#roofing paint colors
andrecoatings · 1 year
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grandboute · 1 year
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Autun, Burgundy, France
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rosemage · 4 months
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poligraf · 4 months
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« Conflagration » by Nicholas Roerich
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amethystapple · 10 months
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I made Home in my ceramic class! He’s bigger than I thought and heavier! I’m gonna put a candle inside to make it look like Wally is awake!
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runawaymarbles · 2 years
What's with every new house being painted that dark blue-grey color. Who decided this was a good color for houses
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enniewritesathing · 1 year
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Me: “I’m gonna work on the second floor.”
Gremlin: “We’re gonna work on the sunroom.”
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betaoctillery · 2 years
bro one of my villagers in the gamecube animal crossing randomly decided to paint the roof of my house for me...to brown, from the sky blue that i hand-picked myself!!! ...from the list of colors tom nook offers. so like i ended up just. deciding to not save the game for that day 🙃
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Current Trends in Deck Stain Colors and Finishes
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As hоmеоwnеrѕ increasingly ѕееk to еlеvаtе thеir оutdооr spaces, thе demand for stylish and funсtiоnаl deck ѕtаining options соntinuеѕ to riѕе. Chооѕing the right ѕtаin соlоr аnd finiѕh саn drаmаtiсаllу еnhаnсе thе aesthetic appeal аnd lоngеvitу оf уоur dесk. Lеt’ѕ еxрlоrе thе сurrеnt trеndѕ in dесk ѕtаin colors аnd finishes to hеlр уоu сrеаtе a сарtivаting outdoor retreat.
Nаturаl Wood Tоnеѕ
Natural wооd tоnеѕ аrе making a significant соmеbасk, appealing to thоѕе who аррrесiаtе thе authentic lооk of wооd. These ѕtаinѕ highlight thе nаturаl grаin and tеxturе оf thе wооd, рrоviding a rustic and оrgаniс fееl. Pорulаr ѕhаdеѕ inсludе cedar, oak, аnd wаlnut, оffеring a warm аnd inviting арреаrаnсе thаt ѕеаmlеѕѕlу blends with vаriоuѕ lаndѕсарing elements.
Grау and Wеаthеrеd Hues
Grау tones hаvе bесоmе a favorite for mоdеrn аnd contemporary dеѕignѕ. These ѕhаdеѕ impart a ѕlееk, ѕорhiѕtiсаtеd lооk tо уоur dесk while complementing minimаliѕt déсоr. Wеаthеrеd grауѕ mimiс the natural aging of wооd, рrоviding a timеlеѕѕ аnd еffоrtlеѕѕlу сhiс арреаl. Thiѕ trеnd is perfect fоr those lооking tо асhiеvе a соаѕtаl оr fаrmhоuѕе аеѕthеtiс.
Dark аnd Bоld Cоlоrѕ
Fоr a drаmаtiс ѕtаtеmеnt, dark ѕtаinѕ ѕuсh as еѕрrеѕѕо, mаhоgаnу, аnd blасk are gaining рорulаritу. Thеѕе riсh, bold соlоrѕ сrеаtе a striking соntrаѕt аgаinѕt the ѕurrоunding grееnеrу and саn mаkе уоur dесk thе fосаl роint оf your outdoor аrеа. Dаrk stains аlѕо offer the added bеnеfit оf concealing dirt аnd imреrfесtiоnѕ, making mаintеnаnсе easier.
Sоft and Nеutrаl Shаdеѕ
Nеutrаl соlоrѕ likе tаuре, bеigе, аnd ѕоft whitе аrе idеаl fоr thоѕе whо prefer a ѕubtlе and undеrѕtаtеd lооk. Thеѕе shades рrоvidе a сlеаn, аirу fееl that еnhаnсеѕ thе sense оf space аnd light. Nеutrаl stains аrе vеrѕаtilе, effortlessly blеnding with a vаriеtу of еxtеriоr соlоr schemes аnd оutdооr furniturе ѕtуlеѕ.
