dark.She felt warmth in her cheeks again and swallowed a second time, then blinkedas a light began to shimmer around him. It was a little yellow, but a hint ofpink hovered around him too.
“What,” she cleared her throat, “what does pink mean?”
The Goblin King pushed himself off the tree trunk and walkedover to her, stopping a couple of steps away and smiling slightly. “Love,” hisvoice was soft.
An odd feeling came over her, and she had a sudden knowledgethat she was on the edge of something, and whatever happened next could eithergo very badly or very well and she was terrified of both directions.
“And who is the Goblin King in love with?” She asked, thewords slipping out of her mouth, the taste of strawberry still on her tongue,without her really meaning them too.
Jareth looked at her for a long moment, then tilted hishead. “Surely you know.”
She only remembered that she was still holding thestrawberry when it slipped from her fingers. “I really need you to say it, Jareth.No tricks, no riddles.” She took a deep breath and realised she was trembling. “Sayyour right words.”
The was a smile on his lips, a beautiful one. His eyessparkled and he stepped close enough that they were almost touching. If shewere to close her eyes she’d be able to sense his body next to hers.
“I love you, SarahWilliams.”
So she kissed him, because he had said his right words, andthat was the way to do it. 
Spring Prompts
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nikiforoov · 6 years
important debate: who is older Yurio or Makkachin???????
in the magazine article yuuko shows yuuri in ep1, 15 year old vitya says he’s had makkachin for three years so by the time he’s 27 makka has to be around 15 and so is yurio oh my god my brain can’t comprehend this
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omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
Hey Lily, hope you're ok! Was wondering if you've watched episode 8 of Miss Sherlock? I can't find it anywhere with english subs and you're the only person i know who watches it so was wondering if you had a link that works? Sorry to bother
heyo!! here’s a list compiled by @miss--sherlock. ep 8 has some glitches i think but should be viewable for the most part 🙏 let me know what you think!!
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xyloophones · 7 years
for the writing prompts number 11 in zero gravity 'verse please??
11. “What’s with the box?”
Minami peers over Yuuri’s shoulder, trying to see what’s in the heavily padded styrofoam container. He rocks back and forth on his heels, trying to displace all the energy. He’s just so excited! Yuuri always gets the coolest things shipped to the lab. This one they picked up on Xanax 9, right after refueling. 
“What’s in it?” Minami asks again. This time Yuuri sighs and turns fully away from the box to look at him. Minami struggles not to fidget. 
“It’s very important that you don’t tell anyone about what I’m about to show you, okay?” Yuuri straightens his glasses, looking very serious and super scientific. Minami is so impressed. “And don’t scream when I open the box.”
“Of course! You got it, Comma–– I mean, Yuuri! No problem, Yuuri!”
Yuuri shakes his head, smiling fondly. He gestures for Minami to sit. Then, he gently lifts the lid of the box. 
“What’s–– Oh, quiznak!” 
Inside the box is a large salamander, bright pink with spots and about the size of Minami’s entire face. 
“Hello there, Brian,” Yuuri coos. He picks up the salamander. It immediately snuggles down into Yuuri’s hand, already won over. The Katsuki Yuuri Effect, as Phichit would call it. 
“U-Uh....” Brian the salamander looks at Minami. It hisses, letting out a little puff of breath, breathing out a small flame. Minami struggles not to shriek. 
“Commander Yuuri,” Minami says quietly, his voice about 3 octaves higher than usual, “why do you have a fire breathing salamander?”
Yuuri strokes Brian’s back, carefully avoiding what looks to be razor sharp spikes lining its spine. “Oh, well. Starfleet told us we couldn’t adopt any more dogs, so––”
He gestures to Brian. Minami almost faints. 
writing prompts
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alipiee · 6 years
I associate fajitas, sunflowers and smiles with you
omg abby they’re the cutest! asdfghjlk thank u so much!! ily
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sinkingorswimming · 7 years
rollertoasteroflife replied to your post “My boy build coffins is probably my favourite (tho i do love Taker)...”
I've reread both of them a bunch of times like they're just so good?? You're so talented!
