#vmin throwback
archlovesvmin · 2 years
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Such a cutie indeed
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breathplayed · 11 months
17, 29, 48, & 55 😁🫖
oh u GOT me got me lets go
(17) what is your favorite line you’ve ever written? babe plz this one is too hard..... there's too many...... I HAVE 920K WORDS ON AO3 AND ~50K INCOMING I DONT EVEN REMEMBER THEM ALL......... uuhhhhhhhh ok ok ill try to narrow a few down. it's all gonna be recent tho bc that's what i remember most + i have rly been indulging myself stylistically as of late lmao
for just ~pretty language~ my favorites rn are
"Jimin is almost too pretty to mar with mortal hands, but Jungkook finds desecration is half the fun when his hands slip lower" (folie à trois)
"Some floodgate inside him has broken, the last bastion of resistance crumbled, and now he’s a drowning man in the dead waters" (folie à trois)
“I love you,” he whimpers into Taehyung’s kiss like a prayer. Too devout; Taehyung’s hands and lips pause. Jimin’s own lip is already trembling, caught, so he lets the confessional spill like it’s the last Sunday he’ll ever see." (the losing game ch17)
"[Taehyung] used to dream, sometimes, after Jimin was gone, that he was holding him again, that he could crack open Jimin's ribcage and crawl inside to make a home beside his heart before they burned together." (the losing game ch5)
"Sometimes—in his darkest moments, on his worst nights—Jimin dreams about Taehyung carving over each and every one of his scars. Creating clean new edges to each of them, prying fingers in the wound to be as close as possible, rewriting their memories and meanings with a jagged, almost unbearable intimacy." (the losing game ch17)
"The graves we dig ourselves are often the deepest." (the graves we dig..... now thats a real throwback huh)
there's too much i could say for dialogue but.... i'm super fond of the hurtful conversations present!vmin have in tlg (especially ch14, i reread that a lot), ignite the stars ch5 (also reread that a lot), and also i love pretty much everything that comes out of taehyung's mouth in folie à trois lol
(29) give us a spoiler for one of your stories. answered here, but since this one could be answered multiple times i'll bite......... my queue tag ("i'm glad it was queue") is a play on one of my favorite lines in all of tlg that i have been excited about getting to for yeaaaarrrssss. no one but me knows the line yet (or how hurtful its context is) bc it's in one of the final chapters hehehe but it's "i'm glad it was you" ..... :')
(48) do you reread your own stories? the answer to this used to be a strong NO!!!! but that has actually changed in the last two years! i don't rly reread anything older (my writing style has changed so much + there's things i'd change about older fics esp <2020 so it's not an enjoyable experience to me, i'd just fret over editing it) but there's some newer fics i reread bc they are So written to my own taste. i think i really improved a lot getting to write a bunch in lockdown lol + started caring less about whether ppl liked the fic and just wrote for ✨Me✨ so several of those recent fics i'm happy with and do reread sometimes like a stupid idiot narcissus
The ones i've reread the most are "sit, stay" + "sea legs" + favorite parts of "ignite the stars" and my favorite parts of "the losing game". the other scattered pwp's since 2020 have gotten reread about twice each. and i recently reread WBIO for the first time since writing it in early 2020!!! mixed feelings on that one bc i felt like i would change some parts of it if i wrote it today but that's a sign ur growing and improving i suppose
(55) do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them? oh i have so fucking many 'WIPs' it's not even funny. there's probably like ~12 completely bullet point outlined medium length / longfics in my docs down to exact dialogue i'd write, and dozens more fic attempts that have a whole plot and ending. bc as soon as i come up with an idea i already immediately know how i want it to end. which gives me way too many Plot Bunnies that are viable to be turned into fics!!!!! two years ago i made a list of every idea i thought should at least see the light of day in threadfic form if not an actual fic and it came out to 30 fics lol (and that was cutting it down to the essentials)
the thing is, very few of my WIPs are ever 'abandoned' in my mind, it's more like... i put them in my mental freezer. on hold / on ice. and some of them are closer to the front and get taken out and rotated around and worked on more often, while others are shoved to the far back of the freezer as i say "i'll make that someday" and forget it exists til the next time im reminded of it. there's only a few that i'd actually toss in the trash (aka truly abandon and never work on again).
