#Lukis says things
peachyteabuck · 1 year
she is the funniest woman alive
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edit: terfs can reblog this but only if they acknowledge malala explicitly supports trans women's rights being apart of broader struggles for women's rights.
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seven-tastic · 1 year
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prentissluvr · 11 months
sweet 🍇anon who requested for luke if you see this! lmk if you want me to be making this romantic bc i've been making it ambiguous (could be read as romantic or platonic depending on any extra details the individual reader would like to add) and then i realized i could just try and ask you! so yeah lol i just don't want to assume anything bc your request could go either way and i could make this purely hurt/comfort or i can make it hurt/comfort but they are kinda in love with each other and there are actual details about that part lol <3 either one is very doable and very enjoyable for me but i wanted to double check with you before assuming one way or the other <333
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nicohischierz · 7 months
one in a million: luke hughes
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hischif you want to join the taglist let me know!!
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he searched for you at every gathering, the saving grace and the only incentive he needed to attend anything.
the two of you would often hide away from the rest of the party. consumed in a world where it was just the two of you.
a world with no responsibilities and no comparisons.
luke understood you and you understood him.
“i’m gonna miss this when i’m gone,” luke whispered.
you smiled up at him, snuggling further into his chest. luke was your calm during the storm. the one person who always put you first.
both of you wished everyday could be like this.
“so you’re going to jersey? straight after frozen four, win or lose?” you asked.
he nodded.
when the game was over, luke only searched for one person. he found you almost immediately. to him, you stood out in the sea of faces, wearing his ntdp jersey.
luke tried changing as fast as he could to meet you but the devils representative stopped him. "I'm sorry but they want you on the plane immediately," the guy explained.
"i need to see her," luke fought.
the guy shook his head. "i'm sorry kid," he ushered luke away, giving the boy a solemn look.
walking into the locker room, you noticed the sour looks on everyone's faces. but at this point, you were only looking for one face and he didn't appear to be there.
erik portillo saw you first.
he initially came to tell you he was signing with the kings but when he saw your frantic nature, he knew he had to tell you about luke's departure.
the tall swede ushered you outside, making sure you were away from the media commotion before whispering "he left sötis,".
you almost let out a laugh before looking at erik. "that's not funny erik, where is he?" you asked.
erik's eyes were a giveaway that he truly wasn't lying. luke had left without so much as a goodbye.
your breathe was shaky as you looked around the hallway, tears filling up your eyes once again.
once you were back in your hotel room, you did what any sane person would do. you texted luke, telling him what a coward he was for leaving you like that.
lukie pookie: call me
that text alone sent you into a spiral.
obviously, you didn't call him. he was the one who left without saying a word so he should be the one to pay for the pain he caused you. a pain that rivalled what you felt with the pressures of the world.
it was obvious to everyone who knew you and luke that something was going on.
the once energetic duo, now barely had the energy to say hello.
after luke left the others started to leave one by one.
nolan joined a team in russia.
the seniors said their last goodbyes before going off.
mackie signed with the panthers.
and when erik left you felt as if things were changing too fast.
you followed the swedish boy to california and stayed with him until you wrapped your mind around what was going on.
alex turcotte was shocked to see you when he arrived to training one morning. well, he was shocked to see the shell of the girl he once knew. the chicago native immediately texted jack that you were in california and asked what happened.
“sötis, you can’t hide here forever.” erik prompted. he was currently trying to find flights for the two of you back to michigan so that you could spend summer with your family.
you ignored him and ate your soup dumplings. “i’ll pay the rent cost while i’m here erik. please don’t make me go back,” you begged.
but alas, erik had enlisted the help of alex who had brought trevor along with him. both older boys had their bags packed and tickets in hand as they reached the apartment.
“listen y/n/n, we’re not taking no for an answer. now either you pack your things and follow us or we pack for you and you get stuck with whatever we choose,” trevor gave the ultimatum.
rolling your eyes, you walked into your room as the three boys followed. they smiled as they watched you pack, happy that their slight threat worked.
erik drove the three of you to the airport and gave you one big hug before whispering “stay there for two weeks and if you don’t like it, i’ll buy you a ticket to sweden,”
you nodded. now you just had to get through two weeks and complain that it was a horrible experience.
“but you’re not allowed to make yourself hate the trip,” erik added. you hated how well he knew you.
that’s how you found yourself waiting for jack to pick you, trevor and alex from the airport.
jack ignored his two best friends as he ran over to you. engulfing you in a hug, spinning you around. “i missed you squish!” he exclaimed.
you smiled into jack’s shoulder. “i missed you too rowdy,” the middle hughes held onto you a little longer before greeting his friends.
the car ride to the lake house was silent in your part as you furiously texted erik about your dislike for his plans.
upon reaching the house, you were greeted by your fellow michigan classmates. they all yelled in delight at your presence and swarmed you into a hug.
“we thought we lost you to sweden!” dylan exclaimed, his arm around your shoulder.
you chuckled and looked to alex and trevor. the two boys wearing cheeky grins as they grabbed you bags. “well if it weren’t for these two i might’ve gone with erik,” you answered.
luke looked from a distance. pain and hurt in his eyes as he watched you interact with your friends and his family.
once everyone was done greeting you, you looked up at luke and smiled. the boy smiling back at you but no words exchanged.
you didn’t talk to luke until the boys first party.
just like every other party, you were hiding away on the roof. it didn't take long for luke to find you but once he did, he was glad.
the two of you sat in silence until you spoke up. "you didn't say goodbye," you murmured.
luke's heart broke as he heard your voice crack.
"they didn't let me bubbles. i wanted to come say bye to you but the guy said I needed to get on the plane. then my phone died and I didn't get any of your calls. when I tried to call you back it didn't go through," he ranted.
at this point, you were turned to luke. tears in both your eyes as you finally spoke about your feelings over the past two months.
"you're my best friend luke and we promised we'd be there for each other. you promised you'd never leave me and you didn't say goodbye," you raised your voice slightly.
more tears were streaming down your faces. your chest rose and sunk furiously as you tried to remain calm.
when luke didn't say anything more, you made your way back into the house. you glanced at him one more time before reaching his door.
"you weren't at my debut," he exclaimed.
you stilled and turned to him. "i was there luke. i bought the first available ticket to new jersey and the first ticket i could get my hands on for the game." you confessed.
luke's eyes softened. he ran over to you and brought you in for a hug. your face was nuzzled in his chest as both of you cried in each others arms.