Thank you so much! It’s always so flattering to hear people like to reread anything I’ve written. <33333
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showmethestarlight · 4 years
I was tagged by @rollertoasteroflife to post five of my famous crushes:
💖 Taylor Swift
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💖 Sophie Turner
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💖 David Bowie
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💖 Brendon Urie
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💖 Dove Cameron
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I tag @rosenlabyrinth @tshifty @cruelslover
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Oh my god the fic writer's face reactions post is you?! You're really pretty!!!
ahahaha yep it’s me *hides face* thank you! that post got way more notes than I expected and now I’m worried someone irl is going to find my blog (the horror)
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the-least-laddy-lad · 4 years
rollertoasteroflife a réagi à votre billet “Y’ALL!  I know I never post anything here, but I have never been...”
congrats that's really cool!
thank you!! 
0 notes
quiddityofstars · 6 years
"9. Pluviophile: any organism that thrives in conditions of heavy rainfall; one who loves rain, a rain-lover" I think is a great word for Katara!! Go crazy!!!
Thank you for sending the prompt, Abby, I’m sorry it took so long to write it, but I hope you enjoy it!
9. Pluviophile: any organism that thrives in conditions ofheavy rainfall; one who loves rain, a rain-lover
Katara heard the slight shuffle of his feet as he came tostand next to her on one of the royal palace’s many balconies, looking out overthe gardens. Zuko was rather light on his feet and by now could sneak up onalmost anyone without them noticing, but she always seemed to sense hispresence whenever he was near. She wondered if that meant something.
“There’s never any rain at the Southern air temple,” Shesaid quietly, resting her hands on the balcony railing, still looking at headout at the palace grounds. “And it’s so high up and far from the sea, I alwaysfelt so far from my element there.”
Zuko quietly cleared his throat and spoke in his low, raspyvoice. She felt calmer just hearing him talk. “Uncle always says your soulknows where it is meant to be, so if you felt out of place there, then you didthe right thing in leaving.”
Katara looked at him, “And what do you say, Fire Lord?”
He met her gaze, his golden eyes warm and understanding. “Inthe Fire Nation we get two rain seasons, one after the end of the hot season,and one after the end of the cold season. And even when there’s no rain, you’renot far from the ocean.”
A smile grew on her lips and she chuckled. “Are you invitingme to stay, Zuko?”
He chuckled and gently nudged her arm with his elbow, “Youknow you’re always welcome here, Katara.”
She liked how his voice went softer when he said her name.
Neither of them mentioned how, if the amount of wateravailable to her was really at the top of her priority list, she would probablybe at the South Pole.
Katara took a little time to settle into her new room in thepalace, and then started exploring. The palace, the city, and soon enough thewhole nation. They had not seen much of it while they were on the run andtrying to train Aang, and now, between the occasional meeting with Zuko’s royalcouncil where she advised as the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador, and theoccasional meeting with fire nation healers to see if there was a way tocombine what she had learned with their knowledge of healing, she had time to explore.Zuko did not often had time to come with her, but he sometimes gave herrecommendations of places to visit, and always listened attentively when shecame back to the palace and told him about where she had travelled to.Occasionally she brought him back gifts if she ever saw something that made herthink of him. She loved it, getting to see the nation that Zuko ruled over,learning about the people and their traditions and homes, enjoying the warmweather, taking every chance to swim in the ocean and practice her waterbendingin front of the curious eyes of the locals and the guards Zuko insisted shetake with her. For quite possibly the first time in her life, she felt really,truly free, and it was made all the better by the fact that she knew at the endof every journey to a new place, she had a welcoming home to go back to at thepalace.
Eventually, after months of unending heat, the first rainseason came. She had just arrived back at the palace after a day trip to abeautiful temple and was standing in the courtyard as the first drops began tofall. Everyone else rushed inside but she took a moment, lifting her face upand closing her eyes in contentment as she felt the water cool her warm skin.
She began to travel less once the weather turned. It washarder to make journeys in the rain, well, for everyone else at least, and shewas content to mostly stay in the palace. She spent her time helping Zuko withhis work or visiting the local healing centres. In the moments between theshowers of rain, she and Zuko took breaks to spar, they both knew each other’sstyle of fighting quite well now, and it was often a challenge for either ofthem to win. In other spare moments, when it was raining, she liked to go outsideand let the water soak her through. It felt good to connect with her element,and sometimes she took the opportunity to practice bending by herself, butmostly she liked to sit or stand peacefully, focusing on her breathing and thesoft sound of the water hitting the tiles of the palace roof and the stone ofthe courtyards.
