spidertalia · 1 year
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yet another shot at @hetalia-rarepairweek , but this time with these two <333 i just think they're very cute, sue me
Day 7: Free Day
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arthurhonda · 1 year
Hetalia Rarepair Day 2
Romano x America Prompt: Comfort
“What the hell is this?” Savino asked loudly, gesturing the box in front of him.
“I was gonna make pasta.” Alfred replied innocently.
Savino scrunched up his nose with a large frown.
“I come all the way from Bari, and you’re making Kraft mac and cheese…and you have the audacity to call it pasta!”
“Well, why don’t you show me how it’s done properly.” America asks with a grin.
Savino grins widely and rolls up his sleeves.
“Just watch.”
Approximately 5 minutes later, Alfred found himself thrown out of the kitchen by an indignant Italian. He attempted to return at least twice but was met with the same fate every time.
Meanwhile, when he wasn’t throwing Alfred out of the kitchen, Savino went about making fresh pasta and a savory sauce to go with it. He had been in Alfred’s kitchen often enough that he knew his way around it, very carefully crafting a delicious meal. The only time he paused was to ask Alfred where something was before kicking the blonde out of the kitchen again.
About an hour later, there was a lovely meal with a lovely wine that Savino happened to find in the cabinet as well. The wine just so happened to be a nice Italian wine that went perfectly with the Braciole that he just finished.
With that done, Savino needed to have a little chat with Alfred. As Savino let him back in, Alfred rushed past him to take in the scent of the pasta dinner that was sitting on two plates.
“Smells great ‘Vino.” He said happily, completely disarming the brunette with his genuine smile.
“Al-” Savino tried again.
“I’ll go set the table!” Alfred shouted as he ran back out of the kitchen into the dining room to set the table.
This was yet another thing that tipped off Savino. Usually, neither of them wanted to set the table. Alfred seemed a little too eager today. Plus, the guy seemed pretty nervous for no reason. He also seemed very insistent to be the one who said grace.
Finally, Savino had enough.
“Alfred, we need to talk.”
“’Bout how awesome this food tastes?” Alfred said clearly attempting to avoid a conversation.
“If you’re not going to be honest with me…I’ll…do something.” Savino attempted to threaten, not being able to come up with a realistic threat towards the man he loved, but he stood up to make a point.
Alfred sighed and muttered something under his breath before stuffing his face with pasta.
“What was that?” Savino asked genuinely.
“I just wanted to eat your cooking.” Alfred finally responded, looking like a kicked puppy.
“Why all the fuss then?” Savino sighed tiredly. “Why not just say ‘Savino, can you cook tonight?’”
Alfred began poking at the pasta that was left on his plate.
“You’d say no. Your cooking is always so good, and I look forward to eating it. It’s like comfort food, ya know? I thought since you just flew in you wouldn’t want to cook, so I figured I’d have to trick you into cooking for me.” Alfred said sadly.
Savino brushed his hand through his hair in frustration. Had he really come off that way?
“Look damnit, if you want me to cook and you’ll do the dishes I’ll do it. So long as you’re not interrupting my siesta or anything stupid like that.” Savino replied in a grumpy tone.
“You’re not mad at me?” Alfred asked one last question, his bright blue eyes piercing into Savino’s heart.
“No idiot, I’m not mad at you. I-I love y-AAAH”
Savino was interrupted by a very excited American glomping him. He began half cursing the American out in surprise and attempted to peel the taller man off of him.
“You are getting pasta sauce all over my shirt!” Savino complained.
Still, Savino wouldn’t have it any other way though. He was spending a comfortable week with the man he loved, even if that man got pasta sauce on his nice shirt. The shirt could be replaced. These memories couldn’t.
