#roman godfrey fucking his sister TWICE
peachyteabuck · 2 years
eternally upset i watched hemlock grove and therefore ruined ouroboros imagery for myself. the image of a snake eating its own tail thereby dooming itself fucks SO hard, but unfortunately i cannot see it without thinking of bill skarsgard going “it’s a shame you’re my sister because that was some sweet pussy” in his shitty pennsylvanian accent 
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ill-skillsgard · 6 years
Can you just do some cute shit with dad roman,his girl and their kids (like Nadia, a son, twin boys and a daughter). Like going on a vacation, or just having a day in or something. I
Sure! But I won’t write for Nadia because no thanks.
You had your reservations and fears going through the pregnancy with Roman. Surely a man with such a troubled past with his parents would be ill-suited to fatherhood, but he had proved you and everyone else wrong. Roman stepped up to the plate and retired his playboy attitude after it had been discussed that the child would be kept.
When Roman found out it was a boy, his solidity to you became even greater. And when that son was born, you were both awestruck with happiness—changed for the better.
Then came your daughter shortly after, as Roman’s role as a father had also endowed him with a whole new  appetite for the woman who had birthed his precious heir.
His daughter worsened his patriarchal tendencies. You swore that Roman was somehow siphoning off your hormones, as he had become an erratic ball of paranoia when it came to you, your condition and the well-being of your son. He was almost overbearing and you begged him several times to relax and just let you be. But everything had to be just so and nobody could convince him otherwise. You were relieved after having your daughter, and could go back on the pill to stop creating new Godfreys for the time being.
A few years passed by. Your son was four, just beginning school and your daughter was still a wobbly tot that Roman worried after constantly. Domestic life had not yet become a drawl. In fact, you could see that having the structure was something Roman relished. And you did too.
One sunny weekend, Roman insisted the four of you simply had to play outside. He even prepared a picnic for lunch so you didn’t have to spend a moment indoors. But you were feeling unwell and had been for the previous few days.
You knew the feeling as well. You had experienced it twice before and this time it was much worse and, without Roman knowing, you purchased a pregnancy test to take in secret.
After a bout of sickness, you locked yourself in your bathroom and decided it was time to take the test while Roman and the kids were busy outside. You hauled yourself onto the toilet, ripped open the box, unsheathed the test from the overwrap, popped the cap and stuck it between your legs for what felt like five minutes before you produced a drop.
Not wanting to overdo it, you placed the test on the flat surface of the counter like the instruction manual advised, and finished what you had started, thoughts momentarily shifted from the test until you glanced over and saw a faint double line come into view.
“Oh, shit,” you covered your mouth.
It was at that time that Roman decided to come looking for his poor, sick girl. 
“Darling? Are you all right?” He called from the bedroom.
“Um… Yes!” You lied.
“Do you need me to help you?”
“No… No… You’ve done enough,” you giggled weakly.
Roman tried the handle and sighed when he found it locked. “Will you let me in?”
“Just a moment,” you called as you flushed the toilet and washed your hands promptly.
Roman had a wide-eyed look on his face when you unlocked and opened the door.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He cupped your face. “Feeling sick again? Maybe we should get you to a doctor.”
You nodded solemnly and touched his wrists. Your head was so clouded with thoughts of pregnancy that you weren’t sure what to say to him, so you sighed and looked back into the smoky green eyes he had passed along to your son and daughter.
Roman’s eyes landed on the white stick laying on the counter, head cocking. “What is… What is that?”
Your son came running into the bedroom with his little sister waddling behind him. You smiled when you saw their carefree happiness radiating like two warm lights.
“Is that a?-”
“Pregnancy test? Yes.”
Roman unhanded you and strode to the counter to pick it up, uncaring that it was probably smeared with your pee. “Well!?”
“Read it, doofus.”
“Two lines. What does that mean? Twins?”
You laughed until your abdomen stung as the children crawled around the floor of the bathroom, grasping at their father’s ankles.
“No, Roman. Science hasn’t come that far. But… It is positive.”
Roman clutched the test in his fist and pumped the air triumphantly. “Fuck yes, another one for Godfrey!”
“Sh! Don’t curse around the kids!”
“Mommy, are you feeling better? Can we go back outside?” Your son groaned.
“Yes, sweetheart. We can go outside.”
