#rose is violet this is so obvious. nothing about her is jade
p2iimon · 2 years
ppl love giving the. troll. kids? yknow. giving them bloodcolors unrelated to their. associated colors. as if they dont have the blood colors written into them
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phoenixradiant · 4 months
OC Interaction Tag Game: Jarsali and Lettic
My thanks to @tildeathiwillwrite for the tag!
Kate's OC: Jarsali Fortus is an Ilunian Tinker with red-blonde hair, pale violet eyes, a creative streak, a sense of humor and a big stick to wack people with. She forges strong bonds with those she trusts, and if that trust is broken there is little hope of forgiveness. She wants nothing more than to build a world where Mages are as widely accepted as where she grew up, but she has to settle with helping Mages on the run. She is good with her hands, always working on one new project or another. A Storm Mage, she has the ability to change the weather and generate lightning, something she makes use of in combat or with her clockwork inventions. Because of this, she doesn't carry around metal objects. Sometimes she wishes that her eyes weren't such an unusual color, it's the second-most-obvious giveaway that she's a Mage (the first being altered hair color, although that's incredibly rare). She hides a lot of trauma behind her usually sunny and joking demeanor, and prefers to bottle up any negative emotions (side effect of being an eldest daughter). Most of those emotions are guilt over something she had no control over. Naturally, keeping such a tight rein on her emotions has caused them to burst out, producing unexpected, electric results.
My OC: Lettic Hjodyrsson is a young Aladorian goatherd, training to become a knight. He shares his older brother's golden hair and his oldest brother's muscular frame, though he's significantly shorter than both of them. He's not particularly touchy about it, seeing as he is the youngest and can still knock most people flat if he wants to. He enjoys exercise and wrestling, as well as math (but he hates negative square roots). Though he's often described as jaded and mistrusting, anyone who knows him more than incidentally would say he's among the most honorable people they know. He's fiercely devoted and would rather die than break his word, will work himself down to the bone to ensure your well-being, and will provide emotional support, in his own terse way, should you need it, though it often comes in the form of dry jokes at your expense. The corollary to the rigorous standards he meets, however, is that he expects the same from others. He has thus far been disappointed, and so he spends much of his time alone, training his woodworking skills and exploring the wilderness, with neither friend nor purpose to guide him. Since his brother Cellic joined the Deathguard, Lettic has heard high reports of King Faldarin, and has decided to pursue knighthood as a path forward. The concepts of oaths, duty, and the thrill of the fight entice him.
Interaction: The most likely circumstance of their meeting would be through Cellic or Maiph, both of which would drag Lettic into helping Jarsali get another mage out of trouble, likely with a group of Thasnian mage slavers (they both are mages and enslave mages, and while technically illegal in Alador, for international relations reasons they're very hard to deal with). While he'd be nauseated by her cheeriness, he'd agree for family's sake and for the principle of the thing. Her jokes would be countered by the most deadpan, moodkilling expression, and then he would say something back that was sarcastic, but sounds completely serious. Either he'd provoke an emotional outburst by destroying her counterfeit mood, or she'd be so stubbornly, desperately happy that he'd stop talking just so he could stop hearing about it. After the job is done he'd inquire about her motives, she'd tell him, and it would sound too altruistic so he'd just fold his arms and go "yeah right" and insist on tagging along until he figures out what she's really after. Once she proves her good intentions (or fesses up about what she's been repressing) he might actually consider her a friend, though whether or not she'll appreciate his personality in return isn't certain.
NP tagging @jakkon-and-rose-topic, @aesthetic-writer18, and @corinneglass!
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thosemeddlingsims · 4 years
Hey gang... it’s me again. And finally had something from the crevices of my mind for a follow-up to my previous fic. Again, I still don’t where this will be going but I had this buzzing in my head for the past few days? weeks?
I don't believe it's as intense as the previous one. Anyway, comments are welcome. Heh.
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RATED T (i guess)
*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*
*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*
*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*
A jaded Daphne woke up to the vibrations from her phone. She had found it difficult to get some proper sleep from these past couple of days. She couldn’t stop thinking about what came down between her and Fred. It’s not that she didn’t like it... She just didn’t anticipate it. And now she felt intoxicated with his touch.