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
✧・゚: ✧・゚:  ANON LOVE  :・゚✧:・゚✧
Just wanted to stop by and share what I love about you and it's your art! I could probably ramble on and on and on about your art for pages and pages but only a smidgen of it would even be coherent, especially when writing about the way you draw Russia! And I can't remember the name of the AU, but that render of America standing under I think a sign in the desert? The lighting, the drama, and I'm not sure if you have fics too, but just from that image alone, I just know I would read the HECK out of that!! I also love your archaeology Jones blog and all the stuff I get to learn, something that has to be one of my favorite things about this fandom, thank you for being such a wonderful part of it!
Now spread the love! (But no pressure!) You can tag someone to say what you love about them, or if you're shy like me, drop some love as anon in their inbox! There's never too much love for us to share with each other 💖
so i've had this sitting in my inbox for nearly two weeks, trying to think of how to respond. nothing eloquent came. so i am thanking you from the bottom of my cringe-loving heart and here to spread some of that love in the most obnoxious way possible.
@ironicorange i can't not start with my goof squad, my beloved, my sunbeam. i love you lots, more than i can say. thank you for always letting me be in your dms with insane words and ideas, we both grow closer to delirium each day. watch your back you whore i'm going to steal your hands so i can one day draw like you.
@abbittheturtle my beloved irl bestie, this creature would be wayward without you. you are a fucking jewel and i will eat your art at every opportunity. also seeing you be happy in working with metal and jewelry has been amazing. i hope you continue to enjoy it! i'm wishing you love and luck with your move and good luck in our upcoming semester! i will be coming up there. this is a threat.
@temtamoo our romerica echo chamber and transatlantic 5g connection is so strong dude. your ideas are deep and your art is stunning, i love to hear from you always, regardless of the topic.
@artistically-hershie from late-night crazy au ideas to invading your workplace establishment to give you a soul-crushing hug, seeing messages from you so we can both be giggly and nuts is the best. also ugh, bro, teach me to draw.
@sunnysssol clown duo, clown twins, the dumbass squad. i will slobber for your oc and your art right here, right now. can i just say i specifically love how you color eyes. like bro!! the sol eye stare. trademark it.
@dusklikescats to you, who was one of my first more steadfast buddies after rejoining hetalia, i know you aren't into it much now, but i still light up seeing your messages. you have an energy unmatched and a contagious laugh.
@snackbar-chez-paro i drooled over your art for a long time dude and similar to miq, you became a fast friend. i always adore seeing your headcanons on discord even if you say wonderful things my tiny anglo brain doesn't always understand. you're awesome!
@irlusa you, good sir, are a fucking angel. and i will smooch you on the lips. stop living so far away!! i'm gonna fight the state. you are far kinder than you let yourself think and your art style is so fucking soft i'm gonna sleep on it.
@picturespurple-68 i'm sending you to the camps for revealing my classified secrets (code for i'm definitely going to watch more shows and movies with you someday). you are so very quick on your feet with ideas and always have fun ones to share. i could slurp up your writing like a fuckign smoothie it's so wonderful. i love our conversations and our hangouts.
there are so many more people i would love to ping but then this post would be far too long. return rebloggers and likers and people in my askbox, those whose posts i see on my dash and interact with, names i have come to recognize and associate with the crazy tunglrites, i salute you. and ily guys.
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rosethreeart · 1 year
SOMEONE wanted all 50 asks for romerica and who am I to deny them UwU
this is for you bestie
1. Describe their first date.
They met in the roaring 20s so probably a speakeasy or a silent movie!
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late?
Abby wakes up early and Romano could probably sleep past noon and take a nap right after
3. What was their first impression of each other?
Abby: what a charming young man
Romano: HOTTIE!!!
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
They’re constantly touching its ridiculous
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
They bicker like an old married couple but it’s always a joke they hardly ever actually argue. Usually it’s about one of their bad habits; Abby overworking and Romano being a bit of a slob
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
Romano adores make up sex like best way to apologize to him lmao. For Abby you need to show you corrected your behavior or are in the acts of correcting it.
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
Abigail loves how laidback and charming he is. He’s humble, passionate, and always finds a way to see the beauty in something.
