#rop elrond x reader
feyhunter78 · 4 days
Thinking about Battle!Elrond with his curly hair. How tired he must be after a battle, and wouldn't it be so nice if his Starlight would run him a bath and wash his hair, shivers going down his spine from the way you massage his scalp, and press soft kisses to his skin, all his exhaustion melting away
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why-what-no · 2 years
First Meeting
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Pairing: Elrond (ROP) x Reader
Warnings: None, Some Silmarillion Lore Mentions
Summary: After a lifetime of Elrond imagining what would happen when he first met his love, the half-elf encountered a being in the forest that left him awestruck.
Requested by: @writing-fanics
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Throughout his life, Elrond had always tried to imagine his future love. Creating images in his head about what they would look like or what their personality would be. There'd be so many scenarios in his head about what he and them would do together. And most importantly, their first meeting.
He had always been a romantic, teased by his brother for it. But the teasing had always been gentle, and Elrond had always known that his brother had admired that romantic quality of his.
When he got older, however, he knew that he had to leave those thoughts behind. His career had to take precedent. Slowly, ideas for how to improve Middle Earth took over his ideas of love. Keeping busy and putting his whole heart and mind into his ambition. When Elrond cared about something, he made sure to make it his top priority.
But in the evening, when he was settling down for bed, some of those hopes and dreams for a relationship would return. When he couldn’t hide the fact that he sometimes felt so lonely.
His brother was gone, his friends were either his superiors or were always traveling to far off lands. The idea of someone putting him first, and letting him put them first, was a powerful desire
Despite that, however, Elrond went on with his life. Until everything he had pushed into the back of his mind happened.
Until the imagined "first meeting" was a reality.
There was a forest around Lindon that Elrond loved to walk through on those days where he needed a break from his duties. The leaves providing a gentle shade, a gorgeous green that brought a relaxing atmosphere. There was a feeling in that forest, like time stood still and allowed him to be free.
It was there that he finally met (Y/N). When the sound of a cracked branch brought his attention to the person agilely climbing down from one of the trees. Jumping down and landing gracefully just feet away from Elrond. 
He could only stop and stare.
It was obvious from the pointed ears and the lovely features that she was elvish. But the half-elf could swear that in all his life, he had never been so captivated by another being like he was with her. 
Elrond had heard stories of Thingol, the first King of Doriath, when he met his wife Melian, one of the Maia.
He had been traversing through forests to visit his friend when he came across Melian, awestruck by her beauty. He took her hand, and for years he stood there with her, having forgotten his people from the sight of the powerful and beautiful being. 
It was in the moment when he saw (Y/N) that he finally understood the spell that had taken over King Thingol. 
It was only because of great luck to those who depended on Elrond that he only stayed, basking in her presence, for a few days. But he could barely bring himself to care. Needing to know her, to learn her name and the things that brought her joy.
When he finally left, he vowed to return as soon as possible. 
(Y/N) lived in the forest, keeping to herself. The nature brought her joy and the animals were her friends. But when she met Elrond, she knew that there would be a chance that she would give that up to be with him. 
He would never ask her for that, knowing how special the trees and land around Lindon was. However, to (Y/N), he was the most special thing she had ever seen. She just wants to see him every day.
As for Elrond, those fantasies of meeting his love had disappeared, finally having met the person he knew that he would spend the rest of his life with.
And no one else could possibly compare to her.
Taglist: @dark-academia-slut @silverhart93
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danger-xylophones · 9 months
The King's Herald Part 3
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warnings: she/her, brief mentions of anxiety, femine titles (I.e. my lady, Princess, etc.)
summary: on your way to the palace to surprise your father you meet a dear friend
masterlist | elves | the king's herald navi
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As you stepped further and further away from where Elrond had left you, you found yourself wishing you'd asked him for an escort.
Your memory of the palace grounds was...limited...to be polite. Everything had seemed so much larger and further apart as a child and to be honest you'd spent most of your time trying to catch your father's cloak under foot or chasing butterflies instead of paying attention to the many winding paths.
But still you picked your way along the earthen paths gilded with the yellow leaves of the trees, looking for any familiar marker.
Several elf-maids passed you by, each one donned in either a deep blue, green, or soft cream dress that fluttered behind them. It was odd, you reflected to see such attire again.
While the Greenwood was not lacking in refinery, most occupants (men, women, and others alike) opted to wear trousers and high boots. The draping fabric so common in Lindon would be nothing but an inconvenience in the dense, underbrush flanked paths of the Woodland Realm. In fact, you could recall one day when Thranduil had decided to wear a long, draping robe that his governess had gifted to him for his begetting day. It was truly beautiful - a vibrant, bright green that was embroidered with swirling depictions of falling leaves trailing all around it's border in silver.
He'd been so proud of how it looked on him, he'd wanted to show it off to his entire realm and thus invited you on a parade-esque walk about. The poor lamb. Not even five minutes after departing from the palace, he'd snagged the robe's train on a thorny bush and ripped a hole in it about the length of your forearm.
He'd been so distraught, practically bursting into tears when he noticed. You'd done your best to comfort the poor prince but to little avail. He eventually had to return to his governess and sheepishly explain what had happened to his gift to her. She, being an unceasingly kind elf-maid, laughed it off and happily repaired the robe for him.
Since that day, Thranduil had never worn a draping robe outside the palace. Although he still pranced about in his favorite silver one whilst inside the walls. Honestly, you couldn't blame him. Had draping robes looked as good on you as they did on him, you would be inclined to waltz about with a 10 foot train too.
Rather, you were more than content with your trousers and tunics.
Although...those robes did look beautiful. Perhaps it would be worth dressing more akin to the inhabitants of Lindon now that you'd returned?
A thought for later perhaps because you could swear you'd passed this same arch before. Twice.
Looking around you found that yes, you had in fact passed through here before. A small rock cluster sat propped against the base of the bleached white wood arch - an oddity that did not occur amongst the other arches so you could not be mistaking a new location for an old.
"Damnit," you hissed under your breath, "damnit, damnit, damnit." With a heavy sigh you stepped off the path and allowed yourself a moment to rest on the ground. Seated atop a protruding root, you propped your elbow on your knee and fitted your hand beneath your chin. Gods above how you loathed your younger self for not learning the routes to the palace right now.
In fairness, the younger you never predicted they'd be removed from Lindon before they had a chance to learn them. Besides, you knew the paths of the Greenwood like the back of your hand. Because you'd been given time to learn them. Because you thought you were going to stay in the Greenwood forever. At first.
Blowing a raspberry, you reached a hand up to rub down your face as if you could wipe your confusion away.
"Excuse me, young one," A warm, mature male voice broke into your ball of confusion, "Are you well?" His voice was like still burning coals - comforting in it's warmth but undercut by a rough edge betraying his age.
You lifted your head and found, as you suspected, an elder elf peering down at you. He was tall, even by elvish standards, and his silvery-gray hair draped down to his waist whilst braided. He was not wearing a draping robe or cloak like the other Lindon elves, instead he was clad in a midnight blue tunic with a high collar and silver belt about his waist. His sleeves were crumpled just slightly, hinting that they had been rolled up at one point. His trousers were brown and tucked into high, well-weathered leather boots that reached nearly to his knees. Something clicked in the back of your mind, a sense of recognition, telling you that you already knew this person.
"Apologies, my lord," you rose and gently smoothed your skirt, "I'm afraid I'm new to Lindon and incredibly lost." As you spoke, you felt your ears warm, "I was hoping that if I sat for a moment, I might recall my way."
"A good thought," the elder elf bowed his head, "but did it work?"
"No. I still have no clue where I am or how to get to," you caught yourself, realizing that if you told him precisely where you were going he would inevitably question why you were going there. But you would eventually have to tell him you were going to the palace if you wanted directions. "I'm trying to get to the palace." You finally spat out, eyeing the older elf for his reaction.
He blinked passively at you. "I see," he said, lips suddenly parting to form a rather toothy smile, "I thought I recognized you."
You felt your jaw drop but caught it before your lips could part and reveal your surprise. However, you weren't as quick to catch your eyebrows before they pinched in confusion. "What?"
"You have grown well - your bearing has matured." The elder elf stepped forward and peered down his long, sharp nose at you - scrutinizing. "Of course, there is still an air of mischief I doubt you will ever outgrow, ingaranel nin."
You couldn't help but gape up at the tall elf. Who exactly was he? "I'm sorry, my lord?"
"Sorry for what? You've created no strife yet. Save for sneaking into Lindon without your father's knowing." He grinned wider. Ah, he was toying with you.
"Excuse me, but who are you?" You finally asked, borderline snapping at the cheeky old elf.
"Come now, you don't recognize me?"
You shook your head.
He gasped, placing a hand over his heart. "Time has eaten your memory, dear one. This loss wounds me greatly." His smile, though still firmly affixed to his face, settled into something softer as he lowered his hand and regarded you once more. "Cirdan, my lady."
