#ronnie kray x mad teddy
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For lovely @lempiate ❤️ , who plants this in my head all the time. 😅
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lempiate · 7 months
Dependence - Chapter 7 - lempiate - Legend (2015) [Archive of Our Own]
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beah388love · 5 months
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Don’t Mess with the Mood Swings
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Pregnant Reader
Summary: Ian and Teddy Poked the bear…
Warnings: pregnancy,fighting,arguing,insults,crying,scratch,smoking,alcohol!!!(please tell me if i missed any!!!)
Ian and ted loved to 'poke the mama bear' but took it a step too far.
"Hello y/n/n" Ron smiled as he walked into the Esmeraldas barn.
You smiled and walked over to them and sat down at the booth they was in.
They put their cigars out and waved the smoke away.
"Hey ronnie, what you been up to?" You smiled Ann he shrugged his shoulders.
"Mh..not much we've been trying to read what paynes saying" Ron said as he looked over to Payne.
"Ah, well as I walked past it sounds like he's talking about tax payments" you shrugged as you grabbed a breadstick.
"Your getting bigger eh?" Teddy half joked and you shrugged a laugh as you held your bump that was indeed getting bigger.
"I can barely get up now..." you giggled as you chewed on another breadstick.
"Are you sure it's now triplets?" Ian laughed and it kinda hurt, you didn't know Ian that well so it was kind of an insult then a joke.
Teddy stifled a laugh but Ron didn't.
You didn't say anything until he piped up again.
"Maybe quadruplets eh?" He laughed even harder as he pointed to the breadstick you was about to eat.
You got kinda sad, you had already been insecure about how big you was getting and this just kinda made it feel real?.
You put the breadstick back down and Teddy didn't laugh this time.
"God it was just a joke! Ugh women eh? So over reactive" Ian moaned to Teddy and Ron but they ignored him.
And that was when Reggie came out of his office and was talking to Payne.
You tried to stand up to go over to him but you had to push yourself up with the arms of the chair.
You was out of breath just by that and then Ian piped up again.
"God you can't even stand up" he chuckled and you lost it.
"Shut up!" You half shouted at him and it took Teddy by surprise.
"God i was jokin! Mood swings..." he said looking at Ron and ted expecting them to laugh but they didn't.
"I may have mood swings! And I may be big! But I am not taking your bullshit!" You yelled at him.
"Don't talk to me that way! Your a pathetic women! You should be at home!" He yelled and you gasped at how obnoxious he was being.
"That's right! You shouldn't even be here! All your for is to make babies! To carry on us men's legacy." He spat at you and you was furious.
So you slapped him. And you didn't regret it one bit.
You slapped him across the face so hard he fell into teddy.
"Woah!" Teddy said as he held his hands up to push Ian away from him.
And that's when Ian stood up again and lunged at you and he managed to only scratch your arm but Ron stopped him.
"Don't.fuckin.touch.her.you cunt." Ron said as he punched him between every word.
"Oi! What's going on!" Reggie said as he rushed over trying to stop Ron.
And that's when he saw Teddy holding you away from Ian,
"What the fucks goin on?!" Reggie yelled and Ron finally stopped punching Ian.
"Eh?" Reggie said looking at Ron,Ian and Teddy.
And nobody spoke up except Teddy.
"Ian tried to uh- hurt y/n reg.."  teddy said as he held your arm holding it away from reg, because you both knew if he saw it he'd go mad.
"What? Are you alright?" He asked you and you nodded.
"Pat. Take him out." Reggie ordered angrily as he headed over to you and held you close to him.
Taking you into his office.
""Doll what happened?" Reg asked you as he held you close to him.
"I- well he was saying loads of shit to me. He said I was an over reactive,pathetic women who shouldn't even be here, and then he said I was only here to have your babies and continue a man's 'legacy' " you said trying to hold back your tears.
"Oh and he said. 'Are you sure you're not having quadruplets' " you said now crying.
Reggie was beyond furious. He was seeing red. He felt every nerve end in him was on fire.
But he still held back to look after you first.
"And then he lunged at me and he only scratched me but-" you rambled on wiping away your tears.
Reggie said as he then began looking over your body until his eyes landed on the scratch in your arm.
Reggie's head was racing with thoughts.
I'm gonna kill him.
Are you alright?
He tried to hurt a pregnant woman. Especially you.
I'm gonna fucking kill him.
"Are you alright?" He asked you and you nodded, it didn't hurt it was only a little scratch but reg was still furious.
"Stay here Kay?" Reggie said as he gave you a kiss on the head and stroking your bump.
"What are you gonna go?" You asked and he stopped.
"Don't worry, just stay here"
"Don't go bat shit crazy…I just wanna go hom-”
you said tiredly before cutting yourself off.
You could feel the twins kicking you in the ribs making you groan.
“Woah are you okay?” Reggie said rushing over to you, and helping you sit down on one of his chairs.
“Mhm I’m fine just a double kick to the ribs thas all’ you winced as you held into Reggie’s hand.
“Can we please just go home” you said and he nodded helping you up, holding your bump and the small of your back protectively.
Reggie lead you out of his office and held the door open for you, “Oi! Payne! This is tomorrow’s business do ya understand!” Reggie said as we left his club.
“Can you tell Ronnie and Teddy I said thank you” you said to reg and he nodded hiding a little smile.
“I will doll, you feeling alright?” He asked you and you nodded.
“Mhm, the twins have calmed down now” you giggled as you felt a light kick where Reggie’s hand was making him smile ear to ear.
The next day Reggie didn’t kill Ian but he did give him a ‘physical threat’
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flysafepapi · 4 years
After the arrests, he tries to move on, eventually. Once he’s learnt to breathe around what feels like a gaping hole in his chest. There’s never been a shortage of people to choose from, even with his reputation of being insane, but none of them even come close to filling the void that seems to follow him around. They’re always either too something; too dull, too quiet, too soft. He’s not built for soft, has never been the kind of person satisfied with normal and unremarkable. The thrill, the pain, that’s what he wanted, and he knows that none of them can give that to him. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was only meant to be a one time thing, just a night, and then he was falling too far too fast, unable to claw himself back up when it all came crashing down. He would have followed Ronnie to the ends of the earth if he’d only asked, and instead, he’s been told to stay away, that there’s nothing left for him with either of them anymore. He can’t even be mad about it. It was only ever going to end like this, leaving him feeling like he’s going to break open at the edges.
“Are you okay?”
Ada’s voice is soft, careful, like she’s afraid of saying the wrong thing and he’ll break into pieces. Maybe he will, it certainly feels like it. Everything seems harder these days. Just getting himself up out of bed is a struggle, the desire to just sink into the blankets and block everything out almost overwhelmingly strong. His dad always warned him that he loved too much and gave too much of himself away, that it would come back and haunt him one day. He hadn’t quite believed it, it was just the worries of a parent, wasn’t it? Except not, it feels like there’s nothing of him left.
