#rookie vmin
archlovesvmin · 1 year
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It’s Sprite time with the soulmates 😎
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jeonscatalyst · 28 days
Did anything about jikooks (or vminkook if that interests you) dynamic surprise you in are you sure? I think the extent of JK's brattiness and their play-fighting did surprise me a little. I think it's because I haven't been following them beyond the music that much in solo era. Also if I compare vminkooks dynamic from say that joint live in 2021 or the live incl Hobi (in 2022 I think?), I think it's a little bit different from what we're seeing in the show. If I think about it, it does check out in many ways with regards to what they've told us but I don't think it's something we've seen this plainly before
Hey anon,
Nothing about Jikook’ or Vminkook’s dynamic surprised me much, infact I would say the boys haven’t changed at all. Jungkook has always been bratty. Literally all the members have complained about him being bratty and stubborn and as for the play-fighting (I am assuming you are talking about Jikook) that has literally always been their thing. Someone described Jikook’s dynamic as a mix of all the other duo dynamics in BTS and now I really cannot unsee it. They playfight like jinkook, bicker like yoonmin, are soft with each other like Namkook, are besties like taekook and are caring towards each other like Jihope. There is literally a mix of everything in their dynamic and that is one of the reasons why Jikook are so difficult to explain as a duo. I personally don’t have any trouble understanding the other duo dynamics of BTS but Jikook still challenges me sometimes.
It was definitely kinda new to see them bicker so much, I mean we had seen them bicker before but the other members were usually in the mix so just seeing them bicker about parking was kinda new but not really surprising to me.
As for taekook, I didn’t see anything about their dynamic that surprised me at all. They are the duo who know how to have maximum fun when they are together as they have so many things in common when it comes to personal interests so it is extremely easy for them to be in sync but they also have moments where they could come off a bit nonchalant towards each other (but this is very normal) and I have seen so many people say they have a passive aggressive energy about them but I don’t see it personally. I just think that Jungkook sometimes has his moments you know, when he doesn’t really feel like being enthusiastic about anyone (Jimin included) and Tae isn’t like Jimin who will still try to initiate interactions when Jk gets in that mood but instead Tae just kinda ignores as well or throws in some snarky comments and maybe that is why people see some passive aggressiveness but generally I think they have gotten much closer than they were a few years ago and even their emotional bond seems to have deepened a little more than before.
For Vminkook’s dynamic, I think it is pretty much the same to be honest. Like I said before, Jungkook has his bratty and soft moments with both of them and Vmin are still the two hyungs who dote on him but call him out in their own way when he starts going too far. Jungkook has a very different dynamic with both of them and it is seen more when he is with the two of them (or atleast I noticed it more). I had always known but just seeing it in play out in AYS was….interesting. I think with Tae, Jk really enjoys just doing the fun boy stuff. They both look their happiest around each other when they are bringing out the childishness out of each other and I can see why they easily connected when they were rookies. One person starts something and the other very easily goes along with it, no question asked. They are also a good example of dumb and dumber or the blind leading the blind because it seems like between the two of them, no one is the voice of reason and we all crave people who we can just be extremely silly with without overthinking anything and I guess that is what taekook are to each other and that is why Tae can call Jk and ask him to join him in Hawaii and Jk takes a 9 hour flight there, you know just for the fun of it. Unlike what taekookers would like to believe, it isn’t because Jk is in love with tae or none of that. If I had a bestie whom I usually have alot of fun with when we are together and we both like the same things and I had Jungkook money and time, I will do the exact same thing. But, just as I had said before, it just feels like the foundation of their friendship is mostly centered around the fun and shared interests, not much else. They ofcourse really care for each other and are supportive of each other as well. I thought it was extremely sweet how Jungkook immediately climbed that wall to encourage Tae when Tae was scared to jump. Those are some of the moments that show just how they get each other and how much they care about each other. Taekook as bestfriends works so well but I don’t see them working out as romantic partners and I also understand why they don’t seem to be each other’s go to person for comfort. This is because they are way too alike. They both are naturally takers so they need givers for things to balance out. That is why at some point, they both sought out comfort from Jimin who is a a natural giver and not from each other.
Jimin and Jungkook are kinda different here because even though those two also have alot of fun with each other, Jimin is actually very different from Jungkook. He isn’t as spontaneous and he thinks about everything way too much. He also likes to have a schedule or plan things out before he executes them but Jungkook takes everyday as it comes and doesn’t seem to think about things too much so because of this, Jimin is like the voice of reason but sometimes Jungkook doesn’t want a voice of reason, he just wants adventure. A good example of this is that episode from I land where Jungkook stole TXT’s food from the pantry. He was in there with Tae and while he was stealing the food, Tae just went along with it and didn’t say anything but instead just found the whole thing funny but immediately Jk went outside with the food and Jimin saw him, Jimin (as well as the other members) asked him to return the food and they even scolded him (Jimin included lol). This is how Tae and Jk are partners in crime because they both readily go along with each other’s mischief but Jimin is that voice of reason that Jk needs because Jk is very impressionable (he said it himself) so if he doesn’t have some Jimins in his life, he could easily go astray. Even though Jikook are so different, they still are so alike and they click and just get each other so well and I don’t even know how to explain it. It seems to me like they are the definition of opposites attract, ying and yang. Jimin has the light that Jk needs and Jk has the darkness Jimin craves, they balance each other out, they give each other what the other lacks, they complement each other completely. Their bond in my opinion is definitely deeper as the foundation of it much more than the fun they have when they are together. There is an underlying intimacy in their play that isn’t there in taekook’s too. While taekook just play around like 5 year olds without a care in the world, splashing around in pools or shooting at each other with water guns, there is a subtle intimacy and softness in the way Jikook play around and they are definitely more handsy with each other too. This is pretty much everything I already knew about them and it is exactly the same thing I saw so I don’t really think anything was surprising or maybe just how much Jikook can bicker, if I had to pick something lol.
So anon, I have written a ton even though you probably just wanted a shorter answer but I couldn’t help myself lol. I have a problem not expatiating as much as I can. I hope this answers your question though and if u don’t mind, I would love to hear what you thought was different about Vminkook’s dynamic from 2021/2022 and now. I don’t really think we can compare from those moments you mentioned but I’d really love to hear or read your thoughts.
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peachjagiya · 24 days
I read your response to my ask and just wanted to add a few things after seeing your comments and that of others.
“If you don't believe the ITS conversation was scripted - I do and am more convinced since AYS - then they still aired a conversation about Tae's mental health that painted depression as distant and awkward and I think that's shitty too. And I don't blame JK for it because frankly I don't believe they were that distant. I just don't really think the company has best interests at heart always.)”
The biggest reason why I don’t and have never really believed that the ITS conversation was scripted is because of Jungkook. The man cannot act to save his life and he is way too honest for this world. Jungkook is so bad at lying that even his body will naturally give him away when he is lying or saying something that he doesn’t really believe and when I watched ITS, both his and Tae’s reactions seemed so genuine to me that I feel like it is unfair to accuse them of just acting a script after they choose to share such a vulnerable moment with us.
I never really understood why some people found it odd that taekook decided to let that conversation be shared when this is BTS we are talking about. When have they ever shied away from letting fans into some private things or private moments of their lives? I mean, didn’t we all literally watch Tae and Jin squash the little beef they had? Those two fought and argued and were mad at each other and you would think that is a moment where they will want to settle things in private and away from the cameras but they still let us see them talking about it. We literally saw Tae crying his eye out as he talked with Jin. Jimin and Tae have never ever tried to make us think they are perfect friends. People claim that the company pushed the soulmate agenda but I don’t think so because by saying that the soulmate agenda was pushed, wouldn’t that mean that the company was trying to make it seem like they were perfect? But Jimin, Tae and the rest of the members have always told us that Vmin fought alot. I remember that one BtS segment where they boys had on some purple and white suits ( can’t remember the name) and tae asked Jimin who he got along with the least while they were rookies and Jimin straight up told Tae it was him that he got along with the least. They have spoken about how much they fought, argued and disagreed with each other on so many things. When did they ever try to hide the fact that they weren’t perfect? Namjoon even said Jimin and Tae will fight alot but will still always stick up for each other or make excuses for each other, Jungkook even told us that the dumpling fight was much worse than we thought it was. My point is, these boys have never tried to make us feel like they lived perfect lives and never had disagreements with each other so why was it so strange to so many that Taekook decided to have that talk infront of the camera? Even before AYS aired, many people were mad and said that it was a fanservice show to continue pushing the Jikook agenda but let’s be serious for a moment. What kind of job is the company doing in pushing Jikook if they allowed the conversation about them not making time for each other in the same content that is supposed to be pushing the ship? What sense does it make? So for the people who asked why taekook would want to have a conversation like that on camera, why would Jikook also want to have a conversation like that on camera? They could just talk about all that when the cameras weren’t rolling or the company could have easily cut it if their agenda was to push Jikook but they didn’t. They left it all in there and also aired Jk’s call to Tae.
