#roof colours australia
andrecoatings · 1 year
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prestigecoatings · 2 years
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Professional Painters of Sydney, a locally owned and operated business in Australia, provides flawless painting for both residential and commercial spaces. Professional Painters of Sydney, which provides the best painting services in NSW, takes pride in the various characteristics that set them apart from their rivals. They first get reputable recommendations and leads. They come highly recommended by many due to their industry knowledge in painting.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Running from the Flames {27}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x OFC Warnings: 18+ only, wedding bells are ringing. F1 Masterlist || Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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Australia 2024
“Hey Christian,” I greeted nervously as I sat in the master bedroom of our hotel suite, hoping Pierre was too busy playing with Addie in her room to overhear the phone call. “I was wondering if you remember making me a certain promise some 15 years ago?”
The Red Bull principal chuckled. “That depends, I don’t have a spare seat.”
“No, no, nothing like that,” I rushed to clarify. “Pierre is very happy at Alpine. I was wondering if you could put me in touch with one of the Red Bull artistic pilots. I know I’m hoping for a miracle but it’s for a top secret mission on Saturday after the wedding.”
“Colour me intrigued. I’ll make some calls and see who’s available at such short notice.”
I thanked him before bidding farewell and sending out a prayer that Christian could help because I hadn’t been able to get this idea out of my head for two days. Knowing there was nothing else to be done until Christian called back, I focused on the paperwork in front of me. Mum had sent through the documents for Addie’s new birth certificate and I slipped it into the folder with our marriage certificate that the celebrant needed on the big day. 
It was like the stars had aligned and everything I thought I would never have was coming into fruition. Just thinking about how far I had come and how happy I was brought tears to my eyes and I swiped them away before they could fall on the important paperwork.
“Mon ange?” I looked up from the bed and found Pierre crossing the room, concern written on his face. “What’s wrong?”
I held my hand out reaching for him, the sapphire engagement ring glinting under the chandelier, and he quickly took it as he climbed onto the bed. 
“Nothing’s wrong,“ I promised with a sniffle. “I love you so much and you make me so happy.”
“Then why are you crying?” he asked softly, catching a stray tear with his thumb. 
“Because I’m happy.”
“I’m confused,” he admitted as wrapped me in his arms. “That’s twice this week I’ve found you in tears.”
“I know, baby. It’s just the closer we get to the wedding I find myself thinking about us and how much things have changed. You have made my life infinitely better, and Addie’s too.” Another wave of emotion washed over me and more tears spilled down my cheeks. “I can’t wait to be your wife.”
“Three days,” he said with a growing smile. “It seems so close yet so far.”
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I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day as I stood at the edge of the rooftop garden and looked at the city sprawling below. The sun was beginning its descent and the thousands of twinkling fairy lights came to life as a pair of arms curled around my waist and Pierre’s trimmed beard tickled my neck and he kissed my racing pulse.
“What’s on your mind, Mrs Gasly?”
I smiled at the name and turned in his arms so I could kiss my husband and tasted the subtle notes of the champagne he had used as a toast during our speeches. 
“How perfect this moment is,” I answered as I draped my arms around his neck and we gently swayed to the music playing at the other end of the roof. “I needed a moment to make sure it was real.”
I could still feel the weight of the fountain pen in my hand, remember the strokes of the nib across the papers and the sight of my signature next to his. Husband and wife, mother and father. They were the two most important documents I had ever signed and I had trouble pushing away the memory of the marriage and birth certificate because they had made me unbelievably happy.
“There they are,” Pierre said with a chuckle as he wiped away the tears that snaked down my cheek. “I wondered when they would show.”
A small laugh bubbled up and it had been surprising that I had been able to make it through our vows without crying. I had been blinking furiously, not willing to have anything blur the memory of Pierre standing in front of me, his steady hand holding my trembling one as he slipped the wedding band onto my finger.
“Thank you,” I mouthed as my voice failed me. 
“You can thank me with another dance, darling wife,” he said when he was satisfied no more stray tears were going to escape and he offered his elbow. “I am never going to get tired of calling you my wife.”
I looped my arm in his and we turned our backs to the city lights. “And I am never going to get tired of hearing it, dear husband.”
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“Adelaide Mirabella Gasly, no running.”
“You’re not meant to smile when you growl her,” Granny chided softly as she zipped your departing dress up, her head tilting slightly as it caught slightly at the small of your back before gliding up.
“I can’t help it,” I huffed, still unable to stop smiling at her new surname. “I didn’t know it was possible to feel this happy. It’s like I need to scream it to the world or I’m going to explode.”
“Remember this feeling, sweetie,” Granny said as she patted my cheek. “Marriage isn’t easy and it won’t always be happy chappy. Remember this feeling, so you know what you are fighting for when it gets hard.”
I took her hands in mine, giving them a small squeeze. “Not exactly the advice I thought I would get on my wedding day.”
She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Take it from someone who has been married four times, it may not give you butterflies but it is practical.”
“I think the fact you have been married four times means I shouldn’t take your advice, Granny.”
She pinched my cheek at the comment before stepping away with a laugh. “You’re 100% right, I’m older but certainly not wiser. Now go enjoy your honeymoon - may it be your one and only.”
I wrapped Addie in my arms after finally catching her running through the living room with Pierre hot on her tail, her wedding cake sugar high well and truly setting in. “I love you, baby girl. We will see you in two sleeps, okay?”
“I want to come,” she grumbled for the millionth time as I put her back on the ground, her bottom lip quivering.
“We will go on a family trip after the race,” Pierre promised as he knelt down at her height. “Anywhere you want, just the three of us.”
He held out his pinky and she wrapped hers around it. “Where’s Sydney?”
My heart nearly leapt out of my chest as I looked at Pierre. “Where did you hear that?”
“It was on the tv,” she said with a shrug. “There was a zoo.”
“Oh, it’s a city a few hours away from here. Do you want to go there?”
She nodded happily and Pierre promised to take her to the zoo, so long as she promised to behave for her grandparents who would be looking after her while we went away for a short honeymoon.
Everyone was still on the rooftop bar, dancing and singing to the music Danny Ricciardo was playing after talking the DJ into letting him have a go. They would likely keep partying for hours yet but me and Pierre would continue with our own celebration at a luxury villa on a private beach out of the city. I could already hear the helicopter coming in to land on the helipad across from the reception area.
