rolorules · 9 months
I just started rewatching Code Geass and I'm on R2 and honestly I love Rolo a lot actually. Thank you for your wonderful blog!
What can I say, there's something irresistible about his character. As for the blog, it makes me happy when people enjoy it. So thank you for your feedback and have a great day.
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I actually got tagged in a tag game!
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better.
Thanks for the tag: @thebreadtree
What are your favorite colors?: dark/wine red and royal blue
The book you're currently reading: A fanstasy book called "Stormdancer: the lotus war". I've never really been into fantasy, but this one looked so interesting, I had to give it a try.
The last song you listened to: "Breathe" by Mako
The last show you watched: That would be "Yu-Gi-Oh!".
The last movie you watched: The second Fifty Shades of Grey movie, "Fifty Shades Darker". I watched the first movie with some friends and it was so ridiculously bad, I had to watch the second one, just to see how much worse it can get. And it gets way worse. - 10000/10, I wouldn't recommend it, unless you want to torture yourself.
Sweet, savory or spicy?: Spicy! I also like sweet and savory food, but spicy is superior!
What you're currently working on: Oh that is a lot. I'm still writing the Genesic Re;Code review and working on my other OC post. There is also this one chapter of my fanfiction, which I started writing in april....
Ok, I'm tagging:
@ledouche-of-the-rebellion @wbad-world @sakkarose @ayy-junipei @suzaku-knight-of-one @roloko-karlstein @rolorules @mun-berselion @saviourofarea11
If you don't want to answer these questions, it's fine. I don't want to force you, to do something you're not comfortable with.
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rolotouto · 2 years
i love your blog ^_^
Wow thanks. I understand why many people won't forgive Rolo after what he did (now retconned by the movies!), but for those of us who love him we just want to spread the appreciation for his character ♡ (And I also must thank @rolorules for remembering my old wordpress blog and inspiring me to start Rolo-posting again after so many years, haha)
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aeschylus · 3 years
thx @lexkent for tagging me!!💖
1. name / nickname: ish
2. gender: nb
3. star sign: aquarius
4. height: 5'7 or 5'8 idk
5. time: ehh idk i'm queuing this
6. birthday: feb 1
7. favorite band: tie between chevelle & a perfect circle & king woman 😅
8. fav solo artist: weyes blood
9. song stuck in head rn: give it up by 8MM
10. last movie: yin yang master: dream of eternity , lots of handsome men with angel wings fighting shirtlessly i highly recommend
11. last show: disenchanted, it's a more fantastical and narratively coherent simpsons by the guy who made simpsons, it's also slightly more depressed than simpsons which is a Feat, anyway i finished it in 2 weeks
12. when i created this blog: prbly like 2012 💀
13. what i post: my ships, things i find pretty and poetic, meme, compelling little factoids/discussions, the utter madness my ships spark in me tbhh
14. last thing i googled: meaning of "a clockwork orange" unfortunately i've read the book but i wanted to know if the idiom preceded the novel, turns out the novel made it into an idiom in east london cockney
15. other blogs: i'll just describe them b/c church & state and all that: a naruto blog, an aspiring nsfw clex blog, an emo bandom fob/mcr/etc. blog, a misc blog mostly for a mix of shippy content, and some blog i completely forgot i made dedicated to this YA series i used to be obsessed with redtrfygyhgfg
16. do i get asks: my sideblogs get waaay more action than my main lol
17. why i chose my url: it kinda looks like my name and i was a pretentious classics major with a focus in theatre
18. following: 631
19. followers: 780
20. average hours of sleep: prbly like 8
21. lucky number: let's just say 5 for fibonacci reasons
22. instruments: acoustic guitar & piano
23. what am i wearing: high waist baggy jeans, grey t-shirt
24. dream job: grunge/doomrock band or cinematographer tbhhhhhhhhh
25. favorite food: pasta? pasta.
26. free space: ummmmm. smallville lex luthor inexplicably hot 2me send help
27. nationality: american
28. favorite song: shameful metaphors by chevelle
29. last book i read: son of a witch (sequel to wicked) i'm still in the thick of it so i'll have more to say when i finish it lol
30. top three fictional universes i would like to live in: umm almost any magical girl anime b/c i want the powers and cute outfit, DC & naruto universe for same reasons, the matrix for vaguer reasons
tagging: @mood2you @theskedaddling @shikiswife @milfclark @concrastinator @rolorules @lelouchootori
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knightofroyalty · 6 years
Tag Game!