Romano loves how smart and dedicated and sweet she is. She has an unwavering sense of kindness and is always willing to try new things!
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
They both dislike how insecure the other is. Sometimes Abby can be way too work oriented and Lorenzo a little too laid back which might make them butt heads a little.
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
Cooking, music, and theater!
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
They’re disgusting with how mushy they are. Romano: hot-shot, babe, tiger, hun/honey, sugar, sweetheart
Abigail: bella, bambina, Caramella, amore, my love, my darling, my everything
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
They mope for at least three days straight before slowly going back to being a person lmao. Romano WILL count down to the second to when he could see her again
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
The wrote letters and sometimes still do, and dedicate at least one day a week for talking on the phone
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
Really any Dean Martin song lmao also Absolutely Smitten by Doddie
16. Would they ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would these look like?
No 💀
17. How well do they communicate? Are they open with their feelings/thoughts or more reserved? Why?
They communicate pretty well; nether enjoy beating around the bush. They’ve learned to be very open with each other early on in their relationship as it was the only way Abby would actually even consider viewing him as a friend(she has abandonment issues)
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
They’re by the others side the whole time
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
Abigail is a serial clothes thief. Romano is constantly gifting her jewelry.
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
Hugs and cuddles are very effective <3
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
God they crave nothing but it. They constantly talk and think about the lives they would live if they were human
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
Goofy goobers both of them
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
Trust, dedication, affection, and understanding
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
They compliment each other and balance each other out although it causes them to clash on the rare occasion
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
They have their own separate houses that the other vists
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
Abigail has to sacrifice her work time but that’s better for her in the long run so she can’t really complain
Romano had to put down the walls he’s built and that knee jerk defense reaction; once again better for him in the long run
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Kisses on the hand/forehead, doing things for the other like cleaning and cooking, hugs, and holding each other
28. Who’s the better chef? Do they cook for the other?
29. Describe their nighttime routine.
Romano gets in bed first but is usually last to fall asleep; he’s just chilling in there. They’ll usually talk about their day and cuddle till they sleep
(not counting sex lmao)
30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
Abigail is very much a time spent and verbal love language and Romano is a gift/ task and verbal love language.
I’d say so
31. Do they often go out on dates? What are these like?
Very at least once a week usually out for dinner or a show or movie
32. Do either of them drink? If so, who’s the lightweight, and how does their partner care for them?
Romano had like one glass of wine with dinner and that’s it when he’s with her. She doesn’t like alcohol or men drinking/being drunk so he limits it.
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
Abigail can’t flirt to save her life but she tried and it’s cute so task failed successfully. Have you SEEN Romano?? There’s a reason he keeps winning those polls 😂
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
Yeah, they’re both private people and think other nations are nosey. Abigail also gets worried about how other nations views of her might reflect onto him.
36. How do they feel about having kids? Are they in agreement?
They would want them so badly 😭
37. Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often?
Romano cries more often but I think Abigail is more sensitive but doesn’t show it.
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven’t yet, why?
I could write a fucking essay on their relationship and everything that built up to it. There’s no real “exact” confession they just kinda slowly morph into being together. First time he said that he loved her was before he went to go fight for the resistance/Allies in WW2
40. Do they have any regrets in their relationship?
Not saying anything sooner I think
41. What would they do if they lost the other?
Neither would be able to cope lmao
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
Romano: constantly five seconds from punching her family.
Abigail: a bit jealous of how close he is to spain and Belgium but they treat him well so she’s happy; makes her feel a bit lonely tho
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like?
Romano: would pick something nice and classy, a form fitting dress with jewelry that complements her perfectly
Abigail: do you think she would have the sense of fashion let alone be allowed to ? 😂💀
44. Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
They’re never NOT touching.