A cheer rose from the crowd as they formed two lines and tossed handfuls of rose petals and rice over us, the grains slipping down my cleavage for Pierre to find later. We had already thanked our friends and family before leaving to get changed but I still stopped to squeeze my mum's hand and then dads as we made our way along. 
The helicopter whipped Pierre’s hair around but mine was pinned down tight and my giggle was lost to the wind as he unsuccessfully tried to hold it down before helping me step up into it. We surged into the air and the pilot tilted the chopper so we could see our guests waving goodbye before we disappeared into the night, our first night as husband and wife.
“Ready, Mrs Gasly?” Pierre asked over the headset as he took my hand, his thumb running along the wedding band he had placed on my finger.
“Siempre, Mr Gasly.”
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Media Day in Melbourne
We hadn’t even taken five steps into the paddock after scanning our passes when our presence was announced.
“Paaaapi Chuuuulllooooo!” Daniel shouted across the paddock, drawing the attention of the reporters who he had been chatting to about racing on his home track again. “And Mrs Papi Chulo.”
“No, Danny, hard no,” I said with a cringe. “Keep the perverted names to Peirre only, please.”
He pouted playfully before going back to his interview and I left Pierre to sign a few hats, taking Addie’s hand and making our way to Alpine’s hospitality. All along the way friends and strangers alike gave us their well wishes for a long and happy marriage as they admired the pair of rings on my finger.
Thankfully it didn’t take long for Pierre to catch up since he had a busy day with interviews booked between the two free practice times. He reached me with the assistance of a quick jog just as Addie spotted Otmar and had darted off after him and a big smirk was plastered on his face.
“So, no Mrs Papi Chulo,” he confirmed with a laugh when I slapped his ribs lightly. “I was just checking.”
“That’s a no from me,” I confirmed with a droll stare that turned to a smirk as I bit my lip. I stepped closer and rose to my tiptoes so I could whisper in his ear since there were always microphones nearby in the paddock. “But you can call me mamacita.”
Pierre caught my hips and stopped me from the quick retreat I had been planning. “Uh-uh, where do you think you’re going, mamacita?”
I smirked as I recognised the look in his eyes and pressed your body flush to his. “To get you an ice bath, dear husband. It feels like you might need one.”
“Dieu me donne la force,” he muttered under his breath, his fingers slipping as I stepped away.
“You are going to be late, Mr Gasly,” I said as I pointed to the countdown for the first free practice. “And you still need to get dressed out of those tight clothes.”
He bit his lip and I knew it was to hold back a witty remark but I was right, he was late and as soon as free practice was over then it was straight into the media frenzy. “I’ll get you back for this, Mrs Gasly,” he warned with a smirk before taking off into a jog again.
“I look forward to it!”
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The crowd for Pierre’s media time slot was busier than usual, with dozens of signs of support waving about for him - or at least the nickname Danny had popularised. Still, I loved seeing them all there cheering for my husband as I waited on the stage with today’s reporter, Lydia. As usual, Pierre was running a little late and skidded to a stop on the stage at seeing me on the red lounge suite set up.
“Here he is!” Lydia gushed, earning a cheer and round of applause. “Come, come, take a seat and get comfortable. Today is special because we have a fun little game that your wife has put together.” Pierre looked giddy when Lydia said ‘wife’ and he looked my way as I bounced my knees nervously. “Have you seen your wedding photos yet?”
Pierre grinned as he picked up his microphone. “Yes, we received a few teasers this week and, wow, they are amazing.”
“I have a few here today, but I’m told these ones you haven’t seen yet.” A quiet ‘ohhh’ rose from the crowd. “Your task is to figure out just how many Gasly’s are in each photo.”
Pierre’s brows pinched in confusion as the first photo was shown and he looked over the rim of his sunglasses at the image. 
The Palais Theatre had made a beautiful backdrop for some black and white images and in the picture Pierre had curled his arm around my waist, cradling me back into an elegant dip. Little did he know that out in the sea of seats his brothers had been hidden and they stepped out into the aisle to mimic the move with Phillipe dipping Paul. They were both grinning like fools and it was a miracle that they had kept quiet before hiding once again.
A burst of laughter erupted from Pierre as he looked into the crowd and spotted his brothers with the rest of our families. “I’m actually lost for words,” he admitted as he shook his head. “I don’t think they even dipped their wives at their weddings.”
“So how many Gasly’s are there in the photo?” Lydia prompted and he scanned it again to see if anyone else was hiding.
“Four,” he answered confidently before the next photo appeared.
This time it was one from under the starting lights on the grid. After we had taken a few pictures with just the two of us, Addie had joined us and she sat on Pierre’s shoulders while reaching for the five red lights above. It was then that Pascale and Jean-Jacques had stood up from where they were hiding on the bridge that spanned the grid width, both copying Addie’s excited pose.
“Five,” he said with a chuckle after scanning the picture twice to make sure there weren't any more hidden and turning to me. “How did you manage this?” 
“With difficulty,” I admitted, getting more anxious by the second. 
“Halfway there,” Lydia cheered and the second to last photo appeared.
 It was down on the lakefront of Albert Park and we were facing each other, smiling brightly as the sun shimmered on the water's surface. While we were so focused on each other, a few faces had peered out from where they were hidden behind the trees in the park and two bystanders sitting on a park bench reading the local newspaper folded them up.
Another burst of laughter erupted from Pierre as he pointed out his mother and father as well as Adelaide and two of her cousins in the trees, then his brothers on the park bench. “Nine.”
The photo changed and my stomach did a little flip as his brows pinched together again. At first glance it looked the same as the last photo, all the extra Gasly’s still in the park. But something had changed.
The photographer had done so well to distract Pierre long enough for the surprise to be completed and Pierre had complained at how long the ‘perfect’ photo had taken. Now he saw the final image and he wasn’t the only one to be surprised.
“What the?” he exhaled as he saw the writing in the sky and pulled his sunglasses down to get a closer look. 
Christian had pulled through and his friends at Red Bull Air Racing had been happy to help make my idea come to life without even knowing the meaning behind it. To anyone else the word neatly scrawled across the blue Mebourne sky would probably cause confusion but to Pierre it meant everything. 
I had been biting my lip as he stared at the word, the crowd silent as they waited for an explanation. “Now how many Gasly’s are in the photo?”