Tagged by: @lulu-kare
Nickname: I dont really have one I guess, my name Is Zale tho.
Gender: non binary
Star sign: Leo
Height: 5′8
Birthday: August 2
Favorite Band: VIXX
Favorite solo Artist: Xavi
Last Movie: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Last TV show: Ghost Hunt
Why I created this blog: umm I dont really remember. I was really obsessed with CG at the time so I guess I created it to see more content.
What do you post/reblog: Anything CG related, lol If you’ve been with me since the beginning or have dug through my posts you will know that this blog also started as a SAO blog as well. FUN FACT
Last thing you googled: Script fonts, I was trying to find some Inspo for my studyblr.
Other blogs: this feels like a shameless self promo but oh well.  @diaryofthestars and @zalestudies
Why the url: knightofroyalty refers to suzaku bc he’s a knight of royalty…
I follow: anyone with content that I will enjoy and makes me happy
My followers: stay cool ppl.
Lucky number: 3
Instruments: Ive played the cello for.. eight (?) years now. idk Ive lost track.
What are you wearing rn: jean shorts and a shirt I tie dyed in my ap chem class.
Dream job: I have no idea but its going to be something I hope lol
Last book I read: the Handmaids tale- 11/10 I would recommend.
Top three universes: CG, Marvel, YOI
I tag: basically all of the CG blogs I follow.
@sassgeer @king-of-the-black-knights @fyeahsuzalulu @ccpizzagirl@fyeahcodegeass @allhaillelouchvibritannia @allhailspinzaku @hailsuzalulu@alimperator @longlivelelouch @the-immortal-witch @allcodegeass @question-lelouch-vi-britannia @lelouchlerebellion @encyclopediabritannia @yumelelouch@eachainn @rolorules @fuckyeahcodegeass @rebellion-of-nunnally@whenzeroismorethanjustanumber @lelouch-vi-zero @ydotome
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animebubbles17-blog · 8 years
Rolo X Reader Fan-Fiction
I don't know if people are still into reading fan-fiction, but I did make a Rolo Lamperouge fan-fiction on Quotev. I made my fan-fiction a Reader X Character story so when you read it, it's like your actually there. This is the fan-fiction description: "As a princess your duty is to be a perfect girl and rule/obey your country, and that was exactly what you were doing. But one day something happens to your brother and your father blames you. Then a certain assassin comes to kill you off, but when he saw you, he fell for your princess looks and questions his job to kill you. What will he do kill you or not kill you?" If there is anyone interested, here's the link: https://www.quotev.com/story/4909186/Yes-My-Princess-RoloXReader-Love-Story Thanks! @rolorules
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roloko-karlstein · 10 years
Isn’t Code Black more of an R1 thing?
Well Chinese girl, Anya, Gino, and R2 Orange were in official art and had figurines released of some of them, but I think that wasn't part of the Code Black series though. 
Don't know why they haven't made any Rolo figurines since 2010 it makes me sad, but at least they made figurines for other characters like Cornelia and Kaguya for a change instead of only releasing C.C, Kallen, Lelouch, and Shirley figurines.
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mgnemesi · 11 years
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I'm using my sick leave and making good time on my second commission! :D As you can see from the gazillion of levels, I've been trying out different poses (especially for the arms) and changed my mind way too many times. *GRINS*
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hybryda · 11 years
rolorules answered your photo: “Which one better? Faster or slower?”:
More slowly. It's goo, after all!
mrsvolv answered your photo: “Which one better? Faster or slower?”:
Does not matter, with faster it looks good as it was water like liquid and in slower as it was thicker liquid, therefore both good.
mefistow answered  your photo: “Which one better? Faster or slower?”:
marandat111 answered your photo: “Which one better? Faster or slower?”:
thanks a lot... : D
more of you liked slow version  X"DD it's time to do mid frames and correct the speed of falling drops
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b-andthejetts · 11 years
rolorules respondeu a sua pergunta: So I was thinking about Talia...
It’s true, of course. She has been ruined for other writers IF she survives the final issue of Batman Inc. Just retcon the whole thing!
Yes! I don't think Batman Inc. should've been cannon in the first place, if it remained as elseworlds things would've been fine.
Robin could die, Talia could be a deranged bitch, because in the great scheme of things, it wouldn't matter! As it is, it's screwing up with continuity, destroying characters and simply pissing me off. I can't wait for it to finish and for Morrison to leave Batman alone.