45. How do they support each other? How do they rely on each others support?
They give the other reassurance and a shoulder to lean/cry on. They take care of the other even if it’s something simple like brushing/combing their hair or feeding them
46. Do they consider their relationship casual or serious? Is the answer different depending on who you ask? Why?
47. Do they sleep beside each other? Why or why not?
Spooning all the time
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
YES!! Mainly about how they would want things to be. They just want to be happy together
49. Do they keep secrets from each other?
No? Do surprises count? Those are the only “secrets” really.
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
No they’re stuck with each other now; you’d have to kill them before you get them off each other
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redds-art828 · 2 years
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I posted 171 times in 2022
That's 120 more posts than 2021!
53 posts created (31%)
118 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 81 of my posts in 2022
#hetalia - 62 posts
#hws - 43 posts
#aph - 42 posts
#redbear’s art - 38 posts
#aph hetalia - 38 posts
#hws hetalia - 38 posts
#aph england - 24 posts
#hws england - 23 posts
#hetalia axis powers - 16 posts
#hws germany - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 59 characters
#and now they’re going to go after same sex marriage as well
My Top Posts in 2022:
I was going to color these but in the end I decided its too much so have these-
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See the full post
41 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
It’s been a hot minute but I was stressed but hey now I’m sick and I can finally draw something I want to draw :DD so have sketches of some boys
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See the full post
53 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Gereng Day 7!!Family
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This has to be my favorite one I’ve drawn so far, the Cardverse being second
62 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Welcome back to Redd posting at the worst times it is 11:11 pm
Anyway a Lovino copying the pose of the Måneskin band singer Damiano David. Idk this band is just Romano as a whole and this pic was him too.
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75 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Trying to do stuff out of my comfort zone, like drawing a character I never draw and different shading(and highlights). I loved drawing Iceland but was super uncomfortable with the shading.
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96 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Story writing update!
With the exception of the last four chapters of the story, I have every chapter of Only Aces Remain as at least half drafted now, with all but a couple more fully drafted!
The ones that are not quite complete are all at the editing stage where I'd refine my language with a thesaurus, and maybe add another line or two of action/dialogue at a later date. There's no big sections of drafting to do anymore, aside from a paragraph here or there, it's all editing and comparing chapters for continuity.
I still want to allow time for people to leave comments and reviews on earlier chapters to inspire additional details to add later. Do we want some FrUk teasing in the epilogues? I've got makings for a strong Romerica friendship and a heavy Germano betrayal, do we want something more there for Lovino?
So yeah, I'm stuck at the point where the story is now so close to completion that it's all editing now while I post the twice a week. I could up it to three times a week, but that feels like a rush for letting people leave comments as shit happens.
Unless you want me to speed up? If I hear from several readers by the end of December 2022 that I should speed up the posting, perhaps I could switch to 3 chapters a week starting in January...?
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jjmottt · 1 year
Last September 6th Tuklas was held at Luis Capito Cultural Stage
Congresswoman has been supporting Tuklas for 16 years, and she is delighted. The city of Borongan will always have Maria Fe Romerica Abunda as its patroness. She enjoys seeing how pleased we all are. We undoubtedly make our stomachs laugh with Pooh The Comedian, K Brozas, and Ethel Booba because She brings three of the top comedians in the entire Philippines, making it the most vibrant, lively, and full of laughter night ever. for our mothers, uncles, and aunts as well as our fathers. You can sing "My love will see you through" continually, "I'll face tomorrow," and many other well-known songs with your grandfather and grandmother. Marco Sison is the author of these songs. Elmo Magalona, a leading man, will perform also and of course Ms. Yeng Constantino is also their that night she performed some of her best songs like jeepney.
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#tuklas #bestnight
Last September 8th Borongan Eastern Samar Celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of Mary.
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Padul-ong Festival comes from the word padul-ong, which in the Waray language means deliver or transport. As a fiesta, it recalls the miraculous journey of how Nuestra Señora dela Natividad (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) became the patroness of Borongan during the Spanish rule.