“Ten,” he rasped, his throat thick with emotion as he licked his lips and reached over to me, his hand coming to rest low on my stomach. “Tu es enceinte?”
“Yeah,” I whispered as I placed my hand over his. “We’re having a baby.”
Click here for chapter twenty eight.
Tagging: @my-only-way-tocooperatewithlife @prrttysposts @alwaysclassyeagle @dr3lover
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not-poignant · 10 months
so you kind of covered this when talking about how many alphas/omegas there were at hillview, but do you think you could go more in detail with the layout of the buildings or just the land in general? it would be wonderful to have a clearer picture of it while reading!
Tbh the things I want folks to focus on most - like the landscape, the beach, the vegetated sand dunes, even the names of the trees in the forests and the wildlife, get described quite a bit in Underline the Black.
As to the cottages themselves, they're being described over time as the characters experience them. So the colour of the rugs on the floor have been mentioned, the towels in Dr Gary's bathroom, the decor in his office, the material of the floor etc. Underline the Black mentions the colour of the bricks and even the actual brand of the metal used for the roofing (as well as the colour).
I don't know if I'll ever draw an actual map, but it's quite easy to search for images of the south west of Western Australia, of the places mentioned nearby in the Underline stories (Yallingup, Margaret River, Dunsborough, Donnybrook etc.) and of the trees to get an idea of what the place looks like (Karri, Jarrah). (Same with the beaches in that area). The specific reason I mention these kinds of things is so that people have keywords they can search if they want to see more specific images of the location. :)
Beyond that I don't want to go into too much detail, so that folks can come up with something that works for them, vs. something really specific.
But there's been thousands of words devoted just to describing the landscape / setting in four different Underline stories. (Both Nate and Flitmouse describe the landscape in some detail in Underline the Blue and Underline the Gold, and Faber talks a lot about the surrounding areas which you can also Google in Underline the Red). Highly recommend googling some of the places / trees / etc. already mentioned.
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thehappybroadcast · 2 years
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Bee bus stops first appeared in the Dutch city of Utrecht. Now the UK is planning for more than 1,000 and there is growing interest across Europe and in Canada and Australia.

Dutch cities have managed to stabilise urban bee populations in recent years, a study found last year, following decades of declines, and bee hotels and bee stops were among their solutions. Humble bus shelter roofs are being turned into riots of colour, with the number of miniature gardens – full of pollinator-friendly flora such as wild strawberries, poppies and pansies – set to increase by 50% in the UK by the end of this year. Clear Channel aims to create at least 1,000 bee bus stops in the UK, hopefully more. They are already established in the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden, and the company is building them in France and Belgium later this year, with inquiries coming from as far afield as Canada and Australia.

Clear Channel is working with the Wildlife Trusts to maximise the benefit to wildlife. Native flowers such as kidney vetch, thyme, selfheal and wild marjoram have been chosen to attract a range of pollinators including common carder bees, buff-tailed bumblebees, peacock butterflies, small tortoiseshell butterflies and chequered hoverflies. As well as the wildlife benefits, the roofs also absorb rainwater, and make a small contribution to offsetting the urban heat island effect. Source: The Guardian (link in bio) Art by @elizareisfeldart #bees #conservation #uk #goodnewsfeed https://www.instagram.com/p/ClTx_pIrfk7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omg, idk if anyone has ever asked you this question before BUT what are the ways the uk siblings say ‘i love you’ without actually saying it? so like what are their love languages?
Brighid is all five. Life was so nightmarishly cruel for her at points that she appreciates almost all forms of kindness. Words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service. The only one she has boundaries around is physical touch. Under Alfred's roof she found all five. Compliments, dinner together practically every ordinary night, hugs, easily spoken 'I love you' Alfred appreciated her running the household and his life very much but the most thoughtful that boy has ever been in his life is probably with his aunt and he was always making sure there was absolutely no heavy lifting for her to do whatsoever. He gave her a lot of the nice jewelry she owns. Irish gold is a beautiful reddish colour to the point that in very old accounts before the term 'rose gold' came into being you can sometimes see 'Hibernian gold' used. She has a set of opals Matt arranged to come from Australia that Alfred had set into a whole suite of jewelry for her. And after the Civil War when he's rolling in gas he probably had an account with a few auction houses looking for pieces of Irish origin he could purchase and return to her.
Alasdair is very much a physical touch, quality time and acts of service type. But its in a very physical way. Like François often tried to give him nice (French made) things and good clothes and Alasdair was a bit meh. He'd wear them, he more or less likes what he looks like in things François picks out because goddamn the man has good taste in fashion. François being very, very physical was much more his speed. Fucking like animals, but then laying there in the blissful post-nutte silence listening to each other breathe was very much an act of love for Alasdair. Also food. Francois is not really the 'I'll help you fix the water mill" type but he will make a really good spread if he gives a shit. Later when Matthew comes along, Alasdair is almost as bad at saying the words "I love you" as Arthur is sometimes but he is much more physical and playful in general and carries Matt around and prefers he sleep in a rolling trundle rather than whatever far-flung corner of the house he might otherwise be assigned.
Rhys and Arthur are shockingly similar. They are very much a quality time twosome over here. They can confuse the hell out of people though because making a cup of tea and sitting in silence without acknowledging any other person in the room doesn't read as very affectionate but it really is in actuality their highest form of it. "I willingly spend time in your presence," is as good as it gets sometimes. There's care in there too. Prying your wasted sibling out of the gutter, forcing food down their hatch and hosing them down and throwing an extra blanket on them counts as an act of service, right?
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book-girl4evaaa · 9 months
I got over 20 notes on a previous post (thanks @hijabi-desi-bookworm :D) so here's the Aru Shah one-shot for new years!
(it's also on my wattpad book so you can read it there if you want.)
So, *clears throat dramatically * here we go!
Aru layed back on the school roof, looking at the sky. Next to her was an incredibly reluctant Mini.
"This is a good idea because?" Mini asked, hugging her knees.  She was right in the middle, and sat on a blanket she bought up.
"Because the view is incredible. Just look!" Aru turned around to Mini, who was hugging her knees very tightly to her chest.
"I guess," she began, "and the roof is flat so that minimises the chance we'll fall..."
"Exactly!" Aru agreed. Mini skooted forward to sit next to Aru properly.
