#the rings of power elrond x reader
why-what-no · 2 years
First Meeting
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Pairing: Elrond (ROP) x Reader
Warnings: None, Some Silmarillion Lore Mentions
Summary: After a lifetime of Elrond imagining what would happen when he first met his love, the half-elf encountered a being in the forest that left him awestruck.
Requested by: @writing-fanics
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Throughout his life, Elrond had always tried to imagine his future love. Creating images in his head about what they would look like or what their personality would be. There'd be so many scenarios in his head about what he and them would do together. And most importantly, their first meeting.
He had always been a romantic, teased by his brother for it. But the teasing had always been gentle, and Elrond had always known that his brother had admired that romantic quality of his.
When he got older, however, he knew that he had to leave those thoughts behind. His career had to take precedent. Slowly, ideas for how to improve Middle Earth took over his ideas of love. Keeping busy and putting his whole heart and mind into his ambition. When Elrond cared about something, he made sure to make it his top priority.
But in the evening, when he was settling down for bed, some of those hopes and dreams for a relationship would return. When he couldn’t hide the fact that he sometimes felt so lonely.
His brother was gone, his friends were either his superiors or were always traveling to far off lands. The idea of someone putting him first, and letting him put them first, was a powerful desire
Despite that, however, Elrond went on with his life. Until everything he had pushed into the back of his mind happened.
Until the imagined "first meeting" was a reality.
There was a forest around Lindon that Elrond loved to walk through on those days where he needed a break from his duties. The leaves providing a gentle shade, a gorgeous green that brought a relaxing atmosphere. There was a feeling in that forest, like time stood still and allowed him to be free.
It was there that he finally met (Y/N). When the sound of a cracked branch brought his attention to the person agilely climbing down from one of the trees. Jumping down and landing gracefully just feet away from Elrond. 
He could only stop and stare.
It was obvious from the pointed ears and the lovely features that she was elvish. But the half-elf could swear that in all his life, he had never been so captivated by another being like he was with her. 
Elrond had heard stories of Thingol, the first King of Doriath, when he met his wife Melian, one of the Maia.
He had been traversing through forests to visit his friend when he came across Melian, awestruck by her beauty. He took her hand, and for years he stood there with her, having forgotten his people from the sight of the powerful and beautiful being. 
It was in the moment when he saw (Y/N) that he finally understood the spell that had taken over King Thingol. 
It was only because of great luck to those who depended on Elrond that he only stayed, basking in her presence, for a few days. But he could barely bring himself to care. Needing to know her, to learn her name and the things that brought her joy.
When he finally left, he vowed to return as soon as possible. 
(Y/N) lived in the forest, keeping to herself. The nature brought her joy and the animals were her friends. But when she met Elrond, she knew that there would be a chance that she would give that up to be with him. 
He would never ask her for that, knowing how special the trees and land around Lindon was. However, to (Y/N), he was the most special thing she had ever seen. She just wants to see him every day.
As for Elrond, those fantasies of meeting his love had disappeared, finally having met the person he knew that he would spend the rest of his life with.
And no one else could possibly compare to her.
Taglist: @dark-academia-slut @silverhart93
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wordbunch · 2 years
Winter Forest (Legolas x f!reader) > part 1
a/n: here it is!! I’m really happy there are still people who’d want to read this, because I do want to write it, it’s been on my mind for a while. I hope you will enjoy it, and do let me know about it 😊 please try to be kind either way, this is just something from my imagination that I wanted to share with you! 😁🌿
warnings: none, it’s mostly just wholesome stuff!
SUMMARY: [Y/N], Lord Elrond’s daughter, and sort of a wild-card, and prince Legolas form a close friendship from their earliest childhoods. This story follows significant moments between them and how their relationship progresses over time. This part happens pre-Fellowship. Slow-ish burn, friends-to-lovers, mutual pining.
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(a/n: let’s say their ages are somewhere between 5 and 9, in human years)
When Lord Elrond had meetings and duties to attend to, which was quite often, [Y/N] knew better than to disturb her father, or any of his esteemed guests. However, that meant hours upon hours of alone time, which could be quite monotonous for an elven child who was just bursting with energy.
Her sister Arwen was a much more peaceful girl, while [Y/N] was always looking for an adventure to engage in. Of course she did enjoy spending time with her sister as well, but she craved someone with more of a wild streak to keep up with her. Thankfully, a very tall elf with very long blond hair, who often had meetings with her Ada, had a son around her age, so she did not have to die of boredom. Or almost die from some unsupervised activity she recklessly chose for the day.
“Your Ada allows you to have a bow?” she gasped as Legolas, the son of the very tall intimidating guest of her father’s revealed his secret weapon. “I am still not allowed into our armory… because of a little accident,” her voice dropped conspiratorially, immediately catching all of Legolas’ attention. She was extremely interesting to him, albeit just a little odd. Legolas liked odd.
“I may own one, but it is a very small bow. The arrows are not even, sharp, look” Legolas proclaimed as he pulled out an arrow to show to [Y/N]. Her mouth was agape in wonder as she carefully touched the tip with her small finger. “What was your armory accident about?” now Legolas was the one whispering, as if afraid of their little secrets being discovered.
“I really like it,” the elven girl admitted, “I wish I had one. Now, why should I share my secret with you?” she teased, sticking her tongue out.
“I don’t know, maybe I know someone who could provide you with a bow, just like this, for you,” Legolas smirked, feeling all high and mighty. [Y/N] all but gasped in surprise and unexpected joy. Her expressiveness and energy drew Legolas to want to be around her all the time. The ideas she had were always fun, and time passed by much faster when they spent it together while their fathers had their boring meetings. Her hair was never tame like his, and she talked loudly sometimes, but she was just… warm.
“I’m afraid my Ada would find that bow really quickly, sadly,” she sighed, her small shoulders slumping in newly felt defeat. “He always finds out everything,” she muttered. Legolas nodded in understanding. “However… I was wondering,” she continued hesitantly, weighing her words for a moment, “if you could show me how to use your bow?”
[Y/N] was swinging her legs over the edge of a little wooden bridge they were sitting on, to calm her nerves, but she gathered the courage to look up into Legolas’ eyes.
She smells pretty, he thought. Like a forest in winter.
“If you’d like, I can show you my collection of really pretty rocks,” she offered in return, attempting her best charming smile, “you can even pick one as a gift. I think they are all very unique.”
“Really?” Legolas grinned, not even needing a moment to consider the counter-offer. As a little elven-prince, he greatly enjoyed pretty things from nature. Especially tokens from girls who smell pretty and have enchanting laughter.
“Of course,” she nodded excitedly, a lock of hair falling over her eyes. She giggled, got up as quickly as possible, eager to start her very first archery lesson with a rather charming and interesting elvish prince. She outstretched her hand towards the blond elf to get him up too – she was in a bit of a hurry, after all.
At that moment, Legolas decided he trusted her.
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(a/n: here they’re a bit older children, but still children. would be around 10-13 years in human years)
“Have you ever kissed anybody?” [Y/N] inquired with ever-present curiosity in her eyes. Legolas almost stopped dead in his tracks. The two were wandering around the gardens of Thranduil’s palace, looking for the tallest tree to climb. As time passed, they grew practically inseparable - it was difficult to tell which one of them lived in Rivendell and which in Mirkwood; both of them spent a lot of time in both places.
“Uh- I- where did you get that?” Legolas stuttered, slightly afraid of meeting her eyes. “And no, I have not.”
“Me neither, [Y/N] exhaled seemingly in relief. “And to answer your question, I have been reading about it in a novel I borrowed from Arwen.”
“Borrowed, or stole?” Legolas chuckled, having grown accustomed to [Y/N]’s ways and occasionally impulsive decisions. Many times she did not seem to be very alike to anyone in her family.
“Borrowed” [Y/N] gasped in mock hurt. “I much prefer stories of great adventures and majestic kingdoms, than of damsels that wait around for a prince to save them. If I had to wait around for someone, I would simply wither away over time.”
“Maybe sometimes it can be the prince who is saved at the end,” Legolas suggested, “or they both go on adventures together and end up saving each other. And the kingdom.”
“That would be grand, would it not?” [Y/N] allowed a soft smile to grace her features and her eyes met Legolas’ for just a moment. “An adventure, turned into a love story that defeats all the odds, and is a sign of hope in turbulent times.”
Sometimes, though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, Legolas thought about exploring Middle-earth with [Y/N], discovering all the beauties as well as dangers. Having each other’s back through it all. Hopefully, he thought, soon they would both be grown enough and skilled enough to go off on their own. Maybe a small part of him wanted her just for himself someday. Without their fathers, tutors, and any other elf getting in the way.
“So, what do you think?” [Y/N]’s voice brought him back to reality.
“I was... I apologize, my mind was elsewhere. You asked me something?” the blond elf confessed, simultaneously hoping that [Y/N] could and could not read his mind.
“Do you think this tree is good enough? Shall we go and climb and see the view?”
“As you wish,” Legolas concluded and then inhaled sharply in a moment of unbelievable courage. “Do you want me to kiss you?” As soon as he blurted it out, he couldn’t believe his own ears.
Now it was [Y/N]’s turn to be taken aback, but within a heartbeat the soft smile on her face only widened.
“I suppose we could see what it is like.”
Legolas fidgeted with his hands, completely unsure where to go with them as [Y/N] began to lean closer into his face, her comforting scent enveloping him completely. He was just about to fully close his eyes when the girl gently bit the tip of his nose and burst into fits of laughter before taking off running towards the enormous tree that she had spotted earlier. Legolas felt his cheeks burning as he touched his nose with his fingertips, but a smile curved on his lips nevertheless. He ran off after [Y/N] in order to try and catch up with her, and somehow pay her back for her little trick. Her joyful laughter still rang in his ears – he enjoyed all sorts of elvish music, yet he found himself preferring that happy sound over anything in Middle-earth.
And not only that; he couldn’t stop thinking of how she had basically clouded his senses just by being in such a close proximity. She is really something else, Legolas thought to himself. A grand adventure.
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(a/n: late teenage years, perhaps? completely up to your own interpretation!)
[Y/N] winced as she fell to the ground with a thud, her right ankle twisting in an uncomfortable way. The horse she had been riding was running away swiftly, from dangers unknown to her. She heard no alarming noises, nor did she see anything threatening nearby, so she started slowly dusting herself off, still sitting on the ground, a bit scared to get up since a sharp pain started developing in her ankle. An attempt to get up was followed by another wince of pain, but she managed to get back on her feet, leaning all her weight on the healthy leg. Just as she was about to try and put some weight on the injured leg, the silence was cut through by an all too familiar voice.
“[Y/N]?! what happened?” Legolas approached her from behind, his steps hurried, but quiet. He swiftly offered her his shoulder as support, and the girl gratefully leaned against him.
“I took Eretor for a little ride,” she explained with seemingly no concern. Feigning nonchalance was probably the best way to go and not concern Legolas too much; she was well-aware of his protectiveness over her.
“The wildest, possibly most dangerous horse in the realm?”  Legolas continued inquiring, blue eyes wide with a mixture of disbelief and worry.
“He was just...calling out to me,” the girl muttered.
“Well, that is so surprising,” Legolas chuckled, trying to conceal his concern over [Y/N]’s obvious injury. “I wonder if anything normal is ever going to call out to you, not just things that are deadly.”
[Y/N] wanted to glare at him, but she was interrupted by searing pain that sliced through her ankle, causing the blond elf to immediately stop pretending he wasn’t also putting on a careless façade.
“Are you alright? Can you walk?” he asked, looking her up and down. Before she managed to answer, she was easily picked up into his embrace, her arm still slung across his shoulders. When it came to this particular girl, he was overprotective to the bone, while, for [Y/N], breathing in the familiar scent seemed to soothe some of the pain right away as she allowed herself to relax a little bit.
“Lucky me, being carried all the way back by the prince,” [Y/N] joked, drawing out a smile from Legolas’ soft lips. “Any elven lady would kill to be in my position right now.”
He quirked an eyebrow at her, “Yet you seem to be the only one always getting my warmest affections.” It was completely true. Wherever [Y/N] went, Legolas followed, and the other way round, and they had been looking out for each other ever since they were barely able to walk and hold a simple conversation.
“Your horse adventure could have ended in a much worse manner, you are aware of that?” Legolas asked, his demeanor becoming slightly more serious once again.
“But it did not, I am alright,” she looked down at her already swollen ankle, but squeezed Legolas’ shoulder to reassure him. “It is nothing but a minor injury. It will heal practically overnight, and you appeared just at the perfect time.”
“If you say so,” Legolas exhaled. His mind couldn’t stop replaying all the possible bad scenarios, but on the other hand he found it enjoyable to carry [Y/N] and have her pressed flush against his body.
It made him feel like her protector, and he realized that her safety was one of his priorities. Of course, he was more than aware she could look after herself, but it made him feel better if he could contribute to it in any capacity. Silence fell on the two elves, as Legolas inhaled [Y/N]’s comforting scent - like a forest in winter, he always described it to himself. It made him crack a small smile when he looked down at the girl curled up against him and surprisingly peaceful, for a change. Maybe, just maybe, the comfort he found in her, she also found in him. He allowed himself to think so, as he tried to memorize the feeling of warmth and the shape of [Y/N]’s frame against him. It was so real.
“Next time,” Legolas began, after some moments of silence, “please choose another horse. Or at least a decent horse-riding partner.”
“Perhaps you?” [Y/N] quipped, looking up at him with a little smirk on her playful face. She swore she could see a light blush creep up on his usually pale cheeks. “I know that is what you meant.”
“Well,” he feigned perfect composure as his mind swarmed with possibilities, “that would not be the first time we did something questionable together. One of these days, Lord Elrond will make me pay for all the times I could have looked out for you more carefully.”
“He would not! I am nobody’s responsibility but my own… and sometimes, perhaps, I am my father’s problem,” she tried making a mock-upset grimace, but it ended up in a smile.
“One might say that you have become my problem as well, over time,” Legolas raised his eyebrows teasingly at the girl in his arms. She could never be anything even slightly inconvenient to him.
“And you, mine,,” she poked fun at him in return, “yet I wouldn’t have it any other way.“
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(a/n: young adults just before the fellowship)
[Y/N] was strolling through Mirkwood halls in order to return some things to the library, when Legolas practically stormed by her and disappeared in his chambers. She could sense the attitude even from behind closed doors, and she had a couple guesses what might have upset the elvish prince. Deciding to venture to the library later, she softly knocked on his door.
“Mellon-nin, it is I. May I come in?” she inquired carefully. Before she even had time to continue persuading Legolas to open the door, he already did it; a frown twisted on his face and his hair slightly disheveled, probably after he’d run his hands through it in frustration multiple times. So, [Y/N] found herself in Legolas’ personal quarters.
“What seems to be the matter?” she asked in a soft voice. Despite Legolas’ occasional stubbornness, she always knew how to get his guard down. Most often she was the only person able to do it at all.
“I have had a… rather unpleasant conversation with my father,” he huffed, plopping down on the huge bed. [Y/N] followed to sit beside him. “I would actually rather call it a lecture, than a conversation.”
“Continue, I am listening,” she urged him, but in a comforting voice, and proceeded to move a strand of perfectly blond hair out of his face and behind his ear.
“I am aware that I have royal duties and matters to attend to, but he just does not seem to grasp – we are not the same! I have this need to go out into nature, to venture onto unknown paths, find myself in unpredictable and exciting situations. That is who I am, not whom he wants me to be” he rambled on as [Y/N] listened and watched attentively. Wasn’t the first time she heard such complaints from the young and energetic elf.
“It would be vastly better if he’d just,” he sighed “just let me follow my own path, and then I would be more agreeable if I had not been feeling confined here, in this life, sometimes.”
“You know I understand you perfectly,” [Y/N] reassured him, “and I share many of those desires myself, but I also do have an understanding of your father’s ways. He just wants to look out for you as much as he can.”
“Whose side are you on?” Legolas quipped, feeling the tiniest sting of betrayal.
“Yours, my friend,” [Y/N] placed a hand on his shoulder, and the tension almost magically left his body. “your side is the only side I have ever been on, it seems to me,” she chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood. Her effort wasn’t in vain – Legolas smiled warmly at her in return.