Padul-ong Festival is a religious festival in Borongan City in the province of Eastern Samar, Philippines held every September 8th. A weeks-long festival, it is conducted in honor of Nuestra Señora dela Natividad, the patroness of the city. It also coincides with Borongan City Native Pig Lechon Festival.
According to the tale, a woman with a box as luggage was given accommodation in a Portuguese ship heading towards the Philippine archipelago. Sadly, she died in the sea voyage. When the ship arrived in the Philippines, it docked in Punta Maria of the island of Samar. The box that the woman brought was opened and revealed the image of the Blessed Virgin, which was installed in Punta Maria.
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Padul-ong Festival schedule of activities generally begin towards the end of August. In the 29th of August, kick-off activities occur as well as it is the start of the nine-day novena prayers. The highlight of the Padul-ong Festival is the reenactment or dramatization of bringing the image from Punta Maria to Borongan Cathedral through a procession. It takes place on September 7. It starts early in the morning where religious rites are performed in the chapel of Punta Maria. In most years with good weather, the image is moved to Borongan Cathedral through a fluvial procession in Rawis Bay. The image is installed in a special ornamented vessel called andas or pagoda and accompanied by boats of the lay faithful and organizations. When the day has inclement weather however such as in 2021, the image is transferred through a street procession in a vehicle motorcade. A reenactment soon follows in the plaza that depicts how the patroness arrived from Portugal to the Philippines. And in September 8, the next day, is the fiesta celebration. It is marked with observance of religious activities such as mass and solemn procession in Borongan Cathedral. Secular activities of Padul-ong Festival are participated by various institutions, individuals, and organizations of the city. They include civic military parade, street-dancing, talent competitions, sporting events, music fest, etc.(https://www.festivalscape.com)
#fiesta #padul-ong
Five campuses of Eastern Samar State University will come together for a 3-day sporting event at the Quintuple Meet 2023 after a long break that delayed the sports unity of the institution's community. There were various athletes competing for championships in their respective sports from various university campuses which is held at Eastern Samar state university's main campus at Borongan city.
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#sports #essu
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mochispresso · 3 years
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Romerica/itapan week day 2 @welovefrukmerunning
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koolkat9 · 3 years
Hetalia Poly Ship Week 2021: Day 3
Prompt: Space/Stars
Relationship: AmeLietmano
Word Count: 744
Star Light, Star Bright
“Where are we going?” Alfred whined for the third time in the past fifteen minutes. It was cute the first two times, but now it was starting to get on Savino’s nerves. If it wasn’t for Tolys gently squeezing his thigh he would have probably lost his temper. 
“We’ll see,” Tolys spoke calmly, “that’s the point of surprises.”
“Yeah but-”
“Okay…” Alfred sighed dejectedly, sliding down in the back seat.
“Trust me, Fredo, you’ll love it”, Savino assured him.
Tolys turned back towards Savino, giving him a knowing smile. The Lithuanian was quite perceptive, and Savino had a feeling he was catching onto his surprise. 
They had just finished up dinner and the sun was setting over the horizon. Though it was getting late, Savino had one more trick up his sleeve to impress his lovers. Though stars and space were Alfred’s thing, Tolys seemed to also enjoy a night of star-gazing. And who wouldn’t when you had someone as knowledgeable as Alfred to point out all the constellations and seemed to have a story for each one. A few weeks ago, Savino had found the perfect spot for such activities and was determined to share it with his boyfriends.
After another few minutes of driving, they pulled up to a small park that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. Alfred peeked outside the window, confused by what they could possibly be doing here. 
Savino hopped out and headed towards the trunk to collect the blankets he had brought for the occasion. Alfred joined Tolys in surveying the area. The American looked up at the sky that was starting to give way to a canvas of sparkling stars, far more than he was used to. 
“Like the view?” Savino asked with a satisfied smirk. 
“It's...beautiful,” Alfred breathed without taking his eyes off the sky. Savino gently took Alfred’s arm and began guiding him towards a spot they could set up the blankets with Tolys in toe. They found a good one towards the middle of the park, right next to the small pond which reflected the skies beautifully. There seemed to be no one there but them which only added to the serene setting. “Was this the surprise?” Alfred asked, eyes sparkling.