Your eyes went wide. Cirdan! How had you not recognized him? He was still just as impish with you as he was when you were a child. A drastic change from his stoic demeanor around others like your father. "By the light of the Valar..." you couldn't help but stare at him, before charging forward to wrap him in a tight hug. "Cirdan!" You cheered, embracing the older elf who laughed and held you close. "My gods, I didn't recognize you at all." He smelled the exact same as he always had - of the sea, of aged wood, and the fresh light of dawn.
"I noticed," he chuckled, holding to you just as tightly. "I remember your memory being terrible but I'd wager it's gotten worse."
"That's what 700 years will do, Cirdan, my friend." You pulled back but kept your hands clasped on his forearms as he did the same. "And it wasn't that bad."
"I had to escort you to your bedroom nearly every night before you were given caretakers." Cirdan argued back with a raised eybrow.
"Perhaps I just liked your company." You fired back. "I seem to recall having no trouble finding my way once Almarian was assigned to me."
"Ah, yes, your father informed me of your many spats with that elf-maid." Cirdan shook his head. "You were quite the terror according to her."
"According to her being the important bit. If she wasn't so nasty to me all the time, I would have been more inclined to be nice."
Cirdan huffed out a disbelieving laugh. "Best not to dwell on it anyways. You're grown now. And able to wander without a caretaker evidently."
Your ears warmed at the pointed look he sent you. "I believe you know why I don't have a caretaker at the moment." You muttered.
"Yes, yes I do." Cirdan's voice grew a little more firm as he released you but did not take on a scolding tone like you expected. "I won't ask why you chose to ignore your father's wishes right now. As it stands, we are both running late to meet with him." He offered his arm to you. "Come along, my dear, I will show you the way back to the palace."
Exaggeratedly, you linked arms with him. "Just like old times."
"Indeed, ingaranel." He bowed his head and together you set off towards the palace.
As you walked, Cirdan informed you of all that had happened in your absence. Namely, how Lindon had changed and how your father had grown more confident in his own reign which you were happy to hear. In truth, you partly blamed your father's reluctance to lead on why he had sent you to live with Oropher. Of course, that was no excuse for him to unceremoniously rip you from all that you knew but it made living with the fact easier. It hurt less to think him pitiable rather than cruel.
Also as you walked, Cirdan was kind enough to point out landmarks to you so that if you ever found yourself without a guide you would be able to manage on your own. For your part, you did your best to memorize each and every one no matter how small or odd.
At length, you came upon a familiar sight - the palace doors. Not as grand as the one's leading to the palace in the Greenwood but no less ornate in their own right mimicking the swirling branches of the trees of Valar.
Without hesitation, Cirdan approached and only spared the guards a polite nod. They bowed and stepped aside and the doors slowly swung open allowing the two of you to pass.
Your throat grew tight. You were entering the palace...from the front entrance. You hadn't done so since you were small.
"You may want to fix your dress, ingaranel." Cirdan spoke into your growing emotions. You spared him a questioning glance before realizing that your skirt was still hitched up from when you had done so in order to climb the tree. Hastily, you undid it with one hand and kicked at it from inside to get it to lay flat once more which made Cirdan laugh.
"You try dealing with these things then." You hissed at him. To which he shook his head and remarked that he was quite comfortable with his pants.
A part of you was annoyed that he'd waited this long to inform you your skirt was still altered but another realized that was Cirdan's way. He always waited for you to figure such things out on your own.
Still it was strange that no one had said anything to you. Not even...Elrond.
By the Valar...
Elrond was the herald. What if he was dining with your father? What if he happened to see you accompanying Cirdan? There was no way you were going to be able to keep up your ruse of simply being a scholar no matter what you did.
You felt the blood drain from your face and hoped that Cirdan didn't notice.
"Are you well?" Cirdan asked, side-eyeing you.
"I'm fine." You lied, swallowing the lump of nausea that had built in your throat. "Just a bit nervous about seeing atar."
Cirdan hummed something understanding. "I see. You need not worry, my dear. He will be delighted you are here. Even if you are arriving ahead of schedule."
Rounding a bend, you came to a stretch of hallway that you did recognize. The dining hall lay ahead and you could already see through the arches.
Seated at the head of the table was none other than Gil Galad.
"Atar..." you whispered to yourself. Cirdan squeezed your arm.
"One step at a time, my dear." He whispered back and continued to guide you closer. "Would you like me to address him first?"
You could only nod, your eyes were fixed on the image of your father. He was clad in all gold, a departure from the deep blue and purple attires he'd been so fond of when you were younger. His hair had grown longer too, reaching farther down his back than you could recall seeing before. What remained the same though was the laurel resting atop his brow that denoted him as High King.
"Very well." A few more steps brought you within hearing range of the table. "Good evening, my king." Cirdan greeted in a tame but projected voice. "I apologize for my tardiness, I ran into an unexpected friend."
At the address, Gil Galad's head raised and his eyes settled on Cirdan - not yet noticing you. "It is no trouble, my friend." He stood, a wide smile across his face, and opened his arms as if inviting his friend for an embrace. "We waited to start..." His eyes landed on you. "Who is...?" A beat. "By the Valar, it can't be."
"Atar." You whispered, voice trembling as you fought back the urge to sniffle. There was a familiar sting along your waterline. There he was. "Atar!" And you were off, charging towards him.
"Aranel!" He gasped in turn, taking a few quick steps forward in time to catch you as you collided with his chest. His arms wrapped around your shoulders as yours met his waist, each holding the other as tightly as possible without hurting the other. Gil Galad brought a hand up to the back of your head to press you to his shoulder. "Praise Eru." he whispered, resting his lips on your forehead. "Praise Eru, you're here." He pressed a warm kiss to your hairline before pulling away. He cupped your cheek wit his palm as he spoke once more. "Aranel, I was not expecting you until tomorrow."
"I know," you sniffled, wiping under your left eye. "I know, but I couldn't wait."
"I don't even have a speech prepared." He chuckled, squeezing your face a little.
"I don't need one, Atar." You protested, holding to his arm. "I promise, I do not need one. I just wanted to be home."
"And home you are." He agreed. Clearing his throat, your father stepped away from you to address his table. "My lords and ladies, please forgive my outburst. I would like to welcome my daughter home. The princess of Lindon has returned."
Applause erupted from the table, inter-cut with polite congratulations and welcome homes, subdued but no less energetic. And enough to make you face flush warm.
But through the gentle peals of welcome, one voice caught your attention.
"Welcome home, ingaranel nin." You looked up to find Elrond watching from the right hand seat of your father.
tagging: @goingtoladyworld
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mav3nrick · 2 years
An unexpected meeting
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Elrond (ROP) x elf ! reader
Summary: Elrond is visiting his dear old friend Prince Durin where you are at the moment. It has been a few months since you have met the elf you cherish the most. Both of you have developed feelings for each other during all these years without saying it and you are hiding something from him. Yeah idiots in love you know.
Count : 2 407 words
A/N: English isn’t my mother tongue so there might be spelling and syntax mistakes. I am really sorry for that, hoping you can understand my writing.
Rumors brought you back to the dwarf realm. Like Elrond, it has been decades since you have been there. Of course, you have missed your dear friend Durin and unlike the other elf you haven’t missed his wedding. Well, the dwarf was mad at you for missing the birth of his children and when you met them, you fell in adoration with them making Durin really proud.
Sometimes, when duty doesn’t call for you, you take a few days into the dwarf realm to share moments with this friend of yours and his family, wishing silently that you had your own. You knew it would be sooner than you expected. In a moment of madness, you fell deeper than expected for his charms and here you are not knowing what the future can be between the two of you. It was quite unlike the elven tradition but you were the happiest so you didn’t mind. But you know that one day, you’ll be confronted with the reality of your kind. Sometimes you fear the future. He must know. Maybe and surely there were too many questions in that little elven head of yours. Maybe you should listen to Disa’s advice and make peace with your mind. You will need it when it will be the moment to welcome your little miracle.
You knew that Elrond would come to see his dwarf prince friend. You knew it would be difficult for Durin. Elrond is no exception to the elven rules. Time has no effects on him. He doesn’t see time fleeing but you do now just like the other species of Middle Earth. It was strange at first but you can deal with it with any issues.
You were at Disa’s house with her when you heard people coming for Durin and talking about an elf invoking the ancient rite of Sigin-tarâg. You immediately knew who it was so Durin did. You stayed with Disa and the children when the Prince and the Elf were doing the Rite Of Sigin-tarâg. The herald hasn’t seen you yet as he was taken to the rite’s room. No one could beat the dwarves at their best quality. The show must be funny. You were quite bitter to not see it. There were reasons you must agree on and respect.
