#roosterteeth store
officialah · 9 months
Achievement Hunter is changing and we're taking you with us
As you may have noticed, Achievement Hunter has gone through a number of changes this year. We’ve grown a bit smaller as our cast has moved on to work on exciting new ventures, including Inside Gaming and VTubing. Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of Dogbark, a new content group featuring Michael Jones, Alfredo Diaz, Trevor Collins, and Joe Lee. 
Rooster Teeth is at its best when employees have been given the opportunity to pursue new creative passions. Fifteen years ago, this meant giving Geoff the ability to create Achievement Hunter. And today, this means letting the Achievement Hunter cast move on to new creative projects.
Over the last few years, this has allowed our cast to put time into creating F**kface, ANMA, Red Web, Face Jam, and more. More recently, Jack and BK have put their efforts into streaming at Inside Gaming, Lindsay has begun exploring Vtubing as Ruby, and Ky is producing multiple projects, including some of those listed above.
With all of our new focuses, this means we will not be actively creating content for the Achievement Hunter channel. Let’s Play will also look a little bit different moving forward, but we can assure you that it’s not going anywhere, and it’s in great hands.
But why Dogbark, and not just new shows under the Achievement Hunter banner? At this point in our creative careers, we have grown as both people and as entertainers. Much like how early Achievement Hunter evolved from video game guides to Let’s Plays, we’re looking to take Dogbark in a bold new direction that is more heavily focused on improv and sketch comedy. It’s new. It’s fun. It’s weird. And it’s such a departure from what Achievement Hunter has been that we feel Dogbark is truly its own thing.
We’re very excited to share these projects with all of you, and we really do hope you’ll enjoy all the new content we have in store. Through the years, we’ve reached heights we never thought possible–from Haunter to the Hardcore series, from RTX Panels to AH Live Tours. Whether you joined us back in 2008 or 2023, we couldn’t have done this without you. We have been met with so much support as we’ve grown and changed over the years, and we can’t thank you enough for that.
We know this news might be shocking and saddening for you. It’s bittersweet. On one hand, we’re saying “See you later” to a truly indescribable brand. On the other, we’re getting to pursue new passions, explore, test ourselves as creators, and that’s an incredibly exciting experience. It’s hard to do the same thing for our whole lives, and we shouldn’t have to. But, just because we’re not a part of AH anymore doesn’t mean that we didn’t appreciate the time spent there, or with you.
It’s okay to be sad; it’s okay to take time to process. After, when you’re ready, come join us over at Inside Gaming, F**kface, RWBY’s Twitch, Dogbark, Red Web, Face Jam, ANMA, and So…Alright. We’ll be waiting for you.
To watch our full video on this, check out this link: https://youtu.be/YVgACDwlgq0 To learn more about our future projects, check out the links below. 
Dogbark - www.youtube.com/@dogbarkshow || /www.instagram.com/dogbarkshow/
F**kface - www.youtube.com/@fckfacepod || twitter.com/FuckFacePod
Inside Gaming -www.twitch.tv/roosterteeth || www.youtube.com/@insidegaming
RWBY Twitch - www.twitch.tv/rwby_vt
We’ve anticipated your questions and have created an FAQ below that will hopefully provide answers.
Where are [insert the AH person you are looking for] going?
Honestly, nowhere. They’re still here at Rooster Teeth, but are jumping into new exciting opportunities that bring them joy and passion.Geoff and Gavin are focusing on F**kface, Jack and BK are streaming over with Inside Gaming, Lindsay is launching a RWBY Vtubing Twitch, and Ky is producing these projects. Michael, Trevor, Alfredo, and Joe are excited to announce their new project, Dogbark, which launches 10/2.
Does this mean AH content is going away?
Nope. It’ll exist in perpetuity online. Both on Rooster Teeth Site and Apps as well as the AH YouTube channel.
Will AH ever return?
Think of it like your favorite band going on hiatus. We don’t want to close the door completely and turn off all the lights. There’s always the chance that One Direction will come back.
