apt502-if · 10 months
Being so emotionally constipated that they would watch the love of their life go out with someone else before being honest about their own feelings:
L 🤝 A
Truly clown to clown communication
Meanwhile Cal thinks they have their romantic life set and they are convinced they are emotionally stable and mature only for a Calmancer MC to kick down the door and ruin it :P
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corvidscreams · 11 months
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drawing cal eating my most questionable meals part 1
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gobblewonk · 4 months
i don't have a scale! i have mixed feelings about that bc on one hand, i'm not going crazy and obsessing over weighing myself, but on the other hand, it's driving me a little crazy not knowing how much i actually weigh!!! 😭😭💀
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ignorancelive · 1 year
made myself rice and tuna with a little avocado on top PLEASE for the love of god clap
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castielsparkle · 2 years
hm throwback to when i had a fun little dressup transgender moment and gay posed with my gay roommate
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
calum has felt truly seen by himself and his bandmates and his sister and roy :')
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cptnbeefhrt · 1 month
but on a way better note n a big reason im feelin better is i have a job interview at the location right by my apartment im movin into for a full time position…
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zouisalmightie · 4 months
oh my goooooood my landlord sold my building so i have to move i hate california places are so expensive why does it cost 2k to live in the hood???? where i live is so nice and quiet i don’t wonna leeeeeaaaavvvveee 😭
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furiosopetalo · 1 year
is it that hard opening a fucking window???????
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apt502-if · 1 year
And Cal? Will A and L be able to tell that they have feelings for the MC?
yes and no. cal is not good at hiding their feelings but they will do everything in their power to push it down since they're in a relationship they *believe* is the one for them. L and A will basically be like "wait a second...no, can't be..." Cal and their partner were considered That Couple you wish to be. One of those "once in a lifetime" lucky ones. Cal has never looked at anyone else until MC. They'll brush it off as a fluke or a playground crush.
Cal will do everything in their power to detach themself from MC.
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calli0p3 · 1 year
also terrible terrible discovery. i cannot do homework anymore without listening to a specific bossa nova jazz playlist. idek how this happened.
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tinylittlebab · 2 years
oh. i guess since i probably wont be able to exercise today/tomorrow anyway i should just starve
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karkatnip · 2 years
Death by Second-hand Inhalation of Cherry-flavored Vape Smoke
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lovelytsunoda · 15 days
the puppy bowl. | lance stroll
summary: one simply does not wear a joe burrow jersey to the puppy bowl. or, an important fact gets left out of the super bowl party invitation
pairing; lance stroll x girlfriend!reader
warnings: miscommunication, the relationship is still fairly new , kinda gets a bit frisky in like the middle-ish, lance gets wherever the dog version of baby fever is, i talk about lance's tattoo again because its one of my favorite lance related topics.
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“brad said the guys are on their way, they’re just stopping to get some beer. you guys want anything?”
yn shook her head, placing a large bowl of doritos on the coffee table, next to a tray lined with soft drinks. “I’m good, you guys know I don’t drink anyways. but if you guys want something go ahead.”
“you sure? not even a coffee or anything?” ella asked, leaning against the kitchen counter. “I can send brad to tim’s. he won’t mind.”
“go on then, grab me a medium white hot chocolate. has he picked up lance? I haven’t heard from him all morning.”
by the tv, her other roommate, faith laughed. “he’s fine. james took his phone when he got in the truck. last I heard they were singing wonderwall in a liquor store parking lot.”
the girls had lived together for going on five years, an arrangement that had started back in college when they were randomly selected as roommates by the colleges matching system. they survived the three years of hell spent in student accommodations before faiths parents (who owned a property rental company) helped them pool their resources together and get the house together. somewhere along the line, this vaguely sports related party had become a tradition, with their boyfriends joining one by one, starting with brad.
“be nice to him, guys. we’ve only been going out for a few months, and I’d like him to stick around.”
elle giggled. “what, do you think we’re going to haze him?”
she paused, thinking about what had happened to james during his first puppy bowl. “something like that.”
“he’ll be fine! I’m sure he can handle james and brad. they’re harmless.” faith insisted, pulling y/n in for a hug. “I can’t wait to meet him properly.”
there was a knock at the front door that was clearly intended only as a courtesy as they could hear a key turning in the lock shortly after. brad pushed the door open, marching inside with his ball cal on backwards and a six pack of budweiser in his hand.
