caguaydreams · 6 months
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a quick UPA inspired Starscream
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ahhlehlehlehleh · 1 year
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(she is)
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razzafrazzle · 6 months
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i can imagine anything as yuri
[image description: a drawing of frankie and nelly from the 1951 short rooty toot toot. the two are sitting on a counter together, with nelly looking down at frankie with a smile and her arm around her, while frankie lies on the counter and looks up at nelly lovingly. end id]
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disformer · 1 year
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some sketchy cartoony doodles from tonight
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payasita · 1 year
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rollin' back the clock just a bit
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rootbeergoddess · 1 year
Our Love is Enough
Summary: You’re Tengen’s fourth wife. You pass out because you haven’t been eating and Tengen finds out. Furious, he confronts and later, confronts your bullies.
You woke up with a start. How long have you been asleep? God, you were so behind on your chores. You threw the blanket off you and were about to stand up when a wave of dizziness hit you. You sat back down, holding your head. This headache was still driving you nuts. How could you do your wifely duties while your head hurt?
“Ah, I see you’re awake,” 
Damnit, someone needed to put a bell on Shinobu. How long had she been in the room? 
“Yes, I am. How long have I been asleep?”
“Asleep?” Shinobu cocked her head. “Y/N, you passed out. You suddenly collapsed while making dinner for your husband and your wives.”
Oh no.
Your dizzy spells had been worsening, but you managed to hide them. When you passed out, you could always tell. Why had this one been so bad? Oh, and Tengen saw it! Tengen probably went ballistic; he was so protective of his wives. Suma was also so sensitive; she hated seeing people she loved hurt. God, this was such a mess. 
“Y/N, how long were you planning on not eating?” Shinobu asked.
You didn’t say anything for a second. There was no way Shinobu hadn’t realized what was going on. While she wasn’t the strongest Hashria but she was brilliant. There was no one smarter than her. 
“It was only three days,” You managed to answer.
“Oh, that’s fine. You only starved your body of nutrients needed to survive and caused yourself to pass out,” Shinobu’s voice had a bite to it. “Not only did you worry Tengen and your sweet wives, but you didn’t even think of poor little Zenistu.”
Shinobu was good at making your feel guilty. Granted, she was right. Zenistu had found out about you not eating; he heard your stomach rumbling. You explained and begged him not to say anything when he asked why. The secret was probably eating him up inside. Sweet Zenistu had always been so kind to you, partly because he had an obvious crush on you. What a terrible person you were to take advantage of him.
“I—-I—-” Your voice wavered. “I was trying to lose weight so I wouldn’t embarrass Tengen and the others.”
The first tear slid down your face.
“What?” Shinobu asked.
“Look at me!” You shouted. “My body is so unappealing compared to Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru’s. I’m a fat tub of lard who doesn’t deserve four loving spouses! Tengen would be better off without me anyways!” 
Tears begin to fall, and you hide your face, sobbing. All you had wanted was to be a beautiful wife to Tengen and your three wives. Now, you had failed. You had failed completely. They would never accept you back. What were you going to do? Where would you live? The idea of them rejecting you was worse than death in your eyes.
Shinbou grabbed your hair and slapped you across the face.
“That is enough! Y/N, I’ll poison you if you ever speak about yourself like this again!” She said. “How could you doubt Tengen’s love? Do you think he’s so cruel?”
“No, but—”
“While I think four wives is too many, there is no doubt in my mind that Tengen adores you,” Shinobu continued. “I remember when he came to me, asking for advice.”
“He came to you? Why?” 
“He said it had been long since he courted anyone. He was nervous.”
“Nervous,” You deadpanned. “Tengen Uzui, the god of festivals, was nervous?” 
“I know, I can barely believe it myself, but Tengen was enamored with you. And your wives? Oh, they were beside themselves. Didn’t you notice how Suma would always follow you around?”
The memory brought a smile to your face. Before marrying Uzui and your wives, you were a nurse at the Butterfly Mansion. When you met Uzui, you didn’t think much of his flirting. How come could someone like him be interested in a fatty like you? Then, you met Suma, Makio, and Hina. They were each beautiful in their own way, and you weren’t shocked when Tengen revealed he was married to all three of them.
What was shocking was all four of them had taken an interest in you. Suma would show up at the butterfly mansion and just trail after you. Even though she was squeamish around blood and broken bones, she never stopped following after you. Makio had been a bit more awkward, coming off as mean when she interacted with you. Your sweetness had won her over; that she what she told you. Whenever Makio showed up, you always smiled at her no matter what she said.
Hina was much more subtle, but you had caught her blushing a few times. When you asked why, she brushed it off, but eventually, you noticed her staring. You were naive at the time; you hadn’t dated much. Being a bigger woman meant a smaller dating pool. You didn’t pick up on these clues until Tengen came to you with a massive bouquet of flowers. It was filled with some of the most beautiful and unique flowers I had ever seen.
“Oh, those are beautiful, Tengen,” You said with a smile. “Shinobu will love them.”
“These aren’t for Kocho-san,” He said.