Trаnѕluсеnt and Sеmi-Trаnѕраrеnt Finiѕhеѕ
Trаnѕluсеnt аnd semi-transparent finishes аrе perfect fоr highlighting thе nаturаl bеаutу of the wооd whilе рrоviding еѕѕеntiаl рrоtесtiоn. Thеѕе finiѕhеѕ allow thе wood grain tо ѕhоw thrоugh, adding depth аnd сhаrасtеr tо уоur dесk. Thеу offer a bаlаnсе bеtwееn enhancing thе wood’s арреаrаnсе аnd рrоviding a protective lауеr against wеаthеr еlеmеntѕ.
Sоlid аnd Oраԛuе Finiѕhеѕ
Sоlid ѕtаinѕ offer a more unifоrm аnd vibrаnt color, ideal for decks with older оr weathered wооd. Thеѕе finiѕhеѕ рrоvidе mаximum соvеrаgе, hiding imреrfесtiоnѕ аnd оffеring ѕuреriоr protection аgаinѕt UV rауѕ and moisture. Sоlid stains are аvаilаblе in a widе rаngе оf соlоrѕ, аllоwing hоmеоwnеrѕ to mаtсh thеir deck tо thеir hоmе’ѕ еxtеriоr or реrѕоnаl style.
Eсо-Friеndlу Oрtiоnѕ
With grоwing еnvirоnmеntаl аwаrеnеѕѕ, eco-friendly stains аrе bесоming a рrеfеrrеd choice. Thеѕе ѕtаinѕ аrе mаdе from ѕuѕtаinаblе mаtеriаlѕ аnd соntаin fеwеr hаrmful сhеmiсаlѕ, rеduсing thе imрасt оn the environment. Eco-friendly ѕtаinѕ are аvаilаblе in vаriоuѕ соlоrѕ аnd finishes, еnѕuring you don’t have tо compromise оn ѕtуlе оr реrfоrmаnсе. Tiрѕ fоr Chооѕing thе Right Deck Stаin Consider Yоur Climаtе: Chооѕе a stain thаt саn withstand уоur local weather conditions, еnѕuring longevity and durаbilitу. Tеѕt Sаmрlеѕ: Always tеѕt a ѕmаll area оf уоur dесk with thе ѕtаin to see hоw it lооkѕ оnсе applied аnd driеd. Maintenance Nееdѕ: Undеrѕtаnd thе mаintеnаnсе rеԛuirеmеntѕ оf thе stain уоu сhооѕе. Some finiѕhеѕ may need mоrе frеԛuеnt rеаррliсаtiоn thаn оthеrѕ. Cоmрlеmеnt Your Hоmе’ѕ Exterior: Sеlесt a color аnd finish thаt harmonizes with уоur home’s exterior аnd lаndѕсаре to сrеаtе a соhеѕivе look.
Embracing thеѕе сurrеnt trеndѕ in dесk stain соlоrѕ аnd finishes can trаnѕfоrm уоur оutdооr space into a ѕtуliѕh аnd inviting hаvеn. Whеthеr уоu рrеfеr the nаturаl warmth оf wооd tоnеѕ, thе bоldnеѕѕ оf dаrk ѕhаdеѕ, оr thе есо-friеndlinеѕѕ оf ѕuѕtаinаblе options, thеrе’ѕ a реrfесt stain to suit your taste аnd enhance уоur dесk’ѕ bеаutу.
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theredcuyo · 1 month
I forgot to tell this before but what if Bruce has redecorated many of the countless rooms in the manor to adjust to whatever thing his kids like
Dick got a training room for gyminastics, there are bars hanging from the roof, equipment Bruce doesn't even know what's for but that it surely entretains his son and the floor was totally replaced by mats
Jason? "Casually" his room has a secret room attached to it that you can only enter trhu a secret door behind a bookshelf in his bedroom, and "just by chance" it's also another library, that has "secret and censored" books for being controversial in their time, it also just happens to have a skylight and one of those one-way windows
Tim? Bruce made him a dark room, of course he did, that's attached to another room, the light is bare there, and it has two boards, one where you can use magnets and a marker and one for the old red string and tack's
Cass? A whole dance studio that she didn't ask for (none of them did, really) but she appreciates it, mostly because she can use it whenever she feels like it, even the middle of the night because its sound proof
Steph? Unnecesary, she appropiated one herself, later Bruce gave her money to do it whatever she felt like
Damian? One for him to paint, and it's clear he likes it because it's messy, Damian's own room isn't, but his one? Even the big window that lights the room is covered in paint and chalk here and there, the supplies might be ordered by color and size, but not a single one is ever totally cleaned
Duke was told he could choose but if it takes too long Bruce is choosing for him
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andrecoatings · 1 year
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yirf-pokeri · 1 year
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Roofing Shingles in Atlanta Exterior view of a sizable transitional white three-story brick house with a gambrel roof and shingles.
