#project elli
amourrs · 5 months
it’s senior year and you hate ellie williams. you hate the way she talks to you- the semi-texan drawl that comes out every time she teases you, grating against your ears and drawing heat to your face. you hate the way she cuts her hair- the fluffy layers of the mullet she cuts herself over the sink, so damn soft and attr— no. fuck. what are saying? you hate her, her and the way she stares at you every chance she gets: in class as you get into another fight with the teacher over yet another assignment set on a bullshit misogynistic book, from her bike as you avoid her gaze after school ends for the day and slam the door of your car so hard the tires bounce, from across the street in town as you accidentally meet her stare and tear your eyes away, praying desperately for the evil eye to land upon her. you hate her big dumb combat boots- the huge clumpy soles and ugly laces and the logo of a riot grrrl band you introduced her to stickered on the side, beginning to peel away from the surface. (really, you’re more pissed about the sticker than the boots.) you hate the way she reads your mind- god, you want to hit her. you hate her so much it makes you sick, it even makes you rhyme- “stop looking at me, you prick! suck my dick!” screamed angrily across the parking lot when you catch her staring. you hate the way she’s always right, like when she said she knew a little part of you found her smoking attractive even though you criticised her for it. you hate it when she lies- like when her head was squeezed between your thighs and her mouth was licking a firm stripe up to your clit and she swore you were heaven and she would never do anything to hurt you. you hate it when she makes you laugh- her flippant jokes at everything that make your lips tilt against your own will, heart racing faster as you bite back giggles. you hate it when she makes you cry. prom. what jesse said. the money. how she was paid to date you. ellie’s guilty face. how it was all a fucking act- but the worst part? is that even now, after you’ve sworn off ellie williams for good, you hate it when she’s not around. and that the thing you really hate is that after everything went down, she didn’t even call. but mostly, you hate the way you don’t hate her— not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
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lindsayerins · 7 months
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@kiddstellas said 🔥 → lucifer morningstar, from lucifer.
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1980shorrorfilm · 1 month
dreaming about you and me
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using cailee as my ellie because it just makes sense
click here. resources for palestine, congo, sudan, and other countries.
pairing…ellie williams x gn!reader
in which…ellie moves back to jackson after a year, hoping you had waited for her.
before you read…angst. modern day fic. emo ellie. like biggg loser ellie. sad sad ellie. ellie has a cat. some bad words.
leaving the chaotic city and lousy job and miserable relationship should be exciting. being welcomed by the familiar wyoming weather, and warm embraces from joel and dina should be exhilarating.
but instead, ellie felt a vast emptiness that seemed to seep from the walls and settle deep within her. she felt alone— again.
her phone occasionally bings with an email while she waits for a text; from you. something she hasn’t received in 8 months.
not that she’s keeping count…or occasionally opens your messages to reread your happier conversations. it’s unfortunately one of the only things that helped her sleep at night, next to a girl she knew didn’t love her. not the way you do…or did.
you were friends. really really good friends.
friends that had to be invited to places together, or neither were going. friends that spent more time in each other’s bedrooms than their own. friends that slept skin to skin, no blanket being able to replicate the warmth the other gave.
friends that kissed the day ellie left; then never spoke about it again.
the occasional calls were long, and they were sweet. you asked ellie about everything and anything as she adjusted to her amazing new life.
her new place, that she was quick to inform you there’s a framed photo of you guys together on her nightstand. it’s from a summer bonfire when she had got high and used your very old camera until it ran out of storage. it's a great picture, though. you look so pretty in it, she reminds you.
she’d rant about her new job, her asshole of a boss, and her overly friendly coworker that somehow annoyed you more than her. the way she described the girl, how clingy she was to your ellie. but you would laugh it off, masking the jealousy with light-hearted jokes, daring not to show how much it truly bothered you.
then, a few weeks later, the worst had happened.
ellie suddenly had a girlfriend, and you suddenly had a broken heart.