"i don't want to lose you again bubbles," he whispered.
"you never lost me lukie,"
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ma1dita · 3 months
Why do I see Luke and trouble being like "Shut up and kiss me" after Luke or trouble (whichever) talks about something they enjoy and the other is like I'm gonna kiss them cause they're so cute
done and dusted
luke castellan x dionysus!reader
a/n: fun lil short blurb for lukie pooks!! enjoy kissing him lol ty for the req morghen this was from a while ago-> check out my partners in crime series if you wanna see more
wc: 675
There’s a subtle curiosity that fills the air whenever Luke Castellan is around. You know by now not to deify gods nor people, much less a curly-headed boy with flighty eyes and a grin that always makes you feel like he knows something you don’t.
“Dangerous… the way you’re looking at me right now, trouble.” Luke’s grin is almost evil as his gaze washes over your curled up frame on the tattered couch. You’re gathering fabrics and props from the basement of the Big House for the next play you’ll organize, and Luke came along to help you carry some boxes (you’re more than strong enough to do so by yourself, but he just wants some alone time with his girl).
“M’not even doing anything! Just looking at you,” you smirk, bumping his hip against yours and his cargo pants brush against the skin of your thigh. He hisses, dust clouding your view of him when his leg catches the edge of the wooden table in the corner of the room.
“What’s this for again?” he sniffles, wiping his nose and tossing a headpiece into another box as he watches you sort through sequins and scrolls on the floor.
“Romeo and Juliet. Classic. You know I have a thing for Shakespeare,” you begin to ramble, swooning over one of the greatest love stories of all time but all Luke can do is focus on the one between the two of you. He’s oddly quiet, and you turn from your bent over position to see him admiring the view. Rolling your eyes you grumble, “Babe, were you even listening?”
“Yeah, you were talking about having a thing for a dead guy that isn’t me….” he teases, pulling you in by the belt loops as your hands trail up to wrap around his neck, “and you were about to tell me about how much you love me!” He smiles stupidly, like it’s a matter of fact. He’s incredibly lucky it is, he thinks, as you crack a smile and kiss his jaw, shaking your head at your boyfriend’s antics. “That’s not even what I was trying to say, Luke. Even though I do love you. What I was saying is that Romeo and Juliet is an amazing piece of literature because no matter what they go through, it all starts and ends with love. How beautiful is that?” you yap, not noticing that he’s backing you onto the edge of the dusty table. Like you weigh nothing, between your breaths you’re lifted onto said table with a yelp and his hands stay firm and warm on your hips.
“You’re beautiful.”
“For gods’ sake, Luke,” you giggle, “what do you want?”
His nose trails a path from your collarbone to your cheek and up into your hair—the scent of you overpowering the other elements in this decrepit room. Sweet, and soft, and his.
“I want the love of my life to just shut up for a second and kiss me. How about that?” he murmurs, lips already brushing against your growing grin as you pull him in by the curls on the nape of his neck.
Sometimes he wishes it was more normal to keep eyes open during a kiss. Luke doesn’t want to miss a single second of you even as you occupy all of his senses—the plush of your skin under his wandering hands, the smell of your perfume wafting as he pulls you closer into him, the sounds of your soft moans under his ministrations and the taste of you in his mouth as you slip your tongue against his own, dancing in familiarity in tune with your noises. He sneaks peeks of you through heavy eyelids—unable to rip away from the sight of your bliss in his arms.
And then you’re pulling away with a smirk, “M’not letting you defile me in a dusty basement, much less in my dad’s house.”
His lips press against your temple as he sighs, moving in the shape of words you can barely make out.
“Worth a shot.”
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corroded-hellfire · 3 months
I saw a video on Instagram of a girl who had a rough day at school because she got in a fight with her friend. And her little sister says I'm your best friend and wipes the girl's tears and then hugs her. I couldn't help but think of Ryan or Luke having a bad day at school and Eliza comes to hug them telling them that she loves them and not to be sad.
I immediately fell in love with this idea. Little Eliza has such sass and attitude, but she also has the biggest heart 💕
Words: 2k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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The front door opens and a quick glance at the clock visible in the hallway, just outside of where you are in the laundry room, tells you that it’s Luke coming home from school. The familiar sounds of him kicking his shoes off and walking into the kitchen reach you as you transfer the wet clothes into the dryer. But instead of hearing him rummage around the pantry or cabinets like normal, the noise is surprisingly civilized as he pulls something out of the refrigerator and lets that door swing closed behind him.
The fourteen-year-old’s footsteps start coming down the hall, thumping louder the closer he gets to you. In your peripheral vision, you see Luke walk past the laundry room, a bottle of water in his hands as he heads towards the stairs.
“Hey, troublemaker,” you say. 
There’s no response. The sound of him climbing the stairs reverberates through the walls and you frown as you snatch up the box of dryer sheets on the shelf above the washing machine. 
Even if Luke didn’t hear you, it’s unusual for him to come home and be so quiet. It’s not uncommon for the boy to track you down as soon as he’s grabbed a snack so he can tell you about something he did in class or something funny that happened at lunch. Your Mom Sense starts to tingle. 
Freshly washed clothes all now in the dryer, you close the lid and press the familiar buttons to get your last chore of the day finished. Before you can even take a step towards the door though, a loud thump thump thump thump thump careens down the hallway. There’s a flash of two curly pigtails and purple overalls rushing past the laundry room before the surprisingly heavy tread for a four-year-old follows in her brother’s wake up the stairs. 
As much as you know Luke loves his little sister, if something is going on with him, he probably won’t want to deal with the preschooler. You wipe your hands off on the side of your jeans and follow your kids up the stairs, ready to wrangle in your precocious daughter if need be. 
The murmur of voices floats down the hall once you’re upstairs. It’s hard to tell what they’re saying, but you can make out the distinct pitches between the teenage boy and pipsqueak little girl. 
“You’re not okay,” you hear Eliza say as you silently approach Luke’s room. 
The door is open, but you don’t want to barge in on whatever they have going on, so you wait just on the other side of the door frame until they’re finished. 
“Eliza,” Luke says with a sigh. But his sister is right. The slight wobble of his usually strong and steady voice is a dead giveaway. 