Is Let’s Play content and channel going away?
Also nope! But stay tuned, you might recognize who will start showing up (and reshowing up) there.
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cgtg · 3 months
do u have any any voice headcanons for karkat or dave bc personally i cant find anyone who fits them :']
(well actually theres broadway karkat but uhhhhhehehe)
my god thank u for asking me this i have such specifik hcs for this ive been kinda wanting 2 share 4 a rlly long time. but i was shy
lmao ive still never listened 2 anything from broadway kk after all this time and i gotta keep it that way....
i kinda have multiple 4 both, that mix together / vary in strenth depending on wat im looking at, but herez a main ones
for dave:
yoni wolf became my main dave hc like,a decade ago at this point. if dave ever legit got into rapping, i think this is what it'd be like persanally. here's one where yoni talks a bit too.
caleb pitts is anothr big one for me, more recent... hes so fuckig funny. this bald man is my heero. "do you like storecore? he's like the most insane storecore rapper right now. he be rappin about the store all the TIME and shit."
for karkat:
i *rly* like the voice they giv him in funk mclovins hsau. sumtimez i just imagine it like this str8 up, just more animated. to me he has a LOT ov range 2 his voice but i love this take sm. its like relaxing 2 listen to. esp with the fuckin amount kk talkz.
also, the voice kawai sprite does a lot on the ugly boy album. i luv it sm. kinda whiny nasally cracky shit. but grouchy. i think the best examplez of wat i mean are "ugly boy" & "girlfriend?". is a bit hard 2 imagine in a normal speeking context tho....
kinda put dan vs and michael roosterteeth in there too sometimes, old school influences... but if u do it too much itz just rlly obnoxious. l0l
again thank u sm.4reel...
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theosphobia · 2 months
i am so upset roosterteeth closed the rvb store w no announcement)-)o i would have gotten so many rvb hoodies
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kitkatopinions · 8 months
thank you so much for saying how crwby = roosterteeth because it's shocking how willfully ignorant fans can be. the blatant racism of rwby bleeding into the writing is a result of the writers own bigotry and prejudice. rwby fans, especially rwby twitter fans lack any sort of media literacy (im not saying this to be pretentious) on why you can't blindly seperate art from the artist and how rt's bigotry affects the show. they keep on brushing off really huge issues within the writing such as the white fang with 'ok everyone admits that arc was bad!!! moving on!!!' as if it was one bad episode and not a 5 volume long arc built in the very foundation of the show. like, it says something about the writers who tried making a racism allegory yet in their latest season and fucking spin off they keep on dehumanizing their minority character by referring to her as a cat or removing her ethnic traits like WHAT????? tldr: so sick of rwby fans huffing the roosterteeth fumes and not understanding that roosterteeths bigotry is a problem that bleeds into rwby like sewer water
I mean, for real! One of the most frustrating things is that a lot of people don't even bother with saying 'everyone admits that arc was bad' when it comes to the White Fang and they instead try to insist that there was nothing wrong with it!
Like it or not - intentional or not - RWBY is full of the bigotry and lack of education of the writers and company. It's wholly unable to be looked at as a standalone. People want to watch RWBY without acknowledgment towards Miles and Kerry, the other members of CRWBY with bigoted pasts or who are RT higher ups, and without acknowledgement towards Rooster Teeth, because they want to constantly give RWBY the benefit of the doubt and insist that everyone else gives it the benefit of the doubt too. People will straight up pretend that RWBY isn't made by the people it's made by, like I once saw someone say that RWBY was 'made by and for queer people.' People literally just want to cut Rooster Teeth out of consideration when it comes to RWBY so that they can feel better about liking or watching it.