“Really? I thought they were a gift to thank you for constantly patching you,” You teased.
“It’s true; she has been a great help in keeping me in tip-top shape,” Tengen said. “But these are you for.”
That made you freeze. Was this a joke? No one had ever given you flowers. Well, your father had, but that didn’t count. You looked at him, searching for a bit of malice in his smile. No, that smile was genuine. Tengen wasn’t a person to lie; he was always honest about his desires.
“For me?” You looked at the flowers. “But wouldn’t this be something you give to some you want to court?”
“Oh, so you’re finally catching on,” Tengen handed you the flowers. “Y/N, my wives have been begging me to ask you a crucial question. It’s not a question I ask just anyone. Y/N, would you allow us the honor of courting you?”
The world had gone still at that moment. You were speechless for an eternity before you squeaked out a small ‘yes.’
“Wait, did you suggest the bouquet he gave me?” You asked Shinobu. 
“I did,” Shinobu giggled. “He didn’t know what kind of flowers you liked, so he decided to get that big one, full of different ones. He was nervous even then. I had to push him into the mansion to get him going.”
This news was shocking. Tengen was the most confident man you knew. No one could even come close to Tengen’s bravado. He saw himself as a god and declared he was flashy constantly. But he had been nervous about courting you? That seemed impossible. It drove people crazy, but you personally found it charming. You wished you had at least a fraction of his confidence.  
Your conversation was interrupted when the door flew open. There stood your husband, panting and slightly sweaty. Oh, you were in for it. He was going to be so mad at you. He made his way toward your bed and then grabbed your face.
“Are you alright?” He asked. 
“There are no bruises from the fall? Did you hit your head? What about a fracture?” He turned to Shinobu. “I want you to run as many tests as you can. What if she contracted a deadly disease?” 
“When she fell, she fell hard! Was there any bleeding?”
“Do we need to contact any other doctors?”
“TENGEN!” You managed to shout. “Tengen, I’m fine. I just passed out.”
“Yes, because you weren’t eating,” Tengen said.
Great, he knew. Zenistu had probably told him. You winced as he gave you what was known as the ‘Husband Stare.’ He was angry.
“It’s no big deal, I just—-”
“No big deal?” Tengen repeated. “No big deal? No big deal!? You PASSED OUT! You could have been injured when you fell!”
“But I wasn’t,” You tried to interrupt.
“And do you know what starving yourself does? That is not flashy! It thins out your hair, and your complexion becomes dull. I will not allow it!”
“I just–I was trying to lose weight. I thought it’d be faster this way,” You admitted. “I don’t want you to be embarrassed by me.”
“Embarrassed? Why would I be embarrassed by you?” 
“Tengen, you’re so muscular and toned, while our wives have perfect waists. All of you are so perfect, and then there is me. I’m not even close to being on your level.”
“Who says?” Tengen asked. “Wait, were those assholes in town?”
“I—wait, you know?” 
“Of course, I know. The blonde hair wimp told me. He was worried about you and used his hearing to figure out someone in town had been harassing you. Beloved, I don’t care what others think. It’s their fault for not seeing how brilliant and flashy you are. I’m also hurt. Do you think I’d leave you just because you’re not skinny?”
“Tengen,” You sniffled. “I—I’m sorry, I just got scared. You’re the best thing to happen to me, and I love our wives too. I’m just always afraid of losing this wonderful life.”
“Why?” Tengen asked, caressing your face. “Suma, Hina and Makio love you. I love you. Can’t our love be enough? The rest of the world can be stupid and not see your greatness, but you never have to worry about our love.”
“Oh, Tengen!” You hugged him. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean you scare you or our wives. I love you all so much!”
“Please, don’t starve yourself to fit in. You don’t have to,” Tengen squeezed you. “Let’s go home.”
“Wait,” You looked over at Shinobu. “Shinobu, I want to thank you. Not just for your help but for talking to me.”
“You’re welcome. Normally, I’d recommend you stay in bed, but I have a feeling Uzui won’t listen to me,” Shinobu sighed. 
“You’d be right,” Uzui said.
Uzui picked you up effortlessly. You squealed, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I can walk!” You protested.
“The girls don’t want to be away from her,” Uzui continued. “Thank you for your help Kocho!”
“Tengen, I can walk!” You said again.
“Walking is for those who are unflashy,” He said, carrying you out of the mansion. 
Suma started bawling upon seeing you. The entire way back home, Uzui refused to put you down. When you entered the house, the wives all came running to greet you. Tengen put you down, and immediately, you were swarmed by the three women.
“I thought you were going to die!” Suma wailed. “You passed out, and it was so scary!”
“Stop smothering her; you’ll get snot all over her!” Makio said. “Y/N, don’t you ever do that to us again! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“I’m sorry, Makio, Suma,” You said. “I wasn’t thinking.”
Your stomach growled loudly, interrupting the sweet moment. 
“I had a feeling you’d be hungry,” Hinatsuru chuckled. “We prepared a special dinner.”
“Would there be any tempura?” You asked, hopefully.
“Of course,” Hinatsuru said.