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screampied · 4 months
Using a vibrator on Choso??? Need this… so bad… 😫
Listened to an audio like this and it gave me the idea
Need a vibrator on his 🍆 asap 🙏 🙏
May vegas, goddess of smut, answer my prayers 🙏
using a vibrator on choso ★
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warnings. fem! reader, praise, toy usage, ōrgasm control, whiney choso, mdni.
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“y- you wanna use that?” choso gulps with an almost chagrined grin. he didn’t exactly mind, especially whenever you wanted to try new things with him underneath the sheets. you’d just gotten done from riding him and he’s catching a few breaths whilst in the midst of speaking to you. with sable irises pooling into you, he then sighs, “how would you even do it? aren’t you supposed to um rub it against there?”
as he says that, his eyes avert right between your legs before he sits against your lap. his head lowers itself back while he gets comfortable, a low huff withdrawing from his rosé-colored lips.
“like how you use it on me,” you hum, picking up the wireless wand. slender finds of yours wrap around it before swiping a thumb against the button to power it on. he stares in awe, gazing at how it’s on the lowest level. choso inhales shortly afterwards, hearing the tumultuous bzzzzing of the toy, pulses of his heart steadily racing. “i’ll just rub it against your tip. can i do that, baby?”
“y-yes,” he nods immediately, sprawling out his legs a bit. the way he instantly responds was so cute—practically cutting you off, barely giving you a chance to finish your words. if it’s with you, he’d never mind. your touch, choso’s ultimate weakness. out of the countless enemies he’s been in combat with, the simplicity of your touch was his far worst enemy he’d never win a match with. with hitched breaths, strands of his ponytails tickling against your skin, he whines. “use it on me, baby. please, just- just hold my hand, ‘kay?”
you hum in response, intertwining your fingers with his as he relaxes against your chest.
“okay, cho,” and your voice was so smooth. he could listen to it all day, the sweetness underneath it had his heart swooning every time you spoke. he’s breathing softly, awaiting for you to do what you spoke. you’re slow, delicately hovering the vibrator before making it graze gently against his tip. immediately, he lets off a whimper.
the vibrations, it’s enough to make his teeth shatter. his whines, even something as simple as his whines was so mellifluous. a tune you’d never want to stop listening to. “how’s it feel baby?”
“f-fuck, ‘m gonna cum already,” he swallows, you’re barely placing the toy over his cockhead and he’s already a mess. the best way to describe it was that it tickled. he couldn’t help but wonder, whenever you used these things on yourself, did you feel like this too? choso swallows an imaginary creeping lump that’s stuck against the roof of his mouth before he starts to quaver. he’s so cute—within seconds, he was already so vocal. he bites down on his lip before another free hand of his squeezes your inner thigh. “hah, i-it feels good. feels really good, princess.”
you simper to yourself, pressing a kiss near the crown of his head. in a gingerly circular motion, you start to move the vibrator all around his cock. he’s a mess, you’re doing nothing but sending choso into straight convulsions.
“so whiny,” you tease, and he’s always been one to be dramatic with his whines and whimpers but he couldn’t help it. this entire new feeling, it was euphoric. you start to tease a bit further, leaning in to kiss the long slope of choso’s neck. he was gonna melt into your hands. you had him right where you wanted him. “you’re doing so good, baby. hold my hand. i got you.”
“t- turn it up a level please.” he mewls out, darkened brows compressing into a firm furrow. his pouty expression only grows, glancing down at his leaky tip that was smothered with pre-cum.
you inch the toy away from his shaft, kissing more down his neck to hear him moan. his entire body, it was frigid and cold— yet the moment your lips paint against his skin like an empty canvas, he’s suddenly hot everywhere.
“another level, choso? you can handle that?” and oh, your words were so sly and salacious. the particular tone that you spoke, you were gonna be the death of him entirely,
“y-yes, i can take another notch. please just, f-fuck me, feels good. make me feel so good,” and his babbles were adorable. continuously, choso swallows, strained breaths pulling out of his full lungs before he bites his lip—this time, harder. “god, i need it so bad. n-need you, only you c-can make me feel this good, baby.”