“Teddy, you can’t keep doing this,” his father says, but he doesn’t know what else to do except force a smile, tell everyone that he’s okay, he’s fine. He’s not sure what he’s supposed to do, so he doesn’t do anything. The house is quiet during the days, when everyone is gone, except they’ve started leaving someone behind to watch him like he’s a child. He feels their careful eyes on him when he comes out of his room, wondering if today is going to be the day that he shatters. The bruises on his arms and the scratches on his back fade eventually, just like the scent of cigar smoke and whiskey on his clothes, his memories of heavy hands on his hips and dangerous, knowing smiles. What does he have, when he forgets everything?
“Eat something, please.”
For their benefit, he empties half the plate that they put in front of him, but it’s tasteless, when it doesn’t taste like bitter ash, clinging to his tongue thickly and refusing to wash away when he gulps down glasses of water. He hides the bottles of rum in his room, pretends that he’s not sitting up at night, drinking himself into numbness because he can’t handle anything without the buffer of haziness over his senses. Pill bottles fill the drawers beside his bed, half empty and covered in fingerprints, the only way he falls asleep anymore. Sometimes he wakes up and forgets that he’s alone, reaches out for a body that isn’t there, won’t be there ever again. He’s never been the type to cry, but he cries then, stuffing his hand in his mouth so no one hears him while the hot tears roll down his face.
“I’m okay, dad, don’t worry.”
It’ll kill him, eventually, he knows. Either the drink, or the pills, or some combination of the two. Maybe from the scratches that he gives himself as best he can, running over the ones that Ronnie had left behind, the last time they’d been together, determined never to lose them. He’s losing his mind, he can feel it drifting away piece by piece, washed away by every bottle of rum he drinks alone, and can’t gather the strength to stop. He’s not like the rest of his family, he doesn’t have their strength, the resolution to keep going when everything goes to hell.
“What am I supposed to do?” He whispers, to an empty room, to a person that can’t hear him, and breaks just a little more.
tagging: @the-makingsofgreatness , @mia-grace21912 , @ogohh , @darkwaterrose Masterlist
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jackson--t · 2 years
His Boy
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Ronnie Kray x Teddy Smith.
Warnings: Spanking and other sexual stuff. Explicit Smut.
Teddy tries to mend Ronnie's broken nose, and ends up right where he always does: on Ronnie's lap.
Words: 3.4 k
I feel like a weirdo posting this. 😅🙆‍♂️
It wasn't the first time Teddy had seen all that blood, the bent nose, the drips on the carpet that Ronnie actually liked a lot. The fine dots and drops of blood had fallen into the beautiful pattern of the carpet, breaking up the steady, gentle repetition of finely curved illustrades. A drop had fallen on a certain finely curved curl that Teddy had stared at many times, whenever he had lain on Ronnie's lap, his ass in the air, enduring the beatings, his buttocks glowing red from the welts of the hand with the cool, hard rings on it. Or the cane from the fine vase in the hallway, a bamboo cane whose welts Teddy could usually feel under the fabric of his pants for days afterwards.
He exhaled softly as Ronnie's glowing gaze met him. His fingers curled up slightly in the kitchen towel he'd grabbed when he'd heard the door. An argument with his twin brother, Reggie. It hadn't been uncommon lately for them to fight because Reggie didn't get along with Frances - or because Ronnie did something that didn't suit him.
But when Teddy saw Ronnie's probably broken nose, he sighed softly. He liked Reggie, he really did. Reggie, of course, was the prettier one of the twins - amiable, always finely dressed, and didn't carry the traces of seething aggression and craziness under his skin like his brother Ronnie. Teddy had liked Reggie a lot at first, watching him furtively whenever Ronnie's eyes were glued to anything but his face. Sometimes, he had wanted to scratch up Frances' face, to rip her beautiful hair off her head, just like that - because he envied her. Because Reggie didn't beat her, and because she had Reggie's beautiful face all over her when he fucked her.
Still, he didn't like it when Reggie hurt Ronnie. The missing pills were to blame, his antipsychotics. Ronnie almost never took them, unless Teddy reminded him to. Well - Teddy was used to knowing Ronnie as he was, always had been. To him, it made no difference, per se, whether Ronnie took them or not. But the subtle aggressive structures of his mental disorder became more palpable, like a guest moving into Ronnie's head, whispering strange things to him. He was more aggressive, loving violence. Only today, his eyes were different. Teddy saw the anger, the astonishment, the shock - and something he could almost put under the term sadness.
If that feeling existed in Ronnie.
Teddy fumbled a little with the kitchen towel, folding it between his fine fingers before asking quietly, "What happened?"
"He hit me, Reggie. Look at what he did - 's it bad, Teddy?" Ronnie grunted, walking with heavy steps over to the mirror in the living room. His mom, Valerie, was thankfully asleep. She wouldn't have believed it had been Reggie. But Teddy knew the other brother's punch. He had already had to feel it himself, under the powerful urge of the incoming excitement of that gesture. It was always a highlight for him when Reggie touched him - even if it was to teach him a lesson. The last time for a lesson had been when he'd hit Leslie so hard, out of sheer jealousy over Ronnie's attention, that Leslie had almost lost an eye.
"Ah, fuck - ma nose, ma beautiful nose. What a ...- my fuckin' brother!" Ronnie cursed loudly, and Teddy carefully stood next to him, gently standing on tiptoe to get a closer look at Ronnie's face.
"It's broken, Ronnie. I can fix it if you want," Teddy murmured softly, the glowering gaze of Ronnie's eyes on him. The big man snorted softly, a few drops of blood spreading further across the beautiful carpet.
"You can do that? Nah, I don't-"
"Fixed my own nose once, I did. Gonna hurt though, ya hear?" Teddy said, taking the fingers of his right hand out of the cloth, resting them lightly and warmly against Ronnie's cheek. He felt the twitch under Ronnie's skin, it was so warm. It set off an excited tingle in Teddy's stomach area.
"Did ya? Hmph, you know what I'm going to do if you fuckin' mess it up?"
"I know, and I'm not going to screw it up."
"I could kill you pretty right here and now for that, huh? Think the nose's ugly, don't ya?" Ronnie grunted angrily, and there it was, the absence of psychotropic drugs. Words Ronnie said without understanding the meaning - blindly directed because he didn't realize, not quite, that his brother had done this to him, and not Teddy. Thick, strong fingers dug around Teddy's chin, jerked it up, and Teddy gulped.
"I could-"
"Who's going to fix your nose then, huh? Can punish me for it afterwards, but your nose will stay like that," Teddy breathed out tensely, knowing the effect his words were having on Ronnie. The man's eyes narrowed slightly, then he nodded, his lower lip slightly open, his row of teeth bared below. He sniffled deeply, his nose clogged with blood, before dropping onto the couch.
"You're being careful, aren't you?" he grunted, and Teddy smiled.
"I always am."
"Don't tell anyone, you hear?"
"I never do, Ronnie."
"Hmm, good boy."
Teddy clicked his tongue, wiped his fingers on the kitchen towel, and went into the kitchen to get some bandages. He knew well by now where everything lay - Valerie had introduced him to the Krays' house, after all, well aware and grateful that Teddy was still by Ronnie's side. Sometimes he thought he read from her eyes that she really liked him - because he had never judged Ronnie, despite his bouts of cruelty. But Teddy knew nothing else. He had grown up just as much in the pain of a poor neighborhood, and Ronnie was his ticket to a better life.