Mattress springs creak and between Eliza’s little huffs of effort and Luke’s sharp inhale at a wince, you wager she’s climbing into his lap. One of the many things your daughter inherited from Eddie was her grace, which is to say, she doesn’t really have any. 
Careful not to make a sound, you lean into the doorway of Luke’s room to take a peek. The way the bed is situated your son isn’t able to see you from where he sits on it, socked feet planted on the sage carpet. Eliza is indeed on his lap, her legs draped across her brother’s thighs and her back to you. 
Luke’s arm is around her small frame so she won’t fall and Eliza rests her head against his chest, tilting her head up to look at him. 
“What’s wrong, Lukie?” she asks softly.
Your second oldest son doesn’t typically like that nickname and will always tell people to stop calling him that—except for Eliza. She’s the soft spot of the entire family. 
Luke lets out a sigh and you don’t think he’s going to answer his sister. You expect him to deny it again and tell her to go play with her toys. But instead, you watch his shoulders slump, and he lowers his head, starting to pick at a loose thread on the cuff of Eliza’s overalls. 
“I was supposed to hang out with one of my friends,” Luke starts, but is interrupted. 
“You don’t know—oh, yeah, you do. It’s Sean.”
“The one who looks like a chocolate chip cookie?” she asks. 
Luke snorts, failing at containing his laughter, and you cover your mouth to suppress your urge to giggle. 
“Those are called freckles, Lize,” Luke explains. Your son has lovingly referred to one of his best friends as “chocolate chip face” when his freckles become darker and more pronounced in the summer. It’s nice to know Eliza hears everything, though. 
“Anyway,” Luke continues, “he and I were supposed to go to the movies tonight. But he blew me off—uh, canceled on me.”
“Maybe his mommy is sick,” Eliza offers, unable to turn off her empathetic instincts. 
“No,” Luke says with a head shake. “He’s going bowling with someone else.”
Eliza sits up straight in her brother’s lap at this. You don’t have to see her face to know her eyebrows are pinching together.
“That’s not nice. Why can’t you go with them?”
Another sigh from Luke as he shakes his head.
“He’s going with a girl. A date.” The word sounds bitter as it rolls off your son’s tongue. 
“Date?” Eliza sounds confused.
“Sean likes the girl. He wants her to be his girlfriend. So, he picked her over me tonight,” Luke says. 
Your heart splinters as you listen to him. Memories of when you were fourteen are still vivid in your mind and when friends bail on you it hurts—especially when it’s to spend time with another person. It comes with the age and hormones though, you know that. Luke’s friend Sean is a good kid, and you know their friendship will be fine. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t sting right now in this moment. 
“I’ll go to the movies with you,” Eliza offers, your heart melting at her words. 
A small smile grows on Luke’s face, and he shakes his head.
“You’re too young for this one.”
Eliza huffs but nuzzles her face against her brother’s blue Indiana Colts t-shirt. 
“We watch a movie here?” Eliza asks. Before waiting for an answer, she pushes herself out of Luke’s lap and crawls over his legs until she’s able to stand on the mattress next to him. This angle gives you a better vantage point of the little girl’s face and Luke adjusts himself on the bed so he’s facing her as well. “‘Cause I’m your friend too, right?”
“Of course you are.” You don’t have to be able to see Luke’s face to know he’s smiling. 
“Luke and Liza movie night,” she declares, giving a definitive nod of her head, curls bouncing everywhere in the confines of the two pigtails. “I don’t want you to be sad.” Gently, she cups Luke’s face in her two small hands. “It’s okay, Lukie. I’m your friend an’ I love you.”
Your son isn’t even given the chance to respond before Eliza moves her hands from his face to wrap her arms around his neck and launch herself into him. She hugs him with all her tiny might and Luke wraps his arms right back around her. 
“Thanks, kid,” he says. “I love you too.”
Tears cloud your vision as you quietly take a step back from the door. You’ve always known all your kids have kind hearts and would do anything for one another. But seeing this display of affection from your four-year-old when she sensed her brother was upset has your heart bursting with pride. 
Using the backs of your hands, you wipe your eyes and the few rogue tears that have traitorously slid down your cheeks. On tiptoe, you make your way back to the stairs and go down with as little noise as possible.
Once you’re on the first floor, you feel you can let out a loud exhale and sniffle a few times as you take care of the remaining tears. One thing you’ve learned as a mom is that some of the most rewarding moments are also the most emotional. This was definitely one of them. 
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The moment Eddie comes home, you’re buzzing around him like a dog who knows they’re about to get a treat. He doesn’t even have his boots off yet when you’re linking your arm with his and leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Hello to you, too,” Eddie teases. “What’s up?”
The last time you were this eager to get a hold of him as soon as he walked through the door you were in your second trimester with Eliza and practically dragged Eddie to the bedroom before he even had the front door closed behind him. But this wasn’t that, you weren’t trying to get into his coveralls—yet, anyway.
“The sweetest thing happened today,” you gush, taking care to keep your voice low. 
“What was it?”
“When Luke came home—”
“What’s for dinner?” Ryan interrupts, popping his head into the room from the kitchen.
“Spaghetti,” you tell him.
“Come on,” Eddie says, slipping his hand into yours. “Tell me while I get cleaned up from work.”
And so you do. Happily watching your husband undress and wash his body off as you sit on the bathroom counter, your legs lazily swinging over the edge. 
You relay the whole story to him and there’s a grin on his pretty face the entire time. Pride beams in his eyes as he slips into an old t-shirt and plaid pajama pants. 
“She's such a good kid,” he says. 
“I know.”
As the two of you exit the bathroom, you’re forced to step out of the way as Eliza carries the comforter from her bed towards the stairs. 
“Uh, whatcha doing, Sweet Pea?” Eddie asks her.
“Gettin’ stuff ready,” she says, adjusting the quilt in her arms. 
“For what?” you ask.
“Me and Luke are having movie night. Gonna put blankets and pillows on the floor so we’re comfy.”
“Want me to carry that for you?” Eddie offers.
“Yes, please.”
Once Eliza is empty-handed, she heads down the stairs, you on her tail, and Eddie bringing up the rear. As you enter the living room you see Luke’s comforter already spread out on the floor, pillows strewn about. It brings you back to the days when you were a kid and would have sleepovers with your friends in your parents’ living room.