Roman scooped up his son and tossed him a foot into the air, causing echoing laughter that roused his sister’s excitement as well.
“Up! Up, please mommy,” she grabbed at you.
Roman leaned over and gave you a great smack of a kiss on the lips and said, “God, I love you, my fertile little baby oven.”
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certifiedskywalker · 7 years
Stare - Peter Rumancek
Peter Rumancek X Godfrey!Reader
Y/N Godfrey, Roman’s twin sister, has a better reputation at school than her brother. Being the most liked Godfrey, next to Letha, came with it’s benefits. Especially when Y/N takes an interest in the new boy in town, Peter Rumancek.
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Contrary to popular consensus, you loved your family. The Godfrey’s had been in Hemlock Grove for years and had made thousands of enemies that wouldn’t look twice to tear your family apart. You were even friends with some of those very enemies because, out of all of Olivia’s children, you were the most friendly Godfrey.
No one dared to get close to Shelley, despite her naturally warm heart; it was a shame really. Your sister was the most deserving of the attention of others. She was smart, funny, and you were proud to be her older sister.
Roman on the other hand, had a reputation. Your twin was cold, rude, and a bad influence. If it wasn’t for the fact you had already had friends in Hemlock Grove, Roman might’ve tarnished your chances at any relationship outside of your family tree.
Next to your siblings, you had your Uncle Norman, Aunt Marie, and Letha. Your cousin, being the only person your brother could actually call a friend, often hung out with you and Roman. If it wasn’t for Letha’s saintly nature, you worried on what could have become of your brother. He refused to listen to anyone and didn’t have any friends.
That all changed when school started up again in August.
“This is dumb,” Roman hissed, taking a drag of his cigarette. He let out a puff of smoke, blowing it away from your direction. He knew how you hated that he smoked.
“This is school, Roman,” you corrected. Your brother scoffed and rolled his eyes. You turned your head over to Shelley who was deeply entranced by a book. “Hey Shell, do you want to wait in Library? It may be more quiet in there,” you suggested.
Your sister looked up at you and pulled out her phone. Using her stylus she tapped a message into the voice reader. You smiled as you waited, wishing that one day you’d be able to hear Shelley’s voice rather than an automated one.
“You’re right,” the voice rang out, “I will see you two later, after school.” You nodded and watched as Shelley stood up. She towered over you and gave you that adorably awkward smile. You gave her a quick hug, wrapping your arms around her waist.
“Have a good day, Shelley,” you said as you pulled away.
“And if anyone gives you shit, send them my way,” Roman added. Shelley’s smile widened at her brother’s words and gave him a wave before turning to walk inside the school.
“How do you think it will go?” You asked your brother. You looked over and Roman took another drag, letting his shoulders slump.
“If I don’t have to punch anyone today, I’ll be surprised.” You gave you brother and frown and he shrugged. “It’s true,” he mumbled, “everyone thinks they can get away with hurting her.” You nodded, watching Shelley’s form disappeared within the school.
“It doesn’t help that you have slept with half of the female population in Hemlock Grove,” you pointed out. “I could count the number of people that stopped talking to me because-” Roman looked away from you, something catching his eye.
You followed his gaze, your own eyes landing on the someone he looking at. He wasn’t the tallest boy you had seen, definitely shorter than Roman. His hair was longer and a shade of dark brown that framed his bearded face perfectly. He turned to look in your direction, his blue eyes landing on you. Heat rose to your cheeks and you looked away quickly.
“Who the fuck is that,” Roman mumbled, throwing his cigarette to the side. When you looked over at your brother, his gaze was hard on the boy as he walked away. His jaw clenched his nostrils flaring a little as he tried to figure it out.
“I’ve never seen him,” you said, watching the new arrival as he walked towards the school door.
“None of your friends have seen him?” Roman sneered. You glanced back over at your brother, slapping his shoulder. “What?! It was an honest question!”
“If they knew I would have known,” you said, still glaring at your brother.
“Cause you hang out with the gossips,” Roman said with a smirk.
“No, because I hang out with the people you fuck over,” you shot back. Roman placed a hand over his heart in feign hurt.
“You wound me,” Roman said with his smirk still plastered on his face. You rolled your eyes and glanced around the courtyard. One of the girls you talk to regularly waved you over and you smiled.
