#romani archiman
kiwikipedia · 1 year
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Thanks, I'll cry
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grimnir-esjay · 2 years
A list of FGO Ships and why I like them
EMIYA (Archer) and Lancer Artoria - It's literally just the Canon Shirou x Artoria but the thing is, the two would be depicted as the older versions of both.
Ritsuka x Gudako - I like to imagine the two of them are close friends before joining Chaldea and thus have this little romantic tension between both of them but they've yet to address it properly.
Roman x Da Vinci - They're literally the team parents, bonus points for their VAs for being married IRL with a Kid
Ritsuka x Mash - Definitely the canon love interest
Kadoc x Gudako - I like to imagine that the two got closer during his time in Chaldea and have this like enemies to lovers dynamic with her, so the two would have this on-and-off banter while secretly caring for one another
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Anyway, here are the completed list of Romance Routes for the Mastersona within the completed timeline.
Please note! I designed this with specific Servants who would be primary routes for mine own Mastersona - but the descriptions are generalized, so please feel free to read and imagine your own!
Diarmuid: We have to start here, obviously, with the True Ending. This route advances by specifically seeking out Diarmuid for advice and choosing affirming dialogue - including, occasionally, play-flirting if this is an option. If Mastersona points out that what happened to Diarmuid is pretty fucked up, actually, and he has a right to be upset, you gain points. However, during the America Singularity, this can actually cause you to loose points. Still, it's possible to obtain the Good Ending immediately after Solomon if you continually support and affirm his choices, while protecting him to the best of your ability. If you do not obtain the Good Ending, you proceed to the True Ending - which involves Diarmuid becoming a Saber-class Servant and accompanying you to the Lostbelts. Don't fret - you can still wind up in a relationship this way, but your odds of obtaining a Bad Ending resulting in his death will increase dramatically during Part II of the story.
Bedivere: Unfortunately for you, choosing Bedivere as your preferred route and obtaining his Good Ending locks you out of choosing other routes down the line. To obtain the Good End, you must take every possible opportunity to spend time with him in Camelot - yes, even if this means that you miss out on one or two extra missions. Bedivere will rebuke your confession at first - but after the final battle against the Lion King, you re-affirm your feelings for him, and he reciprocates. Unfortunately, he disappears. You must then immediately re-summon him to Chaldea, and pursue the work of restoring his memories. Playing Camelot normally results in Bedivere's True End, which does keep the possibility of a relationship open, but also avails you to pursuing other characters. A Bad End takes place if you continue to pursue Bedivere after he initially refuses you. You may also obtain a Bad End during Solomon if you ask him to fight alongside you.
Romani/Solomon: You have the option to pursue a relationship with Romani at any point during Part I, provided that your Mastersona is an adult. He is the first male character that you interact with in the story proper, and you have the option to flirt with him throughout missions. Be sure to spend your downtime in Chaldea with him, and offer coffee and snacks any time the option presents itself. The Good Ending for Romani begins just after London, and will involve the pair of you being in a semi-secret relationship. However - when Romani reveals himself to be Solomon and completes his final Noble Phantasm, he will disappear. This is a fixed point that cannot be changed. The True Ending occurs if no confession has taken place - regardless of how much time you spent with Romani, he will disappear at this point in the story. This is the only route where there is no possibility of a Bad End (unless you count the immense heartbreak you will experience after obtaining the Good End as Bad.)
Dantes: The route begins immediately upon entering Chateau d'Ilf. Obtaining a Good Ending, however, is not as complex as you might believe. If you rebuke his taunting and refuse to show fear, you will earn points. Remember, Dantes is an Avenger who is fueled by anger, and so you must be a beacon of hope. If you obtain enough points during the Prison Tower story arc, then you can obtain the Good Ending during Solomon. In the True Ending, Dantes will still arrive in the temple to assist you, and will still follow you into the shadows of Chaldea, but there will be no romantic arc. Remember not to think too hard about your dialogue choices - but don't get careless! It is very easy to obtain a Bad End in the Prison Tower.
Merlin: The route begins, similarly, during London, which is when Merlin will begin to show himself in your dreams. Obtaining a Good Ending is exceedingly difficult and can only be done in Part II. The primary way to earn points is to spend time with him in the Babylon Singularity, and convince him to join Chaldea after defeating Tiamat. He will steadfastly accompany you - however, you will loose points if you force him to follow you into battles. You must also allow him to willingly leave Chaldea when the time comes at the end of Part I. Following that, the true meat of his route begins. If you play your dialogue cards right, Merlin will eventually confess his feelings to you. But be forewarned - if you are too forward, or if you reject him, you will obtain an exceedingly nasty Bad End and any future gameplay will scale in difficulty as a result of losing his aid. In the True Ending, there is no confession, and Merlin simply continues to watch of you from Avalon, occasionally dropping into your dreams to provide advice and levity.
Arjuna: It is only possible to fully unlock the route after Solomon, and after obtaining a Bad End in at least one other character route. During Part I, you have the option to summon him to Chaldea after the America Singularity, but your chances to interact with him will be extremely limited, and he will leave Chaldea at the end of Part I. You will have the option to fight beside him in LB 3.5, at which point you can begin to unlock the Good Ending. To obtain this end, you must support Arjuna while respecting his boundaries. Be straightforward, but pay attention to indicators that his mood has changed. If you spend time with him in LB 3.5, then he may remember you during LB 4. Memories of you will weaken his abilities somewhat and make the final battle much easier. After the battle, you must re-affirm your faith and trust in Arjuna. After this, you will once again be able to summon him and pursue a relationship. It's complicated, but worth the pay-off.
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djunk411 · 4 years
Decided to randomly read Solomon's info in the servant origin archive. Apparently the reason Heroic Spirits would often immediately distrust and casually insult Roman was because they would subconciously think "this is his fault", probably in regards to Goetia and the Incineration. The only ones who wouldn't are listed as "non-Heroic Servants, contrarians, and Berserkers who don't recognize evil as evil". I never realized just how much they layed the groundwork for the reveal, tbh.
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paranoid-rhythm · 5 years
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How to ruin my Monday night:
Watch Initium Iter and get reminded of Romani.
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shuttershocky · 6 years
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Top 10 Anime Betrayals
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fletcharrow · 8 years
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some f/go doodles from my tegaki account
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castilium · 3 years
Solomon (I)
                                                     January 20 2022                                                      Sky-Strewn Isles
They offered a peace Savior’s Respite could no more. The fight with her Master. The death of her Master. The hallowed grounds of the heroes’ sacrifices bore scars too deep, their blossoms wilted grey and black. The formation held in suspension granted solace farther from the city, closer to the stars. An open expanse unhindered by rock and bounds of humaned earth. The air, much lower in temperature, would be hindered by no blockade, and the sound of activity no louder than a murmur or hum. Upon these isles, she could watch at a distance.
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Three weeks had transpired since New Year. Three weeks nearer drew the final Lostbelt. Whether the depths of South America or another challenge that lie in its shadow unknown, irrelevant. Three weeks closer until the end of their journey. Until the en—...
No. She’d gone three weeks without allowing grief its hold, its claws prohibited from sinking deep within her skin by the armour of whatever strength might lie within, the trust of her Master. Watching the stars was a soothing pastime, but in their silence, her thoughts had no contention. And the peace denial. Ishtar’s poetic interpretation of the night sky’s light came to mind — that of a light touching her eyes born from a star long burned out.
Marisbury Animusphere. Olga Marie Animusphere. Romani Archiman. Leonardo da Vinci. Kirschtaria Wodime. Ritsuka Fujimaru.
Each among a thousand blessings of which she had received. Each with a million wounds that littered their minds, bodies and souls. Each burdened tremendously, and each with a sacrifice paid at the end. Every one of them had crossed the border between life and death, and beyond the land called Radiale, only one's heart would beat. For the time being.
While a sight well familiar in the domain of soul-crushing dreams, it was never any easier to perceive. Her. Him. Both of them. Endured countless tortures and always toward one singular outcome. Fou’s whimpering would blur the threshold between nightmare and consciousness, so much she could hear it without him in sight. So she’d come alone. Not to trouble him, nor Ritsuka, either of them, Roman, Olga. All those burdened enough. But it haunted her. Three weeks had passed and scarcely a day had it felt since the last heart-to-heart with her Master. So how long was it to feel, these final months? Were they to pass in the blink of an eye, no different to the ethereal days among the winter haze? That transcience so beautiful... had become terrifying; the death she’d no fright towards when the tip of its scythe bear down upon her... haunted each thought when it gleamed against the throat of her Master.
Fingers gripped their twin’s limb and squeezed. It hurt. This was the hurt Ritsuka bottled up when confronting Camelot, Babylonia, Solomon, knowing Mashu was to die any day. This was the fear that pursued Roman and pushed him to the very edges of human limit... beyond them. She had been a bystander, remained so, and observed them step forward, even if the pain threatened to shatter their bodies. The dread snap their minds from emotional and psychological turmoil too grand to resist. And all the while, she had been... untouched. Accepting of her own fate. The way Ritsuka were now, while she grieved.
Ritsuka, who continued to walk, even as her body fell apart. In spite of fear in spite of dread, in spite of death. And all the while, she had tethered her Master. Since their heart-to-heart, since hearing Olga’s advice, Mashu had known it was wrong to cling on to someone who was ready to go. To bury them in the earth so their soul not ascend to wherever it might be destined. To selfishly chain them and snatch away the peace they so rightly deserved. Purgatorial anguish over a future undefined was safer than an end irreversible — Ritsuka would never be lost, but her suffering would never end. The person she would hurt most would be herself, piled ever-higher upon the agonized minds of those dearest. Mountains that would eternally eclipse the sun and cast shadows from which they would never escape, never find relief.
She knew that. She knew that. She knew not to want against her Master’s wishes. And she struggled towards the end of acceptance.
But it hurt. It hurt more than words could describe. The emptiness, the dull aches, the anger that swelled within the pit knowing that even human yearning to hold onto someone, someone who had moved on, as natural, but against her Master’s will. Each and every day passed by her eyes. Like a dream. Such a distant, gentle dream. The stars waved, their delicate light trembled  by distortion of tears. Grief that burned at her throat, sealed behind lips that would not part. Fou’s whimpers echoed. Lips twisted, crumpled, twitched and shuddered. On either side, streams so oft flowed anew. Three weeks had she pushed all thought away, diversion in the fresh start for the city, the healing of the new year party.