the ones that are definitely abandoned in that i know i dont Want to write them are all on the more domestic romcom side (think like 'meaner than mean' or 'i like us like this') i know people like those but they're the hardest thing for me to write, those were the most annoyed i've ever felt while writing, i would literally groan out loud working on them, i am rly only happy writing conflict/angst or pwp lol
tbh, if i were to be realistic with myself, i'd say most of these wip's are 'abandoned' in that i probably will never get around to finishing them. but i dont want to call them abandoned because i do like the plots, and think ppl would like them, and want to share them!!! i just think they would suck / not be fun to write. Maybe Someday i will do an archival effort and work on translating as many of them as i can into threadfic form so they see the light of day in some format and are no longer abandoned to rot in my docs... bc there's no way that most of them are ever going to be written the way i wish i could do them justice :') and then i can abandon them knowing that ppl at least got to read a vague outline of what could have been
fun fact: i opened the aforementioned list of all these ideas to count and on one of them, a fic i've been poking at since 2018, i have the note "finish this or die" next to it. guess i know which one i've picked atp 🪦
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btsandvmin · 3 years
A Vmin throwback - 2019 (Part 1)
3 years I have been making this post now, and every year people keep saying Vmin is dead, less close or even fake. I usually say: Do you have eyes? 
Vmin surely proved you wrong this time and I think at this point their bond is hard to deny. This post has been really difficult to make, both because of the amount of moments and also because it’s more difficult to find good gifs for everything and I can’t include twitter videos in this type of post. Just know there was a lot of moments I had to skip.
2019 was the year of the pig, aka. the year of everyone born 1995. So in this year of Vmin of course they have given us plenty of moments to gush about. In fact despite the break we have gotten spoiled with a lot of really great Vmin moments. So without much further ado let’s get this started!
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There is a lot more Vmin under the cut. You have been warned.
I will cheat a little and start with Taehyung’s birthday bomb, which wasn’t released until 2019. Vmin were very cute in it.
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The first time I saw this I couldn’t believe it. Who looks at someone like that while they are feeding them?
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The year started of with a lot of good Vmin selcas, but even though we might not have gotten many tweets in total what we did get was still great!
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And don’t you all dare forget that Jimin posted this the day after Valentines!
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Then admittedly we had nothing in terms of selcas for almost the rest of the year, but thankfully Jimin came through and tweeted for Taehyung’s birthday.
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Something big they did this year was of course making songs! Jimin released Promise right at the end of 2018 and Tae (the best photographer) provided the cover photos.
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One month later Tae released Scenery. But not without Jimin accidentally spoiling it first.
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He was very apologetic about it.
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They both supported each other a lot and gave us a lot of cute moments in relations to their songs.
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Jimin even sang Scenery and basically just promoted and loved it a lot. But even that was nothing compared to what was to come... I am talking about Winter Bear of course, which Jimin loves so much and has promoted more than anything ever before.
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He did three vlives in a row where he gushed about the song and promoted it, and even told us stories about him and Taehyung. 
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He also mentioned how he wanted to keep the song and his friend (Taehyung) to himself. The name of the first Vlive was even Say hello to me, a line from the song. Basically Jimin is both supportive and possessive in regards to Taehyung.
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He sang it constantly and told us he listened to it every night falling asleep to it and even dreaming about it. 
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True love and support right there! He also gifted Tae the two bears he used on the cover.
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Movin on let’s look at the Run episodes of this year, because as usual they provided us with tons of Vmin moments.
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It’s actually kind of overwhelming so I had to skip a lot because right off the bat they just...
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First Run episode of the year and we already were in for a great start! And who knew we would get to see Vmin hold hands for minutes? I mean, Vmin seems to just have glued their hands together this year.
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Stick to my side might as well be the Vmin slogan of the year. :P
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And Run just kept on giving…
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Tae wants Jimin to be sexy. But not too sexy….