She could still feel his warm skin against hers and his rough skillful hands brushing across her skin. Just the thought of him has been making her hot and bothered. She could feel her heartbeat increase and her temperature rise. She was definitely not ready to see him; not yet at least. Not if he still makes her feel this way.
*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*
There it was again. Now, she was certain it wasn’t some alarm clock she forgot to turn off. She rummaged through her silk lilac sheets. Where is that damned phone?
She twisted and turned on her stomach until finally, being able to grasp at her hard-cased device hidden beneath a couple of decorative pillows. 10:05 flashed on the screen but that wasn’t what she wanted to check. It was the eight missed calls that she had received since yesterday afternoon. She knew who one of them was, she just didn’t have the courage to pick it up. She focused at her screen, believing that at that moment it would ring. Would he call again?
She thought everything went smoothly the day after it happened. Her sister Dawn had just finished up a collection and she had tasked Daphne to conjure up some looks for the runway and the editorial shoot. She was preoccupied, and it helped that no one rang her up on her personal phone until that afternoon - Fred sent her a text. She thought she had gone past it. But just seeing his name made her feel like a huge splash of ice-cold water was thrown over her.
It was just a casual “hello” and “how are you doing?” But it was hard for her to answer back. It shouldn’t be this uncomfortable, he’s not even around. She left it on read. That’s all she could do but then she would feel a pang of guilt. Then it got followed up by a phone call a couple of hours after. She screamed into an innocent rose-colored pillow for some form of release.
Although unmotivated, she had eventually got to lift herself up from her bed. She didn’t feel like doing anything at all. Daph… you’re going to have to address it eventually. Or… we could just dodge the thing entirely and pretend it never happened.
In the back of her head, she was taking the blame. It was her who put her lips on his. She hated it and she regret it. And she’s never one to believe in regrets. Jeepers Daph… this could potentially hurt your friendship. Why?! Why’d you do it?! A beat and a pause. Hormones… that’s probably it. Sure Daph! Let’s just pretend that you’re still a freaking teenager.
She headed to her on-suite bathroom and washed her face. Her thoughts continued to eat at her until she heard her doorbell ring. Her heartbeat quickened. Please tell me it’s not him…
She dragged her feet out of the cold marble tile from the bathroom, across the soft carpet of the bedroom to the maple hardwood flooring of her living room. She finally ended up at her destination and found herself staring at the knob of her front door. She could check out the window to see who would be standing on the opposite side but with everything going on? She had her guesses.
Opening the door, her hunch was right. Fred was right there, in a plain white shirt and blue denim jeans, his scrunched-up eyebrows giving off a hint of concern. Damn it.
“Hey. Sorry to come unannounced but…” He started off, softly. “You never really answered my calls. Shaggy also tried calling last night but you never picked up. I wanted to know how you were doing.”
“Umm…” She couldn’t look at him in the eyes and tried to direct her gaze down at the concrete. “Sorry. I was… busy.”
“Oh right.” He lets out a chuckle. She did tell him the other day that she would be preoccupied with her sister’s project. “Dawn’s umm… thing. Forgot about that. Sorry.”
“Uh… yeah.” Daphne could feel the atmosphere getting tenser and tenser by the second. She didn’t know where to look now and just settled her eyes on the crook of his neck. But she couldn’t really stop herself from looking up to his lips, soft and welcoming. “And you don’t need to be sorry Freddie.”
It was an awkward and hushed exchange, most of the awkwardness radiating from Daphne. She was imagining him taking her right then and there. Then she felt it again; her temperature rising, her heartbeat racing and every part of her face turning red. Jeepers… Am I having a fever now? This should really stop.
“Daph…” Fred cocked his head and looked at her, scratching the back of his head in search of words to say. “I… uh… It’s not really urgent or anything but I uh… wanted to ask you about something.”
Her eyes widened and her legs buckled, not certain if it was out of fear or something else entirely. He would most likely ask about what happened two days ago. Was this a one-time thing? Will this affect our friendship? Her mind raced, asking the same questions she had that day. She looked up at him and into his cerulean eyes, an obvious mistake. Even the weather started feeling warmer. “Umm… What… is it about?”