This isn’t what i’d do if I was trying to sell a ship’s romance to gullible fans but maybe that’s just me.
One of the reasons why BTS as a group has such a huge and somewhat loyal fanbase is because of how relatable they are and have always been. They have always shown us themselves as human beings who are no different from us and that is one of the reasons why fans get so hooked to BTS because there is this feel of authenticity when you watch them. I’m not saying they don’t lie, pretend or act but the thing is, even when something which they do is scripted, they literally say it themselves. We have tons of bangtan bombs of them rehearsing their scripts or talking about the moves they will make with each other on stage for fanservice moments. I just think that if the ITS convo was a script, we would have been able to tell by the way Jungkook and even Tae were acting but I just find it hard to believe that when Jimin went and called Jk to take him to tae, Jungkook was just acting like he didn’t know. I refuse to believe that the way Jungkook sat there intently listening to Tae and responding to him was an act. I also refuse to believe that when Jungkook sat down alone explaining things more detaily, he was just repeating a script he had memorized or reading from a teleprompter. I may not know Jk personally but I don’t think he is good at acting and even showing such genuine emotions.
I also saw some replies I would love to respond to.
“Not all moments can be cut out. If it’s a live, or an interview done by outsiders, the editing won’t be possible or out of BH’s hands. Hint’s from staff to point to Jk and Tae moving away would be picked up by them non the less. A lot of distance on screen would have been done by tkk themselves, but inside perception (from management) would be different from outside perception (audience). Management would be prone to be overly cautious probably.”
It is true that not everything can be cut out but why would the staff leave in moments of Taekook cuddling, touching each other, and all that only to go cut moments where they are just breathing in each other’s direction? Unless you think taekook literally spend all their days with hand on each other, then I don’t see what more suggestive thing they could do infront of a dozen cameras and staff that are worse than cuddling, sitting inbetween legs and rubbing bare thighs. I mean yes, there is worse things people can do but definitely not infront of over a dozen staff and cameras right? So why would the staff leave in the worse ones and cut the ones that are much better? Besides, there is tons of cuts in so many other duo interactions. On ITS there was a suspicious cut after Jk went and grabbed Hobi’s ass and then tried lifting his shirt..that part was cut. During the filming on BWL, there was a suspicious cut at one part where Jk was running towards Jimin with the speed of light, in one bangtan bomb, there was a suspicious cut when Jimin was about to hug Yoongi. There are so many “suspicious” cuts with all the members. Even on AYS episodes 4, there was a cut when Jungkook was about to put his arms around Jimin while they were snorkeling. I’m pretty sure if that was Taekook, it would have been viewed as another moments of the company cutting taekook moments to hide them. Don’t you think that if management was trying to be overly cautious as this reply suggested then they wouldn’t even show us moments of taekook sleeping together? Almost everytime Taekook shared a room in BV or ITS, we always got atleast one clip of them sleeping together but we didn’t get clips of Yoonmin sleeping together when they shared rooms, in one BV episode jikook shared a room too but didn’t even see what the room looked like on the inside, we only saw the door but almost everytime Taekook have officially shared a room, we got footage of them sleeping together and in one of those moments, some taekookers even swear that Jk kissed Tae or something. How is this them being overly cautious?
“Taekook despite being assumed to be in a relationship are friends first. Anon's first point is so out of the loop for human behavior. They might be aware of SK society or aud but this awareness is not always present. It's not like they were instructed to never been seen together. Trying to balance would alwas create chances of slip up. Staff can also separate them in the middle of shoot if and when they think their time for closeness has increased. (Bh has to show them.)”
While I understand that they cannot always be separated, my point is that the times when they are shown together they show them doing things that you would think they would cut out if they were really trying to hide then or potray them as distant. Again, why show them cuddling, touching, Kissing each other’s cheeks and then cut them when they are about to just breath in each other’s direction? Wouldn’t it be the opposite? Also, taekook are professionals and I do agree that they might slip up sometimes or tend to gravitate towards each other but when you know that you have something to hide, being cautious becomes second nature. It’s not like they cannot bear being away from each other or not touching each other for a few hours while working is it and seeing in in behind the scenes videos we do see them both spend a good amount of time with other members, I take that to mean that they are not glued to each other 24/7 so how much of content can the staff possibly cut of them when they spend time too with other members?
“According to reality TV personalities when cameras are on you most of the time you forget about them.
Some separations can be explained away with theories, but definately not all.
Separation is also just a small part of TKers narrative. When you add it together with everything else and take in the time period and circumstances, like age, contracts, etc it is just another perfect fitting puzzle piece. It's odd to be able to fit such a coherent timeline together.”
When cameras are on you most of the the time you grow to forget about them, true but not when you have something to hide or protect. Not when you are in a relationship with your same sex band mate in a homophobic country. These men usually have over a dozen staff filming them on the other end, it’s not just one or two people so it would be almost impossible for them not to be concious that they are being watched. It is natural, that when you have something to hide or are guilty of something, you cannot be at ease. There would be slip ups yes, that is 100% guaranteed but it never gets to that stage where you become so used to it that you completely forget and just behave like you are in the privacy of your home. I don’t believe it does.
I believe that taekook do have an incredibly special bond but some of these theories do take away their autonomy and paints them as such helpless pathetic puppets and it doesn’t quite sit well with me. I don’t believe they always have control of things when it comes to the company but I think they have enough control to decide how and when they should be used. Tae finding out about the jeju trip two days before, asking to join and being allowed to join tells me that they are somehow in control of things because the company could have very easily refused if they had some agenda but they didn’t. Just saying.
Scripted is a misleading word for me to have used. No I don't think they're reading from a word for word script. I think it's produced.
There's a lot of "I just refuse to believe" and "it seemed to me" and "I don't think"
And that's fine, that's your reading of events. It's not at all mine and we're looking at the same footage.
As for Jungkook can't act... he wears his heart on his sleeve for sure but:
🐰: Where's Taehyung? I don't know, I don't keep in touch with the members all the time. He's probably somewhere.
Cue a few hours passing and it being revealed that depending on where this live fell in the day, Tae was either next to him at that point or literally on his way and JK knew it because he'd been expecting him, as revealed in the Jungkook music shows sketch video.
I'm not sure he looked at all like he was acting but it turns out he was.
You say:
Some of these theories do take away their autonomy and paints them as such helpless pathetic puppets and it doesn't quite sit well with me
Doing your job is not helpless and pathetic. Besides, in our "theories" both Tae and JK have pushed back in their own ways. Half the stuff we know about is because Tae posted it. Their choice to reveal that stuff is not an indicator that they're not closeted. It's an indicator that they're human with human feelings and sometimes the closet is stifling. Of course they crack the door open to breathe a little for three seconds. Maybe JK just wants to post a couple pic in the bathroom at Atomix. Maybe Tae just wants the world to know JK loves him enough to fly 9 hours.
Those things aren't inherently queer, no, but you also can't look at them revealing this stuff and say "well, they're clearly not in the closet then are they??" I just don't think the closet works that way and the expectation that the closet means you stand dead still and stay alert is odd. Like maybe you don't tongue kiss in public but you can hug and still be pretty safe in your closet as long as you're saying the right things, leaving it ambiguous and shutting the live down when JK sings in your house. 🙂
Ultimately I'm glad the company feels legit to you but I lack the same faith. Jury is out on whether that's me being overcynical or not.
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dearweirdme · 2 months
This anon’s post about how people’s relationship evolve for better or for worse makes alot of sense to mefor Vmin, jikook and Taekook. This is a take I don’t particularly think you or many other taekookers would agree with but it’s always been simple for me to read and maybe that’s because I tend to apply real life situations when I think of the members and their dynamics.