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Of course they also took selcas we will never get to see…
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And some we did get to see…
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The Canada episodes truly blessed us.
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We even got to see Vmin share a bed for the first (but not the last) time, even if I don’t have a pic included.
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They don’t even have to be on the same team...
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Or even win… They still somehow congratulate each other.
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Wo do love Vmin on the same team though.
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They have both just seemed really happy and carefree this year!
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I don’t even know how many times Jimin has said I love you to Taehyung this year… But it’s a lot.
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Actually we have seen Jimin trust Tae a little too much.
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But let’s move on, because we have much more to go through. This year we actually got some really good vlive moment from Vmin (besides the ones for Winter Bear I mean.). It started with the Grammy vlive.
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We had Vmin doing, something… In the Hobi birthday Vlive.
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And not soon after we got the infamous Rkive Vlive. Showing us some of the weirdest Vmin behaviours yet.
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The clinginess is a lot… I see why they might avoid Vlives alone, because they can’t even behave when they are with someone.
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I already mentioned the Winter Bear vlives.
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The year also ended well with some nice Vmin from Jin’s Bday Vlive.
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We of course also had a comeback with Boy with Luv that Taehyung made sure to add some Vmin to right away.
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And Vmin really made sure to make this their song. Love is nothing stronger...
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We also can’t forget the Lights MV.
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And then for the tour. Obviously we got a ton of Vmin moments.
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Special shoutout to Hong Kong.
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I mean tours are always good, but the amounts of hugs and happy Vmin.
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Tae holding Jimin’s hand to comfort him in Brazil when Jimin was sick and couldn’t sing well.
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We also got Tae comforting Jimin in London.
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And with this sweet moment, that I was lucky enough to see live, let’s end this post. It’s too long anyways, and will likely crash for many of you. As you may know I started this post in late 2019 but had so much trouble making it as Tumblr didn’t want to save my changes. I tried to remake it several times and at some point just gave up.
Then, I realized that the post is too long anyway and I might as well just post what I had if it managed to save the end part. Meaning this text here. So basically all of this post except this ending part was written and put together years ago. I know it says part 1, but I am not sure there will be a part 2 considering the problem with long posts. Just know 2019 was a great year for Vmin (as every year is), and that I didn’t even get to include everything (note the absence of Bon Voyage for example).  But finally it is done! I am so glad it saved this part and the tags. T_T
Thank you for reading, liking and reblogging (if tumblr allows it), and sorry for the delay.  💜
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lesbian-vmin · 3 years
When providing links to videos, I’m going to try my best to find subbed versions for you guys.
Anyway. Here’s the jacket shooting for their debut album. (Moments below the cut)
When this video first came out, it was honestly so cute to me. But it’s nothing compared to the more recent content that we get from BTS now, honestly.
Since this is my Vmin blog, I’ll point out the two Vmin moments from this video, but I also want to talk about some other things just reminiscing, you know?
First of all. They’re all absolute babies here, and they are all so adorable. 
I’m not much of a “serious” shipper...I ship for fun (even with people I know in real life...it’s always playful and not serious and my friends know that. we all joke about it...), and one of the first two ships that caught my attention in this video was Yoon / kook and Vmin. Vmin didn’t become my favorite right away, but this was the very first video in which there was any moments at all. And it’s one of their first videos released where we get to see some of their personality. So Vmin has always been present. Right from the very start.
The first vmin moment I noticed was the one at the end (x) where Jimin is watching Taehyung’s photoshoot. He calls Taehyung a “pretty boy idol” and even calls him cute. In the early days, that was the first moment I noticed.
Just now, rewatching this video with the stronger Vmin shipper inside of me, there’s another small moment that I wanted to point out. When talking about who was the “best looking” in the photo, Jimin starts to point at Taehyung before deciding to pick himself. (x) It’s possible that he wanted to poke fun at Taehyung, but decided not to. And an infinite amount of other things. So look at it how you want. But it’s just something I noticed rewatching it now.
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jiminslight · 3 years
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jiminnie-koala and his tete ♡
trans cr. bangtansubs
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mistymay9520 · 3 years
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Throwback to when @kpopeverythingg012 and I did a V and Jimin cosplay for Tekko. Damn I miss cosplaying and hope to get back to it soon.