But such remedies could only last so long. Transient like life itself.
Goetia. I’m sorry.
The volume of apologies had become too immense to track. To Goetia. To Roman. To Olga. To Ritsuka. Each packaged in enveloped stained with regret, many with irrationality penned among their contents. Each had a path they walked, fixed by fate and choice alike, but she... Hers was unclear. Lost among the bleached white land and its myriad lines, with no direction marked, no guidance of those departed. She was supposed to stand on her own two feet. She was in need to grow up, become an adult. Grasping Ritsuka’s coattails, she would never learn. And she would never be prepared on a day where they were no more to hold.
Roman was petrified, but he walked. Ritsuka was terrified, but she walked. Mashu—
She needed to do as they. Her stagnation had become more than mere detriment, but harmful. It had naught to do with the temporal rift opening once more between Master and Servant, but her handling it all. And she knew. She knew.
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She needed to let go. She needed to let Ritsuka go.
She had survived letting Roman go. She had survived letting Da Vinci go. Ritsuka believed in her to survive letting go once more. But it hurt. The mere thought wrought physical agony. There were days she could escape it, manage by keeping busy or asserting that Ritsuka had accepted whatever outcome may be. Lie to herself that she had come to terms with her Master’s wish, for success hours long. Others, she could not.
The world was ending. Her world was ending. And Camelot’s walls could not hold up everything. She felt a failure to Leonidas’ faith. To the girl that opposed Goetia and perished in peace before her Master’s flooded eyes. And she knew that Master would chastise her for such thinking, she had before. Who would set her straight at the end of the journey, if she were standing there alone? A girl who had to grow into an adult and walk on her own, in a world wrought with grief and unknown. The mantle Ritsuka had taken up, been made to — inherited from Roman. How many stars would Chaldea have watch over her from afar, the girl who watched their light in awe? How many stars of Chaldea would be the testament of beloved burned out? The sky alone would be her witness.
She was scared to learn the answer. She was scared, and still struggled to move her legs. They walked towards the end, she needed to learn.
That was why she had fallen behind. Her legs gave out somewhere in Avalon, and dragging herself after them, she could never keep pace. If she couldn’t learn to walk and catch up... she might never get to walk by their side again. And it scared her.
She wanted to reach out, take her Master’s hand, and hold on as long as Ritsuka allowed. But she was out of reach.
She needed to learn to walk. To run. To hold on until the day came to let go.
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lo-55 · 4 years
Shattered Chains of Fate Ch. 4
Night has fallen on Chaldeas. Though the globe still casts its red glow across the room, the doom of humanity, it’s too late and Ichigo has been awake for too long for the grief to wash across him like so many waves right now.
He’s summoned another servant today, with the help of technology and Saint Quartz and Cu Chulainn, of course. It was maybe  his fault that he now had two celtic servants. One a caster with vicious loyalty but a habit of hitting on girls, and another that avoided women like the plague and followed Ichigo like the most desperate of puppies.
So now he has four servants to keep up with, and so he’s  tired .
They go off to the next singularity soon. Somewhere in England, in the late nineteenth century. He should really be resting. Getting ready for the next fight. Letting Olga Marie try an fail to teach him even the simple but powerful magecraft that she and Cu specialize in.
Instead, Ichigo finds himself standing in the doorway to the Chaldeas observation room, looking not at the ominous depiction of their future, but the man standing in front of it.
Romani Archiman. Dr. Roman. His shoulders are tense and drawn and his hair is out of its usual pony tail. He looks as tired out as Ichigo feels. When no one’s watching, right now, his green eyes are dull and his humor has faded. When had he last slept? When had any of them?
Mash kept reminding him how important it was to get proper sleep, and maybe it was easier for demi-servants than it is for humans. He doesn’t know. He never thought to ask.
Ichigo comes to a stop beside him.
It is a testament to his exhaustion that Roman doesn’t even notice Ichigo enough to react until he’s been standing there for nearly a full minute. When he does he jumps, startling and in the space between breaths Roman’s demeanor shifts. His eyes crinkle with a smile and he turns to Ichigo, a dozen times more cheerful than he’d been mere seconds before. It’s a startling contrast. From one face to another in less time than it took Ichigo to even realize he’d seen him looking so serious.
Roman was not a serious man. He had a tendency to jump around and get overly excited over seemingly nothing at all. Like cake, and slacking off and a blog he’s obsessed with that is, somehow, still posting online even though the world outside is nothing more than ash and fading memory. Ichigo personally suspects that it’s a prank put together by Da Vinci.
That artist is something of nuisance.
“Ichigo!” Roman’s smile is hard to spot as a fake, when Ichigo doesn’t know to look for it. Now that it is, it’s still hard but he can see the slant to his eyes, the tiny purse of his mouth. Ichigo is no genius, but he likes to think Roman is his friend. And so he does his best to learn to read him.
“Did you need something?” Roman asks, peering curiously at him. Something under Ichigo’s skin hums and crawls. The hiding sets his teeth on edge. Maybe it's because Ichigo himself is such a straight forward person, but he doesn’t much chair for people who hide like this.
And maybe it’s hypocritical, but at the moment he, frankly, doesn’t give a shit.
“You need to sleep,” Ichigo says, his jaw set in a stubborn line.
“Oh! Ah, I just have a little more work to do here before I can do that. See, Sonya wasn’t feeling well earlier and-”
“Roman,” Ichigo grabs his elbow and watches the man jump, like he’s been shocked. He acts like no one’s ever laid a hand on him before in his life.  “Go to sleep. We’re not going to a singularity tomorrow. You can afford rest.”
Still, Roman’s smile turns, tilts, like he’s confused, and this close Ichigo realizes that he’s thrumming with anxiety.
  No wonder he can’t sleep.  
Ichigo is not a genius. And he’s not the best at offering comfort, especially not at times like this. This is a time when they have to step up, when there is no other choice for them than to stand together, and he can’t say he’s entirely sympathetic with the doctor.
But he pulls him, by the elbow, not giving him time to argue as he manhandles him towards the hallway that leads to the dorm rooms. Most of them are empty now, their occupants frozen in cryogenic coffins. Anyone who isn't working is frozen, in fact. All of the staff that had died during the initial explosion had been dragged out, sometimes in pieces, and laid in the snow and ice outside the facility. It would preserve them for the time being. And with Ichigo around, so too were the ghosts.
It had started with Marie, but by now most of the dead staff have started to drink in his reitsu, to supplement themselves. If they take enough, they can even interact with the world around them, though it leaves Ichigo exhausted if too many do it at once. It’s like vampires, but they're eating his soul instead of drinking his blood. And in any case, it keeps the chains in the chest from eating their way up.
Marie had explained, very vaguely because her family specialized in astronomy not ghosts, that if those chains vanished entirely they would have less ghosts and more ghouls. Which was bad.
They pass twelve of them on the way to their destination.
“Ichigo, please,” Roman tries to tug his arm out of Ichigo’s hand, but out of the two of them it’s no contest who the stronger one is. “I have work-”
“You’re no good if you work yourself to death!” Ichigo snaps. He closes the door behind them with a tap to the pad on the wall and tosses Roman bodily onto the bed.
Roman scrambles to sit, blinking at their surroundings in confusion.
It’s almost the same as the last time they’d been there, during their first meeting ever. The only difference is that there’s a pair of jeans in the corner and a picture of his sisters and his mom on the desk under the window now.
“This is…”
“My room,” Ichigo finishes for him. He runs his fingers through his hair, his customary scowl in place. This was probably stupid but-
“You said you come here to relax, right? To goof off and slack on your duties. Well, relax. Marie’s still around so it’s not like you’re the acting director anymore.”
Roman gapes at him like a fish.
“But- But-”
“Shut up,” Ichigo orders tersely. He’s already second guessing his initial reaction but he wasn’t gonna leave Roman there to stare at their doom and he doesn’t have the damn poetry of words to convince him that they’ll rise above their challenges. “And go to sleep. Chaldea will be here in the morning, and so will the past.”
Roman slowly gathered his limbs together underneath him. He looks at Ichigo, confusion written across his face and it’s all Ichigo can do not to snap at him. Roman is a doctor and grown ass man. He should know better than to neglect himself.
To be fair, Goat Face is also and doctor and grown ass man, and Ichigo doesn’t trust him to so much as feed himself.
“O-kay,” Roman says at last, drawing the words out and his face finally softens, with fondness and truth. Some of the lie slips away. “Okay. But what about you, Ichigo? You need to sleep too. You’re supporting multiple servants and multiple ghosts, now.”
Ichigo hadn’t even thought about that.
He shrugs, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “I dunno. I can just sleep in a chair or something.”
“No!” Roman shakes his head. “No, that’s not acceptable. As your doctor I have to advise against it.”
“ ‘as your doctor’? What the hell kinda crap are you going on about?” Ichigo scowls deeper.
“You need to sleep, in a real bed. Honestly. We can just share.”
“Excuse me?”
“Like a sleep over in a movie!”  
“... You were homeschooled, weren’t you?”
“Fine, whatever,” Ichigo was too tired to deal with this. In the morning he’ll kick himself, and maybe Roman, but for now all he can think of is turning the lights off and getting some sleep, at last.
And if it’s easier to sleep when the living are next to him and not when he’s haunted only by figurative ghosts instead of literal ones, no one will even be the wiser.
It’s not so much a house as it is a room where he can simply exist.
It’s small, single story and a basement that still smells faintly like lightning and copper and a strange magecraft. One that he can’t quite place, one that he’s never encountered before.
Ichigo doesn’t ask about the old owners and Waver Velvet, who gets pissed every time Ichigo doesn’t call him something stupid like Lord Elmeloi the fifth or whatever, hadn’t volunteered any information.
Ichigo spends a few minutes looking around. There’s a fold out couch in the living room and the kitchen is stocked with none perishables and frozen meats. The bedroom has runes carved above the door and the window, offering Ichigo a modicum of protection from what might be out there. There’s a bed big enough for his whole family and then some, and the closet has a few changes of clothes. Three suits, of all things, and a familiar mystic code.