“Of course, forgive me,” he removed her hand from his shoulder and squeezed it in his for a moment. “I do not think there is need for me to explain the affinity I have for you as well.”
“Sit down on the floor in front of me,” [Y/N] nudged him, suddenly getting an idea. Without much questioning, Legolas obliged, and he was settled with his back leaning against [Y/N]’s legs. Wasting no time, she began brushing through his, still a bit tousled, hair, and Legolas’ breathing almost immediately grew calmer and deeper. There was no way he’d allow anybody else to do that – especially with him sitting on the ground – but [Y/N] always had and was always going to have special privileges. She felt like home and like comfort, but simultaneously an adventure. Like a winter forest – usually a familiar setting, but during the colder season slightly more unpredictable and challenging. But so wonderfully magical. Legolas got completely wrapped up in her presence and in his thoughts, as she quietly hummed an elvish tune from their earliest childhoods.
It seemed like it was just yesterday – the two of them chasing each other through forests and gardens of either Rivendell or Mirkwood, collecting stones, practicing any skill – from archery, to tracking, climbing trees… climbing together, falling together. There was no telling apart anymore where one of them ended and the other began – they seemed to forever be a package deal. Time flew by – responsibilities seemed to sneak up on them so suddenly, but both [Y/N] and Legolas were still rather young and restless (to dismay of both of their fathers), and neither of them was willing to give up spontaneous adventurous undertaking, still hoping for a great, unforgettable quest they would undertake together at some point.
[Y/N]’s gentle fingers were now busy weaving intricate braids in Legolas’ hair, and he allowed himself to close his eyes. His guard was down and he just wanted to enjoy this moment with [Y/N]; only that he feared if he spoke out about it, or gave a name to what he was feeling, the magic would dissipate.
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“My life is nothing but room for you,” I said. “It could never be filled by anyone but you.” (Kurt Vonnegut, “Mother Night”)
“You are sunlight through a window, which I stand in, warmed.” (Jessie Burton)
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King of the Forest-land
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Elrond x reader. The name Taurdôr literally means forest land in Sindarin - or at least I hope!
This fic was previously titled Behind closed eyes I see you just the way you were.
It was strange, Elrond mused as the carriage proceeded along the muddy terrain, how one could look forward to a certain event, after years spent hoping it would indeed take place one day and having counted the weeks and even the days leading to it, and at the same time feeling so nervous, anxiety mounting to such a degree the person in question couldn’t even sit still, that part of them would have wanted nothing better than turning around and forgetting the whole matter. 
This is how he felt as, peeking out of the horse-drawn vehicle and looking beyond the heavy rain curtain that surrounded him and his escort, he saw the gates of Taurdôr’s royal palace tower in front of him. 
As Elrond imagined, they were -well, he was- expected. He and his escort had passed the borders of the kingdom soon after dawn that day, and as a sign of trust towards the envoy of a kingdom their ruler was to hopefully establish diplomatic relations with soon, they had been allowed to proceed without Taurdôr’s soldiers accompanying them, but the captain of the border patrol had promised to send a dispatch rider to the palace to announce the ambassador’s imminent arrival. The messenger must have promptly carried out their task, because a small assembly had gathered in front of the gates to welcome them: a dozens of soldiers, their captain in the front, and five silk-robed courtiers, huddled under the canopy a pair of servants were holding above their heads to protect them from the rain. 
“Hail and well-met; we escort lord Elrond Half-Elven, ambassador of King Gil-Galad of Lindon.” the captain of Elrond’s escort announced formally. It had rained continuously since they had passed the borders of the kingdom, and the captain had begged Elrond to let them rent a carriage for him in one of the towns they had passed, because it wouldn’t do to have their King’s ambassador present himself to his host soaked to the bone and shivering for the cold. Elrond had acquiesced, recognizing the need to make a good first impression on his first diplomatic mission, even though he couldn’t help feeling guilty for the soldiers, who had been forced to brave the rain for hours, riding on as he sat, comfortable and dry, inside the small vehicle, reading the scrolls and letters he had brought from Lindon.
“Of course; welcome to our court, the ambassador was expected.” one of the courtiers answered courteously, the sound of his voice barely rising above the soft murmur of the rain. A moment later the door of the carriage was open, and the captain bowed to the passenger.
“We have arrived, my lord.”
“Thank you, captain.” Elrond answered; he smiled gratefully to her, and the other Elf answered in kind before stepping back, allowing him to dismount. Almost instantly, a second canopy appeared, allowing Elrond to take refuge under it without even having to lift the hood of his cape. 
“Welcome to our court, lord Elrond.” the same Elf who had spoken earlier greeted him; he was a blonde, relatively short individual, who bowed deeply before stepping back, an open smile on his face “I am lord Gwestor, part of Taurdôr’s council. We are grateful for your presence here.”
“Thank you, lord Gwestor.” Elrond replied, already put at ease by his interlocutor’s friendly disposition. Of course, the person he had to hope would be well-disposed towards him was Taurdôr’s king, not simply one of his councillors, but despite his nervousness, Elrond felt he had reason to feel optimistic; after all, according to the letters he had exchanged with Gil-Galad, Taurdôr’s new ruler was better inclined than his predecessor, and he had been the one to request the envoy of an ambassador, in order to build a diplomatic and hopefully military alliance between the two kingdoms. Whatever the King’s actual intentions and plans were, he wouldn’t have Elrond embark on a long journey, and send a representative of his to welcome him, just to refuse collaborating. Or would he?
“You must be exhausted; such a long and difficult journey.” Gwestor commented as he, having quickly introduced him to the other courtiers, led the guest towards the gates, the canopy fortunately large enough to cover both of them from the deluge that gave no sign of slowing down “And it has rained incessantly for days; truth to be told, we were relieved to learn you had reached our borders safe and sound.”
“That is very kind of you; we encountered no troubles along the way, and I was well-protected.” Elrond admitted, sighing inwardly as he felt himself stepping in a puddle, large and deep enough to drench his boots. The truth was, he was a more than competent warrior, capable of holding his own against most foes, but the absence of bandits ready to ambush them along the way had meant he had one less thing to worry about “Will you please make sure my escort is housed for the night? They deserve to rest much more than I do, and our horses as well.”
“Of course; the King has asked me to make sure you and your retinue have everything you need.”
They soon passed the gates, the other courtiers and the soldiers following them, and Gwestor led Elrond across a large circular courtyard, high buildings of white and pink stone surrounding it; in front of them stood an imposing staircase leading to the main entrance of the palace, the double doors surrounded by a small crowd of servants and courtiers.
Elrond’s heart leaped in his chest as he observed the many Elves arrayed in front of him; there were many females among them, both maids and ladies of the court, and he anxiously searched for a familiar faces among them -a pair of kind, expressive eyes, a smiling mouth, thick hair that eschewed any attempt to tame them- but to his disappointment he found none, strangers’ faces staring blankly at him. 
It wasn’t surprising, he had to admit in his heart. He and the person he had hoped to see had lost contact years before, he wasn’t even fully sure she still resired close to Taurdôr’s palace, perhaps she had even left the kingdom altogether; perhaps the friends she had made at court would be able to help him, tell him where he could write to her and propose they meet, but the person he was looking for, and hoping to see whom he had undertaken that long journey, was more than likely lost - safe and sound, hopefully, but beyond his reach, having probably forgotten about him altogether. She was probably married as well, with a devoted and loving spouse who had been quicker than him in realising their feelings and courting the object of their affection… 
Of course, he had much more pressing matters to attend to, Elrond reminded himself; it was his first mission as Lindon’s ambassador, and Gil-Galad had entrusted him with the task of building a closer, mutually beneficial relationship with Taurdôr, a remote kingdom famously jealous of its independence and that had long looked with suspicion at Lindon -and any other realm-’s offers for an alliance. 
Heartbreak and disappointment had to be put aside, for the moment at least; he had to focus on his duties, on making a good impression on the King of Taurdôr and convincing him that a military pact, or at least a trade agreement, with Lindon was in his people’s best interest as well. His mission was more important than any private matter; he would do his utmost to accomplish it, and then, at least, he could be satisfied with his work, even though he would never have the chance to confess his feelings to the person who had aroused them in him. 
“Shall I have the opportunity to meet your lord soon?” he inquired as he and Gwestor reached the top of the staircase, and the small crowd in front of them bowed as one before parting to admit the guest inside “I… fear I need to change my clothes, but…”
Gwestor looked at him kindly. “Our King looked forward to meeting you, and begs for your forgiveness, but unfortunately a conference with the kingdom’s guild masters had been scheduled for this afternoon. A room has been prepared for you, and you’ll have plenty of time to rest after your long journey, and our lord will be happy to meet you at dinner tonight. I hope this arrangement doesn’t displease you.”
Quite the opposite, it was perfect, Elrond decided, since a few hours to himself gave him the chance to take a rest, make himself presentable and gather his thoughts before the meeting with the King. “Dinnertime is more than convenient, thank you.”
Gwestor smiled; Elrond suddenly wished there were more Elves like him at Gil-Galad’s court. “I’m glad to hear that. Allow me to accompany you to your rooms; I very much hope you’ll enjoy your stay here in Taurdôr, my lord.”
Having crossed the palace’s large doors to a well-lit chamber, Elrond was finally safe from the pouring rain, even though a line of wet footprints followed him. He moved to follow his guide towards a long corridor, its walls covered by rich tapestries, and a moment later he hesitated; after all, in a sense, his mission wouldn’t officially begin until he met the King, so… “May I ask a question?” he inquired of Gwestor “Have you been residing here at court long?”
“Four or five centuries at least, even though I have admittedly lost count; I was cup-bearer to the previous King in my youth. Why do you ask?”
Elrond bit his lip, suddenly shy. “Well… it may sound strange, but I was wondering if you knew a person I was acquainted with, long ago; an Elf of Lindon, who moved here in Taurdôr years past, by the name of (name). She was a hunter, an Elf-woman with (hair/colour) hair, and a capable archer.”
If Gwestor found his question strange, or if he disapproved of the ambassador more focused on searching for his old friends than on the mission he had been sent to carry out, he didn’t betray his feelings. For a moment, he even seemed to smile.
“I do, in fact. I have met (name).” he answered “In fact, she still lives here, at court.”
Elrond’s heart leaped. “Are you serious?!” he inquired, unconcerned that any servant or lord of the court could hear him; he felt ready to embrace the other Elf.
“Quite serious, I assure you.” 
“Where is she? I… I know I’m here on official duty, but it would mean the world to me if I could talk to her…”
This time, Gwestor’s smile was open, almost amused. “You’ll meet her soon, I assure you.” he said “I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.”
The lodging the King of Taurdôr had had prepared for him was more spacious and refined than Elrond’s rooms at home, with a bedroom large enough to accommodate the whole Lindon party, an almost equally ample washroom and a study with a bookcase full of tomes and scrolls; a young servant was waiting for Elrond when Gwestor accompanied him, ready to serve him in any way the ambassador requested. Flattered, the Half-Elf decided to interpret it as a sign of the good-will of the King who, beside fulfilling his duties as a host, was perhaps equally anxious to make a good impression on Gil-Galad’s envoy.
A hot bath had been prepared for him, and Elrond thoroughly enjoyed it, warming himself in the large tub while the servant took care of his bags, retrieved from the carriage, and damp clothes. He felt better already, he reflected as he used a scented oil to wash dirt and dust away from his hair and skin, more lucid and sure of himself, ready to meet the King and negotiate a treaty that would benefit both realms; there were a few documents Gil-Galad had entrusted him with that he wanted to review again before dinner, and maybe then he’d have time for a short nap on the almost ridiculously soft-looking bed in the adjoining room…   
Yes, everything would go well, and he’d soon return to Lindon having secured a stable alliance with Taurdôr. Resting his head against the brim of the tub, Elrond allowed himself to smile, joy and excitement filling his heart for reasons that went way beyond the prospect of the successful conclusion of his first diplomatic mission. 
He had found (name)! He still couldn’t believe it. Gwestor had said he would meet her soon, and Elrond felt he could trust him, even though the councillor had told him nothing about the Elf-woman he had missed so terribly, beyond confirming that she still lived at court. Were they friends? Or more than friends? Discovering that (name) had an intended, or worse a spouse, would have broken his heart, even if the Elf in question was a kind and friendly individual like Gwestor, but he couldn’t blame his friend for having pursued a relationship. Elrond was also aware that, with the two of them now living in different kingdoms, there was little chance (name) would accept his offer of courtship, even if there was no one in her life at the moment and he found the courage to tell her what he felt. 
Elrond sighed, his joy imperceptibly dimmed, as he lifted an arm from the water and contemplated the tiny drops falling from the tip of his fingers. Overall, the secret hopes that still burned in his heart, so many years after he and (name) had said good-bye, seemed unlikely to come true, he reflected, and the fault was entirely his. How could he not realise his feelings for (name) went beyond friendship, in the centuries they had spent together, meeting almost every day at the court of Lindon and happily spending their time in each other’s company? How could he think that there was nothing romantic about the way his heartbeat accelerated every time she took his hand or rested her cheek on his shoulder as they pored over a scroll or a book together?
It had been only after she had left, to move with her relatives in Taurdôr, that Elrond had felt a part of him was missing, and soon realised how special (name) had been for him - that he was in love with her, and would carry that affection in his heart forever. Galadriel, the only person he had confided his feelings in, had urged him to go after her, to travel to Taurdôr himself to tell her what he felt, or at least write her a letter, but the Half-Elf had decided not to; after all, (name) had moved away to help her sister, left alone with her children after the death of her spouse, and he would have felt the most egotistical Elf in Arda in asking her to return for him. 
Still, he would be happy to see her, even if she had already a spouse and a brood of children of her own; they hadn’t seen each other for so many years, but Elrond felt, in his heart, that (name) had not forgotten him, and the deep friendship and affection they had once shared. That night, after he had dined with the King and hopefully begun discussing the alliance, he would ask discreetly around for her, preferably if he happened to meet Gwestor again. And then he and his old friend could spend some time together, reminiscing about the years they had both spent at the court of Lindon, and perhaps promise to write to each other from then on.
While he couldn’t help wanting more, Elrond knew that would be enough to make him happy.  
Once Elrond had been chosen for the diplomatic mission to Taurdôr, the tailors and seamstresses of the court had prepared a whole new wardrobe for him, with rich tunics, capes and other garments suited for his new role of ambassador; the Half-Elf had never cared too much about the latest trends, content with his elegant but simple tunics and comfortable boots, but he did know that presenting himself appropriately dressed could help him make a good impression on the King, not too mention to express Lindon’s power and affluence and, consequently, its value as a commercial and military ally. 
As he regarded himself in the mirror, clad to head to toe in the precious velvet the tailors had chosen specifically for the first meeting with his host -there were also garments expressly for a meal with the court, for a ride in case the King honoured him with an invite, for a conference with the council and even for a walk in the gardens; as he contemplated the long list of instructions left to him, Elrond had felt lucky he had been allowed to bring his own nightgown at least- and the servant had retrieved from his bags and quickly freed from any wrinkle, Elrond reflected that he would need more than an elegant cape or an embroidered tunic to convince the King an alliance with Lindon would be advantageous to his realm. 
Still, it couldn’t hurt. And he did look good in blue, if he said so himself…
“I can accompany you to the King, my lord, if you’re ready.”
“Of course.” Elrond answered, turning from the mirror. He briefly contemplated bringing his most important scrolls with him, but he decided that opening and reading from them at dinner would be considered impolite, and he better simply rely on his memory until a more formal discussion, scheduled for the next morning. Fortunately, he had read most of the documents so many times during the carriage ride he could almost recite them by heart.
The servant bowed low before leading him out of his rooms, and along a maze of corridors and vast chambers. The maids and pages they met along the way were quick to bow and give way, but a few of the courtiers openly stared and exchanged whispered words; Elrond wasn’t able to assess whether those comments were of blame or support. 
Their short trek ended at the door of an elegant but surprisingly small dining room, the circular table at the centre large enough for perhaps six commensals, and only set for two. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, illuminated by tripod-mounted torches; the only Elf present in the room was busy observing one of them, their back turned. 