I know this is posted on my old account @pipermaycosplays but that account is inactive for several reasons and Im starting over here.
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arreisstorm · 4 years
I honestly expected We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal to be the final blow, but instead our queen anthem and the song Yoongi has now deemed a 'zombie that will never die' did that! I've heard Spring Day more times than I can count and I've never cried harder at the boys singing "보고 싶다" to ARMY more than in this moment.
This entire concert was amazing! Not only did we get beautiful (and comedic gold *cough cough* NamGi) performances of the three legendary subunit songs "Jamais Vu", "Respect", and "Friends", but we also got a sneak peek into the set list for the actual MoTS: Tour with 2 of the best songs from MoTS: 7, "UGH!" and "00:00"! Plus the fact that everyone looked so happy and excited to be performing again made my heart feel the exact same!
Thank you BTS for this enormous outpouring of love, laughter, and, of course, if you're like me, some inevitable tears. You guys didn't have to go through all of this time, work, and effort to put on a concert like this, but you knew how much ARMY and BTS missed each other and how much we all needed this right now 😭😭😭
I 💜 you all!
And now for a few of my favorite moments:
▪Throwback songs! "Dope", "Boyz With Fun", "Like", etc.
This opening was 💯!!!
▪Hobi's bracelets, you know the ones he hand-made on VLive and expressed doubts about his boys wearing them, and then cut to this absolutely precious moment of their loving reactions and huge smiles receiving them!
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Also this adorable tidbit 😭😵
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▪Joon's "Happy Birthday BTS" lyric change in Just One Day broke me.
▪Every. Single. Sub. Unit. Song.
Jamais Vu:
The VOCALS + set and those fits. JanJanKook, the perfect trio we all needed!
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The fits, the choreo, the 80's club theme, Joon's laugh and Yoong's gummy smile. This was so freaking adorable! NamGi superior!
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Also, the LGBTQ+ color rep here (intentionally or not 🤷‍♂️) was perfect for Pride month 😭😭😭💜🏳️‍🌈
They wore their actual school uniforms, the pinky fingers, the Dumpling skit, and they held hands and wouldn't let go.
"You are my Soulmate"
VMin really said all other friendships are invalid.
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▪The Umbrella Remix of BWL feat. ARMY BOMBS!
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▪Anpanman + the giant ARMY BOMB hero hanging above the boys
And finally...
This is a song that is all about missing someone so bad that your heart can't help but to hurt, yet despite that pain, you still find yourself holding out hope regardless knowing that a better day will eventually come and the time you get to see that special person again will be just around the corner.
This is BTS's ending promise to ARMY, that no matter the circumstances or whatever obstacles this world tries to throw in our path, there will always be 7 angels waiting for us on the other side.
We are family and that will never change.
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In case any of the moments listed above didn't make you emotional enough, I'll leave you with possibly the most precious, heartwarming moment I've ever seen from our boys. Watch and cry with me, they love us so much!
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archlovesvmin · 1 year
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It’s Sprite time with the soulmates 😎
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mrskimjoonie · 5 years
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190217 - LYS Tour in Fukuoka
©️MrsKimJoonie for unwhitewhashing
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sheescake · 6 years
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kpopaudioedit · 6 years
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lesbian-vmin · 3 years
Blessing your feed with cuddling VMIN. If this is how they sleep in front of others, how much sweeter can it get when it’s just the two of them?  Plus, them still wanting to sleep together sometimes after all these years. I love them so much, it hurts.
I mean, this type of thing would be more like fan service rather than them sleeping like this in front of others. But it still super sweet nonetheless. uwu
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jikookestsince201x · 6 years
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Soft for Soulmates T.T
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kyungsugoi · 7 years
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Throwback to May 26th 2013 - The Debut trailer where baby V was mentioned for the first time and everyone was WIGGIN THE FRICK OUT!
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devilxadxxqt · 6 years
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archlovesvmin · 2 years
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The number of years they have added to my lifespan...
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