I don’t think Vmin was a narrative pushed by the company to sell Jimin as someone mentioned in the replies because anyone who has looked into Vmin’s history would know that those two were/are really close. Even back in the day, the members would always choose them as the closest not even taekook whom most fans thought were the closest when they were rookies. I think Jimin and Tae have that kind of a friendship where they don’t talk to each other all the time and don’t see each other all the time but when ever they need each other they can be sure that the other will be there. I think they fought alot too and had a good amount of misunderstandings especially when they were younger but all those fights just made their bond stronger. Are they always each other’s go to now? Not necessarily and I think things changed a little bit after Tae met and got closer to wooga than some of the members because it seems like years ago, Tae didn’t really hang out with the members out of work and I remember during seasons greeting 2022 when the members were asked what they would do for each other for the new year and Tae said he would try to spend more time with the members. I think before that he choose to hang out more with wooga whenever he got a break than hanging out with the other members. Jimin and Tae don’t seem that close these days but I think that is just growth. As time passes in our lives, we get closer to some people and more distant from others in certain ways but in Vmin’s case, I feel like they have reached that kind of friendship level where their bond is forever regardless of how much they talk or see each other.
As for taekook, I honestly think there was a time when they actually grew a little distant and just like with Jimin and Tae, I think it happened when Tae got closer to wooga and also during those times when it seemed like Tae was going through depression or something (not trying to diagnose). I know that during those moments we sometimes still saw taekook looking physically close but I feel like that was because they didn’t have any issues with each other and were still very good friends but just not as close as they used to be. I’ve been catching up on old content since I am kinda new to the fandom (2021) and I can see that within the period 2017-2021 it seemed like Jk was always around Jimin instead of Tae and I am not talking just about when we saw them on bighit content. I remember when Hobi was doing a solo shoot for one of his projects back in 2018/2019 and all the members came to visit and Jikook were together. Even when RM also had a solo shoot for Mono (i think) and the members went to visit him, Jikook were together still while tae came and left alone both times. Then there was all the shared rides together even after all the members left the dorm in 2019 and I don’t believe for second that bighit made Jimin and Jungkook ride together. Don’t know how true this information is but I saw some people on twitter say that the reason Jimin and Jungkook still shared a car after they all moved out of the dorm in 2019, until mid 2021 was because Jk also had an apartment in the Nine one, the same building where RM and Jimin currently live and in 2021 all the residents who lived there on rent were required to either purchase the property or move out, so RM and Jimin bought their apartments but Jk moved out because he had plans to build his own house. So Jk and Jimin shared a car then because they lived in Nine one and then the car rides stopped when Jk moved out around mid 2021 (which was when we found out that Jimin had purchased an apartment there) and went into that apartment which the company rented for him and that’s why he has the furniture from the old dorm because he didn’t intend to be there for too long. So i feel like during these periods, Tae and Jk were not as close as we saw them in chapter two but since they had talked and promised to work on their friendship, I think they both made a concious decision to do that and that’s why we all saw a clear shift in their friendship after they had that talk in 2020 and things just got better and better.
This wasn’t always clear to me but after I caught up on a lot of old content, I feel like alot of things started to make a little more sense because sometimes we don’t realize how little time it takes for relationships in life to change and I feel like I could understand it better because I experienced it in my own life. I had a bestfriend I used to talk to on the phone every day for about 5 years but I went through a very traumatic experience in my life last year which made me shut everyone out. My bestfriend and I didn’t talk for about a month and ever since then, things have never been the same. It was so shocking to me how just a month before that, she was someone I couldn’t go one day without talking to but these days we go weeks even months without talking to each other and all this changes happened in a just a month. My friend and I never fought or argued with each other but we have gotten so distant. When we do see each other, we are still very affectionate with each other and will sit close to each other and interact because it still feels familiar but that emotional bond just isn’t there as it used to be anymore. That is what I think happened to taekook but the good thing is that, they both were willing to work on bridging that gap that was forming in their relationship.
As for Jikook, I don’t think they were as close in the solo era as they used to be. I think they were on very different wavelengths and probably needed other people more than they needed each other at that time but it seems like around the end of the year, they were back to normal. Taekook seem closer than they have ever been before. I think things like these are pretty normal in human relationships. Relationships evolve and change for good or for bad over time and no time is too short for things to change drastically. I can attest to this because I saw my 5 year long relationship with my bestfriend change drastically in just a month. I know you probably wouldn’t agree with me but this is how I read vminkook’s friendship.
Hi anon!
I am so sorry to hear about you going through something traumatic. I hope you are well now, or that you are on your way to being well in the future. None of my words will be meant to invalidate your experience, so please take this as another point of view solely.
I too use real life experience to make sense of what I see, I think many of us do and I think it would be nice if that’s something you will consider when reading my blog. Applying real life experiences is really helpful, but at the same time.. it can also make us project. So you have to take a bit of distance I think and take not only your own life experiences, but those of the people around you as well. A bigger sample will make it easier to test your own experiences against those of others and decide whether your experience is an outlier or something that’s common.
I don’t want to invalidate your own experience, but at the same time.. my life experiences and what I know of how people interact in general tell me with fair certainty that Tae and Jk were never distant. I too recognize certain behaviors, and my feelings about those are probably just as strong as yours.
Had Tae and Jk actually had a problem similar to you and your friend, it would have been cruel to air that talk publicly (and sure, i do think BH capable of cruelty). I think it unlikely that Tae and Jk went on all these years, wanting to be close.. feeling physically close and not working out the ‘awkwardness’ between them one way or another. Even if Tae spent so much time with Wooga.. he still would have had so much time with Jk. From what I know of life, this doesn’t make sense.
On top of all that there’s just so much that to me points to them having been fine.
I just realized my initial reply was only about Taekook. I think it actually shows how weird the ITS talk was if you compare how you feel Tae and Jm also were less close. Because why did they not need to work things out publicly? They are the soulmates even. Why was them drifting apart leas of a big deal?
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not-goldy · 1 year
Goldy i am sad. I am heart broken. As much as i love Tae and he is my bias. I am Vmin bias and follow ur blog quietly. I am so happy for his upcoming album and all the mvs that will be released but my heart aches for Jimin. When he wanted mv for every song on his album he was told its impossible by Hye but now look at them. Why are they treating both my bias different. Why is Jimin the one who is always suffering ? Do they want to divide us ? And why are all the members so quiet ? Do they not want Jimin to have what he deserves ? Do they not support each other ? Why is Jimin still in Hybe or why is he not doing anything about it. 😢😢
Hi there vminer, okay but your "Why are they treating both my bias different" hit me in the chest😭😭😭😭
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Look at him. He doesn't deserve any of this😭😭😭
What's worse
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Hold on that's not the worse part
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Please in which universe would Suga ever ever tell PARK FREAKING JIMIN he sucks and they will kick him out of the group if he doesn't try hard to deliver. THE FUCK DELUSIONAL WHAMY BARMY SICK PHYCHO REDUNCULOUS NONSENSE IS THAT.
I don't know about you but I'm really over this whole INSECURE ARTIST TROPE they keep recycling about JM I'm just- I'm tired.
It's never about a young man who's hard work, effort and dedication inspired 6 boys to work hard and strive to achieve his level of excellence. It's never about how the last member of the group felt he needed to push himself to earn his place in a group that created a loving and enabling environment for him to find himself and thrive SOAR ABOVE THEM ALL TO BECOME A LEGACY A ROOKIE BIBLE.
I hate this place.
Thanks for ruining Yoonmin for me thanks a lot
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And as if it can't get any worse hybe goes and give V 5 MVs. 555555555555555555555555555
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Jimin never catches a break. Just watch ppl twist this into a vmin fanwar. If we speak out we are jealous if we don't we are cowards. We never catch a break out here.
I know exactly how you feel. You just never know whether to be happy for one or feel sad and bad for the other or do both. It's such a dilemma 😫
For JM, I try not to overly victimize him because you just know how much of this is actually his decision and choice to listen to and respect Hybe in such matters in spite of all the screwing they be screwing him.
but you just can't fathom some of these things really. You can't.
I try to wrap my head around this and I can't.
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Like would it hurt to treat them equally? Would it? Would hybe spontaneously combust poof into thin air if it actually treated these men EQUALLY?? Equal resources, Equal attention, equal opportunity, equal everything! Geez!
I don't really understand this either Anon especially when they know damn well fans Will forsho talk. Like who are they kidding, of course we will drag their edges off for this.
Why isn't Jimin leaving is such a good question. Some one give him the mic 🎤 he needs to speak into the microphone cos I'm not understanding shit either. Just pack your bags, left foot infront of the right foot and walts your way out of that hybe hell gates. It's that simple.
It's starting to feel like a toxic relationship to me where he's the member that's too trusting of Hybe hence gets the most screws to his ass.
There are times I wonder if when he talks about not getting voice training or the MVs he wanted or this or that- I wonder if it's mistranslation or that he might have miscommunicated but we all know the painstaking care and thought JM puts into his choice of words in order not to be misunderstood.