You put up with these things if you could live for them like a prince. You just put up with them, and shut up when Ronnie wanted you to.
When Teddy had gathered his things, he put them down next to Ronnie on the couch, and sat down wide-legged on the broad lap. He had always loved Ronnie's thighs, those wide trunks, strong enough to break a body. There was ecstasy in every fiber of those muscles.
That's why Teddy suppressed the surge of pleasure that sloshed through his body as he pressed closer to Ronnie's face, slender fingers against his cheek. The nose looked really nasty, and it was really broken. It would be a slight jolt, but how Ronnie would react to the pain, well - Teddy didn't know.
"S' gonna hurt, Ronnie, okay? I'll make one quick move, it'll hurt, and then you'll be pretty again," Teddy whispered hoarsely, and Ronnie grunted.
"Am I not pretty now? I know you're always staring at Reggie-"
"I don't, and you are pretty, Ronnie, always. Reggie's too soft."
A narrow grin crossed Ronnie's bloodied face, like a twitch, short and beautiful. "He is."
"You ready?" Teddy asked, and Ronnie's nod wasn't even quite finished before he applied the pressure of his fingers to his nose and had them moving quickly to the side, pushing the nose back into place with a horrible cracking sound.
Of course he screamed, and of course Ronnie threw Teddy off his lap, the slight new stream of blood like shock on his face. Teddy licked his lips. Heat, so much heat in his body, in his loins.
Bad boy, he could hear it now, feel it like a tingling promise on his skin.
"What did ya fuckin' do?!"
"The nose is straight again, Ronnie, I made it whole again! You still need tape, let me tape it-"
Ronnie snorted. The drops of blood plopped onto the carpet, a few more, then it stopped, though Ronnie's voice still sounded impossibly nasal. He paced up and down, eyes on the floor, and then - heavy, heaving footsteps in the hallway, the sound of fine leaves, and Teddy's skin tingled with pleasure. The bamboo stick.
Ronnie sat down wordlessly on the couch, his broad legs like mighty tree trunks, and slapped his right thigh with the flat of his hand. "Com'ere." he commanded, without a kind word, without the litter Teddy usually knew when they were alone. Eyes gleaming menacingly behind the lenses of his glasses, Teddy pushed himself off the ground. There were a few drops of blood around the edges of Ronnie's glasses, but Teddy paid them no further attention as he lay belly-first on Ronnie's thigh, his lap full of tingling sensations.
Teddy liked violence. He liked brutality, didn't know why - but he had always been one of those boys who had never been too gentle - just right for Ronnie Kray, and one of the reasons Teddy was his best boy. Because he could endure, because he didn't break under what Ronnie needed, what turned Ronnie on, what excited Ronnie. Teddy was never broken. He wore the bruises on his body like trophies, wore them like something to be proud of - because it was the signature of Ronnie Kray. The secret king of London. And Teddy was his boy.
"Pants down." Ronnie grunted darkly, and Teddy obeyed. The air of the living room was cool around the skin of his bottom, a pleasant change from what was to come. Ronnie let out a soft, dark sound as Teddy lay back on his legs, lower body naked, and a rough, coarse hand gripped his left buttock firmly, slapping it lightly.
"You'll pay for this, you will."
Teddy breathed out. "Yeah."
The moments before the first blow were always the most erotic Teddy ever felt. Like a burning in the air, like a tingle in his lap, in his cock, like waiting for a fucking surprise. The air was electrified, magical, the warmth of Ronnie's thighs beneath him like the softest cloud.
The first stroke was hard, so hard it elicited a hoarse sound from Teddy. It was more of a squeak, high and soft, that he knew turned Ronnie sheer on - he loved it when he could do this. And Teddy loved the feel of the hard bamboo stick on his bare skin, the tingle it left. The red welts, the warmth on his butt cheeks as it formed. The red marks, sometimes a little chapped skin that he knew Ronnie loved to lick, to run his hands over curiously before fucking him. And this, Teddy thought to himself in sheer excitement at the next stroke - was guaranteed to end in a hard fuck.
He knew Ronnie could feel his erection against his thighs. With each breath, with each stroke more on his ass, Teddy's cock stiffened, pressing against the warm, rough fabric of Ronnie's thighs in the expensive pants, letting a soft friction build as soon as his body arched minimally under the blow of the bamboo cane.
"I like your shirt." Ronnie grunted, absurdly, it didn't fit - but it was Ronnie, and the cane, and Teddy moaned softly the next time the cane slapped hard against his skin, leaving pain and burn and pleasure in its wake. Ronnie's own poem burned into his skin.
"Ronnie-" Teddy's voice grew softer, higher, a pleading whimper. His hard cock pressed against Ronnie's thigh, was literally massaged, licked at drops. But the heat of the strokes didn't abate, only a little more hardness was added - by the movements and by Ronnie's lap, oh yeah, a firm erection pressed there into the fine fabric of his pants.
Teddy loved Ronnie's cock. It was as broad and big and fucking hot as anything on him - well built, and made to destroy him if he wanted to. Teddy had often had to take warm baths after sex with Ronnie to preserve his body - he could take a lot, always, but he needed his time afterward.
With a quiet moan, Teddy felt Ronnie's free hand settle on one buttock, gripping tightly, almost grabbing. Broad fingers fumbled at his crack, seeking, finding. They were already wet, Teddy hadn't realized, when they found what they were looking for, digging deep into Teddy's body, two of Ronnie's fucking wide fingers. The pulling and stretching was passion, coupled with another stroke and an undeniable exhale from Ronnie that almost bordered on a greedy moan.
Fuck, it didn't take much longer.
Teddy had to endure two more hard blows where, despite the rising numbness in the flesh, he could feel it tearing the skin slightly - it burned so nicely - then, with a gasping exhale, Ronnie pushed him belly-first onto the sofa, tossing the bamboo cane carelessly away. His heavy hands pressed Teddy's shoulder blades hard down on the sofa, pressing the boy firmly into the finely flowered fabric of Valerie's couch, and Teddy heard Ronnie undo his belt with rising excitement.
Once, just once, Teddy had been allowed to see him completely naked, otherwise Ronnie always left his clothes partially on. And it had been a groundbreaking time, because Ronnie, despite his oddness, was so damn well trained, had broader shoulders than his brother, a brutally toned chest. Teddy had been allowed to ride him that day, with hands as tight as vices around his hips. But Teddy had come, way too fast, drenching Ronnie's chest in a lean white of cum.
"Fuckin' bastard," Ronnie grunted, spitting roughly between Teddy's crack, pressing the hard and erect tip of his broad and thick cock between them, pushing himself between Teddy's butt cheeks without further foreplay, pushing his cock into the tight hole. The fingers on his butt glowed, rubbing over the sore skin, but the stretching and pain from the intrusion made Teddy forget all about it.
He moaned as loudly as he dared before a broad hand snaked in front of his mouth and squeezed hard - the absence of air made Teddy dizzy, aroused by the brutality. Ronnie's weight pressed him down hard, and it was nice to be squeezed so nicely between that body and his weight, and to have his own cock wedged so tightly on Mommy Kray's soft couch.