“who’s ready for some sports, bitches!”
“language!” elle scolded, walking around the couch to give her boyfriend a kiss. it was only a matter of time before they moved in together, but the housing market was harsh and it was more likely brad would be moving in to the rental house than elle moving out of it. “hi sexy.”
slinking in the back and helping james carry some boxes was lance. yn’s heart warmed at the sight of him. his goofy smile, fluffy hair contained in a backwards baseball cap. and was that a cincinnati bengals jersey?
“oh, sweetie, did they tell you this was a super bowl party?” she tried not to laugh as she kissed him gently. “this is a puppy bowl party. we aren’t sports people.”
a slow, horrified look spread across lances face as brad and james burst out laughing. faith rolled her eyes and smacked her boyfriend playfully in the chest, and yn did the same, reaching for a pillow on the couch.
“hey, it was brads idea!” he insisted “hurt him, not me!”
faith smiled apologetically. “I apologize for my boyfriend. hes a bit of a wanker.”
“come on,” yn insisted, tugging lance gently in the direction of the small staircase leading to the backsplit addition. “I’ve still got a few of your shirts in a drawer somewhere that if forgot to give back.”
she was acutely aware of the wolf whistling behind them, followed by a muffled apology from brad. she was also very aware that this was the first time that lance would be seeing her room.
she opened the door slowly, shyly ducking in and closing the door behind them. lance walked towards the bed, taking in the pale blue walls, the collection of postcards tacked above her desk, all the places she had been on the travels. the bookshelves lining one wall, filled with colourful spines. the double bed in the middle of the room, with it’s simple duvet and mountain of stuffed animals.
"don't mind brad and james. they can be a little overzealous when they've been drinking."
lance snickered. "i think james had already had a few by the time we got to costco. try and keep him away from the bud light if you can. get some water in him."
"so that's how you ended up singing wonderwall in the liquor store parking lot?"
she crouched in front of her dresser, opening the bottom drawer and extracting the shirt on top, a linen button down of lance's that hse had borrowed and never given back.
"you listen to frankie goes to hollywood?" lance asked, nodding towards the crates of vinyl records sitting by her desk. "i thought only people my dad's age liked them."
"funnily enough, that crate is all ones my dad didn't want any more." she laughed, tossing him the shirt. "what can i say, i'm an old soul. you've been in the car with me, you know what i listen to."
"i love your old soul." lance encouraged, tugging her closer by the belt loops. she rested her hands on his shoulders, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
"need help getting that jersey off?"
lance laughed, stretching up to kiss her. "you know i can never say no to you."
"so if i asked for oasis tickets you could make it happen?'
"do you even have to ask? i will carry you on my shoulders for the whole concert if it means i get to see your face light up when 'don't look back in anger' starts playing."
she smiled softly, kissing him again. "i love you. and it's okay if you can't say it back yet, i just want you to know how i feel."
lance kissed her again, smooth hands traveling over her thighs. "no need. i'm in love with you too. all of you. your old soul, your bright smile."
laughing, she kissed him again, harder this time, her fingers gripping and tugging at his bengals jersey. giggles got caught in clambering kisses as lance picked her up, flipping their bodies over so that he was caging her against the bed. somewhere in the movement, his baseball cap flew off, landing on the hardwood somewhere. he tugged the jersey over his head, mussing his hair and exposing his gorgeous, toned chest.
she ran her hands over his chest, and then over the tattoo on his ribcage, the delicate hebrew under her fingers.
"what does it mean? the tattoo?"
"fortune favours the bold." he said it again in hebrew, his voice soft as he caressed her face.
he leaned in to kiss her again when they were interrupted by a knock on the door.
"the pre show is starting!" faith shouted "you'd better not be getting naked in there! and if you are, use a condom! i'm too young and fabulous to be an auntie!"
they paused for a moment, staring at each other before they burst out laughing.
"come on, let's head back down. you won't want to miss this, especially if you've never seen a puppy bowl before." yn beamed, slipping out from underneath lance and passing him his shirt. "stay here tonight?"
she could have sworn she saw a blush take over his pale features. "you really want me to?"
"yeah. yeah, i do."
still smiling, the went back to the living room with rosy cheeks and intertwined hands. elle and faith were sitting next to each other on the l-shaped couch, their boyfriends on their other sides. the "L" of the couch was still available, and lance was all to eager to cuddle up with his sweet girl.