Eliza makes grabby hands for her blanket and Eddie gladly gives it back to her. She unceremoniously plops it down on the floor and spreads the pink princess comforter out next to Luke’s camouflage one. 
“Here we go,” Luke says as he slips into the room behind you and Eddie. He’s got four pillows in his arms, and he dumps them in the middle of the makeshift nest. 
“Quite the set up you’ve got,” Eddie remarks. 
“Well yeah,” Luke says as he plunks himself down on the couch before sliding onto the floor. “It’s Luke and Liza movie night. We gotta!”
Ryan steps into the living room from the kitchen and his eyes roam over everything laid out on the floor in front of him—including his siblings.
“What’s going on?” he asks.
“Luke and Liza movie night,” Eliza and Luke say in unison.
Ryan frowns and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Can I join?”
“No,” they once again answer in sync. 
“Wow,” Ryan says with a shake of his head. “And to think, I bought ice cream today and would’ve shared it with you guys. But oh well.” The oldest sibling shrugs and makes his way back into the kitchen.
“Maybe we can reconsider!” Luke calls after him.
“Nope!” Ryan shouts back. “Too late.”
You and Eddie share an amused look, neither of you able to contain your smiles. It’s moments like these when I know I’m ready for another kid, you think to yourself. The love and craziness in this house will only get bigger—but why would I want it any other way? 
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redroomreflections · 10 days
Words For US
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Request:What about Luke's first time saying mom or Mama to R? I know she'd be over the moon! Or maybe if you wanted to share Luke's words with both Nat and r while he's sitting on the ground playing ball with midnight and he points at both both r and Nat on opposite ends of the couch and squeals Mama!
The car was a madhouse.
Luke’s wails pierced the air, his little fists thrashing against the straps of his car seat. He hated being strapped in, and it didn’t help that it was after school — when his patience was nonexistent. Paige, from her spot in the back, was loudly insisting on playing Cocomelon for the hundredth time, her voice climbing over Luke’s cries.
“I said Cocomelon, Mama! Please, please!” Paige’s pleas turned into whining as she kicked the back of the seat in front of her.
Meanwhile, Charlie, seated directly next to Luke, was on her own mission, talking a mile a minute about something that happened at school. “—and then, Mom, she said I couldn’t have the glitter because Ava took it, but it wasn’t fair because—”
Natasha’s hands gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, trying to focus on the road ahead, while you juggled between soothing Luke and listening to Charlie's rambling. Your head was spinning from the constant noise. It was pure chaos, the kind that came with having a car full of kids on a wild, post-school energy high.
“Okay, everyone, let’s just—” You started, turning toward Luke in the back, trying to calm him down.
But the chaos had its own rhythm. No one was slowing down.
Luke screamed a little louder, the pitch of his wails rising.
Paige stomped her feet against the backseat, shouting for her music.
Charlie was still prattling away.
"Dear God, I'm going to walk home from now on," Cara sighed in annoyance. She pressed her headphones tighter into her ear. No matter how much the volume was turned up she couldn't cancel out the sound of her sibling's voices.
Your head pounded.
Natasha's grip on the steering wheel tightened even more. "Okay, everybody!" She yelled, her voice louder than the rest, "Everybody needs to calm down!"
Even Luke’s cries stopped at the sound of Nataha's serious voice. His tiny, tear-streaked face twisted into something determined as he pointed, still hiccupping, toward the front seat where both you and Natasha sat.
“M-mama!” he squealed, the word clear and insistent, cutting through the air like a beacon. His little finger bounced between the two of you. “Mama! Mama!”
"Did he just?" Natasha looked toward you. For a while, Luke's progression with his vocabulary had remained stagnant. His only words were Dog, Ball, and Mine. All very important words of course. But hearing him speak so clearly was new, and his word of choice was enough to make you want to cry.
You nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, he did."
Paige clapped excitedly. "Yes, Lukie, say it again."
Luke's smile grew as he heard Paige's voice. "Mama," he giggled.
You and Natasha looked at each other again, your heart racing as Luke began to point toward Paige, repeating his new favorite word.
"I am not, Mama, silly," Paige laughed. "I'm your sister."
"Ma-ma," Luke said, his tiny brow furrowing. "Out!"
"No, no, don't throw your toy!"
"Ma-ma! Out!"
"It's okay, bud, we're almost home," You reassured.
But that was the wrong thing to say, and soon, his little face was twisting up. "Ma-ma! Mama! Out!"
"Okay, okay, buddy, I've got you," You said, releasing the seatbelt and reaching toward the backseat, undoing Luke's buckles, and scooping him up into your arms. "Let's just pull over for a minute and everyone breathe."
You had no idea if this was the correct way to handle this situation, but what the hell. You needed to get out of the car anyway.
The moment the car pulled over, Luke calmed down, his tears disappearing like they'd never been there at all. "Mama," he cooed, pressing a wet, sloppy kiss against your cheek.
"Thank you," Natasha breathed.
"No problem," You laughed, holding Luke close to you.
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geekforhorror · 1 year
dating luke skywalker headcanons
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my lukie pookie <333
he’s such a sweetheart i cant
when u guys first meet, he’s in awe over you
he blushes whenever he sees you
VERY shy around you
he wants to make the first move but his awkwardness stops him
you end up asking him out since he can’t and its really cute seeing him all flustered
he would take you the cantina on your guys’ first date
you can tell he’s nervous but you don’t say anything in case it makes him more nervous
if you kiss him at the end of the date, he will be head over heels in love with you (not that he wasn’t already)
calls you pretty girl, beautiful, and just the fluffiest pet names
gift giving is his love language
LOVES, LOVES, LOVES kissing ur hands
ok now for nsfw stuff!
anh and esb luke gives off strong sub vibes i mean COME ON.
he loves when you kiss him on the lips and his neck
and if u leave hickeys on him? he will be the most shy thing ever but he admires it
this boy has the biggest praise kink ever
but in rotj? HES A DOM.
maybe i should be more specific
he’s particularly a soft dom bc i said so
he can’t bring himself to degrade you idk why
he’s very vanilla when it comes to sex but who cares?!
“tits or ass?” personality but he loves your tits and ass too
rotj luke LOVES leaving hickeys on you bc it’s a token of his affection
he doesn’t like quickies that much bc he can’t pleasure you like he wants to
ok i think that’s it
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astars-things · 1 year
You need to write one where like lukes daughter hears the reader call him lukie pookie and so she calls him that?