you could only be happy for her. even if that meant your phone calls were picked up by another girl, telling you that ellie was busy. even if that meant your texts declined over time, cat memes being sent with only a laughing emoji in response. no genuine, heart-to-heart conversations. the ones you yearned for most on your loneliest nights.
and you had to be happy for ellie. even if she wasn’t for herself.
the worst part is, ellie noticed you begin to pull away, and she let you. she let you go.
now she sits here, on her cheap brown sofa, staring at the tv that has yet to be hooked up. phone in her hand, like an idiot waiting for something that’s not going to happen just because she wishes it would. she simply cannot manifest you to come back. she has to do something about it.
after seconds of contemplation, she curses to herself, grabbing the device and calling your number. which rings, and rings, and rings, up until voicemail. which she decides to leave.
“uh— hey, y/n,” she gets up, scratching the back of her neck, “im…im in jackson…for good,” she chuckles nervously, “if you want to catch up, im free the next couple of days. just let me know…um…bye.”
fucking dumbass, she thinks, ending it and dropping her phone on the couch behind her. the worst you can say is no.
ellie wished that were true.
the worst had happened, and it’s you ignoring her completely. days pass and there’s absolutely nothing from you. she hopes to see you around town, making sure she looks decent enough just to run and pick up groceries, but luck is not on ellie’s side.
a week home and she’s only seeing you in her imagination. flashbacks of the evening she left, a beautiful day before a horrid storm.
ellie is self-aware, she knows it’s pathetic to keep moving in place rather than moving on. pretending like you still care for her as she does to you, even if you have yet to communicate it.
she knows it’s wrong. and she can only mourn the idea of no longer having you for so long.
as told by joel, she should only focus on what she has control of. don’t know when he got the time to read a self-help book, but she listens to him. joel was usually right, she hates it sometimes.
he was the first one to see the sparkle in her eye when she spoke about you. even though she denied what he had thought you two were— he continued to tell her that you’re a good one, and not to screw it up.
she could only laugh about that now.
weeks pass, and her apartment feels more like a home now, unpacked with her little trinkets scattered around the place. the first damn thing she did was stick her glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling of her bedroom because you know, priorities. she likes staring at them before bed, knowing you two used to do it together. homemade star gazing, you’d tell her.
her first few days working with joel at his construction company went well. it’s tiring, she comes home feeling like she went swimming in a bucket of sweat, but it’s a nice distraction. and a nice way to keep her arms toned. the summer sun caused her freckles to multiply over her shoulders and collarbones, something you used to admire.
dina and jesse have been spending time with her, smoking at one of the lakes in jackson while sitting in the back of her red pickup truck. a playlist will play lowly from the vehicle's speakers, a few songs she only learned because of you. songs you had told her reminded you of her. she finds herself humming along, the melodies bringing back memories that carve into the center of her heart.
she came home one night, very high, and saw a stray cat digging into a plastic bag filled with garbage. without thinking twice, she crouched down and called to the cat softly. it rubbed against her, and she fell in love. she threw the garbage out and brought the little creature inside. she now has a black cat named orion. the very first constellation she taught you about amongst the many.
it’s hard, the constant reminders of you in little day-to-day things, but ellie gets passed it.
slowly, but surely, she’s finding herself; without you. it’s healthy. it’s good. she’s good.
it’s a random tuesday night when her phone vibrates while she’s getting off work, the woman pulling it out of her pocket while wiping the grim from her forehead. a message, from you.
would you wanna meet up tomorrow?
her heart beats out of her chest, leaning against the chipping paint on her truck. she can’t help it— she responds right away.
yea, is my place cool?
ellie stares at the screen, tugging at her bottom lip with her teeth, tapping her converse on the cement. when you don’t answer promptly, ellie sends another text.
we can do dinner, i can order a pizza. or a movie if you wanna.
you can probably read her tone through the screen, the desperation. but having you right there at that moment, she doesn’t care. especially when you agree— part of her not expecting you to.
ellie gets in her head, part of her convincing herself it was a date…ish…the humbling part of her telling her it was a casual hangout. it’s a win either way. she could see you for a mere minute and still be satisfied.
