#roose fryburn
Okay okay this just hit me. Remember this tweet by Max? Where he names four Blackwing Projects? Roose Fryburn, Marjory Teeple, Kevin Nothiere and Mona Wilder?
So we know now Mona is the shapeshifter. But I was looking at other names and was like “haha, Fry-burn, Max and his wacky names- wait holyshit”. Because you know who one of the projects Friedkin mentioned was? Yup, ‘the human bomb’. Fry. Burn. 
And then like... Kevin Nothiere? Kevin Not-here (or not-there idk)? Is he the invisible guy?
Still idk what Teeple might mean but maybe I just don’t have the right english word in my brain to solve it...
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mrrrzetta · 5 years
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I don't think I posted those aesthetics here. All of them inspired by DGHDA Ridgely AU.
#1 is dedicated to Mexican Funeral 2.0 (Todd Brotzman, Roose Fryburn, Marjory Teeple, Kevin Nothiere)
#2 Dirk/agent R (fancast for charming CIA is equally charming Jamie Parker)
#3 Svlad Cjelli/Gertie Mcclure (alt!Dirk is you know who, feisty hypnotist is Olivia Ross)
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General information (DGS3 Project)
Hello everyone, thank you for being interested in the project! Here’s what you need to know:
Basic idea: The basic idea is to write season three of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency in script form in a way so that it could potentially be produced as a radio show, just like in the good old Douglas Adams time. (Reason: Ideate Media already seemed interested in a Dirk radio show and a possible production would be less expensive. Plus: A radio show script is a bit closer to an actual book, thus more enjoyable to read for others and easier to write.
Genre: Since we already had a “murder mystery” and a fantasy season I’d like to go into thesci-fi direction for season three.
Plot: We focus on the show bible (https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.zen134237.zen.co.uk/Dirk_Gently/Dirk_Gently_-_Bible.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjHuMCW2uXdAhVBHSwKHS8DBaIQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw09oiiGLb2MlcnhcKLjoxM4) and keep the tone of the show. I plan on working with what we already know about season three (hyperintelligent lethal children kidnapping an alien, the broken universe with Amanda having to fix it, Dirk x Assistent romance, Farah joining Blackwing, Bart/Ken(/Priest) ‘villain’ team, Mexican Funeral reunion, Friedkin’s new job in the void, Dirk’s little agency and also include the already mentioned holistics Marjory Teeple, Kevin Nothiere and Roose Fryburn.
How do I plan on doing this whole thing? 1. We hope that enough people want to join in as writers. Best case scenario: 8-12 people. 2. Depending on how many people we are in the end, we agree on how many episodes we want. 3. We all brainstorm together to come up with a case, the most important plot points 4. Characterizations for the new characters (Roose Fryburn, Kevin Nothiere, Marjory Teeple and others) 5. Separate stories (including a character development arc) which work with the case for our main characters 6. We fit the most important plot points for the season into the episodes to get a rough structure for the story, then add details. 7. Beginning with the first half of the season, the writers form teams (2-3 people) and each team will work on a episode. 8. After that’s done we repeat the same process with the second half of the season. 9. Possible rewriting and proof reading 10. Celebrate
Deadlines: I was thinking of not strictly putting up deadlines but agree to try and get this whole thing finished over the span of a year plus maybe one or two months. For example: Plotting and outlining the whole thing: 3 months. Writing the first half: 3 months. Writing the second half: 3 months. Rewriting and proof reading: 3 months.
How we communicate with each other: I made a discord server and will send everyone who’s an active part of the project the link to it. Optionally, in case everyone’s okay with it, we could also open up a WhatsApp chat.
And since I started this whole thing I’d do my best to play the role of the supervisor and keep everything going and flowing.
That’s basically all I got for now.
If you want to add anything or have questions, feel free to message me or write a comment under this post :)
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continuing from this, I decided to try and figure out which name matches which project.
First of all, I’m 98.7% sure that Mona Wilder, the green-eyed shapeshifter, is Project Lamia. Look at this photo of Alexia Fast as Mona, wearing a Blackwing jumpsuit: (x). The symbol is only partially visibe, but there isn’t any other symbol that matches it other than Lamia.
Now to other three. 
I figured Roose Fryburn, aka the human bomb (if previous theory is correct), would be the easiest to identify.
My guess is Project Bel. While searching “Bel” will likely direct you to the wikipedia page on the Mesopotamian Bel, I think it’s far more likely it refers to Celtic deity Belenus (Bel being one of the alternative names for him), the Sun God. It seems rather appropriate for the “human bomb” Project.
For Kevin Nothiere aka the invisible guy, I’m not certain. Both Herodias and Banshee have certain qualities that could connect. Herodias "in Christian mythology of the Early Middle Ages, came to be seen as a spirit condemned to wander the sky forever [...] permitted only to rest in treetops between midnight and dawn.” (x) Banshee, on the other hand: “heralds the death of a family member, usually by shrieking or keening.”, “also predicts death. If someone is about to enter a situation where it is unlikely they will come out of alive she will warn people by screaming or wailing.” (x)
All things considered, I think it’s more likely that the invisible person would be called Banshee. After all, the most outstanding quality of banshees are their voices. And if someone is invisible, how would you know they are there at all? Their voice, duh!
This leaves Marjory Teeple as Project Herodias. Things about Herodias that we need to know: she is a mother, she took part in the beheading (which led to the whole condemned spirit thing), and she later came to be seen as one of the patrons of witchcraft and part of the sky train of witches under the name Aradia. Thus I propose that she is perhaps connected to the beheading Priest took part in, and also could be connected to either Suzie (mother&witch) or Wakti Wapnasi (Wendimoor’s forest witch) or both of them in some way.
(other possible theory: a friend suggested that Marjory could be Project Elli, considering Marjory has a bit of “old lady’s name” flavor to it. I’m, however, not convinced as a) i still think 4 names = 4 orange projects and b) i have recently started suspecting that project Elli might be one aunt Esther, because if she is alive, she must be over 50 at least, over 60 more likely)
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