Zuko began to express concern over this habit of hers. She understoodwhere he was coming from, being a fire bender was obviously different, he certainlydid not take the time to go and sit in his fireplace as a method of relaxation.But she knew herself and she knew this was good for her. She told him so oneafternoon when they were having tea with his uncle, who visited the palace quiteoften.
“Really Zuko, I just like to make the most of the weather whileit’s like this.” She sipped her tea and gave him a reassuring smile.
Iroh nodded in agreement. “I can’t see that any harm willcome from it, Nephew. In fact I believe that it shows our master waterbenderhere is very well connected with her power and element, and is at peace withherself.”
Katara smiled fondly at Iroh, but Zuko still frowned inconcern.
“But what if you get sick?”
She chuckled. “Water can’t hurt me, Zuko. I’m a waterbender.”
He flinched. “Well, fire hurt me.” He made an uncomfortablegesture towards his scar and Katara felt her heart drop.
“Oh Zuko,” she said softly, reaching out to gently touch theskin around his eye, grateful that he leaned into her touch instead of flinchingaway. “I’m sorry, you’re so sweet to be concerned. I promise I’m looking aftermyself.” She leaned in and gently pressed her lips to the warm skin of hischeek, smiling when she pulled back and saw the pink tint that had appeared onhis cheeks.
A couple of days later she was sitting on the steps thatlead down into the front courtyard of the palace, letting the rain wash overher, and was surprised, and pleased, when Zuko joined her.
He gave her a lopsided smile. “I thought I’d see what allthe fuss was about.”
Katara chuckled and took his hand, intertwining theirfingers. “Do firebenders get sick if they stay out in the rain for too long?”
“I think we’ll be alright for a little while,” he patted hischest with his free hand, over his heart, “I have my inner fire to keep me warm.”He glanced at her, a little sheepish, and nudged his shoulder against hers. “Andyou.”
Katara could not have stopped the smile that spread across herface even if she had wanted to. “That was quite smooth, I’m impressed.”
Zuko grinned a little, the light blush back on his cheeks,his face now wet with the rain. “Well, it’s taking me a little time, but I amgetting better at talking to girls, by the time I retire I shall be quite thecharmer.”
A giggle escaped her and she raised her eyebrows, “How manygirls have you been talking to?”
This made him hesitate and he chuckled, giving her anothersheepish grin. “Just the one. Although she keeps standing around in the rain,which has made it a little difficult to have a normal conversation.”
Katara laughed. “We can go inside in a moment and have sometea, if you like.”
“Uncle will be very proud to know you suggested that.” Hesmiled, his gold eyes looking at her warmly. “And proud that I agreed with thesuggestion, but there’s something I wanted to do first, and I’m hoping it willbe quite smooth and romantic if I manage to pull it off.”
She watched him, feeling very warm. “Okay, what is it?”
He took a deep breath, looking like he was attempting togather his courage, and then leaned in and carefully pressed his wet lips tohers. She felt a spark shoot through her and immediately kissed him back. Withthe water around her, and Zuko next to her, she had never felt so content.
Write-O-Ween Prompts: Unusual and Rare Words Edition
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nikiforoov · 6 years
about your art progression: I really love how you depict light in your art?? It just has such a nice quality and feeling to it? Dunno how to explain it but it gives your work such strong Feeling to them and just yeah, your art is really evocative I guess
ahhh thank you so much!! playing with light has always been one of my favourite things to do, so hearing this means a lot! thank youuu ;;;; ♥♥
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omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
Hi again! Thank you so much for linking me to the Miss Sherlock episodes! I've just finished the last episode and arghh really enjoyed it!! I really hope they do more seasons, it's so good! Also as you were the first person I saw reblogging stuff about it, thanks for doing that so I actually found it in the first place!
ahhh!! i know right!! that last episode was amazing and the show is amazing i love it so much! and that’s so sweet of you to let me know; feel free to hmu to talk the show anytime
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awwhawkeye · 4 years
I was tagged by @rollertoasteroflife (like a month ago, sorry, pal) to share 5 famous crushes so here you are:
Charlie Hunnam
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Oscar Isaac
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Sebastian Stan
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Jake Gyllenhaal
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Kendrick Sampson
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And I’m just gonna tag the latest peeps in my notifications, you don’t have to do it if you don’t like these: @drnathanielheywood​, @johnbly​, @sapphicbottomrights​, @starstruckeds​, @thatmadhatter​
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