“Yes! I love your cooking, Hina!” You hugged her.
“Hey, where is my hug?” Suma asked.
Tengen smiled as he watched his happy wives. It was chaos, but god, did he love it. People usually enjoyed silence and stillness but not Tengen. He wanted his house to be loud, filled with laughter and love. As the girls ushered Y/N into the dining room, Tengen slipped away. He was going to join them, but he had something else he needed to attend to. 
Quietly as he could, he took off towards town. He reached the local bar; outside stood Zenistu. 
“Are they in there?” Tengen asked.
“Yes,” Zenistu said through gritted teeth. “Once you’re done with me, I want to a turn! Those slimeballs insult Miss Y/N’s beauty! They’re going to pay.”
Tengen chuckled; Zenistu was many things, but he didn’t take people disrespecting women. It was flashy. Zenistu entered the bar and pointed towards a rowdy group sitting at a table. Tengen nodded as he marched towards them. He stopped before the group, waiting for them to notice him. A sloppily, dull man with greasy hair looked at him, unimpressed. It took them a minute. 
“Can we help you?” One of them asked.
Tengen responded with a hand around the man’s neck. Without breaking a sweat, he threw the offender over an empty table. It shattered, and bar patrons took notice. The man gasped for air but had little time to breathe as Tengen picked him up by the feet.
“Daichi!” Someone yelled. “Hey, put him down!”
Tengen turned to look at the rest of the group. The rest of them froze as he gave them a cold, heartless stare. These were the people who harassed his wife; they had no rights. He dropped Daichi and strode over to the table.
“Which one of you said it?” He asked his voice low.
“S-said what?” One of them gulped.
“Which one of you called my wife a cow?” He asked. “Don’t act like you don’t know. Y/N Uzui, she comes to town frequently, and I was told that you unflashy lot are the ones who demeaned her. So who said it?”
The rest of the table was silent, giving each other glances. Tengen’s patience was wearing thin. He took his blades on and stabbed the table. 
“It was Shouji!” Daichi managed, pointing at a man in a green kimono. “He was the one who started it! He even said she looked like a whale!”
“It’s true! He even oinked at her like a pig!” Another added.
“Seriously?” Shouji said. “Okay, so I called the fatty a cow! So—”
Tengen grabbed Shouji by the neck. Shouji started gagging, but Tengen didn’t let go. Instead, he left the bar with Shouji in hand. He passed by Zenistu and merely nodded. The yellow-haired boy returned the nod and ran into the bar. He could hear the young boy screaming up a storm, defending Y/N. Shouji kept trying to breathe, but Tengen ignored him. 
Using his training, he jumped up into the air and landed on a building. No, it wasn’t high enough. Looking around, he saw a tower. Ah, that was perfect. He ran towards it, never releasing his grip. Tengen jumped up and ran up the building when he got close enough. When he reached the top, he held Shouji over the edge.
“Please, please don’t drop me!” He begged.
“Oh, I’m not going to drop you,” Tengen said with a twisted grin. “But you are going to suffer. I’m also going to make something clear. Don’t you ever interact with my wife again? Don’t look at her, don’t think about her, don’t even mention her name. Got it?”
Shouji nodded. Tengen brought him away from the edge and set him down. He got a kunai and held it against the other man’s throat.
“Get undressed, now,”
Shouji complied. Once he was down to his underwear, Tengen threw rope toward the man.
“Tie your arms up,” He said. “Hurry it up.”
Once again, Shouji obeyed. Once he was tied, Tengen grabbed the rest of the rope. He tied it firmly to the railing and then grabbed Shouji. Shouji started to beg for mercy, but it fell on deaf ears. Tengen tossed Shouji over the edge and watched as the man wailed. He hung there, naked and terrified. Tengen felt satisfied and decided to head back to his wives.
“Wow, you even made ramen? Just for me?” Y/N said.
“Of course! I even added extra pork,” Hinasturu said. 
“Hina, you’re the best!” Y/N said. 
“Hey, what about us? We helped you know,” Makio grumbled, crossing her arms.
Y/N laughed and gave Makio a kiss on the cheek. Makio tried to hide her face, but she was apparently smiling.
“I want a kiss too!” Suma pouted. “I was the one who made the dango!”
“There is dango for dessert? Hooray!” 
Y/N pulled Suma forward and showered her with kisses.
“Hey, no fair!” Makio said.
Tengen managed to sneak back into the kitchen without his wife noticing. He laughed heartily, seeing Makio and Suma fighting over Y/N’s affections. Y/N noticed Tengen, and she got up to run to him.
“You’ll miss out if you don’t come and sit! If you don’t, I’ll eat all of it!” Y/N teased.
“Now this?” Tengen tickled her chin. “This is what I like to see. I like to see my Y/N happy and silly like she normally is. No more starving yourself?”
“Nope!” She said. “Now come on, sit down!” 
Tengen sat down with his wives. He smiled as he looked down at his spouse. Y/N was feeding Suma a dumpling while Hinastru cleaned something off Makio’s face. Makio was blushing, trying to avoid Hina’s look. This was his perfect little family; he’d do anything to protect them.