“I’ll see you later, Roman,” you said, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. Your brother smiled and watched you walk off. As you made your way over to your friend, you felt eyes burning into your skin. You glanced over your shoulder, thinking it was Roman, but he was no longer there.
“Y/N! Hey! How was your summer?” greeted your friend. You smiled and gave her a hug.
“It was okay,” you answered, still distracted by the feeling of being watched. You looked over your shoulder again, then glancing around. Your eyes landed on the boy you and Roman had seen, his burning blue glazed stuck on you.
“You alright, Y/N?” You friend asked, but your gaze remained on the boy watching you. He had kind features from what you could see, although he wasn’t smiling.
“Yeah,” you said, peeling your eyes off of him, “I’m alright.” You opened your mouth again, turning to your friend to ask about the boy when the bell rang. A flood of your peers stormed towards you and pushed you in the school; the boy escaping your sight.
The first day had passed with no other encounter with the new boy. Although, you had learned through a rumor that he was a gypsy. More importantly, you knew his name: Peter Rumancek. You felt bad for him a little, due to the other half of the rumor. Some thought he was a werewolf, despite how outlandish it sounded.
“It’s ridiculous isn’t it?” You asked your cousin Letha the next day. “A werewolf,” you shook your head as you walked beside your cousin. You didn’t dare tell anyone your own thoughts on the new guy. How you day dreamed about his lips and those bright blues eyes.
“You know how people can be,” Letha said sadly, pulling you out of your thoughts. You nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. You had witnessed the cruelty of people first hand with Shelley, along with your mother’s coldness towards everyone but Roman.
As you walked down the hallway a movement caught you eyes. You recognized Peter, long brown hair covering part of his face as he pressed his ear against the girl’s bathroom. You were about to speak up when Peter noticed you.
“I um...this is…” he glanced at the door as a moan sounded from the other side. “This is exactly what it looks like.” Letha rolled her eyes in disgust, but you smiled humorously at the strange boy. Peter gave you a smile too, his eyes lingering on yours with interest.
“Y/N?” Letha’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. You managed to pull your gaze from Peter’s and caught up to your cousin quickly. As you fell into step beside Letha, you it your lip and glanced over your shoulder. Peter smiled when your eyes locked with his and he waved.
“You like him,” Letha said, just loud enough for you to hear. You glanced at your cousin, a blush coating your cheeks in a deep crimson.
“I barely know him,” you protested, “and Roman doesn’t seem to care for him.” Letha clicked her tongue and shook her head, as if knowing better.
“Your brother is unpredictable,” she said, “and he can’t control who you like. No more than you can.”
“When did you become so wise?” You asked teasingly. Letha smiled then frowned, but not sadly. “Letha, are you okay?” Your cousin nodded, placing a gentle hand on her stomach.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I was always wise, in a motherly way.”
“Are you ready to go, Y/N?” Roman was leaning against the car, waiting, rather impatiently, for you to get ready. You hugged your textbooks closer to your chest as you walked over to the passenger side door.
“Sorry,” you breathed out, “got caught up in the halls.” You brushed your hair out of your face as Roman got into the driver’s seat. Glancing in the rearview mirror, you saw Shelley who waited with a soft expression. “How was your day?”
“It was okay,” Shelley quickly typed, “Peter said ‘Hi’ to me today.” Your eyes widened at her comment making Shelley stare at you with worry. “What?”
“You know Peter? The new guy?” Shelley nodded and her cheeks started to glue with a light blue to them.
“Do you know him too?” Roman asked. Your head spun to face your twin, wondering how on Earth Peter had managed to interact with every Godfrey except yourself. Maybe he didn’t care for you; that would be a first.
“I’ve seen him around,” you said quickly, already feeling your cheeks start to warm. “I didn’t know he talked to you two.” As you spoke, Roman started to drive towards the front of the school to get out of the parking lot.
He stopped suddenly, rolling down the window on your side. You glanced at your brother, but he wore a charming smile as he yelled out the window.
“Hey, Peter!” You turned to look out of the window and sure enough, the Rumancek boy stood on the sidewalk. His blues eyes locked with your gaze and you instantly looked away.
“Do you need a ride?” Your brother offered. Roman didn’t seem to notice your glare as he waited for Peter to answer.
“I, uh,” Peter started and at the sound of his voice, you looked up at him again. You curled your lips together as you looked at him. He seemed so out of place in the gloomy Hemlock Grove; just as your warm personality was a butterfly in the Godfrey bee-hive.