"hey, man. sorry about the super bowl thing." brad said apologetically. "we did it to james too, but we meant nothing by it. you're a great guy, welcome to the group."
"thanks man." lance grinned, reaching over to give brad a fist bump.
"guys, guys!" elle shouted. "it's starting!"
"that's him, the cocker spaniel is my guy!" james yelled, jabbing his finger at a cocker spaniel named sparkles that was trotting onto the green.
yn's heart melted as she saw the puppies take their places at the start. if she had the space (or the money) she'd adopt one of the puppies herself.
"we should get a dog." lance whispered behind her.
"babe, where is the dog going to stay? we don't even live together."
"we can coparent." he insisted. "come on, look at that dachshund with the tiny legs and big eyes. is she not the cutest thing you've ever seen?"
well, lance had a point there. the doxie, named peanut, was adorable, the way she trotted across the green, trying to tug the squishy football from the mouth of a labrador three times her size.
"one day. i promise you that. but let's get through the housing crisis first." she insisted, kissing lance softly. "let's be dog parents."
her phone buzzed by her thigh where she left it on the couch, the screen lighting up with messages to the roommate group chat.
ellie: he's a keeper! such a sweetie!
faith: keep him!!! you guys are so good together <3
she smiled to herself, resting her head against lance's chest. he curled an arm around her, pressing his lips to the side of her head.
"i love you." he whispered, running a hand up and down her arm.
"love you too." she smiled, sinking into him.
"james!" faith shouted in the background. "no more beers for you! get a goddamn glass of water!"
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shesoutofhere · 3 months
Meet Me in the Corner pt.2
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Ignore all typos or I will cry.
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter is starting to grow on you but the Parker persona is not.
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4
“So he totally blue-balled you.” your roommate says from her desk where she's painting her nails. 
“Mar that totally isn’t how you use that phrase.”
Mar has made you tell her what happened with Peter about 10 times now. Every time you re-tell it, she's come to the conclusion that Peter Parker is an asshole. 
“Okay well you get what I mean. Maybe you should request a new partner.”
Maybe not, Peter may have been an ass but you’d be lying if you said his work wasn’t good.
“Look Mar, maybe I just caught him on a bad day, I don’t know.” 
Marlene whips her head around, nail polish still in hand. “Oh don’t you start with that benefit of the doubt bullshit.”
You sigh, “Requesting a new partner is out of the question okay, I don’t want to seem like a difficult priss, especially since professor Cal already doesn’t like me.”
Mar gives you an obviously fake smile, “that is not true.” 
You give her a look and she grimaces, she’s started something.
“Professor Cal despises me and I don’t know why but  he does.” 
You feel your anger bubble up. You know you’re about to go on a rant and Mar, being a saint, listens. 
“He is constantly nitpicking everything I do and never fails to ridicule my projects in front of everyone. Nothing I do impresses him and I just-” you pause, “I think Peter might help.”
Mar shrugs her shoulders, “I’m still iffy since the blue-balling and all but whatever you think love.”
You giggle as Mar turns back towards her desk, “Hey Mar?”
“Yeah” she answers.
“Next time we're at the bookstore, remind me to buy you an urban dictionary.”
Mar just gives you a thumbs up.
You’re five minutes into your walk and realized a little too late that you need a scarf. You could turn back around and go get one but then you’d have to hear Mar say she told you so and that just won't do.
You decide to tough it out.
After a brisk walk, you make it to the library. Once you’re inside you decide that you’re going to treat yourself to a nice warm tea. You enter the library cafe and order your tea. Once it’s in hand you go to look for a spot to hunker down in.
You make your way through the floors and find yourself heading to the spot you found in the corner. When you turn the bookshelf you are surprised to see the spot empty. 
You immediately sit down and start taking your things out. 
You’re taking your laptop out of the case when you hear someone's shoes scuff to a quick stop. You look to see a surprised Peter Parker. Not very pleased with how he left you hanging yesterday, you just eye him up and down until your eyes reach his again. Peter is just standing there and you can’t help but ask, “ Can I help you?”
Peter walks a bit closer towards the table before he answers. “No, I was just checking to see if the spot was empty but it’s not so.” He says dragging the O.