"The earth is so cool," Mini muttered. Aru agreed. Ever since saving the world, she had a much bigger appreciation of it. It was crazy and hectic as ever,  but still managed to be beautiful.
The fireworks went off, sending sparks all over the sky.
"Happy New Year, sis." Mini told Aru, holding up her elbow for a bump.
"Happy New Year." Aru elbow bumped her back
"You guys ready?"
Brynne bolted down the stairs holding multiple bags of chips. "Yup! Who's got the Oreos?"
"Me, naturally," Boo said, holding the packet in his talons.
"Ok everyone," Mini called, waiting at front. "Please mind your arms and legs while entering the elephant."
"This is epic." Aiden said, looking down at his camera. "Do you think they'll have fireworks?"
"Probably," Aru replied, "but like, extra-magiky."
"Is that a word?"
"Probably not."
They entered the Night Bazaar to see the both sides of the sky-roof dotted in bright, colourful stars. They flickered and moved like fireworks and were even more beautiful. Aiden snapped a quick picture.
"Told you it would be extra-magiky." Aru smirked and tossed a chip into her mouth.
"You were right, Shah," Aiden agreed, "super magiky."
Aru smiled.
"Come on everyone, group photo!" Boo announced, pushing everyone into shot. "Say happy new year!"
"Happy New Year!" The potatoes chorused, grinning for the photo.
"...And that is New Year's in the human world" Aru finished. "It's an annual tradition."
Rudy thought for a moment. "So humans throw rockets in the air, set them on fire and blow them up because they look pretty? All to celebrate another year of existence? That's wild."
"Did you know that the word annual comes from the word annualis, which is Latin for year?" Kara added.
"Nope but that's cool?"
It was the first year that Hira, Nikita, Sheela, Rudy and Kara could all be there to celebrate, so Aru had decided to give them the rundown before they watched it in the human world. And that started with watching Australia's fireworks in the theatre, which were set off 16 hours earlier than the USA's.
They all filed in, holding hot cocoa and sat in a 2 rows: Niki, Sheela, Rudy and Mini at the front; Brynne, Hira, Aru, Kara and Aiden in the back.
When the live feed began, Rudy practically leaped out his seat.
"It's so loud! Who made it that loud!" He said over and over. Mini tried to comfort him while her sisters cackled.
Kara watched quietly, before turning to Aru.
"Happy New Year." She said, beaming.
"Happy New Year right back." Aru replied, but Kara had already turned to Aiden to say the same.
Aru looked back at the screen, stirring the cocoa slowly as the lights covered the digital sky.
"Why didn't we just go back to your school's roof?" Mini complained.
"Because Home Depot's roof is bigger!" Aru answered, grinning.
"Hold up," Aiden said, "you've done this before!?"
"Yup!" Aru reached up kissed him on the cheek. He blushed bright red and held up his camera to try and cover his face.
They laid out all of the blankets, put Rudy in the middle so he wouldn't fall off the roof when he freaked out over the noise, and brought up all the snacks they could carry.
"This is great! Look at the views!" Brynne commented, as she grabbed a handful of her homemade cookies.
All of them got settled. Aru rested her head on Aiden's shoulder as colour exploded over the sky.
"I guess fireworks are another good reason to save the world." She whispered.
"I guess so, Shah. Happy New Year."
"Happy New Year wifey."
And under the New year's sky, she drifted off to sleep.
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f1 · 1 year
Former racing driver turned OnlyFans star set for a stunning return after quitting the sport
Former racing driver turned OnlyFans star set for a stunning return behind the wheel SIX YEARS after quitting the sport to pursue a career in the adult industry... and subscription platform will sponsor star's Audi R8 By Ollie Lewis For Daily Mail Australia Published: 05:28 EDT, 19 April 2023 | Updated: 05:28 EDT, 19 April 2023 Renee Gracie is set to make a stunning return to motor racing six years on from quitting the sport to pursue a career in the adult industry. The Gold Coaster, 28, works on the subscription service website OnlyFans, where she posts raunchy content for her subscribers.  And next weekend, she will take to the wheel of an OnlyFans-branded Audi in Perth, which is dressed rim to roof in the company's iconic white and blue colours, while it also shows QR codes presumably linked to her online profile. However, it has been reported by News Corp that the QR codes will not be on the car for the Perth event.  'OnlyFans are really excited to be on board for the full 2023 season and to be part of the championship - and Motorsport in general,' Gracie said. 'They are becoming more involved in supporting content creators on their platform with their passions and I'm excited to work with them on this journey. 'It's all come together in the last couple of months, but it has come together really quickly and they are excited to be at this level. 'I think the car looks fantastic and it just makes it all seem more real as we get closer to going to Perth.' Share or comment on this article: Former racing driver turned OnlyFans star set for a stunning return after quitting the sport via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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windynebula · 1 year
Trying to find out which songs Voyager tried to get into Eurovision with is. A challenge because nowhere lists them all neatly and clearly.
I recall hearing in an interview that Embrace the Limitless was one of them, I'm guessing it's the first one since it was released in 2014 and Australia started attending in 2015.
As an Eurovision song, it's really nice, it starts with a lot of energy, although it doesn't catch my attention as well as other songs might. The bubbly synths create a nice bright texture that fits well in ESC. As a Voyager song, it's... kind of subdued? Like, after hearing their discography, the line "this is all we have to give" feels like a blatant lie lol. They have so much more in them.
Their 2016 and 2017 entries might also be from the album V, but I don't know which ones. 2017 entry could also be from the album Ghost Mile, which came out in May 2017. I also don't know which songs they entered in 2018 and 2019, but they might have also been from Ghost Mile.
In 2020, they entered the song Runaway, from the album Colours in the Sun:
As an Eurovision song, it starts very slowly, which can be a huge weakness for me personally, but when it starts, it starts. The vibe is so flight-like, so bright, it's like driving in a convertible with the roof down. And the synth solo is really good, it creates a really nice, bright contrast to the guitars.
As a Voyager song, it's a good example of what they can offer, but it feels a little... toned down? Like they toned down the guitars and rough vocals and upped the synths to make themselves more mainstream palatable for Eurovision. It's not a bad thing, necessary, though, it's a very good song. It's just Voyager lite.
I can't find what they entered in 2021, but it's probably something from Colours in the Sun.