“I could use one, yeah,” Peter said, still looking at you. Roman reached over with one long arm and opened the passenger side door for Peter. You scooted over as far as you could, trying to give Peter as much room as possible.
“Hey Shelley,” Peter greeted when he noticed your sister in the back of the car. Shelley smiled at him, waving a heavily bandaged hand towards him. Peter’s gaze traveled to you, giving you an almost shy smile. “We haven’t officially met,” he held out his hand.
“I’m Y/N,” you took his hand to shake it, “Y/N Godfrey.”
“What?! You’re a Godfrey too?” Peter’s tone was shocked, his grip on your hand tightening slightly as he spoke. “How many of you are in this fucking town?”
“Too many,” Roman answered as he drove away from the school. “Do you mind if we stop by our place first? Shelley and Y/N have stuff to do,” Roman asked. Peter simply shook his head.
“Don’t mind at all.” Due to how close you two were to each other, you found it hard to look anywhere but at him. You could feel his body warmth emanating beside you, the brush of his leg against your own. The blush on your cheeks only seemed to deepen.
Every so often, you would catch yourself looking at the boy beside you. Sometimes, you’d catch Peter looking at you. Whenever that happened, you both blushed and looked away. You hated that Letha was right. The whole drive home, Roman had a smug smirk plastered across his face and Shelley was smiling too.
As soon as you got home, you rushed to your room. Your heart was beating faster than it ever had before and it was all because of Peter. You barely knew him, yet, you found yourself thinking about him more often than not.
It was a strange feeling too. Despite the fact you were known as the most affable Godfrey, Peter had hardly breathed a word to you. You had only exchanged stares, nothing more. So how come a blush stained your cheeks every time you looked at him?
Before you could explore your thoughts any longer, your attention was drawn to a knocking at your door.
“Come in,” you yelled, thinking it was Shelley. Roman would’ve just barged in. The door to your room opened slowly. As you watched, you saw a familiar head of dark brown hair poke inside. “Peter?” you asked and sure enough, the gypsy boy gave you a smile.
“Hey,” he said as he entered. He closed the door behind him as he continued. “I just wanted to apologize.” You shifted on your feet uneasily, not understanding what he had to be sorry for.
Peter seemed to sense your confusion and stepped a little closer to you. There were still a few feet apart, but you could now see the darker blue around his irises.
“I just thought, at least yesterday morning, that you were with Roman.” Your eyes widened due to what he was implying. You let out a nervous, but true laugh at his statement. Peter smiled too, a blush coating his cheeks due to his embarrassment.
“No wonder you looked so pissed,” you said, making Peter’s smile widen. You leaned back against your dresser, trying to seem cool and collected. You had managed to make enemies into friends but when it came to Peter, you had no idea where to begin.
“Know that I know you’re his sister,” Peter continued, but you spoke up again.
“Twin,” you corrected, “twin sister.” Peter’s eyes widened and he ran a hand through his long hair.
“That makes this harder somehow,” Peter said with a sign. You cocked your head at him, giving him a small, shy smile.
“What is this?” You asked and Peter let out a chuckle. He looked up from his shoes and met your eyes. All of the times you had caught his eyes before didn’t match to the tension between you now.
With only a few strides, Peter was a mere inches away from you. You could feel his breath against your skin and you couldn’t stop yourself from leaning closer. Peter’s hands moved to your face, cupping both of your cheeks.
“It’s this,” he whispered before pressing his lips to yours with a rush of confidence. His lips were slightly chapped but they moved with such purpose, you couldn’t have cared less. Your hands didn’t know where to go but soon found their spots on his chest.
Peter’s beard tickled your cheeks as his lips moved smoothly against your own. You let out a hum of contentment and you felt Peter smile into the kiss. When you were forced to break the kiss for air, Peter still wore that smile.
“I should’ve talked to you sooner,” Peter said, smiling at you like a school boy. You curled your lips together and nodded.
“Definitely,” you agreed. You leaned in again, ready for another kiss when a shout from downstairs made you jump.
“Peter?! You ready to go?” Roman’s voice rang upstairs, reminding you that you and Peter weren’t exactly alone. Peter licked his lips, meeting your eyes with a soft smile.