Also the same people that were like "Well, CRWBY isn't Rooster Teeth, and I want to support CRWBY, but fuck RT" so that they could still feel morally a-okay while watching RWBY on crunchyroll and tweeting 'greenlight volume10' are the same people that sold out bumbleby merch selling directly from the Rooster Teeth store that idolize the voice actors for Blake and Yang despite Yang's voice actor being an RT higher up who was on a homophobic podcast, and they took no issue with them being models for overpriced Bumbleby stuff on the Rooster Teeth website in order to sell the stuff better. Like, they were all gung ho about not giving any money to Rooster Teeth (even though they did nothing to ensure that watching RWBY on crunchyroll wouldn't give money to Rooster Teeth still) and about not being down with Rooster Teeth higher ups, but they'll do anything for that bees merch, and to feel better about the bees, so who cares if Barb was literally name dropped as a bad RT higher up who treated people badly.
This fandom is wild tbh, and people's behavior regarding the White Fang is absolutely the worst of it. They'll shrug and dismiss anything and insist that we 'give them more chances' and 'stop seeing everything so negatively' and 'realize that people make mistakes.' The mistakes aren't just a blip in the radar, and aren't few and far between, and aren't even fully in the past, because they're still doing things like having Robyn (a character meant to be a cool hero) call Marrow 'Wags,' and having Blake get called not human, and having Yang essentially say 'You're a minority!' as a means of flirting in the same season where they make a thieving racoon into an anti-romani stereotype and introduce their first non-binary characters in the form of animals that get brutally murdered. Like this is not the behavior of a progressive show made by progressive people that isn't at all affected by the open bigotry of a parent company. This is a show that makes me go 'yeah, it totally makes sense to me that one of the frat boys with a history of misogyny who helped create and write the show for a decade said the n word at age twenty six, this show reflects that sort of behavior.' And people need to take off their (ruby) rose colored glasses and start seeing the show for what it is.
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cosmic-pheonix · 3 months
So I've found this really cool RWBY AMV and I love it so much! Please go and check it out!
This might be one of my top favourite RWBY AMV's I've seen! Aside from the heartbreaking Arkos scenes, this AMV really encapsulates everything I love about RWBY! (Especially near the end of the video!🥺😭) The editing, the choice of music and the seamless transitions between scenes and the lyrics! I haven't watched Frieren: Beyond Journey's End but after watching this, I'll definitely add it to my anime watch list!
It's also kind of bittersweet in a way that the AMV itself is reminding me with Roosterteeth shutting down and with RWBY's fate being uncertain, all it leaves with me are the memories and appreciation of how far this show has come. I haven't interacted (nor made friends) with anyone in the fandom in a while, but maybe this video kind of helped changed that.
Regardless whether you love or dislike the show for its story, the characters, its writing or whatever, you have to give it credit towards CRWBY for having RWBY starting out as a passion project and evolving into something bigger and more, for 9 SEASONS! (And kind of unheard of for an indie web project that lasted for this long)
Whatever's in store next, I hope some studio will be able to pick up and continue to finish Monty's and CRWBY's story. If not, then at least the fandom can carry the spirit of the show on through fan works/art/animation/music etc. At least that will be enough for me.
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dinodogs · 2 months
hi just wondering...since the roosterteeth store is cleared out, would anyone be interested in me making some stuff of rwby dragon au?
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doubleodonut · 27 days
huh. yknow i stopped posting any of my rvb fanart here to avoid promoing roosterteeth as a company due to their everything but uh... rt is dead. now. cant buy things from the rt store, cant get a first subscription, is there even any way left to actually give money to rt? so like. i might find any of that rvb fanart i never posted and put that up
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vaelerys-targaryen · 1 year
Me constantly checking to Roosterteeth store and my email to check and see if the Bumbleby hoodie is back in stock 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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greatwyrmgold · 2 years
I heard RWBY: Ice Queendom was good in general and specifically fixed some problems I had with the original, so I finally decided to watch it. For the interested, here are my thoughts.
TL;DR: It felt a lot like RWBY, except with less focus on action and more focus on what I thought the series would be focused on after watching Volume 1. Also, watching it made me feel just how little RoosterTeeth had planned ahead of time by including things that really should have showed up in the original (like the heroines’ families).