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quartzitess · 7 months
Bat rooty. One step closer 2 being canon... /silly
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Cards I'm talking abt ↓
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The.. the creature.. the creature ever,,,
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 41: Technoscience
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Leo still doesn't know how he managed to wriggle himself away from Raph's mother hen-ing, but here he is now -- wandering the halls alone, looking for that Honey-doctor-whoever.
Maybe he should have stayed with Mikey.... he can't help but worry about him. Yes, he has his ninpo back, but still... This place is a bad place. Leo's not sure how to explain it beyond that. It's like being inside a house you know is the location for a horror movie. It reeks of evil.
Besides, he still has the 'epipen' Mikey handed him tucked safely away in his fanny pack.
Leo wonders what Mikey will do with it. After their whole conversation concerning how Mikey is changed now, and how Leo has been adamant that they've accepted him no matter what... he wonders what Mikey's decision will be. He could still take it and change back into his old self. Get back to 'normal'. Become the person he used to be, become the version of himself he's been fighting so hard to get back to.
Or, he could refuse it. Stay like this, with claws and a giant tail and fangs.
What would life be like after that?
Honestly, Leo hadn't even considered that option until the morning when Donnie said he couldn't figure out a retro-mutagen on his own. He said it was impossible. It was a blow to the stomach back then, a dagger in the heart to think of that. To think of Mikey forever trapped in a body that could barely speak and not yet walk upright, a body tormented by thoughts from another voice, a body broken and pieced back together crudely. At the time, it felt like giving up. But now...?
Now, Mikey can convey himself perfectly and speak clearly. Now, Mikey can walk on two legs with very little assistance. Now, Mikey's head is clear of torment.
Now, Mikey is Mikey again.
So what exactly is his choice?
Leo thinks he might know what his brother's choice will be. But he's not sure if it's the right one...
In any case, now's not the time to worry over it. He's on a search and rescue mission. Leo hobbles his way up the stairs until he feels something in his gut. It's soft, small, gentle. A light pulling sensation he can only describe as a knowing, a connection, or maybe even a reconnection, if that makes sense.
A few minutes later, he gets a message from Donnie that he's found their weapons.
"Ah, so that's what that was," Leo sighs to himself.
He wishes he had his swords with him now. He usually doesn't mind searching the old fashioned way, but with the injuries he has and the time they're losing... Every extra minute in this place makes him more and more nervous.
Leo starts to heave and pant as he climbs yet another flight of stairs. He figures he's almost at the top of the whole place by now...
He gasps for breath as he leans against a door in the stairwell, which leads to yet another floor.
"Oh... Pizza supreme... I need to work out more... or not get electrocuted so much..."
Leo notices the door he's leaning against has a keypad by the handle. Huh. That's strange, none of the other doors have that...
It's either a really good sign or a really bad sign.
Leo wishes yet again that he had his portal swords... it would make things so much easier...
He glances to the side and notes the stairwell railing. Oh well. He'll have to improvise...
He grips the railing and starts shaking it, testing it for weak points. Raph would be better at this next part, but Leo can manage on his own. He pulls on one end and kicks at the other, yanking as hard as he can. It starts to come loose.
"Almost there... almost... come on, baby...!" Leo groans, wrenching the metal bar as hard as he can.
Finally, it starts to break apart! Leo just needs one good shove... He grips the thing as tightly as he can and pushes it as far as it can go. He hears a crunch of metal. One more go ought to do it! Leo revs up, takes a few steps back, rushes forwards and grips the rail with all his might before jumping over and yanking it down with him. The bar snaps off the rail and falls along with the slider turtle.
Leo concentrates, gripping the rail close to his chest as he falls down the center of the stairwell. The metal bar glows blue, and transforms into a sword.
"Man oh man, do I love my ninpo," Leo chuckles to himself, before slicing a hole in space beneath him.
He ends up tumbling right in front of the door at the top floor again, skidding to a halt as he pants for breath again. He may love his ninpo, but transforming random objects into swords like that takes it out of him. Especially when he already has his own swords... made from garden spades....
The sword flickers softly. Leo has to hurry before he exhausts his ninpo... He remembers what happened the last time he did this -- he portalled himself and Mikey out of their bedroom and into Dee's lab after having a nightmare and promptly passed out from the exertion of transforming a metal ruler into a sword. Not his best moment...
Leo holds the sword steady and prays he doesn't pass out this time...
The runes and markings on the blade shimmer before he slices the air once again. Leo limps and lumbers through the portal, tripping slightly before landing on his hands and knees at the other side of the door. The sword fizzles under his palms and reverts to its former state.
"Well... at least I didn't... faint..." he chuckles airily to himself. "....Yet."
Leonardo stumbles through the hallway, placing all his weight on the walls to support him. He's awfully dizzy, and the pins-and-needles numbing pains that occupy his chest hasn't left either. Leo makes a mental note to get revenge on all tasers and cattle prods in the future...
Maybe he should have had Raph come along with him after all.