But I also wonder, if they simply couldn't do all the MVs for JM because they had already burned through his budget or did not give him a huge budget to begin with- so I ask, how much budget did they allocate each member. Like we need to know cos clearly they working with different budgets here.
Also, we don't know how each member chose to spend their budgets- Jimin had western collabs, shot parts of his MVs in the US. The directors he worked with were top tier, the dance crew- That tend to be costly especially if they paying in dollars. For Tae I know he's into minimalist productions, I don't expect much dancing and heavily choreographed performances. I'm guessing some of those MVs are going to be like winter bear. Don't really know but Layover has that type of vibe mi feel
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If not then boy would all hell break loose💀
I'm not going to jump into conclusions for now. I mean it's not like Tae did anything wrong in getting those 5 MVs. It's even possible they learned from their mistake with Jimin💀
With Hybe as much as I disagree vehemently with some of the things they do, one thing about them I admire is their propensity to learn, grow, adapt and adjust where their money is concerned. Trust, they not about to fumble the bag🤣
We saw what they did with Jack in the box. We saw them tweak something with each members release. Perhaps Jm speaking up got them quivering and they decided to give Tae as many mvs as he wants. Perhaps they learning from the successes of Jm and the others. I mean Jks song had so many versions, I lost count and we saw how good those numbers were. This is the last Maknae to go out-bet your sweet behind they gonna go all out on him. I think Hybe is maximizing it's profits and scaling. The good thing about having a seven member group, you get to lern 7 times over. Truth is we would never know the reason. And we shouldn't jump into conclusions.
With time we will get to understand why certain things happen.
What I don't want to hear is ppl saying Hybe is favoring Tae over Jimin- I don't want to hear that.
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The company has put Tae through shit as well. On God. I Swear to God they have.
Let's remain calm and positive and give hybe the benefit of the doubt. If they were that bad Jimin would be the first to go💀
I'm happy for Tae. I'm excited for his release can't wait to see what has in store for us on layover
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My advice to you would be learn to prioritize. Its the only way you can have some sanity stannng two people at once.
As much as I hate what they doing to Jimin over there, I think this is Taehyung's time to shine😔
Let's give him that.
I think your heart is in the right place and you are definitely right to bring this up. It's not fair to JM. And it's equally not fair to Tae people use him to find dissatisfaction with their favs.
Whatever limited resources Jm had, he set the bar so high with his achievements. And even though they keep rigging the game and moving the goal post, perhaps Tae needs all our support to beat them at their own game. It's BTS against the world, not BTS against each other.
We don't know what really happened and I hope one day JM will turn on live throw everybody under the bus. I want to know how he feels about these things. Just throw hybe under the bus with a tell all episode on weverse. Let the cat out of the dirty bag and set fire to the company 😊
I'm waiting patiently till V is done with his release so we have enough data to compare and contrast and then we will rain hell fire on Hybe's shady ass💀
For now let's be happy for Tae. Let's be excited for him and wait with gleeful anticipation for his Album- We did that for JM. Tae deserves this too🥺
Don't let anything distract you for now- focus on Tae.
As for them haters,
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On God
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
Taekookers will never leave jimin alone. Because their ship also isn’t real, all they have to really flex is that jikook is LESS REAL. So whenever they feel threatened (like when taekook clearly show they don’t live together lol, or when jungkook expresses any sort of love or admiration for another member like when he watched jimin’s videos, or when tae has Jennie drama, etc) they will just resort to dragging jimin.
True. Points were made. I don't expect them to change ways, just wish they would. I can't imagine their egos right now because they've been saying for the longest time that jikook was just fanservice and taekook would be free and open and rainbows etc when BTS was over, and they kind of got that lmao. Funny how life works.
They're literally teetering on the edge of all the narratives they've created about him. Something's gotta give, eventually. They thought he was the least popular member, that their circle of hate was all people thought about him in real life and that nobody actually liked him. They spent years saying that Jimin used fanservice and jikook for popularity and relevancy, but look at him now, literally alone on top. No vmin, no jikook, not even a congratulations from the maknae line. No wooga squad to be named alongside with, no English collab or with the biggest soloists in Korea, no biggest event in the world, no Disney partnership. Just him and his four songs announced a month before release with some proper activities that even rookies get.
This is not a drag by any means, btw. I have acknowledged good marketing moves (like collabs and being friends with the right people) because I think it could work for the other members, but it's only fair to acknowledge as well when things are achieved without any of that.
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justbeingbrookee · 4 years
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Jimin’s punishment - Rookie King
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hcbgoblin · 5 years
im seeing so many ‘omg vmin outed as most likely to argue and over dumplings, right after friends’ and        babies all of you, BABY ARMYS, u need to be Introduced to the absolute star soulmate saltmate brat power of 95z, ur very own vmin, omg 
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archlovesvmin · 2 years
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Which member do you think is the most supportive of VMIN?
Admin 1: For a change I’ll be the one that’ll use comparatively few words since I don’t have that big of an opinion. As much as I enjoy joining in on the jokes about how Jimin is the president of the Namjinists (due to his April Fool’s Day joke tweet from years ago and other such things), I’ve never given much thought to who among the members might be the most supportive of vmin.
But perhaps I’d say it could be Hoseok due to his general fondness of both Jimin and Tae as individuals but also as them together, how he said his favorite song off of MOTS7 is Friends and even sung it during the FESTA karaoke with the iconic (very suggestive and heavy on the implications) hip thrust during Tae’s “hey, Jimin, oneul” part. I’m sure you know exactly what I mean. Also if we consider that Jimin and Hoseok were roommates for a long time, I guess it wouldn’t be too far-fetched of an assumption to make on my part that surely they had a number of deep late night talks over the years, and chances are Jimin would’ve sought out advice from Hoseok during one of them, perhaps even confided in him about his feelings for Tae (regardless which ones, both would be valid and something you’d talk about with a close friend).
Another option might be Namjoon, since he’s the leader and thus certainly the person who would have to know about such developments within the group for obvious reasons, but also it seems like Namjoon sought out consolation and advice from both Jimin (like that scene in BV4 around the bonfire off to the side from the group) and Tae (like the story he told at 5th Muster Seoul (?) about how he was kind of sad/feeling off so he talked to Tae before the encore and what Tae said made him feel better), meaning they are more than close enough to bring up certain topics with each other. So, based on that, it doesn’t seem too much of a stretch that he would stand up/look out for them if need be in conversations with BH etc.
That being said, regardless of how we interpret vmin and their bond, I think it’s safe to say that all the members are endlessly supportive of them, just like they are with any other duo within the group, though it’s easy to see that they do highlight vmin at times as something…special. A bond that’s noteworthy, stands out, even within a group as close as they are.
Admin 2: Chances are that what I think and am about to say might be a bit controversial. At the same time I’d like to note that this is only my personal opinion and theory, and not some kind of proven fact, yes? Perhaps no one will agree with me, but after putting many thoughts into this and looking at different content and events that have transpired over the years, as well as some other factors I’ll explain later, these are the conclusions I’ve drawn when it comes to the members and vmin. Furthermore, I don’t want to negate/comment on other ships since those don’t really play any role in this the way some might assume.
I think it’s important to remember that BTS basically exist in two version (though they are closely intertwined):
1: the idols on screen, who stand on stage, who share their music with us, who film content and who, to a certain degree, play a role, keep up an appearance that’s part honest and part mystery.
“I think V can show parts of Kim Taehyung and parts of V, but Kim Taehyung can’t show V. Kim Taehyung is Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung is someone who’s still filled with a lot of curiosity and he’s inquisitive about a lot of things. There are so many things he wants to do. Also I think there’s so many things he is curious about.” – Tae, Break the Silence: Persona
2: the real-life humans with private lives, private friendships and personalities that are similar but not quite the same as what we know and see.
Both of these are real in their own right, and both of them influence each other in more ways than one. So, when we look at vmin in the context of both, the question of support and showing certain things and how those affect version 1 and 2 are tricky, multifaceted and much more complex than some imagine or present it as. Because the moment we assume private life vmin are real, that sort of swift in dynamic ultimately also affects their work and demands adjustments from all parties involved, especially the other members. A large portion of what they do and say on screen or anywhere that we can see it is, to a certain degree, planned or has been discussed prior.