"Don't wake Mom, you lil' whore!" Ronnie growled hotly against his ear, and Teddy shook his head, breathing, gasping for air as his fingers released from his mouth and Ronnie truly fucked him hard into the couch.
It was ecstasy, every time. The pain was so pleasurable that it was quickly replaced by the probing sensation of an approaching orgasm, forming deep in Teddy's belly. The friction of his cock against the couch and with Ronnie's thick cock sliding so deep inside him, soon better, it was like a pure piece of pleasure written by the god of lust himself. Teddy could do nothing but cling to the fabric of the couch with clammy fingers, controlling his breathing, and taking and taking that cock as hard and as well as he could.
Ronnie was never a tender lover, but he was a good one, more animal than man in bed, with rough moans and grunts, hips snapping hard like a stud bull. Teddy nearly choked on his own saliva as Ronnie thrusted deeper, deeper, hitting the fine bundles of nerves inside him again and again. The tip of his cock rubbed firmly against it, Teddy knew that Ronnie knew. He timed the motions just right to hit that spot again and again, feeling the softness in Teddy's limbs, the trembling in his shoulder blades.
"You're gonna come for me, Teddy.", Ronnie groaned out, the hard cock with a firm jerk so damn deep, made Teddy's spine rebel slightly. Teddy opened his mouth, but no words came out. No moan, he just gasped, knowing he was close.
A thought that had driven him to climax many times before pressed into his brain with manic swiftness: this one thought, this forbidden one, that he would one day want to act out. Reggie and Ronnie, both above him, behind him, inside him. The pushing and shoving of two thick cocks inside him, his hole stretched to bursting. The twins sharing Teddy like a cheap hooker, the way they embraced his body, held him, fucked him and fucked him until Teddy came. Feeling not only Ronnie's fat cock, but Reggie's as well, both brothers joined inside him...-
His orgasm bored into Teddy's body so violently that he didn't have time to really dig his fingers into the sofa. His body stiffened for only a few seconds, then he reared back, and it spurted out of his cock, discharging into the muscles of his ass, contracting and milking Ronnie Kray, quivering, trembling, in full ecstasy. Teddy even blacked out for a moment because Ronnie just kept fucking him, calling him a bitch, grabbing his neck and squeezing him tighter into the fabric. But Teddy came and fucking came, it was so good, it was so-
"Fuck, fuckin'-", it was rare for Ronnie to moan - usually he came silently - but today he came loudly, as if he wanted Teddy's orgasm to last. Teddy could feel the hot spurts inside him, wanted to catch them with the tip of his tongue, choke on them, even as he loved the wetness building in his hole, more with each slide. Especially because Ronnie kept thrusting, really riding out the orgasm, fucking Teddy for several moments after he had cum.
It took Teddy a long time to get his breath back. Until he felt details, like the burning of his skin, like the heat on his back - Ronnie's nose must have been dripping, triggered slight aftershocks in Teddy's body. He couldn't move, even though Ronnie had long since braced himself and closed his pants again, giving Teddy a less soft shove in the ribs.
Teddy stayed down, just today, just briefly, as Ronnie brought the bamboo cane back into the hallway, stuck it in the beautiful vase as if it hadn't just been the tool of a satisfaction. He stroked his clothes, wrinkled his nose with a soft, pained sound, and then nudged Teddy lightly.
"We're going to bed, now, Teddy. Will you clean up?"
Teddy smiled. His body ached, throbbed, but he was fine. "Sure."
Teddy always cleaned up, tidied up when the evenings and nights ended like this. He fixed Ronnie's nose briefly, patted it so it wouldn't hang crooked in his face again in the morning. Then he put everything away, wiping what blood he could off the carpet still. But the dark stains remained. He would have to scrub along with Valerie tomorrow, while Ronnie would surely be sitting next to them, on the big armchair, eating a piece of warm carrot cake. The broad hand always slightly hollowed under his mouth, so that no crumbs would fall on his lap, neat, almost pedantic, as he sometimes was.
Before Teddy went upstairs, he took the brownish tin of pills with him, and with a quiet exhale, placed it on Ronnie's side of the bed. They always slept in the children's room when they were here - Valerie had never changed it because her sons had always been her everything.
"Will you take them, for me, Ronnie?" Teddy asked softly as he pulled his light blue shirt off his body, and with a pleasurable soft sound, lay down in bed next to Ronnie. He then gently placed the pillbox on Ronnie's chest, his eyes upturned to the scowling man. Ronnie's mouth twisted.
"Please." Teddy pleaded, and indeed, Ronnie formed a large, cupped hand, dropped two pills into it, and swallowed them. Sometimes, when they'd been acting out, he was actually quite pleasant. Like they were in a real relationship, like it wasn't an honor that Teddy got to be here in bed - but something perfectly normal.
Sometimes, but only sometimes, Teddy longed for it. For what Reggie and Frances had, for holding hands, for sex in the shower, for rides on Ronnie's lap because it felt so normal and good. Because for once, Teddy was in control.
But actually, it was also good the way it was. He at Ronnie's side - and with the two pills in him that always made him sleepy - Ronnie even pulled Teddy into a hug, letting him sleep with his head on his shoulder.
Almost comforting, like a boy who just wanted some soothing love after his fight and broken nose. Even if it was still Ron Kray.
But Teddy was his boy, and that was all that mattered.
He would endure.
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peggingtaron · 4 years
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‘Mad’ Teddy Smith x Reader
The Krays need publicity for the reopening of Esmeralda's Barn. As a famous heiress, it’s important that you’re seen enjoying yourself there; so the Krays assign ‘Mad’ Teddy to make a spectacle out of you.
Contains: Smut, with a capital S
Words: 4.7K
Echoes of incessant whispers. Stares burning over your every move. These things were only to be expected everywhere you went. You were (Y/N, L/N), the ‘Duchess’ of Haggerston, informally dubbed by South London’s most prominent gangsters. 
Sure, you weren’t out there arbitrating criminal activity or enforcing illegal transactions as the men were. You worked for the mob in your own way. Your value to them was your mere presence and approval. Being the heiress of South London’s most influential mobster, you were an asset to both friends and foes. Allowing yourself to be seen enjoying yourself or purchasing goods and services at certain business establishments was considered an endorsement.
The recent buzz surrounding Esmerelda’s Barn since the Kray twins had taken over, had caught your eye. No doubt, the Krays were waiting for you to make an appearance to attract more attention. To you, they were doing just fine on their own. The casino had been the talk of London’s West End thanks to Reggie and Ronnie Kray’s dealings. Nonetheless, you walked alone into that casino with confidence and that signature enigmatic demeanour that never failed to turn heads. No matter how successful and popular a place was, you carried yourself there as if you were the very foundation holding the establishment together. It was all in the attitude; you could fool anyone into thinking they needed you.
You knew it was working by the way the Krays observed you from their table, glancing at you while talking amongst themselves. Every time you saw them look your way from the corner of your eye, you’d feign boredom just to get a kick out of how it would cue them to engage in a discussion of how to keep you entertained. 