ellie went home that night, fed her sweet cat, and passed out on her messy bed.
with you in mind, of course.
the following day is long as fuck. she’s antsy, convincing joel to let her go early, organizing the most random shit in her apartment. you hadn’t even reached out yet, she doesn’t know when you’re gonna bless her with your presence.
she doesn’t know if you still like peppers on your pizza, but she orders it anyway. she doesn’t know if you want a romcom or a horror movie, so she finds options for both. she’s anxious, grabbing a beer from the fridge hoping it eases her somewhat.
ellie glances at her phone for the fiftieth time, worried she might have missed a text. she doesn’t. and as hours pass, she drinks more and more.
you never show up.
the full moon is up in the sky by this point. and once again, like deja vu, there is nothing from you. and it hurts.
her mind is foggy from the alcohol she occupied herself with while waiting for you, half of the untouched pizza is cold as it sits on her counter. her cat is watching her pace back and forth.
why? why would you lie to her? why would you get her hopes up after so long? she’s beyond upset. she’s pissed off. you’ve never made her feel this way.
then you text her.
can’t make it. im sorry
she huffs through her nose, shaking her head, then she calls you. which, you ignore, and you ignore again, and again. she keeps calling, she doesn’t care if she’s annoying you. in fact, she wants to. if that’s what it takes for you to acknowledge her.
it’s the tenth time when she listens to the automated voice speak to her, that she leaves a voicemail.
“hey, y/n, dunno if you remember me,” she laughs, scratching the back of her neck, “seems like you don’t. think im a stranger to you now. might as well be, you clearly don’t want to see me anymore— what the fuck —h-how could you? i-i get it, i messed up— i-i left —but im fucking trying here, y/n. and you have to make this so fucking hard for me.”
her voice is breaking, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, and despite trying to hold them back, she can't stop them from falling. “we were friends…more than friends…y-you fucking kissed me before i left…or did you forget that? d-did that mean nothing to you? why did you do that? i thought about it for months…d-did you?”
ellie’s rage shifts to pain, catching her off guard. she clenches her jaw, struggling to keep her composure, then takes a deep, shaky breath.
“i-i just miss you…i miss you so bad it fucking hurts. i came back because of you, you know that? and i haven’t even seen you— it drives me crazy. im fucking losing my mind here, y/n. all i think about is you. i wish…i wish you felt the same…i don’t know how to get over you. just tell me how to. please— i’ll leave you alone. just tell me to.”
i’ll leave you alone. just tell me to.
ellie’s soft voice cracks, you dread it. many things bother you in this universe. one of them is bearing witness to ellie breaking down and not being able to comfort her.
you were the only one that could— the only one she felt comfortable expressing herself to. except now you are the cause of it. and that is the worst feeling in the world.
you pull your phone away from your ear, turn it off, and place it face down on the table before you. your dinner is still hot and untouched, your partner’s plate mirroring yours. they took a phone call nearly ten minutes ago, an unimportant one, but they valued anything and anyone else before you.
you don’t know why you’re here…why you ditched her for them. someone you love for someone you don’t. someone who needs you for someone who barely wants you.
a place to stay? a body to keep you warm at night? a person to bring home to your family? what’s the point? she’s home. she’s here. and she’s not out of touch, she’s within your grasp, yet you won’t commit to reaching out to her. why?
“mind putting that away for me? friend needs a favor,” your partner quickly says, already out the door before you could even question them or say goodbye.
you’re alone, but you’ve felt lonely in this dim house since the day you came here.
but nothing is keeping you here. you get up, not bothering to clean up the meal you spent an hour making, throwing on a jacket and grabbing your keys.
you drive to ellie’s place. it feels long, catching every red light and driving down roads with the lowest speed limits. you don’t even know if she’ll still be awake by the time you arrive, or if she even wants to see you anymore. but you need to see her.
you lazily park on the street, letting yourself into the building and knocking rapidly on her door. you can hear muffled music playing from inside her unit, then her footsteps.