Peter stands there expectantly, like he’s waiting for you to ask him to sit. You don’t, so he cracks first. “Do you mind if I sit with you, all the other floors are too loud and I really need some peace and quiet.” 
Surprised that  he actually asked you, in a nice manner at that, you just nod yes.
He moves to sit in the chair across from you. The tables are big enough to where both of you can spread out your work comfortably but you still can’t help but feel on edge. You didn’t come to the library expecting to see Peter, let alone have him sitting with you. 
You try your best to chill out, reminding yourself that you were here first and if anyone should feel mildly unwelcomed, it should be him. With that you decide to start typing up an article for a paper. 
You’re both quietly working when Peter speaks up. “What’cha working on?”
Trying not to lose your spot, you continue typing away and give a simple response. “An article”
You sigh, whatever groove you had originally found, is all gone now.
“A paper.”
“Which one?”
“An art paper.”
“Oh cool, what do you write?”
You look up from your computer to look at him. “What happened to peace and quiet?”
Peter seems a bit taken aback. You feel bad so you quickly follow up, “I write about up and coming artists. Whether that be new exhibits they have or just sit down interviews about their lives.” 
Peter stays quiet so you continue, “I also do in-depth reviews over specific expo’s and the fundraiser’s some of them work for.”
Peter crosses his arms and nods, “Cool cool.”
You give him a quiet ‘yup’ and go back to typing. You get about a sentence in before Peter interrupts you again. 
“Is that how you knew about the donors gala?”
You nod, “Sort of, but I really learned more about it through Austin.” 
“Art museum friend?”
You give him another nod, “art museum friend.” 
Peter just nods some more and leans back into his chair.
“Since we're on the topic, what exactly is the gala for anyways?”
Abandoning all hope for your article, you push your laptop away to fully engage with Peter.
“A bunch of the school's donors get together for a night and do a dinner and an auction. A lot of the art auctioned off is work that students have put together. Those students get invited and get to mingle with some pretty important people. Some even come out with internships or commissions.”
Peter can’t hide his surprise, “that's actually….really cool.”
You can’t help but agree, “yeah, even cooler that we get to go.” 
Peter sits up, “speaking of, how about we knock out that outline?”
You would be lying if you said you weren’t thrown off. Last time you saw Peter he was a bit of an asshole. Now, he’s tolerable and dare you say, easy to talk to. Whatever it is, you aren’t complaining.
“Yeah, let me pull up the sheet.”
You and Peter brainstorm for a while. Deciding on different angles and how to approach the assignment. After a while you guys decide on a solid plan and you begin to type it up on the outline. 
“So, you’re pretty lucky to have Cal as a professor, considering you write articles and all.”
You wince but continue to type, Peter notices. “What’s the face for?”
You let out a puff of air “I have this running theory that Cal is not very fond of me.” 
Peter looks intrigued. “Whaaat, Cal doesn’t like you? That can’t be true. What makes you say that?”
You shrug your shoulders, “he’s pretty, um, critical of my work. He also loves to pick on me and my ideas.” you double down, “like I said, theory.” 
Peter gives you a smile. “Uh oh, should I be worried about our project?” you know he’s joking, or you hope he’s joking, but you can’t help but genuinely worry.
Before you can really get into your head, Peter taps the table to get your attention. “Hey, I'm sure it’s gonna be fine. Plus I'm on the team now and I don’t mean to brag but my work is brilliant.”
Successfully making you feel better, you roll your eyes jokingly. “Yeah yeah I get it, Peter the almighty photographer.” 
Peter smirks, “so you’ve heard of my work?” 
You scoff, “oh come off it Peter.” 
All he does is laugh and starts to gather his things.
You can’t help but feel a bit sad?
“Well I’ve got to head out but let me know if you need any help on the outline.”
You nod, “Yeah, I think I should be good. I’ll finish it up and send it to you to look over.” 
Peter stands up and swings his bag over his shoulder, “if you want to, but I have full faith in you. You’re the writer after all.” 
You can’t help but smile at the compliment. “Look at us, the dream team.” 
Peter laughs and starts to walk away. “Oh yeah, Cal’s got nothing on us.” 
You let out a laugh at his comment. Peter turns to give a wave goodbye and turns the corner out of your eyesight. 