“mmm that’s right, ‘cho,” you pepper a plethora of more chaste kisses down his neck. he moans from more of your touch.
he had highly sensitive skin, he craves your lips more than anything. especially whenever you’d be an even bigger tease, nipping a few bites towards his precious collarbone. with a thumb, you press the button to go up a higher level and he starts whining louder. you run the front part of the hitachi all around his throbbing head, near the peeling part of his frenulum and he’s losing it. choso’s mouth dangles opens, only the sounds of sweet whimpers leaving . . nothing else. “you’re such a good boy, my good boy right?”
once he hears those words— his heart flutters, with shaky lips, he moans out a sweet, “all yours, ‘m your g-good boy, fuuuck,” and the grip he has against your hand squeezes much tighter. a thumb of his brushes against your palm before he’s almost going limp against your chest. “not gonna l-last. ‘m gonna cum, can— may i cum? don’t wanna make a mess unless y-you say it’s okay, princess. ‘m not a messy boy.”
“but you are a messy boy, silly,” you tease, starting to suck near the center crevices of his neck. he was so weak for you.
the friction—it was merely worthy enough to make his teeth shatter.
choso’s panting accelerates and his legs start to jitter at a rapid speed. “you wanna cum, baby? wanna make a mess for me ‘n let me clean it up for you?”
his eyelids grew heavy. your lovely voice,
your voice alone was enough to make him shoot out such ropes of white. everything was a blur, his entire body overtook itself with a feverish fervor feeling. he’s so hot, clouds of breath remain to slip past his lips before he nods.
“yeah, yeah y-yeah,” and his voice is cracking. the toy’s right near the side of his dick now, then it travels its way down to his base— then back up towards his beloved head.
“oh, oh my,” he hiccups, and he really loses it once you let go of his hand to stroke him off. “baby, f-fuck, ‘m hard. so hard, gonna c-cum ‘n get your hand all dirty.”
“give it to me baby, ‘s okay.” you purr against the shell of his ear.
one hand of yours gives his cock a few solid pumps whilst another is smearing the vibrating wand against his cum-glossed tip repeatedly.
choso kisses his teeth at your words of encouragement and he feels like he’s floating. in fact, he feels like he’s soaring— it’s in a way he can’t really explain, it scratches such a good itch in his brains that the neurons stored inside couldn’t even fathom his incoming release either.
he loves whenever you stroke him, why— mainly because you always do it better than himself.
the way your hands wrap around his fat length, fisting his cock gently around your fingers. choso’s eyes start to roll back before he cums.
“f-fuck fuuuuck.” he stammers, feeling the spurts shoot out in such creamy volume. it’s so thick, some of it dribbles down from his tip and lands on your hand. still heaving heavily, he’s still slumped back against your chest before he hears you turn off the toy, tossing it aside. he’s trying to catch his breath, eyelids still droopy before he turns around to pull you into a deep, sultry kiss.
you giggle—a smile stretching against your lips as you throw an arm around him, embracing in his savory, sweet taste. he’s still all exposed, tip all sticky and leaky with seed. choso tastes sweet, sweet as in he’s been dying to taste you all day.
a tongue of his rummages through your mouth, briefly sucking on yours before he whines once he feels your hands roam. you go back to stroking him and he melts into your touch, pulling away from your lips and burying his face into your neck.
“awww,” you whisper, bringing both arms to hug him tightly. as big as he was, it was as if you were the big spoon.
he’s vigorously trembling, still sensitive from his recent release. it felt so good he didn’t know just what words to get out. as you play with the cute bows he allowed you to tie on his two ponytails, you move your head to give him a kiss on his cheek. “you did so good, baby. such a good boy.”
“i . . i want more,” he mutters, cupping both sides of your face suddenly. you stare into his eyes, almost giggling again before he presses a wet kiss on your mouth. again, and again, and again until your lips are all plump and swollen.
alas, he was serious though. whenever choso gets that instant feral look in his eyes, that’s it.
“what do you want, choso?” you hum, a thumb stroking against the minuscule bristles that reside against his structured jawline.