“i’ll turn it down—” ellie barely opens the door, and doesn’t look at you, not until your hand is on the wood when she attempts to close it.
when she does, her eyes are bloodshot, and she freezes in place.
“can you let me in?”
she hesitates, not because she doesn’t want to, but rather she can’t believe a drunken voicemail had you at her doorstep so damn quick. she obeys, stepping aside, unable to look away from you. you’d do the same, but you’re too distracted by her home.
the fern green color scheme that compliments it, the framed rare trading cards on her shelves, a photo of astronaut cats on her wall that you had gifted her. so many things that made her, her. very nerdy, very adorable, things. and then you look at her, absolutely desolated before you.
“i…i thought…i thought you couldn’t…” she can’t get the sentence out, scanning your face as she tries to speak. you look so so beautiful. she wishes she could forget the things she said to you, and how upset she is with you right now.
“i was worried,” you admit, “you didn’t sound okay.”
“i’m not,” she laughs, walking past you, the smell of cigarette smoke and oak hugging her body. you follow her to the couch, the woman plopping her body on it, looking up at you with doe eyes.
it’s like she’s expecting you to speak first, to address the shitty message she left you. maybe scold her, yell at her, but you don’t. you kneel before her, placing your hands gently on her knees.
“what you said…i don’t…want you out of my life, ellie,” you tell her softly, thumb rubbing the denim of her jeans, “i could never want that.”
“you have a fucking funny way of showing that,” ellie spits, laughing dryly, “i asked for one thing tonight. and you— you only came here out of pity.”
“i wanted to see you.” “no the fuck you didn’t.”
“yes i—” “jesus christ, stop lying to me,” her voice raises slightly hiding her face behind her hands as she squeezes her eyes shut. “i’m not.”
“you are!” she suddenly throws her hands forward, “l-like when you told me you loved me that night, you remember that?”
it’s the same night you kissed her, the very same moment. the one that is very clearly haunting her, as it does you. it was honest, both those three words you’ve felt for her the moment you got attached to her and the kiss you only pulled away from when you were suffocating against her lips.
neither of you wanted it to end, but it did, along with whatever your relationship was. it was killed, and it is utterly haunting you two.
you move your hands to her own, feeling how hot they are against your cold ones. you two always balanced each other out. “i do love you, els.”
”stop,” she mumbles, “please…stop.”
“i’m not lying to you,” you promise, “yea, i-i pushed you away but you moved away, ellie, you have to understand that.”
ellie is silently crying again, shaking her head, repeating the word ‘stop,’ in a hushed tone. “then you found someone, and so did i, and it got so damn complicated,” you continue, “i don’t want it to be…and i do…i do want you.”
“i want to go back— to what we had. i want that, els, i want you.”
she stares at you through her wet lashes, afraid to speak, wondering if you mean it. or if this was a pity love confession, or if this was a cruel joke, or if this was real. any other possibility than you genuinely yearning for her the way she did you.
her head feels heavy, it’s too much.
you hold her knuckles, softly rubbing them, shifting on your knees to lean closer to her. “i need you, ellie,” you whisper, she’s heard those words before.
it was you going to a party you were anxious about. it was you watching a horrible movie you’d only tolerate with her beside you. it was you sobbing on your front porch, waiting to see her headlights in the rain. it was her telling you she was leaving this town and you behind. you needed her then, you need her now.
you push yourself forward, a hand on her cheek to dry whatever tears had wet it. she leans into your hand like her cat does when she gives it affection, wanting it to last forever. then, she feels your soft lips on her forehead, ellie sighing at the sensation.
you tell her once more, “i love you.”
it’s too good to be true.
maybe, if the timing was right, it would be real. if she never left you, if you didn’t settle for something you could hardly call a relationship, if you could just let her back in— this bittersweet moment would happen.
but that’s simply not ellie’s or your reality.
your reality is sitting at an empty kitchen table, your dinner cold, listening to her voicemail on repeat, thinking about how you could just change your mind right there and leave. to see her, tell her everything you want to. but you don’t.
you end up going to bed with a heavy heart. your partner comes home, apologizing for leaving you, holding you to sleep, making you feel loved enough that you don’t want to leave that bed.
ellie passes out with a black-and-white movie playing in the background, envisioning you there with her, trying to salvage what you two have left. telling her you love her again, reassuring her that you truly mean it, that you want her. that you two could live the life you yearn for, but you’re not, and she can’t make you.
she will wait for you.