“Lord Elrond of Lindon, your Majesty.”
“Of course, let him in.”
Elrond, tenser than he ever remembered he had felt, didn’t notice the pitch of the voice that had answered to his introduction; he knelt, his head bowed low. 
“Your Majesty.” he greeted his host; he had to swallow twice “I am Elrond Peredhel, at your service.”
He heard the rustling of fabric, the noise of soft-soled shoes covering a brief distance.
“Arise, lord Elrond; welcome to Taurdôr.” the King greeted him, voice solemn but not devoid of a touch of amusement. The Half-Elf obeyed, raising his gaze to meet the one of his host… and he was suddenly relieved he hadn’t brought his scrolls, not to mention the precious and fragile gifts he had been entrusted with by Gil-Galad, to dinner, because otherwise they would have fallen from his hands.
He gaped; he tried to speak, but his words failed him, and all he could do was stare while the King dismissed the servant after instructing him to have dinner served as soon as possible.
Then, the Elf turned to face Elrond once more, smiling broadly - the smile Elrond had carried in his heart ever since he had seen it for the last time, but then she bit her lip, suddenly shy. “Hello, I… I am not sure you remember me; how could you, after so many years? We… we were acquainted when I lived in Lindon, I am…”
“(name).” Elrond murmured; he couldn’t be mistaken, the Elf in front of him, wrapped in sumptuous garments, was undoubtedly his old friend, who he had said good-bye to years before and then never stopped caring for, and he did know she had moved to Taurdôr and still lived at court, but this… her, here, now… was unexplainable, and made him fear he was walking in a dream, soon to awake and feel more lonely and dejected than ever… “Is… is it really you?”
(name) grinned; relief seemed to fill her like clear water in the cupped hands of the thirsty. “It is me; I… I was afraid you had forgotten about me…”
“I haven’t; I never could.” Elrond reassured her; he was still struggling to make sense of the unexpected revelation and its implications -where was the King of Taurdôr? Why was (name) here instead of him?- but he didn’t care. He had found her; (name) was here and still remembered him! Elrond’s heart was singing, and as he struggled to decide what to say, he decided that he had kept his feelings hidden for far too long; waiting even just one more moment was unbearable “I… I am so happy to see you again. Truth to be told, I hoped I could take advantage of my journey to Taurdôr to look for you; I have missed you so much.”
 “And I have missed you, Elrond. I am so glad Gil-Galad sent you, and that we have the chance to talk once more.”
“As am I. But now, tell me… where is the King?” Elrond inquired; even in the midst of his and his friend’s joyful reunion, he couldn’t forget he had come to Taurdôr on an official mission, and he couldn’t focus on (name) -specifically, on confessing that he was more than a little infatuated and had never stopped thinking about her for years- before at least presenting himself to his host, and hopefully starting to discuss the new alliance between their kingdoms “I was supposed to meet him here. Were you sent to receive me? Are you part of Taurdôr’s council as well?”
“No, I… well…”
(name) sighed; suddenly she seemed… tense, almost worried, as if she were about to reveal some shocking truth and had no idea how her interlocutor would react. “No one sent me; rather, I sent for you.” she said, taking Elrond’s hands in hers, as if afraid he would disappear into thin air - or run away “Elrond… I am the King of Taurdôr.”
“It all happened only a month after I had moved here to be close to my sister after the death of her husband. There is a dense forest a few hours’ ride from the palace, and one day I decided to bring my nephews there, so that we could hunt game for dinner, and also to distract them from the thought of the loss of their father. We had just arrived when we heard sounds of a struggle; I told my nephews to hide, and peeking through the bushes I saw a group of armed Elves on horseback attempting to kidnap another, dressed as a lord.”
“He was the King.” Elrond guessed, a still untouched chalice of wine in his hand; the servants who had served dinner had been dismissed, leaving him and his host alone, which was good, because while not a secret, that conversation was too private and delicate to be carried out in the presence of witnesses.
(name) nodded; she was sitting in front of him, almost apologetic but already more relaxed, as if reassured her revelation would not make her old friend run for his life “He was, even though I had no idea; I had never met him, since I had moved to the kingdom only recently, and my sister, the court’s librarian, had never brought me with her when she worked. Still, I realised what was happening; the Elf was fighting desperately to defend himself, but the guards who had accompanied him had been killed, their bodies lying on the ground.” she went on, and shuddered; as a capable hunter, and having served in Lindon’s army as captain of the archers, she knew death up close, but she had never gotten used to it, and she had once confided in Elrond she feared she never would “We would have been outnumbered even if I had intervened to defend the lord, not to mention I only had a hunting knife at my belt, and I was still responsible for my nephews; so I remained hidden, and used my bow and arrow to kill the kidnappers from afar.”
“So you saved his life.”
“Apparently I did. When I could finally reach him the Elf was barely awake, so I loaded him on my horse and brought it back to the court to entrust him to the healers; you can imagine my surprise when they recognized him, and told me who he was.”
The King had wanted to meet her to thank her personally as soon as he had recovered, (name) went on explaining; he had gone hunting with his escort, as he was wont to do, and a lord who was secretly conspiring against him had sent his guards to kidnap him. Hadn’t (name) been there, he would have been captured, taken hostage, and perhaps even killed. The King, grateful, offered to reward (name) in any way she wanted, and gained even more appreciation for her when his saviour, admitting there was nothing she especially desired, ended up asking for her nephews to be admitted to the court’s school, so that they could benefit from a good education. Learning she had been captain of the archers at the court of Lindon, the King had asked for a test of her abilities, and then, more than satisfied, had asked her to join the same corps in his own army. In time, he had developed a deep affection for her, coming to regard (name) as the daughter he had never had; because of this, no one had been surprised when, only a year before and in conjunction with his long-discussed decision to abandon Taurdôr and sail to Valinor, the King had asked (name) to let him name her his heir and ascend him to the throne after him.
“Well, no one but me; I’d like to tell you I didn’t need to sit because my legs were shaking, but that’d be a lie.” (name) sighed as she toyed with the pendants of her necklace, an instinctive gesture Elrond had seen her made often when she was tense - even though now, for the first time, those pendants were of solid gold, probably precious enough to ransom a lord “I told him I was the worst choice he could make, that I had none of the abilities required of a ruler, that I was too blunt, too outspoken and rigid on my principles to deal with the courtiers and the lords and all those who constantly came to him requesting favours and concessions; I was not a diplomat, and all I could say was what I thought, nothing more and nothing less. The King smiled, and told me this was exactly why he wanted me to succeed him on the throne.”
Elrond had never met Taurdôr’s previous ruler, but he found himself appreciating the older Elf’s wisdom. “And so, you became King.” he recapitulated as he placed his chalice back on the table “King and not Queen, I seem to gather.”
“I know, it’s odd. I didn’t mean to lie to you, but Taurdôr has never had a ruling Queen before, and Kings’ spouses do not really have a role beyond child-rearing and hosting parties. This wasn’t obviously the sort of ruler I wanted to be, not to mention I had started receiving marriage proposals less than ten minutes after my predecessor had announced his decision to name me his heir, so I declared that even though I am a woman I wished to be styled as King, and not Queen, to make it clear that the throne was mine and mine alone, and I’d let no one take it from me or use me as a puppet for their own purposes. I meet with the council once a week and I have a number of advisors, but you’d be surprised to learn how many Elves seem to think I’d be easily influenced simply because I wear a skirt.”
“Well, those Elves don’t know you as well as I do.”
(name) shrugged. “No, they don’t.” she acknowledged; her eyes shone with pride and happiness, and Elrond had never wanted to kiss her as much as he did then “Or at least, they didn’t when I ascended to the throne, even though I am proud to say many of them quickly changed their mind, and had to recognize I have a will as strong as any male Elf if not more.” 
Elrond smiled. “I’m sure you are a capable ruler, whatever title you use.”
“I try my best.” 
(name) rested her chin on the palm of her hand. “You know, had many other Elves here at court told me those words, I’d at least suspect they were trying to adulate me.” she said “With you, instead… I know you are being sincere; that you actually think that.”
“I have always been sincere with you, (name). And I always will be.” Elrond answered; it was not fully true, since there was a single but important matter he had kept from his friend, but given the context of their conversation the Half-Elf was confident his little lie could be excused… especially considering he planned on filling the gap as soon as possible. The fact that the object of his affections was now the ruler of a powerful kingdom, and he was simply an herald that many looked down to because of his mixed heritage, could change things, since no one was less free to follow their feelings than a King, but he had promised himself he would tell (name) how he felt, and he would - even if he had already prepared himself to have his heart broken “You… you look splendid, really.”
He strongly doubted he was the first to pay that sort of compliment to her, but he was surprised to see her blush. 
“Thank you.” she murmured, clearly flattered; she smiled, and he smiled at her, and suddenly the few days he had been promised to plead his case at the court of Taurdôr felt not enough - not enough by far “Now, why don’t we enjoy dinner? I want to know everything about Lindon, and what you have done since we last met.”
They did. Since (name) had dismissed the servants, Elrond offered to serve dinner to both, but she assured her there was no need, and was perfectly capable of filling her own plate and goblet. They spoke at length, their old familiarity still vivid after the long separation. (name) asked after Gil-Galad, more concerned for the King she had once faithfully served and trusted than in a peer she was supposed to negotiate with, and her old friends; more than anything, she wanted to know about Elrond’s life, and he gladly answered all her questions, secretly flattered by the attention. In turn, he asked his old friend about her life as King, and was pleased to perceive she was happy, confident in her capacity to reign and fulfilled every time she was able to carry out her duties, settling a dispute between two courtiers or allocating the necessary funding to support a feud stricken by famine. She was still close to her sister, who had not remarried but had been able to overcome the pain of her loss and was now focused on raising her children; (name) even found the time to practise archery, and to go hunting in the woods, even though it pained her that she had to formally retire from the army’s archery troops before ascending to the throne. 
She never mentioned whether there was someone special in her life, either privately or through a formal betrothal, the sort Kings often used to seal an alliance or put an end to a conflict; the matter didn’t concern him, but Elrond allowed himself to find some comfort in it. Unless, of course, Gil-Galad, who was also unmarried, decided an union was exactly what Lindon needed to seal an alliance with Taurdôr, and tasked Elrond with proposing to (name) for him…
At the end of the meal, a comfortable, pleasant silence fell on them; the soft light of the torches made the stately room look homely, almost, Elrond thought, as if they were still in his quarters at Lindon’s palace, enjoying a simple meal alone as they talked about their day and joked about the court’s latest gossip. He already loved her back then, even though he wasn’t aware of it; but still, he had cherished those moments, the simple and innocent intimacy they afforded, when he knew he could be himself, without fear of being judged or blamed. (name) wasn’t afraid of speaking her mind, and would freely tell him she didn’t agree or thought Elrond had made a mistake, but the Half-Elf knew she never ceased supporting him, and caring for his well-being, and being ready to defend him.
Was that love? He didn’t know; but just looking in her eyes was enough to perceive (name) still cared for him and had not forgotten everything they had gone through together, and Elrond was happy for it. Happy, and grateful.
“Was everything of your liking, Elrond?”
“It was delicious; the best meal I have had for a long time.” he replied; the compliment was due more to the good company he had been enjoying than to the admittedly good food, but the Half-Elf thought it would have been too forward to say it “You needn’t have worried so much for me.”
“Of course I needed to; and I wanted to. I…” (name) began, and then hesitated, biting her lip “... I wanted you to feel welcomed here; not just as the emissary of a King, but as my guest. Lindon and its people will forever be part of me, but Taurdôr is my home now, a great kingdom full of beauty and kind people; I hoped you would come to love it, just like I did.”
“If the people here are good to you, I’m sure I’ll like it.”
“No one could beat you in goodness, Elrond. This is what I have always liked about you the most.” 
(name) smiled; she had stopped touching her necklace. “Shall we walk in the gardens for a while?” she proposed “Unless you want to retire, after the long journey.”
Hadn’t he slept for a month, still Elrond would have gladly walked with her. He offered her his arm, which the Elf-woman gladly took as she led him out of the banquet room and along a new series of corridors. A couple of courtiers who crossed their path attempted to talk to the King, but (name) quickly stopped them, postponing the discussion to the audience already scheduled for the next morning, or instructing them to talk to someone else.
“Sometimes I feel guilty.” she confided in Elrond as they finally stepped beyond a stone arch, the lush vegetation enveloping them under the trees’ canopy “So many people depend on me, but I can’t be available to talk and do things at all times day and night. I need some moments for myself, otherwise I’ll lose my mind.”
“Of course. You told me you still have time for your archery.”
“For that, and for spending time with my friends.”
(name) smiled; she took Elrond’s hand in his to pull him towards the heart of the large greenhouse surrounding them. “Come.” she invited him “I want you to see all of my favourite places.”
Elrond let himself be led among the trees and bushes, his heart heavy with joy and anticipation. 
The next few days saw Elrond and (name) spend as much time as they could together. The King was comprehensibly busy, but the alliance with Lindon was an important enough matter that less urgent duties and tasks could be postponed or delegated, and the Half-Elf soon realised his friend had prepared herself in advance and renounced the little free time she had for herself, for him. When she was otherwise occupied, with audiences or other obligations that kept her in her study or away from the court, she always made sure Elrond was entertained, tasking either lord Gwestor or other courtiers she was close to and trusted to accompany him to visit the most beautiful places of the kingdoms or organise some diversion to occupy his time.
They were old friends who had not seen each other for a long time, and he was the emissary of a powerful King (name) needed to make a good impression on; but Elrond allowed himself to feel flattered, and even hopeful, for such care. 
They went riding in the woods, followed by a contingent of bodyguards who hung back, giving the King and his guest all the space they could while still watching over them; they lunched alone in the gardens, sitting on a blanket as they poured their own wine and laughed to tears remembering some small adventure of their youth; they danced in the ballroom of the castle, under the watchful eyes of the court, and (name) wondered in her heart whether Elrond’s hands had been so warm on her hips, and the beauty of his smile so blinding, when she still resided in Lindon and he saved her from being the only Elf-woman who had not been invited, gently twirling her around and making her feel as if no one else existed in all of Arda. 
In those moments, they both regretted wasting so many years without each other, and hoped in their heart things could change in the future - for the better, hopefully. 
Nor the King nor the ambassador had forgotten Elrond was not in Taurdôr on vacation. They started discussing the alliance on the day after his arrival, and the Half-Elf was relieved to learn his old friend was more than favourable to the idea, at least as far diplomatic and trade relations between the two kingdoms were concerned.
“My predecessor, and all of Taurdôr’s Kings for centuries, have been highly protective, even jealous, of our land’s independence.” she explained to him one afternoon, after they had moved their audience to the King’s own apartment, enjoying a bit of peace and quiet as they sipped a goblet of wine “Many Elves, both here at court and in the kingdom, view with suspicion the simple presence of foreigners within our borders, to say nothing of their interest in our affairs. They wouldn’t even ask for help in case of aggression or famine; it sounds absurd, but I think the Elves of Taurdôr are so proud of the strength and prosperity of their kingdom, they instinctively believe others only wish to steal them.”
Elrond was not surprised, since (name)’s predecessors had constantly refused any sort of friendly pact with Lindon and other kingdoms, at one point -Gil-Galad had shown him a letter received two years before- proudly declaring Taurdôr needed no support or protection from its neighbours, and therefore saw no reason to get embroiled in their business.
“But you are different.” he stated as he moved on the high-backed chair he was sitting on, searching for a more comfortable position; for a moment, he felt (name)’s thigh press against his “I mean… you are of a different opinion.”
“I am. I have sworn to protect and defend the well-being of Taurdôr and its people, and I will; I simply believe that shutting oneself away, and believing everyone else is an enemy ready to steal from us, is not healthy, let alone intelligent. Both I and my sister have been looked at with suspicion after we moved to the realm, as foreigners bearers of who knows what trouble, even though all we wished was to remain close to the people we loved. This is not good, Elrond; if we erect barriers all around us, even only to protect ourselves from danger, we will end up suffocating.”
(name) sighed; she had already confided in Elrond that, while she had been able to earn the trust and respect of many at court and in the kingdom, there were also those who still treated her with hostility because she had lived in the kingdom for a relatively short period of time, and vocally disapproved of her intentions of opening the borders of Taurdôrs to other realms.