White and black, it’s a body suit he’d been given early on. His Chaldea combat uniform.
The material feels like silk but Ichigo knows better than to think it is. It’s tough enough to hold up to arrows and fire and more than he wants to think of. He’d only taken blunt force trauma when he’d worn it. There were three spells woven into the fabric, and Ichigo wonders what it will be like to wear it again before he dismisses the idea.
Ichigo wonders just what Waver had thought Ichigo was going to be doing here, that he needed this.
He goes to the basement.
It’s bigger than he would have expected, and there are weapons lined on the walls. Spears, swords, and bows, and a range setup with dummies stuffed with straw.
There are no windows, to hide him from curious eyes. Any non-mags who finds out about magic is sentenced to death, and that is part of why Ichigo hasn’t told his family about his escapades. His wars.
Kon walks past him at the foot of the stairs. Along another wall is a shelf built into the stone foundations, filled with texts and materials that Ichigo can recognize instantly.
He’d never been good at spell work on his own, but he can use the magic equivalent of chemistry just fine. And, on top of that, after Babylonia a certain goddess had magnanimously taken time out of her ever so busy schedule to teach him the graceful art of gem magic.
Or rather, a stuck up deity who Ichigo had bribed to be his friend had taught him how to shove magic energy into rocks he could throw at people to blow them the fuck up.
Combined with the runes that Cu had spent years drilling into his head, Ichigo could survive a regular mage battle fine on his own, if he had time to prepare. And war has made him paranoid, so he starts taking stock of everything that he’d been given.
Evil bones, dragon scales, eternal gears, crystals of several types and a mystic gunpowder. A few feathers, and a jar of scarabs. Chalk, too, and strong thread that’s more like fishing line.
There’s also, definitely for the best, a fire extinguisher in the corner.
“What kinda place is this, Ichigo?” Kon finally asks. He pokes at a jar of red liquid on top of the thick desk that Ichigo has been given. It’s all and all not very personalized, but for Ichigo’s purposes it’s more than enough. Especially given that Ichigo’s purpose was to sit somewhere where his dad wasn’t. Where he didn’t have to think about the spirits or the hollows or the shinigami, however briefly that might be.
“It’s just a house, Kon. A… friend of mine owns it. Think of it as our secret hide out,” Ichigo waves his hand around, idly.
“A secret hide out huh… I get it!” Kon bounced towards him, his soft paws scuffing lightly on the concrete floor. “This is a place to bring girls!”
Ichigo snorts and punts the plushie towards the stairs. “What girl is gonna hand around a creapy basement with you, huh? What are you a serial killer?”
“More like a lady killer! Or I could be, if I just had a body to call my own. Hey, you said I could borrow yours, remember!”
“I didn’t forget. Sorry, we’ve been busy,” Ichigo steps over him and climbs back up to the totally normal looking house above, with Kon on his heels. He lets out a soft breath. It feels too warm above ground, but Ichigo opens the windows and lets the sunlight pour inside upon his skin, lets the wind pull at his hair and dance through the drapes. “I’ll let you have it tonight, okay?”
“But nothing in this town ever happens at night!” Kon whines. When Ichigo sits on the couch he climbs up to flop across his lap, pouting.
“Just try to stretch your legs, and you can have some time on the weekend, deal?”
Kon considers him suspiciously before he nods, once.
They sit together in the sunlight, in the foreign house, with the spring air cooling them until his phone goes off. Rukia, of course, because work doesn’t give him much of a break.
It’s alright. Sometimes a few minutes to breath is enough.
* *
Rukia Kuchiki is  not the first Shinigami that Ichigo has ever encountered.
There was another, a man who had taken to following their group around North America.
They met in 1783. He was… strange. And admittedly, it was a strange situation that they had found each other in. He’s pretty sure Shinigami don’t normally hang around Alcatraz, but what does he know? The island is infested with all sorts of monsters and guarded by one of the oldest heroes of written legend.
Beowulf. Powerful and vicious, battle hungry but not necessarily cruel. He’d even let them pass into the fortress after just a ‘test’ fight against a dragon.
They, or rather Ichigo, find the Shinigami with Sita, sitting next to her in the deepest prison of Alcatraz. Florence Nightingale is somewhere above them, charging headlong after him with Rama strapped to her back. He’s in bad shape, his curse slowly consuming his body, and Sita is their only chance to save him. Even without Beowulf the prison is crawling with dangerous creatures of all types.
Ichigo finds Sita first.
But she is not unguarded and Ichigo curses himself for leaving his servants upstairs to handle the chaos there.
Ichigo is more than capable of handling celtic soldiers, who fall beneath his vicious attacks and his steadily strengthening magic. The more he uses it the stronger it gets, and his body is adapting quickly to the strain it puts upon him. It’s only been a year or so and he can already go toe to toe with most average mages. A simple soldier with a spear is well within his abilities.
This man, Ichigo can tell with a second of inspection, is not.
He doesn’t have the same energy as a servant. And he’s dressed in clothes that aren’t celtic or american. He’s dressed like he’s from japan.
A black kosado and hakama. All black, with curly brown hair that’s nearly past his shoulders and brown eyes that almost fool Ichigo into thinking that he’s harmless.
But people are more themselves when they aren’t being watched, and this man, older than Ichigo and, he realizes, most certainly dead, has no idea he’s been seen.
He looks at Sita like she’s some kind of puzzle, like some game that he doesn’t know all the rules to. Ichigo stays a moment, and watches him watch her until Sita realizes that she has a visitor.
She leans forwards on the bed, and right through the stranger, who half turns to look at Ichigo over his shoulder. He’s not interested in him though, not really. He can see it.
Roman is hiding something.
Something important, and he doesn’t know what but he does know now how to recognize when someone is hiding something. Even if it wasn’t for Roman, it’s not only heroes he’s summoned. There is an assassin class, and his heroes have their flaws. Their secrets. Each singularity is it’s own mystery and they are full of liars and tricksters and more than ever before Ichigo has a bone deep appreciation for people who are plain and true.
Ichigo crosses his arms over his chest and stares right at the ghost.
“You’re Sita, right? Rama’s wife?”
“My Lord Rama? Is he here?” she rushes to her feet, all red hair and fire the flutters like an ember on the wind. Not like Rama, who burns anything in his path if he must.
Ichigo nods, once. He lets the stranger inspect him too. There’s the smallest amount of stubble around his chin, like he hasn’t shaved in a while. And he’s armed. Saber class.
“Yes. But he’s injured. We need your help to heal him.”
Ichigo finally breaks eye contact with the ghost. He steps backwards and points his fist at the lock on the door. Sita hurries to brace herself and he shoots it off with a vicious Gandr. When he uses them on living things, he’s lucky to stun them. On inanimate objects, they blow up. He doesn’t get it, but that’s his life. Becuase fuck him, obviously.
“Yes!” Sita agrees eagerly. Her smile is equal parts soft and fierce. “If I can be of use to him, then I’ll do whatever I can.”
“Okay,” Ichigo stands away from the prison door. “Stand back,” he orders, and she steps back into the cell, against the door. The ghosts watches him raise his hand, holding up his fist at the door. The mystic code hums across his skin and he feeds his own mana into it. There’s a flash of pale blue and red and the lock explodes in shards of steel, just as they’re joined by others.
Rama comes stumbling around the corner, his fine clothes stained with blood and his body frayed at the edges. He looks bad. The hold in his chest is starting to gape and glow gold at the edges.
Ichigo hears the ghost suck in a sharp breath and he takes a step towards Rama before Ichigo cuts him off, blocking him from his friends. Sita rushes to him.
“Sita!” Rama reaches out around him and Ichigo can’t understand how he’s even on his feet. How deep does his love for his wife run? “Damn it, my vision is blurry. I can’t see anything…”
“I’m here!” Sita falls to his side as Rama collapses, finally succumbing to his festering wound. Ichigo watches, his hands clenched at his sides as Mash explains about Cu Chulainn Alter, and his Gae Bolg.
Ichigo stands back, with his Cu at his side. The caster leans on his staff, watching Sita gently stroke her husbands hair. They will never meet, and it drives pain into Ichigo’s chest on their behalf.
“Well. Fuck.” Cu says bluntly.
Ichigo snorted. “Yeah. That sums it all up pretty well.”
The ghost tries to take another step, but Ichigo catches his hand.
He spins, his brown eyes wide. “You- You can see me.”
“Well yeah. No shit,” Ichigo says aloud. Caster peers at him curiously, but Ichigo just taps the corner of his eye. A ghost, and Cu nods and leans back again. Even amongst his heroic spirits he’s an oddity. Not all of them can see ghosts. Only the ones that attack them, and more than once has Ichigo had to forcibly guide them into striking true.
Cu is a bit better. He hasn’t told him explicitly but Ichigo suspects that Scathach is somehow related to the afterlife. The land of shadows sounds like it should be full of ghosts.
Ichigo let’s go when the ghost pulls at his hand, peering at Ichigo. It’s funny, watching someone pull a metaphorical mask onto their face. This one is a kind person, someone who’s harmless, but Ichigo can still see them. He is armed and his eyes betray him, as eyes so often do.
Sharp and intelligent. Like a cat watching him.
“I suppose you do have some reitsu. But to be able to see me, is still not an easy feat.”
Ichigo frowns. “I do? It feels like all of it’s being sucked out by everyone at Chaldea…”
“Excuse me?” he blinks at Ichigo a couple of times.
“Nevermind. There’s just some people who are sucking up my reitsu so they don’t disappear, you know?”
And now even the ghost was looking at him like he’s crazy. Great. Awesome.
The glittering glow of Sita’s body dissolving interrupts them, and Ichigo turns to face his servants with a hard clench of his jaw. Rama slowly sits up, sorrow over taking his features. Even in a holy grail war, he will never meet his wife again.
“We should go,” Ichigo says quietly. “We still have to go east. We have to finish what we started. Rama, are you ready?” Ichigo goes to him, and offers him his hand. Rama takes it and stands.