Time passes quite slowly as you were too impatient and at the same time too anxious to meet Elrond back. The elf wouldn’t let his old friend banish him from every dwarf lands. At first, you were afraid for your dear one but you understood Durin’s choice. Elves always overestimated themselves. No one, not even you were an exception to this very rule of your kind. You must admit that you were too sure of yourself the very first time you met Durin after a decade. You were quite surprised. Hopefully for you, Disa was the one able to reason with him. You were very grateful to her and you owe her for this.
As expected by Disa, Durin concedes. When he entered his house, he was giving orders to the elf who was quite amused by the situation when he - maybe - should not. You were listening to them from the dining room, resting yourself as Disa ordered you to. She knows better than you what you are living now so you are listening carefully to all her advice. Then, the darven princess offers Elrond to stay. It wasn’t really an invitation. She didn't give him any other option so he stayed. From what you heard, you knew he was happy and relieved. But for Durin, things were the same. He was still doubtful and angry at the elf. A long road awaits for your friend. Does he deserve it ? It wouldn’t be fair if you were the only one who had to get his trust back.
When the three of them entered the room I was still sitting on their stone chair. I immediately stood up. I was quite embarrassed and I couldn’t tell why. My long and full dress was hiding my body. No one could see anything and if I hadn’t told the royal couple, they wouldn’t have guessed it. Elrond was quicker than me. He almost ran to me.
Elrond takes you into his arms. It feels right for you to be between them. A huge smile crosses his pretty face. The one you felt for. You have missed that feeling so much. You couldn’t tell him. You cannot let your heart speak for you but soon or later you will have too. You know this deep down inside you. There was no time for this.
As his eyebrows frown and too quickly for you, he pulls you aside with shock crossing his face. He didn't know where to place himself anymore. The fear of making the wrong move, saying the wrong words strikes him. Your mind went blank and you didn’t know what was happening until you remembered your own condition. He always has that power to take your attention and your mind from everything but looking only at him.
“ Oh… I am truly sorry my dear. I must have been more careful. I hope I didn't hurt you. I didn’t know anything about your condition. I know it has been quite a while we haven't met but … There are a ton of questions running to my mouth right now but I will contain them. Maybe you will not worry about me intruding into your personal life. “
You could tell he was hurt about you not telling him that you had a boyfriend or even husband from whatever wedding he wasn’t invited to. Your heart was bleeding. You didn’t know what to do anymore. You didn’t have the time to respond that he was continuing to speak. Disa and Durin must be amused by this awkward situation. You didn't dare to look at them. How could you when Elrond was right in front of you ?
“ [ Y/N ] dearest… I am really sorry for rambling all of this nonsense. No pressure will be put on your shoulders. You must have enough on them for you to bear life within yourself. I do hope you are happy with that mate of yours. “
You heard one of the two dwarves bursting out laughing and the other one hushing at them. At the same time, you can’t contain yourself but being quite amused by this situation. You assumed it was better than crying and freaking away from him. You couldn’t make this situation worse than it already was.
“ Well I must admit that idiot of a mate as you claim might not know … ? “
You weren’t sure why you said that. You were in a really weird situation. You just wanna run and hide far away from everything. Elrond looked at you with concerned eyes. He was worrying for you. It was painful for you as it might be for your dwarven friends.
“ Elrond dearest, may you let [ Y/N ] sit. “ Disa says with a warmful voice.
You thanked her silently. Your eyes spoke for you. Elrond apologizes for keeping you up when your condition requires you to rest. You weren’t a weak leaf at the edge of falling from its tree. Everyone knows it and you couldn’t retaliate. You had no strength for.
During dinner, Elrond’s eyes didn’t leave you. You prayed deep inside you that he has understood the meaning of your previous words but there could be thousands of situations coming from them. To be lucky, your friend should admit what happened between the two of you to himself. You weren’t sure he would do it, afraid to lose your friendship. What kind of friendship will that be if you are bearing his child in your womb ?
You barely ate your meal, gracefully prepared by Disa. You didn’t want to disappoint your friend. So you take your time to eat. Little by little, it was painful for you as nausea strikes again and again. It was the worst thing of your pregnancy. Thankfully for you and your angry stomac, the two men were arguing again. One blaming the other one. One not knowing where to put himself. Disa was trying to soothe the weavy atmosphere while you were watching, a hand around your belly.
At some point, Durin left the room. After speaking with Elrond about the beautiful tree that was growing under a mountain and given by the Elf himself, Disa followed her husband. The two elves of you were left alone in the dining room. Things felt the worst for you. Maybe it was only your hormones talking. You were already tired of these side effects. You must be stronger.
You feel Elrond’s eyes on you. You don’t dare to look at him back. You were holding your hands strongly, almost hurting yourselves. So the herald took your hand without a word. He brushed the back of your hand with his thumb, looking at you with a soft glance. You felt worse. You hate yourself for lying to the one you cherish the most. You hate yourself for not being able to tell him straightfully. Does friendship mean being honest to each other ? And yet, you weren’t.
“ So … May I ask you about the father of your child ? This way, I would not make any mistake the moment I met them. “
He asks gently with a soft voice as he always has with you. Words leave your mind and therefore your mouth too quickly to your taste. He is still looking at you with these soft eyes that make you want to scream your lungs out. You start to speak but are not able to. Then, his eyes became worried.
“ Please do not hate me, dear Elrond. I don’t think I will be able to assume myself in front of any of our people. The thing is … I-I… “
Panic strikes your body. You start shaking a bit too much for his taste and for yours.
“ Do not tell me it is a criminal. “
The elf responds, holding both of your hands and finally facing you.
“ May I say it is one for stealing my heart ? “
You answer at your turn, trying awkwardly to flirt with him as if you didn’t know what to do anymore. You guess you will use anything at that very moment to tell him. You were quite desperate. Elrond burst a laugh at your answer. He wasn’t ready for this, you think. Neither you was.
Finally, you put your left hand on his right cheek. You immersed your soft gaze in his, a beautiful smile flowing between your lips. Lips that he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about kissing them again and again. Those lips he dreams about. Those lips that have stolen his heart as you did with your own person.
“ I must be honest with you, Elrond dearest. I cannot keep this secret any longer. It is darkening my heart and I shall not fall. Our child will need us as I need you in my life, meleth. I am very sorry. I should have told you the very moment I knew it. Even if I was thousands of miles away from you. I should have. “
Your heart feels lightened. You are biting your lips as you are still afraid of Elrond’s reaction. Tears were on the edge of breaking into your pretty eyes.
“ So you finally told him ? “
A deep voice breaks the heavy silence that reigns into the room. Your eyesight moves from Elrond to Durin. None of you have moved.
“ Yes, [ Y/N ] has finally told me and I cannot be more happy than today. She gives me the greatest news a man could learn. “
Elrond speaks before you do. He understands from your face that you will not be able to. How could he blame you for this ? For any of this ? Even if he wishes he had known it way before at the very moment you knew it, he was the happiest. Light was brought to him thanks to you. A blessing was offered to him by you. He won't forget to thank the Valar for this. Not only you told him he was going to be a father but you always declared your love to him. As a result of it, tears rise into his eyes and a huge smile breaks out on his face. Happiness was shining from him.
“ [ Y/N ], my dearest, I cannot hate you for anything. I cannot ever be able to. You are the light of my darkest night. I do cherish you more than any precious stones dwarves can find. You bring me peace and happiness into my life, I shall be the one apologizing for not having been there for you when you needed. I shall repair my own mistake. Let me stay in your life, in our child’s life. “
“ How could I not let you in, idiot. You are the most precious thing that happened in my life. Well… Now not the only but still. I cannot let you go far away from me. You better take me with you or I will come on my own. “
“ I shall not let you. Not anymore. I will stay with you until the end of time and after. I will stay with you as long as the moon stays with the earth, making the sun jealous. No one will separate us, I promise you, meleth. “
“ Good ! Now you are finally making up whatever is between you two. I have to say that you better invite me when your child comes to our world. I better be there, my friends, or you will hear of me. “
Durin says mimicking a disgusting face when you know he was happy for both of you. Both of us are laughing at his manners.
“ You won’t miss it, Durin. I promise you. May you mark my words : You and your little family will be invited to the event. I will let you know when the due moment will happen so you can come to Lindon. “
Elrond answered before I could. Disa couldn’t stop smiling so Durin does. He wouldn’t admit it but everyone here could tell. The only thing I could do at the very moment it’s smiling and touching my little but showing belly before we left for Lindon. Things were getting better between the two friends after all.
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Pairing: Elrond x (human) Reader
Warnings: Tiny bit of angst. bad writing & lame ending (yes this is a warning)
.Gender neutral, no hair/eyes/skin colour mentioned. might be a little OOC.
I miss him so much... I can’t wait 2 years to see him again :(
Started writing this in october. it’s about time I finish it...
couldn’t think of a good title, so i’m open to any ideas.
english is not my native language, i apologise for any mistakes.