“No one can succeed alone; no matter how strong, or wealthy, or wise.” she muttered, once again playing with the heavy necklace she wore; for a moment, Elrond wondered if she were actually talking about her kingdom, or rather herself “United we are stronger, in the face of war, famine or any other danger; and even if a place is completely self-sufficient, we could all benefit from close contact with our peers, exchanging ideas and working together for a common goal. Even the wisest can still learn; and while we cannot always be sure of the intentions of others, and it is proper to defend ourselves and what we own, suspicion, contempt and fear can bring nothing good. I hope the alliance with Lindon will only be the first of many; that one day, I can show even the most suspicious Elves of this kingdom that even if we remain protective of our autonomy, our rights and the treasures of our land, we can still help others and, in turn, receive support when we need it.”
Elrond didn’t doubt she would succeed, no matter how difficult the goal she had set herself was; she had nothing but the well-being and the security of her land and her people at heart, and while good intentions weren’t always enough to ensure success, they had to count for something. 
“It will take time.” he pointed out, and his friend sighed before nodding; as King, she had formally the power to take decisions by herself, without having to consult or ensuring the approval of anyone, but Elrond knew perfectly how difficult, potentially even dangerous, the situation of a ruler who could not count on the support of their people could be. (name) had to make sure the most influential nobles of her court, the members of her council and probably also the chief officers of the army, were on her side and supported her project, otherwise she could find herself isolated and potentially even deposed by those who preferred that Taurdôr’s borders remain closed to strangers and potential allies “I know this realm has been isolated in itself for centuries; this state of things is everything many Elves have ever known.”
“I know, unfortunately; I think many Elves here are simply afraid, and worry that forming an alliance with another kingdom will lead foreigners to lord over our territory and steal our riches… which of course I plan to avoid. And fortunately we are immortal.” (name) mentioned, and smiled “I have all the time to win them over.”
They laughed together; (name)’s foot touched Elrond’s. He smiled at her, and then looked down, suddenly shy; his face felt as if it were on fire, and he was pretty sure the Elf-woman next to him could see it despite the dim light. He had nothing to feel embarrassed for, especially in (name)’s presence, but suddenly his resolution of confessing his feelings to his friend, especially when they were working on changing centuries of tradition and opening Taurdôr’s borders to the rest of Arda, felt ridiculous, even egotistical. What if she didn’t return his affection? Would the awkwardness make things difficult between them, both at a personal level -which would be painful enough- and making it harder for him and his friend to work jointly for the alliance between their kingdoms? Could he put his own feelings ahead of the mission he has been entrusted with? Perhaps it was better to wait, make sure relations between Lindon and Taurdôr had improved before breaching the subject, so that he could request to be replaced in his role as ambassador, in case (name) weren’t interested in him like he was in her…
She had seen him blush. “I’m sorry.” she whispered; suddenly the King of Taurdôr looked lost, as if she didn’t know what to do with her hands, and the rest of her body as well “I… made you uncomfortable, Elrond, forgive me…”
“You did not.” he reassured her “You never could.”
“Still, I should remember I need to be more careful when I… approach other Elves, given my position at court. The truth is…” (name) started, she hesitated, and then took Elrond’s hand in hers; she had freed her hair from the elaborate updo her maids arranged every day, and that, in the Half-Elf’s eyes, simply enhanced her natural beauty - a beauty so unassuming and radiant it made him tremble “Elrond, for all these years I… I have never ceased to carry you in my heart, and…”
“Your Majesty.”
They were both startled, their hands separating brusquely; Elrond stood, suddenly ashamed as if he had been caught as he committed a crime, while (name) glared at the servant who now stood in front of them, for a moment unable to hide how displeased she was.
“What is it?”
“Your pardon, my King; lord Voronil requests an audience.” the servant explained; hearing that name, the Elf-woman frowned.
“It is very late. What can be so urgent, he asks for me at this time?”
“He didn’t say, your Majesty. I told him you had retired to your rooms and asked not to be disturbed, but he insisted.”
“I’m sure he did.”
(name) sighed; she looked regretfully at her now empty hands, and stood. “Very well.” she said, her tone firm and openly displeased “I’ll go, and he better have a good reason for disturbing me now. Elrond, forgive me, I…”
“It is alright; I don’t want to keep you.” he said, forcing himself to smile; what else could he do? Unwilling to remain in his friends’ apartment without her, he bowed low and departed to return to his own rooms, as (name) looked regretfully at him a last time and then walked away herself, the servant following her closely.
Eight days later, at the end of an interminable list of audiences and meetings with the members of the council and other courtiers, (name) and Elrond signed together a trade agreement that formally opened Taurdôr’s borders to a selected number of merchants from Lindon, while a few (few) of their own goods would be sent to the largest towns of the other kingdom to be sold. A diplomatic pact was also ratified, with which the two parts formally recognized each other and formally pledged their friendship - without elaborating on the rights and duties the pact entailed.
It was little, a drop of water in the sea compared to what the two old friends hoped to build, but it was a start and, more importantly, they had been able to convince a majority of the council members and a few of the most influential nobles of the court of the goodness of their project - quite a task, all things considered.
That night, a great feast was held at court, to celebrate the beginning of a more proactive role for Taurdôr in the politics of Arda… and to honour Elrond, whose departure from the realm was scheduled for the next day.
As he stepped into the huge, festively decorated ballroom, the Half-Elf felt suddenly overwhelmed, all too aware that all the eyes in the room had immediately turned to him; he smiled, vaguely embarrassed, and greeted a few of the courtiers he had gotten to know since his arrival. Several of them seemed to interpret the gesture as an invitation, and a clump of Elves quickly gathered around him, asking about the court of Lindon, the goods that could be bought and sold in its markets, and even the presence of unmarried ladies in its most powerful noble families. 
Elrond did his best to answer every question posed to him, but was relieved when Gwestor, having noticed his uneasiness and taken pity on him, forced his way through the throng, slipped his arm under the Half-Elf’s, and led him away towards a more peaceful corner of the hall, close to the harpists and lute-player whose sweet notes were livening up the evening. A large table held refreshments of every kind, including gallons of strong beverages, while a number of couples had already started dancing, the central area of the room having been reserved for such activity. 
“I hope you will forgive me, but I thought you needed saving.”
“I really did; thanks for saving me.” Elrond said, returning the amused smile of the other Elf; they obtained chalices of mulled wine from the tray of a passing servant, and sipped it together as Elrond looked all around him, quickly finding (name), more radiant than ever in a lavish dress of a colour that emphasised that of her eyes and hair; she was patiently listening to a richly-dressed Elf, who talked insistently not so much to but at her, clearly pleased to have the King’s attention focused on him. 
She was beautiful, Elrond thought, and so more than that; she was the most amazing and precious creature in all of Arda, and he was desperately in love with her - he had been for a long time, and he would tell her soon, he promised himself once more, all too aware that the time at his disposal was running out, even though the possibility of his dreams coming true seemed fainter with any passing hour.
Almost as if she had perceived that his thoughts were focused on her, (name) turned to Elrond and smiled at him, before briefly nodding towards the Elf next to her with an exasperated face she was then quick to hide; the Half-Elf smiled back, amused, but in his heart he had to admit he was more than a little jealous of her interlocutor.
“That is lord Voronil.” Gwestor murmured, having perceived the exchange of looks between the two old friends. (name) had told Elrond Gwestor was one of her closest allies at court, an Elf whose integrity and loyalty she trusted fully, and who had been kind to her since a chance meeting soon after the Elf-woman’s arrival in Taurdôr; Elrond liked him, and had appreciated the other Elf’s support as he and the King pleaded their cause with the court “His family is less powerful than many others, but he knows how to ingratiate himself to others and now there are many at court who favour him or are in his debt.”
“Oh, I know.” Elrond answered “Lord Voronil was quick to introduce himself to me when (name)... when the King and I presented our project for an alliance to the court; I had the impression he would have readily objected even on the sort of boots I was wearing that day if he could.”
Many Elves of the court supported Voronil against the alliance, and at first it had been disheartening to see how large and committed the opposition to their project was; but (name), who knew the Elves of Taurdôr much better than he did, hadn’t looked intimidated, and Elrond had decided to follow her example. With time and patience, they had been able to convince many of their critics that a trade deal and a few diplomatic visits wouldn’t hurt, especially if it helped find new buyers for their goods, and business partners of other sorts. Voronil had remained one of the few who refused to even discuss the matter, and had not hidden his discontent when a majority of the court had voted in favour of a commercial agreement with Lindon.
Gwestor smiled gently. “Don’t take it personally; Voronil disapproves of many, especially of those who do not fawn over him but the King favours.” he confided; lowering his voice to a whisper, he added “I have also heard that he requested an audience with her when the two of you were alone in her apartment at night.”
Elrond felt panic rise in his stomach. “How do you…?”
“The servant who came to call her is the son of my steward; he confided in me that Voronil had paid a few pages to inform him as soon as the two of you were alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t have anything important to tell her, but simply kept her occupied long enough your time together had to be postponed.”
According to what (name) had told him on the next day, Voronil did apparently have an important matter to discuss with her, if not something so urgent it couldn’t wait until the next morning -namely, a request for military help from a relative of his, whose neighbour kept invading his domain, taking advantage of the lack of guards at the borders- but when Voronil had shown her the letter his relative had sent, (name) had read it had been sent weeks before, as if the lord had forgotten about it until that moment - or had decided not to plead it with the King until it had realised the letter could be the excuse he needed to interrupt her and Elrond’s moment together.
“He’s interested in her.” he pointed out softly, noticing the discreet but insistent way Voronil attempted to take (name)’s hand, indifferent to the King’s polite but determinate refusals “Is he not?”
Gwestor grunted. “He is interested in her power, which he hopes to share in becoming Prince consort.” he corrected “I’m sure he doesn’t care for the King in the slightest. He could never make her happy; he would not try either.” 
Elrond remained silent.
“I have also heard some courtiers discuss whether your King could marry ours, in order to consolidate the relations between the two realms and ensure a lasting peace.”
“That… would be reasonable.” Elrond admitted; Gil-Galad had never mentioned the possibility to ask for (name)’s hand in order to secure the alliance, not to mention he had always seemed perfectly at ease in his bachelorhood, but one could never know “Our King thought well of her, and has sent her precious gifts.”
“I’m sure he did. Of course, there is more to a marriage than that, is there not?”
Elrond didn’t answer; he reflected for a while, looking at how (name) was clearly growing impatient at how Voronil tried to monopolise her attention. In the end, he brought the chalice to his lips and swallowed the wine in a long gulp.
“Could I beg a favour of you?” he whispered, without looking away from the Elf-woman “Would you distract Voronil for a minute?”
Clearly amused, Gwestor answered he would try, no matter how unpleasant Voronil could be; he approached the couple and, after bowing low to the King, turned towards the other Elf and put himself between the two. Elrond couldn’t hear what he was saying, but a minute later the councillor had all but dragged away a partially recalcitrant Voronil, who seemed too taken aback from the intervention to protest.
(name) was now alone; Elrond knew he had no time to waste, unless he wanted someone else to approach her.
“You look lovely.” he murmured as he joined her; she had probably been paid the same compliment dozens of times already, but the Elf-woman smiled, clearly flattered. 
“Thank you. I hope you enjoy the evening, Elrond; you’re the guest of honour, and I will never forget all the help you have given me. If one day an alliance will exist between Lindon and Taurdôr, it will be in large part thanks to you.”
Elrond waved his hand to gently refuse those compliments. “We have worked together.” he pointed out “The credit should belong to both, and don’t forget we still have much to do.”
“We do.” (name) admitted, and she smiled “But I think we can rest for one night, and indulge in a bit of merriment.” 
Elrond agreed. He considered inviting (name) to dance, or offering to get her something to drink, but then he remembered his bags were already half-packed on the floor next to his bed; he swallowed. “Would you like to go outside for a moment?” he asked in a whisper, hoping against hope for a positive answer; he knew the King was expected to entertain his guests and welcome visitors, and she couldn’t very well hide to spend time with a single person - even the guest of honour.
But (name), once more, surprised him. “Please.” she promptly answered “I’ve been here for less than an hour and I feel myself suffocating already.”
They left the ballroom together, indifferent to the many who saw them and immediately started gossiping about it, and (name) led Elrond towards a small patio surrounded by tall ivy-covered marble columns, soft grass rustling under their feet.
“And so you're going to leave tomorrow.” (name) stated, her tone neutral.
“I am. I am grateful for your hospitality, and everything you have done to make my stay pleasant.”
“Of course; you know how happy I have been to have you here, after so many years. I…”
“Yes?” Elrond prompted; he stepped closer to her, close enough he could smell her perfume, sweet and intoxicating. His friend bit her lip, as if unsure of what to say; Elrond had already seen shyness on her face, but now… now (name) looked terrified.   
“I was simply thinking… how good it would be, and how happy I would feel, if you could stay a little longer; much longer, ideally.” she confessed in the end precipitously, as if afraid her courage would fail before she could reach the end of her statement “I… I miss you already, even though you haven’t left yet; and if I think that tomorrow we’ll have to say good-bye, and I might not see you for months… it makes me want to cry.”
Elrond didn’t speak.
“Forgive me, I’m… I’m behaving like a petulant child. You have your own life, and things much more interesting to do than… entertaining a lonely Elf-woman. This is embarrassing, I’m sorry, I must have made you…”
“What if I did?” Elrond murmured; he took her hand, and (name), who was blushing furiously, turned towards him.
“I said, what if I could stay much longer?” he specified, growing bolder with any passing second “What if I could stay here, with you, as long as we both wanted me to? Perhaps… even forever?”
(name) looked at him, almost incredulous, as if she didn’t dare believing what his friend’s words seemed to suggest. “Elrond…”
The Half-Elf smiled; a tenderness he had never experienced had filled his heart. “My darling (name)... I have been in love with you for so long, even though it took me a long time to realise it.” he murmured; he brought her hand to his lips, and he felt it shaking as he devotedly kissed her fingers “I know my standing at court is different from yours, I know you may decide to marry for the sake of your kingdom; I ask nothing of you, but to believe my heart is yours and forever will be, and nothing would make me happier than…”
He couldn’t finish the sentence; he didn’t need to, because he had already said enough, he had said everything he felt and more than (name) hoped him to say; radiant of joy, she gently took his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his, a sweet kiss, relatively chaste but fierce, a kiss that was quickly reciprocated, with a moan that was joy and relief.
She didn’t say I love you too. She didn’t say I have loved you in silence for a long time and I would have told you soon, had I not decided it was my duty to leave and take care of my family. She didn’t say I have never stopped thinking about you, and hoping one day I would have the chance to tell you what I felt. She couldn’t have, since her mouth was otherwise and happily occupied, but (name) knew her actions spoke better than her words ever could, and that Elrond knew her well enough to perceive her joy, and gratitude, and hope in the future they could build together. 
And even if he couldn’t, that was fine; she’d make sure to prove her devotion to him from that day onward, until he had to depart and even beyond that; destiny had given her a second chance at love, and she was determined not to waste it. 
“Are you sure?” Elrond wondered after a while, having finally broken the kiss; he was breathless, and he had never looked so enticing “You’re a King, you should… marry an Elf worthy of you…”
“And you are not?”
“You know what I mean. There are many both here and at the court of Lindon who would rather see you marry Gil-Galad, or another King, to secure an alliance; I know how devoted you are to the well-being of your kingdom, I do not want to… complicate things…”
(name) smiled; she knew how honourable Elrond could be, and she loved him for that, but she also wanted to show him that she would let nothing, and no one, separate them.
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do to ensure the safety and the well-being of Taurdôr.” she stated, holding Elrond’s hands in hers “And yes, I might have decided for an arranged marriage, had things been different; but you, Elrond… you are too important and too dear to me to be renounced. I love you; and I will have no one but you. Whatever the future may bring, I want to be with you forever.”
They kissed again, laughing, crying, and exchanging promises; (name) moaned softly as Elrond gently pushed her against one of the columns, their bodies so close they could feel each other’s heartbeat against their chest. Soft music reached the patio from the ballroom, but neither noticed it, both King and herald too engrossed in each other to pay any mind to what happened around then.