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narislvr · 5 months
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one-last-stop au ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ | e.williams x fem!reader
cws? reader wears glasses and is on the bigger side (not mentioned yet but we need more love for chubby readers!!) reader is a college student working at a diner, ellie is a blip in time but reader doesn't know that yet, love at first sight trope but you're both awkward 🧍‍♂️, no use of y/n for reader, this blurb is moreso an intro to the world so not much ellie yet (might be a series if it dies well!!) Spoilers for the book, and will have some direct quotes.
m.list [๋࣭🪻] part 2 [ 🌆 ] palestine-resources & daily click
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"Her eyes are bright and teasing and warm, warm forever-and-ever brown, and august doesn’t know how she could possibly do anything but whatever this girl says." pg 20
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You weren't going to cry.
you weren't going to cry over the shitty smell of pancake batter and honey that wouldn't wash off despite your half hour shower ── the smell bonding to you after working too many late hour shifts at the diner ── and you definitely weren't going to cry over the scorching feeling of the coffee cup leaking small droplets of what you were considering your only energy source onto your hand.
you were already running late for your first morning class of the semester, but if you found your right train on time ── which you've already memorized out of fear of this exact situation ── then you'd still make it before it became too noticeable you were late.
sure, things were already going far worse than you'd hoped for, from having to pick up a late shift the night before at the 24/7 diner you work at, leaving you with four hours to sleep before having to get up and get ready for class, to dealing with a rude barista in the coffee shop above the metro station who couldn't even bother to tighten the lid of your cup.
things were not going great, but you were determined to make things better.
to your dismay however, determination alone wouldn't be enough to turn your luck.
amidst your attempt of carefully closing the lid of your coffee cup, you don't notice the group of teenage kids running your direction until one of them bumped into you with a grunt. the coffee, which had been one source of your annoyance this morning, spills across your top staining the once white fabric of your long-sleeveed shirt an opaque shade of brown, and to add to your already shitty morning, you hear the sound of your phone hit the pavement with a loud crack.
The teenager gives you a quick look up and down, their expression contorting into one of horror as they look at the stain on your top and the state of your phone on the floor behind you. ──if that's the way they look at you, then maybe you shouldn't even try looking at yourself── deciding that you wouldn't fight a fourteen year old, not that you would've anyways, you bend down to pick your phone off the ground, your lips forming a tight frown as you look over at all the various cracks on the screen of the phone you had worked so hard to afford.
despite the feeling of a knot tightening further in the back of your throat, you stayed true to your promise.
You weren't going to cry.
Your train pulls up only a few moments later, and you quickly blink back the tears before stepping aboard. to your luck ──if you even want to risk calling it that── the car wasn't as full as you though it'd be. usually it would be a great thing, not being crowded by people, but right now as you stood holding the handlebar, it really hit you just how disheveled you must look to others. Your hair was frizzy, your eyes were teary, coffee soaked your shirt, and now you smelled like a mixture of coffee, pancakes, and faintly of vanilla body spray.
You were a wreck.
you feel someone move to your side and you cringe slightly, your shoulders stiffening as you kept your gaze on the floor. you hear the unzip of a bag, presumably the person beside you getting something out, and you shift your gaze to sneak a glance at the stranger at your side expecting, but hoping it wasn't, a creep ──it's a subway, you never know what could happen in a 15 minute ride── but to your surprise, you're met with sun bleached black converse and baggy jeans next to your own white converse. Slowly your gaze moves upward, noting the way the person's foot tapped rythmicly the floor beneath it before you get a better look at them.