The day was pretty busy for everyone. You haven’t been able to sit down for a second, and the librarian threw more and more work on you, meanwhile he was sitting at his desk, reading whatever letter or scroll that laid in front of him; not even paying attention to you...
You hated days like this. Even more so because Elrond was just as busy as you, probably more. And he tended to overwork a lot, forgetting to take breaks, or eat, or drink... It worried you sometimes.
The setting sun was your cue to leave your work and retire for the night. Your first destination was the kitchen. You hadn’t eat anything since breakfast. You grabbed a tray and pilled food and drinks. Then you made your way to Elrond’s office, knowing he would most likely be locked up in it.
When you reached the door, you balanced the tray on your left arm and knocked. No answer. You tried a second time. Still nothing. Anyone else would have thought that he wasn’t there, but you knew better. You knew that sometimes, he got so caught up in his work, he’d shut out everything around him... So you tried the door, it was unlocked. You opened the door just enough to peak inside. And there he was. Behind his desk, seemingly lost in what he was reading. You knocked again, hoping it would catch his attention.
He looked up, startled, and a bright smile took place on his face when he saw it was you. 
“Dearest, I wasn’t expecting you!”
You smiled, entering the room, and closed the door behind you.
‘I just finished my work and figured out you were still in there, working, so I brought snacks!”
You said as you crossed the room to the small round table near the windows. You left the tray here, before walking to his desk. You stood there for a second, looking down at Elrond who was still sitting, then took the papers he was holding.
“No more work today, and don’t even think about arguing.”
You dropped the papers on the corner of his desk, then walked right next to Elrond, took both his hands in yours and pulled him up from his chair. You dragged him to the table, while walking backward.
He let you do as you pleased, because he knew he wouldn’t win against you. Because you were always right when it came to him. Somehow, you always knew how he was feeling; like a sixth sense... That was one of the many reasons he loved you. So obviously, you had noticed he wasn’t taking care of himself properly...
You placed him with his back to one of the chairs, and then pushed him down by his shoulders. You sat on the chairs in front of his, putting the differents snacks and drinks on the table. Elrond watched you in silence, a soft smile on his face.
Moments like that reminded him how lucky he was to have you in his life.
“What would I do without you?”
He sighed. You chuckled before saying:
“Starve, maybe?”
His smile got bigger at your comment. Before meeting you, he often had to visit the healers, since no one really noticed the state he was in before he collapsed. But now you were there, and he tried his best to take care of himself because he hated worrying you. But old habits die hard...
And a sudden reality came back to hit him in the face. You were human. And one day, before he can realise, you will not be here anymore. He’d be alone again with no one standing by his side no matter what.
He wouldn’t see your bright smile, that you always said you hated, but it’s his favorite thing about you.
You wouldn’t run to him out of nowhere and jump in his arms, squeezing the life out of him because “even 2 hours without seeing him is unbearable.”.
The smile vanished from his face, and he stared at the table, completely lost in his own head.
You noticed quickly the abrupt mood change, like a shift in the air. When you looked up and saw Elrond, it seemed like he had a dark cloud around him; His eyes were glossy and you could clearly see the unshed tears and the very faint quivering  of his lips. Only one thing could put him in such state.
“Stop thinking about that Elrond...”
He looked up, surprised.
“What are you talking about, Meleth?”
You sighed.
“You know very well what I’m talking about.”
Now, it was his turn to sigh.
“I’m sorry... I can’t help it...”
 You took one of his hands, that was resting on the table, in yours. You wanted him to relax, and without meaning to, your sweet gesture turned into a bitter reminder. You brought his hand to to your lips and kissed his knuckle.
“Please love, don’t think about it right now... Middle earth is at peace, there is no danger... I am well and healthy and happy... Don’t torture yourself... I don’t want to think that I’ll have to leave you alone...”
You said the last part in a whisper but Elrond heard it loud and clear. A tear fell from his eye. He bowed his head, letting out a shaky breathe.When he raised his head again, he looked at you in the eyes with a sad smile.
“You are right... I should appreciate every seconds we spend together; but here I am, tormenting myself with things that are decades away from us... I apologise for upsetting you, my dearest...”
He said softly. You smiled. It was so like him to apologise when he didn’t do anything wrong. The kindest soul you could ever meet.
“It’s okay, my love, No harm done.”
Still holding his hand, you got up and went to him. Elrond understood what you wanted to do. He pulled you to him. You sat on his laps ans laid your head on his shoulder. His arms went around your waist to pull you closer. He nuzzled his face into your hair, pressing kissed to the crown of your head.
You stayed like that for a while, just basking in eachother’s presence. The sky was getting darker and darker, until night fell completely, and the only light outside came from the hundred of lanterns scattered around Lindon. The food laid forgotten on the table but neither of you cared.
You turned your head to press a kiss to his jaw.
“Let’s put the food away. And then, we could go for a walk?”
You suggested. He looked at you, smiling.
“I have a better idea: why don’t we take the food with us and have a picnic?”
You both chuckled. You got up and turned to him who was still sitting.
“Let’s go then... The night is still young, hopefully no one will bother us.”
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wordbunch · 1 year
✨ wordbunch masterlist ✨
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Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
➳ multiple characters (x reader)
you’re in the fellowship and the hobbits have a crush on you
how the hobbits look after you when you’re sick
the fellowship reacts to you singing
LOTR characters taking care of an overworked partner
the fellowship meeting their partner’s family
how you look after the hobbits when they’re sick
LOTR/TH characters with an extroverted partner
hobbits with a partner whose love language is physical touch
hobbits ft. cuddles and kisses
the fellowship tries to set you up on a date
how they take care of a sick/injured partner
their love song (taylor swift edition) - LOTR characters
their love song (taylor swift edition) - the hobbit characters
how you pamper them when they're stressed/overworked (lotr + th characters)
➳  one character (x reader)
being a ranger with Aragorn
Boromir with a hyper partner who infodumps
➳  multiple characters (no reader)
the fellowship in a college dorm (modern au)
great middle-earth bakeoff (the fellowship)
➳  one character (no reader)
random Pippin headcanons
“Winter Forest” (Legolas x female reader): part one /// part two /// part three
“One Lifetime With You” (various characters x elf reader): BOROMIR /// FARAMIR
"Hopeless" (Pippin x female reader): part one /// part two
“better company” (Sam x Reader)
"a little secret" (TH Bilbo x Reader)
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The Rings of Power
➳ multiple characters (x reader)
how they comfort you when you miss your family (Galadriel, Arondir, Elrond, Celebrimbor, Gil-galad) 
their love song (taylor swift edition) - the rings of power characters
➳  one character (x reader) 
being in love with Elrond
Elrond getting jealous
rivals to lovers with Elrond
Elrond as a dad
“reminiscence” (Elrond x Reader)
“perfectly proper” (Elrond x Reader)
“strong, brave, lovely” (Elrond x Reader)
"countertop confessions" (Isildur x Reader)
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my re-read of The Hobbit - thoughts
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PLEASE CONSIDER REBLOGGING if you enjoyed a fic, so more people can potentially see it!
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elladanns · 2 years
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he has to know what he's doing at this point
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like sir what the fuck
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geeks-universe · 2 years
Hiiii I just want to say I love your writing!!
I was wondering if you could do Elrond X reader (soft/comfort) when he asks her to marry him? Or maybe their wedding?
If not that’s okay but Thank you so much☺️☺️
Did I just spend a bunch of time researching Elvish marriages? Bet your ass I did.
Rings of Power Elrond x Reader
When Elrond visited Durin, he had a habit of bringing you along.
At first, it was because he wanted his best friend to meet you. Since then, both Disa and Durin had insisted on you returning.
The insistence only grew worse when Elrond told Durin of his intention to marry you. He had never been more certain of anything in his life, yet he was also terrified. Confiding in Durin was the only way he could keep his sanity.
His friend, though, was having difficulty keeping it a secret from you.
Elrond shot him a glare over your bowed head, hoping he understood the message. The dwarf’s wide eyes, and a swift kick from Disa, told him he very much did.
“Elrond has told us you may be traveling west soon?” Disa prompted kindly, the smile on her face the picture of innocence. Had you not had the sharp instincts you did, you may not have even realized she’d physically admonished her husband.
For why, you couldn’t quite understand. Obviously, though, there was an unspoken conversation between the rest of the dinner occupants.
“Just a routine survey of the lands,” you supplied, taking a small sip of the Dwarvish wine. “I suspect nothing of consequence to come of it.”
Durin hummed thoughtfully, using his fork to push at the contents of his plate. He looked upset, but also unnerved. Curiously, you turned your gaze to Elrond, who was sat beside you.
The normal steadfast smile on his lips had been replaced with a grim expression, his stare on the table in front of him. Gently, and concealed from the wandering eyes of your favorite friends, you rested your hand on Elrond’s thigh.
He startled, the sharp intake of his breath breaking the silence that had permeated the air.
“Are you alright?” Durin asked, narrowing his eyes at his Elvish friend.