“That’s my ride,” he said with a breathy chuckle. You nodded and closed the gap between the two of you once more. This kiss was even softer than the first, but shorter too.
“I’ll see you at school tomorrow?” You asked against his lips.
“Of course,” he said with a grin, “and this time I won’t just stare at you.” He brushed some hair out of your face, “I’ll kiss you just like…” He pressed his lips to yours one last time, your eyes fluttering closed at the contact.
“Good,” you breathed out. Peter smiled and pulled away from you. As he left the room, your door stayed open to reveal Shelley, blue glow spreading across her cheeks. “Shelley!” You whisper yelled, but your sister only smiled. She pulled out her phone and tapped out a message.
“That was cute,” the phone voice read out. You blushed and covered your face with your hands. “I won’t tell Roman,” Shelley’s phone said. You uncovered your face and smiled at your sister gratefully.
“Thanks Shell,” you said as you walked over to your bed. You collapsed on the soft sheets, your mind still whirling from Peter’s kiss. You couldn’t wait till tomorrow, when you could do so much more than just stare.
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Keeping up with the Godfreys.
So i started watching Hemlock Grove and Romand Godfrey stole my heart so here i am . I hope you enjoy. Also sorry for my english its not my native language
Pairings: RomanXReader
Warnings: None
You were in a relationships with Roman for like almost one year. It was your first long relationship, Roman’s first too , you were sure . Everything between you was fine , even at the beginning Roman still looked under the girls skirts , because he didn’t know how to act with a girl like you . You were pure , no other man has touched you even though you were 17. Shelly was like the sister you never have but you loved her . Peter become your best friend too , with who you were gossip about everything. But then there was his mom couldn’t watch you in the eye , she tried to bring Roman girls over night knowing that you were there , she makes accusation of you cheating on Roman and loving him just for money . You wasn’t his favorite, you were a simple girl , from a simple family , your dad was a cop and your mom a nurse .
You revived an message from Roman who said : “We need to talk, meet me at 8 , home -R” , you wouldn’t think about the worse , you thought he did something stupid again and needed you to help him . So you grab your jacket and car keys and headed to his house . Roman was waiting you outside the look in his eyes maked you starting worrying. You approach to take his hand but he didn’t let you .
Y/n: Ok , what’s wrong with you?!
Roman: It it true ?! you looked confused at his words you didn’t know what he was talking about , seeing that you don’t respond he continue his sentence . “Is it true that you are cheating on me Y/n?” his voice started to raise
Y:n: Are you drunk? What the hell Roman? I’m with you 24/7 and you accuse me of cheating?! You being serious right now?
Roman: I want you to leave! your eyes were filled with tears ,your heart broke at his words.
Y/n: Is that what you really want ? You’re not even going to listen to me?
Roman: I said i want you to leave , don’t make me say it twice!
You were back at you car , hitting, and screaming out of your lungs. You went straight home , your parents seeing you , you told them what happend and you locked yourself into your room . The next morning was school morning , but you didn’t attend to that day , or the next that has been followed. At some point you stopped crying , you put make up on again , and went to school . There you met Peter , who was hesitating to talk to you , Shelly who wasn’t looking at you . All because of a rumor . You walked into the history class when you saw Roman , with a new girl in his lap , almost making out on the desk , it was gross and heartbreaking at the same time , it wasn’t even two months and he started his old habits again. You could feel his eyes on you , but you acted like he wasn’t there . After the classes were over , you went home , with that pain still in your chest after seeing him, thinking that maybe you were nothing to him , that his mother was right he didn’t loved you he just needed you to control himself. You waved your thoughts away with some good music , an old movie , bottle of wine , but the tears keeps going down your face . On a new week , Monday actually, you were on the hallway, someone grabbed your hand , it was Peter , his eyes full of apologies.
Peter: I knew it wasn’t true! you looked confused at him “You didn’t cheat on Roman , I knew it”
Y/n: What you talking about?
Peter: Last night , at the party , Roman finded out you weren’t cheating on him , the he’s been fucking , one of them , was drunk and told him how glad she is that she could break you two apart. So Roman freaked out and started to punch everything in his way . You were shocked at Peters words , but it still didn’t matter , he choose some rumor over you , and then start making out with other hoes.
You were at home in your bed , thinking about what Peter told you , thinking about what you knew . You hear a knock on your door. “go away” you shouted. But the doors still opened anyway. Annoyed you turned and Roman Godfrey was standing in front of your face.