After a bit, you finish the outline, look it over a couple of times and once you’ve decided it’s perfect, you go ahead and submit it.
You send the file to Peter so he can go ahead and submit it for his class. Feeling pleased with the work you’ve done today, you decide to head out.
It’s Wednesday and you’ve just finished up with Cal’s class. You linger a little bit behind, finishing up the notes left on the board. Once you are done you begin to gather up your things and head for the door. Before you can make it out Cal calls out your name to stay behind for a sec. 
You halt in your steps and turn around to walk back to his podium. A fellow classmate gives you a sympathetic smile as she walks by you. You can’t help but dread what's to come.
Call talks to every other student before he gets to you. You can’t help but feel like he’s left you for last on purpose. You get up to his podium. He’s flipping through his stack of papers, when he pulls out a sheet of paper. You read the top and see that it’s your outline paper. 
Cal speaks first. “So, you and mister Parker are doing the donors gala?”
You nod, “yes sir.”
He just hums and looks down at the outline. He rubs his chin while he reads over the paper. 
“How will that work out?”
Here he goes. “Well Peter will take photos and I’ll write up the article.” 
Cal sighs, “yes I understand that but how are you guys attending? Will you be a guest? Workers? Volunteers?”
You pull your hands behind your back and try your best not to seem nervous. “We’ll be guests, sir. I know someone working the event and-” 
 Cal cuts you off, “So you’ll be loitering?” 
You dig your nails into your palms, trying to remain calm. “No sir, I know someone working who has offered guest passes and I’ve received invitations from an exhibit I write for.” 
“Ah” is all Cal says.
There's a bit of silence when Cal finally looks up from your paper. “ This is a very important event for the school and students involved.” Cal pauses, “you understand that you’ll be mingling with very important people?”
You nod, “of course professor.”
Cal grabs the paper and goes to hand it to you. Before you can grab it he pulls it back. “It’s an honor to be able to attend this gala. You will represent not only me but our school as well. I believe you’re one of the only students to have offered this idea up for the project. I’ll approve it but please note that I am expecting a lot considering how important of an event this is.”
You give another nod, beyond ready for this to be over. “Of course.”
Cal gives a curt nod, “very well then.” he hands over your paper, “I'm looking forwards to seeing you both there.”
You say goodbye and head out the door, paper gripped in your hand. 
When you make it far enough you look down at your outline. You sigh as you see all the markings on it. There's minimal notes on Peter’s ideas for the photos but your angle portions are all scribbled on. 
At the very top it reads ‘revise and turn in again by Friday.’
You think if you look at paper any longer you’ll cry. You shove it in your backpack and begin your walk to your next class. 
With your morning ruined, you can only hope that the rest of the day will be better.
Evil Cal has placed a curse on your day. You should’ve known his class would be an indication for how the rest of your day would go. 
You’d completely forgotten to finish your pre-lab for your lab, which led you to have to stay behind an extra thirty minutes to finish it. Those extra thirty minutes made you extremely late for your next class. You had run across campus in hopes of catching some part of the lesson. When you finally make it, dripping in sweat and out of breath, you walk up to the door and read the sign that your class has been canceled for the day. Just to top it all off, it started raining and you’ve got no umbrella with you so you had to go to the student store and spend an absurd amount of money on the smallest umbrella you’ve ever seen. 
You’re now walking towards your dorm, in no real rush. You’ve accepted that you’re going to be soaked by the rain, thanks to your ridiculously small umbrella. Your shoes make a squish sound with every step you take and you’ve got your backpack on your front side, hoping to protect what's inside. 
All is well until a gust of wind has the umbrella flying out of hand, poking you in the head on the way out. Your eyes drift to where it landed. You are extremely surprised when you catch sight of Peter holding the umbrella. You wave at him and get a small smile back. You think nothing of it as you walk over to him. When you get close you realize that he isn’t alone.
Peter is standing with a group of people under an awning of one of the classroom buildings. One guy looks familiar and you realize it’s the guy that interrupted you and Peter the first day you guys met. 
He gives you a wave and hello.
“Hey, we met the other day right?” 
You nod, “yeah” 
He extends his hand, “I didn’t properly introduce myself, I’m Nolan.”
You shake his hand and introduce yourself as well.
Peter is still holding your umbrella but hasn’t said a word to you yet.
You’re about to ask Peter for your umbrella when one of the girls from the group speak’s up. 