“Quite,” Elrond replied, voice an octave too high.
He not-so-subtly shot you a questioning gaze, full of intensity and heat. You replied by slipping your hand into his, and rested it back on his lap. Heat rushed to his cheeks, turning them a brilliant red. You resisted the urge to trace the path with your thumb, hardly remembering you had an audience.
At least, until Durin spoke once more.
“I thought elves didn’t blush?” He teased, laughter lacing his tone.
“Might I be excused for a moment,” Elrond responds breathily. “(Y/N) as well.”
Disa resisted the slightly inappropriate quip she wanted to respond with, instead gesturing towards the door, where they might find some extra privacy. Elrond practically dragged you with him, bringing you both to just outside the lovely home of Disa and Durin.
“I had hoped to do this in a slightly more private setting,” Elrond admitted, gazing deep in your eyes.
Your breath caught as you tried to make sense of what he was saying.
He had been your best friend for many, many years, and while you certainly felt an affection greater than friendship, you had never tried to push those boundaries save a few gentle touches.
“I wish to-”
He stopped short, dropping his head in his hands. You’d never seen him so distressed before.
“Elrond,” you whispered, placing your hand beneath his jaw, and forcing his gaze back to you.
He breathed in deeply, his eyes so full of emotion.
“You are my truest friend, and my most loyal companion. You can tell me anything.”
He opened his mouth to speak, yet no words came out.
His stare searched your face, and finally:
“You are a marvel,” he admitted. “I find myself drawn to your presence, to your light.”
He moved his hand slowly, pausing, but encouraged by the barest smile that overtook your features. Then, he traced his thumb down the apple of your cheek, and then your jaw.
“I will never feel so deeply for another, as I feel for you.”
His words were a whisper, barely audible above the distant cheeriness of the Dwarven kingdom. The world disappeared, swallowed whole by the moment you’ve waited lifetimes for.
“I wish to marry you, to spend an eternity loving you, as I have since the moment I first laid eyes upon you.”
Tears were in your eyes, had been for some time, and had begun to fall. The thumping of your heart had slowed. With Elrond, you felt comfortable. He was your home, and you could not find it in yourself to feel anything but love in his presence.
“Then let us marry,” you pressed forward, your forehead connecting to his. “For I have loved you just as long.”
He smiled, a smile so wide and bright you were sure it could be seen from the very edges of the world. Unable to contain his excitement, he had swept you off your feet and swung you around, laughing deep from his belly as he did so.
You giggled, settling down against him when he placed you back on your feet.
Unbeknownst to you and Elrond, though definitely suspected by the latter, Disa and Durin were watching.
“So sweet,” Disa commented, leaning back into Durin’s embrace as she did so.
He happily held her close, grinning proudly at his friend. The moment was perfect. At least, until Durin spoke.
“Maybe I should skip the wedding, call it even?”
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mrsarnasdelicious · 2 years
Comfort - Elronnie
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"My love, is something the matter?" The half elf asks, wrapping his spring green cloak around your shoulders. You look up at him. "The times are darkening, but no one will do anything." You reply. Elrond sits down beside you. He gently takes your hands. "Have you been talk to Galadriel?" He asks. "What if I have?" You ask, rather snidely.
Elrond sighs and shakes his head. "I wish not to argue, my dear. " He says softly. "Yet you do." You tell him. "I don't mean to." He scoots a little closer and wraps you in his arms. "I love you, I want you well and happy." He murmurs, cupping your cheek. He leans over to rub his nose against yours. You heave a soft sigh. "I know." You mutter. You have no idea what else to say.
Elrond closes his eyes, his forehead leaning against yours. He breathes you in. You wish you could do the same. You wish you could rest as assured as he could. "I will always fight for you. I will fight by your side and I will protect you if you can no longer fight." He whispers. You smile a wain smile.
"The times will soon turn dark, mark my word." You nuzzle your face into the hollow of Elrond's neck. "I do, I mark every word you have spoken to me since we first met. I know them all by heart." He replies. You can't help your smile from widening. He always knows what to say to make your heart swell. "I love you." Elrond whispers. "I love you, too." You answer.
You snuggle into him. Elrond smiles a small smile and kisses your temple. "Let me light your darker hours." He murmurs. "Always." You reply softly. Elrond's smile widens against your skin. "Thank you." He cooes.
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feyhunter78 · 8 months
Because I’m on my lunch break and am taking the day off from writing smut I wanted to share this funny thought I had AKA me making AITA tag lines for my boys:
Pink Pastel’s Miguel: AITA for stalking my (now) wife back when she was my daughter’s teacher? If it helps her (then) boyfriend was an absolute dick
Among the Sun’s Miguel: AITA for kidnapping my soulmate and killing half her family so that we could finally be together?
Trials of Tributes Aemond: AITA for tricking the women given to me as tribute into marrying me?
Elrond: AITA for writing “too many” poems about how beautiful my wife is?
Fratboy!Elrond: AITA for “seducing” my frat brother’s girlfriend? (He treated her terribly, her and I have been close friends for a year)
Carmen Berzatto: AITA for fucking my girlfriend in my childhood bedroom because I love her and to spite my mom?
Trust Fund Baby Carmy: AITA for falling in love with my restaurant’s best customer/my best friend while I had a girlfriend?
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why-what-no · 2 years
Councils And Picnics
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Pairing: Elrond (RoP) x Elven!Reader
Notes: RoP young Elrond is literally one of my favourite boys and I <3 him
Request: “What do Elrond & the reader do together as lovers in their daily lives”
Requested by: @writing-fanics
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The sun shone over their face as (Y/N) stepped through the meadow, long elven hair moving slightly in the breeze. It was a beautiful morning, the type where they wanted to spend the entire day outside, unwinding with their lover, Elrond.
In search of him, they found the Elf in that same meadow, resting against a large tree branch. When he wasn't in his office or his chambers, he could always be found hidden away beneath the leaves of that twisting tree.
"Good morning." (Y/N) called out with a wide smile, getting his attention.
Elrond's expression was delighted when he saw who had found him. "My love." He slid off the tree, striding closer to take (Y/N)'s hands in his. "I thought you were spending this morning assisting in the library."
"It appears they didn't need a historian after all. At least until tomorrow."
"So you have been freed for the day." He leaned in to kiss them. "Any plans?"
(Y/N) nodded. "I was thinking of taking a walk through the gardens, I haven't been able to visit in some time. Care to join me?"
The gardeners' work was a breathtaking sight. (Y/N) had regretted spending so much time on work and not appreciating the beauty near them.
But their lover's happiness was clouded slightly. "I have a council meeting in less than an hour, I fear I cannot accompany you."
That put a damper on their plan.
"Very well, will you be finished before sundown?" (Y/N) relaxed slightly when he nodded, glad that they would be able to spend some time with their lover. "Then, we can go then."
Elrond's lovely smile returned. "I look forward to it."
(Y/N) was waiting for their lover outside of the council room, a large basket on the bench beside of them. Watching as the ornate doors opened as Elven lords and politicians let, moving past (Y/N) to continue on with each of their days.
Elrond and High King Gil Galad exited the chamber, noticing (Y/N) waiting.
"(Y/N). I hope you are well." Gil Galad spoke to them. They were fairly friendly with the wise king, having met Elrond because they had been helping Gil Galad with a project.
"I am, Your Grace, thank you. I hope you are, as well." They responded respectfully, and he nodded in return. Leaving them to speak with their lover.
"I don't suppose it would be possible for us to stop by the kitchens before we visit the gardens?" Elrond asked, offering them his arm.
(Y/N) held up the basket, filled with their late lunch. "I had them pack a picnic." They told their love, taking his offered arm.
Chuckling, Elrond leaned over to press a kiss to their cheek. "Of course. I should have expected you to be prepared for anything, my love."
The garden really was beautiful, just as (Y/N) had expected. They sat on a blanket in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by the most beautiful flowers they had ever seen. Elrond's arm was loosely wrapped over his lover's shoulder.
"I am glad you convinced me to join you on this outing." He mused, placing a piece of fruit in his mouth.
"So am I." They replied softly, looking around with a sparkle in their eye. So grateful to live in a peaceful and beautiful place such as Lindon, where the horrors of war were only a memory. "It's beautiful."
Looking at (Y/N), Elrond wanting to tell them that while the garden was beautiful, no flowers compared to the beauty he saw when looking at his lover every day. But he kept quiet, choosing instead to look gently as their awe at the sights in front of them.
He looked forward to finally asking them to marry him, wanting to be bondedd to (Y/N) for the rest of his life. But for the moment, he allowed himself to relax in their presence.
Not wanting to be anywhere except for by their side.