But he said he was fine, and he saw how badly Raph wanted to stay with Mikey this time around. He knows that Mikey forgave Raph and absolved him of any mistakes from the past, but even so. This mission hits a little too close to home....... for all of them.
Leo starts to notice that the walls are beginning to have doors. Was that always happening? How long has he been zoned out? Okay, he needs to find Dr. Honeycomb as fast as he can and get back to the guys as soon as possible. The adrenaline rush he got from having his ninpo restored and escaping is beginning to wear off.
Door after door after door... name after name after name. Leo isn't sure if it's the dyslexia acting up, or the injuries he sustained, but with every door he passes, it's getting harder to distinguish the words...
Vitcro Flaco... Rublolhp Crobato... Tlyod O'Foole... Ztayon Hnoyectut...
Wait, what was that last one?
Leo does a double take and stares at the nameplate on the door. Despite his headache flaring up the dyslexia, he deciphers the strange code as Zayton Honeycutt.
"Bingo," he chuckles to himself before kicking the door down with all the might he can manage. He secretly makes yet another mental note to thank Draxum for whatever he put in the ooze that made him and his brothers so freaking strong...
There's a loud yipe from inside as the door falls to the ground. Leo rushes in and finds a fidgety, nervous old man sitting on a pathetic cot in the middle of what looks like a mini lab or workspace. It's even smaller than Dee's traincar bedroom... The man on the bed has a long and frizzy white beard, accompanied by even frizzier white tufts of hair on his balding head. There are deep circles under his eyes, and his thin frame shakes terribly.
"W-who are -- what are --" he stammers, adjusting the glasses perched on his nose.
"No time," Leo grunts, tripping slightly as he runs up to the old guy. "You're Honeycutt, right? Friend of Casey Jones Jr. and Agent Bishop?"
"Bishop?" Honeycutt whimpers, standing to his feet immediately. "Is he okay? And C-Casey, the boy, did the EPF find him or --"
"Casey's fine, he's here actually," Leo says, grabbing the old man's hand. "We're getting you guys out of here."
Honeycutt nods softly before eyeing the rest of the teenager.
"You look terrible."
"How shocking," Leo jokes.
"That sounds like a very poignant joke..." Honeycutt trembles, quickly inspecting the marks on Leo's plastron. "I'm guessing the wordplay has some truth to it?"
"I'll be fine. C'mon, we're heading to the roof --"
"Wait!" Honeycutt interjects, pulling away quickly and running to the other side of the room. "I need to get some things first..."
"What--?! We're kind of on a deadline here!" Leo gripes.
"I know, I understand, but I have to take SAL with me."
"Who's Sal?" Leo asks, glancing around the room carefully. "A pet goldfish or something?"
"No, SAL is my life's work," Honeycutt chuckles. "You see, I've been working to create artificial intelligence -- an artificial lifeform, if you will. A mechanical body with a genuine mind... and maybe even a soul. But that's for the philosophers to work out, I'm interested in seeing if it's possible to create consciousness within a machine!"
"Wait, you mean AI?" Leo clarifies, somewhat taken aback. "Doesn't that usually result in like... killer robots that destroy humanity?"
"Well... Yes," Honeycutt sighs. "My last attempt was quite... violent, to be truthful. I assume you've met Ms. Campbell by now?"
"Not yet, who's she?" Leo asks, looking over his shoulder to make sure no one is in the hall. He thought he heard something...
"Well, she was my last attempt at creating artificial intelligence," Honeycutt explains, as he packs up several irreplaceable-looking tools and gadgets. "But I got impatient with the code and morality matrixes, and I may have borrowed some data from... unfriendly sources."
"Sounds riveting," Leo says impatiently as he goes to push the old man and his oversized tin toy through the door, "You and Donnie should schedule a brunch meetup or something. But we got to go, NOW."
Honeycutt gasps and freezes as Leo tries to shove him again. He hears a click.
Leo looks up and sees a woman standing in the doorway, holding what Leo pathetically hopes is a toy blaster, and not the real thing.
"A-Abigail," Honeycutt gasps, smiling nervously as his entire body starts trembling with fear. "W-what a surprise!"
"Yeah," the woman says, sounding almost as nervous as him. "It really is. What are you doing, Zayton?"
"W-well, there was an evacuation going on, wasn't there--?"
"Don't play dumb with me, we both know you're too smart for that to work," Abigail growls. She slowly trains the blaster at the two of them, eyes darting back and forth, unsure of who to glare at. "...How could you betray us like this?!"
"B-betray?" Honeycutt stutters.
"Look, maybe we can continue this confrontation at a later date, or maybe never --" Leo attempts.
"You were going to sell us out!" Abigail yells, stomping forward and forcing Professor Honeycutt to take several steps back, along with Leo behind him. "Chaplin told us EVERYTHING! You and that rogue agent were going to go to the police?! With all our work?! All of MY work, Zayton?!"
"I-I'm sorry, Abigail," Honeycutt stammers. "But it was getting out of hand..."
"You don't even understand the meaning of the word!" she screams in his face. "OUT OF HAND?! You were right alongside us, performing your own experiments on the monster! You were using the funding, just like we were! You got your share, and you thought you could just run away?!"