The gentle vibrato of the star of Esmeralda’s Barn had been lulling over the casino. At this point in the night, most people had retreated to a table or a seat by the bar to watch the songstress. She was enchanting enough that you were willing to forfeit the act of seeming bored, to engage in the show. This was not lost on the Krays.
You finally allowed yourself to look their way from across the room. You met eyes with Ron, who greeted your gaze with a slight grimace, stiffening up his posture and turning over to Reggie, a silent yet gruff request for you to carry your eye contact to him instead. You did as he wanted, meeting eyes with Reggie who happily took the responsibility of greeting you. He etched his signature smooth smirk, giving a gentlemanly bow of his head. Reggie turned his head to Ron, whispering something in his ear, and while the two were engaged in conversation, your eyes wandered to where Ron’s arm reached round.
You were careful not to meet eyes with the man by Ron’s side. At least not right away. Looking at someone so intoxicatingly striking as ‘Mad’ Teddy was something you needed to do in doses. Your eyes started at his elbow that rested atop the table, slowly trailing up to peer at his hands, his fingertips lightly tracing the rim of his glass, stroking slowly to the rhythm of the music. The dose from that was intoxicating enough already, observing the delicacy yet precision of how his fingers curled around the glass edge. You lingered your gaze there a little longer before you began eyeing his suit, up his torso and finally resting your eyes on his shoulder where Ron’s arm was wrapped around. 
A cigar hung in between Ron’s fingers, his hand perched on Teddy’s shoulder. Teddy’s lips came into your focus as he turned his head, leaning in towards the cigar Ron was holding and taking a drag from it. Your eyes followed his lips as they pursed around the cigar ever so slightly grazing against Ron’s fingers. He turned his head, leaning back as the smoke escaped his mouth, misting around his face to frame a pair of roguish green eyes that were burning right into yours. You were finally looking at him. All the features you took your time observing individually now came all together in a complete picture.
As you finally let your gaze settle in his eyes, a smirk plastered across his face, one that started off coquettish. Subtle, yet alluring enough to lure the weakness in your centre. Though as Teddy’s ego became aroused by your stare, his grin grew wide and smug, a grin that made you surrender your eyes from him, making sure to roll them before returning your attention to the enchanting songstress on stage.
You and Teddy weren’t unfamiliar with these types of exchanges. This was one of many times you’ve met eyes, many of which ended with you rolling your eyes to assure him of a disinterest — which was ultimately a lie. You engaged in conversation a few times, mere small talk with the occasional flirtatious nickname on his part. Each conversation brief, yet tantalising enough for him to remain on your mind, the lingering image of him keeping you company on the ride home alone, and keeping you warm in the comfort of a lonely bed. 
Pretending your own fingers were Teddy’s each night was a task that grew difficult the more you bumped into him. Your imagination couldn’t do him justice and your own touch was not nearly enough to satiate your need. However, it was all you could content yourself with, as no scenario that you could think of would prompt Teddy to so much as caress you. Entertaining your yearning gazes at him were merely a means to crow in cockiness that he had such an effect on you. 
As these thoughts returned to your mind, you accompanied it by soaking in the image of Teddy’s fingers from across the room, rhythmically tapping along the side of his glass. You knew he was watching the way your eyes scanned him feverishly. Adding fuel to the heat that you felt rising within yourself, he clasped his fingers around his glass, lifting it up to take a sip, guiding your gaze to his lips once more.
As he took one faint sip, you watched as he removed the glass from his lips, giving you a clear view of his tongue teasing its way out of his parted lips to savour the taste of his drink. You found yourself mimicking his actions, your lips parting in a daze. You were so enchanted by every faint move of his, that you failed to notice that Ron’s arm hadn’t been around Teddy’s shoulder anymore, but waving beside you to get your attention.
Your breath hitched in your throat, ripping your attention away from Teddy to see the Kray twins standing beside your table. Ron stared down at you, the light glaring off his glasses, adding a complimentary intimidating tone to the gravelly way he greeted you. 
“Why don’t you crack a fuckin’ smile, eh? Wouldn’ fuckin’ ‘urt, now would it?”
A light chuckle escaped you, his tone barely hindering your composure. “Alright, Ron?” You greeted him sweetly. 
“Either flash a big smile, flash some quid at the roulette table, or fuck off.”
“Allow me to translate, love.” Reggie interjected, placing an affection pat on his brother’s shoulder, before stepping forward to lead the conversation. He helped himself to the seat next to you, turning to face you with a beguiling smile. “Forgive me brother, he’s been down on his luck lately. You on the other hand, seem to have a natural attraction with luck. Considered having a crack at the roulette table yet, Duchess?”
The roulette table was the centre of the casino, and you, the Duchess of Haggerston, were bound to be seen having a good time there. You planned on going there either way, but having that slight bit of attention paid to you by the debonair brothers themselves was the minute of entertainment you needed before you obliged with their wishes. You allowed yourself to show how charmed you were by Reggie, though your eyes shot back at Ron, amused by how he was staring you down. “I quite prefer Ronnie’s approach.”
“Good, cause I ain’t fannin’ up your dress and kissin’ your arse.” Ron’s eyes wandered, not caring to hide how disinterested he was with talking to you. “Speaking of kissin’ arse… where is that Barney Rubble?” He muttered to himself, turning his head round back at their table, snapping his fingers at an amused Teddy who was watching them from afar. “Oi, Teddy!” Ron nudged his head as an order for him to come over, a gesture that had Teddy on his feet in a heartbeat, making his way to your table and gussying himself up. 
“You see, ‘ere, dear Duchess, I’m not your fuckin’ babysitter. Got better things to do, so this…” Ron gave a firm slap on Teddy’s backside, cueing a child-like giggle from Teddy, “...is my gift to you.” 
“You like ‘im, don’t you?” Ron frowned slightly at your scoff of a response which was prompted upon seeing the pompous grin Teddy had plastered across his face. Waving his hand dismissively, Ron scoffed in return, “Nah, ‘course you do. Can’t blame you — look at ‘im, he’s like a vanilla wafer, you just wanna dip in your tea, doncha?” Teddy was beaming at the compliments Ron showered him in. 
“I don’t mind, be good to get ‘im off me ‘ands for a while anyway.” Ron gave one last squeeze on Teddy’s behind before stiffly walking off, past Reggie. “I’m gonna go find me a cupcake.”
Reggie patted his brother on the shoulder as he passed. “Yeah a’right, Ron, go find yourself a cupcake.” Reggie shook his head and chuckled under his breath, “Tosser. Can’t get ‘im to pay attention to one thing for more than a minute.” 
“Alright, then.” You piped up.
“Alright, what?” Reggie looked at you.
“I’ll give a crack at it, shall I? The roulette wheel.” 
Reggie smiled, holding out his hand for you. You took it and got up from your seat, hooking arms with him as he guided you to the heart of the casino, Teddy following not far behind.
“I think you’ll find you won’t be disappointed.” Reggie let go of you, smoothing his hand around your shoulder. “Listen, love, I’d love to stay and keep you happy, but I’ve got some business to take care of. You be ‘right if Teddy kept you company?”
You bit your lip slightly, avoiding eye contact with Teddy, who peered over Reggie’s shoulder. “I suppose.”