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danger-xylophones · 1 year
My Lady (x reader)
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gif by arachasposts
warnings: she/her, reader referred to as 'my lady'
note: somebody wrote an elrond x celebrimbor's daughter! reader that inspired this and I cannot find it. If I do, I will link it here.
masterlist | elves
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Lindon was more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. Lush and teeming with golden light, it seemed as if the very air was filled with the song of creation. And with every passing moment you were growing happier and happier that you'd begged your father to take you with him.
But, sadly all good things must come to an end and it was almost time to return to Eregion. However, this time you'd be accompanied by your new friend Elrond Peredhel who was to assist your father on his latest project.
Elrond was as charming as any elf-lord, perhaps even more than some you'd been forced to suffer conversation with on your father's behalf. And just as noble but far kinder than one would think his station as the High-King's herald would encourage. He'd swept you off your feet with the first five words he'd uttered to you, "Welcome to Lindon, my lady." Words so simple, so cordial, and proper and yet something about his voice had enchanted them and bewitched you in one breath.
You were with him now, the two of you enjoying one last walk about Lindon before setting out. "I must thank you, Herald Elrond, for offering me your company on this fine evening." You broke the comfortable silence that had wrapped around the two of you. "Without it, I'm quite certain I would have gotten lost again."
"Please, my lady," Elrond laughed, "you do not need to use my title when you address me." He patted your hand that was hooked around his arm. "We are friends now, are we not?"
"But it is a title well-earned, herald. And I make a habit of celebrating my friend's accomplishments." You smiled, squeezing his arm and admiring the bashful smile that flickered across his face. "But, I will also tell you the same thing - my name is more than acceptable. 'Lady' is just an inherited title, after all." You added dismissively.
"Forgive me," Elrond hummed, a small smirk on his face, "although your name is elegant on its own, the title of lady makes it befitting your beauty."
You could feel your face flush and thus you had to look away before he could notice. "Oh you are a politician." You laughed nervously. "Your ability to flatter is truly admirable."
"High praise from the elleth who could move the stars to write poetry for her."
A thought struck you which caused you to stop and tug your arm free of his. Which made the ellon turn and face you, in kind. "Now is it just my beauty you find worthy of praise," you folded your hands primly before you, "or are there any other attributes you like?"
"There is much I could compliment, mellon nin." Elrond sent you a small, disarming smile. "Where would you like me to begin?"
Compliments, curse the compliments. Back in Eregion that was all anyone offered you, hoping you'd pass a good word onto your father. You frowned. "I'd like you to start with the truth, Elrond Peredhel." Your voice was level as you tried to bite back the accusatory tone that threatened to slip. Aside from the sudden flattery, you had no proof Elrond had other intentions in befriending you. Yet. "What do you want from me?"
An expression you couldn't quite name overtook his charming face. "I'm afraid I don't understand-" he stepped towards you, "my lady, have I offended you?" He reached out his hand for you to take, "If I have, please tell me how so that I may rectify my mistake."
"You have not offended me," you amended, softly - the look on his face made it hard to hold your own hard expression, "but you have said things eerily similar to that which I so often hear in Eregion." Your gaze zeroed in on his hand, "Words spoken only to gain my favor," you flicked your gaze back up to his, "that I may say a positive word in the flatterer's own favor to my father."
Elrond sighed your name, his expression softening as he lowered his hand. "I do not speak idle flattery to anyone," he stepped forward, bringing the toes of his boots nearly to yours, "least of all to you. I-" he brought his hands up as if to take your face in them only to pause, "-may I?" After a single, consenting nod, he proceeded, holding the sides of your face with a gentility you did not expect. "I find you truly captivating, my lady. And I wish to gain your favor not to sway the opinion of your father but because I wish for you to think highly of me." He rested his forehead against yours for a brief spell. "So that you will continue to bless me with your company." His eyes darted down to your lips and you understood.
"Elrond," you breathed out, your own hands came up to rest on his chest of their own accord, "forgive me, I-" your fingers curled into the soft material of his tunic. "For assuming you weren't genuine."
"There is nothing to forgive." He murmured, the movement of his lips effortlessly pulling your attention to them. Delicately, he bumped his nose against yours. "May I kiss you?"
"I would like nothing more." You grinned, returning the gesture with the same gentility he had used. Tilting your head a little bit up with his hands, Elrond pressed his lips against your own.
It was like drowning in sunlight, warm and gentle, it felt like new life breathed into your lungs. You felt safe with him. Truly safe, wrapped in the affection he held for you that spurred your own heart to release its hold on the feelings you'd been harboring for him.
Your hands reached up, taking the back of his head and neck into each. His hair was softer than anything you'd ever felt and it flowed like water between your fingers. Tilting your head once more, now to the side allowed you to deepen the kiss and further ensnare you in him, in Elrond Peredhel.
Elrond's own hands descended, finding your waist and bringing you chest to chest with himself so he could press harder against you. His lips worked against your own in a careful dance that left your head reeling and all senses consumed and overwhelmed.
At length, you separated and found yourself a little out of breath as you laid your head against him, your curled against his chest once more. "Melleth nin," Elrond hummed, his own head resting over yours while his arms wound tight around you. "Antan melmenya lenna."
"Ma meluval ni tenn' oio?" You murmered quietly, pressing a small kiss to his neck.
"Ni indome." Elrond sighed against the crown of your head. "Indome tye?"
Pulling away from you, you looked into his eyes which shone with soft adoration and placed a hand to his cheek. "I will, for eternity and after." His smile could put the brightest star to shame. "Shall we continue our walk, melleth nin?" You asked, an impish smirk on your face.
Laughing lightly, Elrond stepped back and offered his arm to you once more. "Of course, my lady."
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kyber-kisses · 2 years
In The Darkness
Elrond x Elven!reader
Warnings: nightmares, slight canon divergence, me not knowing shit about elves.
Summary: you and Elrond had been friends since you were children, you know everything about each other. . . Or at least that’s what you were thought to believe.
A/N: I’m a slut for comfort fics so here you go, I wrote this in like half an hour and didn’t proof read.
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You used to love the nighttime when you were little. You would stay up late even when your parents told you not to, all so you could simply watch the stars and learn the constellations. The world seemed to fall away when the sun disappeared. The Gray Havens became quiet and it felt like all was possible and right in the world.
But that was a long time ago. When you were still a wild and hopeful elven child.
Those peaceful nights were gone now. It felt like they had departed centuries ago. . . And perhaps they had. But you dare not admit it aloud. Not to an empty room, not to yourself— not even Elrond.
Another piece of your childhood you held so close and so dear. He was your dearest friend and closest confidant. You told each other everything.
Everything except this.
How your nights were no longer peaceful and hadn’t been in a long time. Each evening when the sun dipped beyond the horizon and left only a vault of darkness above your head, you could feel the tenseness that crawled over your body like hundreds of tiny spiders. You stayed up as long as your body would allow it, half the time ending up falling asleep at your desk in your chambers. The lit candles only extinguishing when they had reached the end of their wick.
Sometimes the nightmares weren’t as bad, but other times they were so extreme that you would wake up with a start, drenched in sweat and panting like a dog. There were nights though where no dreams came at all. No nightmares, no good dreams— just an inky blackness that seemed to swallow you whole.
In other words; you found no peace at night.
—and this was one of those nights. Your balcony doors were open to allow the soft summer breeze to flow through your chambers, sending the flames of your candles dancing and the light fluttering over the vaulted ceilings above you. The air smelled sweet as always, the apple tree just beyond your windows in heavy bloom.
Leaning forward on your bed, you looked out the open balcony doors. Beyond the green tree branches the moon was making its nightly journey across the sky and hiding by its position now it would be close to midnight. Most of Gray Havens would be asleep by now- apart from the guards and the handful of elves that stayed up late into the night binging on fine wine.
You were lucky to be in high King Gil-Galads Council. It allowed to you stay on the royal grounds and in one of the most peaceful areas in all of Lindon. Plus, Elrond was always near and you had no clue how you would have gotten this far in in life without him.
*. *. *. *. *. *
Ash and smoke.
That’s all your senses could detect. You couldn’t smell, see, or touch anything else.
It felt heavy on your skin, like when a branch of heavy snow falls atop of you during a spring thaw. You cannot move, you cannot breath. There is no out.
Thunder rolls strong and loud over your head, and blood red lightning breaks through the ash and smoke in rapid and jagged streaks. You don’t know how long you are stuck there all you know is that it feels like days.
—- and then suddenly the smoke clears just enough to allow you to see your surroundings. . .
And you scream.
It was visceral and desperate and made your own blood curdle like old milk. It ripped your throat to shreds and challenged the mere volume of the thunder above you.
And you couldn’t stop.
“Y/N. Y/N!” Soft yet strong hands grip your shoulders tight, shaking you just enough to pull you from the pit mid scream.
You don’t allow your mind time to register your surrounding s before you are throwing yourself forward. You don’t know what you connect with all you know is that it’s warm and soft and had a heartbeat. Your fingers curl deeply into smooth fabric , desperate to cling to anything that is alive and breathing.