“Uh...” His voice was low and so he decided to move closer. “I wanted to know about the other day… Was it—"
“JONES?” A bellowing falsetto note broke off the tension between them. A strawberry blonde girl that had a strong resemblance to Daphne was going up the front steps, a forced toothy smile painted on her face. Oh my god, Dawn. Such perfect timing.
“What are you doing here?” Her voice softening to a lower volume. “And why are you outside in this burning heat? It’s so awful of my sister not to let you in.”
“I… umm…” Fred didn’t know how to respond. This was always his problem when he sees one of Daphne’s sisters, you never really know if they’re going to listen to you or not. And Dawn was always a burst of energy that he didn’t know if he could even answer a word or two to her questions. And the weather, it wasn’t really scalding hot. It just felt warm because Daphne was right there, her presence is enough to make him melt into a puddle of goop. “Hi Dawn.”
“And you… why are you still in your pajamas?” Clearly averting her attention to Daphne this time, looking at her violet satin ensemble. “It’s almost 12 in the afternoon Doofy… Not that we’re going anywhere. But you do know that no Blake should be seen unpolished.”
Daphne released a huff of air and rolled her eyes at her sister’s commentary. She hated the pet name her sisters gave her, but it was much more tolerable than the others she had before. And what if she was in her pajamas? They were of the highest quality and she didn’t really have any plans to leave the house. “Hi Dawn. Didn’t think you’d be coming today.”
Dawn brushed her sister off and nonchalantly entered the house and looked around the living room. “Well, you do have the model portfolios and the initial ensembles. And I, for one, am excited to take a look at them. So… where are they now?”
“Umm…” The awkward atmosphere came back. She didn’t know how to handle Dawn while having to temper her pounding heart around Fred. “Power up the laptop in my room. They’re there.”
“Uh… Daph. I think I should go.” As he looked to the direction Dawn went - Daphne’s bedroom.
“What?” Daphne jerked her head towards him, her voice cracking. She caught herself, lightly laying her palm on her chest and clearing her throat. “I thought you were going to ask something.”
“Ah… yeah.” Fred rubbed his nape. “But I think, this isn’t the best time.”
He turned around to leave but she grabbed him by the hand. This was the first time their skins touched since that day and it was electric. He looked at her, there was a glint in her eyes but he just couldn’t put a finger on it. It felt like she was pleading for him to stay awhile. “Hey… it’s just Dawn. We could still talk.”
“We have a lot of days ahead of us Daph.” He smiled his special smile at her. He wanted to stay. He needed to know if she wanted that as much as he did. He needed to know if he would have that chance to take her once again and be able to taste her soft strawberry-flavored lips. But with Dawn around, awkwardness would just be at the center and forefront of their interaction. He took a few steps closer and quickly brushed off a stray hair from the side of her cheek with his fingers. “I’ll see you, ok?”
“Bye.” Her voice came out raspier than she intended as she looked into his eyes. At that moment, it was taking all of her willpower not to kiss him again.
“Bye Daph.” He leaned in and softly kissed her lips. She froze, her eyes widening. It felt like time has stopped and it was just the two of them. But then he also froze, realizing what he’d done. He immediately let her go. They stared at each other, both in a state of shock of how naturally he just did that.
“Go Fred.” Her voice breathy as she bit onto her lip. She couldn’t look at him now. Not again, not after that.
“Right. Sorry.” He scratched his head, hurriedly turning around to run down the steps. “Bye.”
She watched him and unconsciously brushed her lips with the tips of her fingers. She threw her head back, finally noticing Dawn standing across from her, watching her with a smirk on her lips. “I saw that.”
“You saw nothing Dawn.” Daphne’s voice was low and harsh, her stare threatening. “YOU SAW NOTHING.“
“Oh c’mon...” Dawn’s voice had a melodious tone to it and giggled. “Are you two an item again? I mean you did date back in high school, right?”
“DAWN!” Her voice resonating throughout the room. A feeling of dread enveloping her. She rushed towards her sister's direction, pointing a finger at her. “Shut up! You shut up right now! You saw nothing. That was nothing. Nothing compared to what happened last—”
“Compared to what Doofy?” Her last statement piqued Dawn’s interest as she immediately stopped herself and slapped her hands over her mouth. Dawn raised an eyebrow at her, she was definitely intrigued.  “Daphne Ann… what aren’t you telling me?”