“Yes. My body does not falter. I renew my vows now, Master of Chaldea. I, Rama, King of Kosala, will fight at your side. I shall not be defeated again. This I swear!” He bows his head to Ichigo, this proud, powerful king.
“Yes,” Liz steps up, a noble countess with her chin lifted and her eyes defiant. “We will win, for you our master!”
“We will rip out the root of the infection,” Nightingale agrees, smacking her hands together. Her red eyes burn with a ferocity that would make lesser men tremble.
Mash nods, shortly and firmly. “I will put my faith in Master, and follow his lead.”
“You already know that I will strike down your enemies,” Medusa adds, her long hair swaying with the promise of poisons.
“Lead the way, Master,” Cu claps his shoulder and Ichigo looks each of the mover in turn. Finally, he speaks.
“I swear I told you to use my damn name. You’re all so dramatic.”
Cu laughs at him, and Ichigo starts the long walk. From Alcatraz to Washington.
Only now they have a tag along. The ghost insists on following them along, because apparently Ichigo and the singularity is dangerous enough to warrant his attention. Which is  great .
“What do I call you then,” Ichigo asks, side-eying his newest companion.
He tilts his head, sending brown waves spilling across his shoulders.
“Mmmm. Kyo,” he says after a minute.
“...That is  not a real name.”
* * *
“So, your friend, the Lord, how do you know him?”
Ichigo looks up at Rukia. She’s standing over his bed that night. Chad is asleep in the corner, passed out after a study session run long.
“Who, Waver? We met a while ago.”
Ichigo scoots back on the bed, until his back is to the wall and he can sit, criss cross, looking at her. Waver had come to town earlier, on business as much as to see Ichigo. They’d talked, briefly, in front of the school earlier until Ichigo had had to rush off. Not before Waver had extracted a promise to meet up with him a few days in the future. Apparently there was some weird shit going on in town that had nothing to do with Ichigo and his friends, but was now his problem because he was a mage.
A two bit one, but still.
“How?” Rukia asks, narrowing her eyes at him if only slightly.
Ichigo considers telling her everything, but it’s a bit too much to believe.
‘I time travelled for three years trying to stop the incineration of humanity and I met him as a demi servant and his old servant because he fought for a holy grail and oh yeah did I mention i punched god?’
Yeah, no. Even shinigami didn’t go time travelling. He’d checked. It didn’t help that most shinigami were so out of touch with the living world that even three hundred years ago they didn’t know much about human magics or the goings on. Before the fall of the age of gods humans and spirits had been closer, had almost lived together. Ereshkigal had told him some of how it worked, four thousand years ago, but he’s certain things have changed. For one, she is clearly not in charge of the afterlife anymore. Which begs the question of just where she had gone.
To the reverse side of the world? Or somewhere else entirely?
“After Chaldea,” he says instead, picking over his words with as much care as he can, “After the explosion of Chaldea, their patrons, the Clock Tower in London, sent someone to see what was happening. And to take stock in the situation. Waver was the one that they sent.
“Apparently he gets the ‘problem children’ a lot.” And that was what they were, really. He and Mash, they were just teenagers. Even now. Eighteen….
Eighteen is not enough years for what he’s seen, what he’s done. For the choices he’s had to make.
“No wonder they sent him for you,” Rukia snorts at him, but there’s a smile at the corner of her mouth and Ichigo fights not to return it. Instead he scowls, as he usually does.
“Yeah, yeah,” he waves his hand dismissively at her. “I’m going to get a drink. Do you wanna come with?”
“No,” she shakes her head and he stands and leaves her in his bedroom. His dad is in the clinic. He’s been avoiding Ichigo for weeks, ever since that day in the cemetery and Ichigo is fine with that. He’s still angry.
Yuzu and Karin are up in their own room, and the lower half of the house is quiet. Ichigo pours himself some water and takes a few minutes to calm himself. Waver has him on edge, and more than that…
Something is coming. He doesn’t know what, yet, but his instincts are hissing in the back of his mind, louder and louder ever since he took Rukia’s power as his own. Something is something. Something dangerous. Something deadly. Some change he has no idea how to see or stop.
His cup is covered in a thin layer of frost.
Ichigo stares down at it.
The cold spreads across the surface, white eating over the glass. Elegant swirls of frozen leaves spread out from his finger tips.
He pours out the water and puts the cup away, trying not to think about it.
Because even with Ichigo, even with magic and ghosts and all the other shit in his life, he’s never frozen anything. He isn’t fucking Jack Frost.
He goes back upstairs, trying not to think about it, and helps Rukia rouse Chad to send him on his way home. There’s work to be done. A smarter man would ask about the ice. Would mention it to Rukia. Would wonder if the two aren’t connected.
And Ichigo is not stupid, but he’s maybe a little too used to strange things happening and learning the why at a later date.
* * * *
The acrid smell of burning flesh sears into his mind. Into his soul. Choking him, smoke curled into his lung like an ash made cat that tears claws into the soft tissue.
It’s red. Red, red, red everywhere. Fire singes along the edges of reality. The earth hovers, red and burning and doomed from the start. Doomed from babylonia, doomed from the present and the now.
Mash lays in front of him. Crushed, broken. No shield, no armor, just a dead little girl, reaching for his hand.
Yuzu and Karin are sprawled apart from eachother and they never should be, never should be, because they are twins, they were born together nothing should ever tear them apart-
Isshin. Isshin and his mother, they lie beside a river that runs with fire instead of water. Bloody, broken, staring at Ichigo.
The air shifts and the glittering shine of gold spins around him with a scream. His servants, his friends, cut down and torn apart and left only as glitter that roars their betrayal at him. At his failure. He is the master, the center of power, but he cannot fight on his own. He is powerless in the face of the hulking monster that drags itself out of the rubble to kill him.
He takes a step back, fear clogging his throat. Lahmu crawl across the broken rubble of Fuyuli, of Uruk, of Rome and London and Camelot. His foot hits something. He doesn’t look down, he doesn’t need to. Orange and green and white. White and gold and black. Romani, laid to waste.
He is helpless. Powerless. His command spells are gone and he has failed. Lost.
Fire roars at his throat and-
He’s punched in the face by the smell of perfume.
Ichigo looks up at the sky. Pale blue, a few whisps of cloud floating across it.
He drinks in air. Air that tastes like flowers instead of ashes and death.
Something soft touches his shoulder and it’s only familiarity that keeps him from lashing out.
Lavender eyes peer down at him. It’s his hand on his shoulder. His Caster.
His Merlin.
“Wha- I’m in a dream?” Ichigo sits, slowly, and Merlin helps him up. A warm hand on his shoulder and guilt in his eyes.
“Yes. I’m sorry,” Merlin shakes his head, mournfully. “I normally call you here before they can set in, but I was distracted this time…”
“Distracted,” Ichigo repeats dumbly. “Wait. So every time you’ve brought me here, it’s because I was going to have a nightmare?”
“I did tell you, once. Incubi are made of dreams. And I, as half of one, gain my sustenance out of them as well. Bad dreams are sour, so I don’t want yours to-”
“Cut the crap,” Ichigo elbows him lightly in the side. “Just tell me the truth. We’re friends and you don’t want to see me suffering.”
Merlin can only stare at him for a second. “... I always forget how brazen you are, Ichigo. You never have minced your words. You really consider me a friend, do you?”
“Of course I do! And don’t try to give me any shit about we can’t be friends because I’m human. I’m not anymore, remember. I’m a shinigami.”
“Yes, yes. And isn’t that ironic? I, unable to die, and you a creature made of death.”
“You make a bad philosopher. Stick to being a dreamer, Merlin.”
Merlin merely laughs at him, a softness in the wind, and Ichigo sits with him until the sun comes up outside his bedroom window.
* * * * *
What was with people and coming in through his window?
Ichigo stares at the man, Urahara, that is sitting on his window sill. Kon is having a minor panic attack in his arms, flailing around. Rukia has left. Vanished with only a note to tell them not to look for her and if she thinks Ichigo will listen to it, she doesn’t know him very well at all. Ichigo has never been one to abandon his friends, even if they don’t explain what’s happening or why they’re in trouble.
Ichigo will go after her, but first he needs to figure out how to turn into a shinigami again. Kon is no help, he’s too busy running around for Ichigo to dig his pill form out of his plush body. And this man…
His timing is too good. Is he some kind of clairvoyant, like Gilgamesh? Or just a man with far too many cards in his hand to play?
Whatever the case, Ichigo is strangely glad that he’s here. Without Rukia’s glove and with Kon losing his mind, Ichigo needs help to get out of his body.
“So you’ll pop me out of my body,” Ichigo says, eying his cane, “Just because Rukia is a regular customer. Is your shop really that slow?” He definitely has too much time on his hands.
“That’s right!” the man practically sings and Ichigo could swear for an instant his eyes were lavender instead of grey. He’s like a strange mix of Merlin and Da Vinci.
And isn’t  that a scary thought?
“...Yeah, okay. I’d appreciate the help.”
Kisuke pushes his cane through Ichigo’s chest and he pops out the other side like a weasel.
Ichigo carefully lays his body in bed and covers it up. It’s almost two in the morning and normal humans are asleep, including his family. He picks a few small rocks out of his school bag, simple stones with straight lines carved onto them. He eyes Kisuke, still sitting in the window.
“When I get back from this, I’ve got a couple of questions for you,” he says, marching up to Kisuke, who flicks his fan out over his mouth. Only his eyes are visible and those are still hidden in shadow.
“Oh? I can’t imagine what you’d ask a simple shop keeper like me…”
“Plenty,” Ichigo says plainly. He plants his hand next to Kisuke’s head and leans over him. “But for now. Get out of my room.”
He pushes him straight out the window, and onto the lawn beneath. Ichigo figures that he’s probably tough enough to take a little tumble. He trusts Kisuke to be fine before he jumps out the window after him. He needs to get to Rukia. He can feel it. Something is happening.
His instincts hiss that he needs to  move .
He follows the feeling of coolness and wind and snowflakes that he can almost see. It’s joined by another feeling, something clean and pale and just a little bit angry, thin threads that wrap together to be stronger.. Uryuu.
He needs to hurry.
Ichigo sprints across the city, pouring on his speed. Faster and faster until he swears he’s running on the wind.
He turns the corner.