Leo takes several steps to distance himself from Honeycutt, staring in shock. He knew that he worked here, knew he was involved, but... is what she saying true? Did he do things to Mikey??
Honeycutt flinches when he feels Leo move away. He glances back at him, trying to study his expression. Leo figures he must look terrified, because when the old man sees him, he looks remorseful, guilty, and hurt.
"I... I never wanted to... I didn't know what they were..."
Abigail laughs haughtily, tears in her eyes as her hands shake with pure burning rage.
"You didn't know?!" she sneers. "You were the one building the mechs, the training simulators, the ice gun, the extra-strength cattle prods and tasers, the robots -- you built us killing machines, and you DIDN'T KNOW?!"
Honeycutt trembles, shrinking under her accusations.
"And then you have the audacity to switch sides?! Turn Benedict Arnold on us and sell out your associates and friends?!" she screams, bringing the tricked-out laser gun closer to her face and pointing it at the two of them. "You... you traitor. I trusted you. Believe it or not, I trusted you. More than Chaplin, more than Timothy. I always pegged you as the level-headed one, the one person here I could count on not to lose his mind --"
"That's what I'm trying to say!" Honeycutt cries out, throwing his hands in the air. "I joined the EPF because I had a dream! Like you! Probably like most of the people who got sucked into the corporation! But it's not a corporation, it's a #%?!&@$ CULT! It's an insane asylum where the patients are running the show and the only people who have any real thoughts left are the ones in a cage!! Do you have any idea what my existence was like after Chaplin got here?! I was a prisoner loooong before he locked me in my room! And yes, I did what I was told -- because I saw what happened to people who stepped out of line! You know exactly what I'm talking about!! Remember that one guard who assaulted Mikey with the taser?! Do you know, do you remember what happened to him?!"
"Yes I do," Dr. Finn snarls. "His brain is in a jar in my lab."
Honeycutt goes pale.
"Oh. Well, last I heard, he had been mutated and caged... um, but it still proves my point! Anyone who goes against Chaplin or the TCRI --"
"That's different!" Abigail Finn defends. "He attacked the subject and almost damaged the brain --"
"And that justifies experimentation and execution?!" Honeycutt shouts back. "Chaplin is not the law, he's neither judge nor jury! He has no right to do the things he's been doing!! Can't you see how insane this is?!"
Honeycutt sighs and lowers his arms, hanging his head.
"Please... Abigail... You have to see this for what it is. I never wanted to betray anyone, but this has gone on long enough. People are getting hurt. I just... I wanted to leave."
Honeycutt slowly looks back up at her. Her hands shake softly, her eyes burn red with tears. She grits her teeth and grips the gun tighter.
"...Why do you think I came up here?" she growls. "I came to get you out."
Honeycutt's eyes go wide.
"Wait, what? Really? Then what are we even doing here; put the gun down and let's get --"
"NO," Abigail Finn growls, readjusting her stance. "Not yet."
Leo suddenly realizes that the gun isn't pointed at Prof. Honeycutt. It was never pointed at the professor. It was pointed at him.
Leo's hands slowly raise up, and he takes another step back. Dr. Finn takes one step forward.
"Abigail, what are you..?" Honeycutt asks, head bouncing back and forth as he looks between the two of them. "Abby... Abigail, s-stop!"
"You're coming with me, Honeycutt," she growls low. "We're getting out of here. But him?" Her face contorts into a snarl. "He's not going anywhere."
"You're not actually gonna shoot me, are you?" Leo laughs nervously. "You wouldn't -- I'm unarmed!"
"But we both know that you're still a living weapon," Abigail sneers. "Just like Chaplin always said about your brother..."
"Abby, stop! Please! What would you have to gain from this?!" Honeycutt pleads.
"I have everything to lose," she says, voice cracking as she steps closer. "Those turtles will destroy everything I've ever worked for. I'm not about to lose my life's work over a few sewer monsters!"
She points the gun straight at Leo, staring him point-blank in the face. He knows he can't escape, not with the condition he's in. There's no way out of here. Abigail's finger traces over the trigger...
"Just stay out of my way..."
Honeycutt steps in between the two.
Abigail's brow furrows as she glares at her former coworker.
"Zayton? What are you... get out of my way! This doesn't concern you --"
"Yes it does," Honeycutt says defiantly. "You can't hurt him."
"Watch me."
"No," he says again, guarding Leo.
Leo, who happens to find this whole scenario ironic. Shouldn't he be the one guarding Honeycutt?? But Here he is, watching in fear as a frail old man protects his life from this nutty lady.
"No, I won't move. I'm done being afraid, I'm done pretending like my absence of a choice isn't a choice in and of itself. I've been hiding for too long, letting you get away with everything. No more. I'm taking a stand for once in my life. I can't let you do this, Abby."
"Stay out of this," she seethes, gripping the magazine and handle of the blaster with all her might.
Honeycutt shakes his head.
"I'm done staying out of it."