“There’s a doll.” Reggie winked at you, nudging your chin affectionately.
Before Reggie walked off, he made sure to pass on a few words to Teddy on his way. “Ay, Teddy, listen, ‘right? You stay ‘ere. If she ain’t tipping her head back with joy within the ‘our…”, was all you could manage to hear. You let yourself look at the two men. Teddy nodded along to the stream of instructions Reggie whispered in his ear, his smirk etching wider, his eyes dancing up and down at you.
“I’ve got it, Reg. Don’t worry.” Teddy nodded, his eyes trained on you. Reggie excused himself once more before disappearing.
You turned your head back to the roulette table, occupying yourself with watching the wheel spin. “Don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself there, Duchess.” Teddy’s voice piped up, as he stood beside you.
“‘fraid I’m not.” You responded dryly. 
“You could do us a favour and fake it, eh?”
“Never been quite good at fakin’ it.”
“What you doin’ in a bloody casino, then?”
Teddy scoffed when you didn’t counter a response. He turned, leaning his face near yours, beckoning you to look at him. “Come on, how ‘bout a smile for ol’ Teddy Bear, eh?”
“Fuck off.” You didn’t budge. 
“Don’t act all coy, now, babes.” He kept leaning in and arching his head in attempts to make you face him. He was determined to break through that stoicism with an agitating persistence. “What was you thinking about before, looking a’ me like that? Back at the table.” It was already working.
You paused for a moment before countering, “What does Reg want you to do with me?”
“I asked first.” Teddy responded abruptly. “Oh sod it. I suspect both our answers are the same.”
You finally looked his way, furrowing your brows in bewilderment. What you were thinking while looking at Teddy was obvious, so Teddy implying that Reggie had asked him to do something similar was something you couldn’t understand.
Teddy shifted himself closer to you, his shoulder brushing yours as he brought his hand to the small of your back. “To put it vaguely, I’ve been told to make a spectacle ou’ of you. I think I’ve something in mind that’’ll suit all our interests, including yours.” He drew out the last word into a whisper, his breath tickling at your ear.
You stiffened at his touch in an eagerness to veil how flustered you were. “Make a spectacle, how?” 
You could feel him smirking as his lips brushed at your ear. “Could spin my fingers round your cunt like a roulette wheel.”  Teddy’s hand inched lower, smoothing around the curve of your backside, giving it a firm squeeze. You sucked in a breath as his hands dropped lower, fingertips dangling across the back of your thigh and curling around the bottom of your dress. He turned his head in a way that guided you to face the roulette wheel. You felt as Teddy began circling his fingers at the back of your thigh in perfect unison to the spinning of the roulette wheel your eyes were fixated on. 
You bit your lip trying to steady your breaths. You ripped your eyes from the wheel, the sight of its speed accompanying the growing speed of Teddy’s circling becoming unbearable. You subtly looked around behind you, surprised to see that Teddy’s overt groping hadn’t caught anyone’s attention.
“You’ve done most of the work for me, so thanks for that.” His voice beckoned you to face him, and you finally did.
You frowned at him. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“No need for me to warm you up. Seems like you’ve been doing that for yourself ever since you set those pretty little eyes on my fingers.” You knew exactly what he meant, though you preferred to feign oblivion, staring at him blankly. Half in a desire to continue the nonchalant act, the other half in a desire for him to seek proof. It didn’t take long until his fingers began rising up your legs from behind you, inching up your inner thigh, delicately gracing over your panties. His tongue spilled slightly from his mouth as he looked at you, coating his bottom lip in a sheen of wetness mirroring the dampness he felt through your panties. “This for me, innit?”
Your shuddering breath, coupled with you closing your eyes in bliss, was a sufficient enough response. Teddy stepped behind you, allowing more access to you while also shielding his action from that much view from others. He began stroking you through your panties, and you couldn’t help but tip your head back against his shoulder as you tried to stifle a moan.
Teddy began smoothing his other hand around your waist to your front, curling his fingers to bunch up your dress. “Let’s show everyone that dripping cunt, shall we?”
You lifted your head, grabbing Teddy’s wrists and prying his grip off you. You didn’t allow yourself a second to reconsider, as you walked up to the roulette table, helping yourself to a seat. The dealer asked if you’d be joining for this round and you nodded eagerly, trying to compose yourself and recover from Teddy’s touch.
Teddy chuckled as he took the seat beside you, turning his whole body to face you. “Hm… ‘spose I’ve gotta find another way to make a show outta you...”
As you placed your bet and waited patiently, Teddy’s hand rested on your thigh. You didn’t make an effort to remove it. It was under the tablecloth away from everyone’s view. Teddy beamed upon seeing that you didn’t even pretend to object to his advances this time. “See, now was that so ‘ard?” He chuckled. “This time, Duchess, no need to bite back them moans. Let everyone hear what a dirty littl—”
“I wasn’t moaning.” Your responses were becoming weaker and less effective after every advance he made, your tone withering in its assertiveness. 
“Oh I beg to differ. Plus, you said yourself you wasn’t that good at fakin’ it, innit?” Teddy chuckled as nothing but silence came from you, your mind too occupied trying to formulate a response while attempting to ignore Teddy’s fingers that were inching closer. Swiftly prying his way under your panties, the heat of your clit was washed by the cold of his fingertips. You breathed in a sharp gasp, gripping onto the edge of the table, trying to quiet the moan that shuddered its way out of you. Luckily, those around the roulette table and those passing, misconstrued your moans as an exclamation of anticipation as the roulette wheel spun. 
“This is in the best interest of us all.” Teddy’s voice dropped lower, and his mischievous smirk was replaced with a stormy eagerness in his eyes. His fingers were moving at an excruciatingly slow pace.
“How exactly is this in the Krays’ best interest?” You were surprised you were composed enough to speak again.
Teddy circled your clit, resting his chin on the palm of his other hand as his elbow propped up on the table. That cocky grin returned. “You can pawn off those pathetic moans as excitement for the game.”
“Clever, eh?” He let out a light giggle.
You wanted to frown, but your mouth hung open at the feel of his fingers working at your core. “Allow me to offer an example.” Teddy began delving his fingers inside you, your arousal that pooled a while ago allowed seamless access, as he abruptly curled his fingers harshly without warning. You yelped loudly, coincidentally in unison to the cheers coming from the aristocrats surrounding the roulette table, who watched as the dolly was placed on their winning numbers. Teddy spat out an obnoxious chuckle amused at the timing. “Ha! That was too good!”
You scowled at him. “You’re a little shit.”
Teddy quirked an eyebrow at you. “Sorry, what was that, darling?”
“I said— ah!” You moaned loudly, as Teddy picked up his pace, massaging deep inside your walls thoroughly. No doubt, the attention of everyone round the table was caught, so you disguised the moan as a triumphant cheer, smiling through it. The dealer made a humorous comment on your cheer of victory as he swept away the losing bets and made payouts to the winners including you.
The dealer asked if you were up to make new bets, though too distracted by Teddy who had kept his pace steady, you hummed. 
“Is that a yes, miss?” The dealer frowned at you confused.
“Y-Yes…” You found yourself gasping as Teddy picked up his speed. “God, yes!”