“Mhm,” Savino hummed. “You like it?”
“I love it! You know me so well, Vinny.”
The Italian smiled before turning towards Tolys to see his reaction. The brunette looked at the skies with wide eyes though his awe was more reserved. Savino pulled the Lithuanian closer so they were all cuddled up together. Tolys made a surprised squeak before relaxing against his Italian lover. 
God, it was simple moments like this that reminded Savino just how lucky he was to have these men in his life. There was Tolys, patient, and understanding, who Savino could go to and talk about anything without being judged. Then there was Alfred’s unconditional and open affection that never failed to make Savino feel like the most important man in the world (well, tied with Tolys of course as Alfred loved them equally)(He was more than happy to share that title with someone he loved so much). And that was only scratching the surface. We’d be here for hours if they were all listed though.
As expected, Alfred began going on and on about the stars and constellations. Savino wasn't quite paying attention, though he had heard this spiel a dozen times. Right now he wanted to commit to memory how the moonlight made Alfred’s eyes shine, how he talked so quickly, but passionately about the topic, and the overall look of wonder that was painted across his features.
“I haven’t seen this many stars since I was a kid,” Alfred mused, tearing his gaze away from the sky to look between his lovers.
“Yeah...it's a shame you can’t see them like you used to,” Tolys agreed. As the lovers admired the sky and the temperature dropped, a chill ran through them. Eventually, it became too cold for their thin dress shirts and they had to call it a night (much to Alfred’s disappointment).
“How about we have some hot chocolate when we get to Savino’s?" Tolys suggested as they made their way back to the car. He hated to see Alfred pouting. 
Luckily, Alfred immediately lightened up. “Oooh okay!” 
Savino and Tolys laughed at their boyfriend's quick change of mood before linking hands for the rest of the way to the car.
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thatsamericano · 3 years
America finding out that “Prince Charming” is translated as “principe azzurro” (blue prince) in Italian, and showing up at Romano’s doorstep looking like a member of the Blue Man Group (so very blue skin) wearing prince getup.
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kitaychan · 3 years
Written for Romerica/Itapan week run by @welovefrukmerunning
Day 1: Cardverse
Pairing: Itapan
Beautiful, reserved, graceful, perfect, those were most common the words people used to describe the Queen of Hearts. Feliciano despised when people referred to Kiku as perfect, they couldn’t be more wrong, their words were coated with lies, veiled with ignorance and naivety.
He had repeated those words a long time ago, he had made the same mistake as everyone else, in those times the Queen of Hearts was like an ethereal entity for him, an idea, a symbol of the kingdoms’ grandiosity.
It was only until he became the Jack that the translucent, blurry presence of the queen became a part of his cotidianity. As the new chosen Jack, Feliciano had to learn how to behave, how to look and how to be around the royals.
It was no easy task, he was accustomed to his simple lifestyle. He had to dress properly, the layers of clothes were uncomfortable, the heart emblem on the fabrics seemed overused, almost ridiculous.
He had to eat his words as the tailor reprimanded his refusal to wear the puffy lower garment. “King’s orders” he repeated bitterly as he fumbled with the buttons of his coat. Feliciano was led into the dinning room, that day, he would finally meet the King and Queen of hearts.
The large doors opened and his feet stumbled on the polished floor, a screeching sound announcing his arrival. Feliciano’s face grew warmer as a soft chuckle escaped from the dinner table, followed by a cough.
With slow steps he approached, not daring to look up, a small bow, that’s what they had told him to do. He spared a hesitant glance , meeting the King’s stern stare, a motion with his hand and Feliciano moved swiftly to the seat assigned to him.
As the food was served, silence engulfed them, Feliciano wondered if it was always this way. The clustering of silverware and the shifting of fabrics were the only audible sounds. With the excuse of glancing at the food displayed, Feliciano dared to raise his stare, the king’s face didn’t seem to change at all, like a marble statue, cold and perpetual.