Roman: “Please , take me back”. You could see how destroyed he was , his eyes were puffy and he looked like he hasn’t sleep since you two broke up
Y/n: What do you want Roman?!
Roman: “To take me back , please take me back , i was a fool , he continued sitting next to you , i’m so sorry, i should’ve listen to you , i cant live without you and i don’t want without you , in this months i’ve been with women’s , fucking them , trying to find you in them , i have 100 and none of them could be you , they didn’t have you touch , they didn’t feel like you , please Y/n” He was angry and frustrated all at the same time , you were in tears again , again for the Godfrey. You took his head in your hands , looked deep into his eyes and said “I forgive you” . He still didn’t believe your words , being in shock , you wanted to say something more but his lips were crashed on yours . You admite it in your mind , you missed the way his lips fit with yours , you were desperate to feel him , he moved his hand on your tight , then up on your waist and then he stopped, you looked at him with wide eyes . He opened his mouth
Roman: “I want to be with you tonight. And every night since now on. I want you to move with me . I can’t lose you . Not again .” You froze in place
Y/n: “Roman , I want to be with you too , but there are more things to discuss about it , I mean there is your mom , my parents “ your forhead rested on his
Roman: “I don’t think that would be a problem “he smiled and kissed your lips slowly. Behind your door was standing Olivia , who smiled at you and said “You’re welcome in our family Y/n , Roman really needs you , you make him a good person” with that she leaves .
Roman looked in your eyes with excitement “So?” you cupped his face “YES!”
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carlyjyll · 8 years
Review! Hemlock Grove: Part 3 The Forever Howl
Time to dive back into that wacky Gothic adventure by Brian McGreevy called Hemlock Grove. There will be SPOILERS!
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Review Time!
Guys, I’m upset. This is the last part of my four-part review for Hemlock Grove and I have to say that I’m really sad to say goodbye. Which is odd considering how God awful this ended for all of our characters.
So we start this final part with Peter and Roman making up! Also during this marvelous reunion, we have Peter confessing he loves Letha! Yay, the gangs all back together again! Well metaphorically speaking, Peter and Roman gotta go kick ass first. Sadly their attempt at stopping the vargulf is futile as Dr. Chasseur decides this is the right time to tranquilize Peter just after he transforms into his wolf self.
I digress, as Chasseur’s attempt to take Peter away and kill him is stopped by none other than the world’s greatest mother, Olivia Godfrey. This light of joy has Peter brought back to the Godfrey mansion as she proceeds to tie Chasseur up for two days before devouring her. Which I really liked Olivia’s story about her and her sisters game before killing Chasseur, it was sickly satisfying.
Before Chasseur dies, the vargulf kills Alexa and Alyssa Sworn. This causes Christina’s hair to become fully white and leaves her in a very bad place still believing that Peter is killing all the girls. This idea is shared by many others as the Rumancek’s trailer is burnt down. Olivia puts the Rumancek’s up in her house, where the next morning Peter and Letha are finally reunited!
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 Unfortunately, this reunion is spoiled as Neck and Nose show up to arrest Peter. Nose is a complete racist but honestly are any of us surprised? As Peter is getting beat by the cops as they try to take him in he pretty much confirms his love for Roman. “And Roman. Help Roman become a man on the path of light and love. Not the other way. Tell Roman... all the things I couldn’t.” (page 247) UMMMM if that isn’t a confession I don’t know what is!  As is the theme of this book Roman shows up just in time to tell the police to 1) fuck off or 2) he’ll make them shoot their brains out. This works because Roman is Roman.
Peter hides out in the chapel where Dr. Godfrey helps Roman and him to do this. Roman then reveals to Norman that Peter is a werewolf as Roman and Letha get it on in the chapel. Where Christina, having escaped her room, watches them. Norman only finds out about Christina’s disappearance as he decides to leave his wife permanently for Olivia. Poor Marie :( but also yay Marie? 
The next day it becomes known that another girl was killed. Peter and Roman go to Destiny to find out what to do. Roman goes on his own and becomes a Disney princess in this chapter. I kid you not. He starts stepping up for all these animals only to be met with Peter having to kill his cat in order for the vargulf to be stopped. This part made me go and hug my cat for a good five minutes until she scratched.