“you,” he whimpers, licking underneath your neck. you gnaw your bottom lip, feeling a hand of his pry its way between your legs before his head lowers. you watch, and he gets a face full view of your panties. choso pouts, sliding your underwear to the side before glancing up at you— a single soft kiss goes against your now exposed cunt before he sighs. “i’m s-so thirsty. let me make you feel good too, baby. please.”
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starwarsarthistory · 1 year
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Exterior - Brick Large traditional white three-story brick house exterior idea with a shingle roof
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rosicheeks · 1 year
hi rosi! well, i was the anon from yesterday or whenever about the fantasy about being with you and read all your tags so like...i guess i'll be an emoji anon! i'll decide by the end of the ask which ill use i guess lmao. how was your day? i kinda wanted to ask like, so i guess you just go in your car and hangout at parking lots or whatever a decent amount, is that just to get some alone time? i forget what your current living situation is. also like what do you do for fun?! i know your a lil weed girly and you do your art (which i love btw, i want to try and buy a piece next time i get some kind of spare money) but is there anything else you like to do? i hope you had a good day whenever you get around to answering this<3 (btw i wanna smooch you i am telepathically kissing you right now) - 🎤
Hi hi hi!! Welcome 🎤 🫶💖
My day was pretty good! How was yours lovely? 🥰
Hmmm why I chill in my car is kinda complicated tbh. But I guess the main reason is so I can smoke and just kinda relax and enjoy myself ya know?
Yes yes yes I am a lil weed girly 🥰😇 and I do love my art (any sort - painting, photography, coloring 💖, scrapbooking, trying to get back into drawing)
I’m also a huge music nerd! I went to a performing arts high school and trained in vocal music. Learned a bunch of music theory and did a buuuunch of voice lessons. My goal was to be an opera singer but life had other plans.
Other than that I’m kinda boring. Just like chilling and watching shows (occasionally movies but I’m a sleepy baby so I usually fall asleep pretty fast).
#ok ok ok let’s get a lil more detailed shall we 😇#I usually reply only in the tags but I KNEW I was going to run our way too fast so I needed to say the basics up there (which felt weird 😂)#I had a pretty good day so far ngl! I was there for moral support for my friend (ended up taking forever but everything turned out good)#now I’m just chilling in my car for the night 🥰#as for why I spend so much time in my car - at the beginning of the year I had to move back with my parents#pls don’t get me wrong ​I’m super grateful to have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in… its just not the most comfortable place#the main problem I have is not being able to smoke anymore (I used to be able to smoke inside at my last place so it’s just an adjustment)#I was hoping to be able to smoke out on the deck downstairs but my dad didn’t like that either#so I just chill in my car and smoke in here and watch and color and paint#I mean another reason is I’m a night owl and my dad sleeps in the living room (due to health problems) and I don’t wanna wake him#I guess long story short is I’m more comfy in my car than in my room which is sad but true#not to mention I live in the basement and there’s so many spiders ☹️ if you didn’t know this about me - I’m terrified of spiders!!!!!!!!#thank you so much for the compliment on my art 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I wish I could give you a big hug!!#absolutely no rush trust me I understand not having the cash for extra things (also by the time you’re ready maybe I’ll have more available)#but yeah like I said other than weed (which can be paired with anything tbh 😂) and art - music is my other love#i sing all the time (especially when im alone haha) and one of my fav things to do is watch mouthdropping talented performers#usually they’re broadway based but they can be all types of genres…. I just usually lean towards the ballads#the songs that have lyrics that hit your heart and music that warms your soul - the ones that make me sob uncontrollably 😂#I have a feeling I’m running out of space sooooo enough about me!! how are you?! how was your day?? tell me more about you?!#I noticed you picked the 🎤 …. do you sing??? or did you just randomly pick it?#omg!! I felt your kiss 😳 I’m telepathically sending you kissies right back to you 🥺🥺🥺#thank you for the ask 🥰🥰#I’m shocked I still have room???? like you’re telling me this isn’t 30 tags? ok sounds good#I’m super proud of myself tho#usually I run out of room SO fast and then I get sad cause I either have to redo it or not say everything I wanted to#anyway I hope you have such a wonderful day/night 🥰😘😘#ask#🎤 anon
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design-and-html · 1 year
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Exterior - Brick Large traditional white three-story brick house exterior idea with a shingle roof
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