Leo instinctively ducks as soon as he hears the blast, before looking up in shock as the old man defending him doubles over in pain, gripping his chest as Abigail Finn panics and runs away in terror.
"What... no... No! No, no, no!" Leo screams, grabbing the old man by the shoulders and trying desperately to help him. "S-stay with me, okay?! Stay, stay here, I-I'll..."
Honeycutt gasps and gags, choking on his own blood. There's a small but deep hole where a lung is located. Leo guesses that Dr. Finn meant to shoot through the doctor and hit him... but it doesn't even matter now; Leo has to act fast. His hands are already stained red as he attempts to apply pressure to the wound...
Honeycutt grips Leo's fingers with his own, pulling him close as he gasps and fights for air.
"P-please... there's not much time," he wheezes hoarsely. "You... you n-need to get out of h-here. F-find Bishop, g-g-get the... the proof... get it out, s-so n-nothing will ha-happen t-to... to your.... y-your brother... I-I'm sorry for the p-part I played in... in it all..... but... h-hopef-fully this m-makes up for... for everything...... g..go, now......"
"No, I'm not leaving you here!" Leo growls, gritting his teeth. "I'm saving you, I'm getting you out of this mess!"
"I'm already dead," Honeycutt chuckles, before choking and hacking up blood. "I'm lost, kid... just... just go, qu-quick..."
"NO, there's gotta be someway I can save you!"
Leo glances around the room frantically, searching for something, anything he can use --
His eyes fall on the robot laying on the floor by his side. SAL.
"...You said you were trying to put consciousness into a robot, right?" Leo tries, tears streaking down his face in desperation as he runs out of options. "How??"
"The... the port..." Honeycutt manages, his voice fading as he struggles to keep his eyes open. "The... there's a cable... o-on the t...table..... blue ssssstripes..."
Leo sets him down carefully and grabs the large blue cord from the table. The end of said cable has several metal prongs connected inside of it, matching a port opening. Leo finally sticks it in after three tries, then turns to the doctor.
"O-okay, what now?!" he begs. "What do I do?!"
"The... the hel.... th'helmet..." Honeycutt exhales, his finger weakly lifting, falling, and shaking as he attempts to point to a corner cabinet.
Leo jumps into action, practically pouncing on the cabinet and shoveling supplies out as he frantically searches for the device. He eventually finds what looks like a metal bike helmet, complete with blinky lights and switches.
"Okay, okay, I think I've got it, now what?"
Honeycutt doesn't respond. Leo whirls around to look at him. His chest is starting to fall.
"No... No! No, not yet! Not when I can -- NO!"
Leo moves. Fast, desperate, swift, and with very little thinking involved.
"Really wish Donnie was here!" he gripes as he snatches the cable from the desk and shoves it into the helmet. A three-pronged needle sticks out from the other side where the porthole would be. Leo grimaces as he thinks of the pain that will follow. "Sorry, doc, but this is probably gonna sting..."
Leo drops to his knees by the professor and drives the helmet onto his head. The needles click into the nape of the neck. The lights flash, and the old man suddenly screams, his body convulsing on the ground as the device does its work.
Leo has to force himself to keep from covering his mouth at the screams; his hands are still bloody and he doesn't want to get the Professor's blood anywhere it shouldn't be. The professor shrieks in pain as the cable brightens up and blue light flows from the helmet to the little robot laying on the floor beside them. His body jerks, back and forth, the robot begins to tremble and jerk as well. A garbled, staticy shriek starts to emanate from the speakers where its mouth would be.
Suddenly, both bodies freeze and fall limp. The professor goes silent, his skin pale and shirt soaked with blood. His chest falls, his breathing ceases.
He's dead.
"...D-doc?" Leo whimpers. "Hello? Did... did it work? Please, tell me I didn't just --"
Leo hears groaning. It's robotic, staticy, almost like autotune. It slowly starts to refocus, becoming clearer and easier to understand. It sounds like... like...
"...Professor?" Leo whispers, hovering over the metal body with baited breath.
The robot -- SAL -- stirs, before slowly sitting up and placing a mechanical hand to its head.
"ᴜɢʜʜ… ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴀɴ ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇ ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴘᴇᴀᴛ."
Leo reels backwards from the robot half his size, as it slowly starts to stand.
"ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴅɪᴅ… ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴅᴏ…?" it asks, in Honeycutt's voice. "ᴡʜʏ ɪꜱ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴛᴀʟʟᴇʀ? ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜʏ ᴅᴏ ɪ --"
The robot Honeycutt halts, staring down at the new body it he has acquired.
"ᴏʜ. ᴏʜ. ᴏʜʜʜʜ -- ᴏʜ ᴍʏ ɢᴏᴅ, ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴᴇ?! ɪ -- ɪ --"
"You're welcome?" Leo tries, slowly getting off the floor and to his feet as he watches the Professor come to terms with his new form. "If that really is you... Right? Doc?"
"ɪᴛ… ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴍᴇ, ɪ… ᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏʜ ᴅᴇᴀʀ, ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴜꜱᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ…"
"Can you walk?" Leo asks nervously.
"ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ꜱᴏ," he replies slowly. "ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ'ꜱ ᴀ ᴜꜱᴇʀ ᴍᴀɴᴜᴀʟ ᴅᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅᴇᴅ ɪɴ ʜᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴡʜᴇʀᴇ…"
"Well, read it on the way, okay?" Leo sighs with relief, taking the robot's hand and dragging him away. "We got to GO."
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Hey boys got anyone you like or maybe have a little crush on??
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Idk experiment on my tablet program. Trying to find the brush I used before
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coloredcompulsion · 11 months
My dad rewatching the FNaF movie with me: So that guy's the killer right?
Me: Yes! I'm kind of disappointed he's no longer British
My dad: He's no longer What
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jiggleb0ners · 2 years
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*gently shoos the gunlancers out of my inbox with a broom*
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crackshipau · 3 hours
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This isn't a ship but they are best friends and it kinda goes with our au Individuals so it might be easier to read lol
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cosmonautroger · 7 months
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Rooty Helix
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monthly-rootyshine · 2 months
Monthly rootyshine no. 2 !
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I actually planned to post this ages ago but I actually forgot!! Woops..
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rootbeergoddess · 1 year
Nezuko Loves Baby
Tanjiro can’t find his sister but you know where she is. She’s cuddling your baby in her crib. I based this on a TikTok I saw of a little boy holding his newborn sister and refusing to let her go.
This was a predicament you never thought you’d find yourself in.
Ruka, your daughter, was fast asleep in her crib. Next to her was a demon, a demon you knew. Nezuko, in her tiniest form, was snuggled up next to your baby with an arm around her. It was adorable, but you figured Tanjiro would be looking for his sister. You had tried to remove Nezuko, but she pushed you away and pulled Ruka closer to her. Honestly, you were at a loss. Nezuko wouldn’t hurt you; you knew that. She was a special case, and the master had permitted her to fight with her brother.
There was a knock downstairs, and you left the bedroom to answer it. Your husband reached the door first.
“Ah, young Kamado!” Kyojuro beamed at the younger boy. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I’m sorry to bother you, Mister Rengoku. I know it’s late, but I’m desperate. I can’t find Nezuko,”
“I was wondering when you’d arrive,” You said, coming up behind your husband. “Nezuko is here.”
“She is?” Tanjiro asked hopefully.
“She is?” Kyojuro looked at you, confused.
“Yes, follow me,” You said.
You headed back upstairs to your bedroom as the two men followed you. In the bedroom, you walked over to the crib.
“Nezuko, Tanjiro is here.”
Nezuko opened one eye and sat up. Both your husband and Tanjiro were speechless. Nezuko stared at them for a second before yawning and lying back down. She pulled Ruka closer, making sure the baby was near. Tanjiro quietly tiptoed over to the crib and looked in. He reached towards Nezuko, but she pushed his hand away. With Ruka in her arms, she turned over onto her side. You stifled a giggle.
“What? Nezuko, what are you doing?” Tanjiro tried to grab her again.
“No, no, no,” Nezuko mumbled sleepily.
“Ah, Nezuko, you can’t stay here! This isn’t your crib, and you’re too big to be in it anyways,” Tanjiro said. “Let go of the baby.”
“No!” Nezuko declared.
“Nezuko, please!” Tanjiro was getting frustrated.
“No!” Nezuko repeated and slapped her brother’s hand.
“Nezuko!” Tanjiro held his hand.
“It seems we have quite the dilemma,” Kyojuro said. “How do we remove Nezuko from the crib while making sure she leaves Ruka?”
“Do we have to?” You said. “What’s the problem?”
“But—she barely fights in the crib!” Tanjiro said.
“It’s fine,” You shrugged. “I trust Nezuko.”
Smiling, you leaned into the crib and kissed Nezuko on the forehead. She hummed happily, hugging Ruka.
“Well then, I see no reason to remove her from the crib then!” Rengoku said.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to let her stay,” Tanjiro said.
“You can stay too, Tanjiro,” You said. “We have a spare room.”
“I don’t want to impose.”
“Tanjiro, I’ve already told you. You’re family. You are always welcome here,” You said. “You’re not imposing. We love having you here.”
Tanjiro’s cheeks turned pink, and he scratched his head, smiling. You were going to search for a blanket when your husband grabbed your hand and pulled you into his arms. Without a word, he kissed you.
“Kyo, what was that for?” You asked.
“I have fallen in love with you for the second time,” He said, pressing his forehead to yours. “The love you have for others is astounding. I consider myself lucky that you agreed to be my wife. You have given me love, a beautiful child, and more.”
“You say the sweetest things,” You said, smiling at him. “Tanjiro is family as far as I’m concerned. He did protect you from that demon on the Mugen Train. Speaking of Tanjiro, I better find him a blanket.”
You kissed Kyojuro’s cheek and went to the closet for a blanket.
“I agree with you, Mr. Rengoku. You are lucky. Onii-chan is amazing.” Tanjiro said.
“Yes,” Rengoku crossed his arms, watching you. “She’s one of a kind.”
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