Maybe then we could get Damian back and someone can pretend Talia was a clone or it was all Titus's dream or something...
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rolorules · 1 year
Administrator's Note: Thank You!
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A little shoutout and thanks are due to all rebloggers, commenters, likers and lurkers on and of this blog, particularly to @roloko-karlstein , who made it reach that 10,000 reblogs milestone and has been a follower for ages.
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isdamianwaynebackyet · 11 years
rolorules replied to your photo: Planned to send this to you anyway! :,) (from...
Damian would have deserved his own series all along. In fact, I think this is what fans should create if DC refuses to bring him back.
I approve of this idea wholeheartedly.
Damian fans, we have a mission.
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rolorules · 2 years
Administrator's Note
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Things Don't Always Work Out as Planned
To give you a few examples: I had intended to resume the How Rolo Sells series in earnest for the blog's tenth anniversary, but this will have to wait till 2023. A new short story for Christmas also didn't happen. Sorry about that.
Last but not least: I still have too many King Rolo keychains left that were a giveaway to celebrate this blogs tenth birtday. So if you live in the EU or the UK and still want to get one (as long as supplies last), PM me.
Thank you for your attention. See you next year.
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rolorules · 2 years
Rolo Rules Has Turned Ten - Time to Celebrate!
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Rolo really does rule. He doesn't always do it wisely, though.
It's been ten years already (in fact, it was ten years on August 4), would you believe it?! I was probably just a bit borded at the beginning of the holidays when I decided to start a Tumblr, but I've never really regretted the decision, and Rolo is still my all-time favourite character in anime. You must like him a lot, too, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
So, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I would once more like to take this opportunity to thank you, first and foremost, for your loyalty to, support of and continued interest in this amazing and tragic character, but also for following this blog and for reading, liking, commenting on and reblogging my posts, as well as for the kind messages you send me. It's very encouraging.
To commemorate this anniversary, the trusted David Füleki has created a King Rolo chibi, both referencing the title of this blog and a certain sound episode. I think it looks great, and I plan on doing more with it. I'll tell you the details when the time is right.
To many more years of Rolo, who still rules, and to our little fandom. See you around.
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rolorules · 2 years
In absolute awe of your dedication to this character. Truly, I think I'm actually starting to like him because of you.
Then my job is done. 😁 But seriously, thank you. That boy really got to me, I will freely admit that. I am also very loyal to my fandoms, which must be the reason why this blog will see (and hopefully celebrate) its tenth anniversary in August.
Speaking of dedication, I am really dissatisfied with myself because I haven't written a new Rolo-related essay or story for ages. This really has to change. At the same time it is clear that there is simply not enogh Rolo material around to keep up the daily posts forever, so I will have to switch back to more irregular posts at some point.
BUT I certainly intend to keep this blog running, and your little message was really encouraging. It also provided a good opportunity to finally make these announcements.
Thanks again and take care!
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rolorules · 2 years
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Today I got the acrylic keychains of the Rolo Rules 10th anniversary chibi I had ordered (no, I didn't mention that before), at least the first batch. I am not totally satisfied quality-wise, but the figure (about 2.4 in resp. 6 cm 'tall') surely looks cute enough. I don't want to turn this into a big deal, but if you like to have one, I will try to get one to you as a gift (as long as supplies last and if there is mail service to your country from my place). I would, of course, prioritise people who are already followers, I hope you understand that.
If you are interested, PM me, and I will tell you how to send me a postal address that I can ship the keychain to. I will use it solely for that purpose and delete it afterwards. That's a promise. In the unlikely case that you should incur customs or taxes, they would be your responsibility (residents of countries that belong to the European Single Market should have no problem at all). The deadline is Friday, 19 August 2022 at 12 p.m. GMT. (Well, that was the deadline,but there is plenty left, just give it a shot, if you like.)
There is another option for people who plan to attend Connichi 2022 in Kassel, Germany in October. There you can get a keychain directly from David Füleki or his colleagues at the Delfinium Prints boot. Just drop the words 'Rolorules' and 'keychain' (or even better: use them in a coherent sentence), and they will be happy to oblige (as long as supplies last). A similar arrangement could be made for MEX Berlin, just tell me if you plan to go there.
Unfortunately, it's impossible for me to predict the actual demand. My blog has shy of 1,200 followers, but most of the time it's the same 10 people who like or reblog my stuff, so I'm curious what will happen.
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