In 2022, they entered Dreamer, from the album Fearless in Love:
As an Eurovision song, it starts really slowly again. "I won't be wasting your time", my brother in Christ, then start the song already lmao. The synths are now a little more toned down in comparison to Runaway, now they just appear as little ear candy in Emphasis Points. Very good. Excellent details.
As a Voyager song, it actually flew under my radar at first. I didn't think much of it from the first listen, but it really grew on me! The guitar bits at the end are really nice and Emphasis. This could make really good background song for a dramatic scene.
Then, in 2023, they entered Promise, from Fearless in love, and made it to Liverpool:
As an Eurovision song, it has almost everything I want: sentimental lyrics, that sentimental bit in the middle, a banger chorus you can sing along to, enough variation to not be boring at any point and the FINISH! It's a miracle that they could fit all of that in THREE MINUTES. I swear, the first time I heard it, I had to scrape my brains off the wall for a while. It was love at first listen. The only thing that it didn't have what I want from an Eurovision song is a weird, batshit insane stage show, but the car and Daniel's bouncing-all-over-the-stage energy and the sheer insane degree that the song slaps to made up for it. Like I cannot overstate how much of a banger this song is lol
As a Voyager song, it's the Platonic ideal. It's the perfect encapsulation of what Voyager can offer musically. It has a guitar solo AND a synth solo, Daniel's clear vocals and Alex's rough and growled vocals. It grabs you by the throat like "Hey. This is our thesis statement of what we do. Enjoy." and won't let go until the song is done. It's like a CV in musical form. The perfect intro to Voyager. It slaps.
TL;DR: Good sounds. The sounds are very good. I like these sounds.
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tsyllaes · 1 year
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I thought I'd try something different for the fauna art for the Big Book of Stuff, going for the sort of old school wildlife plates they did back before photography, when this was the only way of documenting the weird wildlife they were discovering in Australia. In looking up refs I found some real doozies of wombats, omg. It's like one person drew a wombat once, then everyone started just copying each others drawings of the wombat and it just Chinese whispered itself into this long kind of rodent-looking thing with dainty little feets. One had a joey in its pouch but the pouch was the wrong way--wombats have backwards-facing pouches so they don't fill them up with dirt when they're digging. And this is like. Anatomical art of the creatures for scientific study and stuff!
Anyway. Going for that sort of look and feel but more accurate. Kinda. They're still cartoony and cute but shuddup.
The big one at the back with the extra hook on the helmet is the male, the other two with hemlets are females, and the little one that straight up looks like a wombat except the hind feet is the joey. They're born without their helmet (which duh, they're born the size of jellybeans and crawl into the pouch) and the helmet doesn't start developing until they're fully-grown, when their skull thickens and grows, fur falls out and skin starts dying and flaking off. It's not painful for them at all, just like a deer losing its antler fuzz. The helmets came from one of my favourite wombat facts: when they're being chased by a predator, they'll run very fast back to their burrow but not go all the way in, just hide there with their butt out the hole. The predator (which is, let's be honest, a dingo, cos we don't have anything else big enough to take on a wombat) can't get through their butt, though, because the wombat will butt-clench so hard that the predator can't bite into them. So the predator will try climbing over its back to get to the fleshy neck, and the wombat will straighten its back legs and crush the predator's head between its rock-hard butt and the roof of its burrow. I just took the nira a step further and gave them a helmet :D
They're red-brown to blend in with the desert, have silver backs to reflect the sunlight and keep them cooler, and dark paws for no other reason than they looked a bit bland and solid if I left them the same red-brown as the rest of them. Joeys don't get their colouration until they start growing their helmets.
They're solitary animals and only come together to mate, when often two males will fight over one female. Female doesn't necessarily go for the winner, though, and often just wanders off to leave them to it. Joeys leave the pouch at around 8 months old, then their mother moves them on to let them fend for themselves once their helmet has grown, when they begin nursing a new joey, or whenever she decides it's time.
Raykinians farm them for food, keeping them in pens of no more than, like, four females because they can get aggressive if they're too crowded together. They taste kinda like lamb but tougher and more gamey, and they have fatty bellies that make great bacon. I mean. Look at them. They pudgey. Their hide is also used, due to the afforementioned toughness, as armour for the army and as soles for sandles and shoes as it's so hard-wearing.
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iworshipsappho · 1 year
aaah tack for the tag!! @rosetintedgreyspaces :D <33
Favourite colour and why? ooh red and honestly idk i think i was like 4 or smth when i went oooh blood = cool and blood is red therefore red=cool and i love that for me
Five comfort movies: oof uhh red white and royal blue for sure yeah, maan karate,vip and remo are some really feel good tamil movies for me and uhh badhaai do :33
Favourite season and why? oof definitely has to be whatever we have from october to january here. literally all the other months are hot humid pressure cookers :')
Favourite book(s): YOU CAN'T MAKE ME PICKKKKK. but like the obvious answers here are RWRB, the song of achilles, one last stop, ooh room on the roof by ruskin bond one of my comfort books for sure, oh and this one book i read called my life as a book, changed my life as a kid honestly. other than that we have the toa series and uhh the iliad and odyssey which i havent gotten to yet but do love
favourite aesthetic(s)and why? mmmm im a big fan of dark academia but tbf i do love most aesthetics in varying multitudes, never really got much into it
Favourite genre and why? genre as in music or media?? idk in media it is definitely queer romance atm used to be mystery and mythology. and for music i more or less listen to anything and everything thats vibey
Favourite clothes style: baggy tshirts and shorts >>>>> but thats usually for at home. when i head out ive been layering a baggy tshirt over a white shirt paired with brown pants/jeans off late. layering is one of my favourite styles for sure, the whole academia vibes or the 'teenage dirtbag' style is what i usually go for ig
Favourite music genres: ohhh music here, yeah as i said if its good me likey
Favourite artists: oof long list coming up :]] uhh taylor swift, omar rudberg, the front bottoms, wilbur soot as well as lovejoy>>>, jeff satur my beloved bottom, cavetownnnnnn, conan gray ofc, queen and then uhh mitski