Uryu on the ground, Rukia not far. Two Shinigami. Red hair and black. The red head with his sword lifted above Uryu’s head, ready to strike.
Ichigo swings his sword off his back and the streets cracks and erupts beneath the sudden force of his power. It throws the shinigami, Renji Abarai, off of his feet.
“Huh? Who are you? Who’s orders are you here on?” he barks.
Ichigo ignores him. He touches Uryu’s shoulder, making sure he’s still in one piece, and pours Mana into his human body. It should be enough to jump start his own healing process. Mana transference is about all Ichigo is good for anyhow.
“What did you…?” Uryu looks up at him, bewildered.
“Later,” Ichigo says. He blocks the blow that comes from behind, bracing himself against the ground.
“I get it,” Renji pushes down hard, his eyes wild. He feels like fire and venom and bone. “You’re the one that stole Rukia’s powers! Because of you, she’s going to be executed!”
Ichigo’s blood runs cold. Rukia. Executed? For helping him? For giving him the power to protect his friends, his family?
No. He will not allow it.
“That’s bullshit!” Ichigo throws him back, power surging through him. His own anger and the energy that Rukia has given him. Cold coursing through his veins. “Rukia was just helping, she saved us! Isn’t that what your job is?!”
“She broke the rules is what she did. What’s a few human lives to a shinigami? She should have never done that.”
A few human-
Ichigo throws himself at Renji with vicious abandon. Renji is fast but Ichigo is strong, Rukia is strong, and it’s her power that lets him swing his sword with utmost surety.
Still, it’s hard to keep up when Renji won’t shut up. Something about menos and children and then he asks Ichigo’s swords name.
He frowns and racks his brain. That feels like something he should know. On the tip of his tongue. His sword. Rukia’s sword. Does it have a name?
Renji takes his silence for ignorance and he’s not wrong.
He puts his sword in front of him and it glows faintly red. The taste of fire and bone is stronger.
“A shinigami’s zanpakuto is the true form of their soul, it’s their true power. And this is mine! Now Roar, Zabimaru!”
Ichigo watches the sword change, grow fangs and cracks. A Noble Fantasm? No, it’s much weaker. He looks at Renji, looks harder at his power. He’s strong, probably stronger than Ichigo but is he stronger than Ichigo and Rukia together? This will have to be a battle where he can’t rely on brute strength.
The sword swings and the cracks pull apart until it’s a glorified whip with teeth and Ichigo jumps back to dodge it. The stones weigh heavy in his pocket and his mind whirls. No longer a saber, no longer capable of simply attacking and slashing until he’s won.
“Give up already! You’re 2000 years too young to beat me!”
And maybe Renji would be right. Maybe he would be too much for Ichigo to handle, in another life. Maybe if he really was just a fifteen year old kid, shihakusho more green than black, he would leave him laying in a puddle of blood without breaking a sweat.
But Ichigo is not fifteen. He is eighteen and he has fought eight wars. He has ended extinction and walked the land of the dead, and demons, and stood amongst stars. He has fought and bled and killed and died, and he has done it all for his family, his friends.
And now.
Now these two are trying to take another friend. They are trying to steal Rukia, to punish her for saving him and giving him strength enough to fight.
And he will not allow it.
His temper howls, blood rushing into his ears and battle fury washes over his skin.
Beneath it, beneath that hot fire that has driven him for so much of his life there’s something else. Something cold and foreign, frost on a window pane in summertime, snow floating around a campfire.
He lunges for Renji.
Renji is forced to release his noble phantasm, his zanpakuto. It lashes out, a segmented whip that bites the pavement with terrible teeth. Ichigo takes it in stride, catches it’s glinting teeth in his own too-long blade and twirls it like spaghetti around a knife. The teeth catch and hold, Renji’s eyes go wide and Ichigo yanks him forward with his zanpakuto.
He takes one hand off his own sword and drives it into Renji’s jaw. His teeth click and blood spurts between his lips before he drops like a lead balloon.
With Renji at his feet Ichigo turns to face Rukia and the man in the white cloak. He tilts his long blade, letting Renji’s zanpakuto slide off. On the ground it glows faintly red and returns to its original form.
“Are you next then?” Ichigo asks, his voice careful and calm even as the wrold inside him rages. Plans pick up and he reads this mans strengths. He’s leagues ahead of Ichigo but even still…
Ichigo is not the type to run. He is not the type to give up. No matter that Rukia is screaming at him to. He won’t-
He twists and blocks the blow he had barely ever seen, his sword moving faster than his mind.
Surprise registers on the man’s face, muted and little more than a twist of his mouth and a twitch of his eyes. Ichigo shoves him away, but he wasn’t fast enough.
Blood seeps out of his back. The cut it shallow, it won’t slow him down but the fact remains. He got hit.
Faster, whispers a voice in the back of his head. A memory, a premonition. He blocks the next attack but only just and under the force of the drawn sword, his own begins to crack. No. No, he will not lose, not like this.
He shoves the man back and flings one of the stones at him, shooting a burst of Mana through it. The man in white has to move fast to avoid the fire that erupts in front of him.
“Ichigo?” Rukia stares at him, her mouth open. “What was that?!”
“I’m not that great at magic,” Ichigo admits, tossing another stone up and down in his hand. He never takes his eyes off of his enemy. “In fact, I wouldn’t even call myself a real mage. I’m pretty second rate at this stuff. But this much… This much I can do.”
He shoots another stone at the shinigami in front of him, who’s name he never did get, and grins when he’s forced to release his own zanpakuto. He’s glad about it, but Rukia is screaming at him.
The air fills with glittering flower petals and Ichigo tastes steel, feels the weight of ‘Duty’ and ‘Honor’ and the scent of sakura blossoms wash across his skin.
They surge at him, a tidal wave of power, danger. Each one is a blade and Ichigo cannot dodge of block them all. Even still, he will not run. He will-
  Protect Rukia!  
Cold chases through his body, Rukia’s power surges. Ichigo gives his strength over to it, pours his reitsu into the sword as he once did his saber’s and the sound of bells echoes around him.
A ribbon flutters graceful in front of his face and he swings, running on instinct alone.
The wave of flower petals is stopped in its tracks. Frozen in a circle of ice that reaches towards the sky.
Ichigo is aware, from the shock on the faces of the people around him, that he’s just done something impossible. Again.
Oh well.
He turns again to the Shinigami, bringing his blade in front of him. Not his, Rukia’s. He was going to save her-
Ichigo shouted when light, six straight rectangles of it, slammed into his stomach. He froze, unable to move. The ice shattered and the blades inside of it floated back to their master, reforming into a single sword. This time, Ichigo couldn’t block. He could do nothing as the blade pierced him twice, and the light faded.
He tried. He did. He would crawl if he had to but-
“Stay alive, for just a little longer, Ichigo. And if you follow me, I will never forgive you.”
He can recognize what she’s doing. She’s drawing the man, Byakuya, and the newly awakened Renji away from him. She is protecting him, and the helplessness is acid on his tongue.
He was left, bleeding, dying, on the streets of Karakura.
* * * * * *
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grievouslyxorvia · 4 years
Fateverse gift exchange fic!
For @ tokkimeki on Twitter! I hope you enjoy it!
There was something wonderful about the holidays. Seeing everyone coming together, smiling and laughing, cuddling with blankets and warm drinks, the joy in their eyes as gifts were exchanged. It was an undoubtedly human scene, and Romani Archiman never tired of it. Even the Heroic Spirits were getting into the spirit, as some prepared gifts for the Master and for each other. He watched as the various Cú Chulainn’s rushed into the cafeteria after their Caster self, who appeared to have stolen all the others' spears and was laughing cheerfully. The noise swirling around him was warm and comforting, even though circumstances were what they were. They had only just defeated the primal goddess of life, followed by a new crisis in the Underworld, and yet… life went on.
“Doctor Roman!”
The last Master of Chaldea called out, waving excitedly as they rushed over. Ritsuka Fujimaru took a seat across from him, smiling brightly. “Merry Christmas, and happy Chanukah! Must be nice having a break after the craziness of Sumerian Fever!”
“Haha, yes! I honestly had no idea how to treat the Heroic Spirits! I’m glad you and Altera were able to figure it out…” Roman shook his head. “Honestly, I wonder how you do it. And how Altera got all those sheep…”
Ritsuka just laughed. “It’s all part of the job description at this point. The sheep were from Ishtar’s husband, and honestly, I’m just glad I got to see Ereshkigal again. Even if I have to wait another year for time to catch up… I’m happy I got to see her smile.”
“I mean, me too, but did you really have to go all the way to the bottom of the Underworld to do it?? Again?” He smiled back, already knowing the answer. “Of course, no one left behind. I’d say these Christmas adventures are getting out of hand, but then I’d have to address… whatever Halloween is. And I don’t think I’m ready for that!”
Ritsuka burst into laughter, “Me either! But honestly, it’s usually harmless fun compared to what we usually are up against. Seeing Eli happy makes me happy too. Being surrounded by all these happy faces is the real gift… wow that was cheesy.” They blushed and looked away. “Anyway… I should go get Caster Cu to give the others their spears back. Oh, and Mash said she’d meet you at the observation deck!” They added, getting up.
“Ah, I suppose I should get going too then!” The doctor rose to join them. “I’ll see you later, yeah? Good luck catching Caster…”
“Thanks! I’ll need it…” the Master sighed dramatically and jogged off in the direction the Celts had gone.
Roman watched them go, before slowly turning and making his way towards the door. The feeling that had been nagging him for the past ten years was stronger than ever. Now that they had the final lead to Solomon, it was only a matter of time until the Grand Order was complete. Only a matter of time until these stressful, terrifying, hopeful days came to an end. The halls seemed warmer than usual, as the happy chatter and laughter echoed from the cafeteria, and yet the doctor still felt a sense of distance. That all this was just another beautiful dream. But as he heard the patter of feet rushing towards him, he couldn’t help but think that dream or not, he was happy to be here.
“Doctor Roman!” a cheerful voice called, “I’m sorry! I hope I haven’t kept you waiting!”
He turned to her with a smile. “Ah, you never do, Mash. Always right on time. And David is with you as well! He was the one I was worried about.”