Pairing Dad!Luke Hughes x Mom!reader
I never thought much about the pet names I used for my husband, Luke. "Lukie Pookie" just seemed like a cute and endearing nickname to me. But one day, when our 2-year-old daughter Aurora overheard me calling him that, things changed.
I was in the kitchen making dinner when I heard Aurora's little voice say, "Lukie Pookie!" I turned around to see her standing there with a big smile on her face.
Luke walked in just then and she looked up at him and said, "Lukie Pookie!" He smiled down at her and said, "Hey there, little miss. It's dada to you." But Aurora just giggled and kept calling him Lukie Pookie.
I was tucking Aurora into bed when I decided I should probably speak to her about calling luke , lukie pookie "Hey sweetie, you know what? Dada really likes it when you call him Dada. Can you try calling him that instead of Lukie Pookie?"
Aurora looked up at me with those big eyes and said, "But I like Lukie Pookie!" I sighed walking out of her room
"See what you've done?" luke spoke from the couch " I know I know I'm sorry" I cuddled into him making puppy eyes knowing he couldn't be mad at me
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bbrissonn · 8 months
𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐮 - 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐳𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬 (𝟖)
╰┈➤ it's ducks vs devils day, and thing get quite chaotic in alanna's comments section
╰┈➤ pairing: trevor zegras x ex!singer!girlfriend
╰┈➤ social media
╰┈➤ masterlist
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-DECEMBER 18TH, 2023-
: ̗̀➛ alannaoregon has posted on instagram
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liked by _quinnhughes and 2.2M others
alannaoregon who do i root for? three men who won't be playing and don't know how to shower, or two lovely cutie patootie brothers who housed me for the summer???
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_quinnhughes vancouver duhhh
alannaoregon @/_quinnhughes i lowkey forgot about you... teehee _quinnhughes @/alannaoregon i was apart of the lovely cutie patootie brothers who housed you for the summer alannaoregon @/_quinnhughes IK IK BUT VAN IS IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE LIKE WTH
jackhughes i think your caption answered your question lanny
alannaoregon @/jackhughes ur so right jackie bear, you and lukie pookie better win or i'll look stupid jackhughes @/alannaoregon don't call us that
masonmctavish23 I KNOW HOW TO SHOWER???
alannaoregon @/masonmctavish23 THEN WHY DO YOU ALWAYS STINK WHEN YOU COME OVER??? masonmctavish23 @/alannaoregon IT'S MY COLOGNE alannaoregon @/masonmctavish23 WELL IT'S HORRIBLE, THROW IT AWAY
user917 the way we all know she's rooting for the ducks, and not because of three men that can't shower...
user681 lanny, girly, we all know you're wearing orange
trevorzegras im a great cheerleader
alannaoregon @/trevorzegras ur better in the stands than on the ice so far this year grass man trevorzegras @/alannaoregon ... user018 @/alannaoregon LANNY OMG 😭😭
_alexturcotte im team brothers !!
colecaufield @/_alexturcotte and im team men who won't be playing and don't know how to shower !! alannaoregon @/colecaufield cactus man vs tiny man battle time... I LOVE IT
user5210 not cole and turcs also picking-- i can't with them
jamie.drysdale who's the better cheerleader, me or z?
alannaoregon @/jamie.drysdale you look cuter in the costumes i got user821 @/alannaoregon GIRL WHERE ARE THE PICS??? trevorzegras @/alannaoregon YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T TELL ANYONE alannaoregon @/trevorzegras oops?
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: ̗̀➛ alannaoregon has posted on instagram
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liked by trevorzegras and 2.1M others
alannaoregon orange >>> red
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becky.rivera you look amazing in red though
alannaoregon @/becky.rivera becca this isn't what colour suits me better
trevorzegras nice jersey
alannaoregon @/trevorzegras thanks found it in my closet trevorzegras @/alannaoregon wonder how it got there?? alannaoregon @/trevorzegras good question, whoever this belongs to probably doesn't know how to showered, it stinks trevorzegras @/alannaoregon I SHOWER OKAY!!! user2872 @/trevorzegras CAN YALL JUST SAY YOU'RE TOGETHER LIKE WE ALL KNOW
user349 @/user2872 exactly, we know they're together. no need to force them if they don't want to publicly say it.
lhughes_06 traitor
alannaoregon @/lhughes_06 sorry pookie, but your teams sucks af right now
user821 why are we just ignoring the fact that she's getting back with her ex who cheated on her with her friend?? the guy she wrote a whole breakup album about???
user217 @/user821 we don't know the whole story, we can't go around judging. plus, if he makes her happy than that's all that really matters. she also made her first album about him, and you can tell how in love and happy she was when she made it. clearly she had a rough couple of months, let the girl be happy
alannaoregon, trevorzegras and 1.2k others liked this comment
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taglist <3 @lxnceclercs @alialogy
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rollerskate2theface · 2 years
5+1 five times someone noticed Steve Harrington liking men and the one time everyone noticed he loved one
1 Steve
Steve never really put much thought into who he was attracted to. Girls were easy he didn’t even have to try for them to be all over him, really it’s just a matter of convenience.
Nancy was like that at first, all flustered and flirty. But he could tell it was all some sort of act even if she didn’t know it. He was proven correct after Nancy’s whole “bullshit” stunt on Halloween. Steve really couldn’t even blame her, he knew he was bullshit.
Going after girls only girls because it was convenient? That sure seems like bullshit to him. So, he began to actually acknowledge things. Like how no other guys on the swim team seemed to admire each other’s physiques or how Tommy never seemed to understand Carol’s constant ramblings about how hot Mel Gibson is.
Steve always knew he just began to actually act on it, ya know, occasionally.
2 Erica
The first to notice was surprisingly Erica Sinclair. Well, maybe not so surprisingly considering she seemed to make it her goal for the summer to have his complete and undivided attention. Seeing as he was the only thing between her and 4x her weight in ice cream.
“Hey Nerd what could possibly be more interesting to you, a costumer service employee, than me, a costumer?”
Without looking at her Steve spoke, “You’ve come in everyday for the past 3 weeks and have only bought 1 single scoop in total. He however,” Steve pointedly looked at a guy in his early 20’s licking a drop of melted ice cream up his hand and back to his cone, “seems to be very content with his purchase.”