More below the cut since this kind of got long:
In one of the Break the Silence episodes Namjoon spoke about how with the more recent tours they haven’t been really able to do as much “free style” stuff (as in moving freely around stage and being silly, that sort of thing) between songs with choreographies, as opposed to how it used to be in the early days, since much of the show is perfectly timed and planned down to every little detail and every single light surrounding the stage. Much the same way everything else sure is, too. Look at RUN, even there you can notice them looking at printed out pages that surely contain a short storyboard of how the episode should more or less go in general terms, since that makes editing and keeping things cohesive much easier, especially since BTS are seven people, therefore seven moving independent variables.
Keeping all of this in mind, I’ve come to the conclusion that, in my opinion, the biggest vmin supporter is JK, followed by Hobi and Namjoon. I don’t mean, by any means, that completely idiotic theory some have created that one ship hides another, because that isn’t at all what I am going for with this. Of course Tae and JK are T*ek*ok (a subunit name they’ve after all created themselves though that context of that moment has long been changed by people) and Jimin and JK are J*ko*k, and depending on the demand (from a PR point of view as well as those of fans) and situations, those ships are utilized/highlighted in certain ways to achieve certain things. With this I don’t mean to belittle the actual real-life bonds between the real-life members, merely the “fantasy” versions created in large parts by shippers.
But that isn’t what I mean. Let me explain.
There are several situations that I think support my theory/opinion, past and more recent, but for the sake of fresh memories that we’ll all be able to recall, I’ll use more recent ones. During their vlive when BE and Life Goes On were just released, the one where they wore PJs, had pizza and that cardboard cutout of Yoongi, there was a moment when Tae was supposed to put lipstick on Jimin. He pulled Jimin close with his arm around his shoulder while Jimin giggled and playfully pretended to try and push him away or stop him from doing it, despite seemingly holding on to his top to keep him close anyway. While that was happening, the other members checked what they were doing and notably JK, upon seeing what vmin were up to, moved a few steps away closer toward the cameras and stood as though between vmin and said cameras while holding that silver screen thing used for lighting in photography (I’m not sure how it’s called). Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but seeing as Namjoon, who carried the Yoongi cutout, joined him, it seemed like they were trying to hide vmin, which of course didn’t work out since the producers simply switched to a different camera.
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This might be me going temporarily delulu but toward the end of that sequence there was a moment where we couldn’t see much of vmin save for the tops of their heads. At some point Tae made a move with his head which some (including myself) have interpreted as a potential smooch (as in an actual one or just him pretending/doing the motion of it, that’s up for debate) which caused Hobi to break out in loud laughter.
A second example is day two of MOTS ON:E when it was time for Dynamite. Usually vmin just walk past each other doing something funny or interacting in some way, but on that day instead Jimin pulled Tae closer, enough so that their foreheads touched, and they looked at each other in quite a meaningful way. At the same time JK stood right behind them, since he’s the one that opens the song, and watched what was happening. Just like with the above example, he stepped toward them and put his hand on the back of Tae’s head in a gesture that I interpreted as a form of safety measurement that IF vmin were to potentially do something…risky, he could intervene by quite literally pulling them apart/stopping them. This moment of course has been twisted and manipulated in many different ways to, for example, showcase some supposed jealousy or alike, but I think that’s just plain stupid.
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I’d also like to show you a few other pictures that I think show us the kind of dynamic he really has with vmin, how he watches (over) his hyungs with affection and support, so to speak:
(the following pictures, left to right: JM, JK, TH)
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The sole fact that three maknae ships can exist simultaneously, while vmin might be the likely one to be real, in my opinion shows that everything between the three of them must be more than okay, that there’s harmony and understanding between them, everyone knowing their place/role exactly, that there’s no jealousy or other negative emotions involved. Even more so when we consider the stakes that come with it all, at the top of it all being money, not only for the members but also BH (including everyone who invested money in stocks, as well as all their employees that need to be paid). And the fact that BTS aren’t rookies anymore, but instead they have a big and very relevant role in a broader sense when it comes to influence, power, and fame.
Look at how professional they are when it comes to being idols and everything that entails, including shipping. Just look at how despite Tae’s Weverse comment to that one shipper, and the conversation in In The Soop, they played their roles so convincingly that no one who is in favor of that ship is willing to believe them or consider that perhaps they were wrong. But, this is more of a topic for another post, so I’ll leave it at that.
Looking at all these moments, bigger and smaller ones, gestures that some didn’t even notice or did but interpreted in a completely different way for their own reasons, it brought me to the conclusion that JK is their biggest supporter.
Just like Admin 1 said, I also think that Hobi and Namjoon are big supporter as well. Although I can’t for the life of me remember the piece of content where he said this (if anyone knows, please do let me know), I recall a moment where Namjoon spoke to Tae and said that he’s his responsibility, which made me wonder if that perhaps meant that Namjoon gave his vote of confidence about Tae (and vmin) to BH or agreed to keep an eye on him/them to keep them in check. But that’s just a thought/theory.
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At the end of the day, whatever our opinion may be, we have to remember that we know very little about their private life, a tiny percentage if even, so it’s important to stick to/pay attention to/based our opinions on the original material and what the members say, instead of taking into account edited videos on YT or opinions influenced by others agendas, but that, too, is something to be discussed in a different post.
Thank you for this interesting question!
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
This is in response to questions I've received in my message box following my recent post on Jimin's love language. Ignore this if you've read my main post on this same topic- Or maybe not.
Also, I'm sorry about the Asks. I accidentally turned it off- AGAIN. Thanks for drawing my attention to it. I purple y'all.
What I meant by my last post was that, for us to understandJimin or even the rest of the members' love language, it is important we make a distinction between what is uniquely Jimin/the individual members' love language and what is their culture's or even the established and accepted practices within their group.
And on that, I said skinship is a cultural practice but also one of the group's adopted love languages. It is their way of achieving intimacy and bonding with eachother and as such they do not associate romantic connotations with it.
Thus, when they touch eachother in any way, provocative as it may seem to us, to them there is nothing romantic about it at all. So when Taekook, Jikook, Yoonmin or any of these pairs touch eachother, it is not with romantic intentions.
Why then does Jimlous and Jeonlous exist? For a myriad of reasons other than that skinship is romantic! Lol
I've explained previously, that JK and Jimin's discomfort with each other's skinship with the others often has to do with the lack of boundaries that is inherent in skinship rather than that they are actually jealous or see skinship as romantic. This is often true for Jimin.
With JK, his possessive nature very often amplifies his discomfort with the lack of boundaries but also because, out of the seven, he is the only one that had had a problem accepting and participating in the skinship culture within the group- well, him and Suga. It's taking them some getting used to.
But that wasn't because he was viewing skinship as romantic but rather because he was uncomfortable with affections and the overt expressions of it as is required of skinship.
That's not to say they do not or have not implied romantic intentions with their touches- there is nothing platonic about boners. Lol.
And any skinship that results in a visible sexual tension or arousal can no longer be deemed skinship- it's foreplay.
Jikook does skinship all the time like everyone else in the band, but often too some of those skinship crosses the platonic threshold into sexual foreplay- they ain't slick.
You just have to see the look on Tae's face when he noticed, through the view finder, Jimin caressing JK's thumb to comprehend that not all their touches are mere skinship.
That's one of the differences between Jikook and the other ships; Jikook presents a mutual sexual attraction towards eachother beyond the pubescent hormonal teen frenzy that marked their early formative days- god, those boys were so horny they could hump a tree to death. Bless them.
Mind you, I disregard any sexual innuendos that was present in Jikook's dynamics as well as any other ship's dynamics, if ever there was one, during that hormonal teen period of their lives. It was all something but nothing at the same time. They were all just being horny and gross teenage boys- Hashtag, war of hormones for real for real. Lol
All that that timeline taught me was, Jikook are freaky af and certainly don't see each other as brothers. CERTAINLY.
That being said, for a better understanding of Jimin's love language, a distinction must be made between love language and sexual interest. It will make sense in a bit.
Because Jimin's father is an affectionate person and this is the love language he has taught to Jimin, Jimin interprets any affectionate and kind act as a loving gesture. It is how he gives love, it is how he receives love.
He values kindness and compassion, selflessness, vulnerability, transparency, fairness etc.
Thus to show his love for you he will be kind to you, vulnerable with you, transparent with you, supportive of you and nurturing of you.
We see him being like this with all the members, even the staff and dancers too at times but more so with Tae and JK.
The question then is, how does Jimin receive love? What actions does he interpret as love? Easy, sexual attraction. Hear me out.
You see, because Jimin is a natural nurturer and he sees nurturing as a universal love language that everyone speaks or ought to speak, he requires his romantic love interest to distinguish between their platonic love interest and their romantic love interest.