David grinned sheepishly and ran a hand through his hair. “Well, you know me! But hey, at least I helped this time!”
“Oh? Helped with what?” Roman asked- but a familiar, wonderful scent was already wafting towards him.
“Emiya and David helped me make latkes tonight!” Mash beamed while holding out a plate overflowing with the delicious snack.
“Those look amazing! Perfectly golden brown… still warm from the pan! I can’t wait to share them with you. But first… Mash, would you like to light the menorah tonight?”
“Really? Do I need any special training? Is it really ok for me to light it?” Her wide eyes were filled with concern.
“No no, you‘ll be fine. You watched me for the last two days, right? And you saw me do it last year too!” He smiled warmly. “You’ll be great. I guess you’ll want me to do the blessings again, David?”
“Aha, yep! That’d be great, yes! I mean, this holiday started about 800 years after I lived, so let’s be real- it’ll take awhile for me to memorise all the blessings like you did.” The shepherd king chuckled to himself, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Besides… you’re already perfect.”
Roman snorted softly at that. “Sure, sure… whatever you say. I think you just want to avoid the responsibility of learning.”
They had finally reached the observation deck, where the silvery menorah stood proudly in the window. Mash quickly busied herself pulling up their chairs for after the lighting, while David prepared the olive oil. Finally, it was time. The three stood together, while Mash carefully held the shamash candle. Roman started the blessings, the now familiar words falling from his lips and adding warmth to the holy glow of the candles. David watched in silence, a small smile on his face as the two focused intently on their tasks. It was good to see a ‘new’ tradition, and better to see Roman and Mash like the family they deserved to be. Truly, it was moments like these he was glad to be summoned. As they finished, they gazed at the glow standing against the backdrop of the endless Antarctic blizzard. But the latkes wouldn’t wait forever- and in the spirit of family, the trio quickly descended on them. Soon, they were telling stories, while David played songs on the lyre.
Roman continued to linger after the lights had been snuffed, and David and Mash had returned to Ritsuka. The nagging feeling inside his heart was still strong, and he couldn’t really bring himself to return to the festive atmosphere. Slowly, he moved down the halls, lost in thought over the meaning of family and holidays. So busy that he didn’t notice the lady who had stepped in front of him.
“Hello, Doctor,” a soft voice snapped him out of his reverie.
“Ah, Miss Kiara!? I’m so sorry- I didn’t see you there! I guess I wasn’t paying attention again, haha…!” Roman nervously laughed and ran his hands through his hair. Kiara Sessyoin stood before him, peeking up through modestly lowered lashes.
“I see even you thought to escape the celebrations… perhaps sneaking away for a clandestine meeting with someone special?” She smiled knowingly. “I promise I won’t tell.”
“Ohh, uh! It’s not like that! I was just thinking some things over, especially with everything coming up with Solomon and the completion of the Grand Order and-“
She giggled, holding up a hand to stop him.
“I’m only teasing, Doctor Roman. Don’t worry so much… although…” she pursed her lips slightly, glancing up. “It seems maybe I was right after all, and you just didn’t know it yet.”
“Eh?” He followed her gaze, and caught sight of the small plant hanging above them by a ribbon. “O-oh! Mistletoe…?! I wasn’t expecting- I mean, I didn’t mean-“
“Come now, Doctor,” she beamed, “no need to be shy… it’s traditions like these that make us human, after all.”
Roman could feel himself staring in shock as she leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“Ah… oh…” he stammered, unable to react as she moved away, smiling mischievously.
“Wasn’t that nice? It’s fun to do things outside of our normal boundaries every now and then, isn’t it?”
“Y-yes, I suppose… uh, th-thank you?” The flustered doctor felt his cheeks warming with a blush, which only amused Kiara more.
“You’re very welcome, Doctor Roman. I do hope to see you later- perhaps after the party…?” Without waiting for a response, she turned away with a wink, making her way back to the festivities.
Romani Archiman stood in the hallway, a stunned expression on his still warm face, feeling remarkably human. Even if this life was only a dream, he couldn’t help but feel grateful for every imperfect, cherished second of it. For what else was humanity, if not cherished imperfections?
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
You Always Admire What You Really Don’t Understand
Rating: T
Fandom(s): Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Fate/Grand Order
A galaxy divided by war! Formerly peaceful planets must choose a side or risk invasion as the Republic and the Separatist armies vie for the allegiance of the Neutral Planets.
Desperate to build a Republic Supply Base in the resource-rich, nearly abandoned System of Earth, Jedi Master Yoda travels to negotiate with the few who remain— the Survivors of Chaldea.
AO3 | Index | Next >
Chapter 1 / 2
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I'm really just clearing out my drafts at this point lol
Self-indulgent crossover, sue me. I just think that if Chaldea was involved in Star Wars, the war would've ended quickly.
They had wisely chosen to meet somewhere far from their main base of operation, taking the Shadow Boarder and traveling to what had once been Japan ages ago.
It was interesting to see what years of abandonment did to a nation. What it did to the world, really. It was beautiful, in a haunting way, to see everything so desolated and overgrown, but at the same time, it left a bitter taste in her mouth. In all of their mouths.
The taste of defeat, the taste of grief.
They had stopped Goetia and destroyed the Timeless temple. They had fixed the remaining singularities and yet— It hadn’t mattered in the end.
Sure, Romani, who had been the real Solomon, had been severely weakened but he had lived. And, sure, Mashu had died, only to be revived into a normal human… They had thought that it had been smooth sailing after that.
Only, the Alien God descended and the Lostbelts formed and the fighting began all over again. And Chaldea fought through all of them, time and time again.
Da Vinci died, Romani woke, and lives upon lives were pruned all for the sake of humanity.
And yet, it didn’t matter.
When the planet was restored, when Human Order was set back into place… the planet was empty. As if humanity had simply been plucked from it and Chaldea was all that remained.
But time marched on.
Humanity as they knew it was gone. Goredolf, the remaining Chaldea Staff, Sion, Mashu, Gudako, and Romani were all that remained of humans.
Most of the Servants stuck around still. Some shared the same bitter sentiment of “what mattered now” but remained loyal because where else would they even go?
It was better to stick around than vanish forever— though some chose to vanish back to the Root either way, with a promise to return when called.
Singularities still popped up, not often, but enough to keep things interesting and for new faces to join the ranks— Hell, they managed to summon Da Vinci and Musashi back by some grand miracle.
But was it even worth it? To an outsider, maybe not.
Humanity had been wiped from the planet, after all, and no amount of Grails could restore it. But they still continued on, what else could they do?
Even if this world’s humanity was gone, they still had their mission— protect and preserve. This had expanded from the planet to the planet’s history and future. But that decision had been made ages ago when the Lostbelts had ended, and now they were here.
Another unintended side effect had been all of their bodies, more than they already were by being Magus-Blooded humans. Spending time in a break in time-space had altered their aging, even Mashu who was supposed to be a normal human after Fou’s sacrifice.
The number of years that passed had since escaped Gudako though she knew that Romani kept track of it. She didn’t look any older than when the Lostbelts were first enacted, though her hair was longer.
The orange strands shifted in the breeze as she stood a little ways away from the Shadow Border. Rider Da Vinci (Who had begun to call herself Leona to differentiate ) was standing near the vehicle while Hector and Saito stood nearby.
Hector was well-versed in politics, and Saito knew his way around that field for the most part. Both were ready to aid in negotiations, and Geronimo was there as well, for that same reason. Saito was also there as the visible bodyguard, though, of course, all of them would spring to attack at the slightest sign of harm to Gudako.
Robin Hood was hiding somewhere, she knew, ready to strike if things went south— the likelihood of him also planting traps to cut through any forces was also very possible.
Li Shuwen was standing nearby for a similar reason but made no attempts to hide using his Sphere Boundary. Instead, he simply stood a bit to the side talking quietly with Hector and Saito while Geronimo watched the skies quietly.
Waiting on standby via communications were Goredolf, Da Vinci, Romani, and Mashu, along with anyone else in the communications and observation room in Chaldea. Sherlock, El Melloi II, and Chiron were in there, Gudako knew, as were Tesla and possibly Moriarty if he wasn’t trying to avoid Sherlock.
And yet…
It was quiet, almost too quiet.
Since Humanity was all but destroyed on Earth, Gudako had gotten used to the noise of wildlife and nature, the way animals had reclaimed civilization and the flora of the world overtook everything.
Chaldea had gone out of their way to dismantle anything that was harmful if left unattended on earth first— Nuclear Power Plants, especially.
It had been hard but necessary. None of them really fancied radiation poisoning, especially the humans and those more susceptible to poisoning.
But now the land around them was silent. The only noise was a song from the birds and the wildlife far in distance.
Gudako’s com beeped, making the others look over as she answered.
The face of a rather gorgeous woman appeared and Gudako smiled slightly at the familiar figure.
“Hey Da Vinci,” she greeted,  “No sign of the Republic yet, makes me wonder if something happened to them.”
She wouldn’t lie and say that having Leona around was the same as having their original Da Vinci with them. It was reassuring to have the little Rider, of course, but it had been different. Leona, of course, didn’t ever hold it against them for being unsure of how to act around her.
Nonetheless, Leonardo Da Vinci hummed on the other end of the line, hand going up to cradle her chin.
“I was just about to ask about that,” The Caster and now Co-Head of Technology with her other self sighed. “The planetary scans showed a disturbance, a ship coming down, but then nothing.”
Da Vinci paused for a moment before she shrugged. “Ah, well, it’s not like we need the Jedi to defend ourselves, though it would be nice to have the republic owe us.”
Gudako nodded in agreement before Hector spoke up, flicking ash from his cigarette.
“But it’s not like the Jedi to be late,” the Grecian man said. “From what the stories say, they’re a rather punctual bunch. Not like I can say much about that, though. I haven’t gone out of my way to meet any of them in the past years.”
Saito hummed in agreement as he gazed up at the sky.
“No, you’re right,” he said, brushing his thumb against one of his swords’ hilts. “Many Jedi are punctual, almost to a fault, haha. Vice-Commander’s not that fond of them, but the few interactions that I’ve had with them before this War solidified that.”