“I… uh…” She was flustered. As much as she loved Dawn, she’s not the person she would run to talk to about her love life. Velma and Shaggy knew more about her dating history than any of her sisters. She’ll get nothing from Dawn but jest and ‘light-hearted’ mockery. She straightened herself up, smoothing the creases of her pajama top. “Nothing. I’m not telling you anything.”
“Don’t tell me you had sex.” Dawn was many things and being crass with her words was definitely one of them. Daphne pursed her lips into a thin line, and she could feel her cheeks burning. Dawn’s eyes widened and she grinned from ear to ear. “No way!”
“Dawn…” Daphne took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to sort out her thoughts. “I don’t know what to tell you. But yes… Fred and I… we… we did it.”
“Oh my—”
“Dawn… just...” She huffed, holding a palm out towards her sister with a stern look on her face. “I’m not sure if it meant something to him… I don’t know if we can still be friends after that… I just…”
“Oh my dear baby sister… you’re certainly no longer just friends.” Dawn looked on as Daphne’s shoulder slumped, then covered her face with her hands and sat down on the hardwood floor. She gave a soft empathetic smile as she approached her sister to give a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “But not to be any more of a Debbie Downer here… you do know that mother and father don’t like him, right?”
“Mother and father didn’t like anyone I chose to date on my own Dawn.” She looked pensively at Dawn, her eyes starting to water and her breathing getting harsher. “But this is Freddie… I… he is… he’s one of my best friends! I… this… we can’t… I don’t know if I can Dawn!”
“Hey, hey Daphne… shhh… Calm down.” She crouched down to her level and enveloped her sister in a warm comforting hug. “You two should talk this out… but I’m not really one to give out advices. I’m not one for relationships, that’s Daisy’s department. Casual hook-ups never really bothered me. And you know, if it’s never brought up, it will never be talked about.”
“Oh Dawn…” Daphne released a sob that she didn’t realize she has been holding in her throat. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Oh Daphne… I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
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chimericarchitect · 7 years
F: Velius had a fairly standard operating procedure for visiting new locations, and it was almost nuttily paranoid.  It did a pretty good job of keeping him safe though. The first thing he did with the coordinates he was given was plug them into his sendificator, and then scroll the viewport around a little bit.  Time to see where he'd be landing.
S: Depending on where he looked, it was either very dim or uncomfortably bright. The upper floors appeared to contain a fairly normal hive. Only one room really looked like it was lived in very much. The deeper he looked, the more like a lab it appeared to be, unusual apparatus lining the walls with cold light. Beyond the hive was a thick swath of trees.
F: Basement labs were his most and least favorite thing.  He tried to scroll far enough down to have some idea whether it was the kind of lab that dealt with juices in tubes, with living creatures as subjects, with dead creatures as subjects, or exclusively with machines.
S: It appeared to exclusively contain machinery, though there were luminous pillars of dubious content whose glow could not be seen through. Blank monitors lined the walls and the center of the room contained a spherical depression that occasionally arced.
F: Yeah, that looked like legit science shit that probably wouldn't piss off his moral centers.  Project 'Help Strangers' was good to go!  ... he zoomed back to the place the coordinates actually led to, found the pad the coordinates would match up to, and kitted himself up in a big ugly christmas sweater before transporting over.He was an inch or two shy of six feet tall, and the photos were accurate.  https://78.media.tumblr.com/9536398f8e9cd0f10a832a7f75ce4280/tumblr_osvhqrMNiO1uea4lso1_500.png (( + a set of bit ugly violet sunglasses ))
S: Saness was there by the transportalizer, waiting with impatient patience. She stood a little stiffly at a whopping 5'10" including horns. "Hey. Terrible?" (She's wearing something looser to accommodate her injuries and her neck is completely covered)
F: They were almost exactly the same height.  He might have an inch of advantage, but it was close.  He beamed straight back at her and stuck out a hand to shake.  "--Hey dude, how's it hangin!  I mean, aside from the obvious kinda shitty bits but like, you know!"
S: Hesitation dissolved at his chipper demeanor, eyebrows unfurrowing slightly. She shook his hand firmly, easing into a reciprocal smile. "It's hangin'. I mean, y'know. Nice sweater." His hair was quite a sight as well. "Formalities aside though, thanks again for coming over."