And fuck do you get a good look at them.
The person who you expected to be some lanky guy, perhaps some skater boy, perhaps a creep ──again, can never be too cautious── was actually... a girl. Round cheeks, with a softly scrunched and freckled nose, a girl so pretty you thought you were hallucinating. Her hair was a dark shade of auburn, half her hair up in a small ponytail while the rest fell a little over her nape. On her head were a pair of old looking headphones connected to a Walkman that stuck out the front pocket of her messenger bag as she searched for something down at the bottom with a small smirk. Did she know you were looking? What was she looking for that had her looking like that?
don't be a creep, you thought to yourself, trying to tear your gaze from her right arm. The sleeves of her faded blue flannel were rolled up just above her elbow, exposing the intricate design of ferns and a ──still in the works── moth on her forearm. don't be a creep, you repeated to yourself in your mind as you look away from the beautiful stranger at your side. Why'd she have to appear exactly when you looked your worst?
"Yikes," She finally says, her smirk still ever present on her face as she looks up to face you now.
The hottest girl you've ever seen just took a look at you and said "Yikes." What the fuck.
You were dumbfounded ──inwardly horrified── and she can't help but chuckle as she finally finds what she was looking for in her bag. It wasn't a mocking chuckle. no. it wasn't something lighthearted, curious, and you swear the temperature had risen in the subway car.
"Here," the girl says, pulling out a burgundy colored scarf and holding it out to you. "You look like you're going somewhere important, so," She gestures vaguely at her neck, "keep it."
You blink once, processing her offer before coming out of your trance and shaking your head, "You─ oh my God, I can't take your scarf."
The girl shrugs. "I'll get another one."
"But it's cold."
"Yeah," She says and her smirk shifts into something unreadable for a split second before your attention is caught by the dimples that had formed on her freckled cheeks. "But I don't go outside much."
You stare for a moment and she does as well.
"Look," She starts, her hands fidgeting slightly with the ends of the scarf, "You can take it, or i can leave it in the seat next to you, and it can get absorbed into the subway ecosystem forever."
She drags out the end of her sentence with a playful lilt, her smirk softening into a grin and in that moment her eyes are bright and teasing and warm. warm forever-and-ever a hazey green, and you don't know how you could possibly do anything but whatever this girl says.
A moment later you give in to her offer and reluctantly take the scarf from her hands. The wool is soft and light in your touch, and when your fingertips brush against the ends where the girl had been fidgeting with it earlier, you feel a pop of electricity. The girl, who had been watching you carefully, laughs under her breath, the sound airy as she reaches out to help you wrap it around your neck in a tender motion. She steps back after a moment, and gives you a look, the same teasing smile as before as she raises a brow at you.
"Anyone ever tell you you smell like pancakes?"
Before you can respond, the train plunges into a tunnel. The car shudders on the tracks, and the girl lets out a small yelp as she almost loses her balance and reaches for the hand rail over your head. It all happened suddenly but the last thing you see of her is an unreadable purse of her lips and the beginning of another tattoo on her left arm as she lifts it before the fluorescent lights flicker out.
The darkness lasted a second, two at most, but when the lights came back on, the girl was gone.
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nano-konjaku · 2 months
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the-woman-upstairs · 8 months
In the universe of the film, there is ABSOLUTELY a contingent of fans that fervently ship Argylle/Wyatt and have the dominant ship on AO3 and trade elaborate fan theories about their hidden relationship and are convinced they’re meant to be endgame but the publishers won’t allow it. Of course, they go totally BALLISTIC when they learn they’re based on the author and her boyfriend.
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i made a soda/can tab chain!! this took FOREVER but it was worth it as it looks cool :)
i used 4 tabs per link and the whole thing took 92 tabs total (around 37cm long, not including keychains/carabiner clips)
inspired by this video by @/somniphobiac on tiktok
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sorasumark · 5 months
bad apple collab with 0NE_JIRO on twitter
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I drew the Marisa and Elly while she did the Reimu, we did separate colorings (this one's mine) so go check out the other side of the collab for the other coloring style!