“I have been thinking about sending my own ambassador to Lindon.” she murmured, her mouth still busy worshipping Elrond’s “I think lord Gwestor would be perfect for the role; he could stay at Gil-Galad’s court for a while, discussing the alliance and proposing a closer relationship between our kingdoms. What do you think?”
“It sounds like a splendid idea, my King. This would also mean, obviously, that I’d have to remain here with you.”
“Exactly. Unless, of course, you’d rather return home…”
Elrond smiled; he circled (name)’s hips with his arm, moving slightly as he felt her hands rest on his shoulders. “I’ll never leave.” he promised, before claiming her lips in a kiss once more “I’ll never want to leave, at least. I promise.” 
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valkyriepirate · 1 year
Elrond x Reader- Always Been Yours
Summary: You and Elrond have been close for many years because of your positions on the council. When an army of orcs unexpectedly attacks Lindon while Elrond is away in the dwarven kingdom, you become near-fatally wounded in battle. Elrond rushes home to find you barely alive, calling the name of your lover in your sleep. Little does he know you are dreaming of him. 
Word count: 4.9k words
Warnings: Battle violence, fluff <3
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#1- Always Been Yours
Spring had finally arrived in Lindon, and the air was thrumming with the promise of life. A fresh, warm breeze gently swayed the trees of the forest like a rebellious eddy on the open sea, lifting your long sleeves and carrying your voice to the sky. It wasn’t often that you sang on the palace grounds; while you had a beautiful voice, you never prided yourself in it, but the day was far too beautiful not to let it fill your heart with joy through song. You could almost sense the flowers readying to break the surface of the soil and taste the dew that would settle on their leaves.  
You knelt next to a tree by the river, caressing the dirt with your fingers. Your mother had always said that the forest should be greeted as your dearest friend, for it was your greatest protector. As you ran your hand through the crystalline water, you could imagine her voice intertwining with yours, just like how you two would sing together all those years ago. Being here amongst the trees and the earth made you feel closer to her, as if her spirit lived on in the forest.  
“I didn’t know you sang,” a familiar voice from behind lurched you from your thoughts. You turned around, already feeling the tips of your ears heat in embarrassment, to face your longtime friend.  
“Anyone with a voice to speak can just as well sing, can they not?” You brushed loose dirt from your dress as you stood up.  
Elrond smiled, glancing politely toward the ground. “Many can speak, but not many can sing like you. Please- don't stop on my account.”
“I’m afraid that is a song for the wind and water, not for the ears of well-meaning friends,” you teased.  
“Then it would be best I said nothing at all,” said Elrond.  
“And leave me to go on with silent listeners nearby? I think not.”
You stepped out onto the main path, Elrond falling in step beside you. Even though you were reluctant to let him hear your voice, you felt comfortable in every other way around him. You couldn’t help the little spark of gladness that flickered in your chest whenever he was near.  
“What are you doing out here in the forest?” you asked, glancing sidelong at him. The sun was casting amber hues through his hair, making him look like a crowned prince.  
“Looking for you,” he folded his hands behind him. “The High King Gil-galad is sending me to Forodwaith to establish terms of trade with Durin and the dwarves of Khazad-Dum. He expects me to leave in the morning.”
“So soon? It feels as if you just returned from your last journey,” you said, trying and failing to keep the disappointment out of your voice. Seeming to hear it, he nodded regretfully.  
“Apparently I was specifically requested by Durin. The High King fears he won’t negotiate terms with any elf other than I.”
“Ah, I see. The dwarf wants another excuse to see you.”  
Elrond laughed good-naturedly. “I doubt that. I think I’m simply the one he wants to hit with his hammer the least.”
“You give yourself too little credit, Elrond. You have a spirit more kind and gentle than anyone I know. Even a dwarf can see that.”  
He pinked in the cheeks. “And I think you give me too much credit, (Y/N). Besides, the kindest heart in Eriador certainly doesn’t belong to me. I’m afraid that title is taken by a particular elf-maiden with a lovely voice.”  
A fluttering sensation enveloped your stomach, and you bit your lip to keep from smiling. “When do you think you’ll return?” you asked evenly.  
“In a fortnight, perhaps. Though these trips always seem to take longer than initially planned. You know Disa’s hospitality.”
That you did. You considered the female dwarrow a dear friend. Your position as the general of the Sindarin army sometimes took you to distant lands across Middle-earth, and you had become acquainted with Disa in your travels long ago, before she had married Durin. Though you suspected you were in for a thorough scolding the next time you saw her, if Elrond’s account of Durin’s anger amounted to anything. Your kind were wont to lose track of the days, unlike the mortal races. It made you wonder how long it really had been since you’d seen Disa last.  
“Give her the warmest tidings from me,” you said sincerely. “I miss her dearly. How I wish I could accompany you.”
“I wish much the same,” said Elrond bashfully, not meeting your eyes. “The road travel can be quite lonely and tedious at times.”
“Here.” You bent and plucked a white-plumed daylily from a bush that was rooted in the stream, handing it to him. “Keep it with you. When you feel alone, you can pull it out and think of me.”
He handled the flower reverently, as if you had bestowed upon him a precious jewel. He looked up at you, the sweetest, humblest smile gracing his features. “I most certainly shall.”
The two of you talked far into midday, wandering the forest and ignoring the existence of your duties. Your heart began to ache the more time you spent with him, however, knowing that he was bound to disappear once more, and all too soon you bid him goodbye. There were several things concerning the Sindarin warriors to discuss with the king, and Gil-galad was not one to be kept waiting.  
You slept fitfully that night, Elrond’s face flashing in your mind every time you closed your eyes. You rose before the sun the next morning and raced as elegantly as possible to the road past the waterfall where Elrond was set to depart. Only the guards were awake, nodding respectfully to you as you passed. All of Lindon dutifully recognized your position as a war general even when you weren’t in your armor.  
As periwinkle streaks of dawn bled across the sky, you nearly began to worry that you had missed him, but your worries ameliorated when you caught sight of his robes by the front gates. Elrond was loading his supplies onto his horse, his face turned away from you. Silently, you approached him from behind, hoping you didn’t appear as if you’d rushed out to meet him in a frenzy.  
“Attempting to leave without saying goodbye, are we?” you said into the still morning air. Elrond looked up, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.  
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he tied one last knot around his knapsack. “I only wished for you to have as much rest as possible. It is early to be awake even for I.”  
“So you may say.” One side of your mouth quirked up. “Is everything prepared?”
“Yes. All I need is to collect my will to mount this horse and leave Lindon behind.” His voice caught as he said Lindon, as if he were about to say you.  
Your heart was buzzing inside your chest as if you were a restless bumblebee being separated from your flower. “Do not forget,” you reminded him softly, spotting the daylily tucked into his robe. You reached over and tenderly pressed the petals against his chest. “This flower means I am with you. You will be in my thoughts, Elrond.”
He held your gaze, his eyes filled with some deep emotion you couldn’t express. Gently, he grasped your hand and grazed your fingers with the barest of kisses. Physical affection was rare among your kind, particularly in public, though you sensed the only bystanders observing your interaction were the dandelions beneath your feet and the forest critters slipping between the trees.  
“And you will be in my heart, (Y/N),” promised Elrond. He was the embodiment of a dulcet predawn dream, the kind you wanted to get lost in forever, to never wake up from. Yet you knew both his duties and yours were to the kingdom before they answered your own desires.  
You gave his fingers a slight squeeze. “You will give Durin and Disa my best, will you not?”
He smiled. “I shall.”
“Do be safe. You have duties and friends to come back to, you know.”
“I will do my best,” he bowed. “I am sure my heart will ache with every step I take away from you.”
You parted, feeling as if you were forcing yourself awake from a pleasant dream, and watched as he mounted his horse and trotted away from the front gates. At the end of the path, he halted and turned to face you one last time.  
“Goodbye, (Y/N),” he called.  
“Goodbye, Elrond,” you returned, and didn’t allow yourself to blink until he had passed over the hill into the far reaches of the forest, where the trees seemed to lean down and caress him with their branches as if he were not simply an elf, but a king venturing into a distant land, riding away with your stolen heart.  
A harsh, screeching noise tore you from your sleep. With a jolt of panic, you bolted upright in bed, trying to collect your bearings. Liquid moonlight spilled through your leaf-paned window and leaked over the floor. You judged that it was a little over two hours past midnight. The horrible, dissonant noise seemed to come from all around you. You picked out the sound of Lindon’s warning bell from among the chaos, coupled with pained screams and the sound of something shattering.  
In a heartbeat, you leaped out of bed and grabbed your silver-plated longsword by the door. You burst out of your room and flew down the stairs towards the commotion. The clanging noises intensified as you ran to the royal courtyard. You deduced the source before you saw them- orcs.  
Dozens of the grisly fiends were pouring over the gates, brandishing crude, makeshift weapons and baring their black teeth. Several other elves had already arrived on the scene, defending against the attackers with deadly grace. Swords flashed and arrows flew under the silvery light of the moon, and blood the color of the night sky painted the ground before your eyes.  
You seamlessly entered the battle, lopping the heads off one orc after the other, not stopping to ponder how or why the orcs were leading this raid. Your senses clicked into the mode of war, as familiar to you as breathing. Within seconds, you had effortlessly picked out the opening points of the battleground that were most concentrated by the enemy, and called out regiment orders as more of your brethren rushed into the courtyard. The few elves donning soldier’s gear hastened to obey your command.  
You drove your sword into the gut of a nearby orc and sliced another in half at the waist. The rest of your thoughts fell away with every kill as you allowed your sword to become a part of you, as dexterous and fluid as an extension of your arm. Any sleepiness you might have felt was replaced by an acute focus of your surroundings.  
You worked your way towards the gates to quell the flush of orcs streaming into your territory. With a spin, you dropped three of the beasts at once, moving with all the poise and accuracy of an elven warrior. As you did, you spotted Galadriel at the far side of the courtyard.
You had to step over the bodies of your victims to make berth towards her in the rushing sea, as if you were caught in a dangerous dance between life and death. “Galadriel!” you yelled. “How did this happen?”
“Someone has left the anterior parapets unfortified,” she called back, ducking to avoid a swinging club. “These gates were open when I arrived!”
“How can that be? There are guards stationed here day and night!”
“I do not know. The Dark Lord must have found out about our affairs in Númenor. We are at half our strength. He senses weakness.”
“He won’t find any,” you gritted your teeth. You stabbed a nearby orc in the neck and spun to avoid the spray of black blood. If the Dark Lord thought catching you off your guard would give him the advantage, you were prepared to prove him wrong.
“There is something adrift about this attack. Something...foul. Within the kingdom.”
You raised an eyebrow, though it was doubtful Galadriel could see it in the dark. “You think there is a traitor?”
“Perhaps,” she said. “Or an intruder yet to be detected.”
This troubled you. You were the head of the Sindarin army. It was your job to keep the kingdom safe. If there was a spy under your nose, you would be the first to know about it. Yet with half the army stationed in the Southlands aiding the Númenorians, an attack could come from any side.  
Irrationally, you found yourself becoming steeped in worry for Elrond. It had been days since his departure, and if this orc army had advanced in from the south, it was likely Elrond may have crossed paths with them. While he was more than a capable warrior, standing alone against an entire army wouldn’t be easy even for you. You hoped he had already made it to Khazad-Dum...
Suddenly you cried out in alarm. While you were worrying about Elrond, an orc had approached on your left flank and slashed you across the shoulder.  
Focus, you reprimanded yourself. Do not forget the battle in front of you.  
You dispatched the orc quickly and kicked the dismembered helmet away. Then Galadriel screamed. You whirled around to come face-to-face with the largest orc you had ever seen.  
It was almost twice your size, and armed with a cruel-looking blade. Its armor was detached in places, as if it had outgrown its battle garments too fast for them to be replaced. Galadriel had taken a swipe at the exposed part of its hide, but her sword had lodged in its armor on an angle. In a blink, the orc slammed both its fists into her arm, emitting a sickening crack.  
Her sword dropped to the dirt. You rushed to her side, ferociously stabbing your sword through its calf. The orc roared in pain and slashed at you with its blade. You deflected and thrust upward at its chest, but its height momentarily gave it leverage. It swung again and you narrowly dodged what could have been a fatal slice to the throat.
“Archers, to me!” you yelled over the din of battle. Two elves equipped with bows and arrows raced toward you, taking aim. “On my count!”
You pressed forward, trying to prompt the orc to step into the open. Galadriel took position on your right, one of her arms hanging limply at her side. Together you attacked as fiercely as you could. You needed to wound it somehow and step out of range for your archers to have a clear shot. Any head shots would be futile against its obsidian helmet.  
You moved to the left, trying to keep it distracted, but the orc was swiping at you with its sword in one hand and swatting at Galadriel with the other. You ordered the archers to fire, but most of the arrows struck harmlessly over the thick armor. The ones that buried in its skin didn’t seem to slow it down at all.  
With a growl, the orc hobbled forward and shoved Galadriel to the ground. She cried out as she landed on her broken arm. Without hesitation, you lunged to put yourself between her and your attacker. It raised its blade above its head.
“Fire!” you screamed at the archers, but it was too late. Time seemed to slow down. Arrows flew. Your sword glinted in the light of the moon, sending the world up in a flash of white, and you swung.  
There was a thump and you looked to see the orc’s meaty arm lying in the grass, separated from its body. Its crooked fingers were no longer clasped around its blade. You blinked and gasped, suddenly hit with a wave of pain, and looked down to see that the blade was buried in your stomach.  
One of the archer’s arrows struck clean through the orc’s bare neck, and it was dead before it hit the ground. The sound of it rattled your brain. You felt blood gushing from your torso and trickling down the front of your white nightgown. Your hands grasped the hilt of the orcish blade, but you didn’t have the strength to dislodge it. Your knees gave out and you crumpled.  
Galadriel was frantically calling out your name, but her voice soon melded into the sounds of swords clashing and orcs roaring in the battlefield around you. Your vision went blurry, your lungs desperately searching for air; you were drowning, and all you could see was red before the night itself bled over the trees, overtaking your body completely.  
Elrond rode on a steed of wind and rain. The sky over the next range of hills was darkening so quickly it was as if clouds of ink had been spilled from the heavens, leaking down to the earth in the form of icy droplets that stung his eyes and soaked through his cloak. His heart was pounding in tune with the beat of his horse’s hooves on the soil. Desperately, he pressed one hand against his heart, where (Y/N) had tucked the daylily. He had taken it out each morning of his journey and run his fingers over its soft petals, knowing that with every step he was farther away from her, but feeling her presence in his mind at the very thought of her face.  
He pictured her now and fervently prayed that she was unharmed. Elrond had only been in the dwarven kingdom two days when Durin informed him of the attack on Lindon. The report hadn’t come with many details, only word of casualties among the elves. Elrond was trying to ignore the fact that (Y/N) would have been on the front lines, leading the defense.  
He urged his horse faster. Lindon’s sunset-orange elm trees came into view. He sped into the kingdom, past the gates, and into the royal courtyard. The midnight battle occurred over a day ago, but Elrond could still see the bloodstains painting the ground, a canvas saturated with too much color. He averted his eyes as he dismounted his horse and rushed into the palace.  
Lindon’s exquisite halls, which usually shimmered with magic and light, were opaque and desolate, echoing the sound of thunder and rain pattering against marble. No one was about roaming the palace grounds. It almost seemed that the kingdom was deserted.  
He spotted Gil-galad as he turned the corner, standing in the hall outside the infirmary. The High King, usually so serious and serene, was gazing in concern at the inside of the room.  
“My King,” Elrond said as he approached. “I came as soon as I heard of the attack.”
Gil-galad nodded solemnly. “The Dark Lord sees too much. I’m afraid if he were to advance again, with double the forces, we may not be able to hold our position for long.”
“Our army. Is it...?”
“Intact? Yes. Yet not entirely stable. All we can do is wait and recover.”
“And the wounded?”
The King looked at Elrond and in his eyes was utter sorrow. “Perhaps you should go in.”
Elrond bowed, feeling as though his thoughts were laid bare. With his heart in his throat, he steeled his emotions and stepped into the infirmary.  