Everyone chuckled at your enthusiasm, interpreting it as anticipation towards a winning streak. To your mercy, Teddy stopped. Though to your disappointment, he drew his fingers back from you, adjusting your panties back on and removing his hand from you. You hated the whine that escaped you from the absence of his touch. 
You steadied your breaths. You didn’t have time to process what had happened, as everyone was waiting for you to place your bet. Doing so in a hurry, you had knocked some of your own table chips off the table. You cursed under your breath, urging yourself to calm down. Before you could reach down to grab the table chips, Teddy stopped you.
“Allow me.” Teddy smirked and waggled his eyebrows at you.
Your eyes widened, but before you could object, Teddy was already diving underneath tablecloth under the guise of collecting the chips. Somehow without arousing any attention from anyone else, he didn’t return back out from under there.
The roulette wheel was spinning again, and you bit your lip at what was to follow. Keeping your eyes trained on the wheel, you felt Teddy’s fingers begin smoothing up your legs again. He gripped each one hard, lifting them over each of his shoulders. In a swift motion, he grabbed the legs of your chair, pulling you in hastily towards him, your stomach pressed against the edge of the table. Your body jerked forward, your core meeting with his mouth forcefully. Your fingers were gripping hard onto your table chips, the feel of Teddy’s tongue through your panties driving you insane. 
It was as if Teddy read your mind when his fingers dug underneath the elastic of your panties, pulling harshly until they tore off, the cold air of the casino greeting your bare center. Teddy’s tongue ran the length of you, his voice humming, a rush of vibration running through you. A few thorough sucks of your clit made you bang your fist against the table. “Fuck!”, you exclaimed. As luck would have it, you were losing your bet in the game and your exclamation was interpreted as one of disappointment. 
Your body stiffened. You had to be more cautious. Those first few times were just luck, your next rush of pleasure may not coincide with a moment to cheer or exclaim in frustration about, in the game. Teddy could sense this hesitance from under the table and gave a harsh playful bite at your inner thigh.
You bit your lip to stifle a gasp, and instead clenched your thighs around his head and squeezed as a means to chide him. Though he groaned in slight pain, it only cued another vibration from his voice to surge through you. Feeling a dose of impulsiveness, you wrapped your legs tighter around his neck pulling him back to your core.
Taken aback, Teddy nuzzled against your clit again. You could feel a smirk begin to etch across his face again and you raised an eyebrow curious what was to follow. Teddy delved his tongue deep inside you, turning his head in a way that buried his nose against your clit while his tongue made work against your walls. Your breaths became out of sync with his, as you began bucking your hips around for deeper contact. Your movements were thankfully disguised as a bouncing of impatience by the surrounding people.  
You tipped your head back in pleasure, though as you looked up, you saw Reggie. He took one look at you and fluttered his eyes down, grinning to himself. Teddy must’ve done exactly as he was instructed. You furrowed your brows at Reggie, who greeted your stare with a mockingly innocent raise of his eyebrows, before moving along and disappearing into the crowd. You chided yourself for thinking you had the Krays wrapped around your finger. You had your fun thinking they were worrying over your enjoyment at the casino, all the while they were certain that they could ensure you were having a great time, and profiting off your endorsement while making a fool out of you.
The roulette wheel took its last spin, when you found yourself on the brink of release. Teddy was merciless, not allowing your growing sensitivity to hinder his speed. “Oh… oh… oh…” Your gasps and moans grew louder, coinciding with the slowing speed of the wheel as everyone looked to see where the ball would land.
A loud wave of cheers from everyone took over, as you let out a long moan, Teddy removing his face just in time for your release to drip down your legs. Your breaths grew heavy and quick, your core sore and your head weak from a violent rush of pleasure. You didn’t care that you had won yet another bet. All you wanted was Teddy to lick you clean of the mess he caused between your thighs, before you’d pull him back up from under the table forcing him in a heated kiss. Despite your hunger for him being satiated, you still wanted more. And you hated it. He made a spectacle out of you, and not only did you oblige, but you couldn’t get enough of it.
Before you could allow Teddy to coax anything more from you, you got up from the table, retreating quickly. Paying no mind to the cold rush between your legs, your release dripping down you, you briskly made your way to the stairs leading out the casino. You picked up your pace upon hearing a set of footsteps catching up behind you, but you were too late.
“Not so fast, love.” You gasped as a pair of arms reached around you aggressively. Teddy pulled you flush against him, his teeth grazing against your ear as he whispered, “I’m not finished with you.”
You turned your head slightly to face him, almost moaning at the sight of your juices lingering on his lips. “I’m to make spectacle outta you, ‘member?”
Still weak and disoriented, you muttered. “Reggie seemed pleased with you. Your job is done.”
“Oh, I’ve done that first part for the Krays, sure. This is for me.” He grinned. 
You greeted this with a confused frown. “You’ve no interest in me. I was just a job for you and when I’m not that, I’m just something you love goading to arouse your damn ego.”
“You’re exactly right, darling.” That stupid hope you felt that he would argue against the notion of you meaning nothing to him, was shot down in a heartbeat. His apathetic, blunt tone nearly sparking a rise out of you. “Nothing gets my cock harder than being revered. Being in dear Ronnie’s shadow all the time, I don’t get revered often, y’see...” Teddy grinned against the back of your neck, his breath steaming your tender spot. It took everything in your strength to refrain from shivering at the sensation. 
“Now, you… You are no stranger to it…” Teddy’s hands ran its way up your body, feeling up your curves before pulling you even closer against him, his fingers grasping around your breasts. “If people saw me parading the Duchess of Haggerston around the casino... her letting out those pitiful moans ‘cause of me, cum dripping out her cunt and down her legs ‘cause of me… the stares I’d get… I could wank to that prestige for a whole bloody year.”
You pulled Teddy’s arms off you, turning around to face him and shooting him a brutal glare. Your eyes flickered down, spotting your panties blatantly hanging out the breast pocket of his blazer. He followed your eyes, grinning smugly at the panties, as if it was a medal of honour he wanted to flash proudly. “You’re psychotic, Teddy.”
“Do you object, Duchess?” He flashed a smile. You hated how confident he was, how sure he was that he had you wrapped around his finger. 
You felt a heat rising within you. Whether it was in a rage at Teddy’s intentions to humiliate you to arouse his ego, or in a reluctance to acknowledge the desire for him that still remained, it grew unbearable. You could feel everyone’s eyes on both of you. Your eyes glanced down at Teddy’s lips, and he lifted his head daring you to proceed with what you’ve been pining for since the moment you set eyes on him. 
With everyone looking, it would earn him the kind of attention that could supposedly make his cock hard, but for you, it was a mere case of quenching the mad desire to taste as much of him as you could. You knew by kissing him, he’d of won, and you would’ve surrendered your dignity all for a mobster’s boy toy.
“Fuck it.” You hissed sharply before tugging Teddy’s tie, forcing his lips against yours. You kissed him feverishly, desperate to savour the taste of him and the taste of yourself that still remained on his lips, paying no mind to the stares that burned your way. 