Erica huffed “barf me out, if I wanted to see some narbo make goo goo eyes I would’ve just stayed home with Lukie and Max.” With that Erica made her way out of the shop in hopes of getting more free samples from Hot Sam’s pretzels.
2.5 Robin (sort of)
Robin didn’t really get Steve Harrington. First he showed up to work on Robin’s first day with that hideous sailor’s costume on before introducing himself to her as if they weren’t in the same class an entire year and romantic rivals. He acted kind enough despite his near constant complaining.
There was also those damn kids that Robin couldn’t comprehend belonged to Steve. They had the guy wrapped around their little fingers, it was honestly kinda pathetic -maybe she should make another board. He was always giving them his company provided scoops they were allowed during breaks.
“Need to stay in shape; no high school athletics anymore. Plus those kids are skinny as twigs,” he’d brush her off.
At first Robin thought it was just the kids he was giving his free ice cream to but then she’d notice how he missed the payment of a couple of guys around their age that had come in.
“Hey Dingus! You forgot to charge them, I’ve seen you do that twice now!” Robin was annoyed if Steve kept doing that they’d both get written up.
“Don’t worry, that was my ice cream mark out,” Steve said offhandedly.
That made Robin stop, those didn’t look like any of the guys in King Steve’s posse of friends. “Why’d you give them your mark out? Do you know them?” Robin’s curiosity beat out her annoyance at the older teen in front of her.
“Nope! Let’s just say I’m hoping for a good tip,” Steve tossed out as he winked and walked into the back room.
This idiot most people tipped at least a dollar even when they had to pay… whatever it’s his mark out.
3.5 Dustin
Say what you may about Dustin Henderson but he was a scientist at heart. So, when he began to notice things about one of his favorite people he decided he needed to test his theory.
“So, uh, Steve,” Dustin threw out while he and Steve were listening to music in the older man’s family room. Steve was jogging on his fathers treadmill as Dustin wrote his letter to send to Suzie in the mail.
Steve gave an uninterested ‘mmhm’ in response.
“Will’s been complaining about how all the party has girlfriends but him-”
“You go easy on him middle school’s hard enough without a bunch of dickwad friends and relationship drama-”
“High school, Steve, we start high school in the fall. No more middle school baby shit for us!”
“Yeah yeah whatever just lay off Will. Not everyone is interested in romance so young,” Steve finally finished once their bickering stoped.
Dustin scoffed, “No that’s just Mike, he’s the only one being weird about it. But anyway that’s exactly what I was about to ask! When did you start showing romantic interest?” Dustin preened himself on his subtlety.
Steve looked surprised at that, “Oh! Well I guess I really started liking people romantically in 6th grade. I mean I had my first girlfriend in 7th grade,” he snorted, “if you could even call it that, we just held hands at recess and gave messages through friends…”
Dustin tuned the other out. ‘People’ damn that was a bust alright new approach.
“Yeah yeah uh huh sooo, Steve? Which Star Wars character do you think is the hottest?” Dustin asked thinking back to the film he’d watched the night prior.
The treadmill stopped as Steve sighed and turned to face Dustin, “dude I keep telling you I’m not going to watch your geeky movie.”
“How dare you! Star Wars is a cinematic masterpiece! I-” stay on track Dustin don’t jeopardize the experiment, “whatever who do you think is the hottest actor from one of your lame rom-coms then?” Okay, so much for subtlety.
Steve raised an eyebrow at that -oh no he noticed- he walked over and plopped down on the floor next to Dustin, “Alright, what’s going on why are you acting weird?”
“What? I’m not acting weird? I just,” another unconvinced look, “Ugh fine. I’ve just started to notice how you aren’t only flirty with… with just girls anymore… Which is totally fine! Cool! Awesome even! I just, I wanted to find out if I was… right? I don’t know, now I sound like an asshole.”
Dustin isn’t sure if it’s a good sign or a bad sign when Steve began to laugh. His laughter died down after a couple seconds, “you’re a strange kid, you know that? But to prove- confirm your hypothesis or whatever. Yes I like men, and women, both I like both,” Steve stammered. “You’re actually the first one I’ve said that to.”
Dustin grinned twisting to hug Steve from where he was sat beside him. A thought just occurred to the almost high schooler, “ This means double the potential set ups.” This sentiment was met with a groan and a plead of not needing that.
4.5 Mike
Mike Wheeler has been told he’s at that ‘difficult’ age in puberty -gross- where he’s mad about everything. Well if you ask him it’s pretty freaking easy to be mad at everything including how his mom sold his bike at a yard sale because, “You’re too big for it now Michael you can barely ride it. This money is going towards a new one you’ll just have to save up.”
Hence why he’s waiting for his ride who’s currently working in a too cold, too bright shop, with an annoying smile on his face talking to some long haired weirdo with like 8 different chains hanging off his pants and a black bandana sticking out of his back right pocket. A weirdo that’s been here for over an hour making Steve stay late. “Steve! We were supposed to be out of here 12 minutes ago! Hurry up!” Mike yelled tapping his watch as though Steve could see it from across the store.
“Hold your shit Wheeler we’ll be out in a minute,” Steve yelled back earning a bark of laughter from the weirdo. Mike heard Steve start to finish up speaking with the- costumer? Actually, Mike doesn’t think he ever saw that guy even order anything.
Feeling curious Mike meandered towards them trying to catch the end of their conversation.
“-my house or yours tonight?”
“Wayne has tonight off so he’s gonna be hogging up the trailer soooo”
“Yeah yeah my place just remember no blasting music in my neighborhood the Inslee’s are already this close to calling the cops”
“Oh yeah, and heaven knows what we’ll be up to when they arrive-”
“Shut up! Alright I gotta go see you in a couple hours Ed!”
With that Steve and Mike exited the Scoops Ahoy walking through the food court and out the mall towards Steve’s Beamer where it sat in the mall parking lot. The two settled in, Steve making sure Mike had his seatbelt on before pulling out. From the passengers seat Mike eyed Steve trying to decipher what he had heard the two older men in the mall talking about.
Giving in Mike gave an annoyed huff admitting he was actually interested in something to do with Steve Harrington. “Who was that guy and how often do you have sleepovers?” he asked.