To fulfill him emotionally, you would have to make him feel special, treat him differently from your friends, and let him know that you want him and only him.
Sexual interest is one way of distinguishing between platonic interests and romantic interests, and it flows from this that he not only requires grand gestures, or special treatment but that you flirt with him as well.
Hence his emphasis on flirting. He likes to flirt. He enjoys it. He's mastered it. He's a fucking pro at it- give him his medal.
Just to be clear, even though flirting is part of his love language, he has also adopted flirting as part of his idol persona and often when he is flirting overtly he is only doing it for the 'fan service.'
But that doesn't mean all of that is fan service. Sometimes it's blatant foreplay as I've explained above and if you can't tell the difference between his foreplay and fanservice- chileee, I can't help you.
I'm still traumatized by that Bon V 4 moment. Sweet Jesus, save me if they should keep this energy up!
It's important, at this point, to note that because Jimin is a nurturer, every decent human being can easily be compatible with him. I have said several times over my blog that Jimin is ship compatible with anyone and everyone- I ain't mad at that.
What it comes down to then is whom he prefers and whom he is choosing to make him happy and to fulfill him. I explained that choice and being able to be in charge of decision making and to make his own decisions is very important to Jimin because on his background.
And when it comes to love, it's no secret who Jimin wants. He wants JK and that's on Periodttt.
I explained that in the early days during Rookie King, he felt he needed to get emotionally closer to JK when he had an opportunity to talk and heal as a group- his personal was important to him.
In that JinJikook VLive when Jin was eating a lollipop in a provocative way he asked him to stop immediately but couldn't, for the love of god, tear his eyes off JK when JK ate his lollipop in a- I can't. Jikook!
Unless he is in his fan service mood or is being his slytherin slash whore of babylon self- bless him, often he would reject any attempt by anyone to flirt with him except JK.
And I keep reiterating this, flirting isn't JK's thing. It's Jimin's thing. The last time JK tried to this flirty- he cried. Lmho
Take that interview where the host moved closer to Jimin in a flirty way for example. Jimin leaned back away from him. In the popular words of Jimin- don't do that.
Then in this airport scene right here, where Suga and Tae tried to protect JM from getting mobbed (if video is missing check bottom of this post. I hate tumblr)
You could see Jimin moving towards JK. Now some may argue he was trying to protect the JK who seemed oblivious to what was going on but I beg to differ.
I just think Jimin was moving towards JK because that's his safe haven. That's the person he feels the most safe with. 'Jk will protect' 'JK is strong.' He felt threatened and his instincts was to fin that person whom he feels would and should protect him- and that person usually isn't very far away.
And no, I'm not being biased. It's just I can't in good conscience theorize and make wild assumptions about Jimin's emotional needs the way I would the other's because unlike the others, Jimin keeps showing us what he wants. Y'all are just not listening.
It is why I said, JK on paper seemed like the last person to meet Jimin's emotional needs. He didn't strike me as the ambitious type or the daring type the way Yoongi presented himself in early days. It is why I shipped Yoonmin or even Vmin.
And even in those ships, I didn't believe they were real. Suga was too emotional closed off and wouldn't
And as I explained, having been denied his ambitions, it's not a stretch to assume, Jimin desires an ambitious partner. One who loves the stage, loves their career.
But I feel, most people including myself underestimated Jungkook. As much as JK may not appear as ambitious career wise, he is one of the most passionate members of group.
His decision to join BTS was driven purely by passion, his decision to start GCF, get a tattoo and every other endeavor he's embarked has been driven purely by his passion. And passion is a variant of ambition.
Jimin pursues his ambitious and JK pursues his passions- they are the same in the same way. And I see why Jimin will tell JK they are one and the same. They are more alike than we think they are.
So yes, Jimin needs an ambitious partner but a passionate partner equally suffices.
What equally suffices is a supportive partner. One willing to sacrifice their ambitions or needs when it comes to it, to accommodate Jimin's needs. Jimin is very competitive in nature and hates to lose, we've been told.
And nobody lets Jimin win the way JK does. Nobody. It's funny, because VMin's dumpling fight took days/weeks to resolve. And Jikook's raining dat fight took a few hours.
What hit me about that tale as told by Jikook was JK going to Jimin to resolve their fight- another instance he let Jimin win. Tae loves Jimin but I don't see him sacrificing his ego and pride the way JK would for Jimin. I don't see any member doing that for Jimin quite frankly.
It is one way I see JK nurturing Jimin. Jk can be hard headed but there is a softness and a tenderness to him that's speaks to Jimin's love language.
I can go on and on about this topic, you know? Lol
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dearweirdme · 1 month
Hey Rain, so there is something I kinda noticed while watching the 3rd episode of AYS and I would like to talk about it if you don’t mind.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe all those times when Tae looked abit hurt or bothered by Jikook’s interactions it might have been because he sometimes felt left out? We know that Vminkook have all been pretty close since they were rookies and depending on who you ask, some people might pick taekook as the closest of the three while others pick jikook and others pick Vmin. The members seemed to think that Vmin were the closest of the pair for some reason. But after hearing Tae say that after he saw the schedule, he asked why he was being left out and said he wanted to go too, it made me realize that maybe that is how he felt back then. I would have believed that he was bothered by Jikook’s behaviour because he was in a relationship with Jk but if that was what really bothered him, why would he be ok with those times Jk went to hangout with Jimin alone at nights? He would obviously trust Jk if Jk was his boyfriend and wouldn’t be bothered by Jk wanting to hang out in another bandmate’s room ofcourse but doesn’t that also mean he wouldn’t be bothered by Jimin and Jk doing a little fanservice? Plus he didn’t always look bothered by their interactions and I feel like sometimes people could mistake Tae’s resting face for him being mad.
I’m thinking of that Live from 2019 where he said that Jk was with Jimin and wasn’t letting Jimin go to him and he gave a very weird look to the camera. Also thinking of that other Live from 2015 when he said he was supposed to do a Live with Jikook but they were hanging out together and even that one time where he dragged Jungkook to another car because he wanted to ride with Jimin. I dunno but it does seem like there were times when he felt a little left out by them and that made him kinda sad. There are so many different theories surrounding that NJ Live from 2019 too but if we were to take things at face value, it seems like Tae wanted to hangout with Jk for abit but Jk kept asking him to leave and even that Vlive from 2017 when Tae went to Jk’s room while Jk was doing a Live with Jimin and Jk seemed kinda upset that Tae had come in and asked “why is everyone coming?”. There’s quite a few moments that give me the impression that maybe Tae just felt left out and that is why he sometimes looked a little sad. What do you think?
Hi anon!
So.. imo opinion, Tae was never bothered by Jk and Jm's friendship. He knows them better than anyone else. He would know exactly what the nature of Jm and Jk's relationship is, and he would definitely know that Jk wasn't secretly pining for Jm or that Jm would want to steal Jk from him. I think, what bothered Tae most of all is seeing the way fandom react to Jkk. He has more than enough experience seeing fandom talk about both his relationship with Jk and Jkk's relationship that he is probably able to know which behaviors will get a fandom reaction. I do think he struggled with that and I even think he might've gotten mad at Jk/Jm at times becouse of those things. It's the way our feelings work, it's not always rational. Tae would rationally know that Jm and Jk are friends and do certain thigns because they are friends, and other things as fanservice. That doesn't mean he would have always felt okay though. I mean, that's the harshness of it all isn't it.. not being able to be completely real.
I don't think Tae felt actually left out, I think he has his own strong bond with Jm and Jk and I think when it's the three of them actually Jm has at times been thirdwheeling. In my opinion you can't really take a few axamples where you feel something seemingly seems off and generalize these to something that always occurs. Things are so very often situational. I think that's the thing Jkkrs so often get wrong. They enlarge certain things to the extreme. Jm talks about Jk going to his room a few times.. and to them that means Jk always hangs out at Jm's room. That's not the case though. Certain situations allow for certain behavior. Someone having a bad mood, or feeling sick, or having just read something nasty online can already alter the way someone would normally behave.
Tae also does fanservice with other members. BTS membrs have most likely been actually trained in doing fanservice, so he would know how to see these things and our ideas about how something looks are probably far off from theirs. Same goes for Jk visiting Jm in his room. Tae knows Jk's sleeping habits and his friendship with Jm better than we do. From the way they talk about it, its actually very clear that nothing but hanging out together went on. For Tae, Jk and Jm are brotherly, so why would that bother him? Why would he limit them in hanging out? Do we expect JK to put limits to Tae hanging out with Wooga as well? People in good relationships don't have a problem with their partner hanging out with their best friend, it's truly as simple as that imo.