His eyes traveled to the side, the queen was as serious as him but he did meet his gaze, offering a small smile. Feliciano’s heart skipped a beat and he averted his gaze, not raising his stare for the rest of the dinner.
As the days passed, the pressure of acting accordingly seemed to vanish, he no longer had to repeat the instructions on his head, his body was adjusting to the mannerisms, performing them mechanically. The less he cared about every single detail about his stance, the more he was able to perceive in the palace.
He noticed the stiffness of the royals, the hesitation they displayed with every step and Feliciano relished in the idea that just as him, they had to learn and act. Everything was an act. This knowledge gave him a certain power over the situation, he became the disruptive element in their play, stumbling upon the queen on his matutine walks around the garden and forcing the King to chat with him or at least acknowledge him on the evening tea.
A dull ache on his chest was bothering him, Feliciano had no idea why but the time he had to spend by himself was tortuous. In order to lull his ache, he tried to follow them everywhere, noticing that his pain was soothed around the queen.
One of the guards had told him it was the effect the queen had on people, he could lure anyone into his grasp if he wanted, though that was merely a rumor. As the string attached to his heart started to tug harder, Feliciano started to wander around the places the queen frequented, serving as a wordless spectator and offering his company.
He discovered the royals had names, families and interests aside from the Kingdom’s affairs. Just like them, Feliciano shared his own thoughts, he grew closer to them, their shared diners no longer silent, their talks less stiff but the friendly atmosphere seemed to only flourish when he was present. That unveiled a handful of questions for him.
Hearts was a kingdom tightly linked with the idea of love. The monarch had to engage in the activities a marriage demanded of them and until now, Feliciano hadn’t questioned that unspoken rule, but how could one force two people to love each other? Certainly, that wasn’t the case here, Kiku seemed more willing to marry the roses in the garden than to spend more time than necessarily with Ludwig. As for the latter, he didn’t seem to pay heed to the matters of the heart.
For Feliciano, the idea of love was haunting, deep inside his thoughts he knew he was falling in love but it was as scary and daunting as the time he discovered he’d be the jack of hearts. The ache on his chest grew stronger each day until he could no longer take it, barging into the queen’s chamber, his breathing ragged and his hands shaking. Kiku gave him a small smile, lowering his eyes and motioning at him to sit.
Feliciano did but his heart only hurt more, with a shaky voice he said. “I love you.”
Kiku sighed, enveloping him in his arms and running a hand through his hair. “I am deeply sorry, I didn’t want to cause you such distress.”
Feliciano basked in a smell of soft, sweet tones that he could not name, perhaps that was just Kiku’s scent. He buried his head on his shoulder, the ache in his chest disappearing slowly.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen and I understand if you do not feel as you are saying.” Kiku hummed, pulling him away. “You are only saying it because you're bound to, because I grew fond of your presence, and now, my power is bringing you closer as it is what my heart wants but you do not love me. You must be thinking I’m perfect, beautiful and kind but that is far from the truth, I am neither of those things.”
“I do, I mean what I said.” Feliciano’s hold grew tighter, how could Kiku say those things? “You are silly, uptight, you have an unruly strand of hair that parts the other way, your feet stumble on the garden by the gardenias with that stupid rock that nobody thinks of moving and you are cruel, so very cruel for pushing aside my feelings and yet, I love you all the same.”
As he pulled away to gaze at Kiku, he found his heart relieved, the words basking him with peace, the ache was gone yet it was replaced with a growing anxiety as Kiku observed him.
Feliciano fidgeted with his hands, offering Kiku a small smile that was met with an equally shy one. His hands shook as he caressed Kiku’s cheek, their lips meeting for a brief moment.
“I love you too.” Kiku said, pushing them closer to kiss again, this time Feliciano smiled through the kiss, his stomach fluttering with excitement.