This was met with shifty eyes and a soft laugh from the older teen, “who? Eddie? The guy from the mall? He’s no one, just a friend,” there was a strange tinge of guilt in his voice.
“You shouldn’t do that.” Mike said firmly staring out at the road in front of them.
This made Steve confused turning to look at Mike before redirecting them back to the road, “do what?”
This made Mike even more pissed. “Lead people on. You and I both know you like girls, you’ve dated girls, you dated Nancy! Did you not care about her? Did you not love her? I know you broke up or whatever, but she definitely loved you once, I can’t believe you faked the whole thing!” Mike had tears welling in his eyes.
The car came to a slow as Steve pulled over to the side of the road, “woaah hey man I did- I did love your sister. Sometimes I think a little more than she loved me. I was never lying about what I felt for her.” Mike sniffled. “And yes, I do like girls always have, still do. But, I think you may have noticed,” Steve attempted to joke, “I’m also of the uh, male persuasion? Ugh that sounds gross. Men I like men too.”
Steve expected some backlash after the start of this conversation and was surprised when he was met with Mike’s odd look of clarity. “You- you can like both?” The younger boy asked. Steve hadn’t heard him sound so small since he saw him take care of an unconscious Will during their last run in with monsters.
“Yeah, you can like both.”
5 Robin (yes again)
Okay so Steve Harrington wasn’t that bad. In fact he was kind of cool. And not like popular, eggs cars and makes out with chicks under the bleachers cool. But genuinely a cool dude that basically saved her life, well, with the help of a couple children.
Maybe it was the drugs, maybe it was the probable head trauma, maybe it was even the thrill of actually escaping a secret Russian base but Robin felt like she could tell this guy anything. Which probably wasn’t great considering her… situation.
The two teenagers were sitting in the bathroom heads hanging over toilet bowl rims. They were joking around but the girl knew she didn’t want to be asked any heavy or revealing questions not when she didn’t have complete control of her mind so instead she asked Steve.
“Have you… ever been in love” she’d asked after some thought. This should be easy enough for him, he’s known for his prowess with the ladies.
She received a small cackle from the stall next to her. “Yeah a couple of times. Nancy Wheeler my first love I went insane for that girl, first semester senior year,” Steve made a gun motion shooting into his heart, “honestly I’m glad I had what I had with Nancy and also glad that it ended? If it hadn’t I would’ve never been with who I’m with today, the person I think I want to spend the rest of my life with,” Robin could tell there was a smile of his face when he’d said that.
Wow Robin really hadn’t expected that confession, she was honestly a bit worried he might admit to liking her. Who would’ve thought Steve Harrington tied down. “How’d you know?” Robin asked she’d never been able to think that strongly about anyone not even Tammy who she’s had a year long major crush on.
Steve sighed, “I don’t know… He just makes me feel happy and excited whenever I’m near him.”
Robin’s breath hitched when she noticed the pronouns he’d used, okay she definitely wasn’t supposed to be told this, he wasn’t in the right state of mind, neither was she. And yet, she couldn’t stop him; it felt so good to hear about someone like her actually being happy and finding love even if it was surprisingly Steve Harrington.
“He’s a lot different than everyone else I’ve dated, but he’s also different from everybody else in general so I guess that makes sense. He’s dramatic and weird, and impossible to look away from. I still can’t even believe he likes me back.”
Hearing Steve talk about his boyfriend gave Robin the confidence to tell him about Tammy much to his great judgment which they joked about until Dustin and Erica barged into their little sanctuary of a bathroom.
+1 Everyone
If you ask anyone, that day after Vecna was defeated the whole party piled into their meeting place at the hospital. They wouldn’t tell you the first thing they noticed was a limping Dustin crying silently as though he could no longer make sound from screaming so loudly. It wasn’t Robin walking through the door with a broken guitar in her arms. It wasn’t even the boy bleeding out, unconscious, clothes ripped to shreds.
No, they’d tell you they’d noticed Steve Harrington sobbing as he yelled for ‘someone anyone please help him please my Eddie please help him somebody Eddie please Eddie’. He held Eddie Munson in his arms as he ran through the hospital begging them to save his Eddie.
Eddie was taken into surgery immediately and nobody could think of what to say to Steve. He was hunched over in a small waiting chair right outside Eddie’s operating room.
It was Joyce Byers freshly off a death helicopter from Russia that kneeled down in front of the boy. She held his hands in hers as she said, “he’ll be okay. He knows your out here waiting for him. He won’t leave you.”
With that Steve slumped forward onto her as he began to sob.
Eddie came out of his first surgery a couple hours later but the doctors informed he was likely going to be in unconscious for at least a week. Steve stayed with Eddie and his uncle in the hospital everyday refusing to leave. The kids filtered in and out checking on Eddie and Max a few rooms down. Without fail Steve had his chair pulled up right next to Eddie’s bed just watching him.
Dustin talked to Eddie, a lot, so did Robin. Eddie probably liked that, both Wayne and Steve didn’t talk much. Preferred to sit in silence watching for any sign that the comatose boy was improving.
The day Eddie did wake up most of the party was there including Nancy, Jonathan, some guy from California, the youngest Sinclair -Lucas didn’t want to leave Max alone- a couple Russians, his uncle and his boyfriend. When Eddie slowly opened his eyes he looked towards Steve sitting directly to his left.
“Hey Stevie, I tried to be a hero. Sorry,” his vocals were strangled from lack of use.
“You should be sorry! You are such an idiot! God I love you, never do that again.” Steve then pulled Eddie into a searing kiss in front of everyone. Not that anyone was surprised.