I think for Tae it's very important to be able to show how important Jk is to him. He is proud, he loves him, he loves their relationship. So to not be able to do that.. and to see other people make up insane theories and having imaginations about your partner and your best friend being intimate must be excrutingly hard at times. I mean.. imagine being Tae and having to read all the wild stuff Jkkrs are writing now. Holy shit... imagine being Jm and JK and reading all of the insane stuff they are saying right now!
So, no... don't agree.
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Our story and thoughts about Jikook
Hi! I first of all love your channel!
I like to tell you my story and thoughts about Jikook. Sorry in advance if it’s too long! :-D
So since august 2020 I became an ARMY, I never heard of BTS nor K-pop before, I just saw the MV Dynamite and I loved it so much. What stood out for me was the dynamic of the boys. But what I also noticed in the MV saw something weird (to me), it was the look Jimin gave JJK before he jumped on his back, I was quite intrigued by this. Anyways I didn’t think of it much further and started looking at more MV’s of BTS and soon I only listened to BTS and watched their MV’s, interviews, old clips of them, RUN BTS,… every day,hours in a row. Jimin and JJK stood out for me but I didn’t think of them as possible boyfriends yet, I just thought Jimin was obviously gay and a cute flirty guy. I was not at all familiar with the term Shipping because it’s not something we do in our country with boysbands or actors, it doesn’t exist here. So me and my sister (she is 17, I’m 33 LOL) became ARMY at the same time in 2020. My sister was way more active on Insta, Twitter,… So it didn’t take long for her to discover shipping, soon she was a Taekook shipper, she said she shipped them because she loves these 2 guys most and because of their looks and their bond. I didn’t understand much of what she meant by this or why she would ‘ship’ them at all (like what is that and why?). Anyways Later on, around September/ October 2020 I noticed more signs of Jikook being something different: like 'arriving late at an interview, 'Jimin saying he was with JK at 4 am while minutes before JK told a different story, some RUN BTS moments that looked so intimate or gay to me. I don’t know, I had a strange but loving feeling with these two. And then BAM while watching some old video’s of BTS Rookie king, American Hustle,.. I got a recommendation for a Jikook video (first ever for me), I watched it and it felt like a puzzle came together. There were moments of concerts in it I hadn’t yet seen, there were very to the point analysis. I was just Jungshook :-O From then on I watched Jikook videos every day on top of everything BTS related. When watching old stuff from BTS I kept an extra eye on Jikook now and wow I was amazed by how slowly but obviously JJK started falling in love with Jimin. But it was only after I saw CGF Tokyo (I was quite late discovering that one) I was very much convinced of Jikook being in love/ being boyfriends. So there I was being addicted to the love between Jikook. One day I talked about Jikook with my sister, who’s a Taekooker. We never did before talk about Jikook specifically, we only talked about BTS in general but that day I asked her why on earth would you think Taekook are a couple while Jikook are obviously a couple. She then said that neither of them are real and showed me a lot of Taekook and Vmin video’s. After that my world came crashing down. I never saw another ship video before, only Jikook. I was so convinced I was witnessing a very beautiful and unique lovestory but then there was my younger sister telling me, I quote: “woman seriously, what did you think? They are all close friends who grew up together and are very much into skinship and fanservice, I’m sorry sis but none of them are dating and if they are then they’re a threesome, doesn’t make sense”. She was right, the interactions I saw between Jikook I could easily see between VMin and Taekook too. I secretly cried for 2 days and felt really bad, not believing in true love anymore. I know it’s weird at my age but that’s what it was like for me. My boyfriend really looked at me like I was a ridiculous teenager but I couldn’t help it. I thought I witnessed a true love couple in front of me but I was being played. I think 2 months went by, me ignoring everything Jikook, only watching BTS in general, luckily for me there was little interaction as in skinship anyways, except for the Christmas Dynamite video when Jimin was all cozy with JJK (I blamed it on fanservice) and then the iconic Black Swan performance, which I watched a 100 times over and cried for (I blamed it on the choreographer because Jikook do make the best dance pair); but then BAM all of the sudden there was the recent Vlive BE.T.S. and I was Jungshook, I was like 'come on, they’re all over each other, but why????’ I felt a little angry at Jikook about the 'fanservice’ this time because lately they didn’t do that a lot and I felt like they grew out of it and I was content with that since my heart was broken because of the fanservice before. It felt more fair to me that the members stopped doing fanservice. But no, there was Jikook again, right in front of all of us, flirting like they hadn’t seen each other in a while. Not just Jimin also JJK was looking at Jimin like a lover. It bothered me a lot because my heart was still healing from a 'break-up’ kinda feeling. But guess what happened next: I got a text from my little sister: “oh my god sis Jikook might be real after all” I texted her back “shut up, don’t laugh at me, I’m pissed”. and she: “No seriously, what is this, they flirt like there’s no tomorrow :-O Boyfriends after all?? ”… I was shocked that she of all people started believing in Jikook, while I finally saw reality because of her and her fiends. I start doubting Jikook again. So we came together and we wrote down some facts that could indicate Jikook being a real couple. Things Jikook did or said that they didn’t do with other members. I first wrote down 'it’s in their eyes, their stares’ but my sis reminded me that it goes for Taekook and Vmin as well so no, not a fact actually. But we came up with these facts:
1) GCF Tokyo, JJK planned this for Jimin’s birthday and it was all about Jimin, you could interpret it as a film for a very special friend but the song that goes with it and the fact that it was for his birthday were too suspicious and the most important fact: he ONLY did that for Jimin, not any other member after that. 2) Jimin is the most special member to JJK. He never gave gifts on B-days to members but he did gave Jimin a B-day present in 2017, just him, not the other members. After the members pointing him about this special treatment he did start giving everyone presents but back then it was only Jimin. 3) I can write a lot about why we think this but we are sure the members are not living together at the dorms anymore, only for work or maybe they crash there sometimes but they don’t actually live there anymore. So they take different cars from there home base to get where they’re going and Jikook always take the same care, especially since 2019, not really sure they live together although we could sum up some facts that could indicate they live together but we can say they at least want to be together before and after work, like almost all the time. An important one for us is that they were both late at the live MBC Radio show in September 2020. The excuse was they took a different highway then the rest and were stuck in traffic (they were like 30 min late). That doesn’t make sense at all, why would one of the cars take a different highway if they are all following each other to get there. We suppose they all gather at the dorms to go to there appointments to make sure they all arrive at the same time at their appointments. So the cars will be following each other, which we can see that is the case, all members always arrive at the same time in different cars (except Jikook, same car). So the excuse makes no sense, it’s either that they both left a lot later then the rest from the dorms (which would be weird) OR they came from a different place (their own place?) and indeed took that certain highway and got stuck in traffic because they weren’t following the other cars. Well that is more likely right? 4) Jimin took a long flight from Paris to S-K just to spend a few hours with JJK on his B-day at the evening. Sure Jimin is a great friend for all the members but this goes beyond that. Me and my sis wouldn’t even do that for each other (our B-days are at the same day, but 16 years apart so it’s special for us too), we would celebrate after our trip. 5) Billboard 1° interview “I was with Jungkook at 4 AM …we cried together”, the day before that interview there was a Vlive for JJK’s B-day and the tension there was weird between Jikook, they seemed unhappy. Jimin was trying to say something about JJK but was caught off twice, anyways he said it the day after: 'he was with JJK’ at that time, since they all don’t live together this is very questionable, all nighter friends forever?… We both found this significant. 6) We all know that Jimin really likes snow. Bon Voyage season 4: JJK got up early and climbed a mountain (without camera’s, so not for fanservice) to get a lump of snow and then gave it to Jimin. So this moment was sweet, romantic but also really awkward, the crew being there and Jimin’s very shy reaction. We believe JJK meant this moment to be just between the two of them (JJk got up early for this) but the crew spotted him and yeah soon ((unfortunately) like 10 people were watching JJK giving Jimin that gift. Jimin didn’t know what to do or say… Between friends it wouldn’t be that awkward or it wouldn’t even happen in the first place. My boyfriend wouldn’t even do this for me, it’s too corny. 7) Rose Bowl, it’s debatable that JJK actually sucked Jimin’s ear but he at least kissed it twice and in an intimate way, this kind of intimacy we couldn’t find between any other members (yes we did search) we saw some intimate moments between Taekook and Vmin that looked very suspicious too but it was not like that special Jikook moment. This is another level. 8) As far as we know they spend the most time together off work: going ice skating, going to the cinemas, touring in London, watching the first snow together. All this in their private time without crew and cameras, no fanservice here. So we can say that even though they already work all these hours together in a day they still want to spend time together after that. J-Hope and Jimin spend time together off work too but mostly it’s Jikook who spend most time together off work. They must really like each other cause honestly I love my boyfriend but no way that I would want to be with him as much as Jikook are together, I would feel suffocated. 9) We debated a while about this one, my sis found it more important than me. RUN BTS episode 116-117 were a member (blindfolded) had to touch/feel the pose the members took to guess the song. Quite intimate game in our opinion but hey it’s S-Korea and skinship is normal… Editors for some reason did not show us JJK touching Jimin, all the others were shown, only of Jikooks scene we didn’t get the footage, just a picture of it afterwards. OK in my opinion the picture is for fanservice but why on earth leave the scene out at all, was it too intimate?, was it too awkward for the crew to film? we don’t know but fact is it was not shown. Normally I don’t over-analyse things but sis is right when she says this one is very suspicious. Editors cut a lot of scenes for different reasons but this one is just too suspicious. 10) Ever since 2013 they are all nighter buddies and JJK loves sleeping in Jimins bed. Just facts.