Despite his light tone, Gudako knew that Saito was serious as he spoke. So she simply nodded in agreement with him. It wasn’t as if she disagreed with his words, after all.
She, Da Vinci, and the others had infinite time after all, or at least the equivalent.
While the first few years had been spent readjusting and making sure the planet itself didn’t self-destruct by way of unmanaged power sources, the past ages had been different after that.
Space Travel had been all but easy to figure out.
With a few more months, and all the information from NASA and other nations, combined with what was gotten from Clocktower and Sion gladly gave up materials from Wandering Sea as she and Nemo helped, not to mention the Storm Border and Shadow Boarder were good base models to work with...
Well, easy to say that Exploring the rest of the Galaxy had been easy enough. Not all of it, though. That would be difficult to do even if they had infinite time— they still had to gather resources for themselves and prune small bits of human history that refused to let go. But enough of it had been explored to make a name for themselves in the rest of the Expanded Galaxy.
The Chaldeans, the Stargazers. Heroes who are on the side of good, even if some of them weren’t necessarily so. All the while, Chaldea had made sure not to cross paths with the Jedi if they could help it. There was nothing bad about them, per se, but, well... the Jedi had their ways and Chaldean had theirs. That said, the few times that the small teams of Servants sent out to complete a mission that wasn’t a singularity (and now SHEBA was picking up on Galaxy-Wide singularities) the Jedi had been rather decent to work with.
That had been part of the reason why Gudako had agreed to meet with the Jedi and thus Republic representative now. There was no doubt that the War within the Galaxy was bad— war itself was bad, no matter how many of Chaldea’s members liked the thrill of war.
Alone, Chaldea could do a lot but there were still restrictions and laws of the Galaxy to consider. The Republic ruled a majority of the Galaxy, save for a few places here and there that were considered either uninhabitable or neutral grounds, along with the Separatist Space.
Earth, or Terra, had been considered both a long time ago, but when they first heard of the War, they had struck out hard and fast toward any enemies harming planets that weren't part of the Republic or the Separatist States. Doing so had caused Chaldea to be known in the Galaxy as both a force of Good and as the only remaining inhabitants of Earth and rumors spread far and wide across the Galaxy.
Now things were changing.
With another sigh, Gudako closed her eyes.
“We’ll wait a bit longer, but I really don’t want to be waiting all night,” she told Da Vinci, who nodded in agreement before leaning out of frame.
A few voices could be heard on the other end— Roman, for one, was talking, as was Goredolf— before Sherlock leaned into the frame over Da Vinci.
“Whatever it is you decide we’ll support you from this end,” the Detective said, “We’ll keep a look out from this end.”
Gudako nodded before the video feed cut out.
In truth, she was unsure about serving any sort of Galactic-Wide Republic. And this wasn’t something that only she felt.
The thing was, Chaldea had operated as its own entity for so long, it would be a challenge if they joined outright.
Sherlock, Roman, and El Melloi II had run the scenarios and numbers with both Da Vincis and Sion. There was too much difference in both power and how Chaldea operated and how the Republic operated for Chaldea to serve under anyone but its own power now.
Sherlock had theorized that if they could somehow figure out a way to still keep their Autonomy while supporting the Republic’s endeavors against the Separatists it would work. So now that was what they were aiming for, and that would be their best bet in the long run.
Gudako knew better than anyone that Chaldea and Earth didn’t need support from the Republic.
Hell, with the right coordinates, they didn’t even need a ship with both the Shadow and Storm Boarders— though they certainly had several ships. Noble Phantasms had been altered and adjusted to be Space-worthy, and certain Servants didn’t even need that, they could just survive in the vastness of space on their own. The Servant-Universe Servants were more than excited about these new space adventures and Gudako had never seen Voyager more excited.
Materials-wise, it would be interesting to open up trade with the Republic, but only a select number because of the lack of manpower— and they weren’t about to open a goddamn factory in order to do that.
In the long run, there probably wouldn’t be much of a reason to make an Alliance with the Republic, outside of just being part of the side of Good.
These were all things that Gudako had to think about during this meeting, though if it would ever come to that she was unsure. There had yet to be a hide or hair of the Jedi Representative.
A twitch from all the Servants around her pulled Gudako from her thoughts, and she shifted, signaling to Li to hide his presence and for Robin- wherever he was- to remain ready.
The planet had gone deathly still. The silence before could be chalked up to an odd coincidence. There were locations that followed certain laylines and locations where animals instinctually sensed that something was off. But this was different.
This was silence because of a presence that the wildlife wasn’t used to had suddenly arrived.
Without needing any other prompting, Li Shuwen vanished without a word. And only a second later, the snap of a branch had them all turning around.
From the forest came a woman, tall and slender, with skin as pale as the moon and lips stained a deep, dark red.
It didn’t take a genius to realize that this was not the Jedi representative. Not with the Battle Droids behind her.
“Greetings, Representative of Chaldea,” she greeted.
Almost instantly, Saito’s swords were drawn, as was Geronimo’s knife before the two of them and Hector shifted into battle stances. Leona had moved right next to Gudako in the instant it had taken Hector to ready his spear.
“Who are you?” Gudako asked. There was no real point in asking, though. Gudako knew who this woman was. Asjj Ventress, the Dark Acolyte to Count Dooku. It wasn’t as if Chaldea was as out of the loop as many assumed they were while on the edges of the Galaxy.
It was just polite to introduce yourself when you intruded on a conversation.
The woman just bowed.
“I am only a messenger,” she rasped, “My master wishes to speak with you.”
With a flick of her fingers, a holodisk flew into her hands and flickered on. Geronimo’s frown deepened at the holographic visage of the Count.
 “Master of Chaldea, forgive me for my intrusion.”
Gudako snorted before she raised a hand and the Servants fell back behind and next to her, visibly relaxed but no less ready to fight if need be— even if Saito’s and Geronimo’s blades returned to their sheathes and Hector rested Durindana on his shoulder. Li Shuwen made himself known as well, the Assassin-like Lancer dropping down next to Hector and startling the droids slightly as he did.
“You have more decorum and are at least a bit more well-informed than your messenger, Count,” Gudako said, her tone taking on an icy quality. Thank god for the lessons on acting and politics with the other Servants. “Though I see no need for forgiveness to be given, seeing how you admit to being here unwanted.”
Dooku stiffened slightly but bowed nonetheless before recollecting himself.
“I am aware Master Yoda hopes you will allow the Jedi to build a Republic base in your territory in exchange for… protection, correct?” He asked and she heard Robin Hood snort across their Servant-Master bond. The statement seemed to be reflected in the tinges of exasperation and disbelief from the others across their bonds.
“Your spies serve you well, Count,” Geronimo answered from beside her, though his tone was just as frigid as Gudako’s own.
“I ask,” the Count continued as if Geronimo hadn't spoken at all. “How can the Jedi protect you if they cannot protect themselves?“
Next to her, Saito let out a hum of laughter at that, Hector’s lips twitched upwards, and Li Shuwen didn’t bother trying to hide the vicious sneer at the words.
Gudako didn’t blame them, and she couldn’t help but smirk as well.
Protection? As if Chaldea needed it.
“I suppose you and your droid armies can do better?” Gudako asked lazily instead.
Already, the Chaldeans had fought off droids that had wandered too close to home. They weren’t much, not for immortal heroes of the Throne.
The Count smirked, however, unable or perhaps unwilling to take note of the sarcasm in her tone.
 “Without a doubt. I sense you are a people who respect strength, People of Chaldea. Our droid armies outnumber the Republic clones a hundred to one.”
Gudako raised a brow at that.
There was some sort of plot he was attempting to lay. That much was easy enough to see, and judging by the slight shift and side glance that Leona had given her, the others felt the same way.
“And our sources say that a single Jedi equal nearly a hundred battle droids,” the Rider stated, tilting her head with her eyes narrowed. Gudako nodded in agreement to the younger Da Vinci’s words. That was the rumor for sure, though how true that was had yet to be seen.
But a Servant could outpace, out-fight, and outlast any droid and Jedi. With a majority being able to do so without breaking a sweat.
“Master Yoda’s powers have been greatly exaggerated,” Dooku drawled. And again, there might have been truth in his words, Gudako knew that, however...
“That remains to be seen, Count,” She said plainly and the Count inclined his head at that.
 “Indeed. But when you decide to join us, my apprentice will contact me.”
With that, the leader of the Separatists ended the call. This time, however, Gudako couldn’t keep the scowl off her face.
What the Count had to say certainly intrigued her.
Again, there was the possibility of exaggeration on the part of the Jedi. There was definitely that to consider, but Chaldea was not so weak to need Republic protection. This arrangement was only a meeting, if the Republic agreed to Chaldea’s terms, then they would have someone representing them in the senate— likely Roman himself would go with a few Servants disguised as aides. Ryouma and Oryou, Jeanne d’Arc, and so forth.
But she despised the assumption that even if they didn't take up the Jedi and the Republic's offer that they would join the Separatists. Ha. As if.
“Master,” Robin said from her side suddenly.
Like a ghost, the Hunter of the Woods appeared as he pushed his hood back and Gudako turned, seeing him point upwards. She followed his line of sight slowly. In the skies above, Republic Envoy fled the planet's skyspace.
Gudako couldn't help but frown at that, watching as the ship vanished into Hyperspace.
Ventress took that as an opportunity to speak. “Master Yoda’s warship has fled the system. What further evidence do you require of the Jedi’s weakness?”
“Caster just confirmed,” Leona spoke up, referring to her other self as she looked up from her own communicator. “The ship has left.”
Ventress made a slight gesture, as if smug and in a way that said ‘see?’. Gudako just huffed softly, though before she could answer, a buzz from her own wrist alerted her of an incoming transmission.
She lifted it, hitting the answer button before hitting another button for Chaldea’s Command Room as well.
Both holographic images of Romani Archaman and a sole Clone Trooper popped up side by side.
Despite still being in the skin of Solomon, he had chosen to re-adapt to his previous hairstyle and attire. But it was still Roman, nonetheless, and even after all these years, Gudako felt her nerves and attitude soothe at the appearance of the Doctor. He looked a bit caught off guard at being called, but turned to look at the transmission directly.