Sublime, that was a better way of describing Kiku. Sometimes Feliciano was afraid of how much he loved him, of how much he yearned for his company when they parted, but he no longer ached hurfully for his love.
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desikauwa · 7 years
Day 1 - Headcanons
First day of @romerica-week and this is based off of my hc that Romano worked with the Allies in WW2 and that the reason he did was because of America
Feliciano couldn't believe it. When Germany told him the news he went in shock. He had to confirm for himself.
Entering the jailhouse, he saw his older brother in the cell looking ragged and sick.
"I see the prodigal son has come to visit his useless brother." Lovino then started coughing as Feliciano winced at both his brother's health and words.
"Hello Fratello. I'd ask how you're doing but you look horrible."
Lovino let out a bitter laugh. "I do don't I. And it's all thanks to you and your potato bastard of a boyfriend."
Feliciano ignored the insult towards Ludwig. "Why did you do it?"
"Do what Fratello? I've done a lot of things. You need to be more specific."
Feliciano felt his heart breaking as he specified what Lovino had done. "Betray us to the Allies, to America."
Lovino had a soft smile on his face. "Oh that's easy, I lived with Alfred long enough to know that we had no chance against him and he took care of me and my people so I owe him. I owe him far more than I owe you or your German."
Feliciano looked at his brother and felt his heart turn to ice. "Well if that's how you feel then why don't you just stay here and wait for America to save you."
Lovino smiled sadly. "Oh he'll save me alright. I'm not sorry for what I did but I am sorry that our relationship has been damaged by this."
Feliciano turned away. "If you were truly sorry, you wouldn't have done this. I hope you're happy with America."
Lovino let Feliciano walk away without saying anything but just as Feliciano reached the door, Lovino made one last quip. "I'll be sure to invite you to the wedding. My little brother should be my best man after all."
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romerica-week · 7 years
Calling All Romerica Shippers!!!
Last year we held the first ever Romerica week, do to popular request and me being out of school I will be holding another one from June 4-10 so get ready!!!!
Our themes this year were voted by you guys!!! So here they are...
June 4: Headcanons
June 5: Movie night
June 6: AU day
June 7: Meet the family
June 8: Aesthetic 
June 9: Angst
June 10: Childhood friends
To have your entries be featured on the blog please @ us so we can for sure see your entries. Also use the tag #romerica-week on your entries.
Reblogs appreciated so we can spread the word!!!
Have any questions??? Feel free to send us an ask and we’ll be happy to answer. I will also answer some FAQs under the cut, so please read them before you ask any questions, there’s a good chance it’s answered. 
What kind of content is accepted?
Any!!! It doesn’t matter if it’s fanart or fanfics or anything else, do whatever your heart desires! Be creative!
What does (this theme) mean?
Whatever you interpret it as is what it means. There’s no wrong way to do a prompt.
Is NS/FW content accepted?
Nope. Sorry, I’m both a minor and asexual so that would make me extremely uncomfortable and there are probably minors participating so please no NS/FW content for the week. 
Can I do nyo or 2p stuff?
Yes! Feel free to do any of those or a mix, as long as it’s romerica you’re good.
What if I posted my entry and it hasn’t been reblogged here yet?
There’s a good chance it’s just in the queue. If it’s been a few days since you posted it and we haven’t reblogged it either send us an ask or send the post in a message to me on my main blog @romanocaresless so I can reblog it. 
What if I have a question you didn’t answer here?
Feel free to send us an ask!
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aozoranoshita · 3 years
Romerica time baybee
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jesswithane · 3 years
Alfred was getting...well, bored by the East coast. And what better way to enjoy heading west than to bring your two best friends along!
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igasom · 2 years
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Day 3 (June 22): Flowers for @hwsrarepairweek2022 🌹
Sorry for joining so late! I've been feeling extremely burned out lately, but I really want to participate in this week, so here's a sketch of Romerica!! I love drawing Nyo!Romano, she's always so much fun to draw 💘
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