There is barley a pause before arms wrap tightly around you, thumbs rubbing soothing circles across your shoulder blades.
“It’s alright. You are alright. A cuith tesse.”
You know that voice.
You are not sure if it’s his words or the sound of his mere voice but that is all it takes to settle you. You allow yourself to slump forward into his arms, fingers still gripping his tunic tightly as you bury your face in his shoulder.
“Yes, it is me. You need not worry. I am here.”
Unbeknown to you, your shrieks had woken you friend who slept just down the hall. It had put Elrond on his feet in mere moments, running barefoot from his chamber and towards the sound of your cries. He had burst in, eyes wild with fear and hair all out of place. It had taken him only a moment to realize what was happening and he had not wasted a second at rushing over to you to pull you from whatever hell scape you were trapped in.
“Do not leave me.”
“I would never.” His voice was softer than the summer breeze as he pulled you back from him, his hands holding your face delicately as he used to his thumbs to wipe away the tears that had tracked down your cheeks.
Heavy with exhaustion you allow your forehead to come to a rest against Elronds.
You were ok. Elrond was here. The air was calm and sweet. There was no danger. There was no smoke or ash- or anything else.
And just like when you were a child, the world fell away around you- leaving only you and Elrond.
*. *. *. *. *. *.
When you awoke again Elrond was gone and you were tucked delicately into bed. Rays of morning sunlight danced through the leaves and through your open doors, warming your face and allowing you to breath deeply.
With Elronds absence you convinced yourself that everything had been a dream. None of last night had been real.
Slowly rolling out from beneath the blankets you placed your bare feet on the marble floors of your chamber, toes curling at how cool it felt. Pulling a stray blanket off the bed, you wrapped it loosely around your shoulders before taking soft steps out into the fresh morning air.
The royal grounds were teeming with life. Flowers were in full bloom, the trees all hanging on to their shades of summer green. The smell of freshly baking bread mixed with the earthy and floral scents to create a perfect summer morning.
Sinking slowly to the floor of balcony, you crossed your legs and wrapped your blanket tightly around you, eyes closing as you relished in the serenity of it all.
You barely acknowledged the sound of your door opening or the sounds of footsteps crossing the room towards you.
“I expected you to still be asleep.”
“I rise with the sun, you know this. Ever since we were children.” You smiled softly, seeing Elrond lower himself to sit besides you.
“Of course.” You could practically sense his smile without even looking at him. “Here, I’ve brought you some tea.”
With that you opened your eyes, turning to look at him as he passed you a heavy ceramic cup, tendrils of steam creeping over the lip of it as you took it in your hands.
“I apologize for last night. I did not mean to wake you up.”
“You need not apologize, it was a nightmare- nothing more.” Elrond placed a palm on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I will always come to your aid. No matter what.”
With a soft smile you nodded your head but it didn’t last long before your face slowly fell, remembering the nightmare he had rescued you from.
“Your nightmare, what was it?”
It was like he could read your mind at times. He just had a way of knowing what you were thinking.
“I’m not sure. There was so much smoke and ash. I was choking on it. And ev—“ you paused, swallowing the lump in your throat and you fought back tears. “And everyone was dead. Everywhere I looked there lay somebody I cared about, dead and caked in ash. And you—“ you dared not speak the words into existence in fear that it might happen.
“I, am right here.” Elrond stated reassuringly, taking your hand and squeezing it. “And I am not going anywhere, at least not without you. You need not be afraid.”
“But what if they come back? The nightmares?”
“Then I will still be here to chase them away.”
In the following silence you met Elronds gaze, words unspoken being conveyed in just a look. You arnt entirely sure who moved first, but it was slow- like a child taking their first steps. All you knew was one moment you were looking into each others eyes and the next his palm was holding you cheek and your lips were connecting in the most gentle of kisses. It was so gentle you almost believed it was a kiss from the breeze and not a boy.
“Do not worry, the nightmares will pass. All darkness does. And I will be besides you every step of the way.”
And with that everything was calm and at peace. . .
Until three days later, when Galadriel rides into Eregion and says the south lands are gone. All that is left is smoke and ash. . . And so much death.
The End.
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Imagine: Elrond (RoP) *PART 2*
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Pairing: Elrond x (human) Reader! Part 2 to this
Warnings: None.
Gender neutral, no hair/eyes/skin colour mentioned. might be a little OOC.
Requested by @serina07 & @teaminisart-blog , also tagging @mysticalabhainn​ 
It was complicated to write since I’m sick and I like to procrastinate but here it is. It’s shorter than part 1, but i like the result ^^
My ask box is open if you wanna request something :)
also, how are we feeling after episode 8 :D ?
You were shaking with anticipation. The whole day.Today, Elrond was coming back from his journey. You were barely able to concentrate on your tasks. A chance the Head Librarian was one of the few elves that appreciated you.
Elrond's absence took a tool on you. The first few days were horrible;you felt as if someone would corner you, as it has happened once... And for the remaining of the month, you spent most of your time in the library, working. It helped taking your mind off of the situation, at least a little. And now he was coming back and it felt as if time passed by slower than usual.
The setting sun was your cue to leave the library, and also a sign that he would be there any minutes now. You walked down the corridor, trying to act as normal as possible, since some elves were there too. But the moment they disappeared behind a corner, you took off as if your life depended on it. Which was kind of the case in your opinion. When you arrived at the gates, you were completely out of breathe, your feet were burning but you didn't care.
They weren't there yet so you sat down on a stone bench that was under the tree. As you waited, you thought about the past 4 weeks; the anxiety of the beginning, the tears some nights when the day had been too much and you had no one to comfort you, and the letters you exchanged.Where he told you how it was going, what they were gonna do next, etc...He had also mentioned that they were more busy than anticipated and might have to delay their return, only to tell you in the next letter that they would come back as planned.
Minutes passed and nothing but the wind in the leaves could be heard. You couldn't stay still. Suddenly, you froze. You swore you had heard the distant sound of hooves coming from the forest. You stood up. Again, you thought you heard it. Then , the sound became clearer and it was undeniably horses, and also the wooden wheeles of the carts. So you didn't move an inch, and watched them coming closer and closer. Other elves cale to wait for them too, but they were not here for the same reasons as you. And honestly, you didn't pay much attention to them.
As soon as they passed the gates, the elves around you went and surrounded the carts. You tried to find Elrond among the bustling crowd; without success at first. And then, he appeared from behind a cart, looking as handsome as ever. It took everything in you to not run to him, but there were too many eyes around. He didn't notice you at first, busy helping the others. Only when he looked up did he saw you. His eyes widened slightly, unmoving, seemingly trying to figure out if you were really here or if it was his imagination.
You expected him to walk fast towards you, take your hands in his and kiss your knuckles while looking into your eyes like he usually did... But he didn't do that. Instead, he dropped what he was holding, and started running to you. You took small steps at first, then you too started running. The moment you were close, he took you in his arms and spun you around, your arms tightly wrapped around his neck.
When he stopped and your feet touched the ground again, you felt him hold you tighter, his face buried in your neck. No words were said. Not yet... Actually, words weren't needed. You both knew how much you missed each other.
He then started to press small kisses on your neck, a little higher every time, until he was kissing your cheek. He pulled away, just enough so you could look into each other's eyes, his arms still wrapped around you. He gave you a warm smile before removing on of his hands from your waist, and bringing it to your face to caress your cheek.
"I missed you so much, my love."
"And I, you."
You said with a smile. He chuckled, and kissed your forehead, then your nose, and lastly, he kissed your lips; a kiss as light as a butterfly wing. When he pulled away, you stared at each other, completely dazed. It was like something switched in his gaze. The hand that was on your cheek went behind your head, and brought you closer to him with the one that was on your waist. And he kissed you again. This time it was passionate. One of those kisses that were only shared behind closed doors; in the privacy of your chambers, his office, or the meadow outside of Lindon. It seemed like the first, barely there, kiss he gave you, made him realise just how much he missed you, how much he missed your warmth, how much he missed your touch... You removed one of your arms from his neck, and put your hand on his jaw.
The kiss made you forget where you were, that there was 30 elves around you, that Elrond was the King's Herald and that was most certainly inappropriate of you two to do that... You pulled away, breathless, and eyes still closed, basking into each other's presence.
"I'm so, so glad that you are back."
You said with a shaky voice.You had promised yourself that you wouldn't cry, but right now, you were just too happy and relieved to finally be in his embrace again. Elrond shushed you, lightly swaying you to comfort you. It made you chuckle; he hated seeing you cry, no matter the reason.
You were abruptly pulled out of your bubble by someone clearing their throat next to you. It was a member of the King's council. You let go of the other, but Elrond still stood close to you, holding your hand.
"Sorry to interrupt your... reunion, but the High King require your presence, Lord Elrond. He is waiting for your report on your journey."
He said sternly. Elrond gave him a nob, and waited for him to leave before turning to you .