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00lari00 · 3 months
The Henry stickmin fan movie
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(art made by: SV Lasagna)
Introducing The Henry Stickmin Movie --
Based on one of the game's endings, Stickmin Space Resort, Henry has to defeat a new antagonist. Someone really wants to ruin his reputation for their own interest... And now the government wants to arrest him for things he didn't do. A new challenge for this stickmin. The film is expected to run 1-1 hour, so get ready to see Henry and close allies, Charles, Ellie and more go on an adventure to clear his name.
Creator: DQ Edits - Youtube - Twitter -
I'm working on this project together with him and some other incredible artists!!! I work on storyboards and scripts for this incredible film. I'm so excited to show you this!!! I've been wanting to post about this project for a long time.... Maybe I'll give some spoilers (only the ones the creator lets me talk about)... Who knows....? 👀 HEHEHEHEHEH >:D
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cybrs4pphic · 1 year
thinking about ellie railing me on the kitchen counter bye.
18+ mdni. fem!reader, top!ellie, bottom!reader, pussy eatin, she’s kinda mean <3
ellie who has you bent over the kitchen counter within seconds of her getting home from patrol. you knew something must’ve happened that pissed her off, but you knew not to pry, not right now at least.
she’s already on her knees behind you, pulling down your shorts n underwear. “such a pretty fuckin’ pussy,” she mutters, mostly to herself, giving it a little slap making you jump at the impact. she just laughs, “sensitive?”
now, usually, ellie would be a fucking tease eating you out, but she immediately goes right to your clit, sucking on it and your legs practically give out at the suddenness of it all. just thinking about what ellie looks like on her knees behind you, hands spreading you apart before her eating you like a starved woman could’ve made you come immediately.
it doesn’t take much for her to make you come she knows your body like the back of her hand. “ellie ellie fu-fuckfuck ‘m gonna-,” your orgasm hits you before you can even comprehend it. legs shaking around her head as you chant her name over and over again, she swears she could die right there.
she gives your pussy one more lick before getting up, “stay,” she says simply, leaving the room for god knows what. she comes back a few moments later with her strap. “you got a few more in u, don’t you baby?”
another short one sorryyyyyy
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holysheithyall · 4 months
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a bunch of vanessa and (mainly) gregory doodles because they make me ill
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ajamnova · 2 months
Mistress of Mugenkan
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Long time no Touhou! I spent the last two months on OC stuff, but the Touhou fan within me hasn’t died! The idea for this piece sorta just came to me after listening to a remix of Inanimate Dream. I love when a song inspires a specific art idea in my mind. I hope to get back into making music someday, but for now I’ll just keep following my heart in the world of drawing :)
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ellieloves2draw · 7 months
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thinkin’ about this prick again
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hypewinter · 1 year
The boy didn't know how far they had gone, he just knew it wasn't far enough. They would be after them, he knew this. He had to keep going. He had to find safety. And he had to do it fast. His arms hurt from carrying his baby brother, and he knew his sister was just barely keeping up now. As a whole they were all getting tired. Which in turn meant they were slowing down and would be found soon.
The boy couldn't let that happen, he had to get his siblings to safety. And he knew exactly where they'd be safe.
As they crossed over one last hill with the sun starting to rise, the city finally came into view. Good. There they would find his parents. There, they would be safe.
The boy hadn't meant to sleep for long. He had just wanted to rest for a few minutes. An hour at most. He had found an abandoned warehouse and settled down under a tarp with his siblings. When they awoke however, it was to the sound of fighting, and the sun had long since gone down.
The boy scolded himself for being so careless as the sounds of fighting drew closer. He quickly gathered his siblings up, prepared to escape, when the fighters came into view.
He let himself gasp in delight. It was his father. Well, one of them at least. What was his name again? Oh right Nightwing. He was in the middle of fighting a group of thugs and the boy knew better than to distract him. He watched in awe as his dad spun and flipped, knocking the men out one by one.