We also learn that Nicolae didn’t actually cross the Atlantic by lily pad, though that would be very cool. He actually stole a car and then sold it for an airplane ticket. Go Nicolae for being stealthy!
Norman apologizes to Shelley at long fucking last for being, well, Norman. This is of course before Shelley takes off to the chapel (but we’ll get to that in a moment.) At the same time, we learn that Christina escaped and went to Letha’s place. 
Now, man oh man, this next part was so well written. I just loved getting to see the insight of  Christina and how she became the vargulf (Spoilers).  That she once kissed Peter (while he was sleeping. Like girl, no wonder you ended up kissing a corpse! Stop kissing people in their sleep!) Then she followed after him once he transformed and poured water into his paw print and drank from it, thus become a werewolf herself. The entirety of Chapter Black Run was fucking wonderfully written, I really enjoyed it.
Then comes the climax! Which is so fucking Shakespearean, I love it. We learn that Jenny was the latest girl to die, you remember the girl that was fired at the beginning of the book for being nice to Shelley. Inside the church, Peter ties Christina up before they both turn into their wolf forms and battle it out. Shelley comes bursting through at the last minute and kills Christina, which is rather unfortunate as Sheriff Sworn sees her holding a limp body of yet another dead girl and shoots her. Not just once or twice but several times, causing Shelley to flee and go missing.
Peter lives! And all is right with the world! The End!
If only.
We skip to six months after Christina dies and Shelley goes missing. Letha is going to give birth but dies while doing so. Which, fuck, I knew this was coming because I watched the show but damn it! It still hurts! Anyways we cut to Olivia telling us her past, where long story short she was ugly af, but somehow got laid and had a baby that was adopted by the Rumancek family! So technically this would mean Peter and Roman are related somehow, which seems to be the new in with the Godfreys. Mainly because we learn that Roman was the ‘angel’ that Letha said got her pregnant, and her baby is his. Roman slices his wrists, which does nothing but trigger his full transformation into an upir, much to Olivia’s delight.
Peter leaves Hemlock Grove.
*Tears Go By, by the Rolling Stones plays*
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So that’s the end of my Part 4 of Hemlock Grove! 
Like I said at the beginning of the review I’m sad that this is over. :( This book was not afraid to be ugly and twisted and flesh all of its characters. I absolutely loved how fucked up this book was! 
Big kudos to McGreevy though, that man knows how to tell a story. He literally laid out all the pieces for us in plain sight and yet we still were questioning what the hell was going on. That’s a hell of a storyteller there.
McGreevy’s writing style is so intriguing to me. Like I said in Part 3 of my review, reading his book has made me reevaluate a lot of my own work (which is excellent! I always need to improve myself in that area). He also gave me courage to make fucked up characters and not be bothered if everybody loves them. It doesn’t really matter if they’re beloved characters it's more about if they’re interesting or not. At least to me. Like I don’t for the life of me ever want to be associated with someone like Roman, but I will read fucking ten more books about that boy because his decisions and him as a character is so fucked up and intriguing. 
So a salute to McGreevy for writing this really awesome book, it kicked ass and is gonna stay in my brain forever. Especially Olivia’s final letter and chapter Black Run.
BONUS! Favorite Quotes!
“Shee-it” x2 
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“It’s beautiful” *two seconds later* “I’m not a homo,”- Roman to Peter about shifting back into his human form.
“The fucking cat.”- Roman about the fucking cat
“Fucking actresses.” Chasseur about Olivia.
“Well okay.” - Roman about his life. This is probably the most relatable thing Roman has done.
“The women of the audience may want to close their eyes now.”- narrator becoming self-aware.
Go check out all of Brian McGreevy’s links!
Check out Brian McGreevy’s website here !
Buy his book, Hemlock Grove here!
If you haven’t seen Hemlock Grove on Netflix go and give it a look!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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peachyteabuck · 4 years
i love how people are defending Evans in knives out HE WAS RACIST AND KILLED SOMEONE!!! i actually enjoyed the movie when he wasn’t in it 😬😂
tbh I dont...get it, but Roman godfrey was a rapist who fucked his sister twice and people bust a nut for those characters because they like "dark" stuff and the white men that play them. Like, I've reblogged ransom fic! But that's because the writers were really good and I can separate canon from fandom.
Knives Out is a good movie, tho. I thoroughly enjoyed it
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