"I'm sorry my love... I have to go."
He said, kissing the back of your hand.
"It's okay, you don't need to apologise."
He took small steps backward, not taking his eyes off of you, and not letting go of your hand just yet. But at last, he had to.
"I will make it up to you, dearest. You are not gonna be able to get rid of me for at least a week or two."
He said with a playful smile; a side of him very few knew about. You laughed.
"I sure hope so."
You watched him walk down the stairs and head to wherever Gil Galad was, with a smile on your face. Your time together may have been cut short now, but you were appeased by the thought that he was back and he wouldn't leave anytime soon.
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wordbunch · 1 year
Elrond getting jealous
a/n: whoever requested something among the lines of “Elrond getting jealous over reader who spends time with Halbrand”... i’m sending you a thousand kisses. 💋 I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, and do let me know! 🥰 also please consider reblogging if you liked it, it means a lot 💖💖💖
(+ warning: if you squint, it gets the tiniest bit steamy at the very end!)
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you were in Eregion with Elrond and very happy about the fact that you get to spend that extra time with your lover
sure, you were both busy, but just being able to see each other, fall asleep and wake up together daily was something you cherished amid the daily chaos
you settled into a nice routine, which got interrupted in a very surprising way: Galadriel came back, after having gone to the Undying Lands (or, well, not actually going), and she brought a strange man with her
he seemed to be badly injured, and it made you wonder how come a man had managed to endure a few days long journey with an injury like that, but you let it go 
however he did intrigue you a little bit, since you very rarely came in contact with humans, and there was a strange energy about him
Galadriel herself actually asked you to check up on him every now and then because she trusts you, so you fulfilled her request and gradually started talking a bit to Halbrand
purely out of curiosity, you wouldn’t dream of going behind Elrond’s back in any way
however, the elf misunderstood your interest for affection
one evening you just walked by the room that Halbrand was in and cast a quick glance to check whether he was alive (seemed like he was), and you were planning to join Elrond for a relaxing evening in bed, but you ran into an old friend of yours and ended up talking for a little longer than intended
all the while, Elrond was in your shared bedroom and his mind was swarming with concerns about why you still hadn’t joined him
he trusts you with all his heart, don’t ever doubt that, but he was certainly feeling iffy about the human newcomer and he wasn’t sure he particularly liked him, he just wasn’t able to pinpoint why
when you finally walked in, feeling extremely bad at losing track of time, your heart cracked a bit when you saw your beloved lying down, curled up  with his back turned towards you; he was debating whether to confront you about it because he HATED any type of conflict with you
you almost gasped when you heard a quiet, yet unmistakably bitter “your new human friend seems to be occupying an awful lot of your time lately”
you all but threw yourself on the bed next to Elrond and grabbed both his hands in yours, but you noticed instantaneously that he didn’t intertwine your fingers together, which he almost always did
“He is not my friend” you replied with determination, but Elrond remained silent
“and I am terribly sorry for making you wait tonight, my love. I ran into Nimel on my way to you and they got so carried away talking about how they journeyed to Lórien recently and I had not the heart to interrupt…”
you thought you saw a tiny smile curving on your lover’s lips: he knew you were too kind to rudely interrupt somebody who was just being sociable
“now wait just a moment… my evening star, are you jealous?” you held back a smile of your own
Elrond was rarely jealous, so you weren’t used to seeing that side of him
“I do not have the faintest idea why you might think so, darling”
okay, he tried to play it off but he absolutely failed
“you know i can see it in your eyes when you are being dishonest”
he sighed deeply, and eventually entwined his fingers with yours, pressed a kiss to your knuckles and finally held your gaze
“perhaps I was jealous… just very, very little” the elf admitted sheepishly, feeling the tips of his ears get warmer
now you were hovering over him, finding amusement in the situation, rather than getting upset
“whatever for?” you purred, leaning closer into his face and brushing your nose against his, his greyish-blue eyes almost fluttering closed at the sensation
“you are the most perfect partner and lover in all of Middle-earth, my beloved,” your voice dropped low as you brought your lips closer to his, almost to brush against them. almost.
“not even in my wildest dreams would I think of choosing another over you. especially not some odd little man,” you chuckled, the noise resonating within your chest which was now pressed flush against Elrond’s
his hands had found their way to your hips, holding onto you as if you were about to vanish (you most definitely were not) and he expertly maneuvered the two of you so that now he was the one hovering above you and your cheeks were heating up at an alarming rate as you looked up at him with sparkling eyes
and there was a glint of mischief in his
he kissed you hungrily and you instinctively entangled your fingers in his soft hair, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest; he had your arms pinned on the bed with one hand, and his other hand was trailing down your torso
when you, sadly, had to pull back for air, his lips traveled down to your neck, and between open-mouthed kisses he muttered “then let us make sure that i am the most perfect lover you could ask for, dearest
✨ everything/TROP taglist:  @lotrnonsense​ @starlady66​ @lazymeriadoc​ @entishramblings​ @thesolarangel​ @averys-place​ @valkyriepirate​ @noldorinpainter​ @asianbutnotjapanese​
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mcu-senshi · 1 year
Elrond Needing Reassurance
You had been married for not even a year, and yes, that is but a blink of an eye for elf but it has been pure bliss. You are the Princess, daughter of the High King Gil-galad and you are accustomed to the busy life of diplomacy and endless education. But, lately you have noticed that you been seeing your husband a bit less than usual. You are certain your father has a greater plan and regardless of being one of the leaders of such a successful and well-regarded kingdom, your father does not tell you everything until he sees fit.
The last few weeks you have traveled more than you have in the few decades and when you returned you noticed your husband a bit off. Elrond, your darling Lord Herald is still as focused and wise as ever and always seen with a scroll in hand, but you noticed something different.
Upon your return you did not see him at the royal gate to meet you. He claimed that he was simply occupied to greet you upon your return. You excused him without a doubt. When you and the council members who traveled were finally settled, you asked him to meet you in your private dining area and he did not show. After a handful of failed attempts you had to scheme in order to ask your husband what was weighing on him. So you had someone send a message to your husband, claiming the request is from the King. Your message was simply that he was to meet the King in the library an hour before sunset to discuss an urgent matter.
You walked into the library well before the scheduled meeting time to ensure Elrond would not see you. And you waiting. Your ever-punctual husband walked into the library and upon seeing you his face lit up, but you saw the slight hint of hesitation in the corner of his eyes before his soft smile graced his face.
“Good evening, my beloved,” you greeted him.
“Good evening my Princess,” he returned as he looked around for the King. “If it is my father you seek, he is not here. And he will not be here as this meeting was but a decoy.”
Elrond gave a slight nod and walked beside you and you headed towards a more secluded area of the library. “My darling, why are we here?” He asked you.
“Well,” you began as you brought your hands together, “I know we are both quite preoccupied, but I have noticed a change in you recently, my Love.”
“I am a bit ashamed, my Princess, I must admit to you,” he began. You were a bit surprised because you wanted to open up a bit more but since he spoke up first you simply listened. “I have felt a bit differently, but I promise you my Love, it was not my intention.”
“My darling husband, have I done or said something to upset you?” You asked as you looked up to him with a bit of worry in your eyes.
“Valar, no, my Love. You have not.” He replied as he took hold of your hands. “Then why do you look at me differently or simply look away at times?” You asked.
“My mind was introduced to the feelings of jealousy, my Starlight, I apologize,” you locked eyes and then that is when his face and shoulders relaxed. “I began to feel jealous when I realized that you traveled with all men and your time with the council mostly with men” You smiled up at him and you realized what had happened. He needed reassurance. He needed to feel a little extra love and attention.
“May I reassure you, my Love?” You asked as you took your hands from his so yours could envelope his. He nodded and took a deep breathe in.
“My sweet Elrond, you are the love of my life and I will do anything to see you smile. While I know that our positions demand so much of us both, you will always be my warmth and my strength. No matter of how much people I must meet, and believe me there are times I wish I simply did not have to meet such egotistical lords and ladies in the name of diplomacy,” and at that you both let out a chuckle. “You are the who I dream about each night we are not physically together. You are the one who I want to wake up to and fall asleep next you every day. I want to wake you up with kisses every morning and I want to fall asleep in your arms each and every night. I could never imagine of a more loving and amazing partner to call my darling husband.” And with that you kissed his hands and then quickly moved to his neck and chin and cheeks and nose and finally you planted quick kisses upon his lips. He wrapped his hands around your waist and your body as close as possible to his and deepened the kiss.
“I apologize for feeling jealous my darling Princess,” he said as he broke the kiss. “But you must understand that I still worry about you being surrounded by such warriors whose legends and towering figures proceed them. I hear of them joking amongst themselves about who could sway you away from your marriage.”
Your eyes widened as you let out a laugh. “My darling sweet husband, I would simply cut the hand off of whichever guard or warrior who dare attempt such a thing.”
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