“This is Master Fujimaru of Chaldea and Co-Director and head of Medical Facilities Romani Archaman, speak,” Gudako said, tone clipped and eyes narrowed. The clone seemed to glance to his side at Roman, who just nodded in greeting.
“Master Yoda would like to speak with you, sir,” The Clone said, turning back to Gudako.
The Chaldeans kept their expressions neutral, though Ventress seemed to seethe at the news. Slowly, she nodded.
“Very well,” She agreed, waving a hand to indicate the go-ahead.
With a nod, the Clone blipped out only to be replaced with the small figure of Master Yoda
“A pleasure it is to hear your voice, Master of Chaldea. Master Yoda of the Jedi Council this is.” Jedi bowed in greeting as he spoke.
“Master Jedi,” Gudako greeted calmly. “I thought perhaps Count Dooku had scared you off.”
“Delayed, have I been,” Yoda admitted before shaking his head, “But not too far away, am I now. Unaware, I was, Count Dooku was invited to our meeting.”
“Oh, the Count invited himself,” Li Shuwen answered, leaning over Gudako's shoulder so that the Jedi could see him. The Lancer's lips twisted into a sadistic sort of grin as he glanced at the Dark Acolyte, “He assured us that, in this time of war, his droids can offer Chaldea greater security than your Jedi.”
Sarcasm laced the Lancer’s tone, and Saito’s lazy sort of smile had pulled into something more like a sneer as well. Still, The Jedi Master considered Li Shuwen’s words. “A matter of debate that is.”
“Master, if I may?” Geronimo spoke up, having been conversing quietly with Robin and Hector behind them. Gudako nodded, turning so that both Roman and Yoda could see him as well.
“Go ahead, Caster,” she said and he bowed slightly in thanks.
“Thank you, Master," He said before he turned to the transmission feed. "As others have once said, ‘Words are meaningless without action’. Both Lancer, Archer, and I are in agreement, and propose a competition of sorts.”
Ventress raised a brow in interest at that and Roman leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed and head tilted as he listened.
“If Master Yoda is truly what he claims to be, let him prove it. Allow Ventress to dispatch her best troops to capture him alive,” Geronimo continued. “If he escapes, we will speak about the matters surrounding an alliance with the Republic. Should Ventress’ forces capture him or kill—”
“You join the Separatist Alliance,” Ventress interrupted and finished for him. The crack of Li Shuwen’s knuckles, the rattling of Saito’s swords, and the soft click of Robin loading his crossbow were enough to tell anyone nearby what the others felt about her interrupting one of their own. Still, Gudako let out a soft hum.
There was a lot at stake here.
Chaldea had no plans of joining the Separatists. They had no need for ‘protection’ from either side as well. The meeting with the Republic wasn’t about ‘protection’ at all, she wasn’t sure how that had gotten twisted, but nonetheless.
She glanced at Romani, who just nodded before he spoke up.
“We will discuss an alliance with the Separatists, and please, emphasis on alive. Should either Jedi or Clones be killed in this competition Chaldea will see this as a declaration of War and retaliate,” the Doctor and Co-Director of Chaldea corrected before turning to look at Yoda, “Well, Master Yoda? Do you accept this challenge against your credibility?”
“I do, Director,” The Jedi agreed before he turned to the Nightsister. “Arrive by nightfall, I will.”
Satisfied, Romani cut the feed from Chaldea’s end first before Gudako did the same on hers and ended the call. She glanced at Ventress after that, expression passive as she addressed the Darksider.
“I trust you will stand by your word,” She stated. “But know this, I’m not so easily swayed. Your actions will reflect your master. We wouldn’t want to paint him in a poor light, now do we?”
Ventress simply bowed, though her jaw was clenched. Gudako had to smirk at that before she snapped her fingers.
“Archer, Caster, Lancer. I trust that you can keep an eye on things. Don’t let them wreck things unnecessarily,” She ordered and the three Servants nodded, Li Shuwen bowing with a grin, before he and Robin off into the wilds— the two all but vanishing the moment they moved. Geronimo gave Gudako one last look before he followed them.
“Not letting us join in on the fun, Master?” Saito spoke up, tilting his head. Gudako snorted at that.
“Last time you were sent to keep an eye on things in Yamataikoku, Izo managed to jump you,” she pointed out, making him grimace slightly.
“Ah, so mean, Master-chan~ My pride is wounded still,” he admitted before sighing and looking out towards the wilderness. “Still, I wonder what kind of show Yoda will put on.”
Gudako let out a snort as Hector shook his head. It was all theatrics, of course. Saito’s dissatisfaction was a farce, and Gudako’s words— while true— were nothing more than a way to hide the truth behind Saito.
And keep Ventress’ guard down. If she didn't suspect him, then her first strike— if she decided to attack— would be with the expectation of an easy fight.
But nonetheless, Saito’s words were true despite his dissatisfaction being false.
Chaldea all knew the stories of Yoda, though this had been the first time they had seen him. In truth, if Gudako was going to be honest, and a bit picky, she would’ve preferred if the Jedi had sent Plo Koon or Tyvokka for this and not their Grandmaster— granted, this was only the case if the two were even still alive.
It had been many years since Chaldea had encountered the two of them in passing.
Yoda’s power had been rumored and talked about across the Galaxy. Chaldea hadn’t encountered him before, so all they knew were those rumors.
But now they would have the chance to see it in person— or as in-person as they could get with Gudako watching through the eyes of the three Servants she sent on ahead.
And if Yoda proved to not be all that his legends made him out to be… well, should Ventress try anything when Chaldea refused to join Dooku, she wouldn’t be making it off the planet alive.
I wrote this before Lostbelt 6.5 on across to ORT and Order Call— so none of that really has a presence here. Also, obviously, AU is AU because, well, Romani is here. Not sure how, but he is and he looks like Solomon half the time if he forgets to polymorph (is that the term?) into his "Romani" self. Caster Da Vinci is also back. Romani shares the position of Director with Goredolf and Da Vinci as the two of them have more experience running Chaldea than Goredolf but he proved to them that, while more cautious and a bit prickly, Goredolf makes a good director. Besides, Roman and Da Vinci run the medical staff and technology divisions respectively as well.
Also Leonardo / Da Vinci is the Caster, Leona or any variant of Mini Da Vinci is Rider. Split them up, because they're technically different entities in my mind.
The LB 6.5-ORT/OC Servants are still here I guess, but I really don't know all that much about them so any later installments to this as a series is unlikely. Maybe Tez. I think he's funny. I know Kadoc lived unlike the rest of the Crypters and he's in chapter 7, but I don't remember when he joined with Chaldea. I'm assuming during or after 6 since I don't remember seeing him at all in 5.
The Humans that remain are all but pseudo-immortals in that non-aging sort of vibe just due to that whole messing with the space-time-dimension thing. Just go with it lmao
I'll be honest, the Title was already decided before I chose to just make this a two-shot and part of a series of interconnecting oneshots rather than a full-length fic. And I got too lazy to change it.
Like in Threads of Daydreams, Li Shuwen is Li Shuwen, both Lancer and Assasin as one being. I actually had AssaLi here first but figured LaLi is more likely to find sneaking about and getting into fights with droids more fun.
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turbobyakuren · 5 years
rinnosuke in touhou canonball is voiced by kenichi suzuken AKA romani archiman and sandalphon
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Asclepius interview promises to bring the pain as eell
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chaldealast · 4 years
...Oh, you’re here. Sorry... I’m getting myself together. Do you mind if I... talk, a little bit? It won’t be long. I just want to get my thoughts in order. 
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When I became a Master, it was during the Fuyuki Grail War, Singularity F, with an undetermined Human Foundation Rank and a rogue Caster trying to stop it. Mashu and I did what we could. I remember watching Lancer rip the head off of a grotesque statue, and watching blood gush from its neck, like a fountain. That was the first time I saw something as terrible as the loss of a human; I didn’t see any bodies in Chaldea, or if I did, I was in too much of a panic to remember them. 
In the first place, I was taking the role of a ‘participant’ in that war, intending to end it, as irregular as it was. That’s what my role was, even if I was just filling a quota. From what my allies tell me, in other wars, being a Master is ‘kill’ or ‘be killed’. Now that I’m against proper Masters, it’s a Grail War with the entirety of humanity at stake. In this battle, I’m not just defending myself, or killing people who are already dead. I’ve made the decision that, for the sake of my own wish, I’m willing to take the lives of others. 
...It’s cruel to say it, out loud. I feel---like I’ve done something that can never be forgiven. I’m not looking for forgiveness, either, though of course I would love it if someone could step in and tell me, with authority, that I’m doing the right thing... It would make things easier. Then again, what I’m doing isn’t right; it’s entirely selfish. Keeping humanity on its course means destroying histories and futures... I know that now. I know doing nothing means death, too. Every human bond that has ever existed on the planet, gone in a snap, because I failed to protect them.
I can’t be paralyzed by my guilt. Nor can I act innocent. The only correct option is to continue my path forward until... until something stops me. Whether that’s the end, or another Master’s victory, or a change in the circumstances. I don’t plan on going down easily, and even if my allies abandon me, and decide there are worlds they want to protect more dearly than mine, I’ll accept their wishes and keep on my path forward. That future is what Solomon entrusted to me. ...What Romani Archiman gave to me.
I just... wish that Holmes, or da Vinci, or Mashu had told me earlier, that this would happen... That way, maybe I could have steeled myself in front of the Tsar. Maybe I could have left him with some kind words.
...Now, then. All that’s left is learning how to live with the weight. And, even though you might not like to hear this, I’ll never give up on helping someone if they call out for me. 
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You know, I was surprised to hear someone tell me that I was smiling. For the last two years, I haven’t felt like smiling at all. I wonder what kind of terrible person I must have become, that I could do that so easily in the face of someone else’s suffering. 
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paranoid-rhythm · 5 years
All Akira (Merlin's stage actor) needed was Ide Takuya (Romani) as catalyst to get Merlin 🤣🤣🤣
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melodiaemfrp · 3 years
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Queen Chrysalis Sephiran The Eldest One
Bruno Lexer The Doctor
Hu Tao Medicine Seller Perseus "Nova" Caelestis
Cokaiwi-Léidíon Dr. Romani Archiman
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