Favourite song(s): i for the life of me cant possibly pick now can i???? BUT rn ive been obsessed with theseee
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Favourite fandoms: young royals fandom my beloved, closely followed by mcyt bc that was my firstever proper fandom and fuck yeah for that!!! (still very much into that so les gooo qsmp and tommyinnit my beloved) and well im not really part of any fandoms save for these and rwrb tbf? oh how could i forget!!!! KINNPORSCHE!!!! love that for us
Hobbies: oof uhh reading, writing and playing minecraft or watching cubitos on minecraft probably lmao
Care language you give: i think i usually show my care in the form of words i think? pretty sure yeah
Care language you like to receive: mmmm physical touch <333
Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert: ehhh its pretty fluctuating. used to be introverted, getting more and more out of my shell off late. so ambivert it is ig
Morning or night person? again idfk at this point man what even is time anymore fjdksgksfg uhh night person probably tho i like satying up faaar more than i like waking up early
City, country or suburbs and why? uhhhh never really thought about it? idk on one hand i do want the quiet of the country but idk if ill survive with the constant bustle of a city ykn. and never really experienced to much of suburban life except for when i lived in australia for a few months so yeah idk
Favourite time of day and why? that time between like 5-8. the hours go by so quick and hte fucking sunset etc etc
Do you have any religious beliefs(don’t have to answer if not comfortable)? mmm vaguely religious from time to time
What does your ideal family look like to you? again its faaar too much in the future for me to have given it a thought but but ik for sure that ive always wanted kids, so thats the only definitive there
Dream future: mmm im an author lving in a little cottage just surrounded by overflowing love and creativity and nature etc etc. very ruskin bond-esque
Dream place to visit: greece and rome for sureeee. and thenn uh nyc just for the vibes of it ykn also uhh sweden for reasons ;)
Favourite type of nature: mmmm rainforests my beloved. absolutely love the earthy smell and just how fucking alive it is man like >>>>> oh also the fucking hills of north east india. lomls would drop everything and go there again no questions asked. and ofc beaches. be aches are just based
Favourite habitat (eg jungle, desert, tundra etc): mmm i have a special place in my heart for tundras and the savannah idk why. i just love that life fucking THRIVES despite ykn the harsh(er) conditions
How would you describe yourself in 4 words: dumb, enthusiastic, creative and uhhhh complicated
If you could be another thing on earth what would it be: oooo idfkkkk theres just sooooo many options i could literally be a fucking manatee!!!! or a vampire or or a mudskipper!!!!! wait can i be food?!?!?! id be garlic man ajskdsfl the fucking irony of wanting to be both a vampire and a garlic clove oooh id love to be a grapefruit ngl. omg i could be an actual monkey???? id be one of those spider monkeys man so fucking cool. gosh i could just oughhhh creatures and inanimate shit man. so cool
Favourite type of weather: i loveeeee thunderstorms. top tier weather. as long as its not during deepavali. if it rains when im trying to burst my crackers? im sorry but earth can perish /j
If you could travel anywhere right now we here would it be: is my girlfriend's house a valid answer? bc thats where i wanna be right now baksdflsd. uhh idk tbh maybe like oooh i wanna go to puducherry ngl i miss the beachhhh even tho i literally just went like a week ago man. its right here-
Do you have any fears (serious or otherwise): ehhh not as far as im aware. not materialistic ones atleast. ive always had a fear of being forgotten or left behind
Dream job: uhh a writer for sure
Would you be a pirate/vampire/cowboy/astronaut/werewolf/wizard/witch/knight/cryptid and why? VAMPIREVAMPIREVAMPIREVAMPIRE!!!!! i literally get to suck blood in the most homoerotic way possible- what more could i literally ask for ahfjdsflk pirates/knights are a close second tho fucking love them could go on a whole tirade if i wasnt to tired for it
tagging uhh @elblorbo @stygianirondiangelo @foxtriestobiteandmaimandkilland @daylightsimon @desi-yearning @altruistic-meme @spaghett-onaplate @mirabel-on-a-bicycle
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andrecoatings · 1 year
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m1kemedeiros · 1 year
(Yasawa islands & the Coral Coast)
🎶 “One the road again” since the dreaded global pandemic. I left Canada at the end of 2016, now it’s 2023 and may the travels continue. Currently living in Brisbane Australia with my partner in crime. Zach and I travelled 5 hours to Fiji, only to be met by the warm weather and musical greetings.
Nadi: Hustling to find a taxi we made it to smugglers accomodation. Just as I remembered 6 years ago, smugglers is somewhere to crash for a night and nothing much has changed. The following morning we hopped on a bus and headed through Nadi to Port Denarau where we met our boat, the south sea island cruiser. Aboard the vessel we road the roof top, 4.5 hours all the way up the Yasawa islands to the famous Blue Lagoon Resort.
Blue Lagoon: White sandy beaches fringed in coconut palms, cobalt blue and turquoise coloured ocean. Blue lagoon is home to an endless natural beauty and the loveliest of islanders. Located near the end of the Yasawa chain of islands. Fun Fact: Blue Lagoon is known and named after the 1980s film, “Blue lagoon” (starring Brooke Sheilds). We spent our time here free diving the “Sawai-Lo” caves on the neighbouring island. Snorkelling with turtles, sea life and a vast display of ancient colourful corals. After a scenic hike accompanied by the village dog we named, “Nipples” our evenings were plentiful. Kava rituals, an endless buffet, traditional song and dance that even we were sure to partake in. Blue lagoon was one to remember.
Manta Ray: Onto the next one! After the Lagoon we ventured down to Manta Ray Island, an island I had once visited 6 years prior. Friendly and laid-back, this island will forever leave its mark in my mind. Scenic views of neighbouring islands and known for its flocks of majestic manta rays that soar through the current like birds in the air. Often the locals will sound a conch-shell and as if it were a Black Friday sale, everyone then races like a group of warriors to the boats. Prepared to battle the current in hopes of seeing these majestic Mantas. We swam like hell in attempt to see them but ended up being the 2 of few who were unsuccessful. We enjoyed a lovely meal with an evening in our seaside villa just steps from the ocean, the waves lulling us to sleep. The following morning we watched the sunrise and enjoyed a beach stroll, playing with hermit crabs along the shoreline. We were met with slight disappointment as the island pump had broken, running us out of clean water. Unfortunate and uncommon but not the end of the world, we had to quickly re-arranged accomodation to another island further south.