The boy got so enthralled by his dad launching an escrima stick at someone, that he didn't notice when one of the thugs noticed them and started making his way over.
His sister let out a screech as the man lunged at them. The boy didn't hesitate. He intercepted the man like he was trained to do and in two swift motions, the man was down.
His vigilance now activated, the boy scanned the room, looking for any other threats. He noticed his dad had been temporarily distracted by the scream his sister let out, which had allowed the thug he was fighting to get a hit in. This was evident but the fact that his dad has stumbled back, holding his face.
The boy went to charge in to help his father but just then his second dad arrived.
"What the fuck is taking you so long?" he scowled as he shot off two rubber bullets towards the thug's knees. The man cried out and on his way down, Nightwing whipped him across the face with his escrima stick. The thug hit the floor, unconscious.
"I can't believe you were really struggling against these 3rd rates," his second dad tsked. The boy recalled being told his name was Red Hood. "Honestly, you might be losing your edge."
"I was distracted!" Nightwing shot back. "There were civilians present." He pointed towards the boy and his siblings.
The boy instinctively put his siblings behind him. Then he immediately felt stupid for it. He knew his fathers were good people. They were heroes after all. He knew they wouldn't hurt them, not like those people. And yet he still found himself tensing up as they drew closer.
Nightwing put his hands up. "It's okay, we won't hurt you."
"I know," the boy said, willing his nerves to calm down. "I was looking for you actually, I knew you'd help us."
The boy noticed how both of his fathers were alert now, ready to analyze everything he was about to say.
"The doctors, they're after us. We don't have anywhere to go, but I knew I could come here and find you. I knew you'd help us if I did."
The boy was trying desperately to keep his emotions in check but it was becoming increasingly hard now that his was so close to safety. His fathers must have noticed this too because Nightwing knelt down and said, "You must have had a hard time getting here. You've been so strong but it's okay now, we'll take care of you. I promise."
The boy couldn't hold it in any longer. Fat tears dripped down his cheeks as he began to cry. His father held him and patted his back gently as his cried. He sobbed as he finally felt some of the weight he was under lift. He knew that from now on, everything would be already.
As he calmed down, embarrassment quickly overcame him. He can't believe he'd cried like a baby in front of not only his dads but also his siblings. He would have never been allowed to get away with that at the facility. The boy wiped at his face to dry the remaining tears and turned to his dad.
"I'm sorry Dad," he mumbled. "I didn't mean for our first meeting to go like this."
"Aw it's okay," Nightwing started. ".... Wait, what do you mean Dad?"
Uh oh, the boy hadn't meant to expose that part quite yet. He at least wanted to wait until all three of his fathers had gathered. There went that plan. Two out of three would have to be good enough. So he steeled his courage and said, "You're my dad. All the former Robin's are."
He saw his second father still out of the corner of his eye. So he turned to him. "That includes you and Red Robin," he stated. "But not the current Robin."
"I'm sorry back up," Nightwing interjected. "How do you know-"
"That you are the former Robins and also my dads?" The boy finished. His father nodded. "Well because I'm your clone," he stated.
There was a pregnant pause in the air before Red Hood spoke out. "What. The. Hell!?"
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lesbian-toddhoward · 1 year
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my project zomboid character after going 1 in-game hour without eating an entire meal
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disorganizedkitten · 5 months
Fourteen year old Paranormal Enthusiasts and budding scientists Vlad Masters, Jack Fenton, and Maddie Walker enter Axiom labs alive and well. Things start to go wrong when one of the inventions blows up in Vlad’s face, though.
The hospital releases him three weeks later, but he isn’t the same.
Neither is Amity Park.
Vlad can’t tell his friends everything, but they all have questions. Why were Axiom labs shut down thirty years ago? Who are the GIW? Where are these monsters coming from? And, perhaps the most baffling, why does Jack’s ghost hunter uncle set off Vlad’s ghost sense?
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