It was a wide, circular room, the far side bordered by an arched veranda that opened out onto a terrace with a view of the waterfalls. Curtains of leaves were draped over the arches to keep out the rain, cloaking the room in dim light. Cots layered with forest-green silk were placed evenly about the space. Nearly every one was occupied by a wounded elf. A handful of healers moved about the room, pressing cold cloths to foreheads and spoon-feeding herbal concoctions. A scatter of lit candles cast the place in a sleepy red hue like blood washing away in a river.  
Elrond walked among the wounded. Most of them were familiar faces. Some had sheets pulled over their heads. Others were so scarred and bloodied or covered in salve that he couldn’t recognize them. But there was one elf he was searching for in particular.  
He found her on a cot by the far wall. Her face was so gray that she looked on the verge of melting into a puddle of raindrops. Heavy gauze was wrapped around her navel up to her sternum. Her hands rested peacefully at her sides.  
Elrond’s heart broke at the very sight of her. (Y/N) looked so drained, so lifeless- the stark opposite of the lively elf maiden he knew.  
He lowered into the chair at her side and took her hand in his. Her fingers were like ice. Fighting the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes, he whispered, “I’m here, hiril vuin. It’s me.”
She didn’t stir. Elrond could almost imagine that she was a statue made of marble, carved by a delicate hand, framed in stormy light. Her breathing was so shallow it was hard to believe she was alive at all.  
Elrond didn’t know how long he sat there, staring at her unmoving form. He murmured sweet nothings under his breath as he stroked her palm, as if his whispers would coax her from her sleep.  
A healer came by at some point to check up on (Y/N), but there wasn’t much to do besides dab her forehead with a cloth and make her as comfortable as possible. The healer hummed an old elven healing song over her before moving on.  
“Come back to me,” Elrond whispered as soon as the healer was out of earshot. “You are the light in my life, (Y/N). I cannot walk the darkness alone.”
He reached into his cloak and brought out the daylily. The tips of its petals were wilting, as if responding to the condition of its giver. He leaned over and tucked the flower into (Y/N)’s hair. “There was never a moment you escaped my thoughts,” he said. “You, nin lilui, my daylily, are my dearest friend. Yet you are also so much more.” A tear traced its way down his cheek and dripped onto her fingers. Elrond caressed her cheek, his voice breaking. “You are so much more to me.”
He stayed by her side as the night passed. Soon enough rogue streaks of dawn shone through the curtains. Weariness and heartache weighed him down, but he couldn’t sleep while she was like this. Her eyes moved rapidly beneath her eyelids like she was trapped in a dream and couldn’t find the way out.  
Elrond pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Dawn is here, nin lilui. Do not let the darkness claim you.”
(Y/N) made a sound in the back of her throat. Her brow furrowed in pain. “Nin onlui mel...”
Elrond sat up straight. He searched her face for signs of life. “(Y/N)?”
She mumbled unintelligibly in Elvish. Elrond’s heart raced. “It’s me,” he said. “It’s Elrond. I’m here.”
“Nin onlui mel,” she muttered. “Mi van me, nin mel...”
Where are you, my love?
Emotions clouded Elrond’s mind in a swift blur. She was on the verge of consciousness. She was going to be okay. His daylily hadn’t left him. And yet a bitter taste filled his mouth.  
She was calling out for her true love. And it wasn’t him.  
You ran through an endless forest. Black trees like twisting claws kept bursting from the dirt, redirecting your path. The hungry screams of your enemies echoed from all sides, and you spun in confusion and fear, unsure where to run. You had no weapon. Your nightgown was drenched in blood. Your heart beat frantically in your chest like you were a wild, hunted animal.  
You followed the line of trees, but shadows formed illusions in the darkness. The trees seemed to grasp at you, pulling your hair, tearing your clothes. Everything looked the same. There was no way out.  
The screams sounded closer now. You turned and ran, but the ground was wet and you slipped. When you got to your knees, you realized you had fallen in a pool of your own blood.  
Your vision was hazy, but you could see vicious shapes snarling and snapping out of the corner of your eye. You felt so weak, so tired. Looking up at the gray sky, you were ready to give up hope.
“Elrond,” you sobbed. You yearned for him with an aching you couldn’t express. The thought of him was like sunlight in this dark place. Your Elrond- kind as summer, gentle as a breeze. “Where are you?”
Your enemies howled, and the world was then no more.  
You didn’t remember opening your eyes.  
At first, you weren’t sure what was a dream and what was reality. The shadows seemed to linger around your body, their wispy hands trailing against your skin. Your head felt like it had been stuffed with cotton. The gray sky had disappeared, and the light of day was pouring into the room from somewhere.  
You blinked, feeling like your eyelids were made of iron. Your entire body ached. An incisive pain ripped through your stomach as you woke, bringing your surroundings into focus. You laid on a cot in the infirmary. Sitting to your left was an elf with tousled brown hair.  
“Elrond?” you groaned. It was as if your throat had been charred with firewood.
"(Y/N),” he sat forward, holding your hand. In his eyes were a million emotions.  “It’s okay. I’m here.”
The sight of him was going to make you cry. “Oh, Elrond.”
He quickly poured you a glass of water and held it to your lips. “Drink this.”
You obliged, though just the movement of your neck set your torso on fire. You had been wounded in battle countless times, though never as bad as this.  
“You came back for me,” you said. Your voice sounded scratchy to your own ears.  
Elrond looked on the verge of tears. He smiled at you, and despite your pain, giddiness fizzed in your veins. “No sooner had I been in Khazad-Dum two days when Durin gave me word of the attack. I set off again that same hour. I came as fast as I could.” He looked down. “(Y/N), I am so sorry.”
“Elrond,” you reached out and cupped his face. “I am a soldier. Battles happen. Warriors fall. Nothing is your fault.”
He closed his fingers around yours. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. His eyes were drawn and his hair was a tangled mess. You had the urge to run your fingers through it.  
“(Y/N),” he said carefully, “What were you dreaming of?”
You closed your eyes again, remembering the figures in the darkness, the gnarled trees moving you about the forest like a ghost, the way you were drenched in blood.  
“I thought I was dead,” you responded weakly. “There was darkness, and I was lost- there was so much blood...”
“You were calling out for someone in your sleep,” he said softly.
“I was? W-who?”
You saw the answer in his eyes before he spoke. “’Nin onlui mel.’”
Silence like an ocean stretched between you two. You turned to face the terrace, where the curtains had been pulled back to provide you with a view of the waterfall. “My true love,” you translated, unable to look at him.
He let go of your hand, placing it at your side. He didn’t speak for a long time. The silence was devastating.
Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore. “Elrond-”
You turned to face him again. He didn’t meet your eyes.  
“It would be a lie to say some part of my heart does not ache,” he said. “Yet the desire of my heart is for you to be happy. I will not get in the way of your devotion to another.”
You tried to sit up, but a wave of nausea forced you back down. “Elrond, I don’t understand.”
“I am sorry if I have been a bother. It was foolish of me to think...to think with such selfishness.”  
“What are you saying?”
He glanced at you. “Whoever he is, as much as I wish not to be, I am, shamefully, envious. I only hope that you can forgive me.”
“No.” You shook your head. “No, Elrond, you don’t understand. There isn’t someone else.” You took a deep breath, gathering your courage. “Nin onlui mel. It’s you. It’s always been you.”
His expression matched himself on the day you’d given him the daylily- as if your small kindness was as valuable to him as sparkling treasure. “Me?”
You nodded. “I cannot help it. You are the water to my soil; you have made spring bloom once more in my heart where I thought it not possible. You give me hope. My soul longs for you, nin mel. I love you as I love life.”
Tears fell from his eyes. He was beautiful. He brushed a stray curl from your face and murmured, “And to truly live is to love. Will you allow me to love you with all of myself?”
“My love,” you whispered, “I cannot live any other way.”
His lips were soft as he kissed your temple. He leaned his forehead against yours, and in that moment, you had the world.
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astarothstarion · 4 months
“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.”
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gil-galadhwen · 12 days
Elrond X Reader (gender neutral)
After seeing a stunning floppy haired, battle midst Elrond in the new Rings of Power teaser trailer, I got inspired to respond to an ancient request in my inbox which has since myseriously disppeared?!
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Anyway, the prompt was Tell Me What You Want from this list
Summary & Warnings: Elrond returns from the battle haunted and desperate to tell you how he feels about you… (closed door spice)
Word Count: 900+
Tell Me What You Want
Elrond and the others returned to camp in the dead of night. You weren't asleep of course. It was impossible when not only did the fate of your kind hang in the balance, but the fate of your greatest love did too. 
Elrond didn't know how you feel about him. You'd kept the desires of your heart hidden for years, holding it close as you watched him ready for a battle he may not return from.
Except he had returned.
You peer through the gap in your tent as the warriors are celebrated in their triumphant homecoming. Their smiles are bright and gleaming against their filthy armour. You scour the crowd in the dim firelight until you see him standing off to the side with his helmet tucked under his arm. His hair has grown longer over the many months, dark curls falling into eyes both familiar and haunted by something you don't recognise. 
Elrond smiles at every well wisher who passes him. Shaking hands, embracing and gripping the steel shoulders plates of his comrades until they crunched. You want to go to him, but you're somehow locked in place. Even as his eyes dart around the camp as though looking for something, for someone.
Looking for you.
You chide yourself for thinking such ridiculous thoughts. He's not looking for you at all. Why would he? You're barely acquaintances, nevermind friends. You’d certainly collaborated on projects for the king in the past and often sat together during formal dinners and gatherings. Even sharing a bed once when travelling back to Lindon after completing a quest for the king. You’d stopped at an inn that only had one bed, yet Elrond was ever the gentleman, ensuring you were comfortable with him there and never giving you more than a friendly glance. 
Except for the night he left for battle. 
As the soldiers prepared to leave, he’d sought you out and then wordlessly lifted your hand to his lips, pressing them to your knuckles. You’d been too surprised to speak as he held you there, suspended in a moment you thought would never come. Perhaps it was his way of saying goodbye, yet you watch him now, with a flicker of hope igniting in your chest that it had meant so much more.
The fires are banked and the once loud cheers and cajoling have quietened to a murmur as you finally emerge from your tent. The scent of burning cedar and honey mead lingers in the air as you meander through the thinning crowd of elves squeezing as much out of the festivities as possible before the sun rose on a new day, bringing with it new challenges, as is the nature of war. 
As a Scribe to King Gil-galad, you're free to move anywhere within the camp. You feel a strange mix of peace and anticipation when you reach the row of tents reserved for the king's most revered soldiers, but it occurs to you that you have no idea which is Elrond's. Then suddenly he’s there, standing in front of you with an expression of such pure relief on his face that your eyes start to sting.
“You are well, my lord?” you ask, cringing at how formal you sound.
“As well as can be.” Elrond smiles weakly in return. “And you?”
He sounds different. As though the usually reassuring tone of his voice has been stripped away, leaving behind a weariness you find almost overwhelming to witness. He takes a step towards you and you reach for him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as his own wind firmly around you, holding you close. You feel his lips press to the exposed skin of your shoulder where your robe has slipped down. You hear the words he whispers into your skin like a litany… 
I missed you. I missed you. I missed you…Meleth nîn…
My love.
You pull back to look at him. He’s removed his armour and bathed, his wavy hair still damp and mussed.
“I missed you too,” you say, taking his hand in your own. “Which tent is yours?”
As soon as the flaps close on Elrond’s private tent, you come together as though magnetised. The kisses are hotter than the flames of the campfires. They burn deliciously, branding your skin so that they feel permanent. Like invisible tattoos. 
You fall together onto the low bed and you release a giggle when you find yourself straddling Elrond, but then you stop when you see the way he’s looking at you. Has he always looked at you this way, you wonder. It’s everything you've ever wanted, but what of him? He’s always been so sweet and polite.
And alone.
Has he wanted you all this time, like you’ve wanted him?
“Tell me what you want,” you say, breathless and willing. “I’ll give you anything.”
Elrond’s eyes glitter as he slowly tugs on the tie holding your robe closed.  The fabric pools around your waist and you feel your skin warm at the exposure. At the vulnerability of being like this in front of him.
“I want you just like this,” he says. Tilting his hips so that you feel him beneath you, hard and wanting. 
“I want us to join and then never be parted–” the words become caught in a net of emotion and he looks away.
Tears begin to well as you bring your hand to Elrond’s cheek in a caress. You do not speak again, but an understanding passes between you as you give the revered soldier everything he wants.
You like this.
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elladanns · 2 years
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he has to know what he's doing at this point
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like sir what the fuck
453 notes · View notes
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749 notes · View notes
hafren-isolde · 2 years
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is it just me or did they copy and paste steve harrington’s hair onto elrond
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ladyiveenalma · 4 months
“When you cannot look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark”
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38 notes · View notes
wordbunch · 1 year
✨ wordbunch masterlist ✨
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Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
➳ multiple characters (x reader)
you’re in the fellowship and the hobbits have a crush on you
how the hobbits look after you when you’re sick
the fellowship reacts to you singing
LOTR characters taking care of an overworked partner
the fellowship meeting their partner’s family
how you look after the hobbits when they’re sick
LOTR/TH characters with an extroverted partner
hobbits with a partner whose love language is physical touch
hobbits ft. cuddles and kisses
the fellowship tries to set you up on a date
how they take care of a sick/injured partner
their love song (taylor swift edition) - LOTR characters
their love song (taylor swift edition) - the hobbit characters
how you pamper them when they're stressed/overworked (lotr + th characters)
➳  one character (x reader)
being a ranger with Aragorn
Boromir with a hyper partner who infodumps
➳  multiple characters (no reader)
the fellowship in a college dorm (modern au)
great middle-earth bakeoff (the fellowship)
➳  one character (no reader)
random Pippin headcanons
“Winter Forest” (Legolas x female reader): part one /// part two /// part three
“One Lifetime With You” (various characters x elf reader): BOROMIR /// FARAMIR
"Hopeless" (Pippin x female reader): part one /// part two
“better company” (Sam x Reader)
"a little secret" (TH Bilbo x Reader)
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The Rings of Power
➳ multiple characters (x reader)
how they comfort you when you miss your family (Galadriel, Arondir, Elrond, Celebrimbor, Gil-galad) 
their love song (taylor swift edition) - the rings of power characters
➳  one character (x reader) 
being in love with Elrond
Elrond getting jealous
rivals to lovers with Elrond
Elrond as a dad
“reminiscence” (Elrond x Reader)
“perfectly proper” (Elrond x Reader)
“strong, brave, lovely” (Elrond x Reader)
"countertop confessions" (Isildur x Reader)
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my re-read of The Hobbit - thoughts
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PLEASE CONSIDER REBLOGGING if you enjoyed a fic, so more people can potentially see it!
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Discovering Elrond is your soulmate would involve...
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Elrond x reader. This fic is dedicated to the amazing @montyc.
💑 It is said that soulmates are a gift from Eru, bestowed upon the first Elves who awoke at Cuiviénen so that they might find their match and immediately start populating Middle-Earth. From then on, almost every Elf has one, meant to pair each of them with their intended mate, the one they will -or at least should- be with forever.
💑 An Elf is already paired with their soulmate when they are born, but they can only discover their bond through physical contact. When this happens, a glyph appears on both of their bodies -the same, on the same place on their skin, different from that of every other couple on Arda- which allows them to recognize each other. It can be a handshake, a hug, a kiss, but also an accidental contact or even a slap or a fist to the stomach; the moment the two bodies even just brush against each other, the glyphs materialize... even though it may take a while for an Elf to notice, which can in turn make it more difficult to find its mate, especially if it appeared on a private part of the body.
💑 Soulmates have long been a subject of study for Elves. It is known that glyphs can only appear if the two soulmates' skin touch - not through clothes, or bandages, to say nothing of armor- that they turn black on the skin of an Elf whose soulmate has died, that in rare cases they can bring together three partners instead of two and that the only way to make them disappear is for the carrier to kill their soulmate... but no one has ever known, or written, whether Half-Elves have them or not.