After all those times you would bear witness to ‘Mad’ Teddy Smith being nothing more than Ronald Kray’s toy, it seemed it was time Teddy was granted a toy of his own. 
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podrickpaynest · 5 years
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Taron Egerton’s Mad Teddy Smith + looking at Tom Hardy’s Ron Kray
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Ok ok hear me out...
PICTURE THIS: Mad Teddy looking like a gd snack and drinking a Manhattan or what have you. Ronnie from across the table "I'd like to be that drink in your hand" Ronnie in his fashion shoves everything off the table and grabs Teddy. As he is about to have his way with him someone walks into the room. Ronnie pulls a gun out of like who even know where and points it at the dude. "FUCK. OFF" 
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stede-bonnets · 5 years
New fic up! This is my first Legend (2015) fic, and it's Ron x Teddy. It's set after the fight between Ron and Reg, with Teddy helping to mend Ron's broken nose.
I hope you like it ❤️ Likes, kudos, comments, and reblogs are always welcomed!!!
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lempiate · 10 months
Hey, I love your writing for Teddy and Ronnie, I hope all is well, I'm just wondering if/when the next update for Dependence will be cause I love it too much to let go!! :)
Thank you so much!!
The good news is it hasn't been abandoned! I am just going through a lot of health troubles/require surgeries, and I haven't been able to write!!
I hope to get back to it very soon. Take care, anon ❤️
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lempiate · 1 year
Dependence - Chapter 6 - lempiate - Legend (2015) [Archive of Our Own]
“Bloody hell, is that Tony Wilkins?” Teddy listens to their catching up with only one ear, because Reg is still focusing on him, and this time when their eyes meet, he doesn’t look away frightened as usual.   
He hopes he looks as rosy as he feels, as Reg’s eyes travel down his face. As soon as they land on his lips, Teddy takes a step towards him, coming closer than necessary.  
“You look nice.” Reggie watches him sound out the words, mirrors Teddy’s slow smile before he scoffs.   
“You look...” He looks away towards Ron, clears his throat as a flush develops across his wonderful high cheek bones.  
Teddy giggles, realising it’s just dawned on Reg what exactly they were doing in the alley. “What, Reg?”  
“Bit scruffy if I’m honest.” It’s fair, Teddy hasn’t looked in a mirror since yesterday after all. Fingers come up to his collar and straighten it out - almost absentmindedly – triggering desire in him all over again. Groomed by Reggie Kray, in public . “Left Ronnie to get on the lash, did ya?” Unfortunately, Reg takes his hand back.  
Teddy’s brows come together at the implication, “He been missing me?”  
“Well, seems like you made up just fine.” The look turned on him is extremely pointed. Teddy laughs and Reggie enjoys the sight.
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lempiate · 1 year
“Don’t they need you for pictures?” Teddy asks. Ron stops next to him, not leaning against the stone as Ron doesn’t slouch, but it’s close.  
“Not yet. You alright?” He looks good, really good. All the torment usually present completely wiped from his face. Weddings suit him, it appears; Ron needs to be around people, needs the energy and atmosphere to guide his own mood. Teddy takes his fill of the rare sight, eyes dancing that triangle they love so much, lingering a little too long on his plush lips each time.  
“’Course I am.” He replies, smiling kindly.  
“You ran outta there.”  
“Not one for God, s’all. Need a fucking drink.” Ron hums, scrutinises Teddy for lies.  
“I was thinking...” Ron’s head bows, eyes going down to his shoes. “Back there, in the church. If I could do that... Do it legal. It’d be with you.” Teddy freezes, fag halfway to his mouth. Slowly, Ron tilts his head back up, eyes finding Teddy’s again, “Yeah.”  
Where Teddy’s mouth had been open, one side pulls into a smirk, “You’d... marry me?”  
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lempiate · 1 year
Dependence - Chapter 4 - lempiate - Legend (2015) [Archive of Our Own]
“Ron wants ya.”  
“He say what for?” He’s slurring he notes, embarrassingly.  
“Not a word.” Billy doesn’t seem horrified, from what Teddy can tell through his current kaleidoscope vision, and so perhaps he really doesn’t know.  
“Ok. Let’s go.” He struggles to stand, almost face-planting the table until a hand grasps tightly around his arm and holds him upright, helping as he side-steps the table and moves towards the exit.  
“You alright, kid? Summit happen?” Teddy doesn’t mind Billy, he keeps to himself mostly and he’s only ever seen him do driving gigs for the Firm. He’s not really in his right mind but he can’t see the harm in telling him. He leans in close to slur,  
“I killed someone.” Billy tuts, bringing Teddy’s arm up and over his head to drape across his shoulders so he can carry him like a wounded fucking soldier to the car.  
“The first one’s difficult.” Teddy scoffs, unkindly. It’s absolutely not the first time.
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lempiate · 1 year
Dependence - Chapter 3 - lempiate - Legend (2015) [Archive of Our Own]
The boy’s face changes then, becomes softer, eyes glistening. Ron wonders if he’s looking right back at the boy with the same mushy feelings. He hardens his grip and thinks back to the first time at the caravan, all those years ago, when Teddy loomed menacingly above him, hands ‘round Ron’s throat and he had thought that he might die.
Had thought that he would let the boy kill him, end all his suffering then. Instead, he had dragged him back into living.
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lempiate · 1 year
Dependence - Chapter 2 - lempiate - Legend (2015) [Archive of Our Own]
“Why are we here today?” Asks Doris. She is a small and serious woman.
“There are... spirits. That speak to me. But, I don’t always understand them.” Doris nods to him understandingly and places her hands either side of her, palm down, on the table. She then looks to the centre, where a black cloth covers something large. Breathing deeply, she closes her eyes and whispers,
“I can feel them. You have questions prepared?”
“Then we will begin.” She opens her eyes. “You must do as I say, when I say it. We cannot disrespect these beings. The consequences will be severe.”
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lempiate · 1 year
Dependence - lempiate - Legend (2015) [Archive of Our Own]
It’s not long before Ronnie finds himself at the caravan in Suffolk. The Stemetil is a strong drug, and it doesn’t mix well with drinks, so, he likes to have little breaks. Only, the breaks stop being little and then the voices and the visions start creeping back in. The doubt turns into paranoia, and he starts to get that dreadful feeling that he’s being hunted.  
Reg drops him off. Reggie is always so good to him, caring for him, looking out for him. He couldn’t live without his brother, that he knows. They are stood in the clearing that the caravan has been towed to, inside of the woods. Hidden from people that might hurt him. In turn, he’s hidden from people he will definitely hurt. It’s starting to get cold in the year, the days dark and moody. His surroundings are full of shadows, harbouring figures that disappear when you look straight at them. They live in his peripherals.  
“A few weeks, to get yourself back on track.” Reg tells him. “And I’ll be back soon. D’ya need anything?”  
Ronnie is blinking slowly at him. Trying to get his brain to catch up with what’s happening but it’s so muddled. Thoughts chopping and changing before he’s had chance to realise a single one. Then one rings out, singular and clear,  
“The boy.” He grunts.  
“Which boy, Ronnie?” Reggie is being patient with him. He can tell that much.  
But Ron can’t find the words to express himself easily, manages to bite out, “The boy.”
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