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peachyteabuck · 2 months
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chussyracing · 1 month
forgive me father for i've sinned (i'll keep being a red bull hater for the rest of the 364 days a year but yesterday's redbull showrun in prague was amazing)
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(labels for each picture below)
Included photos:
Visa Cash App RB
RB18 showcar
Aras Gibieza on a wheelie simulator
Martin Fuksa with his golden olympic medal from Paris
David Coulthard driving RB7 (aka Kinky Kylie)
RedBull Driftbrothers (except it was just Elias, since his brother got sick and Marko Zakouřil had to jump in his place)
Student Formula Dragon X from Brno
David Coulthard during drivers parade
Pepa Král (feat Števo Eisele as passanger princess) driving Praga Bohema Hypercar
Not included:
Other atheletes that went right passed us like Eva Adamczyková, Maxim Habanec, Vavřinec Hradilek, Markéta Vondroušová
Pepíno trying to jump over a fence and showing his scooter to the fans' faces on the other side to help him get it over the fence as well
Numerous number of donuts made with RB7, Praga Bohema, BMW drift cars and even the KTM motorbike
Kája Bulisová (my girlcrush who is also obsessed with Charles)
Winning over a guy next to me in reaction challenge (by one point)
Getting two plates of fruits and one ice cream from a Lidl stand although everyone was allowed one thing only
Me screaming when I thought Aras is about to fall on his head (but he just made a sommersault off his bike)
Me screaming again when I thought driftbrothers are about to go straight into the fence except this is how drifting is fucking done
Touching Yuki's wing and not getting fined € 50k
Luky and Luky from Dvojitý Pitstop podcast
David Coulthard waving the Czech flag
Pepíno getting asked if he had to keep a diet to fit in the car
Martin Fuksa munching on his plate of goulash next to us
Contemplating getting to the other side of the track to go meet Roman Staněk, giving up because of bad cramps and then playing it fown by saying i already met him before
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kittyoswald · 5 months
Seeing the Kataang vs. Zutara is stiking again in my TL I only want to say that my fav ships are:
- Zukka!
- Ace Toph
- Ty Luki
- Cat and independent girl Katara
- Poly Aang with some new boys and girls (you need a tribe to rise a child with airbending)
Or: The gaang polycule because they all deserves love
Soooo, let people enjoy things and, especially, this masterpiece.
PD: Azula is not in the list because she deserves a redemption arc and enter in the gaang but I don't see her with anyone, suki maybe but 🤷🏻‍♀️
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nicohischierz · 5 months
party with friends: hughes sister
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hisch @instantreviewpeach you want to join the taglist let me know!!
you were on your way to meet your boyfriend when quinn called your name.
the boys were out by the fire drinking beers. you messaged your boyfriend saying you may be late as you headed towards your brothers and their friends.
“what’s up quinny?” you asked, approaching his seat.
“sit down y/n/n. luke, jack and i have been discussing and we think you’re old enough to drink with us now,” he gestured to jack who brought you a beer.
jack presented it to you as he bent his knees. the other boys stopped drinking and waited for you to take your first sip.
you grimaced at the taste but took another sip making the boys cheer. jack took the beer and handed you a white claw instead.
trevor then launched into a story of the first time the guys got drunk together. he mentioned something about jack ending up in a pond and cole followed someone else home until he realised he didn’t know them.
“what about you lukie?” you asked.
luke grew red and shook his head. “i don’t have any stories to tell you squish,” he patted your head.
that made dylan choke on his beer and you turned to him. “spill duke. now,” you threatened.
“well, there was our first party at michigan where luke spilled his drink on a girl because he got really drunk and bumped into table.”
luke’s girlfriend rubbed his back. “it’s a good thing i looked past your clumsiness baby,” she joked causing everyone to laugh.
the rest of the night was spent reminiscing about the past as the boys handed you drinks.
quinn watched from a far, a smile on his face as he watched his baby sister grow up.
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liviavanrouge · 30 days
Saving Matteo
Livia held her arm out in front of her four kids, looking up at Matteo with narrowed eyes. Croci stared, wrapped around her shoulders looking out a cooing noise.
She grabbed Croci and handed him to Vil, looking at him seriously as she pulled her hands back. "If anything happens to me, Leona knows what to do..."Livia informs, shocking Vil.
"LIVIA!"Vil gasps as he held Croci close to his chest alarmed. Livia clasped her hands together, lifting into the air. Her outfit started to glow, the glow bursting into sparkles revealing her Saintess outfit.
Her eyes closed, remembering how Tiller rescued her. Her mentor had told her that one day she'd meet people who suffered like her.
She had met many and helped them but now she's found five people who have suffered the same as her and she understands Tiller's words better.
Her eyes opened, looking at Matteo. The boy gripped his hair, blot falling from his body. She stopped in front of him, her eyes glowing brightly.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"Matteo yells, alarming her. "Huh"Livia mutters hearing her own voice ringing in her head, yelling those same words.
Livia stares as Matteo lunges towards her, then reaches out placing a hand on his head when he was close enough to her, forcing him to stop.
"...they have no right to judge you.."Livia says repeating Tiller's same words he had once said to her. She stared at him, her gaze turning gentle.
Matteo stared in shock before falling side ways. His eyes closed, plummeting back first past the ground, his hair swaying around him.
Livia gasped and dove down after him, her hand outstretched. Her hand grabbed him and snatched him close, landing on her feet as she held him close. "I gotcha..."
Matteo quickly pushed away from her, sobbing as he sat on his hands and knees.
Vil walked over, passing Croci back to Livia. "Thank you"Livia nods letting Croci wrap himself around her neck again.
Riddle made his way over, Tusks holding his hand as the duo looked down at Matteo worriedly.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! People called me a monster and I became one!! The one thing I didn't want!"Matteo sobbed his shoulders trembling.
A sigh came from her as she spoke, "You shouldn't let others define whether you are a monster or a hero..you should define yourself.." Tiller taught her that, the one thing he always reminded her of. That people did not define who you are, you define yourself.
Mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, etc. They may move the car that shields you as you drive but you still have control of it and can steer yourself in the direction that you.
Matteo sniffled, tears falling down his cheeks. "It's not that easy!"
A sigh came from her and she placed a hand on his back. "It's most certainly not...but I'll be there to catch you if you ever fall.."Livia says gently, looking down at him with a soft look.
Daze beamed as he floated closer, clapping excitedly. "We ALL will!"Daze giggled.
Lukis beamed, clasping his hands together. "Yeah!"Lukis agreed. Matteo stared at them stunned, starting to cry again as he bowed his head.
Livia sighed and looked away, wondering how she managed to get herself into this crazy predicament.
"Before we go, there's something I must do first."
Matteo looked at her as Livia placed a hand on his head.
"I, Spirit Saintess Livia Garcia Vanrouge, grant you my blessing, I and the Spirit Lords see you as a resident of Twisted Wonderland. May you find peace, acceptance and hope."
Matteo stared as a warm feeling washed over him. He smiled wide at her, Livia nodding to him.
"Let's go home"
@queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @zexal-club @soulfungai
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