💑 Elrond was first told about soulmates by Maglor -who still had not found his, and secretly suspected he simply did not have one- and Maedhros -whose glyph matched Fingon's- after he had already been parted from his parents, and because of this he never had the opportunity to ask them about it. Elros never had one, but he had chosen to be counted among the Edain and had married a mortal woman, which probably meant he would not have had one in the first place since soulmates are a prerogative of Elves alone.
💑 Even though he is fully immortal, Elrond has started to suspect the same fate of his brother awaits him, since technically he was not born an Elf but instead chose to be counted among them. Most Elves meet their match early in life, not rarely even before reaching adulthood and seldom, conversely, after their second or third century of existence - a threshold he has long left behind him.
💑 That does not necessarily mean anything, let alone that he is doomed to a loveless existence, and to remain alone and unhappy for the rest of his days. Not all pairs of soulmates find happiness -some die, or are otherwise separated from their partners, or are simply too different in spirit or character to make a good match, despite having been paired by Eru Himself- which means, consequently, that is also possible to find love without having one.
💑 Maybe somewhere there is an Elf destined to never carrry a glyph, because their intended partner is Elrond, a Half-Elf - which will make it infinitely more challenging for them to find each other, but still; maybe one day he will fall in love with one of the race of Men, like his brother did, and have a happy, loving, fulfilling relationship... doomed to end soon, since his partner will die and he will not. Or maybe he will find love, just not romantic love, and he will live the rest of his life surrounded by friends, finding fulfillment in his duties at court and other interests, and while he will never marry, or raise a family, that does not mean he will never feel happy, and at peace...
💑 Years pass. Decades pass. And then, just when his already meager hopes have started fading altogether and the mere sight of a couple walking arm in arm fills his heart with melancholic solitude, he meets you. Actually, the two of you already know each other; you are one of the many warriors at the service of the King, and you could not help meeting Elrond, who is his herald. You are not exactly friends, more good acquaintances, but you have a good opinion of each other: you never treated him differently because of his Half-Elven nature, and you admire his intelligence, kindness, even in the face of his detractors, and readiness to help whoever needs it, while he appreciates your bravery, already tested in many battles, and loyalty to the King, as well as the fact that you are one of the few warriors at court who never gets involved in brawls and is capable of, and even inclined to, solve their problems with words and not with their sword.
💑 He once during a ball invited you to dance, since you were the only lady left sitting (!) and you declined, since you were not his responsability, and the two of you then spent two hours happily chatting, sitting side by side. In an occasion you helped him carry a heavy heap of books he needed to write a speech for the King; a few weeks later he found your favourite dagger where you had lost it in the gardens, and brought it back to you. You think he is very handsome, especially when he smiles. He thinks you are lovely, especially when you wear that cape that makes the colour of your eyes stand out.
💑 You think well and like each other - at a distance, well enough to exchange a nod and a smile when your paths cross and to greet each other and make small talk during social occasions. But would you have ever expected to find out Elrond is your soulmate, or he, you? No, not even in a million years. Ad yet, this is exactly what happens.
💑 An ally of the kingdom has asked for help in the face of an invading army, and Gil-Galad has answered calling for a thousand soldiers to lead to war. You were, obviously, one of the first to volunteer, but you were surprised to learn Elrond would also join the expedition, not taking care of the wounded even though you knew he is a capable healer, but taking part in the fight together with the other warriors.
💑 "I am our lord's herald after all; it is my duty to be by his side, in war as well as in peace." he points out one day when you meet in the armory and you see him choosing a blade to bring to the front; he smiles "Are you surprised? I may not be as experienced a warrior as you are, but I have been trained, and I like to think I have some skills with a blade." You apologize for having underestimated him, and admit you have no reason to think he cannot fight only because the only talents of his you were aware of are of a more peaceful nature.
💑 "Maybe we will see each other on the battlefield, (name)?" "I doubt; I will be part of the third company, which means I will be fighting from the rear." you admit ruefully; this is due to strategic decisions, not to your battle talent or lack thereof, and you do not doubt you will see as much of the battle as any other soldier, but it would have been more honourable for a warrior to fight from, and be part of, the forefront, where the King himself will be leading the troops "But I wish you good luck, Elrond, truly; may we both survive unscathed, or otherwise may we nurse our wounds side by side." This is a common wish warriors exchange before battle; Elrond seems touched, and smiles to you -he has a very beautiful smile, you cannot helo but notice- before returning the sentiment.
💑 In the end, you do meet on the battlefield, even though at first you do not realize. As usual, the complex and attentive disposal of the troops planned by the King has dissolved into chaos, and warriors of different companies, including the riders forced to dismount after their horses had been killed, fight side by side, awkwardly attempting to follow some kind of strategy but reducing themselves to simply go on, stay alive, and kill as many foes as they can; including you. Three warriors wearing the colors of the enemy seem to spring out every time you best one, you have no idea where the comrades of your troop are -dead? Wounded and unconscious? Or simply pushed to the other side of the battlefield?- and moreover a strong wind has begun to blow, rising a veritable dust storm and making it even harder to distinguish who is in front of you, apart from the colour of their armor...
💑 It is then that you see him. Elrond has just vanquished two enemies, but he paid an heavy price for it; kneeling on the ground, propped on his blood-stained sword and his arm also shedding scarlet drops, he fights to breathe, aware that still and genuflect as he is he offers an easy target to any enemy, but he cannot help it, he just needs a moment... A moment to rest...
💑 That moment is almost too much, since an enemy soldier approaches and raises a sword against him; Elrond instinctively does the same to defend himself, already aware that it is too late, but another soldier intervenes, vanquishing the enemy in a few elegant blows. That soldier is you, who were nearby, saw a comrade about to be attacked and intervened to defend him.
💑 You cannot see his face, because of the helm he is wearing; he cannot see yours, because of the dust and the blood caking it. But he knows you are smiling, with your dirty armour and torn cape, as you offer him your hand, and take his and help him raise. "Brave heart, friend." you encourage him "This is not the day we are going to die."
💑 A moment later you lose him; and then the battle is won, and there are wounded to treat -Lindon's, your allies', and your enemies equally- and it is a whole day and a night later that you are back home, and you are free to disrobe and take a bath, and it is then that you notice something on your hip, under a tiny mole you had since you were born, close but untouched by an old battle wound. It is a glyph, small but clear against the colour of your skin.
💑 You have met your soulmate.
💑 You are sure the person responsible for it is the Elf whose life you saved and who you helped on his feet during the battle; the glyph was not there when you left for the battlefield, and while you might have touched other soldiers on that very day -passing the weapons along, helping the wounded on the back of their horses... not to mention the enemy warrior who, lost their weapon but determined to best you, attempted to throttle you with their bare hands- he is the only one you remember whose skin actually pressed against yours, without the barrier of clothes or armor... and more than anything else, you feel it. You are sure of it, just like you are sure of your name, with that simple, instinctive and chaste touch you awoke a bond that had laid dormant ever since the two of you were born, waiting.
💑 You still cannot believe it; you have never felt so excited, and at the same time more nervous and uncertain than now. Love and relationships, let alone marriage, are of little interest for many warriors, more attached to their weapons than to a spouse -"Do you know why a dagger is better than a wife? They can both procure me lunch, but my dagger does not expect a gift on its nameday." is a particularly popular, albeit tasteless, saying- but it has always been different for you, ever since you were a child and you listened to the story of the first encounter of your parents, whose first physical contact happened when your mother, a healer, gave the kiss of life to your father, who had accidentally fallen in a lake and almost drown. You never thought that devoting your life to arms meant renouncing love and family, and in the privacy of your heart you had always hoped you would one day meet your other half, the partner Eru had created for you...
💑 And finally it has happened!... even though you have no idea who he is, you reflect as you lie in the tub full of hot water, brushing your fingers against the glyph on your hip and wishing it were instead a name, perfectly readable, in the runes you have been taught when you were a child. You are sure the Elf you met during the battle is a male and, given the fact he wore the same armour as you, a subject of Lindon and not of the kingdom Gil-Galad had gone to the aid of, but beyond that, you know absolutely nothing about him! He might reside at court like you, or -more probably, since you know all the warriors who serve on the King's personal guard and are almost sure you must have touched each of them at some point- conversely he might live in one of the many villages in Lindon whose soldiers answered the call, some of which lie many days ride from the palace. He could be anywhere, and you have no way to find out who he is unless you begin scouring the whole kindom and asking to meet every single soldier who was there!
💑 Is this really it?, you wonder as you cross swords in the courtyard with the other warriors or enjoy a goblet of wine at the balcony of your room, admiring the sunset; you have met your soulmate, and then you have lost him, less than a minute later, and now you are doomed to spend the rest of your life wondering what might have been had you had the chance to talk or to realize sooner what had happened? What sort of cruel joke is this? Is he also thinking about you? Has he realized his soulmate is the warrior who helped him during the battle? Is he happy about it? Is he also looking for you, even though you are almost sure in the state you were then, not even your mother could have recognized you? Or maybe he is happy, even relieved, because he is satisfied with his life as it already is, and has no interest in meeting you and discovering whether you are actually made for each other?
💑 Maybe he already has a partner. It is rare, but not unheard of, and it is known of people who found love and happiness after they lost their soulmate, whatever the reason, or even who rejected the bond to be with someone they had already met or simply because they were not happy with the person they were meant to be with. Having a soulmate does not authomatically translate to marital bliss, and not finding yours does not mean you have lost your only chance at love and happiness, but still...
💑 Still, it saddens you, and even if you do not expect to fall desperately in love as soon as you are face to face, nor to have him kneel and ask for your hand just after exchanging names, you wish you could meet him, even just once, or at least know his name...
💑 In those days you spend so deep in your thoughts you barely notice what is happening around you, you meet Elrond - once, in the library, where you have gone to fetch a book for your mother. As usual, you exchange greetings, and a smile; you are happy to see he survived the battle unscathed or almost, and he is kind enough to help you find the book you are looking for, since he knows the library like the palm of his hand. You do not reflect on the fact that since he was also on the battlefield that day and you do not remember ever touching him before, he could very well be the person you are looking for; and yet, he is.
💑 Just like you did, Elrond discovered his glyph after the battle; he had finished taking care of the wounded, he took off his tunic to bandage his arm... and then he noticed the glyph, peeking above the waistband of his trousers. Just like you, he realized the physical contact had to have happened during the battle, and the culprit was doubtlessly the warrior who had saved him during the few minutes he had spent alone, having gotten separated from the King. Just like you, he has absolutely no idea who that person is -he does not even know whether they are a male or a female, since he appreciates the company of both genders- and, as a consequence, how to find them.
💑 He should feel disheartened, even hopeless, but instead his heart is so full of excitation and enthusiasm, he can barely stay still; so what if he has to search through the whole kingdom to look for the partner Eru has chosen for him? So what if he knows absolutely nothing about them, including whether they are interested in a courtship... or already in one, or even married? He will find his soulmate, and ask for a possibility to turn that bond that had been chosen for them in a committed, voluntary relationship. And whatever happens from then on, he knows already he will not regret it.
💑 He is in luck, because he has to reflect on the best course of action only for a few days before the perfect idea hits him. Gil-Galad has decided to host a festival to celebrate the recent victory, and all the warriors who took part in the battle will be invited. Even though he is already so busy with his duties, and the task could easily be entrusted to the courts' scribes, Elrond volunteers to oversee the writing and the sending of the invitations, which he does, having them signed with his name... and with the glyph at the top of each sheet of parchment, as if it were a monogram. Soulmates glyphs are very diverse, with so many existing across all elvendom, and no one will realize what it actually is, except the soldier who carries its match on their body, and who will know that the person who drew it is Elrond! Then it will be up to the other person to act, revealing themselves or choosing not to, but still, he reflects as he sits at one of the desks in the library to begin copy the same short message over and over again, it is better than doing nothing and hope for a miracle.
💑 The next day, you are back at the library, returning the book your mother finished reading; you are in a horrible mood, since one of your dearest friends has just announced their engagement to their soulmate, who they easily found since their glyph had appeared on the back of their left hand. You are happy for your friend, but seeing them so happy and fulfilled with their soulmate has made you feel even more alone and frustrated, dejected in your desire to find your partner. You will have a few days of leave in a month, but they will not be enough to visit every village and town in the kingdom, not even a whole year would be; is your search really hopeless, doomed to fail even before you actually undertake it?
💑 You return the book to one of the librarians, and on your way out you pass next to the desk of one of the scribes, busy copying the invitations for the festival; they are an acquaintance of yours, so you stop to chat for a brief moment... and your eye is caught by the sheets of parchment on the desk - specifically, by the intricate symbol at the top of each of them.
💑 "(name)? Is something the matter?" the scribe asks, seeing you go pale in the face. You force yourself to nod and "What is this?" you ask, taking one of the sheets and pointing to the symbol; you cannot be mistaken, it is exactly the glyph that you are by now used to carry on your skin, proof of a bond you are intimately sure you will never have the chance to experience "Did you draw it? Did you... see it somewhere?" The scribe explains that they and their colleagues were specifically told to copy that symbol on each of the invitations for the festival, even though they have no idea what it means; it is probably just a seal that their overseer uses in his personal correspondence.
💑 He. "And... your overseer is...?", you ask, your heart in your throat. "It is Elrond, the King's herald. He offered to oversee the writing of the invitations himself; he insisted on signing each of them, and asked us to add that symbol on the top of each sheet, and made sure we could copy it properly. I really do not know why; he is the least self-important person I know. He was here until five minutes ago, but I think he was called to the gardens by the King... (name), wait! Where are you going? Give it back, please, I need to make eighty more copies already..."
💑 You barely listen to them as you run out of the library as if you had a balrog on your tail, clutching a copy of the invitation, with the glyph on top and Elrond's signature at the bottom, your heart beating so fast in your chest it hurts.
💑 Elrond. You felt discouraged thinking your soulmate might live at the other side of the kingdom, and instead, his rooms are less than thirty fathoms from yours! It is true that he is not formally part of the kingdom's army, but how could you not even consider him as you mentally listed all the male Elves you knew who had taken part in the battle but you had never touched until then? You spoke to him two days before leaving for the front!
💑 You keep calling yourself an idiot until you finally reach the gardens, where the King likes to spend some time when the weather is good. Sure enough, you soon spot Elrond, talking to Gil-Galad as the two unhurriedly walk next to a line of beautiful rose brushes, the fruit -or rather the flower?- of the efforts of the palace's gardeners. You wait anxiously for a while, hoping the King will soon dismiss his herald and at the same time fearing the moment you will be face to face with him. You have no need to talk to him to make sure of what you already know for sure in your heart; Elrond had the scribes add the glyph to each of the invitations together with his signature to let every single warrior in the kingdom, including his soulmate, know he was looking for them. A clever stratagem, but superfluous all the same, and there is no need to send those invitations, because you are there already, you are his soulmate, and he is yours, and the thought to face him, even though you have known each other for decades, makes your legs tremble...
💑 What will he think when he discovers you are his soulmate? Will he be happy, surprised, or disappointed? Will he think you are too different in character and personality to get along as more than acquaintances? Whatever it is going to be, you will find out now, because Elrond has been dismissed by the King, and is now walking away to return to the palace... which brings him face to face with you, silently standing next to a bench.
💑 "Good afternoon, (name), how are you?" he pleasantly greets you, but the friendly smile on his face quickly disappears as he realizes how upset you look... and then he sees you wordlessly unfold the sheet of parchment in your hands. He stops when he is a step away from you; for a whole minute neither of you utters a word.
💑 "It is you." "Yes. It is me." you needlessly confirm, and the emotion filling your heart is finally close to overflow. You are not magically falling in love with him in the space of a second, like some swear happens to couples who become aware of their bond or meet for the first time, but you look at Elrond, and maybe you are just letting yourself get carried away, but you feel as if you were finally able to breathe after having held your breath for so long, or if you finally met someone you had missed without even knowing of their existence. You feel ready to cry, but you are happy; half of you wants to run away, as far and fast as you can, and the other wants to experience that moment to the fullest, like a goblet of fine wine... or a kiss.
💑 In the end you do cry, which is something you have always hated to do in front of other people, but Elrond does not seem inclined to judge you, especially because he seems as moved as you are; spontaneously, without any embarrassment, you embrace each other, Elrond's arms holding you by the waist as you rest your cheek against his shoulder. You both weep, and hold each other, experiencing that moment which is overwhelming in its sweetness, joyous and terryfing at the same time.