Naqalia: Travelling from Manta Ray we headed down the Yasawa to a small island called, Naqalia. With the change in accomodation we managed to find a small home stay with a local family on the island. Unique and rustic, the family ran a lodge that was completely hand made and everyone played a part in accomodating us. With little cost Zach and I had a roof over our heads and met handful of fellow travellers, open to experiencing Fiji locals like few tourists ever get the privilege of having. The family cooked a meal that I strongly attest was the best food we had the entire trip. However Zach wasn’t feeling great so the following day he stayed back while I did something I’ve never done before. The teenage boys from the Fijian family of Naqalia had driven an older couple and myself kilometres from land to a large reef in the open ocean. After getting past some large waves we jumped in the centre of the reef where we snorkelled above large trumpet fish and schools of white tip reef sharks. The young boys who brought us even hand fed the sharks right in front of us which seemed dangerous yet thrilling.
Barefoot Kuata: After a short stay at Naqalia lodge we were brought over by a small boat to Barefoot Kuata. Over the shallow beach and endless colourful reef, tucked away in the towering palm trees is a hidden gem. Barefoot Kuata resort is a luxurious stay where Zach and I had an amazing boho-beach inspired accomodation with an outdoor shower and bathtub. After exploring the cave and sunset lookouts with endless views. We kicked back with great Buffett dinner and night snorkel. The following morning we both went diving for the first time in 3.5 years. Unlike any other dive this particular one was with 3 meter long bull sharks. Known for being an aggressive breed of shark species, we still did it. Watching 10+ of these fascinating animals swarm in a feeding frenzy as one of the locals fed them at a depth of 22 meters. Barefoot was a memorable stay and a place I’d love to visit again.
South Sea Island: Six years ago I had a very memorable, laid back stay on south sea island. Taking only minutes to walk the perimeter of this island, and accomodating no more than a handful of people. I had connected with a group of travellers I still occasionally keep in touch with. However it seemed this island had a subtle facelift and is now a popular destination for other travellers looking to spend the day from neighbouring islands. Still very enjoyable, we slept in a small cabin steps from the sea. Watching the sunset change, as it went from a small amber glow to filling the sky with touches of magenta and cotton candy pink. After saying goodbye to the Yasawa islands and the few fellow people we met along the way we carried on to the mainland.
The Road Trip: Embracing spontaneity, we met a local worker on south sea island who agreed to driving us 2.5 hours for $200. Even though it was very much out of his way, it was the best way to educate ourselves. Before starting the road trip into the night, we first stopped by his village where we had the privilege of meeting some of his family and local animals. Zach, the driver and I spent this time indulging and comparing cultures and ethnicities before picking up a fourth. We pulled into a village to pick up the drivers cousin and the 4 of us carried along driving. Like the beginning of a bad joke, an Australian, Canadian and two Fijian men drove across mainland Fiji comparing stories and sharing riddles.
Pacific Harbour: After the long and winding roads, we said goodbye to our fellow Fijians. Ending up at our final destination…The Pearl Resort. Located in Pacific Harbour, The Pearl is a beautifully landscaped resort with all the comforts of home. This did not end the adventurers in us! We managed to squeeze 2 more dives in with a local company. These exploration dives were stunning! An array of sea life, lion fish, sharks, trumpet fish, nudibranch and soft corals. My particular favourite part was the ship wreck at a depth of 23 meters with large over hanging fan corals cascading off the sides of this rusty, old vessel.
After our final experience scuba diving we headed back to The Pearl. This location is a great way to stop and rest before heading back to the hardships of reality. Here we lived the highlife, indulging in food, spa treatments and poolside cocktails. Amazingly, to my surprise I even bumped into one of my south sea “fellow travellers” from 6 years ago. However this time she came with family too, not the lonely traveller who I once met a long time ago. So happy for her! (Laura)
First time overseas since the global pandemic, first time travelling with Zach, second time in Fiji and it’s just as wondrous as I recall. Home to 333 islands, 120 of those islands inhabiting the loveliest of local people. With its main source of economy being tourism you can understand why Fiji is an oasis for those wanting an escape. A tropical paradise scattered amongst the Pacific Ocean, Fiji will always hold special unforgettable memories.
Bula and Vinaka Levu
“Life and Thank you very much”
Until next time,
Michael Medeiros
June, 10, 2023.
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
There is a Mt. Clitoris in the Philippines.
In 1999, the president of Niger was Major Wanke.
30% of objects left in hotel rooms are sex toys.
Your hair grows more quickly when you’re anticipating sex.
At any one time, 45 million people in the world are drunk.
Generally, most peoples’ lips are the same colour as their nipples.
The Japanese word ‘kareishu’ describes the smell of old people.
Turning up the music in a bar by 22% makes people drink 26% faster.
Whoopi Goldberg got her nickname from her childhood flatulence.
More than one-third of men using dating sites are already married.
In London, women over 40 are giving birth at twice the rate of teenagers.
It takes a male flea six to eight hours to unfold all the different parts of its penis.
Until it closed in 2019, South Africa’s largest baobab tree contained its own pub.
Sharing an article makes you think you know more, even if you didn't actually read the article.
Shark Bay in Australia is now called Safety Beach. It changed its name to attract tourists.
Gorgone macarea is an Amazonian moth known for subsisting solely on the tears of sleeping birds.
Early Arabic texts refer to cannabis as ‘the bush of understanding’ and ‘the shrub of emotion’.
A bite from the Brazilian wandering spider results in an erection that lasts for several hours.
In 1423, London mayor Dick Whittington established a 128-seater toilet that hung over the River Thames.
Johnny Cash’s daughter Roseanne was named after Rose and Anne, his nicknames for his wife’s breasts.
A polling company in the USA once found 4% of Americans responded, “Yes!” to “Have you been decapitated?”
In 1879, the Belgian city of Liège commissioned 37 cats to deliver mail to nearby villages. The project was a complete failure.
In 2009, an anti-kidnapping expert in Mexico was kidnapped, after giving a lecture on 'How Not To Be Kidnapped In Mexico'.
On April 28, 1988, the roof of an Aloha Airlines jet ripped off at 24,000 feet, but the plane still managed to land safely.
In 1926, mystery writer Agatha Christie disappeared for 11 days. When found, she claimed to have no memory of the missing days.
Researchers believe women prefer larger penises during one night stands, but something a bit smaller for long term relationships.
A Mississippi social worker, Georgia Tann (born 1891), stole more than 5000 children from poor families and sold them to the rich.
In Ancient Greece, small penises were celebrated and seen as a sign of high intelligence and self-control. Men with large penises were seen as grotesque, laughable and barbaric.