The opening narration is almost identical to RoosterTeeth’s (except, y’know, in Japanese). But the animation behind it is obviously new. It seems to imply that humans built up their civilization to a skyscraper-city sort of level before the Creatures of Grimm became a threat. I find this notable, because the fact that the Grimm seemed to have existed since ancient history (before humans had guns and robots and Dust) is one of the reasons I found the Grimm threat to be unconvincingly apocalyptic.
I’m used to the American, CG versions of these characters, so it’s kinda weird to hear Ruby speaking Japanese (and obviously not voiced by Lindsay Jones) and animated traditionally. Dunno if I can really explain it better than that. Other characters didn’t look so weird; maybe it’s something about Ruby’s face? Is her hair shorter or something?
(Tangent: I kinda liked the Volume 1 aesthetic, despite the jank. Way better than the more generic yet still kinda janky CG some of the later Volumes had.)
Starting with an actual introduction to our core characters instead of the Dust store robbery is a big improvement. And as someone who correctly predicted that Volume 2 would feature less of what I liked about RWBY based entirely on the contents of its first episode, despite everyone on that one RWBY fan forum saying I was being too nitpicky and reading too much into things, which I’m still surprisingly something about, this focus is a good sign for things to come!
Likewise, seeing Weiss at home, in her “normal world” environment, before going to the “world of adventure” (Beacon) was a good choice. (Hypothetical dissenter: The White trailer doesn’t count and you hypothetically know it.)
The splitscreen in Weiss’s conversation with Whitley is...distinct. Not common for anime. It feels deliberate, especially since several non-split shots are harshly divided in other ways. Something about the divide between the siblings?
This is something I wondered about the original RWBY, too, but where do people get the captured training Grimm? Do some Huntsmen hog-tie boarbatusks and...giant armor Grimm I don’t know the name of and stuff before dragging them to civilization?
The fight scenes are more anime than Monty Oum—almost as if Oum’s choreography was based on the strengths of digital animation and would be impractical to replicate in traditional anime even if he was alive to direct. It’s a little more generic, but also has more of a focus on character, if that makes sense. And the fight scenes definitely feel like they’re the same as the original, in the sense that you could imagine the White trailer and Weiss’s fight here are just different cameras shooting the same fight (plus or minus the additional context Ice Queendom gives).
Adam has so much more character than he did in the Black Trailer. And it’s not a matter of time constraints in a trailer, they established it with just a few quick lines of dialogue.
I’d gotten used to the new voices characters have by Blake’s section, but the train fight’s music feels wrong. I wouldn’t expect “From Shadows” to be playing, lyrics and all, but…is it too much to hope for some musical motifs to be recycled?
Gambol Shroud looks…I dunno…janky? I think part of the problem is that it’s moving slowly enough that you can tell when it’s playing fast and loose with momentum. On a related not, the way they shot the one bit where Adam uses…erm…I forget the shotgun’s name is a bit too close to really convey how that works. I don’t like their fight scene as much as I did Weiss’s, in case you can’t tell.
Having Blake cut ties with Adam (and his train car) right after he shows callous disregard for non-Faunus life, instead of putting another fight scene between them…it feels like a stronger emotional beat, but also a slightly different one. It feels less like Blake took a moment to think over the shocking thing Adam said and made a decision based on that, and more like this was just the last straw. Having Adam and Blake exchange a few more words is an unambiguously positive change, though.
Also: Adam mentioned that he and Blake were faunus, so it can’t be an end-season reveal. Now, Blake being a faunus wasn’t much of a twist the first time around; to me, the real twist was that Blake was hiding it. (Her bow looks more like cat ears in Volume 1, okay?)
No, Ruby still looks weird. Note to self: Compare her original and Ice Queendom designs later. But it’s nice to actually see her doing weapon-geek stuff, even if it’s just a montage of stuff she likes to do in Vale. Also: I’m glad there’s a montage of stuff Ruby likes to do in Vale! Good character-establishing stuff.