💑 "I must first of all thank you for saving my life." Elrond says in the end; he quietly proposed to talk as you walked in the gardens, an offer you happily accepted "Were it not for you, I would not be here now." "Which makes me even happier to have been there when you needed me; there is no need for thanks." you sincerely answer "So... we are soulmates. Is it... strange, for you?"
💑 Elrond admits it was unexpected, but not because, he quickly adds, he finds the idea of the two of you together absurd; he is... flattered, actually, and happy. He thinks you are beautiful, and there are so many things he likes about you... and he hopes you are not disappointed either, finding out he is your match. "Absolutely not; I think you are very handsome, and I have always thought highly of you." you quickly reassure him; normally you would not have been able to compliment someone so brazenly without blushing furiously, but Elrond is different... you feel at ease next to him, as if you were old friends and not just good acquaintances. It is nice; it is beautiful, and he is as well, with his sweet smile and his luminous and expressive eyes "I was just... afraid. And I still am, to be honest. Elrond... you are an herald, I am a warrior; I have dedicated my life to martial arts and the defense of my kingdom, while you are a cultured Elf, a diplomat, a scholar. Do you think we can... get along, even though we are as different as day and night?"
💑 It is painful to express your fear, especially while you are enjoying Elrond's company more than you have ever done, but you want him to know, because you feel -and what an unpleasant sensation it is!- that if you discover you have too little in common to work as a couple after you have spent time together and you had the opportunity to develop an affection to him, it will break your heart; it that is destined to happen, it is best to break things immediately.
💑 Elrond does not dismiss your fears, nor does he tries to reassure you as if you were a child, which you appreciate; he reflects for a while as you walk, alone for the first time in your lives as the sun bathes the garden in the golden light of the midmorning. "No one can foresee what the future holds for us, especially when feelings are concerned; it does not matter how carefully we make plans, I doubt it might help us avoid future complications or disagreements." he softly points out in the end "And being similar in temperament, occupation or interests does not necessarily ensure harmony. If anything, I wager I would find it incredibly boring to live side by side with someone who thinks, feels and acts exactly as I do; we would have nothing to learn from each other, and it would be equal to spend time by ourselves."
💑 "I think the same." "Ah, not a good start." Elrond states, making you laugh. "But you are right. I do not want to think we have so little in common we cannot even find something to talk about or to do together, and that does not mean we could not fall... develop feelings from each other, does it? My parents have different opinions and tastes about many things, but they learnt to love that about each other, and to make their differences balance them out. I just... I never though I would be able to do the same, and not for lack of will; or that I would find someone ready to do it for me."
💑 Elrond keeps silent for a moment; then he stops, and he turns, and he gently offers you his hand to take, and when you do you feel your eyes filling with tears again, but the feeling is much clearer and more definite than the one that wracked your heart a few minutes ago: a sweet, comforting joy, the certainty to be safe, and that whatever danger or problem you will meet, you will not have to face it alone.
💑 "I am sorry, maybe I am being too... too forward." you stammer, intimidated by his gaze, so deep, piercing and wise; you have never cowed in fear on the battlefield, but being close to Elrond makes you feel... small, vulnerable, as if your emotions were as visible as the words on the pages of a book. You must admit, it is quite pleasant "And we should get to know each other before discussing about the future..." "No." Elrond quickly stops you; he moves to face you once more, and he takes your hand in both of his; you can feel the warmth and the generous, comforting light emanating from his person, and this is when you start loving him, even though just platonically - for now "(name), I... I do not know what will happen in the future, but one thing I am sure of: you are brave, loyal, generous... Any Elf, any creature in Arda would be blessed to earn your love, and if that Elf ended up being... me... well, I do not think I would ever want for anything else."
💑 "I do not deserve all of this, Elrond." you answer in a whisper; you are forced to, because the emotion has choked your voice, and there is so little you know about him, but suddenly you know that whatever you may discover in the future, the good and even the bad, will be marvelous "I... I do not know if I will ever fall in love with you, this is not something you can force..."
💑 He reassures you, saying that since fortunately no law forces two soulmates to marry or even to begin courting, you can do things in your own time, learn to know each other and unhurriedly decide whether to part and never speak again, remain friends... or else. You can begin by spending some time together... maybe with a ride, that night? And then dinner? You think it is a splendid idea, and happily agree, and a beautiful, relieved smile appears on Elrond's mouth.
💑 You need both to return to your duties, but just as you are about to say goodbye to each other, Elrond's expression turns serious. "I know it goes against everything we just agreed, but there is something important you must know, even before we decide if we can be friends." he explains, so serious it scares you; what terrible secret is he about to reveal? "I am a Half-Elf. I am immortal, as you are, but that means that if I ever have children, they will also have to make a choice, and..."
💑 "I understand. And... I am fine with it." you reassure him; the idea to see your children pass away, even now that their very existance is only a remote possibility, is a terrible prospect, but you do not want to let fear decide for you "We agreed to do things in our own time, so... I think I should also leave my children the freedom to live their life as they want, whatever the consequences. Do you wish for children, Elrond?" "I think I do. Some day." he answers, and you both smile, as you unknowingly try to imagine what a child born from the two of you would look like. It would be nice, you think, if they inherited Elrond's smile, and his warm eyes. You feel happy, and hopeful, and excited, and all thanks to the handsome, kind Elf in front of you. "Then... until tonight, Elrond."
💑 "Until tonight, (name)." he answers; he takes your hand once more, and when his lips brush against the back, you feel a jolt of warmth spread through your body. Your gaze meets Elrond's, his smile revealing how aware he is of the effect he has on you "I look forward to it."
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TAGGING @starlady66 and @elvenenby .
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thondirelfoflindon · 4 months
Surely, it is lost to the ages now. Whatever happened here was long ago.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 2 years
Comfort - Elronnie
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"My love, is something the matter?" The half elf asks, wrapping his spring green cloak around your shoulders. You look up at him. "The times are darkening, but no one will do anything." You reply. Elrond sits down beside you. He gently takes your hands. "Have you been talk to Galadriel?" He asks. "What if I have?" You ask, rather snidely.
Elrond sighs and shakes his head. "I wish not to argue, my dear. " He says softly. "Yet you do." You tell him. "I don't mean to." He scoots a little closer and wraps you in his arms. "I love you, I want you well and happy." He murmurs, cupping your cheek. He leans over to rub his nose against yours. You heave a soft sigh. "I know." You mutter. You have no idea what else to say.
Elrond closes his eyes, his forehead leaning against yours. He breathes you in. You wish you could do the same. You wish you could rest as assured as he could. "I will always fight for you. I will fight by your side and I will protect you if you can no longer fight." He whispers. You smile a wain smile.
"The times will soon turn dark, mark my word." You nuzzle your face into the hollow of Elrond's neck. "I do, I mark every word you have spoken to me since we first met. I know them all by heart." He replies. You can't help your smile from widening. He always knows what to say to make your heart swell. "I love you." Elrond whispers. "I love you, too." You answer.
You snuggle into him. Elrond smiles a small smile and kisses your temple. "Let me light your darker hours." He murmurs. "Always." You reply softly. Elrond's smile widens against your skin. "Thank you." He cooes.
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fili-urzudel · 4 months
Engagement and Marriage Headcanons - Elrond x Reader
Just something to tide you over until I'm active again :) I wrote this a while ago so don't judge me
Warnings: none
- Elrond knew from the time he decided to ask you out that he wanted to marry you - he just... Has a different perception of time - so when one day you offhandedly mention that you've been dating/courting for 4 years it hits him that he might like to just take his time in this phase, but oh my GOD you don't HAVE that much time - so even though he tries to spend at LEAST 2 hours a day with you, you notice a complete absence for a few days - you start to worry that you scared him away or he finally realized that four years was enough time to waste on a human - but then one of the servants that assists the king's court comes and informs you that your presence has been requested by him in the courtyard - "And he would like you to wear this," she says, holding up a garment bag - when you take the dress out, you can't help an overdramatic gasp, because it's seriously gorgeous - It's the softest silk you've ever laid eyes on, a color that compliments your skin and a drape that compliments your figure with almost barely-there gemstones stitched in strategic places - The note in the garment bag reads: This dress can hardly sparkle as brightly as your eyes. However, I hope it will be a sufficient container of your beauty. - It's more than sufficient. - For Christ's sake, he's the one that picked the dress and he's still struck speechless at the sight of you - He decided to keep the proposal simple and more suited to human customs--the elven custom could stand a bit of rearranging. - He dropped to one knee in front of you, holding both of your hands gently in his. "Melethrilen, from the time I met you, I knew that you were special. In all my years in this land, no one has made me feel as you have. Your eyes are more radiant than the Evenstar, your hair is like the shining sea, and your heart," he said, voice only a little tight. "Your heart is a treasure chest of ever-increasing value. I am honored to be the object of your affections, and should you accept this ring," he withdrew his hand from yours to produce a golden band of twisting vines, "I would be all too proud to boast that I was chosen by you for marriage." - You're crying - Like, bad - But you manage to squeak out, "Of course" and the rest is history - He can't really be any more gentlemanly during your engagement when he was already a peak gentleman before, but he does show a lot of interest in getting the venue and catering (old world version of catering?) set up and studies human wedding tradition - You definitely lost count of how many dresses you wore to various dinners and congratulatory parties during your engagement and even your wedding (there were at least 3 dress changes) - It was a honking big deal - Partially because even by elf standards, Elrond should've been married a long time ago, so everyone is either very happy for him or a bit confused by his logic but sticking around for the spectacle of it all - You're convinced that Elrond set up some kind of elite guard because you didn't even have anyone making passive-aggressive comments toward you at all, when that was usually the case (something along the lines of a "pampered pet of Elrond's" or "he'll outgrow her before he outlives her") - During your engagement, he was also heavily involved in the design of your new home together - He lived pretty close to the city center at the time, but he decided to move closer to the outskirts away from the front gates when you two got married. - You were noticing little details that you loved about the house for months - And every time you pointed one out, he would just beam proudly - It's positively lovely
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kyber-kisses · 2 years
Under The Banner
Elrond x elven!reader
Warnings: none, slight canon divergence for the sake of the story
Summary: As the captain of the guard for Mithlond, you rarely spoke with elven politicians until you stumble upon Gil-galads advisor one evening
A/n: Elrond in Rings of Power has a choke hold on me so as a result you get this. Tell me if You want a part two. (Gif credit goes to the owner)
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Late Summer.
That was when the Gray Havens felt most alive. The last weeks of summer hung in the air like heavy lanterns, bold and bright. With the celebration for the upcoming autumn equinox around the corner the port city bustled with life as elves weaved through market places and sang songs late into the night. Overhead the moon had begun its climb higher into the night sky, as silver and round as a pearl snatched right off the shores of Lindon.
The day had been long for you, beginning with the first rays of light to seep through your window at the break of dawn, and not ending until you had done your weekly report to King Gil-Galad.
It was late by the time your feet stepped foot onto the royal grounds, your bow slung across your shoulders, and knives put neatly into their sheaths. The firelight from the torches lit your path and glinted on your armor, bringing forth the intricate webbings of gold that crawled across your silver chest plate. The royal gardens were quiet and empty except for a few guards that stood at the entrances, some slightly straightening their posture at the sight of you. A distinct reminder that you were their superior.
“Running a little late are we?”
. . . And that would be your superior.
At the sudden voice, you quickly corrected your own posture before turning towards the elf behind you. “Your Majesty, forgive me. My patrol took a little longer than I had hoped.” Apologizing quickly, you give Gil-Galad a swift bow.
“No need for apologies here Captain, I was held up with some business of my own.” The elven king explained.
“Of course.” With arms folded neatly behind your back, you walked besides him as he wandered further into the gardens, lanterns and torches lighting your way as you did.
“Any news to report Captain?”
“All is quiet your Majesty, well as quiet as it can be considering all the preparations for the Equinox celebration.” You joked lightly, earning a chuckle from the king.
“You are quite right. If anything I think some have already started celebrating.” He added lightly, “I could hear singing from down in the port earlier.”
“You arnt wrong there.”
For a moment the two of you walked in silence, your cloak sliding over the first fallen leaves of the year. “Captain?”
“Yes, your Majesty?”
“Before I dismiss you, I must however inform you that you will be needed here tomorrow evening. I have guests coming from Falas and would like my Captain of the Guard here to make sure everything runs smoothly.”
Despite being captain of the guard, you did not spend much time on the royal grounds. It was the safest place in Mithlond due to the amount of guards you had there. Besides, the city was big and you were often needed elsewhere unless Gil-Galad required you here.
“Of course. Is there anything else your Majesty?”
“That will be all. I will send someone to your quarters tomorrow with your uniform for tomorrow evening. You are dismissed Captain.”
And with that you gave him one final bow, and departed the gardens. The warm summer breeze swept across your face as you descended a set of stone steps, lantern bugs dancing across your path as you did.
You must have been lost in thought though because a moment later you collided with a sudden obstacle and it was as if all the gracefulness in you was suddenly gone because you fell backwards onto the stone steps, armor clinking against rock as you did.
“My Lady!” The voice sounded just as surprised as you felt. “Forgive me, I did not see where I was going.”
Brushing a strand of hair out of your eyes, you shook your head as you dusted off your hands. “I think you are mistaken, I was the one not—-“
You were unable to finish your sentence as you looked up from your palms, suddenly being met with the kindest pair of eyes you had ever seen.
“. . . Paying attention.” You slowly finished, your hand slowly reaching out to grab the one he had extended to you to help you up off the ground.
The elf gave you a soft smile as you rose to his height, a strand of dark blonde hair falling over his left brow as he did.
“How about we agree it was both of our faults and settle it with that?” He mused, the corners of his lips still curved slightly upward.
Bless the Valar he was cute.
No. No. Y/N get rid of that thought. You swore an oath when you became captain. Duty above all else.
“My Lady, are you alright?”
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts only to reveal to your horror that you were still gripping his hand. . . And rather tightly you might add.
“Oh I apologize!” Quickly letting go of his hand, you folded your arms behind your back. “It’s been a rather long day for me, my head must be in the clouds.”
Letting out a soft chuckle he folded his arms gently over his chest, the crows feet around his eyes crinkling as he did. “That makes two of us. Though I doubt our days are similar.” He nodded towards the armor on your chest. “You must be the Captain of the Guard.”
“That is correct,” you gave him a smile, “and you must be. . .”
“Forgive me, I am Elrond.” The amber haired elf giving you a sudden bow that made your cheeks heat up. People didn’t bow to you unless it was the guards under your command. “The Kings Advisor.”
That name was gonna be seared into your head for the next week or so.
“I should be the one bowing don’t you think? You rank higher than me.”
“Oh please don’t. I find it rather awkward when other bow before me. But might I ask for your name?” His words were soft in a way other elves weren’t. You hadn’t noticed that the two of you were walking side by side until you saw the gate up ahead. The royal guards living quarters lied just beyond.
Elrond repeated your name, almost as if testing it out on the top of his tongue. “Lady Y/N. That is a beautiful name.”
“Oh please, there’s nothing ladylike about me besides the fact that sometimes I have to wear a dress and curtsy.” You laughed lightly, earning a chuckle from the handsome elf besides you. “Y/N is just fine.”
“Of course.”
Stopping at the gate, you turned to face him, “it was lovely to meet your acquaintance Elrond, and once again forgive me for slamming into you.”
“Liked I said, no apology needed. It was a pleasure to meet you as well.” He smiled before suddenly and softly taking your hand and placing a kiss a top it. At the action you could feel the tips of your ears and face heat up.
For the first time in your very, very long life you finally understood what others meant when they said they had butterflies in their stomachs.
And it was all because of this elf you had met not five minutes ago.
“I do hope to see you again. My work does not allow much time to make friendships, but I do believe I have made a new one.”
“You have.” You smiled, fighting down the butterflies that fluttered about behind your chest plate. Stepping beyond the gate you gave him one last look. “Goodnight Elrond.”
“Goodnight. . . My Lady. Here is to running into you again soon.” Giving you an amused smile he have one last bow before retreating back the way you had come.
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