“How do we know you exactly?”  Okay wow, she’s a bit blunt. 
Nolan replies for you, “this is Parker's partner for that class he was talking about.”
She nods “Oh yeahh,  I remember. The project he’s worried about.”
Peter gives her a look and cuts in, “Charlotte.”  She just shrugs her shoulders. “What, were you not saying that you were worried.” 
Everyone but Nolan and Peter snicker. It’s like they know something that you don’t and you feel a pit form in your stomach. 
You can’t hold your tongue and look Peter right in the eyes. “What are you so worried about Peter?” 
He stutters, “well after what you told me I-” Charlotte clearly is having too much fun and decides to answer for him. “Parker here is worried about you guys failing the project, considering your track record and all.” 
Your stunned silent. You can’t remember the last time someone has been so blatantly rude to you. It reminds you too much of highschool and it’s upsetting you. What upsets you the most is the lack of Peters defense.
Your new found friend Nolan even says something, “Oh Charlotte don’t be like that.”
Charlotte just can’t seem to let it go, “I'm sorry, did he not say she hasn’t been able to ace a project.”  she looks at you with mock sympathy. “Don’t worry, I’m sure this project will exceed expectations.”
You feel your eyes begin to sting. You berate yourself in your head for tearing up. You blame the draining day you’ve had for the lack of self restraint.
You clear your throat. “Well Charlotte.” you turn to Peter who’s still not said a word. “Thanks for enlightening me on Parker's worries.” you snatch your umbrella out of his hand and walk away, offering no goodbyes. You faintly hear Nolan scold Charlotte but the giggle that follows tells that she doesn’t take it seriously. 
You speed walk as fast as you can, when you hear Peter call out your name. You don’t stop. You walk faster hoping that he’ll get the memo. You halt to stop when Peter steps in front of you. 
“Hey don’t listen to Charlotte. She’s kind of a-” you cut him off, “a bitch?” 
Peter winces, “I mean for lack of better words, yeah.”
Peter can tell you’re still upset and tries to lighten the mood. “Hey so I got this lens for the assignment, it's supposed to be really nice for night shots.” 
You are in awe. Is he really trying to completely disregard what just happened?
You deadpan, “real neat Parker, I gotta go.” you try to walk past him, but he manages to step right in the direction you're heading. “Hey, look, I’m really sorry but-”
You scoff, “but what?” you’re pissed off now. “I tell you something in confidence and you go and blab about it to all your friends.” you’re not done yet. “Speaking of your friends, that Charlotte one has a real shit-attitude. I am no one to judge who you can be friends with, especially since we aren't.” Peter frowns at that. “But it’s really telling about your character if that’s who you choose to hang with.” 
The rain begins to pick up again and you grip your umbrella harder, Peter still stands in front of you, now getting rained on. You believe you’ve had enough and step aside to go around Peter. Somehow he’s managed to line himself in front of you once again.
“Hey come on, it doesn’t have to be like that.” your eyes widen, genuinely shocked by his audacity. “You’ve got to be joking right? Peter you just let Regina George 2.0 make fun of me based off of whatever information you blabbed about.” 
Peter opens and closes his mouth, like he’s at a loss of what to say. You shake your head. “Whatever, you don’t owe me anything.” This time you’re set on getting away. Peter sticks his hand out. “Wait can I just-” you put your hand on his shoulder and shove him to the side. Peter is thrown off by this and it gives you a chance to get ahead of him. You think he’s gotten the message because he doesn’t call after you again. 
You make it to the crosswalk and wait for the light. You can’t help but look back at the group. Peters made it back and is laughing away with the rest of them. You can only assume he’s blowing off what just happened. 
You pull out your phone and immediately text Mar.
Peter Parker IS an asshole.
 Cal can kiss my ass.
ALSO, we need a bigger a umbrella. 
You see the dots and receive her response.
Oh honey, I'm ready and waiting. 
Doors unlocked 
You see the light turn green and give one final once over at the group. Seeing the group reignites your anger and you stomp your way across the street. 
Mar is about to have the biggest I told you so moment ever.
Peter is so #fake and i kinda love it.
Also, sorry to all the Charlottes out there, you're my villain of choice :)
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cptnbeefhrt · 2 months
yall i aint even religious but start wishin n hopin n prayin i get a position secured before i move out
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