There is so much more to say about Jikook, like their matching rings, wearing each others clothes but that is not exclusively for Jikook, we found that Taekook also did this. Jikook does it more but still it’s not just them so we don’t take it as proof. Also hand holding, hugs, stares, it’s not something exclusively for them, they all do that, and considering these boys were very young when they got together and lived together a long time as a family, are together 24/7, it’s not surprising that in a country where skinship is normal, these boys are all over each other like there are no boundaries. It’s normal for them. Tae, JJK, Jimin, J-hope are especially into skinship but it hits different with Jikook if you consider what goes on between them beside that. Also we think there is less skinship these days which is quite normal since the members are all grown up now, so it’s a bit surprising when we see Jikook still being quite touchy. About their songs there are a lot of theories too that we can support (I am you and you are me,…) but they are still just theories.
In conclusion: My sister now believes they are a couple LOL. How fast the night changes :-) Taekook is still her favorite ship but she believes Jikook are a real couple, go figure……
I’m personally still careful in what I choose to believe so I can’t be heartbroken again if they turn out to not be a couple after all. I believe Jikook are more than friends/brothers and are likely in love with each other, possibly a couple and maybe living together :-) But still there are many things that make me question them as a couple as well and there is also the possibility that they just come off as a couple because of that special bond they have but in reality they are not. I hope they are a couple though because it would make the world a more beautiful place, I can’t explain why…
Thank you for letting me write our story here and sorry for this book I wrote LOL
Lots of love JD & S (ARMY sisters and Jikook supporters)
FROM SIS : Thank you for trusting me with your story!!! I am glad you came forward with your experience https://youtu.be/MwMLw6FdycY (I hope you don’t mind my comment at the end of it)
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bangtanfanficsao3 · 3 years
Hello! I'm wondering if you have any Zombie Apocalypse Au's? I can never find any good ones. I like all ships- poly, ot7, it don't matter to me. Thank you!
Heii^ Hope you haven't read these :)
give me mercy no more - Yoonmin/Hopekook - Jungkook has lost Hoseok. There's no point in chasing after dead people. Yoongi lost Jimin and he refuses to stop looking for him.
Train To Busan - Taegi - One seemingly normal Friday morning in Seoul, South Korea, Min Yoongi boards a train with his son in hopes of getting to Busan so the boy can spend his fourth birthday with his mother. Things do not go exactly as planned.
I'm stuck in the dark (but you're my flashlight) - Taekook - It still baffles him, how Taehyung can smile like the sun shines out of his ass when the world is falling apart around them, but he cherishes every glimpse he gets of it.
from the stars - Vmin - “Maybe so,” Taehyung says seriously, “but that’s the cool thing about the apocalypse: we can both be as awful as we want and there are very, very few people left to call us out.” (somehow med student kim taehyung manages to survive the end of the world. then he meets park jimin and his life begins.)
All The Little Lights - Taekook - Taehyung was not a tough or clever boy. He was almost always one of the last to finish every event that his physical education class was assigned to do. He scraped through his classes with C's and C-'s. He was sweet and kind, though, which was a different kind of strength. He connected with people and knew what to do to make others feel okay because he'd always had a way with people. Sweet and kind people don't matter anymore, though. In a world where the dead hunt the living and the living turn on each other, sweet and kind people are the first to go. The ones who are tough and clever are the ones who carry on.
My Super Rookie Rookie Boy - Vmin - There are two big problems that come with the zombie apocalypse: 1. Zombies.
2. Getting a song stuck in your head that you can't remember the lyrics to but now you can't Google it either because the electricity hasn't been on for ages. Now that's really just the worst.
The Only Hope For Me is You - Yoonkook - In the midst of a zombie apocalypse Yoongi plants flowers to survive, and falls in love.
The World May Be Burning But At Least I Have You - Yoonseok - Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the Dead and the living. Sometimes Yoongi doesn't feel like he's either, just surviving. They may make it to the sanctuary and maybe then their bodies will be safe, but to heal hearts that have lost everything again and again, minds that have grown used to killing what used to be people, to feeling as little as possible, that takes something more than a strong wall and barred gates to hide behind. For Yoongi that something is Hoseok.
last ditch - Vmin - the beginning of this story is almost an end. taehyung clings to life -- jimin clings to taehyung.
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lesbian-vmin · 4 years
Hi! This is actually not about vmin but vhope, if that's okay! I just wanted to know what you think about them. I love them SO MUCH! They're both so sweet to each other! While you said that you consider jin the closest to tae/the one he looks up to the most sort of (apart from jm), I actually think it's hobi (like for example the message tae left him for this year's festa was really soft). But maybe it's just a biased view I don't know. I'm curious, why do you think it's jin instead? I also think tae might have/have had a low key crush on hobi... they kissed after all and who could blame him anyway? lol but I see vmin as THE ship. Their relationship is the most special to me and it's been like that since the start. But I love all the members of course and it's nice to see how different and adorable all the relationships between the different members can be. So this was basically me saying random stuff lol but I'd like to know your thoughts, if you agree etc. Love your blog 💜
I don’t remember where exactly, but I’ve talked a little about Vhope on here before!
Hobi is my absolute b i a s, no one can compare. Questions regarding the ray of sunshine that is Jung Hoseok, our angel, our Hope are always welcome! I mean, questions about any and all members (and even ships) are welcome, too. But I’m fucking s o f t for Hoseok. Okay?
Anyway. Wherever I talked about it before, I have mentioned that I felt Taehyung had a crush on Hoseok in their early days, and he clearly still admires him today. The kiss has nothing to do with it. You don’t get a crush on someone because you kissed them once. (The kiss is somewhere in Rookie King, for anyone who will ask.)
I got the feeling Taehyung had a crush on him before watching Rookie King. And seeing Kook get all giddy about their kiss, I felt as if he knew about Taehyung’s crush.
The reason I didn’t say he was closer to Hoseok is because Hoseok is similar to Namjoon. He’s closer to Vmin together. Because he and Jimin are quite close, too.
Taehyung and Jin are close. For them, it’s a little more subtle, but I think they are quite close. They were one of the more popular ships very briefly at debut before Namjin became the most popular Jin ship and T / K the most popular Taehyung ship.
An example of how Seokjin loves Taehyung would be his constant hyp and support Blue & Gray. Even if he honestly likes the song (which I’m sure he does) he wouldn’t hype it up in the way he does if he didn’t like the person who made it. And Taehyung shows his love to Seokjin, too. An example would be him having his friends send Jin a message for his birthday.
Anyway. The reason I didn’t choose Hoseok for Tae is because he’s also close to Jimin. They feel equal (different types of closeness, but equal) to me.
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kookmin1913 · 4 years
i asked this very known jikook supporter their opinion on vmin and -surprisingly - they said there’s nothing “suspicious” about vmin but tk and ym may have been a thing back in the rookie days bc of how close they were and now they barely interact, i was very confused lol what do you think?
Hi anon,
Sorry another very late response!
Personally anon I don’t believe any other members are in or have been in a relationship.  Do I think Vmin are extremely close?  Absolutely!  Do I think Taekook are close? Absolutely!
All the boys are close with each other, they have been a unit for over 7 years now, but I don’t nor have I ever thought any of them aside from JK and JM of course have been in a relationship with each other.  The bond between JK and JM is just on a whole different level, and I don’t think that could have been achieved if either had been with another member of the group.  Just no!
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