Lockdowns in 2020 were identifiable on seismologists’ sensors because humans stopped making the Earth wobble so much by moving about.
In December, some Japanese people go to BŌNENKAI, ‘forget the year’ parties. Attendees eat and drink to forget the bad things that happened during the year.
In 1997 Frédéric Bourdin, a 23-year-old French conman, impersonated Nicholas Barclay, a missing 16-year-old Texan boy, and spent nearly five months living with his family.
A smock or naked marriage was an 18th-century custom in some parts of Britain and the US where a widow would be freed of her dead husband’s debt if she remarried with very few or no clothes on.
In 1951, a 21-year-old Clint Eastwood was on board a plane that crashed into the sea but, no problem for Clint, who successfully escaped and swam three miles through shark-infested waters to safety.
William Whipple, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, eventually freed his slave because he believed one cannot simultaneously fight for freedom and hold another person in bondage.
Harrison Okene spent 60 hours underwater in darkness after his boat capsized 20 miles off the coast of Nigeria and sank to the bottom of the ocean. He was discovered alive by divers who were sent to recover dead bodies.
On the set of ‘The Terminator’, Arnold Schwarzenegger argued with the director James Cameron over the line “I’ll be back”. Schwarzenegger believed that a robot wouldn’t abbreviate so wanted the line to be “I will be back”.
In 2003, Elm Park - where a gang problem meant train drivers were too scared to stop - became the first London tube station to try the classical music approach. Within 18 months, robberies fell 33 per cent, assaults on staff 25 per cent and vandalism 37 per cent.
In 1859, a book review in The Economist stated, “Novels by male authors are more in keeping with the natural world, and … are more delightful as well as more profitable than the best novels by women.” The book was ‘Adam Bede’ by George Eliot.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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egglygreg · 2 years
🌎 👀 for the WiP asks?
What is distinctive about the setting? What sets it apart?
Ok so, the fictional country my story takes place in? Fantasy Australia 😂 Well it's more a hybrid of Australia and NZ and parts of Europe, but Aussie inspired flora and fauna for the most part.
I kinda picture Ahleri's family farm in a place like this, but a bit more densely forested and with some taller mountains in the distance, with absolutely giant gum trees further into the heart of the bushland. Maybe a bit like Tasmania's cool temperate rainforests?
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There are a few cities along the coast, including the capital. Architecture-wise will probably be a mishmash of various styles I love and very colourful (folk art, stained glass, patterned tiles, but like, Australian flavoured). I kind of want to try and incorporate Aus colonial style houses into the setting somehow, but making them look older. Different roofing? Idk, but Ahleri's family farmhouse will be somewhat reminiscent of one
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decorworks · 1 day
Eight Australian houses with sculptural shapes and angular facades
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Our latest roundup showcases innovative Australian homes, including a house with a fish-pond atrium and a residence with a faceted black-metal extension. Mostly located in Melbourne and Sydney, these eight homes are united by their sculptural designs. While some have unusually shaped floorplans, others use detailed facades, cantilevers, roof cutouts and geometrical aluminium awnings to create eye-catching details. Read on for eight examples of sculptural Australian houses from Dezeen's archive:
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Photo by Timothy KayePeninsula House, Flinders, by Wood Marsh Designed to echo Australia's "windswept" coastline, this home south of Melbourne has curving walls of charred timber and rammed earth. Local studio Wood Marsh also drew on meandering paths leading to the site when creating the shape of the house, which has a curving form with long "arms" wrapping a swimming pool terrace and a driveway. Find out more about Peninsula House ›
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Photo by Shannon McGrath and Timothy KayeSt Martins Lane, Melbourne, by Matt Gibson This Victorian home in the South Yarra suburb of Melbourne was given a sculptural update with a faceted extension clad in black metal. Architect Matt Gibson decorated the facade of the extension, which contains a living space, two bedrooms, a study and a cascading terrace, with a laser-cut pattern that references the original architecture of the house. Find out more about St Martins Lane ›
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Photo by Rory GardinerMossy Point home, New South Wales, by Edition Office A cutout roof animates this fibre-cement-clad home, which architecture studio Edition Office elevated on parallel blockwork walls within a woody area in Mossy Point. The aperture in the roofline, designed to resemble a bird's mouth, creates a sheltered outdoor dining space. A void at the centre of the roof lets natural light into the gabled building. Find out more about Mossy Point ›
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Photo by Tom RossMerricks Farmhouse, Melbourne, by Michael Lumby Architecture and Nielsen Jenkins Concrete blocks were used to construct Merricks Farmhouse, a home designed as a "refuge" in an exposed coastal setting on the Mornington Peninsula. South African studio Michael Lumby Architecture and Brisbane practice Nielsen Jenkins gave the home strong geometrical shapes by splitting it into a series of blocks that surround a courtyard. Find out more about Merricks Farmhouse ›
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Photo by David ChatfieldTallowood Cabin, Queensland, by Fouché Architects Australian studio Fouché Architects created the angular Tallowwood Cabin to cantilever over its plot on a Queensland hillside. Its top-heavy geometric form, clad in black-cement boards, balances on a concrete plinth. A sloping walkway leads into the house, which is designed to "disappear" into the surrounding bushland. Find out more about Tallowood Cabin ›
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Photo by Jack LovelProclamation House, Perth, by State of Kin The innovative facade of this Perth house was created by combining olive-coloured hemp render with aluminium awnings that add tactility to the exterior. It encases a sculptural concrete form with a rounded, sloping roof and is designed to exaggerate the traditional features of local cottages, architecture studio State of Kind told Dezeen. Find out more about Proclamation House ›
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Photo by Derek SwalwellHelvetia, Melbourne, by Austin Maynard Architects One of the most unusual designs on the list, this Melbourne home has a fish-pond atrium in its entrance space and also features five distinct garden areas. At its rear, the building has a garage that Australian firm Austin Maynard Architects topped with an "urban farm". This is enclosed with a barrel-vaulted wire mesh to keep out possums. Find out more about Helvetia ›
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Photo by Felix ForestMatopos, Sydney, by Atelier Andy Carson Local studio Atelier Andy Carson married a curved bronze facade with a sandstone podium at this home for a gallerist in the Sydney suburb of Freshwater. Called Matopos, the house has an undulating sculptural shape and large windows designed to frame views of the nearby sea. Find out more about Matopos › Read the full article
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