F: "Ayy, thanks, it was a present!  I collect these stupid things, holiday sweaters are fuckin great at like the opposite time a sweep, you know? -- an no problem, I like bein helpful an you seem cool.  So you should have some backup when shit gets naut so cool, right?" He had a severe tendency to talk with his hands, and it was already becoming clear.
S: His flapping hands to match his flapping jaw made him seem very approachable, but her smile slipped a little at the mention of backup. "Yeah." Unsure of what to say, she gestured at the staircase leading up, all business. "She's upstairs, if you're ready."
F: "Ready if you are --" He ran his hands through his hair, brushing it back behind his fins quickly.  "Might be able to do this with just a teeny peek, so she won' even know we're there probably," ..and, time to approach the staircase. He glanced back, pointing upwards then downwards, and then heading in the direction Saness indicated. Creepy sneaky sneak!
S: Okay, that was kind of funny. Saness smirked and allowed for stealth to take charge of their approach, leading him to the room with quiet footfalls. The room in question was close. From the doorway, a tall, narrow troll could be seen sitting listlessly on a stiff chair. She was facing away from the doorway, staring blankly at the wall. Saness looked at Terrible with a considering tilt, knowing that the woman in the other room wouldn't notice them even if they tap danced on her face, but completely willing to play along with Terrible's paranoia.
F: Terrible's fins lowered visibly at the sight of the woman in the chair, and the way she was listless instead of being singleminded on a task.  It was hard for him to imagine someone that just... ran out of go juice.  ... Aside from the times he did that to people on purpose to immobilize them so he could tweak their personalities, but he'd only ever done that to imps so it didn't count.  His eyebrows narrowed, and he squinted at her thoughtfully. ..alright, test number one.  He tried to loosen up his mind senses a little bit, and peek at just the surface layer of Mind Shit.  The emotions of people and things, whether there were minds present and loosely where they were if so.  If there were any ghosts or AI's in the room, that would probably register around now.  Likewise, if anything in the room was a lynchpin that could control whether the timeline branched one way or another, it might seem what he would refer to as 'shiny'.
S: There was no emotional response from the mind of the woman in the chair, if one could even call it a mind. It was more akin to a carefully covered hole, static and whispers; only the puppeted mockery of sentience remained like the last dregs of a dying battery. The only other presence came from Saness at his side, staunch hope warring with fidgety worry and reluctant resignation. Nothing stood out as being particularly "shiny" in this room, though if he was capable of sensing beyond it a great deal he would know that there was a catalyst of temporal possibility far below. Saness shuffled a little, unaware if Vel was doing anything at all but certain that he would make some sort of gesture if there was something he required.
F: He bit his lip and started whistling tunelessly through his teeth, fins twitching slightly.  His classpect was the active destruction of minds, but... mostly when he was doing it.  He wanted to reach out and try to save her, but that sounded like the kind of thing that got his brain bitchslapped by horrorterrors. He snuck closer as if she might actually notice anything around herself, cautiously peeking a little closer, careful not to touch her mind directly.  ..Still, he wanted to know if there was any sign of what had been puppeting her, or how it had started -- or, at least enough to recognize the traces this had left on her, so he could identify it in its earlier stages on other people.
S: Saness stepped into the room when Terrible began his whistling inquisition but didn't approach; not because she did not want to, but because she did not want to be in the way. She was curious and hideously concerned by his lip-biting reaction, unsure of what to make of it. The woman in the chair remained unmoving and unresponsive to his approach, but as he got closer he could see that she was... sagging. There was a weathered look about her, reminiscent of an aged tarp or worn pottery. Dull jade eyes remained still and steady, pupils blown wide in a devout study of nothing. The frizzling static remained as a blanketing force obscuring the depths of her mind from observation, but the undecipherable whisper of alien thought flicked up from below the fog tauntingly.
F: "...I think she met somethin bad, for one. ...an it feels... ...glitchy, like. Maybe trickster shit, probably not, but that's the only glitchy shit that comes to mind. I can't tell if they locked away the her deep in there, or if they took it out, but there's this shieldy kinda deal around the outside that's like.  Cloud cover."  He sketched a vague round shape with his hands, the top half of a sphere. "...I think there's somethin in there, under the cover. Not her, somethin else. Whatever happened to her, whether it's a creature or like. A physics thing. She won't get better without outside help, an maybe naut with it."