Oh hey, a reason for Ruby to be at the Dust shop. It’s a bit odd, but it’s better than “they also sell magazines I guess?”
Roman Torchwick shows up almost 60% into the episode, instead of being the first person we see after the opening narration. Since he turns out to be a henchwoman’s henchman and pretty irrelevant aside from his involvement in said henchwoman’s plans, this is a good thing.
Ruby’s Semblance looks a lot cooler than any of the CG versions I saw (maybe there’s something cooler in the back ⅔ of the series, I dunno). Also: Roman calls it a Semblance and acts surprised that Ruby has one, neat change.
Roman has a grappling hook! Wait, his cane had that in Volume 2. The director knew that his cane had a grappling hook before this episode was finished!
Cinder just flew off instead of jumping out of the cockpit and sparring with Glynda for a bit. Means less Glynda fighting, but…yeah, that exchange didn’t really do much except look cool, did it?
Aw, Ruby didn’t ask for Glynda’s autograph. That smash cut from “Can I have your autograph?” to the interrogation room was such a great beat.
The first we see of Ozpin is a handful of extras saluting him. That’s a good way of establishing his importance. And he greets Taiyang, calls him “Tai”. Love this introduction.
Yang gushing about Ruby being accepted to Beacon at the police station makes a lot more sense than on the airship to Beacon.
Bringing the end of the opening narration to the end of the first episode makes a nice bookend; using it to frame a quick montage
The credits say that’s Void_Chords or L, not Casey Lee Williams, but I wouldn’t have known. I dunno if they intentionally picked a vocalist who sounds like Casey, but they did a good job of making the (OP? ED? not sure which it is at this point) sound like something from the original RWBY.
Overall: An excellent second draft. Some things felt like a downgrade (especially leaving out the autograph beat), but they’re far rarer than the bits which feel more refined. More like the writers and animators had an actual plan.
I appreciate the character focus. That’s what should matter, I feel. Action is cool, but action without grounding in the characters’ traits, goals, etc is…well, it’s literally why I dropped RWBY a few episodes into Volume 3. If I ever need to talk about bad anime tournament arcs, the Vytal Tournament will definitely be one of my examples. Spite aside, it gives me hope that the folks behind Ice Queendom will focus on more of the stuff I like about RWBY and not get mired in the stuff I’m more tepid on.
Not sure if I’ll post something like this for the rest of Ice Queendom, but if I do it probably won’t be one long list of bullets per episode.
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weaseltotheface · 2 years
Got our roosterteeth store package today
We bought three rwby mugs because we love not having space in the cupboard
Also kate got some shirts
I didn't get any shirts I had to buy a shirt separately because the shirt I wanted wasn't in stock when we ordered this big fuck off order 😤
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bookishmemes · 2 years
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First time trying out embroidery, might as well start with a Yang!
Inspired by the shirt in the Roosterteeth store
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girlbosspyrrha · 1 year
my occasional journeys to look at the roosterteeth rwby store are funny sometimes. look at this shirt
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they gave oscar autism eyes. look at this
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girlwholovesturtles · 2 years
How the FUCK do I cancel an order from the Roosterteeth store?!
I places the order less then 20 minutes ago and I can't cancel it. This is so unreasonable and honestly disrespectful.
I goddamn hate this sites store and customer service. Don't buy shit from them because if something goes wrong with the order, you can't edit the order in any way.
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theuntoaster · 4 years
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You can buy Clover’s pin and a pin of Qrow’s symbol :’(
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I have a Depop!!
Hello everyone!! I decided to post my Depop link here because I have decided to sell some Rooster Teeth merch I have. I have collected Rooster Teeth merch since 2014. I have a lot of older stuff that they no longer sell on their website anymore because of how old it is. All the products are coming from a non-smoking and pet friendly home. These shirts are just sitting in my closet and could use a new home. 
I will continue to list more items though for now there is some. If you have any questions, DM me in the app. Feel free to shop my store or share the link!
Thank you!
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maraness · 6 years
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