S: Saness listened closely as he spoke, banishing the crestfallen expression before it could fully form on her face. If he was still observing mind stuff, he would sense the acute crash of her hope as a different, colder emotion rose to take its place. Saness nodded curtly and looked to the woman in the chair, jaw stiff. "And maybe not with it," she parroted. "I see." The room was quickly becoming tense.
F: "...I'm sorry I don't have better news, but lies are shitty. The paths from here that are good for her are the crazy weird ones where interestin shit happens, not the borin ones where things go expected low-risk kind a directions."
S: She nodded again, fighting to relax. This had been a fact even before she knew it was, and now it was just another facet of life. "I get it. Kinda." It was tricky to find words that weren't worthless. "I'm not sure what she needs yet, but thank you. Nothing would change without... that first point." Focus. Be practical. She tore her glasses-masked stare away from the woman in the chair to continue addressing Vel. "Do you have any suggestions on where I should go with this information?"
F: "...I'd probably be a dumbass and charge into the fray to see if there's any a her left in there an if I could heroically swipe shit back into the way it should be, but I'm an optimist. More like, carefully, I'd probably start thinkin about what she was doin when her pan started gettin screwy, an see if I could figure out what caused it, an if there was an off button. 's the lab downstairs hers?"
S: Saness visibly wavered at the mention of the lab, frowning. "Yeah, it's... It's hers."
F: "..I'd guess the explanation's there. Or, you know, somethin that can do this.  ..unless she usually does a lotta outside-the-lab stuff."
S: "She gets out a lot. We've only been here a short while, but she's always been tech-y. Lab savvy. That's not... new."
F: "..so there's an amount of whatever did this, in her thinkbits, right now.  There might be more somewhere else that she was a while ago.  ...in the period where sh was gettin all distracted, what'd she focus on?"
S: "She stuck to routine the whole time, there was no real turning point. The whole change was... progressive. So she was just focused on..." She trailed off for a moment. "Her job. In the caverns."
F: "..so, if someone was doin spooky shit there, an didn't want anyone talkin about it, .. ?"
S: Nod nod. "Seems like an okay place to start." She rubbed the back of her neck with a grimace, still moving stiffly. It was vague, but it was something. "Really, I suppose I have a few options in regards to potential leads."
F: "I'm sorry about your friend. If I can help, I'm game. Even if it's little weird shit."
S: She considered the godtier limeblooded fish wizard that stood before her, offering him a half smile with drawn brows. "Thanks again for that. I can, uh, keep you updated. If you want."
F: ".. I'd like that."  He looked back at her for a moment, then stuffed his hands in his pockets.The worst kind of friend was the one that stopped responding spontaneously and you never found out why.  He loved helping friends not be that friend.  He figured that wouldn't be reassuring to say, so he managed not to.
S: "Well..." How many times could someone say thank you before it got redundant and annoying? She figured she'd already reached that limit. One last glance at the woman in the chair, then Saness was turning to leave the room, perhaps a little brusquely. "Is there anything I can get you before you go?"
F: "...Nah. ... If you need the like, life support shit she'd need to keep her body healthy, so you got longer to plan and try to decide what to do about her, I could probably hook you up."
S: She was walking and talking, stepping back into the room with the transportalizer. "Mm. See, the thing about that is she still gets up and like, follows her routine, eats and stuff. I should be able to follow her to the caverns without much trouble. I'll keep that in mind if her health goes south though."
F: He followed her back, fins at around half mast.  "Fair.  ..I'm glad she at least like, has part a her pattern left."
S: Nowhere left to go, Saness faced Vel in the dimly lit room. It was odd to see him looking so down. Droopy fins. A little wave of spiteful determination brought a terse smile to her face and she put out her fist for a bump. "She'll pull through. I'll make sure of it."
F: ".. Good luck, dude.  Catch you later."  He returned the fist-bump.
S: "Later, Terrible."
F: He tipped her a sympathetic wink, then disappeared via appearifier.
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